Filed May 18, 1987 at 3:00 p.m.
Delaware Secretary of State

                               NEW NEWELL CO.

     NEW NEWELL  CO., a corporation  organized and existing  under the
laws of the State of Delaware, hereby certifies as follows:

          1.   The  name of  the corporation  is  NEW NEWELL  CO. (the
     "Corporation").   The date  of filing the  Corporation's original
     Certificate of Incorporation  with the Secretary of  State of the
     State of Delaware was February 23, 1987.

          2.   The  text of  the Certificate  of Incorporation  of the
     Corporation as amended or supplemented heretofore and herewith is
     hereby restated to read as herein set forth in full:

     FIRST:  the name of the Corporation is NEW NEWELL CO.

     SECOND:   The address of  the Corporation's registered  office in
the State of Delaware  is 229 South State Street in the City of Dover,
County of Kent.   The name  of the Corporation's  registered agent  at
such address is United States Corporation Company.

     THIRD:  The purpose of the Corporation is to engage in any lawful
act  or activity  for which  corporations may  be organized  under the
General Corporation Law of Delaware.

     FOURTH:  The total  number of shares which the  Corporation shall
have authority to issue is 56,000,000, consisting of 50,000,000 shares
of  Common Stock  of the par  value of  $1.00 per  share and 6,000,000
shares  of Preferred  Stock, consisting  of 10,000 shares  without par
value and  5,990,000 shares of the par value of  $1.00 per share.  The
designations  and   the  powers,  preferences  and   rights,  and  the
qualifications, limitations  and restrictions thereof, of  each of the
classes of stock of the Corporation are as follows:

     A.   Common Stock.  Each holder of Common Stock shall be entitled
to one (1) vote for each such share of Common Stock.

     B.   Preferred Stock.  The  Preferred Stock shall be issued  from
time  to time  in  one or  more series  with  such distinctive  serial
designations and (a) may have such voting powers,  full or limited, or
may be without voting powers; (b) may be subject to redemption at such
time or  times and  at such price  or prices; (c)  may be  entitled to
receive  dividends (which may be  cumulative or noncumulative) at such
rate or rates,  on such conditions, and at such  times, and payable in
preference to, or  in such relation to,  the dividends payable on  any

other  class or classes  of stock; (d)  may have such  rights upon the
dissolution  of,  or  upon any  distribution  of  the  assets of,  the
Corporation; (e)  may be made  convertible into, or  exchangeable for,
shares  of any other class  or classes or  of any other  series of the
same or any  other class or  classes of stock  of the Corporation,  at
such  price or  prices or  at  such rates  of exchange  and with  such
adjustments; and  (f) shall  have such other  relative, participating,
optional  or  other  special rights,  qualifications,  limitations  or
restrictions thereof, all as  shall hereafter be stated and  expressed
in  the  resolution or  resolutions providing  for  the issue  of such
Preferred Stock  from time to time  adopted by the  Board of Directors
pursuant to authority so to do which is hereby expressly vested in the

     C.   Increase  in Authorized  Shares.   The number  of authorized
shares of  any class of stock  of the Corporation may  be increased by
the affirmative  vote of  a majority of  the stock of  the Corporation
entitled to vote thereon, without a vote by class or by series.

     FIFTH:   The name and mailing  address of the incorporator of the
Corporation is as follows:

                      Name                      Address
           ------------------------   -------------------------

           Lori E. Simon . . . . . .  Schiff Hardin & Waite
                                      7200 Sears Tower
                                      Chicago, Illinois 60606

     SIXTH:   A.  The Board  of Directors shall be  divided into three
classes (which  at all  times shall  be as nearly  equal in  number as
possible).   The initial term of office of the first class ("Class I")
shall expire at the  1988 annual meeting of stockholders,  the initial
term of  office of the second  class ("Class II") shall  expire at the
1989 annual meeting of stockholders, and the initial term of office of
the third class ("Class  III") shall expire at the 1990 annual meeting
of stockholders.   At each  annual meeting  of stockholders  following
such  initial  classification,  directors  elected  to  succeed  those
directors whose terms expire shall be elected for a term  of office to
expire at  the third succeeding  annual meeting of  stockholders after
their election.   The  foregoing notwithstanding, each  director shall
serve  until his successor shall have been duly elected and qualified,
unless he shall  cease to  serve by  reason of  death, resignation  or
other cause.  If the  number of directors is changed, any  increase or
decease shall be  apportioned among the classes so  as to maintain the
number of directors in each class  as nearly equal as possible, but in
no case shall a decrease  in the number of directors shorten  the term
of any incumbent director. 

     B.   The business and affairs of the Corporation shall be managed
by or under the direction of the  Board of Directors, and the Board of
Directors  shall  determine  the  rights, powers,  duties,  rules  and
procedures that shall  affect the power  of the Board of  Directors to
manage and direct the business and affairs of the Corporation.

     C.   Newly created  directorships resulting from  any increase in
the authorized number  of directors or any  vacancies in the Board  of
Directors resulting  from death,  resignation or  other  cause may  be
filled only by a majority vote of the directors then in office, though
less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining director.  Any  director so
chosen shall hold office for a  term expiring at the annual meeting of
stockholders at which the term of office of the  class to which he has
been elected expires.

     D.   The  provisions  set forth  in paragraphs  A  and C  of this
Article SIXTH are subject to the rights of the holders of any class or
series  of stock  having  a preference  over the  Common  Stock as  to
dividends  or upon  liquidation  to elect  additional directors  under
specified circumstances as set  forth in this Restated  Certificate of
Incorporation  or in a resolution  providing for the  issuance of such
stock adopted by the  Board of Directors pursuant to  authority vested
in it by this Restated Certificate of Incorporation.

     E.   In  addition to the voting requirements imposed by law or by
any  other provision  of this  Restated Certificate  of Incorporation,
this  Article SIXTH  may not  be amended, altered  or repealed  in any
respect, nor may any provision inconsistent with this Article SIXTH be
adopted, unless such action is approved by the affirmative vote of the
holders  of at least 75%  of the total  voting power of  all shares of
stock of the Corporation entitled to vote in the election of directors
generally, considered for purposes of this Article SIXTH as one class.

     SEVENTH:   In  furtherance and  not in  limitation of  the powers
conferred by  statute, the Board of Directors  is expressly authorized
to make, alter or repeal the By-Laws of the Corporation.

     EIGHTH:   A.  Subject to  the rights of  holders of any  class or
series  of stock  having a  preference  over the  Common  Stock as  to
dividends  or upon  liquidation  to elect  additional directors  under
specified  circumstances as set forth  in this Restated Certificate of
Incorporation  or in a resolution  providing for the  issuance of such
stock adopted by the  Board of Directors pursuant to  authority vested
in it  by this Restated Certificate of  Incorporation, nominations for
the election of directors may be made by the Board of Directors or  by
a committee appointed by the Board of Directors, or by any stockholder
entitled  to vote in the election of directors generally provided that
such stockholder has given actual written notice of such stockholders'
intent  to make such nomination or nominations to the Secretary of the

Corporation not  later than (1) with respect to an election to be held
at an annual meeting of stockholders, 90 days prior to the anniversary
date of the immediately preceding annual meeting of  stockholders, and
(2)  with respect to an  election to be  held at a  special meeting of
stockholders for the election  of directors, the close of  business on
the seventh day following (a) the date on which notice of such meeting
is  first given  to  stockholders  or (b)  the  date  on which  public
disclosure of such meeting is made, whichever is earlier. 

     B.  Each such  notice shall set forth:  (1)  the name and address
of  the stockholder  who intends  to make  the  nomination and  of the
person or  persons to  be nominated;  (2)   a representation that  the
stockholder is a holder of record of stock of the Corporation entitled
to vote at such meeting and intends to appear in person or by proxy at
the meeting to nominate the person or persons specified in the notice;
(3) a description of all arrangements or  understandings involving any
two or  more of  the stockholders,  each such  nominee  and any  other
person  or persons (naming such  person or persons)  pursuant to which
the nomination or  nominations are to  be made  by the stockholder  or
relating to the  Corporation or  its securities or  to such  nominee's
service as a director if elected; (4) such other information regarding
each nominee proposed by such  stockholder as would be required  to be
included in a proxy statement filed pursuant to the proxy rules of the
Securities and Exchange  Commission had the nominee been nominated, or
intended to  be  nominated, by  the Board  of Directors;  and (5)  the
consent  of each nominee to serve as  a director of the Corporation if
so  elected. The chairman of the meeting may refuse to acknowledge the
nomination of any  person not  made in compliance  with the  foregoing

  C.  In addition to  the voting requirements imposed by law  or by
any  other provision  of this  Restated Certificate  of Incorporation,
this  Article EIGHTH  may not be  amended, altered or  repealed in any
respect, nor may any provision  inconsistent with this Article  EIGHTH
be adopted, unless such action is  approved by the affirmative vote of
the holders of at  least 75% of the total voting  powers of all shares
of  stock  of the  Corporation  entitled to  vote  in the  election of
directors generally, considered for purposes of this Article EIGHTH as
one class.

     NINTH:  A.     Any action  required or  permitted to be  taken by
the stockholders of the Corporation must be effected at  a duly called
annual or special meeting  of stockholders of the Corporation  and may
not be effected by any consent in writing by such stockholders.

     B.  In addition to  the voting requirements imposed by law  or by
any  other provision  of this  Restated Certificate  of Incorporation,
this  Article NINTH  may not be  amended, altered  or repealed  in any
respect, nor may any provision inconsistent with this Article NINTH be

adopted, unless such action is approved by the affirmative vote of the
holders  of at least  75% of the  total voting power  of all shares of
stock of the Corporation entitled to vote in the election of directors
generally, considered for purposes of this Article NINTH as one class.

     TENTH:     A.     Notwithstanding  any  other  provision of  this
Restated  Certificate  of   Incorporation  and  in  addition   to  any
affirmative   vote  which  may  be  otherwise  required,  no  Business
Combination  shall  be  effected or  consummated  except  as expressly
provided in  paragraph B of  this Article TENTH, unless  such Business
Combination has been  approved by the affirmative vote  of the holders
of at least 75% of the Voting Shares.

     B.    The  provisions of  Article TENTH  shall not  apply to  any
Business Combination if:

          1.     The  Business  Combination  has  been approved  by  a
     resolution adopted by a majority of those members of the Board of
     Directors who  are not Interested  Directors with respect  to the
     Business Combination; or

          2.   All of the following conditions have been met:  (a) the
     aggregate amount of  the cash and the Fair  Market Value of Other
     Consideration to  be received for  each share of Common  Stock in
     the Business Combination by holders  thereof is not less than the
     higher  of:  (i)  the  highest  per  share price  (including  any
     brokerage commissions, transfer taxes,  soliciting dealer's fees,
     dealer-management compensation  and  similar  expenses)  paid  or
     payable by an  Interested Party with an interest  in the Business
     Combination  to acquire  beneficial ownership  of  any shares  of
     Common Stock within the two-year period immediately prior  to the
     first public  announcement of  the proposed  Business Combination
     (the  "Announcement Date"), or (ii)  the highest market price per
     share of the Common Stock on the Announcement Date or on the date
     on  which  the  Interested  Party  became  an  Interested  Party,
     whichever is higher; (b) the  consideration to be received in the
     Business  Combination by  holders of  Common Stock other  than an
     Interested Party  with an  interest in  the Business  Combination
     shall be either in cash or in the same form used by an Interested
     Party with an interest in the Business Combination to acquire the
     largest  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  acquired  by  all
     Interested Parties with  an interest in the  Business Combination
     from one or more  persons who are not Interested Parties  with an
     interest in the Business Combination;  and (c) at the record date
     for the determination of stockholders are entitled to vote on the
     proposed  Business  Combination,  there  shall  be  one  or  more
     directors of  the Corporation  who are  not Interested  Directors
     with respect to the Business Combination.

     C.   For purposes of this Article TENTH.

          1.    An "Associate" of a  specified person is (a)  a person
     that, directly or indirectly  (i) controls, is controlled  by, or
     is under common  control with, the specified person,  (ii) is the
     beneficial owner  of  10% or  more  of any  class of  the  equity
     securities of  the specified person, or (iii)  has 10% or more of
     any class of  its equity securities beneficially  owned, directly
     or  indirectly, by the  specified person;  (b) any  person (other
     than the  Corporation or  a  Subsidiary) of  which the  specified
     person is an officer, director, partner or other official and any
     officer, director,  partner or  other official  of the  specified
     person; (c)  any trust  or estate in  which the  specified person
     serves  as trustee  or in  a similar  fiduciary capacity,  or any
     trustee or similar fiduciary of the specified person; and (d) any
     relative or spouse who has the  same home as the specified person
     or who is  an officer or director  of any person (other  than the
     Corporation   or   a   Subsidiary),   directly   or   indirectly,
     controlling,  controlled  by  or under  common  control  with the
     specified person.  No director of the Corporation, however, shall
     be  deemed to  be  an  Associate of  any  other  director of  the
     Corporation  by  reason of  such  service  as  a director  or  by
     concurrence in any action of the Board of Directors.

          2.    "Beneficial Ownership"  of any Voting Shares  shall be
     determined pursuant to  Rule 13d-3 under the  Securities Exchange
     Act of 1934 as in effect on  the date on which this Article TENTH
     is approved  by the  stockholders of  the Corporation,  provided,
     however,  that a  person shall  in any  event, be  the beneficial
     owner of any Voting Shares; (a) which such person, or any of such
     person's Associates, beneficially  owns, directly or  indirectly;
     (b)  which  such  person  or  any  of  such person's  Associates,
     directly or  indirectly, (i)  has the right  to acquire  (whether
     such  right is exercisable immediately  or only after the passage
     of time) pursuant to any agreement, arrangement or understanding;
     or  upon  the  exercise of  conversion  rights,  exchange rights,
     warrants or options; or  pursuant to the power to revoke a trust,
     discretionary account or other arrangement; or (ii) has or shares
     the  power, or has  the right to  acquire (whether  such right is
     exercisable immediately or  only after the  passage of time)  the
     exclusive or shared power, to vote or direct the vote pursuant to
     any  agreement, arrangement,  relationship  or understanding;  or
     pursuant to the power to revoke a trust, discretionary account or
     other  arrangement; or (c) which are beneficially owned, directly
     or  indirectly,  by  any  other  person  with which  such  first-
     mentioned person  or any  of  its Associates  has any  agreement,
     arrangement  or understanding,  or  is  acting  in  concert  with
     respect to acquiring, holding, voting  or disposing of any Voting
     Shares; provided, however, that no director of the Corporation

     shall  be deemed to be acting in  concert with any other director
     of the Corporation by reason of such service as a  director or by
     concurrence in any action of the Board of Directors.

          3.   "Business Combination"  shall mean:  (a) any merger  or
     consolidation of the  Corporation or any Subsidiary  with or into
     any Interested Party or any Associate or an Interested Party; (b)
     any sale,  lease, exchange,  mortgage, pledge, transfer  or other
     disposition (in one or  a series of related transactions)  of all
     or  any  Substantial  Part  of the  Consolidated  Assets  of  the
     Corporation to or with  any Interested Party or any  Associate of
     an Interested  Party; (c) any issuance,  sale, exchange, transfer
     or other disposition by the Corporation or any Subsidiary (in one
     or a series  of related  transactions) of any  securities of  the
     Corporation  or any Subsidiary to or with any Interested Party or
     any Associate of an Interested Party; or (d) any spin-off, split-
     up, reclassification of  securities (including any reverse  stock
     split),   recapitalization,    reorganization,   liquidation   or
     dissolution of the  Corporation with any Subsidiary  or any other
     transaction involving the Corporation  or any Subsidiary (whether
     or  not with or otherwise involving an Interested Party) that has
     the   effect,  directly   or   indirectly,   of  increasing   the
     proportionate interest  of any Interested Party  or any Associate
     of an Interested Party in the  equity securities or assets of the
     Corporation or any Subsidiary.

          4.  "Fair Market Value" means: (a) in the case of stock, the
     average closing  sale price during the  30-day period immediately
     preceding the  date in question of  a share of such  stock on the
     Composite Tape for the New York Stock Exchange Listed Stocks, or,
     if such stock is not quoted on the Composite Tape on the New York
     Stock Exchange, or, if such stock is not listed on such exchange,
     on the  principal  United States  securities exchange  registered
     under the Securities Exchange  Act of 1934 on which such stock is
     listed, or, if such stock is not listed on any such exchange, the
     average closing bid  quotation with  respect to a  share of  such
     stock during the 30-day period  immediately preceding the date in
     question on the National  Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
     Automated Quotation  System or any  system then in  use, provided
     that, if  no such  prices or  quotations are  available, or  if a
     majority of those members  of the Board of Directors who  are not
     Interested  Directors with  respect  to the  Business Combination
     determine  that such prices  or quotations do  not represent fair
     market  value, the  Fair  Market Value  of  such stock  shall  be
     determined  pursuant to clause (b) below; and  (b) in the case of
     property other than cash or  stock, or in the case of stock as to
     which  Fair Market Value is not determined pursuant to clause (a)
     above,  the  Fair  Market  Value  on  the  date  in  question  as
     determined  by  a  majority of  those  members  of  the Board  of

     Directors who  are not Interested  Directors with respect  to the
     Business  Combination.   In  making any  such determination,  the
     Board of Directors may, but shall not be  required to, engage the
     services of an Investing Banking Firm.

          5.   "Interested Director" shall  mean each director  of the
     Corporation who (a) is an Interested  Party or an Associate of an
     Interested  Party;  (b) has  an  Associate who  is  an Interested
     Party; (c) was nominated or proposed to be elected  as a director
     of the Corporation  by an Interested Party or  an Associate of an
     Interested Party; or (d) is, or has been nominated or proposed to
     be  elected as, an officer, director or employee of an Interested
     Party or of an Associate of an Interested Party.

          6.   "Interested Party"  shall mean  any person  (other than
     the  Corporation or a  Subsidiary) that is  the beneficial owner,
     directly or indirectly, of 5% or more of the Voting Shares (a) in
     connection with determining the  required vote by stockholders on
     any Business Combination, as  of any of the following  dates: the
     record  date for  the determination  of stockholders  entitled to
     notice  of or to vote on such Business Combination or immediately
     prior to the consummation of any such Business Combination or the
     adoption  by the Corporation of any plan or proposal with respect
     thereto; (b) in connection with  determining the required vote by
     stockholders  on  any  amendment,  alteration or  repeal  of,  or
     adoption  of a  provision inconsistent  with, this  Article TENTH
     pursuant to paragraph E  of this Article TENTH, as  of the record
     date for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice and
     to  vote on  such amendment,  alteration, repeal  or inconsistent
     provision;  and  (c) in  connection  with  determining whether  a
     director  is   an  "Interested   Director"  in  respect   of  any
     determination  made  by  the   Board  of  Directors  pursuant  to
     paragraph D  of this Article TENTH,  as of the date  at which the
     vote on such recommendation or determination is being undertaken,
     or as close as is reasonably practicable to such date.

          7.   An "Investment Banking  Firm" shall mean  an investment
     banking firm that  has not  previously been  associated with  any
     Interested Party  with an  interest in the  Business Combination,
     which  is  selected  by  a  majority  of  the  directors  of  the
     Corporation who are  not Interested Directors with respect to the
     Business Combination, engaged solely on  behalf of the holders of
     Common  Stock other than  Interested Parties with  an interest in
     the  Business  Combination, and  paid  a reasonable  fee  for its

          8.   "Other    Consideration"    shall   include    (without
     limitation)  Common Stock  and/or  any other  class or  series of
     stock  of  the  Corporation   retained  by  stockholders  of  the

     Corporation in the event  of a Business Combination in  which the
     Corporation is the surviving corporation.

          9.   A  "Person"  shall  include  (without  limitation)  any
     natural person, corporation, partnership, trust or  other entity,
     organization or association, or any two or more persons acting in
     concert or as a syndicate, joint venture or group.

          10.  "Subsidiary"  shall  mean any  corporation  of which  a
     majority  of any class of equity securities is owned, directly or
     indirectly,  by the  Corporation;  provided,  however,  that  for
     purposes  of  paragraph  C.6  of  this  Article  TENTH, the  term
     "Subsidiary" shall mean only a corporation of which a majority of
     each class of equity securities is owned, directly or indirectly,
     by the Corporation.

          11.  "Substantial Part of  the Consolidated  Assets" of  the
     Corporation  shall  mean assets  of  the  Corporation and/or  any
     Subsidiary  having a  book value  (determined in  accordance with
     generally accepted accounting principles) in excess of 10% of the
     book  value (determined  in  accordance with  generally  accepted
     accounting principles)  of the  total consolidated assets  of the
     Corporation and  all  Subsidiaries  which  are  consolidated  for
     public  financial reporting  purposes,  at the  end  of its  most
     recent quarterly  fiscal  period ending  prior  to the  time  the
     determination   is  made  for   which  financial  information  is

          12.  "Voting Shares"  shall mean  the outstanding  shares of
     all classes of stock of the Corporation  entitled to vote for the
     election of directors generally,  considered for purposes of this
     Article TENTH as one class.  "Voting Shares" shall include shares
     deemed  owned  by any  Interested Party  or  any Associate  of an
     Interested  Party through  application of  paragraph C.2  of this
     Article TENTH, but shall  not include any other shares  which may
     be  issuable based upon a  right to acquire  such shares (whether
     such right is  exercisable immediately or only  after the passage
     of time) pursuant to any agreement, arrangement or understanding,
     or  upon  the exercise  of  conversion  rights, exchange  rights,
     warrants or options, or pursuant to  the power to revoke a trust,
     discretionary account, or other arrangement or otherwise.

     D.   A  majority of those members  of the Board  of Directors who
are not Interested Directors with respect to the Business  Combination
shall have  the power  and duty  to interpret  the provisions of  this
Article TENTH  and to make  all determinations  to be made  under this
Article  TENTH.   Any  such interpretation  or determination  shall be
conclusive and binding for all purposes of this Article TENTH. 

     E.   In  addition to the voting requirements imposed by law or by
any other provision of this Restated Certificate of Incorporation, the
provisions set forth in this Article TENTH may not be amended, altered
or  repealed in any respect,  nor may any  provision inconsistent with
this Article TENTH be  adopted, unless such action is  approved by the
affirmative vote of the holders of at least 75% of the Voting Shares.

     F.   Nothing contained  in this Article TENTH  shall be construed
to relieve  any Interested Party from any fiduciary obligation imposed
by law.

     ELEVENTH:    Except  as   otherwise  provided  in  this  Restated
Certificate  of  Incorporation,  the  Board of  Directors  shall  have
authority to authorize  the issuance,  from time to  time without  any
vote or  other action  by the  stockholders, of any  or all  shares of
stock  of the  Corporation of  any class at  any time  authorized, any
securities  convertible into  or exchangeable for  any such  shares so
authorized, and  any warrant, option  or right to  purchase, subscribe
for or otherwise  acquire, shares of stock  of the Corporation of  any
class at any  time authorized, in  each case to  such persons and  for
such consideration and on  such terms as  the Board of Directors  from
time to  time  in its  discretion  lawfully may  determine;  provided,
however, that the consideration for the issuance of shares of stock of
the  corporation having  par value  shall not  be less  than such  par
value.   Stock so issued, for which the consideration has been paid to
the Corporation, shall  be fully paid  stock, and the holders  of such
stock shall not be liable to any further call or assessments thereon.

     TWELFTH:   No holder of stock of  any class of the Corporation or
of any security convertible  into, or of any warrant, option  or right
to purchase, subscribe for or otherwise acquire, stock of any class of
the  Corporation, whether now or  hereafter authorized, shall, as such
holder, have  any pre-emptive right whatsoever  to purchase, subscribe
for or otherwise acquire, stock of any class of the Corporation or any
security  convertible  into,  or  any  warrant,  option  or  right  to
purchase,  subscribe for or otherwise  acquire, stock of  any class of
the Corporation, whether now or hereafter authorized.

     THIRTEENTH:     Anything   herein  contained   to   the  contrary
notwithstanding, any and all  right, title, interest, and claim  in or
to  any  dividends declared,  or  other  distributions  made,  by  the
Corporation, whether in cash, stock  or otherwise, which are unclaimed
by the stockholder entitled  thereto for a  period of six years  after
the close of business on  the payment date, shall be and  be deemed to
be extinguished and abandoned;  and such unclaimed dividends or  other
distributions  in  the possession  of  the  Corporation, its  transfer
agents or other agents or depositaries, shall at  such time become the
absolute property of  the Corporation, free  and clear of any  and all
claims of any persons whatsoever. 

     FOURTEENTH:  A.   The Corporation shall indemnify any  person who
was  or  is a  party  or is  threatened  to  be made  a  party to  any
threatened, pending  or completed action, suit  or proceeding, whether
civil, criminal, administrative or investigative (other than an action
by or in the right of  the Corporation) by reason of the fact  that he
is  or  was or  has agreed  to  become a  director or  officer  of the
Corporation,  or  is or  was serving  or has  agreed  to serve  at the
request  of  the  Corporation as  a  director  or  officer of  another
Corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, or
by reason of any action alleged to  have been taken or omitted in such
capacity,  against   costs,  charges  and  other  expenses  (including
attorneys'  fees) ("Expenses"),  judgments, fines  and amount  paid in
settlement  actually and reasonably incurred by him in connection with
such action, suit or proceeding and any appeal thereof if  he acted in
good faith  and in  a manner he  reasonably believed to  be in  or not
opposed  to the best interests of the Corporation, and with respect to
any  criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe
his conduct  was unlawful.   The  termination of  any action,  suit or
proceeding by judgment, order, settlement, conviction, or plea of nolo
contendere  or  its  equivalent,  shall  not,   of  itself,  create  a
presumption that the person did not act in good faith  and in a manner
which  he reasonably  believed to  be in  or not  opposed to  the best
interests of the Corporation, and, with respect to any criminal action
or  proceeding, had reasonable cause  to believe that  his conduct was
unlawful.   For purposes  of this Article,  "serving or  has agreed to
serve at  the request of the  Corporation as a director  or officer of
another  corporation,  partnership,  joint  venture,  trust  or  other
enterprise" shall include  any service by a director or officer of the
Corporation as a  director, officer, employee,  agent or fiduciary  of
such  other Corporation,  partnership, joint  venture, trust  or other
enterprise,  or  with respect  to any  employee  benefit plan  (or its
participants or beneficiaries)  of the Corporation  or any such  other

     B.   The Corporation shall indemnify  any person who was or  is a
party or is  threatened to be made a party  to any threatened, pending
or completed  action or suit by or in the  right of the Corporation to
procure  a judgment in its favor  by reason of the fact  that he is or
was or has  agreed to become a director or  officer of the Corporation
or  is or was  serving or has  agreed to  serve at the  request of the
Corporation  as   a  director  or  officer   of  another  Corporation,
partnership,  joint venture, trust or other enterprise or by reason of
any action  alleged to  have been taken  or omitted  in such  capacity
against Expenses actually and reasonably incurred by him in connection
with the investigation, defense  or settlement of such action  or suit
and  any appeal thereof if  he acted in good faith  and in a manner he
reasonably  believed to be in or not  opposed to the best interests of
the  Corporation and except that  no indemnification shall  be made in
respect of  any claim, issue or  matter as to which  such person shall

have been  adjudged to be liable to the Corporation unless and only to
the  extent that  the Court of  Chancery of  Delaware or  the court in
which such action or suit was brought shall determine upon application
that, despite the  adjudication of liability  but in view  of all  the
circumstances of  the  case,  such person  is  fairly  and  reasonably
entitled to indemnify for such Expenses which the Court of Chancery of
Delaware or such other court shall deem proper.

     C.   To  the extent that any person referred to in paragraphs (A)
or (B) of this Article has been successful on the merits or otherwise,
including,  without limitation,  the  dismissal of  an action  without
prejudice,  in defense of any  action, suit or  proceeding referred to
therein or  in defense of any claim, issue or matter therein, he shall
be indemnified  against Expenses  actually and reasonably  incurred by
him in connection therewith.

     D.   Any  indemnification under  paragraphs  (A) or  (B) of  this
Article (unless ordered  by a court) shall be made  by the Corporation
only  as authorized  in the  specific case  upon a  determination that
indemnification  of  the  director   or  officer  is  proper   in  the
circumstances because  he has met  the applicable standard  of conduct
set forth  in paragraphs (A) or (B).  Such determination shall be made
(i) by  the board  of directors  by a  majority vote  of a  quorum (as
defined in the By-Laws of the Corporation) consisting of directors who
were not parties to such  action, suit or proceeding, or (ii)  if such
quorum  is  not  obtainable,  or,  even  if  obtainable  a  quorum  of
disinterested directors  so directs, by independent legal counsel in a
written opinion, or (iii) by the stockholders.

     E.   Expenses incurred  in defending a civil  or criminal action,
suit or  proceeding shall be paid by the Corporation in advance of the
final disposition of such  action, suit or proceeding and  appeal upon
receipt by  the Corporation of an  undertaking by or on  behalf of the
director or officer  to repay  such amount if  it shall ultimately  be
determined   that  he  is  not  entitled  to  be  indemnified  by  the

     F.   The  determination  of  the  entitlement of  any  person  to
indemnification  under paragraphs (A), (B) or (C) or to advancement of
Expenses under paragraph (E)  of this Article shall be  made promptly,
and  in any event within 60 days  after the Corporation has received a
written request for payment from or on behalf of a director or officer
and  payment  of  amounts  due  under  such  sections  shall  be  made
immediately  after  such determination.    If no  disposition  of such
request is made within  said 60 days or if  payment has not been  made
within 10 days  thereafter, or if such request is  rejected, the right
to indemnification or advancement of Expenses provided by this Article
shall be enforceable by or on behalf of the director or officer in any
court of competent jurisdiction.  In addition to the other amounts due

under this Article, Expenses incurred by or on behalf of a director or
officer in  successfully establishing his right  to indemnification or
advancement of Expenses,  in whole or in part, in  any such action (or
settlement thereof) shall be paid by the Corporation.

     G.   The indemnification and advancement  of Expenses provided by
this Article  shall not  be deemed  exclusive of  any other  rights to
which those seeking indemnification or advancement of Expenses may  be
entitled under  any law (common or statutory), By-Law, agreement, vote
of stockholders  or disinterested directors  or otherwise, both  as to
action in his official capacity  and as to action in  another capacity
while  holding  such  office, or  while  employed  by or  acting  as a
director or  officer of the Corporation or as a director or officer of
another  corporation,  partnership,  joint  venture,  trust  or  other
enterprise, and shall continue  as to a person who has  ceased to be a
director or  officer and  shall inure  to  the benefit  of the  heirs,
executors and administrators  of such a  person.  Notwithstanding  the
provisions of  this Article, the  Corporation shall indemnify  or make
advancement of Expenses to any person referred to in paragraphs (A) or
(B) of this  Article to the  full extent permitted  under the laws  of
Delaware and any  other applicable laws, as they now  exist or as they
may be amended in the future.

     H.   All rights to  indemnification and  advancement of  Expenses
provided by  this Article shall be deemed to be a contract between the
Corporation  and each  director  or  officer  of the  Corporation  who
serves, served  or has  agreed to  serve in such  capacity, or  at the
request  of  the  Corporation  as   director  or  officer  of  another
corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, at
any  time  while  this Article  and  the  relevant  provisions of  the
Delaware  General Corporation Law or other applicable law, if any, are
in effect.  Any repeal or modification of this Article,  or any repeal
or  modification  of  relevant  provisions  of  the  Delaware  General
Corporation Law  or any  other applicable  law, shall  not in any  way
diminish any  rights to indemnification of or  advancement of Expenses
to such director or officer or the obligations of the Corporation.

     I.   The Corporation  shall have  power to purchase  and maintain
insurance  on behalf of  any person  who is  or was  or has  agreed to
become a  director or officer of the Corporation, or is or was serving
or has agreed to serve at the request of the Corporation as a director
or officer  of another corporation, partnership,  joint venture, trust
or  other enterprise, against  any liability asserted  against him and
incurred by him in any such capacity, or  arising out of his status as
such, whether or not the Corporation would have the power to indemnify
him against such liability under the provisions of this Article.

     J.   The  Board  of  Directors  may, by  resolution,  extend  the
provisions  of   this  Article  pertaining   to  indemnification   and

advancement  of Expenses to  any person  who was or  is a  party or is
threatened to be made a party  to any threatened, pending or completed
action,  suit or proceeding by reason of the fact that he is or was or
has   agreed  to  become  an  employee,  agent  or  fiduciary  of  the
Corporation or is or was serving or has agreed to serve at the request
of  the  Corporation  as  a  director,  officer,  employee,  agent  or
fiduciary of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or
other enterprise or with respect to any  employee benefit plan (or its
participants or  beneficiaries) of the  corporation or any  such other

     K.   The invalidity or unenforceability  of any provision of this
Article shall  not  affect  the  validity  or  enforceability  of  the
remaining provisions of this Article.

     FIFTEENTH:    No  person  who  was  or  is  a  director  of  this
Corporation  shall  be personally  liable  to the  Corporation  or its
stockholders  for monetary damages for  breach of fiduciary  duty as a
director, except for liability  (i) for breach of the duty  of loyalty
to the Corporation or its stockholders; (ii) for acts or omissions not
in  good faith  or  which involve  intentional  misconduct or  knowing
violation  of law;  (iii) under  Section 174  of the  Delaware General
Corporation Law; or (iv)  for any transaction from which  the director
derived  an  improper  personal  benefit.   If  the  Delaware  General
Corporation Law is amended after the effective date of this Article to
further  eliminate or  limit, or to  authorize further  elimination or
limitation  of, the  personal  liability of  directors  for breach  of
fiduciary  duty  as  a director,  then  the  personal  liability of  a
director to this Corporation  or its stockholders shall  be eliminated
or  limited to  the  full extent  permitted  by the  Delaware  General
Corporation  Law,  as  so amended.    For  purposes  of this  Article,
"fiduciary duty  as  a  director" shall  include  any  fiduciary  duty
arising  out of  serving  at  the request  of  this Corporation  as  a
director of another corporation,  partnership, joint venture, trust or
other  enterprise, and  "personally liable  to the  Corporation" shall
include any  liability to  such other Corporation,  partnership, joint
venture,  trust  or  other  enterprise,  and  any  liability  to  this
Corporation  in  its capacity  as a  security holder,  joint venturer,
partner, beneficiary, creditor  or investor  of or in  any such  other
corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise.

     Any  repeal or  modification of  the foregoing  paragraph by  the
stockholders  of  this  Corporation  shall not  adversely  affect  the
elimination  or limitation of the personal liability of a director for
any act  or omission  occurring prior  to the  effective date of  such
repeal or modification.   This provision shall not eliminate  or limit
the liability of a director for any act or omission occurring prior to
the effective date of this Article. 

     SIXTEENTH:   Whenever  a  compromise or  arrangement is  proposed
between this Corporation and its creditors or any class of them and/or
between  this Corporation and its  stockholders or any  class of them,
any  court of equitable jurisdiction within the State of Delaware may,
on  the application  in a summary  way of  this Corporation  or of any
creditor  or stockholder thereof or on the application of any receiver
or  receivers appointed for  this Corporation under  the provisions of
section 291 of Title 8 of the  Delaware Code or on the application  of
trustees  in dissolution or of any receiver or receivers appointed for
this Corporation under the provisions of section 279 of Title 8 of the
Delaware Code  order a meeting of the creditors or class of creditors,
and/or   of  the  stockholders  or  class   of  stockholders  of  this
Corporation, as the case may be, to be summoned  in such manner as the
said  court  directs.   If a  majority  in number  representing three-
fourths in value of the creditors or class of creditors, and/or of the
stockholders or class of stockholders of this Corporation, as the case
may   be,  agree  to  any   compromise  or  arrangement   and  to  any
reorganization of  this Corporation as consequence  of such compromise
or  arrangement,  the said  compromise  or  arrangement and  the  said
reorganization shall, if  sanctioned by  the court to  which the  said
application has been made, be binding on all the creditors or class of
creditors,  and/or on all the stockholders or class of stockholders of
this Corporation, as the case may be, and also this Corporation.

     SEVENTEENTH:  The Corporation reserves the right to amend, alter,
change or repeal any provision contained in this Restated  Certificate
of  Incorporation, in  the  manner  now  or  hereafter  prescribed  by
statute, and  all rights  conferred upon  the stockholders  herein are
granted subject to this reservation.

     Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  provisions  set  forth  in
Articles SIXTH, EIGHTH, NINTH,  and TENTH may not be  amended, altered
or repealed in any respect nor may any provision inconsistent with any
of such Articles be adopted unless such  amendment, alteration, repeal
or  inconsistent provision  is  approved  as  specified in  each  such
respective Article.

     3.   This   Restated  Certificate   of  Incorporation   was  duly
authorized by a resolution duly adopted and approved by consent of the
sole Director, dated as of May 1, 1987, the Corporation not yet having
received  payment for  any  of  its  stock,  in  accordance  with  the
provisions of Section 241  and Section 245 of the  General Corporation
Law of the State of Delaware.

     IN  WITNESS WHEREOF,  New  Newell Co.  has  caused this  Restated
Certificate of Incorporation to be signed by William T. Alldredge, its
Vice  President-Finance,  and  attested   by  Roland  E.  Knecht,  its
Secretary this 18th day of May, 1987.

                                   NEW NEWELL CO.

                                   William T. Alldredge
                                    Vice President-Finance

Roland E. Knecht

Filed June 23, 1987 at 9:01 a.m. 
877174060 Delaware Secretary of State


                      CUMULATIVE PREFERRED STOCK

                         ($2,000 Stated Value)


                            NEW NEWELL CO.


                    Pursuant to Section 151 of the
           General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware


     The undersigned DOES HEREBY CERTIFY that the following resolution
was duly  adopted by the written  consent of the sole  director of New
Newell Co., a Delaware corporation, on May 18, 1987:

     RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of New Newell  Co., a Delaware
corporation (the "Corporation"), that, pursuant to authority expressly
granted  to it  by the  Restated Certificate  of Incorporation  of the
Corporation,  a total of 7,500  shares of the  preferred stock without
par value,  of the Corporation are hereby  respectively constituted as
Series  1 Cumulative  Preferred Stock,  Series 2  Cumulative Preferred
Stock,  Series  3  Cumulative  Preferred Stock,  Series  4  Cumulative
Preferred  Stock  and Series  5  Cumulative Preferred  Stock,  with an
aggregate stated  value of $15,000,000 (hereinafter called "Cumulative
Preferred Stock").   Each  series of such  Cumulative Preferred  Stock
shall  consist  of 1,500  shares, with  a stated  value of  $2,000 per
share.  Shares of Cumulative Preferred Stock shall be issued only upon
effectiveness of the merger of Newell Co., a Delaware corporation, and
Newell  Acquisition  Corp., a  Delaware  corporation and  wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Corporation (the "Merger").  The preferences and the
relative,  participating, optional  and  other special  rights of  the
shares   of  Cumulative  Preferred   Stock  and   the  qualifications,
limitations or restrictions thereof, shall be as follows:

     1.  CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS.  (a) The holders of record of shares of
each  series  of  Cumulative  Preferred Stock  shall  be  entitled  to
receive, when and as declared  by the Board of Directors out  of funds

Legally available for the payment  thereof, cumulative cash  dividends
at  the rate  specified in  subsection (b)  below, and  no more.   The
holders  of shares of Cumulative Preferred Stock shall not be entitled
to any dividends  other than the  cash dividends provided for  in this
section.   Dividends  shall accrue  daily from  the date  of issuance,
whether or not earned or declared,  and shall be payable quarterly  on
such dates  as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine.
The  dividends  shall be  in preference  to  dividends upon  any stock
(including common  stock) of  the Corporation  ranking  junior to  the
Cumulative  Preferred Stock as to  dividends.  If  the Corporation has
not  paid full dividends upon the shares of Cumulative Preferred Stock
for any preceding quarter,  the Corporation shall declare and  pay the
amount for payment, before  declaring or paying any cash  dividends on
the  common stock of the Corporation.  Accrued dividends on Cumulative
Preferred Stock shall not bear interest.

     (b)   The dividend rate  for each series  of Cumulative Preferred
Stock is as follows:

          (i)   For Series 1, cash  dividends shall accrue at the rate
     of $100 per share per annum until September 24, 1989, after which
     time the rate shall be $160 per share per annum.

          (ii)  For Series 2, cash  dividends shall accrue at the rate
     of $100 per share per annum until September 24, 1990, after which
     time the rate shall be $160 per share per annum.

          (iii)  For Series 3, cash dividends shall accrue at the rate
     of $100 per share per annum until September 24, 1991, after which
     time the rate shall be $160 per share per annum.

          (iv)  For Series 4, cash dividends shall accrue at the  rate
     of $100 per share per annum until September 24, 1992, after which
     time the rate shall be $160 per share per annum.

          (v)  For Series 5,  cash dividends shall accrue at the  rate
     of $100 per share per annum until September 24, 1993, after which
     time the rate shall be $160 per share per annum.

     2.  LIQUIDATION.  (a)  In the event of a voluntary or involuntary
liquidation,  dissolution,  or  winding  up of  the  Corporation,  the
holders of shares of  Cumulative Preferred Stock shall be  entitled to
receive out  of the assets of  the Corporation an amount  equal to the
stated value per share plus an amount equal to any  accrued and unpaid
dividends  thereon  to  the   date  fixed  for  distribution.     This
distribution  shall be in preference to any such distribution upon any
stock (including common  stock) of the  Corporation ranking junior  to
Cumulative Preferred Stock as  to liquidation preferences, but subject
to the  prior rights of  the holders  of shares of  all stock  ranking

senior to  Cumulative Preferred  Stock as to  liquidation preferences.
If the  assets of the Corporation  are not sufficient to  pay the full
amounts to the  holders of  Cumulative Preferred Stock  and all  other
series  of preferred stock of the Corporation ranking equally with the
shares of  Cumulative Preferred  Stock as to  liquidation preferences,
then  the  holders of  Cumulative Preferred  Stock  and of  such other
series shall share ratably in the distribution of any assets remaining
after distribution to  holders of stock  ranking senior to  Cumulative
Preferred Stock as to liquidation preferences.

     (b)  Nothing in this section, however, shall be deemed to prevent
the Corporation  from  redeeming or  purchasing  Cumulative  Preferred
Stock as permitted by Section 3.

     (c)  A merger or consolidation of  the Corporation with any other
corporation  or a sale, lease,  or conveyance of  assets or a business
combination  involving  the  Corporation  or any  related  or  similar
transaction  shall not  be considered  a liquidation,  dissolution, or
winding up the Corporation within the meaning of this section.

     3.   REDEMPTION.   (a)   The  Corporation may  redeem any  or all
shares of  one or  more series  of Cumulative Preferred  Stock at  its
option  by resolution of the Board of  Directors, at any time and from
time to time on or after issuance, in cash, at the stated value of the
shares  plus an  amount  equal to  any  accrued and  unpaid  dividends
thereon  to the  date fixed  for redemption.   In  the event  that the
Corporation  redeems  less than  the entire  number  of shares  of any
series  of Cumulative Preferred Stock outstanding at any one time, the
Corporation shall select the shares to be redeemed by lot  or pro rata
or by any  other manner that the  Board of Directors deems  equitable.
No less than 20 nor more than 120 days prior to the date fixed for any
entire  or  partial  redemption  of Cumulative  Preferred  Stock,  the
Corporation shall  mail a notice of  the redemption to  the holders of
record of  the shares to be redeemed at their addresses as they appear
on the  books of the Corporation.  The notice shall state the time and
place of redemption  and shall  identify the particular  shares to  be
redeemed  if less  than  all  of  the outstanding  shares  are  to  be
redeemed.  Failure  to mail a notice  or a defect  in a notice or  its
mailing shall not affect the validity of the redemption proceedings.

     (b)   On or before the  date fixed for redemption  each holder of
shares  of  Cumulative Preferred  Stock  called  for redemption  shall
surrender his  certificate representing his shares  to the Corporation
or its agent at the place designated in the redemption notice.  If the
Corporation  redeems  less than  all of  the  shares represented  by a
surrendered certificate, the Corporation shall issue a new certificate
representing the unredeemed shares.  If the Corporation has duly given
notice of redemption  and if  funds necessary for  the redemption  are
available on the redemption date, then notwithstanding that any holder

has  not surrendered  his certificate  representing shares  called for
redemption,  all rights with respect  to those shares  shall cease and
determine immediately  after the redemption  date, except that  such a
holder  shall have the right  to receive the  redemption price without
interest upon surrender of his certificate.

     (c)  The  Corporation may, at its option at any time after giving
a notice of redemption, deposit a sum  sufficient to redeem the shares
called for redemption, plus  any accrued and unpaid dividends  thereon
to the redemption date, with any bank  or trust company in the City of
Chicago, Illinois, or  in the City  of Minneapolis, Minnesota,  having
capital,   surplus,  and  undivided   profits  aggregating   at  least
$50,000,000  as  a  trust   fund  with  irrevocable  instructions  and
authority to the bank or trust company to mail notice of redemption if
the Corporation has not begun or completed such mailing at the time of
the deposit and to pay, on and after the date fixed  for redemption or
prior  thereto, the redemption price of the shares to their respective
holders upon the surrender of their share certificates.  From the date
the  Corporation  makes such  a  deposit,  the shares  designated  for
redemption shall be treated as redeemed and no longer outstanding, and
no  dividends shall  accrue on  the  shares after  the date  fixed for
redemption.  The deposit shall be deemed to constitute full payment of
the shares  to their  holders.   From  the date  of  the deposit,  the
holders of the  shares shall cease to be stockholders  with respect to
the shares;  they  shall have  no  interest in  or claim  against  the
Corporation by virtue  of the shares;  and they shall  have no  rights
with respect to  the shares except the right to  receive from the bank
or  trust company  payment  of the  redemption  price of  the  shares,
without  interest,  upon  surrender of  their  certificates.   At  the
expiration of five years after the redemption  date, the bank or trust
company shall pay over to the Corporation any funds  then remaining on
deposit,  free of trust.   Thereafter the holders  of certificates for
the shares shall have no claims against the bank or trust company, but
only claims as unsecured creditors against the Corporation for amounts
equal  to their  pro rata  portions of  the funds  paid over,  without
interest, subject to compliance by  the holders with the terms of  the
redemption.   Any interest on  or other accretions  to funds deposited
with the bank or trust company shall belong to the Corporation.

     (d)  Nothing  in this  Resolution shall  prevent or  restrict the
Corporation from purchasing, from  time to time, at public  or private
sale, any or all of the Cumulative Preferred Stock  at whatever prices
the Corporation  may  determine, but  at  prices not  exceeding  those
permitted by Delaware law.

     (e)  Nothing  in  this  Resolution   shall  give  any  holder  of
Cumulative Preferred Stock  the right  to require  the Corporation  to
redeem any or all shares of the Stock. 

     4.   CONVERSION.     The  Cumulative   Preferred  Stock   is  not
convertible  into any  other class  or series  of common  or preferred
stock of the Corporation.

     5.   STATUS OF  REACQUIRED STOCK.   The Corporation  shall retire
and cancel any shares  of Cumulative Preferred Stock that  it redeems,
purchases,  or acquires.  Such shares thereafter shall have the status
of authorized but unissued shares of preferred  stock.  Subject to the
limitations  in this Resolution or  in any resolutions  adopted by the
Board of Directors  providing for  the reissuance of  the shares,  the
Corporation may reissue the  shares as shares of  Cumulative Preferred
Stock or may  reclassify and  reissue them as  preferred stock of  any
class or series other than Cumulative Preferred Stock.

     6.   VOTING RIGHTS.   (a) Except as otherwise  provided herein or
as may be required  by law, the holders of  Cumulative Preferred Stock
shall be entitled to one vote per share on every question submitted to
holders  of  record of  the common  stock  of the  Corporation, voting
together with the common stock of the Corporation as a single class.

     (b)   Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i)  without the affirmative
vote  or consent of  at least a  majority of the  shares of Cumulative
Preferred  Stock  then outstanding  voting  as a  separate  class, the
Corporation shall not amend  the Restated Certificate of Incorporation
if the amendment  would alter  or change the  powers, preferences,  or
special rights of  the shares of  Cumulative Preferred Stock so  as to
affect them adversely, provided that this clause "(i)" shall not apply
to an increase or decrease (but not below the number of shares thereof
then outstanding) in  the number of authorized shares of  any class or
classes  of stock;  and  (ii) so  long  as at  least  3,100 shares  of
Cumulative Preferred Stock  are outstanding,  without the  affirmative
vote or consent of the holders of at least a majority of the shares of
Cumulative  Preferred  Stock then  outstanding  voting  as a  separate
class, the Corporation shall not issue any stock ranking senior to the
Cumulative Preferred Stock with respect to the payment of dividends or
the  distribution   of  assets  upon  liquidation,   except  that  the
Corporation  may  issue  such  stock  if  the  consideration  therefor
consists of  cash.   For purposes  of  any vote  required pursuant  to
clause  (i) of  this subsection  (b) if  any proposed  amendment would
alter or change  the powers, preferences, or special rights  of one or
more of Series 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 of Cumulative Preferred Stock so as to
affect  them adversely but shall not  so affect the entire class, then
only the  shares of the series  so affected by the  amendment shall be
considered a separate class.

     7.   NO OTHER RIGHTS.   The shares of  Cumulative Preferred Stock
shall not have any relative, participating,  optional or other special
rights or  powers other than  as set forth  above and in  the Restated
Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation. 

     IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, New Newell Co. has caused this resolution to
be signed by  William T. Alldredge, its Vice President  - Finance, and
attested  by Roland E.  Knecht, its Secretary, this  22nd day of June,

                                        NEW NEWELL CO.

                                        William T. Alldredge,
                                          Vice President - Finance


Roland E. Knecht,

Filed July 2, 1987 at 9:29 a.m. 
877183082 Delaware Secretary of State

                       CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT




                            NEW NEWELL CO.

       Adopted in accordance with the provisions of Section 242
       of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware 

     New  Newell Co.,  a corporation  existing under  the laws  of the

State of Delaware, does hereby certify as follows:

     FIRST:    That  Article  First  of  the  Restated  Certificate of

Incorporation of the Corporation  has been amended in its  entirety to

read as follows:

          FIRST:  The name of the Corporation is NEWELL CO.

     SECOND:   That the foregoing  amendment has been  duly adopted in

accordance with provisions of the General Corporation Law of the State

of  Delaware by the written  consent of the  holder of all outstanding

shares entitled to vote. 

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, New Newell Co. has caused this Certificate to

be signed and attested by  its duly authorized officers this 30th  day

of June 1987.

                                   NEW NEWELL CO.

                                   By: /s/ William T. Alldredge
                                        Vice President - Finance


/s/ Roland E. Knecht

Filed October 31, 1988 at 9:00 a.m.
688305050 Delaware Secretary of State




                              NEWELL CO.

                    Pursuant to Section 151 of the 
                      General Corporation Law of
                         the State of Delaware

          NEWELL CO.,  a corporation organized and  existing under the
General Corporation Law  of the State of  Delaware (hereinafter called
the "Corporation"), hereby certifies that the following resolution was
adopted by the  Board of Directors  of the Corporation as  required by
Section  151 of the General  Corporation Law at  a meeting duly called
and held on October 20, 1988:

          RESOLVED,  that pursuant  to  the authority  granted to  and
vested  in the  Board of  Directors  of this  Corporation (hereinafter
called the "Board of Directors" or the "Board") in accordance with the
provisions of the Corporation's Restated Certificate of Incorporation,
the Board of Directors hereby creates a series of Preferred Stock, par
value  $1.00 per share (the "Preferred Stock"), of the Corporation and
hereby  states the  designation and  number of  shares, and  fixes the
relative  rights,  preferences  and  limitations of  such  series,  as

          Junior Participating Preferred Stock, Series B:

          Section 1.  Designation and Amounts.    The  shares of  such
series shall  be designated as "Junior  Participating Preferred Stock,
Series B"  (the "Series B Preferred  Stock") and the  number of shares
constituting  the Series  B Preferred  Stock shall  be 500,000.   Such
number of  shares may be increased  or decreased by resolution  of the
Board; provided, that no decrease shall reduce the number of shares of
Series B  Preferred Stock to a  number less than the  number of shares
then  outstanding plus the number of shares reserved for issuance upon
the  exercise of outstanding options,  rights or warrants  or upon the
conversion  of any  outstanding securities  issued by  the Corporation
convertible into Series B Preferred Stock. 

          Section 2.  Dividends and Distributions.

          (A)  Subject to the rights  of the holders of any  shares of
     any  series of  Preferred Stock  (or  any similar  stock) ranking
     prior and superior to  the Series B Preferred Stock  with respect
     to  dividends, the holders of shares of Series B Preferred Stock,
     in preference to the holders of Common Stock, par value $1.00 per
     share  (the "Common Stock"), of the Corporation, and of any other
     junior  stock,  shall be  entitled to  receive,  when, as  and if
     declared by the Board of Directors out of funds legally available
     for the purpose, quarterly dividends payable in cash on the first
     day of March,  June, September  and December in  each year  (each
     such date  being  referred to  herein  as a  "Quarterly  Dividend
     Payment  Date"),  commencing  on  the  first  Quarterly  Dividend
     Payment Date after the first issuance of a share or fraction of a
     share  of  Series B  Preferred  Stock,  in  an amount  per  share
     (rounded to the nearest cent) equal to the greater of  (a) $15 or
     (b)  subject  to the  provision  for  adjustment hereinafter  set
     forth,  100  times the  aggregate per  share  amount of  all cash
     dividends, and 100 times the aggregate  per share amount (payable
     in kind) of all non-cash dividends or other  distributions, other
     than   a  dividend  payable  in  shares  of  Common  Stock  or  a
     subdivision  of  the  outstanding  shares  of  Common  Stock  (by
     reclassification  or  otherwise), declared  on  the  Common Stock
     since the immediately preceding  Quarterly Dividend Payment  Date
     or, with respect  to the first  Quarterly Dividend Payment  Date,
     since the first  issuance of any share or fraction  of a share of
     Series B Preferred  Stock.  In the event the Corporation shall at
     any time declare or pay any  dividend on the Common Stock payable
     in shares of Common Stock, or effect a subdivision or combination
     or  consolidation of the  outstanding shares of  Common Stock (by
     reclassification or otherwise  than by payment  of a dividend  in
     shares of Common Stock) into a greater or lesser number of shares
     of  Common Stock,  then in  each such  case the  amount  to which
     holders  of  shares of  Series  B Preferred  Stock  were entitled
     immediately prior to such event under clause (b) of the preceding
     sentence  shall  be adjusted  by  multiplying  such amount  by  a
     fraction,  the  numerator of  which is  the  number of  shares of
     Common  Stock outstanding  immediately after  such event  and the
     denominator of which is the number of shares of Common Stock that
     were outstanding immediately prior to such event.

          (B)  The   Corporation   shall   declare   a   dividend   or
     distribution  on  the Series  B  Preferred Stock  as  provided in
     paragraph  (A) of  this Section  immediately after it  declares a
     dividend  or  distribution on  the  Common  Stock (other  than  a
     dividend payable in  shares of Common  Stock); provided that,  in
     the event no dividend or distribution shall have been declared on
     the Common Stock during the period between any Quarterly Dividend

     Payment Date  and the next subsequent  Quarterly Dividend Payment
     Date, a dividend of $15 per share on the Series B Preferred Stock
     shall  nevertheless  be  payable  on  such  subsequent  Quarterly
     Dividend Payment Date.

          (C)  Dividends shall  begin to  accrue and be  cumulative on
     outstanding shares of Series B Preferred Stock from the Quarterly
     Dividend  Payment Date next preceding  the date of  issue of such
     shares, unless the  date of issue of such shares  is prior to the
     record date  for the  first Quarterly  Dividend Payment  Date, in
     which  case dividends on such  shares shall begin  to accrue from
     the date of issue  of such shares, or unless the date of issue is
     a Quarterly Dividend  Payment Date or is a date  after the record
     date  for  the determination  of holders  of  shares of  Series B
     Preferred  Stock entitled  to  receive a  quarterly dividend  and
     before such Quarterly Dividend Payment  Date, in either of  which
     events  such dividends  shall begin to  accrue and  be cumulative
     from such  Quarterly Dividend Payment  Date.  Accrued  but unpaid
     dividends  shall not bear interest.  Dividends paid on the shares
     of Series  B Preferred Stock  in an  amount less  than the  total
     amount of such dividends at the time accrued and payable on  such
     shares  shall be  allocated pro  rata  on a  share-by-share basis
     among all  such shares  at the  time outstanding.   The Board  of
     Directors  may fix a record date for the determination of holders
     of shares of Series B Preferred Stock entitled to receive payment
     of a dividend or distribution declared thereon, which record date
     shall  be not more than  60 days prior to the  date fixed for the
     payment thereof.

          Section  3.    Voting Rights.    The  holders  of shares  of
Series B Preferred Stock shall have the following voting rights:

          (A)  Subject to the provision for adjustment hereinafter set
     forth, each share of  Series B Preferred Stock shall  entitle the
     holder thereof to 100 votes on all matters submitted to a vote of
     the  stockholders  of  the   Corporation.    In  the  event   the
     Corporation shall at any time declare or pay any dividend  on the
     Common  Stock  payable in  shares of  Common  Stock, or  effect a
     subdivision or  combination or  consolidation of the  outstanding
     shares  of Common Stock (by reclassification or otherwise than by
     payment of a dividend  in shares of Common Stock) into  a greater
     or lesser  number of shares  of Common Stock,  then in  each such
     case the  number of votes per share to which holders of shares of
     Series B Preferred Stock were entitled immediately prior to  such
     event shall be adjusted by multiplying such number by a fraction,
     the numerator  of which is the  number of shares of  Common Stock
     outstanding immediately  after such event and  the denominator of
     which  is  the  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  that  were
     outstanding immediately prior to such event. 

          (B)  Except  as  otherwise  provided herein,  in  any  other
     Certificate of Designations creating  a series of Preferred Stock
     or any similar stock, or by  law, the holders of shares of Series
     B Preferred  Stock and the holders of  shares of Common Stock and
     any other capital  stock of the Corporation having general voting
     rights  shall vote together as one class on all matters submitted
     to a vote of stockholders of the Corporation.

          (C)  Except as set forth herein, or as otherwise provided by
     law,  holders of Series B  Preferred Stock shall  have no special
     voting  rights and their consent shall not be required (except to
     the extent they are entitled to vote with holders of Common Stock
     as set forth herein) for taking any corporate action.

          Section 4.  Certain Restrictions.

          (A)  Whenever  quarterly dividends  or  other  dividends  or
     distributions payable on the Series B Preferred Stock as provided
     in Section 2 are in arrears, thereafter and until all accrued and
     unpaid dividends  and distributions, whether or  not declared, on
     shares of  Series B Preferred  Stock outstanding shall  have been
     paid in full, the Corporation shall not:

               (i)  declare or pay  dividends, or make any  other
          distributions, on  any shares  of stock ranking  junior
          (either   as  to   dividends   or   upon   liquidation,
          dissolution or  winding up)  to the Series  B Preferred

               (ii)  declare or pay dividends, or make  any other
          distributions,  on any  shares  of stock  ranking on  a
          parity  (either as  to dividends  or  upon liquidation,
          dissolution or winding up)  with the Series B Preferred
          Stock, except  dividends paid  ratably on the  Series B
          Preferred  Stock and  all  such parity  stock on  which
          dividends are  payable or  in arrears in  proportion to
          the  total amounts  to which  the holders  of all  such
          shares are then entitled;

               (iii)  redeem or purchase or otherwise acquire for
          consideration   shares  of  any  stock  ranking  junior
          (either   as   to   dividends  or   upon   liquidation,
          dissolution or  winding up)  to the Series  B Preferred
          Stock, provided  that the  Corporation may at  any time
          redeem,  purchase  or otherwise  acquire shares  of any
          such junior stock  in exchange for shares  of any stock
          of  the  Corporation  ranking  junior  (either   as  to
          dividends or  upon dissolution, liquidation  or winding
          up) to the Series B Preferred Stock; or 

               (iv)  redeem or  purchase or otherwise acquire for
          consideration any shares  of Series B  Preferred Stock,
          or any shares  of stock  ranking on a  parity with  the
          Series B  Preferred Stock, except in  accordance with a
          purchase offer  made in  writing or by  publication (as
          determined by the Board of Directors) to all holders of
          such shares upon such terms as the  Board of Directors,
          after consideration of  the respective annual  dividend
          rates and other relative  rights and preferences of the
          respective series and classes, shall  determine in good
          faith will result in fair and equitable treatment among
          the respective series or classes.

          (B)  The Corporation shall not  permit any subsidiary of the
     Corporation to  purchase or  otherwise acquire  for consideration
     any  shares of stock  of the  Corporation unless  the Corporation
     could,  under  paragraph  (A)  of  this  Section  4,  purchase or
     otherwise acquire such shares at such time and in such manner.

          Section  5.   Reacquired  Shares.   Any  shares  of Series B
Preferred Stock purchased or otherwise acquired by the  Corporation in
any  manner whatsoever shall  be retired and  cancelled promptly after
the  acquisition  thereof.     All  such   shares  shall  upon   their
cancellation become authorized but  unissued shares of Preferred Stock
and may be reissued as part of a new series of Preferred Stock subject
to  the conditions and restrictions  on issuance set  forth herein, in
the  Corporation's Restated  Certificate  of Incorporation  or in  any
other Certificate of Designations creating a series of Preferred Stock
or any similar stock or as otherwise required by law.

          Section  6.  Liquidation,  Dissolution or Winding  Up.  Upon
any  liquidation, dissolution  or winding  up of  the  Corporation, no
distribution  shall be  made (A)  to the  holders  of shares  of stock
ranking  junior   (either  as   to  dividends  or   upon  liquidation,
dissolution  or winding  up) to the  Series B Preferred  Stock unless,
prior thereto, the holders of shares of Series B Preferred Stock shall
have received  $10,000 per share, plus an  amount equal to accrued and
unpaid dividends  and distributions thereon, whether  or not declared,
to the  date of such payment,  provided that the holders  of shares of
Series B Preferred  Stock shall  be entitled to  receive an  aggregate
amount per share,  subject to the provision for adjustment hereinafter
set  forth, equal to 100 times  the aggregate amount to be distributed
per share to  holders of shares of Common Stock, or (B) to the holders
of shares of stock ranking on a parity (either as to dividends or upon
liquidation, dissolution  or winding up)  with the Series  B Preferred
Stock, except  distributions made  ratably on  the Series  B Preferred
Stock and all such parity stock in proportion to the  total amounts to
which   the  holders  of  all  such  shares  are  entitled  upon  such
liquidation,  dissolution or winding up.  In the event the Corporation

shall at  any time declare  or pay  any dividend on  the Common  Stock
payable  in shares  of  Common  Stock,  or  effect  a  subdivision  or
combination or consolidation of the outstanding shares of Common Stock
(by reclassification or  otherwise than  by payment of  a dividend  in
shares  of Common Stock) into a greater  or lesser number of shares of
Common Stock,  then in  each such case  the aggregate amount  to which
holders  of  shares  of  Series   B  Preferred  Stock  were   entitled
immediately prior to such event under the proviso in clause (A) of the
preceding sentence shall be  adjusted by multiplying such amount  by a
fraction the  numerator of  which is the  number of  shares of  Common
Stock outstanding immediately after such event  and the denominator of
which is the number  of shares of Common  Stock that were  outstanding
immediately prior to such event.

          Section  7.    Consolidation,  Merger, etc.    In  case  the
Corporation shall enter into any consolidation, merger, combination or
other  transaction in which the  shares of Common  Stock are exchanged
for or changed  into other stock or securities, cash  and/or any other
property, then in any such case each share of Series B Preferred Stock
shall  at the  same  time be  similarly exchanged  or changed  into an
amount per share, subject to the provision for  adjustment hereinafter
set  forth,  equal  to  100  times  the  aggregate  amount  of  stock,
securities, cash and/or any  other property (payable in kind),  as the
case  may be, into  which or for  which each share  of Common Stock is
changed or  exchanged.  In the event the Corporation shall at any time
declare  or pay any dividend on the  Common Stock payable in shares of
Common Stock,  or effect a subdivision or combination or consolidation
of  the outstanding  shares of  Common Stock  (by reclassification  or
otherwise than  by payment of  a dividend  in shares of  Common Stock)
into a  greater or lesser  number of shares  of Common Stock,  then in
each such  case the amount  set forth in  the preceding  sentence with
respect to  the exchange  or change of  shares of  Series B  Preferred
Stock shall  be adjusted by multiplying such amount by a fraction, the
numerator of which is the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding
immediately  after  such event  and the  denominator  of which  is the
number  of shares  of Common  Stock that were  outstanding immediately
prior to such event.

          Section 8.  No Redemption.  The shares of Series B Preferred
Stock shall not be redeemable.

          Section 9.  Rank.  The Series B Preferred  Stock shall rank,
with  respect  to the  payment of  dividends  and the  distribution of
assets, junior to all series  of any other class of  the Corporation's
Preferred Stock.

          Section  10.    Amendment.    The  Restated  Certificate  of
Incorporation  of the Corporation shall  not be amended  in any manner
which  would materially  alter or  change  the powers,  preferences or

special rights  of the Series B  Preferred Stock so as  to affect them
adversely without the affirmative vote of the holders of at least two-
thirds of the outstanding  shares of Series B Preferred  Stock, voting
together as a single class.

          IN  WITNESS WHEREOF,  this  Certificate  of Designations  is
executed on behalf of the Corporation by its Chairman of the Board and
attested by its Secretary this 20th day of October 1988.

                                        William T. Alldredge
                                        Vice President - Finance


Roland E. Knecht

Filed September 13, 1989
Delaware Secretary of State

                       CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT




                              NEWELL CO.

               Adopted in accordance with the provisions
               of Section 242 of the General Corporation
                     Law of the State of Delaware

          We,  William T.  Alldredge,  Vice President,  and Roland  E.

Knecht, Secretary,  of Newell  Co., a  corporation existing under  the

laws of the State of Delaware, do hereby certify as follows:

          FIRST:   That  the name  of the  corporation is  Newell Co.,

formerly known as New Newell Co.

          SECOND:   That the date of filing the corporation's original

Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State of Delaware was

the 23rd day  of February, 1987, and that the  Restated Certificate of

Incorporation of the corporation  was filed by the Secretary  of State

of Delaware on the 18th day of May, 1987.

          THIRD:  That  the first  sentence of Article  Fourth of  the

Restated  Certificate of  Incorporation of  said Corporation  has been

amended as follows:

          FOURTH:  The total number of shares which the
          Corporation  shall  have  authority  to  issue  is
          110,000,000, consisting of  100,000,000 shares  of
          Common  Stock of the par  value of $1.00 per share
          and   10,00,000   shares   of   Preferred   Stock,
          consisting of 10,000 shares without  par value and

          9,990,000  shares of  the par  value of  $1.00 per

          FOURTH:    That said  amendment  has  been  duly adopted  in

accordance with provisions of the General Corporation Law of the State

of Delaware  by the affirmative vote  of the holders of  a majority of

all  outstanding  common and  preferred stock  entitled  to vote  at a

meeting of stockholders.

          IN  WITNESS WHEREOF,  we have  signed this  certificate this

28th day of June, 1989.

                                   NEWELL CO.

                                   William T. Alldredge
                                   Vice President - Finance


Roland E. Knecht

FILED 10:00 AM 05/15/1991
911355135 - 2118347

                       CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT



                              NEWELL CO.

               Adopted in accordance with the provisions
               of Section 242 of the General Corporation
                     Law of the State of Delaware

          We,  William  T. Alldredge,  Vice  President  and Roland  E.

Knecht, Secretary,  of Newell  Co., a  corporation existing under  the

laws of the State of Delaware, do hereby certify as follows:

          FIRST:  That the name of the corporation is Newell Co.

          SECOND:  That the date of  filing the corporation's original

Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State of Delaware was

the  23rd  day of  February, 1987,  that  the Restated  Certificate of

Incorporation of the corporation  was filed by the Secretary  of State

of Delaware on the 18th  day of May, 1987, a Certificate  of Amendment

was filed by the Secretary of  State of Delaware on the second  day of

July, 1987, and a Certificate of Amendment  was filed by the Secretary

of State of Delaware on 13th day of September, 1989.

          THIRD:  That  the first  sentence of Article  Fourth of  the

Restated  Certificate of  Incorporation of  said Corporation  has been

amended as follows:

               FOURTH:  The total number of shares which the
          Corporation  shall  have  authority  to  issue  is 

          310,000,000, consisting of  300,000,000 shares  of
          Common Stock of the  par value of $1.00  per share
          and   10,000,000   shares   of  Preferred   Stock,
          consisting of 10,000 shares without par value, and
          9,990,000  shares of  the par  value of  $1.00 per

          FOURTH:   That  said  amendment  has  been duly  adopted  in

accordance with provisions of the General Corporation Law of the State

of Delaware  by the affirmative vote  of the holders of  a majority of

all  outstanding  common and  preferred stock  entitled  to vote  at a

meeting of stockholders.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have signed this certificate this 9th

day of May, 1991.

                              NEWELL CO.

                              William T. Alldredge
                              Vice President - Finance


Roland E. Knecht

FILED 10:00 AM 06/11/1991
911625086 - 2118347




                              NEWELL CO.

                Pursuant to Section 151 of the General
                        Corporation Law of the
                           State of Delaware

          NEWELL CO.,  a corporation organized and  existing under the
General Corporation Law  of the State of  Delaware (hereinafter called
the "Corporation"), hereby certifies that the following resolution was
adopted by the  Board of Directors of  the Corporation as required  by
Section 151  of the General  Corporation Law at a  meeting duly called
and held on February 14, 1991:

          RESOLVED,  that  the  first  sentence of  Section  1  of the
Certificate  of Designations  as to the  resolution providing  for the
powers, designation, preferences and relative, participating, optional
or other  rights, and the qualifications,  limitations or restrictions
thereof, as are not  stated and expressed in the  Restated Certificate
of   Incorporation  or  in  any  amendment   thereto,  of  the  Junior
Participating   Preferred  Stock,   Series  B   of  Newell   Co.  (the
"Certificate  of Designations") which was  filed in the  Office of the
Secretary of State of Delaware on October 31, 1988,  is hereby amended
to read as follows:

          The shares  of such series shall  be designated as
          "Junior Participating Preferred  Stock, Series  B"
          (the "Series B Preferred Stock") and the number of
          shares constituting  the Series B  Preferred Stock
          shall be 5,000,000. 

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amended Certificate of Designations
is executed on behalf of the Corporation by its Vice President-Finance
and attested by its Secretary this 5th day of June, 1991.

                                  William T. Alldredge
                                  Vice President - Finance

Roland E. Knecht

FILED 02:00 PM 11/03/1994
944211670 - 2118347



                           REGISTERED OFFICE

                               * * * * *

     Newell  Co., a  corporation organized and  existing under  and by

virtue of the General  Corporation Law of the State of  Delaware, DOES


     The present registered  agent of the corporation is United States

Corporation  Company   and  the  present  registered   office  of  the

corporation is in the county of Kent.

     The  Board of Directors of                                       

adopted the following resolution on the 2nd day of November, 1994.

     Resolved, that  the registered office  of Newell Co.  in the
     state of Delaware be and it hereby is changed to Corporation
     Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, in the City of Wilmington,
     County of New Castle,  and the authorization of the  present
     registered  agent of  this corporation  be and  the same  is
     hereby withdrawn, and  THE CORPORATION TRUST COMPANY,  shall
     be and  is hereby  constituted and appointed  the registered
     agent of this  corporation at the address of  its registered

     IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, Newell Co.  has caused this  statement to be

signed by Richard H. Wolff,  its Secretary*, this 25th day of  October


                                    /s/ Richard H. Wolff


*    Any authorized officer  of the Chairman  or Vice-Chairman of  the
     Board of Directors may execute this certificate. 

FILED MAY 11, 1995

                       CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT



                              NEWELL CO.

               Adopted in accordance with the provisions
               of Section 242 of the General Corporation
                     Law of the State of Delaware

          I,  William T.  Alldredge,  Vice President-Finance of 

Newell  Co., a  corporation existing under  the  laws of the State of

Delaware, do hereby certify as follows:

          FIRST:   That  the name  of the  corporation is  Newell Co.,

formerly known as New Newell Co.

          SECOND:    That the first  sentence of Article Fourth of the

Restated  Certificate of  Incorporation of  said Corporation  has been

amended as follows:

               FOURTH:  The total number of shares which the
          Corporation  shall  have  authority  to  issue  is
          410,000,000, consisting of  400,000,000 shares  of
          Common  Stock of the par  value of $1.00 per share
          and   10,00,000   shares   of   Preferred   Stock,
          consisting of 10,000 shares without  par value and

          9,990,000  shares of  the par  value of  $1.00 per

          THIRD:    That said  amendment  has  been  duly adopted  in

accordance with provisions of the General Corporation Law of the State

of Delaware  by the affirmative vote  of the holders of  a majority of

all  outstanding  common and  preferred stock  entitled  to vote  at a

meeting of stockholders.

          IN  WITNESS WHEREOF,  we have  signed this  certificate this

10th day of May, 1995.

                                   NEWELL CO.

                                    /s/ Dale L. Matschullat
                                        Dale L. Matschullat

                                        Vice President

Filed September 11, 1995 at 9:00 p.m.
Delaware Secretary of State

                      CERTIFICATE OF ELIMINATION

                             OF NEWELL CO.

          I, Dale L. Matschullat, Vice President - General  Counsel of

Newell Co.,  a corporation  organized and  existing under the  General

Corporation  Law  of  the State  of  Delaware,  do  hereby certify  as


          FIRST:    That the  Board of  Directors  of Newell  Co. (the

"Corporation"), by resolutions adopted at a meeting on August 9, 1995,

determined  to  eliminate  all  of  the  Cumulative  Preferred  Stock,

Series 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, of the Corporation, said resolutions being as


          WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  redeemed  all  of  the
          outstanding shares of Cumulative  Preferred Stock,
          Series 1, of the Corporation on November 8, 1989;

          WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  redeemed  all  of  the
          outstanding shares of Cumulative  Preferred Stock,
          Series 2,  of  the  Corporation  on  September 24,

          WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  redeemed  all  of  the
          outstanding shares of Cumulative  Preferred Stock,
          Series 3,  4   and  5,   of  the   Corporation  on
          September 24, 1991; and

          WHEREAS,  no  shares of  the  Preferred Stock  are
          issued  and  outstanding  and  no shares  will  be

          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Preferred
          Stock be returned to the status of "authorized but
          not issued," and that  the proper officers, or any
          one  of them  acting alone, be,  and each  of them
          hereby is, authorized  and directed,  in the  name
          and on  behalf of the Corporation,  to execute and

          cause  to filed  with  the Secretary  of State  of
          Delaware,  a Certificate  of  Elimination, and  to
          execute all other instruments and documents and to
          do  and cause to be done all such further acts and
          things,  as  may  be  necessary  or  advisable  to
          eliminate the Preferred Stock and that all actions
          of said officers are hereby ratified, approved and
          confirmed in all respects.

          SECOND:   None  of the  authorized  shares of  the Preferred

Stock are outstanding and none will be issued.

          THIRD:  In accordance with  the provisions of Section 151 of

the General Corporation  Law of  the State of  Delaware, the  Restated

Certificate  of  Incorporation  is  hereby amended  to  eliminate  all

reference to the  Preferred Stock,  and the Preferred  Stock shall  be

returned to the status of "authorized but not issued."

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed this Certificate, this 7th

day of September, 1995.

                                   NEWELL CO.

                         By:  /s/ Dale L. Matschullat
                              Dale L. Matschullat
                              Vice President - General Counsel