Exhibit 4.4


                             THE MARCUS CORPORATION

   1.      Dividend Reinvestment
           (Check only one box - fill in amount where appropriate)

     [_]   a.     Full Cash Dividend Reinvestment.  I wish to reinvest under
                  the Plan cash dividends on all shares of The Marcus
                  Corporation Common Stock registered in my name.

     [_]   b.     Partial Cash Dividend Reinvestment.  I wish to have cash
                  dividends reinvested on __________________ shares of The
                  Marcus Corporation Common Stock personally held by me in
                  certificate form and on all Plan shares held in my name.  I
                  wish to have the balance of my cash dividends mailed to me.

   2.  [_] Optional Cash Investment (minimum $100 per investment; maximum
           $1,500 per month).  Please buy shares of The Marcus Corporation
           Common Stock under the Plan with the enclosed check or money
           order for $_________________ payable to Firstar Trust Company.

   3.  [_] Shareholder Reports.  I want to receive copies of all reports and
           information generally sent by The Marcus Corporation to
           shareholders.  If you do not check this box, you will not receive
           such reports or information with respect to the shares held for
           your account in the Plan other than notices of shareholder
           meetings, proxy statements and annual reports.


   A.   To the extent I have so designated, I hereby elect to participate in
        the Plan and authorize Firstar Trust Company, as my agent, to apply
        cash dividends and any optional cash investments received by it on my
        behalf to the purchase of shares of The Marcus Corporation Common
        Stock under the Plan.  I have read the Prospectus for the Plan and
        understand there is risk in investing in The Marcus Corporation
        Common Stock.

   Signature______________________  [_] I am a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien
                                    [_] I am a Nonresident Alien-Foreign Tax
                                        Status Applies

       (Please sign above exactly as name appears below.)

       [_][_][_]-[_][_]-[_][_][_][_]            [_][_]-[_][_][_][_][_][_][_]
       Social Security Number.  (If             Employer Identification
       shares are held jointly, the             Number.  (To be completed if
       Social Security Number should            the shareholder is not an
       be that of the first person              individual.)
       listed on the stock

   B.   Under penalties of perjury, I certify (1) that the number shown
        directly above is my correct Taxpayer Identification Number and (2)
        that I am not subject to backup withholding because:  (a) I am exempt
        from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the
        Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS") that I am subject to backup
        withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or
        dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject
        to backup withholding.

