Exhibit (3.2)

                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                             THE MARCUS CORPORATION

             Pursuant to Section 180.1007 of the Wisconsin Business
   Corporation Law, these Restated Articles of Incorporation shall supersede
   and take the place of the Corporation's heretofore existing Articles of
   Incorporation and all amendments thereto.

                                    ARTICLE 1


             The name of the Corporation is The Marcus Corporation.

                                    ARTICLE 2

                                 Authorized Shares

             The total number of shares of all classes of capital stock which
   the Corporation shall be authorized to issue is eighty-four million
   (84,000,000) shares, consisting of (i) fifty million (50,000,000) shares
   of a class designated "Common Stock", with a par value of one dollar ($1)
   per share; thirty-three million (33,000,000) shares of a class designated
   "Class B Common Stock", with a par value of one dollar ($1) per share; and
   one million (1,000,000) shares of a class designated "Preferred Stock",
   with a par value of one dollar ($1) per share.

             Any and all such shares of Common Stock, Class B Common Stock
   and Preferred Stock may be issued for such consideration as shall be fixed
   from time to time by the Board of Directors.  Any and all such shares so
   issued, the full consideration for which has been paid or delivered, shall
   be deemed fully paid stock and shall not be liable to any further call or
   assessment thereon, except with respect to wage claims of employees as
   provided in Section 180.0622(2)(b) of the Wisconsin Business Corporation
   Law ("WBCL"), and the holders of such shares shall not be liable for any
   further payments except as otherwise provided by applicable Wisconsin law. 
   The preferences, limitations and relative rights of each class shall be as


             (1)  Series of Preferred Stock.

             The Board of Directors shall have authority, by resolution or
   resolutions, to divide the Preferred Stock into series, and to determine
   and fix the relative powers, preferences and rights, and the
   qualifications, limitations and restrictions thereof, in respect of the
   shares of any series so established prior to the issuance thereof, but
   only with respect to:

             (a)  The rate of dividend, whether or not such dividend
        shall be cumulative and, if cumulative, the date from which such
        dividend shall be cumulative;

             (b)  The price at and the terms and conditions on which
        shares may be redeemed;

             (c)  The amount payable upon shares in the event of
        voluntary or involuntary liquidation;

             (d)  Sinking fund provisions for the redemption or purchase
        of shares;

             (e)  The terms and conditions on which shares may be
        converted into shares of Common Stock, if the shares of any
        series are issued with the privilege of conversion; and

             (f)  Whether or not shares shall have voting powers, and
        the terms and conditions upon which any voting powers may be

             Except as to the matters expressly set forth above in this
   Paragraph (1), all series of the Preferred Stock of the Corporation,
   whenever designated and issued, shall have the same preferences,
   limitations and relative rights and shall rank equally, share ratably and
   be identical in all respects as to all matters.

             All shares of any one series of Preferred Stock hereinabove
   authorized shall be alike in every particular, and each series thereof
   shall be distinctly designated by letter or descriptive words or figures.

             (2)  Dividends.

             Before any dividends shall be paid or set apart for payment upon
   the Common Stock or the Class B Common Stock, the holders of Preferred
   Stock shall be entitled to receive dividends at the rate per annum
   specified as to each series pursuant to Paragraph (1), payable quarter-
   annually when and as declared by the Board of Directors.  Such dividends
   shall accrue on each share of Preferred Stock from the date of issuance,
   or from such other date as may be fixed by the Board of Directors pursuant
   to Paragraph (1).

             Any dividend paid upon the Preferred Stock entitled to
   cumulative dividends at a time when any accrued dividends for any prior
   period are delinquent, shall be expressly declared as a dividend in whole
   or partial payment of the accrued dividend for the earliest period for
   which dividends are then delinquent, and shall be so designated to each
   shareholder to whom payment is made.

             All shares of Preferred Stock whether cumulative or non-
   cumulative (but only after all dividend arrearages for all prior periods
   on cumulative shares have been paid or set aide for payment) shall rank
   equally and shall share ratably, in proportion to the rate of dividend
   fixed hereunder in respect to each such share, in all dividends paid or
   set aside for payment for any dividend period or part upon any such

             (3)  Liquidation, Dissolution or Winding Up.

             In case of voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or
   winding up of the Corporation, the holders of each series of Preferred
   Stock shall be entitled to receive out of the assets of the Corporation in
   money or money's worth the amount specified pursuant to Paragraph (1) with
   respect to that series of Preferred Stock, together with all accrued but
   unpaid dividends thereon with respect to Preferred Stock entitled to
   cumulative dividends (whether or not earned or declared), before any of
   such assets shall be paid or distributed to holders of Common Stock or
   Class B Common Stock and if the assets of the Corporation shall be
   insufficient to pay the holders of all of the Preferred Stock then
   outstanding the entire amounts to which they may be entitled, the holders
   of each outstanding series of the Preferred Stock shall share ratably in
   such assets in proportion to the amounts which would be payable with
   respect to such series if all amounts payable thereon were paid in full.

             (4)  Redemption.

             Except as otherwise provided with respect to a particular series
   pursuant to Paragraph (1), the following general redemption provisions
   shall apply to each series of Preferred Stock (hereinafter in this
   Paragraph referred to as "Series").

             On or prior to the date fixed for redemption of a particular
   Series as specified in the notice of redemption for said Series, the
   Corporation shall deposit adequate funds for such redemption, in trust for
   the account of holders of the Series to be redeemed, with a bank having
   trust powers or a trust company in good standing, organized under the laws
   of the United States of America or any state of the United States of
   America and having capital, surplus and undivided profits aggregating at
   least $1,000,000, and if the name and address of such bank or trust
   company and the deposit of or intent to deposit the redemption funds in
   such trust account shall have been stated in such notice of redemption,
   then from and after the mailing of such notice and the making of such
   deposit the shares of the Series called for redemption shall no longer be
   deemed to be outstanding for any purpose whatsoever, and all rights of the
   holders of such shares in or with respect to the Corporation shall
   forthwith cease and terminate except only the right of the holders of such
   shares (a) to transfer such shares prior to the date fixed for redemption,
   (b) to receive out of said deposit the redemption price of such shares
   together with accrued but unpaid dividends with respect to Preferred Stock
   entitled to cumulative dividends to the date fixed for redemption, without
   interest, upon surrender of the certificate or certificates representing
   the shares to be redeemed, and (c) to exercise, on or before the date
   fixed for redemption, the privileges of conversion, if any, not
   theretofore expired.

             Such deposit in trust shall be irrevocable except that (1) any
   moneys so deposited by the Corporation which shall remain unclaimed by the
   holders of the Series called for redemption and not converted shall, at
   the end of six years after the date fixed for redemption, be paid to the
   Corporation upon its request, after which repayment the holders of the
   shares so called for redemption shall no longer look to the said bank or
   trust company for the payment of the redemption price but shall look only
   to the Corporation or to others, as may be, for the payment of any lawful
   claim for such moneys which holders of said shares may still have; and (2)
   any portion of the moneys so deposited by the Corporation, in respect of
   shares of the Series converted into Common Stock, shall be repaid to the
   Corporation upon its request.

             (5)  Conversion Rights.

             Except as otherwise provided with respect to a particular Series
   pursuant to Paragraph (1), the following general conversion provisions
   shall apply to each Series of Preferred Stock which is convertible into
   Common Stock (hereinafter, in this paragraph, referred to as "Convertible

             (i)  All shares of Common Stock issued upon conversion
        shall be fully paid and nonassessable, and shall be free of all
        taxes, liens and charges with respect to the issue thereof
        except taxes payable by reason of issuance in a name other than
        that of the holder of the share or shares converted and except
        with respect to wage claims of employees as provided by Section
        180.0622(2)(b) of the WBCL.

             (ii) The number of shares of Common Stock issuable upon
        conversion of a particular Convertible Series at any time shall
        be the quotient obtained by dividing the aggregate conversion
        value, as herein provided, of the shares of that Convertible
        Series surrendered for conversion, by the conversion price per
        share of Common Stock then in effect for that Convertible Series
        as herein provided.  The Corporation shall not be required,
        however, upon any such conversion, to issue any fractional share
        of Common Stock, but in lieu thereof the Corporation may at its
        option issue scrip therefor or may pay to the shareholder who
        would otherwise be entitled to receive such fractional share if
        issued, a sum in cash equal to the value of such fractional
        share at the rate of the then market value per share of the
        Common Stock determined in such manner as the Board of Directors
        of the Corporation may provide.

             (iii)     The basic conversion price per share of Common
        Stock for a particular Convertible Series, as provided for
        herein under the detailed descriptions of the individual
        Convertible Series, shall be subject to adjustment as follows:

                  (aa) An increased conversion price per share of
             Common Stock shall become effective whenever the
             outstanding shares of Common Stock shall be combined
             into a smaller number of shares.  Such increased
             conversion price per share of Common Stock shall be
             computed as follows:  (1) separately, for each
             Convertible Series, multiply the total number of
             shares of Common Stock outstanding immediately prior
             to the decrease in the number of such shares through
             such combination, by the conversion price then in
             effect for each Convertible Series; (2) divide each of
             the resulting products by the total number of shares
             of Common Stock outstanding immediately after such
             decrease in the number of shares through such
             combination.  The quotients so obtained (if not evenly
             divisible by fifty cents then rounded up to the next
             full multiple of fifty cents) shall thereafter, until
             any further change is required under the provisions of
             this subparagraph (5) be respectively the conversion
             price per share of Common Stock for each Convertible

                  (bb) A reduced conversion price per share of
             Common Stock shall become effective for any
             Convertible Series whenever the Corporation shall
             issue any "Additional Shares of Common Stock" (as
             defined in Paragraph (A)(5)(iii)(cc) of this Article)
             after the effective date of the amendment to the
             Articles of Incorporation which designated such
             Convertible Series (hereinafter in this subparagraph
             referred to as the "Effective Date"), which results in
             the Corporation having received in the aggregate a
             consideration per share of less than the conversion
             price for such Convertible Series for all of the
             shares of Common Stock issued after the Effective
             Date.  Such reduced conversion price per share of
             Common Stock shall be computed as follows: (1)
             separately, for each Convertible Series, multiply the
             total number of shares of Common Stock outstanding on
             the Effective Date by the conversion price for each
             Convertible Series then in effect; (2) to these
             products separately, for each Convertible Series, add
             the total amount of the consideration, if any,
             received for the issuance of all Additional Shares of
             Common Stock; (3) divide the resulting sums by the
             total number of shares of Common Stock outstanding
             immediately prior to any such determination.  The
             quotients so obtained shall thereafter, until any
             further change is required under the provisions of
             this subparagraph (5), be the respective conversion
             prices per share of Common Stock for each Convertible
             Series; provided, however, that no adjustment shall be
             made in the conversion price of any Convertible Series
             in effect immediately prior to such determination if
             the amount of such adjustment would be less than fifty
             cents, but, in any such case, any adjustment that
             would otherwise be required then to be made shall be
             carried forward and shall be made at the time of, and
             together with, the next subsequent adjustment which
             together with any other adjustment or adjustments so
             carried forward shall amount to not less than fifty
             cents.  No upward adjustment to the conversion price
             shall be made if the above-described quotients should
             be higher than the conversion price to be adjusted as
             a result of the Corporation having received a
             consideration per Additional Share of Common Stock on
             the aggregate of all Additional Shares of Common Stock
             which is higher than the conversion price to be

                  (cc) The term "Additional Shares of Common Stock"
             as used in this subparagraph (A)(5) includes all
             shares of Common Stock which the Corporation shall in
             any manner issue after the Effective Date of a
             Convertible Series except shares of Common Stock
             issued (1) upon the conversion of any shares of such
             Convertible Series, or (2) upon the exercise of any
             warrants, options or conversion rights outstanding on
             the date of issuance of such Convertible Series
             whether at the initial conversion price, an adjusted
             conversion price or a voluntarily reduced conversion
             price pursuant to Paragraph (A)(5)(x) of this Article,
             or (3) pursuant to any employee stock bonus plan or
             employee stock purchase plan approved by the
             shareholders, or (4) upon the exercise of any employee
             stock option granted pursuant to any plan approved by
             the shareholders, or (5) upon the conversion of any
             Preferred Stock issued in connection with any such
             employee stock bonus, stock purchase and/or stock
             option, or by reason of the issuance or assumption by
             the Corporation of any such stock bonus, stock
             purchase and/or option, or (6) pursuant to a stock
             dividend authorized by the Board of Directors of not
             more than 5% per annum of the number of shares
             outstanding at the time such stock dividend is
             declared, or (7) upon the conversion of any shares of
             Class B Common Stock, or (8) in connection with the
             acquisition, or upon the exercise of, any warrants,
             options or conversion rights granted or assumed by the
             Corporation in connection with an acquisition.  As
             used herein, "acquisition" shall be construed as any
             transaction in which the Corporation acquires
             substantially all the assets of another business, or
             acquires 50% or more of the outstanding stock of
             another corporation or is the surviving corporation in
             a statutory merger.

             (iv) In the event that the Corporation shall give notice of
        redemption of any shares of a particular Convertible Series, an
        adjusted conversion price shall be determined in respect only to
        the shares so called for redemption, in accordance with the
        provisions of clause (iii), except that for the purpose of such
        determination, Common Stock shall be deemed to have been issued
        in accordance with the terms of all rights to purchase shares of
        Common Stock or securities convertible into shares of Common
        Stock which may be outstanding immediately prior to the close of
        business on the date next preceding the date upon which notice
        of redemption is given, but which were not outstanding on the
        date of issuance of the Convertible Series so called for
        redemption.  The conversion price so determined shall be stated
        in the notice of redemption and have no application to any
        shares other than the shares so called for redemption.

             (v)  For the purpose of making the computations prescribed
        above, the following rules shall apply:

                  (aa) In determining the consideration received
             for the issuance of any Additional Shares of Common
             Stock, no deductions shall be made for the amounts of
             any commissions or other expenses paid or incurred by
             the Corporation for any underwriting or otherwise in
             connection with the issuance of such Additional Shares
             of Common Stock.

                  (bb) In case Common Stock shall be issued by way
             of stock dividend or in subdivision or
             reclassification of Common Stock outstanding prior to
             such issue, the excess of the number of shares of
             Common Stock outstanding immediately thereafter over
             the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding
             immediately prior thereto (except such shares issued
             as stock dividends which do not in the aggregate
             during any fiscal year of the Corporation exceed 5% of
             the Common Stock outstanding at the beginning of such
             fiscal year) shall be deemed to be Additional Shares
             of Common Stock, and the Corporation shall be deemed
             to have received no consideration for the issuance

                  (cc) If the Corporation issues any shares
             convertible into Common Stock, or any obligations so
             convertible, or any warrants to purchase or subscribe
             for any shares of Common Stock and if any of such
             shares or obligations be converted into Common Stock
             or if any of such warrants be exercised and Common
             Stock be issued in connection with such exercise, the
             Corporation shall be deemed to have received for the
             Common Stock issued upon such conversion or exercise
             an aggregate consideration equal to the consideration
             received by the Corporation for the convertible shares
             or obligations so converted or for the warrants so
             exercised (before deducting any commissions or other
             expenses paid or incurred by the Corporation for any
             underwriting or otherwise in connection with the
             issuance of the convertible shares or obligations so
             converted or the warrants so exercised) plus, in the
             case of the issuance of Common Stock in connection
             with the exercise of warrants, the consideration
             received by the Corporation for the issuance of Common
             Stock upon such exercise; provided, however, that
             adjustments of the conversion price by reason of the
             conversion of such shares or obligations or by reason
             of the exercise of such warrants need not be made upon
             each such conversion or exercise but may be made from
             time to time under such reasonable regulations as
             shall be provided by the Board of Directors but at
             least once in each month immediately following any
             calendar month during which any such conversion or
             exercise shall occur, and provided further that no
             adjustment to any conversion price shall be required
             under the circumstances outlined under Paragraph
             (A)(5)(iii)(cc) above.

                  (dd) If the Corporation shall issue any
             Additional Shares of Common Stock, or any shares
             convertible into Common Stock, or any obligations, so
             convertible, or any warrants to purchase or subscribe
             for any shares of Common Stock for a consideration
             other than cash, the amount of the consideration
             received therefor by the Corporation shall be deemed
             to be the fair value of such consideration, which
             shall be determined by the Board of Directors at or
             before the time of issuance of such shares or

             (vi) If the Corporation shall be consolidated with or
        merged into, or sell or dispose of all or substantially all of
        its property and assets, to any other corporation, proper
        provision shall be made as part of the terms of such
        consolidation, merger or sale that the holder of any shares of a
        particular Convertible Series at the time outstanding shall
        thereafter be entitled to such conversion rights with respect to
        securities and other assets of the Corporation resulting from
        such consolidation, merger or sale as shall be substantially
        equivalent to the conversion rights herein granted.

             (vii)     No adjustment with respect to dividends upon any
        Convertible Series or with respect to dividends upon Common
        Stock shall be made in connection with any conversion.

             (viii)    Whenever there is an issue of Additional Shares
        of Common Stock of the Corporation requiring a change in the
        conversion price as provided above, and whenever there occurs
        any other event which results in a change in the existing
        conversion rights of the holders of shares of a Convertible
        Series, the Corporation shall file with its transfer agent or
        agents and at its principal office in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a
        statement signed by the President or a Vice President and by the
        Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer of the Corporation, describing
        specifically such issue of Additional Shares of Common Stock or
        such other event (and, in the case of a consolidation or merger,
        the terms thereof) and the actual conversion prices or basis of
        conversion as changed by such issue or event and the change, if
        any, in the securities issuable upon conversion.  Whenever there
        are issued by the Corporation any options or rights to purchase
        shares of Common Stock or securities convertible into shares of
        Common Stock, and such issuance requires a change in the
        conversion price as above provided, the Corporation shall also
        file in like manner a statement describing the same and the
        consideration receivable by the Corporation therefrom.  The
        statement so filed shall be open to inspection by any holder of
        record of shares of any Convertible Series.  Upon the request of
        the Corporation, the transfer agent or agents shall mail copies
        of such statement, or brief summaries thereof, (first class and
        postage prepaid) to each holder of record of shares of all
        Convertible Securities affected by the statement at the last
        address of such holders appearing upon the books of the
        Corporation.  Upon failure of a holder to object to the
        statement and the computations therein within a period of 90
        days from the date of such mailing, the statement and the
        computations therein shall be conclusively presumed correct as
        to such holder and shall be binding upon the holder, his heirs,
        representatives and assigns.  Failure or delay of any holder of
        the Convertible Series so affected to receive such statement
        shall not extend the period within which objections thereto may
        be raised.

             (ix) The Corporation shall at all times have authorized and
        shall at all times reserve and set aside a sufficient number of
        duly authorized shares of Common Stock for the conversion of all
        stock of all Convertible Series then outstanding.  Upon or prior
        to the occurrence of any event which may give rise to a change
        in the conversion price per share of Common Stock, the
        Corporation shall make adequate provision so that shares of
        Common Stock thereafter issued on conversion of shares of each
        Convertible Series shall be validly issued, fully paid and
        nonassessable (except as provided in Section 180.0622(b)(2) of
        the WBCL); and the Corporation shall make appropriate provisions
        so that any issue of Common Stock or of any other class of
        shares of the Corporation as a dividend on, or in subdivision or
        reclassification of, Common Stock, shall be made applicable to
        shares of Common Stock held for conversion of each Convertible
        Series at the time such shares of Common Stock shall be issued
        upon such conversion.

             (x)  The Corporation shall have the right, at any time and
        from time to time, to reduce the conversion price of one or more
        Convertible Series then in effect by an amount not in excess of
        20% of the then conversion price for such period or periods of
        time of not less than 30 days nor more than 180 days as the
        Board of Directors of the Corporation may determine.  In each
        such event, an officer of the Corporation shall prepare and
        execute a certificate stating (aa) that the Corporation has
        elected to reduce the conversion price of one or more
        Convertible Series, (bb) that such election is irrevocable
        during the period referred to hereinafter in clause (cc), and
        (cc) the period during which such reduced conversion price or
        prices shall be in effect.  The certificate shall be filed with
        the transfer agent or agents and either a brief summary of the
        provisions of such certificate or a copy of such certificate
        shall be mailed by the Corporation, first class, postage
        prepaid, at least 10 days prior to the date fixed for the
        commencement of any period in which the reduced conversion price
        or prices is to be in effect, to the registered holders of the
        Convertible Series so affected at their last address as it shall
        appear upon the books of the Corporation.  Failure or delay of
        any holder of the Convertible Series so affected to receive such
        certificate by mail, or any defect therein, shall not affect the
        validity of, or the reduction of the conversion price nor extend
        the period thereof.

             (6)  Reissuance of Shares.

             Shares of Preferred Stock which have been redeemed or purchased
   or retired through the operation of a purchase, retirement or sinking fund
   or which have been converted into shares of any other class or classes of
   stock of the Company shall thereafter have the status of authorized but
   unissued shares of Preferred Stock of the Corporation and may thereafter
   be reissued as part of the same or any other series.

             B COMMON STOCK.

             (1)  Voting Rights and Powers.

             With respect to all matters upon which shareholders are entitled
   to vote or to which shareholders are entitled to give consent, the holders
   of the outstanding shares of Common Stock and the holders of the
   outstanding shares of Class B Common Stock shall vote together as a single
   class, and every holder of any outstanding shares of Common Stock shall be
   entitled to cast thereon one (1) vote in person or by proxy for each share
   of Common Stock standing in the holder's name on the stock transfer
   records of the Corporation, and every holder of any outstanding shares of
   Class B Common Stock shall be entitled to cast thereon ten (10) votes in
   person or by proxy for each share of Class B Common Stock standing in his
   name on the stock transfer records of the Corporation; provided that, with
   respect to any proposed amendment to these Articles of Incorporation which
   would increase or decrease the number of authorized shares of either the
   Common Stock or the Class B Common Stock, increase or decrease the par
   value of the shares of the Common Stock or the Class B Common Stock, or
   alter or change the powers, preferences, relative voting power or special
   rights of the shares of the Common Stock or the Class B Common Stock so as
   to affect them adversely, the approval of a majority of the votes entitled
   to be cast by the holders of the class affected by the proposed amendment,
   voting separately as a class, shall be obtained in addition to the
   approval of a majority of the votes entitled to be cast by the holders of
   the Common Stock and the Class B Common Stock voting together as a single
   class as hereinbefore provided.

             (2)  Dividends and Distributions.

             (a)  Cash Dividends.  Subject to the rights of the holders
        of the Preferred Stock, as and when cash dividends may be
        declared from time to time by the Board of Directors, the cash
        dividend payable with respect to each share of the Common Stock
        shall in all cases, subject to rounding as hereinafter provided,
        be in an amount equal to one hundred ten percent (110%) of the
        amount of the cash dividend payable with respect to each share
        of the Class B Common Stock.  For purposes of calculating the
        cash dividend to be paid on the Common Stock, the amount of the
        cash dividend declared and payable with respect to the Class B
        Common Stock shall be determined first and thereafter the cash
        dividend payable with respect to the Common Stock shall be
        determined in accordance with the formula set forth above,
        provided that such dividend may be rounded up to the next
        highest half cent.  The premium accorded holders of Common Stock
        shall not extend to distributions declared by the Board of
        Directors to be in connection with the partial or complete
        liquidation of the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries.

             (b)  Other Dividends and Distributions.  Each share of
        Common Stock and Class B Common Stock shall be equal in respect
        of rights to dividends (other than those payable in cash) and
        distributions (including distributions declared by the Board of
        Directors to be in connection with the partial or complete
        liquidation of the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries) when
        and as declared, in the form of stock or other property of the
        Corporation, except that in the case of dividends or other
        distributions payable in stock of the Corporation other than the
        Preferred Stock, including distributions pursuant to stock
        split-ups or divisions, which occur after the initial issuance
        of the Class B Common Stock as described in Paragraph (B)(5)(a)
        of this Article, only shares of Common Stock shall be
        distributed with respect to the Common Stock and only shares of
        Class B Common Stock shall be distributed with respect to the
        Class B Common Stock.

             (3)  Restrictions on Transfer of the Class B Common Stock.

             (a)  No beneficial owner (as hereinafter defined) of shares of
        Class B Common Stock (hereinafter referred to as a "Class B
        Shareholder") may transfer, and the Corporation shall not register
        the transfer of, shares of Class B Common Stock, whether by sale,
        assignment, gift, bequest, appointment or otherwise, except to a
        "Permitted Transferee" of such Class B Shareholder.  A "Permitted
        Transferee" shall be defined as (i) the Class B Shareholder; (ii) the
        spouse of the Class B Shareholder; (iii) any parent and any lineal
        descendant (including any adopted child) of any parent of the Class B
        Shareholder or of the Class B Shareholder's spouse; (iv) any trustee,
        guardian or custodian for, or any executor, administrator or other
        legal representative of the estate of, any of the foregoing
        "Permitted Transferees"; (v) the trustee of a trust (including a
        voting trust) principally for the benefit of such Class B Shareholder
        and/or any of his or her Permitted Transferees; and (vi) any
        corporation, partnership or other entity if a majority of the
        beneficial ownership thereof is held by the Class B Shareholder
        and/or any of his or her Permitted Transferees.  For the purpose of
        this Paragraph (3) the term "beneficial owner(s)" of any shares of
        Class B Common Stock shall mean a person or persons who, or entity or
        entities which, have or share the power, either singly or jointly, to
        direct the voting or disposition of such shares.

             (b)  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein,
        any Class B Shareholder may pledge his shares of Class B Common Stock
        to a pledgee pursuant to a bona fide pledge of such shares as
        collateral security for indebtedness due to the pledgee, provided
        that such shares shall not be transferred to or registered in the
        name of the pledgee and shall remain subject to the provisions of
        this Paragraph (3).  In the event of foreclosure or other similar
        action by the pledgee, such pledged shares of Class B Common Stock
        may only be transferred to a Permitted Transferee of the pledgor or
        converted into shares of Common Stock, as the pledgee may elect.

             (c)  Any purported transfer of shares of Class B Common Stock
        not permitted hereunder shall be void and of no effect.  The
        purported transferee shall have no rights as a shareholder of the
        Corporation and no other rights against, or with respect to, the
        Corporation, except the right to receive shares of Common Stock upon
        the conversion of his shares of Class B Common Stock into shares of
        Common Stock.  The Corporation may, as a condition to the transfer or
        the registration of a transfer of shares of Class B Common Stock to a
        purported Permitted Transferee, require the furnishing of such
        affidavits or other proof as it deems necessary to establish that
        such transferee is Permitted Transferee.

             (d)  The Corporation shall note on the certificates for
        shares of Class B Common Stock the restrictions on transfer and
        registration of transfer imposed by this Paragraph (3).

             (e)  Shares of Class B Common Stock shall be registered in
        the name(s) of the beneficial owner(s) thereof and not in
        "street" or nominee name.

             (4)  Conversion of the Class B Common Stock.

             (a)  Each share of Class B Common Stock may at any time or
        from time to time, at the option of the respective holder
        thereof, be converted into one (1) fully paid and nonassessable
        share of Common Stock (subject to Section 180.0622(2)(b) of the
        WBCL).  Such conversion right shall be exercised by the
        surrender of the certificate representing such share of Class B
        Common Stock to be converted to the Corporation at any time
        during normal business hours at the principal executive offices
        of the Corporation (to the attention of the Secretary of the
        Corporation), or if an agent for the registration or transfer of
        shares of Class B Common Stock is then duly appointed and acting
        (said agent being referred to in this Article as the "Transfer
        Agent") then at the office of the Transfer Agent, accompanied by
        a written notice of the election by the holder thereof to
        convert and (if so required by the Corporation or the Transfer
        Agent) by the instruments of transfer, in form satisfactory to
        the Corporation and to the Transfer Agent, duly executed by such
        holder or his duly authorized attorney, and transfer tax stamps
        or funds therefor, if required pursuant to Paragraph (4)(e),

             (b)  As promptly as practicable after the surrender for
        conversion of a certificate representing shares of Class B
        Common Stock in the manner provided in Paragraph (4)(a), above,
        and the payment in cash of any amount required by the provisions
        of Paragraphs (4)(a) and (4)(e), the Corporation will deliver or
        cause to be delivered at the office of the Transfer Agent to, or
        upon the written order of, the holder of such certificate, a
        certificate or certificates representing the number of full
        shares of Common Stock issuable upon such conversion, issued in
        such name or names as such holder may direct.  Such conversion
        shall be deemed to have been made immediately prior to the close
        of business on the date of the surrender of the certificate
        representing shares of Class B Common Stock, and all rights of
        the holder of such shares as such holder shall cease at such
        time and the person or persons in whose name or names the
        certificate or certificates representing the shares of Common
        Stock are to be issued shall be treated for all purposes as
        having become the record holder or holders of such shares of
        Common Stock at such time; provided, however, that any such
        surrender and payment on any date when the stock transfer
        records of the Corporation shall be closed shall constitute the
        person or persons in whose name or names the certificate or
        certificates representing shares of Common Stock are to be
        issued as the record holder or holders thereof for all purposes
        immediately prior to the close of business on the next
        succeeding day on which such stock transfer records are open.

             (c)  No adjustments in respect of dividends shall be made
        upon the conversion of any share of Class B Common Stock;
        provided, however, that if a share shall be converted subsequent
        to the record date for the payment of a dividend or other
        distribution on shares of Class B Common Stock but prior to such
        payment, the registered holder of such share at the close of
        business on such record date shall be entitled to receive the
        dividend or other distribution payable on such share on the date
        set for payment of such dividend or other distribution
        notwithstanding the conversion thereof or the Corporation's
        default in payment of the dividend or distribution due on such

             (d)  The Corporation covenants that it will at all times
        reserve and keep available, solely for the purpose of issuance
        upon conversion of the outstanding shares of Class B Common
        Stock, such number of shares of Common Stock as shall be
        issuable upon the conversion of all such outstanding shares;
        provided, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to
        preclude the Corporation from satisfying its obligations in
        respect of the conversion of the outstanding shares of Class B
        Common Stock by delivery of purchased shares of Common Stock
        which are held in the treasury of the Corporation.  The
        Corporation covenants that if any shares of Common Stock
        required to be reserved for purposes of conversion hereunder,
        require registration with or approval of any governmental
        authority under any Federal or state law before such shares of
        Common Stock may be issued upon conversion, the Corporation will
        cause such shares to be duly registered or approved, as the case
        may be.  The Corporation will endeavor to list the shares of
        Common Stock required to be delivered upon conversion prior to
        such delivery upon each national securities exchange, if any,
        upon which the outstanding Common Stock is listed at the time of
        such delivery.  The Corporation covenants that all shares of
        Common Stock which shall be issued upon conversion of the shares
        of Class B Common Stock, will, upon issue, be fully paid and
        nonassessable, except as provided in Section 180.0622(2)(b) of
        the WBCL, and not subject to any preemptive rights.

             (e)  The issuance of certificates for shares of Common
        Stock upon conversion of shares of Class B Common Stock shall be
        made without charge for any stamp or other similar tax in
        respect of such issuance.  However, if any such certificate is
        to be issued in a name other than that of the holder of the
        share or shares of Class B Common Stock converted, the person or
        persons requesting the issuance thereof shall pay to the
        Corporation the amount of any tax which may be payable in
        respect of any transfer involved in such issuance or shall
        establish to the satisfaction of the Corporation that such tax
        has been paid.

             (f)  When the number of outstanding shares of Class B
        Common Stock falls below two percent (2%) of the aggregate
        number of shares of Common Stock and Class B Common Stock then
        outstanding, the outstanding shares of Class B Common Stock
        shall be deemed without further act on anyone's part to be
        immediately and automatically converted into shares of Common
        Stock, and stock certificates formerly representing outstanding
        shares of Class B Common Stock shall thereupon and thereafter be
        deemed to represent a like number of shares of Common Stock.

             (5)  Issuance of the Class B Common Stock.

             (a)  Initial Issuance.  One share of Class B Common Stock
        shall be initially issued for each outstanding share of Class B
        Common Stock, par value one dollar ($1) per share, of The Marcus
        Corporation, a Delaware corporation, pursuant to the Agreement
        and Plan of Merger, dated August 13, 1992, by and between the
        Corporation and The Marcus Corporation.

             (b)  Subsequent Issuance.  Following the initial issuance,
        the Board of Directors may only issue shares of the Class B
        Common Stock in the form of a distribution or distributions
        pursuant to a stock dividend on or split-up of the shares of the
        Class B Common Stock and only to the then holders of the
        outstanding shares of the Class B Common Stock in conjunction
        with and in the same ratio as a stock dividend on or split-up of
        the shares of the Common Stock.  Except as provided in this
        subparagraph (b), the Corporation shall not issue additional
        shares of Class B Common Stock after the initial issuance of
        Class B Common Stock, as described in Paragraph (B)(5)(a) of
        this Article, and all shares of Class B Common Stock surrendered
        for conversion shall be retired, unless otherwise approved by
        the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the
        outstanding shares of the Common Stock and Class B Common Stock
        entitled to vote, voting together as a single class, as provided
        in Paragraph (B)(1) of this Article.  Notwithstanding the
        foregoing, the Board of Directors shall be permitted to make a
        one-time issuance of 299,547 shares of Class B Common Stock to
        Guest House Inn, Inc. ("GHI") in connection with the Agreement
        and Plan of Reorganization dated June 30, 1997, by and among the
        Corporation, GHI and the shareholders of GHI, in exchange for
        and cancellation of 299,547 shares of Class B Common Stock owned
        by GHI and, notwithstanding any other provision of these
        Articles of Incorporation (including particularly Section (B)(3)
        of this Article 2), the shareholders of GHI on June 30, 1997
        shall be "Permitted Transferees" of the shares of Class B Common
        Stock issued to GHI.

                                    ARTICLE 3

                               Board of Directors

             The number of initial directors constituting the Corporation's
   initial Board of Directors shall be seven (7) and thereafter such number
   as is fixed from time to time by, or in the manner provided in, the By-
   laws.  At each annual meeting of shareholders, directors shall be chosen
   for a term of one year.  Despite the expiration of a director's term, the
   director shall continue to serve until his or her successor is elected
   and, if necessary, qualifies or until there is a decrease in the number of

                                    ARTICLE 4

                           Registered Office and Agent

             The address of the registered office of the Corporation is 250
   East Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1700, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203, and the
   name of its registered agent at such address is Thomas F. Kissinger.