Exhibit 4.3 EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, INC. 1998 EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION Participant Name: _____________________________________________ Social Security No.: ____________________________ Subject to the terms and conditions of the Effective Management Systems, Inc. 1998 Employee Stock Purchase Plan (the "Plan"), I hereby direct that in the event of my death, any benefits due under the Plan be paid to, and any rights thereunder by exercised by, the primary Beneficiary named below, if the Primary Beneficiary does not survive me, to the Secondary Beneficiary named below. I also hereby revoke any and all prior beneficiary designations made by me relative to the Plan and reserve the right to revoke or change this designation. This designation shall become effective upon its receipt by the Plan Administrator until replaced by a later designation. I hereby acknowledge that this designation shall be deemed invalid and not given effect upon my death if no beneficiary named below survives me. I understand that in such event, any benefits or other amounts payable upon my death will be paid in accordance with applicable provisions of the Plan. 1. Primary Beneficiary Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ Social Security No.: ____________________ Relationship: __________ 2. Secondary Beneficiary Name: _________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ Social Security No.: ___________________ Relationship: ________ __________________________________ __________________ Signature of Participant Date * * * * Received for Plan Administrator: By: _________________________ Date Received: _________________ THIS IS AN IMPORTANT DOCUMENT AND YOUR COPY OF IT SHOULD BE KEPT WITH OTHER IMPORTANT PAPERS.