ADOPTED March 20, 1990
                                             As Amended Through October 15, 1998

                           SCHULTZ SAV-O STORES, INC.
                             1990 STOCK OPTION PLAN

          1. PURPOSE.  The purpose of the Schultz Sav-O Stores,  Inc. 1990 Stock
Option  Plan (the  "Plan") is to promote  the best  interests  of Schultz  Sav-O
Stores,  Inc. (the "Company") and its shareholders by providing key employees of
the Company and its  Subsidiaries  (as defined in Section 3) with an opportunity
to acquire a, or increase their, proprietary interest in the Company and thereby
develop a stronger  incentive  to put forth  maximum  effort  for the  continued
success and growth of the Company.  In addition,  the  opportunity  to acquire a
proprietary  interest in the Company will aid in  attracting  and  retaining key
personnel of  outstanding  ability.  It is intended  that certain of the options
granted pursuant to the Plan will constitute  incentive stock options within the
meaning of Section 422A of the Internal Revenue Code ("Incentive Stock Options")
and the remainder of the options granted hereunder will constitute  nonqualified
stock  options  ("Nonqualified  Options"),  as  determined  by the Committee (as
defined in Section 2).

          2. ADMINISTRATION.

         (a) The Plan shall be administered by the Compensation and Stock Option
Committee  (the  "Committee")  of the Board of  Directors  of the  Company  (the
"Board").  The  Committee  shall  consist of not less than three  members of the
Board who shall qualify as "disinterested  administrators" and/or "disinterested
persons" as either or both of such terms are defined in the then existing  rules
and/or  regulations  promulgated  under  Section 16  ("Section 16 Rules") of the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended ("Exchange Act"). A majority of the
members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.  All  determinations  of the
Committee  shall be made by at least a majority of its members.  Any decision or
determination  reduced  to  writing  and  signed  by all of the  members  of the
Committee shall be fully as effective as if it had been made by a unanimous vote
at a meeting duly called and held.

         (b) In accordance  with the provisions of the Plan, the Committee shall
determine:  (i) the key  employees to whom options  shall be granted  hereunder;
(ii) the  number of shares of Stock (as  defined  in Section 4) to be subject to
each  option;  (iii) the time at which the  option  is to be  granted;  (iv) the
option  period;  (v) the option price;  (vi) the manner in which options  become
exercisable and when such options terminate;  (vii) whether the options shall be
Incentive  Stock Options or  Nonqualified  Options;  (viii) whether to grant tax
offset  bonuses in connection  with  Nonqualified  Options;  and (ix) such other
provisions  of the  option  granted  as the  Committee  may  deem  necessary  or

         (c) The Committee has authority to adopt such rules and regulations for
carrying  out the Plan as it may deem  proper and in the best  interests  of the
Company.  The Committee  shall have complete  authority to resolve all questions
regarding  interpretation,  administration  and  application  of this Plan,  any
related  option  agreements  or  instruments  and 


the value of shares of Stock subject to options for any purpose  hereunder,  and
any such determination shall be final.

          3.  ELIGIBILITY.  Any key employee  ("Employee") of the Company or its
future  subsidiaries,  as defined in Section 425(f) of the Internal Revenue Code
("Subsidiaries"), including any such Employee who is also an officer or director
of the Company or its Subsidiaries,  whose judgment,  initiative and efforts, in
the  opinion  of  the  Committee,   contribute   materially  to  the  successful
performance  of the  Company or its  Subsidiaries,  shall be eligible to receive
options  under the Plan. No option may be granted under the Plan to any director
of the Company who is not also an Employee or to any current or former member of
the  Committee  if  such  eligibility   would  then  violate  the  disinterested
administration requirements of the Section 16 Rules.

          4.  SHARES  SUBJECT  TO THE PLAN.  The shares to be subject to options
granted  under the Plan  shall be shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock,  $.05
current par value per share ("Stock"), and may be either authorized and unissued
or treasury shares. The total number of shares of Stock for which options may be
granted and which may be purchased  pursuant to the exercise of options  granted
under the Plan  shall not exceed an  aggregate  of  450,000  shares,  subject to
adjustment as provided in Section 10;  provided,  however,  that in the event an
option granted under the Plan expires, is cancelled or is terminated unexercised
as to any shares of Stock covered thereby,  such shares shall thereafter  become
available for the granting of additional options under the Plan.

          5. OPTION PRICE. The option price per share of Stock shall be fixed by
the  Committee,  but shall not be less than 100% of the fair market value of the
Stock on the date the option is granted, as determined by the Committee.

          6. GRANT OF OPTIONS.  Subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan,
the Committee  may, from time to time,  grant to selected  Employees  options to
purchase such number of shares of Stock and on such terms and  conditions as the
Committee  may  determine.  More  than one  option  may be  granted  to the same
Employee.  The day on which the  Committee  approves  the  granting of an option
shall be considered as the date on which such option is granted. Options granted
to Employees may be either Incentive Stock Options or Nonqualified  Options,  as
determined by the Committee. The granting of an option to an Employee shall give
such  Employee no rights as a  shareholder  of the Company,  except as to shares
actually issued to him upon exercise in accordance with the Plan.


         (a) The Committee  shall  determine the expiration date of each option,
but such expiration date shall not be later than seven years after the date such
option is granted.

         (b) The aggregate fair market value  (determined at the time the option
is granted) of the Stock with respect to which any  Incentive  Stock Options are
exercisable for the first time by an Employee during any calendar year under the
Plan or any  other  plan of the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  shall  not  exceed



         (a) An Employee  entitled  to  exercise  an option may,  subject to its
terms and  conditions  and the terms and  conditions  of the Plan,  exercise the
option  in full at any  time or in part  from  time to time by  delivery  to the
Company at its principal office in Sheboygan,  Wisconsin, of a written notice of
exercise  specifying  the  number of shares of Stock  with  respect to which the
option is being  exercised;  provided,  however,  that,  if then required by the
Section 16 Rules,  no option shall be exercisable  until at least six months has
elapsed from the date of grant of such  option,  except in the case of the death
or disability of the Employee holding such option as set forth in the Employee's
option agreement, or as otherwise allowed under the Section 16 Rules.

         (b) Any notice of exercise  shall be accompanied by full payment of the
option  price  of the  shares  of  Stock  being  purchased  (i) in  cash  or its
equivalent;  (ii) with the consent of the  Committee  as set forth in the option
agreement,  by tendering  previously  acquired  shares of Stock (valued at their
fair market value as of the date of exercise,  as determined by the  Committee);
or (iii) with the consent of the Committee as set forth in the option agreement,
by any  combination of (i) and (ii).  For purposes of (ii) and (iii) above,  the
term "previously acquired shares of Stock" shall only include Stock owned by the
Employee prior to the exercise of the option for which payment is being made and
shall not  include  shares of Stock  which are being  acquired  pursuant  to the
exercise of such option.

         (c)  Except  as may be  provided  in the  option  agreement,  an option
granted  under the Plan may be exercised  only while the Employee is an employee
of the  Company  or its  Subsidiaries  and only if he has been  continuously  so
employed since the date the option was granted.  Options may be exercised during
the life of the Employee only by the Employee (or his legal representative).  No
shares of Stock shall be issued upon  exercise  until full payment  therefor has
been made.


         (a) A tax offset bonus may be granted in  conjunction  with all or part
of any  Nonqualified  Option  granted under the Plan,  either at the time of the
grant or at any  time  during  the term of the  Nonqualified  Option  by  making
provision  therefor  in the  option  agreement  or an  amendment  to the  option
agreement.  Upon exercise of a  Nonqualified  Option with respect to which a tax
offset bonus has been  granted,  the Employee  shall be entitled to receive from
the Company an amount in cash  determined by multiplying  the excess of the fair
market  value of the  shares  of Stock  for  which  the  Nonqualified  Option is
exercised over the aggregate option price for such Stock by the Bonus Factor (as
defined in Section 9(b)). The fair market value of such shares of Stock shall be
determined by the Committee as of the date of exercise; provided, however, that,
if the  Employee  is an  officer,  director  or 10% or more  shareholder  of the
Company and if then  determined  appropriate by the Committee,  such fair market
value shall be  determined  as of the date which is six months after the date of
such exercise.  The day on which the Employee exercises his Nonqualified  Option
pursuant to Section 8 shall be  considered  the date on which such  Nonqualified
Option was exercised.


         (b) The "Bonus Factor" shall be the fraction calculated by dividing the
Applicable Tax Rate, as hereinafter  described,  by an amount equal to one minus
the  Applicable  Tax Rate.  The Committee  shall from time to time determine the
Applicable Tax Rate or Rates to be used in determining  the amount of tax offset
bonuses  (which may, but need not, be the same for each  Employee),  taking into
account such factors as it may deem necessary, including without limitation, the
maximum  income tax rates  applicable  to  individuals  and the salary rates and
grades of Employees;  provided,  however,  that the Applicable Tax Rate(s) shall
not exceed the maximum income tax rate imposed on  corporations.  The tax offset
bonus shall be payable to the Employee  within 15 days  following  exercise of a
Nonqualified Option with respect to which such bonus relates; provided, however,
that,  in the case of an  Employee  who is an  officer,  director or 10% or more
shareholder of the Company, such bonus shall be payable within 15 days following
the date as of which the fair market value of the Stock  purchased upon exercise
of the Nonqualified  Option is determined.  All  determinations by the Committee
pursuant to this Section 9 shall be final.

         (c) The Company may deduct and withhold from any cash otherwise payable
under  this  Section  9 such  amount  as may be  required  for  the  purpose  of
satisfying the Company's  obligation to withhold federal,  state or local taxes.
Further,  in the event the amount so withheld is insufficient  for such purpose,
the Company may require  that the Employee pay to the Company upon its demand or
otherwise  make  arrangements  satisfactory  to the Company for payment of, such
amount as may be requested by the Company in order to satisfy its  obligation to
withhold any such taxes.

         (d)  With the  consent  of the  Committee  as set  forth in the  option
agreement,  an Employee may be permitted  to satisfy the  Company's  withholding
requirements  upon  exercise  of a  Nonqualified  Option by electing to have the
Company  withhold  shares of Stock  otherwise  issuable  to the  Employee  or to
deliver to the Company shares of Stock having a fair market value (as determined
by the Committee) on the date income is recognized pursuant to the exercise of a
Nonqualified  Option equal to the minimum  amount  required to be withheld.  The
election  shall be made in writing and shall be made according to such rules and
in such form as the Committee shall determine.

          10. CAPITAL  ADJUSTMENTS  AFFECTING  STOCK.  In the event of a capital
adjustment  resulting from a stock dividend (other than a stock dividend in lieu
of an ordinary cash dividend), stock split, spin-off, split-up,  reorganization,
recapitalization,  merger,  consolidation,  combination or exchange of shares or
the like,  the  number of shares of Stock  subject to the Plan and the number of
shares subject to outstanding  options shall be adjusted in a manner  consistent
with such capital adjustment;  provided,  however, that no such adjustment shall
require the Company to sell or issue any  fractional  shares and the  adjustment
shall  be  limited   accordingly  in  a  manner  determined  by  the  Committee.
Additionally,  the per share  option  price of any  shares of Stock  subject  to
outstanding  options  shall be  adjusted  so that there will be no change in the
aggregate   option  price  payable  upon  exercise  of  any  such  option.   The
determination of the Committee as to any adjustment hereunder shall be final.

          11. POWERS OF COMPANY NOT  AFFECTED.  The existence of the Plan or any
options granted under the Plan  (including the option  agreements or instruments
evidencing  such options)  shall not affect in any way the right or power of the
Company  or its  shareholders 


to make or authorize any or all adjustments, recapitalizations,  reorganizations
or other changes in the  Company's  capital  structure or its  business,  or any
merger, consolidation or business combination of the Company, or any issuance of
bonds, debentures, preferred or prior preference stock ahead of or affecting the
Stock or the rights of the holders thereof, or dissolution or liquidation of the
Company, or any sale or transfer of all or any part of its assets or business or
any  other  corporate  act or  proceeding,  whether  of a similar  character  or

          12. CORPORATE MERGERS AND OTHER CONSOLIDATIONS. The Committee may also
grant options having terms and provisions which vary from those specified in the
Plan,  provided that any options granted pursuant to this Section 12 are granted
in substitution  for, or in connection with the assumption of, existing  options
or similar rights granted by another corporation and assumed or otherwise agreed
to be  provided  for by the Company  pursuant  to or by reason of a  transaction
involving a corporate merger, consolidation,  acquisition,  business combination
or other reorganization to which the Company or a subsidiary is a party.

          13.  OPTION  AGREEMENTS.  All options  granted under the Plan shall be
evidenced by written  option  agreements  (which need not be  identical) in such
form as the  Committee  shall  determine.  Each option  agreement  shall specify
whether the option  granted  thereunder  is initially  intended to constitute an
Incentive Stock Option or Nonqualified Option.


         (a) Except as otherwise provided by the Board or the Committee, options
granted under the Plan shall not be transferable other than as designated by the
Employee by will, or by the laws of descent and distribution.  In the event that
the Board or the Committee  shall permit a transfer of options granted under the
Plan,  any  permitted  transferee  shall have all of the rights of the  Employee
under the Plan and option  agreement(s),  as if the Employee  had retained  such

         (b) Shares of Stock  purchased  pursuant to exercise of options granted
under  the Plan may not be sold,  offered  for sale or  otherwise  disposed  of,
except pursuant to an effective  registration statement under the Securities Act
of 1933,  as amended  (the "Act") or in a  transaction  that,  in the opinion of
legal counsel to the Company, is exempt from registration under the Act.

have the right to amend,  suspend or terminate the Plan or any portion hereof at
any time; provided,  however,  that shareholder approval of any amendment to the
Plan shall also be obtained if (a) then  required by the (i) Section 16 Rules in
order for the Plan to  remain  qualified  under  Rule  16b-3  (or any  successor
provision)  under the Exchange Act, (ii) Internal Revenue Code in order to allow
for  Incentive  Stock  Options  to still be  granted  under the  Plan,  or (iii)
quotation or listing requirements of NASDAQ or any principal securities exchange
or market on which the Stock is then  traded in order to  maintain  the  Stock's
quotation  or  listing  thereon;  (b) such  amendment  materially  modifies  the
eligibility  requirements as provided in Section 3; (c) such amendment increases
the total number of shares of Stock, except as 


provided  in Section 10,  which may be  purchased  pursuant  to the  exercise of
options  granted under the Plan as provided in Section 4; or (d) such  amendment
reduces the minimum  option  price per share at which  options may be granted to
less than 100% of the fair  market  value of the  Stock,  as  determined  by the
Committee, as provided in Section 5. No amendment,  suspension or termination of
the Plan shall alter, impair or adversely affect any of the rights,  benefits or
obligations  of any Employee under any  outstanding  option  previously  granted
thereto, unless the written consent of such Employee is obtained.

          16. EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERM OF PLAN. The effective date of the Plan is
the date of its  adoption  by the  Board,  subject to the  approval  of the Plan
within 12 months of such  effective date at a meeting of  shareholders,  and all
options  granted  prior to such  approval  shall be subject to such approval and
shall not be exercisable until after such approval.  The Plan shall terminate on
March 20, 1995,  or on such earlier date as may be determined by the Board under
Section 15.  Termination of the Plan,  however,  shall not adversely  affect the
rights of Employees under options  previously granted to them, and all unexpired
options shall  continue in force and  operation  after  termination  of the Plan
except as they may lapse or be terminated by their own terms and conditions.

          17. CHANGE IN CONTROL.

         (a)   Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of  the  Plan,  upon  the
occurrence of a Change in Control (as defined in Section 17(c)) all options then
outstanding under the Plan shall become immediately  exercisable in full for the
remainder of their terms and each Employee  shall have the right for a period of
30 days  following a Change in Control to require  the  Company to purchase  his
outstanding options for cash at the aggregate  Acceleration Price (as defined in
Section  17(b)) for all shares of Stock  subject  to such  options  held by such
Employee;  provided,  however,  that,  if then required by the Section 16 Rules,
Employees  shall have the right to exercise  outstanding  options or require the
Company to purchase such options only if at least six months has elapsed between
the date of grant of such options and the Change in Control date.

         (b) The "Acceleration  Price" shall be the excess of the highest of the
following  over  each  applicable  option  price  per  share (as the same may be
adjusted  from time to time  pursuant  to  Section  10) on the Change in Control

              (i) the highest  reported  ask price of the Stock,  as reported on
NASDAQ or the  principal  securities  exchange or market upon which the Stock is
then  listed or  traded,  on or within the 60 days  prior to and  including  the
Change in Control date;

              (ii) the highest purchase or sale price of the Stock reported in a
Schedule  13D or an  amendment  thereto as paid or  received on or within the 60
days prior to and including the Change in Control date; the highest tender offer
price  paid or  offered  for the  Stock on or  within  the 60 days  prior to and
including the Change in Control date; and

              (iii) the highest cash merger or similar price paid or offered for
the Stock on or within the 60 days prior to and  including the Change of Control


         (c) A "Change in Control" (and the Change in Control date) shall be the
occurrence of any one of the  following  events  (certain  defined terms used in
this Section 17(c) are defined in Section 17(d)):

              (i) the first day of receipt by the Company of a Schedule 13D, any
amendment thereto or notice of a public announcement  confirming that any Person
(other than any employee benefit plan of the Company or of any subsidiary of the
Company or any Person organized,  appointed or established pursuant to the terms
of any such benefit plan or any Person who is an  Employee),  together  with his
Affiliates  or  Associates,  is or becomes the  Beneficial  Owner of  securities
representing at least 20% of the combined voting power of the Company;

              (ii)  the  first day on which  two or more of the  members  of the
Board are not Continuing Directors;

              (iii) the day on which the shareholders of the Company approve (A)
any business  combination,  consolidation  or merger of the Company in which the
Company is not the  continuing  or  surviving  corporation  or pursuant to which
shares of the Stock would be converted into cash,  securities or other property,
other than a merger of the Company in which the holders of the Stock immediately
prior to the merger have the same proportionate ownership of common stock of the
surviving  corporation  immediately  after the merger,  or (B) any sale,  lease,
exchange  or  other  transfer  (in  one  transaction  or  a  series  of  related
transactions) of all, or substantially all, of the assets of the Company; or

              (iv) the day on which the  shareholders of the Company approve any
plan or proposal for the liquidation or dissolution of the Company.

          (d) For purposes of this Section 17:

              (i) a  "Person"  shall  mean any  individual,  firm,  corporation,
partnership, trust or other entity.

              (ii)   "Affiliate"  and  "Associate"  shall  have  the  respective
meanings ascribed to such terms in Rule 12b-2 under the Exchange Act.

              (iii) a Person shall be a  "Beneficial  Owner" of  securities  (A)
which such Person beneficially owns,  directly or indirectly,  or (B) which such
Person has the right to acquire  (whether such right is exercisable  immediately
or only with the passage of time)  pursuant  to any  agreement,  arrangement  or
understanding  (whether or not in writing)  or upon the  exercise of  conversion
rights, exchange rights, rights, warrants,  options or otherwise,  other than if
such  Person  acquires  or has  the  right  to  acquire  such  securities  as an
underwriter,  broker,  dealer or selling  group  member in  connection  with the
public or private distribution of such securities pursuant to an underwriting or
similar  agreement  with the Company or upon exercise of Rights issued under the
Company's  Rights  Agreement  with First Bank (N.A.) dated December 20, 1988, as

              (iv) "Continuing  Directors" means any member of the Board who was
a member of the Board on March  20,  1990,  and any  successor  of a  Continuing
Director who is recommended  or elected to succeed the Continuing  Director by a
majority of the remaining Continuing Directors.

         (e) The Committee  shall not have  authority  under Section 2 to modify
the time when options may be exercised under this Section 17.
