Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 12B-25

                           NOTIFICATION OF LATE FILING

 (Check One): |_|Form 10-K |_|Form 20-F |_|Form 11-K |X|Form 10-Q |_|Form N-SAR
                         For Period Ended: June 30, 2000
                        [] Transition Report on Form 10-K
                        [] Transition Report on Form 20-F
                        [] Transition Report on Form 11-K
                        [] Transition Report on Form 10-Q
                        [] Transition Report on Form N-SAR
                        For the Transition Period Ended:

     If the  notification  relates  to a portion of the  filing  checked  above,
identify the Item(s) to which the notification relates:


Full Name of Registrant:  Moto Guzzi Corporation

Former Name if Applicable:  North Atlantic Acquisition Corp.

Address of Principal Executive Office (Street and Number):  299 Park Avenue

City, State and Zip Code:  New York, New York  10022

PART II - RULES 12b-25(b) AND (c)

     If the subject  report could not be filed  without  unreasonable  effort or
     expense and the registrant seeks relief pursuant to Rule  12(b)-25(b),  the
     following should be completed. (Check box if appropriate)

               (a)  The reasons  described in  reasonable  detail in Part III of
                    this  form  could  not be  eliminated  without  unreasonable
                    effort or expense;

      |X|      (b)  The subject annual report,  semi-annual  report,  transition
                    report on Form  10-K,  Form  20-F,  11-K or Form  N-SAR,  or
                    portion  thereof,  will be filed on or before the  fifteenth
                    calendar  day  following  the  prescribed  due date;  or the
                    subject  quarterly report or transition report on Form 10-Q,
                    or  portion  thereof  will be filed on or  before  the fifth
                    calendar day following the prescribed due date; and

               (c)  The accountant's statement or other exhibit required by Rule
                    12b-25(c) has been attached if applicable.


     State below in reasonable  detail the reasons why Forms 10-K,  20-F,  11-K,
     10Q, N-SAR, or the transition report or portion thereof, could not be filed
     within the prescribed time period.

On April 14, 2000 the Company entered into a Preliminary Share Sale and Purchase
Agreement  with Aprilia  S.p.A.  providing  for the sale of the  Company's  four
operating subsidiaries: (i) Motto Guzzi, S.p.A., (ii) MGI Motorcycle GmbH, (iii)
Moto  Guzzi  North  America  Inc.,  and (iv) Moto  Guzzi  France  S.a.r.l.  This
potential sale has  necessitated  significant  time involvement of the financial
staff of the Company resulting in delays in completion of quarter end accounting


   (1)  Name and  telephone  number  of person  to  contact  in
        regard to this notification

         Mark S. Hauser             212                     644-4441
         (Name)                  (Area Code)             (Telephone Number)

   (2)  Have all other periodic  reports required under Section
        13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 or
        Section 30 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 during
        the preceding 12 months or for such shorter period that
        the registrant was required to file such report(s) been
        filed?  If answer  is no  identify  reports(s).             |X|Yes |_|No

   (3)  Is  it  anticipated  that  any  significant  change  in
        results of operations from the corresponding period for
        the last fiscal year will be  reflected  by the earning
        statements  to be  included  in the  subject  report or
        portion thereof?                                            |X|Yes |_|No

  If so:attach an explanation of the anticipated  change,  both
        narratively  and  quantitatively,  and, if appropriate,
        state the reasons why a  reasonable  estimate of the of
        the results cannot be made.

         Results of Operations for the 3 Months Ended June 30, 2000 compared to 1999

                                                                     Jun. 30                      Jun. 30
                                                                     2000                         1999
                                                                     Lit.m                        Lit.m

         Net sales                                                  30,918       100.0%          23,805     100.0%
         Cost of sales                                             (28,444)      (91.4%)        (20,997)    (88.2%)
                                                                  ---------                     --------
                                                                     2,674         8.6%           2,808      11.8%
         Selling, general and administrative expenses               (5,493)      (17.8%)         (5,533)    (23.2%)
         Research & development                                       (447)       (1.4%)         (1,085)     (4.6%)
         Share of losses of affiliate companies                       (316)       (1.0%)               -
                                                                  ---------                   ----------
                                                                    (3,582)      (11.6%)         (3,810)    (16.0%)
         Interest expense                                             (728)       (2.4%)         (1,221)     (5.1%)
         Other expense, net                                            (98)       (0.3%)            (37)     (0.2%)
                                                                  ---------                   ----------
         Loss before income taxes                                   (4,408)      (14.3%)         (5,068)    (21.3%)
         Income tax expense                                           (422)       (1.4%)            (34)     (0.1%)
                                                                  ---------                   ----------
         Net loss                                                   (4,830)      (15.6%)         (5,092)    (21.4%)
         Preferred Stock dividends                                    (441)       (1.4%)               -          -
                                                                  ---------                   ----------

         Net loss attributable to common stockholders               (5,271)      (17.0%)         (5,092)    (21.4%)
                                                                    =======                       ======

         MGI Motorcycle GmbH,  acquired in March 2000, has not been consolidated
as at June 30, 2000 due to  constraints  on the time of the Company's  financial
management  personnel  in the  period.  Financial  management's  time  has  been
dedicated  towards  the sale of the  operating  subsidiaries  of the  Company to
Aprilia  S.p.A.  and  to  the  transition  following  Aprilia  S.p.A.   assuming
management  control of the  subsidiaries  from May 2, 2000 (See Notes to Interim
Financial  Statements).  Results to June 30, 2000 include the Company's share of
losses  of MGI  through  the  first  quarter  of 2000  when it was 25% owned and
estimated  losses for the second  quarter  of 2000 under the  caption  "Share of
losses  of  associated  companies".  The  effects  of  the  acquisition,  net of
elimination  of sales and  purchases by the Company to MGI, were not material to
the Company.

         Net sales for the three  months  ended June 30, 2000  increased by Lit.
7.1  billion  or 29.9% to Lit.  30.9  billion  from Lit.  23.8  billion  for the
comparative period in 1999, principally due to a more favorable sales mix and to
an  increase  of 11.8% in unit  sales to 2,038 in 2000 from  1,823 in 1999.  The
favorable  effect  of  sales  mix was  principally  derived  from  sales  of the
Company's V-11 Sport model, which was introduced in Europe in September 1999 and
in the U.S. in February 2000.

         Gross  margins  decreased to Lit. 2.7 billion or 8.6% in 2000 from Lit.
2.8 billion or 11.8% in 1999.  The decrease is  principally  due to a Lit. 1,800
million charge for product recall costs which more than offset the benefits from
price  increases  of 3-6%  made  from  the  beginning  of 2000  and to the  more
favorable product mix and to increased volumes.  Without the exceptional charge,
margins would have been 14.5% in the 3 months to June 30, 2000.

         Selling,   general  and  administrative   expenses  were  substantially
unchanged in 2000  compared to 1999.  Expenses at Moto Guzzi North  America Inc.
increased  by Lit.  0.4  billion  or  49.9%  due to  expense  related  to a more
aggressive  approach in advertising  products and motivating  sales. This offset
decreases in Italy and  corporate  costs of Lit 0.5 billion or 11.8%  reflecting
reduced administrative personnel and a strict control of costs.

         Research and  development  expenditure was limited to Lit. 0.4 billion.
Aprilia SpA, who assumed  management of the operating  subsidiaries  from May 2,
2000 has been evaluating product plans and expenditure on existing projects was,
accordingly, limited in the period.

         Interest  expense  decreased  from Lit. 1.2 billion in 1999 to Lit. 0.7
billion in 2000  principally  due to the absence of a Lit.  0.3 billion non cash
charge in 1999 for  amortization  of a warrant to purchase shares issued in 1999
in respect of ongoing parent  company  financing and to lower cash interest from
lower levels of advances from banks in 2000 compared to 1999.

         As a result of the above  factors,  net loss for the three months ended
June 30, 2000 increased to Lit. 5.3 billion for compared to Lit. 5.1 billion for
the three months ended June 30, 2000.

                             MOTO GUZZI CORPORATION
                  (Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

     has caused this  notification to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned
     hereunto duly authorized.

Date       August 16, 2000                    By:  /s/  Nick Speyer
    -----------------------------                -------------------------------
                                                        Nick Speyer
                                                        Chief Financial Officer