
   ("Amendment"), dated as of June 3, 1998 by and between SCHULTZ SAV-O
   STORES, INC., a Wisconsin corporation ("Schultz"), and PIGGLY WIGGLY
   CORPORATION, a Delaware Corporation ("Piggly Wiggly").


             A.   WHEREAS, Piggly Wiggly and Commodores Point Terminal
   Corporation ("Commodores Point") entered into a Master Franchise Agreement
   dated April 23, 1982 (with Exhibit D thereto dated May 1, 1982), a copy of
   which, excluding all exhibits other than Exhibit D, is attached hereto and
   marked as Exhibit A ("Master Franchise Agreement"); 

             B.   WHEREAS, on August 2, 1982, Commodores Point assigned all
   of its right, title and interest in, to and under the Master Franchise
   Agreement to Schultz pursuant to the Agreement attached hereto and marked
   as Exhibit B ("Assignment");

             C.   WHEREAS, Schultz and Piggly Wiggly entered into an
   Amendment to Master Franchise Agreement dated as of October 15, 1982
   ("Original Amendment" and, together with the Master Franchise Agreement
   and the Assignment, the "AMFA");

             D.   WHEREAS, Schultz and Piggly Wiggly desire to further amend
   the AMFA to expand Schultz's exclusive franchise territory, among other
   things, under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and

             E.   WHEREAS, all defined terms used herein which are not
   otherwise defined shall have the same meaning as set forth in the AMFA.

             NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements
   of the parties herein contained and in consideration of the additional
   amounts payable by Schultz to Piggly Wiggly hereunder, the parties legally
   agree as follows:

             1.   New Exclusive Territory.  Section 1 of the AMFA is hereby
   amended and supplemented by adding to Schultz's current existing exclusive
   franchise territory described on Exhibit D thereto dated May 1, 1982
   ("Existing Territory") the new exclusive territory described on Schedule 1
   hereto ("New Territory" and sometimes together with the Existing
   Territory, the "Combined Territory").  Additionally, all direct or
   indirect references to the "territory" contained in the AMFA shall hereby
   be amended to mean the Combined Territory, except to the extent otherwise
   set forth in this Amendment, so that Schultz shall have the exclusive
   right to establish, operate, franchise, license, subfranchise and
   sublicense retail grocery stores under the name "Piggly Wiggly" in the
   Combined Territory pursuant to the AMFA, as hereby amended.  The current
   existing Piggly Wiggly store located in Hillsboro City, Vernon County,
   Wisconsin which is directly franchised by Piggly Wiggly is hereby
   specifically excluded from the New Territory and the other provisions of
   the AMFA, as hereby amended.

             2.   Franchise Fee for Stores in New Territory.  Section 7 of
   the AMFA is hereby amended and supplemented by adding the following to the
   end of such Section:

                  "Schultz agrees to pay Piggly Wiggly a sum equal to 0.10%
                  of the gross sales of all merchandise of whatsoever nature
                  sold by all Piggly Wiggly stores in the New Territory which
                  Schultz franchises pursuant to this AMFA, out of the
                  payments actually received by Schultz from such Piggly
                  Wiggly store operators, within 15 days after the close of
                  each monthly period during term hereof.  Schultz also
                  agrees to pay Piggly Wiggly a sum equal to 0.10% of the
                  gross sales of merchandise of whatsoever nature sold by all
                  Schultz-owned Piggly Wiggly stores in the New Territory, as
                  may from time to time be operating pursuant to this AMFA,
                  within 15 days after the close of each monthly period
                  during the term hereof.  The amounts stated in this Section
                  7 are Piggly Wiggly's sole compensation under this AMFA, as
                  amended hereby."

             3.   Remainder of AMFA Unaffected.  Except to the extent herein
   specifically amended or supplemented as set forth above, all other terms
   and conditions of the AMFA remain unaffected by this Amendment and in full
   force and effect.

             IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this
   instrument to be executed by their elected officers on the day and year
   first written above.


   By:  /s/ Larry Wright              By:  /s/ James H. Dickelman           
        Larry Wright                       James H. Dickelman
        President                          President and Chief Executive



                                   SCHEDULE 1

                                  NEW TERRITORY


             WISCONSIN                       ILLINOIS

     ASHLAND            LA CROSSE       BUREAU       LEE
     BARRON             MONROE          CARROLL      OGLE
     BAYFIELD           ONEIDA          DEKALB       PUTNAM
     BUFFALO            PEPIN           GRUNDY       ROCK ISLAND
     BURNETT            PIERCE          HENRY        WHITESIDE
     CHIPPEWA           POLK            KENDALL      WILL
     CLARK              PRICE           LASALLE
     CRAWFORD           RICHLAND
     DOUGLAS            RUSK
     DUNN               ST. CROIX
     EAU CLAIRE         SAWYER
     FLORENCE           TAYLOR
     FOREST             TREMPEALEAU
     IRON               VERNON
     JACKSON            VILAS

             MINNESOTA                           IOWA

     HOUSTON            WINONA          BLACK HAWK   FAYETTE
     OLMSTEAD                           BREMER       HOWARD
                                        BUCHANAN     JACKSON
                                        CEDAR        JONES
                                        CHICKASAW    LINN
                                        CLAYTON      MUSCATINE
                                        CLINTON      SCOTT
                                        DELAWARE     WINNESHIEK

     IRON               KEWEENAW
     MARQUETTE          DELTA
     GOGEBIC            ALGER