WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                   FORM N-PX/A

                          MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANY

Investment Company Act number       811-06373

        Sit International Growth Fund, a series of Sit Mutual Funds, Inc.
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            3300 IDS Center, 80 S. 8th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55402
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                         Kelly K. Boston, Staff Attorney
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                3300 IDS Center, 80 S. 8th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55402
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Registrant's telephone number, including area code: 612-332-3223

Date of fiscal year end: June 30, 2006

Date of reporting period: July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006



                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Advanced Info
Service PCL                    Y0014U183   4/24/2006   1      Open Meeting                             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2      Approve Minutes of Previous AGM          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3      Accept 2005 Operation Results            Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Accept Financial Statements and
                                                       4      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                              Payment of Final Dividend of Baht 3.3
                                                       5      Per Share                                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Auditors and Authorize Board to
                                                       6      Fix Their Remuneration                   Mgmt        For      For
                                                       7      Reelect Boonklee Plangsiri as Director   Mgmt        For      For
                                                       8      Approve Remuneration of Directors        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Issuance of 10.14 Million
                                                              Warrants to Directors and Employees of
                                                              the Company Under the Employee Stock
                                                       9      Option Plan Grant V (ESOP Grant V)       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Allocation of 10.14 Million New
                                                              Ordinary Shares Pursuant to the ESOP
                                                       10     Grant V                                  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Issuance of 5.31 percent of the
                                                              Total Warrants to Somprasong Boonyachai
                                                       11     Under the ESOP Grant V                   Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Allocation of 615,800
                                                              Additional Ordinary Shares Pursuant to
                                                              the Employee Stock Option Plan Grant 1,
                                                       12     2, 3, and 4                              Mgmt        For      For

                                                       13     Other Business                           Mgmt        For      Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

AES Tiete
Companhia de                                                  Accept Financial Statements and
Geracao de                                                    Statutory Reports and Approve
Energia Tiete)                 P4991B101   3/21/2006   1      Allocation of Income                     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Aggregate Annual Remuneration
                                                       2      of Directors                             Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect Employee Representative and
                                                       3      Alternate to the Board                   Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Elect Directors                          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5      Elect Supervisory Board                  Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Incorporated           AFL     1055102     5/1/2006    1.1    Elect Director Daniel P. Amos            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.2    Elect Director John Shelby Amos, II      Mgmt        For      For



                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       1.3    Elect Director Michael H. Armacost       Mgmt        For      Withhold
                                                       1.4    Elect Director Kriss Cloninger, III      Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.5    Elect Director Joe Frank Harris          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.6    Elect Director Elizabeth J. Hudson       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.7    Elect Director Kenneth S. Janke Sr.      Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.8    Elect Director Douglas W. Johnson        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.9    Elect Director Robert B. Johnson         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.10   Elect Director Charles B. Knapp          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.11   Elect Director Hidefumi Matsui           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.12   Elect Director E. Stephen Purdom, M.D.   Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.13   Elect Director Barbara K. Rimer, Dr. Ph  Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.14   Elect Director Marvin R. Schuster        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.15   Elect Director David Gary Thompson       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.16   Elect Director Tohru Tonoike             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.17   Elect Director Robert L. Wright          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2      Ratify Auditors                          Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Allianz AG
Allianz Holding                                               Receive Financial Statements and
AG)                            D03080112   5/3/2006    1      Statutory Reports for Fiscal 2005        Mgmt        None     None
                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                       2      Dividends of EUR 2.00 per Share          Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Discharge of Management Board
                                                       3      for Fiscal 2005                          Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board
                                                       4      for Fiscal 2005                          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Affiliation Agreement with
                                                              Subsidiary Allianz Alternative Assets
                                                       5      Holding GmbH                             Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Allianz AG                                                    Approve Merger by Absorption of
(formerly                                                     Riunione Adriatica di Sicurta SpA;
Allianz Holding                                               Approve Change of Corporate Form to
AG)                            D03080112   2/8/2006    1      Societas Europea (SE)                    Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Issue 25.1 Million Shares in Connection
                                                              with Merger by Merger by Absorption of
                                                              RIUNIONE ADRIATICA DI SICURTA Societa
                                                       2      per Azioni                               Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Creation of EUR 450 Million
                                                              Pool of Conditional Capital with
                                                       3      Preemptive Rights                        Mgmt        For      For

                                                       4      Approve Employee Stock Purchase Plan     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Issuance of Convertible Bonds
                                                              and/or Bonds with Warrants Attached up
                                                              to Aggregate Nominal Amount of EUR 10
                                                              Billion with Preemptive Rights; Approve
                                                              Creation of EUR 250 Million Pool of
                                                              Conditional Capital to Guarantee
                                                       5      Conversion Rights                        Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Authorize Repurchase of up to Five
                                                              Percent of Issued Share Capital for
                                                       6      Trading Purposes                         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Repurchase of up to 10
                                                              Percent of Issued Share Capital for
                                                       7      Purposes other than Trading              Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Amdocs Limited         DOX     G02602103   1/19/2006   1.1    Elect Director Bruce K. Anderson         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.2    Elect Director Adrian Gardner            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.3    Elect Director Charles E. Foster         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.4    Elect Director James S. Kahan            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.5    Elect Director Dov Baharav               Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.6    Elect Director Julian A. Brodsky         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.7    Elect Director Eli Gelman                Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.8    Elect Director Nehemia Lemelbaum         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.9    Elect Director John T. Mclennan          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.10   Elect Director Robert A. Minicucci       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.11   Elect Director Simon Olswang             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.12   Elect Director Mario Segal               Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT OF THE 1998 STOCK
                                                              OPTION AND INCENTIVE PLAN TO INCREASE
                                                              THE NUMBER OF SHARES AUTHORIZED FOR
                                                              ISSUANCE THEREUNDER, TO CONTINUE THE
                                                              TERM OF THE PLAN FOR AN ADDITIONAL
                                                              10-YEAR TERM AND TO MAKE OTHER CHANGES
                                                       2      AS DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANY            Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVAL OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION TO
                                                              PERMIT DIRECT REPURCHASE BY THE COMPANY
                                                              OF UNVESTED SHARES OF RESTRICTED STOCK
                                                              GRANTED UNDER THE 1998 STOCK OPTION AND
                                                              INCENTIVE PLAN UPON TERMINATION OF
                                                       3      EMPLOYMENT OR SERVICE.                   Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVAL OF CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL
                                                       4      STATEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005.         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              RATIFICATION AND APPROVAL OF ERNST &
                                                              YOUNG LLP AND AUTHORIZATION OF AUDIT
                                                       5      COMMITTEE OF BOARD TO FIX REMUNERATION.  Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Anglo Irish Bank                                              Accept Financial Statements and
Corporation Plc                G03815118   1/27/2006   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2      Approve Dividends                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3a     Reelect F. Drury as Director             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3b     Reelect S. FitzPatrick as Director       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3c     Reelect M. Jacob as Director             Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Authorize Board to Fix Remuneration of
                                                       4      Auditors                                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Remuneration of Non-executive
                                                       5      Directors                                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Share Repurchase Program and
                                                       6      Reissuance of Repurchased Shares         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Issuance of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities with
                                                       7      Preemptive Rights                        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Issuance of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities without
                                                       8      Preemptive Rights                        Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Allocation of Income, Including
Asahi Breweries                                               the Following Dividends: Interim JY
Ltd.                           J02100113   3/30/2006   1      7.5, Final JY 9.5, Special JY 0          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles to: Expand Business
                                                              Lines - Decrease Authorized Capital to
                                                              Reflect Share Repurchase - Authorize
                                                              Public Announcements in Electronic
                                                              Format - Update Language of Articles to
                                                       2      Reflect New Corporate Law                Mgmt        For      For

                                                       3      Approve Executive Stock Option Plan      Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.1    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.2    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.3    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.4    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.5    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.6    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.7    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.8    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.9    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5      Approve Retirement Bonuses for Directors Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              DISCUSSION OF ANNUAL REPORT 2005 AND
ASML Holding NV                                               ADOPTION OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
(Formerly ASM                                                 (FY ) 2005, AS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE
Lithography Hldg)              N07059111   3/23/2006   1      WITH DUTCH LAW                           Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              DISCHARGE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD
                                                              OF MANAGEMENT ( BOM ) FROM LIABILITY
                                                       2      FOR THE FY 2005.                         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              DISCHARGE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE
                                                              SUPERVISORY BOARD FROM LIABILITY FOR
                                                       3      THE FY 2005.                             Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO AMEND THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF
                                                       4      THE COMPANY.                             Mgmt        For      For

                                                              ADOPTION OF THE REVISED REMUNERATION
                                                       5      POLICY FOR THE BOM.                      Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVAL OF THE PERFORMANCE STOCK
                                                              ARRANGEMENT FOR THE BOM, AS MORE FULLY
                                                       6      DESCRIBED IN THE AGENDA.                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVAL OF THE PERFORMANCE STOCK
                                                              OPTION ARRANGEMENT FOR THE BOM, AS MORE
                                                       7      FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE AGENDA.           Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVAL OF THE STOCK OPTION
                                                              ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE ASML EMPLOYEES, AS
                                                       8      MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE AGENDA.      Mgmt        For      For

                                                              AUTHORIZATION OF THE BOARD OF
                                                              MANAGEMENT TO ISSUE 22,000 SIGN-ON
                                                              STOCK AND 22,000 SIGN-ON STOCK OPTIONS
                                                       9      TO MR. K.P. FUCHS.                       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO RE-APPOINT MR. DEKKER AS MEMBER OF
                                                       10     THE SUPERVISORY BOARD.                   Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO AUTHORIZE THE BOM FOR A PERIOD OF 18
                                                              MONTHS TO ISSUE SHARES OR RIGHTS TO
                                                              SUBSCRIBE FOR A LIMIT OF 10% OF THE
                                                       11     SHARE CAPITAL.                           Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO AUTHORIZE THE BOM FOR A PERIOD OF 18
                                                              MONTHS TO RESTRICT OR EXCLUDE THE
                                                              PRE-EMPTION RIGHT ACCRUING TO
                                                       12     SHAREHOLDERS.                            Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              TO AUTHORIZE THE BOM FOR A PERIOD OF 18
                                                              MONTHS TO ISSUE SHARES OR RIGHTS TO
                                                              SUBSCRIBE FOR AN ADDITIONAL 10% OF THE
                                                       13     CAPITAL.                                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO AUTHORIZE THE BOM FOR A PERIOD OF 18
                                                              MONTHS FROM MARCH 23, 2006, TO RESTRICT
                                                              THE PRE-EMPTION RIGHT ACCRUING TO
                                                       14     SHAREHOLDERS                             Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO AUTHORIZE THE BOM FOR A PERIOD OF 18
                                                              MONTHS TO ACQUIRE OWN SHARES. **VOTING
                                                       15     CUT-OFF DATE: MARCH 15, 2006.**          Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Australia and
New Zealand
Banking Group
Ltd. (formerly                                                Receive Financial Statements and
Austr                  ANZ     Q09504137   12/16/2005  1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        None     None
                                                       2      Adopt Remuneration Report                Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3a     Elect R Deane as Director                Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3b     Elect D Gonski as Director               Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3c     Elect C Goode as Director                Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Amend Constitution                       Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Amend the Director's Access, Insurance
                                                       5      and Indemnity Deed                       Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Amend the Non-executive Directors'
                                                       6      Retirement Scheme                        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Remuneration of Directors in
                                                       7      the Amount of AUD 3,000,000              Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Merger by Absorption of Finaxa
Axa (Formerly                                                 and Capital Increase in Connection with
Axa-Uap)                       F06106102   12/16/2005  1      the Merger                               Mgmt        For      For

                                                       2      Approve Accounting Treatment of Merger   Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3      Approve Reduction in Share Capital       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Assume Obligations of 2.75% 1997/2006
                                                       4      Convertible Bonds Issued by Finaxa       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Assume Obligations of Stock Options
                                                       5      Granted by Finaxa                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Dissolution of Finaxa without
                                                       6      Liquidation                              Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Amend Articles to Reflect Changes in
                                                       7      Capital                                  Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Authorize Issuance of Convertible Bonds
                                                              to Holders of Finaxa 3% 1998/2007 Bonds
                                                       8      Convertible Into Axa Shares              Mgmt        None     None

                                                              Reserve Convertible Bonds Issuance to
                                                       9      Holders of Finaxa 3% 1998/2007 Bonds     Mgmt        None     None

                                                              Approve Capital Increase Reserved for
                                                              Employees Participating in
                                                       10     Savings-Related Share Purchase Plan      Mgmt        Against  Against

                                                              Authorize Filing of Required
                                                       11     Documents/Other Formalities              Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Axa (Formerly                                                 Approve Financial Statements and
Axa-Uap)                       F06106102   5/4/2006    1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Accept Consolidated Financial
                                                       2      Statements and Statutory Reports         Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                       3      Dividends of EUR 0.88 per Share          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Special Auditors' Report
                                                       4      Regarding Related-Party Transactions     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Election of Norbert Dentressangle as
                                                       5      Supervisory Board Member                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit as
                                                       6      Auditor                                  Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Ratify Patrick Frotiee as Alternate
                                                       7      Auditor                                  Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Authorize Repurchase of Up to Ten
                                                       8      Percent of Issued Share Capital          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Reduction in Share Capital via
                                                       9      Cancellation of Repurchased Shares       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Filling of Required
                                                       10     Documents/Other Formalities              Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Accept Financial Statements, Statutory
AZIMUT HOLDING                                                Reports and Consolidated Financial
SPA                            T0783G106   4/26/2006   1      Statements, for the Fiscal Year 2005     Mgmt        For      For

                                                       2      Approve Allocation of Income             Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Share Repurchase Program and
                                                       3      Reissuance of Repurchased Shares         Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       4      Elect One Director                       Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

BAE Systems
PLC (frm.British                                              Accept Financial Statements and
Aerospace Plc )                G06940103   5/4/2006    1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2      Approve Remuneration Report              Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Final Dividend of 6.3 Pence Per
                                                       3      Ordinary Share                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Re-elect Susan Birley as Director        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Re-elect Christopher Geoghegan as
                                                       5      Director                                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6      Re-elect Michael Lester as Director      Mgmt        For      For
                                                       7      Elect Philip Carroll as Director         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       8      Elect Roberto Quarta as Director         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       9      Elect Peter Weinberg as Director         Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Reappoint KPMG Audit Plc as Auditors of
                                                       10     the Company                              Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of
                                                       11     Auditors                                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Bae Systems Performance Share
                                                       12     Plan 2006                                Mgmt        For      For
                                                       13     Approve Bae Systems Share Matching Plan  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise the Company to Make EU
                                                              Political Organisations Donations and
                                                              Incur EU Political Expenditure up to
                                                       14     GBP 100,000                              Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise BAE Systems Marine Limited to
                                                              Make EU Political Organisations
                                                              Donations and Incur EU Political
                                                       15     Expenditure up to GBP 100,000            Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise BAE Systems (Operations)
                                                              Limited to Make EU Political
                                                              Organisations Donations and Incur EU
                                                       16     Political Expenditure up to GBP 100,000  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise BAE Systems Land Systems
                                                              (Munitions and Ordnance) Ltd. to Make
                                                              EU Political Organisations Donations
                                                              and Incur EU Political Expenditure up
                                                       17     to GBP 100,000                           Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise BAE Systems Land Systems
                                                              (Weapons and Vehicles) Ltd. to Make EU
                                                              Political Organisations Donations and
                                                              Incur EU Political Expenditure up to
                                                       18     GBP 100,000                              Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise Land Systems Hagglunds AB to
                                                              Make EU Political Organisations
                                                              Donations and Incur EU Political
                                                       19     Expenditure up to GBP 100,000            Mgmt        For      Against




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities with
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       20     Nominal Amount of GBP 26,829,626         Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities without
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       21     Nominal Amount of GBP 4,024,846          Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              Authorise 321,987,720 Ordinary Shares
                                                       22     for Market Purchase                      Mgmt        For      Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Accept Financial Statements and
Banca Popolare                                                Statutory Reports for the Fiscal Year
di Milano                      T15120107   4/28/2006   1      2005                                     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend External Auditors' Report to
                                                              Reflect the New Accounting Principles
                                                       2      IAS/IFRS                                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Remuneration of Board of
                                                              Directors, Executive Committee and
                                                       3      Internal Statutory Auditors              Mgmt        For      For

                                                       4.1    Elect Board of Directors - Slate 1       Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Appoint Internal Statutory Auditors -
                                                       5.1    Slate 1                                  Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6      Appoint Censors (Collegio dei Probiviri) Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Accept Financial Statements and
Barclays Plc                   G08036124   4/27/2006   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2      Approve Remuneration Report              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3      Elect Fulvio Conti as Director           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Elect Danie Cronje as Director           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5      Elect Robert Diamond Jr. as Director     Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6      Elect Robert Steel as Director           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       7      Elect John Sunderland as Director        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       8      Re-elect Dame Dawson as Director         Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Re-elect Sir Richard Broadbent as
                                                       9      Director                                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       10     Re-elect Gary Hoffman as Director        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       11     Re-elect Naguib Kheraj as Director       Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Re-elect Sir Nigel Rudd as Director
                                                       12     Nigel Rudd as Director                   Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as
                                                       13     Auditors of the Company                  Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Authorize Board to Fix Remuneration of
                                                       14     Auditors                                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise the Company to make EU
                                                              Political Organisation Donations up to
                                                              GBP 25,000 and Incur EU Political
                                                       15     Expenditure up to GBP 25,000             Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Authorise Barclays Bank plc to make EU
                                                              Political Organisation Donations up to
                                                              GBP 100,000 and Incur EU Political
                                                       16     Expenditure up to GBP 100,000            Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities with
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       17     Nominal Amount of GBP 541,215,604        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities without
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       18     Nominal Amount of GBP 81,182,340         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise 968,600,000 Ordinary Shares
                                                       19     for Market Purchase                      Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

BHP Billiton
(Formerly BHP                                                 Receive Financial Statements and
Ltd.)                  BHP     Q1498M100   11/25/2005  1      Statutory Reports of BHP Billiton Plc    Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Receive Financial Statements and
                                                              Statutory Reports of BHP Billiton
                                                       2      Limited                                  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Elect Carlos Cordeiro as a Director of
                                                       3      BHP Billiton Plc                         Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect Carlos Cordeiro as Director
                                                       4      Billiton Limited                         Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect Gail de Planque as a Director of
                                                       5      BHP Billiton Plc                         Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect Gail de Planque as a Director of
                                                       6      BHP Billiton Limited                     Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect David Crawford as a Director of
                                                       7      BHP Billiton Plc                         Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect David Crawford as a Director of
                                                       8      BHP Billiton Limited                     Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect David Jenkins as a Director of
                                                       9      BHP Billiton Plc                         Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect David Jenkins as a Director of
                                                       10     BHP Billiton Limited                     Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect Mike Salomon as a Director of BHP
                                                       11     Billiton Plc                             Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect Mike Salomon as a Director of BHP
                                                       12     Billiton Limited                         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve KPMG Audit Plc as Auditors and
                                                              Authorize Board to Fix Their
                                                       13     Remuneration                             Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve the Allotment of 531.85 Million
                                                              Unissued Shares to Participants of the
                                                              Group Incentive Schemes and Other
                                                       14     Legacy Employee Share Schemes            Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve the Issuance of Up to 123.41
                                                       15     Million Shares                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       16     Authorize Share Repurchase Program       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       17     Approve Remuneration Report              Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Approve Stock Option Plan Grants to C W
                                                       18     Goodyear, Executive Director             Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Stock Option Plan Grants to
                                                       19     Mike Salomon, Executive Director         Mgmt        For      For

                                                       20     Amend Articles of BHP Billiton Plc       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       21     Amend Articles of BHP Billiton Limited   Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

BP PLC (Form. Bp                                              TO RECEIVE THE DIRECTORS ANNUAL REPORT
Amoco Plc )                    55622104    4/20/2006   1      AND THE ACCOUNTS                         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO APPROVE THE DIRECTORS REMUNERATION
                                                       2      REPORT                                   Mgmt        For      For

                                                       3.1    Elect Director Dr D C Allen              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.2    Elect Director Lord Browne               Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.3    Elect Director Mr J H Bryan              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.4    Elect Director Mr A Burgmans             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.5    Elect Director Mr I C Conn               Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.6    Elect Director Mr E B Davis, Jr          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.7    Elect Director Mr D J Flint              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.8    Elect Director Dr B E Grote              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.9    Elect Director Dr A B Hayward            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.10   Elect Director Dr D S Julius             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.11   Elect Director Sir Tom Mckillop          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.12   Elect Director Mr J A Manzoni            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.13   Elect Director Dr W E Massey             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.14   Elect Director Sir Ian Prosser           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.15   Elect Director Mr M H Wilson             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.16   Elect Director Mr P D Sutherland         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Ratify Auditors                          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              SPECIAL RESOLUTION: TO GIVE LIMITED
                                                              AUTHORITY FOR THE PURCHASE OF ITS OWN
                                                       5      SHARES BY THE COMPANY                    Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO ALLOT SHARES UP TO
                                                       6      A SPECIFIED AMOUNT                       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              SPECIAL RESOLUTION: TO GIVE AUTHORITY
                                                              TO ALLOT A LIMITED NUMBER OF SHARES FOR
                                                              CASH WITHOUT MAKING AN OFFER TO
                                                       7      SHAREHOLDERS                             Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BURBERRY GROUP                                                Accept Financial Statements and
PLC                            G1699R107   7/14/2005   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2      Approve Remuneration Report              Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Final Dividend of 4.5 Pence Per
                                                       3      Ordinary Share                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Elect Brian Blake as Director            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5      Re-elect Rose Bravo as Director          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6      Re-elect Philip Bowman as Director       Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as
                                                       7      Auditors of the Company                  Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of
                                                       8      the Auditors                             Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise the Company to Make EU
                                                              Political Organisation Donations and to
                                                              Incur EU Political Expenditure up to
                                                       9      Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 25,000   Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              Authorise Burberry Limited to Make EU
                                                              Political Organisation Donations and to
                                                              Incur EU Political Expenditure up to
                                                       10     Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 25,000   Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              Authorise 48,224,669 Ordinary Shares
                                                       11     for Market Purchase                      Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise the Company to Repurchase
                                                              48,224,669 Ordinary Shares from GUS plc
                                                              in Accordance with the Terms of
                                                       12     Agreement                                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities with
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       13     Nominal Amount of GBP 80,372             Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Renew the Authority Conferred on
                                                              Directors to Allot Shares for Cash in
                                                              Connection with a Rights Issue without
                                                              Offering Those Shares Pro Rata to
                                                       14     Existing Shareholders                    Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise Issuance of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities without
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights Otherwise than in
                                                              Connection with a Rights Issue up to
                                                       15     Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 12,056   Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles of Association Re:
                                                       16     Electronic Proxy Voting Service          Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PLC                            G1699R107   12/12/2005  1      Approve the Demerger Agreement           Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Amend Articles of Association Re:
                                                       2      Preference Shares                        Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Approve the Preference Share Repurchase
                                                              Contract Between the Company and the
                                                       3      Trustee                                  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles of Association Re:
                                                       4      Indemnification                          Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Business Objects                                              APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY'S STATUTORY
S.A.                           12328X107   5/30/2006   1      FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY'S CONSOLIDATED
                                                       2      FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              ALLOCATION OF THE COMPANY'S EARNINGS
                                                       3      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2005     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              RENEWAL OF THE TERM OF OFFICE OF MR.
                                                       4      BERNARD LIAUTAUD                         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              RENEWAL OF THE TERM OF OFFICE OF MR.
                                                       5      JEAN-FRANCOIS HEITZ                      Mgmt        For      For

                                                              RENEWAL OF THE TERM OF OFFICE OF MR.
                                                       6      DAVID PETERSCHMIDT                       Mgmt        For      For

                                                       7      RATIFICATION OF MR. JOHN SCHWARTZ        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              RENEWAL OF THE TERM OF OFFICE OF MR.
                                                       8      JOHN SCHWARZ                             Mgmt        For      For

                                                       9      RATIFICATION OF REGULATED AGREEMENTS     Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       10     APPROVAL OF REGULATED AGREEMENTS         Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       11     Ratify Auditors                          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              AUTHORIZATIONGRANTED TO THE BOARD OF
                                                              DIRECTORS TO REPURCHASE ORDINARY SHARES
                                                       12     OF THE COMPANY                           Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              TO REDUCE THE COMPANY'S SHARE CAPITAL
                                                       13     BY CANCELLATION OF TREASURY SHARES       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO ISSUE WARRANTS TO SUBSCRIBE UP TO A
                                                              MAXIMUM OF 45,000 ORDINARY SHARES
                                                       14     RESERVED FOR MR. JEAN-FRANCOIS HEITZ     Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              TO ISSUE WARRANTS TO SUBSCRIBE UP TO A
                                                              MAXIMUM OF 45,000 ORDINARY SHARES
                                                       15     RESERVED FOR MR. DAVID PETERSCHMIDT      Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              TO INCREASE THE COMPANY'S SHARE CAPITAL
                                                       16     THROUGH THE ISSUANCE OF ORDINARY SHARES  Mgmt        For      For

                                                       17     TO INCREASE THE COMPANY'S SHARE CAPITAL  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO GRANT OPTIONS TO SUBSCRIBE OR TO
                                                       18     PURCHASE ORDINARY SHARES OF THE COMPANY  Mgmt        For      Against

                                                       19     TO INCREASE THE COMPANY'S SHARE CAPITAL  Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              AUTHORIZATION GRANTED TO THE BOARD OF
                                                              DIRECTORS TO ALLOCATE, FREE OF CHARGE,
                                                       20     EXISTING ORDINARY SHARES                 Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              TO INCREASE THE COMPANY'S SHARES
                                                              CAPITAL, WITH SHAREHOLDER PREFERENTIAL
                                                       21     SUBSCRIPTION RIGHTS                      Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO INCREASE THE COMPANY'S SHARES
                                                              CAPITAL, WITHOUT SHAREHOLDER
                                                       22     PREFERENTIAL SUBSCRIPTION RIGHTS         Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              AUTHORIZATION GRANTED TO THE BOARD OF
                                                              DIRECTORS TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF
                                                       23     ORDINARY SHARES                          Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY GRANTED TO THE
                                                              BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO INCREASE THE
                                                       24     COMPANY'S SHARE CAPITAL                  Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              DELEGATION OF POWERS GRANTED TO THE
                                                              BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO INCREASE THE
                                                       25     COMPANY'S SHARE CAPITAL                  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENTS OF THE
                                                       26     COMPANY'S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY GRANTED TO THE
                                                              BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO PROCEED WITH THE
                                                       27     ISSUANCE OF WARRANTS FREE OF CHARGE      Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              AUTHORIZATION GRANTED TO THE BOARD OF
                                                              DIRECTORS IN THE EVENT OF A PUBLIC
                                                              TENDER OFFER EXCHANGE OFFER FOR THE
                                                       28     COMPANY                                  Mgmt        For      Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Accept Financial Statements and
Cairn Energy PLC               G64399101   4/20/2006   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2      Approve Remuneration Report              Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Reappoint Ernst & Young LLP as Auditors
                                                              and Authorise the Board to Determine
                                                       3      Their Remuneration                       Mgmt        For      For

                                                       4      Re-elect Mike Watts as Director          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5      Re-elect Phil Tracy as Director          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6      Re-elect Todd Hunt as Director           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       7      Re-elect Hamish Grossart as Director     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities with
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       8      Nominal Amount of GBP 5,327,663.40       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities without
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       9      Nominal Amount of GBP 799,149.51         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise 14.99% of the Ordinary Share
                                                              Capital of the Company for Market
                                                       10     Purchase                                 Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Allocation of Income, Including
                                                              the Following Dividends: Interim JY
Canon Inc.                     J05124144   3/30/2006   1      32.5, Final JY 67.5, Special JY 0        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles to: Increase Number of
                                                       2      Internal Auditors                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.1    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.2    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       3.3    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.4    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.5    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.6    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.7    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.8    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.9    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.10   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.11   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.12   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.13   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.14   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.15   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.16   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.17   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.18   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.19   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.20   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.21   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.22   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.23   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.24   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.25   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.26   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.1    Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       4.2    Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      Against
                                                              Approve Retirement Bonuses for
                                                       5      Directors and Statutory Auditor          Mgmt        For      Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Central European
Enterprises Ltd        CETV    G20045202   6/7/2006    1.1    Elect Director Ronald S. Lauder          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.2    Elect Director Charles R. Frank, Jr.     Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.3    Elect Director Michael Garin             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.4    Elect Director Herbert A. Granath        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.5    Elect Director Herbert Kloiber           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.6    Elect Director Alfred W. Langer          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.7    Elect Director Bruce Maggin              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.8    Elect Director Ann Mather                Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.9    Elect Director Eric Zinterhofer          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              THE ADOPTION OF THE FINANCIAL
                                                              STATEMENTS OF THE COMPANY AND THE
                                                              AUDITORS REPORT THEREON FOR THE COMPANY
                                                       2      S FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2005.   Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              THE APPOINTMENT OF DELOITTE & TOUCHE
                                                              LLP AS THE INDEPENDENT REGISTERED
                                                              PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM OF THE COMPANY
                                                              IN RESPECT OF THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING
                                                              DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND THE AUTHORIZATION
                                                              OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, ACTING
                                                       3      THROUGH THE AUDIT COMMITTEE, TO AP       Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Credit Suisse
Group (Formerly
Cs Holding)                    H3698D419   4/28/2006   1      Share Re-registration Consent            Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Credit Suisse
Group (Formerly                                               Accept Financial Statements and
Cs Holding)                    H3698D419   4/28/2006   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Discharge of Board and Senior
                                                       2      Management                               Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve CHF 17 Million Reduction in
                                                              Share Capital via Cancellation of
                                                       3      Repurchased Shares                       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                       4      Dividends of CHF 2 per Share             Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Reelect Walter Kielholz and Hans-Ulrich
                                                       5.1.a  Doerig as Directors                      Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5.1.b  Elect Richard Thornburgh as Director     Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Ratify KPMG Klynveld Peat Marwick
                                                       5.2    Goerdeler SA as Auditors                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5.3    Ratify BDO Visura as Special Auditors    Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve CHF 3.4 Million Reduction in
                                                              Pool of Capital Reserved for Donaldson
                                                       6      Lufkin & Jenrette Employee Options       Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Allocation of Income, Including
                                                              the Following Dividends: Interim JY
Dentsu Inc.                    J1207N108   6/29/2006   1      1000, Final JY 1500, Special JY 0        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles to: Amend Business Lines
                                                              - Update Terminology to Match that of
                                                              New Corporate Law - Limit Liability of
                                                       2      Statutory Auditors                       Mgmt        For      For

                                                       3.1    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.2    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.3    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.4    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       3.5    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.6    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.7    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.8    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.9    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.10   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.11   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.12   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.13   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.14   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.15   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.16   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Retirement Bonuses for
                                                       5      Directors and Statutory Auditor          Mgmt        For      Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deutsche Telekom
AG                             251566105   5/3/2006    1      THE APPROPRIATION OF NET INCOME.         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              THE APPROVAL OF THE ACTIONS OF THE
                                                              MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT FOR
                                                       2      THE 2005 FINANCIAL YEAR.                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              THE APPROVAL OF THE ACTIONS OF THE
                                                              MEMBERS OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD FOR
                                                       3      THE 2005 FINANCIAL YEAR.                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                       4      Ratify Auditors                          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              AUTHORIZING THE CORPORATION TO PURCHASE
                                                              AND USE ITS OWN SHARES INCLUDING USE
                                                              WITH THE EXCLUSION OF SUBSCRIPTION
                                                       5      RIGHTS.                                  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              THE CREATION OF AUTHORIZED CAPITAL 2006
                                                       6      FOR CASH AND/OR NON-CASH CONTRIBUTIONS.  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVAL OF THE SPLIT-OFF AND SHARE
                                                              TRANSFER AGREEMENT WITH T-SYSTEMS
                                                       7      BUSINESS SERVICES GMBH.                  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              THE APPROVAL OF THE CONTROL AND PROFIT
                                                              AND LOSS TRANSFER AGREEMENT WITH SCS
                                                       8      PERSONALBERATUNG GMBH.                   Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              THE APPROVAL OF THE CONTROL AND PROFIT
                                                              AND LOSS TRANSFER AGREEMENT WITH CASPAR
                                                       9      TELEKOMMUNIKATIONSDIENSTE GMBH.          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              THE APPROVAL OF THE CONTROL AND PROFIT
                                                              AND LOSS TRANSFER AGREEMENT WITH
                                                       10     MELCHIOR TELEKOMMUNIKATIONSDIENSTE GMBH. Mgmt        For      For

                                                              THE APPROVAL OF THE CONTROL AND PROFIT
                                                              AND LOSS TRANSFER AGREEMENT WITH
                                                              BALTHASAR TELEKOMMUNIKATIONSDIENSTE
                                                       11     GMBH.                                    Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVAL OF THE CONTROL AGREEMENT WITH
                                                       12     T-COM INNOVATIONS-GESELLSCHAFT MBH.      Mgmt        For      For

                                                              THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 14 (2) AND
                                                       13     (16) OF THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION.   Mgmt        For      For

                                                       14.1   Elect Director Dr. Thomas Mirow          Mgmt        For      Abstain
                                                              Elect Director Mrs. Ingrid
                                                       14.2   Matthaus-Maier                           Mgmt        For      Abstain
                                                       14.3   Elect Director Dr. Mathias Dopfner       Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect Director Prof. Dr. Wulf von
                                                       14.4   Schimmelmann                             Mgmt        For      Abstain
                                                       14.5   Elect Director Dr. H. Von Grunberg       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       14.6   Elect Director Mr. Bernhard Walter       Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Allocation of Income, Including
East Japan                                                    the Following Dividends: Interim JY
Railway Co                     J1257M109   6/23/2006   1      4000, Final JY 4000, Special JY 0        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles to: Decrease Maximum
                                                              Board Size - Authorize Public
                                                              Announcements in Electronic Format -
                                                              Update Terminology to Match that of New
                                                       2      Corporate Law                            Mgmt        For      For

                                                       3.1    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.2    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.3    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.4    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.5    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.6    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.7    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       3.8    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.9    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.10   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.11   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.12   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.13   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.14   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.15   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.16   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.17   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.18   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.19   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.20   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.21   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.22   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.23   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.24   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              RECEIVE THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
Elan Corporation                                              TOGETHER WITH THE REPORTS OF THE
Plc                            284131208   5/25/2006   1      DIRECTORS AND AUDITORS THEREON.          Mgmt        For      For

                                                       2.1    Elect Director Mr. Laurence Crowley      Mgmt        For      Withhold
                                                       2.2    Elect Director Mr. William Daniel        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.3    Elect Director Mr. Kelly Martin          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.4    Elect Director Dr. Goran Ando            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.5    Elect Director Mr. Shane Cooke           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.6    Elect Director Dr. Lars Ekman            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.7    Elect Director Mr. Gary Kennedy          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.8    Elect Director Ms. Nancy Lurker          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              AUTHORISE THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THE
                                                       3      REMUNERATION OF THE AUDITORS.            Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVE THE ELAN CORPORATION, PLC 2006
                                                       4      LONG TERM INCENTIVE PLAN.                Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO THE EMPLOYEE
                                                       5      EQUITY PURCHASE PLAN.                    Mgmt        For      For

                                                              AUTHORISE THE DIRECTORS TO ISSUE
                                                       6      SECURITIES.                              Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              TO AUTHORISE THE DISAPPLICATION OF
                                                              PRE-EMPTION RIGHTS ON THE ALLOTMENT OF
                                                       7      UP TO 40 MILLION SHARES FOR CASH.        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO REPLACE ARTICLES 58 AND 59 OF THE
                                                       8      ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION.                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO REPLACE ARTICLE 62 OF THE ARTICLES
                                                       9      OF ASSOCIATION.                          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO AUTHORISE THE COMPANY TO MAKE MARKET
                                                       10     PURCHASES OF OWN SHARES.                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO SET THE RE-ISSUE PRICE RANGE FOR
                                                       11     TREASURY SHARES.                         Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Corporation            ECA.    292505104   4/26/2006   1.1    Elect Director Michael N. Chernoff       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.2    Elect Director Ralph S. Cunningham       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.3    Elect Director Patrick D. Daniel         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.4    Elect Director Ian W. Delaney            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.5    Elect Director Randall K. Eresman        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.6    Elect Director Michael A. Grandin        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.7    Elect Director Barry W. Harrison         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.8    Elect Director Dale A. Lucas             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.9    Elect Director Ken F. McCready           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.10   Elect Director Gwyn Morgan               Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.11   Elect Director Valerie A.A. Nielsen      Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.12   Elect Director David P. O'Brien          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.13   Elect Director Jane L. Peverett          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.14   Elect Director Dennis A. Sharp           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.15   Elect Director James M. Stanford         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as
                                                              Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix
                                                       2      Remuneration of Auditors                 Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Allocation of Income, Including
                                                              the Following Dividends: Interim JY 31,
Fanuc Ltd.                     J13440102   6/28/2006   1      Final JY 65, Special JY 0                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles to: Reduce Directors
                                                              Term in Office - Limit Rights of
                                                              Odd-lot Holders - Limit Liability of
                                                       2      Directors and Statutory Auditors         Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       3.1    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.2    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.3    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Adjustment to Aggregate
                                                       4      Compensation Ceiling for Directors       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Adjustment to Aggregate
                                                              Compensation Ceiling for Statutory
                                                       5      Auditors                                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                       6      Approve Retirement Bonuses for Directors Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Receive Financial Statements and
Fresenius AG                   D27348107   5/10/2006   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        None     None

                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                              Dividends of EUR 1.48 per Ordinary
                                                       2      Share and EUR 1.51 per Preference Share  Mgmt        For      For

                                                       3      Approve Discharge of Management Board    Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board   Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Creation of EUR 12.8 Million
                                                              and EUR 6.4 Million Pools of Capital
                                                       5      without Preemptive Rights                Mgmt        For      For

                                                       6      Adopt New Articles of Association        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Ratify KPMG Deutsche
                                                       7      Treuhand-Gesellschaft AG as Auditors     Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Creation of EUR 12.8 Million
                                                              and EUR 6.4 Million Pools of Capital
Fresenius AG                   D27348107   5/10/2006   1      without Preemptive Rights                Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PLC (formerly
Glaxo Wellcome                                                TO RECEIVE AND ADOPT THE DIRECTORS
Plc )                          37733W105   5/17/2006   1      REPORT AND THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS      Mgmt        For      For

                                                       2      TO APPROVE THE REMUNERATION REPORT       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3      TO ELECT DR MONCEF SLAOUI AS A DIRECTOR  Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      TO ELECT MR TOM DE SWAAN AS A DIRECTOR   Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5      TO RE-ELECT MR LARRY CULP AS A DIRECTOR  Mgmt        For      For
                                                              TO RE-ELECT SIR CRISPIN DAVIS AS A
                                                       6      DIRECTOR                                 Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              TO RE-ELECT DR RONALDO SCHMITZ AS A
                                                       7      DIRECTOR                                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       8      Ratify Auditors                          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       9      REMUNERATION OF AUDITORS                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO AUTHORISE THE COMPANY TO MAKE
                                                              DONATIONS TO EU POLITICAL ORGANISATIONS
                                                       10     AND INCUR EU POLITICAL EXPENDITURE       Mgmt        For      Against

                                                       11     AUTHORITY TO ALLOT SHARES                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              DISAPPLICATION OF PRE-EMPTION RIGHTS
                                                       12     (INDICATES A SPECIAL RESOLUTION)         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              AUTHORITY FOR THE COMPANY TO PURCHASE
                                                              ITS OWN SHARES (INDICATES A SPECIAL
                                                       13     RESOLUTION)                              Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Financial Statements and
Groupe Danone                  F12033134   4/27/2006   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Accept Consolidated Financial
                                                       2      Statements and Statutory Reports         Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                       3      Dividends of EUR 1.70 per Share          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Special Auditors' Report
                                                       4      Regarding Related-Party Transactions     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Reelect Richard Goblet d'Alviella as
                                                       5      Director                                 Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       6      Reelect Christian Laubie as Director     Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       7      Reelect Jean Laurent as Director         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       8      Reelect Hakan Mogren as Director         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       9      Reelect Benoit Potier as Director        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Repurchase of Up to Ten
                                                       10     Percent of Issued Share Capital          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Issuance of Bonds/Debentures
                                                       11     in the Aggregate Value of EUR 4 billion  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Employee Savings-Related Share
                                                       12     Purchase Plan                            Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Authorize Filling of Required
                                                       13     Documents/Other Formalities              Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Allocation of Income, Including
Honda Motor Co.                                               the Following Dividends: Interim JY 40,
Ltd.                           J22302111   6/23/2006   1      Final JY 60, Special JY 0                Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Amend Articles to: Authorize Board to
                                                              Determine Income Allocation - Decrease
                                                              Authorized Capital to Reflect Share
                                                              Repurchase - Update Terminology to
                                                       2      Match that of New Corporate Law          Mgmt        For      Against

                                                       3.1    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.2    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.3    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.4    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.5    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.6    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.7    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.8    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.9    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.10   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.11   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.12   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.13   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.14   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.15   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.16   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.17   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.18   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.19   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.20   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Payment of Annual Bonuses to
                                                       4      Directors and Statutory Auditors         Mgmt        For      For

                                                       5      Approve Retirement Bonus for Director    Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Adopt Financial Statements and
Hongkong Land                                                 Auditors' Reports and Approve Final
Holdings Ltd.                  G4587L109   6/14/2006   1      Dividend                                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                       2a     Reelect R C Kwok as Director             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2b     Reelect A J L Nightingale as Director    Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       2c     Reelect Percy Weatherall as Director     Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3      Approve Directors' Fees                  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Reappoint Auditors and Authorize Board
                                                       4      to Fix Their Remuneration                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Issuance of Shares without
                                                       5      Preemptive Rights                        Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       6      Authorize Share Repurchase Program       Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Accept Financial Statements and
HSBC Holdings Plc              G4634U169   5/26/2006   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2      Approve Remuneration Report              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3(a)   Re-elect Baroness Lydia Dunn as Director Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3(b)   Re-elect Michael Geoghegan as Director   Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3(c)   Re-elect Stephen Green as Director       Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Re-elect Sir Mark Moody-Stuart as
                                                       3(d)   Director                                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3(e)   Elect Simon Robertson as Director        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3(f)   Re-elect Helmut Sohmen as Director       Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Re-elect Sir Brian Williamson as
                                                       3(g)   Director                                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Reappoint KPMG Audit plc as Auditors
                                                              and Authorise the Audit Committee to
                                                       4      Determine Their Remuneration             Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities with
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       5      Nominal Amount of USD 1,137,200,000      Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities without
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       6      Nominal Amount of USD 284,300,000        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise 10 Percent of Ordinary Shares
                                                       7      for Market Purchase                      Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Increase in Remuneration of
                                                       8      Non-Executive Directors to GBP 65,000    Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Opening and Approval of the Webcasting
                                                              of This Present Meeting and Subsequent
ING Groep NV                   N4578E413   4/25/2006   1      Shareholders' Meetings                   Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Receive Report of Executive and
                                                       2a     Supervisory Board                        Mgmt        None     None
                                                              Discussion on Profit Retention and
                                                       2b     Distribution Policy                      Mgmt        None     None
                                                              Approve Financial Statements and
                                                       3a     Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                       3b     Dividends of EUR 1.18 per Share          Mgmt        For      For

                                                       4a     Approve Discharge of Executive Board     Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4b     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board   Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Discussion on Company's Corporate
                                                       5      Governance Structure                     Mgmt        None     None
                                                       6a     Elect Dick Harryvan to Management Board  Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       6b     Elect Tom McInerney to Management Board  Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect Hans van der Noordaa to
                                                       6c     Management Board                         Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect Jacques de Vaucleroy to
                                                       6d     Management Board                         Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Reelect Cor Herkstroter to Supervisory
                                                       7a     Board                                    Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Reelect Karel Vuursteen to Supervisory
                                                       7b     Board                                    Mgmt        For      For
                                                       7c     Elect Piet Klaver to Supervisory Board   Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Stock Option Grants and
                                                              Performance Shares for the Members of
                                                       8      Executive Board                          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Amendment Pension Scheme of the
                                                       9      Executive Board                          Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Remuneration of Supervisory
                                                       10     Board                                    Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Grant Board Authority to Issue 220
                                                              Million Ordinary Shares
                                                              Restricting/Excluding Preemptive Rights
                                                              (Plus 220 Million Ordinary Shares in
                                                       11a    Connection with Merger)                  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Grant Board Authority to Issue 10
                                                              Million Preference B Shares in
                                                              Connection with Conversion of ING
                                                       11b    Perpetuals III                           Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Repurchase of Up to Ten
                                                       12a    Percent of Issued Share Capital          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Repurchase of 24,051,039
                                                              Depositary Receipts for Preference A
                                                       12b    Shares                                   Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Repurchase Preference A
                                                              Shares or Depositary Receipts for
                                                       12c    Preference A Shares                      Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Cancellation of Preference A
                                                       13     shares Which are Held by ING Groep N.V.  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approval of the English language as the
                                                              Official Language of the Annual Report
                                                       14a    with Effect From the 2006 Report         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approval of the English Language as the
                                                              Official Language as of the 2007
                                                       14b    Shareholders' Meeting                    Mgmt        For      For

                                                       15     Other Business (Non-Voting)              Mgmt        None     None

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




                                         Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer               Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Approve Allocation of Income, Including
                                                              the Following Dividends: Interim JY 25,
Ito En Ltd.                  JP3143000002  7/28/2005   1      Final JY 45, Special JY 0                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles to: Abolish Retirement
                                                       2      Bonus System                             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3      Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.1    Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.2    Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       5      Approve Deep Discount Stock Option Plan  Mgmt        For      Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Allocation of Income, Including
                                                              the Following Dividends: Interim JY 25,
Kao Corp.                    J30642169     6/29/2006   1      Final JY 25, Special JY 0                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles to: Expand Business
                                                              Lines - Limit Outside Statutory
                                                              Auditors' Legal Liability - Authorize
                                                              Public Announcements in Electronic
                                                       2      Format - Limit Rights of Odd-Lot Holders Mgmt        For      For

                                                       3.1    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.2    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.3    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.4    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.5    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.6    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.7    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.8    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.9    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.10   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.11   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.12   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.13   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.14   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.15   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Appoint Alternate Internal Statutory
                                                       5      Auditor                                  Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Deep Discount Stock Option Plan
                                                       6      for Directors                            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       7      Approve Employee Stock Option Plan       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       8      Approve Retirement Bonuses for Directors Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Kuehne & Nagel
International AG             H4673L137     5/2/2006    1      Share Re-registration Consent            Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kuehne & Nagel                                                Accept Financial Statements and
International AG               H4673L137   5/2/2006    1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                       2      Dividends of CHF 5.50 per Share          Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Discharge of Board and Senior
                                                       3      Management                               Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Reelect Joachim Hausser, Willy
                                                              Kissling, Klaus-Michael Kuehne, Georg
                                                              Obermeier, and Thomas Staehelin as
                                                       4      Directors                                Mgmt        For      Against

                                                       5      Approve 5:1 Stock Split                  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Creation of CHF 20 Million Pool
                                                       6      of Capital without Preemptive Rights     Mgmt        For      For

                                                       7      Ratify KPMG Fides Peat as Auditors       Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ladbrokes PLC
(formerly Hilton                                              Approve Sale of Hilton International
Group PLC)                     G45098103   1/27/2006   1      Hotels Division                          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2      Change Company Name to Ladbrokes plc     Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ladbrokes PLC                                                 Approve Final Dividend of 6.6 Pence Per
(formerly Hilton                                              Ordinary Share Pursuant to the Passing
Group PLC)                     G5337D115   3/29/2006   1      of Item 5                                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Special Dividend of 233.4 Pence
                                                              Per Existing Ordinary Share Pursuant to
                                                       2      the Passing of Items 3 and 5             Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Sub-Div. of Each Unissued Ord.
                                                              Share into 6 Ord. Shares of 1 2/3p;
                                                              Share Consolidation of Every 17 Issued
                                                              Intermediate Ord. Shares into 1 New
                                                              Ord. Share of 28 1/3p and Every 17
                                                              Unissued Intermediate Ord. Shares into
                                                       3      1 Unissued New Ord. Share                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise 57,254,485 New Ordinary
                                                              Shares for Market Purchase Pursuant to
                                                       4      Passing of Item 2 & 3                    Mgmt        For      For

                                                       5      Adopt New Articles of Association        Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ladbrokes PLC
(formerly Hilton                                              Accept Financial Statements and
Group PLC)                     G5337D107   5/26/2006   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2      Re-elect Nicholas Jones as Director      Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3      Re-elect Sir Ian Robinson as Director    Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Elect John O'Reilly as Director          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5      Elect Alan Ross as Director              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6      Elect Rosemary Thorne as Director        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Reappoint Ernst & Young LLP as Auditors
                                                              and Authorise the Board to Determine
                                                       7      Their Remuneration                       Mgmt        For      For

                                                       8      Approve Remuneration Report              Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve EU Political Organisation
                                                              Donations up to GBP 10,000 and to Incur
                                                              EU Political Expenditures up to GBP
                                                              10,000; and Authorise Ladbrokes Ltd. to
                                                              Make EU Political Donations up to GBP
                                                              25,000 and to Incur EU Political
                                                       9      Expenditures up to GBP 25,000            Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Increase in Authorised Capital
                                                       10     from GBP 230,000,000 to GBP 253,000,000  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities with
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       11     Nominal Amount of GBP 54,450,207         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities without
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                              Nominal Amount of GBP 8,029,922 and up
                                                              to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP
                                                              54,450,207 in Connection with a Rights
                                                       12     Issue                                    Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise 56,682,299 Ordinary Shares
                                                       13     for Market Purchase                      Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TEL AVIV                       M6772H101   7/6/2005    1.1    Elect Director Jacob Perry               Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.2    Elect Director Meir Shamir               Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.3    Elect Director Ishay Davidi              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.4    Elect Director Aharon Lipman             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.5    Elect Director Rami Lipman               Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.6    Elect Director Mordechai Gorfung         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.7    Elect Director Jonathan Kaplan           Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       1.8    Elect Director David Rubner              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2      Ratify Auditors                          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO APPROVE AN OPTION GRANT TO TWO
                                                              NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTORS AND TO APPROVE
                                                              THE REMUNERATION OF ONE OF THESE
                                                       3      DIRECTORS.                               Mgmt        For      For

                                                              INCREASE THE NUMBER OF OPTIONS
                                                              AVAILABLE FOR GRANT UNDER THE COMPANY'S
                                                       4      2004 SHARE OPTION PLAN BY 150,000.       Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TEL AVIV                       M6772H101   3/27/2006   1.1    Elect Director Jacob Perry               Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.2    Elect Director Meir Shamir               Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.3    Elect Director Ishay Davidi              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.4    Elect Director Aharon Lipman             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.5    Elect Director Rami Lipman               Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.6    Elect Director Mordechai Gorfung         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.7    Elect Director Jonathan Kaplan           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.8    Elect Director David Rubner              Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO ELECT LINDA HARNEVO AND IZHAK DAVIDI
                                                              AS OUTSIDE DIRECTORS TO SERVE FOR A
                                                              PERIOD OF THREE YEARS COMMENCING AT THE
                                                              END OF THEIR PRESENT TERM ON APRIL 1,
                                                       2      2006.                                    Mgmt        For      For

                                                       3      Ratify Auditors                          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE
                                                              MANAGEMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH
                                                              PERRY JACOB MANAGEMENT SERVICES
                                                              LIMITED, A COMPANY CONTROLLED BY JACOB
                                                       4      PERRY.                                   Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO APPROVE THE COMPANY'S 2006 SHARE
                                                       5      INCENTIVE PLAN.                          Mgmt        For      Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              APPROVAL OF THE ANNUAL REPORT, THE
                                                              CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS OF THE LOGITECH
                                                              GROUP AND ACCOUNTS OF LOGITECH
                                                              INTERNATIONAL SA FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006.
Logitech                                                      REPORT OF THE STATUTORY AND GROUP
International SA               541419107   6/16/2006   1      AUDITORS                                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                       2      SHARE SPLIT ON 2 FOR 1 BASIS             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3      APPROPRIATION OF RETAINED EARNINGS       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      APPROVAL OF NEW EMPLOYEE STOCK PLAN      Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       5      AUTHORIZED INCREASE OF SHARE CAPITAL     Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              AUTHORIZATION TO EXCEED 10% HOLDING OF
                                                       6      OWN SHARE CAPITAL                        Mgmt        For      Against

                                                       7      AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION  Mgmt        For      For
                                                       8      DISCHARGE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS      Mgmt        For      For
                                                       9      ELECTION OF ERH-HSUN CHANG               Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       10     RE-ELECTION OF KEE-LOCK CHUA             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       11     ELECTION OF AUDITORS                     Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Allocation of Income, Including
Matsumotokiyoshi                                              the Following Dividends: Interim JY 10,
Co. Ltd.                       J40885105   6/29/2006   1      Final JY 20, Special JY 0                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles to: Authorize Public
                                                              Announcements in Electronic Format -
                                                              Update Terminology to Match that of New
                                                              Corporate Law - Limit Liability of
                                                       2      Directors and Statutory Auditors         Mgmt        For      For

                                                       3.1    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.2    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.3    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.4    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.5    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.6    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.7    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.8    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.9    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.10   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Approve Retirement Bonus for Director    Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Retirement Bonus for Outside
                                                       5      Director                                 Mgmt        For      Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Approve Allocation of Income, Including
MILLEA HOLDINGS                                               the Following Dividends: Interim JY 0,
INC.                           J4276P103   6/28/2006   1      Final JY 15000, Special JY 0             Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles to: Adjust Authorized
                                                              Capital to Reflect Share Repurchase and
                                                              Stock Split - Limit Liability of
                                                              Non-Executive Directors and Statutory
                                                              Auditors - Limit Rights of Odd-Lot
                                                              Holders - Adjust Share Trading Unit to
                                                       2      Reflect Stock Split                      Mgmt        For      For

                                                       3.1    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.2    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.3    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.4    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.5    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.6    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.7    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.8    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.9    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.10   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.11   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.1    Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.2    Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5      Approve Deep Discount Stock Option Plan  Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Allocation of Income, Including
                                                              the Following Dividends on Ordinary
Mitsubishi UFJ                                                Shares: Interim JY 3000, Final JY 4000,
Financial Group                J44497105   6/29/2006   1      Special JY 0                             Mgmt        For      For

                                                       2      Approve Reduction in Legal Reserves      Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles to: Decrease Authorized
                                                              Preferred Share Capital to Reflect
                                                              Share Repurchase - Update Terminology
                                                              to Match that of New Corporate Law -
                                                              Limit Liability of Directors and
                                                       3      Statutory Auditors                       Mgmt        For      For

                                                       4.1    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.2    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.3    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.4    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.5    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.6    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.7    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.8    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.9    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.10   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       4.11   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.12   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.13   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.14   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.15   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Retirement Bonuses for
                                                       5      Directors and Statutory Auditors         Mgmt        For      Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Allocation of Income, Including
Mitsui O.S.K.                                                 the Following Dividends: Interim JY 9,
Lines Ltd.                     J45013109   6/22/2006   1      Final JY 9, Special JY 0                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles to: Limit Directors' and
                                                              Statutory Auditors' Legal Liability -
                                                              Limit Rights of Odd-Lot Holders -
                                                              Update Terminology to Match that of New
                                                       2      Corporate Law                            Mgmt        For      For

                                                       3.1    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.2    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.3    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.4    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.5    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.1    Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.2    Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5      Approve Director Stock Option Plan       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6      Approve Employee Stock Option Plan       Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rueckversicherungs-                                           Receive Financial Statements and
Gesellschaft AG                D55535104   4/19/2006   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        None     None
                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                       2      Dividends of EUR 3.10 per Share          Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Discharge of Management Board
                                                       3      for Fiscal 2006                          Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board
                                                       4      for Fiscal 2006                          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Share Repurchase Program and
                                                       5      Reissuance of Repurchased Shares         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Employee Stock Purchase Plan;
                                                              Approve Creation of EUR 5 Million Pool
                                                              of Capital for Employee Stock Purchase
                                                       6      Plan                                     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles Re: Conducting of
                                                              Shareholder Meetings due to New German
                                                              Legislation (Law on Company Integrity
                                                              and Modernization of the Right of
                                                       7      Avoidance)                               Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
National Bank of                                              Approve Reports of the Board of
Greece                         X56533114   4/27/2006   1      Directors and of the Auditor             Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Accept Financial Statements and
                                                              Statutory Reports and Distribution of
                                                       2      Dividend                                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                       3      Approve Discharge of Board and Auditors  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Directors' Remuneration for
                                                              2005 and Preapprove Non Executive
                                                       4      Directors Remuneration untill 2007       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Board and Managers of the
                                                              Company to Participate in Boards and
                                                       5      Management of Similar Companies          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Ratify Election of Director in
                                                       6      Replacement of a Resigned One            Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Auditors and Authorize Board to
                                                       7      Fix Their Remuneration                   Mgmt        For      For
                                                       8      Authorize Share Repurchase Program       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve/Change in the Use of
                                                              Outstanding Funds Raised By the
                                                       9      Absorbed National Real Estate SA         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Stock Option Plan and Amend
                                                       10     Existing One                             Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       11     Amend Articles                           Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Issuance of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities with
                                                              Preemptive Rights and Amend Articles
                                                       12     Accordingly                              Mgmt        For      For

                                                       13     Other Business                           Mgmt        For      Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

National Bank of                                              Approve Stock Option Plan and Amend
Greece                         X56533114   5/9/2006    1      Existing One                             Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       2      Amend Articles                           Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Issuance of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities with
                                                       3      Preemptive Rights                        Mgmt        For      For

                                                       4      Other Business                           Mgmt        For      Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              SHARE CAPITAL - SHARES - RESTRICTIONS.
                                                              ABOLISH THIS 3% VOTING LIMIT? FOR=NO
Nestle SA                      H57312466   8/26/2005   1      OPINION//WITHHOLD=ABOLISH THE ARTICLE    Mgmt        None     Against

                                                              ORGANISATION OF THE COMPANY - SPECIAL
                                                              QUORUM. ABOLISH THE NEED FOR SPECIAL
                                                              QUORUMS? FOR=NO CHANGE//AGAINST=NO
                                                       2      OPINION//WITHHOLD=ABOLISH THE ARTICLE    Mgmt        None     Against

                                                              ORGANISATION OF THE COMPANY - QUALIFIED
                                                              MAJORITIES. ABOLISH NEED FOR QUALIFIED
                                                              MAJORITIES OF PRESENT SHAREHOLDERS?
                                                              FOR=NO CHANGE//AGAINST=NO
                                                       3      OPINION//WITHHOLD=ABOLISH THE ARTICLE    Mgmt        None     Against

                                                              BOARD OF DIRECTORS - TERM OF OFFICE. IN
                                                              VIEW OF THE COMPLEXITY OF THE GROUP, MY
                                                              PREFERENCE IS A TERM OF OFFICE
                                                              DIRECTORS. FOR=5 YEARS//AGAINST=4
                                                       4      YEARS//WITHHOLD=3 YEARS                  Mgmt        None     Withhold

                                                              AUDITOR - TERM OF OFFICE. IN VIEW OF
                                                              THE COMPLEXITY OF THE GROUP, MY
                                                              PREFERENCE IS A TERM OF OFFICE FOR
                                                              AUDITORS. FOR=3 YEARS//AGAINST=2
                                                       5      YEARS//WITHHOLD=1 YEAR                   Mgmt        None     Withhold

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Accept Financial Statements and
Nestle SA                      H57312466   4/6/2006    1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Discharge of Board and Senior
                                                       2      Management                               Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                       3      Dividends of CHF 9 per Share             Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve CHF 2.8 Million Reduction in
                                                       4      Share Capital                            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5.1    Reelect Jean-Pierre Meyers as Director   Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5.2    Reelect Andre Kudelski as Director       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5.3    Elect Naina Kidwai as Director           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5.4    Elect Jean-Rene Fourtou as Director      Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5.5    Elect Steven Hoch as Director            Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles Re: Mandate Board to
                                                              Draft Revised Articles; Waive Quorum
                                                              Requirement and Reduce Supermajority
                                                              Requirement for Adoption of Revised
                                                       6      Articles at 2007 AGM or Later            Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NII Holdings,
Inc.                   NIHD    62913F201   4/26/2006   1.1    Elect Director Carolyn Katz              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.2    Elect Director Donald E. Morgan          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.3    Elect Director George A. Cope            Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       2      Increase Authorized Common Stock         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3      Ratify Auditors                          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Adjourn Meeting                          Mgmt        For      Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Nippon Oil Corp.
(Formerly Nippon                                              Approve Allocation of Income, Including
Mitsubishi Oil                                                the Following Dividends: Interim JY 6,
Co.)                           J5484F100   6/29/2006   1      Final JY 6, Special JY 0                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles to: Limit Rights of
                                                              Odd-lot Holders - Update Terminology to
                                                              Match that of New Corporate Law - Limit
                                                              Liability of Non-executive Statutory
                                                       2      Auditors                                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                       3.1    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.2    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.3    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.4    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.5    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.6    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.7    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.8    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.9    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.10   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.11   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.12   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.13   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.14   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.15   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.16   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.17   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.18   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.19   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.20   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Adjustment to Aggregate
                                                              Compensation Ceiling for Directors and
                                                       4      Statutory Auditors                       Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Allocation of Income, Including
Nitto Denko                                                   the Following Dividends: Interim JY 30,
Corp.                          J58472119   6/23/2006   1      Final JY 30, Special JY 0                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles to: Limit Rights of
                                                              Odd-lot Holders - Update Terminology to
                                                              Match that of New Corporate Law - Limit
                                                       2      Liability of Statutory Auditors          Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       3.1    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.2    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.3    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.4    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.5    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.6    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Stock Option Plan and Deep
                                                              Discount Stock Option Plan for
                                                       4      Directors                                Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              APPROVAL OF THE INCOME STATEMENTS AND
Nokia Corp.                    654902204   3/30/2006   1      THE BALANCE SHEETS.                      Mgmt        For      For

                                                              PROPOSAL TO THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
                                                       2      OF A DIVIDEND OF EUR 0.37 PER SHARE.     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVAL OF THE DISCHARGE OF THE
                                                              CHAIRMAN, THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF
                                                              DIRECTORS AND THE PRESIDENT FROM
                                                       3      LIABILITY.                               Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVAL OF THE REMUNERATION TO BE PAID
                                                              TO THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF
                                                       4      DIRECTORS.                               Mgmt        For      For

                                                              PROPOSAL ON THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS OF
                                                              THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AS PROPOSED BY
                                                              THE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND NOMINATION
                                                       5      COMMITTEE.                               Mgmt        For      For

                                                       6.1    Elect Director Paul J. Collins           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6.2    Elect Director Georg Ehrnrooth           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6.3    Elect Director Daniel R. Hesse           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6.4    Elect Director Bengt Holmstrom           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6.5    Elect Director Per Karlsson              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6.6    Elect Director Edouard Michelin          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6.7    Elect Director Jorma Ollila              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6.8    Elect Director Marjorie Scardino         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6.9    Elect Director Keijo Suila               Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6.10   Elect Director Vesa Vainio               Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              APPROVAL OF THE REMUNERATION TO BE PAID
                                                       7      TO THE AUDITOR.                          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVAL OF THE RE-ELECTION OF
                                                              PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS OY AS THE
                                                       8      AUDITORS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006.           Mgmt        For      For

                                                              PROPOSAL OF THE BOARD TO REDUCE THE
                                                              SHARE CAPITAL THROUGH CANCELLATION OF
                                                       9      NOKIA SHARES HELD BY COMPANY.            Mgmt        For      For

                                                              AUTHORIZATION TO THE BOARD TO INCREASE
                                                       10     THE SHARE CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY.        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              AUTHORIZATION TO THE BOARD TO
                                                       11     REPURCHASE NOKIA SHARES.                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              AUTHORIZATION TO THE BOARD TO DISPOSE
                                                       12     NOKIA SHARES HELD BY THE COMPANY.        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              MARK THE FOR BOX IF YOU WISH TO
                                                              INSTRUCT NOKIA S LEGAL COUNSELS TO VOTE
                                                              IN THEIR DISCRETION ON YOUR BEHALF ONLY
                                                       13     UPON ITEM 13.                            Mgmt        For      Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Amend Articles to: Limit Rights of
                                                              Odd-Lot Holders - Update Terminology to
                                                              Match that of New Corporate Law - Set
Nomura Holdings                                               Record Dates for Payment of Quarterly
Inc.                           J59009159   6/28/2006   1      Dividends                                Mgmt        For      For

                                                       2.1    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.2    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.3    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.4    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.5    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.6    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.7    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.8    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.9    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.10   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.11   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Approve Executive Stock Option Plan and
                                                       3      Deep-Discount Option Plan                Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Accept Financial Statements and
Novartis AG                    H5820Q150   2/28/2006   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Discharge of Board and Senior
                                                       2      Management                               Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                       3      Dividends of CHF 1.15 per Share          Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve CHF 5.1 Million Reduction in
                                                       4      Share Capital                            Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Amend Articles to Remove 12-Year Term
                                                       5      Limit for Board Members                  Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Accept Retirement of Helmut Sihler as
                                                       6.1    Director                                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6.2.a  Reelect Srikant Datar as Director        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6.2.b  Reelect William George as Director       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6.2.c  Reelect Wendelin Wiedeking as Director   Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6.2.d  Reelect Rolf Zinkernagel as Director     Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6.3    Elect Andreas von Planta as Director     Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers AG as
                                                       7      Auditors                                 Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Welttransport                                                 Accept Financial Statements and
(Holding) AG                   H60147107   5/11/2006   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Discharge of Board and Senior
                                                       2      Management                               Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                       3      Dividends of CHF 2 per Share             Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers AG as
                                                       4      Auditors                                 Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Acquisition of a Total of 50
                                                              Percent Interest in the Enlarged
                                                              Registered Capital of Zhong You Kan Tan
                                                              Kai Fa Co. Ltd. (Newco) By Way of
Petrochina                                                    Capital Contribution to Newco in an
Company Limited                Y6883Q104   8/16/2005   1      Aggregate Amount of RMB 20.7 Billion     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Transfer by the Company of the
                                                              Entire Issued Capital of PetroChina
                                                              International Ltd. to Newco at a Cash
                                                       2      Consideration of RMB 579.4 Million       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Supplemental Comprehensive
                                                              Agreement and Continuing Connected
                                                       3a     Transactions                             Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Annual Limits of Continuing
                                                       3b     Connected Transactions                   Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize the Chief Financial Officer
                                                              of the Company to Do All Acts Necessary
                                                              to Implement the Supplemental
                                                              Comprehensive Agreement, Continuing
                                                              Connected Transactions, and Proposed
                                                       4      Caps                                     Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Company Limited                Y6883Q104   11/8/2005   1      Elect Su Shulin as Director              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2      Elect Gong Huazhang as Director          Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       3      Elect Wang Yilin as Director             Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       4      Elect Zeng Yukang as Director            Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       5      Elect Jiang Fan as Director              Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect Chee-Chen Tung as Independent
                                                       6      Director                                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       7      Elect Liu Hongru as Independent Director Mgmt        For      For
                                                       8      Elect Wang Fucheng as Supervisor         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       9      Elect Wen Qingshan as Supervisor         Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect Li Yongwu as Independent
                                                       10     Supervisor                               Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect Wu Zhipan as Independent
                                                       11     Supervisor                               Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Second Supplemental
                                                       12     Comprehensive Agreement                  Mgmt        For      Against
                                                              Approve CRMSC Products and Services
                                                       13     Agreement                                Mgmt        For      For
                                                       14     Approve Ongoing Connected Transactions   Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              Approve Annual Caps of the Ongoing
                                                              Connected Transactions Except the
                                                              Annual Limit in Respect of the Products
                                                              and Services to be Provided to China
                                                              Railway Materials and Suppliers Corp.
                                                              (CRMSC) Under the CRMSC Products and
                                                       15     Services Agreement                       Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              Approve Annual Caps in Respect of the
                                                              Products and Services to be Provided to
                                                              CRMSC Under the CRMSC Products and
                                                       16     Services Agreement                       Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Company Limited                Y6883Q104   5/26/2006   1      Accept Report of the Board of Directors  Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Accept Report of the Supervisory
                                                       2      Committee                                Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Accept Financial Statements and
                                                       3      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Approve Final Dividend                   Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Authorize Board to Distribute Interim
                                                       5      Dividend                                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers and
                                                              PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian CPAs
                                                              Company Limited as International and
                                                              Domestic Auditors Respectively and
                                                              Authorize Board to Fix Their
                                                       6      Remuneration                             Mgmt        For      For

                                                       7      Reelect Zheng Hu as Director             Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Reelect Franco Bernabe as Independent
                                                       8      Non-Executive Director                   Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Issuance of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities without
                                                       9      Preemptive Rights                        Mgmt        For      Against




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       10     Other Business                           Mgmt        For      Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Electronics Nv                 N6817P109   3/30/2006   1      Speech President                         Mgmt        None     None
                                                              Approve Financial Statements and
                                                       2a     Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Explanation of Policy on Additions To
                                                       2b     Reserves and Dividends                   Mgmt        None     None
                                                              Approve Dividend of EUR 0.44 ($0.52)per
                                                       2c     Share                                    Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2d     Approve Discharge of Management Board    Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2e     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board   Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect T.W.H. van Deursen to Management
                                                       3a     Board                                    Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect F.A. van Houten to Management
                                                       3b     Board                                    Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3c     Elect J.A. Karvinen to Management Board  Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3d     Elect R.S. Provoost to Management Board  Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3e     Elect A. Ragnetti to Management Board    Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Reelect W. de Kleuver to Supervisory
                                                       4a     Board                                    Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Reelect Richard Greenbury to
                                                       4b     Supervisory Board                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Proposal to Amend the Remuneration
                                                       5a     Policy for Management Board              Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Proposal to Amend the Maximum
                                                              Percentage of The Annual LTIP Pool-size
                                                              To Be Allocated To Members of
                                                       5b     Management Board                         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Cancellation of Shares Held by the
                                                       6a     Company                                  Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Amend Articles to Reflect Changes in
                                                       6b     Capital                                  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Grant Board Authority to Issue Shares
                                                              Up To 10 Percent of Issued Capital Plus
                                                              Additional 10 Percent in Case of
                                                              Takeover/Merger Restricting/Excluding
                                                       7      Preemptive Rights                        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Repurchase of Up to Ten
                                                       8      Percent of Issued Share Capital          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       9      Other Business (Non-Voting)              Mgmt        None     None

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Precision                                                     Approve Plan of Arrangement to Convert
Drilling Trust         PD.U    74022D100   10/31/2005  1      to Trust                                 Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Elect Robert J.S. Gibson, Patrick M.
Precision                                                     Murray and H. Garth Wiggins as Trustees
Drilling Trust         PD.U    740215108   5/9/2006    1      of the Trust                             Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Elect W.C. (Mickey) Dunn, Brian A.
                                                              Felesky, Robert J.S. Gibson, Patrick M.
                                                              Murray, Frederick W. Pheasey, Robert L.
                                                              Phillips, Hank B. Swartout and H. Garth
                                                              Wiggins as Directors of Precision
                                                       2      Drilling Corporation                     Mgmt        For      For

                                                       3      Ratify KPMG LLP as Auditors              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Other Business                           Mgmt        For      Withhold

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PUMA AG Rudolf                                                Receive Financial Statements and
Dassler Sport                  D62318148   4/27/2006   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        None     None
                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                       2      Dividends of EUR 2.00 per Share          Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Discharge of Management Board
                                                       3      for Fiscal 2005                          Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board
                                                       4      for Fiscal 2005                          Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers AG as
                                                       5      Auditors for Fiscal 2006                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect Guenter Herz to the Supervisory
                                                       6.1    Board                                    Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect Rainer Kutzner to the Supervisory
                                                       6.2    Board                                    Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect Hinrich Stahl als Alternate
                                                       6.3    Supervisory Board Member                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Share Repurchase Program and
                                                              Reissuance or Cancellation of
                                                       7      Repurchased Shares                       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles Re: Calling of and
                                                              Registration for Shareholder Meetings
                                                              due to New German Legislation (Law on
                                                              Company Integrity and Modernization of
                                                       8      the Right of Avoidance)                  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles Re: Conducting of
                                                              Shareholder Meetings due to New German
                                                              Legislation (Law on Company Integrity
                                                              and Modernization of the Right of
                                                       9      Avoidance)                               Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Benckiser Plc
Reckitt & Colman                                              Accept Financial Statements and
Plc )                          G7420A107   5/4/2006    1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2      Approve Remuneration Report              Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Final Dividend of 21 Pence Per
                                                       3      Ordinary Share                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Re-elect Bart Becht as Director          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5      Re-elect Peter Harf as Director          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6      Elect Gerard Murphy as Director          Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as
                                                       7      Auditors of the Company                  Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of
                                                       8      Auditors                                 Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities with
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       9      Nominal Amount of GBP 25,360,000         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities without
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       10     Nominal Amount of GBP 3,804,000          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise 72,280,000 Ordinary Shares
                                                       11     for Market Purchase                      Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Increase in Remuneration of
                                                       12     Non-Executive Directors to GBP 1,000,000 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Reckitt Benckiser Long-Term
                                                       13     Incentive Plan                           Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Reckitt Benckiser 2005
                                                              Savings-Related Share Option Plan, 2005
                                                              Global Stock Profit Plan, 2005 USA
                                                              Savings-Related Share Option Plan and
                                                              Senior Executive Share Ownership Policy
                                                       14     Plan                                     Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Elect Michael Lazardis, James
                                                              Balsillie, Douglas Fregin, Kendall
Research In                                                   Cork, James Estill, John Richardson and
Motion Ltd             RIM     760975102   7/18/2005   1      Douglas Wright as Directors              Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Ernst & Young LLP as Auditors
                                                              and Authorize Board to Fix Remuneration
                                                       2      of Auditors                              Mgmt        For      For

                                                       3      Approve Restricted Share Unit Plan       Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rio Tinto Plc                                                 AUTHORITY TO ALLOT RELEVANT SECURITIES
(Formerly Rtz                                                 UNDER SECTION 80 OF THE COMPANIES ACT
Corp. Plc)                     767204100   4/12/2006   1      1985                                     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              AUTHORITY TO ALLOT EQUITY SECURITIES
                                                              FOR CASH UNDER SECTION 89 OF THE
                                                       2      COMPANIES ACT 1985                       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              AUTHORITY TO PURCHASE RIO TINTO PLC
                                                              SHARES BY THE COMPANY OR RIO TINTO
                                                       3      LIMITED                                  Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              ADOPTION OF NEW ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION
                                                              OF RIO TINTO PLC AND AMENDMENTS TO
                                                       4      CONSTITUTION OF RIO TINTO LIMITED        Mgmt        For      For

                                                       5      ELECTION OF TOM ALBANESE                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6      ELECTION OF SIR ROD EDDINGTON            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       7      RE-ELECTION OF SIR DAVID CLEMENTI        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       8      RE-ELECTION OF LEIGH CLIFFORD            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       9      RE-ELECTION OF ANDREW GOULD              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       10     RE-ELECTION OF DAVID MAYHEW              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       11     Ratify Auditors                          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       12     APPROVAL OF THE REMUNERATION REPORT      Mgmt        For      For

                                                              RECEIVE THE ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL
                                                              STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31
                                                       13     DECEMBER 2005 *                          Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Royal Bank Of
Scotland Group                                                Accept Financial Statements and
Plc (The)                      G76891111   4/28/2006   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2      Approve Remuneration Report              Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Final Dividend of 53.1 Pence
                                                       3      Per Ordinary Share                       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Re-elect Bob Scott as Director           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5      Re-elect Peter Sutherland as Director    Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6      Re-elect Colin Buchan as Director        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       7      Elect Sir Tom McKillop as Director       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       8      Elect Janis Kong as Director             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       9      Elect Guy Whittaker as Director          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       10     Elect Johnny Cameron as Director         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       11     Elect Mark Fisher as Director            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       12     Elect Bill Friedrich as Director         Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Reappoint Deloitte & Touche LLP as
                                                       13     Auditors of the Company                  Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of
                                                       14     Auditors                                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities with
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       15     Nominal Amount of GBP 266,482,100        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities without
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       16     Nominal Amount of GBP 39,972,315         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise 319,778,520 Ordinary Shares
                                                       17     for Market Purchase                      Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Approve EU Political Donations up to
                                                              GBP 250,000 and Incur EU Political
                                                       18     Expenditure up to GBP 250,000            Mgmt        For      Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              APPROVAL OF THE BALANCE SHEET, INCOME
                                                              STATEMENT AND STATEMENT OF
                                                              APPROPRIATION OF RETAINED EARNINGS FOR
                                                              THE 37TH FISCAL YEAR (FROM JANUARY 1,
Samsung                                                       2005 TO DECEMBER 31, 2005), AS SET
Electronics Co.                                               FORTH IN THE COMPANY'S NOTICE OF
Ltd.                           796050888   2/28/2006   1      MEETING ENCLOSED HEREWITH.               Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVAL OF THE APPOINTMENT OF
                                                              DIRECTORS: (A) INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS:
                                                              GWI-HO CHUNG, JAE-SUNG HWANG, OH SOO
                                                       2      PARK, CHAE-WOONG LEE AND DONG-MIN YOON.  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVAL OF THE APPOINTMENT OF
                                                              DIRECTORS: (B) EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS:
                                                              KUN-HEE LEE, JONG-YONG YUN, YOON-WOO
                                                       3      LEE AND DOH-SEOK CHOI                    Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVAL OF THE APPOINTMENT OF
                                                              DIRECTORS: (C) AUDIT COMMITTEE:
                                                       4      JAE-SUNG HWANG AND CHAE-WOONG LEE.       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVAL OF THE COMPENSATION CEILING
                                                              FOR THE DIRECTORS, AS SET FORTH IN THE
                                                              COMPANY'S NOTICE OF MEETING ENCLOSED
                                                       5      HEREWITH.                                Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sanofi-Synthelabo )                                           Approve Financial Statements and
                               F5548N101   5/31/2006   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Accept Consolidated Financial
                                                       2      Statements and Statutory Reports         Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                       3      Dividends of EUR 1.52 per Share          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Special Auditors' Report
                                                       4      Regarding Related-Party Transactions     Mgmt        For      For

                                                       5      Reelect Lord Douro as Director           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6      Elect Gerard Le Fur as Director          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       7      Ratify Ernst & Young Audit as Auditor    Mgmt        For      For
                                                       8      Ratify Auditex as Alternate Auditor      Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Approve Remuneration of Directors in
                                                       9      the Aggregate Amount of EUR 1.2 Million  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Repurchase of Up to Ten
                                                       10     Percent of Issued Share Capital          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Merger by Absorption of Rhone
                                                              Cooper by Sanofi-Aventis, Approve its
                                                              Remuneration, and Approve Capital
                                                       11     Increase in Connection with the Merger   Mgmt        For      Against

                                                       12     Allocation of Merger Premium             Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              Acknowledge Definitive Realisation of
                                                              Merger on May 31, 2006, and Capital
                                                       13     Increase in Connection with the Merger   Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              Amend Articles of Association Re:
                                                              Change in Capital Pursuant to Items
                                                       14     Above                                    Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              Amend Articles of Association Board
                                                       15     Related Re: Term of Mandate of Chairman  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Filling of Required
                                                       16     Documents/Other Formalities              Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Receive Financial Statements and
SAP AG                         D66992104   5/9/2006    1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        None     None
                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                       2      Dividends of EUR 1.45 per Share          Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Discharge of Management Board
                                                       3      for Fiscal Year 2005                     Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board
                                                       4      for Fiscal Year 2005                     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Ratify KPMG Deutsche
                                                              Treuhand-Gesellschaft AG as Auditors
                                                       5      for Fiscal Year 2006                     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve EUR 950 Million Capitalization
                                                       6      of Reserves                              Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Amend Articles Re: Supervisory Board
                                                       7      Remuneration                             Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Creation of EUR 180 Million
                                                              Pool of Capital with Preemptive Rights
                                                       8a     (Conditional Capital Ia)                 Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Approve Creation of EUR 180 Million
                                                              Pool of Capital without Preemptive
                                                       8b     Rights (Conditional Capital IIa)         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Share Repurchase Program and
                                                       9      Reissuance of Repurchased Shares         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Use of Financial Derivatives
                                                       10     Method When Repurchasing Shares          Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              Approve Issuance of Convertible Bonds
                                                              and/or Bonds with Warrants Attached up
                                                              to Aggregate Nominal Amount of EUR 5
                                                              Billion with Preemptive Rights; Approve
                                                              Creation of EUR 25 Million Pool of
                                                              Capital to Guarantee Conversion Rights
                                                       11a    (Conditional Capital IV)                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Issuance of Convertible Bonds
                                                              and/or Bonds with Warrants Attached up
                                                              to Aggregate Nominal Amount of EUR 5
                                                              Million with Preemptive Rights; Approve
                                                              Creation of EUR 75 Million Pool of
                                                              Capital to Guarantee Conversion Rights
                                                       11b    (Conditional Capital IVa)                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Affiliation Agreements with
                                                       12     Subsidiaries                             Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ltd.                   SLB     806857108   4/12/2006   1.1    Elect Director J. Deutch                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.2    Elect Director J.S. Gorelick             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.3    Elect Director A. Gould                  Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.4    Elect Director T. Isaac                  Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.5    Elect Director A. Lajous                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.6    Elect Director A. Levy-Lang              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.7    Elect Director M.E. Marks                Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.8    Elect Director D. Primat                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.9    Elect Director T.I. Sandvold             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.10   Elect Director N. Seydoux                Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.11   Elect Director L.G. Stuntz               Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.12   Elect Director R. Talwar                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              ADOPTION AND APPROVAL OF FINANCIALS AND
                                                       2      DIVIDENDS                                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT TO THE ARTICLES
                                                       3      OF INCORPORATION                         Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT AND RESTATEMENT
                                                              OF THE SCHLUMBERGER 2005 STOCK OPTION
                                                       4      PLAN                                     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              APPROVAL OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED
                                                       5      PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM                   Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Allocation of Income, Including
Seven & I                                                     the Following Dividends: Interim JY 0,
Holdings Co Ltd                J7165H108   5/25/2006   1      Final JY 28.5, Special JY 0              Mgmt        For      For

                                                       2      Approve Reduction in Legal Reserves      Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles to: Expand Business
                                                              Lines - Limit Legal Liability of
                                                              Non-executive Statutory Auditors -
                                                              Limit Rights of Odd-Lot Holders -
                                                              Update Terminology to Match that of New
                                                       3      Corporate Law                            Mgmt        For      For

                                                       4.1    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.2    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.3    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.4    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.5    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.6    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.7    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.8    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.9    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.10   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.11   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.12   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.13   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.14   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.15   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.16   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5.1    Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5.2    Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5.3    Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5.4    Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5.5    Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Increase in Aggregate
                                                              Compensation Ceilings for Directors and
                                                       6      Statutory Auditors                       Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Approve Allocation of Income, Including
                                                              the Following Dividends: Interim JY
Shimizu Corp.                  J72445117   6/29/2006   1      3.5, Final JY 3.5, Special JY 0          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles to: Expand Business
                                                              Lines - Limit Rights of Odd-lot Holders
                                                              - Update Terminology to Match that of
                                                              New Corporate Law - Limit Liability of
                                                       2      Non-Executive Statutory Auditors         Mgmt        For      For

                                                       3.1    Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.2    Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       3.3    Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Retirement Bonuses for Director
                                                              and Statutory Auditors and Special
                                                              Payments to Continuing Directors and
                                                              Statuory Auditors in Connection with
                                                       4      Abolition of Retirement Bonus System     Mgmt        For      Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Shoppers Drug
Mart Corp.             SC.     82509W103   5/4/2006    1.1    Elect Director M. Shan Atkins            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.2    Elect Director Krystyna Hoeg             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.3    Elect Director Holger Kluge              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.4    Elect Director Eva Kwok                  Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.5    Elect Director Dean Metcalf              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.6    Elect Director Glenn K. Murphy           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.7    Elect Director David Peterson            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.8    Elect Director Derek Ridout              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.9    Elect Director Leslee J. Thompson        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.10   Elect Director David M. Williams         Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Deloitte & Touche LLP as
                                                              Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix
                                                       2      Remuneration of Auditors                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                       3      Adopt New General By-law No. 3B          Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Receive Supervisory Board Report,
                                                              Corporate Governance Report, and
Siemens AG                     D69671218   1/26/2006   1      Compensation Report                      Mgmt        None     None

                                                              Receive Financial Statements and
                                                       2      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        None     None
                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                       3      Dividends of EUR 1.35 per Share          Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Discharge of Management Board
                                                       4      for Fiscal 2004/2005                     Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board
                                                       5      for Fiscal 2004/2005                     Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Ratify KPMG Deutsche
                                                              Treuhand-Gesellschaft AG as Auditors
                                                       6      for Fiscal 2005/2006                     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Share Repurchase Program and
                                                              Reissuance or Cancellation of
                                                       7      Repurchased Shares                       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Creation of EUR 75 Million Pool
                                                              of Capital to Guarantee Conversion
                                                       8      Rights under Stock Option Plans          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles Re: Calling of,
                                                              Registration for, and Conducting of
                                                              Shareholder Meetings due to New German
                                                              Legislation (Law on Company Integrity
                                                              and Modernization of the Right of
                                                       9      Avoidance)                               Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Allocation of Income, Including
SUMITOMO MITSUI                                               the Following Dividends on Ordinary
FINANCIAL GROUP                                               Shares: Interim JY 0, Final JY 3000,
INC.                           J7771X109   6/29/2006   1      Special JY 0                             Mgmt        For      For

                                                       2      Approve Reduction in Legal Reserves      Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Share Repurchase Program for
                                                       3      Ordinary and Preferred Shares            Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles to: Decrease Authorized
                                                              Preferred Share Capital - Limit
                                                              Liability of Non-Executive Directors
                                                              and Statutory Auditors - Update
                                                              Terminology to Match That of New
                                                       4      Corporate Law                            Mgmt        For      For

                                                       5.1    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5.2    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5.3    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6      Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      Against
                                                              Approve Retirement Bonuses for Director
                                                       7      and Statutory Auditor                    Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sun Hung Kai                                                  Accept Financial Statements and
Properties Ltd.                Y82594121   12/8/2005   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2      Approve Final Dividend                   Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3a1    Reelect Li Ka-cheung, Eric as Director   Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Reelect Wong Yue-chim, Richard as
                                                       3a2    Director                                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3a3    Reelect Lee Shau-kee as Director         Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       3a4    Reelect Chan Kui-yen, Thomas as Director Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3a5    Reelect Chan Kai-ming as Director        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3a6    Reelect Kwong Chun as Director           Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Reelect Wong Yick-kam, Michael as
                                                       3a7    Director                                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3a8    Reelect Wong Chik-wing, Mike as Director Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3b     Fix the Directors' Remuneration          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Reappoint Auditors and Authorize Board
                                                       4      to Fix Their Remuneration                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Repurchase of Up to 10 Percent
                                                       5      of Issued Capital                        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Issuance of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities without
                                                       6      Preemptive Rights                        Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased
                                                       7      Shares                                   Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Suncor Energy Inc      SU.     867229106   4/26/2006   1.1    Elect Director Mel E. Benson             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.2    Elect Director Brian A. Canfield         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.3    Elect Director Bryan P. Davies           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.4    Elect Director Brian A. Felesky          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.5    Elect Director John T. Ferguson          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.6    Elect Director W. Douglas Ford           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.7    Elect Director Richard L. George         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.8    Elect Director John R. Huff              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.9    Elect Director M. Ann McCaig             Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.10   Elect Director Michael W. O'Brien        Mgmt        For      Withhold
                                                       1.11   Elect Director JR Shaw                   Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.12   Elect Director Eira M. Thomas            Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers as
                                                       2      Auditors                                 Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Synthes Inc                    87162M409   4/20/2006   1      Other Business                           Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       2      Other Business                           Mgmt        For      Against
                                                              Accept Financial Statements and
                                                       3      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve University Prof. Dr. Norbert
                                                       4      Haas, Charite Berlin as a Guest Speaker  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Receive Financial Statements and
                                                       5      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Receive the Report on Dividend Approved
                                                       6      by the Board of Directors                Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Elect Directors David Helfet, Andre
                                                       7      Muller and Hansjorg Wyss                 Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       8      Ratify Auditors                          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       9      Other Business                           Mgmt        For      Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Takeda                                                        Approve Allocation of Income, Including
Pharmaceutical                                                the Following Dividends: Interim JY 53,
Co. Ltd.                       J8129E108   6/29/2006   1      Final JY 53, Special JY 0                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles to: Authorize Public
                                                              Announcements in Electronic Format -
                                                              Update Terminology to Match that of New
                                                       2      Corporate Law                            Mgmt        For      For

                                                       3.1    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.2    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.3    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Approve Retirement Bonus for Director    Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Talisman Energy
Inc.                   TLM.    87425E103   5/9/2006    1.1    Elect Director Douglas D. Baldwin        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.2    Elect Director James W. Buckee           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.3    Elect Director William R.P. Dalton       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.4    Elect Director Kevin S. Dunne            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.5    Elect Director Lawrence G. Tapp          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.6    Elect Director Stella M. Thompson        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.7    Elect Director Robert G. Welty           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.8    Elect Director Charles R. Williamson     Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.9    Elect Director Charles W. Wilson         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2      Ratify Ernst & Young LLP as Auditors     Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3      Approve Stock Split                      Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Telefonica S.A.
(Formerly                                                     Approve Individual and Consolidated
Telefonica De                                                 Financial Statements, Allocation of
Espana, S.A.)                  879382109   6/20/2006   1      Income, and Discharge Directors          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Merger by Absorption of
                                                              Telefonica Moviles SA; Adopt
                                                       2      Consolidated Tax Regime                  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Reelect Carlos Colomer Casellas as
                                                       3.1    Director                                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.2    Reelect Isidro Faine Casas as Director   Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Reelect Alfonso Ferrari Herrero as
                                                       3.3    Director                                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.4    Reelect Luis Lada Diaz as Director       Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Reelect Antonio Massanell Lavilla as
                                                       3.5    Director                                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Ratify the Appointment of David Arculus
                                                       3.6    as Director                              Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Ratify the Appointment of Peter Erskine
                                                       3.7    as Director                              Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Ratify the Appointment of Julio Linares
                                                       3.8    Lopez as Director                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Ratify the Appointment of Vitalino
                                                       3.9    Manuel Nafria Aznar as Director          Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       4      Approve Equity-Based Incentive Plan      Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5      Authorize Repurchase of Shares           Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Issuance of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities without
                                                       6      Preemptive Rights                        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Board to Ratify and Execute
                                                       7      Approved Resolutions                     Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Teva                                                          TO RECEIVE AND DISCUSS THE COMPANY'S
Pharmaceutical                                                CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AND THE
Industries                     881624209   7/27/2005   1      CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO APPROVE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                                              RECOMMENDATION THAT THE CASH DIVIDEND
                                                       2      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2004     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO APPOINT DR. LEORA (RUBIN) MERIDOR AS
                                                              A STATUTORY INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR FOR AN
                                                       3      ADDITIONAL TERM OF THREE YEARS           Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO ELECT ELI HURVITZ TO SERVE FOR AN
                                                       4      ADDITIONAL THREE-YEAR TERM               Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO ELECT RUTH CHESHIN TO SERVE FOR AN
                                                       5      ADDITIONAL THREE-YEAR TERM               Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO ELECT PROF. MICHAEL SELA TO SERVE
                                                       6      FOR AN ADDITIONAL THREE-YEAR TERM        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO ELECT HAROLD SNYDER TO SERVE FOR AN
                                                       7      ADDITIONAL THREE-YEAR TERM               Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF DIRECTOR S
                                                              AND OFFICER S LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR
                                                              THE DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS OF THE
                                                       8      COMPANY                                  Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              TO APPROVE THE COMPANY'S 2005 OMNIBUS
                                                       9      LONG-TERM SHARE INCENTIVE PLAN           Mgmt        For      Against




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO PROVISIONS
                                                              OF THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES RELATING TO
                                                              THE INDEMNIFICATION OF DIRECTORS AND
                                                       10     OFFICERS                                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPANYS
                                                              ARTICLES THAT WOULD INCREASE THE
                                                       11     REGISTERED SHARE CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO APPOINT KESSELMAN & KESSELMAN, A
                                                              MEMBER OF PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
                                                              INTERNATIONAL LTD., AS THE COMPANY'S
                                                              INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC
                                                              ACCOUNTING FIRM AND TO DETERMINE THEIR
                                                       12     COMPENSATION                             Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              TO APPROVE THE ISSUANCE OF ORDINARY
                                                              SHARES OF TEVA, PURSUANT TO THE
                                                              AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER, DATED
                                                              JULY 25, 2005, BY AND AMONG IVAX
Teva                                                          CORPORATION, TEVA AND TWO WHOLLY OWNED
Pharmaceutical                                                SUBSIDIARIES OF TEVA, IVORY ACQUISITION
Industries                     881624209   10/27/2005  1      SUB, INC. AND IVORY ACQUISITION SUB II   Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              TO RECEIVE AND DISCUSS THE COMPANY'S
                                                              CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS OF
Teva                                                          DECEMBER 31, 2005 AND THE CONSOLIDATED
Pharmaceutical                                                STATEMENTS OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR THEN
Industries                     881624209   5/4/2006    1      ENDED.                                   Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO APPROVE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                                              RECOMMENDATION THAT THE CASH DIVIDEND
                                                              FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2005 BE
                                                       2      DECLARED FINAL.                          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO APPOINT PROF. GABRIELA SHALEV AS A
                                                              STATUTORY INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR FOR AN
                                                       3      ADDITIONAL TERM OF THREE YEARS.          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO ELECT THE FOLLOWING DIRECTOR TO
                                                              SERVE FOR A THREE-YEAR TERM: DR.
                                                       4      PHILLIP FROST                            Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              TO ELECT THE FOLLOWING DIRECTOR TO
                                                       5      SERVE FOR A THREE-YEAR TERM: CARLO SALVI Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO ELECT THE FOLLOWING DIRECTOR TO
                                                              SERVE FOR A THREE-YEAR TERM: DAVID
                                                       6      SHAMIR                                   Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF DIRECTOR S
                                                              AND OFFICER S LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR
                                                              THE DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS OF THE
                                                       7      COMPANY.                                 Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION
                                                              60(E) OF THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES OF
                                                       8      ASSOCIATION.                             Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO APPROVE AN INCREASE IN THE
                                                              REMUNERATION PAID TO THE DIRECTORS OF
                                                              THE COMPANY (OTHER THAN THE CHAIRMAN OF
                                                       9      THE BOARD).                              Mgmt        For      For

                                                              TO APPOINT KESSELMAN & KESSELMAN, AS
                                                              THE INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC
                                                              ACCOUNTING FIRM AND DETERMINE THEIR
                                                       10     COMPENSATION.                            Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The India Fund,
Inc.                           454089103   3/16/2006   1      Approve Investment Advisory Agreement    Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2      Approve Investment Advisory Agreement    Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The India Fund,
Inc.                           454089103   4/28/2006   1.1    Elect Director Lawrence K. Becker        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.2    Elect Director Peter G. Peterson         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.3    Elect Director Jeswald W. Salacuse       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       1.4    Elect Director Prakash A. Melwani        Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total SA
(Formerly Total                                               Approve Financial Statements and
Fina Elf S.A )                 F92124100   5/12/2006   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Accept Consolidated Financial
                                                       2      Statements and Statutory Reports         Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                       3      Dividends of EUR 6.48 per Share          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Accounting Transfer from
                                                              Special Long-Term Capital Gains Reserve
                                                       4      Account to Other Reserves Account        Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Approve Special Auditors' Report
                                                       5      Regarding Related-Party Transactions     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Repurchase of Up to Ten
                                                       6      Percent of Issued Share Capital          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       7      Reelect Anne Lauvergeon as Director      Mgmt        For      For
                                                       8      Reelect Daniel Bouton as Director        Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       9      Reelect Bertrand Collomb as Director     Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Reelect Antoine Jeancourt-Galignani as
                                                       10     Director                                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       11     Reelect Michel Pebereau as Director      Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       12     Reelect Pierre Vaillaud as Director      Mgmt        For      For
                                                       13     Elect Christophe de Margerie as          Mgmt        For      Against
                                                              Director Approve Partial Spin-Off
                                                       14     Agreement to Arkema                      Mgmt        For      For
                                                       15     Approve 1-for-4 Stock Split              Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Article 11 Regarding the Number
                                                       16     of Shares to Be Held By Directors        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Article 11 to Require a Majority
                                                       A      of Independent Directors on Board        ShrHoldr    Against  For

                                                              Grant a Second Board Mandate to an
                                                       B      Employee Shareholder Representative      ShrHoldr    Against  Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Trican Well
Service Ltd.           TCW.    895945103   5/10/2006   1      Fix Number of Directors at Six           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.1    Elect Director Kenneth M. Bagan          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.2    Elect Director Gary R. Bugeaud           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.3    Elect Director Murray L. Cobbe           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.4    Elect Director Donald R. Luft            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.5    Elect Director Douglas F. Robinson       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2.6    Elect Director Victor J. Stobbe          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Ratify KPMG LLP as Auditors and
                                                              Authorize Board to Fix Remuneration of
                                                       3      Auditors                                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                       4      Approve 2:1 Stock Split                  Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Accept Financial Statements and
UBS AG                         H8920M855   4/19/2006   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                       2      Dividends of CHF 3.20 per Share          Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Discharge of Board and Senior
                                                       3      Management                               Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.1.1  Reelect Rolf Meyer as Director           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.1.2  Reelect Ernesto Bertarelli as Director   Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Elect Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler as
                                                       4.2.1  Director                                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.2.2  Elect Joerg Wolle as Director            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.3    Ratify Ernst & Young Ltd. as Auditors    Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4.4    Ratify BDO Visura as Special Auditors    Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve CHF 29.7 Million Reduction in
                                                              Share Capital via Cancellation of
                                                       5.1    Repurchased Shares                       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Repurchase of Issued Share
                                                       5.2    Capital                                  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Reduction in Share Capital via
                                                       5.3    Capital Repayment of CHF 0.60 per Share  Mgmt        For      For

                                                       5.4    Approve 2:1 Stock Split                  Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Amend Articles to Reflect Changes in
                                                       5.5.1  Capital                                  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles Re: Capital Holding
                                                              Requirement for Submitting Shareholder
                                                       5.5.2  Proposals                                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Creation of CHF 15 Million Pool
                                                              of Capital without Preemptive Rights to
                                                       6      Service Existing Stock Option Plan       Mgmt        For      Against

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Vivendi                                                       Approve Financial Statements and
Environment)                   F9686M107   5/11/2006   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Accept Consolidated Financial
                                                       2      Statements and Statutory Reports         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3      Approve Expenses and Charges             Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Allocation of Income and
                                                       4      Dividends of EUR 0.85 per Share          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Standard Accounting Transfer
                                                              from Special Long-Term Capital Gains
                                                              Reserve Account to Ordinary Reserve
                                                       5      Account                                  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Special Auditors' Report
                                                       6      Regarding Related-Party Transactions     Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              Approve Transaction with a Related
                                                              Party Re: Change or End of Functions of
                                                       7      a Corporate Officer                      Mgmt        For      For

                                                       8      Reelect Daniel Bouton as Director        Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       9      Elect Jean-Francois Dehecq as Director   Mgmt        For      Against




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       10     Reelect Jean-Marc Espalioux as Director  Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       11     Reelect Paul Louis Girardot as Director  Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       12     Reelect Serge Michel as Director         Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       13     Reelect Georges Ralli as Director        Mgmt        For      Against
                                                       14     Reelect Murray Stuart as Director        Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              Approve Remuneration of Directors in
                                                       15     the Aggregate Amount of EUR 770,000      Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Repurchase of Up to Ten
                                                       16     Percent of Issued Share Capital          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Issuance of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities with
                                                              Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       17     Nominal Amount of EUR 1 Billion          Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Issuance of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities without
                                                              Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       18     Nominal Amount of EUR 400 Million        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Capitalization of Reserves of
                                                              Up to EUR 370 Million for Bonus Issue
                                                       19     or Increase in Par Value                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Board to Increase Capital
                                                              with Preemptive Rights in the Event of
                                                              Additional Demand Related to
                                                              Delegations Submitted to Shareholder
                                                       20     Vote Above                               Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Board to Increase Capital
                                                              without Preemptive Rights in the Event
                                                              of Additional Demand Related to
                                                              Delegations Submitted to Shareholder
                                                       21     Vote Above                               Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              Authorize Capital Increase of up to 10
                                                              Percent of Issued Capital for Future
                                                       22     Acquisitions                             Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              Approve Employee Savings-Related Share
                                                       23     Purchase Plan                            Mgmt        For      For
                                                       24     Approve Stock Option Plans Grants        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize up to 0.5 Percent of Issued
                                                       25     Capital for Use in Restricted Stock Plan Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              Approve Reduction in Share Capital via
                                                       26     Cancellation of Repurchased Shares       Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Authorize Filling of Required
                                                       27     Documents/Other Formalities              Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Vestas Wind
System AS                      K9773J128   4/25/2006   1      Receive Report of Board                  Mgmt        None     None
                                                              Receive and Approve Financial
                                                       2      Statements and Statutory Reports         Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Treatment of Net Loss and
                                                       3      Omission of Dividends                    Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Discharge of Management and
                                                       4      Board                                    Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Reelect Bent Carlsen, Arne Pedersen,
                                                              Joergen Rasmussen, Torsten Rasmussen,
                                                              Joern Thomsen, and Freddy Frandsen as
                                                              Directors; Elect Kurt Nielsen as New
                                                       5      Director                                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers and
                                                       6      KPMG C. Jespersen as Auditors            Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Extend Authorization to Create DKK 18.5
                                                              Million Pool of Capital without
                                                       7.1    Preemptive Rights Until January 1, 2011  Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Extend Authorization to Issue 1.8
                                                              Million Shares for Employee Share
                                                       7.2    Issuance Plan Until January 1, 2011      Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              Extend Authorization to Issue Warrants
                                                              to Key Employees and/or Board Members
                                                              without Preemptive Rights up to Nominal
                                                              Amount of DKK 368,000 until January 1,
                                                       7.3    2011                                     Mgmt        For      Against

                                                              Amend Articles Re: Allow Company to
                                                              Hold General Meetings in Central
                                                              Jutland or in the Greater Copenhagen
                                                       7.4    Area                                     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorize Repurchase of Up to Ten
                                                       7.5    Percent of Issued Share Capital          Mgmt        For      For
                                                       8      Other Business (Non-Voting)              Mgmt        None     None

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Wal-Mart de
Mexico S.A. de
C.V. (frmrly.
Cifra S.A.)                    P98180105   2/28/2006   1      Accept Chairman's Report                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       2      Accept Audit Committe's Report           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3      Accept Supervisory Board Report          Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Accept Financial Statements for Fiscal
                                                       4      Year Ended December 2005                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Present Report on the Share Repurchase
                                                       5      Reserves                                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Cancellation of 201.5 Million
                                                       6      Company Treasury Shares                  Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Approve Modifications to Article 5 in
                                                              the Bylaws Re: Changes in Variable and
                                                       7      Fixed Capital                            Mgmt        For      For

                                                       8      Approve Allocation of Income             Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Dividend of MXN 0.38 per Share
                                                       9      or Stock Calculated as of March 22, 2006 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve MXN 3.28 Million Variable
                                                              Capital Increase Through Issuance of
                                                              164.3 Million Common Shares To Be Paid
                                                       10     Back as Dividends at MXN 20 per Share    Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Accept Report Re: Employee Stock
                                                       11     Purchase Plan                            Mgmt        For      Against
                                                              Accept Report Re: Wal-Mart de Mexico
                                                       12     Foundation                               Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Discharge of the Board of
                                                       13     Directors                                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Elect or Ratify Members of the Board of
                                                       14     Directors and Supervisory Board          Mgmt        For      For

                                                       15     Approve Minutes of Meeting               Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WPP Group Plc                  G97974102   9/26/2005   1      Approve Scheme of Arrangement            Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Scheme of Arrangement;
                                                              Reduction and Increase of Cap.; Issue
                                                              Equity with Pre-emp. Rights up to GBP
                                                              175M; Amend Art. of Assoc; Amend
                                                              Incentive Schemes; Approve New WPP
                                                              Reduction of Cap.; Change Co. Name to
                                                              WPP 2005 plc; Approve De-listing of
WPP Group Plc                  G97974102   9/26/2005   1      Shares                                   Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve WPP 2005 Executive Stock Option
                                                       2      Plan                                     Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve WPP 2005 Worldwide Ownership
                                                       3      Plan                                     Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Amend WPP Group plc 2004 Leadership
                                                       4      Equity Acquisition Plan                  Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5      Amend WPP Performance Share Plan         Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Accept Financial Statements and
WPP Group Plc                  G9787H105   6/27/2006   1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Approve Final Dividend of 6.34 Pence
                                                       2      Per Ordinary Share                       Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       3      Elect Colin Day as Director              Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Re-elect Philip Lader as Director        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       5      Re-elect Esther Dyson as Director        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       6      Re-elect Orit Gadiesh as Director        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       7      Re-elect David Komansky as Director      Mgmt        For      For
                                                              Re-elect Christopher Mackenzie as
                                                       8      Director                                 Mgmt        For      For
                                                       9      Re-elect Stanley Morten as Director      Mgmt        For      For
                                                       10     Re-elect Koichiro Naganuma as Director   Mgmt        For      For
                                                       11     Re-elect Lubna Olayan as Director        Mgmt        For      For
                                                       12     Re-elect John Quelch as Director         Mgmt        For      For
                                                       13     Re-elect Jeffrey Rosen as Director       Mgmt        For      For
                                                       14     Re-elect Paul Spencer as Director        Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Reappoint Deloitte & Touche LLP as
                                                              Auditors and Authorise the Board to
                                                       15     Determine Their Remuneration             Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities with
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       16     Nominal Amount of GBP 48,704,061.37      Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise 125,022,397 Ordinary Shares
                                                       17     for Market Purchase                      Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities without
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       18     Nominal Amount of GBP 6,251,119.84       Mgmt        For      For

                                                       19     Approve Remuneration Report              Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Approve Allocation of Income, Including
                                                              the Following Dividends: Interim JY 0,
Yamada Denki Co.               J95534103   6/29/2006   1      Final JY 25, Special JY 0                Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Amend Articles to: Increase Authorized
                                                              Capital - Limit Rights of Odd-Lot
                                                              Holders - Update Terminology to Match
                                                       2      that of New Corporate Law                Mgmt        For      Against

                                                       3.1    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.2    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.3    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.4    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.5    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.6    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.7    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.8    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       3.9    Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.10   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.11   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.12   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.13   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       3.14   Elect Director                           Mgmt        For      For
                                                       4      Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Adjustment to Aggregate
                                                       5      Compensation Ceiling for Directors       Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Adjustment to Aggregate
                                                              Compensation Ceiling for Statutory
                                                       6      Auditors                                 Mgmt        For      For

                                                              Approve Retirement Bonuses for
                                                       7      Directors and Statutory Auditors         Mgmt        For      For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Environmental                                                 Approve Continuation of Company Under
Inc.                           98942B100   5/3/2006    1      Provincial Business Corporation Act      Mgmt        For      For

                                                       2      Approve Acquisition                      Mgmt        For      For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
National Bank of Greece        X56533114   5/23/2006          Approve Stock Option Plan and Amend
                                                       1      Existing One                             Mgmt        For
                                                       2      Amend Articles                           Mgmt        For

                                                              Authorize Issuance of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities with
                                                       3      Preemptive Rights                        Mgmt        For

                                                       4      Other Business                           Mgmt        For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

National Bank of Greece        X56533114   6/1/2006           Approve Stock Option Plan and Amend
                                                       1      Existing One                             Mgmt        For
                                                       2      Amend Articles                           Mgmt        For

                                                              Authorize Issuance of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities with
                                                       3      Preemptive Rights                        Mgmt        For

                                                       4      Other Business                           Mgmt        For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

SHAMIR OPTICAL INDUSTRY LTD    M83683108   7/18/2005   1.1    Elect A. Netzer as External Director     Mgmt        For
                                                       1.2    Elect A. Samuels as External Director    Mgmt        For
                                                              Approve Cash Compensation of External
                                                       2      Directors                                Mgmt        For
                                                              Approve Stock Option Plan Grants to
                                                       3      External Directors                       Mgmt        For

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Vodafone Group PLC             G93882101   7/26/2005          Accept Financial Statements and
                                                       1      Statutory Reports                        Mgmt        For
                                                              Re-elect Lord MacLaurin of Knebworth
                                                       2      as Director                              Mgmt        For
                                                       3      Re-elect Paul Hazen as Director          Mgmt        For
                                                       4      Re-elect Arun Sarin as Director          Mgmt        For
                                                              Re-elect Sir Julian Horn-Smith as
                                                       5      Director                                 Mgmt        For
                                                       6      Re-elect Peter Bamford as Director       Mgmt        For
                                                       7      Re-elect Thomas Geitner as Director      Mgmt        For
                                                       8      Re-elect Michael Boskin as Director      Mgmt        For
                                                       9      Re-elect Lord Broers as Director         Mgmt        For
                                                       10     Re-elect John Buchanan as Director       Mgmt        For
                                                       11     Re-elect Penny Hughes as Director        Mgmt        For
                                                       12     Re-elect Jurgen Schrempp as Director     Mgmt        For
                                                       13     Re-elect Luc Vandevelde as Director      Mgmt        For
                                                       14     Elect Sir John Bond as Director          Mgmt        For
                                                       15     Elect Andrew Halford as Director         Mgmt        For
                                                              Approve Final Dividend of 2.16 Pence
                                                       16     Per Ordinary Share                       Mgmt        For




                                           Meeting                                                                 Mgmt.    Vote
Issuer                 Symbol  CUSIP       Date        Ballot Issues                                   Proponent   Rec.     Cast
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Approve Remuneration Report              Mgmt        For
                                                       17     Reappoint Deloitte & Touche LLP as
                                                              Auditors of the Company                  Mgmt        For
                                                       18     Authorise the Audit Committee to Fix
                                                       19     Remuneration of the Auditors             Mgmt        For

                                                              Authorise the Company and Any Company
                                                              Which is or Becomes a Subsidiary of
                                                              the Company to Make EU Political
                                                              Organisation Donations up to GBP
                                                              50,000 and Incur EU Political
                                                       20     Expenditure up to GBP 50,000             Mgmt        For

                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities with
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       21     Nominal Amount of USD 900,000,000        Mgmt        For

                                                              Authorise Issue of Equity or
                                                              Equity-Linked Securities without
                                                              Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate
                                                       22     Nominal Amount of USD 320,000,000        Mgmt        For

                                                              Authorise 6,400,000,000 Ordinary Shares
                                                       23     for Market Purchase                      Mgmt        For

                                                              Amend Memorandum of Association and
                                                              Articles of Association Re:
                                                       24     Indemnification of Directors             Mgmt        For

                                                              Approve the Vodafone Global Incentive
                                                       25     Plan                                     Mgmt        For



      Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

(Registrant) Sit International Growth Fund, a series of Sit Mutual Funds, Inc.

By (Signature and Title)* /s/ Paul E. Rasmussen, Vice President

Date March 8, 2007

* Print the name and title of each signing officer under his or her signature.