This TRANSITION  SERVICES AGREEMENT  ("Transition  Services  Agreement") is
made and entered into as of the 11th day of June,  1998 by and between  Edwin G.
Pickett,  residing  at Green  Valley  Farm,  Route 2,  Box 304X,  Aubrey,  Texas
76227(the "Executive"),  and TIG Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation,  having
its principal executive offices at 65 East 55th Street, New York, New York 10022
(the "Corporation").

                               W I T N E S E T H:

     WHEREAS,  the Executive has been employed by the Corporation at its Irving,
Texas  offices as its  Executive  Vice  President  and Chief  Financial  Officer
pursuant to a letter agreement dated June 15,  1993, as supplemented by a letter
dated June 22, 1993 (as so supplemented, the "Letter Agreement"); and

     WHEREAS,  the  Corporation has advised the Executive that it has determined
that it is in the best  interests of the  Corporation  that its chief  financial
officer be located at the Corporation's principal executive offices in New York,
New  York  along  with the  Corporation's  chief  executive  officer  and  chief
operating  officer,  and the Executive has  determined  that he does not wish to
relocate  from Texas to New York and would prefer to resign his  positions  with
the Corporation and its subsidiaries and assume retirement status;

     WHEREAS,  the Corporation is willing to accept the Executive's  resignation
but has requested,  and the Executive has agreed, that the Executive remain with
the  Corporation  through the end of the year while the  Corporation  conducts a
search for and completes the transition to a new chief financial officer; and

     WHEREAS,  the Executive and the  Corporation  desire to establish the terms
for the Executive's  retirement  status with the Corporation and to settle fully
and finally all matters between them, including,  but not limited to, any issues
that might arise out of the  Executive's  employment or the Letter  Agreement or
the termination of his employment,  and  accordingly,  have agreed that it is in
the best  interests of the  Corporation  and the Executive  that they enter into
this Transition Services Agreement;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the mutual  covenants  and promises
contained herein,  the parties hereto,  intending to be legally bound,  agree as

     1. Agreement to Resign; Termination of Employment.

     1.1 The Executive hereby resigns,  effective as of the close of business on
December 31, 1998 or such earlier date as the  Corporation  appoints a new chief
financial  officer  (the  earlier of such dates being  referred to herein as the
"Resignation  Date"), as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of
the  Corporation,  from  all  other  officer  and  employee  positions  with the
Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates and from all directorships  that
he holds with  subsidiaries and other  affiliates of the Corporation.  Until the
Resignation  Date, the Executive will continue in his current positions with the
Corporation  and its  subsidiaries  and will,  consistent  with the  duties  and
responsibilities  of a chief financial  officer of a public company,  assist the
Corporation and its  subsidiaries in good faith and to the best of his abilities
as directed by the Chief  Executive  Officer of the Corporation in order to help
the Corporation achieve its objectives.

     1.2 Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  in the event that the Resignation Date
occurs prior to  December 31,  1998, the Executive  will, as of the  Resignation
Date, become an "inactive" employee of the Corporation and will continue in that
capacity  through the close of business on December  31, 1998 (the  "Termination
Date").  As a result,  the  Executive  will  qualify for  contributions  made in
respect  of 1998  under the  Corporation's  Employee  Stock  Ownership  Plan and
Diversified  Savings  and Profit  Sharing  Plan,  including  under the "top hat"
supplemental plans established with respect to such plans. In the event that the
Resignation  Date occurs  prior to the  Termination  Date,  the  Executive  will
provide such  reasonable  assistance to the new Chief  Financial  Officer of the
Corporation in facilitating  his or her transition as may be requested from time
to time by the  Chief  Executive  Officer  of the  Corporation  or the new Chief
Financial  Officer prior to the Termination  Date.  During the first thirty (30)
days of such  period,  the  Executive  will be entitled to retain his office and
secretarial support.  Thereafter, until the Termination Date, the Executive will
be provided with an  appropriate  office and  secretarial  support to the extent
that he is required to work out of the  Corporation's  Irving,  Texas offices in
order to carry out his duties  pursuant to the third sentence of this paragraph.
In addition, as soon as possible following the Resignation Date, the Corporation
will  transfer to the  Executive  title to the cellular  telephone  and Libretto
computer  currently made available by the Corporation to the Executive,  subject
to the  Executive  arranging  for the billing on the  cellular  telephone  to be
transferred  to his  name and for the  issuance  of  licenses  to him to use the
software in connection with the computer.

     1.3 Following the  Resignation  Date and until the  Termination  Date,  the
Corporation  will  continue to pay the  Executive  at his  current  rate of base
salary  ($467,500 per annum),  and the Executive shall continue to be considered
an employee of the Corporation for purposes of eligibility to participate in and
to receive all  benefits  under any and all welfare  benefit  plans,  practices,
policies  and  programs  maintained  or provided by the  Corporation  and/or its
subsidiaries,  in accordance  with their terms,  for the benefit of employees of
the  Corporation  (other  than the  Corporation's  vacation  plan,  in which the
Executive shall be entitled to participate  only through the Resignation Date to
the extent  provided in the next  sentence).  The Executive will cease to accrue
additional  vacation  days as of and  from  the  Resignation  Date  through  the
Termination  Date and will,  on the  Resignation  Date, be entitled to receive a
cash  payment  for his unused  accrued  vacation  days  based upon his  $467,500
current rate of base salary and  otherwise  determined  in  accordance  with the
Corporation's policies.

     1.4  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary contained in this Section 1,
the  Executive's  employment  with  the  Corporation  may be  terminated  by the
Corporation at any time  following the date hereof for "cause".  For purposes of
this Transition Services Agreement, "cause" means (i) an act or acts of personal
dishonesty  taken by the  Executive  and  intended to result in the  Executive's
personal   enrichment  at  the  expense  of  the   Corporation  or  any  of  its
subsidiaries,   excluding  for  this  purpose  any  isolated,  insubstantial  or
inadvertent  action not taken in bad faith which is remedied by the Executive in
a reasonable  period of time after  receipt of written  notice  thereof from the
Corporation,  (ii) repeated violations by the Executive of his obligations under
this Transition Services Agreement which are demonstrably willful and deliberate
and which are not remedied in a reasonable period of time by the Executive after
receipt of written notice thereof from the  Corporation or (iii) the Executive's
conviction  of a  felony  involving  moral  turpitude.  In the  event  that  the
Executive's  employment is terminated for "cause",  the Executive shall cease to
be an employee of the Corporation and its  subsidiaries for all purposes and the
Corporation  shall  have no  further  obligations  to the  Executive  under this
Transition Services Agreement (including,  without limitation,  under the second
sentence  of  Section 1.2,  the  first  sentence  of  Section 1.3  and the third
sentence of Section 4), other than (a) to pay his base salary and other benefits
accrued  through  the  date of  termination  and (b) to make  the  Cash  Payment
pursuant to Section 2.

     2. Cash Payments.

     2.1 Upon the execution of this Transition  Services  Agreement,  the Letter
Agreement shall automatically terminate, and the Executive shall thereupon cease
to be  entitled to receive any  payments  or benefits  payable  under the Letter
Agreement or under any other plan,  arrangement  or practice  maintained  by the
Corporation  or  any of its  subsidiaries  as a  result  of his  termination  of
employment.  In lieu of any  other  cash  payments  or  benefits  to  which  the
Executive  may have been entitled  under the Letter  Agreement or otherwise as a
result of the termination of his employment,  the Corporation  shall,  following
the Termination  Date and regardless of whether the  Executive's  employment has
previously been terminated for "cause",  make a cash payment to the Executive in
the amount of $1,076,250  (the "Cash  Payment")  payable in two  installments as
follows:  (a) the first  installment  in the  amount  of  $315,000  (the  "First
Installment")  shall  be  payable  on the  eighth  day (or if such  day is not a
business day, on the next  succeeding  business  day)  following the date (which
shall not be earlier  than  December 31,  1998) on which the  Executive  signs a
general  release in the form of Exhibit A  hereto,  provided  that the Executive
shall not have revoked such release  during such interim  period and the release
shall remain in full force and effect on the date of payment, and (b) the second
installment in an amount equal to the difference  between the First  Installment
and the Cash  Payment (the  "Second  Installment")  shall be payable on April 1,
1999, together with interest on the Second  Installment,  payable at the rate of
8.5% per annum,  from and including the date of payment of the First Installment
to but excluding April 1, 1999.

     2.2 Simultaneous with the payment of the First Installment, the Corporation
shall make a cash payment of $10,000 to the  Executive in full  satisfaction  of
expenses  incurred and to be incurred by the  Executive in  connection  with the
negotiation  of  this  Transition  Services  Agreement,  the  transition  of his
relationship with the Corporation and other miscellaneous expenses.

     3 Retirement Status.  The Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors
of the Corporation  (the  "Compensation  Committee") has approved a Supplemental
Executive  Retirement Plan, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B (the
"Retirement  Plan"),  providing for the  Executive's  status as an individual in
"Retirement" and the  entitlements  arising as a result of such status following
his termination of employment under the Corporation's  1993 Long-Term  Incentive
Plan and the  Corporation's  1996  Long-Term  Incentive  Plan.  By signing  this
Transition Services Agreement,  the Executive agrees to be bound by the terms of
the Retirement Plan in all respects.

     4. Employee Benefits.  Following the Termination Date (or, if earlier,  the
date that the Executive's  employment is terminated for "cause"),  the Executive
shall  not  be  treated  as  or  deemed  to  be  an  employee  for  purposes  of
participation or eligibility under any plan,  program or arrangement  maintained
or sponsored by the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates,  other
than as  specifically  provided in the second sentence of Section 1.2 and except
as provided in the next sentence. If (x) in the sole, good faith judgment of the
Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Corporation  the  Executive  has performed his
obligations  under  this  Transition  Services  Agreement  to  the  best  of his
abilities,  (y) the Corporation has achieved its targeted  performance goals for
1998  and  (z)  the  Executive  has  executed  a  general  release  when  and as
contemplated  by Section 2,  the Chief  Executive  Officer will recommend to the
Compensation  Committee  that the  Executive  receive a cash bonus in respect of
1998  services  equal to the cash bonus paid to the Executive in respect of 1997
services  (determined by adding the amount of the Executive's  cash bonus to the
value of his restricted stock grants valued as of the date of grant),  pro rated
based on the  portion of 1998 that the  Executive  is not  deemed an  "inactive"
employee in accordance with this Transition Services Agreement. The Compensation
Committee will take into account the Chief Executive Officer's recommendation in
considering  whether the Executive should receive a cash bonus in recognition of
the Executive's  performance,  contribution and cooperation  during 1998 and, if
so, the amount of such bonus. The  determination  regarding the Executive's cash
bonus  for  1998  will be made  at the  time  that  the  Compensation  Committee
generally  considers bonus awards for employees in respect of 1998 services.  In
addition,  if the Executive  elects health,  medical and dental welfare  benefit
continuation under the Consolidated  Omnibus Budget  Reconciliation Act of 1985,
as  amended  ("COBRA"),  the  Corporation  will pay the  COBRA  premium  amounts
required to maintain the same level and type of coverage the Executive  (and his
dependents,  if  applicable)  enjoys  on the  date of this  Transition  Services
Agreement for the period commencing January 1,  1999 and terminating on June 30,
2000.  The payment  referred to in the preceding  sentence will be grossed-up by
the  Corporation  to take  account of income taxes  payable by the  Executive in
respect of such payment.  The Executive  acknowledges  that,  for COBRA purposes
only, a COBRA  "qualifying  event" will occur on December 31,  1998 and that the
Executive's COBRA coverage period will commence on January 1, 1999.

     5.  Confidential  Information.  During the Executive's  employment with the
Corporation and for a period of four (4) years  thereafter,  the Executive shall
hold in  confidence  and shall not,  without  the prior  written  consent of the
Corporation,  communicate,  use or divulge  to any person or entity any  secret,
confidential  or  proprietary  information,  knowledge  or  data  (collectively,
"Confidential  Information")  relating  to the  Corporation  (and/or  any of its
subsidiaries or affiliates)  which has been obtained by the Executive  during or
by reason of his employment with the Corporation  and/or any of its subsidiaries
or affiliates.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  for purposes  hereof,  the term
"Confidential  Information"  shall not include any  information  which (i) is or
becomes publicly available without breach of this Transition  Services Agreement
or (ii) the Executive  rightfully received from a third party without obligation
of confidence.

     6.  Non-solicitation.  For  a  period  of  four  (4)  years  following  the
Termination  Date (or, if earlier,  the date that the Executive's  employment is
terminated  for  "cause"),  the  Executive  shall  not  knowingly,  directly  or
indirectly, (a) solicit or induce customers, clients, suppliers, agents or other
persons  under  contract or  otherwise  associated  or doing  business  with the
Corporation  or any  subsidiary  or  affiliate of the  Corporation  (a "Business
Associate"), or any of such persons or entities with whom the Corporation or any
of its subsidiaries or affiliates is in active negotiations to become a Business
Associate,  to terminate,  reduce or alter any such association or business with
or from the  Corporation  or any  subsidiary  or affiliate  of the  Corporation,
and/or  (b) solicit  or  induce  any  person  then  in  the  employment  of  the
Corporation  or any subsidiary or affiliate of the  Corporation  (other than the
Executive's  current  senior  executive  secretary)  or  any  consultant  to the
Corporation or any  subsidiary or affiliate of the  Corporation to (i) terminate
such employment or consulting  arrangement,  and/or (ii) accept  employment,  or
enter into any consulting  arrangement with anyone other than the Corporation or
any subsidiary or affiliate of the Corporation.

     7. Non-Disparagement;  Publicity. Neither the Executive nor the Corporation
will  hereafter make any oral or written  statement  concerning the other to any
person,  company or agency  which is not made in good faith and is  intended  to
disparage or damage the personal or  professional  reputation or interfere  with
business  opportunities  of the Executive,  on the one hand, or the  Corporation
and/or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates (and their respective directors and
officers), on the other.

          (b) The Corporation  will give the Executive a reasonable  opportunity
     to review  any press  release  or public  filing  with the  Securities  and
     Exchange   Commission  which  announces  the  Executive's   termination  of
     employment with the Corporation,  and the Corporation will consider in good
     faith any reasonable  comments  provided by the Executive on a timely basis
     with respect to such press release or filing.

     8. Releases.

     8.1 In  consideration  of the payments and benefits to the Executive  under
this   Transition   Services   Agreement   and  for  other  good  and   valuable
consideration,  the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby  acknowledged by
the Executive,  the Executive knowingly,  voluntarily and unconditionally hereby
forever waives, releases and discharges,  and covenants never to sue on, any and
all claims,  liabilities,  causes of actions,  judgments,  orders,  assessments,
penalties,  fines,  expenses and costs (including without limitation  attorneys'
fees)  and/or  suits  of  any  kind  arising  out  of  any  actions,  events  or
circumstances  occurring before the date of this Transition  Services  Agreement
("Claims")  which  the  Executive  has,  ever  had or may  have,  or  which  the
Executive's  heirs,  executors,  administrators  and  assigns,  or any  of  them
hereafter  can,  shall or may have,  against the  Corporation  and/or any of its
subsidiaries,  shareholders,  officers, directors, agents, affiliates,  employee
benefit plan fiduciaries,  trustees and administrators,  and employees,  past or
present, and their respective heirs,  successors and assigns (collectively,  the
"Releasees"),  including,  without limitation, any Claims arising in whole or in
part from the  Executive's  employment  with the  Corporation  and/or any of its
subsidiaries  or affiliates or the Letter  Agreement or the  termination  of the
Executive's  employment with the Corporation or the manner of such  termination;
provided, however, that this Section 8 shall not apply to any of the obligations
of the Corporation  specifically  provided for in or pursuant to this Transition
Services Agreement. This Transition Services Agreement is intended as a full and
final  settlement and compromise of each, every and all Claims of every kind and
nature,  whether known or unknown,  which have been or could be asserted against
any of the Releasees, including, without limitation:

               (1)    any Claims  arising  out of any  employment  agreement  or
                      other  contract   (including,   without  limitation,   the
                      Letter  Agreement),  side-letter,  resolution,  promise or
                      understanding  of any  kind,  whether  written  or oral or
                      express or implied; and

               (2)    any Claims  arising  under any  federal,  state,  or local
                      civil rights,  human rights,  anti-discrimination,  labor,
                      employment,   contract  or  tort  law,  rule,  regulation,
                      order or  decision,  including,  without  limitation,  the
                      Family and  Medical  Leave Act,  the  Employee  Retirement
                      Income   Security  Act  of  1974,   the   Americans   with
                      Disabilities  Act of  1990,  42  U.S.C. S. 12101 et seq.,
                      and  Title  VII of  the  Civil  Rights  Act  of  1964,  42
                      U.S.C.  S. 2000  et seq.,  and as each of these  laws have
                      been or will be amended.

     8.2  In  consideration  of the  obligations  of the  Executive  under  this
Transition Services Agreement and for other good and valuable consideration, the
receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by the Corporation, the
Corporation  knowingly,  voluntarily and unconditionally  hereby forever waives,
releases  and  discharges,  and  covenants  never to sue on,  any and all Claims
arising out of any actions, events or circumstances occurring before the date of
this Transition  Services  Agreement which the Corporation  has, ever had or may
have, including, without limitation, any Claims arising in whole or in part from
the Executive's  employment with the Corporation  and/or any of its subsidiaries
or  affiliates or the Letter  Agreement or the  termination  of the  Executive's
employment  with the  Corporation or the manner of said  termination;  provided,
however,  that this Section 8.2 shall not apply to any of the obligations of the
Executive  specifically  provided for in or pursuant to this Transition Services
Agreement.  This Transition  Services  Agreement is intended as a full and final
settlement  and  compromise  of each,  every and all  Claims  of every  kind and
nature,  whether known or unknown,  which have been or could be asserted against
the Executive and his respective heirs, successors and assigns.

     8.3 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Section 8.2, but subject to
the other provisions of this Transition Services  Agreement,  the Executive does
not release any claim he may have under any employee  benefit  plan,  program or
arrangement  (including,  without  limitation,  any qualified  plans and related
restoration  plans) in which he was a participant during his employment with the
Corporation or any of its subsidiaries  for the payment of a benefit  thereunder
to which he would be entitled upon his  termination  of employment in accordance
with the terms of any such plan, program or arrangement.

     8.4 The Executive  acknowledges  that the Executive has carefully  read and
fully  understands  all of the  terms  of this  Transition  Services  Agreement,
including  without  limitation  the releases  contained  herein.  The  Executive
further  acknowledges  that the  Executive  has  entered  into  this  Transition
Services  Agreement  willingly,  freely,  without  duress or coercion  and after
having had explained to him by counsel of his choice,  his rights under all laws
referred to in this Transition Services Agreement and the terms and consequences
of this Transition Services  Agreement.  The Executive also acknowledges that he
has been given the opportunity to take at least twenty-one (21) days to consider
and  accept or reject  this  Transition  Services  Agreement  and has  chosen to
execute,  deliver and agree to this Transition Services Agreement as of the date
of this Transition Services  Agreement.  The Executive agrees that the Executive
has been given a fair,  reasonable and sufficient  time to fully consider all of
the terms of this Transition  Services  Agreement.  The Executive may revoke the
portion of this Transition Services Agreement that relates to the release of any
claim the Executive may have under the Age  Discrimination  in Employment Act of
1967 (including,  without limitation,  the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act)
at any time within seven (7) days after the date of execution of this Transition
Services  Agreement by notifying the  Corporation of such revocation in writing.
Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  no such  revocation  shall affect or alter any
other term or  provision  of this  Transition  Services  Agreement  or any other
release  granted  hereunder,  all of which shall survive any such  revocation in
accordance with their terms.

     8.5 Except as  specifically  provided for in or pursuant to this Transition
Services  Agreement,  the Executive  shall not be entitled to any  compensation,
remuneration  or other payments from the  Corporation  and/or the  Corporation's
subsidiaries  or  affiliates  and the  Corporation  (and  its  subsidiaries  and
affiliates)  shall  have no  further  obligations  to the  Executive,  including
without  limitation  under  any  contract,  plan,  agreement,  understanding  or
resolution.  Without limiting the foregoing, except as expressly provided for in
or pursuant to this Transition Services  Agreement,  the Executive shall have no
further  rights and shall be  entitled to no further  benefits  under the Letter
Agreement,  which the  Executive  agrees is  superseded  in all respects by this
Transition  Services Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect on and
as of the date hereof.

     9. Scope of Agreement;  Enforceability.  This Transition Services Agreement
(together with the exhibits  hereto)  constitutes the entire  understanding  and
agreement  between the  Corporation and the Executive with regard to all matters
herein and supersedes all prior oral and written  agreements and  understandings
of the  parties  with  respect to such  matters,  whether  express  or  implied,
including,  to the extent  provided in Section 8.5 of this  Transition  Services
Agreement, the Letter Agreement.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Transition
Services  Agreement  shall not supersede the stock option and  restricted  share
award  agreements  previously  entered  into  between  the  Corporation  and the
Executive on the terms of the  Corporation's  1993 Long-Term  Incentive Plan and
1996 Long-Term Incentive Plan, which shall survive the execution and delivery of
this Transition  Services  Agreement and the General Release and the termination
of the Executive's employment with the Corporation and shall remain binding upon
the  Corporation and the Executive in accordance  with their  respective  terms.
This  Transition  Services  Agreement  shall  inure  to  the  benefit  of and be
enforceable   by   the   Executive's   heirs,    beneficiaries    and/or   legal
representatives.  This Transition  Services Agreement shall inure to the benefit
of and be  binding  upon  the  Corporation  and its  respective  successors  and
assigns. If any term or provision of this Transition Services Agreement,  or the
application  thereof  to any  person  or  circumstances,  will to any  extent be
invalid or unenforceable,  the remainder of this Transition  Services Agreement,
or the application of such terms to persons or circumstances other than those as
to which it is invalid or unenforceable,  will not be affected thereby, and each
term of this Transition  Services Agreement will be valid and enforceable to the
fullest extent permitted by law.

     10.  Remedies.  The Executive  acknowledges and agrees that the Corporation
will have no  adequate  remedy at law for a breach of any of the  provisions  of
Sections 5,  6 and/or 7 of this  Transition  Services  Agreement,  and  would be
irreparably  harmed,  if  the  Executive  breaches  any  of  the  provisions  of
Sections 5,  6 and/or 7 of this  Transition  Services  Agreement.  The Executive
further  agrees  that the  Corporation  shall be entitled  to  equitable  and/or
injunctive  relief to prevent any breach or threatened  breach of Sections 5,  6
and/or 7 of this Transition Services Agreement,  and to specific  performance of
each of the terms of such  Sections in addition to any other legal or  equitable
remedies that the  Corporation may have. The Executive also agrees that he shall
not,  in any  equity  proceeding  relating  to the  enforcement  of the terms of
Sections 5, 6 and/or 7 of this Transition Services Agreement,  raise the defense
that the  Corporation  has an  adequate  remedy at law.  Anything  herein to the
contrary  notwithstanding,  the Corporation specifically hereby acknowledges and
agrees  that its  remedies  hereunder,  in the event of a breach  or an  alleged
breach of this Transition Services Agreement by the Executive, shall not include
the right of offset against amounts otherwise due to the Executive hereunder.

     11.  Amendments/Waiver.  This  Transition  Services  Agreement  may  not be
amended,  waived, or modified  otherwise than by a written agreement executed by
the parties to this Transition Services Agreement or their respective successors
and legal  representatives.  No waiver by any party to this Transition  Services
Agreement of any breach of any term,  provision or condition of this  Transition
Services  Agreement  by the other party shall be deemed a waiver of a similar or
dissimilar  condition or provision at the same time,  or any prior or subsequent

     12.  Notices.  All notices and other  communications  hereunder shall be in
writing and shall be deemed  effective upon receipt if by  hand-delivery  to the
other party, receipt if by facsimile  transmission,  the next business day if by
overnight  courier,  or the third business day after mailing if by registered or
certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

               If to the Executive: Edwin G. Pickett
                                                   Green Valley Farm
                                                   Route 2
                                                   Box 304X
                                                   Aubrey, Texas  76227

               If to the Corporation:       TIG Holdings, Inc.
                                                   65 East 55th Street
                                                   New York, New York  10022
                                                   Attn:  General Counsel

               with a copy to:              Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy
                                                   1 Chase Manhattan Plaza
                                                   New York, New York  10005
                                                   Facsimile No.:  212-530-5219
                                                   Attn:  Robert S. Reder, Esq.

     or to such other address as either party shall have  furnished to the other
in writing in accordance herewith.

     12. Governing Law; Binding Effect. This Transition Services Agreement shall
be governed by and  construed  and enforced in  accordance  with the laws of the
State of New York without  reference to its choice of law provisions,  and shall
be binding upon the parties and their respective  heirs,  executors,  successors
and assigns.

     14.  Counterparts.  This Transition  Services  Agreement may be executed in
counterparts,  each of which  shall  be  deemed  to be an  original,  but  which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

     15. Withholding.  The Corporation may withhold from any amounts or benefits
payable under this Transition  Services Agreement such federal,  state and local
income and payroll  taxes as shall be  required  to be withheld  pursuant to any
applicable law or regulation.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Corporation  and the Executive  have caused this
Transition  Services  Agreement to be executed on and as of the date first above
                                            TIG HOLDINGS, INC.

                                            By:    /s/Jon W. Rotenstreich
                                            Name:  Jon W. Rotenstreich
                                            Title: Chairman and
                                                   Chief Executive Officer

                                                   /s/Edwin G. Pickett 


                                                                   EXHIBIT A

                                 GENERAL RELEASE

     THIS GENERAL  RELEASE (this "General  Release") is made and entered into as
of the ____ day of __________, 199_ by and between Edwin G. Pickett, residing at
Green Valley Farm, Route 2, Box 304X, Aubrey, Texas 76227 (the "Executive"), and
TIG  Holdings,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation,  having its  principal  executive
offices at 65 East 55th Street, New York, New York 10022 (the "Corporation").

                               W I T N E S E T H:

     WHEREAS,  the Executive and the Corporation  have entered into a Transition
Services  Agreement  dated  as  of  June 11,   1998  (the  "Transition  Services
Agreement")  providing  for the terms upon which the  Executive has resigned and
retired  from  his  positions  with the  Corporation  and its  subsidiaries  and
affiliates; and

     WHEREAS,  the  Transition  Services  Agreement  contemplates  that,  on the
"Termination Date" under the Transition  Services  Agreement,  the Executive and
the Corporation will enter into this General Release;

     NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, agree as

     8. In consideration of the payments and benefits to the Executive under the
Transition  Services Agreement,  and for other good and valuable  consideration,
the receipt and  sufficiency of which are hereby  acknowledged by the Executive,
the Executive knowingly,  voluntarily and unconditionally hereby forever waives,
releases  and  discharges,  and  covenants  never to sue on, any and all claims,
liabilities,  causes of  actions,  judgments,  orders,  assessments,  penalties,
fines,  expenses and costs (including without limitation attorneys' fees) and/or
suits of any kind arising out of any actions,  events or circumstances occurring
before the date of this General Release ("Claims") which the Executive has, ever
had or may have, or which the Executive's heirs,  executors,  administrators and
assigns,  or  any  of  them  hereafter  can,  shall  or may  have,  against  the
Corporation and/or any of its subsidiaries,  shareholders,  officers, directors,
agents,   affiliates,   employee   benefit   plan   fiduciaries,   trustees  and
administrators,  and employees,  past or present,  and their  respective  heirs,
successors  and assigns  (collectively,  the  "Releasees"),  including,  without
limitation,  any  Claims  arising  in  whole  or in part  from  the  Executive's
employment  with the Corporation  and/or any of its  subsidiaries or affiliates,
either  before or after the execution  and delivery of the  Transition  Services
Agreement, or the letter agreement dated June 15, 1993 between the Executive and
the  Corporation,  as  supplemented  by a  letter  dated  June 22,  1993  (as so
supplemented,  the "Letter  Agreement"),  or the  termination of the Executive's
employment  with the  Corporation or the manner of such  termination;  provided,
however,  that this paragraph  shall not apply to any of the  obligations of the
Corporation  specifically provided for in or pursuant to the Transition Services
Agreement.  This  General  Release and the  Transition  Services  Agreement  are
intended as a full and final  settlement and  compromise of each,  every and all
Claims of every kind and nature,  whether  known or unknown,  which have been or
could be asserted against any of the Releasees, including, without limitation:

     (1)  any Claims arising out of any  employment  agreement or other contract
          (including,  without limitation,  the Letter Agreement),  side-letter,
          resolution,  promise or understanding of any kind,  whether written or
          oral or express or implied; and

     (2)  any Claims  arising under any federal,  state,  or local civil rights,
          human rights, anti-discrimination, labor, employment, contract or tort
          law,  rule,  regulation,   order  or  decision,   including,   without
          limitation,  the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Employee Retirement
          Income  Security Act of 1974, the Americans with  Disabilities  Act of
          1990,  42 U.S.C.  S. 12101 et seq.,  and Title VII of the Civil Rights
          Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. S. 2000 et seq., and as each of these laws have
          been or will be amended.

     2.  In  consideration  of  the  obligations  of  the  Executive  under  the
Transition Services Agreement and for other good and valuable consideration, the
receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by the Corporation, the
Corporation  knowingly,  voluntarily and unconditionally  hereby forever waives,
releases  and  discharges,  and  covenants  never to sue on,  any and all Claims
arising out of any actions, events or circumstances occurring before the date of
this General Release which the Corporation has, ever had or may have, including,
without limitation,  any Claims arising in whole or in part from the Executive's
employment  with the Corporation  and/or any of its  subsidiaries or affiliates,
either  before or after the execution  and delivery of the  Transition  Services
Agreement,  or the  Letter  Agreement  or  the  termination  of the  Executive's
employment  with the  Corporation or the manner of said  termination;  provided,
however,  that this paragraph  shall not apply to any of the  obligations of the
Executive  specifically  provided for in or pursuant to the Transition  Services
Agreement.  This  General  Release and the  Transition  Services  Agreement  are
intended as a full and final  settlement and  compromise of each,  every and all
Claims of every kind and nature,  whether  known or unknown,  which have been or
could be asserted against the Executive and his respective heirs, successors and

     3.  Notwithstanding   anything  to  the  contrary  in  Section 8.2  of  the
Transition  Services  Agreement or in this General  Release,  but subject to the
other  provisions of the Transition  Services  Agreement and the Retirement Plan
(as  defined in the  Transition  Services  Agreement),  the  Executive  does not
release  any claim he may have  under any  employee  benefit  plan,  program  or
arrangement  (including,  without  limitation,  any qualified  plans and related
restoration  plans) in which he was a participant during his employment with the
Corporation or any of its subsidiaries  for the payment of a benefit  thereunder
to which he would be entitled upon his  termination  of employment in accordance
with the terms of any such plan, program or arrangement.

     4. The Executive  acknowledges  that the  Executive has carefully  read and
fully  understands  all of the terms of this General  Release and the Transition
Services  Agreement,  including without limitation the releases contained herein
and therein.  The Executive further  acknowledges that the Executive has entered
into this  General  Release and the  Transition  Services  Agreement  willingly,
freely,  without  duress or coercion  and after  having had  explained to him by
counsel of his choice,  his rights  under all laws  referred to in this  General
Release and the Transition  Services Agreement and the terms and consequences of
this General Release and the Transition Services  Agreement.  The Executive also
acknowledges  that he has been given the opportunity to take at least twenty-one
(21) days to consider and accept or reject this  General  Release and has chosen
to  execute,  deliver and agree to this  General  Release as of the date of this
General Release.  The Executive agrees that the Executive has been given a fair,
reasonable  and  sufficient  time to  fully  consider  all of the  terms  of the
Transition  Services  Agreement.  The  Executive  may revoke the portion of this
General  Release that relates to any claim the  Executive may have under the Age
Discrimination  in Employment Act of 1967 (including,  without  limitation,  the
Older Workers  Benefit  Protection  Act) at any time within seven (7) days after
the date of execution of this General  Release by notifying the  Corporation  of
such revocation in writing.  The Executive agrees that, in the event of any such
revocation,  the Corporation  shall not be obligated to make the cash payment to
the Executive  contemplated by Section 2 of the Transition Services Agreement or
to  pay  any  cash  bonus  pursuant  to  Section 4  of the  Transition  Services
Agreement.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  no such revocation  shall affect or
alter any other term or provision of the  Transition  Services  Agreement or any
other release granted under this General Release, all of which shall survive any
such revocation in accordance with their terms.

    5. This General  Release shall be governed by and construed and enforced in
accordance  with the laws of the  State of New  York  without  reference  to its
choice  of law  provisions,  and shall be  binding  upon the  parties  and their
respective heirs,  executors,  successors and assigns.  If any provision of this
General Release is held invalid or unenforceable  for any reason,  the remaining
provisions  shall  not be  affected  thereby  and shall be  construed  as if the
invalid or unenforceable provision had not been included.

     6. This  General  Release may be executed  in  counterparts,  each of which
shall be deemed to be an original,  but which together shall  constitute one and
the same instrument.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Corporation  and the Executive  have caused this
General Release to be executed on and as of the date first written above.

                                            TIG HOLDINGS, INC.



                                                                 EXHIBIT B


I.      Introduction

     TIG Holdings,  Inc. (the  "Company")  hereby  establishes the TIG Holdings,
Inc. Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan for Edwin G. Pickett (the "Plan") to
provide supplemental benefits to Edwin G. Pickett ("Participant").

II.     Participation

     Participant  shall be  eligible  to retire from the Company and all related
and affiliated entities (collectively, the "Employer") effective as of the close
of business on December 31, 1998, provided that:

          a) Participant  executes a Transition Services Agreement in a form and
     containing  such terms and conditions  deemed  appropriate by the Company's
     General Counsel; and

          b) Participant  remains  employed by the Employer through the close of
     business on  December 31,  1998 under the terms of the Transition  Services
     Agreement and  Participant's  employment  thereunder is not  terminated for
     "cause" as defined in such Agreement; and

          c)  Participant  resigns and retires from Employer on and effective as
     of the close of business on December 31, 1998; and

          d) Concurrent  with his  retirement,  Participant  executes and timely
     delivers to the  Company a General  Release in a form and  containing  such
     terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the Company's General Counsel.

III.    Benefits

     Participant shall be entitled to the following  benefits hereunder upon his
retirement and compliance with all terms and conditions specified above:

     Participant   shall  be  deemed  to  have   satisfied  the   definition  of
"Retirement"  contained in his stock option  agreements  and  restricted  shares
award agreements (as amended by resolution of the Compensation  Committee of the
Board  of  Directors  of the  Company  on  February 21,  1996 and  May 2,  1996,
respectively)  under the TIG Holdings,  Inc. 1993 Long-Term  Incentive Plan, and
contained in  Section 2.21  of the TIG Holdings,  Inc. 1996 Long-Term  Incentive
Plan ("1996 LTIP"), regardless of his actual age at time of retirement.

     Nothing herein shall entitle  Participant to retiree medical coverage under
the TIG Insurance Company Retiree  HealthCare Plan.  Medical  coverage,  if any,
shall  apply  to  Participant  only  as set  forth  in the  Transition  Services
Agreement or as otherwise  agreed in a writing signed by the Participant and the
Company or its subsidiaries.

IV.     Miscellaneous

     The Plan  shall be  binding  upon and  shall  inure to the  benefit  of the
Employer,  its  successors,  purchasers,  and assigns,  and  Participant and his
heirs, administrators, successors and assigns.

        ATTEST                      TIG HOLDINGS, INC.

________________________                    By:________________________
Secretary                                   Title:_____________________