REGISTRATION NO. 333-47094

                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                          PRE-EFFECTIVE AMENDMENT NO. 1


                                    FORM S-6



                          SELECT*LIFE VARIABLE ACCOUNT
                      (Exact Name of Unit Investment Trust)

                               (Name of Depositor)

                                Stewart D. Gregg
                        ReliaStar Life Insurance Company
                           20 Washington Avenue South
                          Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401


It is proposed that this filing will become effective

[ ] immediately upon filing pursuant to paragraph (b) of Rule 485
[ ] on (date) pursuant to paragraph (b) of Rule 485
[ ] 60 days after filing pursuant to paragraph (a) of Rule 485
[ ] on (date) pursuant to paragraph (a) of Rule 485

Title of securities being registered: Variable life insurance contracts issued
by a registered separate account.

The Registrant hereby amends this Registration Statement on such date or dates
as may be necessary to delay its effective date until the Registrant shall file
a further amendment which specifically states that this Registration Statement
shall thereafter become effective in accordance with Section 8(a) of the
Securities Act of 1933 or until the Registration Statement shall become
effective on such date as the Commission, acting pursuant to said Section 8(a),
may determine.

                          SELECT*LIFE VARIABLE ACCOUNT

                              CROSS REFERENCE SHEET
                        (RECONCILIATION AND TIE SHEET)

 --------------   -------------------------
        1         Cover Page
        2         Cover Page
        3         Not Applicable
        4         Distribution of the Policies
        5         ReliaStar Life Insurance
                  Company and the Variable Account
        6         The Variable Account
        7         Not Applicable
        8         Not Applicable
        9         Not Applicable
       10         Summary; Death Benefit; Payment and Allocation of Premiums;
                  Death Benefit Guarantee; Accumulation Value; Policy Lapse and
                  Reinstatement; Surrender Benefits; Investments of the Variable
                  Account; Transfers; Policy Loans; Free Look and Conversion
                  Rights; Voting Rights; General Provisions; Appendix B
       11         Deductions and Charges; Investments of the
                  Variable Account
       12         Investments of the Variable Account
       13         Deductions and Charges
       14         The Policies; General Provisions; Distribution of
                  the Policies
       15         Payment and Allocation of Premiums; Investments
                  of the Variable Account
       16         Payment and Allocation of Premiums; Surrender
                  Benefits; Investments of the Variable Account
       17         Surrender Benefits; Policy Loans; Free Look and
                  Conversion Rights; General Provisions
       18         The Variable Account; Investments of the Variable
                  Account; Payment and Allocation of Premiums
       19         Voting Rights; General Provisions
       20         Not Applicable
       21         Policy Loans
       22         Not Applicable
       23         Bonding Arrangements
       24         Definitions; General Provisions


 --------------   -------------------------
       25         ReliaStar Life Insurance Company
       26         Not Applicable

       27         ReliaStar Life Insurance Company

       28         Management
       29         ReliaStar Life Insurance Company
       30         Not Applicable
       31         Not Applicable
       32         Not Applicable
       33         Not Applicable
       34         Not Applicable
       35         Not Applicable
       36         Not Applicable
       37         Not Applicable
       38         Distribution of the Policies
       39         Distribution of the Policies
       40         Distribution of the Policies
       41         Distribution of the Policies
       42         Management
       43         Not Applicable
       44         Investments of the Variable Account; Payment
                  and Allocation of Premiums; Deductions and
       45         Not Applicable
       46         Investments of the Variable Account; Deductions
                  and Charges
       47         Investments of the Variable Account
       48         ReliaStar Life Insurance Company; State
       49         Not Applicable
       50         The Variable Account
       51         Cover Page; The Policies; Death Benefit; Payment
                  and Allocation of Premiums; Deductions and
                  Charges; Policy Lapse and Reinstatement; General
                  Provisions; Free Look and Conversion Rights
       52         Investments of the Variable Account
       53         Federal Tax Matters
       54         Not Applicable
       55         Not Applicable


 --------------   --------------------------
       56         Not Applicable
       57         Not Applicable
       58         Not Applicable
       59         Financial Statements


                                [LOGO] RELIASTAR

                           20 Washington Avenue South
                          Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401


                                ACCUMULATION SVUL
                                    ISSUED BY
                          SELECT*LIFE VARIABLE ACCOUNT

     ReliaStar Life Insurance Company is offering a survivorship flexible
premium variable life insurance policy (the "Policy") described in this
prospectus. ReliaStar designed the Policy to provide (1) a death benefit payable
at the Surviving Joint Insured's death; and (2) maximum flexibility regarding
premium payments and death benefits. Subject to certain restrictions, Policy
owners may:

     o    vary the frequency and amount of premium payments;

     o    increase or decrease the level of death benefits payable under the
          Policy; and

     o    allocate premiums to:

          --   the Fixed Account, an account that provides a minimum specified
               rate of interest; and

          --   Sub-Accounts of Select*Life Variable Account, a variable account
               allowing you to invest in certain portfolios of the following

AIM Variable Insurance Funds                     Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust
The Alger American Fund                          OCC Accumulation Trust
Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund        Pilgrim Variable Products Trust
Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund II     Putnam Variable Trust
Janus Aspen Series

     If you allocate net premiums to Sub-Accounts of Select*Life Variable
Account, the amount of the Policy's death benefit may, and the total value
attributed to a Policy will, vary to reflect the investment performance of the
Sub-Accounts you select.

     The Policy's primary purpose is to provide insurance protection for the
beneficiary. ReliaStar does not claim that investing in the Policy is in any way
similar or comparable to a systematic investment plan of a mutual fund.

     Generally, the Policy will remain in force as long as the cash surrender
value (that is, the amount that ReliaStar would pay if you surrender the Policy)
is sufficient to pay certain monthly charges. However, under certain
circumstances the Policy provides a death benefit guarantee that allows the
Policy to remain in force without regard to the cash surrender value (See "Death
Benefit Guarantee").



     Please read this prospectus carefully and keep it for future reference.
Call 1-800-456-6965 to obtain a current prospectus for any of the Funds. A
current prospectus for each of the Funds must accompany this prospectus and
should be read in conjunction with this prospectus.



                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

DEFINITIONS............................................................... 5


The Policy................................................................ 7
Free Look Rights.......................................................... 8
Premium Payments.......................................................... 8
The Variable Account...................................................... 8
The Fixed Account......................................................... 8
The Funds................................................................. 8

Charges against Premium Payments......................................... 11

Charges Against the Accumulation Value................................... 11
Charge Upon Lapse or Total Surrender of the Policy....................... 12
Surrenders............................................................... 12
Partial Withdrawals...................................................... 12
Loans.................................................................... 12

Transfers................................................................ 13

Death Benefit Overview................................................... 13
Adjusting the Death Benefit.............................................. 13
Death Benefit Guarantee.................................................. 13
Lapse.................................................................... 13
Taxation of Death Benefit Proceeds....................................... 13

Taxation of the Policy................................................... 14


ReliaStar Life Insurance Company......................................... 14
The Policies............................................................. 14
Deductions and Charges................................................... 14
Premium Expense Charge................................................... 14

Monthly Deduction........................................................ 15

 Cost of Insurance....................................................... 15
 Monthly Administrative Charge........................................... 15
 Monthly Amount Charge................................................... 15

 Monthly Mortality and Expense Risk Charge............................... 16
 Optional Insurance Benefit Charges...................................... 16

Surrender Charge......................................................... 16
 General................................................................. 16
 Surrender Charge........................................................ 16
 Surrender Charge Calculation............................................ 16

Partial Withdrawal and Transfer Charges.................................. 17
Modification of Charges.................................................. 17
Investment Advisory Fees and Other Fund Expenses......................... 17

Fund Expenses (Before Reimbursements).................................... 18
The Variable Account..................................................... 19
Investments of the Variable Account...................................... 20
Performance Information.................................................. 20

Death Benefit............................................................ 21
 Guideline Premium Test.................................................. 21
Death Benefit Options.................................................... 21
 Option A (Level Amount Option).......................................... 21
 Option B (Variable Amount Option)....................................... 21

 Option C (Face Amount Plus Premium Amount Option)....................... 22
Which Death Benefit Option to Choose..................................... 22
Requested Changes in Face Amount......................................... 22
 Increases............................................................... 22

 Decreases............................................................... 22

 Effect of Requested Changes in Face Amount.............................. 23
Insurance Protection..................................................... 23


Changing the Death Benefit Option........................................ 24

Payment and Allocation of Premiums....................................... 24
Issuing the Policy....................................................... 24
 Coverage................................................................ 24

 Minimum Initial Premium................................................. 25
 Temporary Insurance..................................................... 25
Allocating Premiums...................................................... 25

 Crediting Net Premiums.................................................. 25
 Refunding Premiums...................................................... 25

Amount and Timing of Premiums............................................ 26

Planned Periodic Premiums................................................ 26

Paying Premiums by Mail.................................................. 27
Death Benefit Guarantee.................................................. 27

Requirements............................................................. 27

Accumulation Value....................................................... 28
Illustration of Policy Benefits.......................................... 29
Specialized Uses of the Policy........................................... 29

Policy Lapse and Reinstatement........................................... 29
 Lapse................................................................... 29

 Reinstatement........................................................... 30
Surrender Benefits....................................................... 30
Total Surrender.......................................................... 30

Partial Withdrawal....................................................... 30

 Effect of Partial Withdrawals........................................... 31
Transfers................................................................ 31
 Telephone/Fax Instructions.............................................. 32
 Dollar Cost Averaging Service........................................... 32

 Portfolio Rebalancing Service........................................... 32

 Transfer Limits......................................................... 33
 Transfer Charges........................................................ 33
Policy Loans............................................................. 33
 General................................................................. 33
 Immediate Effect of Policy Loans........................................ 34
 Effect on Investment Performance........................................ 34
 Effect on Policy Coverage............................................... 34

 Interest................................................................ 34

 Repayment of Loan Amount................................................ 35
 Tax Considerations...................................................... 35
Free Look and Conversion Rights.......................................... 35
Free Look Rights......................................................... 35
Conversion Rights........................................................ 35
 General Option.......................................................... 35

Additional Information on the Investments of the Variable Account........ 35
Investment Limits........................................................ 35

Addition, Deletion, or Substitution of Investments....................... 36
Voting Rights............................................................ 37
 Disregarding Voting Instructions........................................ 37

General Provisions....................................................... 37
Benefits After Age 100................................................... 37
Ownership................................................................ 37

Proceeds................................................................. 38
Beneficiary.............................................................. 38
Postponement of Payments................................................. 38
Settlement Options....................................................... 38
 Interest on Settlement Options.......................................... 39
Incontestability......................................................... 39
Misstatement of Age and Sex.............................................. 39
Suicide.................................................................. 39


Termination.............................................................. 39
Amendment................................................................ 39
Reports.................................................................. 39
 Annual Statement........................................................ 39

 Projection Report....................................................... 40
 Other Reports........................................................... 40
Dividends................................................................ 40
Collateral Assignment.................................................... 40
Optional Insurance Benefits.............................................. 40
 Four Year Term Rider (FTR).............................................. 40
 Survivorship Term Rider (STR)........................................... 40

 Policy Split Option Rider (PSO)......................................... 40
 Additional Insured Rider (AIR).......................................... 40

 Full Death Benefit Rider (FDB).......................................... 41
Federal Tax Matters...................................................... 41
Introduction............................................................. 41
Tax Status of the Policy................................................. 41

Tax Treatment of Policy Benefits......................................... 41
 In General.............................................................. 41

 Modified Endowment Contracts............................................ 42
 Distributions from Modified Endowment Contracts......................... 42
 Distributions from Policies That Are Not Modified Endowment Contracts... 42

 Policy Loans............................................................ 42
 Multiple Policies....................................................... 42
Taxation of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company............................. 42

Possible Changes in Taxation............................................. 43
Other Considerations..................................................... 43
Legal Developments Regarding Employment-Related Benefit Plans............ 43

Distribution of the Policies............................................. 43

Management............................................................... 44
Directors and Officers................................................... 44
State Regulation......................................................... 48
Montana Residents........................................................ 48
Legal Proceedings........................................................ 48
Bonding Arrangements..................................................... 48
Legal Matters............................................................ 48
Experts.................................................................. 49
Registration Statement Contains Further Information...................... 49
Financial Statements..................................................... 49





ACCUMULATION VALUE. The total value attributable to a specific Policy, which
   equals the sum of the Variable Accumulation Value (the total of the values in
   each Sub-Account of the Variable Account) and the Fixed Accumulation Value
   (the value in the Fixed Account). See "Accumulation Value" at page 28, and
   Appendix B.

AVERAGE AGE. The sum of the ages of the Joint Insureds divided by two and
   rounded to the higher age.

CASH SURRENDER VALUE. The Accumulation Value less any Surrender Charge, Loan
   Amount and unpaid Monthly Deductions.

CASH VALUE. The Accumulation Value less any Surrender Charge.

CODE. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

   Corridor Percentage as shown in the Corridor Percentage Table and the
   Accumulation Value on the Valuation Date. See "Death Benefit" at page 21.

CUMULATIVE PREMIUMS. The total of all premium payments received since the issue
   of the Policy before the deduction of the Premium Expense Charge.

DEATH BENEFIT. The amount determined under the applicable Death Benefit Option.
   The proceeds payable to the beneficiary of the Policy upon the death of the
   Surviving Joint Insured will be reduced by any Loan Amount and any unpaid
   Monthly Deductions. See "Death Benefit" at page 21.

DEATH BENEFIT GUARANTEE. A feature guaranteeing that the Policy will not lapse
   during the Death Benefit Guarantee Period specified in your Policy if, on
   each Monthly Anniversary, the total premiums paid on the Policy, less any
   partial withdrawals and any Loan Amount, equals or exceeds the total required
   Minimum Monthly Premium payments specified in your Policy. See "Death Benefit
   Guarantee" at page 27.

DEATH BENEFIT OPTIONS. One of three death benefit options available under the
   Policy (the Level Amount Option, the Variable Amount Option, and the Face
   Amount Plus Premium Amount Option). See "Death Benefit -- Death Benefit
   Options" at page 21.

FACE AMOUNT. The minimum Death Benefit under the Policy to age 100 of the
   Younger Joint Insured as long as the Policy remains in force except for Death
   Benefit Option C when withdrawals exceed premiums. See "Death Benefit" at
   page 21.

FIXED ACCOUNT. ReliaStar Life Insurance Company's assets other than those
   allocated to the Variable Account or any other separate account. See
   Appendix A.

FIXED ACCUMULATION VALUE. The value attributable to a specific Policy based on
   amounts in the Fixed Account. Unlike the Variable Accumulation Value, the
   Fixed Accumulation Value will not reflect the investment performance of the
   Funds. See "Accumulation Value" at page 28 and Appendix B.

FUNDS. Any open-end management investment company (or portfolio thereof) or unit
   investment trust (or series thereof) in which a Sub-Account invests. See
   "Summary" at page 7 and "Fund Expenses Before Reimbursements" at page 18.

INITIAL PREMIUM TRANSFER DATE. The Initial Premium Transfer Date shown in the
   Policy. It is generally 16 days after the print date of the Policy or if
   later the date we receive from you final material required to put the Policy
   in force.

ISSUE DATE. The date insurance coverage under a Policy begins.

JOINT INSUREDS. The persons upon whose lives this Policy is based.

LOAN AMOUNT. The sum of all unpaid Policy loans including unpaid interest due
   thereon. See "Policy Loans" at page 33.

MINIMUM FACE AMOUNT. The minimum Face Amount shown in the Policy (currently

MINIMUM MONTHLY PREMIUM. A monthly premium amount that we determine when we
   issue the Policy. Your Policy will specify this amount. See "Death Benefit
   Guarantee" at page 27.

MONTHLY ANNIVERSARY. The same date in each succeeding month as the Policy Date.
   If the Monthly Anniversary falls on a date other than a Valuation Date, then
   the Monthly Anniversary will be the next Valuation Date. The first Monthly
   Anniversary is on the Policy Date.


MONTHLY DEDUCTION. A monthly charge we deduct from the Accumulation Value of the
   Policy. See "Deductions and Charges -- Monthly Deduction" at page 15.

NET PREMIUM. The premium you pay less a Premium Expense Charge.

PLANNED PERIODIC PREMIUM. The scheduled premium you select of a level amount at
   a fixed interval. The Policy will show the initial Planned Periodic Premium
   you select. See "Payment and Allocation of Premiums -- Planned Periodic
   Premiums" at page 26.

POLICY. The survivorship flexible premium variable life insurance policy
   described in this prospectus.

POLICY ANNIVERSARY. The same date in each succeeding year as the Policy Date. If
   the Policy Anniversary falls on a date other than a Valuation Date, the
   Policy Anniversary will be the next Valuation Date.

POLICY DATE. The date shown on your Policy that ReliaStar uses to determine
   Policy Years, Policy Months, Monthly Anniversaries, and Policy Anniversaries.

POLICY MONTH. A one-month period beginning on a Monthly Anniversary.

POLICY YEAR. A 12-month period beginning on a Policy Anniversary.

PREMIUM EXPENSE CHARGE. An amount not to exceed 6.25% in Policy Years 1-10 and
   currently 3.75% (guaranteed not to exceed 6.25%) thereafter ReliaStar deducts
   from each premium payment resulting in the Net Premium. See "Deductions and
   Charges -- Premium Expense Charge" at page 14.

RATE CLASS. A group of Insureds we determine based on our expectation that they
   will have similar mortality experience.

SEC. Securities and Exchange Commission.

SIGNATURE GUARANTEE. A guarantee of your signature by a member firm of the New
   York, American, Boston, Midwest, Philadelphia, or Pacific Stock Exchange, or
   by a commercial bank which is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance
   Corporation, or, in certain cases, by a member firm of the National
   Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. that has entered into an appropriate
   agreement with us.

SUB-ACCOUNT. A sub-division of the Variable Account that invests exclusively in
   the shares of a specified Fund.

SURRENDER CHARGE. A charge imposed upon total surrender or lapse of the Policy
   during the first 15 Policy Years and the first 15 years following any
   requested increase in Face Amount. See "Deduction and Charges -- Surrender
   Charge" at page 16.

SURVIVING JOINT INSURED. The Joint Insured who remains alive after the other
   Joint Insured has died.

UNIT VALUE. The unit measure by which we determine the value of the Policy's
   interest in each Sub-Account. See Appendix B.

VALUATION DATE. Each day the New York Stock Exchange is open for business except
   for days that a Sub-Account's corresponding Fund does not value its shares.
   The New York Stock Exchange is currently closed on weekends and on the
   following holidays: New Year's Day; Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day;
   Presidents' Day; Good Friday; Memorial Day; July Fourth; Labor Day;
   Thanksgiving Day; and Christmas Day. See Appendix B.

VALUATION PERIOD. The period beginning at the close of business on a Valuation
   Date and ending at the close of business on the next Valuation Date. See
   Appendix B.

VARIABLE ACCOUNT. Select*Life Variable Account, a separate investment account we
   established to receive and invest Net Premiums paid under the Policy and
   other variable life insurance policies we issue. See "The Variable Account"
   at page 8.

VARIABLE ACCUMULATION VALUE. The value attributable to a specific Policy based
   on amounts in the Variable Account. See "Accumulation Value" at page 28 and
   Appendix B.

WE, US, OUR, THE COMPANY, OR RELIASTAR. ReliaStar Life Insurance Company.

YOU, YOUR. The Policy owners as designated in the application for the Policy or
   as subsequently changed. If a Policy has been absolutely assigned, the
   assignee is the Policy owner. A collateral assignee is not the Policy owner.



     This is a brief summary of the Policy's features. Please read the entire
Prospectus and the Policy for more detailed information.


     The Accumulation SVUL is a survivorship flexible premium variable life
insurance contract with death benefits, cash values, and other features of
traditional life insurance contracts. The Policies are:

     o    "SURVIVORSHIP" because the death benefit is paid at the Surviving
          Joint Insured's death;

     o    "FLEXIBLE PREMIUM" because you do not have to pay premiums according
          to a fixed schedule; and

     o    "VARIABLE" because Accumulation Values and, under certain
          circumstances, the Death Benefit will increase and decrease based on
          the investment performance of the Funds corresponding to the
          Sub-Accounts to which you allocate your premium payments.

     Under current Federal tax law, as long as the Policy qualifies as life
insurance, Accumulation Value increases will be subject to the same Federal
income tax treatment as traditional life insurance cash values. Therefore, any
increases should accumulate on a tax deferred basis until you request a
distribution. See "Federal Tax Matters -- Tax Status of the Policy." The
following chart outlines the various features, charges, and expenses of the
Policies. Additional detailed information pertaining to charges and expenses is
contained in this Summary and in "Deductions and Charges."

                           HOW ACCUMULATION SVUL WORKS

                                  [FLOW CHART]

                                PREMIUM PAYMENTS


                            PREMIUM EXPENSE CHARGES

                        Invested in Variable Sub-Accounts
                                or Fixed Account

                 Variable Sub-Accounts         Fixed Account

   AIM                  Alger          Fidelity(R)             Janus
       Neuberger Berman        OpCap                Pilgrim             Putnam


                                INVESTMENT RETURN
                             (Net of Fund Expenses)


                               MONTHLY DEDUCTIONS
 * Monthly Amount Charge
 * Monthly Administrative Charge            * Mortality and Expense Risk Charge
 * Cost of Insurance                        * Optional Benefit Charges


                               PARTIAL WITHDRAWALS


                               ACCUMULATION VALUE
                            (Provides Living Benefits
                               and Death Benefits)

         LIVING BENEFITS                                 DEATH BENEFITS

       ACCUMULATION VALUE                              ACCUMULATION VALUE

             MINUS                                            PLUS

        SURRENDER CHARGE                               NET AMOUNT AT RISK

            EQUALS                                           EQUALS

         CASH VALUE                                      DEATH BENEFIT

            MINUS                                            MINUS

         POLICY LOAN                                       POLICY LOAN

            EQUALS                                           EQUALS

     CASH SURRENDER VALUE                             DEATH BENEFIT PROCEEDS


FREE LOOK RIGHTS        o     If you return the Policy to us by midnight of the
                              10th day after you receive it, we will send you a
                              refund of all premiums paid unless otherwise
                              stipulated by state law. See "Free Look and
                              Conversion Rights -- Free Look Rights."
                        o     Certain states may require a longer period of time
                              for the free look period and refund a different

PREMIUM PAYMENTS        o     You choose when to pay and how much to pay.
                        o     We may refuse to accept any premium less than $25.
                        o     You cannot pay additional premiums after Age 100
                              of the younger Joint Insured except as needed to
                              keep your Policy in force for the remainder of the
                              current Policy Year.
                        o     We may refuse any premium that would disqualify
                              your Policy as life insurance under Section 7702
                              of the Code.
                        o     You may pay enough premiums to maintain the Death
                              Benefit Guarantee in order to keep the Policy in
                              force during at least the first several Policy
                              Years. See "Death Benefit Guarantee" and "Payment
                              and Allocation of Premiums -- Amount and Timing of
                        o     We deduct a Premium Expense Charge (currently
                              6.25% of each premium payment in Policy Years 1-10
                              and 3.75% (guaranteed not to exceed 6.25%) of each
                              premium after the tenth Policy Year) and credit
                              the remaining premium (the Net Premium) to the
                              Variable Account or the Fixed Account according to
                              your instructions. See "Deductions and Charges --
                              Premium Expense Charge."

THE VARIABLE ACCOUNT    o     Select*Life Variable Account is one of our
(Select*Life Variable         separate accounts and consists of several
Account)                      Sub-Accounts. We only invest premiums from our
                              variable life insurance policies in the Variable
                        o     We invest any Net Premiums you allocate to each
                              Sub-Account in shares of the Fund related to that
                        o     Variable Accumulation Value will vary with the
                              investment performance of the Funds and the
                              charges deducted from the Variable Accumulation
                              Value. See "Accumulation Value."

THE FIXED ACCOUNT       o     Consists of all of our assets other than those in
                              our separate accounts (including the Variable
                        o     We credit interest of at least 3% per year on any
                              amounts you allocate to the Fixed Account.
                        o     We may, in our sole discretion, credit interest in
                              excess of 3%. See Appendix A, "The Fixed Account."

THE FUNDS               o     You can instruct ReliaStar to place your Net
                              Premium in, or transfer to, the following
                              investment portfolios.


     The following chart lists the currently available Funds and outlines
certain of their important characteristics.

                                INVESTMENT FUNDS

=================== ================== ========================== ============== ============== =================
        AIM           AIM V.I. Dent             A I M
      Variable         Demographic         Advisors, Inc./
  Insurance Funds      Trends Fund      H.S. Dent Advisors, Inc.
    Houston, TX
       Alger          Alger American          Fred Alger
      American           Growth            Management, Inc.
  New York, N.Y.
                      Alger American          Fred Alger
                        Leveraged          Management, Inc.
                    All Cap Portfolio
                      Alger American          Fred Alger
                          MidCap           Management, Inc.
                      Alger American          Fred Alger
                           Small           Management, Inc.
      Fidelity             VIP           Fidelity Management                                            X
   Investments(R)     Equity-Income      & Research Company
   Boston, Mass.
                        VIP Growth       Fidelity Management
                         Portfolio       & Research Company
                           VIP           Fidelity Management                            X
                        High Income      & Research Company

                           VIP           Fidelity Management             X
                       Money Market      & Research Company

                          VIP II         Fidelity Management
                       Contrafund(R)     & Research Company

                          VIP II         Fidelity Management                                            X
                        Index 500        & Research Company
      Fidelity          Portfolio
   Investments(R)   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  is a registered         VIP II         Fidelity Management                            X
    trademark of        Investment       & Research Company
     FMR Corp.          Grade Bond


=================== =============== ========== ======== ================== ========================== ===========================
        AIM                                       X                            Long-term growth       Securities of companies
      Variable                                                                    of capital          that are likely to benefit
  Insurance Funds                                                                                            from changing
                                                                                                         demographic, economic
                                                                                                         and lifestyle trends
    Houston, TX
       Alger                                      X                           Long-term capital          Equity securities of
      American                                                                   appreciation               large companies

  New York, N.Y.
                                                                X             Long-term capital          Equity securities of
                                                                                 appreciation            companies of any size

                                                  X                           Long-term capital            Equity securities
                                                                                 appreciation             within the range of
                                                                                                           S&P(R) MidCap 400
                                                                X             Long-term capital            Equity securities
                                                                                 appreciation             within the range of
                                                                                                        Russell(R) 2000 Growth
                                                                                                        and S&P(R) SmallCap 600
      Fidelity                                                                Reasonable income;           Income-producing
   Investments(R)                                                          also considers potential      equity securities and
                                                                           for capital appreciation        debt obligations
   Boston, Mass.
                                                  X                          Capital appreciation            Common stocks

                                                                              High current income          Income-producing
                                                                                                           debt securities,
                                                                                                         preferred stocks and
                                                                                                        convertible securities,
                                                                                                           with an emphasis
                                                                                                           on lower-quality
                                                                                                            debt securities
                                                                              High current income       U.S. dollar-denominated
                                                                                consistent with              money market
                                                                            preservation of capital           securities
                                                                                 and liquidity
                                                  X                          Capital appreciation            Securities of
                                                                                                            companies whose
                                                                                                           value the adviser
                                                                                                            believes is not
                                                                                                           fully recognized
                                                                                                             by the public
                                                                               Total return that           Common stocks of
                                                                            corresponds to that of              S&P 500
      Fidelity                                                                   S&P 500 Index
   Investments(R)   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  is a registered                                                             High current income          Investment-grade
    trademark of                                                                consistent with           intermediate fixed
     FMR Corp.                                                              preservation of capital        income securities



================= ================== =================== ============== ============== =================
      Janus          Aspen Series           Janus
                      Aggressive           Capital
   Denver, Co.          Growth           Corporation
                     Aspen Series           Janus
                        Growth             Capital
                      Portfolio          Corporation
                     Aspen Series           Janus
                     International         Capital
                        Growth           Corporation
                     Aspen Series           Janus
                       Worldwide           Capital
                        Growth           Corporation
     Neuberger         Advisers        Neuberger Berman                        X
      Berman          Management         Management/
                     Trust Limited     Neuberger Berman,
                     Maturity Bond           LLC
   New York, N.Y.      Advisers        Neuberger Berman
                      Management         Management/
                    Trust Partners    Neuberger Berman,
                       Portfolio             LLC
                       Advisers        Neuberger Berman
                      Management         Management/
                    Trust Socially     Neuberger Berman,
                      Responsive             LLC

   Oppenheimer     OCC Accumulation         OpCap
     Capital         Trust Equity          Advisors
  New York, N.Y.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   OCC Accumulation         OpCap
                     Trust Global          Advisors
                   Equity Portfolio
                   OCC Accumulation         OpCap
                     Trust Managed         Advisors
                   OCC Accumulation         OpCap
                      Trust Small          Advisors
                     Cap Portfolio


================= =============== ========== ======== ================== ======================= =========================
      Janus                                                   X            Long-term growth of   Nondiversified portfolio
                                                                                 capital             of common stocks
   Denver, Co.
                                                                            Long-term capital       Diversified common
                                                 X                                growth                  stocks

                         X                                                  Long-term capital       Foreign issuers of
                                                                                  growth               common stocks

                         X                                                  Long-term capital      Foreign and domestic
                                                                                  growth              common stocks

     Neuberger                                                             High current income           Short to
      Berman                                                               consistent with low       intermediate term
                                                                          risk to principal and    investment-grade debt
                                                                              liquidity and             securities
                                                                            secondarily total
 New York, N.Y.                                  X                            Capital growth         Common stocks of
                                                                                                    medium- and large-
                                                 X                              Long-term            Common stocks of
                                                                              capital growth        companies that meet
                                                                                                    both financial and
                                                                                                      social criteria


   Oppenheimer                                   X                          Long-term capital          Securities of
     Capital                                                                   appreciation             undervalued
  New York, N.Y.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         X                                                  Long-term capital      Global investments in
                                                                               appreciation          equity securities

                                      X                                     Growth of capital         Common stocks,
                                                                                                      bonds and cash
                                                              X            Capital appreciation    Equity securities of
                                                                                                      companies under
                                                                                                        $1 billion


==================== ================= ====================== ============== ============== =================
       Pilgrim          Pilgrim VP           Pilgrim
                          Growth         Investments, Inc.
   Scottsdale, AZ      Opportunities
                        Pilgrim VP      Pilgrim Investments,
                      Growth + Value    Inc./Navellier Fund
                         Portfolio        Management, Inc.

                        Pilgrim VP           Pilgrim                               X
                        High Yield       Investments, Inc.
                        Pilgrim VP      Pilgrim Investments,
                       International       Inc./Brandes
                      Value Portfolio       Investment
                        Pilgrim VP           Pilgrim
                         MagnaCap        Investments, Inc.                                          X

                        Pilgrim VP           Pilgrim
                          MidCap         Investments, Inc.
                        Pilgrim VP     Pilgrim Investments,
                         Research        Inc./J.P. Morgan
                         Enhanced           Investment
                      Index Portfolio     Management Inc.
                        Pilgrim VP           Pilgrim
                         SmallCap        Investments, Inc.
       Putnam             Putnam         Putnam Investment                                          X
  Investments, Inc.    VT Growth and     Management, Inc.
                      Income Fund --
                      Class IA Shares
    Boston, Mass.         Putnam         Putnam Investment
                          VT New         Management, Inc.
                     Fund -- Class IA
                         Putnam VT       Putnam Investment
                      Voyager Fund --    Management, Inc.
                      Class IA Shares


==================== =============== ========== ======== ================== ======================== =======================
       Pilgrim                                     X                          Long-term capital          Common stocks
   Scottsdale, AZ
                                                                 X          Capital appreciation        Equity securities
                                                                            High current yield and       High-yield bonds
                                                                             capital appreciation

                           X                                                   Long-term capital      International equities

                                                                                Capital growth            Common stocks

                                                   X                           Long-term capital         Common stocks of
                                                                                 appreciation               mid-sized
                                                                                                          U.S. companies

                                                   X                               Capital                Common stocks

                                                   X                                Capital                Common stocks
                                                                                 appreciation                of smaller
                                                                                                            lesser known
                                                                                                           U.S. companies
      Putnam                                                                   Capital growth &            Value stocks
  Investments, Inc.                                                             current income

   Boston, Mass.
                                                    X                           Long-term capital          Growth stocks

                                                                 X            Capital appreciation         Growth stocks


     For each Fund's expenses, see page 18 of this Prospectus and the Prospectus
for the Funds.


     We will deduct the Premium Expense Charge from each premium payment. The
Premium Expense Charge is guaranteed not to exceed 6.25% of each premium
payment. The charge is currently 6.25% of each premium payment in Policy Years
1-10 and 3.75% of each premium after the tenth Policy Year. See "Deductions and
Charges -- Premium Expense Charge."


     The Accumulation Value of the Policy is subject to the Monthly Deduction
charges. We will deduct the Monthly Deduction each month from both the Fixed
Accumulation Value and the Variable Accumulation Value on a proportionate basis
depending on their relative Accumulation Values at that time. See "Deductions
and Charges -- Monthly Deduction".

The Monthly Deduction includes:

     o    A charge for the cost of insurance -- varies based on each Joint
          Insured's sex, Issue Age, Policy Year, Rate Class and Face Amount.


     o    Monthly Administrative Charge -- currently $8.25 per month and
          guaranteed not to exceed $12.00 per month.

     o    Monthly Mortality and Expense Risk Charge -- during the first 10
          Policy Years it is equal to 1/12 of .90% of the Variable Accumulation
          Value. Each month thereafter it is 1/12 of .25% of the Variable
          Accumulation Value but guaranteed not to exceed 1/12 of .90% of the
          Variable Accumulation Value.

     o    Monthly Amount Charge -- a monthly charge that varies by the Issue Age
          and Rate Class of each Joint Insured and the Face Amount, and is
          assessed during the first 20 Policy Years (and first 20 years after a
          Face Amount increase).

     o    Any charges for optional insurance benefits -- vary depending upon the
          benefit(s) selected.


     o    We assess a Surrender Charge if your Policy lapses or if you surrender
          the Policy during the first 15 Policy Years (or during the first 15
          years following a Face Amount increase).

     o    We will determine the maximum Surrender Charge for the initial Face
          Amount and any requested increases in Face Amount on the Policy Date
          and on the effective date of any such requested increase.

     o    The maximum Surrender Charge for the initial Face Amount will depend
          on the initial Face Amount, and the Issue Age, Sex and Rate Class of
          each Joint Insured.

     o    You do not pay this charge if the Policy remains in force during the
          entire relevant 15-year period. See "Deductions and Charges --
          Surrender Charge".

SURRENDERS              o     In general, you will receive the Cash Surrender
                              Value if you surrender the Policy.
                        o     To determine the Cash Surrender Value, we reduce
                              your Accumulation Value by the Surrender Charge
                              (applicable for 15 years from Policy Issue Date
                              and increase in Face Amount), and any Loan Amount
                              and unpaid Monthly Deductions. See "Surrender
                              Benefits -- Total Surrender".
                        o     The maximum Surrender Charge on the Initial Face
                              Amount and any subsequent Face Amount increases
                              will be calculated for each Policy and will be
                              shown in your Policy. This maximum charge then
                              remains level during the first five years
                              (adjusted for increases in the first three years)
                              in the relevant 15 year period, and then reduces
                              in equal monthly increments until it becomes zero
                              at the end of 15 years.

PARTIAL WITHDRAWALS     o     Once each Policy Year, you can withdraw part of
                              your Cash Surrender Value.
                        o     You will not incur a Surrender Charge, but partial
                              withdrawals are subject to a processing charge
                              (currently $10, guaranteed not to exceed $25). See
                              "Surrender Benefits -- Partial Withdrawal".

LOANS                   o     Depending on your state of residence, you can
                              borrow up to 90% of your Policy's Cash Value less
                              any existing Loan Amount.
                        o     Interest is payable in advance for each Policy
                              Year and accrues daily at an effective annual rate
                              that will not exceed 4.762%.
                        o     After the 10th Policy Year, we currently charge
                              interest at an annual rate of 2.913% (guaranteed
                              not to exceed 3.382%) on the portion of your Loan
                              Amount that is not in excess of (1) the
                              Accumulation Value, less (2) the total of all
                              premiums paid net of all partial withdrawals.
                        o     We reserve the right to limit borrowing during the
                              first Policy Year. See "Policy Loans".


TRANSFERS         o     Currently, you can transfer all or part of your
                        Accumulation Value among the investment options.
                  o     We currently do not limit the number of transfers per
                        Policy Year. We reserve the right to limit you to 12
                        transfers per policy year.
                  o     There are certain restrictions on transfers from the
                        Fixed Account.
                  o     We currently make no charge for the first 24 transfers
                        in a Policy Year. We make a $25 charge for each
                        subsequent transfer. We reserve the right to make a
                        maximum charge of $25 for each transfer. See


     You can choose one of three Death Benefit Options:

     o    Level Amount Option -- whereby the Death Benefit before Age 100 of the
          younger Joint Insured is the greater of the Face Amount or the
          corridor percentage of Accumulation Value;

     o    Variable Amount Option -- whereby the Death Benefit before Age 100 of
          the younger Joint Insured is equal to the greater of the Face Amount
          plus the Accumulation Value, or the corridor percentage of
          Accumulation Value; or

     o    Face Plus Premium Amount Option -- whereby the Death Benefit before
          Age 100 of the younger Joint Insured is the greater of the Face Amount
          plus premiums less withdrawals, or the corridor percentage of the
          Accumulation Value. See "Death Benefit".

     The Death Benefit before Age 100 of the younger Joint Insured under the
Level Amount Option and the Variable Amount Option will never be less than the
Face Amount as long as the Policy is in force and there is no Loan Amount or
unpaid Monthly Deduction. The Death Benefit before Age 100 of the younger Joint
Insured under the Face Plus Premium Amount Option may be less than the Face
Amount if cumulative withdrawals exceed cumulative premiums paid. After Age 100
of the younger Joint Insured, the Death Benefit under all Death Benefit Options
will be the Accumulation Value.

     We will reduce the proceeds payable upon the death of the Surviving Joint
Insured under any Death Benefit Option by any Loan Amount and any unpaid Monthly


     After the first four Policy Years, you have flexibility to adjust the Death
Benefit by increasing or decreasing the Face Amount. You cannot decrease the
Face Amount below the Minimum Face Amount shown in the Policy. Any increase in
the Face Amount may require additional evidence of insurability satisfactory to
us and will result in additional charges. See "Death Benefit -- Requested
Changes in Face Amount".

     Generally, you may also change the Death Benefit Option at any time after
the fourth Policy Year. See "Death Benefit -- Change in Death Benefit Option".

     See "Death Benefit -- Insurance Protection" for a discussion of available
techniques to adjust the amount of insurance protection to satisfy changing
insurance needs.


     If you meet the requirements for the Death Benefit Guarantee, we will not
lapse your Policy during the Death Benefit Guarantee Period even if the Cash
Surrender Value is not sufficient to cover the Monthly Deduction that is due.
See "Death Benefit Guarantee".


     If the Death Benefit Guarantee is not in effect, the Policy will lapse if
the Cash Surrender Value is less than the Monthly Deduction due and if you do
not make a sufficient payment during the grace period of 61 days. See "Policy
Lapse and Reinstatement".


     Under current Federal tax law, as long as the Policy qualifies as life
insurance the Death Benefit under the Policy will be subject to the same Federal
income tax treatment as proceeds of traditional life insurance. Therefore, the
Death Benefit should not be taxable income to the beneficiary. See "Federal Tax
Matters -- Tax Status of the Policy".



     The Company intends for the Policy to satisfy the definition of a life
insurance contract under Section 7702 of the Code. Under certain circumstances,
a Policy could be treated as a "modified endowment contract." The Company will
monitor Policies and will attempt to notify an owner on a timely basis if his or
her Policy is in jeopardy of becoming a modified endowment contract. See
"Federal Tax Matters" for further discussion of the tax status of a Policy and
the tax consequences of being treated as a life insurance contract or a modified
endowment contract.

     A Policy lapse, surrender, partial withdrawal or loan may have adverse tax
consequences in certain circumstances. See "Federal Tax Matters."



     ReliaStar Life Insurance Company is a stock life insurance company
organized in 1885 and incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota. We
offer individual life insurance and annuities, employee benefits and retirement
contracts. Our Home Office is at 20 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis,
Minnesota 55401 (telephone 612-372-5507). We are an indirect, wholly owned
subsidiary of ING Groep, N.V. ING is a global financial institution active in
the field of insurance, banking, and asset management in more than 60 countries,
with almost 90,000 employees.

     From time to time, we may publish in advertisements, sales literature, and
reports, the ratings and other information assigned to us by one or more
independent rating organizations such as A.M. Best Company, Standard & Poor's,
Moody's, and Duff & Phelps. The purpose of the ratings is to reflect our
financial strength and/or claims-paying ability and should not be considered as
bearing on the investment performance of assets held in the Variable Account.
Each year the A.M. Best Company reviews the financial status of many insurers,
culminating in the assignment of Best's Ratings. These ratings reflect their
current opinion of the relative financial strength and operating performance of
an insurance company in comparison to the norms of the life/health insurance
industry. We have been assigned a rating of A+ by A.M. Best, which is a rating
assigned to companies demonstrating superior overall performance and a very
strong ability to meet obligations to policyholders over a long period. Such
ratings do not reflect the investment in the Variable Account.

     ReliaStar is a charter member of the Insurance Marketplace Standard
Association ("IMSA"). Companies that belong to IMSA subscribe to a rigorous set
of standards that cover the various aspects of sales and service for
individually sold life insurance and annuities. IMSA members have adopted
policies and procedures that demonstrate a commitment to honesty, fairness and
integrity in all customer contacts involving sales and service of individual
life insurance and annuity products.


     The Policies are survivorship flexible premium variable life insurance
contracts with death benefits, cash values, and other features of traditional
life insurance contracts.


     We deduct certain charges in connection with the Policy to compensate us
for (1) providing the insurance benefits of the Policy (including any riders),
(2) administering the Policy, (3) assuming certain risks in connection with the
Policy, and (4) incurring expenses in distributing the Policy.

     We deduct some charges from each premium payment. We deduct certain other
charges monthly from both the Fixed Account and the Variable Account. We also
assess a charge for each partial withdrawal and we may assess a charge for each

     We may realize a profit on one or more of these charges, such as the
mortality and expense risk charge. We may use any such profits for any proper
corporate purpose, including, among other things, payments of sales expenses.


     We deduct the Premium Expense Charge from each premium payment. The Premium
Expense Charge is guaranteed not to exceed 6.25% of each premium payment. The
charge is currently 6.25% of


each premium payment in Policy Years 1-10 and 3.75% of each premium after the
tenth Policy Year. The amount remaining after we deduct the Premium Expense
Charge is called the Net Premium.

     This charge compensates us for the costs we incur in selling the Policy
and for the costs of various state and local taxes, as well as the cost of the
federal income tax on imputed deferred acquisition costs.


     We deduct the charges described below from the Accumulation Value of the
Policy on a monthly basis. The total of these charges is called the Monthly

     We will deduct the Monthly Deduction on each Monthly Anniversary from the
Fixed Account and the Sub-Accounts of the Variable Account on a proportionate
basis depending on their relative Accumulation Values at that time. For purposes
of determining these proportions, we reduce the Fixed Accumulation Value by the
Loan Amount. Because the cost of insurance portion of the Monthly Deduction can
vary from month to month, the Monthly Deduction itself will vary in amount from
month to month.

     If the Cash Surrender Value is not sufficient to cover the Monthly
Deduction on a Monthly Anniversary, the Policy may lapse. See "Death Benefit
Guarantee" and "Policy Lapse and Reinstatement".

     COST OF INSURANCE. We will determine the monthly cost of insurance by
multiplying the applicable cost of insurance rate or rates by the net amount at
risk under the Policy. The net amount at risk under the Policy for a Policy
Month is (1) the Death Benefit at the beginning of the Policy Month divided by
1.00002466 (which reduces the net amount at risk, solely for purposes of
computing the cost of insurance, by taking into account assumed monthly earnings
at an annual rate of 3%), less (2) the Accumulation Value at the beginning of
the Policy Month (reduced by any charges for rider benefits). As a result, the
net amount at risk may be affected by changes in the Accumulation Value or in
the Death Benefit.

     The Rate Class of any Joint Insured may affect the cost of insurance. A
Rate Class is a group of Insureds we determine based upon our expectation that
they will have similar mortality experience. We currently place Insureds into
standard Rate Classes or into substandard Rate Classes that involve a higher
mortality risk. In an otherwise identical Policy, an Insured in the standard
Rate Class will have a lower cost of insurance than an Insured in a Rate Class
with higher mortality risks.

     If there is an increase in the Face Amount and the Rate Class applicable to
the increase is different from that for the initial Face Amount or any prior
requested increases in Face Amount, the net amount at risk will be calculated
separately for each Rate Class. For purposes of determining the net amount at
risk for each Rate Class, we will first assume the Accumulation Value to be part
of the initial Face Amount. If the Accumulation Value is greater than the
initial Face Amount, it will then be assumed to be part of each increase in
order, starting with the first increase.

     We base cost of insurance rates on the sex, Issue Age, Policy Year and Rate
Class(es) of each Joint Insured. The actual monthly cost of insurance rates will
reflect our expectations as to future experience. They will not, however, be
greater than the guaranteed cost of insurance rates shown in the Policy, which
are based on the Commissioner's 1980 Standard Ordinary Mortality Tables for
smokers or nonsmokers, respectively.

     MONTHLY ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGE. Each month we deduct an administrative
charge of $8.25 which is guaranteed not to exceed $12.00 each month.

     MONTHLY AMOUNT CHARGE. Each month during the first 20 Policy Years (and for
20 years following any requested increase in Face Amount) we will deduct a
monthly charge per $1,000 of Face Amount. For a Policy issued in New Jersey, the
reduction of these charges after the first 20 Policy Years is not guaranteed,
and these charges may be assessed for the duration of the Policy. The amount of
this charge will vary by the Face Amount and the Rate Class and Issue Age of
each Joint Insured on the Policy Date (or on the effective date of any Face
Amount increase). These Monthly Amount Charges are shown in Appendix C. Any
decreases in Face Amount or any change in Face Amount resulting from a change in
the Death Benefit Option will not affect the Monthly Amount Charge. The maximum
amount of this charge is $0.75 per $1,000 of Face Amount for a two Joint
Insureds both Issue Age 85. Most Policies will have a lower Monthly Amount
Charge. This charge compensates us for expenses relating to the distribution of
the Policy, including agents' commissions, advertising, and the printing of the
prospectus and sales literature for new sales of the Policy. A portion of this
charge may also contribute to Company profits.


     MONTHLY MORTALITY AND EXPENSE RISK CHARGE. Each month during the first 10
Policy Years we will deduct a charge at an annual rate of .90% of the Variable
Accumulation Value of the Policy. Each month thereafter, it is currently
anticipated that we will deduct this charge at an annual rate of .25% of the
Variable Accumulation Value but in no event will it exceed .90% for the duration
of the Policy. The mortality risk assumed is that Joint Insureds may live for a
shorter period of time than we estimated and that, as a result, we would have to
pay a greater amount in Death Benefits than we collect in premium payments. The
expense risk assumed is that expenses incurred in issuing and administering the
Policy will be greater than we estimated.

     OPTIONAL INSURANCE BENEFIT CHARGES. Each month we deduct charges for any
optional insurance benefits added to the Policy by rider. See "General
Provisions -- Optional Insurance Benefits".


     GENERAL. During the first 15 Policy years and during the first 15 years
following any requested increase in Face Amount, we make a Surrender Charge if
you surrender the Policy or the Policy lapses. The Surrender Charge will not be
affected by any decrease in Face Amount or by any change in Face Amount
resulting from a change in the Death Benefit Option.

     The Surrender Charge imposed upon early surrender or lapse will be
significant. For example, if you make premium payments no greater than the
Minimum Monthly payments specified in your Policy, you can expect that during at
least the early Policy Years, all or substantially all of your premium payments
will be required to pay the Surrender Charge and other charges associated with
the Policy. As a result, you should purchase a Policy only if you have the
financial capability to keep it in force for a substantial period of time.

     SURRENDER CHARGE. The maximum Surrender Charge for the Initial Face Amount
or any requested increase in Face Amount will be determined on the Policy Date
or on the effective date of any requested increase respectively. This Surrender
Charge for the Initial Face Amount remains level and is equal to the maximum
Surrender Charge during the first five Policy Years and then reduces in equal
monthly increments until it becomes zero at the end of 15 years. The Surrender
Charge for any requested increase in Face Amount follows a similar pattern
except that the Surrender Charge is reduced in the first three Policy Years
following the effective date of the increase. Thus if the Policy remains in
force during the entire relevant 15-year period, you do not pay the Surrender

     The maximum Surrender Charge for the Initial Face Amount or any requested
increase in Face Amount will be shown in your Policy and will vary depending on
the Face Amount, and the Issue Age, sex, and Rate Class of each Joint Insured on
the Policy Date or on the effective date of an increase in Face Amount. The
maximum amount of the Surrender Charge is $39.62 per thousand if both Joint
Insureds are male Issue Age 85. Most Policies will have a much lower maximum
Surrender Charge.

     SURRENDER CHARGE CALCULATION. The Surrender Charge for the Initial Face
Amount or any requested increase in Face Amount is determined by multiplying (i)
the maximum Surrender Charge shown in your Policy by (ii) the applicable
percentage from the Surrender Charge Percentage Table below, and then dividing
this amount by 1,000. For example, $250,000 Face Amount Policy issued to two
males, both Issue Age 55, would have a maximum Surrender Charge of $7,250
($7,250 x 100%) during the first five years of the Policy, and decline during
the next 10 years as indicated by the Table below. For the Initial Face Amount,
a Surrender Charge is measured from the Issue Date and applies for 15 years from
that Date. An increase in Face Amount of $100,000 in year 5 of the Policy would
have its own (additional) Surrender Charge of $2,500 at the end of the first
year ($7,500 x 33%), and vary according to the Table below. The applicable
Surrender Charge for each increase applies for 15 years from the increase Date.
In this example, all Surrender Charges would cease to apply after 15 Policy



                1                           100%                     33%
                2                           100%                     67%
                3                           100%                    100%
                4                           100%                    100%
                5                           100%                    100%
                6                            90%                     90%
                7                            80%                     80%
                8                            70%                     70%
                9                            60%                     60%
               10                            50%                     50%
               11                            40%                     40%
               12                            30%                     30%
               13                            20%                     20%
               14                            10%                     10%
          15 and later                        0%                      0%

     For requested increases, years are measured from the date of the increase.

     The percentages reduce equally for each Policy Month during the years
shown. For example, during the eleventh Policy Year, the percentage reduces
equally each month from 50% at the end of the tenth Policy Year to 40% at the
end of the eleventh Policy Year.


     We currently make no charge for the first 24 transfers in a Policy Year. We
make a $25 charge for each subsequent transfer. We currently make a $10.00
charge for each partial withdrawal. These charges are guaranteed not to exceed
$25.00 per transfer or partial withdrawal for the duration of the Policy. The
transfer charge will not be imposed on transfers that occur as a result of
Policy loans or the exercise of conversion rights.


     ReliaStar may modify any of the charges under the Policy, as well as the
minimum Face Amount set forth in this Prospectus, because of special
circumstances that result in lower sales, administrative, or mortality expenses.
For example, special circumstances may exist in connection with group or
sponsored arrangements, sales to our policyholders or those of affiliated
insurance companies, or sales to employees or clients of members of our
affiliated group of insurance companies. The amount of any reductions will
reflect the reduced sales effort and administrative costs resulting from, or the
different mortality experience expected as a result of, the special
circumstances. Modification will not be unfairly discriminatory against any
person, including the affected Policy owners and owners of all other policies
funded by the Variable Account.


     Because the Variable Account purchases shares of the Funds, the net asset
value of the Variable Account's investments will reflect the investment advisory
fees and other expenses incurred by the Funds. Set forth below is information
provided by each Fund on its total 1999 annual expenses as a percentage of the
Fund's average net assets. See the prospectuses for the Funds for more
information concerning these expenses.



                                                                                                TOTAL INVESTMENT
                                                                        MANAGEMENT     OTHER      FUND AMOUNT
FUND                                                                       FEES      EXPENSES       EXPENSES
- ----                                                                    ----------   --------   ----------------
AIM V.I. Dent Demographic Trends Fund (a) ............................      0.85%       0.55%         1.40%
Alger American Growth Portfolio (a) ..................................      0.75%       0.04%         0.79%
Alger American Leveraged AllCap Portfolio (a) ........................      0.85%       0.08%         0.93%
Alger American MidCap Growth Portfolio (a) ...........................      0.80%       0.05%         0.85%
Alger American Small Capitalization Portfolio (a) ....................      0.85%       0.05%         0.90%
Fidelity VIP Equity-Income Portfolio -- Initial Class (a) (b) ........      0.48%       0.09%         0.57%
Fidelity VIP Growth Portfolio -- Initial Class (a) (b) ...............      0.58%       0.08%         0.66%
Fidelity VIP High Income Portfolio -- Initial Class (a) ..............      0.58%       0.11%         0.69%
Fidelity VIP Money Market Portfolio -- Initial Class .................      0.18%       0.09%         0.27%
Fidelity VIP II Contrafund(R) Portfolio -- Initial Class (a) (b) .....      0.58%       0.09%         0.67%
Fidelity VIP II Index 500 Portfolio -- Initial Class (a) (b) .........      0.24%       0.10%         0.34%
Fidelity VIP II Investment Grade Bond Portfolio -- Initial
 Class (a) ...........................................................      0.43%       0.11%         0.54%
Janus Aspen Aggressive Growth Portfolio (a) (c) ......................      0.65%       0.02%         0.67%
Janus Aspen Growth Portfolio (a) (c) .................................      0.65%       0.02%         0.67%
Janus Aspen International Growth Portfolio (a) (c) ...................      0.65%       0.11%         0.76%
Janus Aspen Worldwide Growth Portfolio (a) (c) .......................      0.65%       0.05%         0.70%
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust Limited
 Maturity Bond Portfolio (a) .........................................      0.65%       0.11%         0.76%
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust Partners
 Portfolio (a) .......................................................      0.80%       0.07%         0.87%
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust Socially
 Responsive Portfolio (a) (d) ........................................      0.85%       8.19%         9.04%
OCC Equity Portfolio (a) (e) .........................................      0.80%       0.11%         0.91%
OCC Global Equity Portfolio (a) (e) ..................................      0.80%       0.30%         1.10%
OCC Managed Portfolio (a) (e) ........................................      0.77%       0.06%         0.83%
OCC Small Cap Portfolio (a) (e) ......................................      0.80%       0.09%         0.89%
Pilgrim VP Trust Growth Opportunities Portfolio (f) (g) ..............      0.75%       0.34%         1.09%
Pilgrim VP Trust Growth + Value Portfolio (f) ........................      0.75%       0.22%         0.97%
Pilgrim VP Trust High Yield Bond Portfolio (f) .......................      0.75%       0.36%         1.11%
Pilgrim VP Trust International Value Portfolio (f) ...................      1.00%       0.52%         1.52%
Pilgrim VP Trust MagnaCap Portfolio (f) (g) ..........................      0.75%       0.34%         1.09%
Pilgrim VP Trust MidCap Opportunities Portfolio (f) (g) ..............      0.75%       0.34%         1.09%
Pilgrim VP Trust Research Enhanced Index Portfolio (f) ...............      0.75%       0.51%         1.26%
Pilgrim VP Trust SmallCap Opportunities Portfolio (f) ................      0.75%       0.34%         1.09%
Putnam VT Growth and Income Fund -- Class IA Shares ..................      0.46%       0.04%         0.50%
Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund -- Class IA Shares ..................      0.54%       0.05%         0.59%
Putnam VT Voyager Fund -- Class IA Shares ............................      0.53%       0.04%         0.57%

     (a)  The Company or its affiliates may receive compensation from an
          affiliate or affiliates of certain of the Funds based upon an annual
          percentage of the average net assets held in that Fund by the Company
          and by certain of the Company's insurance company affiliates. These
          amounts are intended to compensate the Company or the Company's
          affiliates for administrative, record keeping, and in some cases
          distribution, and other services provided by the Company and its
          affiliates to Funds and/or the Funds' affiliates. Payments of such
          amounts by an affiliate or affiliates of the Funds do not increase the
          fees paid by the Funds or their shareholders. The percentage paid may
          vary from one Fund company to another.


     (b)  A portion of the brokerage commissions that certain portfolios pay was
          used to reduce Portfolio expenses. In addition, certain Portfolios
          have entered into arrangements with their custodian whereby credits
          realized as a result of uninvested cash balances are used to reduce
          custodian expenses. Including these reductions, the total operating
          expenses presented in the table would have been: 0.56% for Fidelity
          VIP Equity-Income Portfolio; 0.65% for Fidelity VIP Growth Portfolio;
          0.28% for Fidelity VIP II Index 500 Portfolio; and 0.65% for Fidelity
          VIP II Contrafund(R) Portfolio.

     (c)  Expenses are based upon expenses for the fiscal year ended December
          31, 1999, restated to reflect a reduction in the management fee for
          Growth, Aggressive Growth, International Growth and Worldwide Growth
          Portfolios. All expenses are stated without the effect of expense
          offset arrangements.

     (d)  Neuberger Berman Management Inc. ("NBMI") has undertaken to reimburse
          the Socially Responsive Portfolio for certain operating expenses,
          including the compensation of Neuberger Berman Advisers Management
          Trust and excluding taxes, interest, extraordinary expenses, brokerage
          commissions and transaction costs, that exceed in the aggregate, 1.50%
          of the average daily net asset value of the Socially Responsive
          Portfolio. Expenses were 1.53% for the fiscal period ending December
          31, 1999, after the reimbursement. There can be no assurance that this
          policy will be continued after May 1, 2001. See "Expense Limitation"
          in the Socially Responsive Portfolio prospectus for further

     (e)  Management Fees reflect effective management fees before taking into
          effect any waiver. Other Expenses are shown before expense offsets
          afforded the Portfolios. Total Portfolio Expenses for the Equity,
          Small Cap and Managed Portfolios are limited by OpCap Advisors so that
          their respective annualized operating expenses (net of expense
          offsets) do not exceed 1.00% of average daily net assets. Total
          Portfolio Expenses for the Global Equity Portfolio are limited to
          1.25% of average daily net assets (net of expense offsets).

     (f)  The investment adviser to the Pilgrim Variable Products Trust has
          agreed to reimburse the Growth + Value Portfolio and High Yield Bond
          Portfolio for any expenses in excess of 0.80% of each Portfolio's
          average daily net assets. It has also agreed to reimburse the SmallCap
          Opportunities Portfolio, Research Enhanced Index Portfolio, Growth
          Opportunities Portfolio, MagnaCap Portfolio, and MidCap Opportunities
          Portfolio for amounts in excess of 0.90%. It has agreed to reimburse
          International Value Portfolio for amounts in excess of 1.00%. After
          the investment adviser's expense reimbursements, the Total Fund Annual
          Expenses that were paid by each Portfolio during its fiscal year ended
          December 31, 1999 were: Growth + Value Portfolio: 0.80%; High Yield
          Bond Portfolio: 0.80%; International Value Portfolio: 1.00%; Research
          Enhanced Index Portfolio: 0.89%; SmallCap Opportunities Portfolio:
          0.90%. Expense reimbursements are voluntary. There is no assurance of
          ongoing reimbursement.

     (g)  This portfolio had not commenced operations as of December 31, 1999,
          and therefore these expenses are estimated.


     On October 11, 1984, we established the Select*Life Variable Account as
one of our separate accounts pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota.
The Variable Account:

     o    will receive and invest the Net Premiums paid and allocated to it
          under this Policy;

     o    currently receives and invests net premiums for other classes of
          flexible premium variable life insurance policies we issue and may do
          so for additional classes in the future;

     o    meets the definition of a "separate account" under the federal
          securities laws; and

     o    is registered with the SEC as a unit investment trust under the
          Investment Company Act of 1940 ("1940 Act"). Such registration does
          not involve supervision by the SEC of the management or investment
          policies or practices of the Variable Account, us, or the Funds.

     We own the Variable Account's assets. However, Minnesota law provides that
we cannot charge the Variable Account with liabilities arising out of any other
business we may conduct. We are required to


maintain assets which are at least equal to the reserves and other liabilities
of the Variable Account. We may transfer assets which exceed these reserves and
liabilities to our general account (the Fixed Account).


     There are currently 34 investment options (Funds) available under the
Variable Account. You also should read the Funds' prospectuses for more detailed
information, particularly because several of the Funds and portfolios may have
objectives that are quite similar. Please call the telephone number listed on
the first page of this Prospectus to request a Fund's prospectus. THERE IS NO


     Performance information for the Sub-Accounts of the Variable Account and
the Funds available for investment by the Variable Account may appear in
advertisements, sales literature, or reports to Policy owners or prospective
purchasers. Such performance information for the Sub-Accounts will reflect
deductions of Fund expenses and be adjusted to reflect the Mortality and Expense
Risk Charge, but will not reflect deductions for the cost of insurance or the
Surrender Charge. We will accompany quotations of performance information for
the Funds by performance information for the Sub-Accounts. Performance
information for the Funds will take into account all fees and charges at the
Fund level, but will not reflect any deductions from the Variable Account.
Performance information reflects only the performance of a hypothetical
investment during a particular time period in which the calculations are based.
We may provide performance information showing total returns and average annual
total returns for periods prior to the date a Sub-Account commenced operation.
We will calculate such performance information based on the assumption that the
Sub-Accounts were in existence for the same periods as those indicated for the
Funds, with the level of charges at the Variable Account level that were in
effect at the inception of the Sub-Accounts.

     We may also provide individualized hypothetical illustrations of
Accumulation Value, Cash Surrender Value and Death Benefit based on hypothetical
investment returns of the Funds not to exceed 12.00%. These illustrations will
reflect deductions for Fund expenses and Policy and Variable Account charges,
including the Monthly Deduction, Premium Expense Charge and the Surrender
Charge. We may base these hypothetical illustrations on either the arithmetic or
the weighted average of Fund expenses, reflecting the Fund expenses for the year
ending December 31, 1999 and the Sub-Account assets as of December 31, 1999.

     We may also provide individualized hypothetical illustrations of
Accumulation Value, Cash Surrender Value and Death Benefit based on historical
investment returns of the Funds. These illustrations will reflect deductions for
Fund expenses and Policy and Variable Account charges, including the Monthly
Deduction, Premium Expense Charge and the Surrender Charge. We will base these
hypothetical illustrations on the actual historical experience of the Funds as
if the Sub-Accounts had been in existence and a Policy issued for the same
periods as those indicated for the Funds.

     We may compare performance of the Sub-Accounts and/or the Funds in
advertisements and sales literature:

     o    to other variable life insurance issuers in general

     o    to the performance of particular types of variable life insurance
          policies investing in mutual funds

     o    to investment series of mutual funds with investment objectives
          similar to each of the Sub-Accounts, whose performance is reported by
          Lipper Analytical Services, Inc. and Morningstar, Inc. (independent
          services that monitor and rank the performances of variable life
          insurance issuers in each of the major categories of investment
          objectives on an industry-wide basis), or reported by other series,
          companies, individuals or other industry or financial publications of
          general interest, such as FORBES, MONEY, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL,

     o    to the Standard & Poor's Index of 500 common stocks and the Dow Jones
          Industrials, which are widely used measures of stock market


     We may also compare the performance of each Sub-Account to other widely
recognized indices. Unmanaged indices may assume the reinvestment of dividends,
but typically do not reflect any "deduction" for the expense of operating or
managing an investment portfolio.


     The proceeds payable upon the death of the Surviving Joint Insured, while
the Policy is in force, will be the Death Benefit reduced by any Loan Amount and
unpaid Monthly Deductions. All or part of the proceeds may be paid in cash to
your beneficiaries or under one or more of the settlement options we offer (see
"General Provisions -- Settlement Options").

     GUIDELINE PREMIUM TEST. The Death Benefit will be determined with reference
to the requirements for the Guideline Premium test for qualifying a Policy as a
life insurance contract under Code Section 7702(a) (2). Under these
requirements, the sum of the premiums paid under a Policy may not exceed the
"guideline premium limitations", as defined in Code Section 7702(a). The Death
Benefit at any time is not less than the Accumulation Value multiplied by the
Corridor Percentages (as defined in Code Section 7702(d), which vary according
to the Age of the younger Joint Insured.

                             GUIDELINE PREMIUM TEST
                            CORRIDOR PERCENTAGE TABLE

 YOUNGER JOINT                  YOUNGER JOINT                  YOUNGER JOINT
 INSURED'S AGE                  INSURED'S AGE                  INSURED'S AGE
  ON PREVIOUS                    ON PREVIOUS                    ON PREVIOUS
    POLICY         CORRIDOR        POLICY         CORRIDOR        POLICY         CORRIDOR
 -------------    ----------    -------------    ----------    -------------    ----------
     40 or
    younger          250%             54            157%             68            117%
       41            243              55            150              69            116
       42            236              56            146              70            115
       43            229              57            142              71            114
       44            222              58            138              72            113
       45            215              59            134              73            111
       46            209              60            130              74            109
       47            203              61            128            75-90           105
       48            197              62            126              91            104
       49            191              63            124              92            103
       50            185              64            122              93            102
       51            178              65            120              94            101
       52            171              66            119            95 or           100
       53            164              67            118            older


     The Policy provides three Death Benefit Options as shown below. You choose
the Death Benefit Option on the application for the Policy. Subject to certain
limitations, you can change the Death Benefit Option after issuance of the
Policy. See "Death Benefit -- Change in Death Benefit Option".

     The Death Benefit prior to Age 100 of the younger Joint Insured depends on
the Death Benefit Option chosen as described below regardless of the Death
Benefit Option chosen. The Death Benefit after Age 100 of the younger Joint
Insured is the Accumulation Value.

     OPTION A (LEVEL AMOUNT OPTION). Prior to Age 100 of the younger Joint
Insured, the Death Benefit is the greater of the current Face Amount of the
Policy or the Corridor Percentage of Accumulation Value on the Valuation Date on
or next following the date of the Insured's death. Under Option A, the Death
Benefits will remain level unless the Corridor Percentage of Accumulation Value
exceeds the current Face Amount, in which case the amount of the Death Benefit
will vary as the Accumulation Value varies.

     OPTION B (VARIABLE AMOUNT OPTION). Prior to Age 100 of the younger Joint
Insured, the Death Benefit is equal to the greater of the current Face Amount
plus the Accumulation Value of the Policy, or the Corridor Percentage of the
Accumulation Value on the Valuation Date on or next following the


date of the Insured's death. Under Option B, the amount of the Death Benefit
will always vary as the AccumulationValue varies.

younger Joint Insured, the Death Benefit is the greater of the Face Amount plus
cumulative premiums less cumulative withdrawals, or the Corridor Percentage of
the Accumulation Value on the Valuation Date following the date of the Insured's
death. Under Option C, the amount of the Death Benefit will vary as the premiums
are paid or withdrawals are made, or if the Corridor Percentage of the
Accumulation Value exceeds the current Face Amount.


     If you prefer to have premium payments and favorable investment performance
reflected partly in the form of an increasing Death Benefit, you should choose
the Variable Amount Option. If you are satisfied with the amount of your
existing insurance coverage and prefer to have premium payments and favorable
investment performance reflected to the maximum extent in the Accumulation Value
and lower cost of insurance charges, you should choose the Level Amount Option.
If you require a specific Death Benefit which would include a return of the
premium paid, such as under an employer sponsored benefit plan, Option C may
meet your needs.


     Subject to certain limitations, you may request an increase or decrease in
the Face Amount. We will not permit increases and decreases in the Face Amount
during the first four Policy Years.

     INCREASES. For an increase in the Face Amount, you must submit a written
request to us. We may also require additional evidence of insurability
satisfactory to us. The effective date of the increase will be the Monthly
Anniversary on or next following our approval of the increase. The increase may
not be less than $5,000. We will currently permit increases up to any Joint
Insured Age 85, if our requirements are met. We will deduct any charges
associated with the increase (the increases in the cost of insurance and the
Surrender Charge upon lapse or total surrender -- see "Effect of Requested
Changes in Face Amount" below) from the Accumulation Value, whether or not you
pay an additional premium in connection with the increase. You will be entitled
to limited free look rights with respect to requested increases in Face Amount.
See "Free Look Rights".

     DECREASES. For a decrease in the Face Amount, you must submit a written
request to us. Any decrease in the Face Amount will be effective on the Monthly
Anniversary on or next following our receipt of a written request. You cannot
request a decrease in the Face Amount more frequently than once every six
months. The Face Amount remaining in force after any requested decrease may not
be less than the Minimum Face Amount shown in the Policy. Under our current
rules, the Minimum Face Amount is $250,000, but we reserve the right to
establish a different Minimum Face Amount in the future. The Minimum Face Amount
in New Jersey is $500,000. If, following a decrease in Face Amount, the Policy
would no longer qualify as life insurance under Federal tax law (see "Federal
Tax Matters -- Tax Status of the Policy"), we will limit the decrease to the
extent necessary to meet these requirements.

     For purposes of determining the cost of insurance, we will apply decreases
in the Face Amount to reduce the current Face Amount in the following order:

     (1)  The Face Amount provided by the most recent increase;

     (2)  The next most recent increases successively; and

     (3)  The Face Amount when the Policy was issued.

     By reducing the current Face Amount in this manner, the Rate Class
applicable to the most recent increase in Face Amount will be eliminated first,
then the Rate Class applicable to the next most recent increase, and so on, for
the purposes of calculating the cost of insurance. This assumption will affect
the cost of insurance under the Policy only if different Rate Classes have been
applied to the current Face Amount. A Rate Class is a group of Insureds we
determine based upon our expectation that they will have similar mortality
experience. We currently place Insureds into standard Rate Classes or into
substandard Rate Classes that involve a higher mortality risk (for example, a
200% Rate Class or a 300% Rate Class). In an otherwise identical Policy, an
Insured in the standard Rate Class will have a lower cost of insurance than an
Insured in a substandard Rate Class with higher mortality risks. See "Deductions
and Charges -- Monthly Deduction".


     For example, assume that the initial Face Amount was $50,000 with a
standard Rate Class, and that successive increases of $25,000 (at a Rate Class
of 200%) and $50,000 (at a Rate Class of 300%) were added. If a decrease of
$50,000 or less is requested, the amount of insurance at a 300% Rate Class will
be reduced first. If a decrease of more than $50,000 is requested, the amount at
a 300% Rate Class will be eliminated, and the excess over $50,000 will next
reduce the amount of insurance at a 200% Rate Class.

     EFFECT OF REQUESTED CHANGES IN FACE AMOUNT. An increase or decrease in Face
Amount will affect the Monthly Deduction because the cost of insurance depends
upon the Face Amount. The charge for certain optional insurance benefits may
also be affected. See "Deductions and Charges -- Monthly Deduction". An increase
in the Face Amount will increase the Surrender Charge and Monthly Amount Charge,
but a decrease in the Face Amount will not reduce the Surrender Charge or the
Monthly Amount Charge. The Surrender Charge is, however, imposed only upon lapse
or total surrender of the Policy and not upon a requested decrease in Face
Amount. See "Deductions and Charges -- Surrender Charge".

     An increase in the Face Amount will increase the Minimum Monthly Premium as
of the effective date of the increase. Therefore, additional premium payments
may be required to maintain the Death Benefit Guarantee. A decrease in the Face
Amount will reduce the Minimum Monthly Premium as of the effective date of the
decrease. A Face Amount decrease may also shorten the Death Benefit Guarantee
Period if a term insurance rider is attached. See "Death Benefit Guarantee".

     The additional Surrender Charge on a requested increase in the Face Amount
will reduce the Cash Surrender Value (which is the Accumulation Value less any
Surrender Charge, Loan Amount and unpaid Monthly Deductions). If the resulting
Cash Surrender Value is not sufficient to cover the Monthly Deduction, the
Policy may lapse unless the Death Benefit Guarantee is in effect. See "Policy
Lapse and Reinstatement -- Lapse" and "Death Benefit Guarantee".


     As your insurance needs change, you may increase or decrease the pure
insurance protection provided by the Policy (that is, the difference between the
Death Benefit and the Accumulation Value) in one of several ways. These ways

     o    increasing or decreasing the Face Amount of insurance, changing the
          level of premium payments, and,

     o    making a partial withdrawal under the Policy.

     Although the consequences of each of these methods will depend upon the
individual circumstances, they may be generally summarized as follows:

     o    AN INCREASE IN THE FACE AMOUNT (which is generally subject to
          underwriting approval -- see "Death Benefit -- Requested Changes in
          Face Amount") will likely increase the amount of pure insurance
          protection, depending on the amount of Accumulation Value and the
          resultant corridor percentage limitation. If the insurance protection
          is increased, the Policy charges generally will increase as well.

     o    A DECREASE IN THE FACE AMOUNT will, subject to the corridor percentage
          limitations (see "Death Benefit -- Death Benefit Options"), decrease
          the pure insurance protection without reducing the Accumulation Value.
          If the Face Amount is decreased, the Cost of Insurance charges
          generally will decrease as well. (Note that the Surrender Charge will
          not be reduced. See "Deductions and Charges -- Surrender Charge".)

     o    A CHANGE IN THE LEVEL OF PREMIUM can have a variety of effects, as

               Under the Level Amount Option, until the corridor percentage of
               Accumulation Value exceeds the Face Amount, (a) an increased
               level of premium payments will reduce the amount of pure
               insurance protection, and (b) a reduced level of premium payments
               will increase the amount of pure insurance protection.

               Under the Variable Amount Option, until the corridor percentage
               of Accumulation Value exceeds the Face Amount plus the
               Accumulation Value, the level of premium payments will not affect
               the amount of pure insurance protection. (However, both the
               Accumulation Value and the Death Benefit will be increased if
               premium payments are increased, and reduced if premium payments
               are reduced.)


               Under the Face Plus Premium Amount Option, until the corridor
               percentage of Accumulation Value exceeds the Face Amount, the
               level of premium payments will affect the amount of pure
               insurance protection.

               Under any Death Benefit Option, if the Death Benefit is the
               corridor percentage of Accumulation Value, then (a) an increased
               level of premium payments will increase the amount of pure
               insurance protection (subject to underwriting approval -- see
               "Payment and Allocation of Premiums -- Amount and Timing of
               Premiums"), and (b) a reduced level of premium payments will
               reduce the pure insurance protection.

     o    A PARTIAL WITHDRAWAL will reduce the Death Benefit. See "Surrender
          Benefits -- Partial Withdrawal". However, it has a limited effect on
          the amount of pure insurance protection and charges under the Policy,
          because the decrease in the Death Benefit is usually equal to the
          amount of Accumulation Value withdrawn. The primary use of a partial
          withdrawal is to withdraw Accumulation Value. Furthermore, it results
          in a reduced amount of Accumulation Value and increases the
          possibility that the Policy will lapse.



     After the fourth Policy Year, you may change the Death Benefit Option. We
allow changes from Option A to Option B, from Option B to Option A, and,
currently, from Option C to Option A. We will not allow changes to Option C
after issue. You must submit a written request to change the Death Benefit
Option. A change in the Death Benefit Option will also change the Face Amount.
If the Death Benefit Option is changed from the Level Amount Option to the
Variable Amount Option, the Face Amount will be decreased by an amount equal to
the Accumulation Value on the effective date of the change. You cannot change
from the Level Amount Option to the Variable Amount Option if the resulting Face
Amount would fall below the minimum Face Amount (currently $250,000).

     If you change the Death Benefit Option from the Variable Amount Option to
the Level Amount Option, we will increase the Face Amount by an amount equal to
the Policy's Accumulation Value on the effective date of the change. If you
change from Option C to Option A, we will increase the Face Amount by an amount
equal to cumulative premiums less cumulative withdrawals taken.

     An increase or decrease in Face Amount resulting from a change in the Death
Benefit Option will affect the future Monthly Deductions because the cost of
insurance depends upon the Face Amount. A change in the Face Amount resulting
from a change in the Death Benefit Option may also affect the charge for certain
optional insurance benefits. See "Deductions and Charges -- Monthly Deduction".
However, a Face Amount change resulting from a Death Benefit Option change will
not affect the Surrender Charge or the Monthly Amount Charge.

     Unless prohibited by state law, changes in the Death Benefit Option do not
currently require additional evidence of insurability.



     An individual applying for a Policy must complete an application and
personally deliver it to our licensed agent. We will only issue a Policy to an
applicant where both Joint Insureds' ages are 85 or less and both supply
evidence of insurability satisfactory to us. The minimum Face Amount is
currently $250,000 ($500,000 for a Policy issued in New Jersey), but we reserve
the right to specify a different minimum Face Amount for issuing a new Policy.
Acceptance is subject to our underwriting rules and we reserve the right to
reject an application for any reason permitted by law.

     COVERAGE. Coverage under a Policy begins on the later of the Issue Date or
the date we receive at least the minimum initial premium (see immediately
following section). In general, if the applicant pays at least the minimum
initial premium with the application, the Issue Date will be the later of the
date of the application or the date of any medical examination required by our
underwriting procedures.


However, if underwriting approval has not occurred within 45 days after we
receive the application or if you authorize premiums to be paid by bank account
monthly deduction, the Issue Date will be the date of underwriting approval.

     If you authorize premiums to be paid by government allotment, the Issue
Date generally will be, subject to our underwriting approval, the first day of
the month in which we receive the first Minimum Monthly Premium through
government allotment, whether or not a Minimum Monthly Premium is collected with
the application. If a Minimum Monthly Premium is collected with the application,
it will be allocated to the Sub-Accounts of the Variable Account and the Fixed
Account on the Valuation Date next following the Issue Date.

     MINIMUM INITIAL PREMIUM. The minimum initial premium is three Minimum
Monthly Premiums (see "Death Benefit Guarantee"). If, however, you authorize
premiums to be paid by bank account monthly deduction or government allotment,
we will accept one Minimum Monthly Premium together with the required
authorization forms. The Minimum Monthly Premium is specified in the Policy and
determines the payments required to maintain the Death Benefit Guarantee.

     TEMPORARY INSURANCE. At the time the application is taken, the applicant
can receive temporary insurance coverage by paying a premium equal to 10% of
annualized Minimum Monthly Premium. The temporary insurance will be for the Face
Amount specified in the premium receipt and will be effective until the earliest
of the following:

     o    The date the coverage under the Policy is effective.

     o    The date the applicant receives an offer for an alternative policy, a
          notice of termination of temporary insurance coverage, or notice that
          we have rejected the application.

     o    The date of death of the proposed Surviving Joint Insured, any
          proposed additional Insured's, or any proposed additional Joint

     o    The 180th day after the date of the receipt for the temporary


     We will credit the initial Net Premium and any premiums received prior to
the Initial Premium Transfer Date to the Fidelity VIP Money Market Sub-Account
on the later of the Policy Date or the date we receive your premium. On the
Initial Premium Transfer Date, we will transfer the Variable Accumulation Value
in the Fidelity VIP Money Market Sub-Account to the Fixed Account and the
Sub-Accounts of the Variable Account as you designated on the Policy
application. After the Initial Premium Transfer Date, we credit premiums to the
Fixed Account and the Sub-Accounts of the Variable Account as you designated on
the Policy application.

     You may change the premium allocation at any time by notifying us in
writing. Changes will not be effective until the date we receive your request
and will only affect premiums we receive on or after that date. The new premium
allocation may be 100% to any Account or divided in whole percentage points
totaling 100%. We reserve the right to adjust any allocation to eliminate
fractional percentages. Changing the current premium allocation will not affect
the allocation of existing Accumulation Value.

     CREDITING NET PREMIUMS. We will credit Net Premiums on the latest of the
following dates:

     o    The Valuation Date following the date of underwriting approval.

     o    The Valuation Date on or next following the Policy Date.

     o    The Valuation Date on or next following the date we receive at least
          the required minimum initial premium payment.

     o    In the case of Policies issued under government allotment programs,
          the Valuation Date next following the Issue Date.

     REFUNDING PREMIUMS. We will return all premiums paid without interest if
any of the following occur:

     o    We send notice to the applicant that the insurance is declined.

     o    The applicant refuses an offer for an alternative policy.

     o    The applicant does not supply required medical exams or tests within
          30 days of the date of the application.


     o    The applicant returns the Policy under the limited free look right.
          See "Free Look and Conversion Rights -- Free Look Rights".


     The amount and frequency of premium payments will affect the Accumulation
Value, the Cash Surrender Value, and how long the Policy will remain in force
(including affecting whether the Death Benefit Guarantee is in effect -- see
"Death Benefit Guarantee"). After the initial premium, you may determine the
amount and timing of subsequent premium payments within the following

     o    In most cases, we will require that you pay cumulative premiums
          sufficient to maintain the Death Benefit Guarantee to keep the Policy
          in force during at least the first several Policy Years. See "Death
          Benefit Guarantee."

     o    We may choose not to accept any premium less than $25.

     o    We reserve the right to limit the amount of any premium payment. In
          general, during the first Policy Year we will not accept total premium
          payments in excess of $250,000 on the lives of the Joint Insureds,
          whether such payments are received on a Policy or on any other
          insurance policy issued by us or our affiliates. Also, we will not
          accept any premium payment in excess of $50,000 on any Policy after
          the first Policy Year. We may waive any of these premium limitations.

     o    We may require additional evidence of insurability satisfactory to us
          if any premium would increase the difference between the Death Benefit
          and the Accumulation Value (that is, the net amount at risk). A
          premium payment would increase the net amount at risk if at the time
          of payment the Death Benefit would be based upon the applicable
          corridor percentage of Accumulation Value. See "Death Benefit -- Death
          Benefit Options".

     o    In no event may the total of all premiums paid, both scheduled and
          unscheduled, exceed the current maximum premium payments allowed for
          life insurance under Section 7702 of the Code. If at any time you pay
          a premium that would result in total premiums exceeding the current
          maximum premiums allowed, we will only accept that portion of the
          premium which would make total premiums equal the maximum. We will
          return any part of the premium in excess of that amount, and we will
          not accept further premiums until allowed by the current maximum
          premium limitations.

     o    You may pay additional premiums (other than Planned Periodic Premiums)
          at any time while the Policy is in force before Age 100 of the younger
          Joint Insured. We may limit the number and amount of these additional
          payments. However you may always pay premiums if needed to keep your
          Policy in force for the remainder of the current Policy Year.

     o    If you want to make a large premium payment under this Policy, and you
          wish to avoid Modified Endowment Contract classification, you may
          contact us in writing before making the payment and we will tell you
          the maximum amount which you can pay into the Policy. See "Federal Tax
          Matters -- Tax Status of the Policy".


     You may choose a Planned Periodic Premium schedule which indicates a
preference as to future amounts and frequency of payment. You may pay Planned
Periodic Premiums annually, semi-annually, quarterly or, if you choose, you can
pay the Planned Periodic Premiums by bank account monthly deduction or
government allotment.

     Your Policy will show the amount and frequency of your initial Planned
Periodic Premium. You may change the Planned Periodic Premium at any time by
written request. We may limit the amount of any increase. Failure to make any
Planned Periodic Premium payment will not, however, necessarily result in lapse
of the Policy. On the other hand, making Planned Periodic Premium payments will
not guarantee that the Policy remains in force. See "Death Benefit Guarantee"
and "Policy Lapse and Reinstatement".



     You may pay Planned Periodic Premiums and Unscheduled Additional Premiums
to the Company by mailing the payments to:

     ReliaStar Life Insurance Company
     P.O. Box 1880
     Minneapolis, Minnesota 55480-1880


     If you meet the requirements described below, we guarantee that we will not
lapse the Policy even if the Cash Surrender Value is not sufficient to cover the
Monthly Deduction that is due. This feature of the Policy is called the "Death
Benefit Guarantee". (In Maryland, this feature is referred to as the "No Lapse
Guarantee.") The length of the Death Benefit Guarantee Period is specified in
your Policy and is uniquely determined on a Policy by Policy basis. The Death
Benefit Guarantee Period depends on the issue ages and premium classes of the
Joint Insureds, Death Benefit Option, and any Optional Insurance Benefits.
Certain Policy changes may also change the Death Benefit Guarantee Period.
Following is a table of typical Death Benefit Guarantee Periods. The examples
assume that the Joint Insureds are a male and a female, both of the same issue
age, both with no substandard ratings, a $1,000,000 Face Amount, and no Optional
Insurance Benefits. Policies with substandard ratings and Optional Insurance
Benefits will typically have a shorter Death Benefit Guarantee Period.

                                          DEATH BENEFIT          DEATH BENEFIT
     -------------------------------  ---------------------    -----------------
     45 Non-Tobacco ...............   A (Level)                     45 Years
     45 Non-Tobacco ...............   B (Variable)                  39 Years
     45 Non-Tobacco ...............   C (Face Plus Premium)         35 Years
     65 Non-Tobacco ...............   A (Level)                     25 Years
     65 Non-Tobacco ...............   B (Variable)                  21 Years
     65 Non-Tobacco ...............   C (Face Plus Premium)         19 Years
     45 Tobacco ...................   A (Level)                     41 Years
     45 Tobacco ...................   B (Variable)                  37 Years
     45 Tobacco ...................   C (Face Plus Premium)         34 Years
     65 Tobacco ...................   A (Level)                     23 Years
     65 Tobacco ...................   B (Variable)                  19 Years
     65 Tobacco ...................   C (Face Plus Premium)         18 Years

     In general, the two most significant benefits from the Death Benefit
Guarantee are as follows. First, during the early Policy Years, the Cash
Surrender Value may not be sufficient to cover the Monthly Deduction, so that
the Death Benefit Guarantee will be necessary to avoid lapse of the Policy. See
"Policy Lapse and Reinstatement". This occurs when the Surrender Charge exceeds
the Accumulation Value in these years. In this regard, you should consider that
if you request an increase in Face Amount, an additional Surrender Charge would
apply for the fifteen years following the increase, which could create a similar
possibility of lapse as exists during the early Policy Years. Second, to the
extent the Cash Surrender Value declines due to poor investment performance, or
due to an additional Surrender Charge after a requested increase, the Cash
Surrender Value may not be sufficient even in later Policy Years to cover the
Monthly Deduction, so that the Death Benefit Guarantee may also be necessary in
later Policy Years to avoid lapse of the Policy. THUS, EVEN THOUGH THE POLICY


     The Death Benefit Guarantee will be in effect during the specified Death
Benefit Guarantee Period if the sum of all premiums paid minus any partial
withdrawals and any loans are equal to or greater than the sum of the Minimum
Monthly Premiums since the Policy Date, including the Minimum Monthly Premium
for the current Monthly Anniversary.

     The requirements for the Death Benefit Guarantee must be satisfied as of
each Monthly Anniversary, even though you do not have to pay premiums monthly.


     EXAMPLE: The Policy Date is January 1, 2000. The Minimum Monthly Premium
is $1000 per month. No Policy loans or partial withdrawals are taken and no
Face Amount changes have occurred.

     Case 1.   You pay $1000 each month. The Death Benefit Guarantee is

     Case 2.   You pay $10,000 on January 1, 2000. The $10,000 maintains the
               Death Benefit Guarantee without your paying any additional
               premiums for the next 10 months (through October 31, 2000).
               However, you must pay at least $1000 by November 1, 2000 to
               maintain the Death Benefit Guarantee through November 30, 2000.

     The amount of the initial Minimum Monthly Premium will be determined by us
at issuance of the Policy and will be shown in the Policy. The initial Minimum
Monthly Premium will depend upon each Joint Insured's sex, age at issue, Rate
Class, optional insurance benefits added by rider, and the Initial Face Amount.

     The following Policy changes may change the Minimum Monthly Premium and the
Death Benefit Guarantee Period:

     o    A requested increase or decrease in the Face Amount (see "Death
          Benefit Requested Changes in Face Amount").

     o    A change in the Death Benefit Option (see "Death Benefit -- Change in
          Death Benefit Option").

     o    The addition or termination of a Policy rider (see "General Provisions
          -- Optional Insurance Benefits").

     We will notify you in writing of any changes in the Minimum Monthly Premium
or the Death Benefit Guarantee Period.

     If you have not made sufficient premium payments to maintain the Death
Benefit Guarantee as of any Monthly Anniversary, we will send you notice of the
premium payment required to maintain the Death Benefit Guarantee. If we do not
receive the required premium payment within 61 days from the date of our notice,
the Death Benefit Guarantee will terminate. You can reinstate the Death Benefit
Guarantee within the first five Policy Years by paying any past due Minimum
Monthly Premiums. After the first five Policy Years, a lapsed Death Benefit
Guarantee cannot be reinstated.

     Even if the Death Benefit Guarantee terminates, the Policy will not
necessarily lapse. For a discussion of the circumstances under which the Policy
may lapse. See "Policy Lapse and Reinstatement".


     The Accumulation Value of the Policy (that is, the total value attributable
to a specific Policy in the Variable Account and the Fixed Account) is equal to
the sum of the Variable Accumulation Value (the value attributable to the
Variable Account) plus the Fixed Accumulation Value (the value attributable to
the Fixed Account). You should distinguish the Accumulation Value from the Cash
Surrender Value that would actually be paid to you upon total surrender of the
Policy, which is the Accumulation Value less any Surrender Charge, Loan Amount
and unpaid Monthly Deductions. See "Surrender Benefits -- Total Surrender". You
should also distinguish the Accumulation Value from the Cash Value, which
determines the amount available for Policy loans, and is the Accumulation Value
less any Surrender Charge. See "Policy Loans."

     The Variable Accumulation Value will generally vary daily and will increase
or decrease to reflect the investment performance of the Funds in which
Sub-Accounts of the Variable Account have been invested.

     We will increase the Variable Accumulation Value by:

     o    any Net Premiums credited to the Variable Account, and

     o    any transfers from the Fixed Account.

     We will reduce the Variable Accumulation Value by:

     o    the Monthly Deduction attributable to the Variable Account,


     o    partial withdrawals from the Variable Account,

     o    any transfer and partial withdrawal charges attributable to the
          Variable Account, and

     o    any amounts transferred from the Variable Account to the Fixed Account
          (including amounts transferred from the Variable Account to the Fixed
          Account as security for Policy loans -- see "Policy Loans").

     We will increase the Fixed Accumulation Value by:

     o    any Net Premiums credited to the Fixed Account,

     o    any interest credited to the Fixed Account (determined at our
          discretion, but guaranteed not to be less than 3%), and

     o    any amounts transferred from the Variable Account to the Fixed Account
          (including amounts transferred to the Fixed Account as security for
          Policy loans -- see "Policy Loans").

     We will reduce the Fixed Accumulation Value by:

     o    the Monthly Deduction attributable to the Fixed Account,

     o    partial withdrawals from the Fixed Account,

     o    any transfer and partial withdrawal charges attributable to the Fixed
          Account, and

     o any amounts transferred from the Fixed Account to the Variable Account.

     See Appendix B for a detailed discussion of the calculation of Accumulation


     In order to help you understand how your Policy values would vary over time
under different sets of assumptions, we will provide you with certain
personalized illustrations upon request. These will be based on the age and
insurance risk characteristics of the Insured under your Policy and such factors
as the specified face amount, death benefit option, premium payment amounts and
rates of return (within limits) that you request. You can request such
illustrations at any time.

     We have filed an example of such an illustration as an exhibit to the
Registration Statement as referred to on page 49 of this prospectus. This form
of illustration is available to you upon request and is incorporated herein by
reference. There may be state specific product features that make the
illustrations applicable to you different from the form of illustration shown in
the exhibit. In addition, personalized illustrations may be based upon a
weighted average rather than an arithmetic average of Fund expenses.


     Because the Policy provides for an accumulation of Cash Surrender Value as
well as a Death Benefit, the Policy can be used for various individual and
business financial planning purposes. Purchasing the Policy in part for such
purposes entails certain risks. For example, if the investment performance of
the Sub-Accounts to which Accumulation Value is allocated is poorer than
expected or if sufficient premiums are not paid, the Policy may lapse or may not
accumulate sufficient Accumulation Value or Cash Surrender Value to fund the
purpose for which the Policy was purchased. Withdrawals and Policy loans may
significantly affect current and future Accumulation Value, Cash Surrender
Value, or Death Benefit proceeds. Depending upon Sub-Account investment
performance and the amount of a Policy loan, the loan may cause a Policy to
lapse. Because the Policy is designed to provide benefits on a long-term basis,
before purchasing a Policy for a specialized purpose a purchaser should consider
whether the long-term nature of the Policy is consistent with the purpose for
which it is being considered. Using a Policy for a specialized purpose may have
tax consequences. See "Federal Tax Matters".


     LAPSE. Unlike traditional life insurance policies, the failure to make a
Planned Periodic Payment will not by itself cause the Policy to lapse
(terminate). If the Death Benefit Guarantee is not in effect, the Policy will
lapse only if, as of any Monthly Anniversary, the Cash Surrender Value is less
than the Monthly Deduction due, and a grace period of 61 days expires without a
sufficient payment.


     During the early Policy Years, the Cash Surrender Value will generally not
be sufficient to cover the Monthly Deduction, so that premium payments
sufficient to maintain the Death Benefit Guarantee will be required to avoid
lapse. See "Death Benefit Guarantee".

     The Policy does not lapse, and the insurance coverage continues, until the
expiration of a 61-day grace period which begins on the date we send you written
notice indicating that the Cash Surrender Value is less than the Monthly
Deduction due. Our written notice will indicate the amount of the payment
required to avoid lapse. If you do not make a sufficient payment within the
grace period, then the Policy will lapse without value.

     If the Surviving Joint Insured dies during the grace period, the proceeds
payable will equal the amount of the Death Benefit on the Valuation Date on or
next following the date of the Surviving Joint Insured's death, reduced by any
Loan Amount and any unpaid Monthly Deductions.

     If the Death Benefit Guarantee is in effect, we will not lapse the Policy.
See "Death Benefit Guarantee".

     REINSTATEMENT. Reinstatement means putting a lapsed Policy back in force.
You may reinstate a lapsed Policy by written request any time within five years
after it has lapsed if it has not been surrendered for its Cash Surrender Value.

     To reinstate the Policy and any riders you must submit evidence of
insurability satisfactory to us that each Joint Insured is still insurable, or
if the policy lapsed after the first death of the Joint Insured, then evidence
of insurability for the Surviving Joint Insured. You must pay a premium large
enough such that the Net Premium is as large as the sum of the Surrender Charge
after reinstatement, plus the Monthly Deductions for the date of reinstatement
and the following Monthly Anniversary.

     A lapsed Death Benefit Guarantee cannot be reinstated after the fifth
Policy Year.


     Subject to certain limitations, you may make a total surrender of the
Policy or a partial withdrawal of the Policy's Cash Surrender Value by sending
us a written request. We will determine the amount available for a total
surrender or partial withdrawal at the end of the Valuation Period when we
receive your written request. Generally, we will pay any amounts from the
Variable Account upon total surrender or partial withdrawal within seven days
after we receive your written request. We may postpone payments, however, in
certain circumstances. See "General Provisions -- Postponement of Payments".


     You may surrender the Policy at any time for its Cash Surrender Value by
making a written request. The Cash Surrender Value is the Accumulation Value of
the Policy reduced by any Surrender Charge, Loan Amount and unpaid Monthly
Deductions. If the Cash Surrender Value at the time of a surrender exceeds
$25,000, the written request must include a Signature Guarantee. Appendix C
shows an illustration of Accumulation Values, Cash Surrender Values, and Death
Benefits assuming different levels of premium payments and investment returns
for selected Ages and Face Amounts.


     After the first Policy Year, you may withdraw part of the Cash Surrender
Value by sending us a written request. If the amount being withdrawn exceeds
$25,000, then the written request must include a Signature Guarantee. We
currently allow only one partial withdrawal in any Policy Year. We currently
make a $10 charge for each partial withdrawal. We guarantee that this charge
will not exceed $25 for each partial withdrawal. See "Deductions and Charges --
Partial Withdrawal and Transfer Charges". The amount of any partial withdrawal
must be at least $500 and, during the first 15 Policy Years, may not be more
than 20% of the Cash Surrender Value on the date we receive your written

     Unless you specify a different allocation, we make partial withdrawals from
the Fixed Account and the Sub-Accounts of the Variable Account on a
proportionate basis based upon the Accumulation Value. We will determine these
proportions at the end of the Valuation Period during which we receive your
written request. For purposes of determining these proportions, we first
subtract any outstanding Loan Amount from the Fixed Accumulation Value.


     EFFECT OF PARTIAL WITHDRAWALS. We will reduce the Accumulation Value by the
amount of any partial withdrawal. We will also reduce the Death Benefit by the
amount of the withdrawal, or, if the Death Benefit is based on the corridor
percentage of Accumulation Value (see "Death Benefit -- Death Benefit Options"),
by an amount equal to the corridor percentage times the amount of the partial

     If the Level Amount Option is in effect, we will reduce the Face Amount by
the amount of the partial withdrawal. When increases in the Face Amount have
occurred previously, we reduce the current Face Amount by the amount of the
partial withdrawal in the following order:

     (1)  The Face Amount provided by the most recent increase;

     (2)  The next most recent increases successively; and

     (3)  The Face Amount when the Policy was issued.

     (This assumption also applies to requested decreases in Face Amount -- see
"Death Benefit -- Requested Changes in Face Amount".) Thus, partial withdrawals
may affect the way in which the cost of insurance is calculated and the amount
of pure insurance protection under the Policy. See "Death Benefit -- Requested
Changes in Face Amount", "Deductions and Charges -- Monthly Deduction" and
"Death Benefit -- Insurance Protection".

     We do not allow a partial withdrawal if the Face Amount after a partial
withdrawal would be less than the Minimum Face Amount.

     If the Variable Amount Option or the Face Plus Premium Amount Option is in
effect, a partial withdrawal does not affect the Face Amount.

     A partial withdrawal may also cause the termination of the Death Benefit
Guarantee because we deduct the amount of the partial withdrawal from the total
premiums paid in calculating whether you have paid sufficient premiums in order
to maintain the Death Benefit Guarantee.

     Like partial withdrawals, Policy loans are a means of withdrawing money
from the Policy. See "Policy Loans". A partial withdrawal or a Policy loan may
have tax consequences depending on the circumstances of such withdrawal or loan.
See "Federal Tax Matters -- Tax Status of the Policy".


     You may transfer all or part of the Variable Accumulation Value between the
Sub-Accounts or to the Fixed Account subject to any conditions the Funds whose
shares are involved may impose. You must make your transfer request in writing
unless you have completed a telephone transfer authorization form. You may also
direct us to automatically make periodic transfers under the Dollar Cost
Averaging or Portfolio Rebalancing services as described below.

     To transfer all or part of the Variable Accumulation Value from a
Sub-Account, we redeem Accumulation Units and reinvest their values in other
Sub-Accounts, or the Fixed Account, as you direct in your request. We will
effect transfers, and determine all values in connection with transfers, at the
end of the Valuation Period during which we receive your request, except as
otherwise specified for the Dollar Cost Averaging or Portfolio Rebalancing
services. With respect to future Net Premium payments, however, your current
premium allocation will remain in effect unless (1) you have requested the
Portfolio Rebalancing service, or (2) you are transferring all of the Variable
Accumulation Value from the Variable Account to the Fixed Account in exercise of
conversion rights. See "Free Look and Conversion Rights -- Conversion Rights".

     Transfers from the Fixed Account to the Variable Account are subject to the
following additional restrictions:

     o    your transfer request must be postmarked no more than 30 days before
          or after the Policy Anniversary in any year, and only one transfer is
          permitted during this period,

     o    you may only transfer up to 50% of the Fixed Accumulation Value, less
          any Loan Amount, unless the balance, after the transfer, would be less
          than $1,000, in which event you may transfer the full Fixed
          Accumulation Value, less any Loan Amount, and

     o    you must transfer at least the lesser of $500 or the total Fixed
          Accumulation Value, less any Loan Amount.


Some of these restrictions may be waived for transfers due to the Portfolio
Rebalancing service.

     TELEPHONE/FAX INSTRUCTIONS. You are allowed to enter certain types of
instructions either by telephone or by fax if you complete a telephone/fax
instruction authorization form. If you complete the form, you can enter the
following types of instructions by telephone or fax:

     o    transfers between Sub-Accounts

     o    changes of allocations among fund options

By completing the telephone/fax form, you agree that we will not be liable for
any loss, liability, cost or expense when we act in accordance with the
telephone/fax transfer instructions that we receive or are recorded on voice
recording equipment. If we later determine that you did not make a telephone/fax
transfer request or the request was made without your authorization, and loss
results from such unauthorized transfer, you bear the risk of this loss. We
consider any requests made via fax as telephone requests and such requests are
bound by the conditions in the telephone/fax transfer authorization form you
sign. Any fax request should include your name, daytime telephone number, Policy
number and, in the case of transfers, the names of the Sub-Accounts from which
and to which money will be transferred and the allocation percentage. ReliaStar
will employ reasonable procedures to confirm that instructions communicated by
telephone/fax are genuine. If we do not employ such procedures, we may be liable
for any losses due to unauthorized or fraudulent instructions. Such procedures
may include, among others, requiring forms of personal identification prior to
acting upon telephone/fax instructions, providing written confirmation of such
instructions, and/or tape recording telephone instructions.

     DOLLAR COST AVERAGING SERVICE. You may request this service if your
Accumulation Value, less any Loan Amount, is at least $5,000. If you request
this service, you direct us to automatically make specific periodic transfers of
a fixed dollar amount from any of the Sub-Accounts to one or more of the
Sub-Accounts or to the Fixed Account. We do not permit transfers from the Fixed
Account under this service. You may request that we make transfers of this type
on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. This service is intended
to allow you to use "Dollar Cost Averaging", a long term investment method which
provides for regular investments over time. We make no guarantees that Dollar
Cost Averaging will result in a profit or protect against loss. You may
discontinue this service at any time by notifying us in writing.

     If you are interested in the Dollar Cost Averaging service, you may obtain
a separate application form and full information concerning this service and its
restrictions from us or our registered representative.

     We will discontinue the Dollar Cost Averaging service immediately (1) on
receipt of any request to begin a Portfolio Rebalancing service, (2) if the
Policy is in the grace period on any date when Dollar Cost Averaging transfers
are scheduled, or (3) if the specified transfer amount from any Sub-Account is
more than the Accumulation Value in that Sub-Account.

     We reserve the right to discontinue, modify, or suspend this service. For a
Policy issued in New Jersey, we may not discontinue this service, but reserve
the right to charge up to $50 per transfer. Any such modification or
discontinuation would not affect any Dollar Cost Averaging service requests
already commenced.

     PORTFOLIO REBALANCING SERVICE. You may request this service if your
Accumulation Value, less any Loan Amount, is at least $10,000. If you request
this service, you direct us to automatically make periodic transfers to maintain
your specified percentage allocation of Accumulation Value, less any Loan
Amount, among the Sub-Accounts of the Variable Account and the Fixed Account. We
will also change your allocation of future Net Premium payments to be equal to
this specified percentage allocation. You may request that we make transfers
under this service on a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. This service is
intended to maintain the allocation you have selected consistent with your
personal objectives.

     The Accumulation Value in each Sub-Account of the Variable Account and the
Fixed Account will grow or decline at different rates over time. Portfolio
Rebalancing will periodically transfer Accumulation Values from those accounts
that have increased in value to those accounts that have increased at a slower
rate or declined in value. If all accounts decline in value, it will transfer
Accumulation Values from those that have decreased less in value to those that
have decreased more in value. We make no guarantees that Portfolio Rebalancing
will result in a profit or protect against loss. You may discontinue this
service at any time by notifying us in writing.


     If you are interested in the Portfolio Rebalancing service you may obtain a
separate application form and full information concerning this service and its
restrictions from us or our registered representative.

     If you are using the Portfolio Rebalancing service, we will discontinue
this service immediately (1) on receipt of any request to change the allocation
of premiums to the Fixed Account and Sub-Account of the Variable Account, (2) on
receipt of any request to begin a Dollar Cost Averaging service, (3) upon
receipt of any request to transfer Accumulation Value among the accounts, or (4)
if the policy is in the grace period or the Accumulation Value, less any Loan
Amount, is less than $7,500 on any Valuation Date when Portfolio Rebalancing
transfers are scheduled.

     We reserve the right to discontinue, modify, or suspend this service. For a
Policy issued in New Jersey, we may not discontinue this service, but reserve
the right to charge up to $50 per transfer. Any such modification or
discontinuation could affect Portfolio Rebalancing services currently in effect,
but only after 30 days notice to affected Policy owners.

     TRANSFER LIMITS. We currently do not limit the number of transfers,
although we reserve the right to limit you to no more than 12 transfers per
Policy Year. All transfers that are effective on the same Valuation Date will be
treated as one transfer transaction. Transfers made due to the Dollar Cost
Averaging or Portfolio Rebalancing services do not currently count toward the
limit on number of transfers.

     TRANSFER CHARGES. We currently make no charge for the first 24 transfers
during a Policy Year. We make a $25 charge for each subsequent transfer. We
reserve the right to make a charge not to exceed $25 for each transfer for the
duration of the Policy. Further, no charge currently is made for transfers to
implement Dollar Cost Averaging and Portfolio Rebalancing. See "Deductions and
Charges -- Partial Withdrawal and Transfer Charges". In no event, however, will
we impose any charge in connection with the exercise of a conversion right or
transfers occurring as the result of Policy Loans. All transfers are also
subject to any charges and conditions imposed by the Fund whose shares are
involved. We will treat all transfers that are effective on the same Valuation
Date as one transfer transaction for the purpose of assessing any transfer


     GENERAL. As long as the Policy remains in effect, you may borrow money from
us using the Policy as security for the loan. We reserve the right to limit
loans during the first Policy year (except that persons in Indiana and New
Jersey may take loans during the first Policy year if there is a Loan Amount).
The maximum amount you may borrow at any time is equal to the loan value of the
Policy, which is equal to 90% of the Cash Value less the existing Loan Amount,
except that under Policies issued in Texas the percentage is 100%. Each Policy
loan must be at least $500, except in Connecticut it must be at least $200.
After the older Joint Insured reaches age 65, we currently allow 100% of the
Cash Surrender Value to be borrowed.

     You can make loan requests in writing or by telephoning us on any Valuation
Date. Any loan request in excess of $25,000 will require a Signature Guarantee.
Telephone loan requests cannot exceed $10,000. We currently do not require any
election form to make telephone loan requests. We will employ reasonable
procedures to confirm that loan requests made by telephone are genuine. In the
event we do not employ such procedures, we may be liable for any losses due to
unauthorized or fraudulent instructions. Such procedures may include, among
others, requiring forms of personal identification prior to acting upon
telephone instructions, providing written confirmations of such instructions
and/or tape recording telephone instructions.

     Policy loans have priority over the claims of any assignee or other person.
You may repay a Policy loan in whole or in part at any time while any Joint
Insured is alive.

     We will normally pay the loan proceeds to you within seven days after we
receive your request. We may postpone payment of loan proceeds to you under
certain circumstances. See "General Provisions -- Postponement of Payments".

     Payments you make generally will be treated as premium payments, rather
than Policy loan repayments, unless you indicate that we should treat the
payment otherwise or unless we decide, at our discretion, to apply the payment
as a Policy loan repayment. As a result, unless you indicate that a


payment is a loan repayment, all payments you make to the Policy will generally
be subject to the Premium Expense Charge. See "Deductions and Charges --
Premium Expense Charge".

     IMMEDIATE EFFECT OF POLICY LOANS. When we make a Policy loan, we will
segregate an amount equal to the Policy loan (which includes interest payable in
advance) within the Accumulation Value of your Policy and hold it in the Fixed
Account as security for the loan. As described below, you will pay interest to
us on the Policy loan, but we will also credit interest to you on the amount
held in the Fixed Account as security for the loan. We will include the amount
segregated in the Fixed Account as security for the Policy loan as part of the
Fixed Accumulation Value under the Policy, but we will credit that amount with
interest on a basis different from other amounts in the Fixed Account.

     Unless you specify differently, amounts held as security for the Policy
loan will come proportionately from the Fixed Accumulation Value and the
Variable Accumulation Value (with the proportions being determined as described
below). We will transfer assets equal to the portion of the Policy loan coming
from the Variable Accumulation Value from the Sub-Accounts of the Variable
SUB-ACCOUNTS. We do not treat these transfers as transfers for the purposes of
assessing the transfer charge or calculating the limit on the number of

     EFFECT ON INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE. Amounts coming from the Variable Account
as security for Policy loans will no longer participate in the investment
performance of the Variable Account. We will credit all amounts held in the
Fixed Account as security for Policy loans (that is, the Loan Amount) with
interest at an effective annual rate equal to 3.00%. WE WILL NOT CREDIT
ADDITIONAL INTEREST TO THESE AMOUNTS. On the Policy Anniversary, we will
allocate any interest credited on these amounts to the Fixed Account and the
Variable Account according to the premium allocation then in effect (see
"Payment and Allocation of Premiums -- Allocating Premiums").

     Although you may repay Policy loans in whole or in part at any time, Policy
loans will permanently affect the Policy's potential Accumulation Value. As a
result, to the extent that the Death Benefit depends upon the Accumulation Value
(see "Death Benefit -- Death Benefit Options"), Policy loans will also affect
the Death Benefit under the Policy. This effect could be favorable or
unfavorable depending on whether the investment performance of the assets
allocated to the Sub-Account(s) is less than or greater than the interest being
credited on the assets transferred to the Fixed Account while the loan is
outstanding. Compared to a Policy under which no loan is made, values under the
Policy will be lower when such interest credited is less than the investment
performance of assets held in the Sub-Account(s).

     EFFECT ON POLICY COVERAGE. We will notify you if, on any Monthly
Anniversary, the Loan Amount is greater than the Accumulation Value, less the
then applicable Surrender Charge. If we do not receive sufficient payment within
61 days from the date we send notice to you, the Policy will lapse and terminate
without value. Our written notice to you will indicate the amount of the payment
required to avoid lapse. The Policy may, however, later be reinstated. See
"Policy Lapse and Reinstatement".

     A Policy loan may also cause termination of the Death Benefit Guarantee,
because we deduct the Loan Amount from the total premiums paid in calculating
whether you have paid sufficient premiums in order to maintain the Death Benefit
Guarantee. See "Death Benefit Guarantee".

     We will reduce proceeds payable upon the death of the Insured by any Loan

     INTEREST. The interest rate charged on Policy loans will be an annual rate
of 4.762%, payable in advance. After the 10th Policy Year, we currently charge
interest at an annual rate of 2.913% (guaranteed not to exceed 3.382%), payable
in advance, on that portion of your Loan Amount that is not in excess of (1) the
Accumulation Value, less (2) the total of all premiums paid less all partial
withdrawals. We will charge interest on any excess of this amount at the annual
rate of 4.762%, payable in advance.

     Interest is payable in advance (for the rest of the Policy Year) at the
time any Policy loan is made and at the beginning of each Policy Year thereafter
(for that entire Policy Year). If you do not pay interest when due, we will
deduct it from the Cash Surrender Value as an additional Policy loan (see
"Immediate Effect of Policy Loans" above) and we will add it to the existing
Loan Amount.

     Because we charge interest in advance, we will refund any interest that we
have not earned to you upon lapse or surrender of the Policy or repayment of the
Policy Loan.


     REPAYMENT OF LOAN AMOUNT. You may repay the Loan Amount any time. If not
repaid, we will deduct the Loan Amount from any amount payable under the Policy.
As described above, unless you provide us with notice to the contrary, we
generally will treat any payments on the Policy as premium payments, which are
subject to the Premium Expense Charge, rather than repayments on the Loan
Amount. Any repayments on the Loan Amount will result in amounts being
reallocated from the Fixed Account and to the Sub-Accounts of the Variable
Account according to your current premium allocation.

     TAX CONSIDERATIONS. A Policy loan may have tax consequences depending on
the circumstances of the loan. See "Federal Tax Matters -- Tax Status of the



     The Policy provides for a "free look" period after application for and
issuance of the Policy. The Policy also provides for a "free look" period after
any requested increase in Face Amount.

     During the free look period after application for and issuance of the
Policy, you have a right to return the Policy for cancellation. You must return
the Policy to your agent or us and ask us to cancel the Policy by midnight of
the 10th day after receiving the Policy. Upon cancellation of the Policy, you
will receive a refund of premiums paid for the Policy.

     During the free look period after a requested increase in Face Amount, you
have the right to cancel the increase. You must request cancellation of the
increase by midnight of the 10th day after receiving the new Policy Data Page
reflecting the increase. Upon requesting cancellation of the increase, you will
receive a refund, if you so request, or otherwise a restoration to the Policy's
Accumulation Value (allocated among the Fixed Account and the Sub-Accounts of
the Variable Account as if it were a Net Premium payment), in an amount equal to
all Monthly Deductions attributable to the increase in Face Amount, including
rider cost arising from the increase.


     During the first two Policy Years and the first two years following a
requested increase in Face Amount, we provide you with an option to convert the
Policy or any requested increase in Face Amount to a life insurance policy under
which the benefits do not vary with the investment experience of the Variable
Account. We make this option available by permitting you to transfer all or a
part of your Variable Accumulation Value to the Fixed Account. Conversion rights
are discussed below.

     GENERAL OPTION. You may exercise your conversion right by transferring all
or any part of your Variable Accumulation Value to the Fixed Account. If, at any
time during the first two Policy Years or the first two years following a
requested increase in Face Amount, you request transfer from the Variable
Account to the Fixed Account and indicate that you are making the transfer in
exercise of your conversion right, we will not assess any transfer charge on the
transfer, and the transfer will not count against the limit on the number of
transfers. At the time of such transfer, there is no effect on the Policy's
Death Benefit, Face Amount, net amount at risk, Rate Class(es) or Issue Age --
only the method of funding the Accumulation Value under the Policy will be
affected. See "Death Benefit", "Accumulation Value" and Appendix A, "The Fixed

     If you transfer all of the Variable Accumulation Value from the Variable
Account to the Fixed Account and indicate that you are making this transfer in
exercise of your Conversion Right, we will automatically credit all future
premium payments on the policy to the Fixed Account unless you request a
different allocation.



     The Variable Account currently consists of 34 investment options.

     The Fund shares may be available to fund benefits under both variable
annuity and variable life contracts and policies. This could result in an
irreconcilable conflict between the interests of the holders of the different
types of variable contracts. The Funds have advised us that they will monitor
for such conflicts and will promptly provide us with information regarding any
such conflicts should they arise or


become imminent, and we will promptly advise the Funds if we become aware of any
such conflicts. If any such material irreconcilable conflict arises, we will
arrange to eliminate and remedy such conflict up to and including establishing a
new management investment company and segregating the assets underlying the
variable policies and contracts at no cost to the holders of the policies and

     There also is a possibility that one Fund might become liable for any
misstatement, inaccuracy or incomplete disclosure in another Fund's prospectus.

     The Funds distribute dividends and capital gains. However, we automatically
reinvest distributions in additional Fund shares, at net asset value. The
Sub-Account receives the distributions which are then reflected in the Unit
Value of that Sub-Account. See "Accumulation Value".

     ReliaStar has entered into service arrangements with the managers or
distributors of certain of the Funds. Under these arrangements, ReliaStar or its
affiliates may receive compensation from affiliates of the Funds. This
compensation is for providing administrative, recordkeeping, distribution and
other services to the Funds or their affiliates. Such compensation is paid based
upon assets invested in the particular Funds, or based on the aggregated net
asset goals. Payments of such amounts by an affiliate or affiliates of the Funds
do not increase the fees paid by the Funds or their shareholders. The percentage
paid may vary from one Fund to another.


     We reserve the right, subject to compliance with applicable law, to make
additions to, deletions from, or substitutions for the shares that are held by
the Variable Account or that the Variable Account may purchase.

     o    We reserve the right to establish additional Sub-Accounts of the
          Variable Account, each of which would invest in a new Fund, or in
          shares of another investment company, with a specified investment
          objective. We may establish new Sub-Accounts when, in our sole
          discretion, marketing needs or investment conditions warrant, and we
          will make any new Sub-Accounts available to existing Policy owners on
          a basis we determine.

     o    We may eliminate one or more Sub-Accounts, or prohibit additional new
          premium or transfers into a Sub-Account, if, in our sole discretion,
          marketing, tax, regulatory requirements or investment conditions

     o    We reserve the right to eliminate the shares of any of the Funds and
          to substitute shares of another Fund or of another open-end,
          registered investment company. We will not substitute any shares
          attributable to your interest in a Sub-Account of the Variable Account
          without notice and prior approval of the SEC, to the extent required
          by the Investment Company Act of 1940 or other applicable law.

     Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Variable Account from:

     o    Purchasing other securities of other Funds or classes of policies,

     o    Permitting a conversion between Funds or classes of policies on the
          basis of requests made by Policy owners, or

     o    Substituting the shares of one fund for shares of another fund in the
          event of a merger of funds or similar transaction.

     In the event of any such substitution, deletion or change, we may make
appropriate changes in this and other policies to reflect such substitution,
deletion or change. If you allocated all or a portion of your investments to any
of the current funds that are being substituted for or deleted, you may transfer
the portion of the Accumulation Value affected without paying a transfer charge.

     If we deem it to be in the best interests of persons having voting rights
under the Policies, we may:

     o    operate the Variable Account as a management company under the 1940

     o    deregister the Variable Account under the 1940 Act in the event such
          registration is no longer required, or

     o    combine the Variable Account with our other separate accounts.



     You have the right to instruct us how to vote the Fund shares attributable
to the Policy at regular meetings and special meetings of the Funds. We will
vote the Fund shares held in Sub-Accounts according to the instructions
received, as long as:

     o    The Variable Account is registered as a unit investment trust under
          the Investment Company Act of 1940; and

     o    The Variable Account's assets are invested in Fund shares.

     If we determine that, because of applicable law or regulation, we do not
have to vote according to the voting instructions received, we will vote the
Fund shares at our discretion.

     All persons entitled to voting rights and the number of votes they may cast
are determined as of a record date, selected by us, not more than 90 days before
the meeting of the Fund. All Fund proxy materials and appropriate forms used to
give voting instructions will be sent to persons having voting interests.

     We will vote any Fund shares held in the Variable Account for which we do
not receive timely voting instructions, or which are not attributable to Policy
owners, in proportion to the instructions received from all Policy owners having
a voting interest in the Fund. Any Fund shares held by us or any of our
affiliates in general accounts will, for voting purposes, be allocated to all
separate accounts having voting interests in the Fund in proportion to each
account's voting interest in the respective Fund, and will be voted in the same
manner as are the respective account's votes.

     Owning the Policy does not give you the right to vote at meetings of our

     DISREGARDING VOTING INSTRUCTIONS. We may, when required by state insurance
regulatory authorities, disregard voting instructions if the instructions
require that the shares be voted so as to cause a change in the
subclassification or investment objective of any Fund or to approve or
disapprove an investment advisory contract for any Fund. In addition, we may
disregard voting instructions in favor of changes initiated by a Policy owner in
the investment policy or the investment adviser of any Fund if we reasonably
disapprove of such changes. We would disapprove a change only if the proposed
change is contrary to state law or prohibited by state regulatory authorities,
or we determine that the change would have an adverse effect on the Variable
Account in that the proposed investment policy for a Fund may result in
speculative or unsound investments. In the event we do disregard voting
instructions, we will include a summary of that action and the reasons for such
action in the next annual report to owners.



     If either of the Joint Insureds is living after age 100 of the younger
Joint Insured and the Policy is in force, the Death Benefit will be the
Accumulation Value.


     While the Surviving Joint Insured is alive, subject to the Policy's
provisions you may:

     o    Change the amount and frequency of premium payments.
     o    Change the allocation of premiums.
     o    Make transfers between accounts.
     o    Surrender the Policy for cash.
     o    Make a partial withdrawal for cash.
     o    Receive a cash loan.
     o    Assign the Policy as collateral.
     o    Change the beneficiary.
     o    Transfer ownership of the Policy.
     o    Enjoy any other rights the Policy allows.

     While both Joint Insureds are alive, subject to this policy's provisions,
you may:

     o    Change the Death Benefit Option.
     o    Change the Face Amount.



     At the Surviving Joint Insured's death, the proceeds payable include the
Death Benefit then in force:

     o    Plus any additional amounts provided by rider on the life of the
          Surviving Joint Insured;
     o    Plus any Policy loan interest that we have collected but not earned;
     o    Minus any Loan Amount; and
     o    Minus any unpaid Monthly Deductions.


     You may name one or more beneficiaries on the application when you apply
for the Policy. You may later change beneficiaries by written request. You may
also name a beneficiary whom you cannot change without his or her consent
(irrevocable beneficiary). If no beneficiary is surviving when the Surviving
Joint Insured dies, we will pay the Death Benefit to you, if surviving, or
otherwise to your estate.


     We generally make payments from the Variable Account for Death Benefits,
cash surrender, partial withdrawal, or loans within seven days after we receive
all the documents required for the payments.

     We may, however, delay making a payment when we are not able to determine
the Variable Accumulation Value because (1) the New York Stock Exchange is
closed, other than customary weekend or holiday closings, or the SEC restricts
trading on the New York Stock Exchange, (2) the SEC by order permits
postponement for the protection of Policyholders, or (3) the SEC determines that
an emergency exists which makes disposing of securities not reasonably
practicable, or which makes it not reasonably practicable to determine the value
of the Variable Account's net assets. We may also postpone transfers and
allocations to and from any Sub-Account of the Variable Account under these

     We may delay any of the payments that we make from the Fixed Account for up
to six months from the date we receive the documents required. We will pay
interest at an effective annual rate of 3.50% if we delay payment more than 30
days. We will not credit any additional interest to any delayed payments. The
time a payment from the Fixed Account may be delayed and the rate of interest
paid on such amounts may vary among states.


     Settlement Options are ways you can choose to have the Policy's proceeds
paid. These Settlement Options apply to proceeds paid:

     o    At the Surviving Joint Insured's death.

     o    On total surrender of the Policy.

     We pay the proceeds to one or more payees. We may pay the proceeds in a
lump sum or we may apply the proceeds to one of the following Settlement
Options. You may request that we use a combination of Options. You must apply at
least $2,500 to any Option for each payee under that Option. Under an
installment Option, each payment must be at least $25.00. We may adjust the
interval to make each payment at least $25.00.

     Proceeds applied to any Option no longer earn interest at the rate applied
to the Fixed Account or participate in the investment performance of the Funds.

     Option 1 -- Proceeds are left with us to earn interest. Withdrawals and any
                 changes are subject to our approval.

     Option 2 -- Proceeds and interest are paid in equal installments of a
                 specified amount until the proceeds and interest are all paid.

     Option 3 -- Proceeds and interest are paid in equal installments for a
                 specified period until the proceeds and interest are all paid.

     Option 4 -- The proceeds provide an annuity payment with a specified number
                 of months "certain". The payments are continued for the life of
                 the primary payee. If the primary payee dies before the certain
                 period is over, the remaining payments are paid to a contingent

     Option 5 -- The proceeds provide a life income for two payees. When one
                 payee dies, the surviving payee receives two-thirds of the
                 amount of the joint monthly payment for life.


     INTEREST ON SETTLEMENT OPTIONS. We base the interest rate for proceeds
applied under Options 1 and 2 on the interest rate we declare on funds that we
consider to be in the same classification based on the Option, restrictions on
withdrawal, and other factors. The interest rate will never be less than an
effective annual rate of 2.00%.

     In determining amounts we pay under Options 3, 4,and 5, we assume interest
at an effective annual rate of 2.00%. Also, for Option 3 and "certain" periods
under Option 4, we credit any excess interest we may declare on funds that we
consider to be in the same classification based on the Option, restrictions on
withdrawal, and other factors.


     After the Policy has been in force during both Joint Insured's lifetime for
two years from the Policy's Issue Date, we cannot claim the Policy is void or
refuse to pay any proceeds unless the Policy has lapsed.

     If you make a Face Amount increase or a premium payment which requires
proof of insurability, the corresponding Death Benefit increase has its own
two-year contestable period measured from the effective date of the increase.

     If the Policy is reinstated, we measure the contestable period from the
date of reinstatement with respect to statements made on the application for


     If any Joint Insured's Age or sex or both are misstated (except where
unisex rates apply), the Death Benefit will be the amount that the most recent
cost of insurance would purchase using the current cost of insurance rate for
the correct Age and sex.


     If any Joint Insured commits suicide, whether sane or insane, within two
years of the Policy's Issue Date (one year in Colorado and North Dakota), we do
not pay the Death Benefit. Instead, we refund all premiums paid for the Policy
and any attached riders, minus any Loan Amounts and partial withdrawals.

     If you make a Face Amount increase or a premium payment which requires
proof of insurability, the corresponding Death Benefit increase has its own
two-year suicide limitation for the proceeds associated with that increase. If
any Joint Insured commits suicide, whether sane or insane, within two years of
the effective date of the increase, we pay the Death Benefit prior to the
increase and refund the cost of insurance for that increase.


     The Policy terminates when any of the following occurs:

     o    The Policy lapses. See "Policy Lapse and Reinstatement".
     o    The Surviving Joint Insured dies.
     o    You surrender the Policy for its Cash Surrender Value.
     o    We amend the Policy according to the amendment provision described
          below and you do not accept the amendment.


     We reserve the right to amend the Policy in order to include any future
changes relating to the following:

     o    Any SEC rulings and regulations.
     o    The Policy's qualification for treatment as a life insurance policy
          under the following:
          --   The Code as amended.
          --   Internal Revenue Service rulings and regulations.
          --   Any requirements imposed by the Internal Revenue Service.


     ANNUAL STATEMENT. We will send you an Annual Statement once each year,
showing the Face Amount, Death Benefit, Accumulation Value, Cash Surrender
Value, Loan Amount, premiums paid, Planned Periodic Premiums, interest credits,
partial withdrawals, transfers, and charges since the last statement.


     Additional statements are available upon request. We may make a charge not
to exceed $50 for each additional Annual Statement you request.

     PROJECTION REPORT. Upon request, we will provide you a report projecting
future results based on the Death Benefit Option you specify, the Planned
Periodic Premiums you specify, and the Accumulation Value of your Policy at the
end of the prior Policy Year. We may make a charge not to exceed $50 for each
Projection Report you request after the first report and after the first report
in a Policy Year.

     OTHER REPORTS. The Company will mail to you at your last known address of
record at least annually a report containing such information as may be required
by any applicable law. To reduce expenses, only one copy of most financial
reports and prospectuses will be mailed to your household, even if you or other
persons in your household have more than one Policy. Call 1-800-456-6965 if you
need copies of financial reports, prospectuses, annual and semi-annual reports,
or historical account information.


     The Policy does not entitle you to participate in our surplus. We do not
pay you dividends under the Policy.

     The Sub-Account receives any dividends paid by the related Fund. Any such
dividend is credited to you through the calculation of the Sub-Account's daily
Unit Value.


     You may assign the benefits of the Policy as collateral for a debt. This
limits your rights to the Cash Surrender Value and the beneficiary's rights to
the proceeds. An assignment is not binding on us until we receive written


     The Policy can include additional benefits, in the form of riders to the
Policy, if our requirements for issuing such benefits are met. We currently
offer the following benefit riders, although some riders may not be available in
some states.

     FOUR YEAR TERM RIDER (FTR) -- Provides a four year, level term benefit if
the Surviving Joint Insured dies during the first four Policy Years.

     SURVIVORSHIP TERM RIDER (STR) -- Provides a level term insurance benefit
payable on the death of the Surviving Joint Insured if death occurs prior to age
100 of the younger Joint Insured. The current cost of insurance rates for the
rider are expected to be lower than for the base Policy. In addition, the base
policy's Monthly Amount Charge per $1,000 and Surrender Charge do not apply to
coverage under the rider. However, the STR will cause the Death Benefit
Guarantee Period of the base Policy to be shortened.

     After the tenth policy year, if the base Death Benefit is equal to the
Accumulation Value multiplied by the corridor percentage (see "Death Benefit"),
the STR amount may be replaced with base coverage without providing evidence of
insurability. The entire rider amount must be replaced if any amount is
replaced. Neither Surrender Charges nor Monthly Amount Charges will apply to the
new additional base coverage. Cost of insurance rates on this new additional
base coverage will be equal to the cost of insurance rates for the original base

     There may be times in which it will be to your economic advantage to
include a significant portion of your insurance coverage under a term rider. In
some other circumstances, it may be in your interest to obtain a Policy without
term rider coverage. These circumstances depend on many factors, including the
premium levels and amount and duration of coverage you choose, as well as the
ages, sexes, and premium classes of the Joint Insureds.

     POLICY SPLIT OPTION RIDER (PSO) -- Allows the policyowner to split the
Policy into two individual permanent life insurance policies in the event of a
divorce of the Joint Insureds, dissolution of a business partnership of the
Joint Insureds, or if there is a change in the federal estate tax laws that
would eliminate the unlimited marital deduction or reduce by at least 50% the
estate taxes payable at death. Evidence of insurability on each Joint Insured
may be required to exercise this option. There is no cost for this rider.

     ADDITIONAL INSURED RIDER -- Provides level term coverage to Age 100 on
either of the Joint Insureds.


     FULL DEATH BENEFIT RIDER -- Changes the calculation of the Death Benefit
after Age 100 of the younger Joint Insured. Without the rider, the Death Benefit
after Age 100 of the younger Joint Insured is the Accumulation Value. With the
rider, the Death Benefit after Age 100 of the younger Joint Insured will
continue to be calculated reflecting the chosen Death Benefit Option. At Age 100
of the younger Joint Insured, all of the Variable Accumulation Value will be
transferred to the Fixed Account and subsequent transfers will not be allowed.
There will be no cost of insurance charges assessed after age 100 of the younger
Joint Insured.



     The following summary provides a general description of the Federal income
tax considerations associated with the Policy and does not purport to be
complete or to cover all tax situations. This discussion is not intended as tax
advice. Counsel or other competent tax advisors should be consulted for more
complete information. This discussion is based upon the Company's understanding
of the present Federal income tax laws. No representation is made as to the
likelihood of continuation of the present Federal income tax laws or as to how
they may be interpreted by the Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS").

     Any qualified plan contemplating the purchase of a life policy should
consult a tax advisor.


     In order to qualify as a life insurance contract for Federal income tax
purposes and to receive the tax treatment normally accorded life insurance
contracts under Federal tax law, a Policy must satisfy certain requirements
which are set forth in the Internal Revenue Code. Guidance as to how these
requirements are to be applied is limited, especially for policies issued on a
last survivor basis. Nevertheless, the Company believes that a Policy issued on
the basis of a standard risk class should satisfy the applicable requirements.
There is less guidance with respect to Policies issued on a substandard basis
(i.e., a premium class involving higher than standard mortality risk), and it is
not clear whether such a Policy would satisfy the applicable requirements,
particularly if the owner pays the full amount of premiums permitted under the
Policy. If it is subsequently determined that a Policy does not satisfy the
applicable requirements, the Company may take appropriate steps to bring the
Policy into compliance with such requirements and reserves the right to restrict
Policy transactions in order to do so.

     In certain circumstances, owners of variable life insurance contracts have
been considered for Federal income tax purposes to be the owners of the assets
of the variable account supporting their policies due to their ability to
exercise investment control over these assets. Where this is the case, the
policy owners have been currently taxed on income and gains attributable to the
variable account assets. There is little guidance in this area, and some
features of the Policies, such as the flexibility of an owner to allocate
premium payments and Policy Accumulation Values, have not been explicitly
addressed in published rulings. While the Company believes that the Policies do
not give owners investment control over Variable Account assets, the Company
reserves the right to modify the Policies as necessary to prevent an owner from
being treated as the owner of the Variable Account assets supporting the Policy.

     In addition, the Code requires that the investments of the Variable Account
be "adequately diversified" in order for the Policies to be treated as life
insurance contracts for Federal income tax purposes. It is intended that the
Variable Account, through the Funds, will satisfy these diversification

     The following discussion assumes that the Policy will qualify as a life
insurance contract for Federal income tax purposes.


     IN GENERAL. The Company believes that the Death Benefit under a Policy
should be excludible from the gross income of the Beneficiary. Federal, state
and local transfer, and other tax consequences of ownership or receipt of Policy
proceeds depend on the circumstances of each owner or beneficiary. A tax advisor
should be consulted on these consequences.

     Generally, the owner will not be deemed to be in constructive receipt of
the Policy Accumulation Value until there is a distribution. When distributions
from a Policy occur, including payments arising


from any maturity benefits, or when loans are taken out from or secured by
(e.g., by assignment), a Policy, the tax consequences depend on whether the
Policy is classified as a "Modified Endowment Contract."

     MODIFIED ENDOWMENT CONTRACTS. Under the Internal Revenue Code, certain life
insurance contracts are classified as "Modified Endowment Contracts," with less
favorable tax treatment than other life insurance contracts. Due to the
flexibility of the Policies as to premiums and benefits, the individual
circumstances of each Policy will determine whether it is classified as a
Modified Endowment Contract. The rules are too complex to be summarized here,
but generally depend on the amount of premiums paid during the first seven
Policy Years. Certain changes in a Policy after it is issued could also cause it
to be classified as a Modified Endowment Contract. A current or prospective
owner should consult with a competent advisor to determine whether a Policy
transaction will cause the Policy to be classified as a Modified Endowment
Contract. The Company will monitor the Policies, however, and will attempt to
notify an owner on a timely basis if it believes that such owner's Policy is in
jeopardy of becoming a Modified Endowment Contract.


     (1)  All distributions, including distributions upon surrender and
          withdrawals, will be treated as ordinary income subject to tax up to
          an amount equal to the excess (if any) of the unloaned Policy
          Accumulation Value (Cash Surrender Value for surrenders) immediately
          before the distribution plus prior distributions over the owner's
          total investment in the Policy at that time. "Total investment in the
          Policy" means the aggregate amount of any premiums or other
          considerations paid for a Policy, plus any previously taxed
          distributions, minus any credited dividends.

     (2)  Loans taken from or secured by (e.g., by assignment) such a Policy are
          treated as distributions and taxed accordingly.

     (3)  A 10 percent additional income tax is imposed on the amount included
          in income except where distribution or loan is made when the owner has
          attained age 591/2 or is disabled, or where the distribution is part
          of a series of substantially equal periodic payments for the life (or
          life expectancy) of the owner or the joint lives (or joint life
          expectancies) of the owner and the owner's beneficiary or designated

Distributions from a Policy that is not a Modified Endowment Contract are
generally treated first as a recovery of an owner's investment in the Policy and
only after the recovery of all investment in the Policy as taxable income.
However, certain distributions which must be made in order to enable the Policy
to continue to qualify as a life insurance contract for Federal income tax
purposes if Policy benefits are reduced during the first 15 Policy Years may be
treated in whole or in part as ordinary income subject to tax.

     Loans from or secured by a Policy that is not a Modified Endowment Contract
are not treated as distributions, except that upon lapse of a Policy any
outstanding Policy loan will be deemed to be distributed.

     Finally, neither distributions from nor loans from or secured by a Policy
that is not a Modified Endowment Contract are subject to the 10 percent
additional tax.

     POLICY LOANS. In general, interest on a loan from a Policy will not be
deductible. Before taking out a Policy loan, you should consult a tax advisor
as to the tax consequences.

     MULTIPLE POLICIES. All Modified Endowment Contracts that we (or our
affiliates) issue to the same owner during any calendar year are treated as one
Modified Endowment Contract for purposes of determining the amount includible in
the owner's income when a taxable distribution occurs.


     We do not initially expect to incur any income tax burden upon the earnings
or the realized capital gains attributable to the Variable Account. Based on
this expectation, we currently make no charge to the Variable Account for
Federal income taxes which may be attributable to the Account. If, however, we
determine that we may incur such tax burden, we may assess a charge for such
burden from the Variable Account.


     We may also incur state and local taxes, in addition to premium taxes, in
several states. At present these taxes are not significant. If there is a
material change in state or local tax laws, we may make charges for such taxes,
if any, attributable to the Variable Account.


     Although the likelihood of legislative changes is uncertain, there is
always the possibility that the tax treatment of the Policy could change by
legislation or other means. Moreover, it is also possible that any change could
be retroactive (that is, effective prior to the date of the change). You should
consult a tax adviser with respect to legislative developments and their effect
on the Policy.


     The foregoing discussion is general and is not intended as tax advice. Any
person concerned about these tax implications should consult a competent tax
advisor. This discussion is based on our understanding of the present Federal
income tax laws as they are currently interpreted by the Internal Revenue
Service. We make no representations as to the likelihood of continuation of
these current laws and interpretations. In addition, the foregoing discussion is
not exhaustive and special rules not described in this Prospectus may be
applicable in certain situations. Moreover, we have made no attempt to consider
any applicable state or other tax laws.


     The Policy is based on actuarial tables which distinguish between men and
women and therefore provide different benefits to men and women of the same Age.
Employers and employee organizations should consider, in consultation with legal
counsel, the impact of the Supreme Court decision of July 6, 1983 in ARIZONA
GOVERNING COMMITTEE V. NORRIS. That decision stated that optional annuity
benefits provided under an employee's deferred compensation plan could not,
under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, vary between men and women on
the basis of sex. Employers and employee organizations should also consider, in
consultation with legal counsel, the impact of Title VII generally, and
comparable state laws that may be applicable, on any employment-related
insurance or benefit plan for which a Policy may be purchased.

     Because of the NORRIS decision, the charges under the Policy that vary
depending on sex may in some cases not vary on the basis of the Insured's sex.
Unisex rates to be provided by us will apply, if requested on the application,
for tax-qualified plans and those plans where an employer believes that the
NORRIS decision applies. In this case, references made to the mortality tables
applicable to this Policy are to be disregarded and substituted with an 80% male
20% female blend of the 1980 Commissioner's Standard Ordinary Smoker and
Non-Smoker Mortality Tables, Age Last Birthday.


     We intend to sell the Policies in all jurisdictions where we are licensed.

     The Policies will be distributed pursuant to an agreement dated January 15,
1993, between us and Washington Square Securities, Inc., (WSSI), a Minnesota
corporation, which is an affiliate of ours. WSSI, located at 20 Washington
Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55401, is a securities broker-dealer
organized on April 26, 1968 registered with the SEC and is a member of the
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. It is primarily a mutual funds
dealer and has dealer agreements under which it markets shares of many mutual
funds. It also markets limited partnerships and other tax-sheltered or
tax-deferred investments, and acts as general distributor (principal
underwriter) for variable annuity and variable life insurance products issued by
us. The Policies will be sold by licensed insurance agents who are also
registered representatives of WSSI or of other broker-dealers registered with
the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 who are members of the
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. The Policies may also be sold
through other broker-dealers authorized by WSSI and applicable law to do so.
Registered representatives of such broker-dealers may be paid on a different
basis than described below.

     The Policies will be sold by licensed insurance agents who are also
registered representatives of broker-dealers registered with the SEC under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 who are members of the National Association of
Securities Dealers, Inc. Registered representatives who sell the Policies will
receive commissions based on a commission schedule. In the first Policy Year,
commissions generally will be no more than 50% of the premiums paid up to the
annualized Minimum Monthly Premium, plus 2%


of additional premiums. In Policy Years 2 through 10, commissions generally will
be 2% of premiums paid in that year. Corresponding commissions will be paid upon
a requested increase in Face Amount. In addition, a commission of .10% of the
average monthly Accumulation Value excluding any Loan Amount during each Policy
Year may be paid after Policy Year 10. Further, registered representatives may
be eligible to receive certain overrides and other benefits based on the amount
of earned commissions.

     For all Policies issued by the Select*Life Variable Account, the aggregate
amounts paid to WSSI under our Distribution Agreement was $51,164,472 in 1999,
$46,485,880 in 1998, and $34,572,698 in 1997.


     The following is a list of the current directors and executive officers of
the Company, their principal occupation and business experience.

                                              PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION
- ----------------------                      -----------------------

Richard R. Crowl(2)           Senior Vice President, General Counsel and
                              Secretary of ReliaStar Financial Corp. since 1996;
                              Senior Vice President and General Counsel of
                              Security-Connecticut Life Insurance Company since
                              1997; Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and
                              Assistant Secretary of Northern Life Insurance
                              Company since 1996; Senior Vice President and
                              General Counsel of ReliaStar Life Insurance
                              Company and ReliaStar Life Insurance Company of
                              New York since 1996; Senior Vice President and
                              General Counsel of ReliaStar United Services Life
                              Insurance Company from 1996 to 1998 at which time
                              this company merged into ReliaStar Life Insurance
                              Company; Senior Vice President and General Counsel
                              of ReliaStar Investment Research, Inc. (formerly
                              known as Washington Square Advisers, Inc.) since
                              1986; Vice President and Associate General Counsel
                              of ReliaStar Financial Corp. from 1989 to 1996;
                              Vice President and Associate General Counsel of
                              ReliaStar Life Insurance Company from 1985 to
                              1996; Director and Senior Vice President of
                              various subsidiaries of ReliaStar Financial Corp.

Michael J. Dubes(2)           President and Chief Executive Officer of Northern
                              Life Insurance Company since 1994; Senior Vice
                              President of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company
                              since 1987; Senior Vice President of
                              Security-Connecticut Life Insurance Company since
                              1999; Chairman of Washington Square Securities,
                              Inc. from 1987 to 1994; Senior Vice President of
                              ReliaStar Financial Corp. since 1997; Director and
                              Officer of various subsidiaries of ReliaStar
                              Financial Corp.

Wayne R. Huneke(2)            Senior Executive Vice President of ReliaStar
                              Financial Corp. and ReliaStar Life Insurance
                              Company since 1999; Senior Vice President of
                              ReliaStar Financial Corp. and ReliaStar Life
                              Insurance Company from 1994 to 1999; Chief
                              Financial Officer and Treasurer of ReliaStar
                              Financial Corp. and ReliaStar Life Insurance
                              Company from 1994 to 1997; Director and Officer of
                              various subsidiaries of ReliaStar Financial Corp.

Dewette Ingham, Jr.(1)        Senior Vice President of ReliaStar Financial Corp.
                              since 1998; Corporate Vice President of R.R.
                              Donnelley & Sons Company from 1993 to 1998;
                              Director of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company.

Mark S. Jordahl(2)            President and Chief Executive Officer of ReliaStar
                              Investment Research, Inc. since 1998; Senior Vice
                              President and Chief Investment Officer of
                              Security-Connecticut Life Insurance Company since
                              2000; Senior Vice President and Chief Investment
                              Officer of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company and
                              ReliaStar Financial Corp. since 1998; Senior Vice
                              President of Security-Connecticut Life Insurance
                              Company since 1998; Vice President of ReliaStar
                              Life Insurance Company and ReliaStar Financial
                              Corp. from 1987 to 1998; Director and Officer of
                              various subsidiaries of ReliaStar Financial Corp.


                                               PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION
- ----------------------                       -----------------------

Kenneth U. Kuk(2)             Executive Vice President of ReliaStar Financial
                              Corp. and ReliaStar Life Insurance Company since
                              1999; Senior Vice President of ReliaStar Financial
                              Corp. and ReliaStar Life Insurance Company from
                              1996 to 1999; Vice President of ReliaStar Life
                              Insurance Company from 1996 to 1998; Vice
                              President of ReliaStar Financial Corp. from 1991
                              to 1998; President of Washington Square Advisers,
                              Inc. from 1995 to 1998; Chairman of ReliaStar
                              Mortgage Corporation from 1988 to 1998; Director
                              and Officer of various subsidiaries of ReliaStar
                              Financial Corp.

Susan W. A. Mead(2)           Vice President of ReliaStar Financial Corp. and
                              ReliaStar Life Insurance Company since 1996;
                              Second Vice President of ReliaStar Financial Corp.
                              and ReliaStar Life Insurance Company from 1992 to
                              1996; Director and Officer of various subsidiaries
                              of ReliaStar Financial Corp.

James R. Miller(2)            Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
                              of ReliaStar Financial Corp. and ReliaStar Life
                              Insurance Company since 2000; Senior Vice
                              President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
                              of ReliaStar Financial Corp. and ReliaStar Life
                              Insurance Company from 1997 to 2000; Executive
                              Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of
                              Northern Life Insurance Company from 1992 to 1997;
                              Vice President of ReliaStar Financial Corp. from
                              1985 to 1992; Director and Officer of various
                              subsidiaries of ReliaStar Financial Corp.

Robert C. Salipante(2)        Chairman of Security-Connecticut Life Insurance
                              Company since 2000; President and Chief Operating
                              Officer of ReliaStar Financial Corp. and ReliaStar
                              Life Insurance Company since 1999; Senior Vice
                              President of ReliaStar Financial Corp. and
                              ReliaStar Life Insurance Company from 1996 to
                              1999; Vice Chairman of ReliaStar Life Insurance
                              Company of New York since 1999; President and
                              Chief Executive Officer of ReliaStar Life
                              Insurance Company of New York from 1998 to 1999;
                              Senior Vice President of ReliaStar Financial Corp.
                              from 1994 to 1996; Senior Vice President and Chief
                              Financial Officer of ReliaStar Financial Corp.
                              from 1992 to 1994; Director and Officer of various
                              subsidiaries of ReliaStar Financial Corp.

John G. Turner(2)             Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ReliaStar
                              Financial Corp. and ReliaStar Life Insurance
                              Company since 1993; Chairman of ReliaStar United
                              Services Life Insurance Company from 1995 until
                              its merger with ReliaStar Life Insurance Company
                              in 1998; Chairman of ReliaStar Life Insurance
                              Company of New York since 1995; Chairman of
                              Northern Life Insurance Company since 1991;
                              Director and Officer of various subsidiaries of
                              ReliaStar Financial Corp.

James R. Gelder(3)            President and Chief Executive Officer of ReliaStar
                              Life Insurance Company of New York since 1999;
                              Senior Vice President of ReliaStar Life Insurance
                              Company since 1999; Executive Vice President of
                              ReliaStar Life Insurance Company of New York from
                              1997 to 1999; President and Chief Executive
                              Officer of Security-Connecticut Life Insurance
                              Company since 1998; Executive Vice President and
                              Chief Operating Officer of Security-Connecticut
                              Life Insurance Company from 1997 to 1998; Vice
                              President of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company from
                              1994 to 1999; Director and Officer of various
                              subsidiaries of ReliaStar Financial Corp.


                                               PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION
- ----------------------                       -----------------------

Paul H. Gulstrand(3)          Senior Vice President of ReliaStar Life Insurance
                              Company since 1999; Vice President of ReliaStar
                              Life Insurance Company from 1996 to 1999; Second
                              Vice President of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company
                              from 1995 to 1996; Regional Vice President of
                              ReliaStar Life Insurance Company from 1994 to
                              1995. Blake W. Mohr(3) Senior Vice President of
                              ReliaStar Life Insurance Company since 1999; Vice
                              President of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company of
                              New York since 1997; Vice President of ReliaStar
                              Life Insurance Company from 1997 to 1999; Second
                              Vice President of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company
                              from 1993 to 1997.

Roger A. Weber(3)             Senior Vice President of ReliaStar Life Insurance
                              Company since 1999; Vice President of ReliaStar
                              Life Insurance Company of New York since 1996;
                              Vice President of ReliaStar United Services Life
                              Insurance Company from 1996 to 1998 at which time
                              this company merged into ReliaStar Life Insurance
                              Company; Vice President of ReliaStar Life
                              Insurance Company from 1996 to 1999; Vice
                              President and Chief Auditor of ReliaStar Financial
                              Corp. and ReliaStar Life Insurance Company in
                              1996; Second Vice President and Auditor of
                              ReliaStar Financial Corp. and ReliaStar Life
                              Insurance Company from 1989 to 1996.

Theresa A. Wurst(3)           Senior Vice President of ReliaStar Life Insurance
                              Company since 1999; Vice President of ReliaStar
                              Life Insurance Company of New York since 2000;
                              Vice President of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company
                              from 1993 to 1999.

- ------------------
(1)  Director of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company

(2)  Director and Officer of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company

(3)  Officer of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company

     The Executive Committee of our Board of Directors consists of Directors
Salipante, Crowl and Turner.


     The following is a list of the current directors and executive officers of
the principal underwriter and their business addresses.

- ----------------            ---------------------

Robert C. Salipante*        Chairman, Director

Michael J. Dubes*           Executive Vice President and Director

Brian Nygaard               Executive Vice President and Director
 1900 Monarch Tower
 3424 Peachtree Road NE
 Atlanta, Georgia 30326

Gene Grayson*               Executive Vice President, National Sales and

Seth Schwartz*              Vice President and Compliance Officer

Kenneth Severud*            Vice president and Chief Operations Officer

Daniel S. Kuntz*            Assistant Vice President Chief Financial Officer and

David A. Sheridan           Vice President
 20 Security Drive
 Avon, Connecticut 06001

Susan M. Bergen*            Secretary

Loralee A. Renelt*          Assistant Secretary

Allen Kidd                  Assistant Secretary
 222 North Arch Road
 Richmond, Virginia 23236

- ------------------
* 20 Washington Avenue South
  Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401



     We are subject to the laws of the State of Minnesota governing insurance
companies and to regulation and supervision by the Insurance Division of the
State of Minnesota. We file an annual statement in a prescribed form with the
Insurance Division each year, and in each state we do business, covering our
operations for the preceding year and our financial condition as of the end of
that year. Our books and accounts are subject to review by the Insurance
Division and a full examination of our operations is conducted periodically
(usually every three years) by the National Association of Insurance
Commissioners. This regulation does not, however, involve supervision or
management of our investment practices or policies.

     In addition, we are subject to regulation under the insurance laws of other
jurisdictions in which we operate.

     We are also subject to supervision and verification by the State of
Minnesota regarding participating business allocated to the Participation Fund
Account, which was established in connection with the reorganization and
demutualization of the Company in 1989. The Participation Fund Account was
established for the purpose of maintaining the dividend practices relative to
certain policies previously issued by the Company's former Mutual Department.
The Participation Fund Account is not a separate account as described under
Minnesota Statutes Chapter 61A. An annual examination of the Participation Fund
Account is made by independent consulting actuaries representing the Insurance
Division of the State of Minnesota.


     If you are a resident of Montana, you should disregard all Policy
provisions described in the prospectus that are based on the sex of the Insured.
We will issue this Policy in Montana on a unisex basis. You also should
disregard references made to the mortality tables applicable to this Policy and
substitute these references with an 80% male 20% female blend of the 1980
Commissioner's Standard Ordinary Smoker and Non-Smoker Mortality Tables, Age
Last Birthday. You should also be aware that the Illustration of Policy Values
that are included as an exhibit to the registration statement are sex distinct
and therefore, you should request a unisex illustration.


     The Variable Account is not a party to any pending legal proceedings. The
Company is a defendant in various lawsuits in connection with the normal conduct
of its insurance operations. Some of the claims seek to be granted class action
status and many of the claims seek both compensatory and punitive damages. In
the opinion of management, the ultimate resolution of such litigation will not
have a material adverse impact to the financial position of the Company. It
should be noted, however, that a number of financial services companies have
been subjected to significant awards in connection with punitive damages claims
and the Company can make no assurances that it will not be subjected to such an
award. The defense of the putative class actions pending against the Company may
require the commitment of substantial internal resources and the retention of
legal counsel and expert advisors.


     The Company maintains a blanket bond providing $25,000,000 coverage for our
officers and employees and those of Washington Square Securities, Inc., (WSSI),
subject to a $500,000 deductible.


     Legal matters in connection with the Variable Account and the Policy
described in this Prospectus have been passed upon by Stewart D. Gregg, Esquire,
Attorney for the Company.



     The financial statements of ReliaStar Select*Life Variable Account as of
December 31, 1999 and for each of the three years then ended and the
consolidated financial statements of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company and
subsidiaries as of December 31, 1999 and December 31, 1998 and for the two years
then ended included in this Prospectus have been audited by Deloitte & Touche
LLP, independent auditors, as stated in their reports which are included herein,
and have been so included in reliance upon the reports of such firm given upon
their authority as experts in accounting and auditing. The financial statements
as of June 30, 2000 and for the six months then ended are unaudited.

     Actuarial matters included in this Prospectus have been examined by Craig
A. Krogstad, F.S.A., M.A.A.A., as stated in the opinion filed as an exhibit to
the Registration Statement.


     A Registration Statement has been filed with the SEC under the Securities
Act of 1933 with respect to the Policies. This Prospectus does not contain all
information included in the Registration Statement, its amendments and exhibits.
For further information concerning the Variable Account, the Funds, the Policies
and us, please refer to the Registration Statement.

     Statements in this Prospectus concerning provisions of the Policy and other
legal documents are summaries. Please refer to the documents as filed with the
SEC for a complete statement of the provisions of those documents.

     Information may be obtained from the SEC's principal office in Washington,
D.C., for a fee it prescribes, or examined there without charge.


     The financial statements for the Variable Account reflect the operations of
the Variable Account and its Sub-Accounts as of and for the six months ended
June 30, 2000; and as of December 31, 1999 and for each of the three years in
the period then ended. The December 31, 1999 financial statements are audited.
The June 30, 2000 financial statements are unaudited. The periods covered are
not necessarily indicative of the longer term performance of the assets held in
the Variable Account.

     The financial statements of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company and
subsidiaries which are included in this Prospectus should be distinguished from
the financial statements of the Variable Account and should be considered only
as bearing upon the ability of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company to meet its
obligations under the Policies. They should not be considered as bearing on the
investment performance of the assets held in the Variable Account. These
financial statements are as of and for the six months ended June 30, 2000; and
as of December 31, 1999 and for each of the two years in the period ended
December 31, 1999. The financial statements as of December 31, 1999 are audited.
The June 30, 2000 financial statements are unaudited. The periods covered are
not necessarily indicative of the longer term performance of the Company.


                         INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

Board of Directors
ReliaStar Life Insurance Company

We have audited the accompanying combined statement of assets and liabilities of
ReliaStar Select*Life Variable Account as of December 31, 1999 and the related
combined statements of operations and changes in policy owners' equity
(including the sub-accounts which comprise the Account) for each of the years
ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997. These financial statements are the
responsibility of the management of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company. Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audits.

We have conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatements. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures include
confirmation of the securities owned as of December 31, 1999, by correspondence
with the account custodians. An audit also includes assessing the accounting
principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as
evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the financial position of each of the respective
sub-accounts constituting the Select*Life Variable Account as of December 31,
1999 and the results of its operations and changes in its policy owners' equity
for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997, in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles.


Minneapolis, Minnesota
February 11, 2000


                 (This page has been left blank intentionally.)


                                DECEMBER 31, 1999
                          (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT SHARES)

                                                                  SHARES       COST     MARKET VALUE
ASSETS:                                                         -----------  --------   ------------
   Investments in mutual funds at market value:
   The Alger American Fund:
    Alger American Growth Portfolio ..........................     568,379   $ 31,001   $   36,592
    Alger American MidCap Growth Portfolio ...................     154,465      4,154        4,978
    Alger American Small Capitalization Portfolio ............     117,446      5,196        6,477
   Fidelity's Variable Insurance Products Fund (VIP):
    VIP Equity-Income Portfolio -- IC Shares .................   3,874,559     78,509       99,615
    VIP Growth Portfolio -- IC Shares ........................   3,765,747    122,689      206,852
    VIP High Income Portfolio -- IC Shares ...................   1,781,115     20,894       20,144
    VIP Money Market Portfolio -- IC Shares ..................  33,296,505     33,297       33,297
    VIP Overseas Portfolio -- IC Shares ......................   1,081,911     20,259       29,688
   Fidelity's Variable Insurance Products Fund (VIP II):
    VIP II Asset Manager Portfolio -- IC Shares ..............   1,839,674     29,099       34,347
    VIP II Contrafund Portfolio -- IC Shares . ...............   2,591,694     52,826       75,548
    VIP II Index 500 Portfolio -- IC Shares ..................     505,363     64,538       84,603
    VIP II Investment Grade Bond Portfolio -- IC Shares ......     525,728      6,473        6,393
   Janus Aspen Series:
    Aggressive Growth Portfolio ..............................     437,294     16,666       26,102
    Growth Portfolio .........................................     555,135     15,075       18,680
    International Growth Portfolio ...........................     307,127      8,020       11,877
    Worldwide Growth Portfolio ...............................   1,150,408     37,676       54,932
   Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust:
    AMT Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio ......................     252,056      3,378        3,337
    AMT Partners Portfolio ...................................     450,351      8,460        8,845
    AMT Socially Responsive Portfolio ........................       4,049         44           47
   Northstar Galaxy Trust:
    Northstar Emerging Growth Portfolio ......................     353,924      7,096       10,349
    Northstar Growth + Value Portfolio .......................     225,243      5,847        6,766
    Northstar International Value Portfolio ..................     259,782      3,460        3,837
    Northstar Research Enhanced Index Portfolio ..............     390,993      1,901        1,951
    Northstar High Yield Bond Portfolio ......................     177,331        834          762
   OCC Accumulation Trust:
    Equity Portfolio .........................................      47,977      1,802        1,802
    Global Equity Portfolio ..................................      72,584      1,252        1,202
    Managed Portfolio ........................................     123,385      5,279        5,386
    Small Cap Portfolio ......................................     183,212      4,215        4,126
   Putnam Variable Trust:
    Putnam VT Asia Pacific Growth Fund -- Class IA Shares.....     265,928      2,500        4,598
    Putnam VT Diversified Income Fund -- Class IA Shares .....     177,824      1,904        1,766
    Putnam VT Growth and Income Fund -- Class IA Shares.......   1,411,324     36,717       37,823
    Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund -- Class IA Shares ......   1,361,731     28,126       59,290
    Putnam VT Utilities Growth and Income Fund --
     Class IA Shares .........................................     179,068      2,882        3,039
    Putnam VT Voyager Fund -- Class IA Shares ................   2,127,569     78,817      140,951
   Total Assets ..............................................                          $1,046,002
   Due to ReliaStar Life Insurance Company
    for contract charges .....................................                          $       64
   Policy Owners' Equity .....................................                           1,045,938
    Total Liabilities and Policy Owners' Equity ..............                          $1,046,002

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                         CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY
              For the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                                        Total All Funds
                                                           1999               1998              1997
                                                     ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $         9,107    $         7,644    $         5,580
 Reinvested capital gains ........................            41,674             34,463             14,480
 Administrative expenses .........................            (7,060)            (4,152)            (2,742)
                                                     ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................            43,721             37,955             17,318
                                                     ---------------    ---------------    ---------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................            39,243             12,939              6,393
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................           152,399             55,885             46,873
                                                     ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....           191,642             68,824             53,266
                                                     ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........           235,363            106,779             70,584
                                                     ---------------    ---------------    ---------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................           220,865            184,473            141,159
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....              (627)              (251)                74
 Policy loans ....................................           (12,966)            (5,343)            (4,385)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............               692                462                292
 Surrenders ......................................           (23,743)           (16,659)            (8,917)
 Death benefits ..................................            (1,708)            (1,646)              (588)
 Costs of insurance charges ......................           (43,115)           (34,996)           (26,634)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................            (1,938)              (630)              (439)
 Monthly expense charges .........................            (6,873)            (5,413)            (4,207)
                                                     ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................           130,587            119,997             96,355
                                                     ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......           365,950            226,776            166,939

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           679,988            453,212            286,273
                                                     ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $     1,045,938    $       679,988    $       453,212
                                                     ===============    ===============    ===============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........    29,584,452.030     21,952,826.717     15,861,312.070
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............    36,956,472.845     29,584,452.030     21,952,826.717

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................                --                 --                 --
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................                --                 --                 --

                                   53 (Cont'd)


                                                                       Alger American
                                                                      Growth Portfolio
                                                          1999              1998              1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $           22    $            3    $           --
 Reinvested capital gains ........................            1,535               182                --
 Administrative expenses .........................             (183)              (16)               --
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................            1,374               169                --
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................              441                37                --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................            4,801               789                 1
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....            5,242               826                 1
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........            6,616               995                 1
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................           10,595             2,300               175
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....           15,621             2,512               175
 Policy loans ....................................             (234)              (40)               (1)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............               13                --                --
 Surrenders ......................................             (270)              (19)               --
 Death benefits ..................................              (18)               --                --
 Costs of insurance charges ......................           (1,284)             (194)               (6)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (35)               (4)               --
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (275)              (28)               (1)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................           24,113             4,527               342
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......           30,729             5,522               343

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....            5,865               343                --
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       36,594    $        5,865    $          343
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........      402,669.328        34,697.106                --
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............    1,879,018.360       402,669.328        34,697.106

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    19.144387    $    14.429571    $     9.823427
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    19.516075    $    14.592177    $     9.854808

                                   53 (Cont'd)


                                                                        Alger American
                                                                   MidCap Growth Portfolio
                                                          1999              1998              1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $           --    $           --    $           --
 Reinvested capital gains ........................              415                61                --
 Administrative expenses .........................              (27)               (8)               (1)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................              388                53                (1)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................               59               (30)               --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................              622               218               (16)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....              681               188               (16)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........            1,069               241               (17)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................            1,336             1,205               132
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....              725               512               263
 Policy loans ....................................              (21)               --                (2)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............                1                --                --
 Surrenders ......................................              (67)               (9)               --
 Death benefits ..................................               (1)              (11)               --
 Costs of insurance charges ......................             (223)              (82)               (5)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................               (7)               (4)               --
 Monthly expense charges .........................              (45)              (12)               (1)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................            1,698             1,599               387
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......            2,767             1,840               370

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....            2,210               370                --
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $        4,977    $        2,210    $          370
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........      172,814.592        37,772.926                --
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............      295,715.008       172,814.592        37,772.926

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    16.557934    $    12.659555    $     9.793978
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    16.879516    $    12.802277    $     9.825275

                                   53 (Cont'd)


                                                                       Alger American
                                                               Small Capitalization Portfolio
                                                          1999              1998              1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $           --    $           --    $           --
 Reinvested capital gains ........................              402               155                --
 Administrative expenses .........................              (32)               (8)               (1)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................              370               147                (1)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................              109                 6                (5)
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................            1,171               133               (23)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....            1,280               139               (28)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........            1,650               286               (29)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................            1,603             1,373               235
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....              911               555               452
 Policy loans ....................................              (20)              (19)               --
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............                2                --                --
 Surrenders ......................................              (42)               (8)               (2)
 Death benefits ..................................               (5)               --                --
 Costs of insurance charges ......................             (236)             (124)              (14)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (10)               (6)               --
 Monthly expense charges .........................              (50)              (18)               (2)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................            2,153             1,753               669
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......            3,803             2,039               640

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....            2,679               640                --
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $        6,482    $        2,679    $          640
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........      230,199.995        63,628.672                --
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............      388,991.269       230,199.995        63,628.672

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    16.369247    $    11.505655    $    10.039295
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    16.687171    $    11.635433    $    10.071361

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                   CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY, Continued
              For the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                                       Fidelity's VIP
                                                                   Equity-Income Portfolio
                                                                          IC Shares
                                                          1999              1998              1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $        1,476    $        1,175    $        1,013
 Reinvested capital gains ........................            3,264             4,180             5,096
 Administrative expenses .........................             (864)             (705)             (551)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................            3,876             4,650             5,558
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemption of fund
  shares .........................................            6,688             2,533             1,778
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation of
  investments ....................................           (5,132)            2,086             9,445
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....            1,556             4,619            11,223
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........            5,432             9,269            16,781
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................           15,156            18,161            17,102
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....           (8,382)           (2,096)           (1,313)
 Policy loans ....................................           (2,073)           (1,121)           (1,209)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............              146               113                76
 Surrenders ......................................           (3,298)           (3,152)           (1,627)
 Death benefits ..................................             (420)             (264)             (160)
 Cost of insurance charges .......................           (4,541)           (4,711)           (4,240)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................             (139)             (114)             (111)
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (625)             (659)             (596)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................           (4,176)            6,157             7,922
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......            1,256            15,426            24,703

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           98,336            82,910            58,207
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       99,592    $       98,336    $       82,910
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........    3,348,679.958     3,053,047.193     2,622,030.390
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............    3,274,491.085     3,348,679.958     3,053,047.193

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    40.949711    $    38.822462    $    35.058961
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    25.020668    $    23.531218    $    21.080180

                                   54 (Cont'd)


                                                                       Fidelity's VIP
                                                                      Growth Portfolio
                                                                         IC Shares
                                                          1999              1998              1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $          271    $          537    $          526
 Reinvested capital gains ........................           17,026            14,057             2,357
 Administrative expenses .........................           (1,452)             (971)             (722)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................           15,845            13,623             2,161
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemption of fund
  shares .........................................           10,864             4,873             2,098
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation of
  investments ....................................           28,390            22,732            14,061
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....           39,254            27,605            16,159
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........           55,099            41,228            18,320
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................           22,365            21,080            21,483
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....           (3,110)           (1,512)           (1,822)
 Policy loans ....................................           (3,915)           (1,618)           (1,280)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............              196               138                92
 Surrenders ......................................           (6,338)           (4,327)           (2,498)
 Death benefits ..................................             (409)             (370)             (160)
 Cost of insurance charges .......................           (7,181)           (6,378)           (5,741)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................             (270)             (168)             (163)
 Monthly expense charges .........................           (1,047)             (956)             (876)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................              291             5,889             9,035
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......           55,390            47,117            27,355

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....          151,390           104,273            76,918
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $      206,780    $      151,390    $      104,273
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........    4,282,470.411     3,971,201.581     3,452,718.980
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............    4,401,398.280     4,282,470.411     3,971,201.581

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    68.164143    $    49.996221    $    36.130923
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    36.733274    $    26.727479    $    19.160956

                                   54 (Cont'd)


                                                                       Fidelity's VIP
                                                                    High Income Portfolio
                                                                         IC Shares
                                                          1999              1998              1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $        1,861    $        1,415    $        1,063
 Reinvested capital gains ........................               70               899               131
 Administrative expenses .........................             (173)             (160)             (132)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................            1,758             2,154             1,062
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemption of fund
  shares .........................................             (177)              210               301
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation of
  investments ....................................              (69)           (3,436)            1,318
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....             (246)           (3,226)            1,619
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........            1,512            (1,072)            2,681
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................            4,236             5,161             5,072
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....           (4,013)             (469)           (1,001)
 Policy loans ....................................             (325)             (268)             (282)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............               29                21                15
 Surrenders ......................................             (557)             (740)             (397)
 Death benefits ..................................              (13)              (88)              (39)
 Cost of insurance charges .......................           (1,068)           (1,230)           (1,198)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (51)              (31)              (29)
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (126)             (144)             (140)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................           (1,888)            2,212             2,001
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......             (376)            1,140             4,682

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           20,517            19,377            14,695
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       20,141    $       20,517    $       19,377
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........    1,053,934.152       916,625.159       773,942.356
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............      982,653.237     1,053,934.152       916,625.159

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    30.499630    $    28.427207    $    29.952917
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    16.349223    $    15.116470    $    15.800365

                                   54 (Cont'd)


                                                                       Fidelity's VIP
                                                                   Money Market Portfolio
                                                                         IC Shares
                                                          1999               1998             1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $        1,087    $          669    $          556
 Reinvested capital gains ........................               --                --                --
 Administrative expenses .........................             (181)              (92)              (67)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................              906               577               489
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemption of fund
  shares .........................................               --                --                --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation of
  investments ....................................               --                --                --
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....               --                --                --
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........              906               577               489
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................           36,690            10,376            10,226
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....          (14,511)           (7,227)           (5,733)
 Policy loans ....................................             (977)              (31)             (147)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............              100                18                13
 Surrenders ......................................             (768)             (285)             (802)
 Death benefits ..................................             (113)               (7)              (43)
 Cost of insurance charges .......................           (1,337)             (817)             (755)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................             (534)              (55)               (8)
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (156)              (74)              (73)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................           18,394             1,898             2,678
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......           19,300             2,475             3,167

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           13,968            11,493             8,326
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       33,268    $       13,968    $       11,493
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........    1,021,422.904       875,038.346       654,425.374
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............    2,329,160.577     1,021,422.904       875,038.346

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    18.153875    $    17.399235    $    16.628903
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    13.611549    $    12.941412    $    12.269546

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                   CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY, Continued
              For the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                                      Fidelity's VIP
                                                                    Overseas Portfolio
                                                                        IC Shares
                                                          1999              1998              1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $          489    $          551    $          411
 Reinvested capital gains ........................              789             1,626             1,630
 Administrative expenses .........................             (236)             (247)             (220)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................            1,042             1,930             1,821
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................            2,572             1,235               724
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................            5,914               187                 5
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....            8,486             1,422               729
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........            9,528             3,352             2,550
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................            1,521             5,928             7,156
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....           (9,986)           (2,715)           (1,515)
 Policy loans ....................................             (508)             (396)             (379)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............               18                44                28
 Surrenders ......................................           (1,003)             (889)             (690)
 Death benefits ..................................              (33)              (60)              (18)
 Cost of insurance charges .......................           (1,183)           (1,589)           (1,667)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (27)              (37)              (43)
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (172)             (241)             (253)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................          (11,373)               45             2,619
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......           (1,845)            3,397             5,169

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           31,514            28,117            22,948
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       29,669    $       31,514    $       28,117
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........    1,752,679.671     1,733,459.426     1,536,316.506
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............    1,162,674.433     1,752,679.671     1,733,459.426

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    31.755579    $    22.444163    $    20.066499
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    22.456788    $    15.745282    $    13.964753

                                   55 (Cont'd)


                                                                      Fidelity's VIP II
                                                                   Asset Manager Portfolio
                                                                         IC Shares
                                                          1999              1998              1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $        1,409    $        1,161    $        1,010
 Reinvested capital gains ........................            1,785             3,484             2,533
 Administrative expenses .........................             (316)             (323)             (270)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................            2,878             4,322             3,273
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................            2,289               274               346
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................           (1,681)              660             2,222
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....              608               934             2,568
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........            3,486             5,256             5,841
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................            1,752             5,834             6,096
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....           (9,250)             (717)             (651)
 Policy loans ....................................             (626)             (482)             (371)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............               16                51                38
 Surrenders ......................................           (1,691)           (1,458)             (694)
 Death benefits ..................................              (78)              (60)              (68)
 Cost of insurance charges .......................           (1,686)           (2,041)           (2,034)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (43)              (52)              (56)
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (201)             (255)             (264)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................          (11,807)              820             1,996
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......           (8,321)            6,076             7,837

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           42,656            36,580            28,743
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       34,335    $       42,656    $       36,580
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........    2,091,427.861     2,034,040.832     1,892,481.312
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............    1,510,293.812     2,091,427.861     2,034,040.832

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    26.757824    $    24.280390    $    21.274161
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    19.272715    $    17.348504    $    15.079031

                                   55 (Cont'd)


                                                                     Fidelity's VIP II
                                                                   Contrafund Portfolio
                                                                         IC Shares
                                                         1999                1998               1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $          235    $          180    $           94
 Reinvested capital gains ........................            1,722             1,324               247
 Administrative expenses .........................             (526)             (229)             (104)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................            1,431             1,275               237
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................              569               651                61
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................           11,058             7,367             3,113
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....           11,627             8,018             3,174
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........           13,058             9,293             3,411
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................           18,650            16,875            12,617
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....            3,457               605               767
 Policy loans ....................................             (563)             (197)              (66)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............               14                 6                 1
 Surrenders ......................................           (1,275)             (882)             (307)
 Death benefits ..................................              (48)             (130)              (10)
 Cost of insurance charges .......................           (3,655)           (2,823)           (1,815)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................             (127)              (15)               --
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (610)             (512)             (344)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................           15,843            12,927            10,843
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......           28,901            22,220            14,254

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           46,647            24,427            10,173
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       75,548    $       46,647    $       24,427
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........    1,974,535.451     1,334,244.465       686,514.792
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............    2,609,699.831     1,974,535.451     1,334,244.465

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    16.376549    $    13.286083    $    10.304064
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    29.708780    $    23.909755    $    18.395120

                                   55 (Cont'd)


                                                                     Fidelity's VIP II
                                                                    Index 500 Portfolio
                                                                         IC Shares
                                                          1999              1998              1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $          491    $          278    $           95
 Reinvested capital gains ........................              333               644               193
 Administrative expenses .........................             (592)             (229)              (91)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................              232               693               197
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................            2,738             1,033               427
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................            9,397             6,585             2,896
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....           12,135             7,618             3,323
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........           12,367             8,311             3,520
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................           23,262            16,991             9,635
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....            9,341             3,742             3,272
 Policy loans ....................................             (837)             (264)             (104)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............               33                14                 4
 Surrenders ......................................           (1,561)             (670)             (188)
 Death benefits ..................................             (151)              (59)               (3)
 Cost of insurance charges .......................           (4,256)           (2,579)           (1,225)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................             (250)              (30)               (7)
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (643)             (434)             (226)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................           24,938            16,711            11,158
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......           37,305            25,022            14,678

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           47,283            22,261             7,583
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       84,588    $       47,283    $       22,261
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........    1,628,829.448       981,434.839       441,948.368
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............    2,420,819.714     1,628,829.448       981,434.839

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    35.507758    $    29.701980    $    23.332252
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    34.868839    $    28.934443    $    22.547720

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                   CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY, Continued
              For the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                                      Fidelity's VIP II
                                                              Investment Grade Bond Portfolio
                                                                         IC Shares
                                                          1999              1998              1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $          208    $          206    $          194
 Reinvested capital gains ........................               65                25                --
 Administrative expenses .........................              (50)              (36)              (27)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................              223               195               167
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................               52               128                16
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................             (383)               47                94
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....             (331)              175               110
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........             (108)              370               277
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................            1,615             2,363               907
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....              548            (1,154)             (169)
 Policy loans ....................................              (96)              (50)              (37)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............                7                 4                 2
 Surrenders ......................................             (175)             (106)              (69)
 Death benefits ..................................               (6)               (7)               (2)
 Cost of insurance charges .......................             (316)             (280)             (225)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (19)               (7)               (5)
 Monthly expense charges .........................              (35)              (30)              (28)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................            1,523               733               374
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......            1,415             1,103               651

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....            4,975             3,872             3,221
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $        6,390    $        4,975    $        3,872
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........      333,810.100       276,930.635       247,189.999
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............      444,440.696       333,810.100       276,930.635

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    16.785852    $    17.100659    $    15.837535
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    13.662210    $    13.807112    $    12.685026

                                   56 (Cont'd)


                                                                    Janus Aspen Series
                                                                Aggressive Growth Portfolio
                                                          1999              1998              1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $           98    $           --    $           --
 Reinvested capital gains ........................              168                --                --
 Administrative expenses .........................              (76)               (7)               --
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................              190                (7)               --
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................              870                95                (1)
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................            9,113               317                 6
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....            9,983               412                 5
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........           10,173               405                 5
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................            4,198               884               109
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....           11,069               194               156
 Policy loans ....................................             (153)               (4)                1
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............               13                 2                --
 Surrenders ......................................             (111)              (15)               --
 Death benefits ..................................              (16)               --                --
 Cost of insurance charges .......................             (491)              (88)               (6)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (22)               (4)               --
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (144)              (13)               (1)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................           14,343               956               259
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......           24,516             1,361               264

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....            1,625               264                --
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       26,141    $        1,625    $          264
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........      110,510.717        24,053.408                --
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............      790,834.555       110,510.717        24,053.408

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    32.536277    $    14.550679    $    10.925142
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    33.167484    $    14.714669    $    10.960002

                                   56 (Cont'd)


                                                                    Janus Aspen Series
                                                                     Growth Portfolio
                                                          1999              1998              1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $           27    $           41    $            1
 Reinvested capital gains ........................               50                32                --
 Administrative expenses .........................              (92)              (10)               --
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................              (15)               63                 1
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................            1,286               (16)               --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................            3,062               541                 2
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....            4,348               525                 2
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........            4,333               588                 3
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................            4,929             1,477               157
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....            6,660             2,294               136
 Policy loans ....................................              (44)                2                (3)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............                3                --                 1
 Surrenders ......................................             (772)              (74)               --
 Death benefits ..................................              (13)               (8)               --
 Cost of insurance charges .......................             (669)             (132)               (7)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (19)               (2)               --
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (147)              (22)               (1)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................            9,928             3,535               283
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......           14,261             4,123               286

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....            4,409               286                --
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       18,670    $        4,409    $          286
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........      319,301.091        28,040.816                --
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............      940,075.013       319,301.091        28,040.816

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    19.519150    $    13.665622    $    10.154694
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    19.898078    $    13.819668    $    10.187114

                                   56 (Cont'd)


                                                                    Janus Aspen Series
                                                               International Growth Portfolio
                                                         1999                1998               1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $           16    $           35    $            1
 Reinvested capital gains ........................               --                 5                --
 Administrative expenses .........................              (55)              (16)               (1)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................              (39)               24                --
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................            1,568                52                (1)
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................            3,678               190               (11)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....            5,246               242               (12)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........            5,207               266               (12)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................            2,432             1,711               250
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....            1,499               745               623
 Policy loans ....................................              (39)              (11)               (2)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............                3                 1                --
 Surrenders ......................................              (81)              (18)               --
 Death benefits ..................................               (3)               --                --
 Cost of insurance charges .......................             (359)             (167)              (13)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (15)               (5)               --
 Monthly expense charges .........................              (66)              (26)               (2)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................            3,371             2,230               856
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......            8,578             2,496               844

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....            3,340               844                --
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       11,918    $        3,340    $          844
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........      296,248.488        87,549.532                --
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............      580,535.174       296,248.488        87,549.532

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    20.176465    $    11.158415    $     9.594712
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    20.567965    $    11.284244    $     9.625377

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                   CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY, Continued
              For the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                                     Janus Aspen Series
                                                                 Worldwide Growth Portfolio
                                                        1999                1998               1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net Investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $           56    $          210    $            5
 Reinvested capital gains ........................               --                81                --
 Administrative expenses .........................             (270)              (57)               (3)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................             (214)              234                 2
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................            3,533                99                --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................           15,797             1,475               (16)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....           19,330             1,574               (16)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........           19,116             1,808               (14)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................           12,515             7,344               906
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....           11,478             4,415             1,582
 Policy loans ....................................             (256)              (13)               (4)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............               11                 1                --
 Surrenders ......................................             (426)              (90)               (1)
 Death benefits ..................................             (148)              (53)               --
 Cost of insurance charges .......................           (1,904)             (755)              (49)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (43)              (12)               --
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (348)             (106)               (7)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................           20,879            10,731             2,427
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......           39,995            12,539             2,413

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           14,952             2,413                --
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       54,947    $       14,952    $        2,413
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........    1,180,179.061       245,314.904                --
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............    2,640,454.020     1,180,179.061       245,314.904

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    20.456930    $    12.539787    $     9.804994
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    20.853866    $    12.681124    $     9.836310

                                   57 (Cont'd)


                                                                   Neuberger Berman
                                                               Advisers Management Trust
                                                            Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio
                                                         1999              1998             1997
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Net Investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $         115    $          79    $          --
 Reinvested capital gains ........................              --               --               --
 Administrative expenses .........................             (23)              (9)              --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................              92               70               --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................             (27)             (21)              --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................             (49)               1                7
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....             (76)             (20)               7
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........              16               50                7
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................           1,521            1,242              209
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....             133             (296)             896
 Policy loans ....................................             (61)              (2)              (2)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............              --               --               --
 Surrenders ......................................             (29)              (2)              --
 Death benefits ..................................             (14)              (5)              --
 Cost of insurance charges .......................            (170)             (94)              (6)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (6)              (2)              --
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (36)             (11)              (1)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................           1,338              830            1,096
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......           1,354              880            1,103

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           1,983            1,103               --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       3,337    $       1,983    $       1,103
                                                     =============    =============    =============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........     185,303.929      107,550.694               --
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............     307,256.114      185,303.929      107,550.694

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $   10.655507    $   10.584999    $   10.221530
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $   10.862584    $   10.704404    $   10.254171

                                   57 (Cont'd)


                                                                    Neuberger Berman
                                                                Advisers Management Trust
                                                                   Partners Portfolio
                                                         1999             1998             1997
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Net Investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $         120    $          11    $          --
 Reinvested capital gains ........................             208              342               --
 Administrative expenses .........................             (83)             (45)              (2)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................             245              308               (2)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................            (153)            (137)               3
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................             529             (164)              20
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....             376             (301)              23
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........             621                7               21
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................           3,534            5,576              484
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....          (4,159)           3,196            1,288
 Policy loans ....................................             (66)             (55)              (2)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............               2                2                1
 Surrenders ......................................            (146)             (58)              (2)
 Death benefits ..................................             (15)              --               --
 Cost of insurance charges .......................            (653)            (518)             (26)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................             (18)             (11)              --
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (93)             (64)              (3)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................          (1,614)           8,068            1,740
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......            (993)           8,075            1,761

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           9,836            1,761               --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       8,843    $       9,836    $       1,761
                                                     =============    =============    =============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........     914,725.581      170,599.212               --
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............     766,507.228      914,725.581      170,599.212

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $   11.333244    $   10.640408    $   10.292965
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $   11.553436    $   10.760407    $   10.325813

                                   57 (Cont'd)


                                                                    Neuberger Berman
                                                                Advisers Management Trust
                                                              Socially Responsive Portfolio
                                                          1999             1998            1997
                                                     -------------    -------------   -------------
Net Investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $          --    $          --   $          --
 Reinvested capital gains ........................              --               --              --
 Administrative expenses .........................              --               --              --
                                                     -------------    -------------   -------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................              --               --              --
                                                     -------------    -------------   -------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................              --               --              --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................               3               --              --
                                                     -------------    -------------   -------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....               3               --              --
                                                     -------------    -------------   -------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........               3               --              --
                                                     -------------    -------------   -------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................              23               --              --
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....              26               --              --
 Policy loans ....................................              --               --              --
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............              --               --              --
 Surrenders ......................................              --               --              --
 Death benefits ..................................              --               --              --
 Cost of insurance charges .......................              (3)              --              --
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (1)              --              --
 Monthly expense charges .........................              --               --              --
                                                     -------------    -------------   -------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................              45               --              --
                                                     -------------    -------------   -------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......              48               --              --

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....              --               --              --
                                                     -------------    -------------   -------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $          48    $          --   $          --
                                                     =============    =============   =============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........              --               --              --
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............       4,350.420               --              --

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $          --    $          --   $          --
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $   10.754901    $          --   $          --

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                   CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY, Continued
              For the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                                   Northstar Galaxy Trust
                                                                 Emerging Growth Portfolio
                                                          1999              1998              1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $           --    $           58    $           36
 Reinvested capital gains ........................            1,382               107                 9
 Administrative expenses .........................              (40)              (11)               (5)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................            1,342               154                40
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................              473                10                 3
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................            2,990               181                83
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....            3,463               191                86
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........            4,805               345               126
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................            1,278               990               826
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....            2,248                (2)               47
 Policy loans ....................................              (95)              (13)              (11)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............                1                --                --
 Surrenders ......................................              (64)              (27)              (21)
 Death benefits ..................................               (5)               --                (1)
 Cost of insurance charges .......................             (255)             (179)              (96)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (17)               (1)               --
 Monthly expense charges .........................              (40)              (30)              (19)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................            3,051               738               725
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......            7,856             1,083               851

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....            2,524             1,441               590
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       10,380    $        2,524    $        1,441
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........      134,480.431        90,105.753        42,551.251
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............      237,818.778       134,480.431        90,105.753

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    28.891610    $    12.082938    $    10.383806
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    45.340005    $    18.810805    $    16.036372

                                   58 (Cont'd)


                                                                   Northstar Galaxy Trust
                                                                  Growth + Value Portfolio
                                                           1999              1998              1997
                                                      -------------     -------------     -------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................    $          --     $          --     $           1
 Reinvested capital gains ........................            1,025                14                 7
 Administrative expenses .........................              (25)               (8)               (1)
                                                      -------------     -------------     -------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................            1,000                 6                 7
                                                      -------------     -------------     -------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................              586                --                 1
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................              655               277               (13)
                                                      -------------     -------------     -------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....            1,241               277               (12)
                                                      -------------     -------------     -------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........            2,241               283                (5)
                                                      -------------     -------------     -------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................            1,278             1,061               187
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....            1,675                59               497
 Policy loans ....................................              (20)                4                (2)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............                1                --                --
 Surrenders ......................................              (23)               (4)               (1)
 Death benefits ..................................               --               (94)               --
 Cost of insurance charges .......................             (178)             (115)              (10)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................               (9)               (3)               --
 Monthly expense charges .........................              (34)              (11)               (1)
                                                      -------------     -------------     -------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................            2,690               897               670
                                                      -------------     -------------     -------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......            4,931             1,180               665

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....            1,845               665                --
                                                      -------------     -------------     -------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........    $       6,776     $       1,845     $         665
                                                      =============     =============     =============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........      151,938.013        65,399.595                --
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............      286,240.204       151,938.013        65,399.595

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................    $   23.255009     $   12.022926     $   10.156905
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................    $   23.706151     $   12.158465     $   10.189337

                                   58 (Cont'd)


                                                                 Northstar Galaxy Trust
                                                              International Value Portfolio
                                                          1999             1998             1997
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $          45    $          21    $           1
 Reinvested capital gains ........................             352               68               --
 Administrative expenses .........................             (22)              (7)              --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................             375               82                1
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................             497               47               --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................             344               33               --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....             841               80               --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........           1,216              162                1
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................           1,001              975              144
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....             229              218              258
 Policy loans ....................................             (16)              (4)              --
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............               3                2               --
 Surrenders ......................................             (23)              (9)              (2)
 Death benefits ..................................             (13)              --               --
 Cost of insurance charges .......................            (153)             (96)              (8)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (6)              (3)              --
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (27)             (11)              (1)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................             995            1,072              391
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......           2,211            1,234              392

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           1,626              392               --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       3,837    $       1,626    $         392
                                                     =============    =============    =============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........     137,264.427       38,707.007               --
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............     216,064.849      137,264.427       38,707.007

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $   17.448357    $   11.712172    $   10.097293
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $   17.787065    $   11.844211    $   10.129526

                                   58 (Cont'd)


                                                                 Northstar Galaxy Trust
                                                            Research Enhanced Index Portfolio
                                                         1999              1998             1997
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $          36    $          77    $          34
 Reinvested capital gains ........................              --               --                3
 Administrative expenses .........................             (15)              (7)              (3)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................              21               70               34
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................             (25)             (16)               2
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................             115              (56)             (12)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....              90              (72)             (10)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........             111               (2)              24
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................             633              866              296
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....              (9)              58               42
 Policy loans ....................................             (18)              (5)              (8)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............               1               --               --
 Surrenders ......................................             (17)             (13)             (13)
 Death benefits ..................................              (4)              --               (1)
 Cost of insurance charges .......................            (115)             (86)             (41)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................             (10)              (3)              --
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (14)             (12)              (5)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................             447              805              270
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......             558              803              294

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           1,392              589              295
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       1,950    $       1,392    $         589
                                                     =============    =============    =============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........      96,571.672       41,273.079       22,576.638
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............     128,528.216       96,571.672       41,273.079

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $   10.808243    $   10.296187    $   10.240441
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $   15.298625    $   14.457253    $   14.264010

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                   CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY, Continued
              For the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                                Northstar Galaxy Trust
                                                               High Yield Bond Portfolio
                                                          1999             1998             1997
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $          61    $          24    $           1
 Reinvested capital gains ........................              --                1               --
 Administrative expenses .........................              (6)              (2)              --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................              55               23                1
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................              (4)             (43)              --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................             (82)              11               (1)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....             (86)             (32)              (1)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........             (31)              (9)              --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................             325              482               52
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....               7               35                9
 Policy loans ....................................              (3)               2               (2)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............              --               --               --
 Surrenders ......................................              (2)              (1)              --
 Death benefits ..................................              --               (5)              --
 Cost of insurance charges .......................             (52)             (28)              (2)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (2)              (1)              --
 Monthly expense charges .........................              (8)              (3)              --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy owners'
    transactions .................................             265              481               57
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......             234              472               57

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....             529               57               --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $         763    $         529    $          57
                                                     =============    =============    =============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........      50,566.068        5,488.146               --
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............      75,420.881       50,566.068        5,488.146

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ...................................   $    9.937790    $   10.351379    $   10.373728
   Select*Life Series 2000 .........................   $   10.130924    $   10.468149    $   10.406855

                                   59 (Cont'd)


                                                                 OCC Accumulation Trust
                                                                    Equity Portfolio
                                                          1999             1998             1997
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $          13    $           3    $          --
 Reinvested capital gains ........................              59               12               --
 Administrative expenses .........................             (14)              (5)              --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................              58               10               --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................              19                6                1
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................             (54)              46                8
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....             (35)              52                9
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........              23               62                9
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................             747              822               52
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....            (131)             297              151
 Policy loans ....................................              (4)               1               (2)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............              --               --               --
 Surrenders ......................................             (12)             (10)              --
 Death benefits ..................................              (3)              --               --
 Cost of insurance charges .......................            (112)             (59)              (2)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (5)              (1)              --
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (20)              (9)              --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy owners'
    transactions .................................             460            1,041              199
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......             483            1,103              208

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           1,311              208               --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       1,794    $       1,311    $         208
                                                     =============    =============    =============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........     109,118.612       19,312.138               --
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............     146,392.070      109,118.612       19,312.138

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $   12.099718    $   11.895001    $   10.719660
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $   12.334780    $   12.029100    $   10.753858

                                   59 (Cont'd)


                                                                OCC Accumulation Trust
                                                                Global Equity Portfolio
                                                          1999             1998             1997
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $          16    $           8    $           1
 Reinvested capital gains ........................             166               28               14
 Administrative expenses .........................              (9)              (4)              (1)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................             173               32               14
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................             108               (5)              (1)
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................             (43)              22              (29)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....              65               17              (30)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........             238               49              (16)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................             296              348               51
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....              43               86              272
 Policy loans ....................................             (10)              (2)               1
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............              --               --               --
 Surrenders ......................................             (15)              (7)              --
 Death benefits ..................................             (15)              --               --
 Cost of insurance charges .......................             (55)             (39)              (5)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (2)              (1)              --
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (10)              (5)              (1)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy owners'
    transactions .................................             232              380              318
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......             470              429              302

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....             731              302               --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       1,201    $         731    $         302
                                                     =============    =============    =============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........      67,997.586       31,784.854               --
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............      88,327.523       67,997.586       31,784.854

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $   13.383356    $   10.662721    $    9.487891
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $   13.643299    $   10.782965    $    9.518205

                                   59 (Cont'd)


                                                                 OCC Accumulation Trust
                                                                    Managed Portfolio
                                                          1999             1998             1997
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $          84    $          17    $          --
 Reinvested capital gains ........................             188               56               --
 Administrative expenses .........................             (48)             (24)              (1)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................             224               49               (1)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................             (23)               2               --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................              26               74                7
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....               3               76                7
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........             227              125                6
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................           2,406            3,191              357
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....          (2,222)           1,487              804
 Policy loans ....................................             (15)              (1)              (1)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............               2               --               --
 Surrenders ......................................             (84)             (17)              --
 Death benefits ..................................             (13)             (76)              --
 Cost of insurance charges .......................            (375)            (294)             (16)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (8)              (4)              --
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (58)             (32)              (1)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy owners'
    transactions .................................            (367)           4,254            1,143
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......            (140)           4,379            1,149

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           5,528            1,149               --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       5,388    $       5,528    $       1,149
                                                     =============    =============    =============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........     507,204.969      112,854.997               --
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............     471,347.494      507,204.969      112,854.997

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $   11.226640    $   10.778607    $   10.143089
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $   11.444770    $   10.900163    $   10.175476

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                   CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY, Continued
              For the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                                 OCC Accumulation Trust
                                                                  Small Cap Portfolio
                                                          1999             1998            1997
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $          15    $           3    $          --
 Reinvested capital gains ........................              --               33               --
 Administrative expenses .........................             (25)             (10)              (1)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................             (10)              26               (1)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................             (62)             (13)              --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................              66             (151)              (4)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....               4             (164)              (4)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........              (6)            (138)              (5)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................           1,581            1,525              254
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....             658              340              420
 Policy loans ....................................             (23)              (4)              --
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............               1               --               --
 Surrenders ......................................             (32)              (6)              --
 Death benefits ..................................              (1)              --               --
 Cost of insurance charges .......................            (221)            (140)             (10)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (8)              (3)              --
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (38)             (18)              (1)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................           1,917            1,694              663
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......           1,911            1,556              658

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           2,214              658               --
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       4,125    $       2,214    $         658
                                                     =============    =============    =============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........     237,553.351       64,284.089               --
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............     450,944.640      237,553.351       64,284.089

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    8.981750    $    9.223192    $   10.220080
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    9.156366    $    9.327299    $   10.252721

                                   60 (Cont'd)


                                                                        Putnam VT
                                                                 Asia Pacific Growth Fund
                                                                     Class IA Shares
                                                         1999             1998             1997
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $          --    $         105    $          39
 Reinvested capital gains ........................              --               --               --
 Administrative expenses .........................             (29)             (18)             (15)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................             (29)              87               24
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................              30               (4)               4
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................           2,591             (145)            (410)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....           2,621             (149)            (406)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........           2,592              (62)            (382)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................             303            1,150            1,417
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....            (810)            (206)            (122)
 Policy loans ....................................             (40)             (14)              (9)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............              --                1               --
 Surrenders ......................................            (106)             (51)             (24)
 Death benefits ..................................              --               (1)              (2)
 Cost of insurance charges .......................            (166)            (183)            (194)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (3)              (1)              --
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (27)             (32)             (34)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................            (849)             663            1,032
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......           1,743              601              650

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           2,859            2,258            1,608
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       4,602    $       2,859    $       2,258
                                                     =============    =============    =============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........     317,373.587      236,947.013      144,086.091
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............     246,200.626      317,373.587      236,947.013

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $          --    $          --    $          --
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $   18.686981    $    9.003039    $    9.525464

                                   60 (Cont'd)


                                                                       Putnam VT
                                                                 Diversified Income Fund
                                                                     Class IA Shares
                                                         1999              1998             1997
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $         163    $          88    $          86
 Reinvested capital gains ........................              --               37               14
 Administrative expenses .........................             (18)             (18)             (13)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................             145              107               87
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................             (78)              18               16
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................             (49)            (182)               6
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....            (127)            (164)              22
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........              18              (57)             109
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................             254              895              785
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....            (800)             (71)            (100)
 Policy loans ....................................             (10)             (10)             (10)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............              --                1               --
 Surrenders ......................................             (58)             (53)             (27)
 Death benefits ..................................              (9)              (1)              (3)
 Cost of insurance charges .......................            (122)            (166)            (130)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (3)              (1)              --
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (16)             (24)             (21)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................            (764)             570              494
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......            (746)             513              603

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           2,511            1,998            1,395
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       1,765    $       2,511    $       1,998
                                                     =============    =============    =============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........     191,652.487      150,285.794      112,611.941
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............     132,402.534      191,652.487      150,285.794

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $   13.253124    $   13.128436    $   13.418177
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $   13.339586    $   13.108403    $   13.290543

                                   60 (Cont'd)


                                                                         Putnam VT
                                                                   Growth and Income Fund
                                                                      Class IA Shares
                                                          1999              1998              1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $          492    $          458    $          283
 Reinvested capital gains ........................            2,457             2,991               690
 Administrative expenses .........................             (331)             (201)             (120)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................            2,618             3,248               853
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................              685               435               123
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................           (3,184)              243             2,475
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....           (2,499)              678             2,598
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........              119             3,926             3,451
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................            9,574            10,650            10,331
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....           (1,854)           (1,739)            1,033
 Policy loans ....................................             (375)             (145)              (71)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............               16                10                 3
 Surrenders ......................................             (812)             (753)             (288)
 Death benefits ..................................              (25)             (129)              (27)
 Cost of insurance charges .......................           (2,089)           (2,010)           (1,524)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (58)              (14)               (4)
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (340)             (333)             (252)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................            4,037             5,537             9,201
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......            4,156             9,463            12,652

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           33,662            24,199            11,547
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       37,818    $       33,662    $       24,199
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........    1,409,556.585     1,169,049.817       691,973.875
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............    1,559,790.647     1,409,556.585     1,169,049.817

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    23.687497    $    23.505531    $    20.529605
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    24.291674    $    23.912286    $    20.717931

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                   CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY, Continued
              For the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                                          Putnam VT
                                                                    New Opportunities Fund
                                                                       Class IA Shares
                                                          1999              1998              1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $           --    $           --    $           --
 Reinvested capital gains ........................              490               353                --
 Administrative expenses .........................             (352)             (175)              (92)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................              138               178               (92)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................            1,400               416               239
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................           22,263             5,506             3,361
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....           23,663             5,922             3,600
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........           23,801             6,100             3,508
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................           10,067            11,786            11,656
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....           (4,660)           (1,903)             (862)
 Policy loans ....................................             (408)             (121)             (100)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............               12                 4                 1
 Surrenders ......................................           (1,076)             (683)             (271)
 Death benefits ..................................              (34)              (44)               (8)
 Cost of insurance charges .......................           (2,385)           (2,195)           (1,770)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (40)               (5)               --
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (442)             (412)             (343)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................            1,034             6,427             8,303
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......           24,835            12,527            11,811

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           34,451            21,924            10,113
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       59,286    $       34,451    $       21,924
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........    1,513,397.971     1,197,940.702       681,263.859
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............    1,537,759.325     1,513,397.971     1,197,940.702

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $           --    $           --    $           --
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    38.550963    $    22.763799    $    18.301715

                                   61 (Cont'd)


                                                                        Putnam VT
                                                            Utilities Growth and Income Fund
                                                                     Class IA Shares
                                                          1999             1998            1997
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $         106    $          87    $          61
 Reinvested capital gains ........................             112              149               84
 Administrative expenses .........................             (32)             (24)             (14)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................             186              212              131
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................             279              149               40
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................            (518)             100              338
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....            (239)             249              378
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........             (53)             461              509
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................             429            1,035              903
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....            (869)             108               50
 Policy loans ....................................             (43)             (34)             (17)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............               1                2                1
 Surrenders ......................................            (130)             (96)             (24)
 Death benefits ..................................             (10)              (4)              (3)
 Cost of insurance charges .......................            (214)            (237)            (168)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................              (7)              (3)              (1)
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (33)             (37)             (26)
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................            (876)             734              715
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......            (929)           1,195            1,224

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           3,966            2,771            1,547
                                                     -------------    -------------    -------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $       3,037    $       3,966    $       2,771
                                                     =============    =============    =============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........     190,123.952      152,514.030      107,970.108
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............     146,646.122      190,123.952      152,514.030

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $   20.642919    $   20.947449    $   18.375382
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $   20.723572    $   20.861089    $   18.153329

                                   61 (Cont'd)


                                                                         Putnam VT
                                                                       Voyager Fund
                                                                      Class IA Shares
                                                          1999              1998              1997
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ......................   $           95    $          144    $           68
 Reinvested capital gains ........................            7,611             3,517             1,472
 Administrative expenses .........................             (863)             (470)             (284)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss) and
    capital gains ................................            6,843             3,191             1,256
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions of
  fund shares ....................................            2,077               915               218
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments .................................           41,058            10,198             7,940
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ....           43,135            11,113             8,158
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ........           49,978            14,304             9,414
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ............................           22,760            22,816            20,897
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account ....           (2,189)           (1,602)              169
 Policy loans ....................................           (1,072)             (428)             (263)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ..............               47                27                16
 Surrenders ......................................           (2,679)           (2,127)             (969)
 Death benefits ..................................              (72)             (170)              (40)
 Cost of insurance charges .......................           (5,408)           (4,567)           (3,626)
 Death benefit guarantee charges .................             (124)              (27)              (12)
 Monthly expense charges .........................             (947)             (839)             (683)
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions .........................           10,316            13,083            15,489
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the year .......           60,294            27,387            24,903

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year .....           80,654            53,267            28,364
                                                     --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the year ...........   $      140,948    $       80,654    $       53,267
                                                     ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year .........    3,169,909.581     2,601,649.957     1,750,710.230
Units Outstanding, end of the year ...............    3,503,220.110     3,169,909.581     2,601,649.957

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I .................................   $    39.904396    $    25.423734    $    20.608071
   Select*Life Series 2000 .......................   $    40.259562    $    25.445248    $    20.460670

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

   ReliaStar Select*Life Variable Account (the "Account") is a separate account
   of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company ("ReliaStar Life"), a wholly owned
   subsidiary of ReliaStar Financial Corp. The Account is registered as a unit
   investment trust under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

   Payments received under the policies are allocated to sub-accounts of the
   Account, each of which is invested in one of the following funds during the

   -----------------------          --------------                        -----------------
   Growth Portfolio                 Equity-Income Portfolio --            Asset Manager Portfolio -- IC Shares
   MidCap Growth Portfolio           IC Shares                            Contrafund Portfolio -- IC Shares
   Small Capitalization Portfolio   Growth Portfolio -- IC Shares         Index 500 Portfolio -- IC Shares
                                    High Income Portfolio -- IC Shares    Investment Grade Bond Portfolio --
                                    Money Market Portfolio -- IC Shares    IC Shares
                                    Overseas Portfolio -- IC Shares

   ------------------                  ---------------------
   Aggressive Growth Portfolio         Putnam VT Asia Pacific Growth Fund -- Class IA
   Shares Growth Portfolio             Putnam VT Diversified Income Fund -- Class IA Shares
   International Growth Portfolio      Putnam VT Growth and Income Fund -- Class IA
   Shares Worldwide Growth Portfolio   Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund -- Class IA Shares
                                       Putnam VT Utilities Growth and Income Fund -- Class IA Shares
                                       Putnam VT Voyager Fund -- Class IA Shares

   ----------------------          ----------------------    ------------------------------------------
   Emerging Growth Portfolio       Equity Portfolio          AMT Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio
   Growth + Value Portfolio        Global Equity Portfolio   AMT Partners Portfolio
   International Value Portfolio   Managed Portfolio         AMT Socially Responsive Portfolio
   Research Enhanced Index         Small Capitalization
    Portfolio                       Portfolio
   High Yield Bond Portfolio

   Fred Alger Management, Inc. is the investment adviser for the three
   portfolios of The Alger American Fund and is paid fees for its services by
   The Alger American Fund Portfolios. Fidelity Management & Research Company is
   the investment adviser for Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund (VIP)
   and Variable Insurance Products Fund II (VIP II) and is paid for its services
   by the VIP and VIP II Portfolios. Janus Capital Corporation is the investment
   adviser for the four portfolios of Janus Aspen Series and is paid fees for
   its services by the Janus Aspen Series Portfolios. Neuberger Berman
   Management, Inc. is the investment manager for the three portfolios of the
   Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust and is paid fees for its services
   by the Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust Portfolios. Pilgrim
   Advisors, Inc., an affiliate of ReliaStar Life, is the investment adviser for
   the five Northstar Galaxy Trust Portfolios and is paid fees for its services
   by the Portfolios. OpCap Advisors is the investment adviser for the four
   Portfolios of the OCC Accumulation Trust and is paid fees for its services by
   the OCC Accumulation Trust Funds. Putnam Investment Management, Inc. is the
   investment adviser for Putnam Variable Trust and is paid fees for its
   services by Putnam Variable Trust. Further information is contained in the
   related funds' prospectuses.

   Fidelity VIP II Contrafund Portfolio is a registered trademark of FMMR

   On August 8, 1997, sub-accounts investing in Northstar Galaxy Trust Growth +
   Value Portfolio, Northstar Galaxy Trust High Yield Bond Portfolio, Northstar
   Galaxy Trust International Value Portfolio, The Alger American Fund, Janus
   Aspen Series, OCC Accumulation Trust, and Neuberger Berman Advisers
   Management Trust were made available to Select*Life policies.



   On July 29, 1998, Northstar Variable Trust Portfolio changed its name to
   Northstar Galaxy Trust Portfolio (GT). Also on July 29, 1998, the Northstar
   Variable Trust Growth Portfolio changed its name to Northstar Galaxy Trust
   Growth + Value Portfolio.

   On November 9, 1998, Northstar Galaxy Trust Income and Growth Portfolio
   changed its name to Northstar Galaxy Trust Emerging Growth Portfolio.

   On April 8, 1999, shareholders of the Northstar Galaxy Trust Multi-Sector
   Bond Portfolio approved a proposal to modify the investment objective of the
   Portfolio from the objective of seeking to maximize income consistent with
   the preservation of capital to the objective of seeking capital appreciation.
   Also on April 8, 1999, the name of the Portfolio was changed to Northstar
   Galaxy Trust Research Enhanced Index Portfolio to better reflect the
   Portfolio's investment objective.

   On April 30, 1999, sub-accounts investing in Neuberger Berman Advisers
   Management Trust Socially Responsive Portfolio were made available to
   Select*Life policies.

   On April 30, 1999, Fidelity VIP Overseas Portfolio, Fidelity VIP II Asset
   Manager Portfolio, Putnam VT Asia Pacific Growth Fund, Putnam VT Diversified
   Income Fund and Putnam VT Utilities Growth and Income Fund were closed to new
   premium and transfers.

   On November 1, 1999, Northstar Investment Management Corporation changed its
   name to Pilgrim Advisors, Inc. Substantially the same personnel are
   performing the investment advisory services on behalf of Pilgrim Advisors,

   value of investments in the sub-accounts is based on the closing net asset
   values of the fund shares held at the end of the year. Investment
   transactions are accounted for on the trade date (date the order to purchase
   or redeem is executed) and dividend income and capital gain distributions are
   recorded on the ex-dividend date. Net realized gains and losses on
   redemptions of shares of the funds are determined on the basis of specific
   identification of fund share costs.

   Under current tax law, the income, gains, and losses from the separate
   account investments are not taxable to either the Account or ReliaStar Life.

   ReliaStar Life makes certain charges to Policy Owners' Variable Accumulation
   Values in the Account in accordance with the terms of the policies. These
   charges are set forth in the policies and may include: cost of insurance;
   monthly expense charge; death benefit guarantee charge; optional insurance
   benefit charges; and surrender charges and sales charge refunds.



   For the year ended December 31, 1999, investment activity in the funds was as
   follows (in thousands):

                                                                       COST OF       PROCEEDS
   INVESTING FUND                                                      PURCHASES     FROM SALES
   --------------                                                      ---------     ----------
   The Alger American Fund:
    Alger American Growth Portfolio ...............................    $ 28,569      $  3,075
    Alger American MidCap Growth Portfolio ........................       9,951         7,863
    Alger American Small Capitalization Portfolio .................      15,351        12,828
   Fidelity's VIP:
    VIP Equity-Income Portfolio -- IC Shares ......................      19,740        20,037
    VIP Growth Portfolio -- IC Shares .............................      37,372        21,222
    VIP High Income Portfolio -- IC Shares ........................      23,375        23,508
    VIP Money Market Portfolio -- IC Shares .......................     177,526       158,196
    VIP Overseas Portfolio -- IC Shares ...........................       6,357        16,691
   Fidelity's VIP II:
    VIP II Asset Manager Portfolio -- IC Shares ...................       4,113        13,044
    VIP II Contrafund Portfolio -- IC Shares . ....................      19,043         1,766
    VIP II Index 500 Portfolio -- IC Shares .......................      37,056        11,859
    VIP II Investment Grade Bond Portfolio -- IC Shares ...........       3,639         1,891
   Janus Aspen Series:
    Aggressive Growth Portfolio ...................................      22,586         8,081
    Growth Portfolio ..............................................      17,332         7,362
    International Growth Portfolio ................................      42,313        39,019
    Worldwide Growth Portfolio ....................................      42,215        21,553
   Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust:
    AMT Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio ...........................       2,001           571
    AMT Partners Portfolio ........................................       3,146         4,507
    AMT Socially Responsive Portfolio .............................          49             5
   Northstar Galaxy Trust:
    Northstar Emerging Growth Portfolio ...........................       8,949         4,588
    Northstar Growth + Value Portfolio ............................       6,517         2,840
    Northstar International Value Portfolio .......................      21,183        19,806
    Northstar Research Enhanced Index Portfolio ...................       2,153         1,685
    Northstar High Yield Bond Portfolio ...........................         578           258
   OCC Accumulation Trust:
    Equity Portfolio ..............................................         912           386
    Global Equity Portfolio .......................................       7,373         6,968
    Managed Portfolio .............................................       2,443         2,583
    Small Cap Portfolio ...........................................       7,022         5,105
   Putnam Variable Trust:
    Putnam VT Asia Pacific Growth Fund -- Class IA Shares .........       5,701         6,581
    Putnam VT Diversified Income Fund -- Class IA Shares ..........         311           930
    Putnam VT Growth and Income Fund -- Class IA Shares ...........      10,258         3,599
    Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund -- Class IA Shares ...........      12,277        11,092
    Putnam VT Utilities Growth and Income Fund -- Class IA
     Shares .......................................................       1,221         1,911
    Putnam VT Voyager Fund -- Class IA Shares .....................      27,999        10,843
                                                                       --------      --------
    Total .........................................................    $626,631      $452,253
                                                                       ========      ========


                                  JUNE 30, 2000
                          (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT SHARES)

                                                                          SHARES         COST       MARKET VALUE
ASSETS:                                                                ------------   ----------   -------------
Investments in mutual funds at market value:

The Alger American Fund:
 Alger American Growth Portfolio ...................................       795,143     $ 46,394     $   45,641
 Alger American Leveraged AllCap Portfolio .........................         6,782          340            339
 Alger American MidCap Growth Portfolio ............................       258,281        7,629          8,303
 Alger American Small Capitalization Portfolio .....................       258,084       10,373          8,325
AIM Variable Insurance Funds:
 AIM V.I. Dent Demographics Trends Fund ............................        63,773          622            664
Fidelity's Variable Insurance Products Fund (VIP):
 VIP Equity-Income Portfolio -- IC Shares ..........................     3,998,039       85,803         91,595
 VIP Growth Portfolio -- IC Shares .................................     4,167,471      146,538        214,791
 VIP High Income Portfolio -- IC Shares ............................     1,806,953       20,933         18,142
 VIP Money Market Portfolio -- IC Shares ...........................    37,469,346       37,469         37,469
 VIP Overseas Portfolio -- IC Shares ...............................     1,093,849       21,248         25,662
Fidelity's Variable Insurance Products Fund (VIP II):
 VIP II Asset Manager Portfolio -- IC Shares .......................     1,861,582       29,847         30,791
 VIP II Contrafund Portfolio -- IC Shares ..........................     2,974,127       64,658         74,621
 VIP II Index 500 Portfolio -- IC Shares ...........................       527,103       70,327         86,397
 VIP II Investment Grade Bond Portfolio -- IC Shares ...............       558,875        6,820          6,567
Janus Aspen Series:
 Aggressive Growth Portfolio .......................................       832,940       41,718         46,478
 Growth Portfolio ..................................................     1,044,194       32,113         34,343
 International Growth Portfolio ....................................       490,029       19,783         19,450
 Worldwide Growth Portfolio ........................................     1,321,838       57,336         63,488
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust:
 AMT Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio ...............................       283,476        3,711          3,569
 AMT Partners Portfolio ............................................       550,254        9,797          8,788
 AMT Socially Responsive Portfolio .................................        10,248          112            111
Pilgrim Variable Products Trust:
 Pilgrim VP Growth Opportunities Portfolio .........................        28,889          299            311
 Pilgrim VP Growth + Value Portfolio ...............................       390,912       12,127         13,909
 Pilgrim VP High Yield Bond Portfolio ..............................       217,038          986            882
 Pilgrim VP International Value Portfolio ..........................       372,947        5,179          5,616
 Pilgrim VP MagnaCap Portfolio .....................................         1,571           16             16
 Pilgrim VP MidCap Opportunities Portfolio .........................         2,778           28             28
 Pilgrim VP Research Enhanced Index Portfolio ......................       426,489        2,066          2,090
 Pilgrim VP SmallCap Opportunities Portfolio .......................       752,742       20,037         23,893
OCC Accumulation Trust:
 Equity Portfolio ..................................................        64,816        2,291          2,005
 Global Equity Portfolio ...........................................       103,185        1,708          1,626
 Managed Portfolio .................................................       133,876        5,505          5,113
 Small Cap Portfolio ...............................................       165,078        3,838          4,183
Putnam Variable Trust:
 Putnam VT Asia Pacific Growth Fund -- Class IA Shares .............       257,650        2,452          3,336
 Putnam VT Diversified Income Fund -- Class IA Shares ..............       167,719        1,775          1,553
 Putnam VT Growth and Income Fund -- Class IA Shares ...............     1,602,585       41,259         37,196
 Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund -- Class IA Shares ...............     1,550,674       36,933         66,772
 Putnam VT Utilities Growth and Income Fund -- Class IA Shares .....       169,745        2,785          2,678
 Putnam VT Voyager Fund -- Class IA Shares .........................     2,461,163      101,252        145,726
   Total Assets ....................................................                                $1,142,467
Due to ReliaStar Life Insurance Company
 for contract charges ..............................................                                $       85
Policy Owners' Equity ..............................................                                 1,142,382
  Total Liabilities and Policy Owners' Equity ......................                                $1,142,467

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                         CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY
       For the period ended June 30, 2000 and the years ended December 31,
                                  1999 and 1998
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                                           Total All Funds
                                                              2000               1999              1998
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .........................   $        11,944    $         9,107    $         7,644
 Reinvested capital gains ...........................            83,878             41,674             34,463
 Administrative expenses ............................            (4,645)            (7,060)            (4,152)
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains ...............................            91,177             43,721             37,955
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ....................................            36,027             39,243             12,939
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ....................................          (116,756)           152,399             55,885
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .......           (80,729)           191,642             68,824
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ...........            10,448            235,363            106,779
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ...............................           141,407            220,865            184,473
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .......              (461)              (627)              (251)
 Policy loans .......................................            (8,219)           (12,966)            (5,343)
 Loan collateral interest crediting .................               513                692                462
 Surrenders .........................................           (14,898)           (23,743)           (16,659)
 Death benefits .....................................              (793)            (1,708)            (1,646)
 Costs of insurance charges .........................           (23,933)           (43,115)           (34,996)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ....................            (2,646)            (1,938)              (630)
 Monthly expense charges ............................            (4,974)            (6,873)            (5,413)
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ............................            85,996            130,587            119,997
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ........            96,444            365,950            226,776

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ........         1,045,938            679,988            453,212
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ............   $     1,142,382    $     1,045,938    $       679,988
                                                        ===============    ===============    ===============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ............    36,956,472.845     29,584,452.030     21,952,826.717
Units Outstanding, end of the period ................    40,414,567.524     36,956,472.845     29,584,452.030

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ....................................                --                 --                 --
   Select*Life Series 2000 ..........................                --                 --                 --

                                   66 (Cont'd)


                                                                            Alger American
                                                                           Growth Portfolio
                                                              2000               1999               1998
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .........................   $            --    $            22    $             3
 Reinvested capital gains ...........................             5,677              1,535                182
 Administrative expenses ............................              (172)              (183)               (16)
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains ...............................             5,505              1,374                169
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ....................................             1,948                441                 37
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ....................................            (6,344)             4,801                789
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .......            (4,396)             5,242                826
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ...........             1,109              6,616                995
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ...............................             7,301             10,595              2,300
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .......             2,646             15,621              2,512
 Policy loans .......................................              (164)              (234)               (40)
 Loan collateral interest crediting .................                12                 13                 --
 Surrenders .........................................              (334)              (270)               (19)
 Death benefits .....................................               (38)               (18)                --
 Costs of insurance charges .........................            (1,007)            (1,284)              (194)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ....................               (43)               (35)                (4)
 Monthly expense charges ............................              (429)              (275)               (28)
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ............................             7,944             24,113              4,527
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ........             9,053             30,729              5,522

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ........            36,594              5,865                343
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ............   $        45,647    $        36,594    $         5,865
                                                        ===============    ===============    ===============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ............     1,879,018.360        402,669.328         34,697.106
Units Outstanding, end of the period ................     2,265,494.091      1,879,018.360        402,669.328

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ....................................   $     19.733088    $     19.144387    $     14.429571
   Select*Life Series 2000 ..........................   $     20.196892    $     19.516075    $     14.592177

                                  66 (Cont'd)


                                                                          Alger American
                                                                   Leveraged AllCap Portfolio
                                                             2000              1999             1998
                                                        --------------    --------------   --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .........................   $           --    $           --   $           --
 Reinvested capital gains ...........................                8                --               --
 Administrative expenses ............................               --                --               --
                                                        --------------    --------------   --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains ...............................                8                --               --
                                                        --------------    --------------   --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ....................................               --                --               --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ....................................               (1)               --               --
                                                        --------------    --------------   --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .......               (1)               --               --
                                                        --------------    --------------   --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ...........                7                --               --
                                                        --------------    --------------   --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ...............................               33                --               --
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .......              302                --               --
 Policy loans .......................................               --                --               --
 Loan collateral interest crediting .................               --                --               --
 Surrenders .........................................               --                --               --
 Death benefits .....................................               --                --               --
 Costs of insurance charges .........................               (1)               --               --
 Death benefit guarantee charges ....................               --                --               --
 Monthly expense charges ............................               --                --               --
                                                        --------------    --------------   --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ............................              334                --               --
                                                        --------------    --------------   --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ........              341                --               --

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ........               --                --               --
                                                        --------------    --------------   --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ............   $          341    $           --   $           --
                                                        ==============    ==============   ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ............               --                --               --
Units Outstanding, end of the period ................       34,991.627                --               --

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ....................................   $           --    $           --   $           --
   Select*Life Series 2000 ..........................   $     9.740550    $           --   $           --

                                  66 (Cont'd)


                                                                          Alger American
                                                                      MidCap Growth Portfolio
                                                             2000              1999              1998
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .........................   $           --    $           --    $           --
 Reinvested capital gains ...........................              925               415                61
 Administrative expenses ............................              (27)              (27)               (8)
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains ...............................              898               388                53
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ....................................               39                59               (30)
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ....................................             (150)              622               218
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .......             (111)              681               188
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ...........              787             1,069               241
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ...............................            1,012             1,336             1,205
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .......            1,841               725               512
 Policy loans .......................................              (19)              (21)               --
 Loan collateral interest crediting .................                2                 1                --
 Surrenders .........................................              (44)              (67)               (9)
 Death benefits .....................................               (2)               (1)              (11)
 Costs of insurance charges .........................             (174)             (223)              (82)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ....................               (6)               (7)               (4)
 Monthly expense charges ............................              (72)              (45)              (12)
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ............................            2,538             1,698             1,599
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ........            3,325             2,767             1,840

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ........            4,977             2,210               370
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ............   $        8,302    $        4,977    $        2,210
                                                        ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ............      295,715.008       172,814.592        37,772.926
Units Outstanding, end of the period ................      430,609.588       295,715.008       172,814.592

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ....................................   $    18.905811    $    16.557934    $    12.659555
   Select*Life Series 2000 ..........................   $    19.350333    $    16.879516    $    12.802277

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                   CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY, Continued
       For the period ended June 30, 2000 and the years ended December 31,
                                  1999 and 1998
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                                         Alger American
                                                                  Small Capitalization Portfolio
                                                             2000              1999              1998
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .........................   $           --    $           --    $           --
 Reinvested capital gains ...........................            2,614               402               155
 Administrative expenses ............................              (31)              (32)               (8)
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains ...............................            2,583               370               147
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemption
  of fund shares ....................................              616               109                 6
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ....................................           (3,329)            1,171               133
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .......           (2,713)            1,280               139
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ...........             (130)            1,650               286
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ...............................            1,342             1,603             1,373
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .......              983               911               555
 Policy loans .......................................              (38)              (20)              (19)
 Loan collateral interest crediting .................                1                 2                --
 Surrenders .........................................              (58)              (42)               (8)
 Death benefits .....................................               --                (5)               --
 Cost of insurance charges ..........................             (173)             (236)             (124)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ....................               (9)              (10)               (6)
 Monthly expense charges ............................              (75)              (50)              (18)
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ............................            1,973             2,153             1,753
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ........            1,843             3,803             2,039

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ........            6,482             2,679               640
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ............   $        8,325    $        6,482    $        2,679
                                                        ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ............      388,991.269       230,199.995        63,628.672
Units Outstanding, end of the period ................      500,252.101       388,991.269       230,199.995

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ....................................   $    16.301207    $    16.369247    $    11.505655
   Select*Life Series 2000 ..........................   $    16.684580    $    16.687171    $    11.635433

                                   67 (Cont'd)


                                                                              AIM V.I.
                                                                   Dent Demographic Trends Fund
                                                             2000              1999             1998
                                                        --------------    --------------   --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .........................   $           --    $           --   $           --
 Reinvested capital gains ...........................               --                --               --
 Administrative expenses ............................               --                --               --
                                                        --------------    --------------   --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains ...............................               --                --               --
                                                        --------------    --------------   --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemption
  of fund shares ....................................               --                --               --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ....................................               42                --               --
                                                        --------------    --------------   --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .......               42                --               --
                                                        --------------    --------------   --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ...........               42                --               --
                                                        --------------    --------------   --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ...............................               53                --               --
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .......              579                --               --
 Policy loans .......................................               --                --               --
 Loan collateral interest crediting .................               --                --               --
 Surrenders .........................................               (4)               --               --
 Death benefits .....................................               --                --               --
 Cost of insurance charges ..........................               (2)               --               --
 Death benefit guarantee charges ....................               (1)               --               --
 Monthly expense charges ............................               --                --               --
                                                        --------------    --------------   --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ............................              625                --               --
                                                        --------------    --------------   --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ........              667                --               --

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ........               --                --               --
                                                        --------------    --------------   --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ............   $          667    $           --   $           --
                                                        ==============    ==============   ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ............               --                --               --
Units Outstanding, end of the period ................       66,731.428                --               --

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ....................................   $           --    $           --   $           --
   Select*Life Series 2000 ..........................   $     9.990403    $           --   $           --

                                   67 (Cont'd)


                                                                         Fidelity's VIP
                                                                     Equity-Income Portfolio
                                                                            IC Shares
                                                             2000              1999              1998
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .........................   $        1,655    $        1,476    $        1,175
 Reinvested capital gains ...........................            6,237             3,264             4,180
 Administrative expenses ............................             (393)             (864)             (705)
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains ...............................            7,499             3,876             4,650
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemption
  of fund shares ....................................            4,706             6,688             2,533
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ....................................          (15,314)           (5,132)            2,086
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .......          (10,608)            1,556             4,619
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ...........           (3,109)            5,432             9,269
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ...............................            6,245            15,156            18,161
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .......           (6,489)           (8,382)           (2,096)
 Policy loans .......................................             (693)           (2,073)           (1,121)
 Loan collateral interest crediting .................               93               146               113
 Surrenders .........................................           (1,736)           (3,298)           (3,152)
 Death benefits .....................................              (56)             (420)             (264)
 Cost of insurance charges ..........................           (1,901)           (4,541)           (4,711)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ....................             (114)             (139)             (114)
 Monthly expense charges ............................             (260)             (625)             (659)
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ............................           (4,911)           (4,176)            6,157
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ........           (8,020)            1,256            15,426

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ........           99,592            98,336            82,910
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ............   $       91,572    $       99,592    $       98,336
                                                        ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ............    3,274,491.085     3,348,679.958     3,053,047.193
Units Outstanding, end of the period ................    3,122,982.956     3,274,491.085     3,348,679.958

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ....................................   $    39.697348    $    40.949711    $    38.822462
   Select*Life Series 2000 ..........................   $    24.352731    $    25.020668    $    23.531218

                                   67 (Cont'd)


                                                                          Fidelity's VIP
                                                                        Growth Portfolio
                                                                            IC Shares
                                                             2000              1999              1998
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .........................   $          226    $          271    $          537
 Reinvested capital gains ...........................           22,462            17,026            14,057
 Administrative expenses ............................             (880)           (1,452)             (971)
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains ...............................           21,808            15,845            13,623
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemption
  of fund shares ....................................            3,745            10,864             4,873
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ....................................          (15,910)           28,390            22,732
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .......          (12,165)           39,254            27,605
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ...........            9,643            55,099            41,228
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ...............................           10,908            22,365            21,080
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .......           (2,453)           (3,110)           (1,512)
 Policy loans .......................................           (2,002)           (3,915)           (1,618)
 Loan collateral interest crediting .................              147               196               138
 Surrenders .........................................           (3,513)           (6,338)           (4,327)
 Death benefits .....................................             (191)             (409)             (370)
 Cost of insurance charges ..........................           (3,725)           (7,181)           (6,378)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ....................             (327)             (270)             (168)
 Monthly expense charges ............................             (542)           (1,047)             (956)
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ............................           (1,698)              291             5,889
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ........            7,945            55,390            47,117

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ........          206,780           151,390           104,273
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ............   $      214,725    $      206,780    $      151,390
                                                        ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ............    4,401,398.280     4,282,470.411     3,971,201.581
Units Outstanding, end of the period ................    4,397,407.087     4,401,398.280     4,282,470.411

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ....................................   $    71.361377    $    68.164143    $    49.996221
   Select*Life Series 2000 ..........................   $    38.610486    $    36.733274    $    26.727479

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                   CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY, Continued
       For the period ended June 30, 2000 and the years ended December 31,
                                  1999 and 1998
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                                           Fidelity's VIP
                                                                        High Income Portfolio
                                                                              IC Shares
                                                              2000               1999               1998
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .........................   $         1,313    $         1,861    $         1,415
 Reinvested capital gains ...........................                --                 70                899
 Administrative expenses ............................               (80)              (173)              (160)
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains ...............................             1,233              1,758              2,154
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ....................................              (212)              (177)               210
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ....................................            (2,041)               (69)            (3,436)
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .......            (2,253)              (246)            (3,226)
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ...........            (1,020)             1,512             (1,072)
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ...............................             1,814              4,236              5,161
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .......            (1,821)            (4,013)              (469)
 Policy loans .......................................              (185)              (325)              (268)
 Loan collateral interest crediting .................                20                 29                 21
 Surrenders .........................................              (265)              (557)              (740)
 Death benefits .....................................                (1)               (13)               (88)
 Cost of insurance charges ..........................              (450)            (1,068)            (1,230)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ....................               (44)               (51)               (31)
 Monthly expense charges ............................               (53)              (126)              (144)
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ............................              (985)            (1,888)             2,212
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ........            (2,005)              (376)             1,140

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ........            20,141             20,517             19,377
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ............   $        18,136    $        20,141    $        20,517
                                                        ===============    ===============    ===============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ............       982,653.237      1,053,934.152        916,625.159
Units Outstanding, end of the period ................       937,818.419        982,653.237      1,053,934.152

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ....................................   $     28.905704    $     30.499630    $     28.427207
   Select*Life Series 2000 ..........................   $     15.556993    $     16.349223    $     15.116470

                                   68 (Cont'd)


                                                                           Fidelity's VIP
                                                                       Money Market Portfolio
                                                                             IC Shares
                                                              2000               1999              1998
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .........................   $           960    $         1,087    $           669
 Reinvested capital gains ...........................                --                 --                 --
 Administrative expenses ............................              (137)              (181)               (92)
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains ...............................               823                906                577
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ....................................                --                 --                 --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ....................................                --                 --                 --
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .......                --                 --                 --
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ...........               823                906                577
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ...............................            37,933             36,690             10,376
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .......           (31,869)           (14,511)            (7,227)
 Policy loans .......................................              (495)              (977)               (31)
 Loan collateral interest crediting .................                64                100                 18
 Surrenders .........................................              (525)              (768)              (285)
 Death benefits .....................................               (11)              (113)                (7)
 Cost of insurance charges ..........................              (948)            (1,337)              (817)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ....................              (649)              (534)               (55)
 Monthly expense charges ............................              (127)              (156)               (74)
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ............................             3,373             18,394              1,898
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ........             4,196             19,300              2,475

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ........            33,968             13,968             11,493
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ............   $        37,464    $        33,268    $        13,968
                                                        ===============    ===============    ===============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ............     2,329,160.577      1,021,422.904        875,038.346
Units Outstanding, end of the period ................     2,589,016.265      2,329,160.577      1,021,422.904

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ....................................   $     18.620880    $     18.153875    $     17.399235
   Select*Life Series 2000 ..........................   $     14.017699    $     13.611549    $     12.941412

                                  68 (Cont'd)


                                                                           Fidelity's VIP
                                                                         Overseas Portfolio
                                                                              IC Shares
                                                              2000               1999              1998
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .........................   $           393    $           489    $           551
 Reinvested capital gains ...........................             2,475                789              1,626
 Administrative expenses ............................              (116)              (236)              (247)
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains ...............................             2,752              1,042              1,930
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ....................................               662              2,572              1,235
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ....................................            (5,015)             5,914                187
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .......            (4,353)             8,486              1,422
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ...........            (1,601)             9,528              3,352
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ...............................                 4              1,521              5,928
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .......            (1,179)            (9,986)            (2,715)
 Policy loans .......................................              (274)              (508)              (396)
 Loan collateral interest crediting .................                --                 18                 44
 Surrenders .........................................              (378)            (1,003)              (889)
 Death benefits .....................................               (31)               (33)               (60)
 Cost of insurance charges ..........................              (480)            (1,183)            (1,589)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ....................               (11)               (27)               (37)
 Monthly expense charges ............................               (66)              (172)              (241)
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ............................            (2,415)           (11,373)                45
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ........            (4,016)            (1,845)             3,397

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ........            29,669             31,514             28,117
                                                        ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ............   $        25,653    $        29,669    $        31,514
                                                        ===============    ===============    ===============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ............     1,162,674.433      1,752,679.671      1,733,459.426
Units Outstanding, end of the period ................     1,062,855.186      1,162,674.433      1,752,679.671

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ....................................   $     30.025966    $     31.755579    $     22.444163
   Select*Life Series 2000 ..........................   $     21.318902    $     22.456788    $     15.745282

                                  68 (Cont'd)


                                                                         Fidelity's VIP II
                                                                     Asset Manager Portfolio
                                                                            IC Shares
                                                             2000              1999              1998
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .........................   $        1,071    $        1,409    $        1,161
 Reinvested capital gains ...........................            2,524             1,785             3,484
 Administrative expenses ............................             (136)             (316)             (323)
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains ...............................            3,459             2,878             4,322
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ....................................              453             2,289               274
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ....................................           (4,304)           (1,681)              660
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .......           (3,851)              608               934
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations ...........             (392)            3,486             5,256
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments ...............................                4             1,752             5,834
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .......           (1,689)           (9,250)             (717)
 Policy loans .......................................             (205)             (626)             (482)
 Loan collateral interest crediting .................               --                16                51
 Surrenders .........................................             (523)           (1,691)           (1,458)
 Death benefits .....................................              (15)              (78)              (60)
 Cost of insurance charges ..........................             (647)           (1,686)           (2,041)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ....................              (16)              (43)              (52)
 Monthly expense charges ............................              (73)             (201)             (255)
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ............................           (3,164)          (11,807)              820
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ........           (3,556)           (8,321)            6,076

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ........           34,335            42,656            36,580
                                                        --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ............   $       30,779    $       34,335    $       42,656
                                                        ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ............    1,510,293.812     2,091,427.861     2,034,040.832
Units Outstanding, end of the period ................    1,367,393.925     1,510,293.812     2,091,427.861

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ....................................   $    26.467903    $    26.757824    $    24.280390
   Select*Life Series 2000 ..........................   $    19.140363    $    19.272715    $    17.348504

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                   CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY, Continued
       For the period ended June 30, 2000 and the years ended December 31,
                                  1999 and 1998
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                                       Fidelity's VIP II
                                                                     Contrafund Portfolio
                                                                          IC Shares
                                                           2000              1999              1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $          260    $          235    $          180
 Reinvested capital gains .........................            9,444             1,722             1,324
 Administrative expenses ..........................             (323)             (526)             (229)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................            9,381             1,431             1,275
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................            2,210               569               651
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................          (12,759)           11,058             7,367
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....          (10,549)           11,627             8,018
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........           (1,168)           13,058             9.293
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................            8,651            18,650            16,875
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....           (4,532)            3,457               605
 Policy loans .....................................             (331)             (563)             (197)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............               12                14                 6
 Surrenders .......................................           (1,226)           (1,275)             (882)
 Death benefits ...................................              (36)              (48)             (130)
 Cost of insurance charges ........................           (1,790)           (3,655)           (2,823)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................             (217)             (127)              (15)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................             (288)             (610)             (512)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................              243            15,843            12,927
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......             (925)           28,901            22,220

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......           75,548            46,647            24,427
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $       74,623    $       75,548    $       46,647
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........    2,609,699.831     1,974,535.451     1,334,244.465
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............    2,625,533.286     2,609,699.831     1,974,535.451

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    16.096919    $    16.376549    $    13.286083
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    29.318685    $    29.708780    $    23.909755

                                   69 (Cont'd)


                                                                      Fidelity's VIP II
                                                                     Index 500 Portfolio
                                                                          IC Shares
                                                           2000              1999              1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $          844    $          491    $          278
 Reinvested capital gains .........................              369               333               644
 Administrative expenses ..........................             (352)             (592)             (229)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................              861               232               693
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................            2,300             2,738             1,033
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................           (3,995)            9,397             6,585
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....           (1,695)           12,135             7,618
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........             (834)           12,367             8,311
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................           11,490            23,262            16,991
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....           (4,361)            9,341             3,742
 Policy loans .....................................             (451)             (837)             (264)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............               25                33                14
 Surrenders .......................................           (1,018)           (1,561)             (670)
 Death benefits ...................................              (46)             (151)              (59)
 Cost of insurance charges ........................           (2,212)           (4,256)           (2,579)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................             (442)             (250)              (30)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................             (346)             (643)             (434)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................            2,639            24,938            16,711
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......            1,805            37,305            25,022

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......           84,588            47,283            22,261
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $       86,393    $       84,588    $       47,283
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........    2,420,819.714     1,628,829.448       981,434.839
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............    2,488,178.071     2,420,819.714     1,628,829.448

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    35.160028    $    35.507758    $    29.701980
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    34.665783    $    34.868839    $    28.934443

                                  69 (Cont'd)


                                                                      Fidelity's VIP II
                                                               Investment Grade Bond Portfolio
                                                                          IC Shares
                                                           2000              1999              1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $          440    $          208    $          206
 Reinvested capital gains .........................               --                65                25
 Administrative expenses ..........................              (26)              (50)              (36)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................              414               223               195
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................              (30)               52               128
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................             (173)             (383)               47
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....             (203)             (331)              175
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........              211              (108)              370
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................              693             1,615             2,363
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....             (387)              548            (1,154)
 Policy loans .....................................              (35)              (96)              (50)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............                4                 7                 4
 Surrenders .......................................             (113)             (175)             (106)
 Death benefits ...................................               (1)               (6)               (7)
 Cost of insurance charges ........................             (150)             (316)             (280)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................              (29)              (19)               (7)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................              (17)              (35)              (30)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................              (35)            1,523               733
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......              176             1,415             1,103

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......            6,390             4,975             3,872
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $        6,566    $        6,390    $        4,975
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........      444,440.696       333,810.100       276,930.635
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............      441,934.119       444,440.696       333,810.100

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    17.353869    $    16.785852    $    17.100659
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    14.181180    $    13.662210    $    13.807112

                                  69 (Cont'd)


                                                                      Janus Aspen Series
                                                                  Aggressive Growth Portfolio
                                                           2000              1999              1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $        2,456    $           98    $           --
 Reinvested capital gains .........................            1,144               168                --
 Administrative expenses ..........................             (161)              (76)               (7)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................            3,439               190                (7)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................              590               870                95
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................           (4,676)            9,113               317
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....           (4,086)            9,983               412
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........             (647)           10,173               405
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................            6,781             4,198               884
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....           16,311            11,069               194
 Policy loans .....................................             (262)             (153)               (4)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............               18                13                 2
 Surrenders .......................................             (515)             (111)              (15)
 Death benefits ...................................               (1)              (16)               --
 Cost of insurance charges ........................             (879)             (491)              (88)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................              (40)              (22)               (4)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................             (430)             (144)              (13)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................           20,983            14,343               956
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......           20,336            24,516             1,361

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......           26,141             1,625               264
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $       46,477    $       26,141    $        1,625
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........      790,834.555       110,510.717        24,053.408
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............    1,384,700.285       790,834.555       110,510.717

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    32.915314    $    32.536277    $    14.550679
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    33.688796    $    33.167484    $    14.714669

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                   CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY, Continued
       For the period ended June 30, 2000 and the years ended December 31,
                                  1999 and 1998
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                                      Janus Aspen Series
                                                                       Growth Portfolio
                                                           2000              1999              1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net Investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $          494    $           27    $           41
 Reinvested capital gains .........................              825                50                32
 Administrative expenses ..........................             (116)              (92)              (10)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................            1,203               (15)               63
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................              241             1,286               (16)
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................           (1,375)            3,062               541
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....           (1,134)            4,348               525
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........               69             4,333               588
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................            5,366             4,929             1,477
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....           11,501             6,660             2,294
 Policy loans .....................................             (102)              (44)                2
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............                5                 3                --
 Surrenders .......................................             (159)             (772)              (74)
 Death benefits ...................................               (7)              (13)               (8)
 Cost of insurance charges ........................             (668)             (669)             (132)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................              (30)              (19)               (2)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................             (302)             (147)              (22)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................           15,604             9,928             3,535
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......           15,673            14,261             4,123

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......           18,670             4,409               286
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $       34,343    $       18,670    $        4,409
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........      940,075.013       319,301.091        28,040.816
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............    1,700,118.341       940,075.013       319,301.091

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    19.776266    $    19.519150    $    13.665622
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    20.241075    $    19.898078    $    13.819668

                                   70 (Cont'd)


                                                                      Janus Aspen Series
                                                                 International Growth Portfolio
                                                           2000              1999              1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net Investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $           49    $           16    $           35
 Reinvested capital gains .........................               --                --                 5
 Administrative expenses ..........................              (70)              (55)              (16)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................              (21)              (39)               24
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................            4,951             1,568                52
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................           (4,190)            3,678               190
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....              761             5,246               242
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........              740             5,207               266
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................            2,696             2,432             1,711
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....            4,766             1,499               745
 Policy loans .....................................              (84)              (39)              (11)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............                8                 3                 1
 Surrenders .......................................             (113)              (81)              (18)
 Death benefits ...................................               (8)               (3)               --
 Cost of insurance charges ........................             (341)             (359)             (167)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................              (16)              (15)               (5)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................             (115)              (66)              (26)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................            6,793             3,371             2,230
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......            7,533             8,578             2,496

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......           11,918             3,340               844
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $       19,451    $       11,918    $        3,340
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........      580,535.174       296,248.488        87,549.532
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............      920,959.019       580,535.174       296,248.488

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    20.678426    $    20.176465    $    11.158415
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    21.164285    $    20.567965    $    11.284244

                                  70 (Cont'd)


                                                                      Janus Aspen Series
                                                                  Worldwide Growth Portfolio
                                                           2000              1999              1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net Investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $          227    $           56    $          210
 Reinvested capital gains .........................              678                --                81
 Administrative expenses ..........................             (257)             (270)              (57)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................              648              (214)              234
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................           11,510             3,533                99
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................          (11,104)           15,797             1,475
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....              406            19,330             1,574
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........            1,054            19,116             1,808
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................            8,017            12,515             7,344
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....            2,107            11,478             4,415
 Policy loans .....................................             (306)             (256)              (13)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............               12                11                 1
 Surrenders .......................................             (437)             (426)              (90)
 Death benefits ...................................              (51)             (148)              (53)
 Cost of insurance charges ........................           (1,379)           (1,904)             (755)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................              (45)              (43)              (12)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................             (419)             (348)             (106)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................            7,499            20,879            10,731
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......            8,553            39,995            12,539

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......           54,947            14,952             2,413
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $       63,500    $       54,947    $       14,952
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........    2,640,454.020     1,180,179.061       245,314.904
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............    2,991,316.883     2,640,454.020     1,180,179.061

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    20.795495    $    20.456930    $    12.539787
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    21.284076    $    20.853866    $    12.681124

                                   70 (Cont'd)


                                                                      Neuberger Berman
                                                                  Advisers Management Trust
                                                                Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio
                                                           2000              1999             1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net Investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $          208    $          115    $           79
 Reinvested capital gains .........................               --                --                --
 Administrative expenses ..........................              (13)              (23)               (9)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................              195                92                70
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................              (43)              (27)              (21)
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................             (101)              (49)                1
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....             (144)              (76)              (20)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........               51                16                50
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................              569             1,521             1,242
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....             (226)              133              (296)
 Policy loans .....................................               (5)              (61)               (2)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............                1                --                --
 Surrenders .......................................              (26)              (29)               (2)
 Death benefits ...................................               (3)              (14)               (5)
 Cost of insurance charges ........................              (88)             (170)              (94)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................               (3)               (6)               (2)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................              (38)              (36)              (11)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................              181             1,338               830
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......              232             1,354               880

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......            3,337             1,983             1,103
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $        3,569    $        3,337    $        1,983
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........      307,256.114       185,303.929       107,550.694
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............      322,400.667       307,256.114       185,303.929

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    10.817413    $    10.655507    $    10.584999
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    11.071868    $    10.862584    $    10.704404

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                   CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY, Continued
       For the period ended June 30, 2000 and the years ended December 31,
                                  1999 and 1998
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                                      Neuberger Berman
                                                                  Advisers Management Trust
                                                                     Partners Portfolio
                                                           2000              1999              1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $           68    $          120    $           11
 Reinvested capital gains .........................            1,442               208               342
 Administrative expenses ..........................              (37)              (83)              (45)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................            1,473               245               308
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................             (167)             (153)             (137)
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................           (1,394)              529              (164)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....           (1,561)              376              (301)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........              (88)              621                 7
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................            1,385             3,534             5,576
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....             (936)           (4,159)            3,196
 Policy loans .....................................               14               (66)              (55)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............                1                 2                 2
 Surrenders .......................................             (110)             (146)              (58)
 Death benefits ...................................               (6)              (15)               --
 Cost of insurance charges ........................             (252)             (653)             (518)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................               (8)              (18)              (11)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................              (57)              (93)              (64)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................               31            (1,614)            8,068
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......              (57)             (993)            8,075

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......            8,843             9,836             1,761
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $        8,786    $        8,843    $        9,836
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........      766,507.228       914,725.581       170,599.212
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............      765,752.416       766,507.228       914,725.581

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    11.226534    $    11.333244    $    10.640408
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    11.490558    $    11.553436    $    10.760407

                                   71 (Cont'd)


                                                                      Neuberger Berman
                                                                  Advisers Management Trust
                                                                Socially Responsive Portfolio
                                                           2000             1999             1998
                                                      -------------    -------------    -------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $          --    $          --    $          --
 Reinvested capital gains .........................               1               --               --
 Administrative expenses ..........................              --               --               --
                                                      -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................               1               --               --
                                                      -------------    -------------    -------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................              --               --               --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................              (4)               3               --
                                                      -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....              (4)               3               --
                                                      -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........              (3)               3               --
                                                      -------------    -------------    -------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................              44               23               --
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....              33               26               --
 Policy loans .....................................              --               --               --
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............              --               --               --
 Surrenders .......................................              (2)              --               --
 Death benefits ...................................              --               --               --
 Cost of insurance charges ........................              (4)              (3)              --
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................              (4)              (1)              --
 Monthly expense charges ..........................              (1)              --               --
                                                      -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................              66               45               --
                                                      -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......              63               48               --

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......              48               --               --
                                                      -------------    -------------    -------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $         111    $          48    $          --
                                                      =============    =============    =============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........       4,350.420               --               --
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............      10,830.038        4,350.420               --

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $          --    $          --    $          --
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $   10.250753    $   10.754901    $          --

                                   71 (Cont'd)


                                                              Pilgrim Variable Products Trust
                                                              Growth Opportunities Portfolio
                                                           2000             1999            1998
                                                      -------------    -------------   -------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $          --    $          --   $          --
 Reinvested capital gains .........................              --               --              --
 Administrative expenses ..........................              --               --              --
                                                      -------------    -------------   -------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................              --               --              --
                                                      -------------    -------------   -------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................              --               --              --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................              12               --              --
                                                      -------------    -------------   -------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....              12               --              --
                                                      -------------    -------------   -------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........              12               --              --
                                                      -------------    -------------   -------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................              24               --              --
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....             277               --              --
 Policy loans .....................................              --               --              --
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............              --               --              --
 Surrenders .......................................              --               --              --
 Death benefits ...................................              --               --              --
 Cost of insurance charges ........................              --               --              --
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................              (1)              --              --
 Monthly expense charges ..........................              --               --              --
                                                      -------------    -------------   -------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................             300               --              --
                                                      -------------    -------------   -------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......             312               --              --

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......              --               --              --
                                                      -------------    -------------   -------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $         312    $          --   $          --
                                                      =============    =============   =============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........              --               --              --
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............      28,990.006               --              --

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $          --    $          --   $          --
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $   10.760000    $          --   $          --

                                   71 (Cont'd)


                                                               Pilgrim Variable Products Trust
                                                                  Growth + Value Portfolio
                                                           2000              1999              1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $           --    $           --    $           --
 Reinvested capital gains .........................               --             1,025                14
 Administrative expenses ..........................              (46)              (25)               (8)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................              (46)            1,000                 6
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................              239               586                --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................              863               655               277
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....            1,102             1,241               277
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........            1,056             2,241               283
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................            2,193             1,278             1,061
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....            4,533             1,675                59
 Policy loans .....................................             (208)              (20)                4
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............                3                 1                --
 Surrenders .......................................              (42)              (23)               (4)
 Death benefits ...................................              (46)               --               (94)
 Cost of insurance charges ........................             (231)             (178)             (115)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................              (16)               (9)               (3)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................              (99)              (34)              (11)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................            6,087             2,690               897
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......            7,143             4,931             1,180

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......            6,776             1,845               665
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $       13,919    $        6,776    $        1,845
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........      286,240.204       151,938.013        65,399.595
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............      496,871.339       286,240.204       151,938.013

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    27.433750    $    23.255009    $    12.022926
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    28.078055    $    23.706151    $    12.158465

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                   CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY, Continued
       For the period ended June 30, 2000 and the years ended December 31,
                                  1999 and 1998
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                               Pilgrim Variable Products Trust
                                                                  High Yield Bond Portfolio
                                                           2000             1999            1998
                                                      -------------    -------------    -------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $          41    $          61    $          24
 Reinvested capital gains .........................              --               --                1
 Administrative expenses ..........................              (4)              (6)              (2)
                                                      -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................              37               55               23
                                                      -------------    -------------    -------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................             (16)              (4)             (43)
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................             (32)             (82)              11
                                                      -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....             (48)             (86)             (32)
                                                      -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........             (11)             (31)              (9)
                                                      -------------    -------------    -------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................             177              325              482
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....              14                7               35
 Policy loans .....................................               2               (3)               2
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............              --               --               --
 Surrenders .......................................              (6)              (2)              (1)
 Death benefits ...................................              --               --               (5)
 Cost of insurance charges ........................             (26)             (52)             (28)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................              (1)              (2)              (1)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................             (10)              (8)              (3)
                                                      -------------    -------------    -------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy owners'
    transactions ..................................             150              265              481
                                                      -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......             139              234              472

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......             763              529               57
                                                      -------------    -------------    -------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $         902    $         763    $         529
                                                      =============    =============    =============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........      75,420.881       50,566.068        5,488.146
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............      89,832.632       75,420.881       50,566.068

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    9.806376    $    9.937790    $   10.351379
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $   10.037062    $   10.130924    $   10.468149

                                   72 (Cont'd)


                                                               Pilgrim Variable Products Trust
                                                                International Value Portfolio
                                                           2000               1999              1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $           25    $           45    $           21
 Reinvested capital gains .........................               --               352                68
 Administrative expenses ..........................              (18)              (22)               (7)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................                7               375                82
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................              189               497                47
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................               60               344                33
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....              249               841                80
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........              256             1,216               162
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................              808             1,001               975
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....              904               229               218
 Policy loans .....................................              (16)              (16)               (4)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............                4                 3                 2
 Surrenders .......................................              (27)              (23)               (9)
 Death benefits ...................................               (8)              (13)               --
 Cost of insurance charges ........................              (97)             (153)              (96)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................               (4)               (6)               (3)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................              (41)              (27)              (11)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy owners'
    transactions ..................................            1,523               995             1,072
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......            1,779             2,211             1,234

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......            3,837             1,626               392
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $        5,616    $        3,837    $        1,626
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........      216,064.849       137,264.427        38,707.007
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............      308,399.138       216,064.849       137,264.427

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    17.823787    $    17.448357    $    11.712172
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    18.242730    $    17.787065    $    11.844211

                                   72 (Cont'd)


                                                              Pilgrim Variable Products Trust
                                                              MidCap Opportunities Portfolio
                                                           2000            1999           1998
                                                      -------------   -------------   -------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $          --   $          --   $          --
 Reinvested capital gains .........................              --              --              --
 Administrative expenses ..........................              --              --              --
                                                      -------------   -------------   -------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................              --              --              --
                                                      -------------   -------------   -------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................              --              --              --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................              --              --              --
                                                      -------------   -------------   -------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....              --              --              --
                                                      -------------   -------------   -------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........              --              --              --
                                                      -------------   -------------   -------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................               5              --              --
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....              24              --              --
 Policy loans .....................................              --              --              --
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............              --              --              --
 Surrenders .......................................              --              --              --
 Death benefits ...................................              --              --              --
 Cost of insurance charges ........................              --              --              --
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................              --              --              --
 Monthly expense charges ..........................              --              --              --
                                                      -------------   -------------   -------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy owners'
    transactions ..................................              29              --              --
                                                      -------------   -------------   -------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......              29              --              --

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......              --              --              --
                                                      -------------   -------------   -------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $          29   $          --   $          --
                                                      =============   =============   =============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........              --              --              --
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............       2,771.786              --              --

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $          --   $          --   $          --
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $   10.170000   $          --   $          --

                                   72 (Cont'd)


                                                              Pilgrim Variable Products Trust
                                                                    MagnaCap Portfolio
                                                           2000             1999             1998
                                                      --------------   --------------   --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $           --   $           --   $           --
 Reinvested capital gains .........................               --               --               --
 Administrative expenses ..........................               --               --               --
                                                      --------------   --------------   --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................               --               --               --
                                                      --------------   --------------   --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................               --               --               --
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................               --               --               --
                                                      --------------   --------------   --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....               --               --               --
                                                      --------------   --------------   --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........               --               --               --
                                                      --------------   --------------   --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................                1               --               --
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....               15               --               --
 Policy loans .....................................               --               --               --
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............               --               --               --
 Surrenders .......................................               --               --               --
 Death benefits ...................................               --               --               --
 Cost of insurance charges ........................               --               --               --
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................               --               --               --
 Monthly expense charges ..........................               --               --               --
                                                      --------------   --------------   --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy owners'
    transactions ..................................               16               --               --
                                                      --------------   --------------   --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......               16               --               --

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......               --               --               --
                                                      --------------   --------------   --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $           16   $           --   $           --
                                                      ==============   ==============   ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........               --               --               --
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............        1,570.550               --               --

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $           --   $           --   $           --
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $     9.980000   $           --   $           --

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                   CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY, Continued
       For the period ended June 30, 2000 and the years ended December 31,
                                  1999 and 1998
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                               Pilgrim Variable Products Trust
                                                               Research Enhanced Index Portfolio
                                                           2000              1999              1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $            3    $           36    $           77
 Reinvested capital gains .........................               --                --                --
 Administrative expenses ..........................               (9)              (15)               (7)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................               (6)               21                70
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................              (57)              (25)              (16)
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................              (26)              115               (56)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....              (83)               90               (72)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........              (89)              111                (2)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................              374               633               866
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....              (48)               (9)               58
 Policy loans .....................................               (9)              (18)               (5)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............                1                 1                --
 Surrenders .......................................              (10)              (17)              (13)
 Death benefits ...................................               --                (4)               --
 Cost of insurance charges ........................              (60)             (115)              (86)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................              (16)              (10)               (3)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................               (4)              (14)              (12)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................              228               447               805
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......              139               558               803

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......            1,950             1,392               589
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $        2,089    $        1,950    $        1,392
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........      128,528.216        96,571.672        41,273.079
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............      140,177.336       128,528.216        96,571.672

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    10.585234    $    10.808243    $    10.296187
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    15.043032    $    15.298625    $    14.457253

                                   73 (Cont'd)


                                                                 Pilgrim Variable Products Trust
                                                                SmallCap Opportunities Portfolio
                                                           2000               1999              1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $           --    $           --    $           58
 Reinvested capital gains .........................               --             1,382               107
 Administrative expenses ..........................              (79)              (40)              (11)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................              (79)            1,342               154
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................              195               473                10
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................              603             2,990               181
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....              798             3,463               191
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........              719             4,805               345
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................            2,981             1,278               990
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....           10,566             2,248                (2)
 Policy loans .....................................             (116)              (95)              (13)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............                2                 1                --
 Surrenders .......................................              (99)              (64)              (27)
 Death benefits ...................................               (1)               (5)               --
 Cost of insurance charges ........................             (378)             (255)             (179)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................             (111)              (17)               (1)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................              (43)              (40)              (30)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................           12,801             3,051               738
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......           13,520             7,856             1,083

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......           10,380             2,524             1,441
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $       23,900    $       10,380    $        2,524
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........      237,818.778       134,480.431        90,105.753
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............      508,458.445       237,818.778       134,480.431

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    31.236373    $    28.891610    $    12.082938
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    49.216542    $    45.340005    $    18.810805

                                   73 (Cont'd)


                                                                     OCC Accumulation Trust
                                                                       Equity Portfolio
                                                           2000              1999              1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $           15    $           13    $            3
 Reinvested capital gains .........................              193                59                12
 Administrative expenses ..........................               (8)              (14)               (5)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................              200                58                10
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................              (25)               19                 6
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................             (286)              (54)               46
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....             (311)              (35)               52
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........             (111)               23                62
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................              339               747               822
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....               82              (131)              297
 Policy loans .....................................               (9)               (4)                1
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............               --                --                --
 Surrenders .......................................              (27)              (12)              (10)
 Death benefits ...................................               --                (3)               --
 Cost of insurance charges ........................              (50)             (112)              (59)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................               (3)               (5)               (1)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................              (19)              (20)               (9)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................              313               460             1,041
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......              202               483             1,103

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......            1,794             1,311               208
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $        1,996    $        1,794    $        1,311
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........      146,392.070       109,118.612        19,312.138
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............      172,832.748       146,392.070       109,118.612

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    11.352171    $    12.099718    $    11.895001
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    11.619139    $    12.334780    $    12.029100

                                   73 (Cont'd)


                                                                     OCC Accumulation Trust
                                                                    Global Equity Portfolio
                                                           2000              1999              1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $           --    $           16    $            8
 Reinvested capital gains .........................               48               166                28
 Administrative expenses ..........................               (6)               (9)               (4)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................               42               173                32
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................              (10)              108                (5)
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................              (32)              (43)               22
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....              (42)               65                17
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........               --               238                49
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................              151               296               348
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....              332                43                86
 Policy loans .....................................               (6)              (10)               (2)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............               --                --                --
 Surrenders .......................................              (16)              (15)               (7)
 Death benefits ...................................               --               (15)               --
 Cost of insurance charges ........................              (26)              (55)              (39)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................               (1)               (2)               (1)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................               (9)              (10)               (5)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................              425               232               380
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......              425               470               429

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......            1,201               731               302
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $        1,626    $        1,201    $          731
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........       88,327.523        67,997.586        31,784.854
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............      120,082.600        88,327.523        67,997.586

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    13.262402    $    13.383356    $    10.662721
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    13.574249    $    13.643299    $    10.782965

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                   CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY, Continued
       For the period ended June 30, 2000 and the years ended December 31,
                                  1999 and 1998
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                                   OCC Accumulation Trust
                                                                      Managed Portfolio
                                                            2000              1999             1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $           71    $           84    $           17
 Reinvested capital gains .........................              394               188                56
 Administrative expenses ..........................              (22)              (48)              (24)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................              443               224                49
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................             (145)              (23)                2
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................             (499)               26                74
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....             (644)                3                76
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........             (201)              227               125
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................              720             2,406             3,191
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....             (484)           (2,222)            1,487
 Policy loans .....................................              (22)              (15)               (1)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............                2                 2                --
 Surrenders .......................................              (92)              (84)              (17)
 Death benefits ...................................               --               (13)              (76)
 Cost of insurance charges ........................             (149)             (375)             (294)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................               (4)               (8)               (4)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................              (43)              (58)              (32)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................              (72)             (367)            4,254
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
 Net additions (reductions) for the period ........             (273)             (140)            4,379

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......            5,388             5,528             1,149
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $        5,115    $        5,388    $        5,528
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........      471,347.494       507,204.969       112,854.997
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............      461,424.484       471,347.494       507,204.969

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    10.847995    $    11.226640    $    10.778607
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    11.103132    $    11.444770    $    10.900163

                                   74 (Cont'd)


                                                                 OCC Accumulation Trust
                                                                  Small Cap Portfolio
                                                        2000              1999              1998
                                                  --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income ...................   $           22    $           15    $            3
 Reinvested capital gains .....................               --                --                33
 Administrative expenses ......................              (16)              (25)              (10)
                                                  --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .........................                6               (10)               26
                                                  --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..............................               40               (62)              (13)
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..............................              434                66              (151)
                                                  --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .              474                 4              (164)
                                                  --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .....              480                (6)             (138)
                                                  --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .........................              676             1,581             1,525
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .             (854)              658               340
 Policy loans .................................              (29)              (23)               (4)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...........                1                 1                --
 Surrenders ...................................              (55)              (32)               (6)
 Death benefits ...............................               (9)               (1)               --
 Cost of insurance charges ....................             (106)             (221)             (140)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..............               (5)               (8)               (3)
 Monthly expense charges ......................              (40)              (38)              (18)
                                                  --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ......................             (421)            1,917             1,694
                                                  --------------    --------------    --------------
 Net additions (reductions) for the period ....               59             1,911             1,556

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ..            4,125             2,214               658
                                                  --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ......   $        4,184    $        4,125    $        2,214
                                                  ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ......      450,944.640       237,553.351        64,284.089
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..........      403,898.372       450,944.640       237,553.351

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..............................   $    10.134266    $     8.981750    $     9.223192
   Select*Life Series 2000 ....................   $    10.372730    $     9.156366    $     9.327299

                                   74 (Cont'd)


                                                                           Putnam VT
                                                                    Asia Pacific Growth Fund
                                                                        Class IA Shares
                                                            2000              1999             1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $          144    $           --    $          105
 Reinvested capital gains .........................               --                --                --
 Administrative expenses ..........................              (17)              (29)              (18)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................              127               (29)               87
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................               61                30                (4)
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................           (1,214)            2,591              (145)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....           (1,153)            2,621              (149)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........           (1,026)            2,592               (62)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................                1               303             1,150
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....              (83)             (810)             (206)
 Policy loans .....................................              (41)              (40)              (14)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............               --                --                 1
 Surrenders .......................................              (38)             (106)              (51)
 Death benefits ...................................               --                --                (1)
 Cost of insurance charges ........................              (67)             (166)             (183)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................               (1)               (3)               (1)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................              (10)              (27)              (32)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................             (239)             (849)              663
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
 Net additions (reductions) for the period ........           (1,265)            1,743               601

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......            4,602             2,859             2,258
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $        3,337    $        4,602    $        2,859
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........      246,200.626       317,373.587       236,947.013
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............      230,105.659       246,200.626       317,373.587

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $           --    $           --    $           --
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    14.500584    $    18.686981    $     9.003039

                                   74 (Cont'd)


                                                                           Putnam VT
                                                                     Diversified Income Fund
                                                                        Class IA Shares
                                                           2000               1999             1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $          128    $          163    $           88
 Reinvested capital gains .........................               --                --                37
 Administrative expenses ..........................               (7)              (18)              (18)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................              121               145               107
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................              (24)              (78)               18
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................              (84)              (49)             (182)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....             (108)             (127)             (164)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........               13                18               (57)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................               --               254               895
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....             (135)             (800)              (71)
 Policy loans .....................................              (22)              (10)              (10)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............               --                --                 1
 Surrenders .......................................              (26)              (58)              (53)
 Death benefits ...................................               --                (9)               (1)
 Cost of insurance charges ........................              (36)             (122)             (166)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................               (1)               (3)               (1)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................               (5)              (16)              (24)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................             (225)             (764)              570
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
 Net additions (reductions) for the period ........             (212)             (746)              513

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......            1,765             2,511             1,998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $        1,553    $        1,765    $        2,511
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........      132,402.534       191,652.487       150,285.794
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............      114,991.364       132,402.534       191,652.487

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    13.370554    $    13.253124    $    13.128436
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    13.511767    $    13.339586    $    13.108403

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND
                   CHANGES IN POLICYOWNERS' EQUITY, Continued
       For the period ended June 30, 2000 and the years ended December 31,
                                  1999 and 1998
                      (In Thousands, Except Value Per Unit)

                                                                            Putnam VT
                                                                      Growth and Income Fund
                                                                         Class IA Shares
                                                            2000               1999               1998
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $           696    $           492    $           458
 Reinvested capital gains .........................             3,276              2,457              2,991
 Administrative expenses ..........................              (160)              (331)              (201)
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................             3,812              2,618              3,248
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................                62                685                435
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................            (5,169)            (3,184)               243
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....            (5,107)            (2,499)               678
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........            (1,295)               119              3,926
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................             4,059              9,574             10,650
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....            (1,502)            (1,854)            (1,739)
 Policy loans .....................................              (293)              (375)              (145)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............                18                 16                 10
 Surrenders .......................................              (458)              (812)              (753)
 Death benefits ...................................               (28)               (25)              (129)
 Cost of insurance charges ........................              (891)            (2,089)            (2,010)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................               (90)               (58)               (14)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................              (145)              (340)              (333)
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................               670              4,037              5,537
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......              (625)             4,156              9,463

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......            37,818             33,662             24,199
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $        37,193    $        37,818    $        33,662
                                                      ===============    ===============    ===============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........     1,559,790.647      1,409,556.585      1,169,049.817
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............     1,580,391.783      1,559,790.647      1,409,556.585

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $     22.901305    $     23.687497    $     23.505531
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $     23.579576    $     24.291674    $     23.912286

                                   75 (Cont'd)


                                                                            Putnam VT
                                                                      New Opportunities Fund
                                                                         Class IA Shares
                                                            2000               1999               1998
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $            --    $            --    $            --
 Reinvested capital gains .........................             4,868                490                353
 Administrative expenses ..........................              (282)              (352)              (175)
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................             4,586                138                178
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................               439              1,400                416
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................            (1,325)            22,263              5,506
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....              (886)            23,663              5,922
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........             3.700             23,801              6,100
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................             5,202             10,067             11,786
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....             1,589             (4,660)            (1,903)
 Policy loans .....................................              (472)              (408)              (121)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............                12                 12                  4
 Surrenders .......................................              (793)            (1,076)              (683)
 Death benefits ...................................               (11)               (34)               (44)
 Cost of insurance charges ........................            (1,385)            (2,385)            (2,195)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................              (102)               (40)                (5)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................              (251)              (442)              (412)
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................             3,789              1,034              6,427
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......             7,489             24,835             12,527

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......            59,286             34,451             21,924
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $        66,775    $        59,286    $        34,451
                                                      ===============    ===============    ===============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........     1,537,759.325      1,513,397.971      1,197,940.702
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............     1,626,720.038      1,537,759.325      1,513,397.971

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $            --    $            --    $            --
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $     41.046891    $     38.550963    $     22.763799

                                   75 (Cont'd)


                                                                           Putnam VT
                                                                Utilities Growth and Income Fund
                                                                        Class IA Shares
                                                           2000               1999              1998
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $           92    $          106    $           87
 Reinvested capital gains .........................              162               112               149
 Administrative expenses ..........................              (12)              (32)              (24)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................              242               186               212
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................               74               279               149
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................             (264)             (518)              100
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....             (190)             (239)              249
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........               52               (53)              461
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................               (2)              429             1,035
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....             (245)             (869)              108
 Policy loans .....................................              (45)              (43)              (34)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............                0                 1                 2
 Surrenders .......................................              (39)             (130)              (96)
 Death benefits ...................................               (2)              (10)               (4)
 Cost of insurance charges ........................              (68)             (214)             (237)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................               (2)               (7)               (3)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................               (9)              (33)              (37)
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................             (412)             (876)              734
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......             (360)             (929)            1,195

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......            3,037             3,966             2,771
                                                      --------------    --------------    --------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $        2,677    $        3,037    $        3,966
                                                      ==============    ==============    ==============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........      146,646.122       190,123.952       152,514.030
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............      126,313.316       146,646.122       190,123.952

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $    21.046427    $    20.642919    $    20.947449
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $    21.213392    $    20.723572    $    20.861089

                                   75 (Cont'd)


                                                                             Putnam VT
                                                                           Voyager Fund
                                                                          Class IA Shares
                                                            2000               1999               1998
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
Net investment income:
 Reinvested dividend income .......................   $            43    $            95    $           144
 Reinvested capital gains .........................            18,112              7,611              3,517
 Administrative expenses ..........................              (632)              (863)              (470)
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net investment income (loss)
    and capital gains .............................            17,523              6,843              3,191
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------

Realized and unrealized gains (losses):
 Net realized gains (losses) on redemptions
  of fund shares ..................................             1,486              2,077                915
 Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation
  of investments ..................................           (17,660)            41,058             10,198
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) .....           (16,174)            43,135             11,113
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Additions (reductions) from operations .........             1,349             49,978             14,304
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------

Policy Owners' transactions:
 Net premium payments .............................            11,357             22,760             22,816
 Transfers between funds and/or fixed account .....              (573)            (2,189)            (1,602)
 Policy loans .....................................            (1,296)            (1,072)              (428)
 Loan collateral interest crediting ...............                45                 47                 27
 Surrenders .......................................            (2,071)            (2,679)            (2,127)
 Death benefits ...................................              (184)               (72)              (170)
 Cost of insurance charges ........................            (3,092)            (5,408)            (4,567)
 Death benefit guarantee charges ..................              (234)              (124)               (27)
 Monthly expense charges ..........................              (536)              (947)              (839)
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Additions (reductions) for policy
    owners' transactions ..........................             3,416             10,316             13,083
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
   Net additions (reductions) for the period ......             4,765             60,294             27,387

Policy Owners' Equity, beginning of the year ......           140,948             80,654             53,267
                                                      ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
Policy Owners' Equity, end of the period ..........   $       145,713    $       140,948    $        80,654
                                                      ===============    ===============    ===============

Units Outstanding, beginning of the year ..........     3,503,220.110      3,169,909.581      2,601,649.957
Units Outstanding, end of the period ..............     3,573,460.130      3,503,220.110      3,169,909.581

Net Asset Value per Unit:
   Select*Life I ..................................   $     40.292358    $     39.904396    $     25.423734
   Select*Life Series 2000 ........................   $     40.814162    $     40.259562    $     25.445248

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

   ReliaStar Select*Life Variable Account (the "Account") is a separate account
   of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company ("ReliaStar Life"), a wholly owned
   subsidiary of ReliaStar Financial Corp. The Account is registered as a unit
   investment trust under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

   Payments received under the polices are allocated to sub-accounts of the
   Account, each of which is invested in one of the following funds during the

   The Alger American Fund           Fidelity's VIP                        Fidelity's VIP II
   -----------------------           --------------                        -----------------
   Growth Portfolio                  Equity-Income Portfolio --            Asset Manager Portfolio -- IC Shares
   Leveraged AllCap Portfolio         IC Shares                            Contrafund Portfolio -- IC Shares
   MidCap Growth Portfolio           Growth Portfolio -- IC Shares         Index 500 Portfolio -- IC Shares
   Small Capitalization Portfolio    High Income Portfolio -- IC Shares    Investment Grade Bond Portfolio --
                                     Money Market Portfolio --              IC Shares
                                      IC Shares
                                     Overseas Portfolio -- IC Shares

   Janus Aspen Series              Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust     OCC Accumulation Trust
   ------------------              ------------------------------------------     -------------------------------
   Aggressive Growth Portfolio     AMT Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio            Equity Portfolio
   Growth Portfolio                AMT Partners Portfolio                         Global Equity Portfolio
   International Growth            AMT Socially Responsive Portfolio              Managed Portfolio
    Portfolio                                                                     Small Capitalization Portfolio
   Worldwide Growth Portfolio

   AIM Variable Insurance Fund

   Dent Demographic Trends Fund

   Pilgrim Variable Products Trust      Putnam Variable Trust
   -------------------------------      ---------------------
   Growth Opportunities Portfolio       Putnam VT Asia Pacific Growth Fund -- Class IA Shares
   Growth + Value Portfolio             Putnam VT Diversified Income Fund -- Class IA Shares
   High Yield Bond Portfolio            Putnam VT Growth and Income Fund -- Class IA Shares
   International Value Portfolio        Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund -- Class IA Shares
   MagnaCap Portfolio                   Putnam VT Utilities Growth and Income Fund -- Class IA Shares
   MidCap Opportunities Portfolio       Putnam VT Voyager Fund -- Class IA Shares
   Research Enhanced Index Portfolio
   SmallCap Opportunities Portfolio

   Fred Alger Management, Inc. is the investment adviser for the four portfolios
   of The Alger American Fund and is paid fees for its services by The Alger
   American Fund Portfolios. Fidelity Management & Research Company is the
   investment adviser for Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund (VIP) and
   Variable Insurance Products Fund II (VIP II) and is paid for its services by
   the VIP and VIP II Portfolios. Janus Capital Corporation is the investment
   adviser for the four portfolios of Janus Aspen Series and is paid fees for
   its services by the Janus Aspen Series Portfolios. Neuberger Berman
   Management, Inc. is the investment manager for the three portfolios of the
   Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust and is paid fees for its services
   by the Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust Portfolios. Pilgrim
   Advisors, Inc., an affiliate of ReliaStar Life, is the investment adviser for
   the eight Pilgrim Variable Products Trust Portfolios and is paid fees for its
   services by the Portfolios. OpCap Advisors is the investment adviser for the
   four Portfolios of the OCC Accumulation Trust and is paid fees for its
   services by the OCC Accumulation Trust Funds. Putnam Investment Management,
   Inc. is the investment adviser for Putnam Variable Trust and is paid fees for
   its services by Putnam Variable Trust. Further information is contained in
   the related funds' prospectuses. AIM Advisors, Inc. is the investment adviser
   for the AIM VI Dent Demographics Trends Fund and is paid fees for its
   services by the fund.

   Fidelity VIP II Contrafund Portfolio is a registered trademark of FMMR

   On August 8, 1997, sub-accounts investing in Northstar Galaxy Trust Growth +
   Value Portfolio, Northstar Galaxy Trust High Yield Bond Portfolio, Northstar
   Galaxy Trust International Value Portfolio, The Alger American Fund, Janus
   Aspen Series, OCC Accumulation Trust, and Neuberger Berman Advisers
   Management Trust were made available to Select*Life policies.

   On July 29, 1998, Northstar Variable Trust Portfolio changed its name to
   Northstar Galaxy Trust Portfolio (GT). Also on July 29, 1998, the Northstar
   Variable Trust Growth Portfolio changed its name to Northstar Galaxy Trust
   Growth + Value Portfolio.



   On November 9, 1998, Northstar Galaxy Trust Income and Growth Portfolio
   changed its name to Northstar Galaxy Trust Emerging Growth Portfolio.

   On April 8, 1999, shareholders of the Northstar Galaxy Trust Multi-Sector
   Bond Portfolio approved a proposal to modify the investment objective of the
   Portfolio from the objective of seeking to maximize income consistent with
   the preservation of capital to the objective of seeking capital appreciation.
   Also on April 8, 1999, the name of the Portfolio was changed to Northstar
   Galaxy Trust Research Enhanced Index Portfolio to better reflect the
   Portfolio's investment objective.

   On April 30, 1999, sub-accounts investing in Neuberger Berman Advisers
   Management Trust Socially Responsive Portfolio were made available to
   Select*Life policies.

   On April 30, 1999, Fidelity VIP Overseas Portfolio, Fidelity VIP II Asset
   Manager Portfolio, Putnam VT Asia Pacific Growth Fund, Putnam VT Diversified
   Income Fund and Putnam VT Utilities Growth and Income Fund were closed to new
   premium and transfers.

   On November 1, 1999, Northstar Investment Management Corporation changed its
   name to Pilgrim Advisors, Inc. Substantially the same personnel are
   performing the investment advisory services on behalf of Pilgrim Advisors,

   On April 28, 2000, Pilgrim Advisors, Inc. merged with Pilgrim Investments,

   ReliaStar Financial Corp. ("ReliaStar"), the parent company of ReliaStar Life
   Insurance Company ("ReliaStar Life"), has entered into an Agreement and Plan
   of Merger dated as of April 30, 2000 (the "Agreement"), with ING Groep N.V.
   ("ING") and ING America Insurance Holdings, Inc. The Agreement provides for
   the acquisition of ReliaStar and its subsidiaries by ING. The acquisition is
   expected to be complete in the third quarter of 2000. The completion of the
   transaction is subject to various contingencies and to the receipt of all
   regulatory and shareholders approvals. Following the completion of the
   transaction, ReliaStar Life will continue to be responsible for all contracts
   issued by it.

   On May 1, 2000, Northstar Galaxy Trust Portfolio changed its name to Pilgrim
   Variable Products Trust Portfolio (VP). Also on May 1, 2000, the Northstar
   Galaxy Trust Emerging Growth Portfolio and the Northstar Galaxy Trust Growth
   and Value Portfolio changed their names to Pilgrim VP SmallCap Opportunities
   Portfolio and Pilgrim VP Growth + Value Portfolio, respectively. In addition,
   sub-accounts investing in Pilgrim VP MagnaCap Portfolio, Pilgrim VP Growth
   Opportunities Portfolio, Pilgrim VP MidCap Opportunities Portfolio, Alger
   Leveraged AllCap Portfolio and AIM VI Dent Demographic Trends Fund were made
   available to purchasers of ReliaStar Life's Select*Life Variable Account.

   value of investments in the sub-accounts is based on the closing net asset
   values of the fund shares held at the end of the year. Investment
   transactions are accounted for on the trade date (date the order to purchase
   or redeem is executed) and dividend income and capital gain distributions are
   recorded on the ex-dividend date. Net realized gains and losses on
   redemptions of shares of the funds are determined on the basis of specific
   identification of fund share costs.

   Under current tax law, the income, gains, and losses from the separate
   account investments are not taxable to either the Account or ReliaStar Life.

   ReliaStar Life makes certain charges to Policy Owners' Variable Accumulation
   Values in the Account in accordance with the terms of the policies. These
   charges are set forth in the policies and may include: cost of insurance;
   monthly expense charge; death benefit guarantee charge; optional insurance
   benefit charges; and surrender charges and sales charge refunds.



   For the period ended June 30, 2000, investment activity in the funds was as
   follows (in thousands):

                                                                       COST OF       PROCEEDS
   INVESTING FUND                                                     PURCHASES     FROM SALES
   --------------                                                     ---------     ----------
   The Alger American Fund:
    Alger American Growth Portfolio ...............................    $ 22,956      $  9,511
    Alger American Leveraged AllCap Portfolio .....................         340            --
    Alger American MidCap Growth Portfolio ........................       9,541         6,105
    Alger American Small Capitalization Portfolio .................      23,348        18,787
   AIM Variable Insurance Funds:
    AIM V.I. Dent Demographics Trends Fund ........................         651            29
   Fidelity's VIP:
    VIP Equity-Income Portfolio -- IC Shares ......................      34,865        32,277
    VIP Growth Portfolio -- IC Shares .............................      26,801         6,697
    VIP High Income Portfolio -- IC Shares ........................       8,743         8,492
    VIP Money Market Portfolio -- IC Shares .......................     200,639       196,467
    VIP Overseas Portfolio -- IC Shares ...........................       2,885         2,558
   Fidelity's VIP II:
    VIP II Asset Manager Portfolio -- IC Shares ...................       4,016         3,721
    VIP II Contrafund Portfolio -- IC Shares . ....................      15,212         5,590
    VIP II Index 500 Portfolio -- IC Shares .......................       9,503         6,014
    VIP II Investment Grade Bond Portfolio -- IC Shares ...........       4,819         4,442
   Janus Aspen Series:
    Aggressive Growth Portfolio ...................................      31,367         6,905
    Growth Portfolio ..............................................      18,031         1,234
    International Growth Portfolio ................................      62,644        55,832
    Worldwide Growth Portfolio ....................................      48,695        40,545
   Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust:
    AMT Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio ...........................       1,807         1,431
    AMT Partners Portfolio ........................................       2,274           770
    AMT Socially Responsive Portfolio .............................          76             8
   Pilgrim Variable Products Trust:
    Pilgrim VP Growth Opportunities Portfolio .....................         321            22
    Pilgrim VP Growth + Value Portfolio ...........................       9,126         3,085
    Pilgrim VP High Yield Bond Portfolio ..........................         334           166
    Pilgrim VP International Value Portfolio ......................      23,749        22,219
    Pilgrim VP MagnaCap Portfolio .................................          16            --
    Pilgrim VP MidCap Portfolio ...................................          40            12
    Pilgrim VP Research Enhanced Index Portfolio ..................       2,084         1,862
    Pilgrim VP SmallCap Opportunities Portfolio ...................      22,872        10,126
   OCC Accumulation Trust:
    Equity Portfolio ..............................................       1,393           879
    Global Equity Portfolio .......................................       5,700         5,234
    Managed Portfolio .............................................       1,630         1,259
    Small Cap Portfolio ...........................................       9,946        10,363
   Putnam Variable Trust:
    Putnam VT Asia Pacific Growth Fund -- Class IA Shares .........         143           252
    Putnam VT Diversified Income Fund -- Class IA Shares ..........         128           233
    Putnam VT Growth and Income Fund -- Class IA Shares ...........       7,701         3,221
    Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund -- Class IA Shares ...........      12,989         4,621
    Putnam VT Utilities Growth and Income Fund -- Class IA
     Shares .......................................................         273           444
    Putnam VT Voyager Fund -- Class IA Shares .....................      24,823         3,874
                                                                       --------      --------
    Total .........................................................    $652,481      $475,287
                                                                       ========      ========



Board of Directors and Shareholder
ReliaStar Life Insurance Company
(A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of ReliaStar Financial Corp.)
Minneapolis, Minnesota

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of ReliaStar Life
Insurance Company and Subsidiaries (the Company) as of December 31, 1999 and
1998, and the related statements of income, shareholder's equity and
comprehensive income, and cash flows for each of the two years in the period
ended December 31, 1999. These financial statements are the responsibility of
the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of ReliaStar Life
Insurance Company and Subsidiaries as of December 31, 1999 and 1998 and the
results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the two years in
the period ended December 31, 1999 in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles.

Minneapolis, Minnesota
February 1, 2000



DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                                              1999             1998
- -------------------------------------------------------------   -----------      -----------
Fixed Maturity Securities (Amortized Cost: 1999, $11,223.6;
 1998, $11,106.5) ..........................................    $  11,009.3      $  11,609.9
Equity Securities (Cost: 1999, $42.7; 1998, $48.1) .........           42.7             49.1
Mortgage Loans on Real Estate ..............................        2,309.7          2,154.8
Real Estate and Leases .....................................           20.6             53.3
Policy Loans ...............................................          739.9            702.3
Other Invested Assets ......................................           88.1            113.5
Short-Term Investments .....................................          136.0            116.0
- -------------------------------------------------------------   -----------      -----------
TOTAL INVESTMENTS ..........................................       14,346.3         14,798.9

Cash .......................................................           33.2               --
Accounts and Notes Receivable ..............................          260.8            245.1
Reinsurance Receivable .....................................          605.4            417.7
Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs ..........................        1,479.0          1,215.5
Present Value of Future Profits ............................          434.6            422.5
Property and Equipment, Net ................................          118.8            110.0
Accrued Investment Income ..................................          197.0            195.8
Other Assets ...............................................          282.0            272.0
Participation Fund Account Assets ..........................          310.9            311.6
Assets Held in Separate Accounts ...........................        6,196.7          4,310.6
- -------------------------------------------------------------   -----------      -----------
TOTAL ASSETS ...............................................    $  24,264.7      $  22,299.7
=============================================================   ===========      ===========

Future Policy and Contract Benefits ........................    $  13,671.4      $  13,519.8
Pending Policy Claims ......................................          584.2            431.8
Other Policyholder Funds ...................................          354.3            304.6
Notes and Mortgages Payable -- Unaffiliated ................            8.0              8.2
Note Payable -- Parent .....................................          100.0            100.0
Income Taxes ...............................................          117.3            225.4
Other Liabilities ..........................................          548.8            529.8
Participation Fund Account Liabilities .....................          310.9            311.6
Liabilities Related to Separate Accounts ...................        6,191.2          4,305.1
- -------------------------------------------------------------   -----------      -----------
TOTAL LIABILITIES ..........................................       21,886.1         19,736.3
- -------------------------------------------------------------   -----------      -----------

Common Stock (Shares Issued: 2.0) ..........................            2.5              2.5
Additional Paid-In Capital .................................        1,057.4          1,057.4
Retained Earnings ..........................................        1,427.6          1,242.7
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) ..............         (108.9)           260.8
- -------------------------------------------------------------   -----------      -----------
TOTAL SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY .................................        2,378.6          2,563.4
- -------------------------------------------------------------   -----------      -----------
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY .................    $  24,264.7      $  22,299.7
=============================================================   ===========      ===========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial



YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                                     1999            1998
- ----------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------
Premiums ......................................................    $  1,186.6      $  1,007.9
Net Investment Income .........................................       1,102.4         1,109.8
Realized Investment Gains (Losses), Net .......................          (7.8)           17.3
Policy and Contract Charges ...................................         454.5           427.6
Other Income ..................................................          43.7            73.7
- ----------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------
TOTAL .........................................................       2,779.4         2,636.3
- ----------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------

Benefits to Policyholders .....................................       1,712.7         1,549.4
Sales and Operating Expenses ..................................         434.3           473.9
Amortization of Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs and
 Present Value of Future Profits ..............................         185.5           192.4
Interest Expense ..............................................           6.7             6.9
Dividends and Experience Refunds to Policyholders .............          28.1            29.4
- ----------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------
TOTAL .........................................................       2,367.3         2,252.0
- ----------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------
Income from Continuing Operations Before Income Taxes .........         412.1           384.3
Income Tax Expense ............................................         145.2           136.4
- ----------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------
INCOME FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS .............................         266.9           247.9
Loss from Discontinued Operations, Net of Tax .................            --            (7.2)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------
NET INCOME ....................................................    $    266.9      $    240.7
================================================================   ==========      ==========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial



                                           Shareholder's Equity        Comprehensive Income
                                          -----------------------     ----------------------
YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)           1999          1998         1999          1998
- ---------------------------------------   ---------     ---------     --------      --------
Beginning and End of Year ............    $     2.5     $     2.5
- ---------------------------------------   ---------     ---------

Beginning and End of Year ............      1,057.4       1,057.4
- ---------------------------------------   ---------     ---------

Beginning of Year ....................      1,242.7       1,090.0
Net Income ...........................        266.9         240.7     $  266.9      $  240.7
Dividends to Shareholder .............        (82.0)        (88.0)
- ---------------------------------------   ---------     ---------
 End of Year .........................      1,427.6       1,242.7
- ---------------------------------------   ---------     ---------

Beginning of Year ....................        260.8         226.1
Change for the Year ..................       (369.7)         34.7       (369.7)         34.7
- ---------------------------------------   ---------     ---------
 End of Year .........................       (108.9)        260.8
- ---------------------------------------   ---------     ---------     --------      --------
COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS) ..........                                $ (102.8)     $  275.4
=======================================   =========     =========     ========      ========
TOTAL SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY ...........    $ 2,378.6     $ 2,563.4
=======================================   =========     =========     ========      ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial



YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                                                1999            1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------
Net Income ...............................................................    $    266.9      $    240.7
Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to Net
 Cash Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities
   Interest Credited to Insurance Contracts ..............................         564.1           586.8
   Future Policy Benefits ................................................        (699.0)         (685.6)
   Capitalization of Policy Acquisition Costs ............................        (290.9)         (258.7)
   Amortization of Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs and
    Present Value of Future Profits ......................................         185.5           192.4
   Deferred Income Taxes .................................................          48.1            15.5
   Net Change in Receivables and Payables ................................          62.0            14.0
   Other Assets ..........................................................         (11.2)          295.4
   Realized Investment (Gains) Losses, Net ...............................           7.8           (17.3)
   Other .................................................................         (24.4)          (20.9)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------
 Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities ...............................         108.9           362.3
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------

Proceeds from Sales of Fixed Maturity Securities .........................         951.3           535.8
Proceeds from Maturities or Repayment of Fixed Maturity Securities .......       1,374.6         1,096.6
Cost of Fixed Maturity Securities Acquired ...............................      (2,438.5)       (2,062.9)
Sales (Purchases) of Equity Securities, Net ..............................           5.5           (27.4)
Proceeds of Mortgage Loans Sold, Matured or Repaid .......................         340.7           654.4
Cost of Mortgage Loans Acquired ..........................................        (497.5)         (539.9)
Sales of Real Estate and Leases, Net .....................................          41.4            23.7
Policy Loans Issued, Net .................................................         (37.6)          (39.0)
Sales (Purchases) of Other Invested Assets, Net ..........................          (8.3)            7.1
Sales (Purchases) of Short-Term Investments, Net .........................         (20.0)           14.3
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------
 Net Cash Used in Investing Activities ...................................        (288.4)         (337.3)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------

Deposits to Insurance Contracts ..........................................       1,678.0         1,634.9
Maturities and Withdrawals from Insurance Contracts ......................      (1,383.1)       (1,350.9)
Increase in Notes and Mortgages Payable ..................................            --            24.0
Repayment of Notes and Mortgages Payable .................................           (.2)         (268.5)
Dividends to Shareholder .................................................         (82.0)          (88.0)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------
 Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Financing Activities .....................         212.7           (48.5)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------
Increase (Decrease) in Cash ..............................................          33.2           (23.5)
Cash at Beginning of Year ................................................            --            23.5
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------
Cash at End of Year ......................................................    $     33.2      $       --
===========================================================================   ==========      ==========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial




ReliaStar Life Insurance Company (ReliaStar Life or the Company) is principally
engaged in the business of providing life insurance and related financial
services products. The Company provides and distributes individual life
insurance and annuities; employee benefit products and services; retirement
plans and life and health reinsurance. The Company operates primarily in the
United States and, through its subsidiaries, is authorized to conduct business
in all 50 states.

The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and
its subsidiaries and exclude the effects of all material intercompany

ReliaStar Life is a wholly owned subsidiary of ReliaStar Financial Corp.
(ReliaStar). ReliaStar Life's principal subsidiaries are Northern Life Insurance
Company (Northern), Security-Connecticut Life Insurance Company
(Security-Connecticut), ReliaStar Life Insurance Company of New York (RLNY) and
ReliaStar Reinsurance Group (UK), Ltd. Effective December 31, 1998, ReliaStar
United Services Life Insurance Company, an affiliate, merged with and into
ReliaStar Life.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of
contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and
the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period.
Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Fixed maturity securities (bonds and redeemable preferred stocks) are classified
as available-for-sale and are carried at fair value.

Equity securities (common stocks and nonredeemable preferred stocks) are carried
at fair value.

Mortgage loans on real estate are carried at amortized cost less an impairment
allowance for estimated uncollectible amounts.

Investment real estate owned directly by the Company is carried at cost less
accumulated depreciation and allowances for estimated losses. Investments in
real estate joint ventures are accounted for using the equity method. Real
estate acquired through foreclosure is carried at the lower of fair value less
estimated costs to sell or cost.

Short-term investments are carried at amortized cost, which approximates fair

Unrealized investment gains and losses on equity securities and fixed maturity
securities, net of related deferred policy acquisition costs (DAC), present
value of future profits (PVFP) and tax effects, are accounted for as a direct
increase or decrease to the accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)
component of shareholder's equity.

Realized investment gains and losses enter into the determination of net income.
Realized investment gains and losses on sales of securities are determined on
the specific identification method. Write-offs of investments that decline in
value below cost on other than a temporary basis and the change in the allowance
for mortgage loans and wholly owned real estate are included with realized
investment gains and losses in the Consolidated Statements of Income.

The Company records write-offs or allowances for its investments based upon an
evaluation of specific problem investments. The Company periodically reviews all
invested assets (including marketable bonds, private placements, mortgage loans
and real estate investments) to identify investments where the Company has
credit concerns. Investments with credit concerns include those the Company has
identified as problem investments, which are issues delinquent in a required
payment of principal or interest, issues in bankruptcy or foreclosure and
restructured or foreclosed assets. The Company also


identifies investments as potential problem investments, which are investments
where the Company has serious doubts as to the ability of the borrowers to
comply with the present loan repayment terms.

Interest rate swap agreements are used as hedges for asset/liability management
of adjustable rate and short-term invested assets. The Company does not enter
into any interest rate swap agreements for trading purposes. The interest rate
swap transactions involve the exchange of fixed and floating rate interest
payments without the exchange of underlying principal amounts and do not contain
other optional provisions. The Company utilizes the settlement method of
accounting for its interest rate swap agreements whereby the difference between
amounts paid and amounts received or accrued on interest rate swap agreements is
reflected in net investment income.

The characteristics (notional amount, maturity and payment dates) of the
interest rate swap agreements are similar to the characteristics of the
designated hedged assets. Interest rate swaps are carried at fair value, and
changes in fair value are recorded as a direct increase or decrease in the
accumulated other comprehensive income component of shareholder's equity. In the
event an interest rate swap agreement would cease to qualify for hedge
accounting, changes in fair value of the affected swap would be recorded as
income or expense. There were no terminations of interest rate swap agreements
during 1999 and 1998.

Equity index call options are tied to the performance of the S&P 500 Index and
are used for asset/liability management of equity indexed annuity products. The
Company does not purchase options for trading purposes. The notional amounts and
other characteristics of the options correspond to the characteristics of
obligations to policyholders for deposits received on equity indexed annuities.
The change in the fair value of the call options approximates the change in the
corresponding equity indexed annuity account value. The call options are carried
at fair value, and changes in fair value are recorded as income or expense,
consistent with the equity indexed annuity products.

Those costs of acquiring new business, which vary with and are primarily related
to the production of new business, have been deferred to the extent that such
costs are deemed recoverable. Such costs include commissions, certain costs of
policy issuance and underwriting and certain variable agency expenses.

Costs deferred related to traditional life insurance products are amortized over
the premium paying period of the related policies, in proportion to the ratio of
annual premium revenues to total anticipated premium revenues. Such anticipated
premium revenues are estimated using the same assumptions used for computing
liabilities for future policy benefits.

Costs deferred related to universal life-type policies and investment contracts
are amortized over the lives of the policies, in relation to the present value
of estimated gross profits from mortality, investment, surrender and expense

The present value of future profits reflects the estimated fair value of
acquired insurance business in force and represents the portion of the
acquisition cost that was allocated to the value of future cash flows from
insurance contracts existing at the date of acquisition. Such value is the
present value of the actuarially determined projected net cash flows from the
acquired insurance contracts. PVFP is amortized over the lives of the acquired
insurance business in force in a manner consistent with amortization of policy
acquisition costs.


An analysis of the PVFP asset account is presented below:

(IN MILLIONS)                                                1999          1998
- ------------------------------------------------------   --------      --------
Balance, Beginning of Year ..........................    $  422.5      $  480.0
Acquisition .........................................          --          (7.3)
Imputed Interest ....................................        26.9          31.0
Amortization ........................................       (77.5)        (90.1)
Impact of Net Unrealized Investment Losses ..........        62.7           8.9
- ------------------------------------------------------   --------      --------
BALANCE, END OF YEAR ................................    $  434.6      $  422.5
======================================================   ========      ========

Based on current conditions and assumptions as to future events on acquired
policies in force, the Company expects that the net amortization of the December
31, 1999, PVFP balance will be between 6% and 9% in each of the years 2000
through 2004. The interest rates used to determine the amount of imputed
interest on the unamortized PVFP balance ranged from 5% to 8%.

Property and equipment are carried at cost, net of accumulated depreciation of
$104.6 million and $100.5 million at December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.
The Company provides for depreciation of property and equipment using
straight-line and accelerated methods over the estimated useful lives of the
assets. Buildings are generally depreciated over 35 to 50 years. Depreciation
expense for the years ending December 31, 1999 and 1998, totaled $4.7 million
and $6.0 million, respectively.

Goodwill is the excess of the amount paid to acquire a company over the fair
value of the net assets acquired and is amortized on a straight-line basis over
40 years. The carrying value of goodwill is monitored for indicators of
impairment of value. No events or circumstances were identified which warrant
consideration of impairment or a revised estimate of useful lives.

On January 3, 1989, the Commissioner of Commerce of the State of Minnesota
approved a Plan of Conversion and Reorganization (the Plan) which provided,
among other things, for the conversion of ReliaStar Life from a combined stock
and mutual life insurance company to a stock life insurance company.

The Plan provided for the establishment of a Participation Fund Account (PFA)
for the benefit of certain participating individual life insurance policies and
annuities issued by ReliaStar Life prior to the effective date of the Plan.
Under the terms of the PFA, the insurance liabilities and assets with respect to
such policies are segregated in the accounting records of ReliaStar Life to
assure the continuation of policyholder dividend practices. Assets and
liabilities of the PFA are presented in accordance with statutory accounting
practices. Earnings derived from the operation of the PFA inure solely to the
benefit of the policies covered by the PFA and no benefit will inure to the
Company. Accordingly, results of operations for the PFA are excluded from the
Company's Consolidated Statements of Income. In the event that the assets of the
PFA are insufficient to provide the contractual benefits guaranteed by the
affected policies, ReliaStar Life must provide such contractual benefits from
its general assets.

The Company operates separate accounts. The assets and liabilities of the
separate accounts are primarily related to variable annuity, variable life and
401(k) contracts and represent policyholder-directed funds that are separately
administered. The assets (primarily investments) and liabilities (primarily to
contractholders) of each account are clearly identifiable and distinguishable
from other assets and liabilities of the Company. Assets are carried at fair
value. Revenues from these separate account contracts consist primarily of
charges for mortality risk and expenses, cost of insurance, contract
administration and surrender charges. Revenue for these products is recognized
when due.

Liabilities for future policy benefits for traditional life contracts are
calculated using the net level premium method and assumptions as to investment
yields, mortality, withdrawals and dividends. The assumptions are based on
projections of past experience and include provisions for possible unfavorable
deviation. These assumptions are made at the time the contract is issued or, for
purchased contracts, at the date of acquisition.


Liabilities for future policy and contract benefits on universal life-type and
investment contracts are based on the policy account balance.

The liabilities for future policy and contract benefits for group disabled life
reserves and long-term disability reserves are based upon interest rate
assumptions and morbidity and termination rates from published tables, modified
for Company experience.

The provision for income taxes includes amounts currently payable and deferred
income taxes resulting from the cumulative temporary differences in the assets
and liabilities determined on a tax return and financial statement basis.

The Company files a consolidated tax return with certain of its affiliates. The
method by which the total consolidated federal income tax for each entity is
allocated to each of the companies is subject to a written agreement approved by
the Company's Board of Directors. Allocation is based upon a separate return
calculation such that each company in the consolidated return pays the same tax
or receives the same refunds it would have paid or received had it consistently
filed separate federal income tax returns. Intercompany tax balances are settled
within a reasonable time after filing of the consolidated federal income tax
returns with the Internal Revenue Service.

TO POLICYHOLDERS -- Traditional life insurance products include those products
with fixed and guaranteed premiums and benefits and consist principally of term
and whole life insurance policies and certain annuities with life contingencies
(immediate annuities). Life insurance premiums and immediate annuity premiums
are recognized as premium revenue when due. Group insurance premiums are
recognized as premium revenue over the time period to which the premiums relate.
Benefits and expenses are associated with earned premiums so as to result in
recognition of profits over the life of the contracts. This association is
accomplished by means of the provision for liabilities for future policy
benefits and the amortization of DAC and PVFP.

POLICYHOLDERS -- Universal life-type policies are insurance contracts with terms
that are not fixed and guaranteed. The terms that may be changed could include
one or more of the amounts assessed the policyholder, premiums paid by the
policyholder or interest accrued to policyholder balances. Amounts received as
deposits to such contracts are not reported as premium revenues.

Revenues for universal life-type policies consist of charges assessed against
policy account values for deferred policy loading and the cost of insurance and
policy administration. Policy benefits and claims that are charged to expense
include interest credited to contracts and benefit claims incurred in the period
in excess of related policy account balances.

Contracts that do not subject the Company to risks arising from policyholder
mortality or morbidity are referred to as investment contracts. Retirement plan
contracts, Guaranteed Investment Contracts (GICs) and certain deferred annuities
are considered investment contracts. Amounts received as deposits for such
contracts are not reported as premium revenues.

Revenues for investment products consist of investment income and charges
assessed against contract account values for policy administration. Contract
benefits that are charged to expense include benefit claims incurred in the
period in excess of related contract balances, and interest credited to contract

Effective for transactions occurring on or after January 1, 1998, the Company
adopted those provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS)
No. 125, "Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and
Extinguishments of Liabilities," which were deferred by SFAS No. 127, "Deferral
of the Effective Date of Certain Provisions of FASB Statement No. 125." SFAS No.
125 requires a company to recognize the financial and servicing assets it
controls and the liabilities it has


incurred and to derecognize financial assets when control has been surrendered
in accordance with the criteria provided in SFAS No. 125. The adoption of this
standard had no effect on the financial results of the Company.

Effective January 1, 1998, the Company adopted SFAS No. 130, "Reporting
Comprehensive Income." SFAS No. 130 establishes standards for the reporting and
display of comprehensive income and its components in a company's full set of
financial statements. Comprehensive income encompasses all changes in
shareholder's equity from transactions and other events and circumstances from
nonowner sources. Adoption of this standard had no effect on the financial
results of the Company.

Effective December 31, 1998, the Company adopted SFAS No. 132, "Employers'
Disclosures about Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits." SFAS No. 132
requires new disclosures relating to a company's pension and other
postretirement benefit plans. Adoption of this standard had no effect on the
financial results of the Company.

Effective January 1, 1998, the Company adopted Statement of Position (SOP) No.
98-1, "Accounting for the Cost of Computer Software Developed or Obtained for
Internal Use." SOP No. 98-1 provides guidance on accounting for costs associated
with computer software developed or obtained for internal use. Adoption of this
standard did not have a significant effect on the financial results of the

Certain prior year amounts have been reclassified to conform to current year


The amortized cost and fair value of investments in fixed maturity securities by
type of investment were as follows:

                                                                  Gross Unrealized
                                                 Amortized                                    Fair
DECEMBER 31, 1999 (IN MILLIONS)                     Cost        Gains        (Losses)         Value
- ---------------------------------------------   ----------     -------       --------      ----------
United States Government and Government
 Agencies and Authorities ..................    $     85.2     $   1.6       $    (.4)     $     86.4
States, Municipalities and Political
 Subdivisions ..............................          30.8         1.0           (1.2)           30.6
Foreign Governments ........................          69.2          .5           (1.1)           68.6
Public Utilities ...........................         599.6        12.0           (8.4)          603.2
Corporate Securities .......................       7,109.4        65.0         (198.6)        6,975.8
Mortgage-Backed/Structured Finance .........       3,316.9        22.5         (105.9)        3,233.5
Redeemable Preferred Stock .................          12.5          .2           (1.5)           11.2
- ---------------------------------------------   ----------     -------       --------      ----------
TOTAL ......................................    $ 11,223.6     $ 102.8       $ (317.1)     $ 11,009.3
=============================================   ==========     =======       ========      ==========

                                                                 Gross Unrealized
                                                 Amortized                                    Fair
DECEMBER 31, 1998 (IN MILLIONS)                     Cost        Gains        (Losses)         Value
- ---------------------------------------------   ----------     -------       --------      ----------
United States Government and Government
 Agencies and Authorities ..................    $    103.6      $  11.5           --      $    115.1
States, Municipalities and Political
 Subdivisions ..............................          49.9          4.1           --            54.0
Foreign Governments ........................          88.5          8.9           --            97.4
Public Utilities ...........................         643.0         56.6      $   (.2)          699.4
Corporate Securities .......................       7,416.0        378.3        (47.6)        7,746.7
Mortgage-Backed/Structured Finance .........       2,793.0         99.9         (7.7)        2,885.2
Redeemable Preferred Stock .................          12.5           .3          (.7)           12.1
- ---------------------------------------------   ----------      -------      -------      ----------
TOTAL ......................................    $ 11,106.5      $ 559.6      $ (56.2)     $ 11,609.9
=============================================   ==========      =======      =======      ==========


The amortized cost and fair value of fixed maturity securities by contractual
maturity are shown below. Expected maturities will differ from contractual
maturities because borrowers may have the right to call or prepay obligations
with or without call or prepayment penalties.

                                                                           Amortized         Fair
DECEMBER 31, 1999 (IN MILLIONS)                                               Cost           Value
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------
Maturing in:
 One Year or Less ....................................................    $    416.1      $    415.6
 One to Five Years ...................................................       3,456.8         3,444.6
 Five to Ten Years ...................................................       2,850.3         2,773.5
 Ten Years or Later ..................................................       1,183.5         1,142.1
Mortgage-Backed/Structured Finance ...................................       3,316.9         3,233.5
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------
TOTAL ................................................................    $ 11,223.6      $ 11,009.3
=======================================================================   ==========      ==========

The fair values for the actively traded marketable bonds are determined based
upon the quoted market prices. The fair values for marketable bonds without an
active market are obtained through several commercial pricing services which
provide the estimated fair values. Fair values of privately placed bonds which
are not considered problems are determined using a matrix-based pricing model.
The model considers the current level of risk-free interest rates, current
corporate spreads, the credit quality of the issuer and cash flow
characteristics of the security. Using this data, the model generates estimated
market values which the Company considers reflective of the fair value of each
privately placed bond. Fair values for privately placed bonds which are
considered problems are determined through consideration of factors such as the
net worth of the borrower, the value of collateral, the capital structure of the
borrower, the presence of guarantees and the Company's evaluation of the
borrower's ability to compete in their relevant market.

At December 31, 1999, the largest industry concentration in the private
placement portfolio was mortgage-backed/structured finance, where 16.9% of the
portfolio was invested, and the largest industry concentration in the marketable
bond portfolio was mortgage-backed/structured finance, where 34.5% of the
portfolio was invested.

The cost and fair value of investments in equity securities were as follows:

DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                                                           1999         1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   -------      -------
Cost ........................................................................    $  42.7      $  48.1
Gross Unrealized Gains ......................................................        2.8          2.2
Gross Unrealized Losses .....................................................       (2.8)        (1.2)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   -------      -------
FAIR VALUE ..................................................................    $  42.7      $  49.1
==============================================================================   =======      =======

Investments in mortgage loans on real estate were as follows:

DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                                                        1999            1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------
Mortgage Loans, Non-Impaired ..........................................    $  2,305.8      $  2,152.3
Mortgage Loans, Impaired ..............................................          13.7            13.0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------
                                                                              2,319.5         2,165.3
                                                                           ----------      ----------
Allowance for Credit Losses, Beginning of Year ........................         (10.5)          (10.5)
 Increases ............................................................            --              --
 Decreases ............................................................            .7              --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------
Allowances for Credit Losses, End of Year .............................          (9.8)          (10.5)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------      ----------
TOTAL .................................................................    $  2,309.7      $  2,154.8
========================================================================   ==========      ==========
Average Investment in Impaired Mortgage Loans on Real Estate ..........    $      2.0      $      1.6
========================================================================   ==========      ==========

The Company does not accrue interest income on impaired mortgage loans when the
likelihood of collection is doubtful, rather income is recognized for these
loans as payments are received. Interest


income recognized on impaired mortgage loans during the years ended December 31,
1999 and 1998, was $1.1 and $.9 million, respectively.

At December 31, 1999, the largest geographic concentration of commercial
mortgage loans was in the Midwest region of the United States, where
approximately 36.0% of the commercial mortgage loan portfolio was invested.

Investment income summarized by type of investment was as follows:

YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                          1999          1998
- -------------------------------------------------------  ---------     ---------
Fixed Maturity Securities ............................   $   871.3     $   866.7
Equity Securities ....................................         3.6           2.1
Mortgage Loans on Real Estate ........................       181.2         181.6
Real Estate and Leases ...............................         9.2          21.6
Policy Loans .........................................        42.5          41.8
Other Invested Assets ................................         9.0          12.8
Short-Term Investments ...............................         8.7          10.9
- -------------------------------------------------------  ---------     ---------
 Gross Investment Income .............................     1,125.5       1,137.5
Investment Expenses ..................................        23.1          27.7
- -------------------------------------------------------  ---------     ---------
NET INVESTMENT INCOME ................................   $ 1,102.4     $ 1,109.8
=======================================================  =========     =========

Net pretax realized investment gains (losses) were as follows:

YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                          1999         1998
- --------------------------------------------------------   -------      -------
Net Gains (Losses) on Sales
 Fixed Maturity Securities
   Gross Gains ........................................    $  17.8      $  26.3
   Gross Losses .......................................      (15.2)       (13.2)
 Equity Securities
   Gross Gains ........................................         .7          1.9
   Gross Losses .......................................        (.5)        (2.5)
 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate ........................         .4         (0.2)
 Real Estate and Leases ...............................        8.2          4.9
 Other ................................................        7.9         15.3
- --------------------------------------------------------   -------      -------
                                                              19.3         32.5
- --------------------------------------------------------   -------      -------
Provisions for Losses
 Fixed Maturity Securities ............................      (13.6)        (8.4)
 Equity Securities ....................................         --           --
 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate ........................        (.1)          --
 Real Estate and Leases ...............................        (.9)        (2.4)
 Other ................................................      (12.5)        (4.4)
- --------------------------------------------------------   -------      -------
                                                             (27.1)       (15.2)
- --------------------------------------------------------   -------      -------
PRETAX REALIZED INVESTMENT GAINS (LOSSES) .............    $  (7.8)     $  17.3
========================================================   =======      =======

Invested assets which were nonincome producing (no income received for the 12
months preceding the balance sheet date) were as follows:

DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                                       1999        1998
- -----------------------------------------------------------   ------      ------
Fixed Maturity Securities ................................    $  4.5      $  3.9
Mortgage Loans on Real Estate ............................        .2         1.5
Real Estate and Leases ...................................       2.9         7.1
Other Invested Assets ....................................      29.1        11.8
- -----------------------------------------------------------   ------      ------
TOTAL ....................................................    $ 36.7      $ 24.3
===========================================================   ======      ======


Allowances for losses on investments are reflected on the Consolidated Balance
Sheets as a reduction of the related assets and were as follows:

DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                                                          1999         1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ------      -------
Mortgage Loans on Real Estate ...............................................    $  9.8      $  10.5
Real Estate and Leases ......................................................       4.7          9.0
Other Invested Assets .......................................................       8.5          6.0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ------      -------

Real estate assets acquired through foreclosure during the year ended December
31, 1999, totaled $1.3 million. There were none in 1998.

The components of net unrealized investment gains (losses) included in the
accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) component of shareholder's equity
are shown below:

DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                                                         1999          1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------    --------      --------
Unrealized Investment Gains (Losses) ....................................     $ (218.1)     $  529.8
DAC/PVFP Adjustment .....................................................         50.7        (128.6)
Deferred Income Taxes ...................................................         58.5        (140.4)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------    --------      --------
TOTAL ...................................................................     $ (108.9)     $  260.8
==========================================================================    ========      ========

The change in net unrealized investment gains and losses included in the change
in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) consisted of the following:

YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                                               1999         1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------    --------      -------
Unrealized Investment Gains (Losses) Arising During The Period(1) ........     $ (484.0)     $  36.7
Reclassification Adjustments(2) ..........................................         (1.8)        (8.7)
Change in DAC/PVFP Adjustment(3) .........................................        116.1          6.7
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------    --------      -------
TOTAL ....................................................................     $ (369.7)     $  34.7
===========================================================================    ========      =======

(1) Net of income taxes totaling $(261.2) million and $17.0 million for 1999 and
    1998, respectively.
(2) Net of income taxes totaling $(1.0) million and $(4.1) million for 1999 and
    1998, respectively.
(3) Net of income taxes totaling $63.3 million and $3.5 million for 1999 and
    1998, respectively.


A summary of notes and mortgages payable is as follows:

DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                                                          1999         1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------      -------
 Current Portion ............................................................   $   5.8      $    .2
 Noncurrent Portion .........................................................       2.2          8.0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------      -------
TOTAL UNAFFILIATED ..........................................................   $   8.0      $   8.2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------      -------
NOTE PAYABLE TO PARENT ......................................................   $ 100.0      $ 100.0
==============================================================================  =======      =======

At December 31, 1999 and 1998, unaffiliated debt consisted primarily of mortgage
notes assumed in connection with certain real estate investments with interest
rates ranging from 6.2% to 9.6%.

Principal payments required in each of the next five years and thereafter are as

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2000 - $ 5.8                                                                            2003 - $  .1
2001 - $ 2.0                                                                            2004 - $  --
2002 - $  .1                                                             2005 and thereafter - $  --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ReliaStar has loaned $100.0 million to ReliaStar Life under a surplus note. The
original note, dated April 1, 1989, was issued in connection with ReliaStar
Life's demutualization and was used to offset the surplus reduction related to
the cash distribution to the mutual policyholders in the demutualization. This
original note was replaced by a successor surplus note (the 1994 Note) dated
November 1, 1994. The 1994 Note provides, subject to the regulatory constraints
discussed below, that (i) it is a surplus note which will mature on September
15, 2003 with principal due at maturity, but payable without penalty, in whole
or in part before maturity; (ii) interest is at 65/8% payable semi-annually; and
(iii) in the event that


ReliaStar Life is in default in the payment of any required interest or
principal, ReliaStar Life cannot pay cash dividends on its capital stock (all of
which is owned directly by ReliaStar). The 1994 Note further provides that there
may be no payment of interest or principal without the express approval of the
Minnesota Department of Commerce.

Interest paid on unaffiliated debt was $.4 million during both 1999 and 1998.


The income tax liability reported on the Consolidated Balance Sheets consisted
of the following:

DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                                     1999         1998
- --------------------------------------------------------   -------      -------
Current Income Taxes ..................................    $  59.4      $  18.4
Deferred Income Taxes .................................       57.9        207.0
- --------------------------------------------------------   -------      -------
TOTAL .................................................    $ 117.3      $ 225.4
========================================================   =======      =======

Deferred income taxes reflect the impact for financial statement reporting
purposes of "temporary differences" between the financial statement carrying
amounts and tax bases of assets and liabilities. The "temporary differences"
that give rise to the net deferred tax liability relate to the following:

DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                                   1999           1998
- ----------------------------------------------------    --------       --------
Future Policy and Contract Benefits ...............     $ (381.2)      $ (368.8)
Net Unrealized Investment Losses ..................        (77.6)            --
Investment Write-Offs and Allowances ..............        (24.5)         (34.4)
Pension and Postretirement Benefit Plans ..........         (8.1)          (7.8)
Employee Benefits .................................        (12.4)         (12.9)
Other .............................................        (25.2)         (53.2)
- ----------------------------------------------------    --------       --------
 Gross Deferred Tax Asset .........................       (529.0)        (477.1)
- ----------------------------------------------------    --------       --------
Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs .................        370.2          326.6
Present Value of Future Profits ...................        141.2          157.3
Net Unrealized Investment Gains ...................           --          119.3
Property and Equipment ............................         25.4           24.4
Real Estate Joint Ventures ........................         10.0           15.5
Other .............................................         40.1           41.0
- ----------------------------------------------------    --------       --------
 Gross Deferred Tax Liability .....................        586.9          684.1
- ----------------------------------------------------    --------       --------
NET DEFERRED TAX LIABILITY ........................     $   57.9       $  207.0
====================================================    ========       ========

The provision for income taxes reported on the Consolidated Statements of Income
consisted of the following:

YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                         1999          1998
- -------------------------------------------------------   -------      --------
Currently Payable ....................................    $  97.1      $  120.9
Deferred .............................................       48.1          15.5
- -------------------------------------------------------   -------      --------
TOTAL ................................................    $ 145.2      $  136.4
=======================================================   =======      ========

The difference between the U.S. federal income tax rate and the consolidated
tax provision rate is summarized as follows:

YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31                                        1999         1998
- --------------------------------------------------------   -------      -------
Statutory Tax Rate ....................................       35.0%        35.0%
Other .................................................         .2           .5
- --------------------------------------------------------   -------      -------
EFFECTIVE TAX RATE ....................................       35.2%        35.5%
========================================================   =======      =======

Federal income tax regulations allowed certain special deductions for 1983 and
prior years which are accumulated in a memorandum tax account designated as
"policyholders' surplus." Generally, this policyholders' surplus account will
become subject to tax at the then current rates only if the accumulated balance
exceeds certain maximum limitations or if certain cash distributions are deemed
to be paid out of the account. At December 31, 1999, ReliaStar Life and its life
insurance subsidiaries have


accumulated approximately $51.0 million in their separate policyholders' surplus
accounts. Deferred taxes have not been provided on this temporary difference.

There have been no deferred taxes recorded for the unremitted equity in
subsidiaries as the earnings are considered to be permanently invested or will
be remitted only when tax effective to do so.

The Internal Revenue Service has completed its review of the Company's tax
return for all years through 1995.

Cash paid for federal income taxes was $52.2 million and $123.3 million for the
years ended December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.


The Success Sharing Plan and ESOP (Success Sharing Plan) was designed to
increase employee ownership and reward employees when certain ReliaStar
performance objectives are met. Essentially all employees are eligible to
participate in the Success Sharing Plan. The Success Sharing Plan has both
qualified and nonqualified components. The nonqualified component is equal to
25% of the annual award and is paid in cash to employees. The qualified
component is equal to 75% of the annual award which is contributed to the ESOP
portion of the Success Sharing Plan.

In addition, the Success Sharing Plan has a 401(k) feature whereby participants
may elect to contribute a percentage of their eligible earnings to the plan.
Beginning in 1999, the Company matched participants' 401(k) contributions up to
6% of eligible earnings.

Costs charged to expense for the Success Sharing Plan were $7.2 million and $6.6
million for the years ended December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

The Company has funded and unfunded noncontributory defined benefit retirement
plans which provide benefits to employees upon retirement (Pension Plans).
Effective December 31, 1998, the Company's qualified defined benefit retirement
plan was amended to suspend the accrual of additional benefits for future
services. Eligible employees retain all of their accrued benefits as of December
31, 1998, which will be paid monthly at retirement according to the provisions
of the plan. Employees meeting certain age and service requirements will receive
certain transition benefits until retirement. A curtailment gain was recorded in
1998 to reflect the impact of this plan amendment and the impact of employee
reductions resulting from the transfer of certain accident and health
administrative operations to a third party.

The Company provides certain health care and life insurance benefits to retired
employees and their eligible dependents (Other Plans). The postretirement health
care plan is contributory, with retiree contribution levels adjusted annually;
the life insurance plan provides a flat amount of noncontributory coverage and
optional contributory coverage.

Net periodic expense or benefit for ReliaStar and its subsidiaries for pension
and other plans included the following components:

YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                         1999          1998
- -------------------------------------------------------   -------       -------
Service Cost .........................................    $    .3       $   3.2
Interest Cost ........................................       16.6          16.7
Expected Return on Plan Assets .......................      (22.0)        (20.9)
Amortization of Prior Service Cost ...................         .3            .8
Amortization of Transition Asset .....................         --           (.1)
Curtailment Gain .....................................         --          (3.7)
Settlement Loss ......................................         .3            --
Actuarial Loss .......................................        1.5           1.6
- -------------------------------------------------------   -------       -------
NET BENEFIT ..........................................    $  (3.0)      $  (2.4)
=======================================================   =======       =======


YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                                                   1999        1998
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ------      ------
Service Cost ....................................................................    $   .6      $   .5
Interest Cost ...................................................................        .9          .7
Amortization of Prior Service Cost ..............................................      (1.4)       (1.5)
Curtailment Gain ................................................................        --        (1.7)
Actuarial Gain ..................................................................        --         (.1)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ------      ------
NET EXPENSE (BENEFIT) ...........................................................    $   .1      $ (2.1)
==================================================================================   ======      ======

The funded status of the plans and net amounts recognized in ReliaStar's
Consolidated Balance Sheets were as follows:

                                                            Pension Plans               Other Plans
                                                       ----------------------      --------------------
(IN MILLIONS)                                              1999          1998         1999         1998
- ----------------------------------------------------   --------      --------      -------      -------
Benefit Obligations at Beginning of Year ..........    $  238.7      $  237.1      $  10.8      $  10.9
Service Cost ......................................          .3           3.2           .6           .5
Interest Cost .....................................        16.6          16.7           .9           .7
Actuarial (Gain) Loss .............................        (6.6)         14.9          1.8          (.2)
Benefits Paid .....................................       (15.1)        (15.4)         (.8)         (.4)
Plan Amendments ...................................          .1           2.0           --           --
Transfers .........................................          .7            --           --           --
Termination Cost ..................................          --           1.0           --           --
Settlement ........................................        (2.2)           --           --           --
Curtailment .......................................          --         (20.8)          --          (.7)
- ----------------------------------------------------   --------      --------      -------      -------
 Benefit Obligations at End of Year ...............       232.5         238.7         13.3         10.8
- ----------------------------------------------------   --------      --------      -------      -------
Fair Value of Plan Assets
 at Beginning of Year .............................       251.7         229.1           --           --
Actual Return on Plan Assets ......................       109.8          36.6           --           --
Employer Contributions ............................         3.4           1.4           .8           .4
Participant Contributions .........................          --            --           .5           .5
Settlement ........................................        (2.2)           --           --           --
Benefits Paid .....................................       (15.1)        (15.4)        (1.3)         (.9)
- ----------------------------------------------------   --------      --------      -------      -------
 Fair Value of Plan Assets at End of Year .........       347.6         251.7           --           --
- ----------------------------------------------------   --------      --------      -------      -------
Funded Status .....................................       115.1          13.0        (13.3)       (10.8)
Unrecognized Net Gain .............................       (98.2)         (2.2)          --         (1.8)
Unrecognized Prior Service Cost ...................         3.3           3.6         (3.3)        (4.7)
- ----------------------------------------------------   --------      --------      -------      -------
NET ASSET (LIABILITY) RECOGNIZED                       $   20.2      $   14.4      $ (16.6)     $ (17.3)
====================================================   ========      ========      =======      =======

The components of the amounts recognized in ReliaStar's Consolidated Balance
Sheets were as follows:

                                                           Pension Plans               Other Plans
                                                       --------------------       ---------------------
DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                                 1999         1998          1999          1998
- ----------------------------------------------------   -------      -------       -------       -------
Prepaid Benefit Cost ..............................    $  33.8      $  28.2            --            --
Accrued Benefit Liability .........................      (20.1)       (19.1)      $ (16.6)      $ (17.3)
Intangible Asset ..................................        6.5          5.3            --            --
- ----------------------------------------------------   -------      -------       -------       -------
NET ASSET (LIABILITY) RECOGNIZED                       $  20.2      $  14.4       $ (16.6)      $ (17.3)
====================================================   =======      =======       =======       =======

The aggregate projected benefit obligation and aggregate accumulated benefit
obligation for the unfunded pension plans were $20.1 million and $20.1 million,
respectively, as of December 31, 1999; and $19.4 million and $19.1 million,
respectively, as of December 31, 1998. As of December 31, 1999 and 1998, pension
plan assets included 1,232,982 shares of ReliaStar common stock with a fair
value of $48.3 million and $56.9 million, respectively. The benefit obligations
for the pension and other postretirement plans were determined using assumed
discount rates of 7.5% and 7.0% as of January 1, 2000 and 1999, respectively. A
weighted-average long-term rate of compensation increase of 4.5% was used for
the pension benefit obligation. The assumed long-term rate of return on pension
plan assets was 10.5% in 1999 and 1998. The assumed health care cost trend rate
for 2000 and thereafter used in measuring the


postretirement health care benefit obligation was 5.0%. The assumed health care
cost trend rate has an effect on the amounts reported. For example, a
one-percentage-point increase in the rate would increase the 1999 total service
and interest cost by $.1 million and the post retirement health care benefit
obligation by $.5 million. A one-percentage-point decrease in the rate would
decrease the 1999 total service and interest cost by $.1 million and the post
retirement health care benefit obligation by $.5 million.

The above amounts are for ReliaStar and its subsidiaries as the Company's
portion is not determinable.

Officers and key employees of the Company participate in the stock incentive
plans of ReliaStar. ReliaStar applies Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25
and related interpretations in accounting for its plans. Accordingly, the
Company has recorded no compensation expense for its stock-based compensation
plans other than for restricted stock and performance-based awards. Had
compensation cost for ReliaStar's stock option plans been determined based upon
the fair value at the grant date for awards under these plans, consistent with
the optional accounting methodology prescribed under SFAS No. 123, ReliaStar's
net income would have been reduced by approximately $11.1 million and $8.1
million for the years ended December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively. The
weighted average fair value per option granted during 1999 and 1998 was $10.54
and $11.74, respectively, on the date of grant using the Black-Scholes
option-pricing model with the following assumptions: annual dividend yield
ranging from 1.6% to 1.8%, volatility factors ranging from .1881 to .2693,
risk-free interest rates ranging from 5.2% to 6.2% and an expected life of 5.0
to 5.8 years.


The change in the liability for unpaid accident and health claims and claim
adjustment expenses is summarized as follows:

(IN MILLIONS)                                                    1999          1998
- ----------------------------------------------------------   --------      --------
Balance at January 1 ....................................    $  480.3      $  387.0
Less Reinsurance Recoverables ...........................       180.9         120.2
- ----------------------------------------------------------   --------      --------
Net Balance at January 1 ................................       299.4         266.8
Incurred Related to:
 Current Year ...........................................       286.0         204.4
 Prior Years ............................................        20.8           8.2
- ----------------------------------------------------------   --------      --------
Total Incurred ..........................................       306.8         212.6
Paid Related to:
 Current Year ...........................................       113.2          84.2
 Prior Years ............................................       130.9          95.8
- ----------------------------------------------------------   --------      --------
Total Paid ..............................................       244.1         180.0
Net Balance at December 31 ..............................       362.1         299.4
Plus Reinsurance Recoverables ...........................       293.4         180.9
- ----------------------------------------------------------   --------      --------
BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31 ..................................    $  655.5      $  480.3
==========================================================   ========      ========

The liability for unpaid accident and health claims and claim adjustment
expenses is included in Future Policy and Contract Benefits on the Consolidated
Balance Sheets.


The authorized capital stock of the Company consists of 25,000,000 common shares
and 5,000,000 preferred shares, all with a par value of $1.25 per share.
2,000,000 common shares are issued and outstanding as of December 31, 1999 and

ReliaStar Life's ability to pay cash dividends to ReliaStar is restricted by law
or subject to approval of the insurance regulatory authorities of Minnesota.
These authorities recognize only statutory accounting practices for determining
the ability of an insurer to pay dividends to its shareholders.


Under Minnesota insurance law regulating the payment of dividends by ReliaStar
Life, any such payment must be an amount deemed prudent by ReliaStar Life's
Board of Directors and, unless otherwise approved by the Commissioner of the
Minnesota Department of Commerce (the Commissioner), must be paid solely from
the adjusted earned surplus of ReliaStar Life. Adjusted earned surplus means the
earned surplus as determined in accordance with statutory accounting practices
(unassigned funds) less 25% of the amount of such earned surplus which is
attributable to unrealized capital gains. Further, without approval of the
Commissioner, ReliaStar Life may not pay in any calendar year any dividend
which, when combined with other dividends paid within the preceding 12 months,
exceeds the greater of (i) 10% of ReliaStar Life's statutory surplus at the
prior year-end or (ii) 100% of ReliaStar Life's statutory net gain from
operations (not including realized capital gains) for the prior calendar year.
For 2000, the amount of dividends which can be paid by ReliaStar Life without
Commissioner approval is $208.4 million.

Net income of ReliaStar Life and its subsidiaries, as determined in accordance
with statutory accounting practices, was $191.9 million and $153.3 million for
1999 and 1998, respectively. ReliaStar Life's statutory capital and surplus was
$1,153.7 million and $1,063.4 million at December 31, 1999 and 1998,


The Company is a member of reinsurance associations established for the purpose
of ceding the excess of life insurance over retention limits. The Reinsurance
Division of ReliaStar Life assumes and cedes reinsurance on certain life and
health risks as its primary business.

Reinsurance contracts do no relieve the Company from its obligations to
policyholders. Failure of reinsurers to honor their obligations could result in
losses to the Company; consequently, allowances are established for amounts
deemed uncollectible. The amount of the allowance for uncollectible reinsurance
receivables was immaterial at December 31, 1999 and 1998. The Company evaluates
the financial condition of its reinsurers and monitors concentrations of credit
risk to minimize its exposure to significant losses from reinsurer insolvencies.

ReliaStar Life's retention limit is $1,000,000 per insurable life for individual
coverage, with lower retention limits at ReliaStar Life's subsidiaries. For
group coverage and reinsurance assumed, the retention is $500,000 per life with
per occurrence limitations, subject to certain maximums.

As of December 31, 1999, $47.9 billion of life insurance in force was ceded to
other companies. The Company had assumed $55.7 billion of life insurance in
force as of December 31, 1999. Included in these amounts are $50.9 billion of
reinsurance assumed pertaining to Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance and
Servicemans' Group Life Insurance. Also included in the above amounts are $4.8
billion of reinsurance assumed and $.9 billion of reinsurance ceded by the
Reinsurance Division of ReliaStar Life.

Premium amounts received for prospective reinsurance that meet conditions for
reinsurance accounting are recorded as unearned premium revenue and amortized
into earned premium ratably over the remaining reinsurance contract period.

The effect of reinsurance on premiums and recoveries was as follows:

YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                            1999          1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------  ---------     ---------
Direct Premiums ........................................   $   838.0     $   780.0
Reinsurance Assumed ....................................       744.1         498.8
Reinsurance Ceded ......................................      (395.5)       (270.9)
- ---------------------------------------------------------  ---------     ---------
NET PREMIUMS ...........................................   $ 1,186.6     $ 1,007.9
=========================================================  =========     =========
REINSURANCE RECOVERIES .................................   $   355.2     $   218.7
=========================================================  =========     =========


The Company and ReliaStar have entered into agreements whereby ReliaStar and the
Company provide certain management, administrative, legal, and other services
for each other. The net amounts billed resulted in the Company making payments
of $33.3 million and $30.7 million to ReliaStar in 1999 and


1998, respectively. The net costs allocated to the Company under these
agreements may not be indicative of costs the Company might incur if these
services were not provided by ReliaStar. During 1999 and 1998, the Company paid
cash dividends of $82.0 million and $88.0 million, respectively, to ReliaStar.


In December 1998, the Company completed the sale of its mortgage banking
subsidiary, ReliaStar Mortgage Corporation (RMC), for approximately $19 million
in cash. The results of RMC are presented as discontinued operations in the
Consolidated Statements of Income.

Revenues, income from operations and loss on disposal related to the former
mortgage banking subsidiary were as follows:

YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                            1999          1998
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues ...................................................      --       $  18.9
Income from Operations .....................................      --            .1
Loss on Disposal(1) ........................................      --          (7.3)

(1) Includes a $2.8 million pretax loss from operations during the phase-out
    period and is net of a tax benefit of $4.3 million.

During 1998, the Company approved a plan to consolidate its five individual life
insurance and annuity service center operations into one new center. This
consolidation is expected to be substantially complete by the end of the year
2000 and affects approximately 700 positions at five separate service center
operations. Estimated costs of $24.8 million (pre-tax) were recorded primarily
for employee-related termination and non-cancelable lease contracts costs
associated with vacated facilities. The remaining liability as of December 31,
1999, was $22.4 million and reflects payments of $2.4 million made during 1999.
The 1999 transition of annuity operations to the new center was completed as
originally scheduled.


The Company is a defendant in a number of lawsuits arising out of the normal
course of its business. Some of the claims seek to be granted class action
status and many of the claims seek both compensatory and punitive damages. In
the opinion of management, the ultimate resolution of such litigation will not
have a material adverse impact to the financial position of the Company. It
should be noted, however, that a number of financial services companies have
been subjected to significant awards in connection with punitive damages claims
and the Company can make no assurances that it will not be subjected to such an

The Company is a defendant in litigation in New York State court regarding an
alleged reinsurance contract. The plaintiff alleges damages in excess of $100
million. The Company believes that no contract exists and the suit is without

ReliaStar Life has issued certain participating group annuity and group life
insurance contracts jointly with another insurance company. ReliaStar Life has
entered into an arrangement with this insurer whereby ReliaStar Life will
gradually transfer its liabilities (approximately $144 million at December 31,
1999) to the other insurer over a ten-year period which commenced in 1993. The
terms of the arrangement specify the interest rate on the liabilities and
provide for a transfer of assets and liabilities scheduled in a manner
consistent with the expected cash flows of the assets allocated to support the
liabilities. A contingent liability exists with respect to the joint obligor's
portion of the contractual liabilities attributable to contributions received
prior to July 1, 1993 (approximately $653 million at December 31, 1999) in the
event the joint obligor is unable to meet its obligations.

The Company is a party to financial instruments with on and off-balance-sheet
risk in the normal course of business to reduce its exposure to fluctuations in
interest rates and equity prices. These financial instruments include
commitments to extend credit, financial guarantees, futures contracts, interest


swaps, interest rate caps and equity indexed call options. Those instruments
involve, to varying degrees, elements of credit, interest rate, equity price, or
liquidity risk in excess of the amount recognized in the Consolidated Balance

The Company's exposure to credit loss in the event of nonperformance by the
other party to the financial instrument for commitments to extend credit and
financial guarantees written is represented by the contractual amount of those
instruments. The Company uses the same credit policies in making commitments and
conditional obligations as it does for on-balance-sheet instruments. For
interest rate swap and interest rate cap transactions, the contract or notional
amounts do not represent exposure to credit loss. For swaps, caps and equity
indexed call options, the Company's exposure to credit loss is limited to those
financial instruments where the Company has an unrealized gain.

Unless otherwise noted, the Company does not require collateral or other
security to support financial instruments with credit risk.

DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                                         1999          1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------   -------      --------
Financial Instruments Whose Contract
 Amounts Represent Credit Risk
 Commitments to Extend Credit .............................    $  42.6      $  101.0
 Financial Guarantees .....................................       28.5          28.8
Financial Instruments Whose Notional
 or Contract Amounts Exceed the Amount
 of Credit Risk
 Interest Rate Swap Agreements ............................      790.5         897.5
 Interest Rate Cap Agreements .............................      510.0         510.0
 Equity Indexed Call Options ..............................       55.6          28.7
- ------------------------------------------------------------   -------      --------

COMMITMENTS TO EXTEND CREDIT -- Commitments to extend credit are legally binding
agreements to lend to a customer. Commitments generally have fixed expiration
dates or other termination clauses and may require payment of a fee. They
generally may be terminated by the Company in the event of deterioration in the
financial condition of the borrower. Since some of the commitments are expected
to expire without being drawn upon, the total commitment amounts do not
necessarily represent future liquidity requirements. The Company evaluates each
customer's creditworthiness on a case-by-case basis.

FINANCIAL GUARANTEES -- Financial guarantees are conditional commitments issued
by the Company guaranteeing the performance of the borrower to a third party.
Those guarantees are primarily issued to support public and private commercial
mortgage borrowing arrangements. The credit risk involved is essentially the
same as that involved in issuing commercial mortgage loans.

ReliaStar Life is a partner in six real estate joint ventures where it has
guaranteed the repayment of loans of the partnership. As of December 31, 1999,
ReliaStar Life had guaranteed repayment of $28.5 million of such loans including
the portion allocable to the PFA. If any payment were made under these
guarantees, ReliaStar Life would be allowed to make a claim for repayment from
the joint venture, foreclose on the assets of the joint venture, including its
real estate investment and, in certain instances, make a claim against the joint
venture's general partner.

For certain of these partnerships, ReliaStar Life has made capital contributions
from time to time to provide the partnerships with sufficient cash to meet its
obligations, including operating expenses, tenant improvements and debt service.
Capital contributions during 1999 and 1998 were insignificant. Further capital
contributions may be required in future periods for certain of the joint
ventures. The Company cannot predict the amount of such future contributions.

INTEREST RATE SWAP AGREEMENTS -- The Company enters into interest rate swap
agreements to manage interest rate exposure. The primary reason for the interest
rate swap agreements is to extend the duration of adjustable rate investments.
Interest rate swap transactions generally involve the exchange of fixed and
floating rate interest payment obligations without the exchange of the
underlying principal amounts. Changes in market interest rates impact income
from adjustable rate investments and have an opposite (and approximately
offsetting) effect on the reported income from the swap portfolio. The risks
under interest rate swap agreements are generally similar to those of futures
contracts. Notional


principal amounts are often used to express the volume of these transactions but
do not represent the much smaller amounts potentially subject to credit risk.
The amount subject to credit risk is approximately equal to the unrealized gain
on the agreements. At December 31, 1999, there was no unrealized gain on the

INTEREST RATE CAP AGREEMENTS -- The Company has entered into interest rate cap
agreements as a hedge against the effects of rising interest rates on the
invested assets supporting a portfolio of single premium deferred annuity
contracts. Notional principal amounts are often used to express the volume of
these transactions but do not represent the much smaller amounts potentially
subject to credit risk. The amount subject to credit risk is approximately equal
to the unrealized gain on the agreements which was approximately $.1 million at
December 31, 1999.

EQUITY INDEXED CALL OPTIONS -- The Company holds certain call options indexed to
the performance of the S&P 500 Index as part of its asset/liability management
strategy for its equity indexed annuity products. The Company held 50 call
options with a notional amount of $55.6 million and an estimated fair value of
$19.6 million as of December 31, 1999.

FUTURES CONTRACTS -- Futures contracts are contracts for delayed delivery of
securities or money market instruments in which the seller agrees to make
delivery at a specified future date of a specified instrument, at a specified
price or yield. These contracts are entered into to manage interest rate risk as
part of the Company's asset and liability management. Risks arise from the
movements in securities values and interest rates.

During 1997, the Company closed out of all of its futures contracts and
immediately entered into zero coupon interest rate swaps. The Company has not
entered into any new future contracts since 1997. As of December 31, 1999, the
remaining deferred gain on the closed futures contracts was approximately $17
million, which is being amortized into income over the life of the liabilities
whose cash flows they supported.

The Company has operating leases for office space and certain computer
processing and other equipment. Rental expense for these items was $18.2 million
and $15.3 million for 1999 and 1998, respectively.

Future minimum aggregate rental commitments at December 31, 1999 for operating
leases were as follows:

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2000 - $ 12.0                                                               2003 - $  7.5
2001 - $ 11.3                                                               2004 - $  7.5
2002 - $  8.8                                                2005 and thereafter - $ 27.1
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The following disclosures are made in accordance with the requirements of SFAS
No. 107, "Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instruments." SFAS No. 107
requires disclosure of fair value information about financial instruments,
whether or not recognized in the balance sheet, for which it is practicable to
estimate that value. In cases where quoted market prices are not available, fair
values are based on estimates using present value or other valuation techniques.
Those techniques are significantly affected by the assumptions used, including
the discount rate and estimates of future cash flows. In that regard, the
derived fair value estimates, in many cases, could not be realized in immediate
settlement of the instrument.

SFAS No. 107 excludes certain financial instruments and all nonfinancial
instruments from its disclosure requirements. Accordingly, the aggregate fair
value amounts presented do not represent the underlying value of the Company.

The fair value estimates presented herein are based on pertinent information
available to Management as of December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively. Although
Management is not aware of any factors that would significantly affect the
estimated fair value amounts, such amounts have not been comprehensively
revalued for purposes of these financial statements since those dates;
therefore, current estimates of fair value may differ significantly from the
amounts presented herein.


The following methods and assumptions were used by the Company in estimating its
fair value disclosures for financial instruments:

FIXED MATURITY SECURITIES -- The estimated fair value disclosures for fixed
maturity securities satisfy the fair value disclosure requirements of SFAS No.
107 (see Note 2).

EQUITY SECURITIES -- Fair value equals carrying value as these securities are
carried at quoted market value.

MORTGAGE LOANS ON REAL ESTATE -- The fair values for mortgage loans on real
estate are estimated using discounted cash flow analyses and rates currently
being offered in the marketplace for similar loans to borrowers with similar
credit ratings. Loans with similar characteristics are aggregated for purposes
of the calculations.

CASH, SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS AND POLICY LOANS -- The carrying amounts for these
assets approximate the assets' fair values.

financial instruments (primarily premiums and other accounts receivable and
accrued investment income) approximate those assets' fair values.

INVESTMENT CONTRACT LIABILITIES -- The fair value for deferred annuities was
estimated to be the amount payable on demand at the reporting date, as those
investment contracts have no defined maturity and are similar to a deposit
liability. The amount payable at the reporting date was calculated as the
account balance less applicable surrender charges.

The fair value for GICs was estimated using discounted cash flow analyses. The
discount rate used was based upon current industry offering rates on GICs of
similar durations.

The fair values for supplementary contracts without life contingencies and
immediate annuities were estimated using discounted cash flow analyses. The
discount rate was based upon treasury rates plus a pricing margin.

The carrying amounts reported for other investment contracts, which includes
participating pension contracts and retirement plan deposits, approximate those
liabilities' fair value.

CLAIM AND OTHER DEPOSIT FUNDS -- The carrying amounts for claim and other
deposit funds approximate the liabilities' fair value.

NOTES AND MORTGAGES PAYABLE -- For debt obligations, discounted cash flow
analyses were used. The discount rate was based upon the Company's estimated
current incremental borrowing rates.

other financial instruments (primarily normal payables of a short-term nature)
approximate those liabilities' fair values.

FINANCIAL GUARANTEES -- The fair values for financial guarantees were estimated
using discounted cash flow analyses based upon the expected future net amounts
to be expended. The estimated net amounts to be expended were determined based
on projected cash flows and a valuation of the underlying collateral.


The carrying amounts and estimated fair values of the Company's financial
instruments were as follows:

                                                          1999                              1998
                                             -------------------------------   -------------------------------
                                                Carrying           Fair           Carrying           Fair
DECEMBER 31 (IN MILLIONS)                        Amount            Value           Amount            Value
- ------------------------------------------   --------------   --------------   --------------   --------------
 Fixed Maturity Securities ...............    $  11,009.3      $  11,009.3      $  11,609.9      $  11,609.9
 Equity Securities .......................           42.7             42.7             49.1             49.1
 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate ...........
   Commercial ............................        1,868.5          1,854.7          1,726.8          1,841.8
   Residential and Other .................          441.2            439.7            428.0            436.7
 Policy Loans ............................          739.9            739.9            702.3            702.3
 Cash and Short-Term Investments .........          169.2            169.2            113.5            113.5
 Other Financial Instruments Recorded
  as Assets ..............................          493.7            493.7            460.4            460.4
 Investment Contracts
   Deferred Annuities ....................       (7,849.0)        (7,460.8)        (7,784.5)        (7,366.3)
   GICs ..................................          (79.1)           (96.8)           (70.3)           (98.2)
   Supplementary Contracts and Immediate
    Annuities ............................         (395.9)          (394.3)          (414.8)          (416.5)
   Other Investment Contracts ............         (311.6)          (311.6)          (396.4)          (396.4)
 Claim and Other Deposit Funds ...........         (127.1)          (127.1)          (154.4)          (154.4)
 Notes and Mortgages Payable .............           (8.0)            (8.4)            (7.6)            (8.1)
 Other Financial Instruments Recorded
  as Liabilities .........................         (407.7)          (407.7)          (411.8)          (411.8)
 Financial Guarantees ....................             --             (2.1)              --             (2.1)
- -------------------------------------------   -----------      -----------      -----------      -----------

Fair value estimates are made at a specific point in time, based on relevant
market information and information about the financial instrument. These
estimates do not reflect any premium or discount that could result from offering
for sale at one time the Company's holdings of a particular financial
instrument. Because no market exists for a significant portion of the Company's
financial instruments, fair value estimates are based on judgments regarding
future expected loss experience, current economic conditions, risk
characteristics of various financial instruments and other factors. These
estimates are subjective in nature and involve uncertainties and matters of
significant judgment and, therefore, cannot be determined with precision.
Changes in assumptions could significantly affect the estimates.

Fair value estimates are based on existing on and off-balance sheet financial
instruments without attempting to estimate the value of anticipated future
business and the value of assets and liabilities that are not considered
financial instruments. In addition, the tax ramifications related to the
realization of the unrealized gains and losses can have a significant effect on
fair value estimates and have not been considered in the estimates.


                                  (IN MILLIONS)

                                                                          JUNE 30,
Fixed Maturity Securities, Available for Sale .....................      $11,005.9
Equity Securities .................................................           41.1
Mortgage Loans on Real Estate .....................................        2,316.9
Real Estate and Leases ............................................           16.5
Policy Loans ......................................................          754.0
Other Invested Assets .............................................          101.6
Short-Term Investments ............................................          148.7
 Total Investments ................................................       14,384.7
Cash ..............................................................           34.7
Accounts and Notes Receivable .....................................          319.7
Reinsurance Receivable ............................................          651.2
Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs .................................        1,617.3
Present Value of Future Profits ...................................          411.7
Property and Equipment, Net .......................................          128.8
Accrued Investment Income .........................................          195.7
Other Assets ......................................................          273.5
Participation Fund Account Assets .................................          310.1
Assets Held in Separate Accounts ..................................        6,588.4
 TOTAL ASSETS .....................................................      $24,915.8
Future Policy and Contract Benefits ...............................      $13,556.1
Pending Policy Claims .............................................          687.6
Other Policyholder Funds ..........................................          441.5
Amounts Due Under Reverse Repurchase Agreements ...................          108.6
Notes and Mortgages Payable -- Unaffiliated .......................             .3
Notes Payable -- Parent ...........................................          100.0
Income Taxes ......................................................           85.0
Other Liabilities .................................................          638.3
Participation Fund Account Liabilities ............................          310.1
Liabilities Related to Separate Accounts ..........................        6,582.9
 TOTAL LIABILITIES ................................................       22,510.4
                             SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY
Common Stock ......................................................            2.5
Additional Paid-in Capital ........................................        1,057.4
Retained Earnings .................................................        1,526.3
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income ............................         (180.8)
TOTAL SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY ........................................        2,405.4
 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY .......................      $24,915.8

     See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                  (IN MILLIONS)

                                                                      SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                                        JUNE 30, 2000
Premiums ...........................................................      $   621.3
Net Investment Income ..............................................          558.3
Realized Investment Gains, Net .....................................            1.4
Policy and Contract Charges ........................................          217.1
Other Income .......................................................            6.7
 Total .............................................................        1,404.8
                               BENEFITS AND EXPENSES
Benefits to Policyholders ..........................................          856.4
Sales and Operating Expenses .......................................          191.9
Amortization of Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs and
 Present Value of Future Profits ...................................          125.8
Interest Expense ...................................................            5.6
Dividends and Experience Refunds to Policyholders ..................           11.8
 Total .............................................................        1,191.5
Income Before Income Taxes .........................................          213.3
Income Tax Expense .................................................           73.8
 Net Income ........................................................      $   139.5

       See accompany notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                  (IN MILLIONS)

                                                                                 SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                                                   JUNE 30, 2000
                              OPERATING ACTIVITIES
Net Income ....................................................................      $   139.5
Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to Net Cash Provided by
 Operating Activities
  Interest Credited to Insurance Contracts ....................................          273.3
  Future Policy Benefits ......................................................         (359.5)
  Capitalization of Policy Acquisition Costs ..................................         (199.5)
  Amortization of Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs and Present Value of
   Future Profits .............................................................          125.8
  Deferred Income Taxes .......................................................           48.1
  Net Change in Receivables and Payables ......................................           95.5
  Other Assets ................................................................            9.8
  Realized Investment Gains, Net ..............................................           (1.4)
  Other .......................................................................          (15.1)
   Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities ..................................          116.5
                              INVESTING ACTIVITIES
Proceeds from Sales of Fixed Maturity Securities ..............................          472.7
Proceeds from Maturities or Repayment of Fixed Maturity Securities ............          593.5
Cost of Fixed Maturity Securities Acquired ....................................       (1,180.0)
Sales of Equity Securities, Net ...............................................            2.9
Proceeds of Mortgage Loans Sold, Matured or Repaid ............................          111.1
Cost of Mortgage Loans Acquired ...............................................         (119.7)
Sales of Real Estate and Leases, Net ..........................................            4.9
Policy Loans Issued, Net ......................................................          (14.1)
Purchases of Other Invested Assets, Net .......................................           (9.4)
Purchases of Short-Term Investments, Net ......................................          (12.7)
   Net Cash Used by Investing Activities ......................................         (150.8)
                              FINANCING ACTIVITIES
Deposits to Insurance Contracts ...............................................          870.9
Maturities and Withdrawals from Insurance Contracts ...........................         (895.4)
Increase in Amounts Due Under Reverse Repurchase Agreements, Net ..............          108.6
Repayment of Notes and Mortgages Payable ......................................           (7.5)
Dividends to Shareholder ......................................................          (40.8)
   Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities ..................................           35.8
Increase in Cash ..............................................................            1.5
Cash at Beginning of Period ...................................................           33.2
Cash at End of Period .........................................................      $    34.7

     See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.




     The condensed consolidated financial statements of ReliaStar Life Insurance
Company (the Company) have been prepared in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles and such principles were applied on a basis consistent
with that reflected in the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Years Ended
December 31, 1999 and 1998. The financial information included herein has been
prepared by management without audit by independent certified public

     The information furnished includes all adjustments and accruals consisting
only of normal, recurring accrual adjustments which are, in the opinion of
management, necessary for a fair statement of results for the interim period.
The results of operations for any interim period are not necessarily indicative
of results for the full year. The unaudited interim condensed consolidated
financial statements should be read in conjunction with the financial statements
and notes thereto contained in the Consolidated Financial Statements For the
Years Ended December 31, 1999 and 1998.


     On September 1, 2000, the Company's parent, ReliaStar Financial Corp., was
acquired by ING Groep, N.V. (ING). ING is a global financial services company
based in Amsterdam, Netherlands, providing banking, insurance and asset
management services. The acquisition will be accounted for as a purchase
business combination, which will require the Company to adjust its historical
basis financial statements to estimated fair value. In addition, during the
third quarter, the Company has increased its insurance reserves related to its
Reinsurance business. The increase in insurance reserves will have a significant
impact on the Company's third quarter earnings but will not have a significant
impact on the Company's financial position or cash flows.


                                   APPENDIX A

                                THE FIXED ACCOUNT

     The Fixed Account consists of all of our assets other than those in our
separate accounts. We have complete ownership and control of all of the assets
of the Fixed Account.

     Because of exemptions and exclusions contained in the Securities Act of
1933 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Fixed Account has not been
registered under these acts. Neither the Fixed Account nor any interest in it is
subject to the provisions of these acts and as a result the SEC has not reviewed
the disclosures in this Prospectus relating to the Fixed Account. However,
disclosures relating to the Fixed Account are subject to generally applicable
provisions of the federal securities laws relating to the accuracy and
completeness of statements made in prospectuses.

     We guarantee both principal and interest on amounts credited to the Fixed
Account. We credit interest at an effective annual rate of at least 3%,
independent of the investment experience of the Fixed Account. From time to
time, we may guarantee interest at a rate higher than 3%.


     We do not use a specific formula for determining excess interest credits.
However, we consider the following:

     o    General economic trends,

     o    Rates of return currently available on our investments,

     o    Rates of return anticipated in our investments, regulatory and tax
          factors, and

     o    Competitive factors.

     We are not aware of any statutory limitations to the maximum amount of
interest we may credit and our Board of Directors has not set any limitations.

     The Fixed Accumulation Value of the Policy is the sum of the Net Premiums
credited to the Fixed Account. It is increased by transfers and Loan Amounts
from the Variable Account, and interest credits. It is decreased by Monthly
Deductions and partial withdrawals taken from the Fixed Account and transfers to
the Variable Account. The Fixed Accumulation Value will be calculated at least
monthly on the monthly anniversary date.

     You may transfer all or part of your Fixed Accumulation Value to the
Sub-Accounts of the Variable Account, subject to the following transfer

     o    The request to transfer must be postmarked no more than 30 days before
          the Policy Anniversary and no later than 30 days after the Policy
          Anniversary. Only one transfer is allowed during this period.

     o    The Fixed Accumulation Value after the transfer must be at least equal
          to the Loan Amount.

     o    No more than 50% of the Fixed Accumulation Value (minus any Loan
          Amount) may be transferred unless the balance, after the transfer,
          would be less than $1,000. If the balance would be less than $1,000,
          the full Fixed Accumulation Value (minus any Loan Amount) may be

     o    You must transfer at least:

          --   $500, or

          --   the total Fixed Accumulation Value (minus any Loan Amount) if
               less than $500.

     We make the Monthly Deduction from your Fixed Accumulation Value in
proportion to the total Accumulation Value of the Policy.

     The Surrender Charge described in the Prospectus applies to the total
Accumulation Value, which includes the Fixed Accumulation Value. If the Owner
surrenders the Policy for its Cash Surrender Value, the Fixed Accumulation Value
will be reduced by any applicable Surrender Charge, any Loan Amount and unpaid
Monthly Deductions applicable to the Fixed Account.


                                   APPENDIX B


     The Accumulation Value of the Policy is equal to the sum of the Variable
Accumulation Value plus the Fixed Accumulation Value.


     The Variable Accumulation Value is the total of your values in each
Sub-Account. The value for each Sub-Account is equal to:

1 multiplied by 2, where:

Is your current number of Accumulation Units (described below).

Is the current Unit Value (described below).

     The Variable Accumulation Value will vary from Valuation Date to Valuation
Date (described below) reflecting changes in 1 and 2 above.

     ACCUMULATION UNITS. When transactions are made which affect the Variable
Accumulation Value, dollar amounts are converted to Accumulation Units. The
number of Accumulation Units for a transaction is found by dividing the dollar
amount of the transaction by the current Unit Value.

     The number of Accumulation Units for a Sub-Account increases when:

     o    Net Premiums are credited to that Sub-Account; or

     o    Transfers from the Fixed Account or other Sub-Accounts are credited to
          that Sub-Account.

     The number of Accumulation Units for a Sub-Account decreases when:

     o    You take out a Policy loan from that Sub-Account;

     o    You take a partial withdrawal from that Sub-Account;

     o    We take a portion of the Monthly Deduction from that Sub-Account; or

     o    Transfers are made from that Sub-Account to the Fixed Account or other

     UNIT VALUE. The Unit Value for a Sub-Account on any Valuation Date is equal
to the previous Unit Value times the Net Investment Factor for that Sub-Account
(described below) for the Valuation Period (described below) ending on that
Valuation Date. The Unit Value was initially set at $10 when the Sub-Account
first purchased Fund shares.

     NET INVESTMENT FACTOR. The Net Investment Factor is a number that reflects
charges to the Policy and the investment performance during a Valuation Period
of the Fund in which a Sub-Account is invested. If the Net Investment Factor is
greater than one, the Unit Value is increased. If the Net Investment Factor is
less than one, the Unit Value is decreased. The Net Investment Factor for a
Sub-Account is determined by dividing 1 by 2.

(1 \d 2), where:

Is the result of:

     o    The net asset value per share of the Fund shares in which the
          Sub-Account invests, determined at the end of the current Valuation

     o    Plus the per share amount of any dividend or capital gain
          distributions made on the Fund shares in which the Sub-Account invests
          during the current Valuation Period;

     o    Plus or minus a per share charge or credit for any taxes reserved
          which we determine has resulted from the investment operations of the
          Sub-Account and to be applicable to the Policy.


Is the result of:

     o    The net asset value per share of the Fund shares held in the
          Sub-Account, determined at the end of the last prior Valuation Period;

     o    Plus or minus a per share charge or credit for any taxes reserved for
          during the last prior Valuation Period which we determine resulted
          from the investment operations of the Sub-Account and was applicable
          to the Policy.

     VALUATION DATE; VALUATION PERIOD. A Valuation Date is each day the New York
Stock Exchange is open for trading. A Valuation Period is the period between two
successive Valuation Dates, commencing at the close of business of a Valuation
Date and ending at the close of business on the next Valuation Date.


     The Fixed Accumulation Value on the Policy Date is your Net Premium
credited to the Fixed Account on that date minus the Monthly Deduction
applicable to the Fixed Accumulation Value for the first Policy Month.

     After the Policy Date, the Fixed Accumulation Value is calculated as:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 - 5 - 6, where:

Is the Fixed Accumulation Value on the preceding Monthly Anniversary, plus
interest from the Monthly Anniversary to the date of the calculation.

Is the total of your Net Premiums credited to the Fixed Account since the
preceding Monthly Anniversary, plus interest from the date premiums are credited
to the date of the calculation.

Is the total of your transfers from the Variable Account to the Fixed Account
since the preceding Monthly Anniversary, plus interest from the date of transfer
to the date of the calculation.

Is the total of your Loan Amounts transferred from the Variable Account since
the preceding Monthly Anniversary.

Is the total of your transfers to the Variable Account from the Fixed Account
since the preceding Monthly Anniversary, plus interest from the date of transfer
to the date of the calculation.

Is the total of your partial withdrawals from the Fixed Account since the
preceding Monthly Anniversary, plus interest from the date of withdrawal to the
date of the calculation.

     If the date of the calculation is a Monthly Anniversary, we also reduce the
Fixed Accumulation Value by the applicable Monthly Deduction for the Policy
Month following the Monthly Anniversary.

     The minimum interest rate applied in the calculation of the Fixed
Accumulation Value is an effective annual rate of 3%. Interest in excess of the
minimum rate may be applied in the calculation of your Fixed Accumulation Value
in a manner which our Board of Directors determines.


                                   APPENDIX C

                              MONTHLY AMOUNT CHARGE
                            PER $1,000 OF FACE AMOUNT

     The following table provides the factors that are used in determining the
Monthly Amount Charge which is deducted each Policy Month during the first 20
Policy Years (and for 20 Policy Years after any requested increase in Face
Amount relative to the increased amount). For a Policy issued in New Jersey, the
reduction of these charges after the first 20 Policy Years is not guaranteed and
may be assessed for the duration of the Policy. The Monthly Amount Charge per
$1,000 is based on the average age of the Joint Insureds on the Policy Date (or
on the effective date of any requested increase in Face Amount, as appropriate).

     JOINT INSUREDS       $1,000 OF FACE AMOUNT           JOINT INSUREDS       $1,000 OF FACE AMOUNT
     --------------     -------------------------         --------------     -------------------------
            0                     0.083                         43                      0.142
            1                     0.084                         44                      0.146
            2                     0.085                         45                      0.150
            3                     0.085                         46                      0.155
            4                     0.086                         47                      0.159
            5                     0.086                         48                      0.164
            6                     0.087                         49                      0.168
            7                     0.087                         50                      0.173
            8                     0.088                         51                      0.177
            9                     0.088                         52                      0.182
           10                     0.089                         53                      0.186
           11                     0.090                         54                      0.191
           12                     0.090                         55                      0.195
           13                     0.091                         56                      0.200
           14                     0.091                         57                      0.205
           15                     0.092                         58                      0.210
           16                     0.092                         59                      0.215
           17                     0.093                         60                      0.220
           18                     0.094                         61                      0.225
           19                     0.094                         62                      0.230
           20                     0.095                         63                      0.235
           21                     0.095                         64                      0.240
           22                     0.096                         65                      0.245
           23                     0.096                         66                      0.263
           24                     0.097                         67                      0.281
           25                     0.098                         68                      0.299
           26                     0.099                         69                      0.317
           27                     0.100                         70                      0.335
           28                     0.101                         71                      0.353
           29                     0.103                         72                      0.371
           30                     0.104                         73                      0.389
           31                     0.105                         74                      0.407
           32                     0.106                         75                      0.425
           33                     0.108                         76                      0.458
           34                     0.109                         77                      0.490
           35                     0.110                         78                      0.523
           36                     0.114                         79                      0.555
           37                     0.118                         80                      0.588
           38                     0.122                         81                      0.620
           39                     0.126                         82                      0.653
           40                     0.130                         83                      0.685
           41                     0.134                         84                      0.718
           42                     0.138                         85                      0.750


                          UNDERTAKINGS TO FILE REPORTS

     Subject to the terms and conditions of Section 15(d) of the Securities and
Exchange Act of 1934, the undersigned Registrant hereby undertakes to file with
the Securities and Exchange Commission such supplementary and periodic
information, documents and reports as may be prescribed by any rule or
regulation of the Commission heretofore or hereafter duly adopted pursuant to
authority conferred in that Section.

                              RULE 484 UNDERTAKING

     Insofar as indemnification for liability arising under the Securities Act
of 1933 (the "Act") may be permitted to directors, officers and controlling
persons of the Registrant pursuant to the foregoing provisions, or otherwise,
the Registrant has been advised that in the opinion of the Securities and
Exchange Commission such indemnification is against public policy as expressed
in the Act and is, therefore, unenforceable. In the event that a claim for
indemnification against such liabilities (other than the payment by the
Registrant of expenses incurred or paid by a director, officer or controlling
person of the Registrant in the successful defense of any action, suit or
proceeding) is asserted by such director, officer or controlling person in
connection with the securities being registered, the Registrant will, unless in
the opinion of its counsel the matter has been settled by controlling precedent,
submit to a court of appropriate jurisdiction the question whether such
indemnification by it is against public policy as expressed in the Act and will
be governed by the final adjudication of such issue.

                      OF THE INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT OF 1940

     Depositor represents that the fees and charges deducted under the flexible
premium variable life insurance policy, in the aggregate, are reasonable in
relation to the services rendered, the expenses expected to be incurred, and the
risks assumed by ReliaStar Life Insurance Company.



As required by the Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment Company Act of
1940, Registrant has caused this Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6
Registration Statement to be signed on its behalf, in the City of Minneapolis
and State of Minnesota, on this 8th day of November, 2000.

                                       SELECT*LIFE VARIABLE ACCOUNT

                                       By: RELIASTAR LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY

                                       By          /S/ JOHN G. TURNER
                                                John G. Turner, Chairman
                                               and Chief Executive Officer

As required by the Securities Act of 1933, Depositor has caused this
Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-6 Registration Statement to be
signed on its behalf, in the City of Minneapolis and State of Minnesota, on this
8th day of November, 2000.

                                       RELIASTAR LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY

                                       By          /S/ JOHN G. TURNER
                                                John G. Turner, Chairman
                                               and Chief Executive Officer

As required by the Securities Act of 1933, this Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to
the Form S-6 Registration Statement has been signed on this 8th day of November,
2000 by the following directors and officers of Depositor in the capacities

           SIGNATURE                               TITLE
           ---------                               -----

     /S/ JOHN G. TURNER        Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
- -----------------------------
       John G. Turner

    /S/ JAMES R. MILLER        Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
- -----------------------------
      James R. Miller

  *Richard R. Crowl        *Mark S. Jordahl       *Robert C. Salipante
  *Michael J. Dubes        *Kenneth U. Kuk        *John G. Turner
  *Wayne R. Huneke         *Susan W. A. Mead
  *Dewette Ingham, Jr.     *James R. Miller

A majority of the Board of Directors

Stewart D. Gregg, by signing his name hereto, does hereby sign this document on
behalf of each of the above-named directors of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company
pursuant to powers of attorney duly executed by such persons.

                              /S/ STEWART D. GREGG
                       Stewart D. Gregg, Attorney-In-Fact


                                     PART II


This Registration Statement comprises the following papers and documents:

     The Facing Sheet.

     The general form of Prospectus, consisting of 109 pages.

     Undertakings to file reports.

     Rule 484 Undertaking.

     Representation pursuant to Section 26(e)(2)(A).

     The signatures.

     Written consents of the following persons:

     1.   Stewart D. Gregg, Esquire -- (Filed as part of Exhibit 2.)

     2.   Craig A. Krogstad, FSA, MAAA -- (Filed as part of Exhibit 99.C6.)

     3.   Independent Auditors' Consent -- (Filed as part of Exhibit 99.C1.)

     The following exhibits:

     1.   The following exhibits correspond to those required by Paragraph A of
          the instructions as to exhibits in Form N-8B-2:

     A.   (1)  Resolutions of Board of Directors of Northwestern National Life
               Insurance Company ("NWNL") establishing the Select*Life Variable
               Account. (Filed as an Exhibit in S-6EL24 on December 23, 1996,
               Accession Number 0000897899-96-000017, CIK 0000897899 and
               incorporated herein by reference.)

          (2)  Not applicable.

          (3)  (a)  General Distributor Agreement between Washington Square
                    Securities, Inc. and ReliaStar Life. (Filed as part of
                    Select*Life Variable Account S-6EL24 on 12-23-96, Accession
                    Number 0000897899-96-000017, CIK 0000897899 and incorporated
                    herein by reference.)

          (3)  (b)  Specimens of Selling Agreements. (Filed as part of
                    Select*Life Variable Account S-6EL24 on 12-23-96, Accession
                    Number 0000897899-96-000017, CIK 0000897899 and incorporated
                    herein by reference.)

          (4)  Not applicable.

          (5)  (a)  Form of Policy

          (5)  (b)  Four Year Term Rider.

          (5)  (c)  Full Death Benefit Rider.

          (5)  (d)  Survivorship Term Rider.

          (5)  (e)  Additional Insured Rider.

          (5)  (f)  Policy Split Option Rider. (Filed as part of Select*Life
                    Variable Account S-6 on August 8, 1997, File No. 333-18517,
                    and incorporated herein by reference.)

          (5)  (g)  Form of personalized illustration.

          (6)  (a)  Amended Articles of Incorporation of ReliaStar Life. (Filed
                    as part of Select*Life Variable Account S-6EL24 on 12-23-96,
                    Accession Number 0000897899-96-000017, CIK 0000897899 and
                    incorporated herein by reference.)

          (6)  (b)  Amended By-Laws of ReliaStar Life. (Filed as part of
                    Select*Life Variable Account S-6EL24 on 12-23-96, Accession
                    Number 0000897899-96-000017, CIK 0000897899 and incorporated
                    herein by reference.)

          (7)   Not applicable.


          (8)  (a)  Participation Agreement with Fidelity's Variable Insurance
                    Products Fund and Fidelity Distributors Corporation and
                    Amendments Nos. 1-8. (Filed as part of Select*Life Variable
                    Account S-6EL24 on 12-23-96, Accession Number
                    0000897899-96-000017, CIK 0000897899 and incorporated herein
                    by reference.)

          (8)  (b)  Form of Amendment No. 10 to Participation Agreement with
                    Fidelity's Variable Insurance Products Fund and Fidelity
                    Distributors Corporation. (Filed in S6-A on April 5, 1999,
                    File No. 333-69431 and incorporated herein by reference.)

          (8)  (c)  Form of Amendments No. 11 and 12 to Participation Agreement
                    with Fidelity's Variable Insurance Products Fund and
                    Fidelity Distributors Corporation. (Filed in Form S-6 on
                    September 29, 2000, Accession Number 0000897101-00-000949,
                    File No. 333-47094 and incorporated herein by reference.)

          (8)  (d)  Participation Agreement with Fidelity's Variable Insurance
                    Products Fund II and Fidelity Distributors Corporation and
                    Amendments Nos. 1-7. (Filed as part of Select*Life Variable
                    Account S-6EL24 on 12-23-96, Accession Number
                    0000897899-96-000017, CIK 0000897899 and incorporated herein
                    by reference.)

          (8)  (e)  Form of Amendment No. 9 to Participation Agreement with
                    Fidelity's Variable Insurance Products Fund II and Fidelity
                    Distributors Corporation. (Filed in S6-A on April 5, 1999,
                    File No. 333-69431 and incorporated herein by reference).

          (8)  (f)  Form of Amendments No. 10 and 11 to Participation Agreement
                    with Fidelity's Variable Insurance Products Fund II and
                    Fidelity Distributors Corporation. (Filed in Form S-6 on
                    September 29, 2000, Accession Number 0000897101-00-000949,
                    File No. 333-47094 and incorporated herein by reference.)

          (8)  (g)  Form of Service Agreement and Contract between ReliaStar
                    Life Insurance Company, WSSI, and Fidelity Investments
                    Institutional Operations Company and Distributors
                    Corporation dated January 1, 1997. (Filed in S-6EL24/A on
                    March 31, 1997, File No. 333-18517, and incorporated herein
                    by reference.)

          (8)  (h)  Participation Agreement with Putnam Capital Manager Trust
                    and Putnam Mutual Funds Corp. and Amendments Nos. 1-2.
                    (Filed in S-6EL24 on December 23, 1996, File No. 333-18517,
                    and incorporated herein by reference.)

          (8)  (i)  Form of Amendments No. 3 and 4 to Participation Agreement
                    with Putnam Capital Manager Trust and Putnam Mutual Funds
                    Corporation. (Filed in Form S-6 on September 29, 2000,
                    Accession Number 0000897101-00-000949, File No. 333-47094
                    and incorporated herein by reference.)

          (8)  (j)  Form of Service Agreement by and between ReliaStar Life
                    Insurance Company and Janus Capital Corporation. (Filed in
                    Form S-6 on August 4, 1997, File No. 2-95392 and
                    incorporated herein by reference.)

          (8)  (k)  Form of Service Agreement by and between ReliaStar Life
                    Insurance Company and Fred Alger Management, Inc. (Filed in
                    Form S-6 on August 4, 1997, File No. 2-95392 and
                    incorporated herein by reference.)

          (8)  (l)  Form of Service Agreement by and between ReliaStar Life
                    Insurance Company and OpCap Advisors. (Filed in Form S-6 on
                    August 4, 1997, File No. 2-95392 and incorporated herein by

          (8)  (m)  Form of Service Agreement by and between ReliaStar Life
                    Insurance Company and Neuberger Berman Management
                    Incorporated. (Filed in Form S-6 on August 4, 1997, File No.
                    2-95392 and incorporated herein by reference.)

          (8)  (n)  Form of Participation Agreement by and among ReliaStar Life
                    Insurance Company, Neuberger Berman Advisers Management
                    Trust, Advisers Managers Trust and Neuberger Berman
                    Management, Inc. (Filed in 485BPOS on August 4, 1997, File
                    No. 2-95392 and incorporated herein by reference.)

          (8)  (o)  Form of Amendment No. 1 to Participation Agreement by and
                    among ReliaStar Life Insurance Company, Neuberger Berman
                    Advisers Management Trust,


                    Advisers Managers Trust and Neuberger Berman Management,
                    Inc. (Filed in S6/A on April 5, 1999, File No. 333-69431 and
                    incorporated herein by reference.)

          (8)  (p)  Form of Participation Agreement by and between ReliaStar
                    Life Insurance Company and Janus Aspen Series. (Filed in
                    Form S-6 on August 4, 1997, File No. 2-95392 and
                    incorporated herein by reference.)

          (8)  (q)  Form of Participation Agreement by and between ReliaStar
                    Life Insurance Company and Fred Alger Management, Inc.,
                    (Filed in Form S-6 on August 4, 1997, File No. 2-95392 and
                    incorporated herein by reference.)

                    Exhibit to Participation Agreement (Filed in 485BPOS on
                    March 31, 2000, File No. 33-57244 and incorporated herein by

          (8)  (r)  Form of Amendment dated September 29, 2000, to the
                    Participation Agreement by and between ReliaStar Life
                    Insurance Company and Fred Alger Management, Inc. (Filed in
                    Form S-6 on September 29, 2000, Accession Number
                    0000897101-00-000949, File No. 333-47094 and incorporated
                    herein by reference.)

          (8)  (s)  Form of Amendment to Participation Agreement Form of
                    Participation Agreement by and between ReliaStar Life
                    Insurance Company and OpCap Advisors. (Filed in Form S-6 on
                    August 4, 1997, File No. 2-95392 and incorporated herein by

          (8)  (t)  Form of Participation Agreement by and among ReliaStar Life
                    Insurance Company, AIM Variable Insurance Products Fund,
                    Inc., AIM Distributors, Inc. and Washington Square
                    Securities, Inc. ("WSSI") (Filed in Form 485 BPOS on March
                    31, 2000, File No. 33-57244 and incorporated herein by

          (8)  (u)  Form of Amendment No. 1 to Participation Agreement by and
                    among ReliaStar Life Insurance Company, AIM Variable
                    Insurance Products Fund, Inc., AIM Distributors, Inc. and
                    WSSI. (Filed in Form S-6 on September 29, 2000, Accession
                    Number 0000897101-00-000949, File No. 333-47094 and
                    incorporated herein by reference.)

          (8)  (v)  Form of Administrative Services Agreement by and among
                    ReliaStar Life Insurance Company, Northern Life Insurance
                    Company, ReliaStar Life Insurance Company of New York, and A
                    I M Advisors, Inc. (Filed in Form 485BPOS on March 31, 2000,
                    File No. 33-57244 and incorporated herein and by reference.)

          (9)  Not applicable.

          (10) (a)  Policy Application Form. (Filed in Form S-6 on September 29,
                    2000, Accession Number 0000897101-00-000949, File No.
                    333-47094 and incorporated herein by reference.)

               (b)  Supplement to Policy Application Form. (Filed in Form S-6 on
                    September 29, 2000, Accession Number 0000897101-00-000947,
                    File No. 333-47094 and incorporated herein by reference.)


     2.   Opinion and consent of Stewart D. Gregg, Esquire, as to the legality
          of the Securities being registered.

     3.   Not applicable.

     4.   Not applicable.

          EX-99.C1. Independent Auditors' Consent.

          EX-99.C2. Not applicable.

          EX-99.C3. Not applicable.

          EX-99.C4. See EX-99.2.

          EX-99.C5. Not applicable.

          EX-99.C6. Actuarial Opinion and Consent.

          EX-24.    Powers of Attorney. (Filed as an Exhibit to Form N-4 on
                    February 17, 2000, File No. 333-30614 and incorporated
                    herein and by reference)

                    Powers of Attorney.

                    Richard R. Crowl
                    Michael J. Dubes
                    Wayne R. Huneke
                    Dewette Ingham, Jr.
                    Mark S. Jordahl
                    Kenneth U. Kuk
                    Susan W. A. Mead
                    James R. Miller
                    Robert C. Salipante
                    John G. Turner
