
AGREEMENT, dated as of October 17, 1994, by and between General Mills, Inc. a
Delaware corporation ("GMI") and CPC International Inc., a Delaware corporation
("CPC"), (GMI and CPC collectively, the "Parties").

WHEREAS, the Parties are conducting negotiations concerning a possible joint
venture between them (the "Joint Venture") and, in connection with such
negotiations and with the possible formation and operation of the Joint Venture,
the Parties have requested access to certain confidential business information
of each other.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements contained herein and
in consideration of each Party's disclosure of the above referenced confidential
business information to the other Party (the scope and other terms of which
disclosure are not governed by this instrument), the Parties hereto agree, with
the intention of being legally bound, as follows:

1.       Certain Definitions

                  (a) "Affiliate" and "Associate" shall have the respective
                  meanings ascribed to such terms in Rule 12b-2 of the General
                  Rules and Regulations, as currently in effect (the "Exchange
                  Act Rules"), under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
                  amended, as currently in effect (the "Exchange Act").

                  (b) "Applicable Debt Security" shall mean any evidence of
                  indebtedness (including notes and debentures) of either Party
                  which is either (i) convertible into equity securities or (ii)
                  not publicly traded.

                  (c) "Beneficial Owner" shall have the meaning ascribed to such
                  term in Rule 13d-3 of the Exchange Act Rules, and, for the
                  purposes of this Agreement, a Person shall have "Beneficial
                  Ownership" of securities of which such Person is the
                  Beneficial Owner.

                  (d) "Common Stock" shall mean the common stock of each of the
                  Parties, "GMI Common Stock" shall mean the common stock $.10
                  par value of GMI and "CPC Common Stock" shall mean the common
                  stock $.25 par value of CPC.

                  (e) "CPC Security" shall mean any equity security and any
                  Applicable Debt Security of CPC, or right to acquire any such
                  equity or Applicable Debt Security, including by purchase,
                  conversion or exchange, including, but not limited to, CPC
                  Common Stock and preferred stock and "GMI Security" shall mean
                  any equity security and any Applicable Debt Security of GMI,
                  or right to acquire any such equity or Applicable Debt

                  including by purchase, conversion or exchange, including, but
                  not limited to, GMI Common Stock and preferred stock.

                  (f) "Group" shall mean any partnership, limited partnership,
                  Syndicate or other group within the meaning of Section
                  13(d)(3) of the Exchange Act.

                  (g) "Participant" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term
                  in Regulation 14A of the Exchange Act Rules.

                  (h) "Person" shall mean any individual, firm, corporation,
                  partnership, trust or other entity.

                  (i) "Proxies" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in
                  Regulation 14A of the Exchange Act Rules.

                  (j) "Solicitation" shall have the meaning ascribed to such
                  term in Regulation 14A of the Exchange Act Rules.

                  (k) "Subsidiary" shall mean, with respect to any Person, any
                  corporation which is controlled by such Person by ownership of
                  securities or otherwise.

2.       Representation and Warranty by each of the Parties

         GMI represents and warrants to CPC that as of the date of this
         Agreement neither GMI nor any of its Affiliates or Associates, (other
         than employee benefit plans or pension trusts), is either the
         Beneficial Owner or has any control of any CPC Securities. CPC
         represents and warrants to GMI that as of the date of this Agreement
         neither CPC nor any of its Affiliates or Associates (other than
         employee benefit plans or pension trusts), is either the Beneficial
         Owner or has any control of any GMI Securities.

3.       Certain Agreements by GMI

         GMI covenants with CPC that, without the prior written consent of CPC,
         GMI and its Affliates and Associates, (other than employee benefit
         plans or pension trusts), singly or acting together, in concert, or as
         a Group with each other or any other Person, directly or indirectly
         through one or more intermediaries or otherwise, shall not:

                  (a) acquire, offer to acquire or agree to acquire, by purchase
                  or otherwise, Beneficial Ownership of, or become the
                  Beneficial Owner of, or acquire an interest in, any CPC
                  Securities or any of the assets of either CPC or Subsidiary of
                  CPC except for sales of products in the ordinary course;


                  (b) (i) directly or indirectly solicit proxies or become a
                  participant in a solicitation of proxies with respect to any
                  matter presented to CPC's stockholders for the exercise of
                  their voting rights, or (ii) engage in any course of conduct
                  for the purpose of influencing or affecting the stockholders
                  of CPC with respect to the exercise of their voting rights on
                  any matter presented for a vote by CPC's stockholders;

                  (c) otherwise act to seek control of or to influence, the
                  Board of Directors, management, policies or affairs of either
                  CPC or any Subsidiary of CPC;

                  (d) publicly (or in a manner requiring CPC to disclose
                  publicly) (i) propose any acquisition of any or all of the
                  assets of CPC or any of its Subsidiaries, or any acquisition
                  of any CPC Securities, or any merger, consolidation, business
                  combination or similar trasaction with, or change of control
                  of, CPC or any of its Subsidiaries or its or their assets,
                  (ii) make or propose a tender or exchange offer for any CPC
                  Securities, (iii) propose or suggest the possiblity of any of
                  the other actions set forth in this section 3, or (iv) propose
                  any amendment to, or modification or waiver of, any provision
                  of this Agreement;

                  (e) solicit, initiate, encourage, finance or assist any other
                  Person, Persons or Group to take or seek to take any action
                  which GMI is precluded hereunder from taking itself.

4.       Certain Agreements by CPC

         CPC covenants with GMI that, without the prior written consent of GMI,
         CPC and its Affiliates and Associates, (other than employee benefit
         plans or pension trust), singly or acting together, in concert, or as a
         Group with each other or any other Person, directly or indirectly
         through one or more intermediaries or otherwise, shall not:

                  (a) acquire, offer to acquire or agree to acquire, by purchase
                  or otherwise, Beneficial Ownership of, or become the
                  Beneficial Owner of, or acquire an interest in, any GMI
                  Securities or any of the assets of either GMI or any
                  Subsidiary of GMI except for sales of products in the ordinary

                  (b) (i) directly or indirectly solicit proxies or become a
                  participant in a solicitation of proxies with respect to any
                  matter presented to GMI's stockholders for the exercise of
                  their voting rights, or (ii) engage in any course of conduct
                  for the purpose of influencing or affecting the stockholders
                  of GMI with respect to the exercise of their voting rights on
                  any matter presented for a vote by GMI stockholders;


                  (c) otherwise act to seek control of or to influence, the
                  Board of Directors, management, policies or affairs of either
                  GMI or any Subsidiary of GMI;

                  (d) publicly (or in a manner requiring GMI to disclose
                  publicly) (i) propose any acquisition of any or all of the
                  assets of GMI or any of its Subsidiaries, or any acquisition
                  of any GMI Securities, or any merger, consolidation, business
                  combination or similar transaction with, or change of control
                  of, GMI or any of its Subsidiaries or its or their assets,
                  (ii) make or propose a tender or exchange offer for any GMI
                  Securities, (iii) propose or suggest the possibility of any of
                  the other actions set forth in this section 4, or (iv) propose
                  any amendment to, or modification or waiver of, any provision
                  of this Agreement.

                  (e) solicit, initiate, encourage, finance or assist any other
                  Person, Persons or Group to take or seek to take any action
                  which CPC is precluded hereunder from taking itself.

5.       Term of Agreement

         The term of this Agreement shall be the longer of (a) ten (10) years
         from the last date on which both CPC and GMI have an interest in the
         Joint Venture, or (b) ten (10) years from the date of the termination
         of negotiations between the Parties with respect to the formation of
         the Joint Venture in the event no such Joint Venture results therefrom.

6.       No Solicitation of Employees

         Each party agrees that as of the date hereof and for the longer of (a)
         three years from the last date on which both Parties have an interest
         in the JV or (b) three years from the date of termination of
         unsuccessful negotiations between the Parties with respect to the
         formation of the JV, it shall not directly or indirectly, solicit for
         employment or hire any employee of the other Party or its Subsidiaries
         or Affiliates with whom such Party has had contact or who become known
         to such Party by reason of the JV or negotiations therefor; provided,
         however, than this provision shall not prevent either Party from
         employing any such person who contacts the Party on his or her own
         initiative without any direct or indirect solicitation or encouragement
         on the part of such Party.

7.       Miscellaneous

                  (a) Applicable Law. This Agreement and the rights liabilities
                  of the Parties hereto shall be governed by and construed in
                  accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware applicable
                  to contracts made and to be performed therein.

                  (b) Submission to Jurisdiction. Each of the Parties hereby
                  agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Federal
                  or State Courts in the


                  State of Delaware, in any legal action or proceeding relating
                  to or arising out of this Agreement and all actions
                  contemplated hereby. The Parties agree that service of process
                  in any such legal action or proceeding in the manner provided
                  in Section 7(e) hereof, in addition to any other means of
                  service permitted by the laws and rules applicable to such
                  court, shall be deemed valid service thereof.

                  (c) Specific Performance. Each Party agrees and acknowledges
                  that in the event of any breach by it of the terms of this
                  Agreement, the other Party would be irreparably harmed and
                  could not be made whole by monetary damages. It is accordingly
                  agreed that, in addition to any other remedy which may be
                  available at law or in equity, specific performance of this
                  Agreement and mandatory injunctive or other relief, including
                  the divestiture of CPC Securities or GMI Securities (as the
                  case may be) by the breaching Party, shall be remedies
                  available under this Agreement, as may be necessary or
                  appropriate to carry out the intent of the Parties with
                  respect to this Agreement, in any action instituted in any
                  court having subject matter jurisdiction thereof.

                  (d) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number
                  of counterparts. Any single counterpart or set of counterparts
                  signed by the Parties shall constitute a full and original
                  Agreement for all purposes.

                  (e) Notices. In any case where any notice, service of process
                  or other communication is required or permitted to be given
                  hereunder, such notice, service of process or other
                  communication shall be in writing and (i) personally
                  delivered, (ii) sent by postage prepaid registered first class
                  post (if inland) or airmail (if overseas) or (except for
                  service of process) (iii) transmitted by telex, telecopy or
                  cable (with postage prepaid confirmation) at the following
                  addresses (or such other address as the Parties may designate
                  from time to time to each other by due notice pursuant to this
                  Section 7 (e)):

                           If to GMI      General Mills, Inc.
                                          Number One General Mills Boulevard
                                          Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426
                                          Attention: General Counsel

                           If to CPC      CPC International Inc.
                                          Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632
                                          Attention: General Counsel

                  (f) Successors. This Agreement shall be binding upon inure to
                  the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective
                  directors, officers, legal representatives, attorneys,
                  successors and assigns, including any Person who may succeed
                  to the assets or business of either Party by way of a
                  consolidation, merger, sale of substantially all of such
                  Party's assets or purchase of substantially all of such
                  Party's stock. This


                  Agreement shall not be assigned without the prior written
                  consent of all of the Parties hereto.

                  (g) Entire Agreement.The terms and conditions contained herein
                  constitute the entire agreement between the Parties relating
                  to the subject matter of this Agreement and shall supersede
                  all previous communications between the Parties with respect
                  to the subject matter of this Agreement.

                  (h) Amendment. This Agreement may be varied, amended or
                  extended only by the written agreement of the Parties through
                  their duly authorized officers or representatives.

                  (i) Expenses. Each of the Parties shall pay its own legal and
                  other costs, charges and expenses connected with this
                  Agreement and the performance of their obligations hereunder.

                  (j) Severability. If any provision (or any part thereof) of
                  this Agreement is held illegal or unenforceable in a judicial
                  proceeding, such provision (or the affected part thereof)
                  shall be severed from this Agreement to that extent and shall
                  be inoperative so long as such judicial determination shall
                  remain in effect, and the remainder of this Agreement shall
                  otherwise remain binding on the Parties hereto, it being the
                  intention of the parties, in the event any such provision is
                  held illegal or unenforceable in part, that such provision be
                  enforced to the fullest scope and extent permissible
                  consistent with the original intent of such provision and the
                  ruling of such judicial authority.

                  (k) Headings. The descriptive headings of this Agreement are
                  inserted for convenience only and do not constitute a part of
                  this Agreement.

                  (l) No Waiver of Rights. No failure or delay on the part of
                  any Party in the exercise of any power of right hereunder
                  shall operate as a waiver thereof. No single or partial
                  exercise of any right or power hereunder shall operate as a
                  waiver of such right or power or of any other right or power.
                  The waiver by any Party of a breach of any provision of this
                  Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any
                  other or subsequent breach hereunder. All rights and remedies
                  existing under this Agreement are cumulative with, and not
                  exclusive of, any rights or remedies otherwise available.

                  (m) No Third-Party Rights. This Agreement shall not be deemed
                  or construed in any way to result in the creation of any
                  rights in any Person not a Party to this Agreement.

                  (n) Further Assurances. At the request of either Party hereto,
                  the other Party hereto shall execute and deliver (and shall
                  cause their Affiliates and Associates to execute and deliver)
                  to such Party such other documents


                  and instruments as may be reasonably necessary to implement or
                  evidence the foregoing.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed
by their respective duly authorized officers as of the day and year fist written

Witness                                GENERAL MILLS, INC.

    /s/ Leslie Frecon                  By:     /s/ H. B. Atwater, Jr.
- ----------------------------------         ----------------------------------


Witness                                CPC INTERNATIONAL INC.

    /s/ Marjory A. Appel               By:  /s/ Charles R. Shoemate
- ----------------------------------         ----------------------------------

                                       Its: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
