August 18, 1998

Ms. Mary R. Hennessy
1 Nostrand Road
Cranbury, New Jersey  08512

                                   Re: Employment Agreement

Dear Mary:

     The  purpose  of this  letter  agreement  is to set  forth  the  terms  and
conditions of your  employment  with TIG Holdings,  Inc. (the "Company") for the
employment  period  described  below.  Such  terms  and  conditions  shall be as

1.   Term of Employment; Renewal

     The term of your employment  under this letter  agreement shall commence on
     the date of this letter agreement (the "Effective Date") and, unless sooner
     terminated  in  accordance  with  paragraph 4 of this letter  agreement  or
     extended as provided below, shall terminate on the third annual anniversary
     of the Effective Date (the "Employment Period").

     Commencing on the third annual  anniversary  of the  Effective  Date and on
     each  annual  anniversary  of such  date  (each,  a  "Renewal  Date"),  the
     Employment Period shall be automatically extended so as to terminate on the
     first annual  anniversary of each Renewal Date unless either the Company or
     you shall have  given the other  written  notice,  not less than sixty (60)
     days prior to any Renewal Date, of the Company's or your  election,  as the
     case may be,  not to so extend  the  Employment  Period,  in which case the
     Employment Period shall terminate on such Renewal Date. The election by the
     Company  not to  extend  the  Employment  Period  in  accordance  with  the
     preceding  sentence  shall not be deemed a termination  without  "cause" or
     give you  grounds  to  terminate  your  employment  for "good  reason"  for
     purposes of paragraph 4(b) of this letter agreement.

2.   Position and Responsibilities

     During the  Employment  Period,  you shall be employed as the President and
     Chief Operating  Officer of the Company,  having the duties,  authority and
     responsibilities  normally  associated  with the  positions  and offices of
     President and Chief Operating Officer of a publicly-traded  corporation. In
     that  position,  you will  report  solely to the  Chairman of the Board and
     Chief Executive Officer of the Company.  During the Employment  Period, you
     will devote your full  attention  and  business  time to the  business  and
     affairs of the  Company  and its  subsidiaries,  and you will use your best
     efforts to perform  faithfully and  efficiently and to discharge the duties
     and   responsibilities   assumed  by  you  under  this  letter   agreement.
     Nevertheless,  you will be entitled to manage your personal  affairs and to
     serve on community,  corporate, civic, professional or charitable boards or
     committees,  so long as such activities do not unreasonably  interfere with
     the  performance  of your  duties and  responsibilities  under this  letter

3.   Compensation; Stock Options 

     Your  base  salary  during  the  Employment  Period  shall be no less  than
     $600,000  per  year,  payable  in  accordance  with the  Company's  payroll
     practices as in effect from time to time. Your base salary will be reviewed
     annually by the Compensation  Committee of the Company's Board of Directors
     (the  "Compensation   Committee")  to  determine  whether  an  increase  is
     warranted or appropriate. In addition, you shall be entitled to participate
     in the employment  benefits provided by the Company under the TIG Executive
     Benefit Plan,  including five (5) weeks of paid vacation.  You also will be
     entitled to be  considered  for awards under the  Company's  then  existing
     incentive  bonus  program  which,  in your  case,  will take  into  account
     individual and Company-wide performance, or such other performance criteria
     as the Compensation Committee may from time to time apply.

     It  is  understood  and  agreed  that  your  initial  target  total  annual
     compensation  (i.e.,  base  salary plus annual cash bonus plus the value of
     restricted   stock  grants  valued  as  of  the  date  of  grant)  will  be
     $1.25 million.  Your  target  total  annual  compensation  will be reviewed
     annually by the Compensation  Committee to determine whether an increase is
     warranted or appropriate.

     In addition,  simultaneous  with the  execution and delivery of this letter
     agreement,  you are being  granted  options to purchase  200,000  shares of
     common stock of the Company under the Company's  1996  Long-Term  Incentive
     Plan, as amended from time to time (the  "Plan").  The options will have an
     exercise  price equal to the fair market  value of the common  stock of the
     company on the date of grant as determined in accordance  with the Plan and
     will  vest  in four  equal  annual  installments  commencing  on the  first
     anniversary  of the  date of  grant.  The  grant  of such  options  will be
     evidenced by the Company's  standard  form  Executive  Non-Qualified  Stock
     Option Agreement.

4.   Termination of Employment

     (a)  Your  employment  with  the  Company  may be  terminated  prior to the
          scheduled  expiration of the Employment Period (i) by the Company with
          or without  "cause"  (as defined  below),  (ii) by you with or without
          "good  reason"  (as  defined  below)  or  (iii)  due to your  death or
          disability in accordance with the applicable  programs and policies of
          the  Company.  In the event that you wish to resign  from the  Company
          without  "good  reason"  prior  to  the  scheduled  expiration  of the
          Employment  Period,  you shall  provide  the  Company  with  three (3)
          months'  advance  written  notice and,  in such case,  the Company may
          terminate  your  employment  prior to the end of such  three (3) month
          period  provided  that the Company makes the payments to you described
          in  paragraph (d)  below.  A  termination  of your  employment  by the
          Company as provided in the  preceding  sentence  shall not be deemed a
          termination  without  "cause" or give you  grounds to  terminate  your
          employment for "good reason" for purposes of paragraph (b) below.

    (b)  In the event  that your  employment  with the  Company  is  terminated
          pursuant to paragraph (a)  above (i) by the Company without "cause" or
          (ii) by you with "good reason",  you shall be entitled to receive,  in
          addition  to accrued  salary and  benefits  payable to you through the
          date of termination of your employment,  a severance  payment from the
          Company  in the  amount  of  $2,500,000;  provided  that  if any  such
          termination  of  employment  occurs  within two (2) years  following a
          "change of  control"  (as such term is defined in the  Company's  1996
          Long-Term Incentive Plan) of the Company,  the amount of the severance
          payment  that you shall be  entitled to receive  shall be  $3,000,000;
          provided  further  that the  severance  payments  provided for in this
          paragraph  shall  be in  lieu of any  severance,  bonus  or  retention
          payment  that  you  otherwise   would  be  entitled  to  receive  upon
          termination of your employment  with the Company and its  subsidiaries
          (whether  in the event of a "change  of  control"  of the  Company  or
          otherwise)  under the terms of any program or agreement  maintained by
          the Company and its subsidiaries. The Company's obligation to make the
          severance  payments referred to in this paragraph shall be conditioned
          on your execution of a general  release  agreement in accordance  with
          the Company's customary practice.

     (c)  In the  event of the  termination  of your  employment  for one of the
          reasons  described in paragraph (b) above, all outstanding  restricted
          stock  grants  and  stock  options  previously  granted  to you by the
          Company will automatically  become fully vested as of the date of such
          termination, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the
          terms or provisions of such grants or the related plans.

     (d)  In the event  that your  employment  with the  Company  is  terminated
          pursuant to paragraph (a)  above (i) by the Company for "cause",  (ii)
          by you without "good reason" or (iii) due to your death or disability,
          you shall be entitled to receive only the accrued  salary and benefits
          payable to you through the date of termination  of your  employment or
          otherwise  payable to you under  plans  maintained  by the  Company in
          accordance  with their terms and nothing  else.  In  addition,  in the
          event that you  terminate  your  employment  with the Company  without
          "good reason" in accordance with the second sentence of paragraph 4(a)
          of this letter  agreement,  the Company shall be required (even if the
          Company  subsequently elects to terminate your employment prior to the
          effective  date of your  termination  in  accordance  with the  second
          sentence of  paragraph 4(a)  of this letter  agreement) to continue to
          provide  you with your  salary and  benefits  until the earlier of the
          effective  date of  your  termination  and  the end of the  Employment

     (e)  If, in the event of the  termination of your employment for one of the
          reasons described in paragraph (b)  above, you are required,  pursuant
          to Section 4999 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the
          "Code"),  to pay (through  withholding  or otherwise) an excise tax on
          "excess parachute  payments" (as defined in Section 280G of the Code),
          the  Company  shall pay you the amount  necessary  to place you in the
          same after-tax  financial  position that you would have been in if you
          had not incurred any excise tax liability  under  Section 4999  of the
          Code.  In  addition,   it  is  hereby  confirmed  that  the  Company's
          obligations  to  you  under  the  Tax  Reimbursement  Agreement  dated
          November  11,  1996  between  the  Company  and you will  survive  the
          termination of your employment with the Company for any reason.

     (f)  For purposes of this letter agreement:

          (ii) "cause" means (x) an act or acts of personal  dishonesty taken by
               you and intended to result in your material  personal  enrichment
               at the expense of the Company and its subsidiaries, excluding for
               this purpose any isolated,  insubstantial  or inadvertent  action
               not taken in bad faith which is  remedied by you in a  reasonable
               period of time after receipt of reasonably  prompt written notice
               thereof from the Company,  (y) repeated violations by you of your
               obligations  under this letter  agreement which are  demonstrably
               willful and deliberate and which are not remedied in a reasonable
               period of time by you after receipt of reasonably  prompt written
               notice  thereof  from the  Company  or (z) your  conviction  of a
               felony involving moral turpitude; and

          (ii) "good reason" means (w) without your consent,  the  assignment to
               you of any duties  inconsistent in any material respect with your
               position,  authority,  duties or responsibilities as contemplated
               by  paragraph  2 of this  letter  agreement,  excluding  for this
               purpose any isolated,  insubstantial  or  inadvertent  action not
               taken  in  bad  faith  which  is  remedied  by the  Company  in a
               reasonable  period of time  after  receipt of  reasonably  prompt
               written   notice   thereof  from  you,  (x)  the  sale  or  other
               disposition  by the  Company of all or  substantially  all of its
               primary insurance operations or its reinsurance operations, or if
               the  head  of  the  Company's  primary  insurance  operations  or
               reinsurance  operations does not report directly to the Executive
               or to a subordinate of the Executive who reports  directly to the
               Executive,   (y)  repeated  violations  by  the  Company  of  its
               obligations  under this letter  agreement which are  demonstrably
               willful and deliberate and which are not remedied in a reasonable
               period of time by the Company after receipt of reasonably  prompt
               written notice thereof from you, or (z) without your consent, the
               Company  reduces  your then  current  base salary or reduces your
               then current target total annual compensation.

5.   Confidential Information

     During the Employment  Period,  you shall hold in a fiduciary  capacity for
the  benefit of the  Company  and its  subsidiaries  all secret or  confidential
information, knowledge or data relating to the Company and its subsidiaries, and
their respective  businesses,  which you shall have obtained as a result of your
employment  by the  Company and which  shall not be or become  public  knowledge
(other than by acts taken by you in violation of this letter agreement) or which
shall not be required to be disclosed by law, by applicable  rule or regulation,
by court order or by any  recognized  subpoena  power.  Following the end of the
Employment Period and, if you remain employed with the Company following the end
of the Employment  Period,  after the  termination of your  employment  with the
Company and its  subsidiaries  for any reason,  you shall not, without the prior
written  consent of the Company,  communicate  or divulge any such  information,
knowledge or data to anyone other than the Company or its  designees,  except as
may be required by law, by applicable  rule or regulation,  by court order or by
any recognized subpoena power.

6.   Non-Competition; Non-Solicitation

     During the Employment  Period and, if your  employment  with the Company is
terminated  prior to the scheduled  expiration of the  Employment  Period by the
Company for "cause" or by you without  "good  reason",  for six (6) months after
the date of  termination  (in the case of  paragraph  (a) below) and for one (1)
year after the date of termination (in the case of paragraph (b) below), without
the prior consent of the Company, you will not, directly or indirectly:

          (a)  either  as  principal,   manager,  agent,  consultant,   officer,
               stockholder,  partner,  investor,  lender or  employee  or in any
               other  capacity,  carry  on,  engage  in or  have  any  financial
               interest in any business which is in competition  with any of the
               businesses  of the Company  and its  subsidiaries  (a  "Competing
               Business");   provided  that  you  may  act  as  an   independent
               consultant  to the  insurance  industry so long as (i) you are in
               compliance  with your  confidentiality  obligations  set forth in
               paragraph 5  of this  letter  agreement  and (ii) you do not,  on
               behalf of any  Competing  Business  for whom you are acting as an
               independent  consultant,  solicit  business  from any customer or
               client of the Company or any of its subsidiaries,  or any person,
               firm or company known to you as of the date of the termination of
               your  employment  to have been targeted for  solicitation  by the
               Company or any of its subsidiaries in the reasonably  foreseeable
               future,  or  otherwise  seek to disrupt  or reduce  the  business
               provided  by such  customer  or  client  to the  Company  and its
               subsidiaries; or

          (b)  solicit or induce (i) customers,  clients,  suppliers,  agents or
               other  persons  under  contract or otherwise  associated or doing
               business  with the Company or any  subsidiary or affiliate of the
               Company  (a  "Business  Associate"),  or any of such  persons  or
               entities  with whom the  Company  or any of its  subsidiaries  or
               affiliates  is  in  active  negotiations  to  become  a  Business
               Associate, to terminate,  reduce or alter any such association or
               business with or from the Company or any  subsidiary or affiliate
               of the Company,  and/or (ii) any person then in the employment of
               the Company or any  subsidiary or affiliate of the Company or any
               consultant  to the Company or any  subsidiary or affiliate of the
               Company  to  (x)   terminate   such   employment   or  consulting
               arrangement,  and/or  (y)  accept  employment,  or enter into any
               consulting arrangement, with anyone other than the Company or any
               subsidiary or affiliate of the Company,  provided,  however, that
               this  clause (y)  shall  not apply to a  consultant  who does not
               perform  substantially all of such person's  consulting  services
               for the Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

     Nothing in  subparagraph (a)  of this  paragraph  6 shall be  construed  to
preclude you from  investing in any  publicly-held  company,  provided that your
beneficial  ownership  of any class of any such  company's  securities  does not
exceed five percent (5%) of the outstanding securities of such class.

7.   Successors and Assigns

     Without  the  prior  written  consent  of  the  Company,  your  rights  and
obligations  under this letter agreement shall not be assignable  otherwise than
by will or the laws of descent and distribution. This letter agreement shall (i)
inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by, your legal  representatives  and
(ii) inure to the benefit of, be enforceable by, and be binding upon the Company
and its successors and assigns.

8.   Withholding

     The Company  shall have the right to deduct from any payments due hereunder
any amount in respect of federal,  state or local  taxes that the Company  deems
necessary to be withheld.

9.   Resolution of Disputes

     Any disputes  arising  under or in  connection  with this letter  agreement
shall at the request of either party be resolved by binding  arbitration  in the
Borough of Manhattan in New York, New York by three  arbitrators,  in accordance
with the rules and procedures of the American Arbitration Association.  Judgment
upon the award  rendered by the  arbitrators  may be entered in any court having
jurisdiction  thereof.  Each  party  shall  bear such  party's  own costs of the
arbitration or litigation.

10.  Notices

     All notices and other  communications  under this letter agreement shall be
in writing and shall be deemed effective upon receipt if by hand-delivery to the
other party, receipt if by facsimile  transmission,  the next business day if by
overnight  courier,  or the third business day after mailing if by registered or
certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

               If to you:                   Mary R. Hennessy
                                            1 Nostrand Road
                                            Cranbury, New Jersey  08512

               with a copy to:              Sullivan & Cromwell
                                            125 Broad Street
                                            New York, New York  10004-2498
                                            Facsimile No.:  212-558-3588
                                            Attn:  Theodore O. Rogers, Jr., Esq.

               If to the Corporation:       TIG Holdings, Inc.
                                            65 East 55th Street
                                            New York, New York  10022
                                            Attn:  General Counsel

               with a copy to:              Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy
                                            1 Chase Manhattan Plaza
                                            New York, New York  10005
                                            Facsimile No.:  212-530-5219
                                            Attn:  Robert S. Reder, Esq.

     or to such other address as either party shall have  furnished to the other
in writing in accordance herewith.

11.  Expenses

     The Company  will  reimburse  you for any amounts that you have paid or are
required to pay to Sullivan & Cromwell as your legal counsel in connection  with
the negotiation, execution and delivery of this letter agreement.

12.  Miscellaneous

     This  letter  agreement  shall be  governed  by and shall be  construed  in
accordance  with the laws of the State of New  York,  without  reference  to the
principles  of  conflict  of laws  thereof.  If any  provision  of  this  letter
agreement  is held  invalid  or  unenforceable  for any  reason,  the  remaining
provisions  shall  not be  affected  thereby  and shall be  construed  as if the
invalid or unenforceable  provision had not been included. This letter agreement
contains  the entire  agreement  between the Company and you with respect to the
subject matter  contained  herein,  and supersedes all prior agreements or prior
understandings, whether oral or written, between the Company and you relating to
such subject  matter;  provided that certain Tax  Reimbursement  Agreement dated
November 11,  1996 between the Company and you, and that certain Indemnification
Agreement dated  November 11,  1996 between the Company and you, and any and all
stock option agreements and restricted stock agreements  between the Company and
you shall all remain in full force and effect in  accordance  with their  terms.
This letter  agreement may only be modified by a writing executed by each of the
Company and you.

                                      * * *

     If you are in agreement with the terms of this letter agreement,  please so
indicate  by  signing in the space  provided  below,  at which time this  letter
agreement will become a binding agreement between the Company and you.

                                            Very truly yours,

                                            TIG HOLDINGS, INC.

                                            By: /s/ Jon W. Rotenstreich
                                               Jon W. Rotenstreich
                                               Chairman of the Board
                                               and Chief Executive Officer


 /s/Mary R. Hennessy
    Mary R. Hennessy

                               TIG HOLDINGS, INC.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

Dated:  November 13, 1998                  TIG HOLDINGS, INC.

                                    By:    /s/CYNTHIA B. KOENIG
                                    Name:  Cynthia B. Koenig
                                    Title: Controller
                                           (Principal Accounting Officer)

                                    By:    /s/LOUIS J. PAGLIA
                                    Name:  Louis J. Paglia
                                    Title: Executive Vice President,
                                           Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
                                           (Principal Financial Officer)
