THIS FORBEARANCE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made this 13th day of
December, 2000, by and among NORTHLAND CRANBERRIES, INC., a Wisconsin
corporation, (the "Company"), NCI FOODS, LLC, a Wisconsin limited liability
company (the "Guarantor"), various financial institutions which are signatories
hereto (together with their respective successors and assigns, collectively, the
"Banks") and FIRSTAR BANK, N. A., a national banking association formerly known
as Firstar Bank Milwaukee, N. A., for itself and as Agent (the "Agent").
Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined herein have the meanings
assigned to such terms in that certain Credit Agreement by and among the
Company, the Banks and the Agent, dated as of March 15, 1999, as amended as of
May 1, 1999, December 29, 1999, April 13, 2000 and July 17, 2000 (the "Credit

                                R E C I T A L S:

         WHEREAS, the Company is obligated to the Banks pursuant to (i) the
Credit Agreement, (ii) the Revolving Credit Notes and (iii) various other
documents executed by the Company in favor of the Banks and/or the Agent (the
foregoing and any and all documents and agreements evidencing and/or securing
any debts, obligations and liabilities of the Company to any of the Banks or the
Agent heretofore, now or hereafter made, incurred, or created, arising out of
credit previously granted, credit contemporaneously granted, or granted in the
future, whether for principal, interest, fees or any other amount shall be
hereinafter referred to as the "Obligations"); and

         WHEREAS, the Obligations are secured by, among other things, the
personal property described in that certain Security Agreement dated as of March
15, 1999, executed by the Company in favor of the Agent (the "Company Security
Agreement") and perfected by various financing statements executed by the
Company and filed with the appropriate filing offices as described on Exhibit A
attached hereto (the property described in the Company Security Agreement and
the financing statements on Exhibit A are hereinafter collectively referred to
as the "Company Collateral"); and

         WHEREAS, the Obligations are further secured by, among other things,
the fixtures and real properties described in those certain Real Estate
Mortgages and those certain Real Estate Mortgages, Security Agreements and
Financing Statements (collectively, the "Company Mortgages") granted by the
Company in favor of the Agent, each dated as of March 15, 1999, unless otherwise
stated on Exhibit B attached hereto, and recorded with the appropriate recording
offices as described on Exhibit B (the "Company Real Estate Collateral"); and

         WHEREAS, the Obligations are further secured by, among other things,
the intellectual property described in that certain Notice of Grant of Security
Interest in Trademarks granted by the Company in favor of the Agent (the
"Company IP Grant"), and perfected by (i) financing statements executed by the
Company and filed with the appropriate filing office as described on Exhibit A
and (ii) recordation with the United States Patent and Trademark Office on April
8, 1999, at Reel 1882, Frame 0794 (the intellectual property described in the
Company IP Grant

and the financing statements on Exhibit A are hereinafter collectively referred
to as the "Company Trademark Collateral"); and

         WHEREAS, the Obligations are further secured by, among other things,
the personal property described in that certain Collateral Pledge Agreement
dated as of April 13, 2000, granted by the Company in favor of the Agent (the
"Collateral Pledge Agreement") (the personal property described in the
Collateral Pledge Agreement is hereinafter referred to as the "Cliffstar
Collateral"); and

         WHEREAS, the Obligations have been guaranteed pursuant to a continuing
Guaranty dated March 15, 1999, executed by Minot Food Packers, Inc. ("Minot"),
in favor of the Banks and the Agent (the "Minot Guaranty"); and

         WHEREAS, the Minot Guaranty and the Credit Agreement are secured by,
among other things, (i) the personal property described in that certain Security
Agreement dated March 15, 1999, granted by Minot in favor of the Agent (the
"Minot Security Agreement") and perfected by various financing statements
executed by Minot and filed with the appropriate filing offices as described on
Exhibit C attached hereto (the property described in the Minot Security
Agreement and the financing statements on Exhibit C are hereinafter collectively
referred to as the "Minot Collateral"), and (ii) the intellectual property
described in that certain Notice of Grant of Security Interest in Trademarks
granted by Minot in favor of the Agent (the "Minot IP Grant") and perfected by
(a) financing statements executed by Minot and filed with the appropriate filing
office as described on Exhibit C and (b) recordation with the United States
Patent and Trademark Office on April 8, 1999, at Reel 1882, Frame 0785 (the
intellectual property described in the Minot IP Grant and the financing
statements on Exhibit C are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Minot
Trademark Collateral"); and

         WHEREAS, the Credit Agreement is further secured by, among other
things, the fixtures and real property described in that certain Real Estate
Mortgage Security Agreement and Financing Statement dated March 15, 1999 ("the
Minot Mortgage"), granted by Minot in favor of the Agent and recorded on April
1, 1999, at Book 2292, Page 131 with the Cumberland County, New Jersey, Register
of Deeds Office (the "Minot Real Estate Collateral"). The Minot Collateral, the
Minot Real Estate Collateral and the Minot Trademark Collateral are hereinafter
collectively referred to as the "Minot Property"; and

         WHEREAS, Minot has merged into the Company by virtue of the Articles of
Merger filed on June 28, 1999, with the New Jersey State Treasury (the
"Merger"); and

         WHEREAS, by virtue of the Merger, the Minot Property has become
property of the Company and the Agent has a continuing validly perfected
security interest in the Minot Property, and, accordingly, as used in this
Agreement, the term "Collateral" shall include the Company Collateral and the
Minot Collateral, the term "Real Estate Collateral" shall include the Company
Real Estate Collateral and the Minot Real Estate Collateral, and the term
"Trademark Collateral" shall include the Company Trademark Collateral and the
Minot Trademark Collateral, the term "Security Agreement" shall include the
Company Security Agreement and the Minot Security Agreement, the term
"Mortgages" shall include the Company Mortgages and


the Minot Mortgage, and the term "IP Grant" shall include the Company IP Grant
and the Minot IP Grant; and

         WHEREAS, in connection with the sale of the Company's "Private Label
Juice Business" to Cliffstar Corporation ("Cliffstar") and various other sales
of parcels of real estate by the Company, various partial releases of financing
statements and partial satisfactions of mortgages were provided to the Company
as described on Exhibit D. By virtue of such partial releases and satisfactions,
the references to "Collateral," "Real Estate Collateral" and "Trademark
Collateral" do not include the property which was the subject of such partial
releases and satisfactions; and

         WHEREAS, the Obligations have been guaranteed pursuant to that certain
Guaranty dated as of May 1, 1999, executed by the Guarantor in favor of the
Banks and the Agent (the "Guaranty"); and

         WHEREAS, the Guaranty is secured by, among other things, the
intellectual property described in that certain Grant of Security Interest in
Trademarks dated as of May 1, 1999, granted by Guarantor in favor of the Agent
(the "Guarantor IP Grant") and perfected by (i) a financing statement executed
by Guarantor and filed on September 8, 1999, with the Wisconsin Department of
Financial Institutions as Document No. 01879666 (the "Guarantor Financing
Statement") and (ii) recordation of that certain Notice of Grant of Security
Interest in Trademark (the "Guarantor Trademark Notice") with the United States
Patent and Trademark Office (the property described in the Guarantor IP Grant,
the Guarantor Financing Statement and the Guarantor Trademark Notice are
hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Guarantor Trademark Collateral");

         WHEREAS, by virtue of the occurrence of certain Events of Default under
the Credit Agreement, including those described in the Agent's letter to the
Company dated August 23, 2000, and the Company's failure to pay interest due on
September 25, 2000, and each day that interest became due thereafter through the
date of this Agreement, together with the failure to pay principal that became
due on November 30, 2000 (collectively, the "Current Defaults"), the Company is
in default of the Obligations and the Obligations are, at the option of the
Banks and the Agent, immediately due and payable; and

         WHEREAS, the Company has requested that the Banks and the Agent forbear
from taking action with respect to the Current Defaults in order to allow the
Company time to refinance or repay the Obligations; and

         WHEREAS, the Company has provided the Banks and the Agent with certain
information regarding the Company; and

         WHEREAS, in reliance upon the representations of the Company, the Banks
and the Agent, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, have
agreed to forbear for the period through and including February 12, 2001 (the
"Forbearance Period"), from pursuing their remedies to collect payment of the
full amount due pursuant to the Obligations in order to allow the Company time
to refinance or otherwise repay the Obligations.


         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter set
forth and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of
which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

                                A G R E E M E N T

         1. Statement of Indebtedness. The Company acknowledges and agrees that
pursuant to the Obligations the Company owes the Banks (i) the principal amount
of One Hundred Fifty Five Million Dollars ($155,000,000) on the Revolving Credit
Notes as of the date hereof, (ii) accrued and unpaid interest under the
Revolving Credit Notes as of the date hereof; (iii) interest accruing in
accordance with the Obligations and this Agreement subsequent to the date
hereof; and (iv) all fees, costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees) of the
Banks and the Agent required to be paid pursuant to the Obligations and this
Agreement (collectively, the "Indebtedness"). The Company and the Guarantor
agree that the Obligations, the Indebtedness, the Guaranty and any document to
which the Company or the Guarantor is a party have not been released or
forgiven, that they are a legal, valid and binding obligations of the Company
and the Guarantor, that they are payable and/or enforceable in accordance with
their respective terms, they are due and payable as of the date of this
Agreement, and none are subject to any defenses, counterclaims or setoffs
whatsoever. The Company and the Guarantor agree that nothing contained in this
Agreement shall (i) nullify, extinguish, satisfy, release, discharge, constitute
a novation or otherwise affect any of the Company's or the Guarantor's
respective obligations to the Banks, (ii) constitute a waiver of any default or
(iii) vary or waive any of the terms of the Obligations or the Guaranty.

         2. Security Interests of the Banks. The Company and the Guarantor
acknowledge and agree that the Security Agreement, the Mortgages, the IP Grant,
the Guarantor IP Grant and the Collateral Pledge Agreement (collectively, the
"Collateral Documents") are legal, valid and binding obligations of the Company
and the Guarantor enforceable in accordance with their respective terms and the
Banks and the Agent have a legal, valid, binding, perfected and enforceable
security interest and lien, valid against all creditors of and against all
purchasers from the Company and the Guarantor (except to the extent otherwise
provided in the Wisconsin Uniform Commercial Code with respect to buyers in the
ordinary course of business), in the Collateral, the Real Estate Collateral, the
Trademark Collateral, the Cliffstar Collateral and the Guarantor Trademark
Collateral securing payment of the Indebtedness, and the Collateral, the Real
Estate Collateral, the Trademark Collateral, the Cliffstar Collateral and the
Guarantor Trademark Collateral are free and clear of all liens whatsoever, other
than the lien of the Banks, the Agent and the Permitted Liens. No indenture,
mortgage, security agreement, financing statement, equivalent security or lien
instrument or continuation statement covering all or any part of the Collateral,
the Real Estate Collateral, the Trademark Collateral, the Cliffstar Collateral
or the Guarantor Trademark Collateral is recorded or on file with any public
office except those in favor of the Banks, the Agent or a holder of a Permitted

         3. Guaranty. The Guarantor acknowledges and agrees that the Guaranty
has not been revoked, released, discharged or forgiven, and is a legal, valid,
binding obligation of the Guarantor enforceable against the Guarantor in
accordance with its terms, and is not subject to


any defenses, counterclaims or setoffs whatsoever. The Guarantor hereby
acknowledges and consents to and agrees to the terms and provisions of this
Agreement. Nothing contained herein shall revoke, release, discharge or forgive
the obligations of the Guarantor pursuant to the Guaranty.

         4. Conditions Precedent. This Agreement shall become effective upon
execution of this Agreement by all parties hereto and the Agent's receipt of the

                  (a) An executed mortgage in the form of Exhibit E attached
         hereto as to the Company's receiving station located in Portland, New

                  (b) An opinion of Foley & Lardner as to the matters identified
         on Exhibit F attached hereto; and

                  (c) an executed amendment to Mortgage in the form of Exhibit G
         attached hereto.

From and after the Agent's receipt of the mortgage described in (a) above (the
"Additional Mortgage"), the term "Mortgages" as used herein shall also include
the Additional Mortgage.

         5. Consideration for Forbearance. In consideration of the Banks' and
the Agent's agreement to forbear from taking certain actions during the
Forbearance Period, the Company agrees that:

                  (a) Upon receipt, but not later than December 22, 2000, the
         Company shall provide the Agent with an executed copy of an agreement
         between The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States
         ("Equitable") and the Company, in form and substance satisfactory to
         the Banks and the Agent in their sole discretion, providing that during
         the Forbearance Period Equitable (i) will defer all payments of
         principal and interest which are due or which become due and owing to
         it from the Company, (ii) will not take any action to foreclose its
         mortgages on the Company's assets, and (iii) will not accept a
         surrender or transfer to it of all or any part of its collateral
         including by way of acceptance of a deed in lien of foreclosure; and

                  (b) Upon receipt, but not later than December 22, 2000, the
         Company shall provide the Agent with a complete copy of an appraisal of
         the Company's intangible property including its trademarks and
         tradenames prepared by Houlihan, Lokey, Howard & Zukin ("Houlihan"),
         together with copies of all materials provided by the Company to
         Houlihan and all work papers of Houlihan prepared in connection
         therewith; and

                  (c) Upon receipt, but not later than December 22, 2000, the
         Company shall provide the Agent with executed copies of Waivers of
         Liens substantially in the form of Exhibit H-1 attached hereto as to
         the warehouse and/or processors listed on Exhibit H-2 attached hereto
         and in the form of Exhibit H-3 attached hereto as to the landlords
         listed on Exhibit H-4; and


                  (d) Within three (3) business day of the Company's receipt
         thereof, the Company shall provide the Agent with such UCC-1 financing
         statements with respect to the Banks' collateral as are requested by
         the Agent, each executed by the Company; and

                  (e) Upon receipt, the Company shall provide the Agent with
         unedited copies of all proposal letters or other writings related to
         the refinancing of the Obligations, the sale of any assets, or the
         infusion of new equity; and

                  (f) Upon receipt, but no later than December 22, 2000, the
         Company shall provide the Agent with a complete copy of an appraisal of
         the Company's fixed assets including its real property, plants and
         equipment prepared by Hilco Trading Co., Inc. ("Hilco"), together with
         copies of all materials provided by the Company to Hilco and all work
         papers of Hilco prepared in connection therewith; and

                  (g) No later than one (1) business day following the date this
         Agreement becomes effective, the Company shall deposit in Account
         Number 754861755 at Firstar Bank, N. A., an account under the sole
         custody and control of the Agent, acting for itself and as Agent for
         the Banks (the "Collateral Account"), all funds in the Company's Bank
         Account Numbers 1129 957, 8026 061, 1137 834 and 1139 178 at Wood
         County National Bank (the "Old Disbursement Accounts"), and in any
         other accounts other than Payroll Accounts (as hereinafter defined) and
         shall make no further deposits of any kind into such accounts at Wood
         County National Bank or any other account other than the Collateral
         Account. In addition, all payments received by the Company or the
         Guarantor, including, without limitation, all proceeds of the
         Collateral, the Real Estate Collateral, the Trademark Collateral, the
         Guarantor Trademark Collateral, or the Cliffstar Collateral
         (collectively, the "Proceeds"), shall, upon receipt, be immediately
         endorsed for deposit in the Collateral Account and deposited in such
         account in the same form as received by the Company. Until so
         deposited, the Company shall hold all such payments and Proceeds in
         trust for and as the property of the Agent and shall not commingle such
         payments and Proceeds with any of its other funds or property. The
         Company acknowledges that it does not have any right, title or interest
         in and to the Collateral Account or any amounts at any time in such
         account. Amounts deposited in the Collateral Account shall not bear
         interest and shall not be subject to withdrawal by the Company, except
         after full payment and discharge of all of the Obligations and
         termination of all related credit facilities. The Company shall have no
         right to make or countermand withdrawals from the Collateral Account.
         The Company hereby pledges to and grants the Agent a security interest
         in all funds on deposit in the Collateral Account from time to time and
         all proceeds thereof to secure payment of all of the Obligations
         whether now existing or hereafter arising; and

                  (h) Except with respect to the Company's established accounts
         for payment of salaries, wage and related payroll taxes and other
         deductions (the "Payroll Accounts"), the Company shall as soon as
         reasonably practicable establish its sole disbursement accounts at
         Firstar Bank, N. A. (the "Disbursement Accounts") and as soon as checks
         for such accounts are available no further checks shall be issued from
         the Old Disbursement Accounts. Until the conclusion of the Forbearance
         Period or the occurrence of an Event


         of Default hereunder, upon final payment of checks, instruments or
         other items received in the Collateral Account which are the proceeds
         of (i) the Company's accounts receivable, (ii) the proceeds of the
         Cliffstar Collateral to the extent such proceeds are regularly
         scheduled payments of principal and interest on the note subject to the
         Collateral Pledge Agreement, (iii) tax refunds, or (iv) direct payments
         to the Company by the Secretary of Agriculture from the funds of the
         Commodity Credit Corporation pursuant to the Agriculture, Rural
         Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies
         Appropriations Act, 2001, Pub. L. No. 106-387 (collectively, the
         "Available Proceeds"), the Agent shall, at the direction of the
         Company, transmit such funds to the Old Disbursement Accounts (but only
         until such time as the New Disbursement Accounts have been established
         and there are no longer any outstanding checks from the Old
         Disbursement Accounts), the New Disbursement Accounts and Payroll
         Accounts, but only to the extent necessary to pay checks, drafts or
         other withdrawals which have been presented for payment against such
         accounts and only to the extent collected funds in the Collateral
         Account which are Available Proceeds are available within the time
         allowed by law to honor items presented for payment. Other than the
         Available Proceeds, any and all Proceeds deposited in the Collateral
         Account shall be applied as a permanent reduction of the principal
         amount of the Indebtedness and Obligations; and

                  (i) On or before December 15, 2000, the Company shall pay to
         the Agent (i) all of the reasonable legal fees and out-of-pocket
         expenses incurred through the date hereof by the Banks and the Agent in
         connection with this Agreement and the Obligations and invoiced on or
         before December 12, 2000, and (ii) Fourteen Thousand Three Hundred
         Eighty Two Dollars ($14,382), the costs and expenses paid by the Agent
         in connection with the field audit recently conducted at the Company in
         August, 2000, by auditors retained by the Agent; and

                  (j) During the Forbearance Period:

                           (i) The Company shall pay all amounts due employees
                  for wages, salary, and benefits together with state and
                  federal taxes (including, without limitation, all sales,
                  withholding and social security taxes) when due;

                           (ii) No later than each Thursday, the Company shall
                  provide the Agent with (a) weekly cash flow projections, which
                  projections shall forecast a minimum of four (4) weeks, (b)
                  actual results for the preceding week and (c) a variance
                  report comparing actual and projected results for the
                  preceding week, including an explanation of the reasons for
                  such variance;

                           (iii) Within ten (10) business days following the
                  last calendar day of each month, the Company shall provide the
                  Agent with a certificate from the President or Vice
                  President-Finance in sufficient detail demonstrating that the
                  Company has complied with all provisions of this Agreement;


                           (iv) The Company shall provide, in a timely fashion,
                  all additional materials or information, financial or
                  otherwise, reasonably requested by any of the Banks or the
                  Agent or required in accordance with the Credit Agreement;

                           (v) The Company shall furnish to the Agent, on the
                  day the Company first obtains knowledge thereof, notice of the
                  occurrence of any Event of Default (as defined herein) or each
                  event which, with or without the giving of notice or lapse of
                  time or both, would constitute an Event of Default, together
                  with a statement of an authorized representative of the
                  Company setting forth details of such Event of Default; and

                           (vi) The Company shall continue to furnish the Agent
                  in a timely fashion the following written material:

                                    (A) on the first day of each week, as of the
                           prior week's end, accounts payable aging for those
                           creditors with outstanding balances in excess of
                           Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000) and trade
                           accounts receivable aging for those customers with
                           outstanding balances in excess of Seventy Five
                           Thousand Dollars ($75,000),

                                    (B) within three (3) business days after
                           receipt by the Company, copies of pleadings with
                           respect to Cliffstar's and the Company's respective
                           law suits against each other, and correspondence from
                           or to the Company relating to any potential
                           settlement of such litigation,

                                    (C) within three (3) business days after the
                           occurrence of any such event, notice and description
                           of any lawsuits initiated by any vendors, including
                           copies of any written materials relating to the same,

                                    (D) within thirty (30) days of each month
                           end (1) balance sheet as of such month end; (2)
                           profit and loss statement for the month and fiscal
                           year to date period ended on such date; (3) cash flow
                           statement for the month and fiscal year to date
                           period ended on such date; (4) a Compliance
                           Certificate as required under Section 7.4(d) of the
                           Credit Agreement as of such date; and (5) a narrative
                           regarding the Company's performance during such month
                           including explanations of variances from the
                           Company's projections and summaries of both cash and
                           non-cash expenses and charges which have had material
                           impact on the balance sheet and profit and loss
                           statements during such month, and the status of trade
                           credit including any actions known to have been taken
                           by the Company's vendors after the date hereof to put
                           the Company on a COD or CIA basis, or to stop any
                           further shipments to the Company; and

                           (vii) The Company shall comply with all of the terms
                  of the Obligations; provided, however, that regularly
                  scheduled payments of principal


                  and interest otherwise due prior to the conclusion of the
                  Forbearance Period may be deferred until February 12, 2001, or
                  the earlier termination of the Banks' agreement to forbear;

                           (viii) Within one (1) business day of the Company's
                  receipt thereof, the Company shall provide the Agent written
                  notice of demand for payment made by the holder of any
                  guaranty made by the Company.

                  (k) Notwithstanding the Banks' agreement to forbear, and
         notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 5(g) and 5(h) hereof, at
         any time during the Forbearance Period, and without further notice: (a)
         the Banks may take any or all actions permitted in paragraphs 3(g),
         3(i), 5(a), 5(c), 5(d), 5(e), 6 and 7 of the Security Agreement which
         may be taken following the happening of an Event of Default and
         regardless of whether the Agent or the Banks have taken any other
         action following the happening of an Event of Default; and (b) the
         Agent may notify Cliffstar to make all future payments directly to the
         Agent for all amounts due and payable under that certain Promissory
         Note dated March 8, 2000, payable by Cliffstar to the Company; and

                  (l) The Company shall pay to the Agent on February 2, 2001, or
         the earlier termination of the Banks' agreement to forbear as provided
         herein, a fee in the amount of Three Hundred Seventy Five Thousand
         Dollars ($375,000) (the "Forbearance Fee"); provided, however, that the
         Banks shall credit the outstanding Indebtedness to the extent such fee
         has been paid if the Company pays the Indebtedness in full on or before
         February 12, 2001. Interest on the Obligations shall continue to accrue
         at the default rate as provided in Section 2.2 of the Credit Agreement
         from November 13, 2000.

         6. Forbearance. The Banks and the Agent agree to forbear during the
Forbearance Period from seeking immediate payment of the full amount of the
Indebtedness, except to the extent provided herein, provided that the Company
and the Guarantor strictly comply with all of the terms and conditions of this
Agreement and provided further that no "Event of Default" (as hereinafter
defined) shall occur. The Banks' and the Agent's agreement contained herein
shall not nullify, extinguish, satisfy, release, discharge or otherwise affect
the Company's or the Guarantor's obligations to the Banks and to the Agent or
constitute a waiver of any Event of Default. The Company and the Guarantor
acknowledge and agree that if any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement
are not satisfied within the sole discretion of the Banks and the Agent, or any
Event of Default occurs, the Banks' and the Agent's agreement to forbear shall
terminate in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the Banks and the
Agent shall have all of their rights and remedies.

         7. Acknowledgments and Waivers. The Company and the Guarantor
acknowledge and agree as follows:

                  (a) All of the Recitals are true and correct.


                  (b) The Current Defaults have occurred and, prior to giving
         effect to the Banks' and the Agent's agreements contained herein,
         payment of the entire amount of the Indebtedness is now due from the
         Company and the Guarantor. The Banks' and the Agent's agreement to
         forbear is not a waiver of the Current Defaults or any other Default or
         Event of Default. No further notice of default is required with respect
         to the Obligations. There has been no promise by the Banks or the
         Agent, whether express or implied, to forbear beyond the Forbearance
         Period, and the Company and the Guarantor understand that the
         Indebtedness is due and payable in any event as of the conclusion of
         the Forbearance Period or the earlier termination of this Agreement as
         provided herein.

                  (c) On account of the occurrence of the Current Defaults,
         pursuant to Section 10.14 of the Credit Agreement, the Company's
         consent to an assignment of any Note or portion thereof is not
         required. The Company hereby waives any further requirement for the
         Company's consent to any assignment of any Note or portion thereof.

         8. Representations and Warranties of the Company and the Guarantor. In
order to induce the Banks to enter into this Agreement, and in recognition of
the fact that the Banks and the Agent are acting in reliance thereupon, the
Company (as to the Company) and the Guarantor (as to the Guarantor) hereby
covenant, represent and warrant to the Banks and to the Agent that:

                  (a) The Company is duly incorporated and the Guarantor is duly
         organized, each is validly existing and in good standing under the laws
         of the State of Wisconsin and each has the power and authority and the
         legal right to own and operate its property, to lease the property it
         operates, and to conduct the business in which it is currently engaged.

                  (b) The chief executive office of the Company is, and
         continues to be, located at 800 First Avenue South, Wisconsin Rapids,
         Wisconsin 54495-8020.

                  (c) The Company and the Guarantor each has the power and
         authority to enter into, deliver, issue and perform all of its
         obligations under this Agreement. This Agreement, when duly executed
         and delivered on behalf of the Company and the Guarantor, will
         constitute the legal, valid and binding obligations of the Company and
         the Guarantor enforceable against the Company and the Guarantor in
         accordance with its terms.

                  (d) No consent or authorization of, filing with, or act by or
         in respect of any governmental authority is required in connection with
         the execution, delivery, performance, validity or enforceability of
         this Agreement. The execution, delivery and performance of this
         Agreement (i) has been duly authorized by all necessary action, where
         applicable, (ii) will not violate any requirement of law or any
         contractual obligation of the Company or the Guarantor and (iii) will
         not result in, or require, the creation or imposition of any lien on
         any of its properties or revenues pursuant to any requirement of law or
         contractual obligation.


                  (e) No information, financial statement, exhibit or report
         furnished by the Company or the Guarantor to the Banks and the Agent in
         connection with the negotiation of, or pursuant to, this Agreement
         contains any material misstatement of fact, omits to state a material
         fact, or omits any fact necessary to make the statements contained
         therein, in light of the circumstances in which they were made, not

         9. Events of Default. An event of default pursuant to this Agreement
(an "Event of Default") shall have occurred hereunder if:

                  (a) The Company or the Guarantor fails to comply with any
         term, covenant or agreement contained herein; or

                  (b) Any representation or warranty made by the Company or the
         Guarantor herein or in any certificate, document, financial statement
         or other statement furnished at any time under, and in connection with,
         this Agreement, the Obligations or the Guaranty proves to have been
         incorrect in any material respect on or as of the date made; or

                  (c) The Obligations, the Security Agreement, the Mortgages,
         the IP Grant, the Collateral Pledge Agreement, the Guarantor IP Grant,
         or any financing statement or mortgage necessary to perfect the
         security interest granted in the Credit Agreement, the Security
         Agreement, the Mortgages, the IP Grant, the Collateral Pledge Agreement
         or the Guarantor IP Grant ceases to be in full force and effect or
         ceases to create a lien on and security interest in the Collateral, the
         Real Estate Collateral, the Trademark Collateral, the Cliffstar
         Collateral or the Guarantor Trademark Collateral or for any other
         reason the Banks and the Agent shall cease to have a perfected lien on
         and security interest in any of the foregoing; or

                  (d) Any of this Agreement, the Obligations, the Security
         Agreement, the Mortgages, the IP Grant, the Collateral Pledge
         Agreement, the Guaranty or the Guarantor IP Grant shall, at any time
         after their respective execution and delivery, and for any reason,
         cease to be in full force and effect or shall be declared null and void
         or be revoked or terminated, or the validity or enforceability thereof
         or hereof shall be contested by the parties thereto or the parties
         thereto shall deny that any of them has any or further liability or
         obligations thereunder or hereunder, as the case may be; or

                  (e) The Company or the Guarantor (i) admits in writing that it
         is insolvent; (ii) makes a general assignment for the benefit of
         creditors; (iii) makes a general assignment to an agent authorized to
         liquidate a substantial amount of its property; (iv) files, or consents
         to the filing of, or the Board of Directors of either the Guarantor or
         the Company votes to authorize the filing of any proceeding, petition
         or case under any existing or future law of any jurisdiction, domestic
         or foreign, relating to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or
         relief of debtors which constitutes the commencement of a case and/or
         constitutes an order for relief or which seeks: (A) an adjudication
         that it is bankrupt or insolvent, (B) a reorganization, arrangement,
         winding up, liquidation, dissolution, composition or other relief with
         respect to its debts, or (C) the appointment of a receiver, trustee,
         custodian or other similar official for it or any substantial portion
         of its


         assets; (v) has filed against it such a proceeding, petition or case;
         or (vi) has filed against it any proceeding or action which seeks the
         issuance of a warrant, attachment, execution, distraint or similar
         process against any part of its assets with a book value of One Hundred
         Thousand Dollars ($100,000) or more in the aggregate if such a
         proceeding or action results in the issuance of such process and such
         process is not vacated, discharged, stayed or fully bonded within two
         (2) days of entry thereof; or

                  (f) Any "Event of Default" or "default," as either term is
         defined in any document comprising the Obligations, the Security
         Agreement, the Mortgages, the IP Grant, the Guarantor IP Grant, the
         Collateral Pledge Agreement or the Guaranty, other than the Current
         Defaults and continuing occurrences of defaults of the same nature,
         shall occur after the date hereof; provided, however, that the failure
         to make any regularly scheduled payment of principal or interest that
         comes due prior to the conclusion of the Forbearance Period or the
         earlier termination of the Banks' agreement to forbear, as provided
         herein, or the failure to observe, during the Forbearance Period, any
         of the financial covenants contained in sections 7.8-7.10 of the Credit
         Agreement shall not constitute an Event of Default as defined herein;

                  (g) Equitable takes any action to accelerate or enforce the
         obligations of the Company to Equitable, or to foreclose its mortgages
         on the Company's assets or accepts a surrender or transfer to it of all
         or any part of its collateral including by way of acceptance of a deed
         in lien of foreclosure; or

                  (h) Any material adverse change in the business, financial
         condition or property of the Company or the Guarantor shall occur.

         Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default hereunder, the Forbearance
Period shall, at the election of the Required Banks (except with respect to (e)
in which event the Forbearance Period shall automatically terminate),
immediately terminate, without notice to the Company or the Guarantor, and the
Banks and the Agent shall have all of their rights and remedies as provided in
the Obligations, the Security Agreement, the Mortgages, the IP Grant, the
Collateral Pledge Agreement, the Guaranty and the Guarantor IP Grant, as well
as, any further rights and remedies provided by law. In addition to the
foregoing remedies, upon the occurrence of an Event of Default (except for an
Event of Default occasioned by either the failure to comply with section 5(c)
hereof or the failure to deliver the work papers of either Houlihan or Hilco as
required under sections 5(b) and 5(f) hereof, respectively) hereunder, the
Company shall retain both (i) a manager acceptable to the Required Banks who
will assume the responsibilities of a chief executive officer and a chief
operating officer and who will report directly to the Board of Directors of the
Company and (ii) investment bankers acceptable to the Required Banks to sell the
assets of the Company either individually or as a whole. The Company, acting
through its Board of Directors, shall make good faith efforts to sell the assets
of the Company or the Company as a whole. The Company will provide to the Agent
and the Banks all information relating to any expressions of interest in
purchasing all or any assets of the Company. In the event the Company receives
an offer to purchase any asset of the Company, it will promptly advise the Agent
of such offer and, upon request of the Required Banks, it will voluntarily
surrender to the Banks any assets subject to such offer to purchase, which
assets may then be


sold under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code if the Required Banks so
elect. The Banks' or the Agent's receipt of any payment after the occurrence of
any Event of Default shall not constitute a waiver of the Event of Default or of
the Banks' and the Agent's rights and remedies upon such Event of Default.

         10. Right to Enter Mortgaged Premises. Upon the occurrence of an Event
of Default hereunder, the Banks and the Agent shall have the right to enter and
use the property described in the Mortgages, rent free, for such period of time
as shall be necessary to liquidate the Collateral.

         11. Release. The Company and the Guarantor and each of their
affiliates, representatives, officers, directors, agents, employees, and
attorneys as well as their predecessors, successors and assigns (collectively,
the "Releasing Parties") forever release and discharge the Banks and the Agent
and their respective affiliates, officers, directors, shareholders, agents,
representatives, attorneys and employees, predecessors, successors and assigns
(collectively, the "Released Parties"), and each of them, past and present, from
any and all actions, obligations, costs, damages, losses, claims, liabilities
and demands of whatever kind and nature which the Releasing Parties have had,
now have or hereafter may have, arising from or by reason of or in any way
connected with any transaction, matter, event or circumstance which occurred or
existed on or prior to the date hereof. It is understood and agreed that this
release is not to be construed as an admission of liability on the part of the
Banks, the Agent or the Released Parties.

         12. Limitation of Liability. Neither the Banks nor the Agent nor any of
the Released Parties shall be liable to the Releasing Parties for any action
taken, or omitted to be taken, by it or them or any of them under this Agreement
or in connection therewith except that no person shall be relieved of any
liability imposed by law for gross negligence or willful misconduct. Except as
provided in the preceding sentence, no claim may be made by the Releasing
Parties against the Banks, the Agent or the Released Parties for any special,
indirect, consequential or punitive damages in respect of any breach or wrongful
conduct (whether the claim is based in contract or tort or duty imposed by law)
arising out of or related to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or
any act, omission or event occurring in connection therewith. The Releasing
Parties hereby waive, release and agree not to sue upon any claim for any such
damages, whether or not accrued and whether or not known or suspected to exist
in its favor.

         13. Miscellaneous.

                  (a) The terms and conditions stated herein shall constitute
         the complete and exclusive statement of the terms hereof and shall
         supersede all prior oral or written statements of any kind whatsoever
         made by the parties or their representatives concerning the terms
         hereof. No statement or writing subsequent to the date hereof which
         purports to modify or add to the terms or conditions hereof shall be
         binding unless contained in a writing which makes specific reference to
         this Agreement and which is signed by all parties hereto.

                  (b) This Agreement inures to the benefit of the Banks and the
         Agent and their respective successors and assigns, and it binds the
         Company and the Guarantor and their


         respective successors, heirs and assigns. This Agreement may be
         executed in any number of counterparts, which shall be effective as to
         each signatory upon execution of any counterpart by such signatory.

                  (c) This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
         accordance with the laws of the State of Wisconsin.

                  (d) Without limitation of any terms or provisions of the
         Obligations or the Guaranty, the Company and the Guarantor shall be
         obligated to pay all the fees and out-of-pocket expenses incurred by
         the Banks and the Agent in connection with the review, negotiation,
         preparation and execution of this Agreement including, but not limited
         to, all reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements, and in the event
         that any action shall be required in order to collect upon the
         Obligations or the Guaranty, all of the Banks' and the Agent's fees and
         out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection therewith, including all
         reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements.

                  (e) Except as amended by this Agreement, all of the terms and
         conditions of the Obligations and the Guaranty shall remain in all
         other respects in full force and effect.




                           (ii) WAIVES ANY DEFENSE OF FORUM NON CONVENIENS;

                           (iii) AGREES THAT SERVICE OF ALL PROCESS IN ANY SUCH

                           (iv) AGREES THAT SERVICE AS PROVIDED IN CLAUSE (iii)


                           (v) AGREES THAT THE BANKS AND THE AGENT RETAIN THE
                  OTHER JURISDICTION; AND



                                       NORTHLAND CRANBERRIES, INC.

800 First Avenue South                 By: /s/John Swendrowski
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-8020        Its:

                                       NCI FOODS, LLC

800 First Avenue South                 By: /s/John Swendrowski
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-8020        Its:

                                       FIRSTAR BANK, N. A., as Agent and a Bank

777 East Wisconsin Avenue              By: /s/
Milwaukee, WI  53202                   Its:

                                       WELLS FARGO BANK MINNESOTA, N. A.

730 Second Avenue South, Suite 500
MAC N9314-050                          By: /s/
Minneapolis, MN  55479                 Its:

[Signatures continued on following page.]


                                       U. S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION

601 Second Avenue South                By: /s/
Minneapolis, MN 55402-4302             Its:

                                       BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION

231 South LaSalle Street               By: /s/
Chicago, IL  60697                     Its:

                                       ST. FRANCIS BANK, F.S.B.

13400 Bishops Lane, Suite 190          By: /s/
Brookfield, WI  53005-6203             Its:

                                       M&I MARSHALL & ILSLEY BANK

770 North Water Street                 By: /s/
Milwaukee, WI  53202                   Its:

                                       FLEET CAPITAL CORPORATION

One South Wacker Drive
Suite 1400                             By: /s/
Chicago, IL  60606                     Its:

                                       BANK ONE, NA

111 East Wisconsin Avenue              By: /s/
Milwaukee, WI  53202                   Its:

                                       LaSALLE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION

411 East Wisconsin Avenue              By: /s/
Milwaukee, WI  53202                   Its:
