I.      Plan Participants:

    The group covered includes the President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief
Financial Officer and Senior Vice Presidents.

    II.     Type of Plan:

    An indemnification will be paid to each member of the covered group at the
end of each fiscal year.  This payment will be equal to the verified medical,
dental, and related costs incurred by plan participants and their dependents
during the fiscal year.  Additionally, applicable taxes on these payments
will be paid by Pier 1.

    III.    Expenses Covered:

        1. For all matters presently covered by the Pier 1 group medical plan,
the indemnification plan will reimburse for deductibles and co-payments
required under the group medical plan.

        2. All reasonable and customary dental expenses not solely cosmetic in
nature, including 100% of all procedures not covered by the group dental plan
and reimbursement for deductibles and co-payments required under the group
dental plan for those procedures covered under the group dental plan.

        3. Eye examinations, lenses and contact lenses (no frames).

        4. Annual physical examinations.

        5. For prescribed drugs and medicines, the plan will reimburse for
deductibles and co-payments required under the group medical plan.

    IV.     Maximum Benefit:

    The maximum indemnification (payment + "grossed up" taxes) for each
executive will not exceed $7500.

    V.      Effective Date of Changes to Plan:

        March 1, 1987

    VI.     Administration:

    Advances against the annual indemnifications may be paid as frequently as

    At the end of the fiscal year, each plan participant will present
documents (medical bills, prescription drug receipts, etc.) in a prescribed
reporting format verifying their total covered expenses to the plan
custodian.  The plan custodian will communicate the prescribed reporting
format.  The plan custodian will verify expenses and issue the participant a
check equal to the difference between the verified expenses and the advances
already issued.  If the advances are greater than the verified expenses, the
participant will then immediately reimburse the company the difference.

    Payments made under this plan are considered ordinary income and will be
reported to the IRS as such.

    VII.    Plan Custodian:

    The plan custodian is the Chief Financial Officer or his designee.


    Benefit:  Company reimbursement for tax preparation and financial and
estate planning.

    Participant:  Pier 1 Imports Senior Vice Presidents and above.

    Benefit Amount: Up to 1 1/2% of the officer's base salary per year.

    Administration: Participant may make a claim by submitting an expense
statement with receipts for services rendered to the payroll department.

    Taxes:  The individual is responsible.