(Rule 14c-101)
                            SCHEDULE 14C INFORMATION
                              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

[X]    Preliminary information statement       [ ]  Confidential, for  use of
                                                    the Commission only
                                                    (as permitted by
                                                    Rule 14c-5(d)(2))

[X]    Definitive information statement

                         TIFF INVESTMENT PROGRAM, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]     No fee required.
[ ]     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14c-5(g) and 0-11.
(1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(3)     Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(5)  Total fee paid:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ]     Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ]     Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
        Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identity the filing for which the offsetting fee
        was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration
        statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)  Amount Previously Paid:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(3)     Filing Party:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(4)     Date Filed:

                         TIFF INVESTMENT PROGRAM, INC.

                          TIFF EMERGING MARKETS FUND

                                 2405 Ivy Road
                        Charlottesville, Virginia 22903

                             INFORMATION STATEMENT

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This  Information  Statement is being  furnished to all persons  owning  shares
(members)  of TIFF  Emerging  Markets  Fund  (the  Fund),  a Fund  of the  TIFF
Investment  Program,  Inc.  (TIP),  to provide such  members  with  information
regarding an amendment to the money manager  agreement between Emerging Markets
Management,  LLC (EMM) and TIP.  On March 1,  2001,  TIP's  board of  directors
unanimously  approved an  amendment  to the money  manager  agreement  (the EMM
amendment)  that,  as  more  fully  described   herein,   replaces  the  Fund's
performance-based  fee arrangement  with an asset-based  fee. The EMM amendment
has been fully  executed  on behalf of TIP (for the  accounts  of the Fund) and
EMM, and it now governs the fee relationship between the Fund and EMM.

TIP was not  required  to obtain  the  approval  of the Fund's  members  before
entering  into the EMM  amendment  because TIP has obtained an exemptive  order
(the Order) from the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  exempting  TIP from
certain  provisions of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the 1940
Act) and the regulations thereunder that would otherwise mandate such approval.
(The  Order  permits  TIP to  enter  into  new  agreements  or  amend  existing
agreements  with money managers  without  obtaining  member  approval,  but the
exemption  does not  apply to the  advisory  agreement  with  TIP's  investment
advisor,  Foundation Advisers, Inc., or any amendments to such agreement.) This
Information  Statement  is being  provided to all members as required by one of
the conditions of the Order.

The board of  directors  of TIP expects to mail this  Information  Statement to
members on or about May 1, 2001.


MEMBER  INFORMATION.  As of  April  2,  2001,  the  Emerging  Markets  Fund had
outstanding   6,545,373   shares  of  beneficial   interests  of  common  stock
representing a total net asset value of $39,233,710,  each dollar of beneficial
interest being entitled to one vote.

As of April 2, 2001, the following  members owned of record or  beneficially 5%
or more of the shares of common stock of the Fund:

- -------------------             -----------------------         -------

Mayo Foundation                 1,967,939                       30.1%
200 First Street, SW
Rochester, MN 55905

Pew Memorial Trust              1,469,013                       22.4%
c/o Glenmede
1 Liberty Place, Suite 1200
1650 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

The Commonwealth Fund           653,114                         10.0%
One E. 75th Street
New York, NY 10021

William T. Grant Foundation,    523,417                         8.0%
570 Lexington Avenue,
18th Floor
New York, NY 10022-6837

Foundation for Seacoast Health  376,700                         5.8%
100 Campus Drive, Suite 1
Portsmouth, NH 03801

The Fund will furnish,  without  charge,  a copy of TIP's annual report for the
period ended  December 31, 2000 to any member upon request.  To request a copy,
please write to TIP at 2405 Ivy Road,  Charlottesville,  Virginia 22903 or call
TIP at (800) 984-0084.

ADMINISTRATOR AND DISTRIBUTOR. Investors Capital Services, Inc., the address of
which is 600 Fifth Avenue,  26th Floor, New York, New York 10020, serves as the
Fund's  administrator.  First Fund Distributors,  Inc., the address of which is
4455 East Camelback Road,  Suite 261 E, Phoenix,  Arizona 85018,  serves as the
Fund's distributor.

INVESTMENT  ADVISOR AND MONEY MANAGERS.  TIP's executive offices are located at
2405 Ivy Road,  Charlottesville,  Virginia 22903. The Fund's investment advisor
is Foundation  Advisers,  Inc. (FAI), a registered  investment  advisor with an
address at 2405 Ivy Road,  Charlottesville,  Virginia  22903.  Pursuant  to its
investment  advisory  agreement  with TIP  (the  advisory  agreement),  FAI (a)
develops  investment   programs,   selects  money  managers  who  each  act  as
sub-advisors  with  respect  to a portion  of each of the  Fund's  assets,  and
monitors  money  manager  investment  activities  and results;  (b) provides or
oversees the  provision of all general  management,  investment  advisory,  and
portfolio  management  services to TIP; and (c) provides TIP with office space,
equipment, and personnel.

At a meeting  of TIP's  board of  directors  held on March 1,  2001,  the board
unanimously   approved   the  EMM   amendment,   which   replaced   the  Fund's
performance-based  fee structure with an asset-based fee. The following summary
provides  information  about EMM, its  investment  strategy,  and the terms and
conditions  of the  money  manager  agreement  between  EMM and TIP and the EMM
amendment.  Please  see the  section  of this  Information  Statement  entitled
"Evaluation  and  Action  by  TIP  Directors"  for


information  regarding the  deliberations of the board of directors  concerning
approval of the EMM amendment.


Pursuant to a money manager agreement dated January 1, 1997, by and between EMM
and TIP  (the EMM  agreement),  EMM  provides  professional  investment  equity
management to the Fund and manages the assets of the Fund TIP allocates to EMM.
TIP's  board of  directors  provides  EMM with a set of  investment  management
guidelines  that EMM must follow in investing  the assets of the Fund.  EMM has
managed assets for the Fund since 1994.


The first money manager  agreement with EMM was  unanimously  approved by TIP's
board of directors on September 13, 1994.  This agreement was later amended and
approved  unanimously by TIP's directors on December 10, 1996.  Members are not
being asked to approve the EMM agreement.

MONEY  MANAGEMENT  FEE. As  compensation  for the  services  performed  and the
facilities and personnel  provided by EMM pursuant to the EMM agreement,  prior
to March 1, 2001, the Fund paid EMM a fee according to the following schedule:

        Fee = 105 + [0.394 x (Excess Return - 205)]; subject to Floor of 40
        b.p., Cap of 300 b.p.

        For purposes of this performance fee calculation, the term Excess
        Return shall be defined as the return of the money manager that
        exceeds the return of the manager's benchmark, which is the MSCI
        Emerging Markets Free Index.

BASIC TERMS.  The EMM  agreement  has an initial term of two years and provides
that it will  thereafter  continue  in  effect  from  year to year only if such
continuation  is  specifically  approved at least  annually by (a) either (i) a
vote  of a  majority  of the  board  of  directors  of TIP or  (ii) a vote of a
majority of the outstanding  voting  securities of the Fund and (b) a vote of a
majority of the Fund's  directors who are not interested  persons as defined in
the 1940 Act (the independent  directors).  The EMM agreement  provides that it
may be terminated  by the Fund, by TIP's board of directors,  or by a vote of a
majority of the outstanding  voting  securities of the Fund, or by EMM, in each
case at any time upon 30 days' written notice to the other party.  In addition,
the EMM  agreement  provides  for its  automatic  termination  in the  event of

The EMM agreement  provides that EMM is required to manage the securities  held
by the Fund, subject to the supervision and stated direction of FAI, the Fund's
investment advisor, and ultimately TIP's board of directors, in accordance with
the Fund's investment objective and policies; make investment decisions for the
Fund; and place orders to purchase and sell securities on behalf of the Fund.

The EMM agreement  provides that EMM is not liable to the Fund for any error of
judgment  but shall be liable to the Fund for any loss  resulting  from willful
misfeasance,  bad faith, or gross negligence by EMM in providing services under
the EMM  agreement or from  reckless  disregard by EMM of its  obligations  and
duties under the EMM agreement.



The EMM amendment  replaces the  performance-based  fee described above with an
asset-based  fee of 1.25% per annum for the first US$100  million of the Fund's
average  daily net assets  and 1.00% in excess of US$100  million of the Fund's
average daily net assets. The replacement of the  performance-based fee with an
asset-based fee is intended to lower the expense ratio of the Fund.

For the year ended December 31, 2000, EMM was paid $1,189,543 by the Fund under
the  performance-based  fee structure  described  above. If the asset-based fee
described in the EMM  amendment  had been in place for the year ended  December
31, 2000, the Fund would have paid EMM $460,921.


EMM is located at 1001 Nineteenth Street North, 16th Floor, Arlington, Virginia
22209. The principal executive officers of EMM and their principal  occupations
are as follows:

NAME                            POSITION
- ----                            --------

Antoine W. van Agtmael          President, CIO, and portfolio manager

Felicia Morrow                  Managing director and portfolio manager

Michael Duffy                   Managing director


At a  meeting  on March 1,  2001,  the  directors  of TIP  were  informed  that
management wished to replace the Fund's performance-based fee structure with an
asset-based fee. The board considered that the Fund's performance-based fee was
calculated using average assets over a rolling  12-month  period,  subject to a
two-month  lag, and that EMM's fee for the month of January 2001 had been based
on average assets over the 12-month period ending November 30, 2000. Under this
method,  the combination of declining Fund performance and net cash withdrawals
from the Fund in  recent  months  had  resulted  in  inflated  fees.  The board
considered that the proposed asset-based fee would eliminate the two-month lag,
thereby  reducing the Fund's  overall fee, and  determined  that  replacing the
performance-based fee with an asset-based fee would be in the best interests of
the Fund and its members.

Based upon its review, the board of directors  concluded that the EMM amendment
was  reasonable,  fair,  and in the best interests of the Fund and its members,
and that the fees provided in the EMM amendment  were fair and  reasonable,  as
such fees were intended to lower the overall  expense ratio of the Fund. In the
board's  view,  retaining  EMM to serve as money  manager of the Fund under the
terms of the EMM amendment was desirable and in the best  interests of the Fund
and its members. Accordingly, after consideration of the above factors and such
other factors and  information as it deemed  relevant,  the board of directors,
including  all of the  independent  directors  in  attendance  at the  meeting,
unanimously approved the EMM amendment.
