BY AND AMONG

                            THE TJX COMPANIES, INC.,

                                CHADWICK'S, INC.,


                                  BRYLANE, L.P.


                             AS OF OCTOBER 18, 1996




                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.  PURCHASE AND SALE OF ASSETS AND ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITIES.....................................................1
         1.1.     Transfer of Assets..............................................................................1
         1.2.     Assumption of Liabilities.......................................................................2
         1.3.     The Closing.....................................................................................2
         1.4.     Estimated Purchase Price; Purchase Price........................................................3
         1.5.     Purchase Price Allocations and Tax Adjustment...................................................5

2.  REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF TJX AND SELLER..............................................................7
         2.1.     Organization; Capitalization....................................................................7
         2.2.     Authorization; No Violation.....................................................................8
         2.3.     Financial Statements; Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities.......................................10
         2.4.     Title to Assets................................................................................10
         2.5.     Tax Matters....................................................................................11
         2.6.     Contracts......................................................................................12
         2.7.     Compliance with Laws...........................................................................14
         2.8.     Employee Relations.............................................................................14
         2.9.     Absence of Certain Changes or Events...........................................................14
         2.10.    Trade Names and Other Intangible Property......................................................17
         2.11.    Employee Benefit Plans.........................................................................17
         2.12.    Transactions with Affiliates...................................................................18
         2.13.    Insurance......................................................................................19
         2.14.    Litigation.....................................................................................19
         2.15.    Regulatory Approvals...........................................................................19
         2.16.    Environmental Matters..........................................................................19
         2.17.    Inventory......................................................................................20
         2.18.    Accounts Receivable............................................................................20
         2.19.    Disclosure.....................................................................................20
         2.20.    Investment Intent, Related Matters.............................................................20

3.  REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF BUYER......................................................................21
         3.1.     Organization...................................................................................21
         3.2.     Authorization; No Violation....................................................................21
         3.3.     Regulatory Approvals...........................................................................21
         3.4.     Litigation.....................................................................................22
         3.5.     Financial Statements...........................................................................22
         3.6.     Absence of Certain Changes.....................................................................22
         3.7.     Financing......................................................................................22



         3.8.     Partnership Documents..........................................................................23
         3.9.     Disclosure.....................................................................................23

4.  ACCESS TO INFORMATION, ETC.; PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS............................................................23
         4.1.     Access to Information, Etc.....................................................................23
         4.2.     Public Announcements...........................................................................23

5.  COVENANTS OF THE PARTIES.....................................................................................23
         5.1.     Conduct of Business............................................................................23
         5.2.     Compliance with Laws...........................................................................25
         5.3.     Continuing Obligation to Inform................................................................25
         5.4.      Union Agreement...............................................................................26
         5.5.     Customer Lists.................................................................................27
         5.6.     TJX D&B Guarantee..............................................................................28
         5.7.     Non-Competition................................................................................28
         5.8.     Creation by Seller of the Trade Name Sub.......................................................29
         5.9.     Reimbursement by the Parties...................................................................29
         5.10.    Efforts to Obtain Satisfaction of Conditions...................................................29
         5.11.    Acquisition Proposals..........................................................................29
         5.12.    Certain Employment and Employee Benefit Matters................................................30
         5.13.    Bulk Transfers.................................................................................33
         5.14.    Consents to Assignment.........................................................................33
         5.15.    Sharing of Data................................................................................33
         5.16.    Use of Name....................................................................................34
         5.17.    Certain Matters Pertaining to Taxes............................................................35
         5.18.    Further Assurances.............................................................................36
         5.19.    Title Matters..................................................................................36
         5.20.    Environmental Investigations...................................................................37
         5.21.    Deferred Payment Receivables...................................................................38

6.  CONDITIONS TO OBLIGATIONS OF ALL PARTIES.....................................................................39
         6.1.     Governmental Approvals.........................................................................39
         6.2.     Adverse Proceedings............................................................................39
         6.3.     Transaction Agreements.........................................................................39
         6.4.     Assumed Union Agreement........................................................................40

7.  CONDITIONS TO OBLIGATIONS OF BUYER...........................................................................40
         7.1.     Continued Truth of Representations and Warranties of TJX and Seller;
                  Compliance with Covenants and Obligations......................................................40
         7.2.     Opinions of Counsel............................................................................40
         7.3.     Closing Deliveries.............................................................................40



         7.4.     CDM Agreement..................................................................................41
         7.5.     Material Adverse Change........................................................................41

8.  CONDITIONS TO OBLIGATIONS OF SELLER..........................................................................41
         8.1.     Continued Truth of Representations and Warranties of Buyer; Compliance with
                  Covenants and Obligations......................................................................42
         8.2.     Opinion of Counsel.............................................................................42
         8.3.     Closing Deliveries.............................................................................42
         8.4.     Assumption Documents...........................................................................42
         8.5.     CDM Agreement..................................................................................43
         8.6.     Material Adverse Charge........................................................................43

9.  INDEMNIFICATION..............................................................................................43
         9.1.     Indemnification by TJX and Seller..............................................................43
         9.2.     Indemnification by Buyer.  ....................................................................43
         9.3.     Termination of Indemnification.................................................................44
         9.4.     Claims for Indemnification.....................................................................44
         9.5.     Defense by Indemnifying Party..................................................................45
         9.6.     Exclusive Remedy...............................................................................45

10.  TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT....................................................................................45
         10.1.    Termination by Agreement of the Parties or by Passage of Time..................................45
         10.2.    Termination by Reason of Breach................................................................46

11.  BROKERS.....................................................................................................46
         11.1.    For TJX and Seller.............................................................................46
         11.2.    For Buyer......................................................................................47

12.  DEFINED TERMS...............................................................................................47

13.  NOTICES.....................................................................................................54

14.  SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS......................................................................................55

15.  ENTIRE AGREEMENT; ATTACHMENTS...............................................................................55

16.  EXPENSES....................................................................................................56

17.  GOVERNING LAW...............................................................................................56

18.  WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL........................................................................................56


19.  SECTION HEADINGS............................................................................................56

20.  KNOWLEDGE...................................................................................................56

21.  SEVERABILITY................................................................................................57

22.  NO IMPLIED RIGHTS...........................................................................................57


24.  COUNTERPARTS................................................................................................57


                             EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES

6.3A     Form of Services Agreement
6.3B     Forms of Trademark Agreements
6.3C     Form of New York City Buying Office Letter
6.3D     Form of Inventory Purchase Agreement
12.4     Terms of Buyer Note


1.4A     Procedures for Preparing the Coopers Report
1.4B     Form of Seller Net Assets Statement
1.4C     Form of Purchase Price Calculation
2.2      Conflicts
2.3      Liabilities
2.4      Real Property; Title to Assets
2.5      Tax Matters
2.6      Contractual Obligations
2.7      Compliance with Laws
2.8      Employee Relations
2.9      Certain Changes or Events
2.10     Trade Names and Other Intangible Property
2.11     Employee Benefit Plans
2.12     Transactions with Affiliates
2.13     Insurance Policies
2.14     Notices, Claims and Litigation
2.16     Environmental Matters
2.17     Inventory
3.5      Buyer's Financial Statements
5.1      Conduct of Business
5.4      Union Agreement Amendment
5.7      Schedule of Recent Leases
5.12     Severance Plan
12.10    Other Excluded Assets
12.11    Other Excluded Liabilities


                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

         Agreement made as of the 18th day of October, 1996 by and among THE TJX
COMPANIES,   INC.,  a  Delaware   corporation  ("TJX"),   CHADWICK'S,   INC.,  a
Massachusetts  corporation and a wholly-owned Subsidiary of TJX ("Chadwick's" or
the "Seller"), and Brylane, L.P., a limited partnership organized under the laws
of the  state  of  Delaware  ("Buyer").  Terms  defined  herein  are used in the
attached Schedules and Exhibits as so defined unless otherwise defined therein.

         WHEREAS, Chadwick's operates the catalog division of TJX doing business
under the name "Chadwick's of Boston";

         WHEREAS,  CDM Corp., a Nevada  corporation ("CDM" and collectively with
Chadwick's  and the Trade Name Sub  referred  to below,  the  "Division"),  is a
wholly-owned  subsidiary  of Seller  and holds  rights  to  certain  trademarks,
tradenames and other intellectual property;

         WHEREAS,  prior to the Closing,  TJX shall establish a new wholly-owned
subsidiary  incorporated  in the State of  Delaware  (the  "Trade Name Sub") and
shall  transfer and license  certain  trademarks  to the Trade Name Sub, and the
shares of the Trade Name Sub shall be included in the Purchased Assets; and

         WHEREAS,  Buyer  desires to  purchase  or receive  an  assignment  from
Seller,  and Seller  desires  to sell or assign to Buyer,  the  business  of the
Division as presently conducted (the "Business"), except for the Excluded Assets
and the assets and liabilities of CDM which are being  separately  purchased and
assumed by Buyer pursuant to an Asset Purchase  Agreement  dated the date hereof
between  CDM and Buyer  (the "CDM  Agreement")  and  except as  provided  in any
Transaction  Agreement,  through the  purchase or  assignment  of the  Purchased
Assets (as  hereinafter  defined) and the assumption of the Assumed  Liabilities
(as hereinafter defined) under the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter set
forth and other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows:


         1.1.  Transfer  of Assets.  Except as  otherwise  set forth  herein and
subject to the terms and conditions of this  Agreement,  and on the basis of the
representations,  warranties  and  covenants  set forth  herein,  as of Closing,
Seller will sell, convey, transfer, assign, and deliver to Buyer, and Buyer will
purchase from Seller, the Purchased Assets.


         1.2.  Assumption of  Liabilities.  Subject to the  conditions set forth
herein, as of the Closing,  Buyer will assume and agree thereafter to pay, fully
satisfy when due and fully perform when  required,  all of the  liabilities  and
obligations  of  Seller,  TJX and  TJX  affiliates  (other  than  CDM),  whether
occurring  prior to, at or  following  the  Closing,  and,  whether  primary  or
secondary, direct or indirect, absolute or contingent,  primarily arising out of
or  primarily  relating to the  Business  or the  Purchased  Assets,  except the
Excluded  Liabilities  (such liabilities and obligations being assumed hereunder
being referred to herein as the "Assumed Liabilities").

         Buyer's  obligations  under this  Agreement  and the other  Transaction
Agreements will not be subject to offset or reduction by reason of any actual or
alleged  breach of any  representation,  warranty or covenant  contained in this
Agreement or any other  Transaction  Agreement or any right or alleged  right to
indemnification   hereunder  or  thereunder.   Seller's  obligation  under  this
Agreement and the other Transaction Agreements shall not be subject to offset or
reduction  by reason of any  actual or  alleged  breach of any  representations,
warranty  or  covenant  contained  in this  Agreement  or any other  Transaction
Agreement  or any  right  or  alleged  right  to  indemnification  hereunder  or

         1.3. The Closing.  Unless this Agreement shall have been terminated and
the  transactions  herein  contemplated  shall have been  abandoned  pursuant to
Section  10, and subject to the  satisfaction  or waiver of the  conditions  set
forth in  Sections  6, 7 and 8, the  closing  of the  transactions  contemplated
herein  and under the  Transaction  Agreements  shall  take  place at 10:00 a.m.
Boston time on the first Monday  following the  satisfaction or waiver of all of
the conditions  required to be satisfied at or prior to the Closing (except that
if such  conditions  are  satisfied  or waived  prior to December 2, 1996,  such
conditions  shall not for this purpose be deemed to be satisfied or waived until
the  earlier of  December  2, 1996 and the  execution  of  definitive  financing
documents  pursuant to the Financing  Commitments  (as defined in Section 3.7)),
which Monday is at least three business days after such  satisfaction or waiver,
at the offices of Ropes & Gray, One International Place, Boston,  Massachusetts,
unless  another  date,  time or place is agreed  to in  writing  by the  parties
hereto,  but in no event later than  December 23, 1996,  provided that such date
may be  deferred  to a date no later  than  January  27,  1997 that is the first
Monday that is at least three  business days after the expiration or termination
of any waiting  periods under the HSR Act, if applicable,  and provided  further
that if TJX or Seller shall deliver  supplemental  information to Buyer pursuant
to  Section  5.3,  then  such  closing  date  shall be the later of (a) the date
determined  pursuant to the  foregoing  provisions  of this sentence and (b) the
first  Monday  that  is at  least  five  days  after  the  date  on  which  such
supplemental  information was delivered to Buyer (such date being referred to as
the  "Delivery  Date").  At such  closing,  Seller shall  deliver to Buyer those
documents  specified  in  Sections  7.3 and 7.4 hereof,  against  payment of the
Estimated  Cash  Purchase  Price (as  defined in Section  1.4) to Seller by wire
transfer  in  immediately  available  funds and  delivery  of the Buyer Notes to
Seller. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon the Delivery Date, the closing shall
be deemed to occur at midnight on the  Saturday  preceding  the  Delivery  Date,
which time is herein  referred to as the "Closing"  for all purposes,  including


allocation or assumption of assets,  benefits and  liabilities  to be purchased,
transferred  or assumed  hereunder  and the status of  employees as employees of
Seller or Buyer  hereunder;  provided,  however,  that solely for the purpose of
determining  whether the  conditions  set forth in Sections 6, 7 and 8 have been
fulfilled, the Closing shall be deemed to be the Monday referred to above.

         1.4. Estimated Purchase Price;  Purchase Price. At the closing referred
to above,  (i) Buyer shall pay to Seller  $192,100,000  plus interest thereon at
the Base Rate from the  Closing to the date of payment of the  foregoing  amount
(the "Estimated Cash Purchase  Price") and (ii) Buyer shall issue and deliver to
Seller the Buyer Notes.  The Estimated  Cash  Purchase  Price (but not the Buyer
Notes)  shall be subject to  post-closing  adjustment  as  provided  below.  The
Estimated Cash Purchase Price as so adjusted is herein  referred to as the "Cash
Purchase Price."

                  (a) As promptly  as possible  following  the  Closing,  Seller
         shall cause to be prepared an unaudited  consolidated  balance sheet of
         the  Division  as of the time  immediately  prior to the  Closing  (the
         "Closing   Balance  Sheet")  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted
         accounting principles applied consistently with Seller's past practices
         used in the  preparation  of the  Financial  Statements  (as defined in
         Section 2.3(a)).  Buyer shall provide Seller with access to records and
         transferred  employees of the Division,  and shall otherwise  cooperate
         with Seller,  to  facilitate  the  preparation  of the Closing  Balance

                  As promptly as possible  following  the receipt of the Closing
         Balance  Sheet,  Coopers and Lybrand L.L.P.  ("Coopers")  shall perform
         certain procedures as set forth in Schedule 1.4A in connection with the
         elements, accounts or items of the Closing Balance Sheet that are to be
         included in the Seller Net Assets for the  purposes of issuing a report
         (the "Coopers Report") thereon detailing the results of such procedures
         as applied by Coopers in accordance  with standards  established by the
         American  Institute  of  Certified  Public  Accountants.  Prior  to the
         issuance by Coopers of the Coopers  Report,  representatives  of Seller
         and Buyer shall have the  opportunity  to review  Cooper's work papers.
         Such  preparation  of the Seller Net Assets  Statement  and the Coopers
         Report shall be conducted  under the supervision of the Coopers partner
         in charge of the account of Seller with  consultation and review by the
         Coopers partner in charge of the account of Buyer.

                  As promptly as possible  following  the receipt of the Closing
         Balance  Sheet,  Coopers  shall prepare and deliver a Seller Net Assets
         Statement  in  substantially  the form of  Schedule  1.4B,  prepared in
         accordance with the procedures  specified therein, and a calculation of
         the Cash Purchase  Price in  substantially  the form of Schedule  1.4C.
         Assets and liabilities on the Seller Net Assets Statement will be equal
         to  such  items  in the  Closing  Balance  Sheet  except  as  otherwise
         specified  in  Schedule  1.4B.  The Seller Net  Assets  Statement  will
         exclude Excluded Assets and Excluded Liabilities.


         The "Seller Net Assets"  shall mean the net asset  figure  appearing on
         the Seller Net Assets Statement.

                  Coopers shall furnish the Seller Net Assets  Statement and the
         Coopers Report to Seller and Buyer within 45 days following the Closing
         or as soon thereafter as practicable.  Buyer and Seller shall cooperate
         fully with Coopers in facilitating the issuance of such Coopers Report.

                  (b) If Buyer  disagrees  with the Seller Net Assets  Statement
         furnished in accordance  with Section 1.4(a) or the  calculation of the
         final Cash Purchase  Price,  Buyer shall,  within 30 days after receipt
         thereof,  respectively,   furnish  to  Seller  and  Coopers  a  written
         statement of such  disagreement,  together with an  explanation  of the
         reasons  therefor.  If Buyer does not furnish  such a statement  within
         such  period,  the  amount of the  Seller  Net  Assets set forth on the
         Seller Net Assets  Statement and the amount of the Cash Purchase  Price
         derived  therefrom  shall be  binding  and  conclusive  on all  parties
         hereto.  If Buyer does furnish  such a statement to Seller  within such
         period,  the parties  hereto  shall first use  commercially  reasonable
         efforts to resolve such disagreement  among themselves.  If the parties
         are unable to resolve the dispute within 20 days after delivery of such
         notification,  the dispute  shall be  submitted  promptly to Deloitte &
         Touche,  or if such firm declines to serve,  then to KPMG Peat Marwick,
         LLP  (such  firm  being   herein   referred  to  as  the   "Alternative
         Accountants"),  for  resolution  within 30 days after  submission.  The
         determination  of the  Alternative  Accountants as to the resolution of
         any such  dispute  shall be binding  and  conclusive  upon all  parties

                  (c) If the amount of the Seller Net Assets as set forth on the
         Seller Net Assets  Statement is: (i) less than  $108,982,000,  then the
         Cash Purchase  Price shall be the Estimated  Cash Purchase  Price minus
         the amount by which the  Seller Net Assets are less than  $108,982,000;
         (ii) greater than  $108,982,000,  then the Cash Purchase Price shall be
         the Estimated  Cash Purchase  Price plus the amount by which the Seller
         Net Assets are greater than $108,982,000;  or (iii) $108,982,000,  then
         the Cash Purchase Price shall be the Estimated Cash Purchase Price.

                  (d) If, pursuant to Section 1.4(c), the Cash Purchase Price is
         greater  than or less  than the  Estimated  Cash  Purchase  Price,  the
         difference,  together with interest thereon at the base lending rate as
         announced by The First National Bank of Boston at its  headquarters and
         in effect from time to time (the "Base Rate"),  calculated  daily, from
         the date of the  Closing to the  payment of such  difference,  shall be
         paid by Buyer to Seller  or by  Seller  to  Buyer,  as the case may be,
         within  five days  after the later of (i)  delivery  of the  Seller Net
         Assets Statement,  including the calculation of the Cash Purchase Price
         appended thereto,  or (ii) the earlier of the resolution of any dispute
         by Buyer and Seller following  notification of their  disagreement or a
         determination by the Alternative  Accountants pursuant to paragraph (b)
         above. Any such amount shall be


         paid by cashier's or certified check or by wire transfer of immediately
         available  funds to an  account  designated  by  Seller  or  Buyer,  as

                  (e) The fees and expenses of Coopers in preparing the original
         Closing  Balance  Sheet and the  original  Seller Net Assets  Statement
         shall be shared  equally by Seller and  Buyer,  except  that each party
         will bear all expenses  for any special work  performed at its request.
         The fees and expenses of the Alternative Accountants in connection with
         the  resolution  of disputes  pursuant to paragraph  (b) above shall be
         shared equally by Seller and Buyer.

         1.5.     Purchase Price Allocations and Tax Adjustment.

                  (a)  Allocation.  Buyer  and  Seller  agree  to  allocate  the
         aggregate of the Cash Purchase Price, the principal amount of the Buyer
         Notes and the amount of Assumed  Liabilities among the Purchased Assets
         for all purposes  (including  financial  accounting  and Tax  reporting
         purposes) by allocating the aggregate sum as follows:

                           (i) first, to all tangible assets among the Purchased
                  Assets in  proportion  to,  but not in an amount in excess of,
                  the fair market value of such tangible  assets,  as determined
                  by  the   certified   public   accountants   of  Buyer  (which
                  accountants  shall be  reasonably  acceptable  to  Seller)  in
                  connection  with the preparation of the balance sheet of Buyer
                  immediately after Closing; and

                           (ii) second,  any residual  amount shall be allocated
                  to goodwill of the  Business and any other  intangible  assets
                  among the  Purchased  Assets,  as  determined by the certified
                  public accountants of Buyer.

Buyer's  certified public  accountants shall prepare Form 8594 (or any successor
Form) for federal  Income Tax purposes and any similar Form for state Income Tax
purposes in  accordance  with these  values,  and Buyer and Seller each agree to
file such Form(s) with their respective Income Tax Returns.

                  (b)  Tax  Adjustment.  Seller  shall  provide  Buyer  with  an
         estimated  statement of the tax basis of the Purchased  Assets prepared
         in accordance  with past  practice and  applicable  federal  income tax
         principles simultaneously with the delivery of the Net Asset Statement.
         Within 30 days of receiving  Seller's  statement,  Buyer shall  provide
         Seller a statement  relating to the allocation of the Purchase Price in
         accordance  with  Section  1.5(a)  (the  "Allocated  Purchase  Price").
         Coopers  shall  determine  the amount by which the  Allocated  Purchase
         Price  for the  Purchased  Assets  other  than  goodwill  (or any other
         capital  asset  described  in Section 1221 of the Code or any asset the
         disposition of which


         hereunder is taxable as a capital gain) exceeds  Seller's basis in such
         assets for federal  income tax purposes.  Such excess  multiplied by 35
         percent is herein referred to as the "Net Federal Payment", which shall
         be  "grossed  up" in the manner set forth  below to  determine  the Tax
         Adjustment.  Coopers shall also  calculate the Tax  Adjustment due from
         Buyer to Seller  (with any  dispute  resolved  in the  manner set forth
         below),  and an appropriate  installment of the Tax Adjustment shall be
         paid by Buyer to Seller at least two business  days before  Seller pays
         the  corresponding  portion of the Net Federal  Payment to the Internal
         Revenue  Service  with  respect  to  Seller's  estimated  or final  tax
         liability  for  Seller's   fiscal  year  ending   January,   1997.  All
         calculations  shall be based on the assumption  that Seller elected not
         to use the installment method of reporting income from the transaction.
         The  "Tax  Adjustment"  shall  be the  aggregate  amount  which,  after
         deduction of all net Taxes required to be paid by Seller (determined by
         assuming  that  Seller is not  subject to Federal  income  taxation  on
         capital  gains  realized in its taxable years ending in January of 1997
         and January of 1998) with respect to the receipt  thereof,  is equal to
         the Net Federal  Payment.  If, prior to the filing of Seller's  federal
         Income Tax Return for the year ending January,  1997,  either Seller or
         Buyer  shall  determine  that  corrections  or  other  adjustments  are
         required  in either the Net  Federal  Payment,  the  allocation  of the
         Purchase Price pursuant to Section 1.5(a) or the Tax Adjustment, either
         party may require a  redetermination  of the Tax  Adjustment and if the
         redetermined  Tax  Adjustment  is greater  than the sum of the previous
         payments from Buyer to Seller,  Buyer shall pay to Seller the amount by
         which the Tax Adjustment  exceeds such prior payments or, if the sum of
         the  previous  payments  from  Buyer  to  Seller  is  greater  than the
         redetermined Tax Adjustment, Seller shall refund to Buyer the amount by
         which such prior payments exceed the Tax Adjustment as redetermined. In
         the event that the Internal Revenue Service shall thereafter propose an
         adjustment  in  connection  with the  examination  of Seller's  federal
         Income Tax Return on the ground  that the  allocation  of the  Purchase
         Price in  accordance  with the  provisions  of  Section  1.5(a)(i)  was
         incorrect,  Seller shall notify Buyer of such proposed  adjustment  and
         shall permit Buyer,  through its counsel,  a reasonable  opportunity to
         participate in any administrative  protest of such proposed  adjustment
         and, provided Buyer  acknowledges its responsibility pay the Additional
         Tax  Adjustment,  Seller  agrees to accept the  direction of Buyer with
         respect to any  proposal  to settle the amount at issue.  If the matter
         cannot be settled with the Internal Revenue Service and Buyer wishes to
         pursue  the  matter at  Buyer's  cost,  Seller  shall have the right to
         impose such  conditions as to further  proceedings as are reasonable in
         such  circumstances.  If it should be finally  determined  that the Net
         Federal Payment was  understated,  Buyer shall promptly pay to Seller a
         further Tax Adjustment (the "Additional Tax Adjustment")  sufficient to
         permit  Seller to receive the amount of such  understatement,  together
         with any interest, penalties and additions to tax


         attributable  to  such  understatement  and  if it  should  be  finally
         determined that the Net Federal  Payment was  overstated,  Seller shall
         return an  amount to Buyer  sufficient  to leave  Seller  with only the
         amount of the Net  Federal  Payment  as finally  determined.  If Buyer,
         Seller  and their  accountants  are unable to agree as to the amount of
         the Tax  Adjustment  or any  Additional  Tax  Adjustments  or as to the
         payments due as a consequence  of thereof,  Buyer and Seller shall each
         submit its  calculations  of such amounts to a Big Six Accounting  Firm
         agreed upon by Buyer and Seller for the  determination  by such Firm of
         such amounts,  which  determination shall be final and binding upon the
         parties. The fees and expenses of such Big Six Accounting Firm shall be
         borne by the party whose  calculations were least in agreement with the
         Big Six Accounting Firm, as determined by the Big Six Accounting Firm.


         Each of TJX and Seller hereby,  jointly and  severally,  represents and
warrants to Buyer as set forth below (and each of the parties acknowledges that,
except as specifically stated herein, such representations and warranties do not
cover and are not made in respect of or applicable to CDM or the Excluded Assets
and Excluded  Liabilities,  but all such representations and warranties,  to the
extent applicable, shall apply to the Trade Name Sub upon its establishment):

         2.1.     Organization; Capitalization.

                  (a) TJX is a corporation duly organized,  validly existing and
         in good standing  under the laws of the State of Delaware,  and has all
         requisite corporate power and authority to own its properties, to carry
         on its business as now conducted,  and to consummate  the  transactions
         contemplated hereby.

                  (b) Seller is a corporation  duly organized,  validly existing
         and  in  good  standing   under  the  laws  of  The   Commonwealth   of
         Massachusetts,  and has all requisite  corporate power and authority to
         own, operate and lease its properties,  to carry on its business as now
         conducted,  and to consummate  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.
         Seller is duly qualified to do business as a foreign corporation and in
         good  standing  in each  other  jurisdiction  in which  its  ownership,
         operation  or  lease  of  property  or the  character  of its  business
         requires such qualification,  except for failures to be so qualified or
         in good  standing  that  would not  reasonably  be  expected  to have a
         material adverse effect on the assets,  business operations,  financial
         condition or results of operations of the Division, taken as a whole (a
         "Material Adverse Effect").  Copies of the Certificate of Incorporation
         and By-laws of Seller,  each as amended to date,  have been  previously
         delivered to Buyer,  are complete and correct,  and no amendments  have
         been  made  thereto  or have  been  authorized  since  the date of such
         delivery.   Seller  is  not  in  violation  of  any  provision  of  its
         Certificate of Incorporation or By-laws.


                  (c) Trade Name Sub is a corporation  duly  organized,  validly
         existing and in good standing  under the laws of the State of Delaware,
         and  has  all  requisite  corporate  power  and  authority  to own  its
         properties,  to  carry  on  its  businesses  as now  conducted,  and to
         consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. Trade Name Sub is duly
         qualified to do business as a foreign  corporation and in good standing
         in each other  jurisdiction in which its ownership,  operation or lease
         of  property  or  the   character   of  its  business   requires   such
         qualification,  except  for  failures  to be so  qualified  or in  good
         standing  that  would not  reasonably  be  expected  to have a Material
         Adverse Effect.  Copies of the Certificate of Incorporation and By-laws
         of Trade  Name Sub,  each as  amended  to date,  have  been  previously
         delivered to Buyer,  are complete and correct,  and no amendments  have
         been  made  thereto  or have  been  authorized  since  the date of such
         delivery.  Trade Name Sub is not in violation  of any  provision of its
         Certificate of Incorporation or By-laws.

                  (d) Other than Seller's ownership of CDM and the establishment
         of the Trade Name Sub prior to Closing,  neither Seller nor CDM has any
         subsidiaries  or any material  investment  in any other Person or owns,
         either  directly or  indirectly,  any capital  stock or other equity or
         ownership interest in any corporation, partnership, association, trust,
         joint venture or other entity.

                  (e) The authorized  capital stock of Trade Name Sub will as of
         the Closing date consist of 3000 shares of common stock, $.01 par value
         per share ("Trade Name Sub Common Stock"), of which 1000 shares will be
         issued  and  outstanding.  Seller  will as of the  Closing  date be the
         record and beneficial  holder of all issued and  outstanding  shares of
         Trade Name Sub Common  Stock.  Such shares will as of the Closing  date
         have  been  duly  and  validly  issued,  and  will be  fully  paid  and
         nonassessable.  Seller will as of the Closing  date have valid title to
         such  outstanding  shares  free  and  clear  of any and all  covenants,
         conditions,  restrictions,  voting trust arrangements,  liens, charges,
         encumbrances,  options and adverse  claim or rights  whatsoever.  There
         will as of the  Closing  date be no  outstanding  warrants,  options or
         other rights to purchase or acquire from Trade Name Sub, or  securities
         exchangeable  for or  convertible  into,  any  shares of Trade Name Sub
         Common  Stock or other  equity  securities  of Trade  Name Sub nor will
         there be as of the Closing date in existence  any  agreements  to issue
         such shares or securities in the future.

                  (f)   Immediately   before  the  transfer  to  it  of  certain
         trademarks,  which will be effective  immediately prior to the Closing,
         Trade  Name Sub will  have no  assets  and no  liabilities  other  than
         certain  costs not  exceeding  $10,000  relating to its  formation as a
         corporation, and will never have had any active business operations.

         2.2.     Authorization; No Violation.  Each of TJX and Seller has full
corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and the
other Transaction Agreements to


which it is a party, to carry out its  obligations  hereunder and thereunder and
to consummate the transactions  contemplated on its part hereby and thereby. The
execution and delivery of this Agreement and each other Transaction Agreement to
which it is a party by TJX and Seller, and the consummation by TJX and Seller of
all transactions  contemplated hereby and thereby,  have been duly authorized by
all requisite corporate action on the part of TJX and Seller. This Agreement and
all other Transaction Agreements to which TJX or Seller is a party have been, or
will have been when  entered  into,  duly  executed and  delivered by each,  and
constitute,  or will constitute when entered into, the valid and legally binding
obligations of TJX and Seller, as the case may be,  enforceable  against TJX, or
Seller in  accordance  with  their  respective  terms,  except as limited by (x)
bankruptcy, insolvency or similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally and
(y) equitable principles of general applicability.  The execution,  delivery and
performance by TJX and Seller of this Agreement and the execution,  delivery and
performance by TJX and Seller of each other Transaction  Agreement to which each
is a  party,  and  the  consummation  by TJX  and  Seller  of  the  transactions
contemplated hereby and thereby,  will not, with or without the giving of notice
or the passage of time or both, (a) conflict with, or result in any violation or
breach  of, or give rise to the right to  terminate,  accelerate  or cancel  any
obligation  under,  or require the payment of any fee, or  constitute  a default
under (i) any provision of the Certificate of Incorporation or By-laws of TJX or
Seller, (ii) except as disclosed in Schedule 2.2, and except for such violations
or conflicts  which,  individually or in the aggregate,  would not reasonably be
expected to have a Material Adverse Effect,  any agreement,  contract,  license,
indenture or other  instrument to which TJX or Seller is a party or by which any
of them or any of their assets are bound or (iii) except for such  violations or
conflicts  which,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  would not  reasonably be
expected to have a Material Adverse Effect,  any judgment,  order,  award, writ,
decree, statute, law, ordinance,  rule or regulation applicable to TJX or Seller
or by which any of their assets are bound, or (b) except for such liens, charges
or encumbrances which, individually or in the aggregate, would not reasonably be
expected  to have a Material  Adverse  Effect,  cause the  creation  of any lien
(except as disclosed in Schedule  2.2),  charge or  encumbrance  upon any of the
assets of Seller,  (c) except as  disclosed in Schedule 2.2 require the consent,
waiver,  approval  or  authorization  of or any  filing  by any of them with any
person  or  governmental  authority  (other  than  the  filing  of  a  premerger
notification  report under the HSR Act and, upon consummation of the transaction
contemplated  by this  Agreement,  a  Current  Report  on  Form  8-K  under  the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934),  other than such failures to obtain  consent,
waiver approval or authorization or such failures to file which, individually or
in the aggregate,  would not  reasonably be expected to have a Material  Adverse
Effect,  or (d) except as disclosed in Schedule 2.2, result in a loss or adverse
modification of any license, permit, certificate,  franchise or contract granted
to or  otherwise  held by Seller or CDM which  would  reasonably  be expected to
have, individually or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect; provided that
no representation or warranty is made as to the  transferability  of any permit,
license or similar right.


         2.3.     Financial Statements; Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities.

                  (a) TJX has  furnished to Buyer (i) the  consolidated  audited
         financial  statements  of the  Division  as of and for the  year  ended
         January 27, 1996, including the statements of operations, statements of
         cash flows and balance sheets including the operating results of Seller
         and CDM; and (ii) the unaudited financial statements of the Division as
         of and for the  twenty-six  weeks ended July 27,  1996,  including  the
         statements of  operations,  statements of cash flows and balance sheets
         including  the  operating  results  of Seller  and CDM (the  "Financial
         Statements"). The Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance
         with generally accepted accounting  principles applied and, in the case
         of the unaudited  financial  statements,  consistently with the audited
         financial  statements,  except for changes expressly noted therein, and
         present fairly, in all material  respects,  the consolidated  financial
         position and results of operations and cash flows of the Division as of
         the dates and for the periods covered thereby,  subject, in the case of
         interim  financials,  to the  absence  of  footnotes  and to  customary
         year-end audit adjustments.

                  (b)  Immediately  prior to the Closing,  the Division will not
         have any  liabilities or obligations of a nature  required by generally
         accepted accounting principles to be reflected on a balance sheet or in
         notes thereto,  except in each case (i) for liabilities incurred in the
         ordinary  course of business after July 27, 1996 and not required to be
         reflected  on a balance  sheet,  (ii) as set forth or  reflected in the
         Financial  Statements or the Seller Net Assets  Statement (or described
         in the notes  thereto) or (iii) as disclosed in the Schedule 2.3 hereto
         or as expressly contemplated in this Agreement.

         2.4. Title to Assets.  Seller will as of the Closing have, and upon the
Closing will convey to Buyer, good and valid title to all assets (other than the
Fee  Property,  which is  addressed  below)  reflected  on the Seller Net Assets
Statement,  in each  case  free and  clear  of all  mortgages,  liens,  security
interests  or  encumbrances  of any  nature  whatsoever  except  (i) such as are
disclosed in the notes to the  Financial  Statements  or on Schedule 2.4 hereto,
(ii) liens and other  encumbrances  securing  Debt  reflected  on the Seller Net
Assets  Statement,   (iii)  mechanics',   carriers',   workmen's,   repairmen's,
landlords'  or other like liens  arising or incurred in the  ordinary  course of
business, (iv) liens for Taxes, assessments and other governmental charges which
are not due  and  payable  or  which  may  thereafter  be paid  without  penalty
(provided  adequate  accruals  therefor  are  reflected on the Seller Net Assets
Statement),  (v) liens  and  other  encumbrances  arising  through  Buyer or its
affiliates,  and  (vi)  other  imperfections  of  title  or  encumbrances  which
individually  or in the  aggregate  would not  reasonably  be expected to have a
Material Adverse Effect (the  encumbrances  referred to in the foregoing clauses
(i)-(vi)  being  "Permitted  Liens").  Each such  asset has been  maintained  in
accordance with past practice,  and is usable in the ordinary course of business
in accordance  with past practice,  other than such failures to conform with the
foregoing standard which individually or in the aggregate,  would not reasonably
be expected to have a Material  Adverse Effect.  Such assets,  together with the
services currently provided by TJX and its Affiliates to


the Division  and the assets  conveyed to Buyer  pursuant to the CDM  Agreement,
are,  when utilized by a labor force  substantially  similar to that employed by
Seller on the date hereof and when furnished adequate working capital,  adequate
to conduct the business operations currently conducted by the Division. Schedule
2.4 contains a true and complete list of all real property (together with a list
of all leases,  subleases  and  material  amendments  thereto)  which is used in
connection  with the Business  and/or which Seller or CDM owns in fee (such real
property owned in fee being the "Fee Property"). Except as set forth on Schedule
2.4, neither Seller nor CDM owns, occupies, leases, subleases, operates or holds
any options or interests in any real property (including, solely for purposes of
this sentence, the Excluded Assets).  Seller and CDM have good, valid, leasehold
title to all property  leased by them from third parties and good and marketable
title in fee  simple  to the Fee  Property,  in each  case free and clear of all
liens,  security interests and other  encumbrances,  except for Permitted Liens.
Except as to matters which individually or in the aggregate would not reasonably
be expected to have a Material  Adverse  Effect,  each lease,  sublease or other
agreement (collectively, the "Leases") set forth in Schedule 2.4 (or required to
be set  forth in  Schedule  2.4) is in full  force  and  effect;  all  rents and
additional  rents due to date on each  such  Lease  have  been paid or  properly
accrued for; in each case, the lessee has been in peaceable possession since the
commencement  of the original  term of such Lease and no waiver,  indulgence  or
postponement  of the  lessee's  obligations  thereunder  has been granted by the
lessor;  and except as set forth in  Schedule  2.4 or as set forth in a separate
letter between the parties of even date herewith  referring to this Section 2.4,
there exists no event of default or event,  occurrence,  condition or act which,
with the giving of notice,  the lapse of time or the  happening  of any  further
event or condition,  would become a default under such Lease.  Schedule 2.4 also
lists all material Transferred Leases.

         2.5.     Tax Matters.  Except as set forth in Schedule 2.5:

                  (a) All  Returns  required  to be filed on or before  the date
         hereof  by, or with  respect to Seller or CDM have been duly and timely
         filed (taking into account extensions);  and Seller and CDM have timely
         paid, withheld or made provision for all Taxes shown as due and payable
         on any such Returns.

                  (b) Each of Seller  and CDM is a member of the TJX  Affiliated
         Group, and the TJX Affiliated Group files a consolidated federal Income
         Tax Return.

                  (c) No assessment  or deficiency  for Taxes which has not been
         paid has been made or proposed  against  Seller or CDM,  nor are any of
         the  Returns  now being or, to the best  knowledge  of Seller  and TJX,
         threatened  to be  examined  or  audited,  and no  consents  waiving or
         extending any applicable  statutes of limitations  for the Returns,  or
         any Taxes required to be paid thereunder,  have been filed. Seller, CDM
         or TJX shall  promptly  notify Buyer of any notice of pending action or
         proceeding  involving  Taxes relating to Seller or CDM between the date
         hereof and the date of the Closing. All deficiencies for Taxes


         determined as a result of any past completed audit have been satisfied.
         Seller has  delivered or made  available to Buyer  complete and correct
         copies of all audit reports and statements of deficiencies with respect
         to any Tax assessed against or agreed to by Seller,  CDM or TJX for the
         three most  recent  taxable  periods  for which such audit  reports and
         statements of deficiencies have been received with respect to Seller or

                  (d) Seller and CDM have  collected the Transfer Taxes shown on
         the Returns  provided to Buyer and have  remitted such amounts shown to
         be due to the appropriate governmental authorities.

                  (e) None of the  assets of Seller  or CDM are  subject  to any
         liens in respect of Taxes (other than for current Taxes not yet due and

                  (f) Neither Seller nor CDM has made any payments, is obligated
         to make any payments or is a party to any agreement  that under certain
         circumstances  could  obligate it to make any payments that will not be
         deductible under Section 280G of the Code.

                  (g) Seller has delivered to Buyer (or made  available to Buyer
         as part of the diligence  process)  complete and correct  copies of all
         state,  local and foreign  income or  franchise  Tax  Returns  filed by
         Seller or CDM for the three most  recent  taxable  years for which such
         Tax  Returns  have been filed  immediately  preceding  the date of this
         Agreement.  Other  than  with  respect  to Taxes  shown on Tax  Returns
         described in this clause,  neither Seller nor CDM is subject to any Tax
         imposed on net income in any jurisdiction or by any taxing authority.

         2.6.  Contracts.  Schedule 2.6 contains a true and complete list of all
contracts,  agreements,  deeds, indentures, notes, letters of credit, mortgages,
leases,  licenses,  instruments,  commitments,  sales orders,  purchase  orders,
quotations, bids, undertakings,  arrangements or understandings, written or oral
(each, a "Contract") of the types described below to which or by which Seller or
CDM is a party or  otherwise  bound or to which or by which any of  Seller's  or
CDM's  assets  are  subject  or bound  and in  effect  on the date  hereof,  not
including  any Excluded  Liabilities  (Contracts  of the type  described  below,
collectively, the "Contractual Obligations").

                  (a) All  collective  bargaining  agreements  and  other  labor
         agreements;  all employment or material consulting agreements;  and all
         other plans, agreements or arrangements that constitute compensation or
         benefits to any of the  directors,  officers or  employees of Seller or
         CDM,  except to the extent any of the foregoing  constitute an Employee


                  (b) All  Contracts  under which Seller or CDM is or will after
         the  Closing be  restricted  from  carrying  on any  business  or other
         activities anywhere in the world;

                  (c) All Contracts (including, without limitation,  options) to
         sell or otherwise  dispose of any assets except in the ordinary  course
         of  business  or to  purchase  or  otherwise  acquire  any  property or
         properties  or other  assets  except  pursuant to  purchase  orders for
         inventory and other  arrangements with suppliers in the ordinary course
         of business,  other than Contracts with respect to assets or properties
         having  individual  values  of  less  than  $150,000   individually  or
         $1,000,000  in the  aggregate or  Contracts  involving  liabilities  or
         obligations  of the  Division  of less than  $150,000  individually  or
         $1,000,000 in the aggregate;

                  (d) All Contracts  under which Seller or CDM has any liability
         for Debt or  obligation  for Debt or  constituting  or giving rise to a
         Guarantee by Seller or CDM of any liability or obligation of any Person
         (including,   without   limitation,   partnership   and  joint  venture
         agreements) other than (i) Debts or Guarantees  individually  involving
         liabilities  or  obligations  of the  Division  of less  than  $100,000
         individually or $1,000,000 in the aggregate, (ii) Excluded Liabilities,
         and  (iii)  arrangements  with  suppliers  in the  ordinary  course  of

                  (e) All leases  (except as set forth in Schedule 2.4) or other
         Contracts  under  which any  tangible  personal  property  (other  than
         inventory)  having a cost or  capital  lease  obligation  in  excess of
         $150,000 individually or $1,000,000 in the aggregate is held or used by
         Seller or CDM;

                  (f)  All Contracts to lease or sublease (as lessor) any real

                  (g) All Contracts whereby Seller or CDM has agreed to purchase
         any property (other than inventory)  individually involving liabilities
         of the Division in excess of $150,000 individually or $1,000,000 in the
         aggregate  which  extend  beyond 12 months  and are not  terminable  by
         Seller or CDM without penalty within 12 months; and

                  (h) Each other  Contract  (other  than  Contracts  of the type
         described  in (a) through (g) of this Section 2.6 or listed on Schedule
         2.4) not in the ordinary  course of business that involves  liabilities
         or  obligations of the Division in excess of $200,000  individually  or
         $1,000,000 in the aggregate.

         Seller has heretofore made available to Buyer for inspection a true and
complete copy of each of the Contractual  Obligations referred to in (a) through
(h) above.  To the knowledge of TJX,  each such  Contract is valid,  binding and
enforceable  against each party  thereto,  except where the failure to be valid,
binding or  enforceable  would not  reasonably  be  expected  to have a Material
Adverse  Effect.  Neither Seller nor CDM nor, to the knowledge of TJX, any third
party is in  default  under  or in  breach  or  violation  of,  nor has an event
occurred that (with or


without notice,  lapse of time or both) would  constitute a default by Seller or
CDM or, to the knowledge of TJX, any third party of the Contractual Obligations,
other than  defaults,  breaches or  violations of such  Contractual  Obligations
which are disclosed in Schedule 2.2 or which,  individually or in the aggregate,
would not  reasonably  be expected to have a Material  Adverse  Effect.  Neither
Seller nor CDM has received or given notice of any such breach, default or event
of default.

         2.7.  Compliance  with Laws.  The Division has all requisite  licenses,
permits and certificates (all of which are in full force and effect),  including
health and safety permits,  from federal,  state and local authorities necessary
to conduct its business and own, operate and lease its assets (collectively, the
"Permits"),  except for such failures to so have which,  individually  or in the
aggregate,  would not reasonably be expected to have a Material  Adverse Effect.
To the knowledge of TJX, the Division is not in violation of any law, regulation
or ordinance  (including,  without limitation,  laws,  regulations or ordinances
relating to  building,  zoning,  sanitation  or safety  matters,  but  excluding
Environmental  Law which is governed by Section 2.16)  relating to its assets or
business,  except for such violations  which,  individually or in the aggregate,
would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect. None of such
licenses,  permits  or  certificates  will  be  impaired  as  a  result  of  the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement, except as disclosed in Schedule 2.7
or  except  in  any  case  that  would  not  reasonably  be  expected  to  have,
individually or in the aggregate,  a Material Adverse Effect. Neither Seller nor
CDM has received any notice to the effect that, or otherwise  been advised that,
it is not in  compliance  with, or that it is in violation of, any such federal,
state or local license,  permit or certificate in a manner that would reasonably
be  expected  to have,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  a Material  Adverse

         2.8.     Employee Relations.       Except as set forth on Schedule 2.8:
(i) none of the employees of the Division is represented by any labor union; 
(ii) there is no unfair labor practice charge or complaint or enforceable
decision and order against Seller or CDM pertaining to current or former
employees of the Division pending before the National Labor Relations Board
(the "NLRB"), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Department of
Labor, OSHA, or any other state or local agency, or relating to the Fair Labor
Standards Act; and (iii) there is no pending labor strike or, to the knowledge 
of TJX, labor organizing activity affecting the Division.

         2.9.  Absence  of Certain  Changes  or  Events.  Except as set forth on
Schedule 2.9 or except as contemplated  by this Agreement,  since July 27, 1996,
the business of the Division has been conducted in the usual and ordinary course
consistent with past practice. Except as set forth on Schedule 2.9 and except to
the  extent  that any of the  following  events  relate  to  Excluded  Assets or
Excluded Liabilities, since July 27, 1996 neither Seller nor CDM has:

                  (a) made any capital  expenditures or commitments with respect
         thereto except routine  expenditures  for repairs and  maintenance  and
         except  in  an  aggregate  amount  substantially  consistent  with  the
         Committed Capital Budget Status Report dated as of


         October 15, 1996 (under the column "FYE 1/97  Capital  Plan") which has
         been previously provided to Buyer (the "Capital Budget Plan");

                  (b) incurred or otherwise become liable in respect of any Debt
         or become liable in respect of any  Guarantee,  other than (A) Excluded
         Liabilities,  (B) arrangements with suppliers in the ordinary course of
         business   and  (C)  Debts  or   Guarantees,   individually   involving
         liabilities  or  obligations  of the  Division  of less  than  $100,000
         individually or $500,000 in the aggregate;

                  (c) mortgaged or pledged any of its assets or subjected any o
         its assets to any lien or encumbrance;

                  (d) sold, leased to others or otherwise disposed of any of its
         assets except in the ordinary  course of business and  consistent  with
         past practice;

                  (e)  purchased  any equity  security of any Person (other than
         the Trade Name Sub) or any assets (other than  inventory)  constituting
         all or  substantially  all of a business,  or been party to any merger,
         consolidation  or  other  business  combination  or  entered  into  any
         Contractual   Obligation   relating  to  any  such  purchase,   merger,
         consolidation or business combination;

                  (f) made any  loan,  advance  or  capital  contribution  to or
         investment  in  any  Person  other  than  loans,  advances  or  capital
         contributions  to or investments  in or to Seller,  CDM, the Trade Name
         Sub, TJX or any of its Affiliates, and other than anticipation payments
         for supplies or loans or advances to  employees in the ordinary  course
         of business;

                  (g)  canceled or  compromised  any Debt or claim other than in
         the  ordinary  course  of  business  and  other  than any  intercompany
         advances or claims between Seller and its affiliates;

                  (h) made or agreed to make any material change in its 
         customary methods of accounting or accounting practices;

                  (i) settled or agreed to settle any  material  cause of action
         or suit (in  contract or tort or  otherwise),  arbitration,  process or
         investigation by or before any governmental authority;

                  (j) amended,  canceled or terminated any Contract,  license or
         other instrument  material to either,  except in the ordinary course of
         business  and except for the  termination,  at the time of Closing,  of
         intercompany advance arrangements;


                  (k) made any material  revaluation of the assets of Seller and
         CDM, including without limitation,  any material  write-offs,  material
         increases or decreases in any reserves except in the ordinary course of
         business  and  consistent  with past  practice,  or any write up of the
         value of inventory, property, plant, equipment or any other asset;

                  (l) suffered  any other event or  condition  of any  character
         which would  reasonably  be expected  to have,  individually  or in the
         aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect;

                  (m) failed to pay or discharge when due or in accordance  with
         past practices any material  liabilities  except for liabilities  which
         are being contested in good faith;

                  (n) made any  material  change  to its  catalog  and  prospect
         mailings from the planned advertising and mailings program described in
         the Catalog Plan entitled  "Remaining  1996  Chadwick's  Mailings" (the
         "Catalog Plan") which has been previously  provided to Buyer;  provided
         that for  purposes of this  paragraph  (n),  material  change  shall be
         limited to any one or more of the  following  events:  (A)  canceling a
         planned catalog edition; (B) a material reduction in the circulation of
         any catalog;  (C) a material reduction in the level of prospecting in a
         particular  season  (which for purposes of this  paragraph  (xiv) shall
         consist of Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and holiday); or (D) a material
         change in the number of pages of any catalog edition;

                  (o) maintained its property, plant and equipment other than in
         accordance with past practice;

                  (p) had any material change in its relationships with its
         employees, agents, customers or suppliers;

                  (q) made any changes in the rate of  compensation  payable (or
         paid or agreed or orally promised to pay,  conditionally  or otherwise,
         any extra compensation) to any director,  officer,  manager,  employee,
         consultant or agent of Seller (other than increases or bonuses  granted
         in the ordinary  course of business and consistent with past practices,
         which increases as in the aggregate would not reasonably be expected to
         have a Material Adverse Effect); or

                  (r) made any material addition to or material  modification of
         any Employee Plan other than additions or  modifications  that are also
         applicable to other  divisions or  subsidiaries  of TJX or necessary to
         consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

Since July 27, 1996, none of TJX, Seller or CDM has entered into any Contractual
Obligation (and TJX has not entered into any Contractual  Obligation  obligating
Seller or CDM) to do any of the things  referred  to in clauses  (a) through (g)
and (j) above with respect to Seller or CDM.


         2.10. Trade Names and Other Intangible Property. Schedule 2.10 contains
a true  and  complete  list of all  registered  and,  to the  knowledge  of TJX,
unregistered trademarks, trade names and service marks and applications therefor
owned by or licensed to TJX,  Seller,  the Trade Name Sub or CDM and used in the
Business as presently  conducted by the  Division,  other than certain marks and
names the use of which is not material to the  Division.  Except as disclosed on
Schedule 2.10, to the knowledge of TJX,  Seller,  the Trade Name Sub or CDM owns
or has the right to use all trademarks, trade names and service marks identified
on Schedule 2.10, except for such failures to own or have the right to use as in
the  aggregate  would not  reasonably  be  expected  to have a Material  Adverse
Effect.  Each Contract that involves  liabilities or obligations of the Division
to any third party in excess of $150,000 for the use of trademarks,  trade names
or service marks is listed on Schedule 2.10.

         Except as set forth on Schedule  2.10,  (a) to the knowledge of TJX, no
other  person has made a written  claim that is currently  unresolved  that such
other  person  is the  legal  owner of any of the  trademarks,  trade  names and
service marks listed on Schedule 2.10; (b) TJX,  Seller,  the Trade Name Sub and
CDM,  and each of them,  has the right to  transfer  the right to use all of the
trademarks,  trade names and service  marks  listed on Schedule  2.10 for use by
Buyer in the conduct of the Business as is presently conducted;  and (c) none of
TJX,  the Trade Name Sub or Seller have  granted any license or right to use any
of the trademarks,  trade names and service marks identified in Schedule 2.10 to
any other Person other than as set forth on Schedule 2.10.

         2.11.    Employee Benefit Plans.
                  (a) Plans.  Schedule 2.11 contains a true and complete list of
         all bonus,  stock bonus,  stock option,  stock purchase,  vacation pay,
         holiday  pay,  dependent  care  assistance,  pension,  profit  sharing,
         retirement,  deferred compensation,  excess benefit,  health insurance,
         life  insurance,  disability,  severance pay, salary  continuation  and
         other similar retirement,  welfare or fringe benefit plans,  whether or
         not  reduced  to  writing,  in  which  any  employees  of the  Division
         participate  or under which any such  employees have accrued and remain
         entitled  to  a  benefit  and  which  are   maintained   (or  to  which
         contributions  currently  are made or required to be made) by Seller or
         by any other member  (hereinafter,  "Benefit  Plan  Affiliate")  of any
         controlled group of  corporations,  group of trades or businesses under
         common control,  or affiliated  service group of which Seller is also a
         member, which group would be treated as a single employer under Section
         414(b),  (c) or (m) of the Code (the "Employee  Plans").  Each Employee
         Plan (other than any such plan that is a multiemployer  plan) described
         in Section 3(1) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974,
         as amended  ("ERISA")  is herein  referred to as an  "Employee  Welfare
         Plan"  and each  Employee  Plan  (other  than any such  plan  that is a
         multiemployer  plan)  described  in  Section  3(2) of ERISA  is  herein
         referred to as an Employee Pension Plan. The Employee Welfare Plans and
         Employee Pension Plans are


         herein referred to  collectively as the "ERISA Plans".  With respect to
         Employee Plans other than multiemployer  plans,  Seller has provided or
         made available to Buyer a copy of each such plan (including  amendments
         and related  funding  agreements)  that has been reduced to writing,  a
         description of each such plan (including  amendments) that has not been
         reduced to writing,  the current Summary Plan Description for each such
         plan that is an ERISA Plan, the most recent  Internal  Revenue  Service
         determination  letter  for  each  such  plan  that  is  intended  to be
         qualified under Section 401(a) of the Code, and, where applicable,  the
         most recent Form 5500 filed with respect to each such plan.

                  (b) ERISA Plans.  Each Employee  Pension Plan that is intended
         to be qualified under Section 401(a) of the Code is so qualified.  Each
         ERISA Plan has been administered in all material respects in accordance
         with its terms and applicable law.  Neither Seller nor any Benefit Plan
         Affiliate  has  incurred any  liability  under Title IV of ERISA (other
         than for the  payment  of PBGC  premiums  in the  normal  course)  with
         respect  to any ERISA  Plan,  nor to the  knowledge  of the TJX has any
         event occurred that would give rise to any such liability.

                  (c)  Multiemployer Plans.  Except as set forth on Schedule
         2.11, none of the Employee Plans is a multiemployer plan.

                  (d) Lawsuits,  etc..  Except as set forth on Schedule 2.11 and
         except for  matters  that would not  reasonably  be  expected to have a
         Material  Adverse  Effect,  there are no lawsuits or claims (other than
         claims  for  benefits  in  the  normal  course  and  domestic-relations
         litigation  involving the  assignment  of benefits)  pending or, to the
         knowledge  of TJX,  threatened  with  respect  to  benefits  under  any
         Employee  Plan,  nor is there any pending or, to the  knowledge of TJX,
         threatened  governmental audit or similar investigation relating to any
         Employee Plan."

         2.12.  Transactions  with  Affiliates.  Except as disclosed in Schedule
2.12,  as set forth in any  Transaction  Agreement or as expressly  contemplated
hereunder,  no officer or director of TJX, Seller, the Trade Name Sub or CDM nor
any "Related Party" of TJX is a party to any material transaction with Seller or
CDM, including, without limitation, any contract, agreement or other arrangement
providing  for the  rental  of real or  personal  property  from,  or  otherwise
requiring  payments to, any Related Party,  which will be in effect  immediately
after the Closing.  Except as set forth in Schedule 2.12, no employee of Seller,
the Trade Name Sub,  CDM nor any  Related  Party of TJX is indebted in an amount
greater  than  $50,000 to Seller,  CDM or the Trade Name Sub except for advances
made in the ordinary course of business to meet  reimbursable  business expenses
anticipated to be incurred by such obligor and none of Seller,  CDM or the Trade
Name Sub is indebted to any such employee or Related


Party of TJX other than for compensation  for services  rendered or reimbursable
business expenses as an employer and other than for any claims which are subject
to Section 2.14.

         2.13.  Insurance.  TJX or Seller  maintains and will continue until the
Closing to maintain policies of fire and casualty,  liability and other forms of
insurance  in such  amounts,  with such  deductibles  and against such risks and
losses as are, in TJX's judgment,  reasonable for the business and assets of the
Division.  A true and complete list of such  insurance  policies is set forth on
Schedule  2.13.  All of such policies are  sufficient  for  compliance  with all
requirements  of law and all  contracts,  leases and other  agreements  to which
Seller or any subsidiary is a party except where any such insufficiencies  would
not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Material
Adverse Effect.

         2.14. Litigation.  Except as set forth on Schedule 2.14, neither Seller
nor CDM is a party to any litigation, suit, action,  investigation,  proceeding,
unfair labor practice  complaint or grievance or  controversy  before any court,
administrative  agency or other governmental  authority relating to or affecting
the  assets  of the  Division.  Except  as set forth on  Schedule  2.14,  to the
knowledge of TJX,  neither  Seller nor CDM is threatened  with,  and none of the
assets  of  the  Division  are  subject  to,  any  litigation,   suit,   action,
investigation,  proceeding,  unfair  labor  practice  complaint  or grievance or
controversy  before  any  court,  administrative  agency  or other  governmental
authority  relating  to or  affecting  the  assets of the  Division  that  would
reasonably be expected to have a Material  Adverse  Effect.  To the knowledge of
TJX,  the  Division  is  in  compliance  with  all  judgments,   orders,  writs,
injunctions  or  decrees  of any court,  administrative  agency or  governmental
authority  to which the  Division  or its  assets are  subject,  except for such
failures to be in compliance which, individually or in the aggregate,  would not
reasonably  be expected  to have a Material  Adverse  Effect.  There are no such
actions,  proceedings  or  investigations  pending or, to the  knowledge of TJX,
threatened  against  Seller or CDM,  or, to the  knowledge  of TJX,  pending  or
threatened  against any other party challenging the validity or propriety of the
transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  other  than from the  failure to
obtain  consents which are not a condition to Buyer's closing  hereunder  (which
latter challenges that are known by TJX shall be included in an updated Schedule
2.14  furnished  to  Seller   immediately   prior  to  the  Closing  solely  for
informational purposes).

         2.15.  Regulatory  Approvals.  All  governmental  consents,  approvals,
authorizations and other requirements  prescribed by any law, rule or regulation
that must be obtained or  satisfied by Seller or CDM and are  necessary  for the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  have been, or
will be prior to the Closing,  obtained and satisfied,  except for such failures
to be so obtained or satisfied  which,  individually or in the aggregate,  would
not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

         2.16.    Environmental Matters.  Except as set forth on Schedule 2.16,
to the knowledge of TJX, each of Seller and CDM has operated in compliance in
all respects with, and has no liability under, any applicable federal, state 
and local environmental protection, pollution control, occupational, health and
safety or similar laws, statutes, rules, regulations,


ordinances, restrictions, licenses and permits (collectively, the "Environmental
Law"), except for such noncompliances  which,  individually or in the aggregate,
would not reasonably be expected to have a Material  Adverse  Effect.  Except as
set forth on Schedule  2.16, to the knowledge of TJX, there has not been any and
there is no past or  continuing  release  or threat of  release,  generation  or
discharge of any hazardous or toxic substance,  including  without  limitation a
"hazardous substance" as defined in 42 U.S.C. ss. 9601(14) and asbestos,  PCB's,
oil,  gasoline  and  other   petroleum-based   substances  (each,  a  "Hazardous
Substance"),  into the  environment  at, on or from any  property  currently  or
previously leased,  owned,  occupied or operated by either Seller or CDM, except
for  such  releases,  generations  and  discharges  as,  individually  or in the
aggregate,  would not reasonably be expected to have a Material  Adverse Effect.
To the knowledge of TJX, except as set forth on Schedule 2.16 there have been no
Hazardous  Substances  generated by Seller or CDM that have been  disposed of or
come to rest at any site that has been included in the National Priority List or
analogous state or local site list and none of Seller or CDM has been alleged to
be in violation of, or been subject to any administrative or judicial proceeding
pursuant to any  Environmental  Law.  TJX has  delivered  to Buyer copies of all
environmental  audits or other  studies or  reports  that  assess  environmental
conditions at any property  currently or previously leased,  owned,  occupied or
operated by Seller or CDM.

         2.17. Inventory.  Except as disclosed in the Financial Statements or on
Schedule  1.4B, the value at which the Inventory of Seller and CDM is carried on
(a) the July 27, 1996  consolidated  balance  sheet  included  in the  Financial
Statements  (the "Balance  Sheet") and (b) the Closing Balance Sheet reflects or
will reflect the customary inventory valuation policies of Seller (including the
establishment of reserves) and is in accordance with GAAP consistently  applied.
Since July 27, 1996,  Seller and CDM have continued to replenish their inventory
in the ordinary course of business  consistent with past practice,  and have not
made any material change in their inventory  policies or procedures,  except for
changes regarding the liquidation of merchandise as disclosed in Schedule 2.17.

         2.18. Accounts Receivable.  All accounts receivable (excluding Deferred
Payment  Receivables)  reflected  on the Balance  Sheet are  collectible  at the
aggregate  recorded  amounts  thereof  and all  accounts  receivable  (excluding
Deferred Payment  Receivables)  acquired since the date of the Balance Sheet are
collectible  at the  aggregate  recorded  amounts  thereof,  in all cases net of
reserves therefor.

         2.19.  Disclosure.  The  October  15,  1996 draft  form of  preliminary
prospectus of Chadwick's furnished to Buyer does not contain any misstatement of
material  fact or  omit  to  state  any  material  fact  necessary  to make  the
statements  made  therein,  in light of the context in which they are made,  not

         2.20.    Investment Intent, Related Matters.  Seller is acquiring the
Buyer Notes for Seller's own account and Seller has the present intention of
holding the Buyer Notes for investment purposes and not with a view to, or for
sale or resale in connection with, any


public   distribution   thereof  or  with  any  present  intention  of  selling,
distributing or otherwise disposing of the Buyer Notes. Seller is an "accredited
investor"  as that term is defined in  Regulation  D under the  Securities  Act.
Seller  understands  that the Buyer  Notes  have not been  registered  under the
Securities Act and may be transferred  only pursuant to registration  thereunder
or an exemption therefrom.


         Buyer hereby represents and warrants to TJX and Seller as follows:

         3.1.  Organization.  Buyer is a  limited  partnership  duly  organized,
validly  existing and in good standing  under the laws of the State of Delaware,
and has all requisite  power and authority to own its properties and to carry on
its business as now being  conducted.  A certified  copy of the  Certificate  of
Limited Partnership of Buyer, as amended to date, has been previously  delivered
to Seller and is complete and correct.

         3.2. Authorization; No Violation. Buyer has full power and authority to
execute and deliver this Agreement and the other agreements provided for herein,
to carry out its  obligations  hereunder and  thereunder  and to consummate  the
transactions  contemplated  on its part hereby and thereby.  The  execution  and
delivery of this Agreement and other  Transaction  Agreements by Buyer,  and the
consummation by Buyer of the transactions  contemplated hereby and thereby, have
been duly authorized by all requisite  partnership  action on the part of Buyer.
This Agreement and each other Transaction  Agreement have been or will have been
when entered into duly executed and delivered by Buyer,  and  constitute or will
constitute when entered into the valid and legally binding obligations of Buyer,
enforceable  against Buyer in accordance with their respective terms,  except as
limited by (i)  bankruptcy,  insolvency  or similar  laws  affecting  creditor's
rights  generally and (ii) equitable  principles of general  applicability.  The
execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and each other Transaction
Agreement, and the consummation by Buyer of the transactions contemplated hereby
and  thereby,  will not,  with or without the giving of notice or the passage of
time or both, (a) violate the provisions of any material law, rule or regulation
applicable to Buyer; (b) violate the provisions of Buyer's  Agreement of Limited
Partnership;  (c) violate any material judgment,  decree,  order or award of any
court,  governmental  body or arbitrator;  or (d) conflict with or result in the
breach or  termination  of any term or  provision  of, or  constitute  a default
under,  or cause any  acceleration  under,  or cause the  creation  of any lien,
charge or  encumbrance  upon the  properties or assets of Buyer pursuant to, any
indenture,  mortgage, deed of trust or other material agreement or instrument to
which it or its  properties  is a party or by  which  Buyer is or may be  bound,
except for such violations,  conflicts, defaults or the like which, individually
or in the aggregate, would not reasonably be expected to have a Buyer's Material
Adverse Effect.

         3.3.     Regulatory Approvals.  All material consents, approvals, 
authorizations and other requirements prescribed by any material law, rule or
regulation that must be obtained or


satisfied by Buyer and are necessary for the  consummation  of the  transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement  have  been,  or will be prior to the  Closing,
obtained and satisfied,  except for such failures to so obtain or satisfy which,
individually  or in the  aggregate,  would not  reasonably be expected to have a
material adverse effect, on the assets, business operations, financial condition
or results of operation of Buyer ("Buyer's Material Adverse Effect").

         3.4.  Litigation.  Buyer is not a party to,  nor, to the  knowledge  of
Buyer, has been threatened with, and none of the assets of Buyer are subject to,
any litigation, suit, action,  investigation,  proceeding, unfair labor practice
complaint or grievance or controversy before any court, administrative agency or
other  governmental  authority relating to or affecting the assets of Buyer that
would reasonably be expected to have a Buyer's  Material Adverse Effect.  To the
knowledge of Buyer,  Buyer is in compliance with all judgments,  orders,  writs,
injunctions  or  decrees  of any court,  administrative  agency or  governmental
authority to which Buyer or its assets are subject,  except for such failures to
be in compliance which,  individually or in the aggregate,  would not reasonably
be expected to have a Buyer's Material Adverse Effect. Except for any failure to
obtain any consent which is not a condition to the Closing  hereunder by Seller,
there are no such  actions,  proceedings  or  investigations  pending or, to the
knowledge of Buyer,  threatened  against  Buyer,  or, to the knowledge of Buyer,
pending or  threatened  against  any other  party  challenging  the  validity or
propriety of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

         3.5. Financial Statements.  Attached hereto as Schedule 3.5 are (i) the
audited consolidated  financial statements of Buyer as of and for the year ended
February 3, 1996,  including the  statements of  operations,  statements of cash
flows and balance sheets, and (ii) the unaudited  financial  statements of Buyer
as of and  for  the  twenty-six  weeks  ended  August  3,  1996,  including  the
statements  of  operations,  statements of cash flows and balance  sheets,  (the
"Buyer's Financial Statements"). Buyer's Financial Statements have been prepared
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applied consistently
with  Buyer's  past  practices  and  accounting  policies,  except  for  changes
expressly  noted therein,  and present  fairly,  in all material  respects,  the
consolidated  financial  position  and results of  operations  and cash flows of
Buyer as of the dates and for the periods covered thereby,  subject, in the case
of interim  financials,  to the absence of footnotes  and to customary  year-end

         3.6.  Absence of Certain  Changes.  Since August 3, 1996, Buyer has not
suffered any event or condition of any character which in any one case or in the
aggregate has had a material  adverse  effect,  or any event or condition  which
individually  or in the aggregate has or would  reasonably be expected to have a
Buyer's Material Adverse Effect;  it being understood that Buyer has incurred or
expects to incur Debt in order to finance the transactions  contemplated by this

         3.7.     Financing.  Buyer has received and delivered to Seller firm 
commitment letters from certain financing parties (the "Financing Parties")
dated as of the date hereof (the "Financing Commitments"), with respect to deb
and equity financing in an amount sufficient


to  enable  Buyer to pay the  Estimated  Cash  Purchase  Price.  Such  Financing
Commitments have not been altered or amended and are in full force and effect.

         3.8.     Partnership Documents.  A copy of each of the Agreement of 
Limited Partnership dated as of August 30, 1993 and each of Amendments Nos. 1
through 7 thereto of Buyer have been previously delivered to TJX and Seller,
each such document is complete and correct, and except for such Amendments Nos.
1 through 7 there are no amendments or modifications to Buyer's Agreement of
Limited Partnership.

         3.9.  Disclosure.  The  October  17,  1996  draft  form of  preliminary
prospectus of Buyer  furnished to TJX and Seller does not (without giving effect
to the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement) contain any misstatement of
material  fact or  omit  to  state  any  material  fact  necessary  to make  the
statements  made  therein,  in light of the context in which they are made,  not


         4.1. Access to Information,  Etc. From the date of this Agreement until
the Closing or any earlier  termination of this Agreement,  TJX and Seller shall
afford  the  officers,  attorneys,  accountants,  Financing  Parties  and  other
authorized  representatives  and  professionals  of Buyer access upon reasonable
notice and during normal  business hours to all management  personnel,  offices,
properties,  books and records  (including  information with respect to customer
lists, but not the identities of individual  customers on such lists) of TJX and
Seller  relating to the  business of the  Division,  so that Buyer may have full
opportunity  to  make  such  investigation  as  it  reasonably  desires  of  the
management,  business,  properties and affairs of the Division,  and Buyer shall
(at its  expense) be permitted to make  abstracts  from,  or copies of, all such
books and records.  TJX and Seller  shall  furnish to Buyer such  financial  and
operating  data and other  information  as to the assets and the business of the
Division as Buyer shall  reasonably  request.  The foregoing shall not limit the
Buyer's  obligations  under that certain  Confidentiality  Agreement dated as of
July 20, 1995,  as amended,  by and between TJX and Buyer (the  "Confidentiality

         4.2. Public Announcements. The parties agree that prior to the Closing,
except as otherwise  required by law, any and all public  announcements or other
public   communications   concerning   this   Agreement  and  the   transactions
contemplated hereby shall, unless required under applicable  securities laws, be
subject to the approval of all parties, which approval shall not be unreasonably


         5.1.     Conduct of Business.      Except as set forth in Schedule 5.1
or as otherwise contemplated by this Agreement, prior to the Closing Seller
shall carry on the business of the Division in the ordinary course consistent
with past practice.  Without limiting the foregoing,


prior to the  Closing,  except  as set  forth in  Schedule  5.1 or as  otherwise
contemplated  hereby,  Seller  shall and it shall cause CDM to (except  with the
prior written consent of Buyer):

                  (a)  not  take  any  action  to  amend  the   Certificate   of
         Incorporation  or By-laws  of Seller or CDM other than such  amendments
         which will not adversely affect Seller's obligations hereunder;

                  (b) not mortgage,  pledge,  or subject to any lien,  charge or
         any other  encumbrance  any of the assets of the Division except in the
         ordinary course of business consistent with past practice;

                  (c)  not sell, assign, or transfer any of the assets of the
         Division except in the ordinary course of business consistent with
         past practices;

                  (d)  not merge or consolidate with or into any corporation or
         other entity;

                  (e) not enter into any lease for which the aggregate estimable
         rental liability of such lease is greater than $150,000, other than (i)
         leases entered into in the ordinary course of business  consistent with
         past  practice  that do not involve  real estate and (ii) those  leases
         reflected in the Capital Budget Plan;

                  (f)  not  materially  alter  the  terms,   status  or  funding
         condition  of any Employee  Plan with  respect to any  employees of the
         Division except for such  alterations that are also applicable to other
         divisions or  subsidiaries  of TJX or are necessary to  consummate  the
         transactions contemplated hereby;

                  (g) not settle any litigation,  suit,  action,  investigation,
         proceeding or controversy  before any court,  administrative  agency or
         other governmental authority except for such litigation,  suit, action,
         investigation  or  proceeding  that  individually  would not  result in
         liabilities of the Division in excess of $250,000; and

                  (h) use its commercially reasonable efforts to preserve intact
         its business  organization and use its commercially  reasonable efforts
         consistent  with past  practices to keep  available the services of its
         employees  and to preserve the  goodwill of its business  relationships
         with, including, without limitation, its suppliers;

                  (i) not make any  material  change to its catalog and prospect
         mailings from the planned  advertising and mailing program described to
         Buyer in the Catalog  Plan;  provided that for purposes of this Section
         5.1(i),  material  change shall mean one of the following  events:  (A)
         canceling a planned distribution of catalogs; (B) material reduction in
         the circulation of any catalog;  (C) material reduction in the level of
         prospecting in a particular  season (which  purposes for this paragraph
         (i) shall consist of


         spring, summer, fall, winter and holiday); or (D) material change in
         the number of pages of any catalog edition; or

                  (j) not make any material change in its program of maintenance
         for its property,  plant and equipment,  and continue  substantially to
         follow the Capital Budget Plan;

                  (k) continue to replenish and maintain the inventory of the
         Business in a normal and customary manner, consistent with the current
         practices of the Business;

                  (l) use their commercially reasonable efforts (without cost to
         either of them or TJX and its other  affiliates) to obtain any consents
         or  approvals   required  under  any  Contracts   (including   customer
         contracts) or otherwise that are necessary to complete the  transaction
         or to avoid a default under any such Contracts;

                  (m) pay or  discharge  when due all  material  liabilities  in
         accordance with past payment  practices except for liabilities that are
         contested in good faith;

                  (n) not terminate the  employment by Seller of any  Management
         Employee  without  the  consent  of  Buyer,  such  consent  not  to  be
         unreasonably  withheld,  provided  that if Buyer shall not respond to a
         request from Seller for such consent  within five  business days of its
         receipt of such request from  Seller,  such consent  shall be deemed to
         have been given,  and provided  further that if Seller shall  terminate
         the  employment  of  any   Management   Employee  over  the  reasonable
         objection,  or without seeking consent,  of Buyer, the sole consequence
         under this Agreement of such termination  shall be that all liabilities
         and obligations of Seller to such terminated  Management Employee shall
         be Excluded Liabilities; and

                  (o)  not commit or agree to do any of the foregoing in the

         5.2.  Compliance with Laws.  Prior to the Closing,  Seller will comply,
and will cause CDM to comply, with all laws and regulations which are applicable
to it, the  ownership  of its assets or to the conduct of its  business and will
perform and comply with all contracts,  commitments  and obligations by which it
is bound,  except in each case for  failures  to so comply or  perform as in the
aggregate, would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

         5.3.  Continuing  Obligation to Inform.  From time to time prior to the
Closing,  TJX and Seller will deliver or cause to be delivered to Buyer material
supplemental  information  concerning events subsequent to the date hereof which
would render any statement,  representation or warranty in this Agreement or any
information contained in any Schedule or Exhibit inaccurate or incomplete in any
material  respect at any time after the date hereof until the Closing.  If Buyer
receives any such supplemental information prior to the Closing, Buyer


shall have the right to review  such  supplemental  information  for a period of
five  days  from  the  receipt  thereof  and to  object  to  any  item  of  such
supplemental  information  which was not  contained in this  Agreement or in the
Schedules or Exhibits  attached  hereto within such five day period if such item
is material to the Division taken as a whole.  Any such  objection  shall be set
forth in  writing  and shall  state in detail the basis for such  objection.  If
Buyer objects to any such item on the basis set forth above within such five day
period  then  Buyer  shall  have as its sole  remedy  hereunder  the  option  to
terminate  the  Agreement  within  such five day period or to  proceed  with the
Closing and, upon the Closing, Buyer shall be conclusively deemed to have waived
all claims hereunder  relating to such  misrepresentation  or breach of warranty
(unless such supplemental  information  arises from a breach of a covenant under
this  Agreement  by TJX or Seller,  in which event Buyer may pursue the remedies
available to it pursuant to this  Agreement as limited by Section 9.6). If Buyer
does not object within such five day period, such supplemental information shall
be incorporated into this Agreement.

         5.4. Union  Agreement.  Seller and Buyer shall  negotiate in good faith
with Local No. 313 of the  International  Ladies Garment  Worker's Union AFL-CIO
(the  "Union")  to enable  Buyer to assume all  Seller's  obligations  under the
agreement  dated as of January  1, 1995  between  NBC  Distributors  Inc.,  Avon
Trading  Corporation,  Seller  and the  Union  (the  "Union  Agreement")  and in
connection  therewith to amend the Union Agreement as set forth on Schedule 5.4.
Subject to  obtaining  consent of the Union to Buyer's  assumption  of the Union
Agreement with the Union's  agreement to amend the Union  Agreement as set forth
on Schedule  5.4,  effective  upon the  Closing,  Buyer shall become a successor
employer to Seller and shall assume all of Seller's  obligations under the Union
Agreement as so consented to (the "Assumed Union Agreement").

         Each of the  parties  hereto  agrees that  Section  4204 of ERISA shall
apply to the  transactions  described  herein,  and each of the  parties  hereto
agrees  it shall at all times  take any and all  necessary  actions  to meet the
requirements  of  Section  4204 of  ERISA,  including,  without  limitation,  as

         (a)  Effective  upon the  Closing,  Buyer  shall  adopt and  assume all
Seller's  obligations  under the  multiemployer  plan  referred  to in the Union
Agreement  (the  "Multiemployer  Plan"),  including,   without  limitation,  the
obligation to contribute to the  Multiemployer  Plan.  Buyer shall contribute to
the  Multiemployer  Plan,  with  respect  to  Employees  of  the  Business,  for
substantially  the same  number of  "contribution  base  units"  (as  defined in
Section  4001(a)(11)  and  4204(a)(1)(A)  of  ERISA)  for  which  Seller  has an
obligation  to contribute  with respect to the  Multiemployer  Plan  immediately
prior to the Closing.

         (b) Buyer shall take all action  necessary  to comply with Section 4204
of ERISA  with  respect  to the  Multiemployer  Plan and  furnish  proof of such
compliance to Seller.  Such compliance shall include,  without  limitation,  the
posting  of a  bond  or  escrow  (or  letter  of  credit  if  acceptable  to the
Multiemployer  Plan) within the time required by Section  4204(a)(1)(B) of ERISA
for the Multiemployer Plan, in an amount, for the period of time, and


in a form that complies with Section 4204(a)(1)(B) of ERISA, or within such time
period  obtaining a variance  from such bonding or escrow  requirement  from the
Multiemployer Plan or from the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (the "PBGC")
so that a transfer of contribution  obligations to Buyer under the Multiemployer
Plan with respect to employees of the Business  does not result in a complete or
partial  withdrawal of Seller from the Multiemployer Plan under Sections 4203 or
4205 of ERISA, respectively.

         (c) Unless a variance is  obtained  from the  applicable  Multiemployer
Plan or the PBGC, Seller agrees that if Buyer completely or partially  withdraws
(within the meaning of  Sections  4203 or 4205 of ERISA) from the  Multiemployer
Plan with respect to contribution  base units made on behalf of employees of the
Business  during the five plan years of the  Multiemployer  Plan beginning after
the Closing,  Seller shall be secondarily  liable,  and Buyer shall be primarily
liable, to the Multiemployer Plan in an amount equal to the withdrawal liability
Seller would have had to the  Multiemployer  Plan under Title IV of ERISA, as of
the Closing, as a result of the sale of the Business (but for the application of
Section 4204 of ERISA to such transaction).

         (d) With respect to the Multiemployer Plan, if at any time prior to the
expiration  of the fifth  plan year of such  Multiemployer  Plan  following  the
Closing, Seller is liquidated or any other event described in Section 4204(a)(3)
of ERISA  occurs,  then Seller  shall  provide a bond or amount in escrow  where
required in accordance with Section 4204(a)(3) of ERISA.

         5.5.     Customer Lists.

         (a) TJX  acknowledges  and  agrees  that all  customer  lists and other
current  customer-related  information  acquired by Seller in the conduct of its
business  concerning  the  customers of Seller will upon the Closing be the sole
property of Buyer and shall not be used by TJX or its  Subsidiaries or disclosed
by TJX or its Subsidiaries, except as provided in subsection (b) or as otherwise
agreed to in writing by Buyer.  Buyer  acknowledges and agrees that all customer
lists and other  current  customer-related  information  acquired  by TJX in the
conduct of its business  concerning  the  customers of TJX and its  Subsidiaries
(other  than Seller and CDM) are the sole  property of TJX and its  Subsidiaries
and shall not be used by Buyer or its  Subsidiaries or disclosed by Buyer or its
Subsidiaries,  except as otherwise  provided in  subsection  (c) or as otherwise
agreed to in writing by TJX.

         (b) TJX may  use  the  Chadwick's  "one  million  name"  customer  list
currently in its possession for one currently  planned credit card  solicitation
mailing and for reasonable associated followup telemarketing,  provided that the
telemarketing  will not extend more than three  months after  completion  of the

         (c) Buyer may use the TJX "large size"  customer list  currently in its
possession for two catalog mailings and two associated remailings, provided that
such mailings and remailings are completed prior to January 31, 1998.


         (d) Each of TJX and Brylane  shall,  upon  completion of the activities
permitted by paragraphs (b) or (c), as the case may be,  promptly  return to the
other all copies (whether electronic or paper) of the relevant customer list.

         5.6. TJX D&B Guarantee.  TJX currently  provides a guarantee of payment
to  the  Division's  vendors  through  a Dun &  Bradstreet  notification.  Buyer
acknowledges  that TJX intends to terminate  such  guarantee  as to  liabilities
incurred  by  the  Division  after  the  Closing,  at  the  earliest  date  such
termination  may  become  effective.   Until  such  guarantee  shall  have  been
terminated,  Buyer will not, and will not permit its  Subsidiaries to, incur any
obligations to vendors in excess of the aggregate amount customarily incurred by

         5.7.     Non-Competition.

                  (a) Effective  from the date hereof,  and for a period of five
         years  thereafter,   TJX  and  its   subsidiaries,   including  without
         limitation Seller, shall not directly or indirectly  participate in the
         ownership,  management,  operation  or control of, or be connected as a
         partner,  consultant,  agent or otherwise  with,  or have any financial
         interest in (through  stock or other  equity  ownership,  investing  of
         capital,  lending of money or  otherwise,  although  excluding  passive
         ownership  of less  than ten  percent  of the  outstanding  equity in a
         company),  alone or in association with others,  any business (any such
         business, a "Competitive  Business") that sells merchandise anywhere in
         the world through  printed  women's or men's apparel  catalogs that are
         substantially   similar  to  the  catalogs  currently   distributed  by
         Chadwick's  (determined  based on merchandise  categories,  merchandise
         quality and value-orientation);  provided,  however, that the foregoing
         shall not  preclude  TJX or any of its  subsidiaries  from  engaging or
         participating  in (i) the sale of  merchandise  through the Internet or
         other visual  electronic  media;  (ii) print  advertising of apparel or
         other  merchandise  sold  through  stores or visual  electronic  media,
         notwithstanding  that items featured in such advertising may be ordered
         by mail,  telephone,  telecopy  or  electronically;  or  (iii)  printed
         catalogs  in which less than ten percent of the  merchandise  items are
         men's or women's apparel.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, TJX or any of
         its  subsidiaries  may  acquire  stock or  assets  of a  business  that
         conducts a Competitive  Business;  provided,  however, such Competitive
         Business accounts for less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the annual
         revenues of such acquired business;  and provided further,  that TJX or
         such subsidiary  shall use all commercially  reasonable  efforts to, or
         shall use all  commercially  reasonable  efforts to cause such acquired
         business  to,  within  one  year of the  acquisition  of such  acquired
         business,  and in any event shall within two years of such acquisition,
         divest itself of any such Competitive  Business which accounts for five
         percent (5%) or more of the annual revenues of such acquired business.

                  (b) For a period of two years after the  Closing,  neither TJX
         nor any of its subsidiaries will,  directly or indirectly,  solicit the
         employment of any employee of Buyer, while such employee is an employee
         of Buyer or within two months thereafter,


         who  immediately  prior to the  Closing  was  employed  by  Seller as a
         Management  Employee;  provided,  however,  that  TJX  or  any  of  its
         subsidiaries  may solicit the  employment  of any such  employee  whose
         employment has been terminated by Buyer.

                  (c) TJX and Seller acknowledge that the restrictions contained
         in this Section 5.7 are  reasonably  necessary  for the  protection  of
         Buyer and  realization  by Buyer of the benefit of their  bargain under
         this  Agreement  and that a  violation  of such  provisions  will cause
         damage  that  may  be  irreparable  or  impossible  to  ascertain  and,
         accordingly, that Buyer will be entitled to injunctive or other similar
         relief in equity  from a court of  competent  jurisdiction  to  enforce
         these restrictions or restrain a violation of this Agreement. If at the
         time of  enforcement  of any  provision  of  Section  5.7,  a court (or
         arbitrator  selected by the  agreement of the  parties)  holds that the
         restrictions  stated herein are unreasonable  under  circumstances then
         existing,  the parties hereto agree that the maximum  period,  scope or
         geographical   area  reasonable  under  such   circumstances   will  be
         substituted for the stated period, scope or area.

         5.8.  Creation by Seller of the Trade Name Sub.  Prior to the  Delivery
Date TJX shall  establish  the Trade Name Sub as a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of
Seller  incorporated  in the State of Delaware and shall  transfer or license to
the Trade Name Sub certain trademarks as described in the Trademark Agreements.

         5.9.     Reimbursement by the Parties.

                  (a) To the  extent  that TJX or  Seller,  on the one hand,  or
         Buyer,  on the other hand,  receive any payment after the Closing which
         belongs to the other party,  it shall promptly pay over such payment to
         the other party.

                  (b) Buyer shall  promptly  reimburse TJX for any  post-Closing
         drawdowns  made upon TJX or any of its  subsidiaries  under  letters of
         credit  or  under  any  Guarantees  for  merchandise  included  in  the
         Purchased Assets received after the Closing.

         5.10. Efforts to Obtain  Satisfaction of Conditions.  Each party hereto
covenants and agrees to use all  commercially  reasonable  efforts to obtain the
satisfaction of the conditions  specified in this Agreement  including,  without
limitation,   its  commercially  reasonable  efforts  to  obtain  all  necessary
consents,  approvals  and  waivers  to  the  consummation  of  the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.

         5.11. Acquisition Proposals.  Following the execution of this Agreement
and prior to any termination  hereof,  neither TJX nor Seller,  nor any of their
respective  directors,  officers,  employees or other  representatives or agents
shall,  directly or indirectly,  communicate,  solicit,  initiate,  encourage or
participate  (including  furnishing non-public  information  concerning Seller's
business,  properties or assets) in any discussions or negotiations  with regard
to any proposal (other than the transaction  contemplated by this Agreement) for
a tender offer,


exchange offer, merger or other business combination  involving Seller or CDM or
for the  acquisition of an equity  interest in, or a substantial  portion of the
assets of, Seller or CDM (an "Acquisition Proposal").  TJX and Seller each agree
to promptly communicate to Buyer the identity of any other party and the initial
terms of any proposal any of them may receive from any other party in respect of
an Acquisition Proposal.

         5.12.    Certain Employment and Employee Benefit Matters.

                  (a) Employment.  Except for the CDM employee,  Buyer agrees to
         employ  from and  after  the  Closing  all  persons  (the  "Employees")
         employed by the Division  immediately  prior to the Closing,  including
         any such  employee  absent  from  active  service by reason of illness,
         disability,  or leave of absence whether paid or unpaid,  at salary and
         wage rates not less than those  paid prior to the  Closing.  Nothing in
         the  preceding  sentence  shall  preclude  Buyer from  terminating  any
         Employee after the date of the Closing, subject to the other provisions
         of this Agreement;  provided that with respect to any such  termination
         of employment occurring within six months following the Closing,  Buyer
         shall honor all severance policies,  agreements,  or other arrangements
         that are contemplated by this Agreement to be in effect with respect to
         the terminated Employee immediately after the Closing.

                  (b) Continuation of Welfare Benefits. For a period of not less
         than six  months  from and after the  Closing,  and  thereafter  to the
         extent  required by law,  Buyer shall make  available to the  Employees
         (and their spouses and dependants) medical, dental, life insurance, and
         disability  benefits  in  each  case  substantially  equivalent  to the
         medical,  dental,  life  insurance  and  disability  benefits that were
         available generally to the Employees (including spouses and dependents)
         under the  applicable  Employee  Welfare  Plans  prior to the  Closing;
         provided,  that the  eligibility  of an Employee (and his or her spouse
         and  dependents)  for such  benefits  upon and after  Closing  shall be
         determined   (i)   without   regard   to   any   preexisting-condition,
         waiting-period,  actively-at-work  or similar  exclusion  or  condition
         except  for any  such to which  such  Employee  is  subject  under  the
         applicable Employee Welfare Plans immediately prior to the Closing, and
         (ii) after taking into account for eligibility  purposes the Employee's
         service  with  Seller  and any  Benefit  Plan  Affiliate  prior  to the

                  (c)  Liability of Seller,  etc. for Certain  Claims.  From and
         after the  Closing,  Seller and its Benefit  Plan  Affiliates  shall be
         liable for all  welfare-benefit  and  fringe-benefit  claims  that were
         incurred  prior to the  Closing  by the  Employees  (or their  eligible
         spouses  and  dependents)  and that are  presented  within  twelve (12)
         months following the Closing.  For purposes of the foregoing sentences,
         a claim  will be deemed to have been  incurred  when an  individual  is
         provided  with  medical,  dental,  vision  or other  services  that are
         covered expenses and give rise to the claim; provided, that a claim for
         life  insurance or similar  death  benefits will be deemed to have been
         incurred at time of death.  In  addition,  Seller and its Benefit  Plan
         Affiliates shall


         provide and remain liable for  continuation of coverage  required under
         Sections  601  through  608 of  ERISA  and  Section  4980B  of the Code
         ("COBRA")  with respect to any person as to whom the  qualifying  event
         (as defined at Section  603 of ERISA)  occurred  prior to the  Closing.
         Buyer shall defend and indemnify Seller and its Benefit Plan Affiliates
         from any and all  claims,  premiums,  administrative  fees,  costs  and
         expenses incurred by Seller or any Benefit Plan Affiliate in connection
         with or relating to COBRA continuation coverage provided to, or claimed
         by, any  Employee  (and/or any  dependent  of any such  Employee)  with
         respect to a qualifying event occurring at or after Closing, including,
         without  limitation,  any such  coverage in respect of Employees  whose
         group  health  plan  coverage  is  eliminated,  reduced,  curtailed  or
         otherwise modified (including by reason of differences in the terms and
         conditions of Buyer's plans as compared to the terms and  conditions of
         the applicable Employee Welfare Plan) at or after Closing.

                  (d) Disability and workers' compensation benefits.  Seller and
         its Benefit Plan Affiliates shall continue to provide and be liable for
         long-term  disability  benefits  in  accordance  with the  terms of the
         applicable  Employee  Welfare Plan to each  individual  whose claim for
         such long-term disability benefits was incurred before the Closing. For
         purposes of the  preceding  sentence,  a long-term  disability  benefit
         claim shall be treated as having been incurred  before the Closing only
         if the injury or illness giving rise to such claim occurred  before the
         Closing and such claim is covered by the long term  disability  benefit
         insurance  coverage  provided by  Northwestern  National Life Insurance
         Coverage to Seller and its Benefit Plan  Affiliates as such coverage is
         in effect prior to the Closing.  Seller and its Benefit Plan Affiliates
         shall  continue  to  provide  and be liable for  workers'  compensation
         benefits and employer's liability benefits in accordance with the terms
         of the applicable worker's  compensation  program and applicable law to
         each  individual  who  immediately  prior to the  Closing  was  legally
         entitled to workers  compensation  benefits  and  employer's  liability
         benefits  from Seller and its Benefit Plan  Affiliates  (whether or not
         such legal  entitlement has been  established as of the Closing) for an
         injury or illness which occurred before the Closing. In accordance with
         past practices of the Division,  Buyer shall make reasonable efforts to
         encourage  and  accommodate  the  return  to  employment  of  Employees
         described in the preceding two sentences.

                  (e)  Severance,   etc..  Buyer  shall  provide  the  Employees
         severance  arrangements as set forth in the Severance Pay Plan attached
         hereto as Schedule 5.12 (the "Severance Plan"), which Buyer shall adopt
         immediately after the Closing.

                  (f) 401(k) plan;  defined  benefit  plan.  Effective as of the
         Closing,  TJX shall  cause the account  balances of affected  Employees
         under  TJX's  401(k)  plans (the  "Seller's  401(k)  Plan") to be fully
         vested  to the  extent  not  already  vested.  As soon  as  practicable
         following  Closing,   TJX  shall  cause  such  vested  accounts  to  be
         transferred on a  non-elective  basis pursuant to Section 414(l) of the
         Code to a tax-qualified 401(k)


         plan maintained by Buyer for Buyer's employees  ("Buyer's  Plan"),  and
         Buyer shall cause  Buyer's  Plan to accept such  transferred  accounts.
         Buyer shall also cause Buyer's Plan, or another  tax-qualified  defined
         contribution  plan maintained by Buyer,  to accept  rollovers or direct
         rollovers  of  "eligible  rollover  distributions,"  if any,  made with
         respect to Employees under TJX's tax-qualified  defined pension plan by
         reason  of  the  transactions   contemplated  by  this  Agreement.   In
         connection with the transfers  (including  rollovers)  described in the
         preceding  sentences,  Buyer shall furnish to the  administrator of the
         transferor plan evidence  reasonably  satisfactory to the administrator
         that the  transferee  plan of Buyer is, as of the date of the transfer,
         qualified  under  Section  401(a) of the Code.  Seller shall furnish to
         Buyer evidence  reasonably  satisfactory  to Buyer that Seller's 401(k)
         Plan is, as of the date of the transfer, qualified under Section 401(a)
         of the Code. The Employees shall be eligible to  participate,  from and
         after the Closing, in Buyer's Plan in accordance with the terms of such
         plan  but  taking  into  account  in the  case  of each  Employee,  for
         eligibility and vesting  purposes,  pre-Closing  service  creditable to
         such  Employee  for purposes of Seller's  401(k) Plan.  Nothing in this
         Agreement shall be construed as requiring or contemplating any transfer
         of assets  (except for direct  rollovers,  if any, as described  above)
         from or special  distribution  or  vesting  under  TJX's  tax-qualified
         defined  benefit pension plan and its related trust or as entitling any
         Employee to continued active participation in such plan.

                  (g) Deferred  compensation,  etc.. Seller shall continue to be
         liable for benefits, if any, accrued with respect to Employees prior to
         the Closing  under  Seller's  General  Deferred  Compensation  Plan and
         accrued and vested with respect to Employees prior to the Closing under
         Seller's Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan.

                  (h) Employees  covered by a collective  bargaining  agreement.
         Notwithstanding  any provision of this Section 5.12, in the case of any
         Employee who is covered by a  collective  bargaining  agreement,  Buyer
         shall  offer  employment  on such terms and  provide  only such pay and
         benefits as are provided for in the Assumed  Union  Agreement.  Without
         limiting  the  foregoing,  the  parties  shall take such  actions  with
         respect to the Multiemployer Plan as are described in Section 5.4.

                  (i)  Cooperation.  In connection with any benefits that may be
         paid or payable to an Employee following the Closing under any Employee
         Plan, Buyer shall cooperate with and assist Seller and its Benefit Plan
         Affiliates in obtaining all necessary  consents and in providing to the
         Employee all necessary  disclosures.  Seller shall also  cooperate with
         Buyer in  Buyer's  efforts  to  succeed  to or obtain  the  benefit  of
         Seller's  unemployment  insurance rating reserve account (or comparable
         concept) in each relevant jurisdiction.


         5.13.    Bulk Transfers.  The parties hereto waive compliance with the
requirements of any so-called Bulk Sales law of any jurisdiction in connection
with the sale of the Purchased Assets to Buyer.

         5.14.  Consents  to  Assignment.  To the extent any of the  Transferred
Leases or Contracts  provides that such Transferred Lease or Contract may not be
assigned  to Buyer  without the written  consent of the lessor,  any  mortgagee,
lender or other third party  (collectively,  a  "Consenting  Party") or if Buyer
should reasonably request any nondisturbance  agreement,  each of TJX and Seller
shall use their  commercially  reasonable  efforts to secure and to deliver  all
necessary  consents and  nondisturbance  agreements  to Buyer at or prior to the
Closing;  provided  that,  without  the written  consent of Buyer or Seller,  as
applicable,  no such  consent or  nondisturbance  agreement  shall  require  any
payment  by Buyer,  Seller or CDM or result  in an  increase  in the  continuing
obligations thereunder.

         5.15.    Sharing of Data.  The parties agree that from and after the 

                  (a) TJX and  Seller  shall have the right for a period of five
         years  following  the  Closing  (or  such  longer  period  as  shall be
         necessary to satisfy TJX's legal and tax  obligations or  requirements)
         to  have  reasonable  access  to  such  books,  records  and  accounts,
         including  financial and tax  information,  correspondence,  production
         records,  employment  records  and  other  similar  information  as are
         transferred  to Buyer  pursuant to the terms of this  Agreement for the
         limited  purposes of concluding its  involvement in the business of the
         Division  prior to the  Closing,  engaging in related  litigation  with
         third  parties and  complying  with its  obligations  under  applicable
         securities,   tax,   environmental,   employment   or  other  laws  and
         regulations.  Buyer  shall  have the right  for a period of five  years
         following  the Closing (or such longer  period as shall be necessary to
         satisfy  Buyer's legal and tax  obligations  or  requirements)  to have
         reasonable  access to those  books,  records  and  accounts,  including
         financial  and tax  information,  correspondence,  production  records,
         employment  records and other records as are retained by TJX and Seller
         pursuant to the terms of this  Agreement  to the extent that any of the
         foregoing relates to the business of the Division  transferred to Buyer
         hereunder,  or is otherwise needed by Buyer for the purpose of engaging
         in related  litigation  with third parties,  or in order to comply with
         its  obligations  under  applicable  securities,   tax,  environmental,
         employment or other laws and  regulations.  Each party hereby covenants
         to the other parties that it will keep such books,  records,  accounts,
         and  information in existence and in good order for such period of time
         as the other parties are entitled to reasonable access thereto pursuant
         to this Section 5.15.

                  (b) Buyer shall make  available  to TJX or Seller upon written
         request  (i)  copies  of any books or  records  of the  Division,  (ii)
         Buyer's personnel to assist TJX or Seller in locating and obtaining any
         books or records of the  Division,  and (iii) any of Buyer's  personnel
         whose  assistance or  participation  is  reasonably  required by TJX or
         Seller or


         any of its affiliates in anticipation of, or preparation for,  existing
         or future litigation,  Returns or other matters in which TJX, Seller or
         any of their affiliates is involved.

                  (c) Each of TJX and Seller hereby covenant and agree that they
         will keep confidential all information obtained or retained pursuant to
         the  provisions of this Section 10.1 in accordance  with the provisions
         of the  Confidentiality  Agreement.  The  provisions  contained in such
         Confidentiality  Agreement  are  hereby  incorporated  herein  by  this

                  (d) TJX may retain  copies of any books,  records and accounts
         of Seller and CDM.  TJX may utilize  such books,  records and  accounts
         only to satisfy, enforce or defend its obligations and rights hereunder
         or under any Transaction Agreements or for tax purposes or for purposes
         relating to any litigation, suit, action, investigation,  proceeding or
         controversy affecting TJX, Seller, CDM or Trade Name Sub.

                  (e) At all times  from and after the  Closing,  each of Seller
         and Buyer shall use  reasonable  efforts to make available to the other
         upon written  request its and its  Subsidiaries'  officers,  directors,
         employees  and agents as  witnesses to the extent that such persons may
         reasonably be required in connection with any legal,  administrative or
         other  proceedings in which the requesting  party may from time to time
         be involved.

                  (f)  Except  to  the  extent  otherwise  contemplated  by  the
         Services  Agreement  or  any  other  Transaction   Agreement,  a  party
         providing  information,  services or personnel to the other party under
         this Section 5.15 shall be entitled to receive from the recipient, upon
         the  presentation  of invoices  therefor,  payments  for such  amounts,
         relating to supplies,  disbursements and other out-of-pocket  expenses,
         as  may  be  reasonably  incurred  in  providing  such  Information  or
         Services;  provided,  however,  that no such  reimbursements  shall  be
         required for the salary or cost of fringe benefits or similar  expenses
         pertaining to personnel of the providing party.

         5.16. Use of Name. From and after the Closing, TJX and Seller agree not
to  use  or  permit  any of  their  respective  subsidiaries  to  use  the  name
"Chadwick's",  "Chadwick's of Boston", or any of the other names that constitute
tradenames  that are being  transferred  to Buyer  pursuant to the terms of this
Agreement,  or any derivation or any name likely to be confused  therewith after
the  Closing  in  connection  with any  business  except  for (a) such use as is
contemplated by the Trademark Agreements; (b) licenses other than for tradenames
owned by the Division or for which the Division  has an exclusive  license;  (c)
any of the other marks that  constitute  trademarks  or  tradenames  as to which
Buyer at any time  ceases to have  exclusive  right of use,  other  than  rights
transferred by Buyer to third parties after the Closing and (d)  ministerial use
by Seller of the corporate  names  "Chadwick's,  Inc." or "Chadwick's of Boston,
Ltd.",  which  Seller  agrees  to  change  or  cause  to be  changed  as soon as
practicable, and in any event within ten business days after the Closing.


         5.17.    Certain Matters Pertaining to Taxes.

                  (a) Income Taxes.  TJX, Seller and CDM will include the income
         of the Division on their respective  Income Tax Returns for all periods
         through  the  Closing  and pay any Income  Taxes  attributable  to such
         income.  TJX shall be liable for and pay and shall  indemnify  and hold
         harmless Buyer from and against any and all damages, losses and expense
         arising out of any  liability  for all Income  Taxes of Seller,  CDM or

                  (b)  Transfer Taxes.  Notwithstanding any other provisions of
         this Agreement to the contrary, Buyer shall pay, or cause to be paid,
         all the following Transfer Taxes:

                           (i) all Transfer  Taxes  incurred in connection  with
                  the sale and  transfer  of the  Purchased  Assets  under  this
                  Agreement and the "Purchased Assets" under, and as defined in,
                  the CDM Agreement,  and Buyer shall promptly  reimburse Seller
                  on an  after-tax  basis for any such tax, fee or duty which it
                  is required to pay under applicable law;

                           (ii) all Transfer  Taxes for any period ending on the
                  Closing  which  were  not  required  to be paid  prior  to the
                  Closing and which are reflected on the Closing  Balance Sheet;

                           (iii)  all  Transfer  Taxes  asserted  to be due  for
                  periods  prior  to the  date of the  Closing  which  were  not
                  reflected  on Returns  filed with the  jurisdiction  asserting
                  liability,  except to the extent that it is finally determined
                  that such liability is based on the presence or actions of TJX
                  or  its   affiliates   other  than   Seller  or  CDM  in  such

                  Except as provided above in this  paragraph (b),  Seller shall
         be responsible for payment of all Transfer Taxes asserted to be due for
         periods prior to the Closing.

                  (c) Other Taxes.  With respect to Other Taxes,  Buyer shall be
         responsible for preparing,  and filing on Seller's behalf,  all Returns
         required  to be filed  subsequent  to the date of the  Closing  and for
         paying all such Taxes other than (i) Other Taxes  arising  with respect
         to Excluded Assets  (irrespective of whether such Other Taxes relate to
         transactions or events  occurring before or after the Closing) and (ii)
         Other Taxes which Seller is expressly obligated to pay hereunder.

                  (d) Buyer's Taxes and  Obligations.  Buyer shall indemnify and
         hold TJX and its affiliates,  including  Seller and CDM,  harmless from
         any loss,  liability  or  expenses of such  persons  arising out of any
         claims for Taxes  pertaining  to  operations of Buyer after the date of
         the  Closing,  any  transactions  of Buyer  which are not  contemplated
         hereby and which are outside the ordinary course of business  occurring
         as of the


         Closing or  subsequent  to the Closing and such Taxes  attributable  to
         pre-closing  events or  transactions as are included within the Assumed

                  (e) Cooperation.  Seller and Buyer shall reasonably  cooperate
         and  shall  cause  their  respective  Affiliates,   agents,   auditors,
         representatives,  officers and employees  reasonably  to cooperate,  in
         preparing  and filing all Tax Returns  (including  amended  returns and
         claims for refund),  including maintaining and making available to each
         other all records  necessary in connection  with Taxes and in resolving
         all disputes and audits with respect to all taxable periods relating to
         Taxes. Buyer shall provide Seller with pre-closing data relevant to the
         preparation of Seller's Income Tax Returns within 45 days following the
         Closing and shall provide Seller with  confirmation  that accrued Taxes
         on the Closing  Balance  Sheet have been paid promptly  following  such
         payment.  Buyer and Seller  agree to retain or cause to be retained all
         books and records pertinent to the Business until the applicable period
         for  assessment  under  applicable  law  (giving  effect to any and all
         extensions  or  waivers)  has  expired,  and to abide  by or cause  the
         abidance  with all record  retention  agreements  entered into with any
         taxing  authority.  Buyer  and  Seller  each  agree to give  the  other
         reasonable  notice prior to transferring,  discarding or destroying any
         such books relating to Tax matters and, if the other party so requests,
         shall  allow  such  other  party to take  possession  of such books and
         records.  Buyer and  Seller  shall  cooperate  with  each  other in the
         conduct of any audit or other  proceedings  involving  the Business for
         any Tax  purposes  and each shall  execute and  deliver  such powers of
         attorney and other  documents as are  necessary to carry out the intent
         of this  subsection.  For any  Transfer  Tax Return or Other Tax Return
         that Buyer is responsible for filing and that requires the signature of
         an officer of Seller or CDM, Buyer shall present a completed Return for
         the signature of an appropriate officer.  Buyer shall give such officer
         any support for the Tax Return  reasonably  requested by such  officer.
         The  officer  shall sign the return and  deliver it to Buyer as soon as
         reasonably practicable.

                  (f) At Buyer's  request,  TJX,  Seller and CDM shall cooperate
         with Buyer and treating  Buyer as a successor  employer for purposes of
         any  payroll tax  purpose,  including  but not limited to  withholding,
         social security and unemployment insurance taxes.

         5.18. Further  Assurances.  From time to time after the Closing, at the
request of Buyer,  Seller shall execute and deliver any further  instruments and
take such  other  action as Buyer may  reasonably  request to vest or confirm in
Buyer title to the  Purchased  Assets or  otherwise  carry out the  transactions
contemplated hereby.

         5.19.  Title  Matters.  Seller  will  cooperate  with  Buyer in Buyer's
efforts to obtain a title insurance policy with respect to the Fee Property. The
cost of such title insurance  policy shall be borne solely by Buyer.  Seller has
delivered  or will deliver to Buyer copies of any surveys of the Fee Property in
Seller's possession.


         5.20.    Environmental Investigations.  The parties covenant and agree
as follows:

                  (a)  Defined Terms.

                           (i)  "Remedial  Work"  means   activities  which  are
                  necessary to remediate an environmental  condition in order to
                  cause such  condition not to be in violation of  Environmental
                  Law, including,  without limitation,  remedial investigations,
                  remedial   action   plans,   removal,   treatment,    storage,
                  transportation and disposal of Hazardous Substances.

                           (ii)   "Remediation   Costs"   means  the  cost  (not
                  including  allocated  overheads  or other  internal  costs) of
                  performing  the  Remedial  Work.  Remediation  Costs shall not
                  include the cost of the Phase I  Environmental  Investigations
                  or the Phase II Environmental Investigations.

                           (iii) "Phase I  Environmental  Investigations"  means
                  the  types  of  activities  usually  associated  with  Phase I
                  environmental  investigations  including,  but not limited to,
                  site inspections,  records review,  interviews with government
                  officials and  employees of Seller and CDM and related  report

                           (iv) "Phase II  Environmental  Investigations"  means
                  the  types of  activities  usually  associated  with  Phase II
                  environmental  investigations  including,  but not limited to,
                  soil and  groundwater  sampling  and  related  data and report

                  (b) Phase I Environmental Investigations.  Buyer may conduct a
         Phase I Environmental  Investigation in respect of the Fee Property. If
         Buyer elects to perform any such Phase I  Environmental  Investigation,
         then such  Investigation  shall be conducted by Prime  Engineering or a
         nationally recognized  environmental  consulting firm to be selected by
         Buyer or its lenders with the reasonable  approval of TJX. All costs of
         the   Phase  I   Environmental   Investigations   shall   be  the  sole
         responsibility of Buyer.

                  (c)  Phase II  Environmental  Investigations.  If the  Phase I
         Environmental  Investigation  report  in  respect  of the Fee  Property
         reasonably  recommends  the  performance  of a Phase  II  Environmental
         Investigation at any real property,  then Buyer shall have the right to
         perform any such Phase II Environmental Investigation. All costs of the
         Phase II Environmental  Investigations shall be the sole responsibility
         of Buyer.  Buyer  shall  indemnify  and hold  harmless  Seller from and
         against any and all losses,  liabilities,  claims,  damages or expenses
         (including reasonable legal fees) suffered or incurred by Seller to the
         extent arising out of or based on any such


         investigation;  without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Buyer
         shall repair any damage  occurring  to the Fee  Property in  connection
         with such investigation.

                  (d)  Cooperation.  When consents of third parties are required
         for  access  to  conduct  an  environmental  investigation  of any real
         property,  Seller shall  exercise  commercially  reasonable  efforts to
         obtain the consent of such third parties. Seller shall cooperate in all
         reasonable  respects  to permit the conduct of the Phase I and Phase II
         Environmental  Investigations  upon reasonable notice and during normal
         business hours,  provided that such Environmental  Investigations shall
         not interfere with the conduct of the Business.

                  (e) Environmental  Reports. TJX shall be entitled to review on
         an  ongoing  basis  the  data  and  work  papers  of the  environmental
         consulting  firm and Buyer  with  respect to any  Remediation  Costs or
         Remediation Work. Final Phase I Environmental Investigation reports and
         Phase  II  Environmental   Investigation  reports  (collectively,   the
         "Environmental  Reports")  shall  include a reasonable  estimate of the
         reasonable and probable Remediation Costs.

                  (f) Remediation  Costs. If the Environmental  Reports disclose
         that  Remediation  Costs that may reasonably be expected to be required
         by law to be paid by Buyer  will  exceed  $2,000,000,  then  Buyer  may
         terminate this  Agreement in accordance  with the provisions of Section
         10 unless TJX and Seller  jointly and  severally  indemnify  Buyer,  on
         terms  reasonably  satisfactory  to  Buyer,  for  such  excess  and the
         Remedial Work would not cause a material disruption of the operation of
         the Fee Property.  If Buyer does not elect to terminate  this Agreement
         pursuant to the terms of this subparagraph,  then Buyer shall be solely
         responsible for all Remediation Costs.

         5.21.  Deferred Payment  Receivables.  Within three business days after
the Closing,  Buyer shall deliver,  on paper and on electronic  media, a list of
all  Deferred  Payment  Receivables  as of the close of business on the Closing,
including  amounts,  account  numbers and bill dates of each  separate  Deferred
Payment  Receivable.  If not  included  on such  list,  the  name,  address  and
telephone  number  of  the  customer   associated  with  each  Deferred  Payment
Receivable  shall be  furnished to Seller  promptly  upon  request.  Seller will
process and submit such Deferred Payment  Receivables for payment to its account
in  accordance  with its  practices  and policies  (including  deferred  payment
policies) as in effect  immediately  prior to the  Closing,  and will employ its
customary  collection  practices  in  attempting  to realize  upon the  Deferred
Payment Receivables.

                  (a) If  merchandise  giving  rise to such a  Deferred  Payment
         Receivable  is returned to Buyer prior to the bill date of the Deferred
         Payment  Receivable,  Buyer shall promptly notify Seller.  Seller shall
         refrain from submitting such Deferred  Payment  Receivable for payment,
         and Buyer shall promptly pay to Seller an amount equal to such Deferred
         Payment Receivable.


                  (b) If  merchandise  giving  rise to such a  Deferred  Payment
         Receivable  is returned  to Buyer  after the bill date of the  Deferred
         Payment  Receivable,  any credit  issued by Buyer  shall be issued from
         Buyer's account.

                  (c) If the issuing bank or other issuer  refuses  payment of a
         Deferred Payment Receivable  (referred to as a "hard decline"),  Seller
         shall  bear such loss and may  attempt  to  collect  the amount of such
         Deferred  Payment  Receivable  from the customer in accordance with its
         customary collection practices.

                  (d) All "charge-backs" of Deferred Payment Receivables will be
         made by the  issuing  bank or  other  issuer  to and  against  Seller's
         account. If Seller has received reasonable  indication from the issuing
         bank,  other issuer or the customer  that such  "charge-back"  resulted
         from a return of  merchandise,  Buyer shall  promptly  pay to Seller an
         amount equal to such Deferred Payment Receivable.  In addition,  if and
         to the  extent  that the  aggregate  amount  of all  "charge  backs" of
         Deferred  Payment  Receivables  against  Seller's account that have not
         been reimbursed by Buyer exceeds $250,000,  Buyer shall promptly pay to
         Seller an amount equal to such excess.


         The  obligations of Seller and Buyer under this Agreement to consummate
the  transactions  described  in  Sections  1.1,  1.2 and 1.3 at the Closing are
subject  to  the  fulfillment,  on or  before  the  Closing,  of  the  following
conditions precedent, unless waived in writing by all parties hereto:

         6.1. Governmental  Approvals.  All governmental agencies,  departments,
bureaus, commissions and similar bodies, the consent,  authorization or approval
of which is  necessary  under any  applicable  law,  rule,  order or  regulation
(including the  expiration or  termination of any waiting  periods under the HSR
Act,  if  applicable,  but  excluding  consents,  authorizations  and  approvals
relating to use, occupancy,  tax liens and similar matters) for the consummation
of the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  shall have consented to,
authorized, permitted or approved such transactions.

         6.2. Adverse Proceedings.  The respective  obligations of each party to
effect the  transactions  contemplated  by the Agreement shall be subject to the
conditions that no United States or state governmental authority or other agency
or commission or United  States or state court of competent  jurisdiction  shall
have  enacted,  issued,  promulgated,  enforced  or entered any  statute,  rule,
regulation,  injunction  or other  order  (whether  temporary,  preliminary,  or
permanent) which is in effect and has the effect of prohibiting  consummation of
the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

         6.3.     Transaction Agreements.  The other parties hereto that are
intended to be parties thereto shall have entered into a Services Agreement
the "Services Agreement"),


Trademark Agreements (the "Trademark Agreements"), a New York City Buying Office
Letter (the "New York City Buying  Office  Letter"),  and an Inventory  Purchase
Agreement (the "Inventory Purchase  Agreement"),  each in substantially the form
of Exhibits 6.3A, 6.3B, 6.3C and 6.3D,  respectively,  and a Registration Rights
Agreement (the "Registration Rights Agreement") in form and substance reasonably
satisfactory to TJX and Buyer.

         6.4.     Assumed Union Agreement.  The Assumed Union Agreement shall
have become effective upon the Closing.


         The obligations of Buyer under this Agreement to purchase the Purchased
Assets and assume the  Assumed  Liabilities  and to issue the Buyer Notes at the
Closing are subject to the  fulfillment,  on or before the Delivery Date, of the
following  conditions  precedent,  each of which may be waived in writing in the
sole discretion of Buyer:

         7.1.  Continued  Truth of  Representations  and  Warranties  of TJX and
Seller;  Compliance with Covenants and Obligations.  Subject to Section 5.3, the
representations  and warranties of TJX and Seller shall be true on and as of the
Delivery  Date in all  material  respects  as though  such  representations  and
warranties  were made on and as of the  Delivery  Date,  except for any  changes
permitted  by  the  terms  hereof  or  contemplated  herein  and  except  as  to
representations  and  warranties  made as of a  specific  date,  which  shall be
correct  as of such  date.  Each of TJX and  Seller  shall  have  performed  and
complied  in all  material  respects  with  all  terms,  conditions,  covenants,
obligations,  agreements  and  restrictions  required  by this  Agreement  to be
performed or complied with by it prior to or at the Closing.

         7.2.     Opinions of Counsel.  Buyer shall have received the opinions 
of Ropes & Gray and Jay H. Meltzer, Esq., counsel to TJX and Seller,
respectively, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer.

         7.3.     Closing Deliveries.  Buyer shall have received at or prior to
the closing on the Delivery Date each of the following:

                  (a)  a  certificate  signed  by  the  President  or  any  Vice
         President of each of TJX and Seller,  dated as of the Delivery Date, to
         the effect  that the  conditions  specified  in  Section  7.1 have been

                  (b) certificates of the Secretary of State of The Commonwealth
         of Massachusetts, where available prior to the Delivery Date, the State
         of Nevada and the State of Delaware as to the legal  existence and good
         standing  (including tax where available prior to the Delivery Date) of
         Seller, CDM and the Trade Name Sub, respectively;


                  (c)  certificates of the Secretary or any Assistant  Secretary
         of TJX and Seller,  respectively,  attesting to the incumbency of TJX's
         and  Seller's   officers,   respectively,   the   authenticity  of  the
         resolutions authorizing the transactions contemplated by the Agreement,
         and the authenticity and continuing  validity of the charter  documents
         delivered pursuant to Section 2.1;

                  (d)  a cross-receipt executed by Seller;

                  (e)  one  or  more  bills  of  sale,  in  form  and  substance
         reasonably  satisfactory  to Buyer (the "Bills of Sale"),  conveying in
         the aggregate all of the Division's owned personal property included in
         the Purchased Assets;

                  (f) Lease  Assignment and Assumption  Agreements for each real
         property  lease and personal  property  lease included in the Purchased
         Assets  and  Assumed  Liabilities,  in form  and  substance  reasonably
         satisfactory   to  Buyer  (the   "Lease   Assignment   and   Assumption

                  (g) A deed for the Fee  Property and any other parcel of owned
         real estate  included in the  Purchased  Assets,  in form and substance
         reasonably satisfactory to Buyer (each, a "Deed");

                  (h)  such  other   bills  of  sale,   assignments   and  other
         instruments of transfer as may be necessary  conveying and transferring
         to Buyer title to the Purchased Assets not transferred by the documents
         described in subparagraphs (e) through (g) above; and

                  (i)  such other documents, instruments or certificates as
Buyer may reasonably request.

         7.4.  CDM  Agreement.  CDM shall have  executed and  delivered  the CDM
Agreement and all conditions precedent to Buyer's obligation to close thereunder
shall have been satisfied or waived.

         7.5.     Material Adverse Change.  Since July 27, 1996, there shall
have been no material adverse change in the assets, financial condition,
prospects or results of operations of the Division.


         The  obligations of Seller under this Agreement to sell and deliver the
Purchased Assets at the Closing are subject to the fulfillment, on or before the
Delivery  Date,  of the  following  conditions  precedent,  each of which may be
waived in writing at the sole discretion of Seller:


         8.1.  Continued  Truth of  Representations  and  Warranties  of  Buyer;
Compliance with Covenants and Obligations. The representations and warranties of
Buyer in this  Agreement  shall be true on and as of the closing on the Delivery
Date in all material respects as though such representations and warranties were
made on and as of such  date,  except  for any  changes  permitted  by the terms
hereof or  consented  to in  writing by Seller  and  except,  in the case of the
representations and warranties  contained in Section 3.8, for further amendments
to the Agreement of Limited Partnership  referenced  therein,  true and complete
copies of which shall have been furnished to Seller, that do not have an adverse
effect on the value or rights of the Buyer Notes. Buyer shall have performed and
complied  in all  material  respects  with all terms,  conditions,  obligations,
agreements  and  restrictions  required by this  Agreement  to be  performed  or
complied with by it prior to or at the Closing.

         8.2.     Opinion of Counsel.  Seller shall have received the opinions
of Riordan & McKinzie and Foley, Hoag & Eliot, counsel to Buyer, in form and 
substance reasonably satisfactory to Seller.

         8.3.     Closing Deliveries.  Seller shall have received at or prior to
the Closing each of the following:

                  (a)  a  certificate  signed  by  the  President  or  any  Vice
         President  of Buyer,  dated as of the  Closing,  to the effect that the
         conditions specified in Section 8.1 have been satisfied;

                  (b)  a certificate of the Secretary of State of the State of 
         Delaware as to the legal existence and good standing (including tax)
         of Buyer in Delaware;

                  (c)  certificates of the Secretary or any Assistant  Secretary
         of  Buyer  attesting  to  the  incumbency  of  Buyer's  officers,   the
         authenticity   of  the   resolutions   authorizing   the   transactions
         contemplated by this  Agreement,  and the  authenticity  and continuing
         validity of the charter documents delivered pursuant to Section 3.1;

                  (d)  payment of the Estimated Cash Purchase Price by wire
         transfer in immediately available funds;

                  (e)  the Buyer Notes executed by Buyer;

                  (f)  a cross-receipt executed by Buyer; and

                  (g)  such other documents, instruments or certificates as
         Seller may reasonably request.

         8.4.     Assumption Documents.  Upon the terms and subject to the
conditions contained herein, at the Closing, Buyer shall execute and deliver to
Seller one or more


instruments  of  assumption  for the Assumed  Liabilities,  including  the Lease
Assignment and Assumption Agreements,  in forms reasonably satisfactory to Buyer
and Seller.

         8.5. CDM  Agreement.  Buyer shall have  executed and  delivered the CDM
Agreement and all conditions  precedent to CDM's  obligation to close thereunder
shall have been satisfied or waived.

         8.6.     Material Adverse Charge.  Since August 3, 1996, there shall
have been no material adverse change in the assets, financial condition,
prospects or results of operations of Buyer and its subsidiaries taken as a


         9.1.  Indemnification by TJX and Seller. Each of TJX and Seller hereby,
jointly and severally,  agrees to indemnify each of Buyer,  its subsidiaries and
their  respective  affiliates,  officers and directors  (each,  an  "indemnified
party") against and hold them harmless from any loss,  liability,  claim, damage
or expense  (including  reasonable  legal fees and  expenses and  including  all
amounts  paid in the  investigation  or defense of the  foregoing)  suffered  or
incurred  by any such  indemnified  party to the extent  arising out of or based
upon (i) subject to Section 5.3, any breach of any representation or warranty of
TJX,  Seller or CDM  contained in this  Agreement or the CDM Agreement or in any
certificate  or document  delivered  by TJX,  Seller or CDM  pursuant  hereto or
thereto  which by the terms of and in  accordance  with Section 9.3 survives the
Closing;  (ii) any breach of any  covenant or  agreement  of TJX,  Seller or CDM
contained  in this  Agreement  or the CDM  Agreement;  (iii) any of the Excluded
Liabilities;  (iv) the enforcement by Buyer of this Section 9.1; and (v) WARN or
any state  plant  closing or  notification  law to the extent  arising out of or
based upon any actions  taken or  omissions  made by Seller with  respect to the
Division prior to the Closing; provided, however, that no such indemnified party
shall be entitled to receive any amount  pursuant to clause (i) above unless the
aggregate of all losses,  liabilities,  costs and expenses  relating thereto for
which  TJX and  Seller  would,  but for this  proviso,  be liable  exceeds  on a
cumulative  basis  $2,500,000,  and then only to the extent of any such  excess.
Further,  TJX and Seller  shall not be required  to  indemnify  the  indemnified
parties to the extent any losses, liabilities,  costs and expenses,  withholding
any  identification  pursuant to Section 9.4, in the aggregate exceed the sum of
the Cash Purchase Price plus $20,000,000.

         9.2. Indemnification by Buyer. Buyer hereby agrees to indemnify each of
TJX, its subsidiaries and their  respective  affiliates,  officers and directors
(each,  an  "indemnified  party")  against and hold them harmless from any loss,
liability,  claim,  damage  or  expense  (including  reasonable  legal  fees and
expenses)  suffered  or  incurred  by any such  indemnified  party to the extent
arising from (i) any breach of any representation or warranty of Buyer contained
in this Agreement  which by the terms of Section 9.3 survives the Closing;  (ii)
any breach of any covenant or agreement  of Buyer  contained in this  Agreement;
(iii) any of the Assumed  Liabilities,  (iv)  except to the extent  specifically
contemplated by this Agreement, all


other matters  arising out of or in  connection  with the  operation,  assets or
liabilities of the Business or the Purchased  Assets after the Closing;  (v) any
Guarantee or obligation to assure  performance or letter of credit given or made
by TJX,  Seller or an affiliate of TJX with respect to any  obligation of Seller
or CDM being  assumed  by Buyer,  (vi) the  enforcement  by TJX or Seller or its
affiliates or any  indemnified  party of this Section 9.2; and (vii) WARN or any
state plant closing or  notification  law, to the extent arising out of or based
upon any actions  taken or omissions  made by Buyer with respect to the Division
after the Closing.

         9.3.     Termination of Indemnification.  The obligations to indemnify
and hold harmless a party hereto:

                  (a)  pursuant  to clause (i) of Section  9.1 and clause (i) of
         Section 9.2, shall  terminate on the earlier of October 31, 1998 or 120
         days after the end of the first  full,  12-month  fiscal  year of Buyer
         following the Closing in respect of which audited financial  statements
         of Buyer shall have been prepared (the  "Expiration  Date");  provided,
         however,  that the  obligations  to indemnify and hold harmless a party
         hereto  pursuant to clause (i) of Section 9.1 and clause (i) of Section
         9.2 (X) with  respect to the breach of any  representation  or warranty
         contained in Section 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 or 3.2 hereof,  or in Section 2.1 or
         2.2 of the CDM Agreement,  shall not terminate, (Y) with respect to the
         breach of any representation or warranty contained in Section 2.4, 2.11
         or 2.16,  shall  terminate  on the date  that is four  years  after the
         Closing,  and (Z) with respect to the breach of any  representation and
         warranty  contained in Section 2.5, shall  terminate on the last day of
         the applicable statute of limitations;

                  (b)  pursuant  to clause  (ii) of  Section  9.1 shall  survive
         indefinitely  (except the  obligations  to indemnify  and hold harmless
         with  respect to a breach of any covenant set forth in Sections 5.1 and
         5.2 shall terminate on the Expiration Date); and

                  (c)  pursuant to the other clauses of Section 9.1 and of
         Section 9.2 hereof, shall not terminate;

provided,  however,  that as to clause  (a) or (b)  above  such  obligations  to
indemnify and hold harmless  shall not terminate  with respect to any item as to
which the person to be  indemnified  (or the related party  thereof) shall have,
before the  expiration  of the  applicable  period,  previously  made a claim by
delivering a notice  (stating in  reasonable  detail the basis of such claim) to
the party to be providing the indemnification.

         9.4.  Claims for  Indemnification.  Whenever  any claim shall arise for
indemnification  hereunder the party seeking  indemnification  (the "Indemnified
Party"),  shall promptly  notify the party from whom  indemnification  is sought
(the "Indemnifying  Party") of the claim and, when known, the facts constituting
the  basis  for  such  claim;  provided,  however,  that  failure  to give  such
notification shall not affect the  indemnification  provided hereunder except to
the extent the  Indemnifying  Party  shall have been  actually  prejudiced  as a
result of such failure.


The  Indemnifying  Party shall deal in good faith with the  Indemnified  Party's
claim for indemnification, and shall respond within a reasonable time period. In
the event of any such claim for  indemnification  hereunder resulting from or in
connection with any claim or legal  proceedings by a third party,  the notice to
the Indemnifying Party shall specify, if known, the amount or an estimate of the
amount of the liability arising therefrom.

         9.5. Defense by Indemnifying Party. In connection with any claim giving
rise to indemnity  hereunder resulting from or arising out of any claim or legal
proceeding by a person who is not a party to this  Agreement,  the  Indemnifying
Party at its sole cost and expense may, upon written  notice to the  Indemnified
Party, assume the defense of any such claim or legal proceeding. The Indemnified
Party shall be entitled to  participate  in (but not control) the defense of any
such action,  with its counsel and at its own expense. If the Indemnifying Party
does not assume the defense of any such claim or litigation  resulting therefrom
within 30 days after the date the  Indemnifying  Party  receives  notice of such
claim,  (a) the  Indemnified  Party may defend  against such claim or litigation
with its own counsel and at the  expense of the  Indemnifying  Party and (b) the
Indemnifying  Party shall be entitled to  participate  in (but not  control) the
defense  of such  action,  with  its own  counsel  and at its own  expense.  The
Indemnified  Party shall not settle or compromise any claim by a third party for
which it is  entitled to  indemnification  hereunder  without the prior  written
consent  of the  Indemnifying  Party  which  consent  shall not be  unreasonably
withheld,  except that the  Indemnified  Party may compromise or settle any such
claim in the event the  Indemnifying  Party  fails to assume the defense of such
claim as provided in the prior  sentence.  Except for the  settlement of a claim
which involves the payment of money only (in which case the  Indemnifying  Party
shall  give the  Indemnified  Party  the  opportunity  to  discuss  with it such
payment,  which opportunity shall not affect the right of the Indemnifying Party
to effect such settlement in its full discretion),  the Indemnifying Party shall
not settle or  compromise  any claim  without the prior  written  consent of the
Indemnified Party.

         9.6.  Exclusive Remedy.  Except in any case involving actual fraud, any
violation  of Section 5.7 or any  violation  of Section  5.18,  or as  otherwise
expressly set forth in this  Agreement,  the parties' sole and exclusive  remedy
(other than  termination  pursuant  to Section  10) with  respect to any and all
claims  relating to the subject  matter of this  Agreement or the CDM  Agreement
shall be pursuant to the indemnification provisions set forth in this Section 9.


         10.1.  Termination  by  Agreement of the Parties or by Passage of Time.
This Agreement may be terminated by the mutual written  agreement of the parties
hereto or by any party hereto or thereto if the transactions contemplated herein
and therein have not been  consummated  on or before  December 23, 1996,  unless
such failure shall have resulted from any willful breach of any  representation,
warranty or covenant by the party proposing termination; provided that such date
may be  deferred  to a date no later  than  January  27,  1997 that is the first
Monday that is at least three  business days after the expiration or termination


any waiting periods under the HSR Act, if applicable,  and provided further that
if TJX or Seller shall deliver  supplemental  information  to Buyer  pursuant to
Section  5.3,  then  such  termination  date  shall be the later of (a) the date
determined  pursuant to the  foregoing  provisions  of this sentence and (b) the
first  Monday  that  is at  least  five  days  after  the  date  on  which  such
supplemental   information  was  delivered  to  Buyer.  This  Agreement  may  be
terminated  by TJX and Seller on the one hand, or by Buyer on the other hand, if
there  is a  material  breach  by the  other  party  or  parties  hereto  of any
representation,  warranty, covenant or agreement on the part of such other party
or parties set forth in this Agreement,  or if a  representation  or warranty of
such other party shall be untrue in any material  respect,  or if any  condition
specified  in  Section 6, 7 or 8 to the  obligations  of the  terminating  party
cannot be satisfied at Closing; and in any such case such other party or parties
acknowledges in writing that the conditions specified in Section 6 or in Section
7 or 8, as the case may be, to the obligations of the  terminating  party cannot
be  satisfied  at Closing.  In the event of such  termination  by  agreement  or
passage of time (other than as a result of any such willful breach), Buyer shall
have no further  obligation or liability to TJX or Seller under this  Agreement,
and TJX and Seller shall have no further  obligation or liability to Buyer under
this Agreement.

         10.2. Termination by Reason of Breach. This Agreement may be terminated
by TJX or Seller,  if any time prior to the Closing there shall occur a material
or willful  breach of any of the  representations,  warranties  or  covenants of
Buyer or the failure by Buyer to perform any material  condition  or  obligation
hereunder,  and may be  terminated  by Buyer,  subject to Section 5.3, if at any
time prior to the Closing there shall occur a material or willful  breach of any
of the representations,  warranties or covenants of TJX or Seller or the failure
of TJX or Seller to perform any material condition or obligation  hereunder.  If
this  Agreement is terminated  by reason of breach,  subject to Section 5.3, the
breaching  party  shall  indemnify  the  non-breaching  party  for all costs and
expenses incurred by the non-breaching party (including all legal, accounting or
other professional fees and commitment fees);  provided,  that the non-breaching
party shall have any and all further  rights and remedies  available to it under
law or equity as a result of such breach.


         11.1.  For  TJX and  Seller.  Each of TJX  and  Seller  represents  and
warrants  that it has not  engaged  any  broker or finder  (other  than  Salomon
Brothers Inc and Morgan  Stanley & Co.  Incorporated)  or incurred any liability
for  brokerage  fees,  commissions  or  finder's  fees in  connection  with  the
transactions  contemplated by this Agreement other than to Salomon  Brothers Inc
and Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated.  Each of TJX and Seller agrees to pay all
fees,  expenses and other  compensation  owed to Salomon Brothers Inc and Morgan
Stanley & Co.  Incorporated,  in respect of its services to TJX and Seller,  and
agrees to indemnify  and hold harmless  Buyer against any claims or  liabilities
asserted  against  it by any  person  acting or  claiming  to act as a broker or
finder on behalf of any of them.  Neither  Seller nor CDM is currently  bound by
any  agreement for the  provision of  investment  banking or financial  advisory
services  with respect to any proposed  recapitalization  or issuance of debt or


securities of Seller or CDM, or the provision of any other investment banking or
financial advisory services to Seller or CDM, except in connection herewith.

         11.2. For Buyer.  Buyer represents and warrants that it has not engaged
any broker or finder  (other  than  Merrill  Lynch,  Pierce,  Fenner & Smith) or
incurred any  liability  for  brokerage  fees,  commissions  or finder's fees in
connection  with the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement other than to
Merrill Lynch,  Pierce,  Fenner & Smith. Buyer agrees to pay all fees,  expenses
and other  compensation  owed to Merrill  Lynch in respect  of its  services  to
Buyer,  and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless each of TJX and Seller against
any claims or liabilities  asserted  against it by any person acting or claiming
to act as a broker or finder on behalf of Buyer.


         12.1.  The following  terms defined  elsewhere in this Agreement as set
forth below shall have the respective meaning therein defined:


         Terms                                                                          Section

         Additional Tax Adjustment......................................................Section 1.5(b)
         Alternative Accountants........................................................Section 1.4(b)
         Assumed Liabilities............................................................Section 1.2
         Assumed Union Agreement........................................................Section 5.4
         Balance Sheet..................................................................Section 2.17
         Benefit Plan Affiliate.........................................................Section 2.11
         Base Rate......................................................................Section 1.4(d)
         Bills of Sale..................................................................Section 7.3
         Buyer's Financial Statements...................................................Section 3.5
         Buyer's Material Adverse Effect................................................Section 3.2
         Buyer's Plan...................................................................Section 5.12(f)
         Capital Budget Plan............................................................Section 2.9(a)
         Cash Purchase Price............................................................Section 1.4
         Catalog Plan...................................................................Section 2.9
         CDM Agreement .................................................................Preamble
         Closing Balance Sheet..........................................................Section 1.4(a)
         Closing........................................................................Section 1.3
         Competitive Business...........................................................Section 5.7
         Confidentiality Agreement......................................................Section 4.1
         Consenting Party...............................................................Section 5.14


         Contract.......................................................................Section 2.6
         Contractual Obligations........................................................Section 2.6
         Coopers........................................................................Section 1.4(a)
         Coopers Report.................................................................Section 1.4(a)
         Deed...........................................................................Section 7.3(g)
         Employees......................................................................Section 5.12
         Employee Plans.................................................................Section 2.11
         Employee Welfare Plans.........................................................Section 2.11
         Environmental Law..............................................................Section 2.16
         ERISA Plan.....................................................................Section 2.11
         ERISA..........................................................................Section 2.11
         Estimated Cash Purchase Price..................................................Section 1.4
         Expiration Date................................................................Section 9.3
         Fee Property...................................................................Section 2.4
         Financial Statements...........................................................Section 2.3(a)
         Financing Commitments..........................................................Section 3.7
         Financing Parties..............................................................Section 3.7
         Hazardous Substance............................................................Section 2.16
         Indemnified Party..............................................................Section 9.4
         Indemnifying Party.............................................................Section 9.4
         Information....................................................................Section 5.15
         Lease Assignment and Assumption Agreements.....................................Section 7.3(f)
         Leases ........................................................................Section 2.4
         Material Adverse Effect........................................................Section 2.1(b)
         Multiemployer Plan.............................................................Section 5.4(a)
         Net Federal Payment............................................................Section 1.5(b)
         New York City Buying Office Letter.............................................Section 6.3
         NLRB...........................................................................Section 2.8
         PBGC...........................................................................Section 5.4(b)
         Permits........................................................................Section 2.7
         Permitted Lien.................................................................Section 2.4
         Phase I Environmental Investigation............................................Section 5.20
         Phase II Environmental Investigation...........................................Section 5.20
         Registration Rights Agreement..................................................Section 6.3
         Remedial Work..................................................................Section 5.20
         Remediation Costs..............................................................Section 5.20
         Seller Net Assets..............................................................Section 1.4(a)
         Seller Net Assets Statement....................................................Section 1.4(a)
         Seller's 401(k) Plan...........................................................Section 5.12(f)
         Services Agreement.............................................................Section 56.3
         Severance Plan.................................................................Section 5.12(d)


         Tax Adjustment.................................................................Section 1.5(b)
         Trade Name Sub.................................................................Preamble
         Trade Name Sub Common Stock....................................................Section 2.1
         Trademark Agreements...........................................................Section 6.3
         Union..........................................................................Section 5.4
         Union Agreement................................................................Section 5.4
         WARN...........................................................................Section 5.4

         12.2.    "Accounts Receivable" shall mean the accounts receivable of
Seller included in the Closing Balance Sheet (excluding Deferred Payment

         12.3. "Books and Records" shall mean the books of accounts and records,
computer software and records,  customer,  mailing, delivery, buying history and
prospect  lists and other  intangible  assets  (other than  Proprietary  Rights)
primarily pertaining to the Purchased Assets, the Assumed Liabilities,  Seller's
customers,  suppliers and  employees  and the Business,  other than the Excluded
Assets and Excluded Liabilities.

         12.4. "Buyer Notes" shall mean the Convertible  Subordinated  Notes, in
form and substance  reasonably  satisfactory  to Seller and having the terms set
forth on Exhibit 12.4, having an aggregate principal amount equal to $20,000,000
to be issued by Buyer to Seller on the Delivery Date.

         12.5.    "Code" shall mean the United States Internal Revenue Code of 
1986, as amended.

         12.6. "Contract Rights" shall mean all rights and interest of Seller as
of the date of the Closing in and to all Contracts (as defined in Section 2.6 of
this Agreement), other than Excluded Assets and Excluded Liabilities.

         12.7.  "Debt" of any Person shall mean all  obligations  of such Person
(a) in respect of  indebtedness  for  borrowed  money,  (b)  evidenced by notes,
bonds, debentures or similar instruments, (c) for the deferred purchase price of
goods or  services  (other  than trade  payables  or  accruals  incurred  in the
ordinary course of business),  (d) under capital leases and (e) in the nature of
Guarantees of the obligations  described in clauses (a) through (d) above of any
other Person.

         12.8.  "Deferred Payment  Receivables"  shall mean accounts  receivable
associated with the Division's deferred billing program and/or credit card sales
on or prior to the  date of the  Closing  as set  forth in the  Closing  Balance

         12.9.    "Encumbrances" shall mean any lien, charge, security interest
or encumbrance which secures an obligation to pay money.


         12.10.  "Excluded Assets",  notwithstanding any other provision of this
Agreement,  shall mean the rights,  titles and interests of Seller and the Trade
Name Sub in and to the  following  items  which  shall not be  acquired by Buyer

                  (a) all  claims,  choses in action  and  rights or  actions by
         Seller, CDM or the Trade Name Sub against third parties (including, but
         not limited to,  claims for refunds  against  governmental  agencies or
         other entities) which do not relate  primarily to the Purchased  Assets
         or  Assumed  Liabilities  and all claims  for  refunds of Income  Taxes
         attributable to all periods  (including  partial  periods) ending on or
         prior to the date of the Closing;

                  (b)  nontransferable Permits and deposits;

                  (c) all cash and cash  equivalents  on hand as of the  Closing
         related  to  the  Business,   wherever  located,   including,   without
         limitation,  in  accounts,  lock  boxes,  and  other  similar  accounts
         (whether  maintained  at a bank,  savings  and loan or other  financial

                  (d)  all Deferred Payment Receivables;

                  (e)  equity interests in CDM; and

                  (f)  any other asset or right listed or described on Schedule

         12.11.   "Excluded Liabilities" notwithstanding any other provision of
this Agreement, shall mean the following liabilities and obligations of the

                  (a) all  liabilities  or obligations of Seller and CDM for (i)
         Income  Taxes,  (ii) Transfer  Taxes to the extent  provided in Section
         5.17(b) and (iii) Other Taxes  attributable  to the  ownership,  use or
         operation of Excluded Assets (but specifically excluding sales taxes on
         sales of merchandise by Seller) and any  assessments,  fines,  interest
         and penalties in respect thereof;

                  (b) all obligations and liabilities  primarily  related to the
         Excluded Assets (including  reserves  associated with the collection of
         Deferred   Payment   Receivables  and  closing  down  the  Cosmopolitan
         catalog),  other than  liabilities  and  obligations for which Buyer is
         liable under any Transaction Agreement;

                  (c) all  liabilities  and  obligations  of Seller,  CDM or the
         Trade Name Sub to TJX or any TJX  affiliate  other than Seller,  CDM or
         the Trade Name Sub, except for obligations referred to in clause (v) of
         Section 9.2  (Guarantees,  etc.) and for  liabilities  and  obligations
         listed in Schedule 12.11;


                  (d) all  obligations  and  liabilities  of Seller,  CDM or the
         Trade Name Sub for which any of them is responsible pursuant to Section
         5.12 (Certain Employment and Employee Benefit Matters);

                  (e) all  liabilities,  obligations  and  claims  arising  from
         occurrences  prior to the  Closing  which are  covered  by any  general
         liability,   casualty,   property  damage,  products  liability,   auto
         liability, excess general liability or any insurance policy, whether or
         not  subject  to  a  deductible,  excluding  workers  compensation  and
         insurance   programs   which  are  subject  to  Section  5.12  (Certain
         Employment and Employee Benefit Matters), maintained by or on behalf of
         Seller,  regardless of the amount of reserves, if any, established with
         respect to any such liabilities,  obligations and claims and regardless
         of whether any claim has been made prior to the Closing with respect to
         any such events or occurrences;

                  (f) all  obligations and liabilities of Seller relating to its
         proposed bank financing with Bank of Boston and The First National Bank
         of Chicago:

                  (g)  all   obligations   and   liabilities   of   Seller   for
         professional,  service and filing fees relating to the proposed initial
         public offering of common stock of Chadwick's of Boston, Ltd.;

                  (h)  all obligations and liabilities of Seller relating to
         costs of formation of the Trade Name Sub;

                  (i) all obligations and liabilities of Seller relating to fees
         and commissions described in the first sentence of Section 11.1.

                  (j) all liabilities  and obligations  with respect to lawsuits
         filed  against  Seller,  CDM or the Trade Name Sub prior to the date of
         this Agreement; and

                  (k)  all other liabilities and obligations of Seller listed
         on Schedule 12.11.

         12.12.  "Fixtures  and  Equipment"  shall  mean  all of the  furniture,
fixtures,   furnishings,   motor  vehicles,  machinery,   equipment,  spare  and
replacement  parts and all other items of tangible  personal  property  owned by
Seller as of the date of the Closing.

         12.13.  "Guarantee"  with  respect  to any  Person,  shall mean (i) any
guarantee of the payment or  performance  of, or any  contingent  obligation  in
respect of, any Debt or other  obligation  of any other  Person,  (ii) any other
arrangement  whereby  credit is extended to any other Person on the basis of any
promise or  undertaking of such Person (A) to pay the Debt of such other Person,
(B) to purchase any  obligation  owed by such other  Person,  (C) to purchase or
lease assets  (other than  inventory in the ordinary  course of business)  under


that would enable such other Person to discharge one or more of its obligations,
or (D) to maintain the capital,  working capital,  solvency or general financial
condition  of such other  Person,  and (iii) any  liability  of such Person as a
general  partner of a partnership or as a venturer in a joint venture in respect
of Debt or other obligations of such partnership or venture.

         12.14.   "HSR Act" shall mean the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust
Improvements Act of 1976, as amended.

         12.15.   "Income Tax" shall mean any Tax which is, in whole or in
part, based on or measured by income or gains.

         12.16.   "Inventory" shall mean all merchandise, stock-keeping units,
work-in-process, inventories and similar materials, owned by Seller as of the
Closing and used in the Business or held for resale by the Business.

         12.17.   "Management Employee" shall mean any individual employed by
Seller at a position of supervisor or higher.

         12.18.   "Other Tax" shall mean any Tax that is not an Income or
Transfer Tax.

         12.19.  "Permits"  shall  mean  all  of  Seller's  licenses,   permits,
certificates,  franchises  and other  governmental  authorizations  necessary to
carry on the  Business as  presently  conducted  other than such  authorizations
related to Excluded Assets.

         12.20.   "Person" shall mean any individual, partnership, corporation,
association, trust, joint venture, unincorporated organization or other entity,
and any governmental entity.

         12.21.  "Proprietary Rights" shall mean all (i) fictitious names, trade
names,  registered and unregistered trademarks and service marks and all related
applications, (ii) patents, patent rights and all related applications and (iii)
copyrights in published and material unpublished works.

         12.22.  "Purchased Assets" shall mean all of Seller's rights, title and
interest  in and to all of the  assets  and  properties  primarily  used  in the
conduct  of  the  Business  other  than  Excluded  Assets,   whether   tangible,
intangible,  real, personal or mixed, and wherever located,  including,  without
limitation, the following:

                  (a)  shares representing all the outstanding capital stock of
          the Trade Name Sub;

                  (b)  refunds or transferable deposits relating primarily to 
          the Business;


                  (c) all Contract  Rights and all rights and interest of Seller
         in and to all  other  agreements,  contracts,  subleases,  leases,  and
         commitments primarily related to the Business;

                  (d)  all Accounts Receivable;

                  (e)  the Transferred Leases;

                  (f)  all real property;

                  (g)  all Fixtures and Equipment;

                  (h)  all Inventory;

                  (i)  all Supplies;

                  (j)  all Books and Records, subject to Section 5.5;

                  (k)  all Proprietary Rights except as otherwise provided in
         this Agreement or any other Transaction Agreement;

                  (l)  to the extent transferable, all Permits;

                  (m)  prepaid expenses and prepaid rent, except those relating
         to Excluded Assets;

                  (n)  the goodwill of the Business and its value as a going
         concern; and

                  (o) all  claims,  judgments,  choses in action  and  rights or
         actions against third parties including, but not limited to, claims for
         refunds  against  governmental  agencies or other entities which relate
         primarily  to  the  Purchased  Assets  or  Assumed  Liabilities  or the

         Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  Purchased Assets shall not include any
Excluded Assets.

         12.23.   "Related Party" shall mean an "affiliate" as such term is
defined in the rules and regulations promulgated under the Securities Act.

         12.24. "Return" shall mean any return,  declaration,  report, claim for
refund,  or  information  return or statement  relating to Taxes,  including any
schedule or attachment thereto, and including any amendment thereof.


         12.25.   "SEC" shall mean the Securities and Exchange Commission.

         12.26.   "Securities Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as

         12.27.   "Supplies" shall mean all supplies, wrapping supplies and
packaging items, employee uniforms and similar items.

         12.28. "Tax" shall mean any federal,  state,  local, or foreign income,
gross  receipts,  license,  payroll,   employment,   excise,  severance,  stamp,
occupation,  premium,  windfall profits,  environmental taxes under Code Section
59A, customs duties,  capital stock,  franchise,  profits,  withholding,  social
security  (or  similar),  unemployment,   disability,  real  property,  personal
property, sales, use, transfer, registration, value added, alternative or add-on
minimum,  estimated, or other tax, fee, levy, duty, impost or charge of any kind
whatsoever,  including  any  interest,  penalty,  or addition  thereto,  whether
disputed or not.

         12.29.   "TJX Affiliated Group" shall mean the affiliated group,
within the meaning of Section 1504(a) of the Code, of which TJX is the common

         12.30.   "Transaction Agreements" shall include this Agreement, the
CDM Agreement, the Lease Assignment and Assumption Agreements, the Services
Agreement, the Trademark Agreements, the Bills of Sale, the Deeds, the Inventory
Purchase Agreement, the Buyer Notes, the Registration Rights Agreement and the
New York City Buying Office Letter;

         12.31.   "Transfer  Tax"  shall  mean  any  sales,  use,  registration,
recording, value added, license or similar levy or fee imposed upon the transfer
of ownership or the use of tangible or intangible  property,  including  without
limitation any deed stamp.

         12.32.   "Transferred Leases" shall mean all of the leases or subleases
of real and personal property to which Seller is a lessee or a sublessee that
are used in the conduct of the Business.


         Any notices or other  communications  required or  permitted  hereunder
shall  be  sufficiently  given  if  delivered   personally  or  sent  by  telex,
telecopier,  nationally  recognized  overnight  delivery  service or registered,
certified or first class mail, postage prepaid,  addressed as follows or to such
other address of which the parties may have given notice:


         To TJX or Seller:            The TJX Companies, Inc.
                                      770 Cochituate Road
                                      Framingham, Massachusetts  01701
                                      Telecopier:  (508) 390-2457
                                      Attention:  President and General Counsel

         With a copy to:              Arthur G. Siler, Esq.
                                      Ropes & Gray
                                      One International Place
                                      Boston, Massachusetts  02110
                                      Telecopier:  (617) 951-7050

         To Buyer:                    Brylane, L.P.
                                      463 7th Avenue, 21st Floor
                                      New York, New York  10018
                                      Attention:  Chief Financial Officer
                                      Telecopy:  (212) 613-9567

         With a copy to:              John M. Roth
                                      Freeman Spogli & Co. Incorporated
                                      599 Lexington Avenue, 18th Floor
                                      New York, New York 10022
                                      Telecopy: (212) 758-7499

         Unless otherwise specified herein, such notices or other communications
shall be deemed received (a) on the date delivered, if delivered personally; (b)
when the answer  back is  received if sent by telex;  (c) when  confirmation  of
receipt is  received if sent by  telecopier;  (d) one  business  day after being
sent, if sent by nationally  recognized  overnight  delivery service;  (e) three
business days after being sent, if sent by registered or certified  mail; or (f)
five business days after being sent, if sent by first class mail.


         This  Agreement  shall be binding  upon and inure to the benefit of the
parties  hereto and their  respective  successors  and assigns  (which  shall be
deemed  to  include  any  person  purchasing  or  otherwise   acquiring  all  or
substantially  all of the assets of a party hereto or any of its  successors  or
assigns),  except that the parties may not assign their  respective  obligations
hereunder  without the prior  written  consent of the other  party,  except that
Seller  may  assign  its  rights  and  obligations  to any  direct  or  indirect
subsidiary  of TJX. No transfer or  assignment  by any party shall  relieve such
party of any of its obligations hereunder.

15.  ENTIRE AGREEMENT; ATTACHMENTS.  This Agreement, all Exhibits and Schedules
hereto, and all agreements and instruments to be delivered by the parties
pursuant hereto in


accordance with the applicable provisions of this Agreement or referenced herein
constitute  the  Agreement  and (together  with the  Confidentiality  Agreement)
represent the entire understanding and agreement between the parties hereto with
respect to the subject  matter  hereof and  supersede all prior oral and written
and  all  contemporaneous  oral  negotiations,  commitments  and  understandings
between  such  parties.  No  representations,  warranties,  prospectus  or other
information  not  expressly  set forth  herein shall be of any force and effect,
absent actual fraud or  intentional  wrongdoing,  and are not being relied on by
Buyer,  TJX or Seller.  The  Exhibits  and  Schedules  attached  hereto or to be
attached hereafter are hereby incorporated as integral parts of this Agreement.


         Except as otherwise  expressly  provided herein, the parties shall each
pay their own expenses in connection  with this  Agreement and the  transactions
contemplated hereby. Buyer shall pay the filing fee costs in connection with any
HSR Act filing.


         This  Agreement and all rights and  obligations  of the parties and all
claims  relating  to this  Agreement  shall  be  governed  by and  construed  in
accordance with the internal laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


         Each of TJX, Seller and Buyer hereby irrevocably waives, to the fullest
extent permitted by law, all rights to trial by jury in any action,  proceeding,
or counterclaim (whether based upon contract,  tort or otherwise) arising out of
or relating to this Agreement or any of the transactions contemplated hereby.


         The section  headings  contained  herein are for the convenience of the
reader only and shall not be deemed to be a part of this Agreement.


         The term "knowledge of TJX" as used in this Agreement shall mean to the
knowledge or belief of Bernard  Cammarata,  Richard Lesser or Donald G. Campbell
of TJX or Dhananjaya  Rao,  Carol  Meyrowitz,  Lawrence  Kinney or Jack Tynan of
Seller  based on a  reasonable  diligence  inquiry  by such  individuals  in the
ordinary  course of business as to the truth or accuracy of such  representation
or warranty.



         The invalidity or  unenforceability  of any provision of this Agreement
shall not affect the validity or  enforceability  of any other provision of this


         Nothing  expressed  or implied  herein  shall  confer  upon any past or
present  employee of TJX,  Seller or of any other  affiliate  of TJX, his or her
representatives,  beneficiaries, successors and assigns, nor upon any collective
bargaining  agent,  any rights or  remedies  of any  nature,  including  without
limitation,  any rights to employment or continued  employment with Seller, TJX,
Buyer or any successor or affiliate.

PARTIES.  Buyer  and TJX  hereby  agree  that,  at any  time on or  prior to the
Closing, Buyer may transfer to one of its direct,  wholly-owned subsidiaries all
rights and  obligations  provided  herein to purchase  from Seller the Purchased
Assets;   provided,   however,   that  such  subsidiary  expressly  assumes  all
obligations of Buyer and that no such transfer shall relieve Buyer of any of its
obligations  hereunder;  and  provided  further that the Buyer Notes will in any
event be issued by Buyer. In addition, TJX agrees that Buyer and such subsidiary
may grant a security  interest in this Agreement and all other  agreements to be
entered into in connection  herewith to the  Financing  Parties who will provide
financing for the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement under any and all
financing documents entered into by such Financing Parties to secure Buyer's and
such  subsidiary's   obligations  to  such  Financing  Parties  under  any  such


         This  Agreement  may be executed in one or more  counterparts,  each of
which shall be deemed to be an  original,  but all of which shall be one and the
same document.

         [The remainder of this page has been intentionally left blank.]


         IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this  Asset  Purchase  Agreement  has been  duly
executed  by the  parties  hereto  under seal as of and on the date first  above

                                      THE TJX COMPANIES, INC.

                                      By:  ___________________________
                                      Title: __________________________

                                      CHADWICK'S, INC.

                                      By:  ___________________________
                                      Title: __________________________

                                      BRYLANE, L.P.,
                                      a Delaware limited partnership

                                      By:   VGP Corporation
                                      Its: General Partner

                                      By:   ___________________________
                                            John M. Roth
