[WINTHROP WEINSTINE LOGO] March 25, 2009 Karen V. Bertulli (612) 604-6604 kbertulli@winthrop.com VIA EDGAR (W/OUT ENCLOSURES) AND FEDERAL EXPRESS - ------------------------------------------------ Securities and Exchange Commission 100 F Street, N.E. Mail Stop 4561 Washington, DC 20549 Attention: Mr. Tom Kluck RE: AMERICAN CHURCH MORTGAGE COMPANY AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO REGISTRATION STATEMENT ON FORM S-11 FILED MARCH 9, 2009 FILE NO. 333-154831 Ladies and Gentlemen: On behalf of American Church Mortgage Company (the "Company"), a Minnesota corporation, we are responding to the comments presented in the letter from Mr. Tom Kluck dated March 20, 2009. For the Staff's convenience, our Response is preceded by the related Staff Comment. In addition, and for ease of reference, we have included with the mailed, hardcopy of the letter, 4 blacklined copies of Amendment No. 3 filed today, marked to show the changes to Amendment No. 2 to the Registration Statement on Form S-11 filed March 9, 2009. GENERAL - ------- COMMENT 1. PLEASE TELL US HOW YOU CONSIDERED RULE 8-08(B)(2) OF REGULATION S-X IN DETERMINING THAT YOU DO NOT NEED TO PROVIDE UPDATED AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE MOST RECENT FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2008. RESPONSE 1. The Company will have net income for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 as provided by Rule 8-08(b)(2) of Regulation S-X. March 25, 2009 Securities and Exchange Commission Page 2 of 3 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND NOTES - ------------------------------ PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 30 2008 - ------------------------------ CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS, PAGE F-19 - --------------------------------------------- COMMENT 2. IN RESPONSE TO COMMENT 4 IN OUR LETTER DATED FEBRUARY 13, 2009, WE NOTE YOU HAVE INCLUDED CAPITAL GAINS REALIZED AS A COMPONENT OF NET INTEREST INCOME. IN FUTURE FILINGS, PLEASE REVISE TO PRESENT THIS AMOUNT BELOW NET INTEREST INCOME AS A COMPONENT OF OTHER INCOME. RESPONSE 2. The Company will revise future filings to include capital gains with other income rather than as a component of net interest income. COMMENT 3. FURTHER TO OUR PREVIOUS COMMENT, GIVEN THE MATERIAL IMPACT TO OPERATING INCOME RESULTING FROM THE EXCLUSION OF INTEREST EXPENSE IN PREVIOUS FILINGS, PLEASE TELL US HOW YOU COMPLIED WITH THE REQUIREMENTS TO FILE AN ITEM 4.02 8-K. IN ADDITION, THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FILED IN YOUR FORM S-11 SHOULD BE CLEARLY LABELED AS RESTATED. RESPONSE 3. The Company has filed an Item 4.02 Form 8-K related to the change in operating income. In addition, the Company has labeled the financial statements as restated in Amendment No. 3 to Form S-11, filed today. NOTE 2 -- FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENT, PAGES F-23 -- F-24 - ---------------------------------------------------- COMMENT 4. WE HAVE REVIEWED YOUR RESPONSE TO COMMENT 6 IN OUR LETTER DATED FEBRUARY 13, 2009 AND NOTE YOUR INTENTION TO CATEGORIZE YOUR BOND PORTFOLIO AS LEVEL 2 IN THE FAIR VALUE HIERARCHY ON A GOING FORWARD BASIS. PLEASE EXPAND UPON YOUR BASIS FOR THIS RECLASSIFICATION. IN THIS REGARD, WE NOTE THAT YOU ARE USING VALUES FOR SIMILAR ASSETS IN INACTIVE MARKETS WITH A FURTHER ADJUSTMENT FOR YOUR CALLABILITY PROVISION, WHICH MAY BE SIGNIFICANT TO YOUR FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENT. PLEASE TELL US HOW YOU CONSIDERED PARAGRAPH 29 OF SFAS 157 IN DETERMINING THAT THESE BONDS SHOULD BE CATEGORIZED AS LEVEL 2 INSTEAD OF LEVEL 3 IN THE FAIR VALUE HIERARCHY. RESPONSE 4. The Company's bond portfolio is recorded at fair value based on similar assets in inactive markets and discounted cash flow methodologies. In determining the comparability of similar assets, the Company considers the contractual terms of the bonds. The bonds that the Company owns as well as the bonds that the Company compares against are not rated by an established credit rating agency. The Company's internal credit rating and process for selecting comparable bonds are unobservable inputs. These two factors are March 25, 2009 Securities and Exchange Commission Page 3 of 3 unobservable and are a part of the Company's initial assessment in measuring its bonds and classifying them as level 3 in the valuation hierarchy. In addition, the bonds that do trade are not trading above par. These factors will be included in the Company's future filings to ensure that the disclosures are consistent with the treatment. PART II- INFORMATION NOT REQUIRED IN PROSPECTUS, PAGE II-1 - ---------------------------------------------------------- INDEX TO EXHIBITS - ----------------- EXHIBIT 8 -- TAX OPINION - ------------------------ COMMENT 5. WE NOTE YOUR RESPONSE TO COMMENT 9 IN OUR LETTER DATED FEBRUARY 13, 2009. WE REFER YOU TO THE THIRD TO LAST PARAGRAPH OF THE TAX OPINION. PLEASE ADVISE COUNSEL THAT IT IS NOT APPROPRIATE TO DISCLAIM RESPONSIBILITY IN ANY MANNER THAT STATES OR IMPLIES THAT INVESTORS ARE NOT ENTITLED TO RELY ON THE OPINION, OR TO PLACE LIMITATIONS ON WHOM MAY RELY ON THE OPINION. PLEASE ADVISE COUNSEL TO REVISE THE TAX OPINION ACCORDINGLY. Response 5. Further to Comment 5, we have included a revised tax opinion. Please see Exhibit 8 to Amendment No. 3. If you have any questions in connection with the filing, please contact the undersigned at (612) 604-6604. Very truly yours, WINTHROP & WEINSTINE, P.A. /s/ Karen V. Bertulli Karen V. Bertulli cc: Philip J. Myers (American Church Mortgage Company)