Exhibit 4

                       CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.
                       PLAN AND TRUST AGREEMENT


                       CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.
                       PLAN AND TRUST AGREEMENT

                               ARTICLE I

     1.01. CSB  Financial Group, Inc. (the "Company")  hereby  establishes  the
Management Development  and  Recognition  Plan  (the  "Plan")  and  Trust  (the
"Trust")  upon  the  terms and conditions hereinafter stated in this Management
Development and Recognition Plan and Trust Agreement (the "Agreement").

     1.02. The Trustees  hereby  accept  this Trust and agree to hold the Trust
assets existing on the date of this Agreement  and all additions and accretions
thereto upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated.

                              ARTICLE II
                          PURPOSE OF THE PLAN

     2.01. The purpose of the Plan is to retain  personnel  of  experience  and
ability  in  key  positions  by providing such key employees with a proprietary
interest in the Company as compensation  for their contributions to the Company
and its Subsidiaries and as an incentive to  make  such  contributions  in  the

                              ARTICLE III

     The  following  words  and phrases, when used in this Plan with an initial
capital letter, unless the context  clearly indicates otherwise, shall have the
meanings set forth below.  Whenever appropriate,  the  masculine  pronoun shall
include the feminine pronoun and the singular shall include the plural.

     3.01. "Bank"  means  Centralia  Savings  Bank, an Illinois state-chartered
savings bank, and its successors and assigns.   The  Bank,  with the consent of
the Board, has agreed to participate in this Plan.

     3.02. "Beneficiary" means the person or persons designated  by a Recipient
to receive any benefits payable under the Plan in the event of such Recipient's
death.  Such person or persons shall be designated in writing on forms provided
for  this  purpose  by  the Committee and may be changed from time to  time  by
similar  written  notice to  the  Committee.   In  the  absence  of  a  written
designation, the Beneficiary shall be the Recipient's surviving spouse, if any,
or if none, the Recipient's estate.

     3.03. "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.


     3.04. "Committee"  means  the Committee appointed by the Board pursuant to
Article IV hereof.

     3.05. "Common Stock" means  shares of the common stock, $.01 par value per
share, of the Company.

     3.06. "Company" means CSB Financial  Group,  Inc.,  a Bank Holding Company
registered under Section 3(a)(1) of the Bank Holding Company  Act  of  1956, as
amended, that owns 100% of the Capital Stock of Centralia Savings Bank.

     3.07. "Director"  means  a member of the Board of Directors of the Company
or the Bank.

     3.08. "Disability" means the  permanent  and  total inability by reason of
mental  or  physical infirmity, or both, of a Recipient  to  perform  the  work
customarily assigned  to  him.   A  medical  doctor selected or approved by the
Board must advise the Committee that it is either  not  possible  to  determine
when  such  Disability  will  terminate  or  that it appears probable that such
Disability will be permanent during the remainder of the Recipient's lifetime.

     3.09. "Effective Date" means the date shareholders  of the Company approve
the Plan.

     3.10. "Employee"  means  any  person  who  is  currently employed  by  the
Company, the Bank or a Subsidiary, including officers.

     3.11. "Plan Shares" means shares of Common Stock  held  in  the  Trust and
issued or issuable to a Recipient pursuant to the Plan.

     3.12. "Plan  Share  Award"  means a right granted under this Plan to  earn
Plan Shares.

     3.13. "Recipient" means an Employee  who receives a Plan Share Award under
the Plan.

     3.14. "Retirement" means retirement at the normal or early retirement date
as set forth in the Centralia Savings Bank Employee Stock Ownership Plan.

     3.15. "Subsidiary" means any other entity  of  which  the  Company  is the
direct or indirect beneficial owner of not less than fifty percent (50%) of all
issued and outstanding equity interests.  A Subsidiary may, with the consent of
the Board, agree to participate in this Plan.


     3.16. "Trustee"  means  those  persons (normally members of the Committee)
nominated by the Committee and approved  by the Board pursuant to Sections 4.01
and 4.02 to hold legal title to the Plan assets  for  the  purposes  set  forth

                              ARTICLE IV
                      ADMINISTRATION OF THE PLAN

     4.01. ROLE   OF  THE  COMMITTEE.   The  Plan  shall  be  administered  and
interpreted by the  Committee,  which shall have all of the powers allocated to
it in this and other Sections of  the Plan.  Members of the Committee shall not
be eligible to receive a discretionary  Plan  Share Award.  The Committee shall
have the power to interpret and construe the terms  and  provisions of the Plan
or of any Plan Share Award granted hereunder, and all such  interpretations and
constructions by the Committee shall be final and binding.  The Committee shall
act by vote or written consent of a majority of its members.   Subject  to  the
express  provisions  and  limitations of the Plan, the Committee may adopt such
rules, regulations and procedures  as  it  deems appropriate for the conduct of
its affairs.  The Committee shall report its actions and decisions with respect
to the Plan to the Board at appropriate times,  but  in  no event less than one
time  per calendar year.  The Committee shall appoint one or  more  individuals
(normally  from  among  its  members) to act as Trustees in accordance with the
provisions of this Plan and Trust and the terms of Article VIII hereof.

     4.02. ROLE OF THE BOARD.   The members of the Committee and the Trustee or
the Trustees shall be appointed or  approved  by  the Board.  The Board may, in
its discretion, from time to time, remove members from  or  add  members to the
Committee  and may remove, replace or add Trustees.  The Board may  not  revoke
any Plan Share  Award already made.  Members of the Board who are eligible for,
or who have been  granted,  Plan  Share  Awards  may  not  vote  on any matters
affecting  the administration of the Plan or the grant of Plan Shares  or  Plan
Share Awards (although such members may be counted in determining the existence
of the quorum  at  any  meeting  of  the Board during which actions with regard
thereto are taken).

     4.03. LIMITATION ON LIABILITY.  No  member  of  the Board or the Committee
shall be liable for any determination made in good faith  with  respect  to the
Plan  or  any  Plan  Shares or Plan Share Awards it grants.  If a member of the
Board or the Committee  is  a  party or is threatened to be made a party to any
threatened, pending or completed  action,  suit  or  proceeding, whether civil,
criminal, administrative or investigative, by reason of  anything  done  or not
done by him in such capacity under or with respect to the Plan, the Company and
its  Subsidiaries  shall  indemnify  such  member  against  expense  (including
attorney's fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually  and
reasonably  incurred  by  such  member  in connection with such action, suit or
proceeding if the member acted in good faith  and  in  the manner he reasonably
believed to be in the best interests of the Company and  its  Subsidiaries and,
with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable  cause  to
believe his conduct was unlawful.


                               ARTICLE V

     5.01. AMOUNT  AND  TIMING OF CONTRIBUTIONS.  The Board shall determine the
amounts (or the method of  computing  the  amounts)  to  be  contributed by the
Company  and its Subsidiaries to the Trust established under this  Plan.   Such
amounts  shall  be  paid  to  the  Trust  at  the  time  of  contribution.   No
contributions by Employees or Recipients shall be permitted.

invest the Trust's assets exclusively in the Company's  Common  Stock PROVIDED,
HOWEVER, that the Trust shall not purchase more than 4% of the total  shares of
Common  Stock issued.  Any earnings received with respect to Common Stock  held
by the Plan  shall  be  held  in  an  interest  bearing  account.  Any earnings
received with respect to Common Stock subject to a Plan Share  Award  shall  be
held in an interest bearing account on behalf of the individual Recipient.

                              ARTICLE VI

     6.01. ELIGIBILITY.   Officers and key management Employees of the Company,
the Bank and its Subsidiaries  are eligible to receive Plan Share Awards.  Non-
employee Directors may receive Plan  Share  Awards  only  pursuant to Article X

     6.02. ALLOCATIONS.  The Committee shall determine which  of  the Employees
referenced  in 6.01 above will be granted Plan Share Awards and the  number  of
Shares covered  by  each  Award,  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER, that the number of Shares
covered by such Awards may not exceed the number  of  shares  purchased  by the
Trustee  prior  to  the  grant  of such Awards, and PROVIDED FURTHER that in no
event  shall  any  Awards  be  made  which  will  violate  the  Certificate  of
Incorporation or Bylaws of the Company,  the Federal Stock Charter or Bylaws or
Plan  of Conversion of the Bank, or any applicable  federal  or  state  law  or
regulation.   In  the  event  Plan  Shares  are  forfeited  for any reason, the
Committee may determine which of the Employees will be granted  additional Plan
Shares to be awarded from forfeited Plan Shares.  In selecting those  Employees
to  whom Plan Share Awards will be granted and the number of Shares covered  by
such  Awards, the Committee shall consider the position and responsibilities of
the eligible Employees, the value of their services to the Company and the Bank
and its  Subsidiaries,  and  any other factors the Committee may deem relevant,
including the recommendations of the Chairman of the Board.

     6.03. FORM  OF  ALLOCATION.    As   promptly   as   practicable   after  a
determination is made pursuant to Section 6.02 that a Plan Share Award is to be
issued, the Committee shall notify the Recipient in writing of the grant of the
Award, the number of Plan Shares covered by the Award and the terms upon  which
the  Plan  Shares  subject  to  the Award may be earned.  The date on which the


Committee so notifies the Recipient  shall  be  considered the date of grant of
the Plan Share Award.  The Committee shall maintain records as to all grants of
Plan Share Awards under the Plan.

     6.04. ALLOCATIONS NOT REQUIRED.  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary
in Sections 6.01 and 6.02, no Employee shall have any right  or  entitlement to
receive a Plan Share Award hereunder, such Awards being at the total discretion
of  the  Committee,  nor  shall the salaried Employees as a group have  such  a

                              ARTICLE VII
                             VOTING RIGHTS

     7.01. EARNING  PLAN  SHARES:  FORFEITURES.   Unless  the  Committee  shall
specifically state to the contrary  at  the time a Plan Share Award is granted,
Plan Shares subject to an Award shall be  earned  by  a Recipient in five equal
annual installments over the first five years after the  date  of grant, if the
Employee  remains  employed  with  the  Company  or  a  Subsidiary continuously
throughout such period, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the Committee may provide for a
less rapid earnings rate than that set forth herein for all  Awards  or for any
given Award.  If the employment of a Recipient is terminated prior to the fifth
anniversary  (or such later date as the Committee shall determine) of the  date
of grant of an  Award  for  any  reason  (except  as  specifically  provided in
subsections (a) and (b) below), the Recipient shall forfeit the right  to  earn
any  shares  subject  to  the Award which have not theretofore been earned.  No
fractional shares shall be issued.

     Notwithstanding the general rule contained in  this  Section,  Plan Shares
     subject  to  a Plan Share Award held by a Recipient whose employment  with
     the Company or  a Subsidiary terminates due to Death or Disability, or any
     part of such Award  that  has not theretofore been earned, shall be deemed
     earned as of the Recipient's  last day of employment with the Company or a

           (b)  REVOCATION FOR MISCONDUCT.   Notwithstanding anything herein to
     the contrary, the Board may, by resolution,  immediately  revoke,  rescind
     and terminate any Plan Share Award, or portion thereof, previously awarded
     under  this  Plan,  to  the  extent  Plan  Shares  have not been delivered
     thereunder to the Recipient, whether or not yet earned,  in the case of an
     Employee  or Director who is discharged from the Company or  a  Subsidiary
     for cause (as hereinafter defined), or who is discovered after termination
     of employment  to  have  engaged  in  conduct  that  would  have justified
     termination for cause.  "Cause" is defined as personal dishonesty, willful
     misconduct,  any  breach  of  fiduciary  duty  involving  personal profit,
     intentional failure to perform stated duties, or the willful  violation of
     any  law,  rule  or  regulation  (other than traffic violations or similar


     offenses)  which  results  in  a material  loss  to  the  Company  or  its
     Subsidiaries, or final cease and desist order.

     7.02. DISTRIBUTION OF PLAN SHARES.   Plan  Shares  shall be distributed to
the Recipient or his Beneficiary, as the case may be, as soon as is practicable
after a Plan Share Award is made.  All Plan Shares shall  be distributed in the
form of Common Stock.  One share of Common Stock shall be given  for  each Plan
Share earned and payable.

     7.03. VOTING  AND DIVIDEND RIGHTS.  No Recipient shall have any voting  or
dividend rights or other  rights  of  a  stockholder  with  respect to any Plan
Shares  covered  by a Plan Share Award prior to the time said Plan  Shares  are
actually distributed to him.  When cash dividends are paid with respect to Plan
Shares allocated to a Recipient, such Recipient shall be entitled to receive an
amount equal to such  cash  dividend.   Stock  dividends with respect to shares
allocated to a Recipient shall be distributed when the Plan Shares with respect
to which they are declared are so distributable.

                             ARTICLE VIII

     8.01. TRUST.   The Trustees shall receive, hold,  administer,  invest  and
make distributions and  disbursements  from  the  Trust  in accordance with the
provisions  of  the  Plan  and  Trust  and  the  applicable directions,  rules,
regulations, procedures and policies established by  the  Committee pursuant to
the Plan.

     8.02. MANAGEMENT OF TRUST.  It is the intent of this Plan  and  Trust that
the Trustees shall have complete authority and discretion with respect  to  the
management,  control  and  investment  of the Trust, and that the Trustee shall
invest  all  assets  of  the  Trust  in Common  Stock  to  the  fullest  extent
practicable, except to the extent that the Trustees determined that the holding
of monies in cash or cash equivalents  is  necessary to meet the obligations of
the Trust.  In performing their duties, the Trustees shall have the power to do
all things and execute such instruments as may  be  deemed necessary or proper,
including the following powers:

           (a)  To invest up to 100% of all Trust assets in Common Stock of the
     Company  without  regard  to any law now or hereafter  in  force  limiting
     investments for trustees or  other fiduciaries.  The investment authorized
     herein may constitute the only  investment  of  the Trust and Common Stock
     shall be newly issued shares, Treasury shares or  shares  purchased by the
     Plan in the open market.

           (b)  To invest any Trust assets not otherwise invested in accordance
     with  (a)  above  in  such savings accounts, deposits and certificates  of


     deposit  (including  those   issued  by  the  Company  or  a  Subsidiary),
     obligations of the United States  government or its agencies or such other
     investments as shall be considered the equivalent of cash.

           (c)  To sell, exchange or otherwise  dispose  of any property at any
     time held or acquired by the Trust.

           (d)  To cause stocks, bonds or other securities  to be registered in
     the name of a nominee, without the addition of words indicating  that such
     security  is  an  asset  of  the  Trust  (but  accurate  records  shall be
     maintained showing that such security is an asset of the Trust).

           (e)  To hold cash without interest in such amounts as may be, in the
     opinion  of the Trustees, reasonable for the proper operation of the  Plan
     and Trust.

           (f)  To   employ   brokers,   agents,  custodians,  consultants  and

           (g)  To hire counsel to render  advice with respect to their rights,
     duties  and  obligations  hereunder,  and such  other  legal  services  or
     representations as they may deem desirable.

           (h)  To hold funds and securities  representing  the  amounts  to be
     distributed,  to  a  Recipient  or  his  Beneficiary as a consequence of a
     dispute as to the disposition thereof, whether  in a segregated account or
     held in common with other assets of the Trust.

     Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the  contrary,  the  Trustees
shall not be required to make any inventory, appraisal or settlement or  report
to  any  court,  or  to secure any order of court for the exercise of any power
herein contained, or give bond.

     8.03. RECORDS AND  ACCOUNTS.   The  Trustees  shall  maintain accurate and
detailed records and accounts of all transactions of the Trust,  which shall be
available at all reasonable times for inspection by any legally entitled person
or  entity  to  the  extent  required  by  applicable  law, or any other person
determined by the Committee.

     8.04. EARNINGS.   All  earnings, gains and losses with  respect  to  Trust
assets shall be allocated, in accordance with a reasonable procedure adopted by
the Committee, to bookkeeping accounts for Recipients or to the general account
of the Trust, depending on the  nature  and allocation of the assets generating
such earnings, gains and losses.  In particular, any earnings on cash dividends
received with respect to shares of Common  Stock shall be allocated to accounts
for  Recipients,  if  such shares are the subject  of  outstanding  Plan  Share
Awards, or, otherwise to a reserve established by the Plan.


     8.05. EXPENSES.  All  costs  and  expenses  incurred  in the operation and
administration of this Plan shall be borne by the Company and its Subsidiaries.

     8.06. INDEMNIFICATION.  The Company and its Subsidiaries  shall indemnify,
defend  and  hold  the  Trustees  harmless  against  all  claims, expenses  and
liabilities arising out of or related to the exercise of the  Trustees'  powers
and  the  discharge of their duties hereunder, unless the same shall be due  to
their gross negligence or willful misconduct.

                              ARTICLE IX

     9.01. AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION OF PLAN.  The Board may, by resolution, at
any time, amend  or  terminate the Plan.  The power to amend or terminate shall
include the power to direct  the  Trustees to return to the Company or the Bank
all or any part of the assets of the  Trust,  as well as shares of Common Stock
and  other  assets  subject to Plan Share Awards but  not  yet  earned  by  the
Employees to whom they are allocated.

     9.02. NONTRANSFERABLE.   Plan Share Awards and rights to Plan Shares shall
not be transferable by a Recipient  and,  during the lifetime of the Recipient,
Plan Shares may only be earned by and paid to the Recipient who was notified in
writing of the Award by the Committee pursuant  to  Section 6.03.  No Recipient
or Beneficiary shall have any right in or claim to any  assets  of  the Plan or
Trust,  nor  shall  the  Company or any Subsidiary be subject to any claim  for
benefits hereunder.

     9.03. EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS.   Neither  the Plan nor any grant of a Plan Share
Award  or  Plan Shares hereunder nor any action  taken  by  the  Trustees,  the
Committee or  the  Board  in connection with the Plan shall create any right on
the part of any Employee to  continue in the employ of the Company, the Bank or
a Subsidiary.

     9.04. GOVERNING LAW.  The  Plan and Trust shall be governed by the laws of
the State of Illinois.

     9.05. TERM OF PLAN.  This Plan  shall  remain  in effect until the earlier
of:   (1)  termination  by  the  Board  of Directors; (2) the  distribution  to
Recipients, Beneficiaries, the Company or  the Bank of all assets of the Trust;
or (3) 21 years from the Effective Date.  Termination  of  the  Plan shall not,
unless  expressly  specified, affect any Plan Share Awards previously  granted,
and such Awards shall  remain valid and in effect until they have been paid, or
by their terms expire or are forfeited.


                               ARTICLE X
                        OUTSIDE DIRECTOR AWARDS

     Each non-Employee Director  on  the Effective Date shall be granted a Plan
Share Award equal to 2,070 shares, subject  to  availability,  to  vest in five
equal annual installments beginning with the first anniversary of the Effective

     IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Agreement to be  executed
by its duly  authorized  officers and the corporate seal to be affixed and duly
attested, all on this 4th day of October, 1995.

                                 CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.

                                 By:/s/ K. Gary Reynolds


/s/ Joanne Ticknor
- ------------------------------------------
    Its Secretary

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the  following  members  of the Committee execute this
Agreement, in their individual capacities, as Trustees,  accepting  and binding
themselves to undertake and perform the obligations and duties of the  Trustees
hereunder and consenting to the foregoing Plan and Trust Agreement.

                                 By:/s/ W. N. Breeze

                                 By:/s/ W. Harold Monken

                                 By:/s/ John Byrne