1999 INCENTIVE BONUS PLAN

         1.  PURPOSE.  The  purpose  of the  Northland  Cranberries,  Inc.  1999
Incentive  Bonus Plan (the  "Plan") is to provide  cash  bonuses to officers and
employees of Northland  Cranberries,  Inc. or any current or future subsidiaries
thereof (collectively, unless the context indicates otherwise, the "Company") if
the  Company  attains  certain  objectives  for  earnings  per  share  and other
corporate  or  department  objectives  and personal  goals during the  Company's
fiscal  year  ending  August 31,  1999 (the "1999  Fiscal  Year").  The Board of
Directors  of the  Company  (the  "Board")  believes  the Plan will  further the
interests of the Company and its  shareholders  by increasing the incentives and
personal interest in the financial  performance of the Company by those officers
and employees who  contribute  to the Company's  continued  growth and financial

         2.  ADMINISTRATION.  The Plan shall be administered by the Stock Option
and  Compensation  Committee (the  "Committee") of the Board. In accordance with
the  provision  of the Plan,  the  Committee  shall have  complete  authority to
approve the employees of the Company who shall be eligible to participate in the
Plan for the fiscal year and the amounts of bonuses paid thereto.  The Committee
shall also have the authority to adopt such rules and  regulations  for carrying
out the Plan, which are not inconsistent  with the terms hereof,  as it may deem
proper  and in the  best  interests  of the  Company  and  shall  have  complete
authority  and  discretion  to  resolve  all  questions  regarding  eligibility,
interpretation,  administration  and  application  of this Plan and any  related
agreements of  instruments.  All such  determinations  by the Committee shall be
final. The existence of the plan or the grant of any bonuses hereunder shall not
restrict  the  ability  of the  Committee  or  the  Board  to  grant  any  other
discretionary bonuses to any executive officers,  employees or others outside of
the Plan.
         A majority of the members of the Committee  shall  constitute a quorum.
All  determinations  of the Committee  shall be made by at least a majority of a
quorum.  Any decision or  determination  reduced to writing and signed by all of
the members of the Committee  shall be fully as effective as if it had been made
by a unanimous vote at a meeting duly called and held.

         3.  ELIGIBILITY.  Each eligible employee of the company who is selected
by  Management  for  participation  in the  Plan,  subject  to  approval  by the
Committee,  shall be a Participant  and shall be assigned to the Bonus Level for
his or her  position  according  to  the  schedule  attached  as  Schedule  A. A
Participant shall have no rights to be selected for further participation in the
Plan or any  renewal or  replacement  thereof  in any  subsequent  fiscal  year.
Written notice of selection for participation in the Plan shall be given to each
Participant as soon as practicable following date of selection.

         4. AWARDS TO  PARTICIPANTS.  Participants  shall be entitled to receive
from the Company an annual incentive cash compensation award for the 1999 Fiscal
Year ("Cash Bonus Award") based on a calculated  percentage ("Bonus Percentage")
of such  Participant's base salary earned during the 1999 Fiscal Year (excluding
benefits and bonuses).  


Such Bonus Percentage shall be determined  pursuant to a formula based primarily
on the percentage  that the "Net Income Per Common Share" of the Company for the
1999 Fiscal Year,  bears to the "Target  Earnings" for the 1999 Fiscal Year, and
other  specified  criteria.  The formula and criteria for  determining the Bonus
Percentage  for each Bonus Level are set forth on Schedule B.  Management  shall
establish  department  and  individual  goals for Bonus Levels II through VI and
shall set the discretionary  bonuses for Bonus Level I seasonal  employees,  all
subject to review by the Committee. The Target Earnings for the 1999 Fiscal Year
shall be Net Income Per Common Share of $0.77.

         5. PAYMENT OF CASH BONUSES.  The Cash Bonus Awards, if any,  determined
under Section 4 for the 1999 Fiscal Year shall be  distributed by the Company to
such  Participants in cash, or to his or her estate in the event of death of the
Participant, no later than November 15, 1999.

         6. NET INCOME PER COMMON SHARE. For purposes of the Plan, the Company's
"Net  Income Per Common  Share" for the 1999  Fiscal  Year shall be equal to the
Company's  net  income per  common  share  reflected  on the  Company's  audited
consolidated  financial statement for such fiscal year (excluding  extraordinary
items, but not the issuance of additional shares of capital stock or rights with
respect thereto, other than as set forth in Section 10 below).

         7.  TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT.  No Cash Bonus Award shall be made under
the Plan for a Participant  whose employment with the Company (or subsidiary) is
terminated  during the 1999 Fiscal Year for reasons other than retirement due to
age in accordance with the Company's policies, total or permanent disability, or
death,  unless  approved  by  the  Committee  after  considering  the  cause  of


         a. It is contemplated  that employees may be approved for participation
during a portion of the 1999 Fiscal Year and may be eligible to receive an award
for the year based on the number of full months as a Participant. A person newly
hired or promoted on or before March 1, 1999, into a position covered by a Bonus
Level  shall be  eligible  for  participation  in the Plan and,  if  selected by
Management,  shall have his or her  participation  in the Plan  prorated for the
fiscal year.

         b. Participants who are promoted or otherwise transferred to a position
covered by a different  Bonus Level will receive  Cash Bonus Awards  prorated to
months served in each eligible position.

         9. POWERS OF COMPANY NOT AFFECTED.  The existence of the Plan shall not
affect in any way the right or power of the Company or its  shareholders to make
or authorize any or all adjustments, recapitalization,  reorganizations or other
changes in the Company's  capital  structure or its  business,  or any merger or
consolidation of the Company, or any issuance of bonds,  debentures,  preferred,
or prior  preference  stock ahead of or  affecting  the  Company's  stock or the
rights  thereof,  or dissolution  or liquidation of the Company,  or any 


sale or  transfer  of all or any part of its  assets  or  business  or any other
corporate act or proceeding, whether of a similar character or otherwise.

         10.  CAPITAL  ADJUSTMENTS  AFFECTING  STOCK.  In the event of a capital
adjustment  resulting from a stock dividend (other than a stock dividend in lieu
of an ordinary cash dividend), stock split,  reorganization,  spin-off, split-up
or   distribution   of  assets  to   shareholders,   recapitalization,   merger,
consolidation,  combination or exchange of shares or the like, the Committee may
adjust the  determination of net income per common share as it deems appropriate
in its sole discretion.  The determination of the Committee as to any adjustment
shall be final (including any determination that no adjustment is necessary).

         11. AMENDMENT.  The Board shall have the right to amend the Plan at any
time and for any reason; provided, however, that no amendment of the Plan shall,
without  the consent of the  Participants,  alter or impair any of the rights or
obligations under any bonuses previously earned and declared.

         12. TAX  WITHHOLDING.  The  Company  may deduct and  withhold  from any
amounts payable to a Participant  such amount as may be required for the purpose
of satisfying  the  Company's  obligation  to withhold  federal,  state or local

         13.  EFFECTIVE DATE;  FISCAL YEARS COVERED.  The Effective Date of this
Plan is September  24, 1998 and the Plan shall apply to and cover the  Company's
1999 Fiscal Year. This Plan shall be renewable for additional  one-year  periods
upon action of the Board.


         (a) No  Participant  shall have any interest in any  specific  asset or
assets of the Company  (or any  subsidiary)  by reason of any account  under the
Plan.  It is intended  that the Company has merely a  contractual  obligation to
make payments when due hereunder.

         (b) No Participant may assign,  pledge, or encumber his or her interest
under the Plan, or any part thereof.

         (c) Nothing contained in this Plan shall be construed to:

         (i) Give any  Participant  any right to receive any award other than in
the sole discretion of the Committee;

         (ii)  Limit  in any way the  right  of the  Company  or  subsidiary  to
terminate an Participant's employment at any time; or

         (iii)  Be  evidence  of any  agreement  or  understanding,  express  or
implied,  that a Participant will be retained in any particular position, at any
particular rate of remuneration or for any length of time.


                           NORTHLAND CRANBERRIES, INC.
                            1999 INCENTIVE BONUS PLAN

                                   SCHEDULE B

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   BONUS LEVEL                    CRITERIA                    BONUS PERCENTAGE

                                                                   Sum of:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       VII         Company's Net Income Per Common
                   Share Equals--
                      90% or more of Target Earnings      30%
                      100% or more of Target Earnings     20%
                      More than 100% of Target Earnings   1% for Each Percentage
                                                          Point over Target
                                                          Earnings up to
                                                          10% Maximum          
                   Criteria adopted by Committee Based    Discretionary from
                   on Executive's contribution towards    0 to 10%  
                   enhancement Of Company's long-term                          

                                          Maximum Bonus  70% of Base Salary
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        VI         Company's Net Income Per Common
                   Share Equals--
                      90% of more of Target Earnings      20%
                      100% or more of Target Earnings     20%
                      More than  100% of  Target          1% for Each Percentage
                      Earnings                            Point over Target
                                                          Earnings up to 10%
                   Achievement of Department Goals        10%

                                         Maximum Bonus    60 % of Base Salary
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   BONUS LEVEL                    CRITERIA                    BONUS PERCENTAGE

                                                                  Sum of:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        V          Company's Net Income Per Common
                   Share Equals--
                      90% or more of Target Earnings      10%
                      100% or more of Target Earnings     15%
                      More than  100% of  Target          1% for Each Percentage
                      Earnings                            Point over Target 
                                                          Earnings up to 10%
                   Achievement of Department Goals        15%

                                       Maximum Bonus      50% of Base Salary
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        IV         Company's Net Income Per Common
                   Share Equals--
                      100% or more of Target arnings      10% 
                      More than 100% of Target            1% for Each Percentage
                      Earnings                            Point over Target
                                                          Earnings up to 10%
                      Achievement of Individual Goals     10%


                                       Maximum Bonus       30% of Base Salary
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       III         Company's Net Income Per Common
                   Share Equals--
                     100% or more of Target Earnings      5% 
                     More than 100% of Target             1% for Each Percentage
                     Earnings                             Point over Target
                                                          Earnings up to 5%

                   Achievement of Individual Goals        10%

                                        Maximum Bonus      20% of Base Salary
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   BONUS LEVEL                    CRITERIA                    BONUS PERCENTAGE

                                                                  Sum of:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        II         Company's Net Income Per Common
                   Share Equals--
                      100% or more of Target Earnings      5%

                   Achievement of Individual Goals         5%


                                         Maximum Bonus     10% of Base Salary
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        I          Discretionary Bonuses

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
