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                            THE YACKTMAN FUNDS, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

                          YACKTMAN ASSET MANAGEMENT CO.
     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

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        2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

        3)   Per unit price or other underlying  value of transaction  computed
             pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
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        5) Total fee paid:

[ ]     Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

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                                                                Peter C. Harkins
                                                              Mary Ellen Goodall
                                                          D. F. King & Co., Inc.
                                                                  (212) 269-5550

- ---------------------


                   November 24 Special Meeting Date Affirmed

     CHICAGO,  ILLINOIS,  October 19, 1998 . . . Yacktman  Asset  Management Co.
("Yacktman"),  the investment adviser to The Yacktman Funds, Inc. (the "Funds"),
announced that on Friday, October 16, 1998, the Circuit Court for Baltimore City
issued a  temporary  restraining  order (a "TRO")  enjoining  four of the Funds'
directors  - - Jon D.  Carlson,  Stanislaw  Maliszewski,  Thomas R.  Hanson  and
Stephen E. Upton  (collectively,  the  "Carlson/Maliszewski  Directors)  -- from
blocking  a special  meeting  of the  Funds'  stockholders,  which was called by
Donald A. Yacktman for November 24.

     The court found that a TRO was necessary to prevent "immediate, substantial
and irreparable  harm" to stockholders of the Funds. The court held that actions
by the  Carlson/Maliszewski  Directors  have  violated  the rights of the Funds'
stockholders to attend the duly called special  meeting of  stockholders  and to
vote  on  matters   properly   before   them, including   the   removal  of  the
Carlson/Maliszewski  Directors.  Therefore,  the court entered the TRO, ordering
the  Carlson/Maliszewski  Directors  "to take no action to impede the conduct of
the  special  stockholders  meeting  called by  plaintiff  Donald  Yacktman  for
11/24/98" and ordering the  Carlson/Maliszewski  Directors "to provide  Yacktman
immediately  with a record date list of all  stockholders  entitled to notice of
said meeting."

                                   (M O R E)

Yacktman Asset Management
October 19, 1998
Page 2


     As disclosed,  Mr.  Yacktman  called the special meeting in his capacity as
President  of the Funds to consider  and act on several  proposals  sponsored by
Yacktman which, if adopted, would remove the Carlson/Maliszewski  Directors from
the board of  directors  of the Funds,  reduce  the size of the Funds'  board of
directors  by one seat to five  seats  from  six  seats,  and  elect  three  new
directors to serve on the Funds' board of directors  with Donald A. Yacktman and
Ronald  W. Ball who  currently  hold  seats on the  Funds'  board of  directors.
Shortly after Mr. Yacktman called the special meeting,  the Carlson/ Maliszewski
Directors  voted to: 1) remove Mr. Yacktman as President of the Funds and Ronald
Ball as  Secretary;  2) to  elevate  Mr.  Carlson to both  positions;  and 3) to
rescind the call for the special meeting.

     Court papers submitted by Yacktman argued that:  "Maryland's  corporate law
statutes  clearly  articulate  that the  president of a  corporation  may call a
special  meeting of  stockholders....  Nowhere does the Maryland Code in any way
authorize the Board of Directors to circumvent that Rule by firing the president
who called the  meeting and having the board of  directors,  one of which is the
newly-elected  president,  rescind the call.  Courts  specifically have rejected
such a rule as illogical."

     The complaint went on to say: "The effect of this illegal action is to deny
the stockholders of The Yacktman Funds, including but not limited to [Yacktman],
their  rights  under the by-laws  and  Maryland  law to vote upon  matters to be
presented at a Special Meeting of Stockholders duly called by the President."

            Yacktman Still Serves as Investment Advisor to the Funds

     Yacktman continues to manage the Funds. Mr. Yacktman maintains that removal
of the  Carlson/Maliszewski  Directors  is required by  disagreements  among the
directors of the Funds  regarding the  management  and  investment  style of the
Funds.  As part of such disagreements, the

                                   (M O R E)

Yacktman Asset Management
October 19, 1998
Page 3

Carlson/Maliszewski Directors consistently have voted as a bloc in opposition to
Donald Yacktman and Ronald Ball, contrary to what Yacktman perceives as the best
interests  of the  Funds.  Mr.  Yacktman  has said in an  October  6  letter  to
stockholders that if his proposals are not adopted by the Funds' stockholders at
the special meeting,  stockholders "should assume that, going forward,  Yacktman
will not be the Funds' investment advisor."

     The entire cost of Yacktman's  solicitation  in connection with the Special
Meeting,  including  litigation costs, is being paid by Yacktman (and not by the
Funds).  Mr.  Yacktman has stressed  that  choosing who should manage the Funds'
assets - Yacktman or the  Carlson/Maliszewski  Directors - is the  imperative of
the Funds' stockholders.

     Since  Mr.  Yacktman  advised  the  Carlson/Maliszewski  Directors  of  his
intention   to   petition   the    stockholders    for   their   removal,    the
Carlson/Maliszewski   Directors  have  raised   allegations   against   Yacktman
regarding,  among other things, 1) how the Funds are managed and who is actually
managing them; 2) Yacktman's use of derivatives;  and 3) Yacktman's adherence to
the Funds' Code of Ethics.  Mr.  Yacktman  maintains that he himself manages the
funds,  and that Yacktman's  investment  objective,  strategy and style have not
changed.  Further, he has said that the Yacktman Fund is prohibited from trading
in derivatives,  and the Yacktman Focused Fund's  derivative  trading,  which is
limited to exchange-listed put options,  was approved  unanimously by the Funds'
board of directors,  including the Carlson/Maliszewski Directors. With regard to
ethical violations, Mr. Yacktman denies any improprieties, and questions why, if
ethical  violations  had  occurred  at the  Funds,  had the  Carlson/Maliszewski
Directors not exposed them sooner.

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