ECONOMIC VALUE ADDED
                                   BONUS PLAN

                                  PLAN SUMMARY

   The following is a summary of the terms and conditions of Johnson
   Worldwide Associates Economic Value Added Bonus Plan ("the Plan").

        A. 1.  Purpose of the EVA Bonus Plan

               To provide incentive compensation to executives and key
               managers of JWA employees in a Plan which directly relates the
               financial reward to an increase in the value of the Company to
               our  shareholders. The key philosophy behind the Plan is that
               value must continue to be created overtime in order for
               bonuses to be paid.

           2.  Eligibility

               Eligibility for the Plan is limited to designated eligible
               executive and key management employees within Johnson
               Worldwide Associates.  Selection of such employees, if any,
               for any fiscal year will be subject to nomination by the Chief
               Executive Officer to the Compensation Committee of the Board
               of Directors.

               Eligibility of executive positions or current incumbents  for 
               inclusion in the Plan does not guarantee their participation
               in any  future year.

           3.  Performance Versus Targets

               The Plan has unlimited upside and downside performance
               potential.  Your incentive earnings are based  on  EVA
               improvement.  If you achieve your targeted level  of EVA 
               improvement, you will achieve your target  bonus,  i.e.  a 
               1.0 x EVA Bonus Multiple.

               Given these assumptions, the EVA improvement required to
               double your bonus (achieve 2.0 bonus multiple) would be 
               $3.5 million.

               Your upside potential is limited only by your ability to drive
               EVA  performance  upward.   EVA  performance and incentive
               earnings are directly linked: the better your EVA performance,
               the more you earn.

               The leverage factor works the same on the downside.  If you
               underperform versus your EVA target, you will fall short of
               your target incentive.

               Does this mean that base pay could be taken away from you? 
               incentive payouts could be reduced to  account for  the
               negative bonus earned in the current year.

           4.  EVA Bonus Declaration

               A participants EVA Bonus Declaration for a plan year (JWA's
               fiscal year) will be determined by a combination of Company,
               geographic area, and/or business unit(s) performance, a
               determined for each individual based upon their

               A participant's initial declared EVA bonus will be computed as

               Bonus     =     Base       X       Target      X        Bonus
               Declaration     Salary            Incentive           Multiple

               The Bonus Multiple will be determined based on EVA

               The Bonus Multiple is determined as follows:

               Bonus Multiple = 1 + Actual EVA - Target EVA
                                    EVA Leverage Amount

               The leverage amount is the change in EVA over and above the
               target required to double  your target Bonus (i.e., a 2.0
               Bonus Multiple). The leverage factor varies by business based
               on the historic volatility of operating results.  For example,
               assume the following:

               -    Target EVA = $1,000,000
               -    Leverage Factor = $400,000

               Based upon these parameters, an EVA Bonus Multiple of 2.0x
               (two times target bonus) would be declared for actual EVA
               performance of $1,400,000 ( Target EVA plus the Leverage
               Factor). Likewise, an EVA Bonus Multiple of 0.0x ( a zero
               bonus) would be declared for actual EVA performance of

               The target EVA for subsequent  plan years shall be the average
               of the target EVA and actual EVA for the prior Plan year, plus
               the expected improvement.

               Expected improvement  in  EVA and  leverage  amounts will be
               determined at the inception of the Plan and adjusted
               periodically based on actual results of the businesses. 

           5.  Payment of Bonus and Banking

               The amount of any positive Bonus shall be paid in cash to the 
               participant subject to a banking system  for two thirds of the
               amount in excess of the target.  The total Bonus payment for
               each Plan year will be determined as follows:

               Beginning Balance
               +   Bonus Declared      
               =   Available Balance

               -    Bank Payout (Target plus 33 1/3% of balance)

               =   Ending Balance (Annual payment)

               The banking of bonuses serves to smooth Bonus payouts over 
               the business cycle.   This banking system also ensures that
               performance is sustained by making the payout of bank balances
               contingent on sustained performance.

               The payment will be made (net of tax withholding) on or before 
               the end of the third month following the end of the relevant
               Plan year.


                         EVA Bonus Declaration & Payout
                               Bonus Bank Example


    (Thousands)                                         1996            1997          1998            1999           2000
    Annual Salary                                        100             100           150            150            200
    x Percentage Target Bonus                             15%             15%           15%            15%            15%
    = EVA Target Bonus                                  15.0            15.0          22.5           22.5           30.0

    x EVA Bonus Multiple                                1.24x           1.61x        (0.19x)         0.10x          1.13x
                                                       ------          -----         ------          -----          -----
    = EVA Bonus Declaration                             18.7            24.1          (4.3)           2.3           33.9

    Payout Threshold Multiple                           1.00x           1.00x         1.00x          1.00x          1.00x
    Payout Threshold                                    15.0            15.0          22.5            22.5          30.0
    EVA Bonus Payout: Threshold [1]                     15.0            15.0           0.0            2.3           30.0

    Beginning Bank Balance                               0.0             2.5           7.7            2.3            1.5
    + Addition to the Bank                               3.7             9.1          (4.3)           0.0            3.9
                                                       -----           -----         -----          ------         ------
    = Bank Balance Available for Payout                  3.7            11.5           3.5            2.3            5.4
    x Payout Percentage                                   33%             33%           33%            33%            33%

    = Bonus Bank Payout:  Reserve [2]                    1.2             3.8           1.1            0.8            1.8

    Ending Bank Balance                                  2.5             7.7           2.3            1.5            3.7
    Total EVA Bonus Payout [1] + [2]                    16.2            18.8           1.1            3.1           31.8


        B. Administration and Guidelines of the Plan

           Administration of the Plan is the sole province of the
           Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors.  Guidelines for
           its administration are:

           1.  Determination of Targeted Bonus Exposure Under the Bonus Plan

               In each year the Compensation Committee of the Board of
               Directors will establish a targeted bonus level for
               participants in the Plan ranging from 10% to 100% of the
               eligible executive's base salary as defined in this Plan.

    Participant                                 Tier          Target Bonus %

    Chief Executive Officer                       1                70%
    Executive Officers                            2                55%
    Vice Presidents &
      Business Unit Managers                      3             30% - 40%
    Directors & Managers                          4             10% - 20%

           2.  Individual Awards

               Individual awards shall be based on the total base salary
               received by an incumbent in an eligible executive position
               during the fiscal year.  For this purpose, the term "base
               salary" shall not include allowances or any other payments or
               benefits, whether legally required or not.  At the time of
               selection of eligible positions the target bonus for the
               upcoming year shall be recommended by the Chief Executive
               Officer of JWA to the Board of Directors.

               The only factor to be considered in determining the individual
               awards is results against all annual EVA objectives.

           3.  Determination of EVA Objectives

               All EVA objectives used for purposes of this Plan must be
               finally determined by the Chief Executive Officer of JWA and
               approved prior to the beginning of the fiscal year (or as soon
               thereafter as possible), and may only be changed in the event
               of a significant change in the business, such as a significant
               acquisition, divestiture or other major event.  Guidelines for
               alteration of objectives are set forth in Exhibit A.

           4.  Determination of Bonus Awards

               After the close of the fiscal year each eligible executive's
               performance against EVA objectives will be evaluated by the
               Chief Executive Officer of JWA.

               The Chief Executive Officer of JWA will then submit these
               evaluations of performance against objectives along with his
               bonus recommendations   to  the  Compensation  Committee  of 
               the JWA Board of Directors for review and final approval.  The
               JWA Compensation Committee shall have the final authority to
               approve individual bonuses and may, at its sole discretion,
               reduce or eliminate the recommended bonuses.

           5.  New Hires/Promotion

               An individual who is hired/promoted into a position that
               participates in the Bonus Plan may be eligible for a bonus
               award on a pro-rata basis in the year of entry.

               6. Transfers
               A participant who transfers his or her employment from one
               business to another shall have his or her EVA Bonus Bank
               transferred to the new unit.  At the time of transfer, the
               participant will have his or her bonus award based on time
               spent in each particular operation/unit on a pro-rata basis
               for the portion of year the individual worked in each unit. 
               The participant's pro-rata share will be based on the
               operation's/unit's full year EVA performance.

               7. Death or Disability

               A participant who dies or becomes disabled while in the
               employment of Johnson Worldwide Associates, Inc. shall receive
               full payment of his or her Bonus Bank balance net of the
               impact of a pro-rata bonus for the year in which he or she
               dies or becomes disabled.  Such payment shall be made at the
               regular time for making bonus payments in respect to the year
               of such death or disability, and shall be paid to the
               designated beneficiary or estate in the case of death.

               8. Retirement

               A participant who retires from Johnson Worldwide Associates,
               Inc. shall receive full payment of his or her Bonus Bank
               balance and may be eligible for a pro-rata bonus for the year
               in which he or she retires.  Such payment shall be made in a
               lump sum at the regular time for making bonus payments or over
               two years as he or she so chooses.  Negative Bonus Bank
               balances are waived.  An individual whose age and full years
               of service total 70 will be considered to meet the definition
               of retirement.

               9. Involuntary Termination without Cause

               A participant who is involuntarily terminated without cause
               and who has a positive Bonus Bank balance shall become vested
               with respect to such balance and shall be paid in full at the
               regular time for making bonus payments net of the impact of a
               pro-rata bonus for the year in which he or she is terminated. 
               Negative Bonus Bank balances are waived.

               10. Voluntary Resignation or Termination with Cause

               Except as provided for above, voluntary termination of
               employment with Johnson Worldwide Associates, Inc. or
               termination with cause shall result in forfeiture of the
               participant's Bonus Bank balance and pro-rata bonus for the
               year of voluntary termination or termination with cause.

               11. No Guarantee

               Participation in the Plan provides no guarantee that a bonus
               under the Plan will be paid.  The success of Johnson Worldwide
               Associates, Inc., its business units and individual employees,
               as measured by the achievement of EVA and individual
               contribution, shall determine the extent to which Participants
               shall be entitled to receive bonuses thereunder.

               12. General Provisions

                  a) Withholding of Taxes

                  Johnson Worldwide Associates, Inc. shall have the right to
                  withhold the amount of taxes, which in the determination
                  of Johnson Worldwide Associates, Inc., are required to be
                  withheld under law with respect to any amount due or paid
                  under the Plan.
                  b) Expenses
                  All expenses and costs in connection with the adoption and
                  administration of the Plan shall be borne by Johnson
                  Worldwide Associates, Inc.
                  c) No Prior Right or Offer
                  Except and until expressly granted pursuant to the Plan,
                  nothing in the Plan shall be deemed to give any employee
                  any contractual or other right to participate in the
                  benefits of the Plan.  No award to any such participant in
                  any Plan Period shall be deemed to create a right to
                  receive any award or to participate in the benefits of the
                  Plan in any subsequent Plan Period.
              13. Limitations
                  a) No Continued Employment
                  Neither the establishment of the Plan or the grant of
                  an award thereunder shall be deemed to constitute an
                  express or implied contract of employment of any
                  participant for any period of time or in any way abridge
                  the rights of Johnson Worldwide Associates, Inc. to
                  determine the terms and conditions of employment or to
                  terminate the employment of any employee with or without
                  cause at any time.
                  b) Not Part of Other Benefits
                  The benefits provided in this Plan shall not be deemed a
                  part of any other benefit provided by Johnson Worldwide
                  Associates, Inc. to its employees.  Johnson Worldwide
                  Associates, Inc. assumes and shall have no obligation to
                  participants except as expressly provided in the Plan.
                  c) Other Plans
                  Nothing contained herein shall limit Johnson Worldwide
                  Associates, Inc.'s power to grant bonuses to employees of
                  Johnson Worldwide Associates, Inc., whether or not they
                  are participants in this Plan.

              14. a) Bonus Payments

                  Bonus payments shall be excluded from the computation of
                  other parts of the eligible executive's personal benefit
                  and compensation packages, such as, for example, that
                  executive's retirement contributions and life insurance.

                  b) Deferral of Bonus Payments

                  i) Election to Defer - An incumbent in an eligible
                  executive position may elect to defer all or part of any
                  bonus that may be awarded to that executive by action of
                  the Chief Executive Officer of JWA.   Such election shall
                  be irrevocable during the full period of deferral unless
                  the Chief Executive Officer of JWA, in his sole
                  discretion, decides to modify it upon a clear showing of
                  financial hardship suffered or likely to be suffered by
                  that executive.

                  ii) Period of Deferral - Normally, all deferrals shall be
                  for the full term of employment, e.g., until termination
                  or death.  However, each executive may elect to defer his
                  bonus award for a set period of years subject to the
                  approval of the Chief Executive Officer of JWA.  If the
                  executive who chose deferral for a specific period
                  terminates employment before the end of such period, the
                  Deferred Bonus Account of that executive shall, upon
                  termination, be distributed in accordance with the
                  Distribution Provisions in paragraph (iv) below.

                  iii) Interest Rate - Deferred Bonus awards shall increase
                  in value during the years prior to deferral at a rate to
                  be established at the discretion of the Chief Executive
                  Officer of JWA.  Such increase in value shall be credited
                  to such executive's Deferred Bonus Account as of the end
                  of each quarter and shall thereafter become part of that
                  executive's Deferred Bonus Account.

                  iv) Distribution from Deferred Bonus Accounts - Upon
                  termination of the executive's employment or the end of
                  the set period of deferral, the Deferred Bonus Account of
                  that executive shall be paid to that executive in full in
                  a single cash payment or in installments over a period of
                  up to ten (10) years, as detailed below.

                  If the executive's employment with JWA terminates for any
                  reason other than death or retirement, the entire unpaid
                  balance of the Bonus, plus any added value or accrued
                  interest, shall be paid within ninety (90) days following
                  the effective date of termination of employment.

                  If the executive's employment with JWA terminates due to
                  this retirement, payment of the Deferred Bonus awarded, if
                  any, plus any added value or accrued interest, for the
                  fiscal year to which this Plan applies, shall be made, or
                  continue to be made, as indicated by the executive in his
                  "Request for Payment" form and as previously approved by
                  the Chief Executive Officer of JWA.

                  If the executive dies before he receives the entire bonus,
                  the entire unpaid balance of the bonus, plus any added
                  value or accrued interest, shall be paid either within one
                  hundred twenty (120) days following receipt of notice of
                  his death by the Director-Human Resources of JWA, or in
                  such installments over a period of not more than ten (10)
                  years following his death, as determined by the Chief
                  Executive Officer of JWA.  Bonuses paid in installments
                  shall bear interest on the unpaid amount during the
                  installment payment period at a rate to be established at
                  the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer of JWA.

                  Bonuses awarded to an executive may not be assigned,
                  transferred or pledged by the executive either voluntarily
                  or involuntarily.

                  The executive may, however, submit a written designation
                  of beneficiary of the Deferred Bonus Account to the
                  Director-Human Resources of JWA at any time.  In the
                  absence of a properly designated beneficiary, payment
                  shall be made to the executive's estate.

           15.    Board of Directors' Actions

                  Prior to the beginning of each fiscal year the JWA Board
                  shall in a meeting or by written consent:

                  a.   Select the eligible positions in the Plan, if any, for
                       the next fiscal year;

                  b.   Establish the targeted bonus objective for the next
                       fiscal year; and

                  c.   Establish the tentative allocation (if any) between
                       specific EVA objectives and JWA total EVA performance
                       for the next year.  Within 90 days after the close of
                       the fiscal year, the Compensation Committee of the JWA
                       Board of Directors will, by resolution at a meeting,
                       or by consent establish the awards, if any, to be
                       given for performance in the preceding year.

                  16.  Plan Terms

                       In all cases the terms as set forth in the Plan
                       document shall have control over this summary.

                                                                 EXHIBIT A

                         CAPITALIZATION OF EXPENSES


   The EVA performance targets established in the Bonus Plan are intended to
   achieve long term improvements in shareholder value.  These targets have
   been objectively determined based on the historical performance of the
   operating units and allocated appropriately to achieve overall corporate
   objectives.  Changes to these targets are expected to be infrequent. 
   Nonetheless, situations will arise in which it is appropriate to revise
   such objectives.  Generally, a target may be revised only in the event of
   a significant acquisition or divestiture.  All such revisions are at the
   discretion of the Chief Executive Officer and the Compensation Committee
   of the Board of Directors.


   Similarly, certain expenses should not be considered annual expenses due
   to their nature.  These expenses should be "capitalized" so as to not
   distort operating results calculated under EVA in any given year.  These
   expenses are to be added to the capital base of the business and thus
   required to earn a return as long as these capitalized expenses remain a
   part of the capital base.  The criteria for capitalization of expenses are
   as follows:

   -  Material to the business
   -  Unusual
   -  Nonrecurring
   -  Result in tangible, measurable, long-term benefit to the business.

   Some examples of expenses that might be capitalized are as follows:

   -  Expenses related to consolidation of operating units following an
   -  Expenses related to a plant closing where closing the plant is expected
      to lead to operating cost reductions

   Some examples of costs that should not be capitalized are as follows:

   -  Significant advertising campaigns
   -  Research and development expenses
   -  Recruiting expenses

   All requests for capitalization of expenses will be reviewed by the Chief
   Financial Officer.  Any revisions to EVA calculations are at the
   discretion of the Chief Executive Officer and the Compensation Committee
   of the Board of Directors.