BGE                                                                       PEPCO
                                                 Potomac Electric Power Company

                                  NEWS RELEASE

                                 MEDIA CONTACT:
                         Jo-Anne Sinnott-(212) 880-5330
                    Maria Gonzalez (Cellular)-(203) 554-7491
                            Ogilvy Adams & Rinehart

                       Arthur J. Slusark - (410) 234-7436
                       Baltimore Gas and Electric Company

                          Tome Welle - (202) 872-2680
                         Potomac Electric Power Company


         Largest Combination Of Two Electric Utility Companies To Date

                  ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND, September 25, 1995 - In a joint statement
today,  Christian H. Poindexter,  Chairman of the Board and CEO of Baltimore Gas
and Electric Company (NYSE: BGE), and Edward F. Mitchell,  Chairman of the Board
and CEO of Potomac  Electric  Power Company  (NYSE:  POM),  announced that their
respective  Boards of Directors have unanimously  approved a strategic  business
combination  of the two  companies.  This merger  will create a regional  energy
company with customers in Maryland and Washington,  D.C. The new company will be
one of the ten largest electric utility

companies in the United  States,  serving a  population  of 4.5 million with 1.8
million electric customers and over 530,000 gas customers.  The transaction will
create a new company with assets  exceeding  $15 billion and annual  revenues of
approximately $5 billion.

                  Mr.  Poindexter,  who will  serve  as CEO of the new  combined
company, stated that "with the challenges facing the energy industry today, this
combination  creates a larger,  stronger  company that allows us to compete in a
way neither of our companies  could do alone. We will be able to provide service
at a lower cost than would otherwise be possible."

                  Mr.  Mitchell,  who will serve as Chairman of the Board of the
new company, added "this merger combines two financially strong, low-cost energy
providers with common values and strategies and highly compatible operations and
management.  In  this  competitive  world  the  low-cost  producers  will be the
winners. We intend to be a winner."

                  The  agreement  calls for  shareholders  of Baltimore  Gas and
Electric Company to receive one share of stock in the new company for each share
of BGE common stock owned.  Holders of Potomac  Electric  Power  Company  common
stock will  receive a 0.997  share of stock in the new company for each share of
PEPCO stock owned. This exchange ratio approximates a 20% premium to the average
PEPCO trading price over the previous week's level. BGE and PEPCO currently have
148 million and 118 million common shares outstanding, respectively.

                                DIVIDEND POLICY

                  The new company will adopt BGE's dividend  policy.  The annual
dividend  at the  expected  1997  closing  date  will be $1.67 per  share.  This
compares to BGE's current $1.56 dividend and PEPCO's  current annual dividend of


                  The new company's  dividend  strategy is consistent with BGE's
current dividend payout ratio goal of approximately 70%. The dividend at closing
will be 7% greater than BGE's current dividend. Both companies' shareholders are
expected to benefit over time from a strategy of dividend growth.

                             NEW COMPANY MANAGEMENT

                  The new company's  management team will combine the talents of
seasoned executives from both companies. Mr. Mitchell, PEPCO's Chairman and CEO,
will  be  Chairman  of the  new  company's  Board  of  Directors  following  the
completion of the merger.  Mr.  Poindexter,  BGE's Chairman and CEO, will be the
CEO of the new  company and will  succeed Mr.  Mitchell as Chairman of the Board
one year after the merger takes place. BGE's President,  Edward A. Crooke,  will
be Vice  Chairman  of the new  company  and  will be  Chairman  of the  Board of
non-regulated  subsidiaries.  Mr.  Crooke will also be  responsible  for the new
company's  strategic  planning  efforts and new  business  initiatives.  John M.
Derrick,  Jr., PEPCO's  President,  will be President and COO of the new company
and will be responsible for the day-to-day  operations of the company's  utility
business.  The new company's Board of Directors will consist of 16 members, with
9 being appointed from BGE's current Board and 7 from PEPCO's current Board.

                             NEW COMPANY STRUCTURE

                  A name  will  be  selected  for the new  company  in the  near
future.  The new company will be structured  as a single  utility  company.  The
non-utility  operations of both companies will be combined,  as appropriate,  as
subsidiaries  of the new company.  This  transaction is expected to qualify as a
pooling of  interests  and as a tax-free  exchange  of shares for the holders of
each company's common stock.


                  BGE  and  PEPCO  have  agreed  that  the new  company  will be
headquartered between Baltimore and Washington in the Annapolis,  Maryland area,
and that the new company  will  continue to maintain a  significant  presence in
both Baltimore and Washington.

                          EXPECTED COMBINATION SAVINGS

                  Savings from the combined  utility  systems are expected to be
substantial,  approximately  $1.3 billion over a ten-year period.  These savings
will be accomplished  through the elimination of duplicate  support services and
field  operations,  economies of  centralized  purchasing  and the  reduction of
corporate  expenses.  Synergies  will be achieved by  combining  the two utility
systems in an integrated,  non-holding company structure and will be enhanced by
the contiguous nature of the two systems.  Opportunities will be created through
enhanced  transmission  interconnections.  The expected elimination of duplicate
positions  will  result  in  reductions  in  the  total  combined  workforce  of
approximately  10%.  Additional savings may be achieved over time from combining
the companies' non-regulated operations as well.

                                EARNINGS IMPACT

                  The  combination  should  result  in  little  or  no  earnings
dilution in the first year of operations. Earnings are expected to be positively
impacted thereafter as synergies are realized.

                               REQUIRED APPROVALS

                  The  Merger   Agreement   is  subject  to  the   approval   by
shareholders of both companies and certain regulatory agencies including:

o        The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission


o        The Public Service Commissions of Maryland and the District of Columbia

o        The Nuclear Regulatory Commission

o        The Securities & Exchange Commission

All required  approvals  are expected to be completed by the early part of 1997.
Shareholder approval will be sought in early 1996.

                        KEYS REASONS FOR THE COMBINATION

                  Mr. Derrick,  PEPCO's President,  stated that "the combination
of the  transmission  and  distribution  systems  provides  more options to meet
future generation needs." In addition, the companies presented the following key
reasons for the combination:  o It creates additional  shareholder value through
increased efficiencies and reduced costs resulting in a financially stronger and
more competitive company.

o        It creates a larger,  stronger company well-positioned to prosper in an
         increasingly competitive environment.

o        It combines two of the lower-cost  energy companies in the Mid-Atlantic
         area having no "stranded" high-cost generating plants.

o        Customers will benefit from reduced costs of the combined company which
         will keep rates low into the future.

o        The new company  will be  well-positioned  to take  advantage of future
         strategic opportunities as competition intensifies.

o        The  combination  of the two  companies'  diversified  operations  will
         provide the financial and management  resources necessary to succeed in
         a changing business environment.

                            DESCRIPTION OF COMPANIES
         BGE  is an  investor-owned  company  that  combines  its  core
utility business with diversified non-utility  operations.  Founded 1816, BGE is
the nation's first gas utility and one of its earliest electric utilities,  with
a tradition of superior, low-cost service and


reliability. With assets of more than $8 billion, BGE serves more than 1 million
business and  residential  electric  customers  and 530,000 gas  customers in an
economically diverse  2,300-square-mile area encompassing Baltimore City and all
or part of 10 Central Maryland Countries.

                  PEPCO is an investor-owned electric utility,  founded in 1896,
serving  the  electricity   needs  of  1.9  million  people  in  the  Washington
Metropolitan  area.  PEPCO's 640-  square-mile  service  territory  includes the
District  of  Columbia  and major  portions of  Montgomery  and Prince  George's
Countries in  Maryland.  PEPCO also sells  electricity  at wholesale to Southern
Maryland Electric  Cooperative,  Inc. PEPCO's service territory is unique,  with
virtually no heavy industry. The Washington Metropolitan area remains one of the
nation's major markets with a well-educated and affluent population.

                                     # # #

Two-Page Fact Sheet follow.
Photographs available through AP Photo Express.


                                BGE-PEPCO Merger
                                   Fact Sheet
           Information As Of December 31, 1994 Unless Otherwise Noted

                                                     BGE            PEPCO               COMBINED
                                                     ---            -----               --------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I. Financial Statement Information:
- -----------------------------------
Total Assets                                     $8.1 Billion    $7.0 Billion      $15.1 Billion
                                                                                 9th Largest Utility
Consolidated Revenues                            $2.8 Billion    $2.0 Billion      $4.8 Billion
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
II.  Common Stock Information:
- ------------------------------
Earnings Per Share                                    $1.93           $1.79
Current Annual Dividend Per Share                     $1.56           $1.66                    $1.67
Current Stock Price as of 9/22/95                     $26 1/8         $21 1/2
Current Dividend Yield as of 9/22/95                    6.0%            7.7%
Current Market-to-Book                                  142%            140%
Common Shares Outstanding                        148 million     118 million
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
III.  Capital Structure Information:
- ------------------------------------
Credit Ratings
- --------------
Sr. Secured Debt                                   A+/A1               A/A1
Unsecured Debt                                      A/A2                A-/A2
Preferred Stock                                   A/"a1"              A-/"a1"
Preference Stock                                  A/"a2"              -
Consolidated Capital Structure
- ------------------------------
Short-Term Debt                                     1.0%                4.4%
Long-Term Debt                                     46.1%               54.2%
Preferred/Preference Stock                          8.9%                5.0%
Common Equity                                      44.0%               36.4%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IV.  Service Territory & Customer Information:
- ----------------------------------------------
Service Territory
- -----------------
- -Electric                                2,300 sq. miles              640 sq.        2,940 sq. miles
- -Gas                                       627 sq. miles                  --           627 sq. miles
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------
- -Electric                                      2,625,000           1,900,000               4,525,000

- -Gas                                           1,980,000                  --               1,980,000

- -Electric                                      1,084,515             672,141               1,756,656
- -Gas                                             537,397                  --                 537,397
Total Electric Sales-MWH                      27,454,000          25,546,210              53,000,210

Electric Sales by Customer
- -Residential                                         39%                 26%                     33%
- -Commercial                                          45%                 46%                     45%
- -Industrial                                          16%                 --                       8%
- -Government                                            -                 19%                      9%
- -Wholesale                                             -                  9%                      5%
- ---------
- -Utility                                           7,296               4,524
- -Non-Utility                                         655                 37
                                                     ---                 --
Total                                              7,951               4,561
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
V.  Operating Statistics:
- -------------------------
Total Generating Capability                        6,741               6,723                  13,464
Generating Capability by Fuel Type
- ----------------------------------
Nuclear                                              25%                  0%                     12%
Coal                                                 39%                 45%                     42%
Oil, Gas & Hydro                                     26%                 46%                     36%
Interchange & Purchases                              10%                  9%                     10%
% Generation by Fuel Type
- -------------------------
Nuclear                                              39%                  0%                     22%
Coal                                                 56%                 69%                     62%
Oil, Gas & Hydro                                      6%                 18%                     11%
Interchange & Purchases                              -1%                 13%                      5%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------