(Sections 33 and 203)

                       ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT

   1.   Name of Company                      	2.  Company No.



   3.   The articles of the above named company are amended as

        Pursuant to Section 197(1)(m) of the Companies Act Cap.
        308 the existing Section 3(1)(1)(c) of the Company's
        Restated Articles of Incorporation be deleted and
        replaced as set out in the annexed Schedule A.


             Date                Signature           Title

        April 12, 1996        Peter R.P. Evelyn      Director

                     COMPANIES ACT OF BARBADOS



   Name of Company                                   Company No.



                             SCHEDULE A

   Section 3(1)(1)(c) - Allocations to Subsidiary Capital

        (c)  With respect to losses incurred, and any amount of
             losses recovered through salvage, subrogation,
             reimbursement or otherwise, one hundred percent
             (100%) shall be allocated to the related Subsidiary
             Capital Account.  For the purposes of this Section
             3(1)(1)(c), losses incurred includes both paid and
             unpaid (reported and unreported) losses.


             Date                Signature           Title

        April 12, 1996        Peter R.P. Evelyn      Director

                     COMPANIES ACT OF BARBADOS
                       (Sections 33 and 203)

                       ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT


   1.   Name of Company                           2.  Company No.



   3.   The articles of the above named company are amended as

        Pursuant to Section 197(1)(m) of the Companies Act Cap.
        308 the existing Section 3(1)(2) of the Company's
        Restated Articles of Incorporation be deleted and
        replaced as set out in the annexed Schedule A.


             Date                Signature           Title

        June 27, 1996         Peter R.P. Evelyn      Director

                     COMPANIES ACT OF BARBADOS



   Name of Company                                   Company No.



                             SCHEDULE A

   Section 3(1)(2) - Allocations to Subsidiary Capital Accounts

        (2)  Any expenses or liabilities attributable to ordinary
             day-to-day Company operations, excluding any United
             States Federal income taxes, shall be allocated
             among all Subsidiary Capital Accounts for the Shares
             pro rata in accordance with the number of series
             issued and outstanding at the end of the fiscal
             quarter immediately preceding the fiscal quarter in
             which the expense or liability is incurred,
             provided, that for purposes of such allocation,
             series of shares issued during the current calendar
             year and series with respect to which unearned
             premium is zero as of the date of such allocation,
             shall be excluded.


             Date                Signature           Title

        June 27, 1996         Peter R.P. Evelyn      Director

                     COMPANIES ACT OF BARBADOS
                             APPENDIX A
                           (Section 205)
                              FORM 13

   1.   Name of Company

        Motors Mechanical Reinsurance Company, Limited

   2.   Company No.



        The annexed Schedule is incorporated in this form.


        The annexed Schedule is incorporated in this form.


        There shall be a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 6


        The principal object and activity of the Company is to
        engage in Exempt Insurance business within the meaning of
        the Exempt Insurance Act, 1983 of Barbados and the
        business of the Company shall be restricted accordingly.


        The annexed Schedule is incorporated in this form.

   8.   Date                  Signatures             Title

        [April 15, 1996]      Peter Evelyn          Director


                     ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION

   3.   The classes and any maximum number of shares that the
        Company is authorized to issue:

        The Company is authorized to issue:

        (a)  2,000 shares of one class without nominal or par
        value to be designated Common shares; and

        (b)  100,000 shares of one class without nominal or par
        value to be designated Participating shares which shall
        be divided into 1,000 series and issued in series of 100

        The rights, preferences and limitations of the said
        classes of shares are as follows:


        In these Articles and any amendment thereto and in the
        Company's By-Laws the following terms shall mean:

        Board -- The Company's Board of Directors.

        Company -- Motors Mechanical Reinsurance Company,

        Franchise -- A right conferred by a motor vehicle
        manufacturer pursuant to a written agreement which
        permits the grantee to sell the manufacturer's new motor

        MIC -- Motors Insurance Corporation, a New York
        corporation with its administrative offices in Detroit,

        MIC Agency Account -- The separate business record
        maintained by MIC or any of its subsidiaries to track
        volume, experience, and commissions with respect to
        insurance business related to any one or more particular

        Restricted Earned Surplus -- At any point in time, that
        portion of the earned surplus, if any, in the Subsidiary
        Capital Account for the Common shares equal to one and
        one-third percent (1-1/3%) of the premiums paid to the
        Company during the immediately preceding five-year
        period, net of deficits allocated to such account
        pursuant to paragraph 3(1)(7)(a)(i) hereof during such
        five-year period to the extent not restored to such
        account pursuant to paragraph 3(1)(7)(c) hereof and net
        of return premiums allocated to such account during such
        period pursuant to paragraph 3(1)(1)(d) hereof.

        Shares -- Shares of the Participating Stock of the

        Stock Purchase Agreement -- The agreement entered into
        between the Company and the purchaser of Shares, in the
        form approved by the Board.

        Subsidiary Capital Account -- The subsidiary bookkeeping
        record established by the Company for a particular series
        or class of shares and maintained for the purpose of
        accounting for items of income and expense, gains and
        losses, capital contributions, and shareholder
        distributions which are allocated to the particular
        series or class of shares.


        The Company will establish a Subsidiary Capital Account
        with respect to the Common shares as a class, and to each
        series of Shares of the Company at the time a series is

        The consideration received by the Company upon the
        issuance of a particular series of Shares and the Common
        shares as a class will be allocated to the Subsidiary
        Capital Account for that series or class.  Items of
        income and expense, and losses, attributable to insurance
        underwriting activities shall be determined as of the end
        of each calendar quarter and shall be allocated to the
        Subsidiary Capital Accounts as of the end of the fiscal
        quarter of the Company in which the respective calendar
        quarter ends.  Investment experience, and other items of
        income and expense, gains and losses and distributions
        with respect to shares of the Company will be determined
        and allocated to the Subsidiary Capital Accounts as of
        the end of each fiscal quarter of the Company.  All such
        accounting determinations shall be made using United
        States generally accepted accounting principles, unless
        otherwise required by these Articles.  For purposes of
        such allocations, items shall be "related" to a
        Subsidiary Capital Account which is identified with the
        same MIC Agency Account to which such items can be

   (1)  Items of income and expense, and losses, attributable to
        insurance underwriting activities shall be allocated to
        the Subsidiary Capital Accounts in accordance with the
        following paragraphs:

        (a)  With respect to premiums ceded to the Company, one
             hundred percent (100%) shall be allocated to the
             related Subsidiary Capital Account; provided,
             however, that an amount equal to one and one-third
             percent (1-1/3%) of such premiums shall be
             subtracted from such Subsidiary Capital Account and
             allocated to the Subsidiary Capital Account of the
             Common shares.

        (b)  With respect to any agents' or brokers' commissions,
             any commissions recaptured, unearned premiums,
             reinsurance premiums ceded by the Company, and any
             United States excise tax, one hundred percent (100%)
             shall be allocated to the related Subsidiary Capital

        (c)  With respect to losses incurred, and any amount of
             losses recovered through salvage, subrogation,
             reimbursement or otherwise, one hundred percent
             (100%) shall be allocated to the related Subsidiary
             Capital Account.  For this purpose, losses incurred
             includes both paid and unpaid (reported and
             unreported) losses.

        (d)  With respect to return premiums, ninety-eight and
             two-thirds percent (98-2/3%) shall be allocated to
             the related Subsidiary Capital Account and one and
             one-third percent (1-1/3%) shall be allocated to the
             Subsidiary Capital Account for the Common shares.

   (2)  Any expenses or liabilities attributable to ordinary
        day-to-day Company operations, excluding any United
        States Federal income taxes, shall be allocated among all
        Subsidiary Capital Accounts for the Shares pro rata in
        accordance with the relative earned premiums allocated to
        such accounts for the fiscal quarter in which the expense
        or liability is incurred.

   (3)  Any United States Federal income tax liability (and any
        interest thereon or any penalties related thereto)
        incurred by the Company shall be allocated among the
        Subsidiary Capital Accounts based upon the relative
        contribution of each of those accounts to the taxable
        income of the Company upon which the tax (and any
        interest or penalties) is imposed.

   (4)  Any expenses or liabilities attributable to the
        organization of the Company or to the offer, sale or
        issuance of Shares, including but not limited to the
        costs of compliance with regulations and requirements of
        the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and
        the various states and other jurisdictions of the United
        States as they pertain thereto, shall be allocated to the
        Subsidiary Capital Account for the Common shares.

   (5)  Any expenses or liabilities of the Company not allocable
        in the manner described in paragraphs (2) through (4)
        above shall be allocated among the Subsidiary Capital
        Accounts on the basis of the relative balances of such
        accounts as of the end of the fiscal quarter preceding
        the date on which the expense or liability is incurred.

   (6)  (a)  Investment income, net of any direct investment
             expense, shall be allocated among the Subsidiary
             Capital Accounts pro rata based upon the relative
             Investment Asset Balance (as defined in subparagraph
             (b) below) of each such account as of the last day
             of the fiscal quarter preceding the quarter for
             which the investment income is being allocated.  For
             these purposes, net investment income will include
             realized (but not unrealized) gains and losses.

        (b)  The Investment Asset Balance of each Subsidiary
             Capital Account shall be equal to the capital and
             surplus allocated to such account, increased by:

             (i)  the unearned portions of the written premiums
                  that have been collected by the Company and
                  allocated to such account as of the last day of
                  the fiscal quarter preceding the quarter for
                  which the income is being allocated, net of any
                  applicable commissions and taxes;

             (ii) the outstanding loss reserves attributable to
                  such account as of the last day of the fiscal
                  quarter preceding the quarter for which the
                  income is being allocated; and

             (iii) any other outstanding liability that has been
                   charged to such account as of the last day of
                   the fiscal quarter preceding the quarter for
                   which the income is being allocated.

   (7)  (a)  If, after the credits and charges described in
             paragraphs (1) through (6) above are made to the
             Subsidiary Capital Accounts there exists a deficit
             in one or more of such accounts, then each such
             deficit will be allocated to and charged against:

             (i)  first, the Subsidiary Capital Account for the
                  Common shares to the extent of Restricted
                  Earned Surplus;

             (ii) then, any remaining unallocated deficit to the
                  Subsidiary Capital Accounts for the Shares, pro
                  rata, based upon the relative earned premiums
                  allocated to each such account for the fiscal
                  quarter for which the allocation is being made;
                  provided, however, that only accounts which
                  have positive balances will be taken into
                  account for the purposes of this allocation;

             (iii) then, any remaining unallocated deficit to the
                   remaining Subsidiary Capital Accounts for the
                   Shares with positive balances as of the last
                   day of the fiscal quarter for which the
                   allocation is being made, pro rata, based upon
                   such balances; and

             (iv) finally, to the extent necessary, the
                  Subsidiary Capital Account for the Common

        (b)  If, as a result of an allocation of a deficit as
             described in subparagraph (ii) or (iii) of paragraph
             (a) above, a deficit is created in one or more of
             the Subsidiary Capital Accounts, then the resulting
             deficit(s) will be further allocated in the manner
             provided in that subparagraph.

        (c)  Although this paragraph (7) shall be applied in a
             manner that does not result in a balance in any
             Subsidiary Capital Account for a series of Shares
             that is less than zero, if any such account had a
             deficit that was allocated to and charged against
             the Subsidiary Capital Account of the Common shares 
             pursuant to Section 3(1)(7)(a)(i) hereof, or to the
             Subsidiary Capital Account for any series of Shares
             pursuant to Section 3(1)(7)(a)(ii) or (iii) hereof
             (after taking into account the provisions of Section
             3(1)(7)(b)) after January 1, 1995, then at the end
             of any succeeding fiscal quarter for which that
             account otherwise would show an account balance
             greater than zero, such balance will be reallocated
             and credited:

             (i)  first to the Subsidiary Capital Account of the
                  Common shares until all reductions of such
                  Subsidiary Capital Account for the Common
                  shares under Section 3(1)(7)(a)(i) hereof with
                  respect to said series of Shares have been
                  restored, and

             (ii) then, with respect to any deficits charged
                  against the Subsidiary Capital Account for any
                  series of Shares pursuant to Section
                  3(1)(7)(a)(ii) or (iii) for periods after
                  January 1, 1995, to the Subsidiary Capital
                  Accounts for the Shares, pro rata, based upon
                  the relative amounts, through the end of the
                  fiscal quarter for which the reallocation
                  hereunder is being made, of deficits that were
                  allocated to those accounts (whether under
                  Section 3(1)(7)(a)(ii) or (iii)) from the
                  Subsidiary Capital Account for the series of
                  Shares for which the reallocation hereunder is
                  being made and that have not previously been
                  restored, until all reductions of such
                  Subsidiary Capital Accounts after January 1,
                  1995 under Section 3(1)(7)(a) with respect to
                  said series of Shares have been restored.

   (8)  (a)  Dividends, payments upon redemption or liquidation
             (described below), and any other distributions with
             respect to shares of the Company will be allocated
             to the Subsidiary Capital Account for the class or
             series with respect to which the dividend, payment
             or distribution was made.

        (b)  Where all shares of a series of Shares are
             repurchased by the Company pursuant to Section 4
             below, or redeemed in accordance with the Company's
             procedures for redemption set forth in Section 3(6)
             below, the Subsidiary Capital Account for such
             series shall be terminated as of the Repurchase Date
             or Redemption Date (as those terms are defined in
             Sections 4 and 3(6), respectively).  Thereafter, all
             income, expenses, gains and losses that would have
             been allocated to the terminated account will be
             allocated among the Subsidiary Capital Accounts of
             the existing series of Shares pro rata based upon
             relative earned premiums attributable to such
             accounts for the calendar quarter in which the item
             was earned or incurred; provided, however, that a
             net deficit for any such period shall be allocated
             in accordance with the provisions of Section

   The allocations to the Subsidiary Capital Accounts described
   above shall be approved by the Board, and when finally so
   approved all calculations, allocations and determinations
   shall be final and conclusive and shall be binding on all
   holders of shares of the Company for all purposes, including
   without limitation any redemption of shares of the Company
   pursuant to the Company's procedures for redemption.  The
   Board is authorized to interpret and apply the provisions of
   these Articles and to promulgate such additional rules and
   guidelines as the Board deems appropriate to carry out the
   intent of these Articles and such interpretations, rules and
   guidelines shall be binding on all shareholders.


   (a)  If any Share shall be redeemed, repurchased or otherwise
        retired, it shall return to the status of an authorized
        but unissued share of such class.

   (b)  A series of Shares shall be issued with respect to a
        specific MIC Agency Account.  Only one series of Shares
        shall be issued with respect to an MIC Agency Account.  A
        series of Shares shall be issued only to persons or
        entities acceptable to the Board and certified by the
        owner(s) of the Franchise(s) to which the MIC Agency
        Account relates.  Certification will be effected in
        accordance with procedures adopted by the Board from time
        to time.  No share of any particular series of Shares
        shall be issued unless all shares of such series are

   (c)  Each outstanding Share shall entitle the registered
        holder of record of such Share to dividends in accordance
        with the rules set forth in Section 3(5) of these

   (d)  The holders of Shares shall among them have the right to
        elect one director of the Company and shall otherwise
        have only such voting rights as are specifically provided
        herein.  On all such matters each share shall entitle the
        registered holder thereof to one vote.

   (e)  The rights associated with any Shares of a series shall
        be identical to the rights associated with all other
        Shares of the same series.


   (a)  Each outstanding Common share shall entitle the
        registered holder of such shares to dividends in
        accordance with the rules set forth in Section 3(5) of
        these Articles.

   (b)  Each outstanding Common share shall entitle the
        registered holder thereof to one vote per share on all
        resolutions of the Company other than as specifically
        provided herein.

   (c)  The holders of the Common shares shall be entitled to
        elect five directors of the Company, one of whom must be
        a resident citizen of Barbados.


   The Company may be liquidated upon the vote of the holders of
   at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the Shares.  In the
   event of any voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution
   or winding up of the affairs of the Company, after payment of
   all liabilities of the Company, each holder of Shares of a
   series shall be entitled to receive an amount equal to his
   share (based on his proportionate ownership of such series) of
   the Subsidiary Capital Account balance related to his series
   of Shares before any distribution of the assets of the Company
   shall be made to holders of the Common shares.  After such
   payment shall have been made in full to the holders of the
   outstanding Shares, or funds necessary for such payment shall
   have been set aside in trust for the account of the holders of
   the outstanding Shares so as to be available therefor, the
   holders of the outstanding Shares shall be entitled to no
   further participation in the distribution of the assets of the
   Company, and the remaining assets of the Company, if any,
   shall be divided and distributed among the holders of the
   Common shares then outstanding pro rata based on their
   respective shares.  A consolidation or merger of the Company,
   or sale or transfer of all or substantially all its assets, or
   any purchase or redemption of shares of the Company of any
   class or series, shall not be regarded as a "liquidation,
   dissolution, or winding up" within the meaning of this


   (a)  Subject to the following paragraphs, dividends may be
        paid at the discretion of the Board.

   (b)  Dividends, payable in cash or such other property as the
        Board may determine, on a series of Shares or on Common
        shares, shall be declared and payable only if the Company
        shall have, after giving effect to the dividend,
        sufficient net assets, without regard to any Letter of
        Credit or Guarantee, to meet the general business
        solvency margin prescribed by the Exempt Insurance Act
        and Section 51 of the Act; provided that dividends with
        respect to any series of Shares may be paid only out of
        earned surplus attributable to the Subsidiary Capital
        Account identified with those Shares, and only to the
        extent that, after giving effect to the dividend, the
        capital and surplus identified with that Subsidiary
        Capital Account (without regard to any Guarantee or
        Letter of Credit) would meet its pro rata share, based on
        allocable premium income, of the minimum net assets
        required of the Company under the Exempt Insurance Act.
        Subject to the right of the holders of Shares to receive
        minimum dividends pursuant to the following paragraph, to
        the extent a dividend is declared on the Shares, it shall
        be declared and paid subject to the foregoing limitations
        for each series of Shares as a percentage of the net
        income for the preceding calendar year and/or earned
        surplus as of the end of the preceding calendar year,
        attributable to each series, provided that such
        percentage may vary among series of Shares with the level
        of net income and/or earned surplus.  Dividends shall
        only be declared and paid on Common shares to the extent
        that the earned surplus attributable to Common shares
        exceeds Restricted Earned Surplus.

   (c)  Subject to the preceding paragraph, the holders of the
        Shares of each series shall be entitled to receive
        minimum annual dividends, payable annually within the
        first 120 days of each fiscal year, in cash or such other
        property as the Board may determine.  The minimum annual
        dividend payable on each Share shall be such Share's pro
        rata portion of an amount equal to twenty percent (20%)
        of the net income, if any, for the preceding fiscal year
        attributable to the Subsidiary Capital Account associated
        with the series of which that Share is a part.  If a
        holder of Shares receives no dividend or a limited
        dividend in any annual period as a result of the
        limitations set forth in the preceding paragraph, any
        unpaid portion of the minimum dividend otherwise payable
        pursuant to this paragraph shall not become payable
        pursuant to this paragraph in any subsequent year.

   (d)  In no event shall any dividend whatever be paid upon or
        declared or set apart for the Common shares, unless and
        until all minimum annual dividends required to be paid on
        the then outstanding Shares for the then current period
        shall have been paid or declared and set apart for


   The common shares are non-redeemable.  Subject to compliance
   with any applicable statute or act, the Company may redeem any
   of its issued and outstanding Shares if all Shares of the
   series involved are redeemed and the redemption of such Shares
   is approved by a majority of the Board, provided that the
   Director representing holders of the Shares votes in favor of
   the redemption.

   The redemption of Shares shall be effective on such future
   date as determined by the Board, which shall be no later than
   the last business day of the calendar year in which the
   redemption was approved by the Board.  Such date is herein
   called the "Redemption Date."

   The consideration payable to the holders of redeemed Shares
   shall be the Subsidiary Capital Account balance for the series
   of such Shares as of the Redemption Date, as adjusted by the
   Board to reflect unrealized gains and losses on investments
   held by the Company and any contingent liabilities allocable
   to such account.  Such consideration shall be paid within five
   (5) months of the Redemption Date, provided that the holder(s)
   of the redeemed Shares shall have delivered to the Company,
   certificates representing the Shares being redeemed duly
   endorsed and accompanied by such other documents as the
   Company may require.  Such consideration shall bear interest
   from the Redemption Date until the earlier of the date of
   payment or the date that is five (5) months from the
   Redemption Date, at a rate equal to the rate of interest paid
   on 26-week United States Treasury Bills for the issue
   following the Redemption Date.

   Upon redemption of the Shares as aforesaid, the holder(s)
   thereof shall cease to have any further interest in the shares
   being redeemed.  Shares redeemed pursuant to this Section 3(6)
   shall return to the status of authorized but unissued Shares.

   4.   Restrictions, if any, on share transfers:

        (a)  Subject to the exceptions listed below, Shares
             (whether owned by the original or any subsequent
             holder thereof) shall not be transferred in any
             manner unless the holder(s) has received a bona fide
             written offer to purchase such Shares, a copy of
             which has been furnished to the Company, and the
             Company is thereafter offered the opportunity to
             purchase such Shares.  The Company shall have sixty
             (60) days during which to exercise the rights
             conferred upon it by this paragraph.  If the Company
             accepts such offer, the price will be the lesser of
             the balance of the Subsidiary Capital Account
             related to such series of Shares as of the last day
             of the fiscal quarter immediately preceding the date
             on which the offer to purchase was accepted by the
             Company (the "Repurchase Date") (or if less than all
             such Shares are offered, then the pro rata portion
             of such account attributable to the Shares offered),
             or the bona fide offering price.  Payment by the
             Company may be deferred until the end of the fiscal
             quarter in which the offer to purchase was accepted
             by the Company.  Shares purchased by the Company
             pursuant to this paragraph shall return to the
             status of authorized but unissued shares of such
             class.  If the Company does not elect to purchase
             the Shares pursuant to this paragraph, they may be
             sold in accordance with the bona fide written offer
             referred to above within the following sixty (60)
             days, subject to the requirements of the following
             paragraphs.  After such further sixty (60) days, any
             attempted sale or transfer of the Shares shall be
             subject to all the requirements of this paragraph.

        (b)  In addition to the requirements of the preceding
             paragraph and except as provided in paragraph (d)
             below, transfers of less than all Shares of a series
             shall not be made unless the holder(s) has received
             the written consent of the Company thereto.  A
             request for such consent must be made in writing and
             set forth the name(s) and address(es) of the
             intended transferee(s), the desired date of the
             transfer, and the consideration to be paid.  The
             Company shall have sixty (60) days from receipt of
             such request to grant or withhold its consent to the
             intended transfer.  If the Company fails to give its
             written consent, any subsequent transfer shall be
             void and of no effect.

        (c)  Shares may not be transferred unless and until the
             Board has received such assurances of compliance
             with all applicable laws and regulations as it may
             deem necessary and the transferee has agreed to
             abide by the requirements set forth in the Stock
             Purchase Agreement entered into by the transferor. 
             Certificates representing shares of any class of the
             Company's shares shall bear a legend substantially
             to the effect of this Section 4 of these Articles.

        (d)  A sale, gift, assignment, pledge or other transfer
             of Shares shall be exempt from the requirements of
             paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section 4 if the
             Board determines that the transferee or assignee of
             the shares is:

        (i)  a member of the transferring shareholder's immediate

        (ii) a trust for the benefit of the transferring
             shareholder, or for the benefit of other exempted
             transferees described in this paragraph;

       (iii) if the transferor is a corporation, any shareholder
             of the transferor;

        (iv) if the transferor is a partnership, any of its

        (v)  a corporation which is controlled by or under common
             control with the transferor;

        (vi) the estate of a deceased shareholder or legatees and
             heirs of such deceased shareholder;

       (vii) a charitable or other qualifying organization
             described in Section 170(c)(2) of the United States
             Internal Revenue Code of 1986;

      (viii) in the case of a transfer of less than all of the
             Shares of a series, a person who immediately prior
             to such transfer is a holder of Shares of that
             series; or

        (ix) a key employee with respect to a Franchise
             previously designated in the Stock Purchase
             Agreement entered into by the transferor.

   7.   Other provisions if any:

   No holder of shares of the Company of any class, now or
   hereafter authorized, shall have any preferential or
   preemptive right to subscribe for, purchase or receive any
   shares of the Company of any class, now or hereafter
   authorized, or any options or warrants for such shares, or any
   rights to subscribe for or purchase such shares, or any
   securities convertible into or exchangeable for such shares,
   which may at any time be issued, sold or offered for sale by
   the Company.

   Amendment of Articles and By-Laws:

   The Company's Articles and By-Laws shall not be altered,
   amended or repealed and no provision inconsistent therewith
   shall be adopted, without the affirmative vote of the holders
   of a majority of the Common shares and of the Shares present;
   provided that the rights associated with any series of Shares
   shall not be varied, unless the rights associated with all
   other series are similarly changed, without the affirmative
   vote of the holders of a majority of the Shares of each series