Rule 424(b)(3)
                                                              File No. 333-26627


                           ALLIANT ENERGY CORPORATION
                             SHAREOWNER DIRECT PLAN

     Alliant  Energy  Corporation  is offering  participation  in its Shareowner
Direct Plan. The Plan provides you with a variety of options, including:

     o    automatic  reinvestment of all or a portion of the cash dividends paid
          on shares of the Company's Common Stock in additional shares of Common

     o    the  ability for persons  who are not  shareowners  to purchase  their
          initial shares of Common Stock

     o    a means of  purchasing  additional  shares of  Common  Stock by making
          optional  cash  investments  of up to  $120,000  per  calendar  year,
          inclusive of any initial investment

     o    a free custodial service for depositing Common Stock certificates with
          the Administrator of the Plan for safekeeping

     o    the  ability to  transfer  shares or make gifts of Common  Stock at no

     o    the ability to sell shares of Common Stock through the Plan

     The Plan  provides  that  shares  of  Common  Stock  may be  purchased  for
participants  from the Company or in the open market or in privately  negotiated
transactions.  The price of shares of Common Stock purchased under the Plan will
be either  (a) the  average  of the high and low sale  price of shares of Common
Stock as reported on the New York Stock  Exchange  Composite Tape on the date of
purchase if newly  issued  shares are  purchased  from the  Company,  or (b) the
weighted  average of the price paid for shares of Common  Stock if  purchased on
the  open  market  or  in  privately  negotiated   transactions.   No  brokerage
commissions,  fees or service  charges  are  charged to you in  connection  with
purchases of shares under the Plan or for participating in the Plan. The closing
price of the Common  Stock on January 31,  2000,  as shown on the New York Stock
Exchange Composite Tape, was $29.8125 per share.

     The Company's  principal executive office is located at 222 West Washington
Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53703, and its telephone number is (608) 252-3311.

     Neither the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  nor any state  securities
commission  has approved  these  securities or determined if this  prospectus is
accurate or adequate. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.

                The date of this Prospectus is February 1, 2000.

                                  THE COMPANY

     The Company, incorporated under the laws of the State of Wisconsin in 1981,
is the holding  company for Wisconsin  Power and Light  Company,  IES Utilities,
Inc.,  Interstate Power Company as well as Alliant Energy  Resources,  Inc. (the
parent corporation for the Company's non-utility  businesses).  The Company is a
major  energy  services   company  with  growing   national  and   international
diversified  operations.   Headquartered  in  Madison,  Wisconsin,  the  Company
provides  electric,  natural gas,  water and steam  energy to customers  and has
diversified  interests  in China,  New  Zealand  and  Brazil.  The  Company is a
registered public utility holding company and, through its utility subsidiaries,
serves  more  than one  million  customers  in  Iowa,  Illinois,  Minnesota  and

                                USE OF PROCEEDS

     The Company has no basis for estimating either the number of authorized but
unissued  shares of Common  Stock that will  ultimately  be sold by the  Company
pursuant to the Plan or the prices at which such  shares  will be sold.  Any net
proceeds  received by the Company from the sale of shares under the Plan will be
added to the Company's  general funds and used for general  corporate  purposes.
The Company will not receive any proceeds from the sale of shares under the Plan
which are acquired on the open market or in privately negotiated transactions.

                                SUMMARY OF PLAN

     Some of the features of the Plan,  which are  described  in greater  detail
under "The Plan" below, are:

     o    Persons not  presently  owning  shares of Common Stock may become Plan
          participants,  assuming certain  qualifications are met, by completing
          an  Authorization  Form and making an initial cash  investment  of not
          less than the amount specified on the Authorization Form, and not more
          than $120,000.

     o    If you participate in the Plan, you may acquire  additional  shares of
          Common Stock by making  optional cash  investments in amounts not less
          than $25 per  investment  nor more than  $120,000 per  calendar  year,
          inclusive  of any initial  investment.  The  investment  amount can be
          automatically  deducted from a participant's bank account or it can be
          submitted by mail.

     o    If you  participate  in the Plan and are an employee of the Company or
          its  subsidiaries,  you may also acquire  additional  shares of Common
          Stock by making optional cash investments via payroll deductions.  The
          minimum  deduction  per pay  period  is the  amount  specified  on the
          payroll  withholding  form.  Optional  cash  investments  made through
          payroll  deductions  may not be more than $120,000 per calendar  year,
          inclusive of any initial  investment and any optional cash investments
          made by means other than payroll deduction.

     o    If you participate in the Plan, you may acquire  additional  shares of
          Common Stock  automatically  by  reinvesting  all or a portion of your
          cash dividends paid on shares of Common Stock then owned.

     o    If you  participate  in the Plan,  you may deposit  your Common  Stock
          certificates, at no cost, with the Plan Administrator for safekeeping.

     o    If you  participate  in the Plan,  you may have  your  cash  dividends
          electronically deposited into your checking or savings account.

     o    If you  participate  in the Plan, you may sell shares held by the Plan
          through the Administrator.

     o    Dividends are calculated on all full and  fractional  shares of Common
          Stock in the Plan.


     o    Personal  record  keeping is simplified  by the Company's  issuance of
          statements  indicating  account  activity.  These statements should be
          retained for tax purposes.

     o    If you  participate in the Plan, you can transfer shares or make gifts
          of Common Stock at no charge.

                                    THE PLAN

     The following description constitutes the terms and conditions of the Plan.


     The purpose of the Plan is twofold. First, the Plan provides shareowners of
record of the  Company,  other  investors  who choose to become  shareowners  of
record,  and  employees  of the  Company  and its  subsidiaries  with a  simple,
convenient  and  economical  method to  purchase  shares of Common  Stock and to
reinvest all or a portion of their cash dividends in additional shares of Common
Stock.  Second,  the Plan  provides  the  Company  with the  ability to sell its
authorized but unissued shares of Common Stock to participants in the Plan which
will raise funds to increase its equity base for general corporate purposes.

Plan Administration

     The   Company,    through   its   Shareowner   Services   Department   (the
"Administrator"),  administers  the Plan,  keeps  records,  sends  statements of
account activity to participants,  and performs clerical and ministerial  duties
related to the Plan.  An  independent  agent,  not an  affiliate of the Company,
designated  by the  Administrator  will  make  purchases  and sales of shares of
Common  Stock  for the  Plan  in the  open  market  or in  privately  negotiated
transactions. Subject to applicable securities laws and certain limitations, the
independent agent will have full discretion as to the timing of, and all matters
relating  to,  purchases  and sales of shares of Common Stock for the Plan other
than for the purchase of authorized but unissued shares from the Company.

     The Administrator  will establish and maintain a separate account under the
Plan for each participant.  All shares of Common Stock (including any fractional
shares,  computed to four decimal places)  purchased for a participant under the
Plan, and any shares a participant deposits through the Plan's share safekeeping
service, will be credited to his or her account.

     All inquiries and instructions concerning the Plan should be directed to:

     Alliant Energy Shareowner Services
     P.O. Box 2568
     222 West Washington Avenue
     Madison, WI 53701-2568

     Telephone: (608) 252-3110
                (800) 356-5343
     Fax:       (608) 252-3321


     All correspondence should include your shareowner account number,  taxpayer
identification  number (social  security  number) and daytime  telephone  number
where you may be contacted  during  normal  working hours to facilitate a prompt

Enrollment Procedures


     If you are currently a shareowner of record,  you may enroll in the Plan at
any time by completing and returning an Authorization Form to the Administrator.
Requests  for such forms  should be  directed  to the  Administrator,  either by
telephone, in writing or via the internet.

     "Street Name" Holders

     If you own shares of Common  Stock that are held on your  behalf by a bank,
broker, trustee or other agent, you may enroll in the Plan by registering one or
more shares of Common  Stock  directly in your name and by returning a completed
Authorization  Form to the  Administrator.  See  "Transfer of Shares from Street



     With  limited  exceptions  described  below,  if you  are not  currently  a
shareowner  of the  Company,  you  may  enroll  in the  Plan by  completing  and
returning an Authorization  Form to the  Administrator  together with an initial
investment  of at least  $250 (but not more  than  $120,000)  or by  authorizing
automatic  monthly  withdrawals  ("Automatic  Investments")  of at least $25, in
either case which will be used to purchase  shares of Common Stock for your Plan
account. See "Initial Investments and Optional Cash Investments" and "Methods of


     With limited exceptions described below, any employee of the Company or any
of its  subsidiaries  may  enroll  in the  Plan at any  time by  completing  and
returning an Authorization Form to the Administrator or by enrolling in the same
manner as any other eligible investor described above.


     The Company  reserves  the right to prohibit  participation  in the Plan by
non-shareowners  who reside in a state  where (i)  participation  in the Plan by
non-shareowners  who  reside in such state  would  require  the  Company to take
special  action under the  securities  or "blue sky" laws of such state and (ii)
the Company has not yet taken such action.  The Company also  reserves the right
to prohibit  participation in the Plan by any investor,  whether or not a holder
of record of shares of Common  Stock,  who is a citizen or resident of a country
other than the United States, if such participation would violate local laws and
regulations  applicable to the Company or the  prospective  participant.  In any
such case,  the  Administrator  will return any  Authorization  Form and initial
investment tendered by any non-shareowner who resides in such state or country.


     Authorization   Forms  will  be  processed  as  promptly  as   practicable.
Participation in the Plan will begin after the properly  completed form has been
reviewed and accepted by the Administrator.

Transfer of Shares From Street Name

     If you are a beneficial  owner of Common Stock whose shares are  registered
in the name of a bank,  broker,  trustee or other agent,  you may participate in
the Plan with respect to such shares by either (i) transferring such shares to a
Plan account by directing  your agent  (e.g.,  your bank,  broker or trustee) to
register  the  shares  directly  in your name and  having  the  agent  deliver a
certificate to you or (ii)  instructing your agent to transfer the shares to the
Administrator  to be deposited into the Plan for "share  safekeeping" for credit
to your Plan account. See "Share Safekeeping."

Initial Investments and Optional
Cash Investments

     Initial investments, for those who are not currently Company shareowners of
record,  must be at least  $250 (but not more than  $120,000),  in the form of a
personal  check or money order,  Automatic  Investment  of at least $25, or, for
employees,  payroll  deduction  of at least the amount  specified on the payroll
withholding  form,  and must be included with the completed  Authorization  Form
returned to the Administrator. See "Methods of Investment."

     Once you are enrolled in the Plan,  you may purchase  additional  shares of
Common Stock using the Plan's  optional cash investment  feature.  Optional cash
investments  must be made in amounts of not less than $25 per investment and may
not  aggregate  more than $120,000 per calendar  year,  inclusive of any initial
investment, whether by check or Automatic Investment. The Company will not waive
these  restrictions;  however,  the $25  minimum is not  applicable  to employee
participants  who  make  investments  through  payroll  deductions.  There is no
obligation  to make an optional cash  investment at any time,  and the amount of
such investments may vary from time to time.

     Authorization  Forms  with  initial  investments  must be  received  by the
Administrator  at least five (5) business days prior to the next Investment Date
(as defined under  "Purchase of Common  Stock") and are subject to review by the
Company. Initial investments and optional cash investments


received by the  Administrator  will be invested  on the next  Investment  Date,
provided  they are  received  at  least  five (5)  business  days  prior to that
Investment Date.

     The Company  will not pay interest on any initial  investments  or optional
cash investments received and held for investment under the Plan. Therefore,  it
is to your benefit to mail an initial  investment or an optional cash investment
so that it is received by the Administrator  shortly, but not less than five (5)
business  days,  before an  Investment  Date. To receive  dividends,  an initial
investment or an optional cash  investment  must be received and invested on the
Investment Date prior to the dividend record date.

     Upon written  request,  the Company will refund your initial  investment or
any optional cash  investment,  provided your request is received by the Company
at least two (2) business days prior to the Investment Date following receipt of
your  investment.  However,  no refund  will be made  until the funds  have been
actually received by the Company.

Methods of Investment

     A participant's total annual investment cannot exceed $120,000 per calendar
year and must be made in U.S.  dollars.  For the purpose of applying this limit,
all investments  during any calendar year  (including  initial and optional cash
investments,  but excluding dividend reinvestments and deposits of shares in the
Plan's share  safekeeping  service) are aggregated.  No interest will be paid on
amounts held by the Company pending investment.

     Check Investment

     Initial  investments and optional cash  investments may be made by personal
check or money order payable to "Alliant  Energy," and are subject to collection
by the Company for the full face value in U.S. funds.

     If a check is returned unpaid for any reason, the Company will consider the
request  for  investment  of such funds null and void.  If any shares  have been
purchased with these funds, the  Administrator  will be entitled to remove those
shares  from the  participant's  account  and sell those  shares to satisfy  the
balance  of the  uncollected  funds.  If the net  proceeds  from  the  sale  are
insufficient  to cover this balance,  the Company will, in addition to any other
rights  it may  have,  be  entitled  to sell  any  additional  shares  from  the
participant's account which may be necessary to satisfy the uncollected balance.

     Automatic Investment

     Participants  may  make  automatic   monthly   investments   (whether  such
investments  constitute initial or optional cash investments) of at least $25 by
electronic  funds transfer from a  predesignated  account with a U.S.  financial
institution.  To initiate Automatic Investments,  participants must complete and
return to the  Administrator  an Automatic  Investment Form and an Authorization
Form, as well as deliver to the  Administrator a voided blank check or a savings
deposit  slip for the  account  from  which  funds  are to be  drawn.  Automatic
Investment Forms may be obtained from the Administrator.  Automatic  Investments
will be initiated as promptly as practicable and, after initiated, funds will be
drawn from the  participant's  designated  account on the 10th day of each month
(or,  if the 10th falls on a weekend or bank  holiday,  the first  business  day
thereafter), and will be invested in Common Stock on the next Investment Date.

     Participants may change the amounts of their future  Automatic  Investments
by completing and  submitting to the  Administrator  a new Automatic  Investment
Form.  Participants  may terminate their Automatic  Investments by notifying the
Administrator  by phone,  in writing or via the internet.  To be effective  with
respect to the next Automatic  Investment Date, the  Administrator  must receive
the new form or notice at least six (6) business days preceding that date.

     Electronic  direct  deposit of cash dividends  that  participants  elect to
receive also is available through the Plan.

     Payroll Deductions

     Employees  of  the  Company  or  any  of its  subsidiaries  may  also  make
investments  (whether  such  investments  constitute  initial or  optional  cash
investments) by means of payroll deduction, and the $250 and $25 minimums for


initial investment and optional cash investments,  respectively,  will not apply
to investments made through payroll deductions.  To initiate payroll deductions,
the employee must complete and return to the Administrator a payroll withholding
form and an Authorization Form.

     The payroll  withholding  form,  which  allows  participating  employees to
decide the  dollar  amount to be  deducted  from  their  paychecks  for each pay
period,  will become  effective as promptly as  practicable.  Deductions will be
used to purchase full and fractional (computed to four decimal places) shares of
Common Stock on the next Investment  Date. The minimum  deduction per pay period
is the amount specified on the payroll withholding form.

     Payroll deduction  authorizations  will remain in effect until cancelled or
modified by the employee,  which may be accomplished by completing and returning
a new payroll  withholding  form indicating the change desired.  To be effective
with respect to the next payroll  deduction,  the Administrator must receive the
new payroll withholding form at least six (6) business days preceding that date.

Dividend Reinvestment Options

     The Authorization Form allows a participant to choose a reinvestment option
for participation in the Plan. If not specified  otherwise,  the account will be
enrolled for full  dividend  reinvestment.  By choosing the  appropriate  box, a
participant may select:

Full Dividend           --    Reinvest all cash  dividends  on all  certificated
Reinvestment                  shares  held by you and on all shares  credited to
                              your Plan account.  Optional cash  investments may
                              be made at any time as described herein.

Partial Dividend        --    Receive cash  dividends  on a specified  number of
Reinvestment                  your shares of Common  Stock and reinvest the cash
                              dividends on the  remainder  of your  shares.  The
                              shares  specified to  receive cash  dividends  may
                              consist of a combination  of  certificated  shares
                              and  shares   credited   to  your  Plan   account.
                              Participants  may  elect  to  have  cash  dividend
                              payments not  reinvested  paid by check or through
                              electronic    direct   deposit.    Optional   cash
                              investments  may be made at any time as  described

Optional Cash            --   Receive  cash  dividends  on all of your shares of
Purchases Only                Common Stock,  including both certificated  shares
                              held  by you  and  shares  held  by the  Plan  and
                              credited  to  your  Plan  account.  Optional  cash
                              investments may be made at any time.

     If you  participate  in the Plan's  full or partial  dividend  reinvestment
option,  reinvestment  will commence with the first  dividend  payable after the
dividend  record date  following  your  enrollment.  Dividend  record  dates are
publicly announced by the Company.

     If you wish to change  your  method of  participation,  you must obtain and
complete  a new  Authorization  Form  and  send it to the  Administrator.  To be
effective  with  respect  to  a  particular  Common  Stock  dividend,   the  new
Authorization  Form  must be  received  by the  Administrator  at least  two (2)
business  days before the record date for such  dividend.  If you elect to cease
the reinvestment of your dividends,  you may receive them by check or electronic
direct  deposit.  You  may  also  continue  to  have  your  shares  held  by the
Administrator  through the share safekeeping  service,  buy shares with optional
cash  investments,  and sell or  transfer  the  shares as  desired.  See  "Share
Safekeeping,"  "Initial  Investments  and Optional Cash  Investments,"  "Sale of
Common Stock", and "Gift/ Transfer of Shares Held in the Plan."

     On each  applicable  Investment  Date,  the Company  will  promptly,  after
deducting withholding taxes, if any, commingle and pay over to the Administrator
all  cash  dividends  payable  on  shares  held  by the  Administrator  for  all
participants who are reinvesting  their dividends in the Plan. The Administrator
will  apply the  dividends  to the  purchase  of shares  of  Common  Stock.  The
Administrator will credit the


proportionate  number of shares  (computed to four decimal places)  purchased by
the Administrator to each participant's account.

Purchase of Common Stock

     Reinvested  Common Stock  dividends,  initial  investments,  optional  cash
investments  and  proceeds  (which will be treated  regardless  of the amount as
optional  cash   purchases)   from  the  sale  or  redemption  of  Common  Stock
subscription or other rights, if any, received by the Administrator on behalf of
participants will be used to acquire either  outstanding  shares of Common Stock
or  authorized  but unissued  shares of Common Stock from the Company,  provided
that the  Company is willing to sell such  stock.  Outstanding  shares of Common
Stock  purchased  on  behalf of the Plan  participants  may be made on any stock
exchange in the U.S. where the Common Stock is traded,  in the  over-the-counter
market, or by privately negotiated transactions on such terms as the independent
agent for the  Administrator  may reasonably  determine at the time of purchase.
Any shares purchased from the Company will be made in accordance with applicable

     The Administrator  and its designated  independent agent may commingle each
participant's  funds  with  those  of  other  participants  for the  purpose  of
purchasing  shares.  Neither  the  Company nor any  affiliated  purchasers  will
exercise  any direct or indirect  control or influence  over the times when,  or
prices at which,  the  designated  independent  agent of the  Administrator  may
purchase Common Stock for the Plan, or the amount of shares to be purchased.

     Purchases of shares of Common Stock under the Plan will be made on or about
the following applicable "Investment Dates":

     o    Each dividend  payment date is an Investment Date for the reinvestment
          of cash dividends.

     o    The 15th day of each  month  (or the  next  business  day  if the 15th
          falls on a weekend  or  holiday)  is an  Investment  Date for  initial
          investments and optional cash investments.

     Purchases  may be made  over a period of  several  days in the case of open
market purchases. All such purchases will be aggregated for the Investment Date.

     For a number of reasons,  including observance of the rules and regulations
of the Securities and Exchange Commission or other regulatory agencies requiring
temporary curtailment or suspension of purchases,  the investment of all or part
of the funds  available in a  participant's  account may be delayed from time to
time. No interest will be paid on funds held by the Company pending  investment.
In any event, however, shares of Common Stock will either be purchased within 35
days of receipt of initial  investments  or optional cash  investments  or funds
will be returned to the participant.

     A  participant's  account  will be  credited  with that number of shares of
Common Stock (including any fractional shares,  computed to four decimal places)
equal to the total  amount to be  invested  divided by the  applicable  purchase
price per share.

Price to Participants

     The price of  shares of Common  Stock  purchased  from the  Company  (i.e.,
newlyissued  shares)  for  participants  will be the average  (computed  to four
decimal  places)  of the high and low sale  prices of shares of Common  Stock as
reported  on the New  York  Stock  Exchange  Composite  Tape  on the  applicable
Investment  Date.  If no trading  occurs on the New York Stock  Exchange  in the
Common Stock on the  applicable  Investment  Date,  the price will be determined
with reference to the next preceding date on which the Common Stock is traded on
the New York Stock  Exchange.  The price of shares of Common Stock purchased for
participants on the open market or in privately negotiated  transactions will be
the  weighted  average  price of all such shares  purchased  for the  applicable
Investment Date. In the event that investment under the Plan is at any time made
in both newly-issued and already  outstanding  shares, the shares purchased will
be  allocated as  proportionately  as is  practicable  among the accounts of all
participants for whom funds are being invested at that time.


     Under the Plan,  participants do not have the ability to order the purchase
of a specific  number of shares,  purchase of shares at the specified price or a
particular date of purchase,  as could be done with respect to purchases through
a broker.

Sale of Common Stock

     You can  sell  all or part of your  shares  held in your  Plan  account  by
providing the Administrator with written instructions,  signed by all registered
holders.  You cannot sell any certificated shares that you may be holding unless
they are first  deposited  with the  Administrator  pursuant to the Plan's share
safekeeping service.

     Sales  for Plan  participants  are made as soon as  practicable  after  the
Administrator  receives written  instructions from the participant.  Requests to
sell Plan shares will be aggregated and processed  within ten (10) business days
by an  independent  broker,  not an affiliate of the Company,  designated by the
Administrator on the open market at prevailing market prices. When you sell your
shares, the price per share that you will receive is the average of the proceeds
from all shares sold by the Administrator,  less your proportionate share of the
brokerage commission, transfer taxes, if any, and withholding tax, if any.

     You are required to maintain a balance of one or more full shares of Common
Stock or the  Company may  terminate  your Plan  account.  A request to sell all
shares held in your account will be treated as a withdrawal  from the Plan.  See
"Termination of an Account by the Company" and "Withdrawal and Termination."

Custody of Stock and Issuance
of Stock Certificates

     All  shares  purchased  on your  behalf  through  the Plan  will be held in
safekeeping by the Administrator in the name of the Company or its nominee.  You
can,  however,  at any time and without charge,  obtain a certificate for all or
part of the whole  shares  credited to your Plan  account by making a request in
writing to the  Administrator.  No  certificates  for fractional  shares will be
issued.  Obtaining  certificates  for your Plan account shares in no way affects
dividend reinvestment. See "Dividend Reinvestment Options."

Share Safekeeping

     The Plan's "share  safekeeping"  service allows you to deposit Common Stock
certificates held by you with the Administrator for safekeeping.  The advantages
of the share safekeeping service are:

     o    The risk  associated  with the loss of your  stock  certificate(s)  is
          eliminated.  If your certificates are lost or stolen,  you cannot sell
          or  transfer   your  shares   without  first   obtaining   replacement
          certificates.  This process of replacing lost certificates  could take
          several weeks and will result in cost and paperwork, both for you  and
          for the Company.

     o    Certificates deposited with the Administrator will be transferred into
          the name of the Company or its nominee  and  credited to your  account
          under the Plan.  Thereafter,  such  shares will be treated in the same
          manner as shares  purchased  through the Plan, and may be conveniently
          and  efficiently  sold or  transferred  through the Plan. See "Sale of
          Common  Stock,"  "Gift/Transfer  of  Shares  Held  in the  Plan",  and
          "Withdrawal and Termination."

     o    You have all Plan options available to you, including full or  partial
          reinvestment   and/or  receiving  dividends  by  check  or  electronic

     To participate in the Plan's share safekeeping  service,  you must complete
and return an Authorization  Form, along with the Common Stock  certificates you
wish to deposit,  to the  Administrator  by  registered  and insured  mail.  The
certificates  should not be endorsed and the  assignment  section  should not be
completed.  You may obtain an  Authorization  Form by  calling  or  writing  the
Administrator.  If you have lost any of your certificates, they must be replaced
before you may participate in the share safekeeping service.


Gift/Transfer of Shares Held in the Plan

     You  may  transfer  the  ownership  of  some  or all of  your  Plan  shares
(including  shares  held in  safekeeping)  by  mailing  to the  Administrator  a
properly  executed  stock  assignment  form  (which  may be  obtained  from  the
Administrator or a financial institution),  with a Medallion Signature Guarantee
for all owners, and a letter of instruction.  A Medallion Signature Guarantee is
a  signature  guarantee  by an  institution  such as a  commercial  bank,  trust
company,  securities  broker/dealer,   credit  union  or  a  saving  institution
participating  in a  Medallion  Program  approved  by  the  Securities  Transfer
Association, Inc. Shares may be transferred to new or existing shareowners.

     Unless otherwise  instructed,  the Administrator will retain the shares and
enroll the transferee in full dividend reinvestment,  provided the transferee is
eligible to participate.  The new participant  will receive a statement  showing
the number of shares transferred and now held in his or her Plan account,  which
will be considered the transaction confirmation.

Withdrawal and Termination

     A  participant  may  withdraw  from the Plan at any time by giving  written
notice  to the  Administrator.  Termination  of  participation  in the Plan by a
shareowner of record will immediately stop all reinvestment of the participant's
dividends if the notice of withdrawal is received by the Administrator not later
than ten (10)  business  days  prior to the  record  date for the next  dividend
payment.  Investment of optional cash will stop  immediately if  notification of
withdrawal  from the Plan is  received  by the  Administrator  at least  two (2)
business days prior to the applicable  Investment Date. The entire amount of any
optional cash received for which  investment  has been stopped by termination of
participation in the Plan will be refunded to the participant without interest.

     Upon  withdrawal  from the Plan,  the  participant  (or his or her personal
representative  or other  authorized  agent) may elect to either  (i)  receive a
certificate for the number of whole shares held in the participant's account and
a check for the value of any  fractional  share,  or (ii) sell all shares in the
participant's account as described under "Sale of Common Stock."

     Participants terminating participation in the Plan will receive a check for
the cash value of any fractional share held in their Plan accounts. Fractions of
shares will be valued at the then current  market price  (determined in the same
manner as provided  with respect to the sale of whole  shares),  less  brokerage
commissions, transfer taxes and withholding taxes, if any.

     No optional cash  investments may be made after  participation  in the Plan
has been terminated,  unless and until the former participant  rejoins the Plan,
which may be  accomplished  by complying  with the  enrollment  procedures.  See
"Enrollment Procedures." The Company,  however, reserves the right to reject any
Authorization  Form from a previous  participant on grounds of excessive joining
and termination. Such reservation is intended to minimize administrative expense
and to encourage use of the Plan as a long-term investment service.

Stock Splits, Stock Dividends
and Rights Offerings

     Any shares distributed pursuant to stock dividends or stock splits effected
by the Company on shares held by the  Administrator  for a  participant  will be
credited to such  participant's  account.  In the event that the  Company  makes
available  to  holders  of its  Common  Stock  subscription  or other  rights to
purchase   additional   shares  of  Common  Stock  or  other   securities,   the
Administrator will (if and when such rights trade independently) sell the rights
accruing to all shares held by the  Administrator  for the participants and will
apply the net  proceeds of such sale to the purchase of Common  Stock.  However,
the Company will, in advance of a subscription offer (or, if such rights may not
be  independently  traded upon issuance,  prior to the date on which such rights
trade  independently),  inform each  participant that if he or she does not want
the Administrator to sell his or her rights and invest the proceeds,  it will be
necessary for him or her to transfer all full shares held under the Plan


to his or her own name by a given date.  This would  permit the  participant  to
exercise,  transfer or sell the rights on such shares.  In the event that rights
issued by the Company  are  redeemed  prior to the date that such  rights  trade
independently,  the Administrator  will invest the resultant funds in additional
shares of Common Stock.

Voting Rights

     The  Administrator  will vote at  shareowners'  meetings any full shares of
Common Stock  credited to your account  under the Plan in  accordance  with your
instructions.  Such shares  will not be voted if no  instructions  are given.  A
proxy card will be mailed to you representing the shares of Common Stock held in
your Plan account.

Statements and Reports

     Participants will receive quarterly  statements showing all transactions in
the participant's  account for that quarter,  including among other things,  the
amount  invested,  the price paid per share,  the number of shares purchased and
total shares accumulated.  Each participant should retain these statements so as
to be able to establish  the cost basis of shares  purchased  under the Plan for
income tax and other purposes.

     The  Administrator  will also send each participant an account statement as
soon as practicable  after each initial  investment,  optional cash  investment,
sale or transfer.

     In  addition,   each   participant   will   receive   copies  of  the  same
communications  sent  to all  other  holders  of  Common  Stock,  including  the
Company's Annual Reports,  Notices of Annual Meetings and Proxy Statements,  and
information  needed  for  reporting  dividend  income  for  Federal  income  tax

     All notices,  statements and reports to a participant  will be addressed to
the  participant  at his  or her  last  address  of  record  with  the  Company.
Therefore,  you must promptly notify the Company by phone, in writing or via the
internet of any change of address.

No Right to Draw Against Account

     No  participant  shall have a right to draw checks or drafts against his or
her account or give instructions to the Administrator with respect to any shares
or cash held therein, except as expressly provided herein.

Duties and Responsibilities

     Neither the Company nor any agent shall have any responsibility  beyond the
exercise of ordinary care for any action taken or omitted  pursuant to the Plan,
nor shall  they have any  duties,  responsibilities  or  liabilities,  except as
expressly  set forth  herein.  Neither the Company nor any agent shall be liable
under the Plan for any act done in good faith or for any good faith  omission to
act including,  without limitation,  any claims of liability (a) with respect to
the prices at which shares are  purchased or sold for a  participant's  account,
the times when such  purchases or sales are made or any inability to purchase or
sell shares,  (b) for any fluctuation in the market value after purchase or sale
of shares,  or (c) arising out of failure to terminate a  participant's  account
upon such  participant's  death  prior to  receipt  of notice in writing of such

     Participants should recognize that the Company cannot provide any assurance
of profit or protection against loss on any shares purchased under the Plan.

Change or Termination of the Plan

     The Company reserves the right to amend,  modify,  suspend or terminate the
Plan  in  whole,  in  part,  or  with  respect  to  participants  in one or more
jurisdictions.  Notice  of  any  such  suspension,  termination  or  significant
amendment,   or   modification  of  the  Plan  will  be  sent  to  all  affected
participants.  No  such  event  will  affect  any  shares  then  credited  to  a
participant's  account. Upon any whole or partial termination of the Plan by the
Company,  a certificate for whole shares  credited to an affected  participant's
account under the Plan will be issued to the participant and a cash payment will
be made for any  fraction of a share.  Fractions of shares will be valued at the
then current market price (de-


termined  in the same  manner  as  provided  with  respect  to the sale of whole
shares), less brokerage commissions, transfer taxes and withholding tax, if any.
Any uninvested funds held by the  Administrator at the time of any suspension or
termination  of the Plan  will be  remitted  by the  Administrator  to  affected

Termination of an Account
by the Company

     Your  enrollment  in the Plan may be  terminated  if you no longer hold any
shares of record and your Plan shares  total less than one whole share of Common
Stock. The Company, at its discretion,  may also terminate your participation in
the Plan upon  written  notice  mailed to you at the  address  appearing  on the
Company's  records.  Upon termination,  you will receive a certificate for whole
shares held in your  account and a check for the value of any  fractional  share
held in your  Plan  account.  Fractions  of  shares  will be  valued at the then
current market price  (determined in the same manner as provided with respect to
the sale of whole  shares),  less  brokerage  commissions,  transfer  taxes  and
withholding tax, if any.

Interpretation of the Plan

     The Company may in its absolute discretion  interpret and regulate the Plan
as deemed  necessary or desirable in  connection  with the operation of the Plan
and resolve  questions or ambiguities  concerning the various  provisions of the

Governing Law

     The Plan shall be governed by the internal laws of the State of Wisconsin.

                             CERTAIN FEDERAL INCOME
                                TAX CONSEQUENCES

     The  following  discussion  sets  forth  the  general  Federal  income  tax
consequences  for an individual  participating  in the Plan.  This discussion is
not, however,  intended to be an exhaustive  treatment of such tax consequences.
Future   legislative   changes  or  changes  in   administrative   or   judicial
interpretation,  some or all of which may be  retroactive,  could  significantly
alter  the  tax  treatment  discussed  herein.  Accordingly,   and  because  tax
consequences may differ among  participants in the Plan, you should consult your
own tax advisor to determine the particular tax  consequences  (including  state
income  tax  consequences)  that  may  result  from  participation  in  and  the
subsequent disposal of shares purchased under the Plan.

General Considerations

     In general, participants reinvesting dividends under the Plan have the same
federal  income  tax  consequences   with  respect  to  their  dividends  as  do
shareowners  who are not  reinvesting  dividends under the Plan. On the dividend
payment date,  participants  will receive a taxable  dividend  equal to the cash
dividend  reinvested,  to the extent the Company has earnings and profits.  This
treatment applies with respect to both the shares of Common Stock held of record
by such participant and such  participant's  Plan account shares even though the
dividend  amount is not actually  received in cash but is instead applied to the
purchase of shares of Common Stock for the participant's Plan account. If shares
are purchased on the open market or in a privately negotiated  transaction,  the
participant's  share of brokerage fees, if any, paid by the Company will also be
taxed as an additional  dividend to that participant,  to the extent the Company
has earnings and profits.

     Shares or any fraction thereof of Common Stock purchased on the open market
or in a privately  negotiated  transaction with reinvested dividends will have a
tax basis equal to the amount paid  therefor,  increased by any  brokerage  fees
treated as a dividend  to the  participant.  Shares or any  fraction  thereof of
Common Stock  purchased from the Company with  reinvested  dividends will have a
tax basis equal to the amount of the  dividend.  Whether  purchased  on the open
market or in a privately negotiated  transaction or from the Company, the shares
or any fraction thereof


will have a holding period beginning on the day following the purchase date.

     Participants  that make initial or optional cash investments under the Plan
will be deemed to have received an additional  taxable dividend in the amount of
the participant's pro rata share of the brokerage  commissions,  if any, paid by
the Company, to the extent the Company has earnings and profits.  Such brokerage
commissions  will only be  incurred on the  purchase of the Common  Stock in the
open market or in  privately  negotiated  transactions.  Shares or any  fraction
thereof  purchased  with initial or optional  cash  investments  will have a tax
basis equal to the amount of such payments  increased by the amount of brokerage
fees, if any,  treated as a taxable  dividend to the participant with respect to
those shares or fraction thereof. The holding period for such shares or fraction
thereof will begin on the day following the purchase date.

     Participants  should not be  treated as  receiving  an  additional  taxable
dividend based upon their pro rata share of the costs of administering  the Plan
which are paid by the  Company.  However,  there can be no  assurances  that the
Internal  Revenue  Service  will agree with this  position.  The  Company has no
present plans to seek formal advice from the IRS on this issue.

     Participants   will  not  recognize   taxable   income  when  they  receive
certificates  for whole  shares  credited  to their  account,  either upon their
request for such  certificates  or upon  withdrawal  from, or termination of the
Plan.  However,  participants will generally  recognize gain or loss when shares
acquired  under the Plan are sold or exchanged  either through the Plan at their
request or by participants  themselves  after receipt of certificates for shares
from the Plan. Participants will also generally recognize gain or loss when they
receive cash payments for fractional shares credited to their accounts, upon the
sale of shares  through the Plan or upon  withdrawal  from or termination of the
Plan. The amount of gain or loss is the difference  between the amount which the
Participant  receives for his or her whole shares or  fractional  shares and the
tax basis  thereof.  Provided that the shares are capital assets in the hands of
the participant,  such gain or loss will be a capital gain or loss, long-term or
short-term depending on the participant's holding period.

Tax Withholding

     In the case of a  participating  foreign  shareowner  whose  dividends  are
subject to United States income tax  withholding,  or a  participating  domestic
shareowner   subject  to  backup   withholding   (because  a  correct   taxpayer
identification number has not been furnished or otherwise),  the tax required to
be withheld will be deducted  from the amount of any cash  dividend  reinvested.
Since any such  withholding tax applies also to a dividend on shares credited to
the  participant's  Plan  account,  only the net dividend on such shares will be
applied to the  purchase  of  additional  shares of Common  Stock.  The  regular
statements sent to such  participants  will indicate the amount of tax withheld.
Likewise, participants selling shares through the Plan who are subject to backup
or other  withholding  will receive only the net cash proceeds from such sale as
required by the Internal Revenue Code and the Treasury  Regulations  thereunder.
The Company cannot refund amounts withheld.  Participants subject to withholding
should contact their tax advisors or the IRS for additional information.

                               RIGHTS TO PURCHASE
                                  COMMON STOCK

     Pursuant to the Rights  Agreement  between  the  Company and Firstar  Bank,
N.A., each outstanding  share of Common Stock (including  shares acquired on the
open market or in privately negotiated transactions under the Plan) has attached
thereto one Right and each share subsequently issued by the Company prior to the
expiration of the Rights  Agreement  will  likewise  have  attached  thereto one
Right. Under certain circumstances  described below, the Rights will entitle the
holder thereof to purchase additional shares of Common Stock.


     Currently,  the Rights are not exercisable and trade with the Common Stock.
In the event the Rights become exercisable,  each Right (unless held by a person
or group which  beneficially owns more than 15% of the outstanding Common Stock)
will initially  entitle the holder to purchase one-half share of Common Stock at
a price of $95 per full share  (equivalent  to $47.50 for each one-half  share),
subject to  adjustment.  The Rights will only become  exercisable if a person or
group has  acquired,  or announced  an intention to acquire,  15% or more of the
outstanding  shares of Common Stock. Upon existence of 15% acquiring party, each
holder of a Right,  other than the acquiring party, will be entitled to purchase
at the  exercise  price  Common  Stock  having a market  value of two  times the
exercise  price.  In the event of the  acquisition  of the  Company  by  another
corporation  subsequent  to a party  acquiring  15% or more of the Common Stock,
each holder of a Right will be entitled to receive the  acquiring  corporation's
common shares having a market value of two times the exercise price.  The Rights
may be redeemed at a price of $.001 per Right  prior to the  existence  of a 15%
acquiring  party,  and thereafter may be exchanged for one share of Common Stock
per Right  prior to the  existence  of a 50%  acquiring  party.  The Rights will
expire on January 20, 2009 (subject to extension).  Under the Rights  Agreement,
the Board of Directors of the Company may reduce the  thresholds  applicable  to
the  Rights  from 15% to not less than  10%.  The  Rights do not have  voting or
dividend rights and, until they become  exercisable,  have no dilutive effect on
the earnings of the Company.

     The Rights have certain  anti-takeover  effects and may  discourage or make
more difficult the acquisition of the Company on a non-negotiated basis (such as
by an  unsolicited  tender  offer).  The  Rights  will  not,  however,  affect a
transaction  approved  by the Board of  Directors  of the  Company  prior to the
existence of a 15% acquiring  party since the Rights can be redeemed  before the
consummation of such transaction.

                                 LEGAL MATTERS

     Certain legal  matters in connection  with the sale of the shares of Common
Stock  offered  hereby  will be passed  upon for the Company by Foley & Lardner,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


     The  consolidated  financial  statements  and  schedules  of the Company at
December 31, 1998 and 1997,  and for each of the three years in the period ended
December  31, 1998  incorporated  by  reference  in this  Prospectus  and in the
related  registration  statement  have  been  audited  by Arthur  Andersen  LLP,
independent  public  accountants,  as  indicated  in their  reports with respect
thereto,  and are included herein in reliance upon the authority of said firm as
experts in accounting and auditing in giving said reports.

                               WHERE YOU CAN FIND
                                MORE INFORMATION

     The  Company  has filed  with the SEC a  registration  statement  under the
Securities  Act of 1933 that  registers the share of Common Stock issuable under
the Plan.  The  registration  statement,  including  the  attached  exhibits and
schedules, contains additional relevant information about the Company. The rules
and  regulations  of the  SEC  allow  us to  omit  such  information  from  this

     In addition, the Company files annual, quarterly and special reports, proxy
statements and other information with the SEC under the Securities  Exchange Act
of 1934.  Please call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330  for further  information on the
public  reference  rooms. You may also obtain copies of this information by mail
from the Public Reference Section of the SEC, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Room 1024,
Washington,  DC 20549, at prescribed  rates.  The SEC also maintains an internet
site  that  contains  reports,  proxy  statements  and other  information  about
issuers, including the Company,


who  file   electronically   with  the  SEC.   The   address  of  that  site  is  Reports,  proxy  statements  and  other  filings  are  also
available for inspection at the offices of the New York Stock Exchange.

     The SEC  allows us to  "incorporate  by  reference"  information  into this
Prospectus.  This means that the Company can disclose  important  information to
you by referring  you to another  document  filed  separately  with the SEC. The
information  incorporated  by  reference  is  considered  to be a part  of  this
Prospectus, except for any information that is superseded by information that is
included directly in this Prospectus or in later filed documents incorporated by
reference in this Prospectus.

     This Prospectus  incorporates by reference the documents  listed below that
the  Company  has  previously  filed  with  the  SEC.  They  contain   important
information about the Company and its financial condition.

   SEC Filings              Description or Period/
(File No. 1-9894)              As of Date

Annual Report on Form      Year ended 12/31/98
10-K, as amended

Quarter Reports on         Quarters ended 3/31/99,
Form 10-Q, as amended      6/30/99 and 9/30/99

Current Reports on         Dated 1/20/99, 1/25/00
Form 8-K, as amended       and 1/26/00

Registration Statement     Description of the Company's
on Form 8-B                Common Stock

Registration Statement     Description of Rights to
on Form 8-A                Purchase Common Stock

     We incorporate by reference  additional documents that the Company may file
with the SEC between the date of this document and prior to the  termination  of
this offering.  These documents include periodic reports, such as Annual Reports
on Form 10-K,  Quarterly  Reports on Form 10-Q, and Current Reports on Form 8-K,
as well as proxy statements.

     You can obtain  any of the  documents  incorporated  by  reference  in this
document from the SEC through the SEC's web site at the address  provided above.
Documents  incorporated  by reference  are  available  from the Company  without
charge,  excluding  any  exhibits  to those  documents  unless  the  exhibit  is
specifically incorporated by reference as an exhibit in this Prospectus. You can
obtain documents incorporated by reference in this Prospectus by requesting them
in writing or by telephone from the Company at the following address:

                           Alliant Energy Corporation
                           222 West Washington Avenue
                            Madison, Wisconsin 53703
                          Attention: Edward M. Gleason
                Vice President-Treasurer and Corporate Secretary
                           Telephone: (608) 252-3311

     We  have  not  authorized  anyone  to give  any  information  or  make  any
representation  about the Company that differs from, or adds to, the information
in this  Prospectus  or in our documents  that are publicly  filed with the SEC.
Therefore,  if anyone does give you  different or  additional  information,  you
should not rely on it.

     If you are in a  jurisdiction  where it is unlawful to offer to sell, or to
ask for offers to buy, the securities offered by this Prospectus,  or if you are
a person  to whom it is  unlawful  to  direct  such  activities,  then the offer
presented by this Prospectus does not extend to you.

     The  information  contained in this  Prospectus  speaks only as of its date
unless the information specifically indicates that another date applies.


The Company ........................ 2
Use of Proceeds .................... 2
Summary of Plan Features ........... 2
The Plan ........................... 3              Alliant Energy
Purpose ............................ 3               Corporation
Plan Administration ................ 3
Enrollment Procedures .............. 3
Transfer of Shares from                               SHAREOWNER
 Street Name ....................... 4                DIRECT PLAN
Initial Investments and
 Optional Cash Investments ......... 4
Methods of Investment .............. 5                PROSPECTUS
Dividend Reinvestment
 Options ........................... 6
Purchase of Common Stock ........... 7
Price to Participants .............. 7
Sale of Common Stock ............... 8
Custody of Stock and Issuance
 of Stock Certificates ............. 8
Share Safekeeping .................. 8
Gift/Transfer of Shares Held
 in the Plan ....................... 9
Withdrawal and Termination ......... 9
Stock Splits, Stock Dividends
 and Rights Offerings .............. 9
Voting Rights ......................10               February 1, 2000
Statements and Reports .............10
No Right to Draw Against
 Account ...........................10
Duties and Responsibilities ........10
Change or Termination of
 the Plan ..........................10
Termination of an Account by
 the Company .......................11
Interpretation of the Plan .........11
Governing Law ......................11
Federal Income Tax Considerations ..11
General Considerations .............11
Tax Withholding ....................12
Rights to Purchase Common Stock ....12
Legal Matters ......................13
Experts ............................13
Where You Can Find More
 Information .......................13