Exhibit 10.11

                                  STANDARD FORM

                       APPLEBEE'S NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL & BAR

                              DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT

                            MARCUS RESTAURANTS, INC.

                                  APRIL 8, 1994


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

   RECITALS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       1

      1. GRANT OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS   . . . . . . . . . .       2
      2. INITIAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE  . . . . . . . . . .       2
         DEVELOPMENT OBLIGATIONS GENERALLY   . . . . . . .       4
      4. FRANCHISE FEE AND ROYALTY RATE  . . . . . . . . .       5
      6. FEES AND FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS   . . . . . . . . .       8
         FINANCIAL CONDITION AND SHAREHOLDERS  . . . . . .       8
      8. TRANSFER  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      10
      9. TERMINATION   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      13
         FOR INDIVIDUAL RESTAURANT UNITS   . . . . . . . .      15
     11. RESTRICTIONS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      16
     12. DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURES  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      18
     13. NO WAIVER OF DEFAULT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      19
     14. FORCE MAJEURE   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      19
         LAW AND JURISDICTION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      20
     16. MISCELLANEOUS   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      21






               TO COMPETE



                       APPLEBEE'S NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL & BAR
                              DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT

   This Agreement is made this ________ day of _____________________,
   19_____, by and between APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC., a Delaware
   corporation ("FRANCHISOR"), MARCUS RESTAURANTS, INC., a Wisconsin
   corporation ("DEVELOPER") and                      N/A        
   (collectively, the "PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS" and, individually, a



       A.  Franchisor has acquired rights to develop and operate a unique
   system of restaurants which specialize in the sale of high quality,
   moderately priced food and alcoholic beverages in an attractive, casual
   setting, which include proprietary rights in certain valuable trade names,
   service marks and trademarks, including the service mark Applebee's
   Neighborhood Grill & Bar and variations of such mark, designs, decor and
   color schemes for restaurant premises, signs, equipment, procedures and
   formulae for preparing food and beverage products, specifications for
   certain food and beverage products, inventory methods, operating methods,
   financial control concepts, a training facility and teaching
   techniques (the "System").

       B.  Franchisor has determined to establish, through its own
   development and operation, and through the granting of franchises, a chain
   of Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar restaurants which are distinctive;
   which are similar in appearance, design and decor; and which are uniform
   in operation and product consistency.

       C.  The value of Franchisor's trade names, service marks and
   trademarks is based upon:  (1) the maintenance of uniform high quality
   standards in connection with the preparation and sale of
   Franchisor-approved food and beverage products, (2) the uniform high
   standards of appearance of the individual restaurant units in the System,
   (3) the use of distinctive trademarks, service marks, building designs and
   advertising signs representing a uniformly high quality of product and
   services, and (4) the assumption by Franchisor and its franchisees of the
   obligation to maintain and enhance the goodwill and public acceptance of
   the System (and of Franchisor's trade names, service marks and trademarks)
   by strict adherence to the high standards required by Franchisor.

       D.  Developer desires to obtain the exclusive right to develop
   restaurant units franchised by Franchisor within the geographic area
   specified in Appendix A hereto ("Territory"), for the period specified in
   Subsection 1.1, pursuant to the terms, conditions and provisions which are
   set forth in this Agreement.

   NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of Franchisor granting to Developer the
   exclusive right to develop restaurant units franchised by Franchisor which
   employ the System ("Restaurants") in the Territory for such period, and in
   consideration of the mutual obligations which are provided for herein, it
   is hereby agreed as follows:


       1.1    Franchisor grants Developer the exclusive right to develop
   Restaurants only in the Territory for a period commencing on the date
   hereof and expiring on November 27, 2009, unless sooner terminated as
   hereinafter provided.  Developer has no rights under this Agreement to
   develop Restaurants outside of the Territory.

       1.2    During the term of this Agreement, Franchisor shall not
   operate a restaurant utilizing the System or license any other person to
   operate a restaurant utilizing the System in the Territory.

       1.3    After this Agreement expires or is terminated, Franchisor
   shall have the complete and unrestricted right to operate or license other
   persons to operate a restaurant utilizing the System in the Territory.


       2.1    Developer shall develop a total of ten (10)* Restaurants
   franchised by Franchisor in the Territory during the period commencing on
   the date hereof and expiring on December 31, 1997, in accordance with the
   following development schedule:

        *This figure does not include eight (8) Restaurants located in the
   Territory for which franchise agreements have been previously issued, the
   locations of said Restaurants being more specifically described on
   Schedule 1, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.

            (a)   During the first Initial Development Period under this
       Agreement, Developer shall develop at least two (2) Restaurants within
       the Territory, each of which shall be open for operation and doing
       business on December 31, 1994 (the end of the first Initial
       Development Period under this Agreement).

            (b)   During the second Initial Development Period under this
       Agreement, Developer shall develop the number of Restaurants within
       the Territory necessary to result in the existence of three (3) such
       Restaurants developed by Developer which are open for operation and
       doing business on June 30, 1995 (the end of the second Initial
       Development Period under this Agreement).

            (c)   During the third Initial Development Period under this
       Agreement, Developer shall develop the number of Restaurants within
       the Territory necessary to result in the existence of four (4) such
       Restaurants developed by Developer which are open for operation and
       doing business on September 30, 1995 (the end of the third Initial
       Development Period under this Agreement).

            (d)   During the fourth Initial Development Period under this
       Agreement, Developer shall develop the number of Restaurants within
       the Territory necessary to result in the existence of five (5) such
       Restaurants developed by Developer which are open for operation and
       doing business on December 31, 1995 (the end of the fourth Initial
       Development Period under this Agreement).

            (e)   During the fifth Initial Development Period under this
       Agreement, Developer shall develop the number of Restaurants within
       the Territory necessary to result in the existence of six (6) such
       Restaurants developed by Developer which are open for operation and
       doing business on June 30, 1996 (the end of the fifth Initial
       Development Period under this Agreement).

            (f)   During the sixth Initial Development Period under this
       Agreement, Developer shall develop the number of Restaurants within
       the Territory necessary to result in the existence of seven (7) such
       Restaurants developed by Developer which are open for operation and
       doing business on September 30, 1996 (the end of the sixth Initial
       Development Period under this Agreement).

            (g)   During the seventh Initial Development Period under this
       Agreement, Developer shall develop the number of Restaurants within
       the Territory necessary to result in the existence of eight (8) such
       Restaurants developed by Developer which are open for operation and
       doing business on December 31, 1996 (the end of the seventh Initial
       Development Period under this Agreement).

            (h)   During the eighth Initial Development Period under this
       Agreement, Developer shall develop the number of Restaurants within
       the Territory necessary to result in the existence of nine (9) such
       Restaurants developed by Developer which are open for operation and
       doing business on June 30, 1997 (the end of the eighth Initial
       Development Period under this Agreement).

            (i)   During the ninth Initial Development Period under this
       Agreement, Developer shall develop the number of Restaurants within
       the Territory necessary to result in the existence of ten (10) such
       Restaurants developed by Developer which are open for operation and
       doing business on December 31, 1997 (the end of the ninth Initial
       Development Period under this Agreement).

   Each of the periods specified in Subparagraphs (a) through (i) hereof is
   sometimes referred to hereinafter as an "Initial Development Period." 

       2.2    During any Initial Development Period, subject to the
   provisions of this Agreement, Developer is free to develop more than the
   total minimum number of Restaurants which Developer is required to develop
   during that Initial Development Period.  Any such Restaurants developed,
   open for operation and doing business during an Initial Development Period
   in excess of the minimum number required to be developed during that
   Initial Development Period shall be applied to satisfy Developer's
   development obligation during the next succeeding Initial Development
   Period or next succeeding Subsequent Development Period (as defined in
   Section 3 hereof), if any, as the case may be.  Notwithstanding the above,
   Developer shall not develop more than the total number Restaurants
   approved by Franchisor for development under this Agreement.

       2.3    Strict compliance with the development schedule specified in
   Subsection 2.1 hereof is of the essence of this Agreement.  If Developer
   fails to fulfill its specified development obligation with respect to any
   of the Initial Development Periods specified in Subsection 2.1 hereof,
   this Agreement shall terminate sixty (60) days after the end of the
   Initial Development Period in question, unless by the end of such
   sixty (60) day period Developer has fulfilled the development obligation
   relating to such Initial Development Period.


       3.1    During the period commencing on January 1, 1998 and expiring
   on November 27, 2009, Developer shall develop and open for business in the
   Territory, from time to time in accordance with the development schedule
   established under Subsection 3.2, that number of additional Restaurants as
   is required to achieve at the end of such period a total number of
   Restaurants open for business within the Territory which, after including
   the Restaurants developed during the Initial Development Periods, would be
   equal to (a) one (1) Restaurant for every twenty-five thousand (25,000)
   households within the Territory having an income of twenty-five thousand
   dollars ($25,000) or more, or (b) one (1) Restaurant for every
   seventy-five thousand (75,000) individuals within the Territory who are
   between the ages of twenty (20) and forty-nine (49) years old, whichever
   computation results in a lesser number of Restaurants.

       3.2     (a)    Each consecutive twelve (12) month period, commencing
   with the period beginning on January 1, 1998, is hereafter referred to as
   a "Subsequent Development Period."  Each period consisting of two (2)
   consecutive Subsequent Development Periods, commencing with the period
   beginning on January 1, 1998, is hereinafter referred to as a "Calculation

            (b)   Franchisor and Developer shall agree in writing on or
   before the commencement of each Calculation Period on the number of
   Restaurants which Developer must develop, each of which shall be open for
   operation and doing business, during each of the two (2) Subsequent
   Development Periods included in such Calculation Period; provided that
   such agreement is subject to the following minimum and maximum development
   requirements:  (i) Minimum development requirements:  Developer hereby
   agrees to develop during each Subsequent Development Period at least that
   number of Restaurants, each of which shall be open for operation and doing
   business, which will be equal to one-third (1/3) of the total number of
   Restaurants (rounded to the nearest whole number) which were required to
   be developed by Developer during all prior Initial Development and
   Calculation Periods; and (ii) Maximum development requirements: 
   Notwithstanding the minimum development requirements, Developer shall not
   be required to develop during any Subsequent Development Period more than
   that number of Restaurants which, when added to the number of Restaurants
   which were required to be developed by Developer during all prior Initial
   Development and Calculation Periods, would exceed the number of
   Restaurants prescribed by the formula set forth in Subsection 3.1, if such
   formula had been applied to determine the total number of Restaurants
   required to service the Territory immediately prior to the Calculation
   Period in question.  No later than sixty (60) days prior to the
   commencement of each Calculation Period, Franchisor shall provide
   Developer with census data necessary for Developer to ascertain, for
   purposes of the maximum development requirements, the number of
   Restaurants which would be required in the Territory by application of the
   formula.  Franchisor shall use census figures provided by National
   Decision Systems, or such other generally recognized demographic service
   as Developer and Franchisor shall reasonably designate.

       3.3    Strict compliance with the development schedule established in
   accordance with Subsection 3.2 hereof is of the essence of this Agreement. 
   If Developer shall fail to fulfill its specified development obligation
   with respect to any Subsequent Development Period, this Agreement shall
   automatically terminate sixty (60) days after the end of the Subsequent
   Development Period in question, unless by the end of such sixty (60) day
   period Developer has fulfilled the development obligation relating to such
   Subsequent Development Period.

       3.4    If, during the term of this Agreement, (a) Developer transfers
   or disposes of any Restaurant developed hereunder in accordance with the
   provisions hereof, or for any other reason ceases to operate any
   Restaurant developed hereunder, and (b) after such transfer or other
   cessation of operation the premises no longer are utilized for the
   operation of a Restaurant, Developer's development obligation in the
   Initial or Subsequent Development Period in which such transfer or other
   cessation of operations occurred shall increase, subject to the general
   limitations on Developer's development obligations set forth in Section 2
   and Section 3, by the number of Restaurants which Developer so
   transferred, disposed of or which otherwise ceased to operate.

       3.5    Franchisor represents that it is the sole owner of the service
   mark Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar.  If Franchisor determines that a
   third person has rights under the law of any state with respect to such
   mark which precludes Developer from fulfilling any portion of its
   development obligations pursuant to this Agreement, Franchisor and
   Developer shall negotiate in good faith for a revision of those
   development obligations, a redefinition of the Territory, or such other
   modifications of this Agreement as may be reasonable in the circumstances.


       4.1    Developer shall pay Franchisor a franchise fee of $35,000 with
   respect to each Restaurant which is developed pursuant to this Agreement
   during the Initial Development Periods.  Thereafter, Developer shall pay
   Franchisor a franchise fee in an amount which is equal to the amount of
   the franchise fee then in effect at the time of the issuance of the
   franchise agreement for each additional restaurant to be opened during any
   Subsequent Development Period.  The amount of the franchise fee shall be
   set forth in the franchise offering circular received by the Developer
   from Franchisor immediately preceding the issuance of such franchise
   agreement.  Simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement, Developer
   shall pay to Franchisor, by certified check, the amount of $35,000
   ("Franchise Fee Deposit").  Said Franchise Fee Deposit shall be equal to
   the greater of (a) the franchise fee for one of the Restaurants to be
   developed during the Initial Development Periods, or (b) ten percent (10%)
   of the entire franchise fees covering the ten (10) Restaurants to be
   developed during the first nine (9) Initial Development Periods pursuant
   to this Agreement (as reduced by a credit of $6,000 based on Developer's
   prior payment, if so paid, of a non-refundable $6,000 application fee). 
   The remaining balance of the franchise fees for each of the Restaurants to
   be developed during the nine (9) Initial Development Periods shall be paid
   by certified check as follows:  one-half (1/2) of the balance shall be
   paid upon signing a franchise agreement for that Restaurant and the
   remaining balance shall be paid fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled
   opening of the Restaurant.  The Franchise Fee Deposit shall be
   proportionately allocated to the franchise fee due with respect to each
   Restaurant to which it applies.  The franchise fee with respect to each
   Restaurant to be developed during a Subsequent Development Period or with
   respect to any additional Restaurants developed during the Initial
   Development Periods shall be paid by certified check in the same manner.

       4.2    Except as provided in this Subsection 4.2 and in
   Subsection 19.1 of the form of franchise agreement which is attached
   hereto as Appendix B, Developer shall have no right to recover from
   Franchisor, directly or indirectly, any of the franchise fees which are
   prepaid pursuant to Subsection 4.1 hereof.  If Developer's failure to
   develop the total number of Restaurants specified in Subsection 2.1 of
   this Agreement is the result of the assertion of rights by a third party
   as described in Subsection 3.5 hereof, those prepaid franchise fees which
   relate to the Restaurants which cannot be so developed shall be refunded
   to Developer in cash.

       4.3    As partial consideration for the rights granted to Developer
   pursuant to the franchise agreements covering the Restaurants which
   Developer develops hereunder, Developer (as franchisee under each such
   franchise agreement) shall pay Franchisor a monthly royalty fee as
   determined by Franchisor, not to exceed five percent (5%) of each calendar
   month's gross sales (as that term is defined in the form of franchise
   agreement which is attached hereto as Appendix B).

       4.4    Pursuant to its obligations hereunder and under the applicable
   franchise agreements, Franchisor will make various expenditures in
   connection with the development of prospective Restaurant sites by
   Developer, including expenditures for travel, lodging, meals, obtaining of
   information about prospective sites, demographic information, traffic
   counts, and inquiries into local laws and ordinances.  Developer shall
   promptly notify Franchisor of a decision to cease development of a
   prospective Restaurant site.  In the event that Developer fails to open a
   restaurant at any such site, in lieu of the payment of the franchise fee
   therefor, Franchisor in its sole discretion may require Developer to
   reimburse Franchisor for Franchisor's expenditures with respect to that
   site.  In such event, Franchisor shall provide Developer with an itemized
   list of Franchisor's expenditures with respect to that site within
   thirty (30) business days after Franchisor receives notice that Developer
   no longer intends to develop a Restaurant at that site, and Developer
   shall reimburse Franchisor for such costs within thirty (30) days after
   receiving such list.


       5.1    Developer assumes all cost, liability, expense and
   responsibility for locating, obtaining, financing and developing sites for
   Restaurants, and for constructing and equipping Restaurants at such sites. 
   To assist Developer in the site selection process, Franchisor will provide
   Developer with certain demographic information regarding the site, will
   conduct an on-site inspection and will review any lease or contract under
   negotiation for the prospective site, such services to be provided to
   Developer at no additional cost.  The development of a Restaurant at any
   site must be approved by Franchisor in accordance with its then-existing
   site approval procedure.  In connection with a request for approval of a
   proposed site for a Restaurant, Franchisee shall provide a related
   contract of sale or lease agreement and such other information and
   material as the Franchisor may reasonably require.  Franchisor's approval
   of a prospective Restaurant site shall not be unreasonably withheld. 
   Franchisor shall notify Developer whether it approves a proposed site and
   the related contract of sale or lease agreement within thirty (30)
   business days of receiving Developer's request for approval.  Failure of
   Franchisor to so notify Developer within such thirty (30) business day
   period shall be deemed to be an approval of such site and the related
   contract of sale or lease agreement.  Developer acknowledges that
   Franchisor's approval of a prospective site for a Restaurant does not
   constitute a representation, promise or guarantee by Franchisor that a
   Restaurant operated at that site will be profitable or otherwise
   successful.  Developer shall not make any binding commitment to a
   prospective vendor or lessor of real estate with respect to a site for a
   Restaurant unless Franchisor has approved that site in accordance with
   Franchisor's then-existing site approval procedure.  After Franchisor has
   approved a site for a Restaurant, Franchisee shall provide Franchisor with
   a copy of the executed contract of sale or lease, as applicable, relating
   to the site within a reasonable period of time.

       5.2    For each Restaurant which Developer develops pursuant to this
   Agreement, Franchisor will make available to Developer Franchisor's
   specifications for a typical Restaurant.  Developer will obtain
   architectural and engineering services independently and at its own
   expense.  Franchisor shall have the right to review all such architectural
   and/or engineering plans which Developer obtains and to prohibit the
   implementation of any plan, or part thereof, which Franchisor, in its sole
   and absolute discretion, believes is not consistent with the best
   interests of the System.  In the event that Franchisor desires to prohibit
   the implementation of any such plan, or part thereof, Franchisor shall so
   notify Developer within thirty (30) business days of receiving such
   architectural and/or engineering plans for review.  Failure of Franchisor
   to so notify Developer within such thirty (30) business day period shall
   be deemed to be an approval of such plans.  In the event Franchisor does
   object to any such plan, Franchisor shall provide Developer with a
   reasonable detailed list of changes necessary to make such plans
   acceptable to Franchisor.  Franchisor shall, upon resubmission of such
   plans, with such changes as Developer has prepared, notify Developer
   within fifteen (15) business days of receiving such plans whether they are
   acceptable.  Failure to so notify Developer within such fifteen (15)
   business day period shall be deemed to be an approval of such amended

       5.3    If Developer acquires a leasehold interest in a site, that
   leasehold interest shall be for a term which is at least as long as the
   term of the form of franchise agreement which is attached hereto as
   Appendix B, and the lease shall provide that if the applicable franchise
   agreement is terminated prior to the expiration of that term for whatever
   reason, Developer may assign the lease to Franchisor without the lessor
   having any right to impose conditions on such assignment or to obtain any
   payment in connection therewith.


       Not later than ninety (90) days prior to the scheduled opening of any
   Restaurant which has been developed pursuant to this Agreement, Developer
   shall deliver to Franchisor an executed franchise agreement substantially
   in the form which is attached hereto as Appendix B, provided however, that
   the franchise agreement which Developer executes shall require the payment
   of a franchise fee in the amount described in Subsection 4.1, royalty fees
   as described in Subsection 4.3, and advertising payments at the rates then
   established by Franchisor with respect to new Restaurants, except that in
   no event shall such rates exceed five percent (5%) of a Restaurant's gross
   sales (as defined in Subsection 9.3 of the form of a franchise agreement
   which is attached hereto as Appendix B).


       7.1    Developer and each Principal Shareholder represent and warrant
   that:  (a) Developer is a corporation duly incorporated, validly existing
   and in good standing under the laws of the state of its incorporation;
   (b) Developer is duly qualified and is authorized to do business and is in
   good standing as a foreign corporation in each jurisdiction in which its
   business activities or the nature of the properties owned by it requires
   such qualification; (c) the execution and delivery of this Agreement and
   the transactions contemplated hereby are within Developer's corporate
   power; (d) the execution and delivery of this Agreement have been duly
   authorized by the Developer; (e) the articles of incorporation and by-laws
   of Developer delivered to Franchisor are true, complete and correct, and
   there have been no changes therein since the date thereof; (f) the
   certified copies of the minutes electing the officers of Developer and
   authorizing the execution and delivery of this Agreement are true, correct
   and complete, and there have been no changes therein since the date(s)
   thereof; (g) the specimen stock certificate delivered to Franchisor is a
   true specimen of Developer's stock certificate; (h) the financial
   statement of Developer and financial statements of its Principal
   Shareholders, heretofore delivered to Franchisor, are true, complete and
   correct, and fairly present the financial positions of Developer and each
   Principal Shareholder, respectively, as of the date thereof; (i) such
   financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally
   accepted accounting principles; and (j) there have been no materially
   adverse changes in the condition, assets or liabilities of Developer or
   Principal Shareholders since the date or dates thereof.

       7.2    Developer and each Principal Shareholder covenant that during
   the term of this Agreement:  (a) Developer shall do or cause to be done
   all things necessary to preserve and keep in full force its corporate
   existence and shall be in good standing as a foreign corporation in each
   jurisdiction in which its business activities or the nature of the
   properties owned by it requires such qualification; (b) Developer shall
   have the corporate authority to carry out the terms of this Agreement; and
   (c) Developer shall print, in a conspicuous fashion on all certificates
   representing shares of its stock when issued, a legend referring to this
   Agreement and the restrictions on and obligations of Developer and
   Principal Shareholders hereunder, including the restrictions on transfer
   of Developer's shares.

       7.3    Prior to development of the first Restaurant pursuant to this
   Agreement, Developer shall maintain an average monthly balance of five
   hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) in liquid assets.  For purposes of
   this Agreement, "liquid assets" shall consist of cash, cash available to
   Developer pursuant to an irrevocable line of credit issued by a commercial
   bank in favor of Developer, marketable securities, or any other similar
   asset in which Franchisor's Chief Financial Officer designates in writing
   as a liquid asset.  After development of the first Restaurant pursuant to
   this Agreement, and at any time thereafter in which Developer is operating
   one (1) Restaurant in the Territory, Developer shall maintain an average
   monthly balance of three hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($325,000)
   in liquid assets.  After development of the second Restaurant pursuant to
   this Agreement, and thereafter, so long as Developer is operating at least
   two (2) Restaurants in the Territory, Developer shall maintain an average
   monthly balance of one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) in liquid
   assets.  At all times Developer shall maintain the necessary financial
   resources to satisfy its development obligations hereunder.

       7.4    In addition to its obligations pursuant to Subsections 7.1 and
   7.3 hereof, Developer and Principal Shareholders shall provide Franchisor
   with such financial information as Franchisor may reasonably request from
   time to time, including, on an annual basis, copies of the then-most
   current financial statements of Developer and each Principal Shareholder,
   dated as of the end of the last preceding fiscal year of the Developer or
   Principal Shareholder, said statements to be delivered to Franchisor no
   later than April 15 of each year.

       7.5    Developer and each Principal Shareholder represent, warrant
   and covenant that all Interests (as defined in Subsection 8.4 hereto) in
   Developer are owned as set forth on Appendix C hereto, that no Interest
   has been pledged or hypothecated (except in accordance with Section 8 of
   this Agreement), and that no change will be made in the ownership of any
   such Interest other than as permitted by this Agreement, or otherwise
   consented to in writing by Franchisor.  Developer and Principal
   Shareholders agree to furnish Franchisor with such evidence as Franchisor
   may request, from time to time, for the purpose of assuring Franchisor
   that the Interests of Developer and Principal Shareholders remain as
   represented herein.

       7.6    Each Principal Shareholder, jointly and severally, hereby
   personally and unconditionally guarantees each of Developer's financial
   obligations to Franchisor (including, but not limited to, all obligations
   relating to the payment of fees by Developer to Franchisor).  Each
   Principal Shareholder agrees that Franchisor may resort to such Principal
   Shareholder (or any of them) for payment of any such financial obligation,
   whether or not Franchisor shall have proceeded against Developer, any
   other Principal Shareholder or any other obligor primarily or secondarily
   obligated to Franchisor with respect to such financial obligation.  Each
   Principal Shareholder hereby expressly waives presentment, demand, notice
   of dishonor, protest, and all other notices whatsoever with respect to
   Franchisor's enforcement of this guaranty.  In addition, each Principal
   Shareholder agrees that if the performance or observance by Developer of
   any term or provision hereof is waived or the time of performance thereof
   extended by Franchisor, or payment of any such financial obligation is
   accelerated in accordance with any agreement between Franchisor and any
   party liable in respect thereto or extended or renewed, in whole or in
   part, all as Franchisor may determine, whether or not notice to or consent
   by any Principal Shareholder or any other party liable in respect to such
   financial obligations is given or obtained, such actions shall not affect
   or alter the guaranty of each Principal Shareholder described in this


       8.1    There shall be no Transfer of any Interest of Developer, or of
   a Principal Shareholder in Developer, in whole or in part (whether
   voluntarily or by operation of law), directly, indirectly or contingently,
   except in accordance with the provisions of this Section 8.  "Transfer"
   and "Interest" are defined in Subsections 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4.

       8.2    Except as provided in Subsection 8.3, "Transfer" shall mean
   any assignment, sale, pledge, hypothecation, gift or any other such event
   which would change ownership of or create a new Interest, including, but
   not limited to:

            (a)   any change in the ownership of or rights in or to any
       shares of stock or other equity interest in Developer which would
       result from the act of any shareholder of Developer ("Shareholder"),
       such as a sale, exchange, pledge or hypothecation of shares, or any
       interest in or rights to any of Developer's profits, revenues or
       assets, or any such change which would result by operation of law; and

            (b)   any change in the percentage interest owned by any
       Shareholder in the shares of stock of Developer, or interests in its
       profits, revenues or assets which would result from any act of
       Developer such as a sale, pledge or hypothecation of any Restaurant
       assets (other than a pledge of assets to secure bona fide loans made
       or credit extended in connection with acquisition of the assets
       pledged, provided that immediately before and after such transaction
       Developer satisfies the applicable liquid asset requirement described
       in Subsection 7.3 of this Agreement); any sale or issuance of any
       shares of Developer's stock; the retirement or redemption of any
       shares of Developer's stock; or any sale or grant to any person of any
       right to participate in or otherwise to share or become entitled to
       any part of Developer's profits, revenues, assets or equity.

       8.3    "Transfer" shall not include (a) a change in the ownership of
   or rights to any shares or other equity interest in Developer pursuant to
   a public offering of Developer's securities registered under the
   Securities Act of 1933, or (b) a change in the ownership of or rights to
   any securities or other equity interest in Developer pursuant to a private
   offering of Developer's securities exempted from registration under such
   Act, provided that Developer provides Franchisor with a copy of its S-1
   prospectus and/or offering memorandum ten (10) days prior to its filing
   with the Securities and Exchange Commission or circulation to third
   parties so that Franchisor may comment and, if necessary, correct any
   information concerning Franchisor and/or the System, and further provided
   that after giving effect to any such public or private offering, the
   Principal Shareholders, or any of them, "control" Developer.  For purposes
   of this Section 8, "control" means either (1) holding fifty-one
   percent (51%) or more of the outstanding voting securities of Developer,
   or (2) having the contractual power presently to designate a majority of
   the directors of Developer.

       8.4    "Interest" shall mean:  when referring to interests or rights
   in Developer, any shares of Developer's stock, and any other equitable or
   legal right in or to any of Developer's stock, revenues, profits or
   assets; when referring to rights or assets of Developer, Developer's
   rights under and interest in this Agreement, any Restaurant and its
   revenues, profits and assets.

       8.5     (a)    The Interest of a Principal Shareholder may be
   transferred to such Principal Shareholder's spouse or children or to a
   person designated in such Principal Shareholder's will or trust
   (individually and collectively referred to as "Successor"), upon such
   Principal Shareholder's death or permanent incapacity, without
   Franchisor's approval, provided that such Successor shall agree to be
   bound by the restrictions contained in this Section 8, and the other
   agreements and covenants of the Principal Shareholders contained in this

            (b)   The Interest of a Principal Shareholder may not be
   transferred to another Principal Shareholder without Franchisor's
   approval, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld.

            (c)   The Interest of a Successor may only be transferred in
   accordance with Subsection 8.5(b) or 8.8, regardless of whether such
   Transfer is for consideration or by gift or will or other device.

       8.6    If at any time the Principal Shareholders desire to dispose of
   all or substantially all of the Interests of the Principal Shareholders in
   Developer, or the Principal Shareholders (or Developer) desire to dispose
   of all or substantially all of Developer's Interest in this Agreement or
   in the assets which Developer has acquired pursuant to this Agreement, the
   Principal Shareholders or Developer, as the case may be, shall notify
   Franchisor of that desire, in writing, thirty (30) days before announcing
   that fact publicly or engaging the services of a broker or sales agent.

       8.7     (a)    If at any time any of the Principal Shareholders or
   Developer, as the case may be, obtains from a third party or third parties
   a bona fide offer (the "Offer") in writing for the purchase of all or
   substantially all of the Interests of the Principal Shareholders in
   Developer or of all or substantially all of Developer's Interest in this
   Agreement or in the assets which Developer has acquired pursuant to this
   Agreement, the Principal Shareholders or Developer shall give notice (the
   "Selling Notice") to Franchisor stating that the Principal Shareholders or
   Developer, as the case may be, have received the Offer, identifying the
   prospective purchaser by name and address, specifying the proposed
   purchase price and attaching a true and complete copy of the Offer.

            (b)   Franchisor shall have an option (the "Option"), exercisable
   within a period of forty-five (45) days after receipt of the Selling
   Notice (the "Option Period"), to purchase such Interests at the price and
   on the conditions set forth in the Offer, except that Franchisor shall not
   be obligated to pay any finder's or broker's fee, and if the Offer
   provides for payment of consideration other than cash, or if the Offer
   involves certain intangible benefits, Franchisor may elect to purchase
   such Interests by offering a reasonable cash substitute for the non-cash
   part of the Offer.

            (c)   The Option shall be exercisable by Franchisor delivering to
   the Principal Shareholders or Developer, as the case may be, within the
   Option Period, a notice (i) stating that the Option is being exercised,
   and (ii) specifying the time, date and place at which such purchase and
   sale will take place, which date shall be within forty-five (45) days
   after Franchisor delivers such notice.  The forty-five (45) day limitation
   described at the end of the preceding sentence shall not apply if at the
   end of said forty-five (45) day period the only issue which prevents
   completion of the purchase and sale is the need to effect transfers of the
   applicable liquor licenses.  In the event of such a delay, the purchase
   and sale shall take place within seven (7) business days after those
   liquor licenses have been transferred.

            (d)   If the Option is not exercised, the Principal Shareholders
   or Developer, as the case may be, may sell the Interests in or of
   Developer to the third party which made the Offer, on conditions no more
   favorable to the third-party offerer than those set forth in the Offer,
   provided that Franchisor approves the proposed transferee in accordance
   with the criteria set forth in Appendix D and provided further that such
   sale takes place within ninety (90) days after the expiration of the
   Option Period.  The ninety (90) day limitation described in the preceding
   sentence shall not apply if at the end of said ninety (90) day period the
   only issue which prevents completion of the purchase and sale is the need
   to effect transfers of the applicable liquor licenses.  In the event of
   such a delay, the purchase and sale shall take place within seven (7)
   business days after those liquor licenses have been transferred.

            (e)   If the Option is not exercised, the Principal Shareholders
   or Developer, as the case may be, shall immediately notify Franchisor in
   writing of any change in the terms of an Offer.  Any material change in
   the terms of an Offer shall cause it to be deemed a new Offer, conferring
   upon Franchisor a new Option pursuant to this Subsection 8.7; the Option
   Period with respect to the new Option shall be deemed to commence on the
   day on which Franchisor receives written notice of a material change in
   the terms of the original Offer.

       8.8     (a)    Developer understands and acknowledges that the rights
   and duties set forth in this Agreement are personal to Developer and that
   Franchisor has entered into this Agreement in reliance on the business
   skill and financial capacity of Developer, and the business skill,
   financial capability and personal character of each Principal Shareholder. 
   Except as otherwise provided in this Section 8, the Principal Shareholders
   shall at all times retain control of Developer.  Except as otherwise
   provided in this Section 8, no Transfer of any part of Developer's
   Interest in this Agreement, and no Transfer of any Interest of any
   Principal Shareholder shall be completed except in accordance with this
   Subsection 8.8.  In the event of such a proposed Transfer of any part of
   Developer's Interest in this Agreement, or of any Interest of any
   Principal Shareholder, the party or parties desiring to effect such
   Transfer shall give Franchisor notice in writing of the proposed Transfer,
   which notice shall set forth the name and address of the proposed
   transferee, its financial condition, including a copy of its financial
   statement dated not more than ninety (90) days prior to the date of said
   notice, and all the terms and conditions of the proposed Transfer.  Upon
   receiving such notice, Franchisor may (i) approve the Transfer, or
   (ii) withhold its consent to the Transfer.  Franchisor shall, within
   forty-five (45) days of receiving such notice and all the information
   required therein, advise the party or parties desiring to effect the
   Transfer whether it (1) approves the Transfer, or (2) withholds its
   consent to the Transfer, giving the reasons for such disapproval.  Failure
   of Franchisor to so advise said party or parties within that forty-
   five (45) day period shall be deemed to be approval of the proposed
   Transfer.  Appendix D sets forth the criteria for obtaining Franchisor's
   consent to a proposed Transfer.

            (b)   In the event that Franchisor approves the Transfer, and the
   Transfer is not completed within ninety (90) days of the later of
   (i) expiration of the forty-five (45) day notice period, or (ii) delivery
   of notice of Franchisor's approval of the proposed Transfer, Franchisor's
   approval of the proposed Transfer shall automatically be revoked.  The
   ninety (90) day limitation described in the preceding sentence shall not
   apply if at the end of said ninety (90) day period the only issue which
   prevents completion of the Transfer is the need to effect transfers of the
   applicable liquor licenses.  In the event of such a delay, the Transfer
   shall take place within seven (7) business days after those liquor
   licenses have been transferred.  Any subsequent proposal to complete the
   proposed Transfer shall be subject to Franchisor's right of approval as
   provided herein.  The party which desires to effect the proposed Transfer
   shall immediately notify Franchisor in writing of any change in the terms
   of a Transfer.  Any material change in terms of a Transfer prior to
   closing shall cause it to be deemed a new Transfer, revoking any approval
   previously given by Franchisor and conferring upon Franchisor a new right
   to approve such Transfer, which shall be deemed to commence on the day on
   which Franchisor receives written notice of such change in terms.

       8.9    In connection with any request for Franchisor's approval of a
   proposed Transfer to this Section 8, the parties to the proposed Transfer
   shall pay Franchisor a fee to defray the actual cost of review and the
   administrative and professional expenses related to the proposed Transfer
   and the preparation and execution of documents and agreements, up to a
   maximum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500).


       9.1    This Agreement shall expire on November 27, 2009, unless
   sooner terminated pursuant to the terms hereof.

       9.2    Franchisor shall have the right to terminate this Agreement
   immediately upon written notice to Developer stating the reason for such
   termination, and Developer shall no longer have any of the rights created
   by this Agreement, in the event of:

            (a)   development by Developer of a Restaurant without first
       obtaining approval from Franchisor of the Restaurant site or of
       Developer's architectural and/or engineering plans in accordance with
       Section 5 hereof;

            (b)   any breach or default of any of the provisions of
       Sections 8 and 11 of this Agreement and Subsection 14.1 of any
       franchise agreement entered into pursuant to this Agreement;

            (c)   the filing by Developer of a petition in bankruptcy, an
       arrangement for the benefit of creditors, or a petition for
       reorganization; the filing against Developer of a petition in
       bankruptcy, an arrangement for the benefit of creditors, or petition
       for reorganization, not dismissed within ninety (90) days of the
       filing thereof; the making of an assignment by Developer for the
       benefit of creditors; or the appointment of a receiver or trustee for
       Developer, which receiver or trustee shall not have been dismissed
       within ninety (90) days of such appointment;

            (d)   the discovery by Franchisor that Developer made any
       material misrepresentation or omitted any material fact in the
       information which was furnished to Franchisor in connection with this

            (e)   failure by Developer to locate and employ a Director of
       Operations who is approved by Franchisor in accordance with
       Subsection 12.2 within ninety (90) days of the date of this Agreement
       or, with respect to a replacement Director of Operations, failure by
       Developer to locate such a replacement who is approved by Franchisor
       in accordance with Subsection 12.2 within one hundred eighty (180)
       days of the date on which the last Director of Operations who was
       approved by Franchisor ceased to be employed by Developer in that

            (f)   any part of this Agreement relating to the payment of fees
       to Franchisor, or the preservation of any of Franchisor's trade names,
       service marks, trademarks, trade secrets or secret formulae licensed
       or disclosed hereunder or under any franchise agreement between
       Franchisor and Developer, for any reason being declared invalid or

            (g)   Developer or any Principal Shareholder being convicted of
       or pleading nolo contendere to a felony or any crime involving moral
       turpitude; or

            (h)   the franchisee under any franchise agreement executed
       pursuant to this Agreement committing a default subject to immediate
       termination under the franchise agreement and Franchisor terminates
       the franchise agreement.

       9.3    Except as provided above in Subsection 9.2, if Developer
   defaults in the performance or observance of any of its other obligations
   hereunder or under any franchise agreement between Developer and
   Franchisor, and any such default continues for a period of thirty (30)
   days after written notice to Developer specifying such default, Franchisor
   shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon written notice to
   Developer.  If Developer defaults in the performance or observance of the
   same obligation two (2) or more times within a twelve (12) month period,
   Franchisor shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately
   upon commission of the second act of default, upon written notice to
   Developer stating the reason for such termination, without allowance for
   any curative period.

       9.4    This Agreement shall automatically terminate under the
   conditions and at the times specified in Subsection 2.3 and 3.3.


       10.1  Developer understands and agrees that this Agreement does not
   confer upon Developer a right to obtain a franchise for any Restaurant,
   but is intended by the parties to set forth the terms and conditions
   which, if fully satisfied, shall entitle Developer to obtain such a
   franchise, located within the Territory.

       10.2  In the event that Developer shall have obtained Franchisor's
   approval of a particular proposed site for a Restaurant, and if
   Franchisor, in the exercise of its sole discretion, has granted Developer
   operational, financial and legal approval, then Franchisor will grant
   Developer a franchise for a Restaurant at the site in question.  As used
   herein, Franchisor will give Developer "operational", "financial" and
   "legal" approval under the following circumstances:

       "Operational" approval will be granted if Franchisor has determined,
       in the exercise of its sole discretion, that Developer is conducting
       the operation of each of its Restaurants, and is capable of conducting
       the operation of the proposed Restaurant, including physical aspects
       thereof, (a) in accordance with the terms and conditions of this
       Agreement, (b) in accordance with the provisions of the respective
       franchise agreements, and (c) in accordance with the standards,
       specifications and procedures set forth and described in the Franchise
       Operations Manual and in any other materials or manuals provided or
       made available to Developer by Franchisor (collectively, the
       "Manuals"), as such may be amended from time to time.  Developer
       understands that changes in said standards, specifications and
       procedures may become necessary from time to time.  Developer agrees
       to accept said changes, and Developer further agrees that it is within
       the sole discretion of Franchisor to make said changes.

       "Financial" approval will be granted if (a) Developer is not in breach
       of its obligations under Subsection 7.3 hereof and has been and is
       faithfully performing all terms and conditions under each of its
       existing franchise agreements with Franchisor, (b) Developer or its
       affiliates is not in default of any money obligations owed to
       Franchisor, and (c) Developer is not in default of any financial
       obligation to any of its suppliers, unless any such obligation is
       being disputed in good faith by the Developer.  Developer acknowledges
       and agrees that it is vital to Franchisor's interest that each of its
       franchisees be financially sound to avoid failure of a franchised
       business (which would adversely affect the reputation and good name of
       Franchisor and the System).  Developer acknowledges and agrees that it
       is vital to Franchisor's interest and to the interests of the System
       that Developer (in its capacity as franchisee) remain current in
       satisfying its financial obligations to it suppliers.

       "Legal" approval will be granted if Franchisor has determined, in the
       exercise of its sole discretion, that Developer has submitted to
       Franchisor, in a timely manner as requested, all information and
       documents requested by Franchisor prior to and as a basis for the
       issuance of individual franchises or pursuant to any right granted to
       Franchisor by this Agreement or by any franchise agreement between
       Developer and Franchisor, and has taken such additional actions in
       connection therewith as may be requested from time to time.

       10.3  It is understood and agreed that the foregoing criteria apply to
   the operational, financial and legal aspects of any Restaurant franchised
   by Franchisor in which Developer or any Principal Shareholder has any
   legal or equitable interest.  It is further understood and agreed that
   Developer and Principal Shareholders have an ongoing responsibility to
   operate each Restaurant in which Developer or any Principal Shareholder
   has any legal or equitable interest in a manner which satisfies the
   foregoing requirements for operational, financial and legal approval.


       11.1  Developer and its Principal Shareholders acknowledge that over
   the term of this Agreement they are to receive proprietary information
   which Franchisor has developed over time at great expense, including, but
   not limited to, methods of site selection, marketing methods, product
   analysis and selection, and service methods and skills relating to the
   development and operation of Restaurants.  They further acknowledge that
   this information, which includes, but is not necessarily limited to, that
   contained in the Manuals, is not generally known in the industry and is
   beyond their own present skills and experience, and that to develop it
   themselves would be expensive, time-consuming and difficult.  Developer
   and Principal Shareholders further acknowledge that the Franchisor's
   information provides a competitive advantage and will be valuable to them
   in the development of their business, and that gaining access to it is
   therefore a primary reason why they are entering into this Agreement. 
   Accordingly, Developer and its Principal Shareholders agree that
   Franchisor's information, as described above, which may or may not be
   "trade secrets" under prevailing judicial interpretations, is private and
   valuable, and constitutes trade secrets belonging to Franchisor; and in
   consideration of Franchisor's confidential disclosure to them of these
   trade secrets, Developer and Principal Shareholders agree as follows:

            (a)   During the term of this Agreement, neither Developer nor
       any Principal Shareholder, for so long as such Principal Shareholder
       owns an Interest in Developer, may, without the prior written consent
       of Franchisor, directly or indirectly engage in, or acquire any
       financial or beneficial interest (including any interest in
       corporations, partnerships, trusts, unincorporated associations or
       joint ventures) in, advise, help, guarantee loans or make loans to,
       any restaurant business whose menu or method of operation is similar
       to that employed by restaurant units within the System which is either
       (i) located in the Territory, (ii) located in the Area of Dominant
       Influence (as defined and established from time to time by Arbitron
       Ratings Company) of any Restaurant developed pursuant to this
       Agreement, (iii) located within a five (5) mile radius of any
       restaurant unit within the System, or (iv) determined by Franchisor,
       exercising reasonable good faith judgment, to be a direct competitor
       of the System.

            (b)   Neither Developer, for two (2) years following the
       termination of this Agreement, nor any Principal Shareholder, for
       two (2) years following the termination of all of his or her Interest
       in Developer or the termination of this Agreement, whichever occurs
       first, may directly or indirectly engage in or acquire any financial
       or beneficial interest (including any interest in corporations,
       partnerships, trusts, unincorporated associations or joint ventures)
       in, advise, help, guarantee loans or make loans to, any restaurant
       business whose menu or method of operation is similar to that employed
       by restaurant units within the System which is located either (i) in
       the Territory, (ii) in the Area of Dominant Influence (as defined and
       established from time to time by Arbitron Ratings Company) of any
       Restaurant developed pursuant to this Agreement, (iii) within a
       five (5) mile radius of any restaurant unit within the System, or
       (iv) within any area for which an active, currently binding
       development agreement has been granted by Franchisor to another
       franchisee as of the date of termination.

       11.2  Neither Developer nor any Shareholder shall at any time
   (a) appropriate or use the trade secrets incorporated in the System, or
   any portion thereof, in any other restaurant business which is not within
   the System, (b) disclose or reveal any portion of the System to any person
   other than to Developer's employees as an incident of their training,
   (c) acquire any right to use any name, mark or other intellectual property
   right which may be granted pursuant to any agreement between Franchisor
   and Developer, except in connection with the operation of a Restaurant, or
   (d) communicate, divulge or use for the benefit of any other person or
   entity any confidential information, knowledge or know-how concerning the
   methods of development or operation of a restaurant utilizing the System,
   which may be communicated by Franchisor in connection with the Restaurants
   to be developed hereunder.

       11.3  Developer and Principal Shareholders agree that the provisions
   of this Section 11 are and have been a primary inducement to Franchisor to
   enter into this Agreement, and that in the event of breach thereof
   Franchisor would be irreparably injured and would be without an adequate
   remedy at law.  Therefore, in the event of a breach, or a threatened or
   attempted breach, of any of such provisions Franchisor shall be entitled,
   in addition to any other remedies which it may have hereunder or in law or
   in equity (including the right to terminate this Agreement), to a
   preliminary and/or permanent injunction and a decree for specific
   performance of the terms hereof without the necessity of showing actual or
   threatened damage, and without being required to furnish a bond or other

       11.4  The restrictions contained in Subsection 11.1 above shall not
   apply to ownership of less than two percent (2%) of the shares of a
   company whose shares are listed and traded on a national securities
   exchange if such shares are owned for investment only, and are not owned
   by an officer, director, employee or consultant of such publicly traded

       11.5  If any court or other tribunal having jurisdiction to determine
   the validity or enforceability of this Section 11 determines that it would
   be invalid or unenforceable as written, then the provisions hereof shall
   be deemed to be modified or limited to such extent or in such manner as
   necessary for such provisions to be valid and enforceable to the greatest
   extent possible.


       12.1  Franchisor will use its reasonable efforts to furnish Developer
   with advice and assistance in developing Restaurants and in selecting
   sites therefor.

       12.2  Developer shall designate an individual employee who shall be
   personally responsible for Developer's activities during the term of this
   Agreement, and who shall devote his or her full-time, best efforts and
   constant personal attention, on a day-to-day basis, to Developer's
   activities in the Territory (the "Director of Operations").  Developer
   shall require that the Director of Operations maintain his or her
   principal personal residence in the Territory.  Franchisor reserves the
   right to require that, as a condition of his or her employment, the
   Director of Operations, as well as each supervisory employee referred to
   in Subsection 12.3, must successfully complete Franchisor's interview
   process and a psychological profile test in a manner which satisfies a
   uniform standard established by Franchisor.  The test shall be
   administered by Franchisor, or by a testing agency designated by
   Franchisor, at Developer's expense.  Developer's designation of the first
   Director of Operations, and any subsequent Director of Operations, shall
   be subject to the written approval of Franchisor, which approval shall not
   be arbitrarily withheld, and shall also be subject to the time limitations
   described in Subsection 9.2(e) hereof.  Franchisor shall notify Developer
   in writing within fourteen (14) business days of receipt of Developer's
   request whether Franchisor disapproves such person.  Failure by Franchisor
   to so notify Developer within that period shall be deemed to constitute
   Franchisor's approval of such person.

       12.3  In the event that Developer desires to designate an employee (in
   addition to the Director of Operations) who will have supervisory
   authority over the development of operation of more than one (1)
   Restaurant within the Territory, Developer's designation of such a
   supervisory employee shall be subject to the written approval of
   Franchisor, which approval shall not be arbitrarily withheld.  Franchisor
   shall notify Developer in writing within fourteen (14) business days of
   receipt of Developer's request whether Franchisor disapproves such person. 
   Failure by Franchisor to so notify Developer within that period shall be
   deemed to constitute Franchisor's approval of such person.  Developer
   shall require that any such supervisory employee maintain his or her
   principal personal residence in the Territory.

       12.4  Developer shall require the Director of Operations to execute a
   confidentiality agreement and covenant not to compete in the form attached
   hereto as Appendix E.  In addition, at Franchisor's request, Developer
   shall obtain from the Director of Operations an agreement verifying his or
   her employment status.  Developer shall require that each other employee
   of Developer who will have supervisory authority over the development or
   operation of more than one (1) Restaurant execute a confidentiality
   agreement in the form attached hereto as Appendix F.  Developer shall be
   responsible for compliance of its employees with the agreements identified
   in this Subsection.

       12.5  (a)  Developer shall require its Director of Operations and any
   other supervisory employee designated pursuant to Subsection 12.3 to
   attend, and to successfully complete to Franchisor's reasonable
   satisfaction, an operations training course provided by Franchisor.  If
   the Director of Operations or any such supervisory employee fails to
   successfully complete Franchisor's operations training course, Franchisor
   may require designation of a new Director of Operations or replacement
   supervisory employee, as the case may be, and Developer shall designate a
   new Director of Operations or replacement supervisory employee who shall
   be required to successfully complete such training course.

            (b)   The Director of Operations and supervisory employees
   designated pursuant to Subsection 12.3 shall, from time to time as
   reasonably requested by Franchisor, attend and successfully complete to
   Franchisor's reasonable satisfaction a Franchisor-provided refresher
   course in restaurant operations.

       12.6  With respect to each Restaurant within the Territory developed
   by Developer, Developer's employees must satisfy the training requirements
   described in Section 6 of Appendix B hereto.  After Developer opens it
   first Restaurant pursuant to this Agreement, Franchisor may at its option,
   and subject to such conditions as Franchisor deems necessary, permit
   Developer (at Developer's own expense) to conduct a portion of the
   required training at one of Developer's existing Restaurants.  In that
   event, Developer will be required to provide qualified personnel to
   administer training tests and to maintain records relating to the training
   and performance of employees.


       13.1  The waiver by any party to this Agreement of any breach or
   default, or series of breaches or defaults, of any term, covenant or
   condition herein, or of any same or similar term, covenant or condition
   contained in any other agreement between Franchisor and any other person,
   shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent or continuing breach or
   default of the same or any other term, covenant or condition in this
   Agreement, or in any other agreement between Franchisor and any other

       13.2  All rights and remedies of Franchisor shall be cumulative and
   not alternative, in addition to and not exclusive of any other rights or
   remedies which are provided for herein or which may be available at law or
   in equity in case of any breach, failure or default or threatened breach,
   failure or default of any term, provision or condition of this Agreement. 
   Franchisor's rights and remedies shall be continuing and shall not be
   exhausted by any one (1) or more uses thereof, and may be exercised at any
   time or from time to time as often as may be expedient; and any option or
   election to enforce any such right or remedy may be exercised or taken at
   any time and from time to time.  The expiration or earlier termination of
   this Agreement shall not discharge or release Developer or any Principal
   Shareholder from any liability or obligation then accrued, or any
   liability or obligation continuing beyond, or arising out of, the
   expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement.

   14.     FORCE MAJEURE

       14.1  As used in this Agreement, the term "Force Majeure" shall mean
   any act of God, strike, lock-out or other industrial disturbance, war
   (declared or undeclared), riot, epidemic, fire or other catastrophe, act
   of any government and any other similar cause not within the control of
   the party affected thereby.

       14.2  If the performance of any obligation by any party under this
   Agreement is prevented, hindered or delayed by reason of Force Majeure,
   which cannot be overcome by use of normal commercial measures, the parties
   shall be relieved of their respective obligations to the extent the
   parties are respectively necessarily prevented, hindered or delayed in
   such performance during the period of such Force Majeure.  The party whose
   performance is affected by an event of Force Majeure shall give prompt
   notice of such Force Majeure event to the other party by telephone or
   telegram (in each case to be confirmed in writing), setting forth the
   nature thereof and an estimate as to its duration, and shall be liable for
   failure to give such timely notice only to the extent of damage actually


       15.1  If any part of this Agreement shall for any reason be declared
   invalid, unenforceable or impaired in any way, the validity of the
   remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect as if this
   Agreement had been executed with such invalid portion eliminated, and it
   is hereby declared the intention of the parties that they would have
   executed the remaining portion of this Agreement without including therein
   any such portions which might be declared invalid; provided however, that
   in the event any part hereof relating to the payment of fees to
   Franchisor, or the preservation of any of Franchisor's trade names,
   service marks, trademarks, trade secrets or secret formulae licensed or
   disclosed hereunder or pursuant to any franchise agreement between
   Franchisor and Developer is for any reason declared invalid or
   unenforceable, then Franchisor shall have the option of terminating this
   Agreement upon written notice to Developer.  If any clause or provision
   herein would be deemed invalid or unenforceable as written, it shall be
   deemed to be modified or limited to such extent or in such manner as may
   be necessary to render the clause or provision valid and enforceable to
   the greatest extent possible in light of the interest of the parties
   expressed in that clause or provision, subject to the provisions of the
   preceding sentence.



       The parties agree that service of process in any proceeding arising
   out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance thereof may be
   made as to Developer and any Principal Shareholder by serving a person of
   suitable age and discretion (such as the person in charge of the office)
   at the address of Developer specified in this Agreement and as to
   Franchisor by serving the president or a vice-president of Franchisor at
   the address of Franchisor or by serving Franchisor's registered agent.


       16.1  All notices and other communications required or permitted to be
   given hereunder shall be deemed given when delivered in person or mailed
   by registered or certified mail addressed to the recipient at the address
   set forth below, unless that party shall have given written notice of
   change of address to the sending party, in which event the new address so
   specified shall be used.

       FRANCHISOR:    Applebee's International, Inc.
                      4551 W. 107th Street, Suite 100
                      Overland Park, Kansas 66207
                      Attention:  President

       DEVELOPER:     Marcus Restaurants, Inc.
                      250 E. Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1600
                      Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202-4223
                      Attention:  President


       16.2  All terms used in this Agreement, regardless of the number and
   gender in which they are used, shall be deemed and construed to include
   any other number, singular or plural, and any other gender, masculine,
   feminine or neuter, as the context or sense of this Agreement may require,
   the same as if such words had been written in this Agreement themselves. 
   The headings inserted in this Agreement are for reference purposes only
   and shall not affect the construction of this Agreement or limit the
   generality of any of its provisions.  The term "business day" means any
   day other than Saturday, Sunday, or the following national holidays:  New
   Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day,
   Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving and

       16.3  This Agreement, the Uniform Franchise Offering Circular
   currently in effect and the documents referred to herein constitute the
   entire agreement between parties, superseding and canceling any and all
   prior and contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations,
   inducements and statements, oral or written, of the parties in connection
   with the subject matter hereof.

       16.4  Except as expressly authorized herein, no amendment or
   modification of this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing
   both by Franchisor and by Developer and Principal Shareholders.

       16.5  In the event that any party to this Agreement initiates any
   legal proceeding to construe or enforce any of the terms conditions and/or
   provisions of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, its
   termination provisions, or to obtain damages or other relief to which any
   party may be entitled by virtue of this Agreement, the prevailing party or
   parties shall be paid its reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses by other
   party or parties.

   IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have entered into this Agreement as of
   the date first above written.


   ATTEST:                            APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC.

   Name:  Robert T. Steinkamp         Name:  Abe J. Gustin, Jr.
   Title:   Secretary                 Title:   President


   ATTEST:                            MARCUS RESTAURANTS, INC.

   Name:  Thomas F. Kissinger         Name:  Stephen Marcus
   Title:   Secretary                 Title:   President


                         RESTAURANT LOCATIONS FOR WHICH
                              FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS
                           HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY ISSUED

                        Schuamburg, Illinois (Unit #8680)

                       Bloomingdale, Illinois (Unit #8719)

                        Deerfield, Illinois (Unit #8750)

                       Mt. Prospect, Illinois (Unit #8753)

                              Streamwood, Illinois

                               Hodgkins, Illinois

                              Naperville, Illinois

                             Crystal Lake, Illinois





   In the state of Illinois, the counties of:

             McHenry             Kane                La Salle
             Kankakee            Lake                Cook
             Kendall             Grundy              De Kalb
             DuPage              Will                Livingston

   In the state of Wisconsin, the county of:



                                  STANDARD FORM

                       APPLEBEE'S NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL & BAR

                               FRANCHISE AGREEMENT

                               (Location Address)

                                (Franchisee Name)


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

   RECITALS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       1

      1.  FRANCHISE GRANT AND TERM . . . . . . . . . . . .       2
      2.  UNIFORM STANDARDS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       3
      3.  COMPLIANCE WITH THE SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . .       4
      4.  GENERAL SERVICES OF FRANCHISOR . . . . . . . . .       4
      5.  RESTAURANT SYSTEM AND PROCEDURES . . . . . . . .       5
      6.  TRAINING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       8
      7.  RESTAURANT MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . .       8
      8.  ADVERTISING  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       9
      9.  FEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      12
     10.  RECORD KEEPING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      13
          FINANCIAL CONDITION AND SHAREHOLDERS . . . . . .      14
     12.  TRANSFER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      15
     13.  CONFIDENTIALITY; RESTRICTIONS  . . . . . . . . .      18
     14.  INSPECTIONS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      20
     16.  INSURANCE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      23
     17.  DEBTS AND TAXES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      24
          PURCHASE RESTAURANT; ATTORNEYS' FEES . . . . . .      26
     20.  NO WAIVER OF DEFAULT . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      31
          GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION . . . . . . . . .      32
     23.  LIQUOR LICENSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      33
     24.  FORCE MAJEURE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      34
     25.  MISCELLANEOUS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      35
     26.  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      36





                       APPLEBEE'S NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL & BAR
                               FRANCHISE AGREEMENT

   This Agreement is made this ________ day of _____________________,
   19______, by and between APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC., a Delaware
   corporation ("FRANCHISOR"), _____________________________________________,
   a (_______________ corporation, sole proprietorship, _______________
   partnership, _______________ limited partnership [strike inappropriate
   language]) ("FRANCHISEE") and ______________________________________
   ______________________________ (collectively, the "PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS"
   and, individually, a "PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDER" of Franchisee if a
   corporation or general partner if Franchisee is a limited partnership
   having as its general partner a corporation) and
   ("GENERAL PARTNER" of Franchisee if Franchisee is a limited partnership).*

       *   (If Franchisee is not a corporation or a sole proprietorship, the
   parties hereto hereby agree that an Addendum shall be attached to this
   Agreement so as properly to reflect the responsibilities of the partners
   of any general partnership, the general partner of any limited partnership
   and the shareholders of any corporate general partner of any partnership.)



       A.  Franchisor has acquired rights to develop and operate a unique
   system of restaurants which specialize in the sale of high quality,
   moderately priced food and alcoholic beverages in an attractive, casual
   setting, which includes proprietary rights in certain valuable trade
   names, service marks and trademarks, including the service mark Applebee's
   Neighborhood Grill & Bar and variations of such mark, designs, decor and
   color schemes for restaurant premises, signs, equipment, procedures and
   formulae for preparing food and beverage products, specifications for
   certain food and beverage products, inventory methods, operating methods,
   financial control concepts, a training facility and teaching
   techniques ("the System").

       B.  Franchisor has determined to establish, through its own
   development and operation, and through the granting of franchises, a chain
   of Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar restaurants which are distinctive;
   which are similar in appearance, design and decor; and which are uniform
   in operation and product consistency.

       C.  The value of Franchisor's trade names, service marks and
   trademarks is based upon:  (1) the maintenance of uniform high quality
   standards in connection with the preparation and sale of
   Franchisor-approved food and beverage products, (2) the uniform high
   standards of appearance of the individual restaurant units in the System,
   (3) the use of distinctive trademarks, service marks, building designs and
   advertising signs representing a uniformly high quality of product and
   services, and (4) the assumption by Franchisor and its franchisees of the
   obligation to maintain and enhance the goodwill and public acceptance of
   the System (and of Franchisor's trade names, service marks and trademarks)
   by strict adherence to the high standards required by Franchisor.

       D.  Franchisor, Franchisee and the Principal Shareholders have entered
   into a Development Agreement dated __________________, 19______
   ("Development Agreement"), relating to the development by Franchisee of
   Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar restaurants.

       E.  Franchisee desires to use the System in connection with the
   operation of an Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar restaurant at the
   location which is specified in Subsection 1.1 of this Agreement, pursuant
   to the terms, conditions and provisions hereinafter set forth.

   NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual obligations contained
   herein, it is hereby agreed as follows:


       1.1    Franchisor grants Franchisee, for the term stated below, the
   right, license and privilege:

            (a)   to use the System incident to the operation of an
       Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar restaurant at
       _____________________________________________________ (the

            (b)   to use the trade names, service marks and trademarks which
       Franchisor shall from time to time designate as part of the System,
       but only in connection with the sale at the Restaurant of those
       products which Franchisor has designated and approved; and

            (c)   to hold itself out to the public as a Franchisee of

       1.2    The term of the franchise shall commence as of the
   Commencement Date, as hereinafter defined, and shall end twenty (20) years
   thereafter, unless this Agreement is terminated prior to that date in
   accordance with its provisions.  "Commencement Date," as used herein,
   shall mean the date upon which the Restaurant opens for business.  The
   parties agree to affix to this Agreement an addendum expressly setting
   forth the Commencement Date, which, when so affixed, shall become a part
   of this Agreement.

       1.3    At the expiration of the term hereof, Franchisee shall have an
   option to operate the Restaurant for four (4) successive terms of five (5)
   years (unless the franchise agreement with respect to that additional term
   is sooner terminated in accordance with its provisions), provided that
   immediately prior to each such five (5) year term (a) Franchisee satisfies
   the requirements which Franchisor then-imposes on its new franchisees,
   (b) all other restaurant units within the System which Franchisee then-
   operates substantially comply, in the opinion of Franchisor, with
   Franchisor's then-current standards, specifications, requirements and
   instructions, and (c) Franchisee executes the form of franchise agreement
   which Franchisor is then using with respect to new restaurants within the
   System, with the amount of royalty and advertising fees payable at the
   rates then-prevailing under the franchise agreements which Franchisor is
   then using for new restaurants within the System, and Franchisee pays to
   Franchisor for each of said five (5) year periods a franchise fee equal to
   ten percent (10%) of the prevailing franchise fee paid by new franchisees
   at that time.  Any franchise agreement which Franchisee executes for such
   additional term will also contain options to obtain an assignment of
   Franchisee's lease with a third party and/or to purchase certain property
   or to purchase or lease the Restaurant premises exercisable by Franchisor
   upon termination thereof and an option to purchase or lease the Restaurant
   premises exercisable by Franchisor upon expiration of the renewal term
   (subject to any then-existing renewal rights of Franchisee).  Such options
   will contain provisions substantially similar to the provisions of
   Franchisor's options described in Subsection 19.4 hereof.  Franchisee
   shall give Franchisor written notice of its desire to exercise its option
   to operate the Restaurant for an additional term no earlier than
   twelve (12) months, and no later than seven (7) months, prior to
   expiration of the initial term.  If Franchisee gives that notice,
   Franchisor, in its sole discretion, reasonably exercised, shall determine
   whether Franchisee has satisfied the foregoing requirements.  Within
   forty-five (45) days of receiving the notice described above, Franchisor
   shall notify Franchisee in writing whether or not Franchisee is eligible
   to exercise the option described in this Subsection.

       1.4    During the period from the date of this Agreement to the
   expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, Franchisor shall not
   establish a restaurant unit utilizing the System, or license another
   franchisee to establish a restaurant unit utilizing the System, at any
   location within the lesser of a three (3) mile radius of the Restaurant or
   a radius from the Restaurant which includes either a daytime or
   residential population of forty thousand (40,000) or more people.

       1.5    Franchisee, in consideration of the benefits and privileges
   provided to it by this Agreement, agrees to operate the Restaurant and
   perform as required hereunder for the full term of this Agreement.

       1.6    This Agreement is entered into pursuant to and subject to the
   terms and conditions which are set forth in the Development Agreement.


       2.1    The System is a comprehensive restaurant system for the
   retailing of certain uniform and quality food and beverage products
   (including alcoholic beverages), emphasizing a varied menu of high
   quality, moderately priced food products (including appetizers, creative
   sandwiches, dinner entrees and desserts), a selection of alcoholic and
   other beverages, and prompt and courteous service in a clean, wholesome,
   casual atmosphere.  The foundation of the System is the establishment and
   maintenance of a reputation among the public for the operation of high
   quality restaurant units.  A fundamental requirement of the System, this
   Franchise Agreement and franchises which Franchisor will grant to others
   is adherence by all franchisees to Franchisor's standards and policies
   providing for the uniform operation of all restaurant units within the
   System, including, but not limited to, (a) selling only those products
   which Franchisor has designated and approved, (b) using only Franchisor's
   prescribed building layout and designs, equipment, signs, interior and
   exterior decor items, fixtures and furnishings, (c) adhering strictly to
   Franchisor's standards and specifications relating to the selection,
   purchase, storage, preparation, packaging, service and sale of all food
   and beverage products being sold at the Restaurant, and (d) satisfying all
   of Franchisor's prescribed standards of quality, service and cleanliness.
   Compliance by all franchisees with the foregoing standards and policies in
   conjunction with the use of Franchisor's trade names, service marks and
   trademarks provides the basis for the wide public acceptance of the System
   and its valuable goodwill.  Accordingly, strict adherence by all
   franchisees to all aspects of the System is required at all times.

       2.2    The provisions of the Agreement shall be interpreted to give
   effect to the intent of the parties stated in this Section 2 to assure
   that Franchisee shall operate the Restaurant in conformity with the
   System, through strict adherence to Franchisor's standards and policies as
   they now exist and as they may be modified from time to time.


       Franchisee acknowledges that every component of the System is
   important to Franchisor, to all franchisees and to the operation of the
   Restaurant, including the requirements (a) that only those products
   designated and approved by the Franchisor are sold at the Restaurant, and
   (b) that there is uniformity of food and beverage specifications,
   preparation methods, quality, appearance, building and interior design,
   color and decor, landscaping, facilities and service among all restaurant
   units in the System.  Accordingly, Franchisee agrees to and shall comply
   with all aspects of the System (as it now exists and as it may be modified
   from time to time).  Franchisee recognizes and agrees that Franchisor may
   prohibit the use of the System and its trade names, notwithstanding the
   granting of this Agreement, if Franchisee fails to design, construct,
   equip or furnish its Restaurant in compliance with the specifications
   designated by Franchisor, unless prior written approval has been received
   from Franchisor.


       4.1    Franchisor shall advise and consult with Franchisee
   periodically in connection with the operation of the Restaurant, and at
   other reasonable times upon Franchisee's request.  Franchisor will provide
   to Franchisee such of its know-how, new developments, techniques and
   improvements in areas of restaurant design, management, food and beverage
   preparation, sales promotion and service concepts as may be pertinent to
   the construction and operation of the Restaurant under the System. 
   Franchisor may provide the foregoing information (a) by sending
   representatives to visit the Restaurant, (b) by providing written or other
   material, (c) at meetings or seminars, and (d) at training sessions at
   Franchisor's training facility and/or such other locations as may be
   selected by Franchisor from time to time.  Franchisor also shall make
   available to Franchisee all additional services, facilities, rights and
   privileges which Franchisor makes available from time to time to its
   franchisees of the System generally.

       4.2    For approximately eight (8) days prior to the opening of the
   Restaurant and the first six (6) days that the Restaurant is open for
   business, Franchisor shall provide Franchisee, at Franchisor's expense,
   with the services of up to a maximum of six (6) of Franchisor's training
   personnel to facilitate proper operation of the kitchen, bar and dining
   room areas during that period and to assist in correcting any operational
   problems which may arise.

       4.3    From time to time during the term of this Agreement,
   Franchisor will develop and test new menu items.  The menu consists of
   approved national food and beverage selections.  Franchisee shall comply
   with all menu changes which generally occur every six (6) months.  The
   menu may be modified to reflect food and beverage items peculiar to
   Franchisee's local area, subject to Franchisor's testing and approval.


       5.1    Franchisor shall furnish Franchisee with advice and assistance
   in managing and operating the Restaurant, and Franchisor's representatives
   will visit the Restaurant periodically.  Franchisor will assist Franchisee
   in coordinating the Restaurant's pre-opening activities, and as noted more
   particularly in Subsection 4.2 hereof, shall provide Franchisee with the
   services of certain of Franchisor's personnel to facilitate proper
   operation of the Restaurant when it opens for business.

       5.2    Franchisee shall designate an employee who will supervise the
   Restaurant, and devote his or her full time, best efforts and constant
   personal attention to the day-to-day operation of the Restaurant (the
   "General Manager").  Franchisee also shall designate an employee who will
   supervise the Restaurant kitchen, and devote his or her full time, best
   efforts and constant personal attention to the day-to-day operation of the
   Restaurant kitchen (the "Kitchen Manager").

       5.3    Franchisee shall require that the General Manager, the Kitchen
   Manager and each of Franchisee's employees who serve as Restaurant
   managers to maintain his or her principal personal residence within a
   usual driving time of not more than approximately one (1) hour from the
   Restaurant.  Franchisor reserves the right to require that, as a condition
   of his or her employment, the General Manager must successfully complete
   Franchisor's interview process and a psychological profile test in a
   manner which satisfies a uniform standard established by Franchisor.  The
   test shall be administered by Franchisor, or by a testing agency
   designated by Franchisor, at Franchisee's expense.

       5.4    Unless Franchisor shall have given its prior written approval,
   Franchisee shall keep the Restaurant open for business only during the
   hours which are specified by Franchisor in the Franchise Operations Manual
   or in such other materials or manuals provided or made available by
   Franchisor to Franchisee (collectively the "Manuals"), provided that such
   hours do not conflict with state laws or local ordinances relating to the
   sale of alcoholic beverages or governing the hours during which restaurant
   establishments may be open for business.  In addition, Franchisee
   expressly agrees to:

            (a)   operate the Restaurant in a clean, safe and orderly manner,
       providing courteous, first-class service to the public;

            (b)   diligently promote and make every reasonable effort to
       increase the business of the Restaurant;

            (c)   advertise the business of the Restaurant by the use of the
       Franchisor's trade names, service marks and trademarks and such other
       insignia, slogans, emblems, symbols, designs and other identifying
       characteristics as may be developed or established from time to time
       by Franchisor and included in the Manuals, subject to the limitations
       of Subsections 8.4 and 8.5 hereof;

            (d)   prohibit and, to the best of Franchisee's ability, prevent
       the use of the Restaurant for any immoral or illegal purpose, or for
       any other purpose, business activity, use of function which is not
       expressly authorized hereunder or in the Manuals; and

            (e)   comply fully with all applicable laws and regulations,
       including, but not limited to, those relating to building
       construction, maintenance and safety, fire prevention, food safety,
       and the sale of alcoholic beverages.

       5.5    Franchisee hereby acknowledges receipt and loan of a copy of
   the Manuals heretofore or hereinafter furnished to Franchisee, and agrees
   to faithfully, completely and continuously perform, fulfill, observe and
   follow all instructions, requirements, standards, specifications, systems
   and procedures contained therein, including (a) those relating to the
   construction, design, decor, building and equipping of the Restaurant,
   (b) those relating to the selection, purchase, storage, preparation,
   packaging, service and sale of all products being sold at the Restaurant,
   (c) those relating to the maintenance and repair of Restaurant building,
   grounds, equipment, signs, interior and exterior decor items, fixtures and
   furnishings, and (d) those relating to employee uniforms and dress,
   accounting, bookkeeping, record retention, and other business systems,
   procedures and operations.  The Manuals are incorporated herein by
   reference and hereby made part of this Agreement.  Franchisee acknowledges
   and agrees that the materials contained in the Manuals are integral,
   necessary and material elements of the System.

       5.6    Franchisee understands, acknowledges and agrees that strict
   conformity with the System, including the standards, specifications,
   systems, procedures, requirements and instructions contained in this
   Agreement and in the Manuals, is vitally important, not only to the
   success of Franchisor, but to the collective success of all of
   Franchisor's other franchisees, by reason of the benefits which Franchisor
   and all of its franchisees will derive from uniformity in products sold,
   identity, quality, appearance, facilities and service among all restaurant
   units which are part of the System.  Without limiting the generality of
   the foregoing provisions, Franchisee agrees to adhere strictly to the
   requirements in the Manuals relating (a) to the construction, design,
   decor, building and equipping of the Restaurant, (b) to the maximum
   permissible ratio of sales of alcoholic beverages to sales of food at the
   Restaurant, and (c) to the limitations on the number of video games or
   similar devices which may be placed on the Restaurant premises.  Any
   failure to adhere to the standards, specifications, systems, requirements
   or instructions contained in this Agreement or in the Manuals shall
   constitute a material breach of this Agreement.

       5.7    Franchisor shall have the right, at any time and from time to
   time, in the good faith exercise of its reasonable business judgment,
   consistent with the overall best interests of the System generally, having
   due regard for the financial burden which may be placed upon its
   franchisees, to revise, amend, delete from and add to the System and the
   material contained in the Manuals.  Franchisee expressly agrees to comply
   with all such revisions, amendments, deletions and additions.

       5.8    Franchisee shall offer for sale from the Restaurant, at all
   times when the Restaurant is open for business, only the products which
   are expressly designated in the Manuals, except, as noted more
   particularly in Subsection 4.3, to the extent that Franchisee has obtained
   Franchisor's prior written consent to a modification of that requirement. 
   No product shall be offered or sold at or from the Restaurant under, or in
   connection with, any trademark or service mark other than Franchisor's
   designated trademarks and service marks without Franchisor's prior written

       5.9    Franchisee shall obtain all food and beverage products,
   equipments, signs, interior and exterior decor items, fixtures,
   furnishings, supplies, and other products and materials required for the
   operation of or sold at the Restaurant solely from suppliers (including
   manufacturers, distributors and other sources) who demonstrate, to
   Franchisor's continuing reasonable satisfaction, the ability to meet
   Franchisor's then-current standards and specifications for such items; who
   possess adequate quality controls and capacity to supply Franchisee's
   needs promptly and reliably; and who have been approved in writing by
   Franchisor and not thereafter disapproved.  The Manuals contain a list of
   approved suppliers.  If Franchisee desires to purchase any items from an
   unapproved supplier, Franchisee shall submit to Franchisor a written
   request for such approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably
   withheld, or shall request the supplier itself to do so.  Franchisor shall
   have the right to inspect the supplier's facilities, and to require that
   samples from the supplier be delivered, at Franchisor's option, either to
   Franchisor or to an independent, certified laboratory designated by
   Franchisor for testing.  Franchisee or the supplier shall pay the costs of
   any such test.  Franchisor shall notify Franchisee in writing within
   forty-five (45) days of receiving any such request whether it disapproves
   the supplier.  Failure by Franchisor to so notify Franchisee within that
   period shall be deemed to constitute Franchisor's approval of such
   supplier.  Franchisor reserves the right, at its option, to reinspect the
   facilities and retest products of any such approved supplier at any time
   and to revoke its approval upon the supplier's failure to continue to meet
   any of Franchisor's criteria.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, any supplier
   of goods having any trademark, trade name, service mark, logo or symbol
   owned by Franchisor shall not be approved to supply Franchisee such goods
   until such supplier has entered a written agreement with Franchisor
   regarding the production, use and sale of such goods.

       5.10  No food or beverage product, interior or exterior decor item,
   sign, item of equipment, fixtures, furnishings or supplies, or other
   product or material required for the operation of the Restaurant, which
   bears any of Franchisor's trade names, service marks or trademarks, shall
   be used or sold in or upon the Restaurant premises unless the same shall
   have been first submitted to and approved in writing by Franchisor.

       5.11  The Manuals and all related material furnished to Franchisee
   hereunder are and shall remain the property of Franchisor, and must be
   returned to Franchisor, along with any copies made thereof, immediately
   upon request or upon the expiration or earlier termination of this


       6.1    Franchisor shall make its operations training course available
   to the General Manager, the Kitchen Manager, and Franchisee's Assistant
   Managers and other Restaurant managers.

       6.2    Before the Restaurant opens for business, and thereafter as
   replacement personnel are employed by Franchisee, the General Manager, the
   Kitchen Manager and each Assistant Manager shall attend Franchisor's
   operations training facility for such period of time as Franchisor shall
   deem reasonably necessary, and shall successfully complete that course to
   Franchisor's reasonable satisfaction.  If the General Manager, Kitchen
   Manager or an Assistant Manager fails to successfully complete
   Franchisor's operations training course, Franchisor may require
   designation of a new General Manager, Kitchen Manager or Assistant
   Manager, as the case may be, and Franchisee shall designate a new General
   Manager, Kitchen Manager or Assistant Manager, who shall be required to
   successfully complete such training course.

       6.3    The General Manager, the Kitchen Manager and each Assistant
   Manager shall, from time to time as reasonably required by Franchisor,
   attend and successfully complete to Franchisor's reasonable satisfaction a
   Franchisor-provided refresher course in restaurant operations.

       6.4    Franchisee shall be responsible for the Restaurant's
   compliance with the operating standards, methods, techniques and material
   taught at Franchisor's operations training course, and shall cause the
   employees of the Restaurant to be trained in such standards, methods and
   techniques as are relevant to the performance of their respective duties.

       6.5    Attendance of the General Manager, the Kitchen Manager and
   each Assistant Manager at any of Franchisor's training courses shall be
   tuition-free.  Franchisee shall pay all other costs and expenses relating
   to the attendance of Franchisee's personnel at any of Franchisor's
   training courses, including, without limitation, the cost of travel,
   lodging, meals, and other related and incidental expenses.


       7.1    Franchisee shall, at Franchisee's sole cost and expense,
   maintain the Restaurant in conformity with the standards, specifications
   and requirements of the System, as the same may be designated by
   Franchisor from time to time.  Franchisee specifically agrees to repair or
   replace, at Franchisee's cost and expense, equipment, signs, interior and
   exterior decor items, fixtures, furnishings, supplies, and other products
   and materials required for the operation of the Restaurant as necessary or
   desirable, and to obtain, at Franchisee's cost and expense, any new or
   additional equipment, signs, interior and exterior decor items, fixtures,
   furnishings, supplies, and other products and materials which may be
   reasonably required by Franchisor for new products or procedures.  Except
   as may be expressly provided in the Manuals, no alterations or
   improvements, or changes of any kind in design, equipment, signs, interior
   or exterior decor items, fixtures or furnishings shall be made in or about
   the Restaurant or Restaurant premises without the prior written approval
   of Franchisor in each instance.

       7.2    In order to assure the continued success of the Restaurant,
   Franchisee shall, at any time from time to time after ________________,
   _________, (i.e., six [6] years after the date of this Agreement) as
   reasonably required by Franchisor (taking into consideration the cost and
   then-remaining term of this Agreement), modernize the Restaurant premises,
   equipment, signs, interior and exterior decor items, fixtures,
   furnishings, supplies, and other products and materials required for the
   operation of the Restaurant, to Franchisor's then-current standards and
   specifications, provided that at the time Franchisor requires Franchisee
   to so modernize the Restaurant premises at least twenty-five percent (25%)
   of Franchisor-owned and operated Restaurants meet such standards and
   specifications.  Franchisee's obligations under this Subsection are in
   addition to, and shall not relieve Franchisee from, any of its other
   obligations under this Agreement, including those contained in the

       7.3    If Franchisee is or becomes a lessee of the Restaurant
   premises, Franchisee shall have included in the lease provisions expressly
   permitting both Franchisee and Franchisor to take all actions and make all
   alterations referred to under Subsections 7.1 and 7.2 hereof, requiring
   the lessor thereunder to give Franchisor reasonable notice of any
   contemplated termination, and providing that Franchisee has the
   unrestricted right to assign the lease to Franchisor without the lessor
   having any right to impose conditions on such assignment or to obtain any
   payment in connection therewith.  Franchisee shall not, without the prior
   written consent of Franchisor, execute any lease or other agreement which
   imposes, or purports to impose, any limitations on the ability of
   Franchisee and/or of Franchisor to operate additional restaurants at any
   particular location beyond the geographic limitation set forth in Section
   1.4 hereof, or any lease the term of which is shorter than the term of
   this Agreement.


       8.1    Franchisor shall develop and administer advertising, public
   relations and sales promotion programs designed to promote and enhance the
   collective success of all restaurant units in the System.  It is expressly
   understood, acknowledged and agreed that in all phases of such advertising
   and promotion, including, without limitation, type, quantity, timing,
   placement and choice of media and medium, market areas, advertising
   agencies and public relations firms, Franchisor's decisions shall be final
   and binding.  Franchisee shall have the right to participate actively in
   all such advertising, public relations and sales promotion programs, but
   only in full and complete accordance with such terms and conditions as may
   be established by Franchisor for each such program.

       8.2    Franchisee shall pay Franchisor, in the manner described in
   Section 9 hereof, a minimum dollar amount equal to one and one-half
   percent (1.5%) of Franchisee's gross sales, as defined in Subsection 9.3
   hereof.  Such funds shall become the sole and absolute property of
   Franchisor, to be allocated to a separate "advertising account"
   established by Franchisor.  Franchisor shall use such funds for market
   studies, advertising and marketing studies or services, production of
   commercials, advertising copy and layouts, traffic costs, agency fees,
   marketing personnel, or any other costs associated with the development,
   marketing and testing of advertising, and for the purchase of advertising
   time, space or materials in national, regional or other advertising media,
   in a manner determined by Franchisor in its sole discretion.  Within
   six (6) months following the end of Franchisor's fiscal year, Franchisor
   shall provide all franchisees with an accounting of all amounts received
   from them and expended by Franchisor for the matters set forth above.  In
   addition, Franchisee shall expend a minimum dollar amount equal to one and
   one-half percent (1.5%) of Franchisee's gross sales, for local promotional
   activities, subject to the provisions of Subsections 8.4 and 8.5 hereof. 
   Franchisor shall have the right at all times to review Franchisee's books
   and records, and to require Franchisee to produce evidence of its gross
   sales and local promotional activities, to ensure Franchisee's compliance
   with this Section.  Any amount determined by said audit to be due
   Franchisor as part of the advertising fee will be paid to Franchisor by
   Franchisee within ten (10) days thereafter.  At any time after execution
   of this Agreement, Franchisor may in its sole discretion increase, to a
   maximum of four percent (4%) of gross sales, the percentage of gross sales
   which Franchisee shall be required to pay to Franchisor for allocation to
   a separate advertising account pursuant to this Subsection 8.2. 
   Franchisor shall use the funds paid pursuant to that increased percentage
   requirement solely for the purchase of advertising time, space or
   materials in national, regional or other advertising media, in a manner
   determined by Franchisor in its sole discretion, provided that in each
   calendar year (or other twelve [12] month period established by
   Franchisor) in which Franchisor makes expenditures for advertising from
   such an advertising account, so long as Franchisee is in compliance with
   its obligations hereunder, Franchisor's expenditures for advertising in
   the Territory encompassed by the Development Agreement (including
   expenditures for national or regional advertising in media which reach
   that Territory) shall be on a basis which is roughly proportional to
   Franchisee's contribution to that advertising account during that calendar
   year or other twelve (12) month period.  Franchisor also may increase the
   percentage of gross sales which Franchisee shall be required to spend for
   local promotional activities, provided however, that in no event shall
   Franchisee be required to make payments pursuant to this Subsection 8.2 in
   a dollar amount in excess of five percent (5%) of gross sales.

       8.3    Franchisee shall submit to Franchisor, for Franchisor's
   approval, an advertising campaign plan relating to the promotion of the
   opening of the Restaurant which is sufficient to meet the needs of the
   market.  The Manuals contain a Press Release kit to assist Franchisee in
   this regard.  Franchisee shall conduct the approved advertising campaign
   and make all expenditures for advertising to promote the opening of the
   Restaurant no later than sixty (60) days after the Restaurant opens for
   business.  Franchisor will reimburse fifty percent (50%) of Franchisee's
   out-of-pocket opening advertising expenditures up to a maximum of two
   thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), if Franchisee meets the following

            (a)   Franchisee's opening advertising expenditures are made
       within sixty (60) days after the opening of the Restaurant;

            (b)   Franchisee submits to Franchisor within one hundred
       twenty (120) days after the opening of the Restaurant documentation
       for the opening advertising expenditures, such as paid invoices from
       suppliers of goods or services evidencing expenditure on the opening
       advertising promotion; and

            (c)   Franchisee's opening advertising expenditures are made
       pursuant to the approved advertising campaign plan and in accordance
       with the Grand Opening Reimbursement Program Policy Guidelines set
       forth in the Manuals.

       8.4    Nothing in the foregoing Subsections shall be deemed to
   prohibit Franchisee from making additional expenditures for local
   promotional activities.  All of the Franchisee's local promotional
   activities shall utilize approved advertising media.  "Approved
   advertising media" are limited to the following:

            (a)   Newspapers, magazines and other such periodicals;

            (b)   Radio and television;

            (c)   Outdoor advertising by signs displayed on billboards or
       buildings; and

            (d)   Handbills, flyers, door-hangers and direct mail.

   In the event Franchisee wants to use a form of advertising medium not set
   forth above, Franchisee shall submit a description of such medium and
   advertising to Franchisor.  Franchisor shall notify Franchisee whether it
   approves the use of such medium within thirty (30) days of Franchisee's
   request.  Failure by Franchisor to so notify Franchisee within that period
   shall be deemed to constitute Franchisor's approval of such request. 
   Guidelines for local promotional activities are contained in the Manuals.

       8.5    All advertising copy and other materials employed by
   Franchisee in local promotional activities shall be in strict accordance
   and conformity with the standards, formats and specimens contained in the
   Manuals and shall receive the prior approval of Franchisor.  In the event
   Franchisee wishes to deviate from the materials contained in the Manuals,
   Franchisee shall submit, in each instance, the proposed advertising copy
   and materials to Franchisor for approval in advance of publication. 
   Franchisor shall notify Franchisee in writing, within fifteen (15) days of
   such submission, whether Franchisor disapproves such advertising copy and
   materials.  Failure by Franchisor to so notify Franchisee within that
   period shall be deemed to constitute Franchisor's approval of such
   advertising copy and materials.  In no event shall Franchisee's
   advertising contain any statement or material which may be considered
   (a) in bad taste or offensive to the public or to any group of persons,
   (b) defamatory of any person or an attack on any competitor, (c) to
   infringe upon the use, without permission, of any other persons' trade
   name, trademark, service mark or identification, or (d) inconsistent with
   the public image of Franchisor or of the System.

   9.  FEES

       9.1    As partial consideration for the rights granted hereunder,
   Franchisee shall pay Franchisor:

            (a)   an initial franchise fee of _____________________
       dollars ($__________), to be paid in the manner prescribed in
       Subsection 4.l of the Development Agreement as payment for the grant
       of the franchise;

            (b)   a monthly royalty fee as determined by Franchisor, not to
       exceed five percent (5%) of each calendar month's gross sales, as
       provided in Subsection 4.3 of the Development Agreement, as payment
       for Franchisee's continuing right to operate the Restaurant as part of
       the System (see Exhibit 1); and

            (c)   a monthly advertising fee equal to such percentage of each
       calendar month's gross sales as Franchisor may require pursuant to
       Subsection 8.2 hereof.

       Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, if the
   royalty fee set forth in Subsection 9.1(b) is equal to five percent (5%)
   of monthly gross sales, then in such an event, the advertising fee
   described in Subsection 9.1(c) shall not exceed four percent (4%) of
   monthly gross sales.

       9.2    The fees referred to in Subsections 9.l(b) and (c) (the
   "Fees") shall be paid by check mailed and postmarked on or before the
   twelfth day of the next full month immediately following the month to
   which the Fees relate.  Any Fees, including the initial franchise fee,
   which are not paid when due shall bear interest from and after the due
   dates thereof at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per annum or the
   highest rate permitted by applicable law, whichever is less.

       9.3     (a)    Except as provided in Subsection 9.3(b) hereof, the
   term "gross sales," as used in this Agreement, shall mean all receipts
   (cash, cash equivalents or credit) or revenues from sales from all
   business conducted upon or from the Restaurant premises, whether evidenced
   by check, cash, credit, charge account, exchange or otherwise, including,
   but not limited to, amounts received from the sale of goods, wares and
   merchandise (including sales of food, beverages and tangible property of
   every kind and nature, promotional or otherwise), from all services
   performed from or at the Restaurant premises, and from all orders taken or
   received at the Restaurant premises, regardless of where such orders are
   filled.  Gross sales shall not be reduced by any deductions for cash
   shortages incurred in connection with the transaction of business with
   customers, credit card company charges or theft which is reimbursed by
   insurance or is not reported to the appropriate police authorities.  Each
   charge or sale upon installment or credit shall be treated as a sale for
   the full price in the month during which such charge or sale shall be
   first made, irrespective of the time when Franchisee shall receive payment
   (whether full or partial) therefor.

            (b)   Gross sales shall not include:  (i) the sale of merchandise
   for which cash has been refunded or, except as provided in the second
   sentence of Subsection 9.3(a), not received, or allowances made for
   merchandise, if the sales of any such returned or exchanged merchandise
   shall have been previously included in gross sales, (ii) the amount of any
   sales tax imposed by any federal, state, municipal or other governmental
   authority directly on sales and intended to be collected from customers,
   provided that the amount thereof is added to the selling price and
   actually paid by the Franchisee to such governmental authority, (iii) the
   sale of merchandise for which a gift certificate is redeemed, provided
   that the initial sale of said gift certificate shall have been previously
   included in gross sales, (iv) the sale of waste products of the
   Restaurant, (v) the sale of meals to employees, (vi) telephone, game and
   vending machine revenues, (vii) the sale of non-food items or beverages at
   a discount in connection with a promotional campaign, (viii) one-time sale
   of furniture, fixtures or equipment, and (ix) theft which is not covered
   by insurance and is reported to the appropriate police authorities.  In
   addition, Franchisor may, from time to time, in writing, permit or allow
   certain other items to be excluded from gross sales.  Any such permission
   or allowance may be revoked or withdrawn at Franchisor's discretion.


       10.1  Franchisor shall provide Franchisee with a choice of two (2) or
   more approved point of sales systems, and Franchisee shall employ one (1)
   of such approved systems, without modification, in connection with the
   business of the Restaurant.  Franchisee shall use such bookkeeping and
   record keeping forms as shall be prescribed in the Manuals.

       10.2  Franchisee shall complete and submit to Franchisor, on a
   regular, continuous basis, each of the following reports, in the form
   specified in the Manuals:

            (a)   monthly Restaurant reports, on or before the twelfth day of
       each calendar month following the month to which the report relates;

            (b)   annual Restaurant reports, on or before the fifteenth day
       of April of each year; and

            (c)   weekly gross sales reports, on or before the Tuesday
       following the calendar week to which the report relates.

       10.3  The annual Restaurant reports referred to above shall include a
   balance sheet dated as of the end of Franchisee's fiscal year or calendar
   year and a profit and loss statement for such year, together with such
   additional financial information as Franchisor may reasonably request. 
   Such balance sheet and profit and loss statement shall be prepared in
   accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, certified as
   correct and complete by Franchisee's chief executive officer, president,
   chief financial officer or controller and reported on and reviewed by an
   independent state-licensed certified public accountant.  If Franchisee
   fails to provide Franchisor with such balance sheet and profit and loss
   statement, Franchisor shall have the right to have an independent audit
   made of Franchisee's books and records, and Franchisee shall promptly
   reimburse Franchisor for the cost thereof.

       10.4  Each of the reports referred to in this Section 10 shall be
   completed by Franchisee or its accountant in the respective specimen
   forms, and in accordance with the instructions, contained in the Manuals. 
   Subsection 10.3 notwithstanding, time is of the essence with respect to
   the completion and submission of each such report.


       11.1  Franchisee and each Principal Shareholder represent and warrant
   that:  (a) Franchisee is a corporation duly incorporated, validly existing
   and in good standing under the laws of the State of its incorporation;
   (b) Franchisee is duly qualified and is authorized to do business and is
   in good standing as a foreign corporation in each jurisdiction in which
   its business activities or the nature of the properties owned by it
   requires such qualification; (c) the execution and delivery of this
   Agreement and the transaction contemplated hereby are within Franchisee's
   corporate power; (d) the execution and delivery of this Agreement has been
   duly authorized by the Franchisee; (e) the articles of incorporation and
   by-laws of Franchisee delivered to Franchisor are true, complete and
   correct, and there have been no changes therein since the date thereof;
   (f) the certified copies of the minutes electing the officers of
   Franchisee and authorizing the execution and delivery of this Agreement
   are true, correct and complete, and there have been no changes therein
   since the date(s) thereof; (g) the specimen stock certificate delivered to
   Franchisor is a true specimen of Franchisee's stock certificate; (h) the
   balance sheet of Franchisee as of ____________________, ________ ("Balance
   Sheet") and the balance sheets of its Principal Shareholders as of
   ____________________, ________, heretofore delivered to Franchisor, are
   true, complete and correct, and fairly present the financial positions of
   Franchisee and each Principal Shareholder, respectively, as of the dates
   thereof; (i) the Balance Sheet and each such balance sheet have been
   prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; and
   (j) there have been no materially adverse changes in the condition, assets
   or liabilities of Franchisee or Principal Shareholders since the date or
   dates thereof.

       11.2  Franchisee and each Principal Shareholder covenant that during
   the term of this Agreement:  (a) Franchisee shall do or cause to be done
   all things necessary to preserve and keep in full force its corporate
   existence and shall be in good standing as a foreign corporation in each
   jurisdiction in which its business activities or the nature of the
   properties owned by it requires such qualification; (b) Franchisee shall
   have the corporate authority to carry out the terms of this Agreement; and
   (c) Franchisee shall print, in a conspicuous fashion on all certificates
   representing shares of its stock when issued, a legend referring to this
   Agreement and the restrictions on and obligations of Franchisee and
   Principal Shareholders hereunder, including the restrictions on transfer
   of Franchisee's shares.

       11.3  In addition to the financial information which Franchisee is
   required to provide to Franchisor under Subsections 10.2 and 11.1 hereof,
   Franchisee and Principal Shareholders shall provide Franchisor with such
   other financial information as Franchisor may reasonably request from time
   to time, including, on an annual basis, copies of the then-most current
   financial statements of Franchisee and each Principal Shareholder, dated
   as of the end of the last preceding fiscal year of the Franchisee or
   Principal Shareholder, said statements to be delivered to Franchisor no
   later than April 15 of each year.

       11.4  Franchisee and each Principal Shareholder represent, warrant and
   covenant that all Interests (as defined in Subsection 12.4 hereto) in
   Franchisee are owned as set forth on Appendix A hereto, that no Interest
   has been pledged or hypothecated (except in accordance with Section 12 of
   this Agreement), and that no change will be made in the ownership of any
   such Interest other than as permitted by this Agreement, or otherwise
   consented to in writing by Franchisor.  Franchisee and Principal
   Shareholders agree to furnish Franchisor with such evidence as Franchisor
   may request, from time to time, for the purpose of assuring Franchisor
   that the Interests of Franchisee and Principal Shareholders remain as
   represented herein.

       11.5  Each Principal Shareholder, jointly and severally, hereby
   personally and unconditionally guarantees each of Franchisee's financial
   obligations to Franchisor (including, but not limited to, all obligations
   relating to the payment of fees by Franchisee to Franchisor).  Each
   Principal Shareholder agrees that Franchisor may resort to such Principal
   Shareholder (or any of them) for payment of any such financial obligation,
   whether or not Franchisor shall have proceeded against Franchisee, any
   other Principal Shareholder or any other obligor primarily or secondarily
   obligated to Franchisor with respect to such financial obligation.  Each
   Principal Shareholder hereby expressly waives presentment, demand, notice
   of dishonor, protest, and all other notices whatsoever with respect to
   Franchisor's enforcement of this guaranty.  In addition, each Principal
   Shareholder agrees that if the performance or observance by Franchisee of
   any term or provision hereof is waived or the time of performance thereof
   extended by Franchisor, or payment of any such financial obligation is
   accelerated in accordance with any agreement between Franchisor and any
   party liable in respect thereto or extended or renewed, in whole or in
   part, all as Franchisor may determine, whether or not notice to or consent
   by any Principal Shareholder or any other party liable in respect to such
   financial obligations is given or obtained, such actions shall not affect
   or alter the guaranty of each Principal Shareholder described in this

   12.     TRANSFER

       12.1  There shall be no Transfer of any Interest of Franchisee, or of
   a Principal Shareholder in Franchisee, in whole or in part (whether
   voluntarily or by operation of law), directly, indirectly or contingently,
   except in accordance with the provisions of this Section 12.  "Transfer"
   and "Interest" are defined in Subsections 12.2, 12.3 and 12.4.  Any
   proposed Transfer also shall be subject to the provisions of the
   Development Agreement.

       12.2  Except as provided in Subsection 12.3, "Transfer" shall mean any
   assignment, sale, pledge, hypothecation, gift or any other event which
   would change ownership of or change or create a new Interest, including,
   but not limited to:

            (a)   any change in the ownership of or rights in or to any
       shares of stock or other equity interest in Franchisee which would
       result from the act of any shareholder of Franchisee ("Shareholder"),
       such as a sale, exchange, pledge or hypothecation of shares, or any
       interest in or rights to any of Franchisee's profits, revenues or
       assets, or any such change which would result by operation of law; and

            (b)   any change in the percentage interest owned by any
       Shareholder in the shares of stock of Franchisee, or interests in its
       profits, revenues or assets which would result from any act of
       Franchisee such as a sale, pledge or hypothecation of any Restaurant
       assets (other than a pledge of assets to secure bona fide loans made
       or credit extended in connection with acquisition of the assets
       pledged, provided that immediately before and after such transaction
       the net worth of Franchisee shall not be less than the amount which is
       reflected on the Balance Sheet referred to in Subsection 11.1 of this
       Agreement); any sale or issuance of any shares of Franchisee's stock;
       the retirement or redemption of any shares of Franchisee's stock; or
       any sale or grant to any person of any right to participate in or
       otherwise to share or become entitled to any part of Franchisee's
       profits, revenues, assets or equity.

       12.3  "Transfer" shall not include (a) a change in the ownership of or
   rights to any shares or other equity interest in Franchisee pursuant to a
   public offering of Franchisee's securities registered under the Securities
   Act of 1933, or (b) a change in the ownership of or rights to any
   securities or other equity interest in Franchisee pursuant to a private
   offering of Franchisee's securities exempted from registration under such
   Act, provided that Franchisee provides Franchisor with a copy of its S-1
   prospectus and/or offering memorandum ten (10) days prior to its filing
   with the Securities and Exchange Commission or circulation to third
   parties so that Franchisor may comment and, if necessary, correct any
   information concerning Franchisor and/or the System, and further provided
   that after giving effect to such public or private offering, the Principal
   Shareholders, or any of them, "control" Franchisee.  For purposes of this
   Section 12, "control" means either (1) holding fifty-one percent (51%) or
   more of the outstanding voting securities of Franchisee, or (2) having the
   contractual power presently to designate a majority of the directors of

       12.4  "Interest" shall mean:  when referring to interests or rights in
   Franchisee, any shares of Franchisee's stock and any other equitable or
   legal right in or to any of Franchisee's stock, revenues, profits or
   assets; when referring to rights or assets of Franchisee, Franchisee's
   rights under and interest in this Agreement, the Restaurant and its
   revenues, profits and assets.

       12.5  (a)  The Interest of a Principal Shareholder may be transferred
   to such Principal Shareholder's spouse or children or to a person
   designated in such Principal Shareholder's will or trust (individually and
   collectively referred to as a "Successor"), upon such Principal
   Shareholder's death or permanent incapacity, without Franchisor's
   approval, provided that such Successor shall agree to be bound by the
   restrictions contained in this Section 12, and the other agreements and
   covenants of the Principal Shareholders contained in this Agreement.

            (b)   The Interest of a Principal Shareholder may not be
   transferred to another Principal Shareholder without Franchisor's
   approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

            (c)   The Interest of a Successor may only be transferred in
   accordance with Subsection 12.5(b) or 12.6, regardless of whether such
   Transfer is for consideration or by gift or will or other device.

       12.6  (a)  Franchisee understands and acknowledges that the rights and
   duties set forth in this Agreement are personal to Franchisee and that
   Franchisor has entered into this Agreement in reliance on the business
   skill and financial capability of Franchisee, and the business skill,
   financial capability and personal character of each Principal Shareholder. 
   Except as otherwise provided in this Section 12, the Principal
   Shareholders shall at all times retain control of Franchisee.  Except as
   otherwise provided in this Section 12, no Transfer of any part of
   Franchisee's Interest in this Agreement or in the Restaurant, and no
   Transfer of any Interest of any Principal Shareholder, shall be completed
   except in accordance with this Subsection 12.6.  In the event of such a
   proposed Transfer of any part of Franchisee's Interest in this Agreement
   or in the Restaurant, or of any Interest of any Principal Shareholder, the
   party or parties desiring to effect such Transfer shall give Franchisor
   notice in writing of the proposed Transfer, which notice shall set forth
   the name and address of the proposed transferee, its financial condition,
   including a copy of its financial statement dated not more than
   ninety (90) days prior to the date of said notice, and all the terms and
   conditions of the proposed Transfer.  Upon receiving such notice,
   Franchisor may (i) approve the Transfer, or (ii) withhold its consent to
   the Transfer.  Franchisor shall, within forty-five (45) days of receiving
   such notice and all of the information required therein, advise the party
   or parties desiring to effect the Transfer whether it (1) approves the
   Transfer, or (2) withholds its consent to the Transfer, giving the reasons
   for such disapproval.  Failure of Franchisor to so advise said party or
   parties within that forty-five (45) day period shall be deemed to be an
   approval of the proposed Transfer.  Appendix B sets forth the criteria for
   obtaining Franchisor's consent to a proposed Transfer.

            (b)   In the event that Franchisor approves the Transfer, and the
   Transfer is not completed within ninety (90) days of the later of
   (i) expiration of the forty-five (45) day notice period, or (ii) delivery
   of notice of Franchisor's approval of the proposed Transfer, Franchisor's
   approval of the proposed Transfer shall automatically be revoked.  The
   ninety (90) day limitation described in the preceding sentence shall not
   apply if at the end of said ninety (90) day period the only issue which
   prevents completion of the Transfer is the need to effect transfers of the
   applicable liquor licenses.  In the event of such a delay, the Transfer
   shall take place within seven (7) business days after those liquor
   licenses have been transferred.  Any subsequent proposal to complete the
   proposed Transfer shall be subject to Franchisor's right of approval as
   provided herein.  The party which desires to effect the proposed Transfer
   shall immediately notify Franchisor in writing of any change in the terms
   of a Transfer.  Any material change in the terms of a Transfer prior to
   closing shall cause it to be deemed a new Transfer, revoking any approval
   previously given by Franchisor and conferring upon Franchisor a new right
   to approve such Transfer, which shall be deemed to commence on the day on
   which Franchisor receives written notice of such changes in terms.

       12.7  In connection with any request for Franchisor's approval of a
   proposed Transfer pursuant to this Section 12, the parties to the proposed
   Transfer shall pay Franchisor a fee to defray the actual cost of review
   and the administrative and professional expenses related to the proposed
   Transfer and the preparation and execution of documents and agreements, up
   to a maximum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500).


       13.1  Franchisee and its Principal Shareholders acknowledge that over
   the term of this Agreement they are to receive proprietary information
   which Franchisor has developed over time at great expense, including, but
   not limited to, information regarding the System, methods of site
   selection, marketing and public relations methods, product analysis and
   selection, and service methods and skills relating to the development and
   operation of Restaurants.  They further acknowledge that this information,
   which includes, but is not necessarily limited to, that contained in the
   Manuals, is not generally known in the industry and is beyond their own
   present skills and experience, and that to develop it themselves would be
   expensive, time consuming and difficult.  Franchisee and its Principal
   Shareholders further acknowledge that the Franchisor's information
   provides a competitive advantage and will be valuable to them in the
   development of their business, and that gaining access to it is therefore
   a primary reason why they are entering into this Agreement.  Accordingly,
   Franchisee and its Principal Shareholders agree that Franchisor's
   information, as described above, which may or may not be "trade secrets"
   under prevailing judicial interpretations, is private and valuable, and
   constitutes trade secrets belonging to Franchisor.  Accordingly, in
   consideration of Franchisor's confidential disclosure to them of these
   trade secrets, Franchisee and Principal Shareholders agree as follows
   (subject to the provisions of the Development Agreement and any other
   franchise agreement between Franchisor and Franchisee):

            (a)   During the term of this Agreement, neither Franchisee nor
       any Principal Shareholder, for so long as such Principal Shareholder
       owns an Interest in Franchisee, may, without the prior written consent
       of Franchisor, directly or indirectly engage in, or acquire any
       financial or beneficial interest (including any interest in
       corporations, partnerships, trusts, unincorporated associations or
       joint ventures) in, advise, help, guarantee loans or make loans to,
       any restaurant business whose menu or method of operation is similar
       to that employed by restaurant units within the System which is either
       (i) located in the Territory, as defined in the Development Agreement,
       (ii) located in the Area of Dominant Influence (as defined and
       established from time to time by Arbitron Ratings Company) of any
       Restaurant developed pursuant to the Development Agreement,
       (iii) located within a five (5) mile radius of any restaurant unit
       within the System, or (iv) determined by Franchisor, exercising
       reasonable good faith judgment, to be a direct competitor of the

            (b)   Neither Franchisee, for two (2) years following the
       termination of this Agreement, nor any Principal Shareholder, for
       two (2) years following the termination of all of his or her Interest
       in Franchisee or the termination of this Agreement, whichever occurs
       first, may directly or indirectly engage in, or acquire any financial
       or beneficial interest (including any interest in corporations,
       partnerships, trusts, unincorporated associations or joint ventures)
       in, advise, help, guarantee loans or make loans to, any restaurant
       business whose menu or method of operation is similar to that employed
       by restaurant units within the System which is located either (i) in
       the Territory, as defined in the Development Agreement, (ii) in the
       Area of Dominant Influence (as defined and established from time to
       time by Arbitron Ratings Company) of any restaurant developed pursuant
       to the Development Agreement, (iii) within a five (5) mile radius of
       any restaurant unit within the System, or (iv) within any area for
       which an active, currently binding development agreement has been
       granted by Franchisor to another franchisee as of the date of the

            (c)   Neither Franchisee nor any Shareholder shall at any time
       (i) appropriate or use the trade secrets incorporated in the System,
       or any portion thereof, in any restaurant business which is not within
       the System, (ii) disclose or reveal any portion of the System to any
       person, other than to Franchisee's Restaurant employees as an incident
       of their training, (iii) acquire any right to use any name, mark or
       other intellectual property right which is or may be granted by this
       Agreement, except in connection with the operation of the Restaurant,
       or (iv) communicate, divulge or use for the benefit of any other
       person or entity any confidential information, knowledge or know-how
       concerning the methods of development or operation of a restaurant
       utilizing the System, which may be communicated by Franchisor in
       connection with the franchise granted hereunder.

       13.2  Franchisee and Principal Shareholders agree that the provisions
   of this Section 13 are and have been a primary inducement to Franchisor to
   enter into this Agreement, and that in the event of breach thereof
   Franchisor would be irreparably injured and would be without adequate
   remedy at law.  Therefore, in the event of a breach, or a threatened or
   attempted breach, of any of such provisions Franchisor shall be entitled,
   in addition to any other remedies which it may have hereunder or at law or
   in equity (including the right to terminate this Agreement), to a
   preliminary and/or permanent injunction and a decree for specific
   performance of the terms hereof without the necessity of showing actual or
   threatened damage, and without being required to furnish a bond or other

       13.3  The restrictions contained in Subsection 13.1(a) and (b) above
   shall not apply to ownership of less than two percent (2%) of the shares
   of a company whose shares are listed and traded on a national securities
   exchange if such shares are owned for investment only, and are not owned
   by an officer, director, employee, or consultant of such publicly traded

       13.4  If any court or other tribunal having jurisdiction to determine
   the validity or enforceability of this Section 13 determines that it would
   be invalid or unenforceable as written, then the provisions hereof shall
   be deemed to be modified or limited to such extent or in such manner as
   necessary for such provisions to be valid and enforceable to the greatest
   extent possible.

       13.5  Franchisee shall require the General Manager, the Kitchen
   Manager and each of its Restaurant managers to execute a confidentiality
   agreement in the form attached hereto as Appendix C.  Franchisee shall be
   responsible for compliance of its employees with the agreements identified
   in this Subsection.

   14.     INSPECTIONS

       14.1  Franchisor shall have the right at any time, and from time to
   time, to have its representatives enter the Restaurant premises without
   notice for the purpose of inspecting the condition thereof and the
   operation of the Restaurant in order to determine whether Franchisee is in
   compliance with the standards, specifications, requirements and
   instructions contained in this Agreement and in the Manuals, and for any
   other reasonable purpose connected with the operation of the Restaurant.

       14.2  Without limiting the generality of Subsection 14.1, a
   representative of Franchisor shall be present in the Restaurant to consult
   with Franchisee or its General Manager once each calendar quarter and, at
   least semi-annually, a representative shall conduct an inspection/
   consultation at the Restaurant (which may be conducted with or without
   notice).  During such inspection, Franchisor's representative will inspect
   the condition of the Restaurant and observe procedures and operations at
   the Restaurant.  Also during the inspection/consultation, Franchisor's
   representative will meet with the General Manager and such other
   Restaurant employees as Franchisor's representative may designate, for the
   purpose of evaluating the condition and operation of the Restaurant and
   seeking to maintain or achieve compliance with the standards,
   specifications, requirements and instructions contained in this Agreement
   and in the Manuals.

       14.3  Without limiting the generality of Subsection 14.1, Franchisor's
   representatives shall have the right at all times during normal business
   hours to confer with Restaurant employees and customers, and to inspect
   Franchisee's books, records and tax returns, or such portions thereof as
   pertain to the operation of the Restaurant.  All such books, records and
   tax returns shall be kept and maintained at the principal executive
   offices of Franchisee or such other place as may be agreed upon by the
   parties in writing.  If any inspection reveals that the gross sales
   reported in any report or statement are less than the actual gross sales
   ascertained by such inspection, then the Franchisee shall immediately pay
   Franchisor the additional amount of fees owing by reason of the
   understatement of gross sales previously reported, together with interest
   as provided in Subsection 9.2.  In the event that any report or statement
   understates gross sales by more than three percent (3%) of the actual
   gross sales ascertained by Franchisor's inspection, Franchisee shall, in
   addition to making the payment provided for in the immediately preceding
   sentence, pay and reimburse Franchisor for any and all expenses incurred
   in connection with its inspection, including, but not limited to,
   reasonable accounting and legal fees.  Such payments shall be without
   prejudice to any other rights or remedies which Franchisor may have under
   this Agreement or otherwise.  If any inspection reveals that the gross
   sales reported in any report or statement are greater than the actual
   gross sales ascertained by such inspection, and that Franchisee thereby
   has made an overpayment of fees, the amount of the overpayment (without
   interest) shall be offset against future fees owing by Franchisee to

       14.4  Franchisee shall maintain an accurate stock register.  In the
   event that the beneficial ownership of Franchisee's stock differs in any
   respect from record ownership, Franchisee also shall maintain a list of
   the names, addresses and interests of all beneficial owners of its stock. 
   Franchisee shall produce its stock register, and any list of beneficial
   owners certified by the corporation's secretary to be correct, at its
   principal executive offices upon ten (10) days prior written request by
   Franchisor.  Franchisor's representatives shall have the right to examine
   the stock register and any list of beneficial owners, and to reproduce all
   or any part thereof.  Further, upon ten (10) days written notice,
   Franchisor may request a copy of the list of stockholders and owners of
   beneficial interests to be forwarded to it at Franchisor's principal


       15.1  Franchisee is not, and shall not represent or hold itself out
   as, an agent, legal representative, joint venturer, partner, employee or
   servant of Franchisor for any purpose whatsoever and, where permitted by
   law to do so, shall file a business certificate to such effect with the
   proper recording authorities.  Franchisee is an independent contractor and
   is not authorized to make any contract, agreement, warranty or
   representation on behalf of Franchisor, or to create any obligation,
   express or implied, on behalf of Franchisor.  Franchisee agrees that
   Franchisor does not have any fiduciary obligation to Franchisee. 
   Franchisee shall not use the name Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar
   (other than in connection with the operation of the Restaurant), or
   Applebee's International, Inc., or any similar words as part of or in
   association with any trade name of any business entity which is, directly
   or indirectly, associated with Franchisee.

       15.2  Franchisee shall indemnify and hold harmless Franchisor and its
   officers, directors, employees, agents, affiliates, successors and assigns
   from and against (a) any and all claims based upon, arising out of, or in
   any way related to the operation or condition of any part of the
   Restaurant or Restaurant premises, the conduct of business thereat, the
   ownership or possession of real or personal property, and any negligent
   act, misfeasance or nonfeasance by Franchisee or any of its agents,
   contractors, servants, employees or licensees (including, without
   limitation, the performance by Franchisee of any act required by, or
   performed pursuant to, any provision of this Agreement), and (b) any and
   all fees (including reasonable attorneys' fees), costs and other expenses
   incurred by or on behalf of Franchisor in the investigation of or defense
   against any and all such claims.

       15.3  In addition to, and not in limitation of, any subsection hereof,
   Franchisee specifically covenants, represents and warrants that Franchisee
   is in compliance in all material respects with all federal, state,
   municipal and local laws governing the generation, use or disposal of
   hazardous waste or hazardous materials, and any and all other laws
   designed to protect the environment and that:

            (a)   There have been no past, and there are no current or
       anticipated, releases or substantial threats of a release of a
       hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant from or onto the
       Restaurant or real property upon which the Restaurant is located and
       referred to in this Agreement ("Premises") which is or may be subject
       to regulation under the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
       Compensation and Liability Act (42 U.S.C.  9601, et seq.) or other
       laws designed to protect the environment;

            (b)   The Premises have not previously been used, are not now
       being used and are not contemplated to be used for the treatment,
       collection, storage or disposal of any refuse or objectionable waste
       so as to require a permit or approval from the Environmental
       Protection Agency pursuant to the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments
       of 1984 (96 Stat. 3221) or any other federal, state, county or
       municipal agency charged with the responsibility of protecting the

            (c)   The Premises have not previously been used, are not now
       being used, and are not contemplated to be used, for the generation,
       transportation, treatment, storage or disposal of any hazardous waste;

            (d)   No portion of the Premises are located on or over a
       "sanitary landfill" or an "open dump" within the meaning of the
       Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. 6941 et seq.), as
       amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 (96 Stat.

            (e)   No asbestos fibers or materials or polychlorinated
       biphenyls (PCB's) are on or in the Premises;

            (f)   There have not been, nor are there presently pending, any
       federal or state enforcement actions against the Premises, nor is the
       Franchisee or its Landlord, if any, subject to any outstanding
       administrative orders which require ongoing compliance efforts in
       connection with compliance with laws designed to protect the

            (g)   The Franchisee has not entered into any consent decrees or
       administrative consent orders with any agency charged with the
       responsibility of protecting the environment;

            (h)   There have not been any notices of violation sent to the
       Franchisee under the Citizens Suit Provisions of any statute;

            (i)   The Franchisee has not received any request for
       information, notice or demand letters for administrative inquiries
       from any governmental entity with regard to its environmental

            (j)   The Franchisee has maintained all required records under
       each and every applicable environmental statute and is in full
       compliance with all environmental permits issued to it by any
       governmental or regulatory agency;

            (k)   The Franchisee maintains all insurance policies as may be
       required by any applicable law governing the environment;

            (l)   The Franchisee has no reason to believe that any operation
       of equipment on or at the Premises may be the cause of a future spill
       or release of a pollutant;

            (m)   The Franchisee has not in the past, nor is it presently,
       generating, transporting or disposing of a hazardous substance as
       defined by Section 9601(12) of CERCLA; and

            (n)   The Franchisor shall have the right, at Franchisee's
       expense, to require an environmental audit of the Premises from a
       company or companies satisfactory to Franchisor.

   16.     INSURANCE

       16.1  Franchisee shall procure before the commencement of Restaurant
   operations, and shall maintain in full force and effect during the entire
   term of this Agreement, at its sole cost and expense, an insurance policy
   or policies protecting Franchisee and Franchisor and their respective
   officers, directors and employees against any and all claims, loss,
   liability or expense whatsoever, arising out of or in connection with the
   condition, operation, use or occupancy of the Restaurant or Restaurant
   Premises.  Franchisee shall procure workers' compensation coverage for
   each of its employees no later than the first date of such employee's
   employment.  Franchisee shall also insure the Restaurant building and
   other improvements, equipment, signs, interior and exterior decor items,
   furnishings and fixtures, and any additions thereto, in accordance with
   standard fire and extended coverage insurance policies then in effect for
   similar businesses.  Franchisor shall be named as an additional insured in
   all such policies, workers' compensation excepted, and the certificate or
   certificates of insurance shall state that the policy or policies shall
   not be subject to cancellation or alteration without at least thirty (30)
   days prior written notice to Franchisor.  Such policy or policies shall be
   written by a responsible insurance company or companies satisfactory to
   Franchisor, and shall be in such form and contain such limits of liability
   as shall be satisfactory to Franchisor from time to time.  In any event,
   such policy or policies shall include at least the following: 


      Workers' Compensation        Statutory

      General Public Liability,    $1,000,000 each person,
      including Product Liability, $1,000,000 each occurrence
      Injury and Liquor Liability

      Fire and Extended Coverage   Full replacement value

      Umbrella Liability Insurance $2,000,000

   Franchisee shall, upon request, exhibit certificates of such insurance to
   Franchisor.  The insurance afforded by the policy or policies respecting
   public liability shall not be limited in any way by reason of any
   insurance which may be maintained by Franchisor.

       16.2  Within sixty (60) days after the execution of this Agreement,
   but in no event later than the day before the Restaurant opens for
   business, Franchisee shall submit to Franchisor for approval certificates
   of insurance showing compliance with the requirements of Subsection 16.1. 
   Notwithstanding the foregoing, Franchisee shall submit to Franchisor for
   approval certificates of insurance showing compliance with the worker's
   compensation requirements set forth in Subsection 16.1 prior to the
   training of any Franchisee employee at a Restaurant operated by
   Franchisor.  Maintenance of such insurance and the performance by
   Franchisee of its obligations under this Section 16 shall not relieve
   Franchisee of liability under the indemnity provisions of this Agreement,
   and shall not limit such liability.

       16.3  Should Franchisee, for any reason, fail to procure or maintain
   the insurance coverage required by this Section, then Franchisor shall
   have the right and authority to immediately procure such insurance
   coverage and to charge the cost thereof to Franchisee, which amounts shall
   be paid immediately upon notice and shall be subject to charges for late
   payments in the manner set forth in Subsection 9.2.

       16.4  No later than thirty (30) days following Franchisee's receipt of
   same, Franchisee shall submit to Franchisor a copy of any written report
   relating to the condition of the Restaurant premises, or any aspect
   thereof, prepared by an insurer or prospective insurer or by a
   representative of a federal, state or local government agency, provided
   that if any such report contains comments or information which could
   materially and detrimentally affect the Restaurant, such report shall be
   submitted to Franchisor within three (3) days following Franchisee's
   receipt thereof.

   17.     DEBTS AND TAXES

       Franchisee shall pay or cause to be paid promptly when due all
   obligations incurred, directly or indirectly, in connection with the
   Restaurant and its operation, including, without limitation, (a) all taxes
   and assessments that may be assessed against the Restaurant land, building
   and other improvements, equipment, fixtures, signs, furnishings, and other
   property; (b) all liens and encumbrances of every kind and character
   created or placed upon or against any of said property, and; (c) all
   accounts and other indebtedness of every kind and character incurred by or
   on behalf of Franchisee in the conduct of the Restaurant business. 
   Notwithstanding the foregoing, Franchisee will not be in default of this
   Agreement as a result of a non-payment or non-performance of the foregoing
   so long as it disputes said debt or lien and is, in the sole opinion of
   Franchisor, validly and in good faith pursuing a resolution of said claim
   or lien and has reserved sufficient sums to pay the debt/claim as is
   agreed to by Franchisor.


       18.1  Franchisee acknowledges the sole and exclusive right of
   Franchisor (except for rights granted under existing and future franchise
   agreements) to use Franchisor's trade names, service marks and trademarks
   in connection with the products and services to which they are or may be
   applied by Franchisor, and represents, warrants and agrees that Franchisee
   shall not, either during the term of this Agreement, or after the
   expiration or other termination hereof, directly or indirectly, contest or
   aid in contesting the validity, ownership or use thereof by Franchisor, or
   take any action whatsoever in derogation of the rights claimed herein by

       18.2  The right granted to Franchisee under this Agreement to use
   Franchisor's trade names, service marks and trademarks is nonexclusive,
   and Franchisor, in its sole discretion, subject only to the limitations
   contained in Subsection 1.4 of this Agreement, has the right to grant
   other rights in, to and under those names and marks in addition to those
   rights already granted, and to develop and grant rights in other names and
   marks on any such terms and conditions as Franchisor deems appropriate. 
   The rights granted under this Agreement do not include any right or
   authority of any kind whatsoever to pre-package or sell pre-packaged food
   products under any of Franchisor's names or marks.

       18.3  Franchisee understands and acknowledges and agrees that
   Franchisor has the unrestricted right, subject only to the limitations
   contained in Subsection 1.4 of this Agreement, to engage, directly and
   indirectly, through its employees, representatives, licenses, assigns,
   agents, and others, at wholesale, retail, and otherwise, in (a) the
   production, distribution and sale of products under the names and marks
   licensed hereunder or other names or marks, and (b) the use, in connection
   with such production, distribution and sale, of any and all trademarks,
   trade names, service marks, logos, insignia, slogans, emblems, symbols,
   designs and other identifying characteristics as may be developed or used,
   from time to time, by Franchisor.

       18.4  Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to vest
   in Franchisee any right, title or interest in or to any of Franchisor's
   names or marks, the goodwill now or hereafter associated therewith, or any
   right in the design of any restaurant building or premises, or the decor
   or trade-dress of the Restaurant, other than the rights and license
   expressly granted herein for the term hereof.  Any and all goodwill
   associated with or identified by any of Franchisor's names or marks shall
   inure directly and exclusively to the benefit of Franchisor, including,
   without limitation, any goodwill resulting from operation and promotion of
   the Restaurant, provided that this Subsection shall not be construed to
   entitle Franchisor to receive any portion of the consideration paid to
   Franchisee and/or any Principal Shareholder as a result of a Transfer of
   an Interest pursuant to Section 12 hereof.

       18.5  Franchisee shall adopt and use Franchisor's names and marks only
   in a manner expressly approved by Franchisor, and shall not use any of
   Franchisor's names or marks in connection with any statement or material
   which may, in the judgment of Franchisor, be in bad taste or inconsistent
   with Franchisor's public image, or tend to bring disparagement, ridicule
   or scorn upon Franchisor, any of Franchisor's names or marks, or the
   goodwill associated therewith.  Franchisee shall not adopt, use or
   register as its corporate name (by filling a certificate or articles of
   incorporation or otherwise) any trade or business name, style or design
   which includes, or is similar to, any of Franchisor's trademarks, service
   marks, trade names, logos, insignia, slogans, emblems, symbols, designs or
   other identifying characteristics.

       18.6  Franchisor shall have the right, at any time and from time to
   time, upon notice to Franchisee, to make additions to, deletions from and
   changes in any of Franchisor's names or marks, or all of them, all of
   which additions, deletions and changes shall be made in good faith, on a
   reasonable basis and with a view toward the overall best interests of the
   System.  Franchisor will use its best efforts to protect and preserve the
   integrity and validity of Franchisor's names and marks, including the
   taking of actions deemed by Franchisor to be appropriate in the event of
   any apparent infringement of any of Franchisor's names or marks.

       18.7  (a)  Franchisor shall hold Franchisee harmless from any
   liability or expense (but excluding consequential damages) resulting from
   infringement of a third party's service mark, trade name or trademark by
   Franchisor's service mark, Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar, or by any
   other service mark, trademark or trade name of Franchisor which Franchisor
   shall designate as part of the System.  This hold-harmless indemnity shall
   not apply to any unauthorized use by Franchisee of any such service mark,
   trade name or trademark.

            (b)   Franchisee agrees to notify Franchisor promptly in writing
   of any suit or claim for infringement which is within the scope of the
   hold-harmless indemnity set forth in this Subsection 18.7.  Subject to the
   terms and conditions of this Subsection 18.7, Franchisor shall have the
   sole right to defend or settle any such suit or claim of infringement at
   Franchisor's expense.  Franchisee, at Franchisee's expense, shall have the
   right to be represented by counsel.  Franchisor shall, however, retain
   control of any negotiations with respect to such claim or of any
   litigation involving such suit.  Franchisee agrees to cooperate with
   Franchisor and to assist Franchisor whenever reasonably requested by
   Franchisor, at Franchisor's expense, in the defense of any such
   infringement suit or claim.  Franchisee shall not enter into any
   settlement of any such claim or suit or conduct any settlement
   negotiations relative thereto without the prior approval of Franchisor in
   writing and, if Franchisee does so, the hold-harmless indemnity set forth
   in this Subsection 18.7 shall be deemed to have been waived and released
   in all respects.

       18.8  Franchisor represents that it is the sole owner of the service
   mark Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar.  In the event that Franchisee is
   precluded from operating the Restaurant because Franchisor determines that
   a third person has acquired rights under the law of any state in such
   mark, which so precludes Franchisee, Franchisor agrees (a) to repay to
   Franchisee the initial franchise fee paid by Franchisee with respect to
   the Restaurant, and (b) to assist Franchisee, at Franchisee's request, in
   locating an alternative site for the Restaurant.


       19.1   Franchisor shall have the right to terminate this Agreement
   immediately upon written notice to Franchisee stating the reason for such

            (a)   in the event of any breach or default of any of the
       provisions of Subsection 9.1, Sections 12 or 13, Subsection 14.1 or
       Section 23;

            (b)   if a petition in bankruptcy, an arrangement for the benefit
       of creditors, or a petition for reorganization is filed by Franchisee,
       or is filed against Franchisee and not dismissed within ninety (90)
       days from the filing thereof, or if Franchisee shall make any
       assignment for the benefit of creditors, or if a receiver or trustee
       is appointed for Franchisee and is not dismissed within ninety (90)
       days of such appointment;

            (c)   if Franchisee ceases to operate the Restaurant without the
       prior written consent of Franchisor or loses its right to possession
       of the Restaurant premises; provided however, this provision will not
       apply if Franchisee ceases to operate the Restaurant or loses its
       right to possession of the Restaurant premises by reason of Force
       Majeure and Franchisee complies with the requirements of Section 24 of
       this Agreement;

            (d)   if Franchisor discovers that Franchisee has made any
       material misrepresentation or omitted any material fact in the
       information which was furnished to Franchisor in connection with this

            (e)   if any part of this Agreement relating to the payment of
       fees to Franchisor, or the preservation of any of Franchisor's trade
       names, service marks, trademarks, trade secrets or secret formulae
       licensed or disclosed hereunder is, for any reason, declared invalid
       or unenforceable; or

            (f)   if Franchisee or any Principal Shareholder is convicted of
       or pleads nolo contendere to a felony or any crime involving moral

       If Franchisee defaults in the performance or observance of any of its
   other obligations hereunder, and such default continues for a period of
   sixty (60) days after written notice to Franchisee specifying such
   default, Franchisor shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon
   thirty (30) days written notice to Franchisee.  If Franchisee defaults in
   the performance or observance of the same obligation two (2) or more times
   within a twelve (12) month period, Franchisor shall have the right to
   terminate this Agreement immediately upon commission of the second act of
   default, upon thirty (30) days written notice to Franchisee stating the
   reason for such termination, without allowance for any curative period.

       The foregoing provisions of this Subsection 19.1 are subject to the
   provisions of any local statutes or regulations which limit the grounds
   upon which Franchisor may terminate this Agreement, or which require that
   Franchisor give Franchisee additional prior written notice of termination
   and opportunity to cure any default.

       In the event of termination by reason of Franchisee's failure after a
   good faith effort to obtain the necessary state or local liquor licenses
   (as required in Section 23), Franchisor shall refund to Franchisee,
   without interest, the franchise fee payment referred to in
   Subsection 9.1(a), less any expenses incurred and damages sustained by
   Franchisor in connection with its performance hereunder prior to the date
   of such termination.  Franchisor shall also repay the initial franchise
   fee in the circumstances described in Subsection 18.8 hereof.  In the
   event of termination for any other reason, Franchisor shall have no
   obligation to refund any amount previously paid by Franchisee, and
   Franchisee shall be obligated to promptly pay all sums which are then due

       19.2  Upon the termination of this Agreement by Franchisor, Franchisee
   may not remove any property from the Restaurant premises for thirty (30)
   days after the termination.  Upon the expiration or earlier termination of
   this Agreement for any reason:

            (a)   Franchisee shall immediately discontinue its use of the
       System and its use of Franchisor's trade names, service marks,
       trademarks, logos, insignia, slogans, emblems, symbols, designs and
       other identifying characteristics;

            (b)   if the Restaurant premises are owned by Franchisee or
       leased from a third party, Franchisee shall, upon demand by
       Franchisor, remove (at Franchisee's expense) Franchisor's trade names,
       service marks, trademarks, logos, insignia, slogans, sign facia,
       emblems, symbols, designs and other identifying characteristics from
       all premises, and paint all premises and other improvements maintained
       pursuant to this Agreement a design and color which is basically
       different from Franchisor's authorized design and color.  If
       Franchisee shall fail to make or cause to be made any such removal or
       repainting within thirty (30) days after written notice, then
       Franchisor shall have the right to enter upon the Restaurant premises,
       without being deemed guilty of trespass or any tort (or Franchisee
       shall cause Franchisor to be permitted on the premises as necessary),
       and make or cause to be made such removal, alterations and repainting
       at the reasonable expense of Franchisee, which expense Franchisee
       shall pay to Franchisor immediately upon demand; and

            (c)   Franchisee shall not thereafter use any trademark, trade
       name, service mark, logo, insignia, slogan, emblem, symbol, design or
       other identifying characteristic that is in any way associated with
       Franchisor or similar to those associated with Franchisor, or use any
       food or proprietary menu item, recipe or method of food preparation or
       operate or do business under any name or in any manner that might tend
       to give the public the impression that Franchisee is or was a licensee
       or franchisee of, or otherwise associated with, Franchisor.

       19.3  In the event that any part to this Agreement initiates any legal
   proceeding to construe or enforce any of the terms, conditions and/or
   provisions of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, its
   termination provisions and its provisions requiring Franchisee to make
   certain payments to Franchisor incident to the operation of the
   Restaurant, or to obtain damages or other relief to which any such party
   may be entitled by virtue of this Agreement, the prevailing party or
   parties shall be paid its reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses by the
   other party or parties.  If Franchisee fails to comply with a written
   notice of termination sent by Franchisor and a court later upholds such
   termination of this Agreement, Franchisee's operation of the Restaurant,
   from and after the date of termination stated in such notice, shall
   constitute willful trademark infringement and unfair competition by
   Franchisee, and Franchisee shall be liable to Franchisor for damages
   resulting from such infringement in addition to any fees paid or payable
   hereunder, including, without limitation, any profits which Franchisee
   derived from such post-termination operation of the Restaurant.

       19.4  (a)  With respect to Restaurant premises owned by Franchisee, in
   the event of termination of this Agreement, Franchisor shall have, for
   thirty (30) days after the termination is effective, an option,
   exercisable upon written notice to Franchisee within such thirty (30) day
   period, to elect to purchase the Restaurant premises from Franchisee for
   the fair market value of the land and buildings, furnishings and equipment
   located therein.

            (b)   In addition to the option described above, Franchisor shall
   have an option, exercisable upon written notice to Franchisee, to elect to
   purchase the Restaurant premises from Franchisee upon expiration of this
   Agreement for the fair market value of the land and buildings,
   furnishings, and equipment located therein subject to Franchisee's option
   to operate the Restaurant for an additional term under Subsection 1.3
   hereof.  If Franchisee does not notify Franchisor, pursuant to
   Subsection 1.3 hereof, of a desire to operate the Restaurant for an
   additional term, then Franchisor shall provide the written notice
   described in the preceding sentence within thirty (30) days after the
   latest date by which Franchisee is required by Subsection 1.3 to advise
   Franchisor of such a desire; if Franchisee does notify Franchisor of a
   desire to operate the Restaurant for an additional term and Franchisor
   determines that Franchisee is not eligible to do so, Franchisor shall
   provide the written notice described in the preceding sentence within
   thirty (30) days of its written notice to Franchisee that Franchisee is
   not eligible to operate the Restaurant for such additional term.  With
   respect to the option to purchase upon expiration of this Agreement, this
   option shall not apply if prior to thirty (30) days before said
   expiration, Franchisee enters into an agreement to sell such Restaurant
   premises to a third party upon the expiration of the Franchise Agreement,
   provided that Franchisee's agreement with the purchaser includes a
   covenant by the purchaser, which is expressly enforceable by Franchisor as
   a third-party beneficiary thereof, pursuant to which the purchaser agrees
   that, for a period of twelve (12) months after the expiration of this
   Agreement, the purchaser shall not use such premises for the operation of
   a restaurant business whose menu or method of operation is similar to that
   employed by restaurant units within the System.

            (c)   If Franchisee receives approval to operate the Restaurant
   premises for an additional term in accordance with Subsection 1.3 hereof,
   Franchisee will be required to execute the then-existing form of franchise
   agreement, which shall contain an option to obtain assignment of
   Franchisee's lease with a third party and/or to purchase certain property,
   exercisable by Franchisor upon termination thereof, and an option to
   purchase the Restaurant premises, exercisable by Franchisor upon
   expiration of the additional term (subject to any then-existing rights to
   renew of Franchisee).  Such options shall be substantially similar to the
   provisions described in this Subsection 19.4.

            (d)   If the parties cannot agree on the purchase price or other
   terms of purchase within thirty (30) days following Franchisor's exercise
   of its option pursuant to Subsection 19.4(a) and (b), the price or
   disputed terms of purchase shall be determined by three (3) appraisers,
   with each party selecting one (1) appraiser and the two (2) appraisers, so
   chosen, selecting the third appraiser.  In the event of such an appraisal,
   each party shall bear its own legal and other costs and shall split the
   appraisal fees.  The appraisers' determination of the price and other
   disputed terms of purchase shall be final and binding.

            (e)   If Franchisor elects to exercise its option to purchase
   upon termination of this Agreement, the purchase price shall be paid
   within thirty (30) days of the determination of the purchase price and
   other terms of purchase.  If Franchisor elects to exercise its option to
   purchase upon expiration of this Agreement, the purchase price shall be
   paid within thirty (30) days of the later of (a) the determination of the
   purchase price and other terms of purchase, or (b) expiration of this
   Agreement.  If the Franchisor does not elect to exercise its option to
   purchase the Restaurant premises, the Franchisee may sell such premises to
   a third party, provided that Franchisee's agreement with the purchaser
   includes a covenant by the purchaser, which is expressly enforceable by
   Franchisor as a third-party beneficiary thereof, pursuant to which the
   purchaser agrees that it shall not use such premises for the operation of
   a restaurant business whose menu or method of operation is similar to that
   employed by restaurant units within the System for a period of twelve (12)
   months after the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

            (f)   If the Restaurant premises are leased by Franchisee from a
   third party, such lease must allow Franchisee to assign the lease to
   Franchisor.  Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, Franchisor
   has the right, exercisable upon written notice to Franchisee within
   thirty (30) days after termination is effective, to require Franchisee to
   assign all Franchisee's rights and obligations under the lease to
   Franchisor and to immediately surrender possession of the premises,
   including all fixtures and leasehold improvements, to Franchisor.  The
   lessor may not impose any assignment fee or other similar charge on
   Franchisor in connection with such assignment.  If Franchisor exercises
   that right, it has an additional right, to be exercised within thirty (30)
   days after taking possession of the premises, to purchase all of
   Franchisee's equipment, signs, decor items, furnishings, supplies and
   other products and materials at their then-fair market value.  If the
   parties cannot agree on the price, the price will be determined in the
   manner set forth in connection with Franchisee-owned Restaurant premises. 
   If Franchisor elects not to purchase the items mentioned above, Franchisee
   shall, at Franchisee's own expense and under Franchisor's supervision
   remove those items from the premises within ten (10) days after such final
   election, or ten (10) days after expiration of the option period,
   whichever is earlier.  If Franchisee fails to remove all such property
   from the premises within such period, Franchisor shall be entitled to do
   so, or to authorize a third party to do so, all at Franchisee's expense.

       19.5  In addition to the provisions contained in Subsection 19.4

            (a)   With respect to Restaurant premises owned by Franchisee, in
       the event of termination of this Agreement and Franchisor's exercise
       of its option to purchase the Restaurant premises pursuant to
       Subsection 19.4(a) hereof, Franchisee shall have, for ten (10) days
       after its receipt of written notice of Franchisor's election to
       purchase, an option, exercisable upon written notice to Franchisor, to
       lease said premises to Franchisor, pursuant to a lease which provides
       for rental at a rate not in excess of six percent (6%) of gross sales
       and triple net terms.  Said lease shall provide for a lease term of at
       least ten (10) years with two (2) five (5)-year options to renew, and
       for primary annual rent of not in excess of the number derived from
       multiplying six percent (6%) times the gross sales reported by
       Franchisee to Franchisor for which Franchisee has paid a royalty fee
       for the next preceding calendar year times eighty percent (80%).

            (b)   In addition to the option described above, Franchisee shall
       have an option, exercisable upon written notice to Franchisor, to
       elect to lease the Restaurant premises to Franchisor upon expiration
       of this Agreement and Franchisor's exercise of its option to purchase
       the Restaurant premises pursuant to Subsection 19.4(b) hereof,
       pursuant to the same terms set forth in Subsection 19.5(a) above,
       subject to Franchisee's option to operate the Restaurant for an
       additional term under Subsection 1.3 hereof.  If (i) Franchisee does
       not notify Franchisor, pursuant to Subsection 1.3 hereof, of a desire
       to operate the Restaurant for an additional term, or (ii) Franchisee
       does notify Franchisor of a desire to operate the Restaurant for an
       additional term and Franchisor determines that Franchisee is not
       eligible to do so, and Franchisor exercises its option to purchase the
       Restaurant premises, then Franchisee shall provide the written notice
       described in the preceding sentence within ten (10) days after its
       receipt of written notice of Franchisor's election to purchase.  With
       respect to the option to lease upon expiration of this Agreement, this
       option shall not apply if prior to thirty (30) days before said
       expiration, Franchisee enters into an agreement to sell such
       Restaurant premises to a third party upon the expiration of the
       Franchise Agreement, provided that Franchisee's agreement with the
       purchaser includes a covenant by the purchaser, which is expressly
       enforceable by Franchisor as a third-party beneficiary thereof,
       pursuant to which the purchaser agrees, at Franchisor's option, either
       to lease said premises to Franchisor upon the terms set forth in
       Subsection 19.5(a), or that for a period of twelve (12) months after
       the expiration of this Agreement, the purchaser shall not use such
       premises for the operation of a restaurant business whose menu or
       method of operation is similar to that employed by restaurant units
       within the System.

            (c)   If Franchisee receives approval to operate the Restaurant
       premises for an additional term in accordance with Subsection 1.3
       hereof, Franchisee will be required to execute the then-existing form
       of franchise agreement which shall contain an option to obtain
       assignment of Franchisee's lease with a third party and/or to lease
       certain property, exercisable by Franchisor upon termination thereof,
       and an option to lease the Restaurant premises, exercisable by
       Franchisor upon expiration of the additional term (subject to any
       then-existing rights to renew of Franchisee).  Such options shall be
       substantially similar to the provisions described in this Subsection


       20.1  The waiver by any party to this Agreement of any breach or
   default, or series of breaches or defaults, of any term, covenant or
   condition herein, or of any same or similar term, covenant or condition
   contained in any other agreement between Franchisor and any franchisee,
   shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent or continuing breach or
   default of the same or any other term, covenant or condition contained in
   this Agreement, or in any other agreement between Franchisor and any

       20.2  All rights and remedies of the parties hereto shall be
   cumulative and not alternative, in addition to and not exclusive of any
   other rights or remedies which are provided for herein or which may be
   available at law or in equity in case of any breach, failure or default or
   threatened breach, failure or default of any term, provision or condition
   of this Agreement.  The rights and remedies of the parties hereto shall be
   continuing and shall not be exhausted by any one (1) or more uses thereof,
   and may be exercised at any time or from time to time as often as may be
   expedient; and any option or election to enforce any such right or remedy
   may be exercised or taken at any time and from time to time.  The
   expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement shall not discharge or
   release Franchisee or any Principal Shareholder from any liability or
   obligation then accrued, or any liability or obligation continuing beyond,
   or arising out of, the expiration or earlier termination of the Agreement.


       21.1  If any part of this Agreement shall for any reason be declared
   invalid, unenforceable or impaired in any way, the validity of the
   remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect as if the
   Agreement had been executed with such invalid portion eliminated, and it
   is hereby declared the intention of the parties that they would have
   executed the remaining portion of this Agreement without including therein
   any such portions which might be declared invalid; provided however, that
   in the event any part hereof relating to the payment of fees to
   Franchisor, or the preservation of any of Franchisor's trade names,
   service marks, trademarks, trade secrets or secret formulae licensed or
   disclosed hereunder is for any reason declared invalid or unenforceable,
   then Franchisor shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon
   written notice to Franchisee.  If any clause or provision herein would be
   deemed invalid or unenforceable as written, it shall be deemed modified or
   limited to such extent or in such manner as may be necessary to render the
   clause or provision valid and enforceable to the greatest extent possible
   in light of the interest of the parties expressed in that clause or
   provision, subject to the provisions of the preceding sentence.



       The parties agree that service of process in any proceeding arising
   out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance thereof may be
   made as to Franchisee and any Principal Shareholder by serving a person of
   suitable age and discretion (such as the person in charge of the office)
   at the address of Franchisee specified in this Agreement and as to
   Franchisor by serving the president or a vice-president of Franchisor at
   the address of Franchisor or by serving Franchisor's registered agent.


       During the term of this Agreement, neither Franchisor nor Franchisee
   shall employ or seek to employ in a managerial position (i.e., in a
   position at a pay grade at or above that of Assistant Restaurant Manager
   or Kitchen Manager), directly or indirectly, any person who is at the time
   or was at any time during the prior six (6) months employed by the other
   party or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates, or by any franchisee in
   the System.  This section shall not be violated if, at the time Franchisor
   or Franchisee employs or seeks to employ such person, such former employer
   has given its written consent.  Notwithstanding any other provision of
   this Agreement, the parties hereto acknowledge that if this Section is
   violated, such former employer shall be entitled to liquidated damages
   equal to three (3) times the annual salary of the employee involved, plus
   reimbursement of all costs and attorneys' fees incurred.  In addition to
   the rights granted to the parties hereto, the parties acknowledge and
   agree that any franchisee from which an employee was hired by either party
   to this Agreement in violation of the terms of this Section shall be
   deemed to be a third-party beneficiary of this provision and may sue and
   recover against the offending party the liquidated damages herein set
   forth; provided however, the failure by Franchisee to enforce this Section
   shall not be deemed to be a violation of this Section.


       The grant of the rights which are the subject of this Agreement is
   expressly conditioned upon the ability of the Franchisee to obtain and
   maintain any and all required state and/or local licenses permitting the
   sale of liquor by the drink on the Restaurant premises, and Franchisee
   agrees to use its best efforts to obtain such licenses.  In the event
   Franchisee fails, after a good faith effort, to obtain any and all such
   required liquor licenses prior to the date on which the Restaurant is
   otherwise ready to open for business, then, at the option of the
   Franchisor, this Agreement may be terminated forthwith by Franchisor upon
   written notice to Franchisee, in which event, Franchisor shall refund to
   Franchisee, without interest, the initial franchise fee payment referred
   to in Subsection 9.1, less any expenses incurred and damages sustained by
   Franchisor in connection with its performance hereunder prior to the date
   of such termination.  After obtaining the necessary state or local liquor
   licenses, Franchisee shall thereafter comply with all applicable laws and
   regulations relating to the sale of liquor on the Restaurant premises. 
   If, during any twelve (12) month period during the term of this Agreement,
   Franchisee is prohibited for any reason from selling liquor on the
   Restaurant premises for more than thirty (30) days because of a violation
   or violations of state or local liquor laws, then at the option of
   Franchisor this Agreement may be terminated forthwith by Franchisor upon
   written notice to Franchisee.

   24.     FORCE MAJEURE

       24.1  As used in this Agreement, the term "Force Majeure" shall mean
   any act of God, strike, lock-out or other industrial disturbance, war
   (declared or undeclared), riot, epidemic, fire or other catastrophe, act
   of any government and any other similar cause not within the control of
   the party affected thereby.

       24.2  If the performance of any obligation by any party under this
   Agreement is prevented, hindered or delayed by reason of Force Majeure,
   which cannot be overcome by use of normal commercial measures, the parties
   shall be relieved of their respective obligations to the extent the
   parties are respectively necessarily prevented, hindered or delayed in
   such performance during the period of such Force Majeure.  The party whose
   performance is affected by an event of Force Majeure shall give prompt
   notice of such Force Majeure event to the other party by telephone or
   telegram (in each case to be confirmed in writing), setting forth the
   nature thereof and an estimate as to its duration, and shall be liable for
   failure to give such timely notice only to the extent of damage actually

       24.3  Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 24, if, as a
   result of an event of Force Majeure (including condemnation proceedings),
   the Franchisee ceases to operate the Restaurant or loses the right to
   possession of the Restaurant premises, Franchisee shall apply within
   thirty (30) days after the event of Force Majeure for Franchisor's
   approval to relocate and/or reconstruct the Restaurant.  If relocation is
   necessary, Franchisor agrees to use its reasonable efforts to assist
   Franchisee in locating an alternative site in the same general area where
   Franchisee can operate a Restaurant within the System for the balance of
   the term of the Franchise Agreement.  If Franchisor so assists Franchisee,
   Franchisee shall reimburse Franchisor for its reasonable out-of-pocket
   expenses incurred as a result thereof.  (This provision shall not be
   construed to prevent Franchisee from receiving the full amount of any
   condemnation award of damages relating to the closing of the Restaurant;
   provided however, that if Franchisor or an affiliate is the lessor of the
   Restaurant premises, Franchisee specifically waives and releases any claim
   it may have for the value of any building, fixtures and other improvements
   on the premises, whether or not installed or paid for by the Franchisee,
   and Franchisee agrees to subordinate any claim it may have to Franchisor's
   claim for such improvements.)  Selection of an alternative location will
   be subject to the site approval procedures set forth in Section 5 of the
   Development Agreement.  Once Franchisee has obtained Franchisor's approval
   to relocate and/or reconstruct the Restaurant, Franchisee must diligently
   pursue relocation and/or reconstruction until the Restaurant is reopened
   for business.


       25.1  All notices and other communications required or permitted to be
   given hereunder shall be deemed given when delivered in person or mailed
   by registered or certified mail addressed to the recipient at the address
   set forth below, unless that party shall have given written notice of
   change of address to the sending party, in which event the new address so
   specified shall be used.

       FRANCHISOR:    Applebee's International, Inc.
                      4551 W. 107th Street, Suite 100
                      Overland Park, Kansas 66207
                      Attention:  President



       25.2  All terms used in this Agreement, regardless of the number and
   gender in which they are used, shall be deemed and construed to include
   any other number, singular or plural, and any other gender, masculine,
   feminine or neuter, as the context or sense of this Agreement may require,
   the same as if such words had been written in this Agreement themselves. 
   The headings inserted in this Agreement are for reference purposes only
   and shall not affect the construction of this Agreement or limit the
   generality of any of its provisions.  The term "business day" means any
   day other than Saturday, Sunday, or the following national holidays:  New
   Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day,
   Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving and

       25.3  Franchisee shall, at its own cost and expense, promptly comply
   with all laws, ordinances, orders, rules, regulations and requirements of
   all federal, state and municipal governments and appropriate departments,
   commissions, boards and offices thereof.  Without limiting the generality
   of the foregoing, Franchisee shall abide by all applicable rules and
   regulations of any public health department.

       25.4  In the event that Franchisor has leased the Restaurant premises
   to Franchisee pursuant to a written lease agreement (the "Lease"), the
   Lease is hereby incorporated in this Agreement by reference, and any
   failure on the part of Franchisee (Lessee therein) to perform, fulfill or
   observe any of the covenants, conditions or agreements contained in the
   Lease shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement.  It is
   expressly understood, acknowledged and agreed by Franchisee that any
   termination of the Lease shall result in automatic and immediate
   termination of this Agreement without additional notice to Franchisee.

       25.5  This Agreement and the documents referred to herein constitute
   the entire agreement between the parties, superseding and canceling any
   and all prior and contemporaneous agreements, understandings,
   representations, inducements and statements, oral or written, of the
   parties in connection with the subject matter hereof.  FRANCHISEE

       25.6  Except as expressly authorized herein, no amendment or
   modification of this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing
   both by Franchisor and by Franchisee and Principal Shareholders.


       Franchisee and Principal Shareholders acknowledge that:

            (a)   Franchisee has received a copy of this Agreement and has
       had an opportunity to consult with its attorney with respect thereto
       at least five (5) business days prior to execution of this Agreement;

            (b)   No representation has been made by Franchisor as to the
       future profitability of the Restaurant;

            (c)   Prior to the execution of this Agreement, Franchisee has
       had ample opportunity to contact Franchisor's existing franchisees, if
       any, and to investigate all statements made by Franchisor relating to
       the System;

            (d)   This Agreement establishes the right to construct and
       operate a Restaurant only at the location specified in Subsection 1.1
       hereof; and

            (e)   Franchisor is the sole owner of the service marks
       identified in this Agreement, and of the goodwill associated
       therewith, and Franchisee acquires no right, title or interest in
       those names and marks other than the right to use them only in the
       manner and to the extent prescribed and approved by Franchisor.

   IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have entered into this Agreement as of
   the date first above written.


   ATTEST:                            APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC.

   Name:                              Name:                        
   Title:                             Title:                       



   Name:                              Name:                        
   Title:                             Title:                       

                                      PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDER(S):

   Witness                            Name:                        

   Witness                            Name:                        

   Witness                            Name:                        


   Witness                            Name:                        

                        EXHIBIT 1 TO FRANCHISE AGREEMENT

                                   ROYALTY FEE

       The monthly royalty fee to be paid by Franchisee shall be four
   percent (4%) of each calendar month's gross sales; provided however, on
   and after January 1, 2000, Franchisor may, in its sole discretion,
   increase the monthly royalty fee to five percent (5%) of each calendar
   month's gross sales.



                                                Percent of Issued
                                                and Outstanding
                      Shareholder               Shares of Franchisee



        In determining whether to grant or to withhold consent to a proposed
   Transfer, Franchisor shall consider all of the facts and circumstances
   which it views as relevant in the particular instance, including, but not
   limited to, any of the following:  (i) work experience and aptitude of
   Proposed New Owner and/or proposed new management (a proposed transferee
   of a Principal Shareholder's Interest and/or a proposed transferee of this
   Agreement is referred to as "Proposed New Owner"); (ii) financial
   background and condition of Proposed New Owner, and actual and pro forma
   financial condition of Franchisee; (iii) character and reputation of
   Proposed New Owner; (iv) conflicting interests of Proposed New Owner;
   (v) the terms and conditions of Proposed New Owner's rights, if the
   proposed Transfer is a pledge or hypothecation; (vi) the adequacy of
   Franchisee's operation of any Restaurant and compliance with the System
   and this Agreement; and (vii) such other criteria and conditions as
   Franchisor shall then consider relevant in the case of an application for
   a new franchise to operate a restaurant unit within the System by an
   applicant that is not then currently doing so.  Franchisor's consent also
   may be conditioned upon execution by Proposed New Owner of an agreement
   whereby Proposed New Owner assumes full, unconditional, joint and several
   liability for, and agrees to perform from the date of such Transfer, all
   obligations, covenants and agreements contained herein to the same extent
   as if it had been an original party to this Agreement and may also require
   Franchisee and Principal Shareholders, including the proposed
   Transferor(s), to execute a general release which releases Franchisor from
   any claims they may have had or then have against Franchisor.  In the
   event Proposed New Owner is a partnership (including, but not limited to,
   a limited partnership), Proposed New Owner will also be required to
   execute an addendum to the Agreement which amends the references to
   Franchisee and its Principal Shareholders to include the partnership
   approved by Franchisor and Proposed New Owner's general partner(s) and the
   principal shareholders of the general partner(s), if the general
   partner(s) is a corporation.  This addendum will contain a provision
   including in the definition of "Transfer" the withdrawal, removal or
   voluntary/involuntary dissolution (if applicable) of the general
   partner(s) or the substitution or addition of a new general partner. 
   Franchisee or Principal Shareholders, as the case may be, shall provide
   Franchisor with such information as it may require in connection with a
   request for approval of a proposed Transfer.


                            CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT

        THIS AGREEMENT is made this ________ day of ________________,
   19_______, by and between _______________________________________, a
   _____________ corporation ("Developer"), and __________________________,
   an individual employed by Developer ("Employee").


        WHEREAS, APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC. ("Applebee's") is the owner
   of all rights in and to a unique system for the development and operation
   of restaurants (the "System"), which includes proprietary rights in
   valuable trade names, service marks and trademarks, including the service
   mark Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar and variations of such mark,
   designs and color schemes for restaurant premises, signs, equipment,
   procedures and formulae for preparing food and beverage products,
   specifications for certain food and beverage products, inventory methods,
   operating methods, financial control concepts, a training facility and
   teaching techniques;

        WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of the exclusive right to develop
   restaurants franchised by Applebee's which utilize the System
   ("Restaurants") for the period and in the territory described in the
   Development Agreement between Applebee's and Developer (the "Development
   Agreement"); and

        WHEREAS, Developer acknowledges that Applebee's information as
   described above was developed over time at great expense, is not generally
   known in the industry and is beyond Developer's own present skills and
   experience, and that to develop it itself would be expensive,
   time-consuming and difficult, that it provides a competitive advantage and
   will be valuable to Developer in the development of its business, and that
   gaining access to it was therefore a primary reason why Developer entered
   into the Development Agreement; and

        WHEREAS, in consideration of Applebee's confidential disclosure to
   Developer of these trade secrets, Developer has agreed to be obligated by
   the terms of Development Agreement to execute, with each employee of
   Developer who will have supervisory authority over the development or
   operation of more than one Restaurant in the Territory described in the
   Development Agreement, a written agreement protecting Applebee's trade
   secrets and confidential information entrusted to Employee;

        NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and
   obligations contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

        (1)  The parties acknowledge and agree that Employee is or will be
   employed in a supervisory or managerial capacity and in such capacity will
   have access to information and materials which constitute trade secrets
   and confidential and proprietary information.  The parties further
   acknowledge and agree that any actual or potential direct or indirect
   competitor of Applebee's, or of any of its franchisees, shall not have
   access to such trade secrets and confidential information.

        (2)  The parties acknowledge and agree that the System includes
   trade secrets and confidential information which Applebee's has revealed
   to Developer in confidence, and that protection of said trade secrets and
   confidential information and protection of Applebee's against unfair
   competition from others who enjoy or who have had access to said trade
   secrets and confidential information are essential for the maintenance of
   goodwill and special value of the System.

        (3)  Employee agrees that he or she shall not at any time
   (i) appropriate or use the trade secrets incorporated in the System, or
   any portion thereof, for use in any business which is not within the
   System; (ii) disclose or reveal any portion of the System to any person,
   other than to Developer's employees as an incident of their training;
   (iii) acquire any right to use, or to license or franchise the use of any
   name, mark or other intellectual property right which is or may be granted
   by any franchise agreement between Applebee's and Developer; or
   (iv) communicate, divulge or use for the benefit of any other person or
   entity any confidential information, knowledge or know-how concerning the
   methods of development or operation of a Restaurant which may be
   communicated to Employee or of which Employee may be apprised by virtue of
   Employee's employment by Developer.  Employee shall divulge such
   confidential information only to such of Developer's other employees as
   must have access to that information in order to operate a Restaurant or
   to develop a prospective site for a Restaurant.  Any and information,
   knowledge and know-how, including, without limitation, drawings,
   materials, equipment, specifications, techniques and other data, which
   Applebee's designates as confidential, shall be deemed confidential for
   purposes of this Agreement.

        (4)  Employee further acknowledges and agrees that the Franchise
   Operations Manual and any other materials or manuals provided or made
   available to Developer by Applebee's (collectively, the "Manuals"),
   described in Section 5 of the applicable franchise agreement between
   Applebee's and Developer, are loaned by Applebee's to Developer for
   limited purposes only, remain the property of Applebee's, and may not be
   reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written consent of

        (5)  Employee agrees to surrender to Developer or to Applebee's each
   and every copy of the Manuals and any other information or material in his
   or her possession or control upon request, upon termination of employment
   or upon completion of the use for which said Manuals or other information
   or material may have been furnished to Employee.

        (6)  The parties agree that in the event of a breach of this
   Agreement, Applebee's would be irreparably injured and would be without an
   adequate remedy at law.  Therefore, in the event of a breach or a
   threatened or attempted breach of any of the provisions hereof, Applebee's
   shall be entitled to enforce the provisions of this Agreement as a third-
   party beneficiary hereof and shall be entitled, in addition to any other
   remedies which it may have hereunder at law or in equity (including the
   right to terminate the Development Agreement), to a temporary and/or
   permanent injunction and a decree for specific performance of the terms
   hereof without the necessity of showing actual or threatened damage, and
   without being required to furnish a bond or other security.

        (7)  If any court or other tribunal having jurisdiction to determine
   the validity or enforceability of this Agreement determines that it would
   be invalid or unenforceable as written, the provisions hereof shall be
   deemed to be modified or limited to such extent or in such manner
   necessary for such provisions to be valid and enforceable to the greatest
   extent possible.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have entered into this Agreement
   as of the date first above written.

   DEVELOPER                          EMPLOYEE

   By:                                By:                          
   Name:                              Name:                        



                                                Percent of Issued
                                                and Outstanding
                      Shareholder               Shares of Developer

                 The Marcus Corporation                      100%



        In determining whether to grant or to withhold consent to a proposed
   Transfer, Franchisor shall consider all of the facts and circumstances
   which it views as relevant in the particular instance, including, but not
   limited to, any of the following:  (i) work experience and aptitude of
   Proposed New Owner and/or proposed new management (a proposed transferee
   of a Principal Shareholder's Interest and/or a proposed transferee of this
   Agreement is referred to as "Proposed New Owner"); (ii) financial
   background and condition of Proposed New Owner, and actual and pro forma
   financial condition of Developer; (iii) character and reputation of
   Proposed New Owner; (iv) conflicting interests of Proposed New Owner;
   (v) the terms and conditions of Proposed New Owner's rights, if the
   proposed Transfer is a pledge or hypothecation; (vi) the adequacy of
   Developer's operation (as Franchisee) of any Restaurant and compliance
   with the System and this Agreement; and (vii) such other criteria and
   conditions as Franchisor shall then consider relevant in the case of an
   application for a new franchise to operate a restaurant unit within the
   System by an applicant that is not then currently doing so.  Franchisor's
   consent also may be conditioned upon execution by Proposed New Owner of an
   agreement whereby Proposed New Owner assumes full, unconditional, joint
   and several liability for, and agrees to perform from the date of such
   Transfer, all obligations, covenants and agreements contained herein to
   the same extent as if it had been an original party to this Agreement and
   may also require Developer and Principal Shareholders, including the
   proposed Transferor(s), to execute a general release which releases
   Franchisor from any claims they may have had or then have against
   Franchisor.  In the event Proposed New Owner is a partnership (including,
   but not limited to, a limited partnership), Proposed New Owner will also
   be required to execute an addendum to the Agreement which amends the
   references to Developer and its Principal Shareholders to include the
   partnership approved by Franchisor and Proposed New Owner's general
   partner(s) and the principal shareholders of the general partner(s), if
   the general partner(s) is a corporation.  This addendum will contain a
   provision including in the definition of "Transfer" the withdrawal,
   removal or voluntary/involuntary dissolution (if applicable) of the
   general partner(s) or the substitution or addition of a new general
   partner.  Developer or Principal Shareholders, as the case may be, shall
   provide Franchisor with such information as it may require in connection
   with a request for approval of a proposed Transfer.


                          CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT AND
                             COVENANT NOT TO COMPETE

        THIS AGREEMENT is made this ________ day of ________________,
   19______, by and between _______________________________________, a
   _____________ corporation ("Developer"), and __________________________,
   an individual employed by Developer ("Employee").


        WHEREAS, APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC. ("Applebee's") is the owner
   of all rights in and to a unique system for the development and operation
   of restaurants (the "System"), which includes proprietary rights in
   valuable trade names, service marks and trademarks, including the service
   mark Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar and variations of such mark,
   designs and color schemes for restaurant premises, signs, equipment,
   procedures and formulae for preparing food and beverage products,
   specifications for certain food and beverage products, inventory methods,
   operating methods, financial control concepts, a training facility and
   teaching techniques;

        WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of the exclusive right to develop
   restaurants franchised by Applebee's which utilize the System
   ("Restaurants") for the period and in the territory described in the
   Development Agreement between Applebee's and Developer (the "Development

        WHEREAS, Developer acknowledges that Applebee's information as
   described above was developed over time at great expense, is not generally
   known in the industry and is beyond Developer's own present skills and
   experience, and that to develop it itself would be expensive,
   time-consuming and difficult, that it provides a competitive advantage and
   will be valuable to Developer in the development of its business, and that
   gaining access to it was therefore a primary reason why Developer entered
   into the Development Agreement; and

        WHEREAS, in consideration of Applebee's confidential disclosure to
   Developer of these trade secrets, Developer has agreed to be obligated by
   the terms of Development Agreement to execute, with its Director of
   Operations, a written agreement protecting Applebee's trade secrets and
   confidential information entrusted to Employee, and protecting against
   unfair competition;

        NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and
   obligations contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

        (1)  The parties acknowledge and agree that Employee is or will be
   employed in a supervisory or managerial capacity and in such capacity will
   have access to information and materials which constitute trade secrets
   and confidential and proprietary information.  The parties further
   acknowledge and agree that any actual or potential direct or indirect
   competitor of Applebee's or of any of its franchisees shall not have
   access to such trade secrets and confidential information.

        (2)  The parties acknowledge and agree that the System includes
   trade secrets and confidential information which Applebee's has revealed
   or will reveal to Developer in confidence, and that protection of said
   trade secrets and confidential information and protection of Applebee's
   against unfair competition from others who enjoy or who have had access to
   said trade secrets and confidential information are essential for the
   maintenance of goodwill and special value of the System.

        (3)  Employee agrees that he or she shall not at any time
   (i) appropriate or use the trade secrets incorporated in the System, or
   any portion thereof, for use in any business which is not within the
   System; (ii) disclose or reveal any portion of the System to any person
   other than to Developer's employees as an incident of their training;
   (iii) acquire any right to use, or to license or franchise the use of any
   name, mark or other intellectual property right which is or may be granted
   by any franchise agreement between Applebee's and Developer; or
   (iv) communicate, divulge or use for the benefit of any other person or
   entity any confidential information, knowledge or know-how concerning the
   methods of development or operation of a Restaurant which may be
   communicated to Employee or of which Employee may be apprised by virtue of
   Employee's employment by Developer.  Employee shall divulge such
   confidential information only to such of Developer's other employees as
   must have access to that information in order to operate a Restaurant or
   to develop a prospective site for a Restaurant.  Any and all information,
   knowledge and know-how, including, without limitation, drawings,
   materials, equipment, specifications, techniques and other data, which
   Applebee's designates as confidential, shall be deemed confidential for
   purposes of this Agreement.

        (4)  Employee agrees that for the duration of his or her employment
   by Developer, and for two (2) years following termination thereof,
   Employee may not, without the prior written consent of Applebee's,
   directly or indirectly, for himself or through, on behalf of or in
   conjunction with any person, partnership or corporation, engage in or
   acquire any financial or beneficial interest (including any interest in
   corporations, partnerships, trusts, unincorporated associations or joint
   ventures) in, advise, help, guarantee loans or make loans to, any
   restaurant business whose menu or method of operation is the same as or
   similar to that employed by restaurant units within the System which is
   located either (a) in the Territory, as defined in the Development
   Agreement, or (b) in the Area of Dominant Influence (as defined and
   established from time to time by Arbitron Ratings Company) of any
   Restaurant developed pursuant to the Development Agreement.

        (5)  Employee further acknowledges and agrees that the Franchise
   Operations Manual and any other materials and manuals provided or made
   available to Developer by Applebee's (collectively, the "Manuals"),
   described in Section 5 of the form of franchise agreement which is
   attached as Appendix B to the Development Agreement are loaned by
   Applebee's to Developer for limited purposes only, remain the property of
   Applebee's, and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the
   written consent of Applebee's.

        (6)  Employee agrees to surrender to Developer or to Applebee's each
   and every copy of the Manuals and any other information or material in his
   or her possession or control upon request, upon termination of employment,
   or upon completion of the use for which said Manuals or other information
   or material may have been furnished to Employee.

        (7)  The parties agree that in the event of a breach of this
   Agreement, Applebee's would be irreparably injured and would be without an
   adequate remedy at law.  Therefore, in the event of a breach or a
   threatened or attempted breach of any of the provisions hereof, Applebee's
   shall be entitled to enforce the provisions of this agreement as a third-
   party beneficiary hereof and shall be entitled, in addition to any other
   remedies which it may have hereunder at law or in equity (including the
   right to terminate the Development Agreement), to a temporary and/or
   permanent injunction and a decree for specific performance of the terms
   hereof without the necessity of showing actual or threatened damage, and
   without being required to furnish a bond or other security.

        (8)  The restrictions in Subsection (4) hereof shall not apply to
   ownership of less than two percent (2%) of the shares of a company whose
   shares are traded on a national securities exchange if such shares are
   owned for investment only, and are not owned by an officer, director,
   employee or consultant of such publicly traded company.

        (9)  If any court or other tribunal having jurisdiction to determine
   the validity or enforceability of this Agreement determines that it would
   be invalid or unenforceable as written, the provisions hereof shall be
   deemed to be modified or limited to such extent or in such manner
   necessary for such provisions to be valid and enforceable to the greatest
   extent possible.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have entered into this Agreement
   as of the date first above written.

   DEVELOPER:                         EMPLOYEE:

   By:                                By:                          
   Name:                              Name:                        


                            CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT

        THIS AGREEMENT is made this ________ day of ________________,
   19_______, by and between ________________________________________, a
   _____________ corporation ("Developer"), and __________________________,
   an individual employed by Developer ("Employee").


        WHEREAS, APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC. ("Applebee's") is the owner
   of all rights in and to a unique system for the development and operation
   of restaurants (the "System"), which includes proprietary rights in
   valuable trade names, service marks and trademarks, including the service
   mark Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar and variations of such mark,
   designs and color schemes for restaurant premises, signs, equipment,
   procedures and formulae for preparing food and beverage products,
   specifications for certain food and beverage products, inventory methods,
   operating methods, financial control concepts, a training facility and
   teaching techniques;

        WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of the exclusive right to develop
   restaurants franchised by Applebee's which utilize the System
   ("Restaurants") for the period and in the territory described in the
   Development Agreement between Applebee's and Developer (the "Development
   Agreement"); and

        WHEREAS, Developer acknowledges that Applebee's information as
   described above was developed over time at great expense, is not generally
   known in the industry and is beyond Developer's own present skills and
   experience, and that to develop it itself would be expensive,
   time-consuming and difficult, that it provides a competitive advantage and
   will be valuable to Developer in the development of its business, and that
   gaining access to it was therefore a primary reason why Developer entered
   into the Development Agreement; and

        WHEREAS, in consideration of Applebee's confidential disclosure to
   Developer of these trade secrets, Developer has agreed to be obligated by
   the terms of Development Agreement to execute, with each employee of
   Developer who will have supervisory authority over the development or
   operation of more than one Restaurant in the Territory described in the
   Development Agreement, a written agreement protecting Applebee's trade
   secrets and confidential information entrusted to Employee;

        NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and
   obligations contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

        (1)  The parties acknowledge and agree that Employee is or will be
   employed in a supervisory or managerial capacity and in such capacity will
   have access to information and materials which constitute trade secrets
   and confidential and proprietary information.  The parties further
   acknowledge and agree that any actual or potential direct or indirect
   competitor of Applebee's, or of any of its franchisees, shall not have
   access to such trade secrets and confidential information.

        (2)  The parties acknowledge and agree that the System includes
   trade secrets and confidential information which Applebee's has revealed
   to Developer in confidence, and that protection of said trade secrets and
   confidential information and protection of Applebee's against unfair
   competition from others who enjoy or who have had access to said trade
   secrets and confidential information are essential for the maintenance of
   goodwill and special value of the System.

        (3)  Employee agrees that he or she shall not at any time
   (i) appropriate or use the trade secrets incorporated in the System, or
   any portion thereof, for use in any business which is not within the
   System; (ii) disclose or reveal any portion of the System to any person
   other than to Developer's employees as an incident of their training;
   (iii) acquire any right to use, or to license or franchise the use of any
   name, mark or other intellectual property right which is or may be granted
   by any franchise agreement between Applebee's and Developer; or
   (iv) communicate, divulge or use for the benefit of any other person or
   entity any confidential information, knowledge or know-how concerning the
   methods of development or operation of a Restaurant which may be
   communicated to Employee or of which Employee may be apprised by virtue of
   Employee's employment by Developer.  Employee shall divulge such
   confidential information only to such of Developer's other employees as
   must have access to that information in order to operate a Restaurant or
   to develop a prospective site for a Restaurant.  Any and information,
   knowledge and know-how, including, without limitation, drawings,
   materials, equipment, specifications, techniques and other data, which
   Applebee's designates as confidential, shall be deemed confidential for
   purposes of this Agreement.

        (4)  Employee further acknowledges and agrees that the Franchise
   Operations Manual and any other materials or manuals provided or made
   available to Developer by Applebee's (collectively, the "Manuals"),
   described in Section 5 of the applicable franchise agreement between
   Applebee's and Developer, are loaned by Applebee's to Developer for
   limited purposes only, remain the property of Applebee's, and may not be
   reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written consent of

        (5)  Employee agrees to surrender to Developer or to Applebee's each
   and every copy of the Manuals and any other information or material in his
   or her possession or control upon request, upon termination of employment
   or upon completion of the use for which said Manuals or other information
   or material may have been furnished to Employee.

        (6)  The parties agree that in the event of a breach of this
   Agreement, Applebee's would be irreparably injured and would be without an
   adequate remedy at law.  Therefore, in the event of a breach or a
   threatened or attempted breach of any of the provisions hereof, Applebee's
   shall be entitled to enforce the provisions of this Agreement as a third-
   party beneficiary hereof and shall be entitled, in addition to any other
   remedies which it may have hereunder at law or in equity (including the
   right to terminate the Development Agreement), to a temporary and/or
   permanent injunction and a decree for specific performance of the terms
   hereof without the necessity of showing actual or threatened damage, and
   without being required to furnish a bond or other security.

        (7)  If any court or other tribunal having jurisdiction to determine
   the validity or enforceability of this Agreement determines that it would
   be invalid or unenforceable as written, the provisions hereof shall be
   deemed to be modified or limited to such extent or in such manner
   necessary for such provisions to be valid and enforceable to the greatest
   extent possible.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have entered into this Agreement
   as of the date first above written.

   DEVELOPER                          EMPLOYEE

   By:                                By:                          
   Name:                              Name:                        



                               Big Boy restaurants
                              Captain's restaurants
                          Pancho O'Mally's restaurants
                       Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants
                      Marc's Cafe & Coffee Mill restaurants
                       Gino's East of Chicago restaurants


        THIS FIRST ADDENDUM is made and entered into this ________ day of
   ________________, 19_____, by and between APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC.,
   a Delaware corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Franchisor", MARCUS
   RESTAURANTS, INC., a Wisconsin corporation, hereinafter sometimes referred
   to as "Developer" or "Franchisee".


        WHEREAS, Franchisor franchises nationally the Applebee's Neighborhood
   Grill & Bar restaurant system (the "System"), and 

        WHEREAS, contemporaneous with the execution of this First Addendum to
   Development Agreement, Franchisor and Franchisee have entered into an
   Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar Development Agreement (the
   "Development Agreement") whereby Franchisor will grant to Franchisee the
   right to develop Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar Restaurants, as such
   term is defined in the Development Agreement, in a market generally
   described as a portion of the Chicago, Illinois A.D.I. and more
   specifically defined in the Development Agreement (the "Territory"), and

        WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend and supplement said Development
   Agreement as hereinafter set forth,

        NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
   legal sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto
   agree as follows:

        1. The parties acknowledge that no rights regarding the Franchisor's
   trade names, trademarks and service marks are granted to Developer
   pursuant to the Development Agreement; however, if Franchisor authorizes
   Developer to use Franchisor's trade names, trademarks or service marks for
   an identified purpose, the terms of Section 18.7 of the form of franchise
   agreement attached to the Development Agreement as Appendix B (the
   "Franchise Agreement") shall apply to Developer's use of the trade names,
   trademarks and service marks, provided that the Developer's use of such
   names and marks is consistent with the requirements and restrictions of
   Section 18 of the Franchise Agreement.

        2. Developer agrees to require Axel Wolff and Bruce Olson to execute
   the form of Confidentiality Agreement and Covenant Not To Compete attached
   as Appendix E to the Development Agreement.

        3. The parties agree that if and when Franchisor adopts the new form
   of the franchise agreement agreed upon by the Franchisor and the
   Applebee's franchise business council for use in the System,
   notwithstanding Section 6 of the Development Agreement, Developer will
   have the option for thirty (30) days after receipt of the new form of
   franchise agreement to adopt all of the provisions of the new form of
   franchise agreement for all of its franchises and to substitute the new
   form for the Franchise Agreement to be used for all future Restaurants
   developed.  If Developer wishes to exercise its option, Developer must
   notify Franchisor in writing within the thirty (30) day option period. 
   Developer acknowledges that its option relates only to the adoption of the
   new form of franchise agreement in its entirety and that Developer may not
   choose to adopt only select provisions of the new form.

        4. Subsection 8.8(a) of the Development Agreement shall be
   supplemented by the following sentence:

           "Franchisor's approval of a Transfer will not be unreasonably

        5. Section 9 of the Development Agreement shall be supplemented with
   the following Subsection 9.5:

           "9.5  If Franchisor is liquidated pursuant to the Chapter 7
        of Title 11 of the U.S. Code and the Development Agreement is
        not assumed by Franchisor or its trustee or assigned,
        transferred or conveyed to a third party, the Development
        Agreement will automatically terminate."

        6. Subsections 11.1(a) and (b) of the Development Agreement shall be
   deleted in their entirety and the following provisions inserted in lieu

                  "(a)  During the term of this Agreement, neither
        Developer nor any Principal Shareholder, for so long as such
        Principal Shareholder owns an Interest in Developer, may,
        without the prior written consent of Franchisor, directly or
        indirectly engage in, or acquire any financial or beneficial
        interest (including interests in corporations, partnerships,
        trusts, unincorporated associations or joint ventures) in,
        advise, help, guarantee loans or make loans to, any restaurant
        business, except those restaurant businesses listed in
        Appendix G to the Development Agreement, whose menu or method of
        operation is similar to that employed by restaurant units within
        the System which is either (i) located in the Territory,
        (ii) located in the Area of Dominant Influence (as defined and
        established from time to time by Arbitron Ratings Company) of
        any Restaurant developed pursuant to this Agreement,
        (iii) located within a five (5) mile radius of any restaurant
        unit within the System, or (iv) determined by Franchisor,
        exercising reasonable good faith judgment, to be a direct
        competitor of the System.

                  "(b)  Neither Developer, for two (2) years following
        the termination of this Agreement, nor any Principal
        Shareholder, for two (2) years following the termination of all
        of his or her Interest in Developer or the termination of this
        Agreement, whichever occurs first, may directly or indirectly
        engage in, or acquire any financial or beneficial interest
        (including any interest in corporations, partnerships, trusts,
        unincorporated associations or joint ventures) in, advise, help,
        guarantee loans or make loans to, any restaurant business,
        except those restaurant businesses listed in Appendix G to the
        Development Agreement, whose menu or method of operation is
        similar to that employed by restaurant units within the System
        which is located either (i) in the Territory, (ii) in the Area
        of Dominant Influence (as defined and established from time to
        time by Arbitron Ratings Company) of any Restaurant developed
        pursuant to this Agreement, (iii) within a five (5) mile radius
        of any restaurant unit within the System, or (iv) within any
        area for which an active, currently binding development
        agreement has been granted by Franchisor to another franchisee
        as of the date of termination."

        7. The Franchise Agreement which is attached to the Development
   Agreement as Appendix B and all future Franchise Agreements to be entered
   between the parties hereto pursuant to this Development Agreement shall be
   amended as set forth in the following paragraphs 8 through 10 and shall be
   interpreted and governed in accordance with this First Addendum.  Any
   future amendment or modification to such a Franchise Agreement shall not
   affect this First Addendum unless such amendment or modification expressly
   refers to this First Addendum.

        8. Subsection 12.6(a) of the Franchise Agreement shall be
   supplemented by the following sentence:

           "Franchisor's approval of a Transfer will not be unreasonably

        9. Subsections 13.1(a) and (b) of the Franchise Agreement shall be
   deleted in their entirety and the following provisions inserted in lieu

                  "(a)  During the term of this Agreement, neither
        Franchisee nor any Principal Shareholder, for so long as such
        Principal Shareholder owns an Interest in Franchisee, may,
        without the prior written consent of Franchisor, directly or
        indirectly engage in, or acquire any financial or beneficial
        interest (including interests in corporations, partnerships,
        trusts, unincorporated associations or joint ventures) in,
        advise, help, guarantee loans or make loans to, any restaurant
        business, except those restaurant businesses listed in
        Appendix G to the Development Agreement, whose menu or method of
        operation is similar to that employed by restaurant units within
        the System which is either (i) located in the Territory, as
        defined in the Development Agreement (ii) located in the Area of
        Dominant Influence (as defined and established from time to time
        by Arbitron Ratings Company) of any restaurant developed
        pursuant to the Development Agreement, (iii) located within a
        five (5) mile radius of any restaurant unit within the System,
        or (iv) determined by Franchisor, exercising reasonable good
        faith judgment, to be a direct competitor of the System.

                  "(b)  Neither Franchisee, for two (2) years following
        the termination of this Agreement, nor any Principal
        Shareholder, for two (2) years following the termination of all
        of his or her Interest in Franchisee or the termination of this
        Agreement, whichever occurs first, may directly or indirectly
        engage in, or acquire any financial or beneficial interest
        (including any interest in corporations, partnerships, trusts,
        unincorporated associations or joint ventures) in, advise, help,
        guarantee loans or make loans to, any restaurant business,
        except those restaurant businesses listed in Appendix G to the
        Development Agreement, whose menu or method of operation is
        similar to that employed by restaurant units within the System
        which is located either (i) in the Territory, as defined by the
        Development Agreement (ii) in the Area of Dominant Influence (as
        defined and established from time to time by Arbitron Ratings
        Company) of any restaurant developed pursuant to the Development
        Agreement, (iii) within a five (5) mile radius of any restaurant
        unit within the System, or (iv) within any area for which an
        active, currently binding development agreement has been granted
        by Franchisor to another franchisee as of the date of

        10.       Section 19 of the Franchise Agreement shall be supplemented
   with the following Subsection 19.6:

           "19.6  If Franchisor is liquidated pursuant to the Chapter 7
        of Title 11 of the U.S. Code and the Franchise Agreement is not
        assumed by Franchisor or its trustee or assigned, transferred or
        conveyed to a third party, the Franchise Agreement will
        automatically terminate."

        11.       This First Addendum shall be considered an integral part of
   the Development Agreement and the terms of this First Addendum shall
   govern with respect to the subject matter hereof.  Except as modified or
   supplemented by this First Addendum, the terms of the Development
   Agreement are hereby ratified and confirmed.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this First
   Addendum to Development Agreement the day and year first above written.


   ATTEST:                            APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC.


   Name:   Robert T. Steinkamp        Name:   Abe J. Gustin, Jr.
   Title:  Secretary                  Title:  President


   ATTEST:                            MARCUS RESTAURANTS, INC.

   Name:   Thomas F. Kissinger        Name:   Stephen Marcus

   Title:  Secretary                  Title:  President

   The Marcus Corporation, the principal shareholder of Developer, hereby
   executes this First Addendum to Development Agreement for the sole purpose
   of signifying its agreement with the terms contained in Paragraphs 6 and 9
   of this First Addendum.

   ATTEST:                            THE MARCUS CORPORATION

   Name:                              Name:                             
   Title:                             Title:                            


        THIS SECOND ADDENDUM is made and entered into this ________ day of
   ________________, 19_____, by and between APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC.,
   a Delaware corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Franchisor", MARCUS
   RESTAURANTS, INC., a Wisconsin corporation, hereinafter referred to as


        WHEREAS, Franchisor franchises nationally the Applebee's Neighborhood
   Grill & Bar restaurant system (the "System"), and 

        WHEREAS, contemporaneous with the execution of this Second Addendum
   to Development Agreement, Franchisor and Franchisee have entered into an
   Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar Development Agreement and a First
   Addendum to Development Agreement (collectively, the "Development
   Agreement") whereby Franchisor will grant to Franchisee the right to
   develop Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar Restaurants, as such term is
   defined in the Development Agreement, in a market generally described as a
   portion of the Chicago, Illinois A.D.I. and more specifically defined in
   the Development Agreement (the "Territory"), and

        WHEREAS, an attachment to said Development Agreement is the form
   Franchise Agreement which will be entered between the parties with respect
   to each of said Restaurants, and

        WHEREAS, Article 19 of the Franchise Agreement grants to Franchisor
   certain rights and options with respect to the Restaurant to which each of
   the franchise agreements will refer, and

        WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to amend and supplement said form
   Franchise Agreement now and in the future as hereinafter set forth,

        NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
   legal sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto
   agree as follows:

        1.   This Agreement shall be a part of the Development Agreement and
   Appendices entered this date to which it is attached, the same as if the
   provisions hereof were an integral part thereof.

        2.   Irrespective of the provisions of Article 19 of the Franchise
   Agreement attached to the Development Agreement as an Appendix or any
   other provision of either the Development Agreement or Franchise
   Agreement, if:

             (i)  All or substantially all of the assets of the Marcus
        Corporation, the principal shareholder of Developer, including the
        assets or stock of Developer, are sold to a third-party purchaser as
        a part of one (1) transaction and so long as the third-party
        purchaser is not a Direct Competitor (as hereinafter defined) of
        Franchisor, as determined by Franchisor in its discretion, and is
        approved by Franchisor as a new franchisee in the manner provided in
        the Development and Franchise Agreements; or

             (ii)  All or substantially all of the assets of Developer,
        including all of its Applebee's Restaurants (both the property and
        the operation thereof), are sold to a third-party purchaser as a part
        of one (1) transaction and so long as the third-party purchaser is
        not a Direct Competitor of Franchisor, as determined by Franchisor in
        its discretion, and is approved by Franchisor as a new franchisee in
        the manner provided in the Development and Franchise Agreements; or

             (iii)  All of Developer's Applebee's Restaurants, including the
        property and the operation thereof, are sold to a third-party
        purchaser as a part of one (1) transaction and so long as the third-
        party purchaser is not a Direct Competitor of Franchisor, as
        determined by Franchisor in its discretion, and is approved by
        Franchisor as a new franchisee in the manner provided in the
        Development and Franchise Agreements;

   then, in any one of such events, the rights and options granted Franchisor
   in Article 19 of the Franchise Agreement to purchase a Restaurant site or
   accept an assignment of the Restaurant lease, is hereby waived by

        For purposed of this Addendum, a "Direct Competitor" of Franchisor
   shall mean a person, firm, corporation or other entity which operates a
   chain of three (3) or more restaurants that are upscale, with moderately
   priced menu items, that serves alcoholic beverages, and that has a menu
   and/or method of operation substantially similar to Franchisor's menu and
   method of operation and which competitor operates its restaurants within
   the continental United States.

        Developer shall notify Franchisor of any proposed sale and within
   fifteen (15) days after receipt of such notice Franchisor will notify
   Developer whether Franchisor has determined the third-party purchaser to
   be a Direct Competitor.  If Franchisor determines that said third-party
   purchaser is not a Direct Competitor and said third-party purchaser is
   approved by Franchisor as a new franchisee in the manner and in the time
   period provided in the Development and Franchise Agreements, Franchisor
   shall have no right to purchase said Restaurant or take an assignment of
   such lease as a result of the options granted it in Article 19 of the
   Franchise Agreement.  Alternatively, if Franchisor determines that the
   third-party purchaser is a Direct Competitor as hereinbefore provided, or
   does not approve said third-party purchaser as a new franchisee, the
   provisions of Article 19 shall apply, unaffected by the terms of this
   Second Addendum.  In all other respects, except as set forth in the other
   Addenda to this Development Agreement, the Development Agreement and form
   Franchise Agreement shall remain unaffected by the terms hereof.

        3.   Franchisor acknowledges that the Marcus Corporation, the
   principal shareholder of the Developer, is not a party to the Development
   Agreement, nor any Franchise Agreement to be entered pursuant to the terms
   of said Development Agreement.  Accordingly, any reference to obligations,
   responsibilities, guarantees or liabilities of the Marcus Corporation
   referred to in the Development Agreement, Franchise Agreement or Addenda
   thereto is hereby eliminated.

        4.   This Second Addendum shall amend each and every Franchise
   Agreement entered between the parties pursuant to the Development
   Agreement now and in the future without the necessity of referring hereto
   in those agreements.  This Second Addendum may be amended by the parties
   hereto only by a written instrument specifically referring to this Second

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Second
   Addendum to Development Agreement the day and year first above written.


   ATTEST:                            APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC.

   Name:   Robert T. Steinkamp        Name:   Abe J. Gustin, Jr.
   Title:  Secretary                  Title:  President


   ATTEST:                            MARCUS RESTAURANTS, INC.

   Name:   Thomas F. Kissinger        Name:   Stephen Marcus
   Title:  Secretary                  Title:  President

   The Marcus Corporation, the principal shareholder of Developer, hereby
   executes this Second Addendum to Development Agreement for the sole
   purpose of signifying its agreement with the terms contained in
   Paragraph 2 of this Second Addendum.

   ATTEST:                            THE MARCUS CORPORATION

   Name:                              Name:                             
   Title:                             Title:                            


        THIS THIRD ADDENDUM is made and entered into this ________ day of
   ________________, 19_____, by and between APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC.,
   a Delaware corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Franchisor", MARCUS
   RESTAURANTS, INC., a Wisconsin corporation, hereinafter referred to as


        WHEREAS, Franchisor franchises nationally the Applebee's Neighborhood
   Grill & Bar restaurant system (the "System"), and 

        WHEREAS, on or about November 22, 1991, Franchisor and Franchisee
   entered into a franchise agreement (the "8680 Franchise Agreement"),
   pursuant to the terms of which Franchisee was granted the right to operate
   an Applebee's Restaurant located at 601 Martingale Road, Schaumburg,
   Illinois, upon the terms and conditions specified in the Franchise
   Agreement, and

        WHEREAS, on or about September 9, 1992, Franchisor and Franchisee
   entered into a franchise agreement (the "8719 Franchise Agreement"),
   pursuant to the terms of which Franchisee was granted the right to operate
   an Applebee's Restaurant located at 354 West Army Trail Road,
   Bloomingdale, Illinois, upon the terms and conditions specified in the
   Franchise Agreement, and

        WHEREAS, on or about February 16, 1993, Franchisor and Franchisee
   entered into a franchise agreement (the "8750 Franchise Agreement"),
   pursuant to the terms of which Franchisee was granted the right to operate
   an Applebee's Restaurant located at 100 South Waukegan Road, Deerfield,
   Illinois, upon the terms and conditions specified in the Franchise
   Agreement, and

        WHEREAS, on or about March 23, 1993, Franchisor and Franchisee
   entered into a franchise agreement (the "8753 Franchise Agreement"),

   pursuant to the terms of which Franchisee was granted the right to operate
   an Applebee's Restaurant located at Randhurst Shopping Center, 999
   Elmhurst Road, Mt. Prospect, Illinois, upon the terms and conditions
   specified in the Franchise Agreement, and

        WHEREAS, on or about __________________, _______, Franchisor and
   Franchisee entered into a franchise agreement (the "Streamwood Franchise
   Agreement"), pursuant to the terms of which Franchisee was granted the
   right to operate an Applebee's Restaurant located in Streamwood, Illinois,
   upon the terms and conditions specified in the Franchise Agreement, and

        WHEREAS, on or about __________________, _______, Franchisor and
   Franchisee entered into a franchise agreement (the "Hodgkins Franchise
   Agreement"), pursuant to the terms of which Franchisee was granted the
   right to operate an Applebee's Restaurant located in Hodgkins, Illinois,
   upon the terms and conditions specified in the Franchise Agreement, and

        WHEREAS, on or about __________________, _______, Franchisor and
   Franchisee entered into a franchise agreement (the "Naperville Franchise
   Agreement"), pursuant to the terms of which Franchisee was granted the
   right to operate an Applebee's Restaurant located in Naperville, Illinois,
   upon the terms and conditions specified in the Franchise Agreement, and

        WHEREAS, on or about __________________, _______, Franchisor and
   Franchisee entered into a franchise agreement (the "Crystal Lake Franchise
   Agreement"), pursuant to the terms of which Franchisee was granted the
   right to operate an Applebee's Restaurant located in Crystal Lake,
   Illinois, upon the terms and conditions specified in the Franchise
   Agreement (the 8680 Franchise Agreement, the 8719 Franchise Agreement, the
   8750 Franchise Agreement, the 8753 Franchise Agreement, the Streamwood
   Franchise Agreement, the Hodgkins Franchise Agreement, the Naperville
   Franchise Agreement and the Crystal Lake Franchise Agreement shall be
   collectively referred to herein as the "Franchise Agreements"), and

        WHEREAS, contemporaneous with the execution of this Third Addendum to
   Development Agreement, Franchisor and Franchisee have entered into an
   Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar Development Agreement and addenda
   thereto (collectively, the "Development Agreement") whereby Franchisor
   will grant to Franchisee the right to develop Applebee's Neighborhood
   Grill & Bar Restaurants, as such term is defined in the Development
   Agreement, in a market generally described as a portion of the Chicago,
   Illinois A.D.I. and more specifically defined in the Development Agreement
   (the "Territory"), and

        WHEREAS, the Restaurants operated pursuant to the terms of the
   Franchise Agreements are located in the Territory, and

        WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend said Development Agreement as
   hereinafter set forth,

        NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
   legal sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto
   agree as follows:

        1.   The Development Agreement to which this Third Addendum is
   attached shall be, and the same hereby is, amended and supplemented by
   this Third Addendum.  Any conflict between this Third Addendum and the
   Development Agreement shall be governed and controlled by the terms of
   this Third Addendum.

        2.   Notwithstanding the fact that the Franchise Agreements were
   issued prior to the execution of the Development Agreement, the parties
   hereto agree that the Franchise Agreements will be deemed to be franchise
   agreements issued under the Development Agreement, and accordingly, any
   violation of the terms and conditions of the Franchise Agreements shall be
   deemed to be, and shall be, a breach of and a default under the
   Development Agreement and may result in a termination of such Development
   Agreement the same as if said Franchise Agreements were issued pursuant

        3.   Franchisee hereby covenants and agrees that the Restaurants
   operated pursuant to the terms of the Franchise Agreements shall be
   operated by the Franchisee in accordance and compliance with the terms of
   the Franchise Agreements.  Franchisee hereby acknowledges its continuing
   obligations under the Franchise Agreements and hereby agrees to be bound
   by all provisions of such Franchise Agreements.

        4.   In all other respects, said Development Agreement shall remain
   in full force and effect as originally written.

        5.   This Third Addendum to Development Agreement and the Development
   Agreement contain the entire agreement between the parties, and except as
   otherwise provided herein, no other agreements, representations or
   commitments made or discussed prior to the date hereof shall survive the
   execution of the Development Agreement and this Third Addendum.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Third
   Addendum the day and year first above written.


   ATTEST:                            APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC.

   Name:   Robert T. Steinkamp        Name:   Abe J. Gustin, Jr.
   Title:  Secretary                  Title:  President


   ATTEST:                            MARCUS RESTAURANTS, INC.

   Name:   Thomas F. Kissinger        Name:   Stephen Marcus
   Title:  Secretary                  Title:  President

                               FOURTH ADDENDUM TO
                       APPLEBEE'S NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL & BAR
                              DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT

        THIS FOURTH ADDENDUM made and entered this _______ day of
   _______________, 19_____ by and between APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC., a
   Delaware corporation, hereinafter referred to as "FRANCHISOR", and MARCUS
   RESTAURANTS, INC., a Wisconsin corporation, hereinafter referred to as

        WHEREAS, Franchisor and Developer have this ________ day of
   _________________, 19_____ entered into a development agreement and
   addenda thereto (collectively, the "Development Agreement") relating to
   the right to develop Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar restaurants
   ("Restaurants") in certain areas in the states of Illinois and Wisconsin
   and will enter into separate franchise agreements which will be in the
   form of the franchise agreement ("Franchise Agreement") attached as
   Appendix B to the Development Agreement.  In exchange for the mutual
   obligations of the parties set forth in this Fourth Addendum and for other
   good a valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of
   which is hereby acknowledged, the parties now wish to amend and supplement
   the Development Agreement as follows:

        1.  Attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are
   documents noted as Attachment DA-1-1 which contain certain provisions
   required by the state of Illinois.  The parties agree that said Attachment
   DA-1-1 (Illinois) shall only apply to that portion of the Territory
   granted to Developer which is located within the state of Illinois to
   which said Attachment refers and shall not otherwise govern the agreement
   between the parties except as expressly required and mandated by laws of
   the state of Illinois for that portion of the Territory which is located

        2.  Attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are
   documents noted as Attachment DA-1-2 which contain certain provisions
   required by the state of Wisconsin.  The parties agree that said
   Attachment DA-1-2 (Wisconsin) shall only apply to that portion of the
   Territory granted to Developer which is located within the state of
   Wisconsin to which said Attachment refers and shall not otherwise govern
   the agreement between the parties except as expressly required and
   mandated by laws of the state of Wisconsin for that portion of the
   Territory which is located therein.

        3.  This Fourth Addendum shall amend each and every Franchise
   Agreement entered between the parties pursuant to the Development
   Agreement now and in the future without the necessity of referring hereto
   in those agreements.  This Fourth Addendum may be amended by the parties
   hereto only by a written instrument specifically referring to this Fourth

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have entered into this Agreement
   as of the date first above written.


   ATTEST:                         APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC.

   ______________________________  By: ________________________________
   Name:  Robert T. Steinkamp      Name:  Abe J. Gustin, Jr.
   Title:   Secretary              Title:   President


   ATTEST:                         MARCUS RESTAURANTS, INC.

   ______________________________  By: ________________________________
   Name:  Thomas F. Kissinger      Name:  Stephen Marcus
   Title:   Secretary              Title:   President

                                   ADDENDUM TO
                       APPLEBEE'S NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL & BAR
                               FRANCHISE AGREEMENT

        THIS ADDENDUM made and entered this _______ day of _______________,
   19_____ by and between APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC., a Delaware
   corporation, hereinafter referred to as "FRANCHISOR", and MARCUS
   RESTAURANTS, INC., a Wisconsin corporation, hereinafter referred to as

        WHEREAS, Franchisor and Developer have this ________ day of
   _________________, 19_____ entered into a development agreement
   ("Development Agreement") relating to the right to develop Applebee's
   Neighborhood Grill & Bar restaurants ("Restaurants") in certain areas in
   the states of Illinois and Wisconsin and will enter into separate
   franchise agreements which will be in the form of the franchise agreement
   ("Franchise Agreement") attached as Appendix B to the Development
   Agreement.  In exchange for the mutual obligations of the parties set
   forth in this Addendum and for other good a valuable consideration, the
   receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the
   parties now wish to amend and supplement the Franchise Agreement as

        1.   Attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are
   documents noted as Attachment FA-1-1 which contain certain provisions
   required by the state of Illinois.  The parties agree that said Attachment
   FA-1-1 (Illinois) shall apply only as to those franchise agreements issued
   by Franchisor to Developer regarding Restaurants to be located in the
   state of Illinois except as otherwise expressly required or mandated by
   the laws of said state.

        2.   Attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are
   documents noted as Attachment FA-1-2 which contain certain provisions
   required by the state of Wisconsin.  The parties agree that said
   Attachment FA-1-2 (Wisconsin) shall apply only as to those franchise
   agreements issued by Franchisor to Developer regarding Restaurants to be
   located in the state of Wisconsin except as otherwise expressly required
   or mandated by the laws of said state.

        3.   This Addendum shall be considered an integral part of the
   Franchise Agreement and the terms of this Addendum shall govern with
   respect to the subject matter hereof.  Except as modified or supplemented
   by this Addendum, the terms of the Franchise Agreement are hereby ratified
   and confirmed.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have entered into this Agreement
   as of the date first above written.


   ATTEST:                         APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC.

   ______________________________  By: ________________________________
   Name:  Robert T. Steinkamp      Name:  Abe J. Gustin, Jr.
   Title:   Secretary              Title:   President


   ATTEST:                         MARCUS RESTAURANTS, INC.

   ______________________________  By: ________________________________
   Name:  Thomas F. Kissinger      Name:  Stephen Marcus
   Title:   Secretary              Title:   President

                                                            ATTACHMENT DA-1-1

                              DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT
                        REQUIRED BY THE STATE OF ILLINOIS

        In recognition of the requirement of the Illinois Franchise
   Disclosure Act of 1987 (the "Act"), the parties to the attached APPLEBEE'S
   Agreement") agree as follows:

        1.   Section 9, "Termination," of the Development Agreement shall be
   supplemented by the following subsection, which shall be inserted
   following Subsection 9.4 and shall be considered an integral part of the
   Development Agreement:

             9.5  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in
        this Agreement, if any provisions of this Section 9, governing
        termination, are inconsistent with Section 19 of the Illinois
        Franchise Disclosure Act of 1987, if applicable, the provisions
        of the Act shall apply rather than the contrary provisions of
        this Section 9.  As provided in Subsection 15.1 hereof, however,
        each provision of this Agreement shall be considered severable,
        and if, for any reason, any provision of this Section 9 is
        determined to be invalid and contrary to, or in conflict with,
        Section 19 of the Act, such shall not impair the operation of,
        or have any other effect upon, such other provisions of this
        Section 9 as may remain otherwise enforceable, and the latter
        shall continue to be given full force and effect and bind the
        parties hereto.

        2.   Subsection 15.3 of Section 15 of the Development Agreement,
   "Construction, Severability, Governing Law and Jurisdiction," shall be
   deleted in its entirety and shall be of no force or effect.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have fully executed, sealed
   and delivered this Amendment to the Development Agreement (Attachment
   DA-1) on the day and year first above written in the Development


   ATTEST:                            APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC.

   Name:  Robert T. Steinkamp         Name:  Abe J. Gustin, Jr.
   Title:   Secretary                 Title:   President


   ATTEST:                            MARCUS RESTAURANTS, INC.

   Name:  Thomas F. Kissinger         Name:  Stephen Marcus
   Title:   Secretary                 Title:   President

                                                            ATTACHMENT FA-1-1

                               FRANCHISE AGREEMENT
                        REQUIRED BY THE STATE OF ILLINOIS

        In recognition of the requirements of the Illinois Franchise
   Disclosure Act of 1987 (the "Act"), the parties to the attached APPLEBEE'S
   agree as follows:

        1.   The following language shall be added to Subsection 1.3 of
   Section 1 of the Franchise Agreement, "Franchise Grant and Term":

        Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this
        Agreement, if any of the provisions of this Subsection 1.3,
        concerning non-renewal, are inconsistent with Section 20 of the
        Illinois Franchise Disclosure Act of 1987, the provisions of the
        Act shall apply rather than the contrary provisions of this
        Subsection 1.3.  As provided under Subsection 21.1 hereof,
        however, each provision of this Agreement shall be considered
        severable, and if, for any reason, any provision of this
        Subsection 1.3 is determined to be invalid and contrary to, or
        in conflict with, Section 20 of the Act, such shall not impair
        the operation of, or have any other effect upon, such other
        provisions of this Subsection 1.3 as may remain otherwise
        enforceable, and the latter shall continue to be given full
        force and effect and bind the parties hereto.

        2.   Section 19, "Expiration and Termination; Option to Purchase
   Restaurant; Attorneys' Fees," of the Franchise Agreement shall be
   supplemented by the following subsection, which shall be inserted
   following Subsection 19.4 and shall be considered an integral part of the
   Franchise Agreement:

             19.5 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in
        this Agreement, if any provisions of this Section 19, governing
        termination, are inconsistent with Section 19 of the Illinois
        Franchise Disclosure Act of 1987, the provisions of the Act
        shall apply rather than the contrary provisions of this
        Section 19.  As provided under Subsection 21.1 hereof, however,
        each provision of this Agreement shall be considered severable,
        and if, for any reason, any provision of this Section 19 is
        determined to be invalid and contrary to, or in conflict with,
        Section 19 of the Act, such shall not impair the operation of,
        or have any other effect upon such other provisions of this
        Section 19 as may remain otherwise enforceable, and the latter
        shall continue to be given full force and effect and bind the
        parties hereto.

        3.   Subsection 21.3 of Section 21 of the Franchise Agreement,
   "Construction, Severability, Governing Law and Jurisdiction," shall be
   deleted in its entirety and shall be of no force or effect.

        4.   The second sentence of Subsection 25.5 of Section 25 of the
   Franchise Agreement, "Miscellaneous," shall be deleted in its entirety and
   shall be of no force or effect.

        5.   Subsections 26(a) and 26(b) of Section 26 of the Franchise
   Agreement, "Acknowledgements," shall be deleted in their entirety and
   shall be of no force or effect.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed, sealed and
   delivered this Amendment to the Franchise Agreement (Attachment FA-1) on
   the day and year first above written in the Franchise Agreement.


   ATTEST:                            APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC.

   Name:                              Name:                        
   Title:                             Title:                       

   ATTEST:                            FRANCHISEE:

   Name:                              Name:                        
   Title:                             Title:                       

                                      PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDER(S):

   Witness                            Name:                        

   Witness                            Name:                        

   Witness                            Name:                        

                                                            ATTACHMENT DA-1-2

                              DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT

        In recognition of the requirements of the Wisconsin Fair Dealership
   Law, Wisconsin Statutes, Chapter 135, the parties to the attached
   "Development Agreement") agree as follows:

        1.   Section 9 of the Development Agreement, "Termination," shall be
   supplemented by the following Subsection 9.5, which shall be considered an
   integral part of the Development Agreement:

             9.5  To the extent that the above provisions regarding
        termination are inconsistent with the requirements of the
        Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law, Wisconsin Statutes, Chapter 135
        (which, among other things, grants the right, in most
        circumstances, to ninety (90) days prior written notice of
        termination and sixty (60) days within which to remedy any
        claimed deficiencies), if applicable to this Agreement, the
        above-mentioned termination provisions shall be superseded by
        the Law's requirements and shall have no force or effect.

        2.   Section 15 of the Development Agreement, "Construction,
   Severability, Governing Law and Jurisdiction," shall be supplemented by
   the following Subsection 15.4, which shall be considered an integral part
   of the Development Agreement:


        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed, sealed and
   delivered this Amendment to the Development Agreement (Attachment DA-1) on
   the _______ day of ________________, 19_____.


   ATTEST:                          APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC.

   Name:  Robert T. Steinkamp       Name:  Abe J. Gustin, Jr.
   Title:   Secretary               Title:   President


   ATTEST:                          MARCUS RESTAURANTS, INC.

   Name:  Thomas F. Kissinger       Name:  Stephen Marcus
   Title:   Secretary               Title:   President

                                                            ATTACHMENT FA-1-2

                               FRANCHISE AGREEMENT

        In recognition of the requirements of the Wisconsin Fair Dealership
   Law, Wisconsin Statutes, Chapter 135, the parties to the attached
   Agreement") agree as follows:

        1.   Section 1 of the Franchise Agreement, "Franchise Grant and
   Term," shall be supplemented by the following Subsection 1.7, which shall
   be considered an integral part of the Agreement:

             1.7  To the extent that the provisions in this Section 1
        regarding renewal are inconsistent with the requirements of the
        Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law, Wisconsin Statutes, Chapter 135
        (which, among other things, grants a Franchisee the right, in
        most circumstances, to ninety (90) days prior written notice of
        non-renewal and sixty (60) days within which to remedy any
        claimed deficiencies), the renewal provisions shall be
        superseded by the Law's requirements and shall have no force or

        2.   Section 19 of the Franchise Agreement, "Expiration and
   Termination; Option to Purchase Restaurant; Attorneys' Fees," shall be
   supplemented by the following Subsections 19.4(g) and 19.5, which shall be
   considered an integral part of the Franchise Agreement:

             (g)  To the extent that the provisions herein regarding the
        repurchase of inventory are inconsistent with the requirements
        of the Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law, Wisconsin Statutes,
        Chapter 135.045, those provisions shall be superseded, where
        applicable, by the Law's requirements, which state that if
        Franchisor, at the option of Franchisee, repurchases inventory
        which was sold by Franchisor to Franchisee for resale, fair
        wholesale market value must be paid for all merchandise bearing
        a name, trade name, label or other mark which identifies
        Franchisor.  All other provisions related to the purchase of
        property described in Section 19 shall be applicable to such

             19.5 To the extent that provisions in this Section 19
        regarding termination are inconsistent with the requirements of
        the Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law, Wisconsin Statutes,
        Chapter 135 (which, among other things, grants a Franchisee the
        right, in most circumstances, to ninety (90) days prior written
        notice of non-renewal and sixty (60) days within which to remedy
        any claimed deficiencies), the renewal provisions shall be
        superseded by the Law's requirements and shall have no force or

        3.   Section 21 of the Franchise Agreement, "Construction,
   Severability, Governing Law and Jurisdiction," shall be supplemented by
   the following Subsection 21.4, which shall be considered an integral part
   of the Franchise Agreement:


             IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed,
   sealed and delivered this Amendment to the Franchise Agreement (Attachment
   FA-1) on the _______ day of ________________, 19_____.


   ATTEST:                          APPLEBEE'S INTERNATIONAL, INC.

   Name:                            Name:                          
   Title:                           Title:                         

   ATTEST:                          FRANCHISEE:

   Name:                            Name:                          
   Title:                           Title:                         

                                    PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDER(S):

   Witness                          Name:                          

   Witness                          Name:                          

   Witness                          Name: