Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                        Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [ ] Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]  Confidential,  for  Use of the  Commission  Only  (as  permitted  by Rule
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss. 240.14a-11(c) or ss. 240.14a-12

                           FFD FINANCIAL CORPORATION
               (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  $125 per Exchange Act Rules O-11(c)(1)(ii),  14a-6(i)(1),  14a-6(i)(2) or
     Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A.
[ ]  $500 per each party to the  controversy  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and O-11.

      1)    Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
      2)    Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
      3)    Per unit  price  or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction 
            computed pursuant to  Exchange  Act Rule O-11 (Set forth the
            amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it
            was determined):
      4)    Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
      5)    Total fee paid:

[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided  by  Exchange  Act
     Rule  O-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
     paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

      1)    Amount Previously Paid:
      2)    Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
      3)    Filing Party:
      4)    Date Filed:

                           FFD FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                           321 North Wooster Avenue
                               Dover, Ohio 44622
                                (330) 364-7777


      Notice is hereby given that the 1996 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  of
FFD Financial  Corporation  ("FFD) will be held at 321 North  Wooster  Avenue,
Dover,  Ohio 44622,  on October 8, 1996 at 1:00 p.m.,  local time (the "Annual
Meeting"),  for the following  purposes,  all of which are more completely set
forth in the accompanying Proxy Statement:

     1.   To elect three directors of FFD for terms expiring in 1998;

     2.   To approve  the FFD  Financial  Corproation  1996  Stock  Option and
          Incentive Plan, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A;

     3.   To approve the First Federal  Savings Bank of Dover  Recognition and
          Retention  Plan  and  Trust  Agreement,  a copy of wich is  attached
          hereto as Exhibit B;

     4.   To ratify the selection of Grant Thornton LLP as the auditors of FFD
          for the current fiscal year; and

     5.   To  transact  such other  busienss as may  properly  come before the
          Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

      Only  shareholders  of FFD of record at the close of  business on August
20,  1996,  will be  entitled  to receive  notice of and to vote at the Annual
Meeting and at any adjournments  thereof.  Whether or nto you expect to attend
the Annual Meeting,  we urge you to consider the accompanying  Proxy Statement
QUORUM MAY BE  ASSSURED.  The giving of a Proxy does not affect  your right to
vote in person in the event you attend the Annual Meeting.

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors

Dover, Ohio                               Robert R. Gerber
August 22, 1996


                           FFD FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                           321 North Wooster Avenue
                               Dover, Ohio 44622
                                   (330) 364-7777

                                PROXY STATEMENT


      The enclosed  Proxy is being  solicited by the Board of Directors of FFD
Financial   Corporation  ("FFD")  for  use  at  the  1996  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders of FFD to be held at 321 North Wooster Avenue, Dover, Ohio 44622,
on October 8, 1996, at 1:00 p.m., local time, and at any adjournments  thereof
(the "Annual Meeting"). Without affecting any vote previously taken, the Proxy
may be  revoked  by a  shareholder  executing  a later  dated  proxy  which is
received  by FFD  before  the  Proxy  is  exercised  or by  giving  notice  of
revocation to FFD in writing or in open meeting before the Proxy is exercised.
Attendance at the Annual Meeting will not, of itself, revoke a Proxy.

      Each properly  executed  Proxy  received prior to the Annual Meeting and
not revoked will be voted as specified  thereon or, in the absence of specific
instructions to the contrary, will be voted:

          FOR the reelection of Messrs.  Stephen G. Clinton,  Robert R. Gerber
          and  Richard J.  Herzig as  directors  of FFD for terms  expiring in

          FOR the approval of the FFD Financial  Corporation 1996 Stock Option
          and  Incentive  Plan (the "Stock Option  Plan"),  a copy of which is
          attached hereto as Exhibit A;

          FOR  the  approval  of the  First  Federal  Savings  Bank  of  Dover
          Recognition  and Retention Plan and Trust  Agreement (the "RRP"),  a
          copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B;

          FOR the  ratification of the selection of Grant Thornton LLP ("Grant
          Thornton") as the auditors of FFD for the current fiscal year.

      Proxies may be solicited by the directors,  officers and other employees
of FFD and First Federal Savings Bank of Dover ("First Federal"), in person or
by  telephone,  telegraph  or mail only for use at the  Annual  Meeting.  Such
Proxies will not be used for any other meeting. The cost of soliciting Proxies
will be borne by FFD.

      Only  shareholders  of record as of the close of  business on August 20,
1996 (the "Voting Record Date"),  are entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting.
Each such  shareholder will be entitled to cast one vote for each share owned.
FFD's  records  disclose  that,  as of the  Voting  Record  Date,  there  were
1,454,750 votes entitled to be cast at the Annual Meeting.

      This Proxy  Statement is first being mailed to shareholders of FFD on or
about August 30, 1996.

                                 VOTE REQUIRED

Election of Directors

      Under Ohio law and FFD's Code of Regulations  (the  "Regulations"),  the
three  nominees  receiving  the  greatest  number of votes  will be elected as
directors.  Shares as to which the  authority  to vote is withheld  and shares
held by a nominee for a beneficial owner which are represented in person or by
proxy but not voted with respect to the election of directors  are not counted
toward the  election of  directors  or toward the  election of the  individual
nominees specified on the Proxy.

Approval of the Stock Option Plan and the RRP

      The  affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority  of the  outstanding
shares is necessary  to approve the Stock Option Plan and the RRP.  Under Ohio
law, shares held by a nominee for a beneficial  owner which are represented in
person or by proxy but not voted with respect to such proposals  ("non-votes")


are counted as present.  The effect of an abstention or a non-vote is the same
as a vote  against the  approval of the Stock  Option Plan and the RRP. If the
accompanying  Proxy is  signed  and  dated by the  shareholder  but no vote is
specified thereon,  however, the shares held by such shareholder will be voted
FOR the  adoption  of the  Stock  Option  Plan  and the  RRP and  will  not be
considered "non-votes."

Ratification of Selection of Auditors

      The  affirmative  vote  of the  holders  of a  majority  of  the  shares
represented in person or by proxy at the Annual Meeting is necessary to ratify
the selection of Grant  Thornton as the auditors of FFD for the current fiscal
year.  Under Ohio law and the  Regulations,  non-votes are counted as present.
The effect of an  abstention  or a non-vote is the same as a "no" vote. If the
accompanying  Proxy is  signed  and  dated by the  shareholder  but no vote is
specified thereon,  however, the shares held by such shareholder will be voted
FOR the  ratification  of the selection of Grant Thornton as auditors and will
not be considered "non-votes."

                             OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT

      The following table sets forth certain  information  with respect to the
only person  known to FFD to own  beneficially  more than five  percent of the
outstanding common shares of FFD as of August 15, 1996:

                                Amount and Nature of             Percent of
Name and Address                Beneficial Ownership         Shares Outstanding
- - -------------------------       --------------------         ------------------

First Bankers Trust, N.A.
1201 Broadway
Quincy, Illinois 62301               116,380(1)                     8.00%
- - -------------------------

(1)  Consists of the shares held by First Bankers  Trust,  N.A. as the Trustee
     for the FFD Financial  Corporation  Employee  Stock  Ownership  Plan (the

      The following table sets forth certain  information  with respect to the
number of common shares of FFD beneficially  owned by each director of FFD and
by all  directors  and  executive  officers of FFD as a group as of August 15,

                             Amount and Nature of                       Percent of
                             Beneficial Ownership                   Shares Outstanding
                          -----------------------------             ------------------
                       Sole Voting and     Shared Voting and
Name and Address(1)    Investment Power     Investment Power
- - -------------------    ----------------   --------------------
Stephen G. Clinton           2,150               1,850                     0.27%
Robert R. Gerber             3,000               5,000                     0.54
J. Richard Gray                 -               20,000                     1.37
Richard J. Herzig               -               12,500                     0.86
Roy O. Mitchell, Jr.        12,500               2,000                     1.00
Robert D. Sensel            10,000              10,000                     1.37
All directors and 
  executive officers
  of FFD as a group
  (8 people)                28,850              51,350                     5.51%
- - ----------------------------

(1)  Each of the persons  listed in this table may be contacted at the address
     of FFD.


                              BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Election of Directors

      The  Regulations  provide  for a Board of  Directors  consisting  of six
persons. Each of the directors of FFD is also a director of First Federal.

      In  accordance  with  Section  2.03  of the  Regulations,  nominees  for
election  as  directors  may  be  proposed  only  by  the  directors  or  by a
shareholder entitled to vote for directors if such shareholder has submitted a
written  nomination  to the  Secretary  of FFD by the  later of the July  31st
immediately  preceding the annual meeting of  shareholders or the sixtieth day
before the first anniversary of the most recent annual meeting of shareholders
held for the election of directors.  Each such written  nomination  must state
the name,  age,  business or residence  address of the nominee,  the principal
occupation or  employment  of the nominee,  the number of common shares of FFD
owned either  beneficially or of record by each such nominee and the length of
time such shares have been so owned.

      The Board of Directors  proposes the reelection of the following persons
to terms which will expire in 1998:

                                                     Director       Director
                                                      of FFD    of First Federal
Name                    Age(1)   Position(s) Held    Since (2)       Since
- - ----                    ------   ----------------   ----------  ----------------

Stephen G. Clinton        43     Director              1995         1993
Robert R. Gerber          47     Director and          1995         1990
Richard J. Herzig         71     Director              1995         1971
- - -----------------------------

(1)   As of August 15, 1996.

(2)   Each nominee became a director of FFD in connection  with the conversion
      of First  Federal from mutual to stock form (the  "Conversion")  and the
      formation of FFD as the holding company for First Federal.

      If any nominee is unable to stand for  election,  any  Proxies  granting
authority to vote for such nominee  will be voted for such  substitute  as the
Board of Directors recommends.

      The following  directors will continue to serve after the Annual Meeting
for the terms indicated:

                                                Director    Director of
                                                 of FFD    First Federal
Name                 Age(1)   Positions Held    Since (2)      Since       Term Expires
- - ----                 ------   --------------    ---------  -------------   ------------
J. Richard Gray        69       Director            1995        1969          1997
Roy O. Mitchell, Jr.   69       Director            1995        1965          1997
Robert D. Sensel       51       Director            1995        1993          1997
- - -----------------------------

(1)   As of August 15, 1996.

(2)   Each director became a director of FFD in connection with the Conversion.

      Stephen G. Clinton has been employed by National  Capital  Companies LLC
("National  Capital"),  a financial  consulting  and  investment  banking firm
specializing in the financial services industry, since 1990. Although National
Capital is headquartered in Chevy Chase, Maryland, Mr. Clinton operates out of
an office in Dover,  Ohio. Mr. Clinton has been President of National  Capital
since August 1995.

      Robert R. Gerber has served as  President of First  Federal  since 1992.
From 1984 to 1992,  Mr.  Gerber was a loan officer and the  Secretary of First


     J. Richard Gray has been employed by Hanhart  Agency,  Inc., an insurance
agency in Dover,  since 1951. Mr. Gray has served as that  company's  Chairman
for the past two years.

     Richard J. Herzig is the Chairman and retired  President of Toland-Herzig
Funeral Homes, Inc. located in Dover, Ohio.

     Roy O.  Mitchell,  Jr.  served as Managing  Officer of First Federal from
1967 until his retirement from First Federal in 1992.

     Robert D. Sensel has been President and Chief Executive  Officer of Dover
Hydraulics, Inc., Dover, Ohio, since 1984. Dover Hydraulics is involved in the
manufacture, repair and distribution of hydraulic cylinders and components for
the steel, construction and mining industries.

Meetings of Directors

     FFD was  incorporated in November 1995. The Board of Directors of FFD met
six times for regularly  scheduled and special meetings during the fiscal year
ended June 30, 1996.  Each director  attended at least 75% of the aggregate of
such meetings.  No FFD Board of Directors  committee meetings were held during
fiscal year 1995.

     Each  director of FFD is also a director of First  Federal.  The Board of
Directors of First  Federal met 20 times for  regularly  scheduled and special
meetings during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1996. Each director attended at
least 75% of the  aggregate of such meetings and all meetings of committees of
the Board of Directors of which such director was a member.

Committees of Directors

     The Board of Directors of FFD does not currently have any committees. The
Board  of  Directors  of  First  Federal  has an  Executive  Committee,  which
functions  primarily as a loan  approval  committee,  although  the  Executive
Committee is authorized to act on other  matters.  The Executive  Committee is
composed  of at least  three  directors  of First  Federal,  and  there are no
standing  appointments to the committee.  The Executive Committee met 26 times
during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1996.

                              EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

     In addition to Mr.  Gerber,  the President of both FFD and First Federal,
the following persons are executive officers of FFD and First Federal and hold
the designated positions:

   Name               Age(1)        Position(s) Held
  ------             --------       ----------------------------

   Robert S. Grant     29           Treasurer of FFD and First Federal and
                                    Vice President of First Federal

   Shirley A. Wallick  51           Secretary of FFD and First Federal


   (1)   As of August 15, 1996.


      Robert S. Grant is the  Treasurer,  Chief  Financial  Officer and a Vice
President of First  Federal and the  Treasurer of FFD. He has worked for First
Federal since 1993. From 1989 to 1993, Mr. Grant was an accounting  supervisor
with the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

      Shirley A.  Wallick is the  Secretary  of First  Federal and FFD. She is
responsible for teller  operations,  bookkeeping  and on-line  coordination of
First  Federal's  data  processing  system.  She has been an employee of First
Federal since December 1982.


Executive Compensation

      The  following  table  sets  forth  the  compensation  paid to Robert R.
Gerber,  the  President of FFD and First  Federal,  for the fiscal years ended
June 30, 1996,  1995 and 1994.  No executive  officer of FFD earned salary and
bonus in excess of $100,000 during such period.

                          Summary Compensation Table

                                      |  Annual Compensation |  All Other     |
                                      |                      | Compensation(1)|
             |----------------|-------|-----------|----------|                |
             |                |       |           |          |                |
             |Name and        | Year  | Salary ($)| Bonus ($)|                |
             |Principal       |       |           |          |                |
             |Position        |       |           |          |                |
             |                |       |           |          |                |
             |                |       |           |          |                |
             |Robert R. Gerber| 1996  |  $73,933  |  $6,376  |   $12,275(2)   |
             |  President     | 1995  |  $62,545  |  $6,110  |   $16,483(3)   |
             |                | 1994  |  $55,700  |  $5,070  |   $15,791(4)   |

- - -------------------------

(1)   Does not include amounts  attributable to other miscellaneous  benefits,
      the cost of which was less than 10% of Mr. Gerber's cash compensation.

(2)   Consists of directors' fees of $3,900 and First  Federal's  contribution
      of  $8,375  for  the  benefit  of  Mr.  Gerber  under  First   Federal's
      tax-qualified profit sharing plan (the "Profit Sharing Plan").

(3)   Consists of directors' fees of $7,350 and First  Federal's  contribution
      of $9,133 for the benefit of Mr. Gerber under the Profit Sharing Plan.

(4)   Consists of directors' fees of $7,425 and First  Federal's  contribution
      of $8,366 for the benefit of Mr. Gerber under the Profit Sharing Plan.

Director Compensation

      As of January 1, 1996, each director who is not an executive  officer of
FFD  receives a fee of $300 per regular  meeting  attended and $50 per special
meeting  attended and each  director who is not an executive  officer of First
Federal  receives  a fee of $700  per  regular  meeting  attended  and $50 per
special  meeting  attended.  In  addition,  directors  who are  not  executive
officers  of either FFD or First  Federal  receive a fee of $25 per  committee
meeting  attended.  Prior to January 1, 1996,  each director of First Federal,
including  executive  officers,  received  a fee of $600 per  regular  meeting
attended and $50 per special meeting attended.


                               NEW PLAN BENEFITS

      General.  The  Stock  Option  Plan and the RRP must be  approved  by the
holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of FFD. The Board of Directors
of FFD recommends  that the  shareholders of FFD approve the Stock Option Plan
and the RRP.

      The following table sets forth certain  information  with respect to the
options  expected  to be granted  pursuant  to the Stock  Option  Plan and the
awards expected to be made pursuant to the RRP:

                           Stock Option Plan(1)
                           --------------------          RRP
                            Shares Subject To    --------------------------
Name and Position                 Options        Dollar Value(2)     Shares
- - -----------------           -----------------    ---------------     ------

Robert R. Gerber, President       21,820           $ 59,364           5,820
All executive officers,
  as a group (3 persons)          29,070             35,547           3,485
All directors who are not
  executive officers, 
  as a group (5 persons)          36,365            148,359          14,545
All employees who are not
  executive officers, as
  a group (8 persons)             14,750             29,580           2,900

- - ------------------------------

(1)  The dollar value of the shares  subject to options under the Stock Option
     Plan is not determinable.

(2)  Based  upon the  number of shares  awarded  multiplied  by the $10.20 per
     share  closing  sales  price  quoted  by  the  Nasdaq   Small-Cap  Market
     ("Nasdaq") on August 19, 1996.

Stock Option Plan

      The  following is a summary of the terms of the Stock Option Plan and is
qualified  in its  entirety by  reference to the full text of the Stock Option
Plan, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A.

      Purpose.  The purposes of the Stock Option Plan  include  retaining  and
providing  incentives to the directors,  managerial and other key employees of
FFD and First Federal by  facilitating  their  purchase of a stock interest in
FFD.  Pursuant  to the Stock  Option  Plan,  145,475  common  shares have been
reserved  for  issuance  by FFD upon the  exercise of options to be granted to
certain  directors,  officers and employees of First Federal and FFD from time
to time under the Stock Option Plan.

      Administration   and   Eligibility.   The  Stock  Option  Plan  will  be
administered by a committee of directors  composed of at least three directors
of FFD who are not employees of FFD (the "Committee"). The Committee may grant
options under the Stock Option Plan at such times as it deems most  beneficial
to  First  Federal  and  FFD on the  basis  of  the  individual  participant's
responsibility,  tenure and future  potential to First Federal and FFD. Grants
must be made in  accordance  with the  Office  of Thrift  Supervision  ("OTS")
regulations,  which provide that no individual may receive options to purchase
more than 25% of the shares  which may be subject to options  pursuant  to the
Stock Option Plan, and directors who are not employees of FFD or First Federal
may not receive  options to purchase more than 5% of such shares  individually
or 30% in the aggregate.

      Without further approval of the shareholders, the Board of Directors may
at any time  terminate the Stock Option Plan or may amend it from time to time
in such respects as the Board of Directors may deem advisable, except that the
Board of Directors may not, without the approval of the shareholders, make any
amendment which would (a) increase the aggregate number of common shares which
may be issued under the Stock Option Plan (except for  adjustments  to reflect
certain  changes in the  capitalization  of FFD),  (b)  materially  modify the
requirements as to eligibility for  participation in the Stock Option Plan, or
(c) materially  increase the benefits accruing to participants under the Stock
Option Plan.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the Board of Directors may amend
the Stock Option Plan to take into account  changes in applicable  securities,
federal income tax and other applicable laws.


      Option Terms.  Options  granted to the officers and employees  under the
Stock Option Plan may be "incentive stock options" ("ISOs") within the meaning
of Section 422 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").
Options granted under the Stock Option Plan to directors who are not employees
of FFD or First  Federal will not qualify  under the Code and thus will not be
incentive stock options ("Non-Qualified Stock Options").

      The option  exercise price of each option granted under the Stock Option
Plan will be determined by the Committee at the time of option grant, although
the exercise  price must not be less than 100% of the fair market value of the
shares on the date of the grant. In addition, the exercise price of an ISO may
not be less than 110% of the fair  market  value of the  shares on the date of
the grant if the  recipient  owns more  than 10% of FFD's  outstanding  common
shares.  The Committee  shall fix the term of each option,  except that an ISO
shall not be exercisable after the expiration of ten years from the date it is
granted;  provided,  however,  that if a recipient  of an ISO owns a number of
shares  representing  more than 10% of the FFD shares  outstanding at the time
the ISO is granted, the term of the ISO shall not exceed five years. One-fifth
of such  stock  options  awarded  under the  Stock  Option  Plan  will  become
exercisable on each of the first five  anniversaries of the date of the award.
If the fair market value of shares awarded  pursuant to ISOs  exercisable  for
the first  time by a  participant  under  the Stock  Option  Plan  during  any
calendar  year  exceeds  $100,000,   however,  the  ISOs  will  be  considered
Non-Qualified Stock Options to the extent of such excess.

      An option  recipient  cannot  transfer or assign an option other than by
will or in accordance with the laws of descent and  distribution.  Termination
for cause,  as defined in the Stock Option Plan,  will result in the annulment
of any  outstanding  exercisable  options and any  options  which have not yet
become exercisable shall terminate upon the resignation, removal or retirement
of a director of FFD or First Federal,  or upon the  termination of employment
of an officer or employee of FFD or First Federal, except in the case of death
or disability.

      FFD will receive no monetary  consideration  for the granting of options
under the Stock  Option Plan.  Upon the exercise of options,  FFD will receive
payment of cash or, if  acceptable  to the  Committee,  FFD  common  shares or
outstanding  awarded  stock  options.  The market  value of the common  shares
underlying the options  reserved for the Stock Option Plan is $1,483,845 based
upon the number of shares reserved, multiplied by the $10.20 per share closing
sales price quoted by Nasdaq on August 19, 1996.

      Tax Treatment of Incentive Stock Options.  An optionee who is granted an
ISO does not  recognize  taxable  income either on the date of grant or on the
date of exercise.  Upon disposition of shares acquired from the exercise of an
ISO, long-term capital gain or loss is generally recognized in an amount equal
to the difference  between the amount  realized on the sale or disposition and
the exercise price. However, if the optionee disposes of the shares within two
years of the date of grant or within one year from the date of the transfer of
the shares to the optionee (a "Disqualifying Disposition"),  then the optionee
will  recognize  ordinary  income,  as opposed to capital gain, at the time of
disposition  in an amount  generally  equal to the lesser of (i) the amount of
gain  realized on the  disposition,  or (ii) the  difference  between the fair
market  value of the shares  received on the date of exercise and the exercise
price.  Any  remaining  gain or loss is treated as a  short-term  or long-term
capital gain or loss,  depending  upon the period of time the shares have been

      FFD is not  entitled to a tax  deduction  upon either the exercise of an
ISO or the disposition of shares acquired pursuant to such exercise, except to
the extent that the optionee  recognizes  ordinary  income in a  Disqualifying
Disposition.  Ordinary income from a Disqualifying Disposition will constitute
compensation  but  will  not be  subject  to tax  withholding,  nor will it be
considered wages for payroll tax purposes.

      If the holder of an ISO pays the  exercise  price,  in whole or in part,
with previously  acquired  shares,  the exchange should not affect the ISO tax
treatment  of the  exercise.  Upon such  exchange,  and  except  as  otherwise
described  herein,  no  gain  or  loss  is  recognized  by the  optionee  upon
delivering  previously  acquired  shares to FFD,  and shares  received  by the
optionee  equal in  number  to  previously  acquired  common  stock  exchanged
therefor  will have the same basis and holding  period for  long-term  capital
gain purposes as the previously acquired shares. (The optionee,  however, will
not be able to utilize the prior holding  period for the purpose of satisfying
the ISO statutory holding period requirements for avoidance of a Disqualifying
Disposition.)  Shares  received  by the  optionee  in excess of the  number of
shares  previously  acquired  will have a basis of zero and a  holding  period
which commences as of the date the shares are transferred to the optionee upon
exercise  of the ISO.  If the  exercise  of an ISO is  effected  using  shares
previously  acquired  through  the  exercise of an ISO,  the  exchange of such
previously acquired shares will be considered a disposition of such shares for
the purpose of determining whether a Disqualifying Disposition has occurred.


      Tax Treatment of Non-Qualified  Stock Options.  An optionee  receiving a
Non-Qualified  Stock Option does not recognize  taxable  income on the date of
grant of the  option,  provided  that  the  option  does  not  have a  readily
ascertainable  fair market value at the time it is granted.  The optionee must
recognize ordinary income generally at the time of exercise of a Non-Qualified
Stock Option in the amount of the difference  between the fair market value of
the shares on the date of exercise and the option price.  The ordinary  income
received  will  constitute  compensation  for  which  tax  withholding  by FFD
generally  will be required.  The amount of ordinary  income  recognized by an
optionee will be  deductible  by FFD in the year that the optionee  recognizes
the income if FFD complies with the applicable withholding requirement.

      If, at the time of exercise,  the sale of the shares  could  subject the
optionee to short-swing profit liability under Section 16(b) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, such person generally will not recognize ordinary income
until the date that the optionee is no longer  subject to such  Section  16(b)
liability.  Upon such date, the optionee will recognize  ordinary income in an
amount  equal to the fair  market  value of the  shares  on such date less the
option  exercise  price.  Nevertheless,  the optionee may elect under  Section
83(b) of the Code within 30 days of the date of exercise to recognize ordinary
income  as of the date of  exercise,  without  regard  to the  restriction  of
Section 16(b).

      Shares acquired upon the exercise of a  Non-Qualified  Stock Option will
have a tax basis  equal to their fair  market  value on the  exercise  date or
other  relevant date on which ordinary  income is recognized,  and the holding
period for the shares  generally  will begin on the date of  exercise  or such
other relevant date. Upon subsequent  disposition of the shares,  the optionee
will  recognize  long-term  capital  gain or loss if the optionee has held the
shares for more than one year prior to disposition or short-term  capital gain
or loss if the optionee has held the shares for one year or less.

      If a holder of a Non-Qualified  Stock Option pays the exercise price, in
whole or in part, with previously acquired shares, the optionee will recognize
ordinary  income in the  amount by which the fair  market  value of the shares
received  exceeds the exercise price.  The optionee will not recognize gain or
loss upon delivering  such previously  acquired shares to FFD. Shares received
by an optionee equal in number to the  previously  acquired  shares  exchanged
therefor  will have the same  basis  and  holding  period  as such  previously
acquired  shares.  Shares  received  by an optionee in excess of the number of
such  previously  acquired  shares  will have a basis equal to the fair market
value of such additional  shares as of the date ordinary income is recognized.
The holding period for such additional  shares will commence as of the date of
exercise or such other relevant date.

     Proposed Awards.  If the shareholders  approve the Stock Option Plan, the
Board of Directors of FFD expects to grant options to the following persons to
purchase the number of common shares  indicated:  21,280 shares to Mr. Gerber,
3,625 shares to each of Mr. Grant and Ms.  Wallick,  Mr. Douglas Baker and Ms.
Jennifer Thomas;  1,500 shares to each of Ms. Kimberly  Hammerstrom,  Ms. Jodi
Frantz, Ms. Linda Schott and Ms. Mary Mitchell; 750 shares to Ms. Tammy Klein;
and 7,273 to each of the five directors who are not full-time employees of FFD
or First  Federal  and Mr.  William  R.  Gerber,  Director  Emeritus  of First
Federal.  Such awards shall become  exercisable  at the rate of one-fifth  per
year  commencing  on the date that is one year  after the date of grant of the
award. No determination  has yet been made with respect to the extent to which
the options granted to employees will be ISOs.

      The Board of Directors of FFD recommends  that the  shareholders  of FFD
approve the Stock Option Plan.

Recognition and Retention Plan

      The  following  is a summary of the terms of the RRP and is qualified in
its  entirety  by  reference  to the full text of the RRP,  a copy of which is
attached hereto as Exhibit B.

      Purpose. First Federal has proposed the RRP to compensate such directors
and key employees for services to First Federal in a manner which will provide
such persons with an additional incentive to put forth maximum efforts for the
success  of First  Federal  and  FFD.  First  Federal  expects  to  contribute
sufficient  funds to enable the RRP to purchase up to 58,190  common shares of

      Administration  and  Eligibility.  The  RRP  will be  administered  by a
committee of directors  composed of at least three  directors of First Federal
who are not employees of First Federal (the "RRP Committee").

      The RRP Committee will determine  which directors and employees of First
Federal will be awarded shares under the RRP and the number of shares awarded;


provided,  however,  that the aggregate  number of shares covered by awards to
any one person shall not exceed 25% of the shares held pursuant to the RRP and
directors  who are not employees of First Federal may not receive more than 5%
of such shares individually or 30% in the aggregate.

      Terms.  Unless the RRP Committee  specifically states to the contrary at
the time of an award of shares,  one-fifth  of such  shares will be earned and
non-forfeitable  on each of the first  five  anniversaries  of the date of the
award. Until shares awarded are earned by the participant, such shares will be
forfeited in the event that the participant  ceases to be either a director or
an  employee  of First  Federal,  except  that in the  event  of the  death or
disability of a  participant,  the  participant's  shares will be deemed to be
earned and nonforfeitable.

      The shares,  together  with any cash  dividends  or  distributions  paid
thereon,  will be distributed as soon as practicable  after they are earned. A
participant  may direct  the voting of all shares  awarded to him or her which
have been earned, but have not yet been distributed to him or her. Shares that
have been awarded, but not earned, may not be transferred.

      The Board of Directors of First  Federal  may, by  resolution,  amend or
terminate the RRP.

      Tax Treatment of Shares Awarded Under the RRP. Persons  receiving shares
under  the RRP  generally  will not  recognize  income  upon the award of such
shares,  but  will  recognize  ordinary  income  when  and to the  extent  the
restrictions on such shares lapse, in an amount equal to the fair market value
of the  shares  at the time such  restrictions  lapse  plus the  amount of any
dividends  distributed  to the  participant  with respect to such  shares.  If
applicable withholding  requirements are satisfied,  FFD will be entitled to a
deduction  each year in an amount equal to the income,  if any,  recognized by
participants for such year.

      Under Section 83(b) of the Code, a participant may elect, within 30 days
after the shares are  awarded,  to recognize  ordinary  income on the date the
shares are awarded  based on the fair market value of the shares on such date.
If the election is made, First Federal would be entitled to a deduction for an
equivalent amount. A participant making such an election will have a tax basis
in the  shares  equal to the amount of  ordinary  income  recognized,  and the
participant's  holding  period for capital gains purposes for such shares will
commence on the date the shares are awarded.  If a Section  83(b)  election is
made, however, and the shares are subsequently forfeited, the participant will
not be entitled to either a deduction of the amount  previously  recognized as
income with respect to such shares or a refund of any tax paid thereon.

      Proposed  Awards.  If the  shareholders  approve  the RRP,  the Board of
Directors of First Federal expects to make the following grants:  5,820 shares
to Mr. Gerber; 2,035 shares to Ms. Wallick; 1,450 shares to each of Mr. Grant,
Mr. Baker and Ms.  Thomas;  and 2,909 shares to each of the five directors who
are not full-time employees of FFD or First Federal.

      The Board of Directors of FFD recommends  that the  shareholders  of FFD
approve the RRP.

                             SELECTION OF AUDITORS

      The Board of Directors has selected  Grant  Thornton LLP as the auditors
of FFD and First Federal for the current fiscal year and  recommends  that the
shareholders ratify the selection. Management expects that a representative of
Grant  Thornton  will  be  present  at  the  Annual  Meeting,  will  have  the
opportunity  to make a statement if he or she so desires and will be available
to respond to appropriate questions.



      Any  proposals  of  shareholders  intended to be included in FFD's proxy
statement for the 1997 Annual Meeting of Shareholders should be sent to FFD by
certified mail and must be received by FFD not later than April 24, 1997.

      Management  knows of no other  business  which may be brought before the
Annual Meeting. It is the intention of the persons named in the enclosed Proxy
to vote such Proxy in accordance with their best judgment on any other matters
which may be brought before the Annual Meeting.


                                          By Order of the Board of Directors

                                          Robert R. Gerber, President

Dover, Ohio
August 22, 1996


                                   EXHIBIT A

                           FFD FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                     1996 STOCK OPTION AND INCENTIVE PLAN

     1.  Purpose.  The  purpose of the FFD  Financial  Corporation  1996 Stock
Option  and  Incentive  Plan  (this  "Plan") is to  promote  and  advance  the
interests of FFD Financial  Corporation (the "Company"),  and its shareholders
by enabling the Company to attract,  retain and reward  directors,  managerial
and  other  key  employees  of the  Company  and any  Subsidiary  (hereinafter
defined),  and to strengthen the mutuality of interests between such directors
and employees and the Company's  shareholders by providing such persons with a
proprietary  interest in pursuing  the  long-term  growth,  profitability  and
financial success of the Company.

     2. Definitions. For purposes of this Plan, the following terms shall have
the meanings set forth below:

          (a)  "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

          (b)  "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,  or
               any successor  thereto,  together with rules,  regulations  and
               interpretations promulgated thereunder.

          (c)  "Committee"  means the  Committee of the Board  constituted  as
               provided in Section 3 of this Plan.

          (d)  "Common Shares" means the common shares,  without par value, of
               the  Company  or  any   security  of  the  Company   issued  in
               substitution, in exchange or in lieu thereof.

          (e)  "Company" means FFD Financial Corporation, an Ohio corporation,
               or any successor corporation.

          (f)  "Employment"  means  regular  employment  with the Company or a
               Subsidiary and does not include service as a director only.

          (g)  "Exchange  Act" means the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as
               amended, or any successor statute.

          (h)  "Fair Market Value" shall be determined as follows:

               (i)  If the Common  Shares are traded on a national  securities
                    exchange  at the time of grant of the Stock  Option,  then
                    the Fair Market  Value shall be the average of the highest
                    and the lowest  selling price on such exchange on the date
                    such Stock Option is granted or, if there were no sales on
                    such date,  then on the next prior  business  day on which
                    there was a sale.

               (ii) If the Common Shares are quoted on The Nasdaq Stock Market
                    at the time of the  grant of the  Stock  Option,  then the
                    Fair Market  Value  shall be the mean  between the closing
                    high bid and low asked  quotation with respect to a Common
                    Share on such date on The Nasdaq Stock Market.

               (iii)If  the  Common  Shares  are  not  traded  on  a  national
                    securities  exchange or quoted on The Nasdaq Stock Market,
                    then the Fair Market Value shall be as  determined  by the

          (i)  "Incentive   Stock  Option"  means  any  Stock  Option  granted
               pursuant  to the  provisions  of Section 6 of this Plan that is
               intended to be and is specifically  designated as an "incentive
               stock option" within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code.

          (j)  "Non-Qualified  Stock  Option"  means any Stock Option  granted
               pursuant  to the  provisions  of Section 6 of this Plan that is
               not an Incentive Stock Option.


          (k)  "OTS" means the Office of Thrift Supervision, Department of the

          (l)  "Participant" means an employee or director of the Company or a
               Subsidiary   who  is   granted   an  Award   under  this  Plan.
               Notwithstanding the foregoing, for the purposes of the granting
               of any  Incentive  Stock  Option  under  this  Plan,  the  term
               "Participant"  shall include only employees of the Company or a

          (m)  "Plan" means the FFD  Financial  Corporation  1996 Stock Option
               and  Incentive  Plan,  as  set  forth  herein  and as it may be
               hereafter amended from time to time.

          (n)  "Stock Option" means an award to purchase Common Shares granted
               pursuant to the provisions of Section 6 of this Plan.

          (o)  "Subsidiary"  means  any  corporation  or  entity  in which the
               Company  directly  or  indirectly  controls  50% or more of the
               total voting  power of all classes of its stock  having  voting
               power and includes,  without limitation,  First Federal Savings
               Bank of Dover.

          (p)  "Terminated  for Cause"  means any  removal  of a  director  or
               discharge  of  an  employee   for  the   personal   dishonesty,
               incompetence,  willful  misconduct,  breach of  fiduciary  duty
               involving  personal  profit,  intentional  failure  to  perform
               stated duties, willful violation of a material provision of any
               law,  rule or  regulation  (other than  traffic  violations  or
               similar   offenses),   a   material   violation   of  a   final
               cease-and-desist  order or any other  action of a  director  or
               employee  which results in a substantial  financial loss to the
               Company or a Subsidiary.

     3. Administration.

          (a)  This  Plan  shall  be  administered  by  the  Committee  to  be
               comprised  of not less than  three of the  members of the Board
               who  are not  employees  of the  Company.  The  members  of the
               Committee  shall be  appointed  from time to time by the Board.
               Members of the  Committee  shall  serve at the  pleasure of the
               Board, and the Board may from time to time remove members from,
               or add members to, the Committee.  A majority of the members of
               the Committee shall  constitute a quorum for the transaction of
               business.  An action  approved  in writing by a majority of the
               members  of the  Committee  then  serving  shall  be  fully  as
               effective as if the action had been taken by unanimous  vote at
               a meeting duly called and held.

          (b)  The Committee is authorized to construe and interpret this Plan
               and to make all other determinations necessary or advisable for
               the  administration  of this Plan.  The Committee may designate
               persons  other than  members of the  Committee to carry out its
               responsibilities  under such  conditions and  limitations as it
               may  prescribe.  Any  determination,  decision or action of the
               Committee in connection with the construction,  interpretation,
               administration,  or  application  of this Plan  shall be final,
               conclusive and binding upon all persons  participating  in this
               Plan and any person validly  claiming under or through  persons
               participating  in this  Plan.  The  Company  shall  effect  the
               granting of Stock Options  under this Plan in  accordance  with
               the  determinations  made by the  Committee,  by  execution  of
               instruments  in  writing  in  such  form  as  approved  by  the

     4. Duration of, and Common Shares Subject to, this Plan.

          (a)  Term.  This Plan shall  terminate on the date which is ten (10)
               years from the date on which this Plan is adopted by the Board,
               except  with  respect  to  Stock   Options  then   outstanding.
               Notwithstanding the foregoing, no Incentive Stock Option may be
               granted  under this Plan after the date which is ten (10) years
               from the date on which this Plan is adopted by the Board or the
               date on which this Plan is approved by the  shareholders of the
               Company, whichever is earlier.

          (b)  Common  Shares  Subject to Plan.  The maximum  number of Common
               Shares in respect of which Stock  Options may be granted  under
               this Plan,  subject to  adjustment  as provided in Section 9 of
               this Plan, shall be ten percent of the total Common Shares sold
               in connection with the conversion of First Federal Savings Bank
               of Dover from mutual to stock form.

     For the purpose of computing the total number of Common Shares  available
for Stock  Options  under  this  Plan,  there  shall be  counted  against  the


foregoing limitations the number of Common Shares subject to issuance upon the
exercise or  settlement  of Stock  Options as of the dates on which such Stock
Options  are  granted.  If any Stock  Options  are  forfeited,  terminated  or
exchanged for other Stock Options,  or expire  unexercised,  the Common Shares
which were theretofore  subject to such Stock Options shall again be available
for  Stock  Options  under  this  Plan  to  the  extent  of  such  forfeiture,
termination or expiration of such Stock Options.

     Common  Shares  which  may be  issued  under  this  Plan  may  be  either
authorized and unissued  shares or issued shares which have been reacquired by
the Company. No fractional shares shall be issued under this Plan.

     5. Eligibility and Grants.  Persons eligible for Stock Options under this
Plan shall consist of directors and  managerial and other key employees of the
Company or a Subsidiary who hold positions with  significant  responsibilities
or  whose  performance  or  potential  contribution,  in the  judgment  of the
Committee,  will benefit the future success of the Company or a Subsidiary. In
selecting  the  directors  and employees to whom Stock Options will be awarded
and the number of shares  subject to such Stock Options,  the Committee  shall
consider the position,  duties and  responsibilities of the eligible directors
and employees, the value of their services to the Company and the Subsidiaries
and any other factors the Committee may deem relevant.

     6. Stock  Options.  Stock  Options  granted under this Plan may be in the
form of Incentive Stock Options or Non-Qualified Stock Options, and such Stock
Options  shall  be  subject  to the  following  terms  and  conditions  as the
Committee shall deem desirable:

          (a)  Grant.  Stock  Options may be granted  under this Plan on terms
               and  conditions  not  inconsistent  with the provisions of this
               Plan and in such  form as the  Committee  may from time to time
               approve and shall contain such additional terms and conditions,
               not  inconsistent  with the  express  provisions  of this Plan;
               provided,  however, that no more than 25% of the shares subject
               to Stock  Options  may be awarded to any  individual  who is an
               employee  of the  Company or a  Subsidiary,  no more than 5% of
               such  shares  may  be  awarded  to any  director  who is not an
               employee of the Company or a Subsidiary and no more than 30% of
               such  shares may be awarded to  non-employee  directors  in the

          (b)  Stock Option Price.  The option exercise price per Common Share
               purchasable  under a Stock  Option shall be  determined  by the
               Committee at the time of grant;  provided,  however, that in no
               event shall the  exercise  price of a Stock Option be less than
               100% of the Fair Market Value of the Common  Shares on the date
               of  the  grant  of  such  Stock  Option.   Notwithstanding  the
               foregoing,  in the case of a Participant who owns Common Shares
               representing more than 10% of the outstanding  Common Shares at
               the time an  Incentive  Stock  Option is  granted,  the  option
               exercise  price shall in no event be less than 110% of the Fair
               Market  Value of the  Common  Shares  at the time an  Incentive
               Stock Option is granted to such Participant.

          (c)  Stock  Option  Terms.  Subject  to the right of the  Company to
               provide  for  earlier  termination  in the event of any merger,
               acquisition or consolidation involving the Company, the term of
               each Stock Option shall be fixed by the Committee;  except that
               the term of Incentive  Stock  Options will not exceed ten years
               after the date the Incentive Stock Option is granted; provided,
               however, that in the case of a Participant who owns a number of
               Common Shares  representing  more than 10% of the Common Shares
               outstanding  at the time an Incentive  Stock Option is granted,
               the  term  of  the  Incentive  Stock  Option  granted  to  such
               Participant shall not exceed five years.

          (d)  Exercisability. Except as set forth in Section 6(f) and Section
               7 of this Plan,  Stock  Options  awarded  under this Plan shall
               become exercisable at the rate of one-fifth per year commencing
               on the date that is one year after the date of the grant of the
               Stock  Option  and shall be  subject  to such  other  terms and
               conditions  as shall be determined by the Committee at the date
               of grant.

          (e)  Method of Exercise.  A Stock Option may be exercised,  in whole
               or in part, by giving written notice of exercise to the Company
               specifying  the number of Common Shares to be  purchased.  Such
               notice shall be  accompanied by payment in full of the purchase
               price in cash or, if  acceptable  to the  Committee in its sole
               discretion,  in Common Shares already owned by the Participant,
               or by surrendering outstanding Stock Options. The Committee may
               also permit  Participants,  either on a selective  or aggregate
               basis,  to  simultaneously  exercise  Options  and sell  Common
               Shares  thereby  acquired,  pursuant to a brokerage  or similar
               arrangement,  approved in advance by the Committee, and use the
               proceeds  from such sale as  payment of the  purchase  price of
               such shares.


          (f)  Special  Rule for  Incentive  Stock  Options.  With  respect to
               Incentive  Stock Options granted under this Plan, to the extent
               the aggregate Fair Market Value  (determined as of the date the
               Incentive Stock Option is granted) of the number of shares with
               respect to which Incentive Stock Options are exercisable  under
               all plans of the Company or a Subsidiary  for the first time by
               a  Participant  during any calendar year exceeds  $100,000,  or
               such other  limit as may be  required  by the Code,  such Stock
               Options shall be  Non-Qualified  Stock Options to the extent of
               such excess.

     7. Termination of Employment or Directorship.

          (a)  Except  in  the  event  of  the  death  or   disability   of  a
               Participant,  upon the resignation,  removal or retirement from
               the board of directors of any  Participant who is a director of
               the  Company  or  a  Subsidiary  or  upon  the  termination  of
               Employment  of a  Participant  who  is  not a  director  of the
               Company or a  Subsidiary,  any Stock  Option  which has not yet
               become  exercisable  shall  thereupon  terminate  and  be of no
               further  force or  effect,  and,  subject to  extension  by the
               Committee,  any Stock Option which has become exercisable shall
               terminate  if it is not  exercised  within  12  months  of such
               resignation, removal or retirement.

          (b)  Unless the Committee shall  specifically state otherwise at the
               time an Option is granted,  all Options granted under this Plan
               shall become  exercisable in full on the date of termination of
               a Participant's  employment or directorship with the Company or
               a Subsidiary  because of his death or disability,  and, subject
               to extension by the Committee,  all Options shall  terminate if
               not exercised  within 12 months of the  Participant's  death or

          (c)  In  the  event  the  Employment  or  the   directorship   of  a
               Participant is Terminated  for Cause,  any Option which has not
               been  exercised   shall  terminate  as  of  the  date  of  such
               termination for cause.

     8. Non-transferability of Stock Options. No Stock Option under this Plan,
and no rights or interests  therein,  shall be assignable or transferable by a
Participant except by will or the laws of descent and distribution. During the
lifetime of a Participant, Stock Options are exercisable only by, and payments
in settlement of Stock Options will be payable only to, the Participant or his
or her legal representative.

     9. Adjustments Upon Changes in Capitalization.

          (a)  The  existence  of this  Plan  and the  Stock  Options  granted
               hereunder  shall not affect or restrict in any way the right or
               power of the Board or the  shareholders  of the Company to make
               or authorize the following:  any adjustment,  recapitalization,
               reorganization   or  other  change  in  the  Company's  capital
               structure  or  its  business;   any  merger,   acquisition   or
               consolidation   of  the   Company;   any   issuance  of  bonds,
               debentures,  preferred or prior  preference  stocks ahead of or
               affecting  the Company's  capital stock or the rights  thereof;
               the  dissolution  or  liquidation of the Company or any sale or
               transfer of all or any part of its assets or  business;  or any
               other  corporate  act or  proceeding,  including  any merger or
               acquisition  which would result in the exchange of cash,  stock
               of another  company or options to purchase the stock of another
               company for any Stock  Option  outstanding  at the time of such
               corporate transaction or which would involve the termination of
               all Stock  Options  outstanding  at the time of such  corporate

          (b)  In the event of any  change  in  capitalization  affecting  the
               Common Shares of the Company,  such as a stock dividend,  stock
               split,  recapitalization,   merger,  consolidation,   split-up,
               combination   or   exchange   of  shares   or  other   form  of
               reorganization,  or  any  other  change  affecting  the  Common
               Shares, such proportionate adjustments, if any, as the Board in
               its  discretion  may deem  appropriate  to reflect  such change
               shall be made with  respect to the  aggregate  number of Common
               Shares  for which  Stock  Options  in  respect  thereof  may be
               granted  under this Plan,  the maximum  number of Common Shares
               which may be sold or awarded to any Participant,  the number of
               Common Shares covered by each outstanding Stock Option, and the
               exercise  price  per  share in  respect  of  outstanding  Stock


          (c)  The Committee may also make such  adjustments  in the number of
               shares  covered by, and the  exercise  price or other value of,
               any  outstanding  Stock  Options in the event of a spin-off  or
               other  distribution  (other  than  normal  cash  dividends)  of
               Company  assets  to  shareholders.  In the event  that  another
               corporation  or  business  entity  is  being  acquired  by  the
               Company,  and the Company agrees to assume outstanding employee
               stock  options  and/or the  obligation to make future grants of
               options or rights to  employees  of the  acquired  entity,  the
               aggregate  number of Common Shares  available for Stock Options
               under Section 4 of this Plan may be increased accordingly.

     10.  Amendment and Termination of this Plan.  Without further approval of
the  shareholders,  the Board may at any time terminate this Plan or may amend
it from time to time in such respects as the Board may deem advisable,  except
that the  Board  may  not,  without  approval  of the  shareholders,  make any
amendment which would (a) increase the aggregate number of Common Shares which
may be issued under this Plan (except for adjustments pursuant to Section 9 of
this Plan),  (b) materially  modify the  requirements  as to  eligibility  for
participation in this Plan, or (c) materially  increase the benefits  accruing
to  Participants  under this Plan.  The above  notwithstanding,  the Board may
amend this Plan to take into account changes in applicable securities, federal
income tax and other applicable laws.

     11.  Modification  of Options.  The Board may  authorize the Committee to
direct the execution of an instrument  providing for the  modification  of any
outstanding  Stock Option which the Board believes to be in the best interests
of the Company;  provided,  however,  that no such modification,  extension or
renewal shall reduce the exercise  price or confer on the holder of such Stock
Option any right or benefit  which could not be  conferred on him by the grant
of a new Stock  Option at such time and  shall  not  materially  decrease  the
Participant's  benefits  under the Stock  Option  without  the  consent of the
holder of the Stock Option, except as otherwise permitted under this Plan.

     12. Miscellaneous.

          (a)  Tax  Withholding.  The  Company  shall have the right to deduct
               from any  settlement,  including  the  delivery  or  vesting of
               Common Shares, made under this Plan any federal, state or local
               taxes of any kind  required by law to be withheld  with respect
               to  such  payments  or to  take  such  other  action  as may be
               necessary  in  the  opinion  of  the  Company  to  satisfy  all
               obligation for the payment of such taxes.  If Common Shares are
               used to satisfy tax  withholding,  such shares  shall be valued
               based on the Fair  Market  Value  when the tax  withholding  is
               required to be made.

          (b)  No Right to  Employment.  Neither the adoption of this Plan nor
               the granting of any Stock Option shall confer upon any employee
               of  the  Company  or  a  Subsidiary   any  right  to  continued
               Employment  with the Company or a  Subsidiary,  as the case may
               be,  nor  shall it  interfere  in any way with the right of the
               Company or a Subsidiary to terminate  the  Employment of any of
               its employees at any time, with or without cause.

          (c)  Annulment of Stock Options. The grant of any Stock Option under
               this Plan payable in cash is provisional  until cash is paid in
               settlement  thereof.  The grant of any Stock Option  payable in
               Common  Shares is  provisional  until the  Participant  becomes
               entitled to the certificate in settlement thereof. In the event
               the  Employment  or  the   directorship  of  a  Participant  is
               Terminated  for Cause,  any Stock Option  which is  provisional
               shall be annulled as of the date of such termination.

          (d)  Other Company Benefit and Compensation  Programs.  Payments and
               other benefits  received by a Participant  under a Stock Option
               made  pursuant  to this  Plan  shall  not be deemed a part of a
               Participant's  regular,  recurring compensation for purposes of
               the  termination  indemnity or severance pay law of any country
               and shall not be  included  in,  nor have any  effect  on,  the
               determination of benefits under any other employee benefit plan
               or similar arrangement  provided by the Company or a Subsidiary
               unless expressly so provided by such other plan or arrangement,
               or except where the Committee expressly determines that a Stock
               Option or  portion  of a Stock  Option  should be  included  to
               accurately  reflect  competitive  compensation  practices or to
               recognize  that a  Stock  Option  has  been  made  in lieu of a
               portion of competitive annual cash compensation.  Stock Options
               under  this Plan may be made in  combination  with or in tandem
               with, or as alternatives to, grants,  stock options or payments
               under any other plans of the Company or a Subsidiary. This Plan
               notwithstanding,  the Company or any  Subsidiary may adopt such
               other   compensation   programs  and  additional   compensation
               arrangements  as it deems  necessary  to  attract,  retain  and
               reward  directors  and  employees  for their  service  with the
               Company and its Subsidiaries.


          (e)  Securities Law  Restrictions.  No Common Shares shall be issued
               under  this  Plan  unless  counsel  for the  Company  shall  be
               satisfied  that  such  issuance  will  be  in  compliance  with
               applicable federal and state securities laws.  Certificates for
               Common Shares  delivered under this Plan may be subject to such
               stock-transfer  orders and other  restrictions as the Committee
               may deem  advisable  under the  rules,  regulations,  and other
               requirements  of the  Securities and Exchange  Commission,  any
               stock  exchange  upon which the Common  Shares are then listed,
               and  any  applicable  federal  or  state  securities  law.  The
               Committee  may cause a legend or  legends to be put on any such
               certificates   to   make   appropriate    reference   to   such

          (f)  Stock  Option  Agreement.  Each  Participant  receiving a Stock
               Option under this Plan shall enter into an  agreement  with the
               Company in a form  specified by the  Committee  agreeing to the
               terms and  conditions  of the  Stock  Option  and such  related
               matters  as  the  Committee  shall,  in  its  sole  discretion,

          (g)  Cost of Plan. The costs and expenses of administering this Plan
               shall be borne by the Company.

          (h)  Governing Law. This Plan and all actions taken  hereunder shall
               be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
               State of Ohio,  except to the extent that  federal law shall be
               deemed applicable.

          (i)  Effective  Date. This Plan shall be effective upon the later of
               adoption   by  the  Board  and   approval   by  the   Company's
               shareholders.  This Plan shall be submitted to the shareholders
               of the Company for approval at an annual or special  meeting of
               shareholders  to be held no sooner  than six  months  after the
               effective date of the Conversion.


                                   EXHIBIT B

                          FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK
                                   OF DOVER
                        RECOGNITION AND RETENTION PLAN
                              AND TRUST AGREEMENT

                                   ARTICLE I

     The  following  words and  phrases  when used in this  Agreement  with an
initial  capital  letter shall have the  meanings set forth below,  unless the
context  clearly  indicates  otherwise.  Wherever  appropriate,  the masculine
pronoun shall include the feminine  pronoun and the singular shall include the

     1.01   "Agreement"   means  the  First  Federal  Savings  Bank  of  Dover
Recognition and Retention Plan and Trust Agreement.

     1.02  "Award"  means a right  granted to a Director or an Employee  under
this Plan to receive Plan Shares.

     1.03 "Bank" means the First Federal Savings Bank of Dover, a savings bank
chartered under the laws of the United States.

     1.04 "Beneficiary"  means the person or persons designated by a Recipient
to  receive  any  benefits  payable  under  this  Plan  in the  event  of such
Recipient's  death.  Such person or persons  shall be designated in writing on
forms  provided for this purpose by the Committee and may be changed from time
to time by  similar  written  notice to the  Committee.  In the  absence  of a
written designation, the Beneficiary shall be the Recipient's estate.

     1.05 "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Bank.

     1.06  "Committee"  means the  Recognition  and Retention  Plan  Committee
appointed by the Board pursuant to Article IV hereof.

     1.07 "Common Shares" means common shares of the Corporation.

     1.08  "Conversion"  means the conversion of the Bank from mutual to stock

     1.09 "Corporation"  means FFD Financial  Corporation,  a savings and loan
holding  company  incorporated  under  the  laws of the  State of Ohio for the
purpose of holding all of the common  shares of the Bank issued in  connection
with the Conversion.

     1.10  "Director"  means  any  person  who is a  member  of the  Board  of
Directors of the Corporation, the Bank or a Subsidiary.

     1.11 "Employee" means any person who is employed by the Corporation,  the
Bank or a Subsidiary.

     1.12  "Person"  means an  individual,  corporation,  partnership,  trust,
association,    joint   venture,   pool,   syndicate,   sole   proprietorship,
unincorporated  organization  or any  other  form of entity  not  specifically
listed herein.

     1.13 "Plan" means the Recognition and Retention Plan  established by this

     1.14 "Plan Shares" means the Common Shares held pursuant to the Trust and
which are awarded or issuable to a Recipient pursuant to the Plan.

     1.15 "Plan  Share  Reserve"  means the Common  Shares held by the Trustee
pursuant to Sections 5.02 and 5.03 of this Agreement.


     1.16  "Recipient"  means any  Director or Employee  who receives an Award
under the Plan.

     1.17  "Subsidiaries"  means  subsidiaries  of the  Bank  which,  with the
consent of the Board, agree to participate in the Plan.

     1.18 "Trust" means the trust established by this Agreement.

     1.19  "Trustee"  means the person or persons  or entity  approved  by the
Board  pursuant  to  Sections  4.01 and 4.02 to hold  legal  title to the Plan
assets for the purposes set forth herein.

                                  ARTICLE II

     2.01 The Bank hereby  establishes  a Recognition  and Retention  Plan and
Trust  upon  the  terms  and  subject  to the  conditions  set  forth  in this

     2.02 The  Trustee  hereby  accepts the Trust and agrees to hold the Trust
assets existing on the date of this Agreement and all additions and accretions
thereto upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

                                  ARTICLE III
                              PURPOSE OF THE PLAN

     3.01 The  purpose of the Plan is to reward and retain the  Directors  and
Employees of the  Corporation,  the Bank and the  Subsidiaries  who are in key
positions of  responsibility by providing such Directors and Employees with an
equity  interest  in the  Corporation  as  reasonable  compensation  for their
contributions to the Corporation, the Bank and the Subsidiaries.

                                  ARTICLE IV
                          ADMINISTRATION OF THE PLAN

     4.01  Role  of  the  Committee.   The  Plan  shall  be  administered  and
interpreted  by the  Committee,  which  shall  consist  of not less than three
members of the Board who are not employees of the Bank.  The  Committee  shall
have  all of the  powers  set  forth  in this  Plan.  The  interpretation  and
construction  by the Committee of any  provisions of this  Agreement or of any
Award granted hereunder shall be final,  conclusive and binding. The Committee
shall act by the vote, or the written  consent,  of a majority of its members.
The Committee  shall report  actions and decisions with respect to the Plan to
the Board upon request by the Board.

     4.02 Role of the Board.  The  members of the  Committee  and the  Trustee
shall be appointed or approved by and will serve at the pleasure of the Board.
The Board may in its  discretion  from time to time remove members from or add
members to the Committee and may remove,  replace or add one or more Trustees.
The Board,  in its  absolute  discretion,  may take any  action  under or with
respect to the Plan which the  Committee is authorized to take and may reverse
or override any action taken or decision made by the  Committee  under or with
respect to the Plan or take any other action  reserved to the Board under this
Agreement;  provided, however, that the Board may not revoke any Award already
granted   under   this   Agreement.   All   decisions,    determinations   and
interpretations  of the Board shall be final,  conclusive and binding upon all
parties having an interest in the Plan.


     4.03  Limitation on Liability.  No member of the Board or the  Committee,
nor any Trustee, shall be liable for any determination made in good faith with
respect to the Plan or any Plan Shares or Awards  granted under the Plan. If a
member  of the  Board  or of the  Committee  or any  Trustee  is a party or is
threatened to be made a party to any threatened,  pending or completed action,
suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal,  administrative or investigative,
by reason of anything done or not done by such member in such  capacity  under
or with respect to this Plan,  the Bank shall  indemnify  such member  against
expenses  (including  attorneys' fees),  judgments,  fines and amounts paid in
settlement  actually and reasonably incurred by such member in connection with
such action,  suit or  proceeding  if such member acted in good faith and in a
manner  such  member  reasonably  believed to be in or not opposed to the best
interests of the Corporation,  the Bank and the Subsidiaries and, with respect
to any criminal action or proceeding,  had no reasonable cause to believe such
member's conduct was unlawful.

                                   ARTICLE V

     5.01 Amount and Timing of  Contributions.  The Board shall  determine the
amounts (or the method of computing the amounts) to be contributed by the Bank
to the  Trust.  Such  amounts  shall  be paid to the  Trustee  at the  time of
contribution. No contributions to the Trust by Directors or Employees shall be

     5.02 Investment of Trust Assets. Except as otherwise permitted by Section
8.02 of this  Agreement,  the Trustee shall invest all of the Trust's  assets,
after  providing  for any  required  withholding  as needed for tax  purposes,
exclusively  in Common  Shares;  provided,  however,  that the Trust shall not
purchase  a number of  Common  Shares  equal to more than 3% of the  number of
Common  Shares issued in connection  with the  Conversion,  except that if the
Bank's tangible capital exceeds 10%, the Trust may purchase a number of Common
Shares equal to up to 4% of the Common Shares  issued in  connection  with the
Conversion.  After such  investment,  the Common  Shares  shall be held by the
Trustee in the Plan Share  Reserve until such Common Shares are subject to one
or more Awards.  Any funds held by the Trust before  purchasing  Common Shares
shall be invested by the Trustee in such interest-bearing  account or accounts
at the Bank as the Trustee shall determine to be appropriate.

     5.03  Effect of  Allocations,  Returns  and  Forfeitures  Upon Plan Share
Reserves.  Upon the allocation of Awards under Section 6.02 of this Agreement,
or the decision of the Committee to return Plan Shares to the Corporation, the
Plan Share  Reserve shall be reduced by the number of Plan Shares so allocated
or  returned.  Any Plan  Shares  subject  to an  Award  which  is  subject  to
forfeiture by the Recipient  pursuant to Section 7.01 of this Agreement  shall
be retained in the Plan Share Reserve.

                                  ARTICLE VI
                           ELIGIBILITY; ALLOCATIONS

     6.01 Eligibility.  Directors and Employees are eligible to receive Awards
within the sole discretion of the Committee.

     6.02 Allocations. The Committee will determine which of the Directors and
Employees will be granted Awards and the number of Plan Shares covered by each
Award;  provided,  however,  that:  (a) the  aggregate  number of Plan  Shares
covered by Awards to any one Employee shall not exceed 25% of the total number
of Plan Shares, (b) no more than 5% of the Plan Shares shall be awarded to any
Director who is not an  Employee,  and (c) no more than 30% of the Plan Shares
shall be awarded in the aggregate to Directors who are not  Employees.  In the
event Plan Shares are forfeited  for any reason or additional  Plan Shares are
purchased by the Trustee,  the  Committee  may,  from time to time,  determine
which of the Employees  will be granted  additional  Awards to be awarded from
forfeited or additional Plan Shares.

     In selecting  the  Directors and Employees to whom Awards will be granted
and the number of shares covered by such Awards,  the Committee shall consider
the  position,  duties and  responsibilities  of the  eligible  Directors  and
Employees,  the value of their services to the  Corporation,  the Bank and the
Subsidiaries  and any other  factors  the  Committee  may deem  relevant.  All
allocations  by the  Committee  shall be  subject to review  and  approval  or
rejection by the Board.


     6.03 Form of Allocation. As promptly as practicable after a determination
is made  pursuant  to Section  6.02 of this  Agreement  that an Award is to be
made, the Committee  shall notify the Recipient in writing of the grant of the
Award, the number of Plan Shares covered by the Award and the terms upon which
the Plan  Shares  subject  to the Award may be  earned.  The date on which the
Committee determines that an Award is to be made or a later date designated by
the  Committee  shall be  considered  the date of  grant  of the  Awards.  The
Committee shall maintain records as to all grants of Awards under the Plan.

     6.04 Allocations Not Required. None of the Directors or Employees, either
individually or as a group,  shall have any right or entitlement to receive an
Award under the Plan. The Committee  may, with the approval of the Board,  and
shall, if so directed by the Board,  return all Common Shares and other assets
in the Plan Share Reserve to the Corporation at any time and thereafter  cease
issuing Awards.

     6.05  Shareholder  Approval.  This  Agreement  shall be  submitted to the
shareholders  of the Corporation at an annual or special meeting to be held no
sooner  than  six  months  after  the  effective   date  of  the   Conversion.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, no Awards shall be
granted  hereunder  until the  shareholders  of the  Corporation  approve this

                                  ARTICLE VII

     7.01 Earning Plan Shares; Forfeitures.

          (a)  General Rules.  Unless the Committee shall specifically state a
               longer  period of time over  which  Awards  shall be earned and
               non-forfeitable  at the time an Award is  granted,  Plan Shares
               covered by each Award shall be earned and  non-forfeitable by a
               Recipient  over a period of five years at the rate of one-fifth
               per year  commencing  on the date  which is one year  after the
               date of the grant of such Award.  As Plan Shares  become earned
               and non-forfeitable,  any cash dividends,  returned capital and
               earnings thereon shall also be earned and non-forfeitable.

          (b)  Revocation.  Unless otherwise  permitted by applicable laws and
               regulations,  any Plan Shares and any cash dividends,  returned
               capital and earnings  thereon that have not been earned and are
               not  non-forfeitable in accordance with Section 7.01(a) of this
               Agreement  shall be forfeited in the event that (i) a Recipient
               who is a  Director  ceases  to  serve  on the  Board  or (ii) a
               Recipient  who is not a  Director  of the Bank  ceases to be an
               Employee  of  the  Bank,   except  as  otherwise   provided  in
               subsection (c) of this Section 7.01.

          (c)  Exception for Terminations Due to Death or Disability. All Plan
               Shares  and  cash  dividends,  returned  capital  and  earnings
               thereon  subject to an Award held by a Recipient  whose service
               as a Director  or Employee  of the  Corporation,  the Bank or a
               Subsidiary  terminates due to (i) death or (ii)  disability (as
               determined by the  Committee)  shall be deemed fully earned and
               non-forfeitable  as of the later of the Recipient's last day of
               service  as  a  Director  or  as  an  Employee   and  shall  be
               distributed as soon as practicable thereafter.

     7.02 Distribution of Plan Shares.

          (a)  Timing of  Distributions:  General  Rule.  Except as  otherwise
               provided in this Agreement, Plan Shares shall be distributed to
               the Recipient or his or her Beneficiary, as the case may be, as
               soon as practicable after they have been earned,  together with
               any cash, dividends, returned capital and earnings thereon with
               respect to such Plan Shares that have been earned.

          (b)  Form  of  Distribution.   All  distributions  of  Plan  Shares,
               together with any shares representing stock dividends, shall be
               distributed in the form of Common Shares.  No fractional shares
               shall be  distributed.  Payments  representing  cash dividends,
               returned capital and earnings thereon shall be made in cash.

          (c)  Withholding.  The Trustee may  withhold  from any cash  payment
               made under this Plan sufficient amounts to cover any applicable
               withholding  and  employment  taxes and,  if the amount of such
               cash  payment is not  sufficient,  the  Trustee may require the
               Recipient  or  Beneficiary  to pay to the  Trustee  the  amount
               required to be withheld as a condition of  delivering  the Plan
               Shares.  The  Trustee  shall  pay  over  to  the  Bank  or  the


               Subsidiary  which employs or employed  such  Recipient or which
               the Recipient  serves or served as a Director,  any such amount
               withheld from or paid by the Recipient or Beneficiary.

          (d)  Regulatory Exceptions. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
               in this Agreement,  no Plan Shares,  upon becoming fully earned
               and non-forfeitable,  shall be distributed unless and until all
               of the  requirements  of all  applicable  laws and  regulations
               shall have been met.

     7.03 Voting of Plan Shares.  All Common Shares held by the Trustee in the
Plan Share Reserve  which have not yet been earned by a Recipient  pursuant to
Section  7.01 of this  Agreement  shall be voted by the  Trustee.  A Recipient
shall be entitled  to direct the voting of Plan Shares  which have been earned
pursuant to Section 7.01 of this  Agreement but have not yet been  distributed
to him.

                                 ARTICLE VIII

     8.01 Trust. The Trustee shall receive, hold, administer,  invest and make
distributions  and  disbursements  from  the  Trust  in  accordance  with  the
provisions  of the Plan and the Trust and the  applicable  directions,  rules,
regulations,  procedures and policies established by the Committee pursuant to
this Agreement.

     8.02 Management of Trust.  The Trustee shall have complete  authority and
discretion  with  respect to the  management,  control and  investment  of the
Trust,  and the Trustee  shall  invest all assets of the Trust,  except  those
attributable  to cash  dividends  paid with respect to Plan Shares not held in
the Plan Share Reserve,  in Common Shares to the fullest  extent  practicable,
and except to the  extent  that the  Trustee  determines  that the  holding of
monies in cash or cash equivalents is necessary to meet the obligations of the
Trust.  The  Trustee  shall have the power to do all things and  execute  such
instruments as may be deemed necessary or proper with respect to the duties of
the Trustee hereunder, including the following powers:

          (a)  To  invest up to 100% of all  Trust  assets  in  Common  Shares
               without  regard to any law now or hereafter  in force  limiting
               investments for trustees or other  fiduciaries.  The investment
               authorized  herein may  constitute  the only  investment of the
               Trust,   and,  in  making  such  investment,   the  Trustee  is
               authorized to purchase  Common Shares from the  Corporation  or
               from any other  source.  Such Common Shares so purchased may be
               outstanding, newly issued or treasury shares;

          (b)  To invest any Trust assets not otherwise invested in accordance
               with Section 8.02(a) of this Agreement in such deposit accounts
               and  certificates  of deposit  (including  those  issued by the
               Bank),  obligations  of the  United  States  government  or its
               agencies or such other  investments  as shall be considered the
               equivalent of cash;

          (c)  To sell,  exchange or otherwise  dispose of any property at any
               time held or acquired by the Trust;

          (d)  To cause stocks,  bonds or other securities to be registered in
               the name of a nominee, without the addition of words indicating
               that  such  security  is an asset of the  Trust  (but  accurate
               records  shall be  maintained  showing that such security is an
               asset of the Trust);

          (e)  To  hold  cash  without  interest  in  such  amounts  as may be
               reasonable,  in the  opinion  of the  Trustee,  for the  proper
               operation of the Plan and the Trust;

          (f)  To  employ  brokers,   agents,   custodians,   consultants  and

          (g)  To hire  counsel to render  advice with  respect to the rights,
               duties and obligations of the Trustee hereunder, and such other
               legal  services  or  representation  as the  Trustee  may  deem
               desirable; and

          (h)  To hold funds and  securities  representing  the  amounts to be
               distributed  to a  Recipient  or his or  her  Beneficiary  as a
               consequence of a dispute as to the disposition thereof, whether
               in a segregated  account or held in common with other assets of
               the Trust.


Notwithstanding  anything herein contained to the contrary,  the Trustee shall
not be required to make any  inventory,  appraisal or  settlement or report to
any  court,  or to secure  any order of court  for the  exercise  of any power
herein contained, or to give bond.

     8.03  Records and  Accounts.  The Trustee  shall  maintain  accurate  and
detailed records and accounts of all transactions of the Trust, which shall be
available  at all  reasonable  times for  inspection  by any legally  entitled
person or entity to the extent required by applicable law, or any other person
determined by the Committee.

     8.04  Earnings.  All  earnings,  gains and losses  with  respect to Trust
assets shall be allocated,  in accordance with a reasonable  procedure adopted
by the  Committee,  to  bookkeeping  accounts for Recipients or to the general
account of the Trust,  depending  on the nature and  allocation  of the assets
generating such earnings, gains and losses. Without limiting the generality of
the  foregoing,  any earnings on cash dividends or returned  capital  received
with respect to Plan Shares shall be allocated (a) to accounts for Recipients,
if such shares which are the subject of outstanding  Awards,  and shall become
earned and  distributed  as specified in Article VII of this  Agreement or (b)
otherwise to the Plan Share Reserve if such Plan Shares are not the subject of
outstanding awards.

     8.05  Expenses.  All costs and  expenses  incurred in the  operation  and
administration of the Plan shall be paid by the Bank.

                                  ARTICLE IX

     9.01 Adjustments for Capital Changes. The aggregate number of Plan Shares
available for issuance pursuant to the Awards and the number of Plan Shares to
which any Award relates shall be proportionately  adjusted for any increase or
decrease in the total number of outstanding Common Shares issued subsequent to
the effective date of the Plan if such increase or decrease  resulted from any
split, subdivision or consolidation of shares or other capital adjustment,  or
other increase or decrease in such shares effected  without receipt or payment
of consideration by the Corporation.

     9.02 Amendment and Termination of Plan. The Board may, by resolution,  at
any time amend or terminate the Plan. The power to amend or terminate the Plan
shall include the power to direct the Trustee to return to the  Corporation or
the Bank all or any part of the assets of the Trust,  including  Common Shares
held in the Plan Share  Reserve,  as well as Common  Shares  and other  assets
subject to Awards  which are not yet earned by the  Directors  or Employees to
whom they are allocated;  provided, however, that the termination of the Trust
shall not affect a Recipient's right to earn Awards and to the distribution of
Common Shares relating thereto, including earnings thereon, in accordance with
the terms of this Agreement and the grant by the Committee or the Board.

     9.03  Nontransferable.  Awards shall not be  transferable by a Recipient.
During the lifetime of the Recipient,  an Award may only be earned by and paid
to the  Recipient  who was  notified in writing of the Award by the  Committee
pursuant to Section 6.03 of this Agreement.  No Recipient or Beneficiary shall
have any right in or claim to any assets of the Plan or the  Trust,  nor shall
the  Corporation,  the Bank or any  Subsidiary  be  subject  to any  claim for
benefits hereunder.

     9.04  Directorship  Rights.  Neither this  Agreement  nor any grant of an
Award  hereunder  nor any action  taken by the Trustee,  the  Committee or the
Board in connection  with the Plan shall create any right,  either  express or
implied, on the part of any Director to continue to serve as a Director of the
Bank or a Subsidiary.

     9.05 Employment Rights.  Neither this Agreement nor any grant of an Award
hereunder  nor any action taken by the Trustee,  the Committee or the Board in
connection with the Plan shall create any right, either express or implied, on
the part of any  Employee to continue  in the employ of the  Corporation,  the
Bank or a Subsidiary.

     9.06 Voting and Dividend  Rights.  No Recipient  shall have any voting or
dividend rights or other rights of a shareholder in respect of any Plan Shares
covered by an Award,  except as expressly  provided in Sections 7.01, 7.02 and
7.03 of this  Agreement,  prior to the time  such  Plan  Shares  are  actually
distributed to such Recipient.


     9.07  Governing  Law. This  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed
under the laws of the State of Ohio,  except to the extent  that  federal  law
shall be deemed applicable.

     9.08  Effective  Date.  Subject to Section 6.05 of this  Agreement,  this
Agreement shall be effective as of the ___ day of ____________, 1996.

     9.09 Term of Plan.  The Plan shall  remain in effect until the earlier of
(a) the  termination of the Plan by the Board or (b) the  distribution  of all
assets from the Trust. The termination of the Plan shall not affect any Awards
previously granted and such Awards shall remain valid and in effect until they
have been earned and paid or by their terms expire or are forfeited.

     9.10 Tax  Status  of Trust.  It is  intended  that the trust  established
hereby be  treated  as a grantor  trust of the Bank  under the  provisions  of
Section  671, et seq.,  of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended (26
U.S.C. ss. 671 et seq.).

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  following  Trustees  execute  this  Agreement,
accepting and binding  themselves to undertake and perform the obligations and
duties of the Trustee  hereunder and  consenting  to the  foregoing  Agreement
effective the ___ day of _________________, 1996.

                                    By: ___________________________ (Trustee)

                                    By: ___________________________ (Trustee)

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Bank has caused this Agreement to be executed by
its  duly  authorized  officer  and  duly  attested,  all as of the ___ day of
_________________, 1996.

                                    FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK OF DOVER

                                          Robert R. Gerber
                                          its President


- - ---------------------------------
Shirley A. Wallick
its Secretary




                                REVOCABLE PROXY

                           FFD FINANCIAL CORPORATION

                                OCTOBER 8, 1996

     The undersigned  shareholder of FFD Financial  Corporation ("FFD") hereby
constitutes  and appoints J. Richard Gray and Roy O. Mitchell,  Jr., or either
one of them,  as the Proxy or  Proxies of the  undersigned  with full power of
substitution and resubstitution, to vote at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders
of FFD to be held at 321 North Wooster Avenue,  Dover,  Ohio 44622, on October
8, 1996, at 1:00 p.m. local time (the "Annual Meeting"),  all of the shares of
FFD which the undersigned is entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting, or at any
adjournment  thereof,  on each of the  following  proposals,  all of which are
described in the accompanying Proxy Statement:

1.   The election of three directors:

               FOR all nominees                     WITHHOLD authority to
      ______   listed below                ______   vote for all nominees
               (except as marked to the             listed below:
               contrary below):

                                    Stephen G. Clinton
                                    Robert R. Gerber
                                    Richard J. Herzig

(INSTRUCTION:  To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, write
that nominee's name in the space provided below).

- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.   The  approval  of the FFD  Financial  Corporation  1996 Stock  Option and
     Incentive Plan.

        ______ FOR           ______ AGAINST           ______ ABSTAIN

3.   The approval of the First Federal  Savings Bank of Dover  Recognition and
     Retention Plan and Trust Agreement.

        ______ FOR           ______ AGAINST           ______ ABSTAIN

        IMPORTANT: Please sign and date this Proxy on the reverse side.

4.   The ratification of the selection of Grant Thornton LLP, certified public
     accountants, as the auditors of FFD for the current fiscal year.

        ______ FOR           ______ AGAINST           ______ ABSTAIN

5.   In their discretion, upon such other business as may properly come before
     the Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

     The Board of  Directors  recommends  a vote  "FOR" the  nominees  and the
proposals listed above.

     This Proxy, when properly executed,  will be voted in the manner directed
herein by the undersigned shareholder.  Unless otherwise specified, the shares
will be voted FOR proposals 1,2,3 and 4.

     All  Proxies  previously  given by the  undersigned  are hereby  revoked.
Receipt of the Notice of the 1996 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of FFD and of
the accompanying Proxy Statement is hereby acknowledged.

     Please sign  exactly as your name  appears on your Stock  Certificate(s).
Executors,  Administrators,  Trustees, Guardians,  Attorneys and Agents should
give their full titles.

____________________________        ______________________________
Signature                           Signature

____________________________        ______________________________
Print or Type Name                  Print or Type Name

Dated: _____________________        Dated: _______________________