This WHEELSET SUPPLY AND SERVICES AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made
   as of November 9, 1999, between UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, a
   Delaware corporation, having its principal office at 1416 Dodge
   Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68179 ("UNION PACIFIC"), and ABC-NACO Inc., a
   Delaware corporation, having its principal office at 2001 Butterfield
   Road, Suite 502, Downers Grove, Illinois ("SUPPLIER").


        A.   In reliance on the performance by SUPPLIER of SUPPLIER's
   obligations under this Agreement, UNION PACIFIC intends to close UNION
   PACIFIC's (or its affiliate's) railroad wheel shops at Pocatello,
   Idaho and North Little Rock, Arkansas (the "UP Wheel Shops") on or
   before November 9, 1999 (the "Effective Date").

        B.   SUPPLIER, or Gunderson Rail Services, Inc. ("GRS"),  owns
   and operates railroad wheel mounting, maintenance and repair
   facilities at Chicago Heights, Illinois; Kansas City, Kansas; San
   Bernardino, California; Corsicana, Texas; Pine Bluff, Arkansas;
   Portland, Oregon; and Tacoma, Washington (the "SUPPLIER Wheel Shops").
   SUPPLIER also owns and operates a steel foundry at Calera, Alabama
   capable of producing railroad wheel blanks.

        C.   UNION PACIFIC desires that SUPPLIER supply and provide to
   UNION PACIFIC, on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, all of
   UNION PACIFIC's requirements for railroad freight car wheelsets and
   components comprising wheel blanks, axles, bearings, plates and
   related parts ("Wheelsets"), railroad freight car wheel services
   comprising wheel turning and mounting ("Wheelset Services"), and
   related services including transportation to and from UNION PACIFIC
   locations designated by UNION PACIFIC, certain loading and unloading,
   and inventory control and resupply (the "Related Services").  The
   supplying of the Wheelsets, and providing the Wheelset Services and
   the Related Services, are sometimes referred to collectively in this
   Agreement as the "Wheelset Supply/Services."

        D.   UNION PACIFIC desires to sell to SUPPLIER, on the terms and
   conditions of this Agreement, the UNION PACIFIC inventory (the "UP
   Inventory") of (1) railroad freight car new and reconditioned
   Wheelsets and Wheelset components, and related maintenance, repair and
   operations supplies, materials, tools and equipment (collectively, the
   "UP Consumables"), and (2) wheel cars, and the major nonconsumable
   equipment item types and in the approximate quantities listed on
   EXHIBIT A attached and by reference incorporated into this Agreement
   (collectively, the "UP Equipment"), located at the UP Wheel Shops and
   other UNION PACIFIC locations.

        E.   SUPPLIER is agreeable to providing the Wheelset
   Supply/Services and purchasing the UP Inventory on the terms and
   conditions of this Agreement.


        NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and
   undertakings in this Agreement, the parties agree as follows:

   1.0  DEFINITIONS.  As used in this Agreement, the terms listed below
   have the following meanings:

        1.1  AAR means the Association of American Railroads.

        1.2  ALTERNATE SUPPLIER means a supplier of Wheelsets or Wheelset
   Services other than SUPPLIER.

        1.3  BASE PRICE means the price of the Wheelsets and Wheelset
   Services listed on EXHIBIT B attached and by reference incorporated
   into this Agreement.

        1.4  CONTRACT YEAR means November 9 through November 8 of each

        1.5  EFFECTIVE DATE means November 9, 1999.

        1.6  MINIMUM DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS.  Until March, 2000, ninety-
   eight percent (98%) of the Delivery Requirements (as defined in
   Section 2.6, and as may be extended pursuant to Section 2.6(d)), and
   thereafter ninety-nine percent (99%) of the Delivery Requirements, as
   determined for each UNION PACIFIC location on a calendar month basis
   throughout the entire UNION PACIFIC system, except that the Minimum
   Delivery Requirement for each Program Shop (as defined in Section 1.7)
   is one hundred percent (100%).

        1.7  PROGRAM SHOP means a UNION PACIFIC shop or UNION PACIFIC-
   affiliated shop (currently at DeSoto, Missouri; Palestine, Texas; and
   the Union Pacific Fruit Express facility at Pocatello, Idaho) at which
   Wheelsets are consumed as a part of planned freight car program
   rebuild work.

        1.8  Wheelset Gardens means the locations designated by UNION
   PACIFIC from time to time for the on-site storage of Wheelset inventory.
   The current Wheelset Garden locations are set forth on EXHIBIT C attached
   and by reference made a part of this Agreement.


   (a)  During the Term (as defined in Section 7.1), UNION PACIFIC will
   purchase from SUPPLIER one hundred percent (100%) of UNION PACIFIC's
   requirements for Wheelset Supply/Services, except as otherwise
   provided in this Agreement.  UNION PACIFIC's requirements for Wheelset


   Supply/Services will be determined at UNION PACIFIC's sole and
   absolute discretion.  UNION PACIFIC has no obligation to purchase any
   minimum amount of Wheelset Supply/Services.

             (b)  SUPPLIER acknowledges that the award of this contract
   by UNION PACIFIC has and will result in UNION PACIFIC (or its
   affiliates) incurring costs to shut down operations at the UP Wheel
   Shops, that such closure costs will be incurred regardless of if and
   when operations are ever resumed at any of the UP Wheel Shops, and
   that such closure costs are estimated to exceed the amount (the
   "Closure Amount") shown on SCHEDULE 2.1(b) attached and by reference
   made a part of this Agreement.  In order to mitigate the closure costs
   and other risks and liabilities assumed by UNION PACIFIC in closing
   the UP Wheel Shops, and in consideration for UNION PACIFIC granting to
   SUPPLIER the right to supply UNION PACIFIC's Wheelset Supply/Services
   for the life of and under the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
   SUPPLIER agrees to pay the Closure Amount to UNION  PACIFIC on the
   Effective Date.  Such payment will be wire transferred (in immediately
   available United States funds) to UNION PACIFIC as directed by UNION
   PACIFIC, and will not be adjusted regardless of the actual amount of
   closure costs incurred by UNION PACIFIC.

   Term, SUPPLIER will supply all of UNION PACIFIC's requirements for
   Wheelset Supply/Services, except as otherwise provided in this
   Agreement.   SUPPLIER, at its sole cost and expense, will furnish all
   labor, services, transportation, materials, tools, equipment and other
   things necessary to accomplish the Wheelset Supply/Services that
   SUPPLIER is required to furnish under this Agreement.  New and
   reconditioned/repaired/reassembled Wheelsets will be delivered by
   SUPPLIER to each Wheelset Garden in the quantities necessary to
   maintain on a consignment basis the Wheelset inventory level for each
   UNION PACIFIC location and to satisfy the program requirements for
   each Program Shop.  The current Wheelset inventory levels ("Base
   Inventory Levels") for UNION PACIFIC locations are listed on EXHIBIT D
   attached and by reference made a part of this Agreement.  The Base
   Inventory Levels initially will be maintained by SUPPLIER.  Based on
   actual delivery performance and consumption levels, the required
   inventory levels will be equitably adjusted on a quarterly basis by
   UNION PACIFIC and SUPPLIER beginning with the fourth (4th) month of
   the Term.  The current consumption levels ("Base Consumption Levels")
   for UNION PACIFIC locations are listed on EXHIBIT E attached and by
   reference made a part of this Agreement.  The Program Shop
   requirements for 1999 are listed on EXHIBIT F attached and by
   reference made a part of this Agreement.

             (b)  SUPPLIER represents and warrants to UNION PACIFIC that
   SUPPLIER has entered into a binding agreement with GRS (the "GRS
   Arrangement") under which GRS will provide through SUPPLIER to UNION
   PACIFIC all of the Wheelset Supply/Services from GRS's Pine Bluff,
   Portland and Tacoma Wheel Shops required to be provided under this
   Agreement by SUPPLIER to UNION PACIFIC, under terms and conditions


   which are consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
   and that provide that all guarantees, warranties, and other
   obligations of GRS under the GRS Arrangement will run directly to
   UNION PACIFIC, that UNION PACIFIC will be named as an additional
   insured in all insurance policies required to be procured and
   maintained by GRS, and that upon termination or forfeiture of this
   Agreement, GRS will continue to perform under the GRS Arrangement in
   the event UNION PACIFIC requests that such performance be continued
   and takes an assignment of the GRS Arrangement from SUPPLIER.
   SUPPLIER agrees to maintain the GRS Arrangement in full force and
   effect during the life of this Agreement, it being understood and
   agreed that SUPPLIER's failure to do so will constitute a material
   default under this Agreement.  SUPPLIER is fully responsible to UNION
   PACIFIC for the acts and omissions of GRS and any persons directly or
   indirectly employed by GRS, and such acts and omissions will be
   considered the acts and omissions of SUPPLIER.

   SUPPLIER must continue to operate at each of the SUPPLIER Wheel Shop
   location (either directly, or with respect to the SUPPLIER Wheel Shops
   at Pine Bluff, Portland and Tacoma, through GRS), and to furnish
   Wheelsets from each SUPPLIER Wheel Shop "source" to the applicable
   UNION PACIFIC location "destination" in accordance with the
   source/destination pairs listed on EXHIBIT D, unless the closure of an
   existing SUPPLIER Wheel Shop location or the addition of a new
   location is approved in advance by UNION PACIFIC (which approval will
   not be withheld unreasonably).  There will be no increases in prices
   due to the closure or addition of a SUPPLIER Wheel Shop.  If SUPPLIER
   is unable to meet the Delivery Requirements (as defined in Section
   2.6) for, and/or to maintain the required inventory level of, a
   particular UNION PACIFIC location "destination" from the applicable
   SUPPLIER Wheel Shop "source," SUPPLIER will bear all costs and
   expenses of using production from other SUPPLIER Wheel Shop "sources"
   or from third-party sources.  The sole exception (in addition to any
   applicable extensions of the Delivery Requirements under Section
   2.6(d))  is that if consumption at a particular UNION PACIFIC location
   substantially increases and SUPPLIER is unable to maintain the
   required inventory level at such UNION PACIFIC location from the
   applicable SUPPLIER Wheel Shop "source" after having used SUPPLIER's
   best efforts to do so, then UNION PACIFIC will bear any additional
   transportation costs attributable to shipping production from other
   SUPPLIER Wheel Shop sources necessary to meet the increased
   consumption.  SUPPLIER will maintain AAR production certification for
   each SUPPLIER Wheel Shop, and in accordance with the requirements of
   Section 3.4.  No Wheelsets may be supplied by SUPPLIER from wheel
   shops that are not AAR-certified.


             (a)  SUPPLIER will manufacture itself, or will purchase
   Wheelsets or related parts or services from third-party
   suppliers/manufacturers approved in advance by AAR and UNION PACIFIC.


   SUPPLIER further agrees that UNION PACIFIC may require SUPPLIER to
   purchase certain Wheelset components in the quantities and from the
   suppliers/manufacturers designated from time to time by UNION PACIFIC
   (except to the extent SUPPLIER is contractually obligated to other
   suppliers/manufacturers); provided, however, that SUPPLIER is not
   required to purchase from any UNION PACIFIC-designated
   supplier/manufacturer if to do so would cause SUPPLIER to fail to meet
   the Delivery Requirements or the Product Quality Requirements (as
   defined in Section 3.1), as reasonably determined by SUPPLIER; and
   provided further, that the applicable Base Price (as defined in
   Section 4.1) will be equitably adjusted by UNION PACIFIC to reflect
   any differences in the price charged by the UNION PACIFIC designated
   supplier/manufacturer and the SUPPLIER cost.

             (b)  The Wheelsets and related parts supplied by SUPPLIER to
   UNION PACIFIC under this Agreement will be manufactured, and Wheelset
   Services will be provided, in accordance with (i) the then-applicable
   specifications and standards of AAR (including, without limitation,
   the Field and Office Manuals of AAR Interchange Rules, and Sections G
   and H of the AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices, as may
   be revised) and of any governmental agency with jurisdiction
   (collectively, "AAR/Government Specifications"); and (ii) the
   specifications and standards of UNION PACIFIC identified as Union
   Pacific Railroad Freight Car Specifications (as may be reasonably
   changed by UNION PACIFIC from time to time as provided in Section
   2.5(a)), to the extent more restrictive than AAR/Government
   Specifications.  SUPPLIER is responsible for contacting UNION
   PACIFIC's Manager of Purchasing for direction if there is any question
   on whether AAR/ Government Specifications or UNION PACIFIC
   specifications and standards will control.


             (a) SUPPLIER is required to promptly implement any and all
   changes ("AAR/Government Change") in AAR/Government Specifications,
   without the necessity of notice from UNION PACIFIC.  UNION PACIFIC may
   require reasonable changes ("UP Change") in the UNION PACIFIC
   specifications and standards with respect to any Wheelset or component
   or Wheelset Service, by giving notice ("a UP Change Notice") to
   SUPPLIER.  Within fifteen (15) days after a UP Change Notice is given,
   SUPPLIER will notify UNION PACIFIC as to whether SUPPLIER will be able
   to make the UP Change, it being agreed that SUPPLIER will use its best
   efforts to make the UP Change unless the UP Change is commercially
   impracticable.  If SUPPLIER is able to make the UP Change, then the
   SUPPLIER notice will include a detailed estimate of the effect of the
   UP Change, if any, on SUPPLIER's out-of-pocket cost of providing the
   affected Wheelset Supply/Service. If SUPPLIER is unable to make the UP
   Change for any reason other than commercial impracticability, then
   UNION PACIFIC, at its election, may withdraw the UP Change Notice, or
   temporarily or permanently eliminate the affected Wheelset
   Supply/Services item from this Agreement, or terminate this Agreement


   upon not less than sixty (60) days notice to SUPPLIER.  The UP Change
   will be instituted by SUPPLIER as soon as reasonably possible or on
   such later date as UNION PACIFIC specifies in the Change Notice.

             (b)  If the AAR/Government Change or UP Change results in a
   reduction or increase in SUPPLIER's cost, as equitably determined by
   UNION PACIFIC and SUPPLIER, then the applicable Base Price will be
   adjusted by an amount equal to the reduction or increase in cost.  The
   adjustment in Base Price (if any) will be documented by amendment to
   this Agreement, but no such amendment is necessary to make the
   AAR/Government or UP Change or the adjustment in Base Price effective.


             (a)  SUPPLIER will establish and maintain a confidential
   Internet website for (i) receipt of Wheelset inventory information
   (including quantities received from SUPPLIER, quantities consumed by
   UNION PACIFIC and bad orders for return to SUPPLIER) and Excess Demand
   (as defined in subparagraph (b) below) requests from UNION PACIFIC,
   (ii) confirmation by SUPPLIER of inventory information and requests
   from UNION PACIFIC, (iii) consumption summaries by UNION PACIFIC
   location and totals for all locations, on a rolling 18-month minimum
   basis, (iv) then-current inventory levels at each UNION PACIFIC
   location, (v)  inventory levels and production data (including scrap
   and fallout rates) for each SUPPLIER Wheel Shop and the SUPPLIER
   foundry, and (vi) posting by SUPPLIER of weekly, quarterly and annual
   reports of the above data.   UNION PACIFIC and SUPPLIER agree to work
   cooperatively to assure an accurate and efficient inventory control
   and supply system to timely meet all of UNION PACIFIC's supply

             (b)  Based on the consumption and inventory data referred to
   in subparagraph (a) above, the Base Consumption Levels and Base
   Inventory Levels as equitably adjusted by UNION PACIFIC and SUPPLIER
   on a quarterly basis using the actual consumption and inventory data,
   and the annual Wheelset program requirements to be provided by UNION
   PACIFIC to SUPPLIER for each Program Location, SUPPLIER agrees to
   supply Wheelsets on a consignment basis in sufficient time to each
   UNION PACIFIC location to meet the anticipated needs of UNION PACIFIC
   without supply shortfalls as to any UNION PACIFIC location or Wheelset
   size/type, and to achieve zero cars held for wheelsets over the entire
   UNION PACIFIC system as identified in the UNION PACIFIC Transportation
   Control System.  If unanticipated demand by UNION PACIFIC depletes an
   inventory, or if UNION PACIFIC requests additional inventory supply in
   advance to meet unusual demand levels (collectively, "Excess Demand"),
   SUPPLIER will replenish the inventory or provide the additional
   inventory as soon as possible but in all events within forty-eight
   (48) hours after receipt of UNION PACIFIC's request (via the SUPPLIER
   website) except that the time period for 6 1/2" x 12" x 33" Wheelsets is
   seventy-two (72) hours (the "Excess Demand Delivery Requirements").
   All of the requirements for delivery of Wheelset inventory items under


   this Section 2.6(b) sometimes are referred to collectively in this
   Agreement as the "Delivery Requirements."

             (c)  If a freight car is held for Wheelsets (as confirmed by
   the UNION PACIFIC Transportation Control System daily report of cars
   held for materials), and the inventory shortfall is not made up by
   SUPPLIER within twenty-four (24) hours (except that the time period
   for 6 1/2" x 12" x 33" Wheelsets is seventy-two (72) hours) after UNION
   PACIFIC notifies SUPPLIER (via the SUPPLIER website) of the applicable
   shortfall, then SUPPLIER will be assessed a late restocking charge of
   Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per day until the shortfall is made up.
   If any shortfall is due to failure of SUPPLIER to satisfy the Delivery
   Requirement, SUPPLIER will bear all costs associated with delivering
   Wheelset(s) to make up the shortfall (for example, the excess cost of
   truck versus rail shipment).

             (d)  Each applicable Delivery Requirement and the restocking
   time periods under subparagraph (c) above will be extended by the
   period of unavoidable delay caused by the following:

                  (i)  Failure of UNION PACIFIC to meet the transit times
   (excluding UNION PACIFIC holidays) on EXHIBIT G attached and by
   reference made a part of this Agreement;

                  (ii) Failure of UNION PACIFIC to report Wheelset
   consumption to the SUPPLIER website within two (2) days of consumption
   (excluding UNION PACIFIC holidays);

                  (iii)     Failure of UNION PACIFIC to return empty
   wheel cars or bad order Wheelsets to SUPPLIER within the turnaround
   times specified in EXHIBIT G, excluding UNION PACIFIC holidays and
   non-UNION PACIFIC rail line switching;

                  (iv) Failure of UNION PACIFIC to load/unload wheel cars
   and trailers within the time periods specified on EXHIBIT G; or

                  (v)  A force majeure event, as provided in Section 11.

             The Excess Demand Delivery Requirement will be extended for
   a UNION PACIFIC location for an equitable time period as agreed
   between UNION PACIFIC and SUPPLIER if Excess Demand for the UNION
   PACIFIC location remains for two (2) or more consecutive days during a
   calendar month at a level so far in excess of the applicable Base
   Consumption Level (as adjusted as provided in Section 2.6(b)) that it
   would be inequitable (as agreed between SUPPLIER and UNION PACIFIC) to
   require SUPPLIER to meet the Excess Demand Delivery Requirement under
   such circumstances.


             (a)  SUPPLIER will in all events be required to meet the
   Delivery Requirements.  In addition to, and not in limitation of,


   UNION PACIFIC's remedies under this Agreement for default of SUPPLIER
   in failing to meet the Delivery Requirements, the procedures and
   remedies in this Section 2.7 will apply to SUPPLIER's failure to meet
   the Minimum Delivery Requirement.

             (b)  If SUPPLIER fails to meet the Minimum Delivery
   Requirement, UNION PACIFIC may notify SUPPLIER accordingly ("Non-
   Compliance Notice"). If SUPPLIER fails to supply to the applicable
   UNION PACIFIC location the necessary inventory to make up the
   shortfall within five (5) business days after the date of the Non-
   Compliance Notice, then UNION PACIFIC will be entitled to purchase the
   necessary inventory from Alternate Suppliers to make up the shortfall
   and to charge SUPPLIER for the difference in the prices paid to
   Alternate Suppliers and the then-current Base Prices.  If UNION
   PACIFIC issues more than two Non-Compliance Notices in any twelve-
   month period, SUPPLIER will, within ten (10) days (the "Compliance
   Period") after receipt of the second Non-Compliance Notice, provide
   UNION PACIFIC with a compliance plan reasonably acceptable to UNION
   PACIFIC for remedying SUPPLIER's non-compliance with the Minimum
   Delivery Requirement.  If SUPPLIER fails to provide an acceptable
   compliance plan within the Compliance Period, or fails to institute
   the compliance plan, or if, within six (6) months after the end of the
   Compliance Period, UNION PACIFIC issues more than two Non-Compliance
   Notices for delivery deficiencies with the same or similar causes as
   those for any delivery deficiencies which were the subject of a
   previous Non-Compliance Notice, then, in any of such events and at
   UNION PACIFIC's election, UNION PACIFIC may purchase any or all
   Wheelset Supply/Services from Alternate Suppliers and charge SUPPLIER
   for the difference in the prices paid to Alternate Suppliers and the
   then-current Base Prices, and/or conclusively declare SUPPLIER in
   material default under this Agreement.

        2.8  LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION.  All used Wheelsets for scrap
   or repair/reconditioning will be returned to SUPPLIER, and will be
   loaded by UNION PACIFIC at the UNION PACIFIC-designated "pickup" spot
   for used Wheelsets at each UNION PACIFIC location. SUPPLIER is
   responsible for transporting (including coordinating transportation on
   UNION PACIFIC lines) used Wheelsets to the applicable SUPPLIER Wheel
   Shop, and for determining if the used Wheelsets are suitable for
   repair/reconditioning.  SUPPLIER is also responsible for transporting
   new or repaired/reconditioned Wheelsets from the applicable SUPPLIER
   Wheel Shop "source" to the applicable UNION PACIFIC location
   "destination," and placement in the Wheel Garden at each UNION PACIFIC
   location.  Shipment on UNION PACIFIC lines will be on UNION PACIFIC
   terms and conditions applicable to third party, arms-length customers,
   except that the rates charged SUPPLIER will be UNION PACIFIC's then-
   current "internal move" rates.  All loading and unloading will be the
   responsibility of SUPPLIER, except that loading and unloading on UNION
   PACIFIC property will be coordinated by SUPPLIER but performed by
   UNION PACIFIC forces.  UNION PACIFIC agrees to indemnify and hold
   harmless SUPPLIER from and against any and all claims made against


   SUPPLIER for injuries suffered by any UNION PACIFIC employee during
   such loading and unloading on UNION PACIFIC property.

        1.9  INSPECTION.  After receipt of any shipment of
   Wheelsets, UNION PACIFIC has the right (but not the obligation)
   to inspect the shipment.  No inspection by UNION PACIFIC or
   failure of UNION PACIFIC to inspect any particular shipment will
   prevent UNION PACIFIC from exercising its rights and remedies
   under this Agreement or be deemed a waiver of any of UNION
   PACIFIC's rights with respect to the shipment in question or any
   other shipments.  If a shipment contains units with defects
   (including, without limitation, failure to manufacture or provide
   the Wheelsets or Wheelset Services in accordance with the
   specifications and standards referred to in Section 2.4), UNION
   PACIFIC may reject and refuse to take delivery of such Wheelsets
   or Wheelset Services and notify SUPPLIER of the rejection via the
   SUPPLIER website, in which event the provisions of Section 3.2
   will apply.


        3.1  Warranty.

             (a)  SUPPLIER covenants and warrants to UNION PACIFIC that
   the Wheelsets and Wheel Services will be manufactured and/or provided
   in accordance with the specifications and standards referred to in
   Section 2.4.  SUPPLIER additionally warrants to UNION PACIFIC that
   each of the Wheelsets and Wheelset Services supplied and/or provided
   will be free from defects in materials and workmanship, and that upon
   consumption by UNION PACIFIC, SUPPLIER will have conveyed good title
   to the Wheelsets to UNION PACIFIC, free and clear of all liens and
   encumbrances.  The foregoing warranty of SUPPLIER does not apply to
   the condition of the Griffin wheel blanks included in the UP
   Inventory, as such condition exists on the date of sale to SUPPLIER,
   other than patent defects in such Griffin wheel blanks, it being
   understood and agreed that SUPPLIER will be responsible for any such
   patent defects in such Griffin wheel blanks. The requirements in this
   Section 3.1 are hereafter collectively called the "Product Quality
   Requirements."  The covenants and warranties in this Section 3 will
   survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

             (b)  SUPPLIER warrants that any product (or part thereof)
   furnished by SUPPLIER under this Agreement will be free of any claim
   of any third party for infringement of any United States patent or
   copyright.  If UNION PACIFIC notifies SUPPLIER of the receipt of any
   claim that such product infringes a United States patent, SUPPLIER
   will, at its own expense: (i) settle or defend such claim or any suit
   or proceeding arising therefrom and pay all damages and costs awarded
   therein against UP, and (ii) procure for UP the right to continue
   using such product, or modify the product so that it becomes non-


   infringing, or replace the product with an equivalent non-infringing

             (c)  SUPPLIER will not be liable for any of UNION PACIFIC's
   lost revenue, lost profits, or consequential damages arising out of
   SUPPLIER's breach of the above warranty.

        3.2  DISPOSITION OF BAD ORDER WHEELSETS.  In the event of any
   breach of covenant or warranty with respect to any of the Wheelsets or
   Wheelset Services (whether or not discovered during inspection),
   SUPPLIER may, at its option after notification of the bad order by
   UNION PACIFIC via the SUPPLIER website, inspect such Wheelsets at
   UNION PACIFIC's designated facility or have the Wheelsets returned to
   SUPPLIER at SUPPLIER's expense.  Thereafter, SUPPLIER will, at
   SUPPLIER's sole cost, and as designated by UNION PACIFIC, either (a)
   promptly repair the bad order Wheelsets and return the Wheelsets to
   UNION PACIFIC at UNION PACIFIC's designated location; or (b) promptly
   send replacement Wheelsets to UNION PACIFIC at UNION PACIFIC's
   designated location.  For purposes of the Delivery Requirements, bad
   order Wheelsets are deemed not to have been delivered until replaced
   or repaired.

   events be required to meet the Product Quality Requirements.  In
   addition to, and not in limitation of, UNION PACIFIC's remedies under
   this Agreement for default of SUPPLIER in failing to meet the Product
   Quality Requirements, the procedures and remedies in this Section 3.3
   will apply to SUPPLIER's failure to meet the Product Quality
   Requirements.  If SUPPLIER fails to meet a Product Quality
   Requirement, UNION PACIFIC may notify SUPPLIER accordingly ("Non-
   Compliance Notice").  If SUPPLIER fails to eliminate the cause of the
   quality deficiency to the satisfaction of UNION PACIFIC within ten
   (10) days after the date of the Non-Compliance Notice, then UNION
   PACIFIC will be entitled to purchase the affected Wheelset
   Supply/Services from Alternate Suppliers and charge SUPPLIER for the
   difference in prices paid to Alternate Suppliers and the then-current
   Base Prices.  If UNION PACIFIC issues more than two Non-Compliance
   Notices in any twelve-month period, SUPPLIER will, within ten (10)
   days after receipt of the second Non-Compliance Notice, provide UNION
   PACIFIC with a compliance plan reasonably acceptable to UNION PACIFIC
   for remedying SUPPLIER's non-compliance with the Product Quality
   Requirement.  If SUPPLIER fails to timely provide an acceptable
   compliance plan, or fails to institute the compliance plan, or if
   UNION PACIFIC thereafter issues more than two Non-Compliance Notices
   in any six-month period, then, at UNION PACIFIC's election, UNION
   PACIFIC may purchase any or all Wheelset Supply/Services from
   Alternate Suppliers and charge SUPPLIER for the difference in the
   prices paid to Alternate Suppliers and the then-current Base Price,
   and/or conclusively declare SUPPLIER in material default under this



             (a)  SUPPLIER agrees to comply with ISO 9002 or AAR M-1003
   Quality Standards, and to endeavor to improve continuously the
   quality, timeliness and cost effectiveness of the Wheelset
   Supply/Services. Measures of the overall quality of SUPPLIER's
   performance under this Agreement include delivery performance, backlog
   level measurements, supply variability, customer satisfaction, billing
   accuracy, product repair/quality/defect rates, AAR and/or Union
   Pacific audit reports (reports must be favorable and with no more than
   three identified concerns relating to Wheelset Supply/Services), and
   development, testing and certification of new Wheelset products.
   Cost savings will be shared by SUPPLIER with UNION PACIFIC on an
   equitable basis.

        (b)  Not less than one percent (1%) of the gross revenues
   received by SUPPLIER under this Agreement will be invested in research
   and development of railroad freight car wheel blanks consistent with
   UNION PACIFIC's usage of wheel blanks. SUPPLIER agrees to make
   available to UNION PACIFIC, without any fee or charge of any kind, any
   and all information pertaining to inventions, improvements or
   modifications of the Wheelsets and Wheelset Services as may be
   developed by SUPPLIER under this Agreement, provided, however, that
   such inventions, improvements and modifications will remain the sole
   and exclusive property of SUPPLIER.

             (c)  SUPPLIER will provide team members from relevant
   functional areas to serve on a Supplier Improvement Team with UNION
   PACIFIC representatives, meeting on a regular monthly basis to review
   (including review of audit reports) and improve SUPPLIER's quality and
   performance.  The Supplier Improvement Team will also meet as needed
   to address, and assist SUPPLIER in resolving, specific performance
   and/or quality issues.  The actions, inactions, or recommendations of
   the Supplier Improvement Team will not relieve SUPPLIER of its
   responsibility to determine the necessary means and methods to meet
   SUPPLIER's performance and quality obligations under this Agreement.


             4.1  BASE PRICES.  The Base Prices for Wheelset
   Supply/Services are listed on EXHIBIT B.  The Base Prices are
   calculated using the Base Consumption Levels, labor and freight
   charges, and scrap prices for credit to UNION PACIFIC for scrapped
   used Wheelsets and Wheelset components.  The Base Prices will be
   adjusted upward or downward quarterly based only (except as otherwise
   may be specifically provided in this Agreement) on the following
   adjustment events: (a) equitable adjustments to reflect any
   consumption decrease or increase of more than one/half percent (1/2%)
   from the Base Consumption Level for a Wheelset type or component type
   at a UNION PACIFIC location; (b) after the first twenty-four (24)
   months of the Term of this Agreement, all increases or decreases in


   scrap commodity prices as established by the Chicago Board of Trade
   Metal Market except that no adjustment will be made until the scrap
   price as reflected by the Chicago Board of Trade Metal Market varies
   from the EXHIBIT B scrap price by at least ten percent (10%); (c)
   after the first twenty-four (24) months of the Term of this Agreement,
   all decreases in labor costs, and increases in labor costs not to
   exceed in any twelve-month period the lesser of (i) three percent (3%)
   per annum, or (ii) sixty percent (60%) of the average of the per annum
   increases for all SUPPLIER Wheel Shops (for example, if the average of
   the per annum increases for all SUPPLIER Wheel Shops for a twelve-
   month period is 4%, then the labor component of the Base Prices will
   be increased by 2.4%, but if the average of the per annum increases
   for all SUPPLIER Wheel Shops for a twelve-month period is 7%, then the
   labor component of the Base Prices will be increased by 3%); and (d)
   after the first twenty-four (24) months of the Term of this Agreement,
   increases and decreases in the out-of-pocket cost to SUPPLIER for
   obtaining plating services and wheel blanks, bearings and axles,
   provided, however, that no such cost increase will result in an
   increase in Base Prices unless SUPPLIER first (i) has made
   commercially reasonable efforts to obtain the best price possible,
   (ii) has advised UNION PACIFIC of the cost increase in advance of
   SUPPLIER committing contractually to the cost increase with SUPPLIER's
   manufacturer/supplier, and (iii) has worked cooperatively with UNION
   PACIFIC to further negotiate the price with such
   manufacturer/supplier, or if such further negotiations are
   unsuccessful, with other manufacturers/suppliers.  Base Price
   adjustments will be made reasonably and in accordance with this
   Agreement by SUPPLIER (except as otherwise provided in this Agreement)
   by giving UNION PACIFIC written notice within ten (10) days after the
   end of each quarter.  Base Price adjustments will be calculated using
   data for the quarter just ended, and will apply to the then-current
   quarter and each following quarter until readjusted as provided in
   this Section 4.1; provided, however, that  an additional Base Price
   adjustment will be made for the then-current quarter only, in an
   amount necessary to amortize over such quarter the total amount of
   overpayment or shortfall in payment of Base Prices for the quarter
   just ended based on calculating the increase or decrease in Base
   Prices from the date of the adjustment event occurs through the end of
   the quarter just ended.  Each notice of Base Price adjustment given by
   SUPPLIER to UP will include documentation evidencing the bases for the
   adjustment.  If UNION PACIFIC reasonably objects to any Base Price
   increase by giving SUPPLIER written notice of objection within fifteen
   (15) days after receipt of an SUPPLIER price adjustment notice, then
   the increase will not become effective until agreed to in writing by
   UNION PACIFIC or upheld by arbitration under Section 14.0.  Upon such
   written agreement or decision in arbitration, the price increase will
   become effective retroactively to the applicable quarters, and UNION
   PACIFIC will pay any shortfall in payment within thirty (30) days.

        4.2  PAYMENT.  UNION PACIFIC will provide to SUPPLIER on a daily
   basis, via SUPPLIER's website, UNION PACIFIC's system-wide Wheelset
   inventory.  Each Monday, such inventory report will be in the form of


   a UNION PACIFIC Purchase Order,  which will be used only as a means to
   trigger the issuance of SUPPLIER's invoice and will not be considered
   an order for replenishment of inventory.  Based on such Purchase Order
   and the then-current Base Prices, SUPPLIER will calculate the payment
   earned for the reporting period and transmit an itemized invoice to
   UNION PACIFIC.  The invoice must include a valid purchase order
   number, the UNION PACIFIC item number, and the quantities of such
   items covered by the invoice. Payment will be due from UNION PACIFIC
   within ten (10) days after UNION PACIFIC's receipt of accurate invoice
   in proper form.  With respect to Wheelset Supply/Services furnished to
   UNION PACIFIC locations in the State of California, SUPPLIER agrees to
   provide separate invoice categories for labor and materials and
   otherwise to provide documentation to qualify such Wheelset
   Supply/Services to the extent possible as provided pursuant to an
   optional maintenance contract under California Sales Tax Regulation
   Section 1546. The parties agree that this Agreement will control over
   any terms and conditions in Purchase Orders or invoices which are
   contrary to or inconsistent with this Agreement

        4.3  BOOKS AND RECORDS.  (a)  During the Term and for a period of
   three (3) years thereafter, SUPPLIER will keep an accurate record of
   the costs and quantities of all material usage, labor, and all other
   things furnished by SUPPLIER in connection with the performance of
   SUPPLIER's obligations under this Agreement.  For purposes of
   confirming the prices to be paid by UNION PACIFIC, including any price
   adjustment pursuant to Section 4.1, and otherwise performing audits,
   UNION PACIFIC will, at all reasonable times during the Term and for a
   period of three (3) years thereafter, have free and full access to the
   accounts, books and records of SUPPLIER relating to SUPPLIER's
   operations under this Agreement.  SUPPLIER will immediately repay to
   UNION PACIFIC all amounts billed to and paid by UNION PACIFIC under
   this Agreement that are not supported by accurate and valid records of

             (b)  For a period of three (3) years, UNION PACIFIC will
   keep an accurate record of consumption of Wheelsets furnished by
   SUPPLIER under this Agreement and of cars held for Wheelsets.  For
   purposes of confirming UNION PACIFIC's Wheelset consumption and UNION
   PACIFIC's determination of whether SUPPLIER has failed to meet the
   Delivery Requirements, SUPPLIER will, at all reasonable times during
   the Term and for a period of three (3) years thereafter, have full and
   free access to such records.  UNION PACIFIC will immediately pay
   SUPPLIER for any Wheelset consumption disclosed by SUPPLIER's audit
   which was not reported to SUPPLIER by UNION PACIFIC in the inventory
   reports referred to in Section 4.2.

        4.4  CONSUMPTION OF INVENTORY.  Inventory consigned to UNION
   PACIFIC  locations by SUPPLIER will remain the property of SUPPLIER
   until installed by UNION PACIFIC on a railroad freight car.  Title to
   consigned inventory items will automatically pass to UNION PACIFIC
   upon such installation, at which time the inventory item is considered
   "consumed" by UNION PACIFIC and the risk of loss of the inventory item


   passes to UNION PACIFIC.  Until the transfer of title to UNION
   PACIFIC, SUPPLIER has the risk of loss, and hereby releases UNION
   PACIFIC from any and all claims for loss of or damage to consigned
   inventory prior to consumption, except where the loss or damage is
   caused solely and directly by the gross negligence or willful
   misconduct of UNION PACIFIC.  If SUPPLIER desires the installation of
   any improvements (such as fencing) to protect the consigned inventory
   or to prevent commingling with UNION PACIFIC personal property, the
   desired improvement will be subject to UNION PACIFIC's reasonable
   advance approval, will be constructed and maintained at the expense of
   SUPPLIER, and will be removed at the expense of SUPPLIER upon the
   expiration or termination of this Agreement.


   provided in Section 5.3(b), UNION PACIFIC agrees to sell and SUPPLIER
   agrees to purchase one hundred percent (100%) of the UP Inventory on
   hand as of 12:00 A.M., CST, on the Effective Date.   Within fifteen
   (15) days after the Effective Date, SUPPLIER will give UNION PACIFIC
   notice of any variances from the UP Consumables list furnished by
   UNION PACIFIC, as determined by SUPPLIER's audit of such list, and the
   parties will then work cooperatively to establish the final list of UP
   Consumables within fifteen (15) days after UNION PACIFIC's receipt of
   SUPPLIER's notice of variances.    If no notice of variances is timely
   given by SUPPLIER, then the UP Consumables list furnished by UNION
   PACIFIC will be the final list.

   purchase price ("Purchase Price") to be paid by SUPPLIER for the UP
   Inventory is (a) for the UP Equipment, the amount listed on SCHEDULE
   5.2 attached and by reference incorporated into this Agreement, PLUS
   (b) for the UP Consumables, an amount calculated using the average
   UNION PACIFIC Materials Management System price for each item on the
   final list of UP Consumables.  SUPPLIER will be responsible for the
   timely payment of any and all sales and use taxes on the sale of the
   UP Inventory by UNION PACIFIC to SUPPLIER, and, without limitation of
   the foregoing, for providing UNION PACIFIC with a sale for resale
   certificate covering the UP Consumables.

   transfer to SUPPLIER all of UNION PACIFIC's right, title and interest,
   free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, in the UP Equipment as
   of 12:00 A.M., CST, on the Effective Date, and in the UP Consumables
   within fifteen (15) days after the final list of UP Consumables is
   established, provided that SUPPLIER has paid UNION PACIFIC the
   applicable portion of the Purchase Price by wire transfer of
   immediately available United States funds on or before the applicable
   transfer date. The UP Inventory will be transferred to and accepted by
   SUPPLIER by duly executed Bills of Sale in the form of EXHIBIT H
   attached and by reference incorporated into this Agreement.  The sale


   of the UP Inventory is on an "as is, where-is" basis, with no
   representations as to fitness for a particular purpose,
   merchantability or otherwise.  The UP Inventory will be removed by
   SUPPLIER from UNION PACIFIC property within sixty (60) days after the
   delivery of the applicable Bill of Sale, except that usable Wheelsets
   will remain in or be placed in the Wheelset Gardens.  If SUPPLIER does
   not timely remove any UP Inventory that SUPPLIER is required to
   remove, UNION PACIFIC may do so at the expense of SUPPLIER.  Wheelsets
   and Wheelset components included in the UP Consumables which are not
   scrapped by SUPPLIER will be returned to UNION PACIFIC after any
   necessary repair/reconditioning as a part of the Wheelset
   Supply/Services (for which UNION PACIFIC will pay the applicable Base

             (b)  Notwithstanding the foregoing, UNION PACIFIC may elect
   to delay the closing of the sale and purchase of those items of UP
   Equipment located at the North Little Rock UP Wheel Shop for a period
   of up to one (1) year after the Effective Date, or, if SUPPLIER is in
   material default under this Agreement, to delete such items from the
   sale and purchase of the UP Inventory entirely.  If the closing on
   such items is delayed, the Purchase Price attributable to the UP
   Equipment to be paid on the Effective Date will be reduced by the
   amount shown on SCHEDULE 5.3(b) attached and by reference made a part
   of this Agreement, the closing on such items of UP Equipment at the
   North Little Rock Wheel Shop will take place within thirty (30) days
   after notice is given by UNION PACIFIC to SUPPLIER, and the Purchase
   Price to be paid for such items at the delayed closing will be
   calculated using the item prices on EXHIBIT A less depreciation as
   determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting

        5.4  REPURCHASE OPTION.  If this Agreement is terminated for
   cause, UNION PACIFIC will have the option to repurchase all or any
   portion of the UP Inventory (except for any items which have been
   scrapped or consumed). Union Pacific's repurchase option will include
   the right to acquire Wheelsets in quantities no less than the
   quantities required by the Base Inventory Level (as adjusted pursuant
   to Section 2.6(b)). The repurchase will be on the same terms and
   conditions as the sale of the UP Inventory to SUPPLIER under this
   Agreement, except that SUPPLIER will be responsible at SUPPLIER's
   expense for transporting Wheelsets located at SUPPLIER Wheel Shops to
   UNION PACIFIC locations designated by UNION PACIFIC.


        Both parties will treat as secret, confidential and proprietary
   to the other party, the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and,
   as to SUPPLIER, all information provided by UNION PACIFIC to SUPPLIER
   relating to this Agreement or the Wheelset Supply/Services, including,
   without limitation, the UNION PACIFIC specifications and standards
   referred to in Section 2.4, and, as to UNION PACIFIC, all information


   provided by SUPPLIER to UNION PACIFIC relating to this Agreement or
   the Wheelset Supply/Services (collectively, the "Confidential
   Information").  Neither party will publish, disclose or authorize any
   person or entity to publish or disclose to any other person, firm or
   entity any of the Confidential Information during the Term or
   thereafter, without the prior written consent of the other party,
   except to the extent that such information is in the public domain
   either at the time of its disclosure or thereafter comes into the
   public domain through no act of the disclosing party, or as required
   by law or court order (and then only after giving the other party such
   reasonable advance notice of disclosure pursuant to legal requirement
   or court order as is possible under the circumstances.)  Each party
   will take all necessary precautions to ensure that its employees,
   agents and contractors adhere to this undertaking of confidentiality.
   Neither party will use the Confidential Information other than in
   connection with performing its obligations under this Agreement.  Upon
   termination or expiration of this Agreement, each party will promptly
   return to the other party all of the Confidential Information which is
   in or has been reduced to tangible form, and will not retain any
   copies, extracts or other reproductions in whole or in part of same.
   Each party acknowledges and agrees that, in the event of its breach of
   this undertaking of confidentiality, the other party would be
   irreparably and immediately harmed and could not be made whole by
   monetary damages.  Accordingly, it is agreed that, in addition to any
   other remedy to which the other party may be entitled at law or in
   equity, the other party will be entitled to an injunction or
   injunctions (without the posting of any bond and without proof of
   actual damages) to prevent breaches or threatened breaches of this
   Section 6.0 and/or to compel specific performance of this Section 6.0,
   and that the breaching party will not oppose the granting of such
   relief. The provisions of this Section 6.0 will survive the
   termination or expiration of this Agreement.

   7.0  Term; Termination.

        7.1  TERM.  The term (the "Term") of this Agreement will commence
   on the Effective Date and remain in effect until November 8, 2009,
   unless earlier terminated as provided in this Agreement.  The Term
   will be automatically extended for successive one-year extension terms
   unless either party gives notice to the other party that it does not
   intend to extend this Agreement at least ten (10) months prior to the
   expiration of the initial Term or the then-current extended Term, as

        7.2  MUTUAL CAUSES FOR TERMINATION.  This Agreement may be
   terminated by a party prior to expiration of the Term upon sixty (60)
   days notice of termination to the other party, if any of the events
   listed below occurs and is not cured within sixty (60) days from the
   date of the termination notice:


             (a)  if a party files any petition or action for relief
   under any reorganization, insolvency or moratorium law, or any other
   law or laws for the relief of, or relating to, debtors; or

             (b)  if there is filed against a party an involuntary
   petition under any bankruptcy statute, or a custodian, receiver,
   trustee, assignee for the benefit of creditors or similar official is
   appointed to take possession, custody or control of the property of
   the other party.

        7.3  SPECIFIC CAUSES FOR TERMINATION.  This Agreement may also be
   terminated, by the party indicated, upon the occurrence of any of the
   following events:

             (a)  by UNION PACIFIC, upon sixty (60) days notice of
   termination to SUPPLIER, if SUPPLIER is in material default under in
   Section 2.7 or 3.3; or

             (b)  by UNION PACIFIC, upon sixty (60) days notice of
   termination to SUPPLIER, if (i) SUPPLIER's Tangible Net Worth remains
   at less than Fifty Million Dollars ($50,000,000) for any consecutive
   thirty (30)-day period, and (ii) SUPPLIER's Total Stockholder's Equity
   as reported in SUPPLIER's publicly-issued financial reports is less
   than Fifty Million Dollars ($50,000,000).  "Tangible Net Worth" means
   the net book value (after deducting related depreciation, amortization
   and other valuation reserves) at which the "Tangible Assets" of
   SUPPLIER would be shown on a balance sheet, minus the amount at which
   its liabilities would be shown on such balance sheet as determined in
   accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.  "Tangible
   Assets" means all assets which would, in accordance with generally
   accepted accounting principles, be classified as a tangible asset,
   except deferred assets (other than prepaid insurance and prepaid
   taxes), patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade names, franchises, good
   will and other similar assets; or

             (c)  by UNION PACIFIC, upon ten (10) days notice of
   termination to SUPPLIER, if UNION PACIFIC is enjoined from closing a
   UP Wheel Shop, or if a significant labor action is threatened or
   undertaken against UNION PACIFIC in connection with closing a UP Wheel
   Shop; or

             (d)  by SUPPLIER, upon thirty (30) days notice of
   termination to UNION PACIFIC, if UNION PACIFIC fails to make any
   uncontested portion of a payment when due under Section 4.1 within
   thirty (30) days after receipt by UNION PACIFIC of notice of non-
   payment from SUPPLIER.

        7.4  TERMINATION AFTER ARBITRATION.  If either party materially
   breaches any of its representations or warranties in this Agreement or
   materially defaults in the performance of any of its obligations under
   this Agreement, other than (a) the meeting of financial obligations
   when such obligations are due or, (b) failure to meet Minimum Delivery


   Requirements or the Product Quality Requirements as provided in
   Sections 2.7 and 3.3, the other party may give the breaching party
   notice specifying the claimed particulars of such breach or default.
   If the breaching party does not remedy the breach or default within
   thirty (30) days after such notice is given, or if the breaching party
   fails within such thirty (30) day period to commence to remedy such
   breach or default and to remedy the same within a reasonable time
   thereafter, the non-breaching party may at any time thereafter submit
   the issue to arbitration as provided in Section 14.0.  Upon a
   determination in arbitration of the validity of the non-breaching
   party's allegations and the materiality of the breach, the non-
   breaching party will have the right to terminate this Agreement by
   giving the breaching party thirty (30) days notice of termination.

        7.5  POST-TERMINATION OBLIGATIONS.  (a)  Upon expiration or
   termination of this Agreement howsoever, SUPPLIER will diligently and
   in a timely manner, and otherwise in accordance with the requirements
   of this Agreement, provide all of the Wheelset Supply/Services to
   UNION PACIFIC necessary to fill the inventory requirements of UNION
   PACIFIC as of the date of the expiration or termination, unless
   otherwise directed by UNION PACIFIC.  SUPPLIER, at SUPPLIER's expense,
   will also deliver any bad order Wheelsets or components (whether
   located en route or at an SUPPLIER Wheel Shop) to UNION PACIFIC at the
   destination designated by UNION PACIFIC.

             (b)  SUPPLIER acknowledges the limited number of Alternate
   Suppliers, and the lengthy start-up time required if it becomes
   necessary for UNION PACIFIC to use Alternate Suppliers and/or to
   perform its own wheelset services.  SUPPLIER agrees that
   notwithstanding the expiration or termination of this Agreement
   howsoever, SUPPLIER will continue to provide the Wheelset
   Supply/Services under the terms of this Agreement for a period of up
   to four (4) calendar months as and to the extent requested by UNION
   PACIFIC to fill inventory requirements due to lack of or inadequacy of
   Alternate Suppliers and/or to accommodate the necessary start-up times
   for UNION PACIFIC to open its own wheel shops.  If the Agreement was
   terminated by SUPPLIER due to default of UNION PACIFIC in making
   payments, then SUPPLIER will not be required to provide such post-
   termination Wheelset Supply/Services unless adequate measures (such as
   escrowing funds) are taken to insure timely payment to SUPPLIER.


        8.1  INSURANCE.  Prior to the Effective Date, SUPPLIER will
   obtain and thereafter maintain general public liability insurance and
   policies of insurance against other risks for which insurance is
   customarily obtained in operations similar to those of SUPPLIER, with
   initial annual coverage of not less than Ten Million Dollars
   ($10,000,000) for any one occurrence for personal injury, and/or
   property damage liability. The insurance will provide Broad Form
   Contractual Liability Coverage, severability of interests, name UNION


   PACIFIC and UNION PACIFIC's affiliates as additional insureds, and
   will be on an occurrence basis.  The insurer(s) will be reputable
   insurance companies acceptable to UNION PACIFIC or with a current
   Best's Insurance Guide Rating of B and Class VII or better.  UNION
   PACIFIC has the right to adjust the amount of such insurance coverage
   on the basis of amounts customarily maintained in the industry for
   such operations, but no more frequently than once every two (2) years.
     SUPPLIER will furnish to UNION PACIFIC evidence that such insurance
   is being maintained, in the form of a duplicate copy of the insurance
   policy or a certificate of insurance, with endorsements providing (a)
   evidence by carrier of continuation of coverage at least ten (10) days
   prior to expiration of the policy, and (b) that UNION PACIFIC will be
   given thirty (30) day written notice of any modification or
   cancellation of the policy.

        8.2  Indemnity.

             (a)  In addition to any insurance required by this
   Agreement, SUPPLIER covenants and agrees to release, indemnify, defend
   and save harmless UNION PACIFIC, its affiliates, and its and their
   officers, agents, employees, successors and assigns ("UP Indemnified
   Parties"), from and against any and all claims, losses, damages,
   liabilities, actions, causes of action, costs and expenses (including,
   without limitation, attorneys' and experts' fees and court costs)
   fines and penalties (collectively, "Losses") incurred by any person
   (including, without limitation, any UP Indemnified Party, SUPPLIER, or
   any employee of SUPPLIER), to the extent (based on the proportion of
   causation arising from or relating to the matters described in (i),
   (ii), (iii) and (iv) next following, relative to other causes of the
   Loss) to the Loss arises from or relates to (i) SUPPLIER's use or
   occupancy of UNION PACIFIC's real property, (ii) SUPPLIER's operations
   under this Agreement, (iii) SUPPLIER's breach of this Agreement, or
   (iv) UNION PACIFIC's use of any Wheelsets supplied by SUPPLIER or as
   to which SUPPLIER has provided Wheelset Services.

             (b)  The right to indemnity under this Section 8.2 will
   apply regardless of any negligence or strict liability of any UP
   Indemnified Party, except for the sole  negligence of a UNION PACIFIC
   Indemnified Party, as established by the final judgment of a court of
   competent jurisdiction.  SUPPLIER expressly and specifically assumes
   liability under this Section 8.2 for claims or actions brought by
   SUPPLIER's own employees or the employees of any subcontractor.
   SUPPLIER waives any immunity it may have under workers' compensation
   or industrial insurance acts to indemnify UP under this Section 8.2.
   SUPPLIER acknowledges that this waiver was mutually negotiated by the
   parties.  No court or jury findings in any employee's suit pursuant to
   any workers' compensation act or the Federal Employers' Liability Act
   against a party to this Agreement may be relied upon or used by
   SUPPLIER in any attempt to assert liability against UNION PACIFIC.



             SUPPLIER will comply with all applicable laws, rules,
   regulations, statutes and orders relating to the Wheelset


             Neither party may assign, transfer or sell its rights, or
   delegate its obligations under this Agreement, in whole or in part, to
   any person who is not a successor to the entire business conducted by
   either UNION PACIFIC or SUPPLIER, without the prior written consent of
   the other party.  Subject to these restrictions, the provisions of
   this Agreement are binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the
   parties, their successors in interest or permitted assigns.

   10.0 NO WAIVER.

             Either party's failure to enforce at any time any of the
   provisions of this Agreement will not be construed to be a waiver of
   such provision or of the right of the party thereafter to enforce any
   such provision.  The waiver by either party of any of its rights or
   any events of non-compliance by the other party with the terms of this
   Agreement in a particular instance will not be construed as a waiver
   of the same or different rights or non-compliance in subsequent


        11.1 Neither party will be liable for any failure to perform any
   obligation under this Agreement resulting from acts of God, fire,
   flood, tornado, explosion or other casualty (unless caused by the
   party seeking to be excused from performance), strikes or other labor
   problems, interruptions or shortage of transport facilities, inability
   to obtain raw materials or component parts, war, riot, embargo, year
   2000 noncompliance by third parties, national emergency, legal
   restrictions enacted after the Effective Date, or any other causes
   beyond its control, but due diligence will be used in attempting to
   mitigate the effects of such cause(s) and to eliminate such causes(s).
   Upon elimination of the force majeure cause, the affected party will
   immediately resume performance in accordance with the terms of this
   Agreement. If the effect of the force majeure cause on SUPPLIER's
   performance continues for more than ninety (90) days, UNION PACIFIC
   may terminate this Agreement by giving notice of termination.

        11.2 If the force majeure cause affects only a portion of
   SUPPLIER's capacity to manufacture, provide and ship Wheelsets and
   Wheelset Services, SUPPLIER will perform under the Agreement to the
   extent possible unless otherwise directed in writing by UNION PACIFIC.


   SUPPLIER agrees that if SUPPLIER's performance is affected by a force
   majeure cause, then SUPPLIER it will use its best efforts to assist
   UNION PACIFIC in obtaining a source of supply for any Wheelsets and
   Wheelsets Services required and that UNION PACIFIC may purchase any or
   all Wheelsets and Wheelsets Services from Alternate Suppliers
   notwithstanding the requirements obligation of this Agreement.

        11.3 Promptly upon the occurrence of a force majeure cause  (but
   in no event more than ten (10) business days after the occurrence),
   the affected party will give the other party notice describing the
   force majeure cause, together with a reasonable estimate of the
   duration and affect of the force majeure cause on the affected party's
   performance.  Neither party may be excused from non-performance due to
   a force majeure cause if it fails to timely give such notice.


        The relationship between SUPPLIER and UNION PACIFIC is that of
   vendor and vendee.  SUPPLIER is an independent contractor, and has no
   express or implied right or authority to assume or create any
   obligation on behalf of UNION PACIFIC.  In no event will the employees
   of SUPPLIER be deemed employees of UNION PACIFIC.


        No subcontractor may be retained by SUPPLIER until consented to
   in writing by UNION PACIFIC. SUPPLIER is fully responsible to UNION
   PACIFIC for the acts and omissions of all subcontractors and any
   persons either directly or indirectly employed by subcontractors, just
   as SUPPLIER is fully responsible for the acts and omissions of persons
   employed by SUPPLIER.  If at any time during the Term, UNION PACIFIC
   determines that any subcontractor is incompetent, or creates an
   objectionable condition detrimental to UNION PACIFIC's interests,
   UNION PACIFIC may notify SUPPLIER in writing and SUPPLIER will take
   immediately steps to correct the condition.  Such steps may include
   termination of the subcontract and substitution of another
   subcontractor or performance of the affected work or services by
   SUPPLIER.  All subcontracts and contracts for material entered into by
   SUPPLIER will provide that all guarantees, warranties, and other
   obligations will run directly to UNION PACIFIC, that UNION PACIFIC
   will be named as an additional insured in all insurance policies
   required to be procured and maintained by any subcontractors, and that
   upon termination or forfeiture of this Agreement, subcontractors will
   continue to perform under their subcontracts in the event UNION
   PACIFIC requests that such performance be continued and takes an
   assignment of such subcontract.



        Any and all disputes of whatsoever nature arising out of this
   Agreement which UNION PACIFIC and SUPPLIER cannot resolve within a
   commercially reasonable time period may be referred by either party to
   arbitration under the rules of the American Arbitration Association.
   If the parties cannot agree on a single arbitrator within thirty (30)
   days after written demand for arbitration, the arbitrator will be
   selected pursuant to the rules and regulations of the American
   Arbitration Association governing commercial transactions.  The
   arbitration proceeding will be conducted within ninety (90) days of
   any demand for arbitration.  If reasonable to do so, as determined by
   the arbitrator, it will be conducted on a single day with each party
   being allowed an equal amount of time to present its case.  No
   discovery will be allowed except that each party will submit to the
   other and to the arbitrator, no later than thirty (30) days prior to
   the proceeding, copies of all documents to be presented, the names and
   occupations of all proposed witnesses, and a written summary of the
   substance of their proposed testimony.  The arbitrator will exclude
   any evidence not presented to the other party and the arbitrator as
   required by this Section 14.0 within such time period.  The parties
   will submit such legal briefing or other statements of position as the
   arbitrator may request.  The parties will share equally the costs of
   any such arbitrator(s).  Any arbitration decision or aware will be
   final and not be subject to appeal to any court of law, except in the
   case of a manifest error in the application of law.

   15.0 NOTICES.

        All notices, approvals and demands of any kind (other than those
   to be electronically transmitted as provided in this Agreement) which
   either party may be required or desire to serve upon the other under
   this Agreement must be in writing and will be deemed given only upon
   (i) personal delivery, (ii) the sending of a telecopy or facsimile
   transmission if confirmed within two (2) business days in the manner
   described in (iii) below, or (iii) delivery by a reputable overnight
   air courier service. In each case, notices must be addressed or
   transmitted as set forth below or at such other addresses or facsimile
   number as may be designated by a party by notice to the other party.

       If to SUPPLIER:      ABC-NACO, Rail Service Group
                            Attention: President
                            100 River Point Corporate Center, Suite 220
                            Birmingham AL 35243
                            Facsimile #: (205) 972-1386

       With copies to:      ABC-NACO Inc.
                            Attention: Vice President and General Counsel
                            2001 Butterfield Road, Suite 502
                            Downers Grove, IL 60515
                            Facsimile #: (630) 737-0167


                            Gunderson Rail Services
                            Attention: President
                            One Centerpointe Drive, Suite 200
                            Lake Oswego, OR 97035
                            Facsimile #: (503) 620-4004

                            Attention: General Director - Purchasing
                            1416 Dodge Street, Room 200
                            Omaha, NE 68179-0001
                            Facsimile #:   (402) 271-3350


   paragraph headings in this Agreement are for reference only and are
   not substantive provisions of this Agreement.  The use of a singular
   or plural form includes the other form, and the use of masculine,
   feminine or neuter gender includes the other genders.

        16.2 ENTIRE AGREEMENT; COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement constitutes
   all of the agreements of the parties with respect to the subject
   matter of this Agreement.  Any and all other written or oral
   agreements existing before the Effective Date between the parties
   pertaining in any manner to the subject matter of this Agreement are
   expressly cancelled and superseded by this Agreement.  Any
   modifications or amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and
   signed by both parties.

        16.3 GOVERNING AGREEMENT.  Unless otherwise specifically agreed
   to in writing, all transactions between UNION PACIFIC and SUPPLIER
   relating in any manner to the Wheelsets Supply/Services or this
   Agreement will be governed entirely by the terms and conditions set
   forth in this Agreement.  Without limitation of the previous sentence,
   any additional or different terms or conditions in UNION PACIFIC
   purchase orders or SUPPLIER order acknowledgments or other business
   forms will be deemed objected to by UNION PACIFIC or SUPPLIER, as
   applicable, and will be of no force or effect whatsoever,
   notwithstanding any failure by either party to communicate objections.

        16.4 GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement will be governed by, and
   construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Illinois
   applicable to contracts executed in and performed entirely within the
   State, without regard to conflicts of law principles.

        16.5 TIME OF ESSENCE.  Time is of the essence of this Agreement.

        16.6 SEVERABILITY.  If any of the provisions of this Agreement,
   or the application of any such provisions to either of the parties
   with respect to their obligations under this Agreement, are held by a
   court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful or


   unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain
   in full force and effect, except that if a party consequently is
   deprived of a substantial benefit of its bargain under this Agreement,
   then such party may elect to terminate this Agreement.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as
   of the date first written above.


   By:  Michael J. Cronin             By:  Vaughn W. Makary
        ------------------------          -------------------------------
   Title:  Vice President Supply      Title:  President and Chief
                                                 Operating Officer

   Date:  November 10, 1999           Date:  November 10, 1999
