WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549
                             FORM 10-Q



For the quarterly period ended          SEPTEMBER 30, 1997



For the transition period from _______________ to __________

               Commission file number   1-9516

      (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

     DELAWARE                                 13-3398766
(State or other jurisdiction of    (I.R.S. Employer Identification
 incorporation or organization)     No.)

100 SOUTH BEDFORD ROAD, MT. KISCO, NY        10549
(Address of principal executive offices)     (Zip Code)

(Registrant's telephone number,
 including area code)                        (914) 242-7700

     Indicate by check  mark  whether  the  registrant  (1)  has  filed all
reports  required  to  be  filed  by  Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding  12  months  (or for such shorter
period that the registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has
been  subject  to  such  filing requirements for the past 90 days. 
Yes    X <checked-box>                   No_____



                                                         PAGE NO.
Consolidated Balance Sheets - September 30, 1997 
and December 31, 1996                                         1-2

     Consolidated Statements of Earnings -
     Three Months Ended September 30, 1997 and 1996             3

     Consolidated Statements of Earnings -
     Nine Months Ended September 30, 1997 and 1996              4

     Consolidated Statement of Changes In
     Partners' Equity
     Nine Months Ended September 30, 1997                       5

     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows -
     Nine Months Ended September 30, 1997, and 1996           6-7

     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                 8

     Management's Discussion and Analysis
     of Financial Condition and Results of
     Operations                                                14

PART II.  OTHER INFORMATION                                    20



The financial information  contained  herein  is unaudited; however, in the
opinion of management, all adjustments necessary for a fair presentation of
such financial information have been included.  All such adjustments are of
a normal recurring nature.

                            CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                    September 30,   December 31,
                                        1997             1996
                                    -------------   ------------


Real estate leased to others:
 Accounted for under the financing
   method                            $ 273,219,968   $ 253,781,903
 Accounted for under the operating
   method, net of accumulated
   depreciation                        107,798,912     103,402,315
Cash and cash equivalents              473,237,696     105,543,329
Marketable securities                        -         106,172,301
Mortgages and notes receivable          69,632,819      15,225,405
Investments in limited partnerships     23,666,737      29,947,816
Receivables and other assets             7,571,408       8,604,646
Hotel operating properties,
 net of accumulated depreciation         4,881,011      12,955,389
Property held for sale                   4,213,916       3,698,112
Debt placement costs,
 net of accumulated amortization           845,538       1,299,053
Construction in progress                 1,076,475         679,400
                                     -------------     -----------

 Total                               $ 966,144,480   $ 641,309,669
                                     =============   =============



              CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS - Continued

                                   September 30,     December 31,
                                       1997             1996
                                   -------------     ------------

Mortgages payable                  $ 141,304,831   $ 115,911,504
Senior indebtedness                   11,307,775      22,615,552
Accounts payable, accrued
 expenses and other liabilities        8,700,398      12,248,555
Deferred income                        2,792,692       3,460,042
Distributions payable                    458,426       1,514,605
                                     -----------     -----------

 Total liabilities                   164,564,122     155,750,258
                                     -----------     -----------

Commitments and Contingencies
(Notes 2 and 3)


Limited partners:
 Preferred units, $10 liquidation
   preference, 5% cumulative pay-
   in-kind redeemable; 9,400,000
   authorized; 7,311,054 and 2,074,422
   issued and outstanding as of
   Sept.30, 1997 and Dec. 31, 1996    74,938,304      21,522,128

 Depositary units; 47,850,000
   authorized; 47,235,484 and
   26,703,840 outstanding as of      721,651,906     465,335,952
    September 30, 1997 and
      Dec. 31, 1996

General partner                       16,174,013       9,885,196

Treasury units at cost:
 1,037,200 depositary units          (11,183,865)    (11,183,865)
                                     -----------     -----------

 Total partners' equity              801,580,358     485,559,411
                                     -----------     -----------

   Total                           $ 966,144,480   $ 641,309,669
                                   =============   =============

            See notes to consolidated financial statements




                            THREE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1997
                                       1997             1996
 Interest income:
    Financing leases               $ 6,603,622      $6,338,764
    Other                            2,797,036       2,425,029
 Rental income                       4,246,748       5,147,205
 Hotel operating income              1,024,206       1,948,435
 Other income                          139,148          63,218
 Dividend income                     1,243,598         837,125
                                    ----------      ----------
                                    16,054,358      16,759,776
                                    ----------      ----------
 Interest expense                    3,286,936       3,711,259
 Depreciation and amortization       1,483,418       1,579,815
 General and administrative
    expenses                           744,432         735,403
 Property expenses                     706,865       1,144,833
 Hotel operating expenses              939,102       1,747,977
                                    ----------       ---------
                                     7,160,753       8,919,287
                                    ----------       ---------
Earnings before property and
 securities transactions             8,893,605       7,840,489
Provision for loss on real estate    (342,771)         -
Gain on sales and disposition
 of real estate                      2,363,953      13,595,117
                                     ---------      ----------

NET EARNINGS                      $ 10,914,787    $ 21,435,606
                                  ============    ============
Net earnings attributable to:
 Limited partners                 $ 10,697,583    $ 21,009,037
 General partner                       217,204         426,569
                                  ------------    ------------
                                  $ 10,914,787    $ 21,435,606
                                  ============    ============
Net earnings per limited
 partnership unit
 (Notes 12 and 13)                $        .37    $        .75
                                  =============   ============

Weighted average limited partnership
 units and equivalent partnership
 units outstanding                  29,207,825      28,047,843 
                                  ============    ============

See notes to consolidated financial statements





                                  NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
                                       1997              1996
                                       ----              ----
 Interest income:
    Financing leases                $18,694,007       $19,800,003
    Other                             8,888,461         7,821,544
 Rental income                       12,487,766        15,254,809
 Hotel operating income               5,105,900         7,530,351
 Dividend income                      3,001,125           837,125
 Other income                           698,825         3,083,378
                                    -----------       -----------
                                     48,876,084        54,327,210
                                    -----------       -----------
 Interest expense                     9,541,388        12,317,424
 Depreciation and amortization        4,392,619         4,480,373
 General and administrative
    expenses                          2,216,035         2,185,245
 Property expenses                    2,570,829         3,253,572
 Hotel operating expenses             4,036,485         5,653,590
                                    -----------       -----------                     
                                     22,757,356        27,890,204
                                    -----------       -----------
Earnings before property
 and securities
 transactions and extraordinary
 item                                26,118,728        26,437,006
Provision for loss on real estate      (704,782)         (175,000)
Gain on sales and disposition
 of real estate                      13,287,489        19,101,460
Gain on sale of marketable
 securities                          29,188,087             -
                                    -----------       -----------
Earnings before extraordinary
 item                                67,889,522        45,363,466
Loss from early extinguishment
 of debt                               (250,925)         (521,512)
                                    -----------       -----------

NET EARNINGS$                        67,638,597       $44,841,954
                                    ===========       ===========
Net earnings attributable to:
 Limited partners                   $66,292,589       $43,949,599
 General partner                      1,346,008           892,355
                                    -----------       -----------

                                    $67,638,597       $44,841,954
                                    ===========       ===========
Net earnings per limited
 partnership unit (Notes 12 and 13):
 Before extraordinary item          $       .36       $      1.59
 Extraordinary item                        (.01)             (.02)
                                    -----------       -----------
 Net Earnings                       $      2.35       $      1.57
                                    ===========       ===========
Weighted average limited partnership
 units and equivalent partnership
 units outstanding                   28,217,414        27,999,553
                                    ===========       ===========

               See notes to consolidated financial statements



                      NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1997

                             LIMITED PARTNERS' EQUITY

                 General                                         Total
                 Partners               Depositary             Preferred         Held in    Partners'
                 EQUITY                    UNITS                 UNITS          TREASURY     EQUITY
Dec. 31, 1996   $9,885,196           $  46,535,952          $21,522,128     $(11,183,865)   $485,559,411

Net earnings     1,346,008              66,292,589               -               -            67,638,597

Rights               -                 215,582,262           51,329,110          -           266,911,372

Expenses of

Offering            (7,960)               (392,040)              -               -              (400,000)

Sale of 
avaiilable for
sale              (458,613)            (23,079,791)              -               -           (23,548,404)

Contribution     5,419,382                  -                    -               -             5,419,382

Pay-in kind
Contribution        -                   (2,087,066)           2,087,066          -                  -
               -------------          -------------         ----------      -------------  --------------

Balance        $16,174,013            $721,651,906          $74,938,304     $(11,183,865)   $801,580,358
Sept. 30, 1997 =============          ============          ===========     =============  ==============

                        See notes to consolidated financial statements



                             CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                           NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                              SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                          1997            1996
                                                          ----            ----
  Net earnings                                        $ 67,638,597     $ 44,841,954
  Adjustments to reconcile earnings to net
   cash provided by operating activities:
     Depreciation and amortization                       4,392,619        4,480,373
       Amortization of deferred income                     (15,733)         (19,663)
       Gain on sales and disposition of real estate    (13,287,489)     (19,101,460)
       Gain on sale of marketable securities           (29,188,087)            -
       Provision for loss on real estate                   704,782          175,000
       Changes in:
        Decrease in deferred income                         (2,730)          (2,730)
        Decrease (increase) in receivables
          and other assets                               1,431,081       (1,013,683)
        (Decrease) increase in accounts
        payable and accrued expenses                    (3,648,950)       4,927,638
                                                        ----------       ----------
          Net cash provided by operating
          activities                                    28,024,090       34,287,429
                                                        ----------       ----------

   Increase in mortgages and notes
   receivable                                          (56,083,168)        (524,461)
   Property acquisitions                               (43,833,758)        (102,947)
   Purchase of marketable securities                          -         (46,949,450)
   Net proceeds from the sale and disposition
     of real estate                                     28,138,127       31,490,530
   Principal payments received on leases
       accounted for under the financing method          5,689,759        5,465,975
   Construction in progress                               (397,075)      (4,964,344)
   Principal receipts on mortgages receivable              239,139          244,343
   Capitalized expenditures for real estate             (1,377,664)      (2,557,532)
   Investment in limited partnerships                    6,281,079      (26,000,000)
   Net proceeds from the sale of marketable
   securities                                          111,783,849             -
                                                        ----------       ----------
          Net cash provided by (used in)
            investing activities                        50,440,288      (43,897,886)
                                                        ----------       ----------                  
   Partners' equity:
     Proceeds of the Rights Offering                   272,330,754
     Expenses of the Rights Offerings                     (267,283)         (15,842)
     Distributions to partners                          (1,056,179)        (140,679)
     Increase (decrease) in mortgages
     payable                                            40,349,732         (313,156)
     Periodic principal payments                        (5,751,552)      (6,309,309)
     Balloon payments                                   (5,024,995)      (1,859,486)
     Increase in construction loan payable                    -           3,857,248
     Debt placement costs                                  (42,711)         (60,363)
     Senior debt principal payment                     (11,307,777)     (11,307,777)

          Net cash provided by (used in)
          financing activities                         289,229,989      (16,149,364)
                                                        ----------       ----------

IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                           367,694,367      (25,759,821)

period                                                 105,543,329      166,261,635
                                                        ----------       ----------

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, end of period              $473,237,696     $140,501,814
                                                      ============     ============




                                         NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
                                            1997          1996
 Cash payments for interest              $9,903,217     $ 8,752,401
                                         ==========     ===========


 Property acquired in satisfaction of
   Addition to property accounted for
   under the operating method           $        -          $36,271
   Decrease in mortgages receivable              -          (96,938)
   Decrease in deferred income          $        -          $60,667
                                        ------------     ----------
                                        $        -          $     -
                                         ==========     ===========

 Reclassification of real estate:
   To property held for sale            $ 2,495,744      $1,431,741
   From construction in progress                 -       (9,848,929)
   To operating lease                     4,000,824       9,848,929
   From operating lease                  (2,495,744)     (1,431,741)
   From financing lease                  (4,000,824)           -
                                        $        -      $      -
                                        ------------    -----------
                                        ============    ===========

             See notes to consolidated financial statements





The accompanying consolidated financial statements and related footnotes should
be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial  statements  and related
footnotes  contained  in the Company's annual report on Form 10-K for the  year
ended December 31, 1996.

The results of operations  for  the  three  and nine months ended September 30,
1997 are not necessarily indicative of the results  to be expected for the full


a. The reinvestment incentive fee pertains to properties  acquired  during  the
ten  year  period  commencing  July  1,  1987  to  June  30,  1997.   From  the
commencement  of  the  Exchange  through  June 30, 1997 the Company (i) sold or
disposed of an aggregate of 159 properties  of the Predecessor Partnerships for
an   aggregate  amount  of  approximately  $99,268,000   net   of    associated
indebtedness  which  encumbered  such  properties  at  the  consummation of the
Exchange and (ii) refinanced 25 Predecessor  Partnerships' properties  with  an
aggregate  appraised  value,  net  of  the  amount  of  the refinanced debt, of
approximately  $37,672,000  for  a  sum  total  of approximately  $136,940,000.
Aggregate appraised values attributable to such properties  for purposes of the
Exchange were approximately $145,663,000.  Eighteen acquisitions have been made
since the commencement of the Exchange, including two  properties  acquired  in
June   1997  (see  Note  8),  for  an  aggregate  investment  of  approximately
$61,000,000.   Reinvestment  incentive  fees  of  approximately  $480,000  have
previously   been  paid  to  the  General  Partner.   Since  the  subordination
requirements were  not  met  as  of  June 30, 1997, the termination date of the
right to receive such fee, no reinvestment  incentive  fee is due or payable to
the General Partner for the two properties acquired in June 1997.

b. The Company and certain affiliates of its General Partner  entered  into  an
agreement  with  the third-party landlord of its leased executive office space.
In accordance with the agreement, the Company entered into a lease, expiring in
2001,  for  7,920  square  feet  of  office  space,  at  an  annual  rental  of
approximately $153,000.   The  Company  has  sublet to certain affiliates 3,205
square feet at an annual rental of approximately  $62,000,  resulting  in a net
annual rental of approximately $91,000.  During the three and nine months ended
September  30, 1997, the affiliates paid the Company approximately $15,000  and
$45,000 respectively  for  rent  of  the sublet space.  Such payments have been
approved  by the Audit Committee of the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  General


c. The Company  was  reimbursed  by  an  affiliate  of  the General Partner for
payroll  and  certain  overhead expenses related to certain  employees  of  the
Company  who  provided  services  on  a  part-time  basis  in  the  amounts  of
approximately $15,000 and  $30,000 in the three and nine months ended September
30,  1997,  respectively. In addition  an  affiliate  of  the  General  Partner
provided certain  administrative  services in the amounts of $800 and $2,350 in
the three and nine month periods ended  September  30, 1997, respectively. Such
reimbursements  have  been  approved by the Audit Committee  of  the  Board  of
Directors of the General Partner.

d. As of November 3, 1997, High Coast Limited Partnership, an affiliate of Carl
C. Icahn, the  Chairman of  the  Board  of  the General  Partner owns 6,325,778
Preferred Units and 31,515,044 Depositary Units (see Note 10).


a. Lockheed  Missile  &  Space Company, Inc.  ("Lockheed"),  a  tenant  of  the
Company's leasehold property  in  Palo  Alto,  California,  has  entered into a
consent  decree  with  the  California  Department of Toxic Substances  Control
("CDTS")  to  undertake certain environmental  remediation  at  this  property.
Lockheed has estimated  that  the  environmental remediation costs may be up to
approximately  $14,000,000.   In  a  non-binding  determination  by  the  CDTS,
Lockheed was found responsible for approximately  75%  of  such  costs  and the
balance  was  allocated  to  other  parties.   The  Company  was  allocated  no
responsibility for any such costs.

Lockheed has served a notice that it intends to exercise its statutory right to
have  its liability reassessed in a binding arbitration proceeding. The Company
understands  that Lockheed may  attempt to have allocated to the Company and to
the Company's  ground-lessor  (which may claim a right of indemnity against the
Company)  approximately 9% and 17%,  respectively,  of  the  total  remediation
costs.  The Company believes that it has no liability for any of such costs and
in any proceeding  in  which such liability is asserted against it, the Company
intends to  vigorously contest  such  liability.   In  the  event  any  of such
liability  is  allocated  to  the  Company,  it  will seek indemnification from
Lockheed in accordance with its lease.  In April 1995,  Lockheed  began  ground
water remediation at the leasehold property.


Lockheed entered into a contract to purchase the property from the Company  for
$9,400,000.   The  contract is contingent upon Lockheed obtaining approval from
the City of Palo Alto  to  erect  an  additional  85,000  square foot building.
Concurrent with executing the contract, Lockheed agreed to  discontinue without
prejudice  the  arbitration  against  the  Company.   At  closing, Lockheed  is
required to execute an environmental indemnity and release  agreement  in favor
of the Company.  There can be no assurances however that this transaction  will
be consummated.

b. On  June  23,  1995, Bradlees Stores, Inc., a tenant leasing four properties
owned by the Company, filed a voluntary petition for reorganization pursuant to
the provisions of Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code. The annual rentals
for these four properties  is  approximately $1,320,000.  The tenant is current
in its obligations under the leases.  The tenant has not yet determined whether
it will exercise its right to reject or affirm the leases which will require an
order of the Bankruptcy Court.   There  are  existing  assignors  who are still
obligated  to  fulfill  all  of  the  terms  and  conditions of the leases.  At
September  30,  1997,   the  carrying  value  of  these  four   properties   is
approximately $7,050,000.  One of the properties is encumbered by a nonrecourse
mortgage payable of approximately $919,000.

c. On  September  18,  1995, Caldor Corp., a tenant leasing a property owned by
the Company, filed a voluntary  petition  for  reorganization  pursuant  to the
provisions of Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code.  The annual rental for
this  property  is  approximately  $248,000.   The  tenant  is  current  in its
obligations under the lease with the exception of approximately $12,000 of pre-
petition rent.  The tenant has not yet determined whether it will exercise  its
right  to  reject  or  affirm  the  lease  which  will  require an order of the
Bankruptcy Court.  At September 30, 1997, the property has  a carrying value of
approximately $1,891,000 and is unencumbered by any mortgage.

d. On September 24, 1996, Best Products, a tenant leasing a property  owned  by
the  Company,  filed  a  voluntary  petition for reorganization pursuant to the
provisions  of  Chapter 11 of the Federal  Bankruptcy  Code.   The  tenant  has
exercised its right  to  reject  the lease, effective April 30, 1997, which has
been approved by the Bankruptcy Court.  The annual rental for this property was
approximately $508,000.  At September  30,  1997,  the  property has a carrying
value of approximately $3,301,000 and is unencumbered by any mortgage.

e. The current owners of a Long Beach, California property  formerly  owned  by
the  Company  have  commenced  an action against the Company, former owners and
tenants of the property seeking indemnification for the costs of remediating an
environmental condition alleged  to have been caused by the dry cleaner at this
shopping center. The Company is presently engaged in discussions to settle this
matter which will involve the Company  making a $10,000 contribution  toward an
aggregate settlement.


f. The Company has executed a mortgage loan  commitment  for a mortgage loan in
the principal amount of $46.3 million, which will be secured by a mortgage on a
three  building  office/retail/conference  center  complex net  leased  by  the
Company  to a subsidiary of Portland General Electric  Corporation  ("PGE")  in
Portland,  Oregon.   The  complex contains approximately 800,000 square feet on
approximately 2.7 acres.  The  funding  of  the loan is subject to the lender's
due diligence review and other closing conditions.   The  loan would replace an
existing mortgage loan on the complex with an outstanding principal  balance of
approximately $24.2 million, bearing interest at 8.5% and maturing in 2002.

The  interest  rate  has  been set at 7.51%.  It is anticipated that the entire
net annual rent payable  by  PGE of approximately $5,137,000 will be applied by
the Company toward the debt service  on the loan.  The refinancing would have a
maturity date of September, 2008, at which  time  a remaining principal payment
of  approximately  $20  million  would  be due from the  Company.  The  Company
presently anticipates closing on this loan  in  the  fourth  quarter  of  1997,
however, there can be no assurance that such refinancing will be consummated.


In  1996,  the Company purchased 3,121,700 shares of RJR Nabisco Holdings Corp.
("RJR") common stock at a cost of approximately $82,596,000. Carl C. Icahn, the
Chairman of  the  Board  of  the General Partner, owned (through affiliates) an
additional 16,808,100 shares of RJR.

In February 1997, the Company  sold its entire interest in RJR for net proceeds
of approximately $111,784,000 realizing  a gain of approximately $29,188,000 in
the nine months ended September 30, 1997.   The  Company's  pro  rata  share of
third  party  expenses  relating  to  such  RJR  investment  was  approximately
$2,154,000  which  was  approved  by  the Audit Committee and paid in the  nine
months ended September 30, 1997.


a.  In June, 1997 the Company invested  approximately $42.8 million to purchase
approximately  $55 million face value of  14 1/4% First Mortgage Notes, due May
15, 2002, issued by the Stratosphere Corporation  ("Stratosphere"),  which  has
approximately  $203  million  of  such  notes outstanding.  An affiliate of the
General Partner owns approximately $46.6 million face value of the Stratosphere
First Mortgage Notes.


Stratosphere  owns  and operates the Stratosphere  Tower,  Casino  &  Hotel,  a
destination resort complex  located  in  Las Vegas, Nevada, containing a 97,000
square foot casino and 1,444 hotel rooms and suites and other attractions.

Stratosphere and its wholly owned subsidiary  Stratosphere  Gaming  Corp. filed
voluntary petitions on January 27, 1997, for Chapter 11 Reorganization pursuant
to  the  United  States  Bankruptcy Code.  Stratosphere and its subsidiary  are
acting as debtors in possession  on behalf of their respective bankrupt estates
and are authorized as such to operate  their  business  subject  to  bankruptcy
court  supervision.   Stratosphere did not make the required November 15,  1996
interest payment due on  the First Mortgage Notes and does not intend to accrue
any interest on this debt  subsequent  to the bankruptcy filing until a plan of
reorganization is confirmed by the bankruptcy court.

An  affiliate  of the General Partner and  the  Company  together  submitted  a
proposal for the  restructuring  of Stratosphere, which if accepted and pursued
would involve additional investments  in  Stratosphere  by the Company and such
affiliate  of  the  General Partner.  Under the proposal, each  holder  of  the
Stratosphere First Mortgage Notes (the "Original Notes") will have the right to
participate in a rights  offering  by Stratosphere to purchase units consisting
of new mortgage notes and common stock  of  Stratosphere.  The aggregate amount
sought to be raised in the proposed offering  is $200 million.  The Company and
the  affiliate  have  proposed  to  purchase  their pro  rata  portion  of  the
Stratosphere units and any units not otherwise  purchased by other note holders
in  the  offering.  The proceeds of the offering would  be  used,  among  other
things, to  pay certain claims of Stratosphere's creditors upon consummation of
a plan of reorganization.   Holders  of the Original Notes would be entitled to
receive  their  pro  rata  portion of $100  million  of  offering  proceeds  in
satisfaction of their claims.   The  proposal  also  contemplates  that, if the
proposal  were  accepted,  but  the offering never consummated (except for  the
failure of the Company and the affiliate  to  perform  their  obligations), the
Company and the affiliate would be entitled to receive a $2 million termination
fee.   The Company understands that the Stratosphere Board of Directors  is  in
favor of  the proposal for the reorganization of Stratosphere.  There can be no
assurance, however, that the terms of the proposal will be accepted.  Also, the
Company understands that Stratosphere has been experiencing negative cash flow,
and there can  be  no assurance that any plan of reorganization of Stratosphere
out of bankruptcy will prove to be successful.


It is presently anticipated that if such transaction is pursued and consummated
that the Company and  the  affiliate  of the General Partner would enter into a
joint venture regarding such Stratosphere  investment,  with such venture to be
managed by such affiliate of the General Partner on terms  fair  and reasonable
to  the Company and the Company's investment to be structured under  applicable
regulatory requirements.

b. On  August  18, 1997, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company acquired five
notes and mortgages for approximately $10,745,000 with an aggregate face amount
of  approximately  $14,340,000,  excluding  accrued  and  unpaid  interest  and
penalties  owed  by  the  borrower  and  estimated  to  total  approximately an
additional $8,200,000. The notes are secured by certain real property belonging
to the borrower, New Seabury Company Limited Partnership ("New Seabury").   The
loans  are  currently  non-performing  and  the  debtor  has filed a Chapter 11
petition  for  relief  in  the  United  States  Bankruptcy Court,  District  of
Massachusetts.  The properties are part of a master  planned community situated
in the town of Mashpee located on Cape Cod in Massachusetts.  Subsequent to the
closing, the Company received approximately $300,000 in cash flow from property
operations from a portion of the underlying collateral   which has been applied
to the Company's investment.

On September 26, 1997, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company  acquired  four
additional notes and mortgages for a purchase price of approximately $5,000,000
with  an  outstanding  principal balance of approximately $8,320,000, excluding
accrued and unpaid interest and penalties owed by the borrower and estimated to
total approximately an additional  $3,000,000  to  $4,000,000.   The  notes are
secured  by certain real property belonging to the borrower, New Seabury.   The
loans also  are currently non-performing and subject to the debtor's Chapter 11
proceeding.   The properties are part of a master planned community situated in
the Town of Mashpee located in Cape Cod in Massachusetts.


a. On June 12,  1996,  the Company's subsidiary, American Real Estate Holdings,
L.P. ("AREH") entered into  an  agreement with non-affiliated third parties and
became a member of a limited liability  company, Beattie Place LLC ("Beattie").
The purpose of Beattie is to acquire, hold,  and  ultimately dispose of limited
partnership units in ten Balcor Limited Partnerships  (the  "Balcor  Units") in
connection  with  previously  commenced  tender  offers.  These  Balcor limited
partnerships own and operate commercial and multi-family real estate properties
nationwide. AREH agreed to purchase a non-voting membership interest in Beattie
of approximately 71.5%.


As  of  September 30, 1997, Beattie has purchased approximately 118,859  Balcor
Units of  which  approximately  84,900 Balcor Units represent the Company's pro
rata  share.  The  Company has received  return  of  capital  distributions  of
approximately $855,000  in  excess  of  its  original investment of $9,834,000.
Such excess return of capital distributions have  been  recognized in "Dividend
income" in the three and nine months ended September 30,  1997.    In addition,
approximately  $77,000  and $622,000 of income distributions were received  and
recorded as "Dividend income"  in the three and nine months ended September 30,
1997 respectively.  Subsequent to  September  30,  1997,  the  Company received
approximately $1,231,000 representing the third quarter of 1997 distribution on
the  Balcor units which will be recognized as "Dividend income" in  the  fourth
quarter of 1997.

b. On  July  17,  1996, the Company's subsidiary, American Real Estate Holdings
Limited Partnership ("AREH") and an affiliate of the General Partner, Bayswater
Realty and Capital  Corp.  ("Bayswater")  became  partners  of Boreas Partners,
L.P., ("Boreas"), a Delaware limited partnership.  AREH's total  interests  are
70%.  Boreas together with unaffiliated third parties entered into an agreement
and became limited partners of Raleigh Capital Associates, L.P. ("Raleigh") for
the  purpose  of  making  tender offers for outstanding limited partnership and
assignee interests ("Units")  of  Arvida/JMB  Partners,  L.P. ("Arvida") a real
estate  partnership.  Boreas and the affiliated general partner  have  a  total
interest  in Raleigh of 33 1/3%.  As of September 30, 1997, Boreas has invested
approximately  $13,729,000 in Raleigh, which represents approximately 36,000 of
the outstanding units, net of a return of capital distribution of approximately
$4,633,000. Boreas  received  approximately  $1,333,000 of income distribution,
representing  Arvida's  1996  cash flow distribution,  which  was  recorded  as
"Dividend income" in the nine months ended September 30, 1997.

The Company has consolidated Boreas  in  the  accompanying financial statements
and  approximately $4,148,000 representing Bayswater's  minority  interest  has
been included in "Accounts payable, accrued expenses, and other liabilities."

c. The  Company  has  participated  in  four  other  tender  offers for limited
partnership  units.   As  of  September  30, 1997,  the  Company  has  invested
approximately $9,938,000 in these partnerships.


Investment in these limited partnership  units are accounted for under the cost
method with income distributions reflected  in  earnings  and return of capital
distributions as a reduction of investment.


At  September  30,  1997,  the Company owned eight properties that  were  being
actively marketed for sale.   At September 30, 1997, these properties have been
stated  at the lower of their carrying  value  or  net  realizable  value.  The
aggregate   net   realizable  value  of  the  properties  is  estimated  to  be
approximately $4,214,000.


a. On January 7, 1997,  the  Company  sold three properties tenanted by Federal
Realty Investment Trust ("FRIT" ) for a total  selling  price of  approximately
$9,363,000.   Two   first  mortgages  with  principal  balances  outstanding of 
approximately $878,000 were repaid at closing.  In addition,  closing  costs of
approximately $90,000 were incurred.   As  a  result,  the  Company  recognized
a gain of  approximately $1,500,000 in the nine months ended September 30, 1997.

In  addition,  on  January  7,  1997, FRIT made a loan to the  Company  in  the
approximate amount of $8,759,000  secured by a fourth property tenanted by FRIT
located in Broomal, PA.  Concurrently  with  this loan, the Company granted and
FRIT exercised an option to purchase the Broomal  property  with  a  closing to
occur on or about June 30, 1998.  The purchase price will be the unpaid balance
of  the  mortgage  loan  of approximately $8,500,000 at the closing date.   The
nonrecourse mortgage loan  bears  interest  at  the  rate  of  8% per annum and
requires monthly debt service payments of approximately $72,000.

b. On  January  16,  1997  the  Company sold the Travelodge hotel it  had  been
operating since January 18, 1996  when  the  former  tenant, Forte Hotels, Inc.
entered  into  a Lease Termination and Mutual Release Agreement.   The  selling
price  was  approximately   $2,140,000,  net  of  closing  costs.   A  gain  of
approximately $1,380,000 was  recorded  in  the nine months ended September 30,


c. In April 1997, the Company sold the Holiday  Inn  hotel  located in Phoenix,
Arizona.  The selling price was approximately $15,525,000, net of approximately
$250,000 of closing costs.  A gain of approximately $7,863,000  was  recognized
in the nine months ended September 30, 1997.

d. On June 30, 1997, the Company acquired two adjacent medical office buildings
located  in  Nashville,  Tennessee,  both  of  which  are net leased to Baptist
Hospitals,  Inc.  ("Baptist").   The  total  purchase price  was  approximately
$34,616,000  which  included  the assumption of   existing  mortgages  on  each
building totalling approximately $31,666,000.

The lease term, which commenced June 28, 1996, is for 22.5 years with seven 10-
year renewal periods at approximately  $3,032,000 per annum paid semi-annually.
The mortgages bear interest at the rate  of  7.84%  per  annum,  self-liquidate
December  31,  2018,  and  have  total debt service of approximately $3,070,000
payable semi- annually.  Rental payments  are  made  monthly  to  a  designated
trustee  who  in turn remits the debt service.  Interest is earned on the  rent
account.  As a  result,  a positive cash flow of approximately $4,000 is earned
on these properties.

e. On September 26, 1997 the  Company  purchased  a  retail property located in
Schaumburg, Illinois.  The purchase price was approximately   $9,138,000  which
was  paid  all in cash.  The completed building, which is approximately 100,000
square feet,  is  to  be  tenanted  by  Bed  Bath & Beyond, Inc., and Golfsmith
International, Inc.

Bed Bath & Beyond's lease is for an initial term  of  fifteen years starting at
$565,896 per year for their approximately 71,000 square  foot  store  with four
five year renewal options at increased rentals. Golfsmith International's lease
is  for  an  initial  term  of fifteen years starting at $375,450 per year with
three five year renewal options  at  increased  rentals.  The rent commencement
date for both tenants is anticipated to occur in the fourth quarter of 1997.


Distributions  payable  represent  amounts  accrued  and  unpaid  due  to  non-
consenting  investors ("Non-consents"). Non-consents are  those  investors  who
have not yet  exchanged  their  limited  partnership  interests  in the various
Predecessor Partnerships for limited partnership units of American  Real Estate
Partners,  L.P.   In  the  nine  months ended September 30, 1997, approximately
$1,021,000 of distributions due to  non-consents  were  paid  to certain states
pursuant to local escheatment laws.



a. In  September  1997  the  Company completed its Rights Offering  (the  "1997
Offering") to holders of its Depositary  Units.  The aggregate amount raised in
the 1997 Offering was approximately $267 million,  which is expected to be used
primarily for additional investment opportunities.

Record  date  holders  were  issued  one  transferrable  right  for  each  five
Depositary Units held.  Each right (the "Primary Subscription  Right") entitled
the holder thereof to acquire during the subscription period, at a subscription
price of $52 four Depositary Units and one 5% cumulative pay-in-kind redeemable
Preferred  Unit  representing  a  limited  partner interest.   The subscription
period  commenced August 13, 1997 and expired  at  the  close  of  business  on
September 11, 1997.

5,132,911  Rights  were  issued  in the Rights Offering of which 3,307,512 were
exercised.   798,832  Depositary  Units   and   199,708  Preferred  Units  were
subscribed  for  through  the  exercise of the Over-Subscription  Privilege  by
Rights Holders other than High Coast  Limited  Partnership  ("High  Coast"),  a
Delaware limited partnership.

High Coast, an affiliate of Mr. Carl C. Icahn, the Company's Chairman, acted as
the  guarantor  for  the  offering. Pursuant to its subscription guaranty, High
Coast agreed to subscribe for  and  purchase  all  of  the Depositary Units and
Preferred Units not otherwise purchased by Rights Holders.   As  a  result, the
offering  was  fully  subscribed.  Pursuant to its subscription guaranty,  High
Coast over-subscribed for a total of  6,502,764  Depositary Units and 1,625,691
Preferred Units.

In addition, in accordance with the terms of the Company's and its subsidiary's
partnership agreements, API was required to contribute  $5,419,382  in order to
maintain its aggregate 1.99% general partnership interest.

On September 25, 1997 the Company received $266,911,372, the gross proceeds  of
the  Rights  Offering,  from  its  subscription  agent and $5,419,382 from API.
Expenses  incurred  in  connection  with the 1997 Offering  were  approximately
$400,000.   The  Company issued an additional  5,132,911  Preferred  Units  and
20,531,644 Depositary  Units.   The Preferred and Depositary Units trade on the
New York Stock Exchange under the symbols "ACP PR" and "ACP", respectively.

As  of  November  3,  1997,  High Coast  owns  6,325,778  Preferred  Units  and
31,515,044 Depositary Units.



Pursuant to the terms of the Preferred Units, on February 28, 1997, the Company
declared its scheduled annual preferred unit distribution payable in additional
Preferred Units at the rate of  5%  of  the liquidation preference of $10.  The
distribution was payable March 31, 1997 to  holders  of  record as of March 14,
1997.   A  total  of  103,721 additional Preferred Units were  issued.   As  of
September 30, 1997, 7,311,054  Preferred  Units are issued and outstanding (see
Note 10).


Net earnings per limited partnership unit and  equivalent partnership units are
computed  using  the  weighted  average number of units  and  equivalent  units
outstanding during the period.  For  the  three  and  nine  month periods ended
September 30, 1997 and 1996, the dilutive effect of preferred units and the pro
rata  quarterly  portion  of the annual pay-in-kind distribution  to  preferred
unitholders have been included  in  the  earnings  per  share  calculation,  as
calculated under the effective yield method, as equivalent depositary units.


In  February 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of
Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.  128,  "Earnings Per Share" ("SFAS 128").
SFAS 128 establishes new standards for computing  and  presenting  earnings per
share   ("EPS").   Specifically,  SFAS  128  replaces  the  currently  required
presentation  of primary EPS with a presentation of basic EPS and requires dual
presentation of  basic  and diluted EPS on the face of the income statement for
all entities with complex  capital  structures.   SFAS  128  is  effective  for
financial statements issued for periods ending after December 15, 1997; earlier
application is not permitted.  Pro forma EPS computed under SFAS 128 would have
been as follows:


   Net earnings per limited partnership unit (Notes 12 and 13):

                                                   Three Months                   Nine Months
                                                   Ended 9/30/97                  Ended 9/30/97

      Before extraordinary item                     $  .35                         $ 2.50
      Extraordinary item                               -                             (.01)
        Net earnings                                $  .35                         $ 2.49
      Before extraordinary item                     $  .35                         $ 2.36
      Extraordinary item                                 -                           (.01)
      Net earnings                                  $  .35                         $ 2.35


                          AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Forward-looking statements regarding management's present plans or expectations
involve   risks   and   uncertainties  and  changing  economic  or  competitive
conditions, as well as the  negotiation of agreements with third parties, which
could cause actual results to  differ  from  present plans or expectations, and
such  differences  could  be  material.  Readers  should   consider  that  such
statements speak only as to the date hereof.


The  Company  believes  that  it  will  benefit  from  diversification  of  its
portfolio.  To further its investment objectives, the Company  may consider the
acquisition or seek effective control of land development companies  and  other
real  estate  operating  companies  which  may  have a significant inventory of
quality assets under development, as well as experienced  personnel.  From time
to time the Company has discussed and in the future may discuss  and  may  make
such acquisitions from Icahn, the General Partner or their affiliates, provided
the  terms  thereof are fair and reasonable to the Company.  In this regard, an
offer was made  by the Company acting through its Audit Committee to purchase a
land development  company owned by Icahn for approximately $48.5 million, which
offer was not accepted.   While  the  Audit  Committee  may consider having the
Company make a higher offer for the land development company  and  may consider
making  such  offer  in  Units  of  the  Company (the number of Units would  be
conditioned upon the Audit Committee's obtaining a fairness opinion), there can
be  no  assurances  thereof  or  whether  the  transaction   will  be  pursued.
Additionally, in selecting future real estate investments, the  Company intends
to focus on assets that it believes are undervalued in the real estate  market,
which  investments  may require substantial liquidity to maintain a competitive
advantage.  Despite the substantial capital pursuing real estate opportunities,
the Company believes  that  there  are still opportunities available to acquire
investments that are undervalued.  These  may  include  commercial  properties,
residential  and  commercial development projects, land, non-performing  loans,
the securities of entities which own, manage or develop significant real estate
assets, including limited  partnership  units  and  securities  issued  by real
estate  investment  trusts and the acquisition of debt or equity securities  of
companies which may be  undergoing  restructuring and sub-performing properties
that may require active asset management  and significant capital improvements.
The Company notes that while there are still opportunities available to acquire
investments that are undervalued, acquisition  opportunities in the real estate
market for value-added investors have become  more  competitive  to  source and
the  increased competition may have some impact on the spreads and the  ability


to find quality assets that provide returns that are sought.  These investments
may not  be  readily  financeable  and may not generate immediate positive cash
flow for the Company. As such, they  require  the  Company to maintain a strong
capital base in order to react quickly to these market opportunities as well as
to  allow  the Company the financial strength to develop  or  reposition  these
assets.  While  this  may impact cash flow in the near term and there can be no
assurance that any asset  acquired  by  the  Company  will increase in value or
generate positive cash flow, the Company intends to focus  on  assets  that  it
believes  may  provide  opportunities  for  long-term  growth  and  further its
objective to diversify its portfolio.

Historically,  substantially all of the Company's real estate assets have  been
net leased to single  corporate  tenants  under long-term leases.  With certain
exceptions, these tenants are required to pay  all  expenses  relating  to  the
leased  property  and  therefore  the  Company is not typically responsible for
payment  of  expenses,  such as maintenance,  utilities,  taxes  and  insurance
associated with such properties.

By the end of the year 2000,  net  leases representing approximately 20% of the
Company's net annual rentals from its portfolio will be due for renewal, and by
the end of the year 2002, net leases  representing  approximately  37%  of  the
Company's  net  annual  rentals  will  be  due  for renewal.  Since most of the
Company's properties are net- leased to single, corporate  tenants,  it  may be
difficult and time-consuming to re-lease or sell those properties that existing
tenants  decline to re-let or purchase and the Company may be required to incur
expenditures  to  renovate  such  properties for new tenants.  In addition, the
Company may become responsible for  the  payment of certain operating expenses,
including maintenance, utilities, taxes, insurance and environmental compliance
costs associated with such properties, which  are  presently the responsibility
of the tenant.  As a result, the Company could experience  an adverse impact on
net cash flow in the future from such properties.

An amendment to the Partnership Agreement (the " Amendment"  ) became effective
in  August,  1996 which permits the Company to invest in securities  issued  by
companies that  are  not necessarily engaged as one of their primary activities
in the ownership, development  or  management of real estate while remaining in
the real estate business and continuing  to pursue suitable investments for the
Company  in  the  real  estate  market.   The Company  made  an  investment  in
accordance with the Amendment in the common stock of RJR Nabisco and recognized
a  gain  of  approximately $29 million on the  sale  of  this  investment.   In
addition, the Company has invested approximately $42.8 million in Stratosphere.
(See Note 5).

Expenses relating  to  environmental clean-up have not had a material effect on
the earnings, capital expenditures,  or  competitive  position  of the Company.
Management   believes   that   substantially   all  such  costs  would  be  the
responsibility of the tenants pursuant to lease terms.  While most tenants have
assumed  responsibility  for  the environmental conditions  existing  on  their
leased property, there can be no  assurance that the Company will not be deemed
to  be  a  responsible  party  or  that the  tenant  will  bear  the  costs  of
remediation.   Also, as the Company acquires  more  operating  properties,  its
exposure to environmental  clean-up  costs may increase.  The Company completed


Phase I Environmental Site Assessments  of  certain of its properties by third-
party consultants.  Based on the results of these  Phase  I  Environmental Site
Assessments,  the environmental consultant has recommended that  certain  sites
may have environmental conditions that should be further reviewed.

The Company has  notified  each of the responsible tenants to attempt to ensure
that they cause any required  investigation and/or remediation to be performed.
If such tenants do not arrange  for further investigations, or remediations, if
required, the Company may determine  to undertake the same at its own cost.  If
the tenants fail to perform responsibilities  under  their  leases  referred to
above, based solely upon the consultant's estimates resulting from its  Phase I
Environmental  Site  Assessments  referred  to above, it is presently estimated
that the Company's exposure could amount to $2-3  million, however, as no Phase
II Environmental Site Assessments have been conducted by the consultants, there
can  be  no  accurate  estimation  of the need for or extent  of  any  required
remediation, or the costs thereof.   In  addition,  the  Company  has conducted
Phase  I  Environmental  Site Assessments for approximately 75 more net  leased
properties during 1997.  None  of  these  studies has indicated any significant
likelihood of environmental contamination although  there  can be no assurances
thereof.   Phase  I  Environmental Site Assessments will also be  performed  in
connection with new acquisitions  and  with  such  property refinancings as the
Company may deem necessary and appropriate.


30, 1996

Gross revenues decreased by approximately $705,000, or 4.2%,  during  the three
months  ended September 30, 1997 as compared to the same period in 1996.   This
decrease  reflects  approximate  decreases  of  $924,000,  or  47.4%,  in hotel
operating income and $900,000, or 17.5%, in rental income, partially offset  by
approximate  increases  of $406,000 in dividend income,  $372,000, or 15.3%, in
other interest income, $265,000  ,  or  4.2.%,  in  financing lease income, and
$76,000 in other income. The decrease in hotel operating revenues was primarily
due  to  the sale of the Phoenix Holiday Inn in April 1997.   The  decrease  in
rental income  is  primarily  due  to property sales.  The increase in dividend
income is due to the Company's investment  in  limited  partnership  units. The
increase in other interest income is primarily due to an increase in short-term
investments.  The  increase in financing lease income is primarily attributable
to the acquisition of  two  properties  in  Nashville,  Tennessee  in June 1997
partially offset by normal lease amortization and property sales.

Expenses  decreased  by  approximately  $1,758,000, or 19.7%, during the  three
months ended September 30, 1997 compared  to  the  same  period  in 1996.  This
decrease  reflects  decreases  of  approximately  $809,000, or 46.3%, in  hotel
operating  expenses,  $438,000, or 38.3%, in property  expenses,  $424,000,  or
11.4%, in interest expense,  $96,000, or 6.1%, in depreciation and amortization
partially offset by $9,000, or  1.2%,  in  general and administrative expenses.
The  decrease  in interest expense is primarily  attributable  to  normal  loan
amortization  and  reductions  due  to  repayments  of  maturing  balloon  debt
obligations, including  the  Senior  Unsecured  Debt,  as  well  as the sale of
encumbered properties.

Earnings before property and securities transactions increased during the three
months ended September 30, 1997 by approximately $1,053,000 as compared  to the
same period in 1996, primarily due to increased other interest income, dividend
income  and  financing lease income and decreased interest expense and property
expenses, partially  offset  by decreased rental income and net hotel operating


Gain on property transactions decreased by approximately $11,231,000 during the
three months ended September 30,  1997  as compared to the same period in 1996,
due to differences in the size and number of transactions.

During  the  three months ended September 30,  1997,  the  Company  recorded  a
provision for  loss on real estate of approximately $343,000. No such provision
was recorded in the same period of 1996.

Net earnings for  the  three  months  ended  September  30,  1997  decreased by
approximately $10,521,000  as compared to the three months ended September  30,
1996 for the reasons previously stated.

30, 1996

Gross revenues decreased by approximately $5,451,000, or 10.0%, during the nine
months ended September  30,  1997 as compared to the same period in 1996.  This
decrease reflects approximate  decreases  of  $2,767,000,  or  18.1%, in rental
income,  $2,424,000, or 32.2%, in hotel operating income, $2,385,000  in  other
income, $1,106,000,  or  5.6%,  in  financing  lease income partially offset by
approximate  increases  of $2,164,000 in dividend  income  and  $1,067,000,  or
13.6%, in other interest  income.   The  decrease in rental income is primarily
due  to property sales. The decrease in hotel  operating  income  is  primarily
attributable  to  the  sale  of  the  Phoenix  Holiday  Inn in April 1997.  The
decrease in other income is primarily due to the Travelodge  lease  termination
in  1996.  The decrease in financing lease income is primarily attributable  to
normal  lease  amortization and property sales. The increase in dividend income
is due to the Company's  investment  in limited partnership units. The increase
in  other  interest  income is primarily  due  to  an  increase  in  short-term
investments. The hotel  revenues  for  the nine months ended September 30, 1997
are disproportionately higher than those expected for the remainder of 1997 due
to the sale of the Phoenix hotel mentioned previously.

Expenses  decreased by approximately $5,133,000,  or  18.4%,  during  the  nine
months ended  September  30,  1997  compared  to the same period in 1996.  This
decrease reflects decreases of approximately $2,776,000,  or 22.5%, in interest
expense, $1,617,000, or 28.6%, in hotel operating expenses, $683,000, or 21.0%,
in  property  expenses and $88,000, or 2.0%, in depreciation  and  amortization
partially offset  by  an increase of approximately $31,000, or 1.4%, in general
and administrative expenses.   The  decrease  in  interest expense is primarily
attributable to normal loan amortization and reductions  due  to  repayments of
maturing balloon debt obligations, including the Senior Unsecured Debt, as well
as the sale of encumbered properties.


Earnings  before  property  and securities transactions and extraordinary  item
decreased during the nine months  ended  September  30,  1997  by approximately
$318,000  as  compared  to the same period in 1996, primarily due to  decreased
rental income, other income,  financing  lease  income  and net hotel operating
income partially offset by increased dividend income and  other interest income
and decreased interest expense due to repayments of maturing debt obligations.

Gain on property transactions decreased by approximately $5,814,000  during the
nine  months  ended September 30, 1997 as compared to the same period in  1996,
due to differences in the size and number of transactions.

During the nine  months  ended  September  30,  1997,  the  Company  recorded a
provision  for  loss  on  real estate of approximately $705,000 as compared  to
$175,000 in the comparable period of 1996.

During the nine months ended September 30, 1997, the Company recorded a gain on
the sale of marketable securities  of approximately $29,188,000 relating to its
RJR stock.  There was no such transaction in 1996.

During the nine months ended September 30, 1997, the Company recorded a loss on
early  extinguishment  of  debt  of  approximately   $251,000  as  compared  to
approximately $522,000 in the same period of 1996.

Net  earnings  for  the  nine  months  ended  September 30, 1997  increased  by
approximately $22,797,000 as compared to the nine  months  ended  September 30,
1996 for the reasons previously stated, including the non-recurring sale of the
RJR  stock. Due to the sale of the Phoenix hotel property previously  mentioned
results  of  hotel  operations for the nine months ended September 30, 1997 are
expected to be disproportionately  higher than those expected for the full year
of 1997.



Generally, the cash needs of the Company  for  day-to-day  operations have been
satisfied from cash flow generated from current operations.   In  recent years,
the Company has applied a significant portion of its operating cash flow to the
repayment  of maturing debt obligations.  Cash flow from day-to-day  operations
represents net cash provided by operating activities (excluding working capital
changes and  non-recurring  other  income)  plus principal payments received on
financing leases as well as principal receipts  on certain mortgages receivable
reduced by periodic principal payments on mortgage debt.

The  Company may not be able to re-let certain of  its  properties  at  current
rentals.  As previously discussed, net leases representing approximately 37% of
the Company's net annual rentals will be due for renewal by the end of the year
2002.   In  1997,  seven  leases  covering  seven  properties  and representing
approximately $812,000 in annual rentals are scheduled to expire.  Six of these
leases originally representing approximately $661,000 in annual  rental  income
have been  renewed for approximately $676,000 in annual rentals.  Such renewals
are  generally  for  a  term  of five years.  One property, with an approximate
annual rental income of $151,000, is being marketed for sale or lease.

The Board of Directors of the General  Partner  announced that no distributions
on  its  Depositary  Units  are expected to be made in  1997.   In  making  its
announcement,  the Company noted  it  plans  to  continue  to  apply  available
operating cash flow  toward its operations, repayment of maturing indebtedness,
tenant  requirements and  other  capital  expenditures  and  creation  of  cash
reserves  for contingencies including environmental matters and scheduled lease

During the  nine  months  ended  September  30,  1997,  the  Company  generated
approximately $29.3 million in cash flow from day-to-day operations.

Capital  expenditures for real estate were approximately $1,378,000 during  the
nine months ended September 30, 1997.

In 1998, the  Company  has the final $11.3 million principal payment due on its
Senior Unsecured Debt and  approximately  $3.5  million  and  $5.4  million  of
maturing  balloon mortgages due in 1998 and 1999, respectively. During the nine
months ended  September  30, 1997, approximately $16.3 million of maturing debt
obligations, including an  $11.3  million  payment on the Senior Unsecured Debt
were repaid out of the Company's cash flow. The Company may seek to refinance a
portion of these maturing mortgages, although  it  does not expect to refinance
all of them, and may repay them from cash flow and increase  reserves from time
to time, thereby reducing cash flow otherwise available for other uses.


During the nine months ended September 30, 1997, net cash flow after payment of
maturing debt obligations and  capital  expenditures  was  approximately  $11.6
million which was added to the Company's operating cash reserves. The Company's
operating cash reserves are approximately  $36  million  at September 30,  1997
(which does not include the cash from capital transactions  that  has increased
primarily  due to the sale of the RJR common stock which is being retained  for
investment or  the  cash  from the 1997 Offering which was recently completed),
which  are  being  retained to  meet  maturing  debt  obligations,  capitalized
expenditures for real estate and certain contingencies facing the Company.  The
Company from time to  time  may increase its cash reserves to meet its maturing
debt obligations, tenant requirements  and  other  capital  expenditures and to
guard  against  scheduled  lease expirations and other contingencies  including
environmental matters.

As of September 30, 1997, the  Company has $11,307,775 of Senior Unsecured Debt
outstanding.  Pursuant to the Note  Agreements, the Company is required to make
semi-annual interest payments and annual  principal payments. The interest rate
charged on the Senior Unsecured Debt is 9.6%  per  annum.   As of September 30,
1997, the Company was in compliance with the terms of the Note Agreements.

Sales  proceeds  from  the  sale  or  disposal of portfolio properties  totaled
approximately $28.0 million in the nine  months  ended September 30, 1997.  The
Company intends to use property sales, financing and  refinancing  proceeds for
new investments.  The Amendment permits the Company to invest a portion  of its
funds  in  securities of issuers that are not primarily engaged in real estate.
In 1996 the  Company  invested approximately $83 million in the common stock of
RJR.  In February 1997,  the  Company  sold  its entire interest in RJR for net
proceeds of approximately $112 million and realized a gain of approximately $29
million.   Recently,  the  Company  invested  approximately  $42.8  million  to
purchase   certain   mortgage   notes   issued   by  Stratosphere   Corporation
("Stratosphere") having a face value of $55 million.  In addition, an affiliate
of the General Partner currently owns approximately $46.6 million face value of
such  Stratosphere  mortgage  notes.   Stratosphere  owns   and   operates  the
Stratosphere  Tower,  Casino  &  Hotel  in  Las  Vegas, Nevada and has filed  a
voluntary proceeding for reorganization pursuant to  Chapter  11  of the United
States Bankruptcy Code.  Such affiliate of the General Partner and  the Company
together  submitted a proposal for the restructuring of Stratosphere which,  if
accepted and pursued will involve additional investments in Stratosphere by the
Company and  such affiliate of the General Partner. It is presently anticipated
that if such transaction  is  pursued  and consummated that the Company and the
affiliate of the General Partner would enter  into  a  joint  venture regarding
such Stratosphere investment, with such venture to be managed by such affiliate
of  the  General  Partner on terms fair and reasonable to the Company  and  the
Company's investment to be structured under applicable regulatory requirements.
In  addition, the  Company  invested  approximately  $15  million  to  purchase
defaulted  mortgage  notes secured by real estate and is investigating possible
tender offers for real  estate  operating  companies  which,  together with the
possible  additional  investment in Stratosphere, could involve investments  of
over $200 million by the  Company  in  the  foreseeable  future.   The  Company


understands  that  the  Stratosphere  Board  of  Directors  is  in favor of the
proposal for the reorganization of Stratosphere.  However, no assurances can be
made  that such transactions will be pursued or that such investments  will  be
made.   Also,  the  Company understands that Stratosphere has been experiencing
negative  cash  flow,  and   there  can  be  no  assurance  that  any  plan  of
reorganization of Stratosphere  out  of bankruptcy will prove to be successful.
See Note 5.

To further its investment objectives,  the Company may consider the acquisition
or seek effective control of land development  companies  and other real estate
operating companies which may have a significant inventory  of  quality  assets
under  development  as  well  as  experienced  personnel.  This may enhance its
ability to further diversify its portfolio of properties  and  gain  access  to
additional operating and development capabilities.

The  Company  believes that the strengthening of the real estate market and the
stock market over  recent  years  has  permitted the Company and others to sell
properties at increasingly favorable prices.   However,  the  Company  believes
that  the  markets  may be due for a downward correction which could result  in
purchasing opportunities  from  sellers  who  may seek to liquidate assets when
their expected returns decrease; also, the trading  prices of securities issued
by such companies could decline, providing additional investment opportunities.
In the real estate markets, which historically have been  cyclical, this may be
especially  true due to the unprecedented high volume of securities  issued  by
real estate operating  companies.  This may present opportunities for companies
with strong cash positions  to  acquire  large portfolios of assets at possible
discounts to their implicit values and for  the acquisition or recapitalization
of operating companies, including those with significant real estate assets.

Pursuant  to the 1997 Offering, which closed in  September  1997,  the  Company
raised  approximately  $267 million to increase its available liquidity so that
it will be in a better position  to  take advantage of investment opportunities
and  to  further  diversity  its  portfolio.   Additionally,  the  Company  may
determine to reduce debt of certain  properties  where  the  interest  rate  is
considered to be in excess of current market rates.  See Note 10.



                          PART II.  Other information


AMANDA & KIMBERLY KAHN v.  CARL  C. ICAHN, ET AL.,  C.A. No.  15916 (Del. Ch.):
Plaintiffs, two  limited  partners  in the Company, brought a derivative action
against  the  Company, the  General  Partner,  its  directors  and  one  of its 
officers,  alleging  breach  of  fiduciary duty by the defendants in connection 
with, INTER  ALIA the  Company's investments  in  Arvida and  Stratosphere.
Plaintiffs  claim  that  defendant  Icahn  improperly diverted opportunities to 
participate in these investments from the Company to himself.   Plaintiffs seek 
damages arising from these alleged  breaches  of fiduciary duty, attorneys fees 
and other relief.   Management believes plaintiffs claims are without merit and 
are vigorously defending against them.


(A)     Financial Data Schedule is attached hereto as Exhibit EX-27



        EX-27       Financial Data Schedule

(B)     (1) Form 8-K was filed on July 18, 1997 regarding  the Company's filing
of a  registration  statement on  Form S-3 ("Registration Statement")  with the
Securities and  Exchange  Commission  regarding a proposed rights offering (the
"1997 Offering) by the Registrant to holders of its depositary units.

    (2) A Form 8-K was filed on July 24, 1997 regarding  announcing  the record
date for the proposed 1997 Offering.

    (3) A Form 8-K was filed on August 7, 1997 announcing  that  the Securities
and Exchange Commission declared effective the Registration  Statement relating
to the 1997 Offering.




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                              AMERICAN REAL ESTATE PARTNERS, L.P.

                              By: American Property Investors, Inc.
                                  General Partner

                              /S/ JOHN P. SALDARELLI
                              John P. Saldarelli
                              (Principal Financial Officer
                                  and Principal Accounting Officer)

Date: November 13, 1997
