Exhibit 10



                  AT&T CAPITAL CORPORATION,

                         AT&T CORP.,

                      HERCULES LIMITED



                       Dated as of June 5, 1996


                 AGREEMENT   AND  PLAN  OF  MERGER   (hereinafter   called  this
     "Agreement"),  dated as of June 5, 1996, among AT&T Capital Corporation,  a
     Delaware  corporation (the  "Company"),  AT&T Corp., a New York corporation
     ("AT&T"),  Hercules Limited,  a Cayman Island corporation  ("Parent"),  and
     Antigua Acquisition Corporation,  a Delaware corporation and a wholly owned
     subsidiary  of Parent  ("Merger  Sub," the Company and Merger Sub sometimes
     being   hereinafter   collectively   referred   to  as   the   "Constituent


                 WHEREAS,  the  respective  boards of  directors  of each of the
     Company,  Parent and Merger Sub have approved the merger of Merger Sub with
     and into the Company (the  "Merger") and approved the Merger upon the terms
     and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement;

                 WHEREAS,   the   Company's   board  of   directors,   upon  the
     recommendation   of  the  special  committee  of  the  Company's  board  of
     directors,  has approved this  Agreement and  submitted  this  Agreement to
     AT&T,  as  the  indirect  owner  of  approximately  86%  of  the  currently
     outstanding  shares  of  voting  common  stock of the  Company  (the  "AT&T
     Shares"),  for its  consent,  and AT&T has caused to be  executed a written
     stockholder consent (the  "Stockholders'  Consent") pursuant to Section 228
     of the DGCL (as defined below) approving this Agreement;

                 WHEREAS,  the  Company,  AT&T,  Parent and Merger Sub desire to
     make certain  representations,  warranties,  covenants  and  agreements  in
     connection with this Agreement.

                 NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises,  and of the
     representations, warranties, covenants and agreements contained herein, the
     parties hereto agree as follows:

                          ARTICLE I

             The Merger; Closing; Effective Time

                 1.1. The Merger.  Upon the terms and subject to the  conditions
     set forth in this  Agreement,  at the Effective Time (as defined in Section
     1.3) Merger Sub shall be merged with and into the Company and the  separate
     corporate  existence of Merger Sub shall thereupon cease. The Company shall
     be the surviving corporation in the Merger (sometimes  hereinafter referred
     to as the "Surviving Corporation") and shall continue to be governed by the
     laws of the State of Delaware,  and the separate corporate

     existence  of the  Company  with all its  rights,  privileges,  immunities,
powers and  franchises  shall continue  unaffected by the Merger,  except as set
forth in Articles II and III hereof. The Merger shall have the effects specified
in the Delaware General Corporation Law, as amended (the "DGCL").

                 1.2.  Closing.  The closing of the Merger (the "Closing") shall
     take place (i) at the offices of Sullivan & Cromwell, 125 Broad Street, New
     York,  New York at 9:00 A.M. on the later of (A) September 17, 1996 and (B)
     the first  business  day on which the last to be fulfilled or waived of the
     conditions  set forth in Article VII hereof  (other  than those  conditions
     that by their nature are to be satisfied at the Closing, but subject to the
     fulfillment or waiver of those  conditions) shall be satisfied or waived in
     accordance  with this Agreement or (ii) at such other place and time and/or
     on such other  date as the  Company  and  Parent may agree in writing  (the
     "Closing Date").

                 1.3.  Effective  Time.  As soon as  practicable  following  the
     Closing,  the Company and Parent  will cause a  Certificate  of Merger (the
     "Delaware  Certificate of Merger") to be executed,  acknowledged  and filed
     with the  Secretary  of State of Delaware as provided in Section 251 of the
     DGCL.  The Merger  shall  become  effective  at the time when the  Delaware
     Certificate  of Merger has been duly filed with the  Secretary  of State of
     Delaware (the "Effective Time").

                         ARTICLE II

          Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws
                of the Surviving Corporation

                 2.1. The  Certificate  of  Incorporation.  The  certificate  of
     incorporation of Merger Sub as in effect immediately prior to the Effective
     Time shall be the certificate of incorporation of the Surviving Corporation
     (the  "Charter"),  until duly amended as provided  therein or by applicable
     law,  provided that Article I of the  certificate of  incorporation  of the
     Surviving  Corporation shall be amended in its entirety to read as follows:
     "The name of the corporation is AT&T Capital Corporation."

     2.2. The By-Laws. The by-laws of Merger Sub in effect at the Effective Time

shall  be the  by-laws  of the  Surviving  Corporation  (the  "By-Laws"),  until
thereafter amended as provided therein or by applicable law.

                         ARTICLE III

                   Officers and Directors
                of the Surviving Corporation

                 3.1.  Directors.  The  directors of Merger Sub at the Effective
     Time shall,  from and after the  Effective  Time,  be the  directors of the
     Surviving  Corporation  until their  successors  have been duly  elected or
     appointed  and  qualified  or until their  earlier  death,  resignation  or
     removal in accordance with the Charter and By-Laws.

                 3.2. Officers. Except as provided in Schedule 3.2, the officers
     of the Company at the  Effective  Time shall,  from and after the Effective
     Time, be the officers of the Surviving  Corporation  until their successors
     have been duly elected or appointed  and  qualified or until their  earlier
     death, resignation or removal in accordance with the Charter and By-Laws.

                         ARTICLE IV

           Effect of the Merger on Capital Stock;
                  Exchange of Certificates

     4.1.  Effect on Capital  Stock.  At the Effective  Time, as a result of the
Merger and without any action on the part of the holder of any capital  stock of
the Company:

                 (a) Merger  Consideration.  Each share of the Common Stock, par
     value $.01 per share, of the Company (the "Shares")  issued and outstanding
     at the Effective Time (other than Shares owned by Parent, Merger Sub or any
     other direct or indirect wholly owned  subsidiary of Parent  (collectively,
     the  "Parent  Companies")  or Shares  that are owned by the  Company or any
     direct  or  indirect  wholly  owned  subsidiary  of the  Company  or Shares
     ("Dissenting   Shares")   that  are  held  by   stockholders   ("Dissenting
     Stockholders") properly exercising appraisal rights pursuant to Section 262
     of the DGCL (collectively,  "Excluded Shares")) shall be converted into the
     right to receive,  without interest, an amount in cash equal to $45.00 (the
     "Merger Consideration"). At the Effective Time, all Shares shall no longer
     be outstanding and shall be cancelled and retired and shall cease to exist,
     and each  certificate  (a  "Certificate")  representing  any of such Shares

     (other than Excluded Shares) shall  thereafter  represent only the right to
     the  Merger  Consideration  for  such  Shares  upon the  surrender  of such
     Certificate in accordance with Section 4.2.

                 (b) Options and  Restricted  Shares.  The Parent and  Surviving
     Corporation,  with the cooperation of the Company, shall take all necessary
     action to  provide  that at the  Effective  Time,  each  option or right to
     acquire Shares (each, a "Company Option") (other than those Company Options
     ("Roll-over  Options") held by certain members of management of the Company
     who enter into  agreements with Parent prior to the Effective Time pursuant
     to which such members agree to roll-over such Roll-over Options for options
     or rights to acquire shares of Surviving  Corporation),  shall, without any
     action  on  the  part  of the  holder  thereof,  and  whether  or not  then
     exercisable,  be converted into the right to receive an amount in cash (the
     "Option Amount"), if any, equal to the product of (x) (1) the excess of the
     Merger  Consideration over (2) the current exercise price per Share of such
     Company Option and (y) the number of Shares subject to such Company Option,
     payable  to the holder  thereof at the  Effective  Time,  and such  Company
     Option will be  cancelled  and  retired and shall cease to exist;  provided
     further, that the Company shall be entitled to withhold, in accordance with
     applicable  law,  from any such cash  payment  any  amounts  required to be
     withheld under  applicable  law. If and to the extent required by the terms
     of the plans governing such Company Options or pursuant to the terms of any
     Company  Option  granted  thereunder,  the Company shall use all reasonable
     efforts to obtain the consent of each holder of outstanding Company Options
     to the  foregoing  treatment of such Company  Options and to take any other
     action  reasonably  necessary to effectuate the foregoing  provisions.  Any
     cash  payment  received  pursuant to Section 4.2 with  respect to shares of
     restricted Common Stock ("Restricted Shares") held under the Company's 1993
     Long-Term  Incentive Plan (the "1993 LTIP") that have not been purchased by
     the holder shall not be subject to any restrictions following the Effective
     Time.  Any cash  payment  received  pursuant to Section 4.2 with respect to
     purchased Restricted Shares held under the 1993 LTIP or under the Company's
     1993 Leveraged Stock Purchase Plan (the "1993 LSPP") shall first be applied
     to payment of any  outstanding  loan  balances for such  Restricted  Shares
     including  accrued  interest and the Company  shall  withhold and deduct an
     amount equal to any such loan balance and accrued  interest from the amount
     to be paid to the respective holder of Restricted Shares, and any remaining
     cash (after payment of any such loan balances)  shall not be subject to any
     restrictions  following the Effective Time;  provided,  however,  that with

     respect to Restricted Shares held under the 1993 LSPP by executive officers
     of the  Company  subject  to Section 16  ("Section  16") of the  Securities
     Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended  (the  "Exchange  Act"),  to the extent
     restrictions  must  remain  on  such  cash  payment  to  avoid  short-swing
     liability   under   Section  16,  the  Parent  shall  cause  the  Surviving
     Corporation  to hold such payments with respect to such  Restricted  Shares
     pursuant to the provisions of the 1993 LSPP until such restrictions lapse.

                 (c)  Cancellation of Shares.  At the Effective Time, each Share
     issued and outstanding at the Effective Time and owned by any of the Parent
     Companies,  or owned by the  Company  or by any direct or  indirect  wholly
     owned subsidiary of the Company, shall, by virtue of the Merger and without
     any action on the part of the holder thereof,  cease to be outstanding,  be
     cancelled and retired  without  payment of any  consideration  therefor and
     shall cease to exist.

                 (d) Merger Sub.  At the  Effective  Time,  each share of Common
     Stock,  par value  $.01 per share,  of Merger  Sub  issued and  outstanding
     immediately  prior to the Effective  Time shall be converted into one share
     of common stock of the Surviving Corporation.

                 4.2.  Payment for Shares.  Parent shall make available or cause
     to be made  available  to the paying  agent  appointed  by Parent  with the
     Company's  prior approval (the "Paying  Agent")  amounts  sufficient in the
     aggregate  to provide  all funds  necessary  for the  Paying  Agent to make
     payments pursuant to Section 4.1(a) hereof to holders of Shares (other than
     Excluded Shares) issued and outstanding  immediately prior to the Effective
     Time.  Promptly after the Effective Time, the Surviving  Corporation  shall
     cause to be mailed to each person who was, at the Effective  Time, a holder
     of  record  (other  than  any  of  the  Parent  Companies)  of  issued  and
     outstanding Shares a form (mutually agreed to by Parent and the Company) of
     letter of transmittal and  instructions  for use in effecting the surrender
     of  the  Certificates  which,  immediately  prior  to the  Effective  Time,
     represented  any of such Shares in  exchange  for  payment  therefor.  Upon
     surrender  to the  Paying  Agent  of such  Certificates  for  cancellation,
     together  with such letter of  transmittal,  duly executed and completed in
     accordance with the instructions  thereto, the Surviving  Corporation shall
     promptly  cause to be paid to the persons  entitled  thereto a check in the
     amount to which such  persons  are  entitled,  after  giving  effect to any
     withholdings  required  under Section 3406 of the Internal  Revenue Code of
     1986, as amended (the "Code") or any other provisions of state, local or

     foreign tax law.  To the extent  that  amounts are so withheld by Parent or
     the Paying Agent,  such withheld  amounts shall be treated for all purposes
     of this  Agreement as having been paid to the holder of Shares with respect
     to whom such  deduction  and  withholding  was made by Parent or the Paying
     Agent.  No interest will be paid or will accrue on the amount  payable upon
     the surrender of any such  Certificate.  Pending such payments,  the Paying
     Agent  shall  invest  the funds  made  available  to it in U.S.  government
     securities  as  directed  by  Parent,  and any  interest  or  other  income
     resulting from such investments  shall be paid to Parent.  If payment is to
     be made to a person  other than the  registered  holder of the  Certificate
     surrendered,  it shall be a condition of such payment that the  Certificate
     so surrendered  shall be properly  endorsed or otherwise in proper form for
     transfer and that the person requesting such payment shall pay any transfer
     or other taxes required by reason of the payment to a person other than the
     registered  holder  of the  Certificate  surrendered  or  establish  to the
     satisfaction of the Surviving Corporation or the Paying Agent that such tax
     has been paid or is not  applicable.  One hundred and eighty days following
     the Effective  Time, the Surviving  Corporation  shall be entitled to cause
     the  Paying  Agent to  deliver  to it any  funds  (including  any  interest
     received  with respect  thereto)  made  available to the Paying Agent which
     have not been disbursed to holders of  Certificates  formerly  representing
     Shares outstanding on the Effective Time, and thereafter such holders shall
     be entitled to look to the Surviving  Corporation only as general creditors
     thereof  with  respect  to the cash  payable  upon due  surrender  of their
     certificates.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  neither the Paying Agent nor
     any party  hereto  shall be liable to any holder of  Certificates  formerly
     representing  Shares for any amount paid to a public  official  pursuant to
     any applicable  abandoned  property,  escheat or similar law. Parent or the
     Surviving  Corporation shall pay all charges and expenses,  including those
     of the Paying Agent, in connection with the exchange of cash for Shares.

                 4.3. Dissenters' Rights. If any Dissenting Stockholder shall be
     entitled to be paid the "fair  value" of his or her Shares,  as provided in
     Section  262 of the DGCL,  the  Company  shall give  Parent  prompt  notice
     thereof (and shall also give Parent  prompt  notice of any  withdrawals  of
     such  demands) and Parent  shall have the right to direct all  negotiations
     and proceedings  with respect to any such demands.  Neither the Company nor
     the Surviving  Corporation shall,  except with the prior written consent of
     Parent, voluntarily make any payment with respect to, or settle or offer to
     settle,  any such demand for payment.  If any Dissenting  Stockholder shall
     fail to perfect or shall have  effectively  withdrawn  or lost the right to

     dissent, the Shares held by such Dissenting  Stockholder shall thereupon be
     treated  as  though  such  Shares  had  been   converted  into  the  Merger
     Consideration pursuant to Section 4.1.

     4.4.  Transfer of Shares After the  Effective  Time. No transfers of Shares
shall be made on the stock  transfer  books of the Surviving  Corporation  at or
after the Effective Time.

                          ARTICLE V

               Representations and Warranties

                 5.1. Representations and Warranties of the Company. The Company
     hereby  represents  and  warrants to Parent and Merger Sub that,  except as
     expressly  set forth in the  disclosure  letter  delivered to Parent by the
     Company  on  or  prior  to  entering  into  this  Agreement  (the  "Company
     Disclosure Letter"):

     (a) Organization, Good Standing and Qualification.  Each of the Company and
its Material  Subsidiaries  (as defined below) is a corporation  duly organized,
validly  existing  and in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of  its  respective
jurisdiction  of organization  and has all requisite  corporate or similar power
and authority to own and operate its  properties  and assets and to carry on its
business as presently  conducted  and is qualified to do business and is in good
standing as a foreign  corporation in each  jurisdiction  where the ownership or
operation  of  its   properties  or  conduct  of  its  business   requires  such
qualification,  except where the failure to be so qualified or in good standing,
when  taken  together  with all other such  failures,  would not  reasonably  be
expected  to have a Company  Material  Adverse  Effect (as defined  below).  The
Company  has  made  available  to  Parent a  complete  and  correct  copy of the
Company's and its  Subsidiaries'  certificates  of incorpora-  tion and by-laws,
each as amended to date.  The Company's and its  Subsidiaries'  certificates  of
incorporation and by-laws so delivered are in full force and effect, and neither
the  Company  nor any of its  Subsidiaries  is in  default or  violation  of any
provisions  of its  respective  certificate  of  incorporation  or by-laws.  The
Company  Disclosure  Letter  contains  a  correct  and  complete  list  of  each
jurisdiction  where the Company and each of its  Subsidiaries  is organized  and
qualified to do  business.  The only  Subsidiaries  of the Company are those set
forth in the  Company  Disclosure  Letter.  Except as set  forth in the  Company

Disclosure Letter, and except for securities  acquired in the ordinary course of
business,  including in connection with the realization on collateral  positions
and the acquisition of securities as part of any financing transaction,  neither
the Company nor any of its  Subsidiaries  owns less than 100% of the outstanding
voting securities or other equity interests of any corporation, joint venture or
other entity (other than  investments  in  marketable  securities of any person,
none of which  exceed  5% of the  outstanding  capital  stock  or  other  equity
interests of such person).

     As used in this Agreement, (i) the term "Subsidiary" means, with respect to
a party, any entity, whether incorporated or unincorporated, of which at least a
majority of the securities or ownership interests having by their terms ordinary
voting  power to elect a majority  of the board of  directors  or other  persons
performing  similar  functions is directly or indirectly  owned or controlled by
such party or by one or more of its respective Subsidiaries or by such party and
any  one or  more  of its  respective  Subsidiaries;  (ii)  the  term  "Material
Subsidiary"  means AT&T  Commercial  Finance  Corporation,  AT&T Capital Leasing
Services, Inc., AT&T Credit Corporation,  AT&T Systems Leasing Corporation, AT&T
Capital  Canada,  Inc.,  NCR Credit Corp.,  AT&T Capital  Limited and The Capita
Corporation  Hong Kong  Limited;  and (iii) the term "Company  Material  Adverse
Effect" means a material adverse effect on the financial condition,  business or
results of  operations  of the  Company and its  Subsidiaries  taken as a whole;
provided,  however,  that any such effect resulting from any change prior to the
Effective  Time  (i) in any law,  rule,  or  regulation  or  generally  accepted
accounting  principles  or  interpretations  thereof that  applies  generally to
companies  operating in the same  industries  as the Company and (ii) in general
economic or business conditions in the industries in which the Company operates,
shall not be considered when  determining if a Company  Material  Adverse Effect
has occurred.

     (b) Capital Structure. The authorized capital stock of the Company consists
of 100,000,000  Shares,  of which  46,988,695  Shares were outstanding as of the
close of business on May 28, 1996, and 10,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock, par
$.01 value per share (the "Preferred Shares"), of which none were outstanding as
of the close of business on May 28,  1996.  All of the  outstanding  Shares have
been duly authorized and are validly issued,  fully paid and nonassessable.  The
Company has no Shares or Preferred Shares reserved for issuance. As of April 30,
1996, there were 2,264,246 Shares subject to outstanding Company Options.  Since
May 28,  1996,  no Shares  have been issued  except  issuance of Shares upon the
exercise  of Company  Options  referred  to herein,  and since April 30, 1996 no

Company Options have been authorized,  issued or granted. The Company Disclosure
Letter contains a correct and complete list of each outstanding  Company Option,
including the holder, date of grant, exercise price and number of Shares subject
thereto.  Each of the  outstanding  shares  of  capital  stock or  other  equity
securities of each of the Company's  Subsidiaries  is duly  authorized,  validly
issued,  fully paid and  nonassessable  and,  except for  directors'  qualifying
shares,  owned by the Company or a direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiary of
the Company,  free and clear of any lien, pledge,  security  interest,  claim or
other  encumbrance  (each,  a "Lien").  Except as set forth above,  there are no
preemptive or other outstanding rights,  options,  warrants,  conversion rights,
stock appreciation  rights,  redemption rights,  repurchase rights,  agreements,
arrangements  or  commitments  to issue or sell any shares of  capital  stock or
other  equity  securities  of the  Company  or any  of its  Subsidiaries  or any
securities or obligations  convertible or exchangeable  into or exercisable for,
or giving any person a right to subscribe for or acquire,  any equity securities
of the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries,  and no  securities  or  obligations
evidencing such rights are authorized,  issued or outstanding.  The Company does
not have  outstanding  any bonds,  debentures,  notes or other  obligations  the
holders  of which  have the  right to vote (or  which  are  convertible  into or
exercisable  for securities  having the right to vote) with the  stockholders of
the Company on any matter ("Voting Debt").

     (c) Corporate  Authority;  Approval and  Fairness.  (i) The Company has all
requisite  corporate  power and  authority  and has taken all  corporate  action
necessary in order to execute,  deliver and perform its  obligations  under this
Agreement and to consummate the Merger and the other  transactions  contemplated
by this  Agreement.  This  Agreement  is a valid and  binding  agreement  of the
Company enforceable against the Company in accordance with its terms, subject to
bankruptcy,  insolvency,  fraudulent  transfer,  reorganization,  moratorium and
similar laws of general applicability relating to or affecting creditors' rights
and to general equity principles (the "Bankruptcy and Equity Exception").

     (ii) The special committee of the board of directors of the Company and the
board of directors of the Company (A) have approved this Agreement  (unanimously
in the case of the special committee and, in the case of the board of directors,
by the unanimous  vote of all  directors  present and voting) and the Merger and
the other transactions  contemplated hereby and (B) have received the opinion of
Goldman,  Sachs & Co., dated the date of this Agreement,  to the effect that the

consideration  to be received by the holders of the Shares in the Merger is fair
to such holders (other than AT&T and its  "Affiliates" (as defined in Rule 12b-2
under the Exchange Act)), a copy of which opinion has been delivered to Parent.

                 (iii) Subsidiaries of AT&T, as the majority stockholders of the
     Company,  have approved,  by delivering  the  Stockholders'  Consent,  this
     Agreement  and no  further  action by the  stockholders  of the  Company is
     necessary to give effect to such approval.

                 (d)  Governmental  Filings;  No Violations.  (i) Other than the
     filings  and/or notices (A) pursuant to Sections 1.3 and 6.4, (B) under the
     Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended (the "HSR
     Act") and the Exchange Act, (C) required by the New York Stock Exchange and
     (D) set forth in the Company  Disclosure  Letter,  no  notices,  reports or
     other  filings  are  required  to be  made  by  the  Company  or any of its
     Subsidiaries with, nor are any consents, registrations,  approvals, permits
     or  authorizations  required  to be  obtained  by the Company or any of its
     Subsidiaries from, any United States or foreign  governmental or regulatory
     authority, court, agency, ministry,  commission, body or other governmental
     entity  ("Governmental  Entity"),  in  connection  with the  execution  and
     delivery  of this  Agreement  by the Company  and the  consummation  by the
     Company  of the  Merger  and the other  transactions  contemplated  hereby,
     except those filings, notices, reports, consents, registrations, approvals,
     permits and  authorizations as to which the failure to make or obtain would
     not be  reasonably  expected  to  have a  material  adverse  effect  on the
     financial condition, business or results of operations of the Company or of
     any  Material  Subsidiary,  and  those as to which the  failure  to make or
     obtain  are not  reasonably  likely  to  prevent  or  materially  delay  or
     materially impair the ability of the Company to consummate the transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement.

                 (ii) The execution,  delivery and performance of this Agreement
     by the Company do not,  and the  consummation  by the Company of the Merger
     and the other  transactions  contemplated  hereby will not,  constitute  or
     result in (A) a breach or violation of, or a default under, the certificate
     of  incorporation  or By-Laws of the  Company or the  comparable  governing
     instruments of any of its Subsidiaries,  (B) a breach or violation of, or a
     default under,  the  acceleration  of any  obligations or the creation of a
     Lien on any material assets of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries (with
     or without  notice,  lapse of time or both)  pursuant to, or give rise to a
     right of termination or  cancellation  under,  any provision of any written

     agreement, lease, contract, note, mortgage, indenture, arrangement or other
     obligation   not   otherwise   terminable   on  90  days'  or  less  notice
     ("Contracts")  of the  Company  or any of its  Subsidiaries  or any Law (as
     defined in Section  5.1(i)) or  governmental  or  non-governmental  permit,
     franchise,  concession or license  (collectively,  "Licenses") to which the
     Company  or any of its  Subsidiaries  is  subject  or (C) any change in the
     rights or obligations of any party under any of the Contracts,  except,  in
     the case of clause (B) or (C) above,  for any breach,  violation,  default,
     acceleration, creation or change that, individually or in the aggregate, is
     not reasonably likely to have a Company Material Adverse Effect or prevent,
     materially  delay or  materially  impair  the  ability  of the  Company  to
     consummate the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement  (collectively,
     "Material  Breaches").  The Company  Disclosure Letter sets forth a correct
     and  complete  list of each  Contract  and  License of the  Company and its
     Subsidiaries  pursuant  to which a consent or waiver is  required  prior to
     consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement in order to
     avoid the occurrence of a Material Breach under such Contract or License.

                 (iii)  Neither the Company  nor any of its  Subsidiaries  is in
     breach or default  under any Contract  other than such breaches or defaults
     that, individually or in the aggregate, would not reasonably be expected to
     have a Company Material  Adverse Effect.  No event has occurred (except for
     the execution of this  Agreement)  which either  entitles,  or would,  upon
     notice  or with the  lapse  of time or  both,  entitle  the  holder  of any
     indebtedness of the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  to accelerate,  or
     which does accelerate,  the maturity of any indebtedness  which is material
     to the Company and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole.

                 (e)  Company  Reports;  Financial  Statements.  The Company has
     delivered to Parent each registration statement, report, proxy statement or
     information statement prepared by it since August 4, 1993 (the "IPO Date"),
     each in the form (including  exhibits,  annexes and any amendments thereto)
     filed  with  the   Securities   and   Exchange   Commission   (the   "SEC")
     (collectively,  including  any such reports  filed  subsequent  to the date
     hereof, the "Company  Reports").  As of their respective dates, the Company
     Reports did not, and any Company  Reports filed with the SEC  subsequent to

     the date hereof will not,  contain any untrue  statement of a material fact
     or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary
     to make the statements made therein, in light of the circumstances in which
     they were made, not misleading.  As of their respective  dates, the Company
     Reports complied,  and any Company Reports filed with the SEC subsequent to
     the date hereof will comply,  as to form, in all material respects with the
     requirements of the Securities Act or the Exchange Act, as the case may be.
     Each of the  consolidated  balance sheets  included in or  incorporated  by
     reference  into the  Company  Reports  (including  the  related  notes  and
     schedules)  fairly  presents  the  consolidated  financial  position of the
     Company and its  Subsidiaries  as of its date and each of the  consolidated
     statements  of income and of changes in financial  position  included in or
     incorporated by reference into the Company  Reports  (including any related
     notes and schedules)  fairly  presents the results of operations,  retained
     earnings  and  changes in  financial  position,  as the case may be, of the
     Company and its Subsidiaries for the periods set forth therein (subject, in
     the case of unaudited statements, to normal year-end audit adjustments that
     are not  expected  to be  material  in amount or  effect),  in each case in
     accordance  with  generally   accepted   accounting   principles   ("GAAP")
     consistently  applied during the periods  involved  (except as may be noted
     therein  and  except  for  the  permitted   omission  of  certain  footnote
     disclosures in the unaudited financial statements).

                 (f) Absence of Certain Changes.  (i) Except as disclosed in the
     Company  Reports  prior to the date  hereof,  since  December 31, 1995 (the
     "Audit  Date"),  the  Company and its  Subsidiaries  have  conducted  their
     respective  businesses  only in, and have not  engaged  in any  transaction
     other than  according to, the ordinary and usual course of such  businesses
     and  there  is not  and has  not  been  (A)  any  change  in the  financial
     condition, properties, business or results of operations of the Company and
     its  Subsidiaries;  or (B) any damage,  destruction  or other casualty loss
     with respect to any material asset or property  owned,  leased or otherwise
     used by the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries,  whether or not covered by
     insurance,  with such  exceptions to this paragraph  (f)(i) that would not,
     individually or in the aggregate,  reasonably be expected to have a Company
     Material Adverse Effect.

                 (ii) Except as  disclosed in the Company  Reports  prior to the
     date hereof,  since the Audit Date to the date hereof, there is not and has
     not been (A) any  declaration,  setting aside or payment of any dividend or
     other  distribution  in respect of the capital  stock of the Company  other
     than   quarterly  cash  dividends  on  the  Shares  paid  from  current  or
     accumulated earnings consistent with past practices;  (B) any change by the
     Company in accounting principles,  practices or methods, except as required
     by law or GAAP; or (C) any event or action which,  if it had taken place or
     been taken following the execution of this  Agreement,  would not have been

     permitted  by  Section  6.1 hereof  without  the prior  written  consent of

                 (iii)  From  the  Audit  Date to the  date  hereof,  except  as
     provided  for herein or as disclosed  in the Company  Reports  prior to the
     date  hereof,  there  has not been any  increase  in the cash  compensation
     payable or that could become payable by the Company and its Subsidiaries to
     their executive  officers or the members of the Corporate  Leadership Forum
     or any amendment of any of the Company Plans (as hereinafter defined) other
     than  increases  or  amendments  in the  ordinary  course and  compensation
     arrangements for newly-hired executives.

                 (g) Litigation and Liabilities.  (i) Except as disclosed in the
     Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31,
     1995  (the  "1995  Annual  Report"),   there  are  no  civil,  criminal  or
     administrative   actions,  suits,  claims,   hearings,   investigations  or
     proceedings pending or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened against
     the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries or any other facts or circumstances
     which to the  knowledge of the Company are  reasonably  likely to result in
     any such suits, claims, hearings,  investigations or proceedings other than
     such  suits,   claims,   hearings,   investigations  or  proceedings  that,
     individually or in the aggregate,  would not reasonably be expected to have
     a  Company  Material  Adverse  Effect.  There  are no  judgments,  decrees,
     injunctions, rules or orders of any Governmental Entity outstanding against
     the Company or any of its Subsidiaries other than such judgments,  decrees,
     injunctions,  rules or orders that, individually or in the aggregate, would
     not reasonably be expected to have a Company Material Adverse Effect. There
     are no liabilities or obligations of any kind,  whether accrued,  absolute,
     fixed,  contingent or otherwise,  of the Company and its Subsidiaries  that
     are not  specifically  reflected  or  reserved  against in the most  recent
     consolidated  balance  sheet of the  Company  included  in the 1995  Annual
     Report,   except  such   liabilities  or   obligations   which  would  not,
     individually or in the aggregate,  reasonably be expected to have a Company
     Material Adverse Effect.

                 (ii) Except as set forth in the Company Disclosure Letter or in
     the 1995 Annual Report, neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries has
     any  indebtedness,  obligation or liability of any kind relating to forward
     commodity  contracts,  commodity futures and options,  currency futures and
     options,  stock index futures and options, or interest rate swaps, options,
     caps,  collars  or  floors,  or any  hybrids  of the  foregoing  derivative

     products (collectively,  "Derivatives"),  in each case which is material to
     the Company and its Subsidiaries  taken as a whole. The Company  Disclosure
     Letter sets forth as to each Derivative (A) the applicable notional amount,
     (B) the aggregate credit exposure of the Company or its Subsidiary,  as the
     case may be, (C) the  existence  of any netting  arrangements,  and (D) the

                 (iii) The term  "knowledge"  when used in this  Agreement  with
     respect to the Company shall mean the actual  knowledge of the duly elected
     or  appointed  executive  officers  of the  Company,  and does not  include
     information  of which  they may be  deemed to have  constructive  knowledge

     (h)  Employee  Benefits.  Except to the extent that any breach,  failure or
inaccuracy,  individually or in the aggregate,  would not reasonably be expected
to have a Company Material Adverse Effect:

                 (i) The Company  Disclosure Letter contains a true and complete
     list of each "employee benefit plan" (within the meaning of section 3(3) of
     the Employee  Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA"),
     including,  without  limitation,  multiemployer plans within the meaning of
     ERISA section 3(37)), stock purchase, stock option, severance,  employment,
     change-in-control, fringe benefit, collective bargaining, bonus, incentive,
     deferred  compensation  and all other employee  benefit plans,  agreements,
     programs,  policies or other arrangements,  whether or not subject to ERISA
     (including any funding mechanism  therefor now in effect or required in the
     future as a result of the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement or
     otherwise),  whether formal or informal,  oral or written,  under which the
     Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  has any  present  or future  liability
     other  than  solely as a result of its  status  as an ERISA  Affiliate  (as
     defined below) of a plan sponsor or any  contributing  employer  (provided,
     that,   with  respect  to  plans,   agreements,   programs,   policies  and
     arrangements  maintained  outside the United States, the Company Disclosure
     Letter contains a true and complete list of each plan, agreement,  program,
     policy and arrangement). All such plans, agreements, programs, policies and
     arrangements shall be collectively referred to as the "Company Plans".

                 (ii)  With  respect  to each  Company  Plan,  the  Company  has
     delivered or made available to Parent a current, accurate and complete copy
     (or, to the extent no such copy exists,  an accurate  description)  thereof
     and, to the extent  applicable:  (A) any related  trust  agreement or other

     funding  instrument;   (B)  the  most  recent   determination   letter,  if
     applicable;   (C)  any  summary   plan   description   and  other   written
     communications (or a description of any oral communications) by the Company
     or any of its Subsidiaries to their employees  concerning the extent of the
     benefits  provided  under a Company Plan; and (D) for the three most recent
     years (I) the Form 5500 and  attached  schedules,  (II)  audited  financial
     statements,  (III) actuarial valuation reports and (IV) attorney's response
     to an auditor's request for information.

                 (iii) All Company Plans are in substantial  compliance with all
     applicable  laws,  including the Code and ERISA. The Company has received a
     favorable  determination  letter from the  Internal  Revenue  Service  with
     respect to the  qualified  status of each Company Plan that is an "employee
     pension  benefit  plan"  within the  meaning  of  Section  3(2) of ERISA (a
     "Pension  Plan") and that is intended to be qualified  under Section 401(a)
     of the Code and the plan is so qualified and, nothing has occurred, whether
     by action or failure to act, that would be reasonably expected to cause the
     loss of such qualification.  There is no pending or threatened action, suit
     or claim  relating  to the  Company  Plans  and,  to the  knowledge  of the
     Company,  no facts exist which could give rise to any such action,  suit or
     claim.   Neither  the  Company  nor  any  Subsidiary  has  engaged  in  any
     transactions  with  respect to any Company  Plan that could  reasonably  be
     expected  to subject  the  Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  to a tax or
     penalty imposed by Section 4975 of the Code.

                 (iv) As of the date  hereof,  no  liability  under  Title IV of
     ERISA  has  been  or is  expected  to be  incurred  by the  Company  or any
     Subsidiary   with   respect   to  any   ongoing,   frozen   or   terminated
     "single-employer plan", within the meaning of Section 4001(a)(15) of ERISA,
     currently or formerly  maintained  by any of them,  or the  single-employer
     plan of any entity which is considered  one employer with the Company under
     Section  4001 of ERISA or Section  414 of the Code (an  "ERISA  Affiliate")
     other  than  the  payment  of  premiums  to the  Pension  Benefit  Guaranty
     Corporation.  None of the Company,  its Subsidiaries or any ERISA Affiliate
     have contributed,  or been obligated to contribute, to a multiemployer plan
     under  Subtitle  E of Title IV of ERISA  at any time  during  the  six-year
     period prior to the date hereof.

                 (v) (A) No event has  occurred  and no  condition  exists  that
     would be reasonably  likely to subject the Company or its  Subsidiaries  to
     any  tax,  fine,  lien or  penalty  imposed  by  ERISA,  the  Code or other

     applicable  laws, rules and regulations with respect to a Company Plan; and
     (B) for each Company Plan with respect to which a Form 5500 has been filed,
     no material  change has occurred with respect to the matters covered by the
     most recent Form 5500 since the date thereof.

                 (vi) All  contributions  required  to be made by the Company or
     any of its  Subsidiaries  under  the  terms of any  Company  Plan have been
     timely made or have been reflected on the most recent consolidated  balance
     sheet filed or  incorporated  by reference in the Company  Reports prior to
     the date hereof.  Neither any Company Plan nor any single-employer  plan of
     an ERISA Affiliate has had an "accumulated  funding deficiency" (whether or
     not waived) within the meaning of Section 412 of the Code or Section 302 of
     ERISA.  Neither  the  Company  nor its  Subsidiaries  has  provided,  or is
     required to provide, security to any Pension Plan or to any single-employer
     plan of an ERISA Affiliate pursuant to Section 401(a)(29) of the Code.

                 (vii)  With  respect to each  single-employer  plan of an ERISA
     Affiliate,  as of the last day of the most  recent plan year ended prior to
     the date hereof,  the actuarially  determined present value of all "benefit
     liabilities"  within  the  meaning  of  Section  4001(a)(16)  of ERISA  (as
     determined  on the basis of the  actuarial  assumptions  contained  in such
     actuarial valuation) did not exceed the then current value of the assets of
     any such  single-employer  plan.  Neither the Company nor its  Subsidiaries
     maintain or contribute to a Company Plan subject to Title IV of ERISA.

                 (viii)  Neither  the  Company  nor its  Subsidiaries  have  any
     obligations for retiree health and life benefits under any Company Plan.

                 (ix) The consummation of the Merger and the other  transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement will not (x) entitle any of the Company's or
     any of its  Subsidiaries'  employees to severance pay or (y)  accelerate or
     provide any other rights or credits  under,  or increase the amount payable
     or trigger any other obligation pursuant to, any of the Company Plans.

                 (i) Compliance with Laws; Licenses.  (i) Except as set forth in
     the Company Reports prior to the date hereof, the businesses of each of the
     Company and its Subsidiaries have not been, and are not being, conducted in
     violation  of any law,  ordinance,  regulation,  judgment,  order,  decree,
     arbitration   award,   license  or  permit  of  any   Governmental   Entity
     (collectively,  "Laws"),  except  for  possible  violations  that  are not,
     individually  or in the  aggregate,  reasonably  likely  to have a  Company

     Material  Adverse  Effect or prevent  or  materially  burden or  materially
     impair  the  ability  of  the  Company  to  consummate   the   transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement.  Except as set forth in the Company Reports
     prior to the date hereof,  no  investigation  or review by any Governmental
     Entity with  respect to the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  is pending
     or, to the knowledge of the Company,  threatened,  nor has any Governmental
     Entity  indicated to the Company an  intention to conduct the same,  except
     for those the outcome of which are not,  individually  or in the aggregate,
     reasonably  likely to have a Company  Material Adverse Effect or prevent or
     materially  burden or  materially  impair  the  ability  of the  Company to
     consummate  the  transactions   contemplated  by  this  Agreement.  To  the
     knowledge of the Company,  no material  change is required in the Company's
     or any of its Material Subsidiaries' processes, properties or procedures in
     connection  with any such Laws,  and  neither  the  Company  nor any of its
     Material  Subsidiaries  has  received  any notice or  communication  of any
     material  noncompliance  with any such Laws that has not been  cured in all
     material respects.

                 (ii) The Company and its  Subsidiaries  hold all Licenses from,
     and have  made all  filings,  applications  and  registrations  with,  each
     Governmental  Entity and other persons necessary for the operation of their
     respective businesses as presently conducted,  except in each case for such
     Licenses, filings, applications and registrations,  the failure of which to
     hold or make,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  would not reasonably be
     expected to have a Company Material  Adverse Effect;  all such Licenses are
     in full force and effect, except for such Licenses, the failure of which to
     be in full force and effect,  individually  or in the aggregate,  would not
     reasonably  be expected to have a Company  Material  Adverse  Effect and no
     proceedings are pending or, to the knowledge of the Company,  threatened by
     any Governmental  Entity or other person for the suspension,  revocation or
     termination of any such License, except for such suspensions,  revocations,
     and  terminations  that,  individually  or  in  the  aggregate,  would  not
     reasonably be expected to have a Company Material  Adverse Effect.  Neither
     the Company nor any of its  Subsidiaries is in default in any respect under
     any such License,  except for such defaults  that,  individually  or in the
     aggregate,  would not  reasonably  be expected  to have a Company  Material
     Adverse  Effect,  and,  except for statutory or regulatory  restrictions of
     general  application  and  except  as set forth in the  Company  Disclosure
     Letter,  no Governmental  Entity has placed any restriction on the business
     or  properties of the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries,  except for such

     restrictions that,  individually or in the aggregate,  would not reasonably
     be expected to have a Company Material Adverse Effect.

                 (j) Receivables. As used herein, "Receivables" means all loans,
     equipment  leases,  sale  contracts,  credit  or  financing  agreements  or
     arrangements,  portfolio servicing agreements,  account receivable invoices
     and other  obligations or rights to payments owned by the Company or any of
     its  Subsidiaries.  All of the  Receivables,  together with any instruments
     securing the same,  (i) were made for valuable  consideration,  (ii) to the
     knowledge of the Company,  constitute valid  obligations in all respects of
     the persons shown as indebted  thereon by the records of the Company or its
     Subsidiaries and (iii) are legally enforceable in all respects according to
     their  terms  (except as  affected by  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  fraudulent
     conveyance,  reorganization,  moratorium and other similar laws relating to
     or affecting  creditors' rights  generally),  except in the case of clauses
     (i), (ii) and (iii) for such  Receivables,  the failure of which to satisfy
     the requirements of such clauses,  individually or in the aggregate,  would
     not reasonably be expected to have a Company Material  Adverse Effect.  All
     of the  Receivables,  together with any instruments  securing the same, (i)
     set forth on Attachment 5.1(j) of the Company  Disclosure Letter hereto are
     freely  assignable by the Company or the Subsidiary  party thereto and (ii)
     are not subject to any valid rights of offset or similar claims,  except in
     the case of clauses (i) and (ii) for such Receivables, the failure of which
     to  satisfy  the  requirements  of  such  clauses,  individually  or in the
     aggregate,  would not  reasonably  be expected  to have a Company  Material
     Adverse  Effect.  The  amounts  shown on the records of the Company and its
     Subsidiaries to be owing and unpaid on the respective  Receivables reflect,
     in all respects material to the Company,  the true and correct  outstanding
     balances  owing and unpaid  thereon as of the  respective  dates  indicated

                 (k) Material Contracts. None of the Company or its Subsidiaries
     has entered into or is otherwise  bound by (i) any Contract  which contains
     restrictions   with   respect  to  payment  of   dividends   or  any  other
     distributions in respect of its capital stock, (ii) any material  guarantee
     or other contingent  liability in respect of any indebtedness or obligation
     of any person (other than (A) the endorsement of negotiable instruments for
     collection in the ordinary course of business,  (B) guarantees of letter of
     credit reimbursement  obligations,  purchase orders and similar obligations
     issued for the benefit of customers in the ordinary  course of business and

     (C)  guarantees  of  indebtedness  of or  performance  by any wholly  owned
     Subsidiary  of the  Company),  (iii) any  management  service or consulting
     contract not  terminable  on less than 90 days' notice which is  reasonably
     expected  to involve the payment by the Company in any year of an amount in
     excess of $500,000,  (iv) any Contract which would limit or restrict in any
     manner  the right or ability of the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  after the
     Closing  Date to engage in any line of  business,  or to  compete  with any
     persons,  or (v) any Contract  not entered  into in the ordinary  course of
     business which is reasonably expected to involve the payment by the Company
     of $2,500,000  or more in any year and is not  cancelable  without  penalty
     within 90 days. Each Contract set forth in the Company Disclosure Letter in
     reference  to this  Section  5.1(k) is in full  force and  effect and there
     exist no defaults or events of default or event,  occurrence,  condition or
     act on the part of the Company or, to the  Company's  knowledge,  any other
     party to such Contracts  (including the  consummation  of the  transactions
     contemplated hereby) which, with the giving of notice or the lapse of time,
     would  reasonably  be  expected  to result in a  Company  Material  Adverse

                 (l) Takeover Statutes. No "fair price," "moratorium,"  "control
     share  acquisition"  or other similar  anti-takeover  statute or regulation
     (each a "Takeover  Statute") or any applicable  anti-takeover  provision in
     the  Company's  certificate  of  incorporation  or  By-Laws  is,  or at the
     Effective Time will be, applicable to the Company,  the Shares,  the Merger
     or the other transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                 (m) Environmental  Matters.  Except as disclosed in the Company
     Reports  prior  to the date  hereof  and  except  for  such  matters  that,
     individually or in the aggregate,  would not reasonably be expected to have
     a Company  Material  Adverse Effect,  (i) to the Company's  knowledge,  the
     Company  and  its  Subsidiaries  are  in  compliance  with  all  applicable
     Environmental Laws; (ii) to the Company's  knowledge,  all properties owned
     or operated by the Company or its Subsidiaries  (the  "Properties") are not
     contaminated  with any Hazardous  Substance in violation of any  applicable
     Environmental  Law and have not been  operated  as a sanitary  landfill  or
     hazardous  waste  disposal  site;  (iii) neither the Company nor any of its
     Subsidiaries  has  received  any  notices,  demand  letters or requests for
     information from any Governmental Entity or any third party indicating that
     the Company may be in  violation of any  Environmental  Law and none of the
     Company,  its  Subsidiaries  or any of their  Properties are subject to any
     court order, administrative order or decree arising under any Environmental

     Law and (iv) to the Company's  knowledge,  no Hazardous  Substance has been
     disposed  of,  transferred,   released  or  transported  from  any  of  the
     Properties  during  the time such  Property  was owned or  operated  by the
     Company or one of its Subsidiaries other than as permitted under applicable
     Environmental Law.

                 As used in this Agreement,  the term  "Environmental Law" means
     (i) any federal,  state,  foreign or local law, statute,  ordinance,  rule,
     regulation,  code, license, permit, order, judgment,  decree, injunction or
     agreement  with any  governmental  entity (A)  relating to the  protection,
     preservation  or  restoration  of the  environment,  (including  air, water
     vapor,  surface water,  groundwater,  drinking water supply,  surface land,
     subsurface land, plant and animal life or any other natural  resource),  or
     (B) the use, storage,  recycling,  treatment,  generation,  transportation,
     processing,   handling,  labeling,   production,  release  or  disposal  of
     Hazardous Substances, in each case as amended and as now in effect and (ii)
     the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability
     Act of 1980, the Superfund  Amendments and Reauthorization Act, the Federal
     Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, the federal Clean Air Act, the federal
     Clean Water Act, the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976
     (including the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments  thereto),  the federal
     Solid Waste Disposal and the federal Toxic  Substances  Control Act and the
     Federal Insecticide,  Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, each as amended and as
     now in effect.

                 As used in this Agreement, the term "Hazardous Substance" means
     any  substance  presently  listed,  defined,  designated  or  classified as
     hazardous,  toxic,  radioactive or dangerous,  under any Environmental Law,
     including any toxic waste, hazardous substance, toxic substance,  hazardous
     waste, petroleum radioactive material, friable asbestos and polychlorinated

                 (n)     Taxes.

                 (i)  Except  to  the  extent  that  any   breach,   failure  or
     inaccuracy,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  would not  reasonably  be
     expected to have a Company  Material  Adverse  Effect:  (A) all Tax Returns
     that are required to be filed by or with respect to the Company and each of
     its Subsidiaries have been duly filed and all such Tax Returns are complete
     and accurate;

                         (B)  all  Taxes  shown  to be due on  the  Tax  Returns
     referred to in clause (A) have been paid in full;

                         (C) those of the Tax Returns  referred to in clause (A)
     that are currently under examination by the Internal Revenue Service or the
     appropriate  state,  local or foreign Taxing authority are set forth in the
     Company Disclosure Letter;

                         (D)  all   assessments   made  as  a   result   of  the
     examinations referred to in clause (C) have been paid in full; and

                         (E) no  waivers of  statutes  of  limitation  have been
     given by or requested with respect to any Tax Returns of the Company or any
     of its  Subsidiaries  other than those set forth in the Company  Disclosure

                 (ii) As used in this Agreement,  (A) the term "Tax" (including,
     with correlative  meaning,  the terms "Taxes",  and "Taxable") includes all
     federal,  state,  local  and  foreign  income,  profits,  franchise,  gross
     receipts,  environmental,  customs duty, capital stock, severances,  stamp,
     payroll,  sales,  employment,  unemployment,   disability,  use,  property,
     withholding,  excise,  production,  value added, occupancy and other taxes,
     duties or assessments of any nature whatsoever, together with all interest,
     penalties  and  additions  imposed  with  respect to such  amounts  and any
     interest in respect of such penalties and additions,  and (B) the term "Tax
     Return"   includes   all   returns  and   reports   (including   elections,
     declarations,  disclosures,  schedules,  estimates and information returns)
     required to be supplied to a Tax authority relating to Taxes.

                 (o) Labor  Matters.  (i)  Neither  the  Company  nor any of its
     Subsidiaries is a party to or otherwise bound by any collective  bargaining
     agreement,  contract or other agreement or understanding with a labor union
     or labor  organization  relating to employees  of the  Company,  nor is the
     Company or any of its Subsidiaries the subject of any proceeding  asserting
     that the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  has committed an unfair labor
     practice  or is  seeking to compel it to  bargain  with any labor  union or
     labor  organization  nor is  there,  nor has  there  been for the past five
     years,  any labor strike,  dispute,  walkout,  work stoppage,  slow-down or
     lockout involving the Company or any of its Subsidiaries pending or, to the
     knowledge  of the  Company,  threatened,  except in each  case  with  those
     exceptions that would not, individually or in the aggregate,  reasonably be
     expected  to have a Company  Material  Adverse  Effect.  There have been no
     material work  stoppages or other such  controversies  during the past five
     years  from  the date  hereof.  The  Company  and its  Subsidiaries  are in
     compliance  in all respects  with all federal,  state and other  applicable

     laws, domestic or foreign,  respecting employment and employment practices,
     terms and  conditions of employment  and wages and hours,  and have not and
     are not  engaged in any  unfair  labor  practice,  except in each case with
     those  exceptions  that  would  not,  individually  or  in  the  aggregate,
     reasonably be expected to have a Company Material Adverse Effect.

                 (ii) The Company has made available to Parent  schedules (as of
     December 31, 1995) which are accurate and complete in all material respects
     setting  forth all persons  employed  by the  Company and its  Subsidiaries
     whose total 1995 cash compensation (including,  without limitation, salary,
     bonus, and any commission or incentive compensation) exceeded $150,000.

     (p) Intellectual  Property.  (i) The Company Disclosure Letter lists, as of
the date of this Agreement:  (A) all material  foreign and domestic  patents and
patent applications which are owned by the Company and its Subsidiaries; and (B)
all  material   foreign  and   domestic   copyright   registrations,   trademark
registrations,  trademark registration applications, service mark registrations,
service mark  registration  applications  and trade names which are owned by the
Company  and its  Subsidiaries  (collectively,  the  "Company IP  Rights").  The
Company  Disclosure  Letter also lists: (1) all material  license  agreements of
foreign or domestic patent,  trademark or service mark rights entered into by or
primarily  for use by the Company  and its  Subsidiaries;  and (2) all  material
computer programs, databases and other computer software utilized by the Company
and its Subsidiaries as of the Closing Date (collectively,  the "Company License
and Computer Rights").

                 (ii) Except as disclosed in the Company  Reports filed with the
     SEC prior to the date hereof,  the Company owns, or is licensed to use, all
     of the Company IP Rights and the Company License and Computer Rights,  with
     such exceptions and would not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably
     be expected to have a Company Material Adverse Effect.

                 (iii)  Unless  otherwise  indicated  in the Company  Disclosure
     Letter:  (A) there are no existing  or, to the  knowledge  of the  Company,
     threatened  claims by any third party  based on the use by, or  challenging
     the ownership of, the Company or its  Subsidiaries of any Company IP Rights
     or any Company  License and Computer  Rights;  (B) to the  knowledge of the
     Company, (I) none of the products, apparatus, methods or services which the
     Company  or  any of its  Subsidiaries  makes,  offers,  sells  or  provides

     infringes  upon the  intellectual  property  of others and (II) none of the
     intellectual property of the Company or its Subsidiaries is being infringed
     by  others;  (C) each item of Company IP Rights  and  Company  License  and
     Computer  Rights has been duly registered  with,  filed in or issued by the
     appropriate domestic or foreign governmental agency, to the extent required
     to protect such property,  and each such registration,  filing and issuance
     remains  in  full  force  and  effect;  (D)  none  of  the  Company  or its
     Subsidiaries  has  received  any oral or written  claim or demand  from any
     person  pertaining  to or  challenging  the  right  of the  Company  or its
     Subsidiaries  to use any Company IP Rights or Company  License and Computer
     Rights,  and no proceedings  have been  instituted,  are pending or, to the
     knowledge of the Company,  are threatened which challenge such rights;  and
     (E) no  litigation or claim is pending or, to the knowledge of the Company,
     threatened  wherein  the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  is accused of
     infringing  or  otherwise  violating  the  intellectual  property  right of
     another, or of breaching a contract conveying rights regarding intellectual
     property,  except in the case of each of clause (A),  (B), (C), (D) and (E)
     for such  exceptions  that would  not,  individually  or in the  aggregate,
     reasonably be expected to have a Company  Material  Adverse Effect.  Within
     the six year period immediately prior to the date of this Agreement, to the
     knowledge of the Company, neither the Company nor its Subsidiaries made use
     of any intellectual  property material to the operation of their respective
     businesses  at the  Closing  Date other than  rights  under the  Company IP
     Rights and the Company License and Computer Rights,  except as set forth in
     the  Company   Disclosure  Letter  and  except  such  uses  as  would  not,
     individually or in the aggregate,  reasonably be expected to have a Company
     Material Adverse Effect.

                 (q)  Insurance.  True  and  complete  copies  of  all  material
     insurance policies maintained by the Company and its Subsidiaries, together
     with  written  descriptions  of  all  formal  self-insurance  policies  and
     programs  maintained  for  the  benefit  of  the  Company  or  any  of  its
     Subsidiaries by the Company,  AT&T or any of their  respective  Affiliates,
     have been made available to Parent. Such material policies provide coverage
     for the  operations  of the  Company  and its  Subsidiaries  in amounts and
     covering  such risks as the Company  believes is  necessary  to conduct its
     business.  Neither  the Company nor any of its  Subsidiaries  has  received
     formal notice that any such material policy is invalid or unenforceable.

                 (r) AT&T  Agreements;  Transactions  with  Affiliates.  (i) The
     Company  Disclosure  Letter sets forth a list of each Contract  between the

     Company or any of its Subsidiaries, on the one hand, and AT&T or any of its
     Subsidiaries  (other than the Company and its  Subsidiaries),  on the other
     hand,  which (A) involves annual payments in excess of $250,000,  (B) would
     limit or  restrict in any manner the right or ability of the Company or any
     Subsidiary  after the Closing  Date to engage in any line of  business,  to
     conduct  business  with any person or to compete with any person,  or would
     restrict  the ability of the Company or such  Subsidiary  after the Closing
     Date to acquire any property or conduct  business in any territory,  or (C)
     has a term in excess of two years and which is not otherwise  terminable by
     the Company with less than three months'  notice,  and which, in each case,
     will be in effect as of and  immediately  following the Effective Time (the
     "AT&T  Agreements").  Except  as  set  forth  in  Section  6.13  or in  the
     Transitional  Services  Agreement  (as  hereinafter  defined),   each  AT&T
     Agreement will be in full force and effect at and immediately following the
     Effective Time (as and to the extent provided  therein) and will be a valid
     and binding agreement of the parties thereto  enforceable against each such
     party in accordance  with its terms,  subject to the  Bankruptcy and Equity
     Exceptions.  The Company has made  available  to Parent a true and complete
     copy of each AT&T Agreement in the form that such AT&T Agreement will be in
     effect at the Effective Time.

                 (ii) Except as set forth in the Company  Disclosure  Letter, to
     the knowledge of the Company,  no officer or director of the Company or any
     of its  Subsidiaries is a party to any transaction  with the Company or any
     of its  Subsidiaries  (A)  providing  for the  rental  of real or  personal
     property  from,  or (B)  otherwise  requiring  payments  to (other than for
     services in their capacities as officers,  directors or employees) any such
     person or any corporation,  partnership, trust or other entity in which any
     such person has an interest as a  stockholder  (other than holdings of less
     than 1% of the shares of such corporation),  officer,  director, trustee or
     partner (other than holdings of less than 1% of the  partnership  interests
     in such partnership).

                 (s)  Brokers  and  Finders.  Neither the Company nor any of its
     Subsidiaries nor any of their respective  officers,  directors or employees
     has  employed  any  broker or  finder or  incurred  any  liability  for any
     brokerage  fees,  commissions or finders fees in connection with the Merger
     or the other  transactions  contemplated in this Agreement  except that the
     Company has employed  Goldman,  Sachs & Co. to act as the financial advisor
     to the Company's Board of Directors, the arrangements with which (including

     a copy of each engagement letter in respect thereof) have been disclosed to
     Parent prior to the date hereof.

                 5.2.  Representations  and  Warranties  of  AT&T.  AT&T  hereby
     represents and warrants to Parent and Merger Sub that,  except as expressly
     set forth in the disclosure  letter delivered to Parent by AT&T on or prior
     to entering into this Agreement (the "AT&T Disclosure Letter"):

                 (a) Organization,  Good Standing and  Qualification.  AT&T is a
     corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the
     laws of New York.  AT&T has made available to Parent a complete and correct
     copy of its certificate of  incorporation  and by-laws,  each as amended to
     date. The certificate of incorporation and by-laws so delivered are in full
     force and effect.

                 (b)  Share   Ownership.   AT&T  or  Subsidiaries  of  AT&T  own
     beneficially and of record  40,250,000  Shares,  free and clear of any lien
     and subject to no restriction with respect to the voting thereof (except as
     contemplated by this Agreement and the Intercompany  Agreement,  dated June
     25, 1993 between AT&T and the Company (the "Intercompany Agreement")). Such
     Subsidiaries  of AT&T, as the majority  stockholders  of the Company,  have
     approved, by delivering the written  Stockholders'  Consent, this Agreement
     and such  Stockholders'  Consent  remains in full force and effect  with no
     alterations or amendments thereto.

                 (c) Corporate  Authority;  Approval and Fairness.  AT&T has all
     requisite  corporate power and authority and has taken all corporate action
     necessary in order to execute,  deliver and perform its  obligations  under
     this Agreement and to cause the relevant AT&T  Subsidiaries  to deliver the
     Stockholders'  Consent approving this Agreement.  This Agreement is a valid
     and binding  agreement of AT&T enforceable  against AT&T in accordance with
     its terms, subject to the Bankruptcy and Equity Exception.

                 (d)  Governmental  Filings;  No Violations.  (i) Other than the
     filings  and/or  notices (A) under the HSR Act and the Exchange Act and (B)
     set forth in the AT&T  Disclosure  Letter,  no  notices,  reports  or other
     filings  are  required  to be  made  by AT&T  with,  nor are any  consents,
     registrations, approvals, permits or authorizations required to be obtained
     by AT&T from, any Governmental  Entity in connection with the execution and
     delivery of this  Agreement  by AT&T,  the  delivery  of the  Stockholders'
     Consent by the  relevant  AT&T  Subsidiaries  and the  consummation  by the
     Company  of the  Merger  and the other  transactions  contemplated  hereby,
     except  those  as  to  which  the  failure  to  make  or  obtain  are  not,

     individually  or in the  aggregate,  reasonably  likely  to have a  Company
     Material Adverse Effect or prevent,  materially delay or materially  impair
     the  ability  of  the  Company  or  AT&T  to  consummate  the  transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement.

                 (ii) The execution,  delivery and performance of this Agreement
     by AT&T and the delivery of the Stockholders'  Consent by the relevant AT&T
     Subsidiaries do not, and the  consummation by the Company of the Merger and
     the other transactions  contemplated  hereby will not, constitute or result
     in (A) a breach or violation of, or a default  under,  the  certificate  of
     incorporation  or  by-laws  of AT&T,  (B) a breach  or  violation  of, or a
     default under,  the  acceleration  of any  obligations or the creation of a
     Lien on the  assets  of AT&T or any of its  Subsidiaries,  other  than  the
     Company  and its  Subsidiaries  (with or without  notice,  lapse of time or
     both),  pursuant to, or give rise to a right of termination or cancellation
     under,  any provision of any  Contracts of AT&T or any of its  Subsidiaries
     (other than the Company and its Subsidiaries) or any Law or governmental or
     non-governmental permit or license to which AT&T or any of its Subsidiaries
     (other than the Company and its  Subsidiaries) is subject or (C) any change
     in the  rights or  obligations  of any party  under any of such  Contracts,
     except, in the case of clause (B) or (C) above, for any breach,  violation,
     default,  acceleration,  creation or change  that,  individually  or in the
     aggregate,  would not  reasonably  be expected  to have a Company  Material
     Adverse  Effect or  prevent,  materially  delay or  materially  impair  the
     ability of the Company or AT&T to consummate the transactions  contemplated
     by this Agreement.  The AT&T Disclosure  Letter sets forth to the knowledge
     of  AT&T,  a  correct  and  complete  list of  Contracts  of  AT&T  and its
     Subsidiaries  (other  than the Company  and its  Subsidiaries)  pursuant to
     which consents or waivers are or may be required prior to  consummation  of
     the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                 (iii) The term  "knowledge"  when used in this  Agreement  with
     respect  to AT&T shall mean the  actual  knowledge  of the duly  elected or
     appointed  executive officers of AT&T, and does not include  information of
     which they may be deemed to have constructive knowledge only.

                 (e) AT&T Agreements. The Company Disclosure Letter sets forth a
     list of each AT&T Agreement.  Except as set forth in Section 6.13 or in the
     Transitional Services Agreement,  each AT&T Agreement will be in full force
     and effect at the Effective  Time (as and to the extent  provided  therein)
     and  will  be  a  valid  and  binding  agreement  of  the  parties  thereto

     enforceable  against each such party in accordance with its terms,  subject
     to the Bankruptcy and Equity Exceptions.

                 (f)  Brokers  and   Finders.   Neither  AT&T  nor  any  of  its
     Subsidiaries (other than the Company or any of its Subsidiaries) nor any of
     their respective  officers,  directors or employees has employed any broker
     or finder or incurred any liability for any brokerage fees,  commissions or
     finders fees in connection  with the Merger or this  Agreement  except that
     AT&T has employed Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated to act as its financial
     advisor generally in connection with its restructuring,  whose fees will be
     paid by AT&T.

     (g) Employee  Benefits.  The  consummation of the Merger will not result in
any payment  which  would  reasonably  be  expected  to be an "excess  parachute
payment" under Section 280G of the Code.

                 5.3.  Representations  and Warranties of Parent and Merger Sub.
     Parent and Merger Sub each hereby  represents  and  warrants to the Company
     that, except as set forth in the disclosure letter delivered to the Company
     by  Parent  on or  prior to  entering  into  this  Agreement  (the  "Parent
     Disclosure Letter"):

                 (a)  Organization,  Good  Standing and  Qualification.  Each of
     Parent and Merger Sub is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and
     in good standing under the laws of its jurisdiction of organization and has
     all  requisite  corporate or similar power and authority to own and operate
     its  properties  and  assets  and to carry  on its  business  as  presently
     conducted  and is  qualified  to do business  and is in good  standing as a
     foreign  corporation in each jurisdiction  where the ownership or operation
     of its properties or conduct of its business  requires such  qualification,
     except where the failure to be so qualified or in such good standing,  when
     taken  together  with all other  such  failures,  would not  reasonably  be
     expected to have a Parent Material Adverse Effect (as defined below).

                 The term  "Parent  Material  Adverse  Effect"  means a material
     adverse  effect on the  ability of Parent or Merger Sub to  consummate  the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                 (b)     Corporate Authority; Board and Stockholder

                 (i) No vote  of  holders  of  capital  stock  or  other  voting
     securities of Parent is necessary to approve this  Agreement and the Merger
     and the other transactions contemplated hereby (other than those which have
     been received prior to the date hereof). The Parent and Merger Sub each has
     all  requisite  corporate  power  and  authority  and  each has  taken  all
     corporate  action  necessary  in order to execute,  deliver and perform its
     obligations under this Agreement and to consummate the Merger and the other
     transactions  contemplated by this Agreement. This Agreement is a valid and
     binding  agreement  of Parent and Merger Sub,  enforceable  against each of
     Parent  and  Merger  Sub in  accordance  with  its  terms,  subject  to the
     Bankruptcy and Equity Exception.

                 (ii) The  respective  boards of  directors of Parent and Merger
     Sub,  and  Parent as sole  stockholder  of  Merger  Sub,  have  unanimously
     approved the Merger and this Agreement and the  consummation  of the Merger
     and the other transactions contemplated hereby.

                 (c)  Governmental  Filings;  No Violations.  (i) Other than the
     filings  and/or  notices (A) pursuant to Section 1.3, (B) under the HSR Act
     and the  Exchange  Act,  (C)  required to be made with the NYSE and (D) set
     forth in the Parent Disclosure Letter, no notices, reports or other filings
     are  required  to be made by  Parent  or  Merger  Sub or  their  respective
     Affiliates with, nor are any consents, registrations, approvals, permits or
     authorizations  required  to be  obtained  by Parent or Merger Sub or their
     respective Affiliates from, any Governmental Entity, in connection with the
     execution  and delivery of this  Agreement by Parent and Merger Sub and the
     consummation  by  Parent  and  Merger  Sub  of the  Merger  and  the  other
     transactions  contemplated hereby,  except those as to which the failure to
     make or obtain are not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably likely
     to have a Parent Material Adverse Effect.

                 (ii) The execution,  delivery and performance of this Agreement
     by Parent and Merger Sub do not, and the  consummation by Parent and Merger
     Sub of the Merger and the other transactions  contemplated hereby will not,
     constitute or result in (A) a breach or violation  of, or a default  under,
     the certificate of  incorporation or by-laws of Parent or Merger Sub or the
     comparable  governing  instruments of any of Parent's  Subsidiaries,  (B) a
     breach or violation  of, or a default  under,  the  acceleration  of or the
     creation  of a Lien on the assets of Parent,  Merger Sub or any of Parent's

     Subsidiaries  (with or without notice,  lapse of time or both) pursuant to,
     any provision of any Contracts of Parent or any of its  Subsidiaries or any
     Law to which Parent,  Merger Sub or any of Parent's Subsidiaries is subject
     or (C) any change in the rights or  obligations  of any party  under any of
     the Contracts,  except, in the case of clause (B) or (C) above, for breach,
     violation, default, acceleration,  creation or change that, individually or
     in the  aggregate,  is not  reasonably  likely  to have a  Parent  Material
     Adverse Effect.  The Parent  Disclosure Letter sets forth, to the knowledge
     of Parent,  a correct and  complete  list of Contracts of Parent and Merger
     Sub and their respective Subsidiaries pursuant to which consents or waivers
     are  or  may  be  required  prior  to  consummation  of  the   transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement.

                 (iii) The term  "knowledge"  when used in this  Agreement  with
     respect to Parent  shall mean the actual  knowledge  of the duly elected or
     appointed executive officers of Parent, and does not include information of
     which they may be deemed to have constructive knowledge only.

     (d)  Available  Funds.  Parent has or will have  available  to it all funds
necessary to satisfy all of its obligations hereunder and in connection with the
Merger and the other transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                 (e)  Brokers  and  Finders.  Neither  Parent  nor  any  of  its
     Subsidiaries nor any of their respective  officers,  directors or employees
     has  employed  any  broker or  finder or  incurred  any  liability  for any
     brokerage  fees,  commissions or finders fees in connection with the Merger
     or the other  transactions  contemplated in this Agreement,  except for any
     fees and expenses which are or may be payable by the Surviving  Corporation
     to  Nomura  International  plc  or  its  Affiliates  on  or  following  the
     consummation of the Merger.

                 (f) No Prior Activities.  Except for obligations or liabilities
     incurred,  and business and  activities  arising,  in  connection  with its
     incorporation  or organization or the negotiation and  consummation of this
     Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby, including the financing
     referred  to in Section  6.1(x),  each of Parent and Merger Sub has neither
     incurred  any  obligations  or  liabilities  nor engaged in any business or
     activities of any type or kind whatsoever or entered into any agreements or
     arrangements with any person or entity.

                         ARTICLE VI


     6.1. Interim Operations.  (a) The Company covenants and agrees as to itself
and its Subsidiaries that, after the date hereof and prior to the Effective Time
(unless  Parent  shall  otherwise  approve in writing,  and except as  otherwise
expressly  contemplated  by this  Agreement or Attachment  6.1(a) to the Company
Disclosure Letter):

                 (i) the business of it and its Subsidiaries  shall be conducted
     in the ordinary and usual course and, to the extent  consistent  therewith,
     it and its  Subsidiaries  shall use all reasonable  efforts to preserve its
     business  organization  intact and  maintain  its  existing  relations  and
     goodwill  with  customers,  suppliers,  distributors,  creditors,  lessors,
     employees and business associates;

     (ii) it shall not (A) sell or pledge any  capital  stock owned by it in any
of its Subsidiaries (other than pursuant to a merger of two or more wholly owned
Subsid-iaries);  (B) amend its  certificate  of  incorporation  or by-laws;  (C)
split,  combine or  reclassify,  or issue or authorize the issuance of any other
securities  in respect of, in lieu of or in  substitution  for, its  outstanding
shares of capital  stock;  (D)  declare,  set aside or pay any dividend or other
distribution payable in cash, stock or property in respect of any capital stock,
other than regular  quarterly cash dividends not in excess of $.11 per Share; or
(E) repurchase,  redeem or otherwise acquire,  or permit any of its Subsidiaries
to  purchase  or  otherwise  acquire,  any  shares of its  capital  stock or any
securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for any shares of its
capital stock;

                 (iii) neither it nor any of its  Subsidiaries  shall (A) issue,
     sell, pledge, dispose of or encumber, or authorize or propose the issuance,
     sale,  pledge,  disposition or encumbrance of, any shares of, or securities
     convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for, or options,  warrants,
     calls,  commitments  or rights of any kind to  acquire,  any  shares of its
     capital  stock of any class or any other  property  or assets  (other  than
     Shares  issuable  pursuant  to  Company  Options  outstanding  on the  date
     hereof);  or (B) other than (x)  pursuant to a merger of two or more wholly
     owned Subsidiaries,  (y) in the ordinary and usual course of business in an
     amount not in excess of $10,000,000 in any transaction or series of related
     transactions,  or (z) in the  ordinary  and  usual  course of  business  in
     connection  with lease  renewals or sales of leased  property to the lessee

     thereof,  transfer,  lease, license,  guarantee,  sell, mortgage, pledge or
     dispose of any other property or assets (including  capital stock of any of
     its  Subsidiaries)  or encumber any property or assets  (including  capital
     stock of any of its  Subsidiaries)  or (C) other than in the  ordinary  and
     usual course of  business,  incur or modify any  material  indebtedness  or
     other  liability;  or (D) other than in the  ordinary  and usual  course of
     business, purchase or acquire assets or other property having a fair market
     value in excess  of  $5,000,000  in any  transaction  or series of  related

                 (iv) neither it nor any of its  Subsidiaries  shall  terminate,
     establish, adopt, enter into, make any new grants or awards under, amend or
     otherwise  modify,  any Company Plans or employment  agreements or increase
     the salary,  wage, bonus or other compensation of any employees (other than
     payments  required or permitted  under the  Company's  severance  plans and
     annual  incentive  plans as in effect on the date hereof) except  increases
     occurring in the ordinary and usual course of business (which shall include
     normal periodic  performance  reviews and related  compensation and benefit
     increases)  or otherwise  required by  applicable  law or the terms of such

                 (v)  neither  it nor any of its  Subsidiaries  shall  settle or
     compromise  any claim or  litigation  for an amount in excess of $5,000,000
     or,  except in the ordinary and usual course of business  modify,  amend or
     terminate  any of its material  Contracts  or waive,  release or assign any
     material rights or claims;

                 (vi) neither it nor any of its Subsidiaries  shall make any Tax
     election  or permit any  insurance  policy  naming it as a  beneficiary  or
     loss-payable payee to be cancelled or terminated except in the ordinary and
     usual course of business;

                 (vii) the Company and its  Subsidiaries  shall promptly  notify
     the Company of receipt of any notice from any  significant  customer of the
     Company  or  any  of its  Subsidiaries  of  such  customer's  intention  to
     terminate   any  material   Contract   with  the  Company  or  any  of  its

                 (viii) neither it nor any of its Subsidiaries  shall change any
     accounting principle used by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries,  other
     than as required by GAAP or applicable  law (in which case the Company will
     give Parent notice of such change);

                 (ix) neither it nor any of its Subsidiaries shall enter into or
     modify  any  agreement  with  AT&T  or  any  of its  Affiliates  except  as
     contemplated hereby;

                 (x) the Company and its Subsidiaries  shall provide Parent with
     reasonable  assistance in connection with Parent's  arranging,  structuring
     and  receiving   financing   (including  any  asset-based   financings)  in
     connection  with the Merger,  including  without  limitation  (A) assisting
     Parent in preparing any information  memoranda or other offering  materials
     which  describe  the  Company,  its  business  and its assets to be used in
     connection with such financings and (B) providing necessary  information to
     and meeting with such potential  investors,  rating  agencies,  lenders and
     other  financial  institutions  as may be  reasonably  requested by Parent;
     provided that the  foregoing  shall not be construed to require the Company
     or its  Subsidiaries  to take any action that (X)  obligates the Company or
     any of its  Subsidiaries  to incur  any  indebtedness  or  other  financing
     obligation  that is effective  prior to the Effective Time, (Y) affects any
     existing   indebtedness   or  other   financing  of  the  Company  and  its
     Subsidiaries  prior  to the  Effective  Time  or (Z)  unduly  disrupts  the
     operation of the business of the Company and its Subsidiaries  prior to the
     Effective Time; and
                 (xi) neither it nor any of its  Subsidiaries  will authorize or
     enter into an agreement to do any of the foregoing.

                 (b) AT&T covenants and agrees as to itself and its Subsidiaries
     that,  after the date hereof and prior to the  Effective  Time  (unless the
     Parent  shall  otherwise  approve in  writing)  it shall not sell,  assign,
     pledge,  dispose  of or  encumber  any  Shares  owned  by it or  any of its
     Subsidiaries;  provided,  however, that AT&T may sell, assign or dispose of
     any or all such Shares to one or more wholly owned Subsidiaries of AT&T.

                 6.2.  Acquisition  Proposals.  The Company and AT&T each agrees
     that  neither it nor any of its  Subsidiaries  nor any of the  officers and
     directors of it or its Subsidiaries shall, and that it shall direct and use
     its best efforts to cause its and its Subsidiaries'  employees,  agents and
     representatives  (including any investment  banker,  attorney or accountant
     retained by it or any of its  Subsidiaries)  not to,  initiate,  solicit or
     encourage any inquiries or the making of any proposal or offer with respect
     to  a  merger,   reorganization,   consolidation  or  similar   transaction
     involving,  or any purchase of all or any significant portion of the assets
     or the equity  securities  of the Company (any such proposal or offer being

     hereinafter referred to as an "Acquisition Proposal").  The Company further
     agrees that neither it nor any of its  Subsidiaries nor any of the officers
     and directors of it or its Subsidiaries shall, and that it shall direct and
     use its best efforts to cause its and its Subsidiaries'  employees,  agents
     and   representatives   (including  any  investment  banker,   attorney  or
     accountant  retained by it or any of its  Subsidiaries) not to, directly or
     indirectly,   engage  in  any  negotiations  concerning,   or  provide  any
     confidential  information  or data to, or have any  discussions  with,  any
     person  relating to an Acquisition  Proposal,  or otherwise  facilitate any
     effort or  attempt  to make or  implement  an  Acquisition  Proposal.  AT&T
     further agrees that it shall not, and that it shall direct and use its best
     efforts  to  cause  its  Subsidiaries,  and  its  Subsidiaries'  directors,
     officers,  employees,  agents and representatives (including any investment
     banker,  attorney or accountant retained by it or any of its Subsidiaries),
     not to, directly or indirectly,  engage in any negotiations concerning,  or
     provide any  confidential  information or data to, or have any  discussions
     with,  any  person  relating  to  an  Acquisition  Proposal,  or  otherwise
     facilitate  any  effort or  attempt  to make or  implement  an  Acquisition
     Proposal.  The Company and AT&T each agrees that it will immediately  cease
     and  cause  to  be  terminated  any  existing  activities,  discussions  or
     negotiations with any parties  conducted  heretofore with respect to any of
     the  foregoing.  The  Company  and AT&T each  agrees  that it will take the
     necessary steps to promptly inform the individuals or entities  referred to
     in the first sentence hereof of the obligations  undertaken in this Section
     6.2 and in the  Confidentiality  Agreement (as defined in Section 9.7). The
     Company  and  AT&T  each  agrees  that it will  notify  Parent  if any such
     inquiries,  proposals or offers are received  by, any such  information  is
     requested  from, or any such  negotiations  or discussions are sought to be
     initiated or continued with it. AT&T and the Company  acknowledge  that the
     remedy at law for  breach of the  provisions  of this  Section  6.2 will be
     inadequate  and that,  in addition to any other remedy  Parent may have, it
     will be entitled to an injunction restraining any such breach or threatened
     breach, without any bond or other security being required.

                 6.3.  Information  Supplied.  (a) The Company,  AT&T and Parent
     each agrees, as to itself and, in the case of the Company and Parent,  each
     of their respective Subsidiaries,  that none of the information supplied or
     to be supplied  by it or, in the case of the  Company  and Parent,  each of
     their respective Subsidiaries,  for inclusion or incorporation by reference
     in the  Information  Statement to be filed with the SEC by the Company will

     contain  any  untrue  statement  of a  material  fact or omit to state  any
     material  fact  required  to be stated  therein  or  necessary  to make the
     statements  therein,  in light of the  circumstances  under which they were
     made, not misleading.

                 (b) If at any time  prior to the  Effective  Time any  event or
     circumstance  relating  to the Company or to Parent or AT&T or any of their
     Affiliates,   or  their  respective  officers  and  directors,   should  be
     discovered by such party,  that is required to be set forth in a supplement
     to the  Information  Statement,  such party shall promptly inform the other
     parties.  All documents that the Company is responsible for filing with the
     SEC in connection with the transactions  contemplated herein will comply as
     to  form  and  substance  in all  material  respects  with  the  applicable
     requirements of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations thereunder.

                 (c) The agreements  contained in this Section 6.3 shall survive
     the  consummation of the Merger until the first  anniversary of the date of
     this Agreement.

                 6.4.  Filings;  Other  Actions;  Notification.  (a) The Company
     shall  promptly  prepare  and file  with the SEC an  Information  Statement
     pursuant to Rule 14c-2 under the Exchange Act (the "Information Statement")
     and shall comply with any other applicable  requirements under the Exchange
     Act in connection with the Merger and the other  transactions  contemplated
     by this Agreement. The Company shall use its reasonable efforts to have the
     Information  Statement  reviewed  and  approved  by the SEC as  promptly as
     practicable  after such filing,  and promptly  thereafter the Company shall
     mail the  Information  Statement to the  stockholders  of the Company.  The
     Information Statement shall include a copy of the opinion of Goldman, Sachs
     & Co. referred to in Section 5.1(c)(ii), together with a description of the
     analyses  and  procedures  utilized by Goldman,  Sachs & Co. in arriving at
     their  opinion.  In  addition,  as promptly as  practicable  after the date
     hereof,  the Company shall prepare a notice  pursuant to Section  228(d) of
     the DGCL (the "Notice"),  and shall mail the Notice to the  stockholders of
     the Company together with the Information Statement.  Parent shall have the
     right  and  opportunity  to  review  and make  reasonable  comments  on the
     Information  Statement  prior to its  filing  with the SEC and the  Company
     shall not file the  Information  Statement  without  the prior  approval of
     Parent, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld.

                 (b) The Company, AT&T and Parent each shall cooperate with each
     other  and use (and  cause  their  respective  Subsidiaries  to use)  their

     respective  best efforts to prepare and file as promptly as practicable all
     documentation  to effect all necessary  applications,  notices,  petitions,
     filings and other  documents,  including  notification and report under the
     HSR Act, and to obtain as promptly as  practicable  all permits,  consents,
     approvals and authorizations necessary or advisable to be obtained from any
     third party and/or any  Governmental  Entity in connection  with the Merger
     and to consummate the other  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement.
     Subject to  applicable  laws relating to the exchange of  information,  the
     Company,  AT&T and Parent shall have the right to review in advance, and to
     the extent  practicable each will consult the other on, all the information
     relating to the  Company,  AT&T and Parent,  as the case may be, and any of
     their  respective  Subsidiaries,  that appear in any filing  made with,  or
     written  materials  submitted  to, any third party and/or any  Governmental
     Entity  in   connection   with  the  Merger  and  the  other   transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement.  In exercising the foregoing right, each of
     the  Company,  AT&T and Parent  shall act  reasonably  and as  promptly  as

     (c) The  Company,  AT&T and Parent each shall,  upon  request by the other,
furnish the other with all  information  concerning  itself,  its  Subsidiaries,
directors, officers and stockholders and such other matters as may be reasonably
necessary or advisable in connection with the Information Statement or any other
statement,  filing,  notice or application  made by or on behalf of the Company,
AT&T, Parent, or any of their respective Subsidiaries to any Governmental Entity
in  connection  with  the  Merger  and  the  transactions  contemplated  by this

                 (d) The  Company,  AT&T and  Parent  each shall keep the others
     apprised  of  the  status  of  matters   relating  to   completion  of  the
     transactions  contemplated hereby, including promptly furnishing the others
     with copies of notices or other  communications  received  by the  Company,
     AT&T or  Parent,  as the case may be,  or,  in the  case of  Parent  or the
     Company, any of their respective Subsidiaries,  from any third party and/or
     any  Governmental   Entity  with  respect  to  the  Merger  and  the  other
     transactions  contemplated by this Agreement.  The Company, AT&T and Parent
     each shall give prompt notice to the other of any change that is reasonably
     likely to result in a Company  Material  Adverse Effect or Parent  Material
     Adverse Effect, respectively.

                 (e) The Company shall use its reasonable best efforts to obtain
     each  consent or  approval  of each  person  whose  consent or  approval is
     required in order to permit the  succession  by the  Surviving  Corporation

     pursuant to the Merger to any obligation,  right or interest of the Company
     or any Subsidiary of the Company under any Contract or License to which the
     Company or any of its Subsidiaries is a party or is subject.

                 (f)  Without   limiting  the  generality  of  the  undertakings
     pursuant to this Section 6.4, the Company and AT&T and Parent each agree to
     take or cause to be taken the following  actions:  (i) provide  promptly to
     any and all federal,  state,  local or foreign court or  Government  Entity
     with  jurisdiction  over  enforcement  of  any  applicable  antitrust  laws
     ("Government  Antitrust Entity") information and documents requested by any
     Government  Antitrust  Entity or  necessary,  proper or advisable to permit
     consummation  of the  Merger  and  the  transactions  contemplated  by this
     Agreement;  and (ii) take  promptly,  in the event  that any  permanent  or
     preliminary  injunction  or other  order is entered  or becomes  reasonably
     foreseeable to be entered in any proceeding that would make consummation of
     the Merger in accordance with the terms of this Agreement  unlawful or that
     would prevent or delay  consummation of the Merger or the other transaction
     contemplated by this Agreement,  any and all commercially  reasonable steps
     (including  the appeal  thereof or the posting of a bond, but not including
     the sale or other  disposition of, or the holding  separate of, any assets,
     categories  of assets or  businesses  of the  Company or Parent or either's
     respective  Subsidiaries)  necessary  to  vacate,  modify or  suspend  such
     injunction  or order so as to permit  such  consummation  on a schedule  as
     close as possible to that contemplated by this Agreement.

                 6.5.  Access.   Upon  reasonable  notice,  and  except  as  may
     otherwise be required by applicable law, the Company shall (and shall cause
     its  Subsidiaries  to) afford the Parent's  officers,  employees,  counsel,
     accountants  and  other  authorized   representatives   ("Representatives")
     reasonable access, during normal business hours throughout the period prior
     to the  Effective  Time,  to its  properties,  books,  Contracts,  records,
     officers and employees and, during such period,  shall (and shall cause its
     Subsidiaries to) furnish promptly to the Parent all information  concerning
     its  business,  properties  and  personnel as may  reasonably be requested,
     provided that no investigation  pursuant to this Section shall affect or be
     deemed to modify any  representation  or  warranty  made by the  Company or
     AT&T,  and  provided,  further,  that the  foregoing  shall not require the
     Company to permit any inspection,  or to disclose any information,  that in
     the  reasonable  judgment of the Company would result in the  disclosure of
     any trade secrets of third parties or violate any of its  obligations  with
     respect to  confidentiality.  All requests for access or  information  made

     pursuant to this Section  shall be directed to an executive  officer of the
     Company or such person as may be designated by its executive  officers,  as
     the case may be. In  addition,  the  Company  shall  permit  Parent to have
     located at the Company's principal executive offices two representatives of
     Parent  for the  purpose  of  conducting  preliminary  work  related to the
     financing  of the Merger and the other  transactions  contemplated  hereby;
     provided that such  representatives  shall be reasonably  acceptable to the
     Company,  shall conduct  themselves  in a reasonable  manner and subject to
     such  reasonable  limitations  as the  Company  may  impose  and shall have
     entered into an appropriate confidentiality agreement.

                 6.6.    AT&T Operating Agreement and License

                 (a) Effective as of immediately  following  consummation of the
     Merger,  AT&T  and the  Company  shall  amend  Section  11.2(a)(iv)  of the
     Operating  Agreement,  dated  as of June  25,  1993,  between  AT&T and the
     Company to read in its entirety as follows:

     (iv) at the  election  of AT&T,  by at least  180  days'  prior  notice  to
Capital,  in the event that  Capital  at any time  becomes a  Subsidiary  of any
Person,  other than the Person or an  Affiliate  of the  Person  which  acquired
Capital from the AT&T  Entities,  without the prior written  consent of AT&T (it
being  understood  that such  consent  shall  not be  unreasonably  withheld  or

                 (b) Effective as of immediately  following  consummation of the
     Merger,  AT&T and the  Company  shall amend  Section  2.3(a) of the License
     Agreement,  dated as of June 25, 1993 (the  "License  Agreement"),  between
     AT&T and the  Company  (i) to replace  the words "one  year's" in the first
     sentence  thereof with the words "two year's" and (ii) to replace the words
     "one-year" in the second sentence thereof with the words "two-year".

                 (c) Effective as of immediately  following  consummation of the
     Merger,  AT&T and the Company  shall amend  Section  6.2(iv) of the License
     Agreement (i) to replace the words "investment grade" in the first sentence
     thereof with the words "Ba1 by Moody's  Investor  Services and below BB+ by
     Standard  & Poor's  Corporation"  and (ii) to delete the words "by at least
     two nationally  recognized  statistical  rating agencies" in the two places
     that such words appear in the first sentence thereof.

                 (d) The parties understand and agree that the amendments to the
     License  Agreement set forth in paragraphs  (b) and (c) of this Section 6.6
     shall not apply to the licenses  granted by, or the rights and  obligations
     of, Lucent  Technologies Inc.  ("Lucent") or NCR Corporation  ("NCR") under
     the Letter Agreement dated April 2, 1996 between the Company and Lucent and
     the Letter Agreement dated April 18, 1996 between the Company and NCR.

                 6.7.  Publicity.  (a) The  Company,  AT&T and Parent each shall
     consult  with,  and  receive  the prior  approval  of, the others  prior to
     issuing any press releases or otherwise  making public  announcements  with
     respect  to the  Merger  and the other  transactions  contemplated  by this
     Agreement  and prior to making any filings  with any third party and/or any
     Governmental  Entity  (including  any national  securities  exchange)  with
     respect  thereto,  except  as may  be  required  by  law or by  obligations
     pursuant to any listing agreement with or rules of any national  securities

                 (b) AT&T agrees that all information  concerning Parent, Merger
     Sub   and   their   respective   Affiliates   furnished   to  AT&T  or  its
     representatives  by or on behalf of Parent  (other  than  information  that
     would meet one of the exceptions to the definition of "Evaluation Material"
     contained in the first paragraph of the Confidentiality  Agreement referred
     to in Section 9.7 will be used solely in connection  with the  transactions
     contemplated  by this Agreement and will be kept  confidential  by AT&T and
     its  representatives;  provided that disclosure of such  information may be
     made (i) to the extent  required by law, (ii) to the extent required in the
     Information  Statement,  subject to Section 6.4 hereof, (iii) to the extent
     required  in any legal  proceeding  to  enforce  any  rights of AT&T or the
     Company against Parent,  Merger Sub or their  respective  Affiliates  under
     this Agreement or any related agreement and (iv) as consented to in writing
     by Parent or Merger Sub.

                 (c) The agreements  contained in this Section 6.7 shall survive
     the consummation of the Merger for one month following the Closing.

                 6.8.    Employee Benefit Covenants.

                 (a) In General.  Parent  agrees to honor or cause the Surviving
     Corporation to honor all Company Plans pursuant to all of the terms of such
     Company  Plans.  In  connection  with the  foregoing,  except as  otherwise
     specifically  provided in this Section 6.8, to the extent not prohibited by
     law, the Surviving  Corporation shall, and Parent shall cause the Surviving

     Corporation  to,  continue in effect through  December 31, 1997 all Company
     Plans without any adverse amendment or modification (other than, subject to
     Section  6.8(e),  the Company's 1993 LSPP, the 1993 LTIP, and the Company's
     Share  Performance  Incentive Plan (the "SPIP") and Employee Stock Purchase
     Plan  (the   "Equity-Based   Plans")  and  the   Company's   1993  Deferred
     Compensation  Plan);  provided,  however,  that  the  Company's  Leadership
     Severance Plan and Member  Severance Plan (the "Severance  Plans") shall be
     continued, except as modified by mutual written agreement with the affected
     employees,  for at least  twenty-seven (27) months from the Effective Time;
     provided,  further, that in lieu of continuing specific welfare benefit and
     insurance plans or programs,  the Surviving  Corporation  shall, and Parent
     shall cause the  Surviving  Corporation  to,  provide  welfare  benefit and
     insurance  plans or programs  that are no less  favorable in the  aggregate
     than those provided by the Company immediately prior to the Effective Time.

                 (b) Change in Control. Parent, the Company and AT&T acknowledge
     and agree that  approval of the Merger by the  stockholders  of the Company
     shall, where applicable, constitute a Change in Control and Sale of Control
     of the Company for purposes of the Company Plans.

                 (c) Executive  Benefit Plan. The Surviving  Corporation  shall,
     and Parent shall cause the Surviving Corporation to, continue the Company's
     Executive  Benefit Plan and the grantor trust  established to fund benefits
     thereunder in accordance with their terms until all benefits are paid under
     such plan to participants who are vested as of the Effective Time or become
     vested during the 2-year period following the Effective Time.

                 (d) Equity-Based  Plans. The Surviving  Corporation  shall, and
     Parent agrees to cause the Surviving Corporation to, continue in effect the
     1993 LSPP and 1993 LTIP  through at least  August 6, 1996 to the extent any
     awards remain unvested under such plans.

                 (e) Share Performance Incentive Plan. The Surviving Corporation
     shall, and Parent  acknowledges  and agrees that immediately  following the
     Effective  Time it shall  cause  the  Surviving  Corporation  to,  pay each
     participant  in  the  SPIP  (including   recipients  of  share  performance
     incentive  awards under the 1993 LTIP) (i) 100% Maximum  Payout (as defined
     in the SPIP) for each pending  performance period (i.e., the second,  third
     and  fourth  periods)  and (ii)  with  respect  to any  performance  period
     completed  within twelve (12) months prior to the Effective Time the excess
     of (a) 100% of the Maximum Payout for such participant for such performance
     period  over (B) the  payment  actually  made to the  participant  for such

     performance  period.  The Surviving  Corporaiton  shall, and Parent further
     agrees to cause the Surviving Corporation to, amend the SPIP (and the share
     performance  incentive  awards  under the 1993  LTIP) to  provide  for 100%
     Maximum Payout with respect to all future  performance  periods  (beginning
     following  the  Effective  Time) under the SPIP and such awards,  with such
     amounts to be paid  immediately  following  the Effective  Time;  provided,
     that, for those  employees who are not members of the Company's  Leadership
     Forum, any such 100% Maximum Payment for future  performance  periods shall
     be conditioned upon the employee entering into an agreement with Parent and
     the Surviving Corporation to revise the terms of the Company severance plan
     applicable  to such  employee  to  modify  the  definition  of  "Qualifying
     Termination"  under  such plan.  If no such  agreement  is  reached  with a
     particular  employee,  future  performance  periods  under the SPIP or such
     share  performance  incentive awards will continue  pursuant to their terms
     with respect to such employee.

                 (f) Annual Incentive Plan. The Surviving Corporation shall, and
     Parent  agrees to cause the Surviving  Corporation  to, amend the Company's
     Annual Incentive Plan and Senior Executive Annual Incentive Plan to provide
     that  payments to each  participant  under such plans for the 1996 calendar
     year will be made at no less than such participant's target award for 1996.

                 (g) Other Plans.  The Surviving  Corporation  shall, and Parent
     agrees  to  cause  the  Surviving   Corporation  to,  amend  the  Company's
     Supplemental  Income  Benefits  Plan (the  "SIB"),  Supplemental  Executive
     Retirement Plan (the "SERP"), and Excess Benefits Plan (the "Excess Plan"),
     effective as of the Effective  Time, to provide that (i) such plans may not
     be amended or terminated to reduce benefits accrued prior to such amendment
     or  termination,  and (ii) with  respect to the Excess  Plan,  all benefits
     shall be vested as of the Effective Time.

                 (h)  Credited  Service.  If  any  Company  Employee  becomes  a
     participant in any employee benefit plan,  practice or policy of Parent, or
     any of Parent's  affiliates  (including  the Surviving  Corporation),  such
     Company  Employee  shall be given  credit  under such plan for all  service
     prior to the Effective  Time with the Company and its  Subsidiaries  or any
     predecessor  employer  (including AT&T or any of its  subsidiaries),  which
     service has been recognized by the Company under similar plans, policies or
     practices,  for  purposes  of  eligibility  and  vesting  and for all other
     purposes for which such service is either taken into account or recognized;

     provided,  however, that such service shall not be credited for purposes of
     benefit accruals under tax-qualified plans.

                 (i) Plan  Withdrawals.  The  Company  agrees to  withdraw  as a
     participating  employer  from all  employee  benefit  plans,  practices  or
     policies  sponsored by AT&T and its  Subsidiaries  (other than the Company)
     effective  as of the  Closing  Date,  except as  otherwise  provided in the
     Transitional Services Agreement and the Benefits Agreement between AT&T and
     the  Company  dated of of  January 1, 1994;  provided,  however,  that such
     withdrawal  shall not  affect  the rights of any  current  retirees  of the
     Company with respect to AT&T and its plans.

     (j) Survival.  The  agreements  contained in this Section 6.8 shall survive
the consummation of the Merger.

     (k) Intended Beneficiaries. The provisions of paragraph (e) of this Section
6.8 are  intended to be for the benefit  of, and shall be  enforceable  by, each
participant  in the SPIP and recipient of a share  performance  incentive  award
under the 1993 LTIP.

                 6.9.  Expenses.  Parent or the Surviving  Corporation shall pay
     all  charges  and  expenses,  including  those  of  the  Paying  Agent,  in
     connection  with the  transactions  contemplated  in Article IV. Subject to
     Section 9.1 hereof and except as otherwise provided herein,  whether or not
     the Merger is  consummated,  all costs and expenses  incurred in connection
     with this Agreement and the Merger and the other transactions  contemplated
     by this  Agreement  shall  be paid by the  party  incurring  such  expense;
     provided that the  reasonable  legal fees and other  professional  expenses
     incurred  by  the  management  of  the  Company  in  connection   with  the
     negotiation of  arrangements  with the Parent and its  affiliates  shall be
     reimbursed  by the Company.  The  agreements  contained in this Section 6.9
     shall survive the consummation of the Merger.

                 6.10. Indemnification;  Directors' and Officers' Insurance. (a)
     For six years after the  Effective  Time,  Parent shall  indemnify and hold
     harmless,  to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law (and Parent
     shall also  advance  expenses as incurred to the fullest  extent  permitted
     under  applicable  law  provided  the person to whom  expenses are advanced
     provides  an  undertaking  to  repay  such  advances  if it  is  ultimately
     determined  that such  person is not  entitled  to  indemnification),  each
     present and former  director,  officer and  employee of the Company and its
     Subsidiaries (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties") against any costs or

     expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees), judgments,  fines, losses,
     claims,  damages  or  liabilities   (collectively,   "Costs")  incurred  in
     connection  with any claim,  action,  suit,  proceeding  or  investigation,
     whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, arising out of or
     pertaining  to matters  existing or occurring at or prior to the  Effective
     Time, including the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                 (b) Any  Indemnified  Party  wishing  to claim  indemnification
     under  paragraph (a) of this Section 6.10, upon learning of any such claim,
     action,  suit,  proceeding or  investigation,  shall promptly notify Parent
     thereof,  but the  failure  to so notify  shall not  relieve  Parent of any
     liability it may have to such Indemnified  Party to the extent such failure
     does not  materially  prejudice  Parent.  In the  event of any such  claim,
     action, suit, proceeding or investigation  (whether arising before or after
     the Effective Time), (i) Parent or the Surviving Corporation shall have the
     right to assume the defense  thereof and Parent shall not be liable to such
     Indemnified  Parties for any legal  expenses of other  counsel or any other
     expenses  subsequently  incurred by such Indemnified  Parties in connection
     with  the  defense  thereof,   except  that  if  Parent  or  the  Surviving
     Corporation   elects  not  to  assume  such  defense  or  counsel  for  the
     Indemnified  Parties advises that there are issues which raise conflicts of
     interest  between Parent or the Surviving  Corporation  and the Indemnified
     Parties,  the Indemnified Parties may retain counsel  satisfactory to them,
     and Parent or the Surviving  Corporation  shall pay all reasonable fees and
     expenses of such counsel for the Indemnified Parties promptly as statements
     therefor are received;  provided,  however,  that Parent shall be obligated
     pursuant to this  paragraph (b) to pay for only one firm of counsel for all
     Indemnified  Parties in any jurisdiction  unless the use of one counsel for
     such  Indemnified  Parties  would  present  such counsel with a conflict of
     interest, (ii) the Indemnified Parties will cooperate in the defense of any
     such  matter  and  (iii)  Parent  shall not be  liable  for any  settlement
     effected without its prior written  consent;  and provided,  further,  that
     Parent shall not have any obligation  hereunder to any Indemnified Party if
     and when a court of competent jurisdiction shall ultimately determine,  and
     such  determination  shall have become final, that the  indemnification  of
     such Indemnified Party in the manner  contemplated  hereby is prohibited by
     applicable  law. If such  indemnity  is not  available  with respect to any
     Indemnified Party, then the Surviving Corporation and the Indemnified Party
     shall contribute to the amount payable in such proportion as is appropriate
     to reflect relative faults and benefits.

                 (c) The Surviving  Corporation shall from and after the Closing
     Date have in place officers' and directors'  liability  insurance providing
     insurance  protection to the Company's and its  Subsidiaries'  officers and
     directors  substantially  similar  (including as to scope,  deductible  and
     maximum  liability)  as the  insurance  currently  maintained by or for the
     Company  ("D&O  Insurance")  for a period of six years after the  Effective
     Time so long as the annual  premium  therefor  is not in excess of $750,000
     (the "Current  Premium");  provided,  however,  if a future annual  premium
     exceeds  $750,000,  the Surviving  Corporation will use its best efforts to
     obtain as much D&O  Insurance as can be obtained for the  remainder of such
     period for a premium not in excess of $750,000.

     (d)  Until  the  Effective  Time,  AT&T  will  maintain  in place  such D&O
Insurance as is currently  maintained by AT&T covering  directors,  officers and
employees  of the  Company  and its  Subsidiaries,  or  renewals  thereof in the
ordinary  course.  From and after the Effective  Time, AT&T will (and will cause
its  Subsidiaries  to) cooperate  reasonably  with the Surviving  Corporation in
submitting  claims  (or  pursuing  claims  previously  made)  on  behalf  of the
Surviving  Corporation  under  any such D&O  Insurance  in  effect  prior to the
Effective  Time;  provided  that  the  Surviving  Corporation  shall  reimburse,
indemnify and hold AT&T and its  Subsidiaries  (other than American Ridge in its
capacity as an insurer or reinsurer)  harmless from all  liabilities,  costs and
expenses of any nature actually incurred by AT&T or its Subsidiaries as a result
of any such claims made under such D&O  Insurance  as  contemplated  above;  and
provided,  further,  that neither the Surviving  Corporation nor AT&T nor any of
their respective  Affiliates shall have any obligation to reimburse or indemnify
the other with respect to any retrospective  rating  adjustments or deductibles.
AT&T will also  cooperate  reasonably  with the Company in connection  with such
PFBEarrangements  as the Company may make to put in place D&O Insurance from and
after the Closing Date, as  contemplated  by paragraph (c) of this Section 6.10,
provided that AT&T makes no  representation or warranty with respect to any such
arrangements  the  Company  may  make,  and  provided,   further,   that  AT&T's
cooperation will not require it to expend any funds (unless promptly  reimbursed
by the Company) or to take any actions which would adversely  affect its rights,
or lead to the  incurrence of additional  costs,  under any of AT&T's  insurance
policies.  The provisions of this Section 6.10(d) shall remain in full force and
effect notwithstanding any terms of the Transitional Services Agreement.

                 (e) If the Surviving  Corporation  or any of its  successors or
     assigns (i) shall  consolidate with or merge into any other  corporation or
     entity and shall not be the  continuing or surviving  corporation or entity
     of such consolidation or merger or (ii) shall transfer all or substantially
     all of its  properties and assets to any  individual,  corporation or other
     entity, then and in each such case, proper provisions shall be made so that
     the successors and assigns of the Surviving Corporation shall assume all of
     the obligations set forth in this Section.

                 (f) The  provisions  of this Section are intended to be for the
     benefit of, and shall be enforceable by, each of the  Indemnified  Parties,
     their heirs and their representatives.

     (g) The  agreements  contained  in this Sec- tion 6.10  shall  survive  the
consummation of the Merger.

                 6.11.  Takeover  Statute.  If any  Takeover  Statute  is or may
     become applicable to the Merger or the other  transactions  contemplated by
     this Agreement,  each of Parent,  AT&T and the Company and their respective
     boards of directors  shall grant such  approvals  and take such  reasonable
     actions as are necessary so that such  transactions  may be  consummated as
     promptly as practicable on the terms  contemplated  by this Agreement or by
     the Merger and  otherwise  take such  reasonable  actions to  eliminate  or
     minimize the effects of such statute or regulation on such transactions.

                 6.12.  Reasonable  Best Efforts and  Cooperation.  The Company,
     Parent and Merger Sub each shall use (and shall cause its  Subsidiaries  to
     use) its  reasonable  best efforts and shall  cooperate  with each other to
     cause the conditions set forth in Article VII hereof to be satisfied and to
     consummate  the  Merger  and the other  transactions  contemplated  by this

                 6.13.   Tax Matters.

                 (a)  Section  338(h)(10)  Election.  (i) AT&T and Parent  shall
     jointly make timely and irrevocable  elections under Section  338(h)(10) of
     the Code and, if permissible,  similar elections under any applicable state
     or local  income tax laws.  AT&T,  Parent and the Company  shall report the
     transaction  consistent with such elections under Section 338(h)(10) of the
     Code or any similar  state or local tax  provision  (the  "Elections")  and
     shall take no position  contrary  thereto unless and to the extent required

     to do so pursuant to a determination  (as defined in Section 1313(a) of the
     Code or any similar state or local tax provision).

                 (ii) To the extent possible, AT&T, Parent and the Company shall
     execute  at the  Closing  any and all forms  necessary  to  effectuate  the
     Elections  (including,  without  limitation,  Internal Revenue Service Form
     8023 and any similar forms under applicable state and local income tax laws
     (the "Section 338 Forms")).  In the event,  however,  any Section 338 Forms
     are not executed at the Closing, AT&T, Parent and the Company shall prepare
     and complete  each such Section 338 Form no later than 15 days prior to the
     date such  Section 338 Form is required to be filed.  AT&T,  Parent and the
     Company  shall each cause the Section  338 Forms to be duly  executed by an
     authorized  person for AT&T, Parent and the Company in each case, and shall
     duly and timely file the Section 338 Forms in  accordance  with  applicable
     tax laws and the terms of this Agreement.

                 (iii) AT&T and Parent  agree to allocate the  Aggregate  Deemed
     Sale Price (as defined under applicable Treasury Regulations) of the assets
     of each of the Company and its Subsidiaries for which a Section  338(h)(10)
     Election  is made as  follows:  AT&T and Parent  agree that the fair market
     value of the Class I, Class II and Class III assets (each as defined in the
     Treasury  Regulations  under Code Section  1060) of the Company and each of
     its  Subsidiaries  shall equal the book value of such assets on the Closing
     Date.  Any remaining  Aggregate  Deemed Sale Price will be allocated to the
     Class IV Assets.  AT&T and Parent  will  accept  such  allocation  and will
     reflect such allocation in all applicable tax returns filed by any of them,
     including but not limited to the Section 338 Forms.  Parent and the Company
     shall  not  take a  position  before  any  taxing  authority  or  otherwise
     (including in any Tax return)  inconsistent with such allocation unless and
     to the extent required to do so pursuant to a determination  (as defined in
     Section 1313(a) of the Code or any similar state or local law).

                 (b)     Liability for Taxes and Related Matters.

                 (i)  Except as set forth in the next  sentence,  liability  for
     consolidated,  combined or unitary  federal,  state and local  income Taxes
     ("Consolidated  Taxes") and  entitlement to any refund for any taxable year
     or period that ends on or before the Closing Date and,  with respect to any
     taxable year or period  beginning before and ending after the Closing Date,
     the portion of such taxable year ending on and  including  the Closing Date
     (the  "Pre-Closing  Periods")  shall be  allocated  to AT&T and AT&T  shall

     indemnify  and  hold  harmless  Parent,   the  Company  and  the  Company's
     Subsidiaries  for  such  Taxes.   Parent,  the  Company  and  each  of  the
     Subsidiaries  (the "Parent  Group") will pay to AT&T amounts  determined in
     accordance with Section 6.13(e) hereof with respect to 1995 and 1996 Taxes;
     provided,  however, that AT&T shall be liable for and indemnify Parent, the
     Company and each  Subsidiary of the Company for all Taxes  attributable  to
     the election to be made under Section  338(h)(10) of the Code and any state
     law equivalent  pursuant to Section 6.13(a) hereof. At or prior to Closing,
     the Company  shall pay to AT&T $35 million in respect of the Taxes  accrued
     on the  balance  sheet,  (x) less  amounts  that are paid to AT&T under the
     existing  tax  sharing  agreements  set  forth as Annex A hereto  (the "Tax
     Sharing  Agreements")  from the date hereof  through  the  Closing  Date in
     respect of years ended  before 1995 and (y) plus  amounts  that are paid by
     AT&T to the Company  and/or its  Subsidiaries  from the date hereof through
     the Closing Date under the Tax Sharing Agreements in respect of years ended
     before  1995.  AT&T  shall be  entitled  to all  refunds  with  respect  to
     Consolidated Taxes.

                 (ii) Parent shall be liable for and indemnify  AT&T for (x) the
     Taxes of the  Company  and each  Subsidiary  of the Company for any taxable
     year or period that begins after the Closing Date and,  with respect to any
     taxable year or period  beginning before and ending after the Closing Date,
     the portion of the taxable  year  beginning  after the Closing Date and (y)
     all Taxes of the Company and each Subsidiary other than Consolidated  Taxes
     ("Standalone Taxes").

                 (iii) For  purposes  of  paragraphs  (b)(i),  (b)(ii)  and (d),
     whenever  it is  necessary  to  determine  the  liability  for Taxes of the
     Company or any Subsidiary of the Company for a portion of a taxable year or
     period  that  begins   before  and  ends  after  the  Closing   Date,   the
     determination  of such Taxes for the  portion of the year or period  ending
     on, and the portion of the year or period beginning after, the Closing Date
     shall  be  determined  by  assuming  that the  Company  or  Subsidiary,  as
     applicable,  had a taxable  year or period  which ended at the close of the
     Closing Date,  except that  exemptions,  allowances or deductions  that are
     calculated  on an annual basis,  such as the  deduction  for  depreciation,
     shall be apportioned on a time basis.

                 (iv) Any payment by Parent or AT&T under this Section 6.13 will
     be an  adjustment to the portion of the Merger  Consideration  allocable to
     the Shares that are held by AT&T immediately prior to the Effective Time.

                 (v) For  purposes of this Section  6.13,  the term "AT&T Group"
     means any  "affiliated  group" (as  defined in Section  1504(a) of the Code

     without regard to the limitations contained in Section 1504(b) of the Code)
that includes AT&T or any  predecessor  of or successor to AT&T (or another such
predecessor or successor).

                 (c)  Tax  Returns.  AT&T  shall  file  or  cause  to  be  filed
     (including by causing the Company or the relevant  subsidiary to file) when
     due all Tax Returns with respect to Consolidated Taxes that are required to
     be filed by or with  respect  to a member of the AT&T  Group and any of the
     Company  and/or any  Subsidiary of the Company for taxable years or periods
     ending on or before the Closing Date,  and Parent shall file or cause to be
     filed when due all other Tax  Returns  that are  required to be filed by or
     with respect to the Company.

                 (d)  Termination  of Tax Allocation  Agreements.  Except to the
     extent set forth in Section 6.13(e)  hereof,  any tax allocation or sharing
     agreement  or  arrangement,  whether  or not  written,  that may have  been
     entered into by AT&T or any member of the AT&T Group and the Company or any
     Subsidiary  of the Company  shall be  terminated as to the Company and each
     Subsidiary of the Company as of the Closing Date,  and all amounts due from
     or to the Company or any  Subsidiary  of the Company under any such sharing
     agreement or arrangement shall be paid on or prior to the Closing Date.

                 (e)  1995 and 1996  Taxes.  For  purposes  of  determining  the
     amounts due to AT&T with  respect to the  taxable  years of the Company and
     its  Subsidiaries  for the year ended December 31, 1995 and the year ending
     on the Closing  Date,  the  existing  Tax Sharing  Agreements  shall apply.
     However, in lieu of the procedures set forth in the Tax Sharing Agreements,
     the following  procedures shall govern. With respect to the taxable year of
     AT&T ended  December  31,  1995 and the period in 1996 prior to the Closing
     Date,  Parent  shall cause the  Company  promptly to prepare and provide to
     AT&T a package of tax information materials with respect to the Company and
     its  Subsidiaries  in the form requested by AT&T and on a basis  consistent
     with past practices and a calculation of the tax sharing  payments due with
     respect to Consolidated Taxes (the "Tax Package"), which shall be completed
     (x) not  later  than  the  internal  due date  established  by AT&T for the
     submission of such tax information to AT&T by its Subsidiaries with respect
     to the Federal income tax return of AT&T for 1995 and (y) not later than 45
     days after the Closing Date for the taxable year of AT&T that  includes the
     Closing Date (it being agreed and understood that with respect to subclause
     (y),  such Tax  Package  will be in draft  form  and  will be  revised  and

     finalized within 60 days thereafter).  The Tax Package shall be reviewed by
     Arthur Andersen as to its accuracy prior to its submission to AT&T. Coopers
     & Lybrand on behalf of AT&T shall,  within 45 days of AT&T's receipt of the
     Tax  Package  (in the case of the Tax  Package  for the  year  ended on the
     Closing Date,  within 45 days of the receipt of the revised,  finalized Tax
     Package),  provide  Parent  with any  comments on the Tax Package and shall
     provide  its  analysis  of the  amount  payable  by  the  Company  and  its
     Subsidiaries under the Tax Sharing  Agreement.  In the case of Consolidated
     Taxes for the Company's year ended on the Closing Date, the analysis of the
     tax sharing amount  payable shall be based upon estimated  results for AT&T
     (other  than the  Company)  and  apportionment  factors  for 1995  (the tax
     sharing  payment  so  calculated  shall be  referred  to as the  "Estimated
     Payments"). The Estimated Payments shall be refined and reviewed by Coopers
     & Lybrand by July 31,  1997,  based upon actual  apportionment  factors and
     other  results for 1996 and a final tax  sharing  payment  amount  shall be
     determined.  Arthur  Andersen  and Parent  shall agree or object to each of
     Coopers & Lybrand's  responses hereunder within 10 days of receipt thereof.
     The  tax  sharing  payments  for  1995,  and  any  Estimated  Payments  and
     adjustments  thereto  (resulting in the final payments for 1996),  shall be
     made by  Parent  to AT&T  within 5 days of such  agreement.  If  Coopers  &
     Lybrand  and  Arthur  Andersen  cannot  reach  agreement  on the  Estimated
     Payments and/or the tax sharing payment,  then (i) Parent shall pay to AT&T
     any  amount  which is agreed to be  payable  within  five (5) days and (ii)
     Coopers & Lybrand and Arthur Andersen jointly shall select promptly a third
     "big six"  accounting  firm (the  "Neutral  Firm")  whose fees and expenses
     shall be shared equally by AT&T and the Company and whose  determination of
     the amount  payable and of the  appropriate  reserves shall be binding upon
     the parties.  Any additional  amounts determined thereby to be due shall be
     paid within 3 days of the  determination  of the Neutral  Firm.  Other than
     amounts  owed to AT&T  under the  terms of this  Section  6.13(e),  Parent,
     Company and the Company's Subsidiaries shall have no liability with respect
     to 1995 and 1996 Consolidated Taxes (including any liabilities arising from
     an audit).  The Tax Sharing  Agreements with respect to 1995 and 1996 Taxes
     shall  terminate  upon  payment  of  all  amounts   determined  under  this

     (f) Assistance and  Cooperation.  After the Closing Date,  each of AT&T and
Parent shall:

                 (i)  assist  in  all  reasonable   respects  (and  cause  their
     respective  affiliates  to assist)  the other  party in  preparing  any Tax
     Returns or reports which such other party is responsible  for preparing and

     filing in accordance with this Section 6.13 (including in analyzing the Tax

                 (ii) cooperate in all reasonable  respects in preparing for any
     audits of, or disputes with taxing authorities  regarding,  any Tax Returns
     of the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company;

                 (iii) make  available to the other and to any taxing  authority
     as reasonably requested all information, records, and documents relating to
     Taxes of the Company and each Subsidiary of the Company;

                 (iv)  provide  timely  notice  to the other in  writing  of any
     pending or  threatened  tax audits or  assessments  of the Company and each
     Subsidiary of the Company for taxable  periods for which the other may have
     a liability under this Section 6.13; and

                 (v)  furnish  the  other  with  copies  of  all  correspondence
     received  from any taxing  authority  in  connection  with any tax audit or
     information request with respect to any such taxable period.

                 (g) Contests; Payment Procedure. (i) AT&T shall control, manage
     and solely be  responsible  for any audit,  contest,  claim,  proceeding or
     inquiry with  respect to  Consolidated  Taxes and shall have the  exclusive
     right to settle or contest in its sole discretion any such audit,  contest,
     claim, proceeding or inquiry without the consent of any other party.

                 (ii) Parent shall control, manage and solely be responsible for
     any audit, contest, claim, proceeding or inquiry with respect to Standalone
     Taxes and shall  have the  exclusive  right to settle or  contest  any such
     audit, contest,  claim,  proceeding,  or inquiry without the consent of any
     other party.

     (h) Survival. The indemnification provisions contained in this Section 6.13
(Tax Matters) shall survive the consummation of the Merger and shall not expire.

                 6.14.  No  Solicitation  of  Employees.  From the  date  hereof
     through the fifth anniversary of the Closing Date,  neither AT&T nor any of
     its  wholly  owned   Subsidiaries,   so  long  as  they  are  wholly  owned
     subsidiaries of AT&T, shall induce or attempt to induce any employee of the
     Company  to leave the  employ of the  Company  or any of its  Subsidiaries;
     provided that the  foregoing  shall not be construed to prevent AT&T or any

     of its  wholly  owned  Subsidiaries  from (a) prior to the  Effective  Time
     complying with its covenants set forth in Article VIII of the  Intercompany
     Agreement in a manner consistent with past practice or (b) employing former
     employees  of the  Company  or its  Subsidiaries,  so long as AT&T  and its
     wholly owned  Subsidiaries  did not induce or attempt to induce such former
     employees  to leave the employ of the  Company or any of its  Subsidiaries.
     AT&T  acknowledges  and agrees that the covenant  contained in this Section
     6.14 is  reasonable  and  necessary  to  protect  the  legitimate  business
     interests of Parent.  The  agreements  contained in this Section 6.14 shall
     survive the  consummation of the Merger until the fifth  anniversary of the

                 6.15. Transitional Services. AT&T and Parent shall enter into a
     transitional  services  agreement,  containing such terms and conditions as
     AT&T and Parent may reasonably  agree (including those terms and conditions
     set forth in Exhibit 6.15 hereto),  governing the provision by AT&T and its
     Affiliates to the Surviving  Corporation for a reasonable  period after the
     Effective Time (not to exceed one year) of those services listed on Exhibit
     6.15 hereto (the "Transitional Services Agreement").

                 6.16.  Existing Financing  Arrangements.  Prior to the Closing,
     the Company agrees to: (a) use its  reasonable  best efforts to solicit and
     receive the requisite consents to, or waivers in respect of, the Merger and
     the other  transactions  contemplated  by or resulting  from this Agreement
     from the banks and other financial  institutions  parties to the agreements
     listed in Section A of  Attachment  5.1(d)(ii)  of the  Company  Disclosure
     Letter, or otherwise amend the terms of such agreements on terms reasonably
     satisfactory to Parent; and (b) to use its reasonable best efforts to cause
     to be  delivered  such  certificates  and  opinions  as may be  required in
     connection  with the Merger under any debt  instruments  or  indentures  to
     which it is a party.

                 6.17. Funding Parent. Parent covenants that not later than June
     12, 1996,  Parent shall receive a $100 million equity  contribution  in the
     form of cash or direct  obligations  of the government of the United States
     of  America  ("Government  Securities").  Parent  covenants  that it  shall
     utilize the  proceeds of such equity  contribution  to purchase  Government
     Securities  having a  maturity  not later  than one year  after the date of
     purchase or receipt thereof by Parent.  Parent covenants that it shall keep
     such proceeds so invested (free of any Liens) until the Effective Time.

                         ARTICLE VII


     7.1.  Conditions  to Each  Party's  Obligation  to Effect the  Merger.  The
respective  obligation  of each  party to effect  the  Merger is  subject to the
satisfaction  or  waiver  at or  prior  to the  Effective  Time  of  each of the
following conditions:

                 (a)  Regulatory   Consents  and  Orders.   The  waiting  period
     applicable to the  consummation  of the Merger under the HSR Act shall have
     expired or been terminated and all other notices, reports and other filings
     required  to be made by the  Company,  its  Subsidiaries,  AT&T,  Parent or
     Merger  Sub with,  and  consents,  registrations,  approvals,  permits  and
     authorizations  required to be obtained by the Company,  its  Subsidiaries,
     AT&T,  Parent or Merger Sub from, any Governmental  Entity, in each case as
     set forth on the Company  Disclosure  Letter, the AT&T Disclosure Letter or
     the Parent  Disclosure  Letter, as the case may be, shall have been made or
     obtained  and  shall  be  in  full  force  and  effect,  and  no  court  or
     Governmental Entity of competent  jurisdiction shall have enacted,  issued,
     promulgated,  enforced or entered any statute, rule, regulation,  judgment,
     decree,  injunction  or other  order  (whether  temporary,  preliminary  or
     permanent) that is in effect and restrains,  enjoins or otherwise prohibits
     consummation   of  the   transactions   contemplated   by  this   Agreement
     (collectively, an "Order").

     7.2. Conditions to Obligation of Parent. The obligation of Parent to effect
the Merger is also subject to the  satisfaction or waiver by Parent prior to the
Effective Time of the following conditions:

                 (a)  Representations  and Warranties.  The  representations and
     warranties  of the  Company and AT&T set forth in this  Agreement  shall be
     true and correct in all material  respects as of the date of this Agreement
     and (except to the extent such  representations  and warranties speak as of
     an earlier  date) as of the  Closing  Date as though  made on and as of the
     Closing Date. Parent shall have received (i) a certificate signed on behalf
     of the Company by the Chief Executive  Officer or any Senior Vice President
     of the Company to the effect of the previous  sentence (with respect to the
     Company)  and  (ii) a  certificate  signed  on  behalf  of AT&T by any Vice
     President of AT&T to the effect of the previous  sentence  (with respect to

                 (b)  Performance  of  Obligations  of the Company and AT&T. The
     Company  and  AT&T  shall  have  performed  in all  material  respects  all
     obligations  required to be performed by each of them under this  Agreement
     at or prior to the  Closing  Date,  and Parent  shall have  received  (i) a
     certificate  signed on behalf of the Company by the Chief Executive Officer
     or any  Senior  Vice  President  of  the  Company  to  such  effect  (as to
     performance by the Company) and (ii) a certificate signed on behalf of AT&T
     by any Vice President of AT&T to such effect (as to performance by AT&T).

                 (c) Consents  Under  Agreements  and Licenses.  The Company and
     AT&T shall have  obtained  the consent or  approval  of each  person  whose
     consent or approval  shall be required in order to permit the succession by
     the Surviving  Corporation pursuant to the Merger to any obligation,  right
     or  interest  of the Company or any  Subsidiary  of the  Company  under any
     Contract  or License to which the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  is a
     party or is  subject,  except  those for which the  failure to obtain  such
     consent or approval is not reasonably  likely to have,  individually  or in
     the aggregate, a Company Material Adverse Effect.

     (d)  Resignations.  Parent  shall have  received the  resignations  of each
director of the Company.

     (e)  Transitional  Services  Agreement.  AT&T and the  Company  shall  have
entered into the Transitional Services Agreement.

                 7.3.  Conditions  to  Obligation  of the Company and AT&T.  The
     obligation  of the Company and AT&T to effect the Merger is also subject to
     the  satisfaction  or waiver by the Company prior to the Effective  Time of
     the following conditions:

                 (a)  Representations  and Warranties.  The  representations and
     warranties  of Parent and Merger Sub set forth in this  Agreement  shall be
     true and correct in all material  respects as of the date of this Agreement
     and (except to the extent such  representations  and warranties speak as of
     an earlier  date) as of the  Closing  Date as though  made on and as of the
     Closing  Date,  and the Company and AT&T shall have  received a certificate
     signed on behalf of Parent by an executive officer of Parent and Merger Sub
     to such effect.

                 (b)  Performance  of Obligations of Parent and Merger Sub. Each
     of Parent and Merger Sub shall have performed in all material  respects all

     obligations required to be performed by it under this Agreement at or prior
     to the  Closing  Date,  and the  Company  and AT&T  shall  have  received a
     certificate  signed  on behalf of Parent  and  Merger  Sub by an  executive
     officer  of Parent to such  effect.  The  obligation  of AT&T to effect the
     Merger is also subject to receipt by AT&T of the payment referred to in the
     last sentence of Section 6.13(b)(i).

                 (c) Consents Under  Agreements.  Parent shall have obtained the
     consent or  approval  of each person  whose  consent or  approval  shall be
     required in order to permit the  succession  by the  Surviving  Corporation
     pursuant  to the Merger to any  obligation,  right or interest of Parent or
     any  Subsidiary  of Parent under any Contract to which Parent or any of its
     Subsidiaries  is a party,  except  those for which  failure to obtain  such
     consents and approvals is not reasonably likely to have, individually or in
     the aggregate, a Parent Material Adverse Effect.

                        ARTICLE VIII


                 8.1.  Termination  by Mutual  Consent.  This  Agreement  may be
     terminated  and the  Merger  may be  abandoned  at any  time  prior  to the
     Effective Time by mutual written consent of the Company,  AT&T,  Parent and
     Merger Sub, by action of their respective boards of directors.

                 8.2. Termination by Parent, AT&T or the Company. This Agreement
     may be terminated  and the Merger may be abandoned at any time prior to the
     Effective  Time by action of the board of directors of Parent,  AT&T or the
     Company if (i) the Merger  shall not have been  consummated  by October 31,
     1996 (the "Termination  Date"), or (ii) any Order permanently  restraining,
     enjoining  or  otherwise  prohibiting  the Merger  shall  become  final and
     non-appealable;  provided,  that the  right  to  terminate  this  Agreement
     pursuant to clause (i) and (ii) above shall not be  available  to any party
     that has  breached  in any  material  respect  its  obligations  under this
     Agreement  in any manner  that shall have  proximately  contributed  to the
     occurrence of the failure referred to in said clause.

                 8.3.  Termination by the Company or AT&T. This Agreement may be
     terminated  and the  Merger  may be  abandoned  at any  time  prior  to the
     Effective  Time, by action of the board of directors of the Company or AT&T
     if there  has  been a  material  breach  by  Parent  or  Merger  Sub of any

     representation, warranty, covenant or agreement contained in this Agreement
     (other than Section 6.17) that is not curable or, if curable,  is not cured
     within 30 days after written  notice of such breach is given by the Company
     or  AT&T  to the  party  committing  such  breach.  This  Agreement  may be
     terminated  and the  Merger  may be  abandoned  at any  time  prior  to the
     Effective  Time by the  Company or AT&T if there has been any breach of the
     covenant contained in Section 6.17.

                 8.4.  Termination  by Parent.  This Agreement may be terminated
     and the Merger may be abandoned at any time prior to the Effective  Time by
     action of the board of  directors  of Parent,  if there has been a material
     breach by the Company or AT&T of any representation,  warranty, covenant or
     agreement  contained in this  Agreement that is not curable or, if curable,
     is not cured within 30 days after written notice of such breach is given by
     Parent to the party committing such breach.

                 8.5.  Effect of Termination  and  Abandonment.  In the event of
     termination of this Agreement and the abandonment of the Merger pursuant to
     this Article VIII, this Agreement  (other than as set forth in Section 9.1)
     shall  become void and of no effect with no  liability  of any party hereto
     (or any of its directors,  officers, employees, agents, legal and financial
     advisors or other  representatives);  however, except as otherwise provided
     herein, no such termination shall relieve any party hereto of any liability
     or damages resulting from any breach by that party of this Agreement.

                         ARTICLE IX

                  Miscellaneous and General

                 9.1. Survival. The representations of AT&T contained in Section
     5.2 (except for  Section  5.2(g))  shall  survive the  consummation  of the
     Merger until the first  anniversary  of the date of this  Agreement and the
     provisions of this Article IX shall survive the consummation of the Merger.
     The  agreements  and covenants of the parties made herein shall survive the
     consummation  of the Merger to the extent so provided by their  terms.  The
     agreements of the parties contained in Section 6.7 (Publicity), Section 6.9
     (Expenses),  and Section 8.5 (Effect of Termination and  Abandonment),  and
     the  representations  contained  in  Sections  5.1(s),  5.2(f)  and  5.3(e)
     (Brokers and Finders) and this Article IX shall survive the  termination of
     this  Agreement.  All other  representations,  warranties,  agreements  and

     covenants  in this  Agreement  shall not  survive the  consummation  of the
     Merger or the termination of this Agreement.

                 9.2.  Modification  or Amendment.  Subject to the provisions of
     applicable law, at any time prior to the Effective Time, the parties hereto
     may  modify or amend  this  Agreement  by written  agreement  executed  and
     delivered by duly authorized officers of the respective parties.

     9.3.  Waiver  of  Conditions.  The  conditions  to  each  of  the  parties'
obligations  to consummate the Merger are for the sole benefit of such party and
may be  waived  by such  party in whole or in part to the  extent  permitted  by
applicable law.

     9.4.  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in any  number  of
counterparts, each such counter- part being deemed to be an original instrument,
and all such counterparts shall together constitute the same agreement.

     THEREOF.  The parties hereby  irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the
     courts of the State of Delaware and the Federal courts of the United States
     of  America  located  in the State of  Delaware  solely in  respect  of the
     interpretation  and  enforcement of the provisions of this Agreement and of
     the  documents  referred  to in  this  Agreement,  and  in  respect  of the
     transactions  contemplated  hereby,  and  hereby  waive,  and  agree not to
     assert,   as  a  defense  in  any  action,   suit  or  proceeding  for  the
     interpretation  or enforcement  hereof or of any such document,  that it is
     not subject  thereto or that such  action,  suit or  proceeding  may not be
     brought or is not maintainable in said courts or that the venue thereof may
     not be  appropriate  or that this Agreement or any such document may not be
     enforced in or by such courts,  and the parties  hereto  irrevocably  agree
     that all claims with  respect to such action or  proceeding  shall be heard
     and  determined  in such a Delaware  State or Federal  court.  The  parties
     hereby consent to and grant any such court  jurisdiction over the person of
     such  parties  and over the subject  matter of such  dispute and agree that
     mailing of process or other  papers in  connection  with any such action or
     proceeding in the manner provided in Section 9.6 or in such other manner as
     may be permitted by law, shall be valid and sufficient service thereof.

                 (b)  Parent  hereby  designates  CT  Corporation  System as its
     authorized agent to accept and acknowledge on its behalf service of any and
     all process  which may be served in any such suit,  action or proceeding in
     any such court and agrees  that  service of process  upon said agent at its
     office at 1209 Orange Street, Wilmington Delaware 19801, and written notice
     of  said  service  to  Parent,  mailed  or  delivered  to  it,  c/o  Nomura
     International  plc at the address set forth in Section 9.6, shall be deemed
     in every respect effective service of process upon Parent in any such suit,
     action  or  proceeding  and  shall be taken  and held to be valid  personal
     service upon Parent,  whether or not Parent shall then be doing,  or at any
     time shall have done,  business within the State of Delaware,  and that any
     such  service of  process  shall be of the same  force and  validity  as if
     service were made upon it according to the laws  governing the validity and
     requirements  of such service in such State,  and waives all claim of error
     by reason of any such service.  Said  designation and appointment  shall be

     THIS SECTION 9.5.

     9.6.  Notices.  Any notice,  request,  instruction  or other document to be
given  hereunder  by any party to the others  shall be in writing and  delivered
personally or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid:

                 if to Parent or Merger Sub

                 c/o Nomura International plc,
                 Nomura House
                 1 St. Martin's-le-Grand
                 London, England ECIA 4NP
                 Attention:  Managing Director,
                             Principal Finance Group
                 Attention:  Transaction Management Group
                 (with a copy to William R. Dougherty, Esq.
                 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett
                 425 Lexington Avenue
                 New York, New York  10017)

                 if to the Company

                 44 Whippany Road,
                 Morristown, NJ  07962-1983,
                 Attention:  General Counsel
                 (with a copy to John P. Mead, Esq.,
                 Sullivan & Cromwell,
                 125 Broad Street,
                 New York, NY  10004.)

                 if to AT&T

                 295 North Maple Avenue,
                 Basking Ridge, NJ  07920.
                 Attention: Treasurer
                 131 Morristown Road,
                 Basking Ridge, NJ  07920.
                 Attention:  Vice President-Law and Secretary

                 (with a copy to Steven A. Rosenblum, Esq.,
                 Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz 51 West 52nd Street New York, NY

                 or to such other  persons or addresses as may be  designated in
     writing by the party to receive such notice.

                 9.7. Entire Agreement.  This Agreement  (including the exhibits
     hereto),  the Company  Disclosure  Letter,  the AT&T Disclosure Letter, the
     Parent Disclosure Letter and the Confidentiality  Agreement,  dated January
     31,  1996,   between  Nomura   International   plc  and  the  Company  (the
     "Confidentiality Agreement") constitute the entire agreement, and supersede
     all other prior agreements, understandings,  representations and warranties

     both  written  and oral,  among the  parties,  with  respect to the subject

                 9.8.  No Third  Party  Beneficiaries.  Except  as  provided  in
     Section 6.8(k) and Section 6.10 (Indemnification;  Directors' and Officers'
     Insurance),  this Agreement is not intended to confer upon any person other
     than the parties hereto any rights or remedies hereunder.

                 9.9.  Obligations of Parent and of the Company;  Limitations on
     Liability.  (a) Whenever this Agreement  requires a Subsidiary of Parent to
     take any action, such requirement shall be deemed to include an undertaking
     on the part of  Parent  to  cause  such  Subsidiary  to take  such  action.
     Whenever  this  Agreement  requires a Subsidiary of the Company to take any
     action,  such requirement  shall be deemed to include an undertaking on the
     part of the Company to cause such Subsidiary to take such action and, after
     the Effective Time, on the part of the Surviving  Corporation to cause such
     Subsidiary to take such action.

                 (b) Except as provided in the immediately  following  sentence,
     nothing in this  Agreement is intended to or shall create any  liability on
     the part of any stockholder, incorporator, officer or director of any party
     hereto  except that Parent  shall be  responsible  for acts or omissions of
     Merger  Sub (or any  other  Subsidiary  designated  by Parent  pursuant  to
     Section 9.12) and the Company shall be responsible for acts or omissions of
     its  Subsidiaries,  in each case as provided in clause (a). AT&T shall have
     no  liability   hereunder  except  insofar  as  its  own   representations,
     warranties and covenants are concerned. Any notice, certificate or opinions
     of an officer of a party hereto delivered  pursuant to this Agreement shall
     be deemed to be an act of the party  and  shall  not  create  any  personal
     liability on the part of the officer delivering such notice, certificate or

                 9.10.  Severability.  The provisions of this Agreement shall be
     deemed  severable and the invalidity or  unenforceability  of any provision
     shall not affect the  validity or  enforceability  of the other  provisions
     hereof. If any provision of this Agreement,  or the application  thereof to
     any person or any circumstance, is invalid or unenforceable, (a) a suitable
     and equitable  provision  shall be  substituted  therefor in order to carry
     out, so far as may be valid and enforceable, the intent and purpose of such
     invalid or unenforceable  provision and (b) the remainder of this Agreement
     and the  application  of such  provision to other persons or  circumstances
     shall not be affected by such  invalidity  or  unenforceability,  nor shall
     such invalidity or  unenforceability  affect the validity or enforceability
     of such provision, or the application thereof, in any other jurisdiction.

                 9.11. Interpretation. The table of contents and headings herein
     are for  convenience  of reference  only,  do not  constitute  part of this
     Agreement  and shall not be deemed to limit or otherwise  affect any of the
     provisions hereof. Where a reference in this Agreement is made to a Section
     or  Exhibit,  such  reference  shall be to a Section  of or Exhibit to this
     Agreement  unless  otherwise  indicated.   Whenever  the  words  "include,"
     "includes" or "including" are used in this Agreement,  they shall be deemed
     to be followed by the words "without limitation."

                 9.12.  Assignment.  This  Agreement  shall not be assignable by
     operation  of law or  otherwise  without the prior  written  consent of the
     other parties;  provided,  however,  that Parent may designate,  by written
     notice to the Company,  another wholly owned direct or indirect  Subsidiary
     to be a  Constituent  Corporation  in lieu of Merger  Sub,  in the event of
     which,  all references  herein to Merger Sub shall be deemed  references to
     such other Subsidiary except that all  representations  and warranties made
     herein with respect to Merger Sub as of the date of this Agreement shall be
     deemed  representations  and  warranties  made with  respect  to such other
     Subsidiary as of the date of such designation and no designation under this
     Section  9.12 shall be valid or effective  unless all such  representations
     and warranties are true insofar as such new Subsidiary is concerned.

          IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this  Agreement  has  been  duly  executed  and
     delivered by the duly  authorized  officers of the parties hereto as of the
     date first written above.

                                   AT&T CAPITAL CORPORATION

                                   By: __________________________

                                   AT&T CORP.

                                   By: __________________________

                                   HERCULES LIMITED

                                   By: __________________________

                                ANTIGUA ACQUISITION                          

                                   By: __________________________

                        Table of Contents


                            ARTICLE I
               The Merger; Closing; Effective Time . . . . . .  1

     1.1. The Merger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1
     1.2. Closing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2
     1.3. Effective Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2

                            ARTICLE II
             Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws
                   of the Surviving Corporation. . . . . . . .  2

     2.1. The Certificate of Incorporation . . . . . . . . . .  2
     2.2. The By-Laws. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2

                           ARTICLE III
                      Officers and Directors
                   of the Surviving Corporation. . . . . . . .  3

     3.1. Directors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
     3.2. Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3

                            ARTICLE IV
              Effect of the Merger on Capital Stock;
                     Exchange of Certificates. . . . . . . . .  3

     4.1. Effect on Capital Stock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
          (a)      Merger Consideration. . . . . . . . . . . .  3
          (b)      Options and Restricted Shares . . . . . . .  4
          (c)      Cancellation of Shares. . . . . . . . . . .  5
          (d)      Merger Sub. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     4.2. Payment for Shares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     4.3. Dissenters' Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     4.4. Transfer of Shares After the Effective Time. . . . .  7

                            ARTICLE V
                  Representations and Warranties . . . . . . .  7

     5.1. Representations and Warranties of the Company. . . .  7
          (a)      Organization, Good Standing and
                   Qualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
          (b)      Capital Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
          (c)      Corporate Authority; Approval and
                   Fairness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9

          (d)      Governmental Filings; No Violations . . . . 10
          (e)      Company Reports; Financial Statements . . . 11
          (f)      Absence of Certain Changes. . . . . . . . . 12
          (g)      Litigation and Liabilities. . . . . . . . . 13
          (h)      Employee Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
          (i)      Compliance with Laws; Licenses. . . . . . . 16
          (j)      Receivables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
          (k)      Material Contracts. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
          (l)      Takeover Statutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
          (m)      Environmental Matters . . . . . . . . . . . 19
          (n)      Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
          (o)      Labor Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
          (p)      Intellectual Property . . . . . . . . . . . 22
          (q)      Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
          (r)      AT&T Agreements; Transactions with
                   Affiliates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
          (s)      Brokers and Finders . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
     5.2. Representations and Warranties of AT&T . . . . . . . 25
          (a)      Organization, Good Standing and
                   Qualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
          (b)      Share Ownership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
          (c)      Corporate Authority; Approval and
                   Fairness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
          (d)      Governmental Filings; No Violations . . . . 25
          (e)      AT&T Agreements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
          (f)      Brokers and Finders . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
          (g)      Employee Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
     5.3. Representations and Warranties of Parent and
          Merger Sub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
          (a)      Organization, Good Standing and
                   Qualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
          (b)      Corporate Authority; Board and
                   Stockholder Approvals . . . . . . . . . . . 28
          (c)      Governmental Filings; No Violations . . . . 28
          (d)      Available Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
          (e)      Brokers and Finders . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

                            ARTICLE VI
                            Covenants. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

     6.1. Interim Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
     6.2. Acquisition Proposals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
     6.3. Information Supplied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
     6.4. Filings; Other Actions; Notification . . . . . . . . 34
     6.5. Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
     6.6. AT&T Operating Agreement and License Agreement . . . 37
     6.7. Publicity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
     6.8. Employee Benefit Covenants . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
          (a)      In General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

          (b)      Change in Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
          (c)      Executive Benefit Plan. . . . . . . . . . . 39
          (d)      Equity-Based Plans. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
          (e)      Share Performance Incentive Plan. . . . . . 39
          (f)      Annual Incentive Plan . . . . . . . . . . . 40
          (g)      Other Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
          (h)      Credited Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
          (i)      Plan Withdrawals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
          (j)      Survival. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
          (k)      Intended Beneficiaries. . . . . . . . . . . 41
     6.9. Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
     6.10.         Indemnification; Directors' and Officers'
          Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
     6.11.         Takeover Statute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
     6.12.         Reasonable Best Efforts and Cooperation . . 44
     6.13.         Tax Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
          (a)      Section 338(h)(10) Election . . . . . . . . 44
          (c)      Tax Returns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
          (d)      Termination of Tax Allocation
                   Agreements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

                           ARTICLE VII
                            Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

     7.1. Conditions to Each Party's Obligation to
          Effect the Merger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
          (a)      Regulatory Consents and Orders. . . . . . . 51
     7.2. Conditions to Obligation of Parent . . . . . . . . . 51
          (a)      Representations and Warranties. . . . . . . 51
          (b)      Performance of Obligations of the
                   Company and AT&T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
          (c)      Consents Under Agreements and Licenses. . . 52
          (d)      Resignations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
          (e)      Transitional Services Agreement . . . . . . 52
     7.3. Conditions to Obligation of the Company and
          AT&T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
          (a)      Representations and Warranties. . . . . . . 52
          (b)      Performance of Obligations of Parent
                   and Merger Sub. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
          (c)      Consents Under Agreements . . . . . . . . . 53

                           ARTICLE VIII
                           Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

     8.1. Termination by Mutual Consent. . . . . . . . . . . . 53
     8.2. Termination by Parent, AT&T or the Company . . . . . 53
     8.3. Termination by the Company or AT&T . . . . . . . . . 53
     8.4. Termination by Parent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

     8.5. Effect of Termination and Abandonment. . . . . . . . 54

                            ARTICLE IX
                    Miscellaneous and General. . . . . . . . . 54

     9.1. Survival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
     9.2. Modification or Amendment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
     9.3. Waiver of Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
     9.4. Counterparts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
     9.6. Notices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
     9.7. Entire Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
     9.8. No Third Party Beneficiaries . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
     9.9. Obligations of Parent and of the Company;
          Limitations on Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
     9.10.         Severability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
     9.11.         Interpretation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
     9.12.         Assignment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59