                          INTERSTATE ENERGY CORPORATION

         Effective January 20, 1999, the Board of Directors of Interstate Energy
Corporation  adopted  the  following  amendment  to Article III of the Bylaws of
Interstate Energy Corporation:

                                  ARTICLE III


         Section 3.1 ANNUAL  MEETING.  - The annual  meeting of the  shareowners
(the  "Annual  Meeting")  shall be held at such  date  and time as the  Board of
Directors may determine.  In fixing a meeting date for any Annual  Meeting,  the
Board of Directors  may consider  such factors as it deems  relevant  within the
good faith  exercise  of its  business  judgment.  At each Annual  Meeting,  the
shareowners  shall  elect  that  number  of  directors  equal to the  number  of
directors  in the class whose term expires at the time of such  meeting.  At any
such Annual Meeting,  only other business properly brought before the meeting in
accordance with Section 3.14 of these Bylaws may be transacted.  If the election
of  directors  shall not be held on the date fixed as herein  provided,  for any
Annual Meeting, or any adjournment  thereof,  the Board of Directors shall cause
the  election  to be  held at a  special  meeting  of  shareowners  (a  "Special
Meeting") as soon thereafter as is practicable.

         Section 3.2 SPECIAL MEETINGS.

         (a) A Special  Meeting may be called only by (i) the Board of Directors
or (ii) the Chief  Executive  Officer and shall be called by the Chief Executive
Officer upon the demand,  in accordance with this Section 3.2, of the holders of
record of shares  representing at least 10% of all the votes entitled to be cast
on any issue proposed to be considered at the Special Meeting.

         (b) In  order  that  the  Corporation  may  determine  the  shareowners
entitled to demand a Special  Meeting,  the Board of Directors  may fix a record
date to determine  the  shareowners  entitled to make such a demand (the "Demand
Record Date").  The Demand Record Date shall not precede the date upon which the
resolution  fixing the Demand  Record Date is adopted by the Board of  Directors
and  shall not be more than ten days  after the date upon  which the  resolution
fixing  the  Demand  Record  Date is  adopted  by the  Board of  Directors.  Any
shareowner of record seeking to have shareowners demand a Special Meeting shall,
by sending  written  notice to the  Secretary of the  Corporation  by hand or by
certified or registered  mail,  return receipt  requested,  request the Board of
Directors to fix a Demand Record Date.  The Board of Directors  shall  promptly,
but in all events within ten days after the date on which a valid request to fix
a Demand  Record Date is received,  adopt a resolution  fixing the Demand Record
Date and shall make a public  announcement  of such Demand  Record  Date.  If no
Demand  Record  Date has been  fixed by the Board of  Directors  within ten 


days after the date on which such  request is  received  by the  Secretary,  the
Demand  Record  Date shall be the 10th day after the first date on which a valid
written request to set a Demand Record Date is received by the Secretary.  To be
valid,  such written  request  shall set forth the purpose or purposes for which
the Special Meeting is to be held, shall be signed by one or more shareowners of
record (or their duly authorized proxies or other  representatives),  shall bear
the date of signature of each such shareowner (or proxy or other representative)
and shall set forth all  information  about each such  shareowner  and about the
beneficial  owner or owners,  if any,  on whose  behalf the request is made that
would  be  required  to be set  forth  in a  shareowner's  notice  described  in
paragraph (a) (ii) of Section 3.14 of these Bylaws.

         (c) In order  for a  shareowner  or  shareowners  to  demand a  Special
Meeting,  a written  demand or demands  for a Special  Meeting by the holders of
record as of the Demand Record Date of shares  representing  at least 10% of all
the votes  entitled  to be cast on any issue  proposed to be  considered  at the
Special Meeting must be delivered to the Corporation.  To be valid, each written
demand by a  shareowner  for a  Special  Meeting  shall  set forth the  specific
purpose or purposes for which the Special  Meeting is to be held (which  purpose
or purposes shall be limited to the purpose or purposes set forth in the written
request to set a Demand  Record  Date  received by the  Corporation  pursuant to
paragraph (b) of this Section  3.2),  shall be signed by one or more persons who
as of the Demand Record Date are shareowners of record (or their duly authorized
proxies or other representatives), shall bear the date of signature of each such
shareowner (or proxy or other representative),  and shall set forth the name and
address,  as they appear in the Corporation's  books, of each shareowner signing
such  demand  and the class and  number of shares of the  Corporation  which are
owned of record and beneficially by each such  shareowner,  shall be sent to the
Secretary by hand or by certified or registered mail, return receipt  requested,
and shall be  received by the  Secretary  within  seventy  days after the Demand
Record Date.

         (d) The  Corporation  shall not be required  to call a Special  Meeting
upon  shareowner  demand  unless,  in  addition  to the  documents  required  by
paragraph  (c) of this Section 3.2, the Secretary  receives a written  agreement
signed by each Soliciting Shareowner (as defined below),  pursuant to which each
Soliciting  Shareowner,  jointly and severally,  agrees to pay the Corporation's
costs of holding the  Special  Meeting,  including  the costs of  preparing  and
mailing proxy materials for the Corporation's own solicitation, provided that if
each of the resolutions  introduced by any Soliciting Shareowner at such meeting
is  adopted,  and  each of the  individuals  nominated  by or on  behalf  of any
Soliciting  Shareowner  for  election as a director at such  meeting is elected,
then the  Soliciting  Shareowners  shall not be required to pay such costs.  For
purposes of this paragraph (d), the following  terms shall have the meanings set
forth below:

                  (i)  "Affiliate" of any Person (as defined  herein) shall mean
         any Person controlling, controlled by or under common control with such
         first Person.

                  (ii)  "Participant"  shall have the  meaning  assigned to such
         term in Rule 14a-11  promulgated  under the Securities  Exchange Act of
         1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act").


                  (iii) "Person" shall mean any individual,  firm,  corporation,
         partnership,   joint  venture,   association,   trust,   unincorporated
         organization or other entity.

                  (iv) "Proxy"  shall have the meaning  assigned to such term in
         Rule 14a-1 promulgated under the Exchange Act.

                  (v)  "Solicitation"  shall have the  meaning  assigned to such
         term in Rule 14a-11 promulgated under the Exchange Act.

                  (vi) "Soliciting  Shareowner"  shall mean, with respect to any
         Special  Meeting  demanded by a shareowner or  shareowners,  any of the
         following Persons:

                           (A) if the number of  shareowners  signing the demand
                  or demands of meeting delivered to the Corporation pursuant to
                  paragraph  (c) of  this  Section  3.2 is  ten or  fewer,  each
                  shareowner signing any such demand;

                           (B) if the number of  shareowners  signing the demand
                  or demands of meeting delivered to the Corporation pursuant to
                  paragraph  (c) of this  Section  3.2 is more  than  ten,  each
                  Person who either (I) was a Participant in any Solicitation of
                  such demand or demands or (II) at the time of the  delivery to
                  the Corporation of the documents described in paragraph (c) of
                  this  Section  3.2 had  engaged  or  intends  to engage in any
                  Solicitation of Proxies for use at such Special Meeting (other
                  than a Solicitation of Proxies on behalf of the  Corporation);

                           (C) any  Affiliate of a Soliciting  Shareowner,  if a
                  majority of the directors then in office determine, reasonably
                  and in good faith,  that such Affiliate  should be required to
                  sign the written  notice  described in  paragraph  (c) of this
                  Section 3.2 and/or the  written  agreement  described  in this
                  paragraph (d) in order to prevent the purposes of this Section
                  3.2 from being evaded.

         (e) Except as provided in the following  sentence,  any Special Meeting
shall be held at such  hour and day as may be  designated  by  whichever  of the
Board of  Directors  or the Chief  Executive  Officer  shall  have  called  such
meeting.  In the case of any  Special  Meeting  called  by the  Chief  Executive
Officer  upon the demand of  shareowners  (a  "Demand  Special  Meeting"),  such
meeting  shall be held at such hour and day as may be designated by the Board of
Directors;  provided, however, that the date of any Demand Special Meeting shall
be not more than  seventy  days after the  Meeting  Record  Date (as  defined in
Section 3.6 hereof);  and provided  further that in the event that the directors
then in office fail to designate an hour and date for a Demand  Special  Meeting
within ten days after the date that valid  written  demands for such  meeting by
the  holders of record as of the Demand  Record Date of


shares  representing  at least 10% of all the votes  entitled to be cast on each
issue  proposed to be  considered  at the Special  Meeting are  delivered to the
Corporation (the "Delivery Date"),  then such meeting shall be held at 2:00 P.M.
local time on the 100th day after the Delivery Date or, if such 100th day is not
a Business  Day (as defined  below),  on the first  preceding  Business  Day. In
fixing a meeting  date for any Special  Meeting,  the Board of  Directors or the
Chief  Executive  Officer may consider  such factors as it or he deems  relevant
within the good  faith  exercise  of its or his  business  judgment,  including,
without limitation, the nature of the action proposed to be taken, the facts and
circumstances surrounding any demand for such meeting, and any plan of the Board
of Directors to call an Annual  Meeting or a Special  Meeting for the conduct of
related business.

         (f) The  Corporation  may engage  regionally or  nationally  recognized
independent  inspectors of elections to act as an agent of the  Corporation  for
the purpose of promptly  performing a ministerial  review of the validity of any
purported  written  demand or  demands  for a Special  Meeting  received  by the
Secretary.  For the purpose of permitting the inspectors to perform such review,
no purported  demand shall be deemed to have been  delivered to the  Corporation
until the earlier of (i) five Business Days  following  receipt by the Secretary
of such  purported  demand  and (ii)  such  date as the  independent  inspectors
certify to the  Corporation  that the valid  demands  received by the  Secretary
represent  at  least  10% of all the  votes  entitled  to be cast on each  issue
proposed to be  considered  at the Special  Meeting.  Nothing  contained in this
paragraph  (f) shall in any way be  construed to suggest or imply that the Board
of Directors or any shareowner  shall not be entitled to contest the validity of
any demand,  whether  during or after such five Business Day period,  or to take
any other action (including,  without limitation, the commencement,  prosecution
or defense of any litigation with respect thereto).

         (g) For  purposes of these  Bylaws,  "Business  Day" shall mean any day
other than a Saturday,  a Sunday or a day on which banking  institutions  in the
State of Wisconsin  are  authorized  or  obligated by law or executive  order to

         Section 3.3 PLACE OF  MEETING.  - The Board of  Directors  or the Chief
Executive Officer may designate any place, either within or without the State of
Wisconsin,  as the place for any Annual Meeting or any Special  Meeting,  or for
any postponement  thereof. If no designation is made, the place of meeting shall
be the  principal  office of the  Corporation.  Any meeting may be  adjourned to
reconvene  at any  place  designated  by  vote  of the  Board  of  Directors  or
determined by the Chief Executive Officer.

         Section 3.4 NOTICE OF MEETINGS - Written notice stating the date,  time
and place of any meeting of  shareowners  shall be  delivered  not less than ten
days nor more  than  seventy  days  before  the date of the  meeting  (unless  a
different time period is provided by the Wisconsin  Business  Corporation Law or
the  Articles of  Incorporation),  either  personally  or by mail,  by or at the
direction of the Chief Executive Officer or the Secretary, to each shareowner of
record entitled to vote at such meeting and to such other persons as required by
the  Wisconsin  Business  Corporation  Law.  In the event of any Demand  Special
Meeting,  such  notice of meeting  shall be sent not more than thirty days after
the  Delivery  Date.  If mailed,  notice  pursuant to this  Section 3.4 shall be
deemed to be effective  when  deposited in the 


United  States  mail,  addressed to the  shareowner  at his or her address as it
appears on the stock  record  books of the  Corporation,  with  postage  thereon
prepaid.  Unless otherwise required by the Wisconsin Business Corporation Law or
the Articles of Incorporation,  a notice of an Annual Meeting need not include a
description  of the purpose for which the meeting is called.  In the case of any
Special Meeting,  (a) the notice of meeting shall describe any business that the
Board of Directors shall have theretofore determined to bring before the meeting
and (b) in the case of a Demand Special Meeting, the notice of meeting (i) shall
describe  any  business  set forth in the  statement  of purpose of the  demands
received by the  Corporation in accordance  with Section 3.2 of these Bylaws and
(ii) shall contain all of the information required in the notice received by the
Corporation  in accordance  with Section  3.14(b) of these Bylaws.  If an Annual
Meeting or Special Meeting is adjourned to a different date, time or place,  the
Corporation  shall not be required to give notice of the new date, time or place
if the new date,  time or place is announced at the meeting before  adjournment;
provided, however, that if a new Meeting Record Date for an adjourned meeting is
or must be fixed, the Corporation  shall give notice of the adjourned meeting to
persons who are shareowners as of the new Meeting Record Date.

         Section  3.5  WAIVER OF  NOTICE - A  shareowner  may  waive any  notice
required  by  the   Wisconsin   Business   Corporation   Law,  the  Articles  of
Incorporation  or these  Bylaws  before or after the date and time stated in the
notice. The waiver shall be in writing and signed by the shareowner  entitled to
the notice,  contain the same  information  that would have been required in the
notice under  applicable  provisions of the Wisconsin  Business  Corporation Law
(except  that the time and place of meeting need not be stated) and be delivered
to the  Corporation  for  inclusion in the  corporate  records.  A  shareowner's
attendance  at any Annual  Meeting or  Special  Meeting,  in person or by proxy,
waives objection to all of the following: (a) lack of notice or defective notice
of the  meeting,  unless  the  shareowner  at the  beginning  of the  meeting or
promptly upon arrival objects to holding the meeting or transacting  business at
the meeting; and (b) consideration of a particular matter at the meeting that is
not within the purpose  described in the meeting  notice,  unless the shareowner
objects to considering the matter when it is presented.

         Section 3.6 FIXING OF RECORD DATE. - The Board of Directors  may fix in
advance a date not less than ten days and not more than  seventy  days  prior to
the date of an Annual  Meeting  or Special  Meeting  as the record  date for the
determination of shareowners  entitled to notice of, or to vote at, such meeting
(the "Meeting Record Date"). In the case of any Demand Special Meeting,  (i) the
Meeting Record Date shall be not later than the 30th day after the Delivery Date
and (ii) if the Board of Directors  fails to fix the Meeting  Record Date within
thirty days after the Delivery Date, then the close of business on such 30th day
shall be the  Meeting  Record  Date.  The  shareowners  of record on the Meeting
Record  Date shall be the  shareowners  entitled to notice of and to vote at the
meeting.  Except as provided by the  Wisconsin  Business  Corporation  Law for a
court-ordered  adjournment, a determination of shareowners entitled to notice of
and to vote at an  Annual  Meeting  or  Special  Meeting  is  effective  for any
adjournment  of such meeting  unless the Board of Directors  fixes a new Meeting
Record  Date,  which it shall do if the meeting is adjourned to a date more than
120 days after the date fixed for the original  meeting.  The Board of Directors
may also fix in advance a date as the record date for the purpose of determining
shareowners entitled to take


any other action or determining  shareowners for any other purpose.  Such record
date  shall be not  more  than  seventy  days  prior  to the  date on which  the
particular action, requiring such determination of shareowners,  is to be taken.
The record date for determining  shareowners  entitled to a distribution  (other
than a distribution involving a purchase, redemption or other acquisition of the
Corporation's  shares)  or a share  dividend  is the date on which  the Board of
Directors  authorizes the  distribution or share  dividend,  as the case may be,
unless the Board of Directors fixes a different record date.

         Section 3.7 SHAREOWNER  LIST. - The  Corporation  shall have available,
beginning  two (2) days after the  notice of the  meeting is given for which the
list was prepared and continuing to the date of the meeting,  a complete  record
of each shareowner entitled to vote at such meeting, or any adjournment thereof,
showing  the  address  of and  number of  shares  held by each  shareowner.  The
shareowner  list shall be available  for  inspection  by any  shareowner  during
normal  business  hours  at the  Corporation's  principal  office  or at a place
identified in the meeting notice in the city where the meeting will be held. The
Corporation  shall make the  shareowners'  list available at the meeting and any
shareowner or his agent or attorney may inspect the list at any time the meeting
or any adjournment thereof.


         (a) Shares  entitled to vote as a separate voting group may take action
on a matter at any Annual  Meeting or Special  Meeting only if a quorum of those
shares exists with respect to that matter. If the Corporation has only one class
of stock  outstanding,  such class shall  constitute a separate voting group for
purposes of this  Section 3.8.  Except as otherwise  provided in the Articles of
Incorporation or the Wisconsin Business Corporation Law, a majority of the votes
entitled to be cast on the matter shall  constitute a quorum of the voting group
for action on that matter.  Once a share is  represented  for any purpose at any
Annual  Meeting or Special  Meeting,  other than for the purpose of objecting to
holding the meeting or  transacting  business at the meeting,  it is  considered
present for purposes of determining whether a quorum exists for the remainder of
the meeting and for any  adjournment of that meeting unless a new Meeting Record
Date is or must be set for the adjourned meeting. If a quorum exists,  except in
the case of the election of  directors,  action on a matter shall be approved if
the votes cast within the voting group favoring the action exceed the votes cast
opposing  the action,  unless the  Articles of  Incorporation  or the  Wisconsin
Business  Corporation Law requires a greater number of affirmative votes. Unless
otherwise provided in the Articles of Incorporation, each director to be elected
shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast by the shares entitled to vote
in the election of directors at an Annual Meeting or Special  Meeting at which a
quorum is present.

         (b) The  Board of  Directors  acting by  resolution  may  postpone  and
reschedule any previously scheduled Annual Meeting or Special Meeting; provided,
however,  that a Demand Special Meeting shall not be postponed  beyond the 100th
day following the Delivery Date.  Any Annual  Meeting or Special  Meeting may be
adjourned from time to time,  whether or not there is a quorum, (i) at any time,
upon a resolution by shareowners  if the votes cast in favor of such  resolution
by the  holders of shares of each  voting  group  entitled to vote on any matter
theretofore  properly brought before the meeting exceed the number of


votes cast against such  resolution by the holders of shares of each such voting
group  or (ii) at any time  prior to the  transaction  of any  business  at such
meeting,  by the  Chairperson  of the Board or pursuant to a  resolution  of the
Board of Directors.  No notice of the time and place of adjourned  meetings need
be given except as required by the Wisconsin  Business  Corporation  Law. At any
adjourned  meeting  at  which a quorum  shall be  present  or  represented,  any
business may be  transacted  which might have been  transacted at the meeting as
originally notified.

         Section 3.9 CONDUCT OF MEETING.  - The  Chairperson  of the Board shall
preside at each meeting of shareowners. In the absence of the Chairperson of the
Board, such persons,  in the following order, shall act as chair of the meeting;
the Vice Chairperson of the Board, the Chief Executive  Officer,  the President,
any Vice  President,  and the Director in attendance  with the longest tenure in
that office. The Secretary, or if absent, an Assistant Secretary, of the Company
shall act as Secretary of each shareowner meeting.

         Section 3.10 PROXIES.  - Any  shareowner  having the right to vote at a
meeting of  shareowners  may exercise such right by voting in person or by proxy
at such  meeting.  Such  proxies  shall  be  filed  with  the  Secretary  of the
Corporation before or at the time of the meeting.  No proxy shall be valid after
eleven (11) months from the date of its execution,  unless otherwise provided in
the proxy.

         Section 3.11 VOTING OF SHARES.  - Except as provided in the Articles of
Incorporation  or  statute,  each  outstanding  share  entitled to vote shall be
entitled  to one (1) vote upon each matter  submitted  to a vote at a meeting of

         Section 3.12 VOTING OF SHARES BY CERTAIN HOLDERS.  - Shares standing in
the name of another corporation may be voted by such officer,  agent or proxy as
the  Bylaws  of such  corporation  may  prescribe,  or, in the  absence  of such
provision, as the Board of Directors of such corporation may determine.

         Shares held by an administrator,  executor, guardian or conservator may
be voted by such  person,  either in person or by proxy,  without a transfer  of
such shares into that person's  name.  Shares  standing in the name of a trustee
may be voted by such trustee,  either in person or by proxy,  without a transfer
of such shares into the trustee's name. The Corporation may request  evidence of
such  fiduciary  status  with  respect to the vote,  consent,  waiver,  or proxy

         Shares  standing in the name of a receiver or trustee in bankruptcy may
be voted by such receiver or trustee, and shares held by or under the control of
a receiver may be voted by such receiver without the transfer of the shares into
such person's name if authority so to do is contained in an appropriate order of
the court by which such receiver was appointed.

         A pledgee,  beneficial owner, or attorney-in-fact of the shares held in
the name of a shareholder shall be entitled to vote such shares. The Corporation
may request evidence of such  signatory's  authority to sign for the shareholder
with respect to the vote, consent, waiver, or proxy appointment.


         Neither  treasury shares nor shares held by another  corporation,  if a
majority of the shares  entitled to vote for the  election of  Directors of such
other  corporation is held by the Corporation,  shall be voted at any meeting or
counted in determining the total number of outstanding shares at any given time.

         Section 3.13 Action without Meeting. - Any action required or permitted
by the  Articles  of  Incorporation  or these  Bylaws  or any  provision  of the
Wisconsin  Business  Corporation Law to be taken at an Annual Meeting or Special
Meeting  may be taken  without  a  meeting  if a written  consent  or  consents,
describing the action so taken, is signed by all of the shareowners  entitled to
vote with respect to the subject matter thereof and delivered to the Corporation
for inclusion in the corporate records.

         Section 3.14 Notice of Shareowner Business and Nomination of Directors.

         (a) Annual Meetings.

                  (i)  Nominations  of  persons  for  election  to the  Board of
         Directors  of the  Corporation  and  the  proposal  of  business  to be
         considered  by the  shareowners  may be made at an Annual  Meeting  (A)
         pursuant  to the  Corporation's  notice  of  meeting,  (B) by or at the
         direction  of the Board of Directors  or (C) by any  shareowner  of the
         Corporation  who is a  shareowner  of  record  at the time of giving of
         notice  provided  for in this Bylaw and who is  entitled to vote at the
         meeting  and  complies  with the  notice  procedures  set forth in this
         Section 3.14.

                  (ii) For nominations or other business to be properly  brought
         before an Annual  Meeting  by a  shareowner  pursuant  to clause (C) of
         paragraph  (a)(i) of this Section 3.14, the shareowner  must have given
         timely notice  thereof in writing to the Secretary of the  Corporation.
         To be timely, a shareowner's  notice shall be received by the Secretary
         of the  Corporation  at the principal  offices of the  Corporation  not
         later than the  earlier  of (A) 45 days in advance of the first  annual
         anniversary  (the  "Anniversary  Date")  of the date  set  forth in the
         Corporation's  proxy  statement for the prior year's Annual  Meeting as
         the  date on  which  the  Corporation  first  mailed  definitive  proxy
         materials for the prior year's Annual  Meeting and (B) the later of (x)
         the  70th  day  prior  to such  Annual  Meeting  and (y) the  10th  day
         following  the day on  which  public  announcement  of the date of such
         meeting is first made. Such shareowner's  notice shall be signed by the
         shareowner  of record who intends to make the  nomination  or introduce
         the   other   business   (or  his  duly   authorized   proxy  or  other
         representative),  shall bear the date of signature  of such  shareowner
         (or proxy or other  representative)  and shall set forth:  (A) the name
         and  address,  as they  appear  on this  Corporation's  books,  of such
         shareowner and the beneficial owner or owners,  if any, on whose behalf
         the  nomination or proposal is made; (B) the class and number of shares
         of the Corporation  which are beneficially  owned by such shareowner or
         beneficial owner or owners;  (C) a representation 


         that such shareowner is a holder of record of shares of the Corporation
         entitled to vote at such  meeting and intends to appear in person or by
         proxy at the  meeting to make the  nomination  or  introduce  the other
         business  specified  in the  notice;  (D) in the  case of any  proposed
         nomination for election or re-election as a director,  (I) the name and
         residence  address of the person or  persons  to be  nominated,  (II) a
         description  of  all  arrangements  or   understandings   between  such
         shareowner or beneficial owner or owners and each nominee and any other
         person or persons (naming such person or persons) pursuant to which the
         nomination  is  to  be  made  by  such  shareowner,  (III)  such  other
         information regarding each nominee proposed by such shareowner as would
         be required to be disclosed in  solicitations  of proxies for elections
         of directors,  or would be otherwise required to be disclosed,  in each
         case pursuant to Regulation  14A under the Exchange Act,  including any
         information  that would be required to be included in a proxy statement
         filed  pursuant to Regulation 14A had the nominee been nominated by the
         Board of Directors  and (IV) the written  consent of each nominee to be
         named  in a  proxy  statement  and  to  serve  as  a  director  of  the
         Corporation  if so elected;  and (E) in the case of any other  business
         that such shareowner proposes to bring before the meeting,  (I) a brief
         description  of the business  desired to be brought  before the meeting
         and, if such business  includes a proposal to amend these  Bylaws,  the
         language  of  the  proposed  amendment,   (II)  such  shareowner's  and
         beneficial  owner's or owners'  reasons for conducting such business at
         the meeting and (III) any  material  interest in such  business of such
         shareowner and beneficial owner or owners.

                  (iii)  Notwithstanding  anything  in the  second  sentence  of
         paragraph  (a)(ii) of this Section 3.14 to the  contrary,  in the event
         that the number of directors to be elected to the Board of Directors of
         the Corporation is increased and there is no public announcement naming
         all  of the  nominees  for  director  or  specifying  the  size  of the
         increased  Board of Directors made by the  Corporation at least 45 days
         prior to the Anniversary  Date, a shareowner's  notice required by this
         Section 3.14 shall also be considered  timely, but only with respect to
         nominees for any new positions created by such increase, if it shall be
         received by the Secretary at the principal  offices of the  Corporation
         not later than the close of business on the 10th day  following the day
         on which such public announcement is first made by the Corporation.

         (b)  Special  Meetings.  Only such  business  shall be  conducted  at a
Special  Meeting as shall have been  described  in the notice of meeting sent to
shareowners pursuant to Section 3.4 of these Bylaws.  Nominations of persons for
election  to the Board of  Directors  may be made at a Special  Meeting at which
directors are to be elected  pursuant to such notice of meeting (i) by or at the
direction of the Board of Directors or (ii) by any shareowner of the Corporation
who (A) is a  shareowner  of  record  at the time of  giving  of such  notice of
meeting, (B) is entitled to vote at the meeting and (C) complies with the notice
procedures set forth in this Section 3.14.  Any shareowner  desiring to nominate
persons for election to the Board of Directors at such a Special  Meeting  shall
cause a written notice to be received by the Secretary of the Corporation at the
principal  offices of the Corporation not earlier than ninety days prior


to such Special Meeting and not later than the close of business on the later of
(x) the 60th day prior to such  Special  Meeting and (y) the 10th day  following
the day on which public  announcement  is first made of the date of such Special
Meeting and of the nominees  proposed by the Board of Directors to be elected at
such meeting.  Such written  notice shall be signed by the  shareowner of record
who  intends  to make  the  nomination  (or his duly  authorized  proxy or other
representative),  shall bear the date of signature of such  shareowner (or proxy
or other  representative) and shall set forth: (A) the name and address, as they
appear on the  Corporation's  books, of such shareowner and the beneficial owner
or owners,  if any, on whose behalf the  nomination  is made;  (B) the class and
number  of  shares  of the  Corporation  which  are  beneficially  owned by such
shareowner  or  beneficial  owner or  owners;  (C) a  representation  that  such
shareowner is a holder of record of shares of the  Corporation  entitled to vote
at such  meeting  and  intends to appear in person or by proxy at the meeting to
make the nomination  specified in the notice; (D) the name and residence address
of the person or persons to be nominated;  (E) a description of all arrangements
or understandings between such shareowner or beneficial owner or owners and each
nominee and any other person or persons (naming such person or persons) pursuant
to  which  the  nomination  is to be made by such  shareowner;  (F)  such  other
information  regarding  each  nominee  proposed by such  shareowner  as would be
required to be disclosed in solicitations of proxies for elections of directors,
or would be  otherwise  required  to be  disclosed,  in each  case  pursuant  to
Regulation 14A under the Exchange Act,  including any information  that would be
required to be included in a proxy  statement  filed  pursuant to Regulation 14A
had the nominee been  nominated by the Board of  Directors;  and (G) the written
consent  of each  nominee  to be  named in a proxy  statement  and to serve as a
director of the Corporation if so elected.

         (c) General.

                  (i) Only  persons who are  nominated  in  accordance  with the
         procedures set forth in this Section 3.14 shall be eligible to serve as
         directors.  Only such business  shall be conducted at an Annual Meeting
         or Special  Meeting as shall have been  brought  before such meeting in
         accordance  with the  procedures  set forth in this Section  3.14.  The
         chairman  of the  meeting  shall  have the power and duty to  determine
         whether a nomination or any business  proposed to be brought before the
         meeting was made in accordance  with the  procedures  set forth in this
         Section  3.14 and,  if any  proposed  nomination  or business is not in
         compliance  with this  Section  3.14,  to declare  that such  defective
         proposal shall be disregarded.

                  (ii) For purposes of this Section 3.14, "public  announcement"
         shall mean disclosure in a press release reported by the Dow Jones News
         Service,  Associated Press or comparable  national news service or in a
         document  publicly  filed by the  Corporation  with the  Securities and
         Exchange Commission pursuant to Section 13, 14 or 15(d) of the Exchange

                  (iii) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section
         3.14, a shareowner  shall also comply with all applicable  requirements
         of the  Exchange  Act and the rules  and  regulations  thereunder  with
         respect to the 


         matters set forth in this  Section  3.14.  Nothing in this Section 3.14
         shall be  deemed  to limit  the  Corporation's  obligation  to  include
         shareowner  proposals  in its  proxy  statement  if such  inclusion  is
         required by Rule 14a-8 under the Exchange Act.
