Washington, D.C. 20549

(Mark One)


For the Fiscal Year Ended January 31, 1999


For the transition period from ______________________ to _______________________

Commission file number 0-3136

                             RAVEN INDUSTRIES, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                       South Dakota                  46-0246171
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (State or other jurisdiction of     (I.R.S. Employer
             incorporation or organization)     Identification No.)

               205 E. 6th Street, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57117
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    (Address of principal offices)(Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code (605) 336-2750

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: None

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                           Common stock, $1 par value
                              (Title of each class)

Indicate by checkmark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding twelve months, and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past ninety days.
                                                                 Yes _X_  No ___

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best of Registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. [ ]

The aggregate market value of voting stock held by nonaffiliates of the
Registrant, based on the closing price of $14.03215 per share as reported on the
NASDAQ National Market System on April 14, 1999 was $57,947,952.

Shares of common stock outstanding at April 14, 1999: 4,641,686.


The following table shows, except as otherwise noted, the location of
information, required in this Form 10-K, in the registrant's Annual Report to
Shareholders for the year ended January 31, 1999 and Proxy Statement for the
registrant's 1999 annual meeting, a definitive copy of which was filed on April
26, 1999. All such information set forth under the heading "Reference" below is
included herein or incorporated herein by reference. A copy of the registrant's
Annual Report to Shareholders for the year ended January 31, 1999 is included as
an exhibit to this report.

PART I.          ITEM IN FORM 10-K                       REFERENCE
- -------          -----------------                       ---------

Item 1.      Business                            Business, pages 4-7, this
                                                      document; Business
                                                      Segments, page 12, and
                                                      Sales by Markets, page
                                                      13, Annual Report to

Item 2.      Properties                          Properties, pages 7-8, this

Item 3.      Pending Legal                       Pending Legal Proceedings,
                  Proceedings                         page 8, this document

Item 4.      Submission of Matters               Submission of Matters to a
                  to a Vote of                        Vote of Security
                  Security Holders                    Holders, page 8, this

- --------

Item 5.      Market for the Regis-              Quarterly Information
                  trant's Common                      (unaudited), page 24,
                  Equity and Related                  Eleven-year Financial
                  Stockholder Matters                 Summary, pages 18-19,
                                                      and inside back cover,
                                                      Annual Report to

Item 6.      Selected Financial Data            Eleven-Year Financial
                                                      Summary, pages 18-19,
                                                      Annual Report to

Item 7.      Management's Discussion            Financial Review and
                  and Analysis of                     Analysis, pages 20-23,
                  Financial Condition                 Annual Report to Share-
                  and Results of                      holders


                 ITEM IN FORM 10-K                       REFERENCE
                 -----------------                       ---------

Item 8.      Financial Statements and           Pages 25-36, Annual Report
                  Supplementary Data                  to Shareholders.

Item 9.      Changes in and Disagree-           Changes in and Disagree-
                  ments with Account-                 ments with Accountants
                  ants on Accounting                  on Accounting and
                  and Financial                       Financial Disclosure,
                  Disclosure                          page 8, this document

- ---------

Item 10.     Directors of the Regis-            Election of Directors and
                  trant                               Executive Compensation,
                                                      Proxy Statement

             Executive Officers of              Executive Officers of
                  the Registrant                      Registrant, page 9,
                                                      this document and Other
                                                      Matters, Proxy

Item 11.     Executive Compensation             Executive Compensation,
                                                      Proxy Statement

Item 12.     Voting Securities and              Ownership of Common Stock,
                  Principal Holders                   Proxy Statement

Item 13.     Certain Relationships              Election of Directors,
                  and Related                         Proxy Statement

- --------

Item 14.     Exhibits, Financial                Exhibits, Financial
                  Statement Schedule                 Statement Schedule
                  and Reports on Form                and Reports on Form
                  8-K.                               8-K, pages 9-10, this

                             SAFE HARBOR STATEMENT

Certain sections of this report contain discussions of items which may
constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of federal securities
laws. Although Raven Industries believes that expectations reflected in such
forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no
assurances that its expectations will be achieved. Factors that could cause
actual results to differ from expectations include general economic conditions,
weather conditions which could affect certain of the company's primary markets
such as the agricultural market or its market for outerwear or changes in
competition which could impact any of the company's product lines.


                             RAVEN INDUSTRIES, INC.

                                    FORM 10-K

                           year ended January 31, 1999

Item 1. Business


         Raven Industries, Inc. was incorporated in February 1956 under the laws
of the State of South Dakota and began operations later that same year. The
following terms - the company, Raven or the registrant - are intended to apply
to Raven Industries, Inc. and its consolidated subsidiaries listed in Exhibit 21
to this report. Raven is headquartered in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, employing
approximately 1,500 persons in nine states.

         The company began operations as a manufacturer of high-altitude
research balloons. It has diversified over the years to supply specialized
products for a number of markets, including industrial, recreation, agriculture,
automotive and defense. Many of these product lines are an extension of
technology and production methods developed in the original balloon business.
The automotive product line was added via acquisition in fiscal 1987. Page 13 of
the company's Annual Report to Shareholders, incorporated herein by reference,
provides financial information regarding sales by markets.

         The company has three business segments: Electronics, Plastics and Sewn
Products. Product lines have been grouped in these segments based on common
technologies, production methods and raw materials. However, more than one
business segment may serve each of the product markets identified above. Page 12
of the company's Annual Report to Shareholders, incorporated herein by
reference, provides financial information concerning the three business

Business Segments

         Electronics - Historically, this segment provided a variety of
assemblies and controls to the U.S. Department of Defense and other defense
contractors. The company is expanding this segment's capabilities in contract
electronics assembly for commercial customers to offset a decline in defense
contracts. Assemblies manufactured by the Electronics segment include
communication, computer and other products where high quality is critical. Flow
control devices, used primarily for precision farming applications, are designed
and produced within this business segment. These devices are also used for
roadside and turf spraying. Management believes that acquisition of new
technologies for height and depth control will expand the company's capabilities
to support precision farming in future years. The segment also builds and
installs automated control systems for use in feedmills.

         Contract electronics assembly sales are made in response to competitive
bid requests by defense agencies or other contractors. The level and nature of
competition vary with the type of product, but the company frequently competes
with a number of assembly manufacturers on any given bid request. Home office
personnel sell


flow control devices directly to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and
distributors. Company sales representatives sell automated systems directly to
feedmills. All the product markets the company participates in are competitive,
with customers having a number of suppliers to choose from.

         Plastics - Products in this segment include heavy-duty sheeting for
industrial and agricultural applications; fiberglass, polyethylene and
dual-laminate tanks for industrial and agricultural use; high altitude balloons
for public and commercial research; and pickup-truck toppers sold in the small
truck aftermarket.

         The company sells plastic sheeting to distributors in each of the
various markets it serves. The company extrudes a significant portion of the
film converted for its commercial products and believes it is one of the largest
sheeting converters in the U.S. A number of suppliers of sheeting compete with
Raven on both price and product availability.

         Home office personnel and manufacturer's representatives sell storage
tanks to OEMs and through distributors. Competition comes not only from many
other plastic tank manufacturers, but also from manufacturers using other
materials (aluminum and steel). The company makes a number of custom fiberglass
and dual-laminate products, but polyethylene tanks tend to be commodity products
and subject to intense price competition.

         The company sells research balloons directly to public agencies
(usually funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) or
commercial users. Demand is small but stable. Raven is the largest balloon
supplier for high-altitude research in the United States.

         Pickup-truck toppers are sold throughout the U.S., using a dealer
network. The overall market for toppers has declined since the late 1980's as
alternatives to pickups with toppers, primarily minivans and sport-utility
vehicles, increased in popularity. The number of topper manufacturers has fallen
but is still substantial.

         Sewn Products - This segment produces and sells outerwear for a variety
of recreational activities, including skiing, hunting and fishing. The segment
also manufactures sport balloons principally for recreational use. Another major
product is large inflatable devices, which enjoy a number of uses, such as
parade floats and advertising media.

         Recreational outerwear is sold both to retailers through an independent
sales representative network, and by home office personnel to catalog retailers.
There are many outerwear manufacturers in the U.S. and abroad, and considerable
competition exists. The company competes successfully in the medium-to-higher
priced range of the market where specialty fabrics such as Gore-Tex(R) are
involved, emphasizing quality, service and manufacturing expertise.

         The segment sells balloons through a dealer network. Raven is the
originator of modern hot-air ballooning and continues to be a leader in design
and technical expertise. The company believes it has approximately 40 percent of
the U.S. hot-air balloon market, although others are able to compete with
lower-cost products. Inflatables are sold directly to corporate customers and
are subject to varying levels of competition. Generally, the more


customized the product, the greater the company's market share.

Major Customer Information

         No customer accounted for more than 10 percent of consolidated sales in
fiscal 1999. However, the company sells sewn products to several large
customers. In fiscal 1999, the top five customers in the Sewn Products segment
accounted for more than two-thirds of the sales in that segment. Although the
loss of these accounts would adversely affect profitability, the company
believes that, over the long term, addition of new customers and sales growth
from existing customers would replace any lost sales.

Seasonality/Working Capital Requirements

         Some seasonality in demand exists for the company's outerwear products,
many of which are produced in spring/summer for summer/fall delivery. Most of
these sales carry net thirty day terms, although some winter-dated terms are
offered. Sales to the agricultural market (flow controls, plastic tanks) also
experience some seasonality, building in the fall for winter/spring delivery.
Certain sales to agricultural customers offer spring dating terms for late fall
and early winter shipments. The resulting fluctuations in inventory and accounts
receivable balances may require and have required seasonal short-term financing.

Financial Instruments

         The principal financial instruments the company maintains are in
accounts receivable, notes receivable and long-term debt. The company believes
that the interest rate, credit and market risk related to these accounts is not
significant. The company manages the risk associated with these accounts through
periodic reviews of the carrying value for non-collectability of assets and
establishment of appropriate allowances in connection with the company's
internal controls and policies. The company does not enter into hedging or
derivative instruments.

Raw Materials

         The company obtains a wide variety of materials from numerous vendors.
Principal materials include numerous electronic components for the Electronics
segment; various plastic resins for the Plastics segment; and fabric for the
Sewn Products segment. The company has not experienced any significant shortages
or other problems in purchasing raw materials to date, and alternative sources
of supply are generally available. However, predicting future material shortages
and the related potential impact on Raven is not possible.


         The company owns a number of patents. However, Raven does not believe
that its business as a whole is materially dependent on any one patent or
related group of patents. It believes the successful manufacture and sale of its
products generally depend more upon its technical expertise and manufacturing

Research and Development

         The business segments noted above conduct ongoing research and
development efforts. Most of the company's research and development expenditures
are directed toward new products in the


Electronics and Plastics segments. Total company research and development costs
are disclosed in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements located on page
29 of the Annual Report to Shareholders, incorporated herein by reference.

Environmental Matters

         Raven believes that it is in compliance in all material respects with
applicable federal, state and local environmental laws and regulations.
Expenditures relating to compliance for operating facilities incurred in the
past and anticipated in the future have not significantly affected capital
expenditures, earnings or competitive position.


         As of February 1, 1999, the company's backlog of firm orders totaled
$47.4 million. Comparable backlog amounts as of February 1, 1998 and 1997 were
$47.2 million and $38.1 million, respectively. Approximately $4 million of the
February 1, 1999 backlog is not scheduled for shipment by January 31, 2000.

Item 2. Properties

All properties, unless otherwise indicated are owned by Raven.

                      Square                                       Business
Location              Feet          Use                            Segments
- --------              ----          ---                            --------

Sioux Falls, SD       150,000       Corporate office and           All
                                    electronics manufacturing

                       73,300       Storage tank                   Plastics

                       68,400       Sewn products warehouse        Sewn Products

                       62,300       Plastic sheeting               Plastics

                       59,000       Plastic sheeting and hot-      Plastics
                                    air balloon manufacturing      Sewn Products

                       31,400       Storage tank                   Plastics

                       27,000       Offices and material           Sewn Products
                                    handling facility

                       25,300       Inflatable manufacturing       Sewn Products

                       24,000       Prototype manufacturing        Electronics

                       10,200       Machine Shop                   Electronics

                        6,200       Training/meeting center        All

Dunnell, MN            81,500       Pickup-truck topper            Plastics


                      Square                                       Business
Location              Feet          Use                            Segments
- --------              ----          ---                            --------

Eloy, AZ              51,600        Pickup-truck topper            Plastics

Albertville, AL        49,600       Storage tank                   Plastics

Tacoma, WA            *46,650       Storage tank                   Plastics

Sulphur Springs, TX   *45,400       Research balloon               Plastics

Springfield, OH        30,000       Plastic sheeting               Plastics

Huron, SD              24,100       Sewing plant                   Sewn Products

Washington Court       21,500       Storage tank                   Plastics
House, OH                           manufacturing

St. Louis, MO          21,000       Electronics manufacturing      Electronics

Gordo, AL             *20,000       Feedmill automation            Electronics
                                    equipment manufacturing

Beresford, SD          20,000       Sewing plant                   Sewn Products

Madison, SD            20,000       Sewing plant                   Sewn Products

DeSmet, SD             15,000       Electronics manufacturing      Electronics

Salem, SD              15,000       Sewing plant                   Sewn Products

Parkston, SD           14,000       Sewing plant                   Sewn Products

* Leased, short-term

Most of the company's manufacturing plants also serve as distribution centers
and contain offices for sales, engineering and manufacturing support staff. The
company believes that its properties are, in all material respects, in good
condition and are adequate to meet existing production needs. The company owns
6.95 acres of undeveloped land adjacent to the other owned property in Sioux
Falls which is available for expansion.

     Item 3. Pending Legal Proceedings

There are no pending legal proceedings wherein the claim for damages exceeds 10%
of the registrant's current assets.

     Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

There was no matter submitted during the fourth quarter to a vote of security

     Item 9. Changes In and Disagreements With Accountants on Accounting and
             Financial Disclosure



Item 10. Executive Officers of the Registrant

       Name              Age           Position               Period Served
       ----              ---           --------               -------------

David A. Christensen     64      President and Chief     April 1971 to present
                                 Executive Officer

Gary L. Conradi          59      Vice President,         January 1980 to present
                                 Corporate Services

Thomas Iacarella         45      Vice President,         August 1998 to present
                                 Finance, Secretary
                                 and Treasurer

Ronald M. Moquist        53      Executive Vice          January 1979 to present

Each of the above named individuals serves at the pleasure of the Board of
Directors. Each serves on a year-to-year basis.

     Item 14. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedule and Reports on Form 8-K

     (a)  Consolidated Financial Statements and Schedule

          1.   Incorporated by reference from the attached exhibit containing
               the 1999 Annual Report to Shareholders:

                  Consolidated Balance Sheets
                  Consolidated Statements of Income
                  Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity and
                      Comprehensive Income
                  Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                  Notes to Financial Statements
                  Report of Independent Accountants

          2.   Included in Part II:

                  Report of Independent Accountants on Financial
                      Statement Schedule
                  Schedule II - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts

          The following schedules are omitted for the reason that they are not
          applicable or are not required: I, III and IV.

     (b)  Reports on Form 8-K

          There were no reports filed on Form 8-K during the fourth quarter
          ended January 31, 1999.

     (c)  Exhibits filed

          3(a) Articles of Incorporation of Raven Industries, Inc. and all
               amendments thereto.*

          3(b) By-Laws of Raven Industries, Inc.*

          3(c) Extract of Shareholders Resolution adopted on April 7, 1962 with
               respect to the by-laws of Raven Industries, Inc.*


     Item 14. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedule and Reports on Form 8-K,

         Number                 Description
         ------                 -----------

         10(a)    Change in Control Agreement between Raven Industries, Inc. and
                  David A. Christensen dated as of March 17, 1989.*

         10(b)    Change in Control Agreement between Raven Industries, Inc. and
                  Gary L. Conradi dated as of March 17, 1989.*

         10(c)    Change in Control Agreement between Raven Industries, Inc. and
                  Ronald M. Moquist dated as of March 17, 1989.*

         10(d)    Change in Control Agreement between Raven Industries, Inc. and
                  Thomas Iacarella dated as of August 1, 1998 (incorporated by
                  reference to Exhibit 10.1 of the Company's Form 10-Q for the
                  quarter ended July 31, 1998).

         10(e)    Employment Agreement between Raven Industries, Inc. and David
                  A. Christensen dated as of May 20, 1998.

         10(f)    Schedule identifying material details of other Employment
                  Agreements between Raven Industries and other executive
                  officers substantially identical to the Employment Agreement
                  filed as Exhibit 10(e).

         10(g)    Raven Industries, Inc. 1990 Stock Option Plan adopted January
                  30, 1990 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit A to the
                  Company's definitive Proxy Statement filed April 25, 1990).

         10(h)    Deferred Compensation Plan between Raven Industries, Inc. and
                  David A. Christensen dated as of February 1, 1997.

         10(i)    Trust Agreement between Raven Industries, Inc. and Norwest
                  Bank South Dakota, N.A. dated April 26, 1989.*

         13       1999 Annual Report to Shareholders (only those portions
                  specifically incorporated herein by reference shall be deemed
                  filed with the Commission).

         21       Subsidiaries of the Registrant.

         23       Consent of Independent Accountants.

         27       Financial Data Schedule.

                  *        Incorporated by reference to corresponding Exhibit
                           Number of the Company's Form 10-K for the year ended
                           January 31, 1989.



         Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                     RAVEN INDUSTRIES, INC.

April 26, 1999                       By:  /S/ David A. Christensen
- -----------------------                   --------------------------------------
    Date                                  David A. Christensen
                                          President (Principal Executive
                                             Officer and Director)

         Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

April 26, 1999                       By:  /S/ David A. Christensen
- -----------------------                   --------------------------------------
    Date                                  David A. Christensen
                                          President (Principal Executive
                                             Officer and Director)

April 26, 1999                            /S/ Thomas Iacarella
- -----------------------                   --------------------------------------
    Date                                  Thomas Iacarella
                                          Vice President, Finance,
                                             Secretary and Treasurer
                                             (Principal Financial and
                                             Accounting Officer)


April 26, 1999                            /S/ Conrad J. Hoigaard
- -----------------------                   --------------------------------------
    Date                                  Conrad J. Hoigaard

April 26, 1999                            /S/ John C. Skoglund
- -----------------------                   --------------------------------------
    Date                                  John C. Skoglund

April 26, 1999                            /S/ Mark E. Griffin
- -----------------------                   --------------------------------------
    Date                                  Mark E. Griffin

April 26, 1999                            /S/ Kevin T. Kirby
- -----------------------                   --------------------------------------
    Date                                  Kevin T. Kirby

April 26, 1999                            /S/ Anthony W. Bour
- -----------------------                   --------------------------------------
    Date                                  Anthony W. Bour

April 26, 1999                            /S/ Thomas S. Everist
- -----------------------                   --------------------------------------
    Date                                  Thomas S. Everist


                         ON FINANCIAL STATEMENT SCHEDULE

To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of
Raven Industries, Inc.:

         Our report on the consolidated financial statements of Raven
Industries, Inc. has been incorporated by reference in this Annual Report on
Form 10-K from page 36 of the 1999 Annual Report to Shareholders of Raven
Industries, Inc. In connection with our audits of such financial statements, we
have also audited the related financial statement schedule listed in Item
14.(a)2. on page 9 of this Form 10-K.

         In our opinion, the financial statement schedule referred to above,
when considered in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole,
presents fairly, in all material respects, the information required to be
included therein.

                                     PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Minneapolis, Minnesota
March 11, 1999



               for the years ended January 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

                             (Dollars in thousands)

            Column A                 Column B              Column C             Column D       Column E
            --------                ----------    -------------------------    -----------     --------

                                    Balance at    Charged to     Charged to    Deductions
                                     Beginning    Costs and         Other         From        Balance at
           Description               of Year      Expenses        Accounts     Reserves(1)    End of Year
           -----------              ----------    ----------     ----------    -----------    -----------
Deducted in the balance sheet
    from the asset to which it
  Allowance for doubtful
    Year ended January 31, 1999         $390          $135           None          $125           $400
                                        ====          ====                         ====           ====

    Year ended January 31, 1998         $340          $193           None          $143           $390
                                        ====          ====                         ====           ====

    Year ended January 31, 1997         $340          $ 88           None          $ 88           $340
                                        ====          ====                         ====           ====

- -----

(1)  Represents uncollectible accounts receivable written off during the
     year, net of recoveries.
