Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                              (Amendment No. ____)

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Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [X]

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[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Confidential,  for  Use  of the  Commission  Only  (as  permitted  by  Rule
[ ] Definitive Proxy Statement 
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[X] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-12

                            THE YACKTMAN FUNDS, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

                          YACKTMAN ASSET MANAGEMENT CO.
     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[  ]    No fee required.

[  ]    Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

        1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

        2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

        3)   Per unit price or other underlying  value of transaction  computed
             pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
             the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

        4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

        5) Total fee paid:

[  ]    Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[  ]    Check box if any part of the fee  is  offset  as  provided  by  Exchange
        Act Rule  0-11(a) (2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting
        fee was paid  previously.  Identify  the previous filing by registration
        statement number, or the  Form  or Schedule and  the date of its filing.

        1)   Amount Previously Paid:

        2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

        3)   Filing Party:

        4)   Date Filed:

                                             Peter C. Harkins
                                             Mary Ellen Goodall
                                             D. F. King & Co., Inc.
                                             (212) 269-5550



                   Lawsuit Requests Court Ratify Meeting Date

         CHICAGO,  ILLINOIS, October 6, 1998 . . . Yacktman Asset Management Co.
("Yacktman"),  the investment adviser to The Yacktman Funds, Inc. (the "Funds"),
including The Yacktman Fund and The Yacktman Focused Fund,  announced today that
it has commenced  mailing of proxy  soliciting  materials to stockholders of the
Funds. As previously announced, Yacktman is soliciting proxies to remove four of
the Funds' six directors, to reduce the size of the Funds' board of directors by
one seat  and to elect  three  new  directors  to  serve  with  the  Funds'  two
management  directors - - Ronald W. Ball and Donald A. Yacktman - - at a special
meeting  of  stockholders  of the Funds  called  for  November  24th,  1998 (the
"Special Meeting").

         As disclosed,  Mr.  Yacktman called the Special Meeting in his capacity
as President of the Funds and pursuant to the Funds' bylaws.  Yacktman maintains
that removal of the four  directors - - Jon D. Carlson,  Stanislaw  Maliszewski,
Thomas R. Hanson and Stephen E. Upton  (collectively,  the  "Carlson/Maliszewski
Directors"),  is necessitated by, among other things, a basic  disagreement over
investment style.

         At a board  meeting on  September  22 - - eight days after the call for
the Special  Meeting - - the  Carlson/Maliszewski  Directors voted to remove Mr.
Yacktman as President and Mr. Ball as Secretary of the Funds,  appointing one of
their own members - - Jon Carlson - - President,  Secretary and Treasurer of the

                                 (M O R E . . .)

Yacktman Asset Management
October 6, 1998
Page 2

         At the same board meeting, the  Carlson/Maliszewski  Directors voted to
rescind the call for the special meeting. If successful, the Carlson/Maliszewski
Directors  would preclude  stockholder  action on the Yacktman  proposals at the
Special Meeting.

                         Lawsuit Filed In Maryland Court

         Yacktman also  announced  today that it has filed a complaint  with the
Circuit Court for Baltimore City in Maryland, the Funds' state of incorporation.
The lawsuit requests, among other things, that the Court order the Funds to hold
the Special Meeting on its originally scheduled date.

         In its complaint, Yacktman cites supporting Maryland law and a New York
precedent, Republic Corp. vs. Carter, where the Court concluded that an issuer's
board of directors  could not directly  cancel a special meeting of stockholders
called by the  issuer's  president  pursuant to the issuer's  by-laws  merely by
replacing the president.  In that case,  the court ruled that,  "[i]f the by-law
gave the  president  the  right to call a  special  meeting  - a call  immune to
assault by the board of  directors - it must follow that the board could not, by
discharging  the president  and electing a new one, do indirectly  what it could
not do directly."

              Yacktman Responds to Carlson/Maliszewski Allegations

         Commenting  on  allegations  of wrongdoing  recently  publicized by the
Carlson/Maliszewski Directors, Mr. Yacktman, who remains a director of the Funds
and who  continues  to manage both the Yacktman  Fund and the  Yacktman  Focused
Fund, said, "Rather than allow the Funds'  stockholders an opportunity to decide
their fate, the Carlson/Maliszewski Directors instead have embarked on their own
"scorched-earth"  strategy  by  attempting  to cancel the  Special  Meeting  and
publicizing  a  series  of  misleading  allegations  raised  in the form of mere
"questions" regarding,  among other things, Yacktman's investment technique, use
of  derivatives,  adherence to the Funds' Code of Ethics and  management  of the
Funds'  portfolios by persons other than those named in the  prospectus  for the
Funds.  I believe the  Carlson/Maliszewski  Directors have no basis for implying
improprieties by Yacktman. I also believe they have publicized their "questions"
in an  ill-conceived  attempt to  deflect  attention  from their own  continuing
                                (M O R E . . . )

Yacktman Asset Management
October 6, 1998
Page 3

         "I can only conclude that they are hoping to scare investors out of the
Funds. If that is their objective, it won't work because our investors and their
financial advisors aren't so easily fooled.

         "For the  record,  the Funds are  managed  only by me,  and  Yacktman's
investment  objective,  strategy and style remain  unchanged.  The Yacktman Fund
does  not  trade in  derivatives  and The  Yacktman  Focused  Fund's  derivative
trading, which is limited to exchange-listed put options on specific stocks, was
approved   unanimously   by  the  Funds'  board  of  directors,   including  the
Carlson/Maliszewski Directors.

         "An  alleged  breach  of the  Funds'  Code of  Ethics  occurred  when a
relatively  small  private  company  of which I was a  director  became a public
company,  thereby triggering an implied prohibition against the Funds' employees
serving as directors on public company boards. We resolved our disagreement with
the Carlson/Maliszewski  Directors regarding this matter long before I announced
my  intention  to  solicit  votes  for the  removal  of the  Carlson/Maliszewski
Directors, and the Funds never invested in the company in question."

         Yacktman concluded,  "Unlike the Carlson/Maliszewski  Directors, I have
added a  significant  sum of my own  money to the  substantial  investment  I've
already  made in the Funds.  Under the  circumstances,  to imply that I would do
anything to undermine the value of the Funds is, in my opinion, absurd.

         "As indicated in our proxy  soliciting  materials,  for some time, I've
been troubled by actions of the Carlson/Maliszewski Directors. Their response to
our  solicitation  has only  increased  my  resolve  to ensure  that the  Funds'
stockholders be allowed an opportunity to elect new directors.  For this reason,
among others, we are looking forward to the Special Meeting."

         The  entire  cost  of  Yacktman's  solicitation,  including  litigation
expenses, is being paid by Yacktman and not by the Funds.

                                      # # #

Yacktman Asset Management
October 6, 1998
Page 4

         In addition to Yacktman,  the following persons are participants in the
solicitation of proxies by Yacktman: Ronald W. Ball, Bruce B. Bingham, Albert J.
Malwitz,  George J.  Stevenson,  III and Donald  Yacktman.  Yacktman  and Donald
Yacktman,  as  Yacktman's  sole  stockholder,  have a financial  interest in the
outcome of the proposals to be voted on at the Special Meeting because  Yacktman
has advisory  agreements with the Funds pursuant to which it provides investment
advisory  services  to the  Funds and  receives  fees as  compensation  for such
services.  Because each advisory agreement may be terminated at any time without
payment  of any  penalty  by  Yacktman's  Board of  Directors,  there  can be no
assurance the Board of Directors  will not terminate the advisory  agreements if
the proposals to be voted on at the Special Meeting are not approved. Other than
directorships  contemplated by Yacktman's proposals for the three nominees, none
of the  participants  in the  solicitation  of proxies  has any  arrangement  or
understanding with any person with respect to any future employment by the Funds
or with respect to any future  transactions  to which the Funds will or may be a

         The  following  table shows,  as of August 1, 1998 (except as otherwise
noted),  the  shares  of  The  Yacktman  Fund  and  The  Yacktman  Focused  Fund
beneficially  owned  by the  participants  in the  solicitation  of  proxies  by

                                      Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership
Name of Beneficial Owner            The Yacktman Fund  The Yacktman Focused Fund
- ------------------------            -----------------  -------------------------
Ronald W. Ball ...................      7,061.00           10,835.00
Bruce B. Bingham .................      6,141.47(1)             0.00
Albert J. Malwitz ................     69,025.69(2)           505.19
George J. Stevenson, III .........      1,136.00(3)         1,401.00(3)
Donald A. Yacktman ...............    121,990.31(4)       199,348.42(4)
Yacktman Asset Management Co. ....     15,539.53                0.00
- -----------------

(1)  Reflects shares of The Yacktman Fund owned by Bruce Bingham's spouse.

(2)  Consists of shares of The Yacktman Fund held by Albert Malwitz as custodian
     for his child.

(3)  Includes  1,136.00  shares of The Yacktman Fund and 1,401.00  shares of The
     Yacktman Focused Fund held by the Stevenson & Company Profit Sharing Trust,
     of which George Stevenson is a trustee and participant.

(4)  Includes  2,588.79 shares of The Yacktman Fund and 103,181.46 shares of The
     Yacktman  Focused  Fund owned by Donald  Yacktman's  spouse  and  10,489.08
     shares of The Yacktman Fund held by Donald  Yacktman's  spouse as custodian
     for their children.  Includes 94,161.96 shares of The Yacktman Focused Fund
     purchased on August 27, 1998.

         This press release does not  constitute a  solicitation  of proxies for
any meeting of the Funds'  stockholders.  Such  solicitation  is being made only
pursuant to proxy materials  complying with the requirements of Section 14(a) of
the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  and the rules and regulations