This  Marketing  Agreement is made and entered into and  effective as of May 29,
1998,  by  and  between   Transamerica   Life  Insurance  and  Annuity   Company
("Transamerica"),  a North  Carolina  corporation,  and Legacy  Marketing  Group
("LMG"), a California corporation, based on the following facts:

A.   Concurrently  herewith,  LMG and  Transamerica  are entering into a certain
     Administrative  Services  Agreement  pursuant  to which  certain  insurance
     business is to be administered by LMG.

B.   The  objective  of this  Agreement  is to  provide an  arrangement  to sell
     certain policies ("Policies") of Transamerica as specified in APPENDIX A.

C.   Transamerica  desires  to  appoint  LMG  to  recruit,  train,  and  appoint
     Wholesalers  and  Producers  in the  sale of  certain  Policies  issued  by
     Transamerica  as specified in APPENDIX A.  Wholesalers  and  Producers  are
     those licensed  insurance agents  contracted with LMG to sell  Transamerica

Based on the foregoing facts, LMG and Transamerica agree as follows:


     1.1  Transamerica  hereby  appoints  LMG to  recruit,  train,  and  appoint
          Wholesalers  and Producers in the  solicitation of the Policies in the
          geographic territory specified in APPENDIX A (the "Territory").

     1.2  LMG is  appointed  by  Transamerica  for  the  purpose  of  soliciting
          applications  for and servicing the Policies  referenced in APPENDIX A
          and otherwise transacting the business of this Agreement.  LMG accepts
          such  appointment  and agrees to comply with all  applicable  laws and
          regulations,  and to diligently  devote itself to the business of this
          appointment in order to sell the Policies  referenced in APPENDIX A as
          well as prevent the termination of such Policies through  conservation
          procedures mutually agreed upon by Transamerica and LMG.

     1.3  LMG  shall  cause  each new  Wholesaler  and  Producer  to enter  into
          Wholesaler  and Producer  Agreements  in the form shown in APPENDIX C.
          Transamerica  will  not be a  party  to the  Wholesaler  and  Producer
          agreements  and shall have no obligation or liability  thereunder.  If
          such a Wholesaler  or Producer  Agreement is modified by LMG, LMG will
          provide  Transamerica  with copies,  within ten (10)  business days of
          such  modifications.  LMG shall file  appointments  of Wholesalers and
          Producers in the appropriate  states' insurance  departments and other
          jurisdictions.  LMG  will  report  weekly  to  Transamerica  a list of
          current  appointments,  adding new appointments and terminations  from
          the  list  each  week.   Consideration   for  such   appointments  and
          terminations is provided for in the Administrative Services Agreement,
          executed concurrently herewith this Marketing Agreement.

     1.4  It is understood and agreed that LMG is an independent  contractor and
          nothing  herein  shall be  construed  to create  the  relationship  of
          employer  or  employee   between   Transamerica  and  LMG  or  between
          Transamerica and any officer, employee, Wholesaler,  Producer or other
          associated  person of LMG.  Neither LMG nor any Wholesaler or Producer
          has  authority  to  incur  any  liability  on  behalf  of or  to  bind
          Transamerica in any way or change its rights,  duties, or obligations,
          except as may be set forth in that  Administrative  Services Agreement
          between Transamerica and LMG, executed concurrently herewith.

     1.5  All  Wholesalers  and  Producers  who  have  been  recruited  and  are
          appointed to sell the Policies  referenced  in APPENDIX A by LMG shall
          be identified by  Transamerica  as Wholesalers and Producers of LMG as
          to such  Policies.  Any and all contracts  entered into by and between
          such  Wholesalers  or Producers with respect to such Policies shall be
          coded  through  LMG  and  deemed  Wholesalers  and  Producers  of LMG.
          Transamerica   may  terminate   Transamerica's   appointment   of  any
          Wholesaler  and  Producer  at its  reasonable  discretion,  with prior
          written  agreement of LMG, such  agreement  shall not be  unreasonably
          withheld.   Transamerica  may  not  otherwise  terminate,  recode,  or
          otherwise disturb the relationship between LMG and its Wholesalers and
          Producers with respect the Polices  without the prior written  consent
          of LMG.


     2.1  It  is  acknowledged  by  both   Transamerica  and  LMG  that  certain
          obligations of Transamerica  hereunder are to be performed by LMG as a
          servicing  organization,   pursuant  to  the  Administrative  Services
          Agreement  between   Transamerica  and  LMG.  This  does  not  relieve
          Transamerica of any of its duties and obligations  unless the specific
          service is  provided  for in the  Administrative  Services  Agreement,
          executed   concurrently   herewith,   whereby   LMG   has   explicitly
          acknowledged the responsibility of the service.

     2.2  APPENDIX  B will  provide  for the  compensation  payable  to LMG from
          Transamerica.  APPENDIX B will be  amended  to  conform  with each new
          product specification as it is developed and finalized.

          APPENDIX  B will  be  amended  as new  products  are  finalized.  Such
          amendment will be drafted by LMG,  subject to  Transamerica's  written
          approval, fifteen (15) days prior to the date on which Wholesalers and
          Producers begin solicitation of the new product.
          The marketing  allowance of commissions  may vary with the development
          of each new product.  Such marketing  allowance  will be  specifically
          provided for in APPENDIX B, or any subsequent amendments pertaining to
          the new product.

     2.3  The  commissions  specified  in APPENDIX B shall be modified  whenever
          necessary  to  conform  to  the  legal   requirements  of  any  state.
          Furthermore,  Transamerica reserves the right to withdraw its Policies
          from any state or other jurisdiction,  with 180 days written notice to
          LMG,  unless  mandated by any law,  regulation,  regulatory  agency or
          court of law to do so immediately.

     2.4  Transamerica  shall have sole  responsibility  for filing  advertising
          materials, pertaining to the business underwritten by Transamerica, in
          those states that so require prior to approving  their use by LMG. All
          costs  associated  with such  filings  will be the  responsibility  of

     2.5  LMG shall have no authority,  nor shall it represent  itself as having
          such  authority,   other  than  as  specifically  set  forth  in  this
          Agreement.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing sentence,
          LMG  specifically  agrees  that  it will  not do any of the  following
          without the prior written consent of Transamerica:

          (i)  Litigation:  Institute  or  prosecute  any legal  proceedings  in
               connection with any matter pertaining to the offering and/or sale
               of  the  Policies  identified  in  APPENDIX  A or  Transamerica's
               business or accept service of process on behalf of Transamerica.

          (ii) Alterations: Waive, amend, modify, alter, terminate or change any
               term,  provision  or  condition  stated  in any  Policy  Form  or
               discharge any contract in the name of Transamerica.

          (iii)Advice to  Policyholders/Prospective  Policyholders:  Offer  tax,
               legal,  or investment  advice to any  policyholder or prospective
               policyholder  of  Transamerica  under  any  circumstances,   with
               respect to a Policy.

     2.6  Agent Initial Appointment  Fees--Transamerica shall be responsible for
          payment of LMG's Wholesaler and Producer resident initial  appointment
          fees for such  Wholesalers  and Producers who have satisfied LMG's and
          Transamerica's  agreed upon  selection  and  compliance  criteria.  In
          addition, LMG will provide for Transamerica an annual projected number
          of anticipated new initial  Wholesaler and Producer  appointments  and
          must  receive  Transamerica's  approval  of this  number  in  order to
          receive such initial  resident fee  payments.  LMG's  Wholesalers  and
          Producers will be responsible for any non-resident initial appointment
          fees.  Such  non-resident  appointment  requirements  will comply with
          Transamerica's  policies and  procedures in effect as of the execution
          of  this  Agreement.   If  Transamerica   changes  such  policies  and
          procedures,  the  responsibility  for  payment  of  such  non-resident
          initial  appointment  fees  will be  mutually  agreed  by both LMG and
          Agent Renewal Appointment  Fees--Transamerica  will be responsible for
          payment of LMG's Wholesaler and Producer resident renewal  appointment
          fees  for   contracted   Wholesalers   and  Producers   provided  such
          individuals  have produced new first year  commission  business during
          the  prior  twelve  (12)  months   preceding  the  renewal  date.  The
          Wholesalers  and Producers  will be responsible  for any  non-resident
          renewal appointment fees. Such non-resident  appointment  requirements
          will comply with  Transamerica's  policies and procedures in effect as
          of the  execution  of this  Agreement.  If  Transamerica  changes such
          policies  and  procedures,  the  responsibility  for  payment  of such
          non-resident  renewal appointment fees will be mutually agreed by both
          LMG and Transamerica.
          Agent  Termination  Fees--Transamerica  will be responsible  for LMG's
          Wholesaler  and Producer  Appointment  termination  fees in the states
          which mandate such fees.


     3.1  This  Agreement  may be  modified  or  amended  at any time by  mutual
          agreement of the parties, provided the modification or amendment is in
          writing,  signed by authorized personnel, as provided in APPENDIX D of
          this Agreement.

     3.2  The  termination  of  this  Agreement  is  governed  by the  following

          (a)  LMG or Transamerica  may terminate this Agreement with or without
               cause by twelve (12) months written notice to the other,  sent by
               mail. This Agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement of the
               parties  in  writing  at any  time.  LMG and  Transamerica  shall
               provide  fifteen  (15) days'  written  notice of  termination  or
               cancellation of this Agreement to the appropriate  Departments of
               Insurance.   LMG  and  Transamerica   shall  fulfill  any  lawful
               obligations  with  respect  to  such  policies  affected  by this
               Agreement,   regardless   of  any   dispute   between   LMG   and
          (b)  In the event that any state  insurance  department  withdraws  or
               cancels  LMG's license (or the license of the  individual  who is
               acting on behalf of LMG in such  states  that do not  permit  the
               licensing  of  corporations),  or  right to sell or  conduct  its
               business,  LMG  will  stop  its  marketing  activity  under  this
               Agreement in that state and notify Transamerica. Transamerica may
               terminate  the  authority  of LMG with  regard  to such  affected
               Policies  which  termination  of  authority  shall  be  effective

          (c)  LMG shall  provide  Transamerica  ninety (90) days prior  written
               request  if LMG  desires  to  increase  its  fees or  charges  to
               Transamerica  or to change the manner of payment or to change any
               of the other terms of this Agreement.  Transamerica  must respond
               in writing to such  request  within  sixty (60) days of  receipt.
               Transamerica  reserves  the right to  re-price  any  products  or
               mandate the sale of affected products be ceased if LMG's proposed
               changes affects Transamerica's profitability of its products.

          (d)  If either of the  parties  hereto  shall  materially  breach this
               Agreement or be materially in default in the  performance  of any
               of its duties and obligations  hereunder (the defaulting  party),
               the other party  hereto may give  written  notice  thereof to the
               defaulting  party and if such  default  or breach  shall not have
               been  remedied  within  forty-five  (45) days after such  written
               notice is given,  then the party giving such  written  notice may
               terminate  this  Agreement  by giving  thirty  (30) days  written
               notice of such termination to the defaulting party.

          (e)  Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary,  Transamerica or
               LMG may  immediately  terminate this  Agreement with cause,  upon
               written  notice  to the  other.  Cause is  generally  defined  as
               fraudulent, criminal, unethical activity or blatant disregard for
               the terms and conditions of this Agreement,  however this list is
               not exhaustive.
          (f)  Termination   of  this   Agreement   by   default  or  breach  by
               Transamerica  shall not  constitute a waiver of any rights of LMG
               in reference  to services  performed  prior to such  termination;
               termination  of this  Agreement by default or breach by LMG shall
               not  constitute a waiver by  Transamerica  of any other rights it
               might have under this Agreement.

          (g)  Termination  of this  Agreement  does not  affect  in any way the
               Administrative Services Agreement executed concurrently herewith.


     4.1  At all times during the term of this  Agreement,  LMG (or the licensed
          individual  who is acting on behalf of LMG in such  states that do not
          permit  the  licensing  of  corporations)   and  all  Wholesalers  and
          Producers  shall  be  properly  licensed  with  each  state  or  other
          jurisdiction and properly appointed with Transamerica in each state or
          other  jurisdiction  within  the  Territory  before  engaging  in  any
          activity  which  under  the laws of such  state or other  jurisdiction
          makes such licensing and appointment  necessary.  Without limiting the
          generality of the foregoing,  all such Wholesalers and Producers shall
          at all times bear the cost of maintaining all licenses required by any
          such state.

     4.2  LMG will itself and will communicate to and cause each Wholesalers and
          Producer to use only forms, applications, advertising (as such term is
          generally defined by the regulation of the state or other jurisdiction
          in which Policies,  referenced in APPENDIX A, are  solicited),  office
          procedures,  guides and rules furnished,  authorized or promulgated by
          Transamerica  and agreed to by both parties and in each state or other
          jurisdiction  where any  Wholesalers  or Producer  solicits  Policies,
          referenced in APPENDIX A,. No written  advertising or sales  materials
          of any kind,  including sales  illustrations,  or recruiting  material
          referencing  the Policies,  referenced in APPENDIX A, of  Transamerica
          shall be authorized by LMG until after it has been approved in writing
          by  Transamerica.  LMG will provide  such  materials  with  sufficient
          lead-time to allow  appropriate  review by Transamerica.  Transamerica
          will then use its best  efforts  to provide a timely  response  within
          five (5)  business  days.  No oral  presentation  of any kind shall be
          authorized  by LMG which does not conform to  applicable  statutes and
          regulations  or which  does  not  accurately  reflect  the  terms  and
          conditions of the Policies,  referenced in APPENDIX A, being sold. All
          recruiting  practices  of LMG shall comply with all  applicable  laws,
          ordinances,   and   regulations   of  the   appropriate   authorities.
          Transamerica   shall  be  responsible   for  the  maintenance  of  the
          advertising  files  and  logs,  as  mandated  by  applicable  laws and

     4.3  LMG agrees to provide insurance coverages as appropriate and agreed to
          by Transamerica.

          (a)  LMG will possess an adequate  fidelity bond for any losses caused
               by the dishonesty of LMG's  employees or agents (not  Wholesalers
               or Producers)  with limits of at least $3 million.  LMG will also
               maintain a surety  bond(s) as so required in the states  which it
               is compelled  to do so. LMG will file such bond,  if so required,
               with the  appropriate  agency.  The bond shall be  executed  by a
               corporate  insurer  authorized to transact business in the states
               which mandate the maintenance of such bond.

          (b)  LMG will possess and  maintain at all times errors and  omissions
               coverage  with a limit of not less than $2 million  written by an
               insurer  authorized  to  transact  business  in the states  which
               mandate the  maintenance  of such  insurance.  Such coverage will
               comply  with  the  requirements  of  the  states  in  which  such
               insurance coverage is required.

          (c)  LMG will possess and maintain  commercial,  general and liability
               insurance  with limits of not less than $1 million per occurrence
               combined  single  limit.   Transamerica  shall  be  named  as  an
               additional  insured  and  such  coverage  shall be  primary  with
               respect to any other insurance maintained by Transamerica.

          (d)  LMG will make  available  and  encourage  the purchase of a group
               Errors and Omissions plan with a limit of at least $1 million per
               Wholesaler and Producer.

          (e)  The above  insurance  coverages  shall be provided  by  insurance
               companies with a minimum Best's rating A- or otherwise acceptable
               to Transamerica. Any deductible or self insured retention must be
               declared  to and  accepted  by  Transamerica  in  its  reasonable
               discretion. Each insurance policy required by this contract shall
               be endorsed to state that coverage can not be materially  changed
               except  after  thirty (30) days prior  notice by mail (10 days in
               the  event  of   non-payment   of  premium)  has  been  given  to
               Transamerica. LMG shall provide Transamerica with certificates of
               insurance  and/or  endorsements  evidencing  the  above  coverage
               within  fifteen (15) days of each  insurance  policy  renewal and
               within sixty (60) days of execution of this Agreement.

     4.4  Each party shall be excused from performance for any period and to the
          extent that the party is prevented from  performing  any services,  in
          whole or in part as a result of delays  caused by an act of God,  war,
          civil disturbance,  court order, labor dispute,  or other cause beyond
          that parties reasonable control, including failures or fluctuations in
          electrical power, heat, light, air conditioning, or telecommunications
          equipment and such non-performance  shall not be a default or a ground
          for  termination.  Notwithstanding  the above, LMG agrees that it will
          establish and maintain reasonable recovery steps,  including technical
          disaster  recovery  facilities,  uninterruptable  power  supplies  for
          computer equipment and communications and that as a result thereof LMG
          will use its best efforts to ensure that the Computer  System shall be
          operational  within 48 hours of a performance  failure.  Within ninety
          (90) days of the  execution of this  Agreement,  LMG will  establish a
          general business recovery plan. Such plan will include,  at a minimum,
          procedures  for  answering  calls;   processing  premium  and  on-line
          operation of LMG's  administrative  systems. A comprehensive  business
          recovery plan will be implemented prior to December 31, 1998. LMG will
          forward copies of both plans to  Transamerica  for their records.  LMG
          will provide for the off-premises  site for storage of backup software
          for the operating systems and data files.

     4.5  LMG may rely on instructions of any person indicated on Transamerica's
          "Schedule of  Authorized  Personnel,"  attached  hereto as APPENDIX D.
          Each of such persons is  authorized  to give  instructions  under this
          section with  respect to any matter  arising in  connection  with this
          Agreement.  LMG shall not be liable for, and shall be  indemnified  by
          Transamerica  against,  any  loss  arising  from any  action  taken or
          omitted by LMG in good faith in reliance upon such instructions.

     4.6  Transamerica shall immediately, within five (5) business days, provide
          LMG  with  written  notice  of any  change  of  authority  of  persons
          authorized   and   enumerated  in  APPENDIX  D  to  provide  LMG  with
          instructions or directions relating to services to be performed by LMG
          under this Agreement.

     4.7  In the event  malfunction  of the LMG  systems,  used in the  offering
          and/or  sale of Polices  specified  in  APPENDIX A, causes an error or
          mistake in any record,  report, data,  information or output under the
          terms  of  this  Agreement,  LMG  shall  at its  expense  correct  and
          reprocess such records. LMG will reimburse  Transamerica for any costs
          and/or expenses  associated  with such error or mistake.  In the event
          Transamerica  discovers  any such  errors or mistake it shall,  within
          three (3) business days after discovery, notify LMG in writing of such
          error or mistake in any record,  report,  data,  information or output
          received by Transamerica.

     4.8  LMG is responsible for the payment to Transamerica of all monies which
          LMG collects on behalf of Transamerica.  However,  until  Transamerica
          receives  all  monies  due,  the same  shall be a debt  payable by the
          debtor upon  demand for which  Transamerica  may at its option  offset
          with commissions otherwise due until such liability is satisfied.  Any
          indebtedness to  Transamerica or its affiliates or subsidiaries  shall
          be a first lien against monies otherwise due under this Agreement. LMG
          shall  be  responsible  for all  commission  debit  balances  with the
          exception of:

          (i)  Transamerica will consider sharing of these expenses on a case by
               case  basis,  and such  sharing of the  expense  will be mutually
               agreed upon by both parties. Transamerica will only consider such
               a request after reasonable collection efforts by LMG.

          (ii) Commission  debit  balances  resulting from any actions of law or
               regulation, regulatory agency or court of law. Transamerica shall
               be  responsible  for these debit balances once they are deemed to
               be uncollectable after reasonable collection efforts by LMG.

     4.9  LMG, in performance of its marketing  obligations and duties, will not
          itself  and  will use its  best  efforts  to  prevent  Wholesalers  or
          Producers appointed hereunder, in the performance of their obligations
          and duties hereunder, from any of the following:

          (a)  Enter into any  agreement  or incur any  obligation  on behalf of
               Transamerica,  except  with its  written  permission,  or  commit
               Transamerica to:

               (i)  pay any money to any such Wholesalers, Producer or employee,

               (ii) a date that a payment will be made.

          (b)  Assign this Agreement or any compensation, other than commissions
               payable to Wholesalers  and  Producers,  payable under it without
               the prior written consent of Transamerica.

          (c)  Solicit applications for Transamerica in any manner prohibited by
               or  inconsistent  with the  provisions  of this  Agreement or the
               rules and  regulations  mutually  agreed by both parties,  now or
               hereafter in force.

          (d)  With respect to any Policy,

               (i)  make  any  alterations,  modifications  or  endorsements  or
                    otherwise alter Transamerica 's obligations as stated in the
                    Policy, as referenced in APPENDIX A;

               (ii) collect or receive any premiums  after the initial  premium,
                    except as may be  required  in the  Administrative  Services
                    Agreement   executed    concurrently    herewith,    between
                    Transamerica and LMG;

               (iii)adjust or settle any claim;  except as  provided  for in the
                    Administrative  Services  Agreement,  executed  concurrently

          (e)  Initiate any civil or criminal  action or proceeding,  whether or
               not  brought  in the name of  Transamerica,  which may in any way
               involve or affect Transamerica,  its affiliates,  their business,
               operations, or any Policy, as referenced in APPENDIX A, issued by

          (f)  Use  or  authorize  the  use  of  any  written,  oral  or  visual
               communication, circular, advertisement or other publication:

               LMG agrees that it will not place into use, or  distribute to any
               person,  any  advertising,   sales  material  or  other  document
               (including, without limitation, illustrations,  telephone scripts
               and  training  materials)  referring  directly or  indirectly  to
               Transamerica or its Policies,  or cause,  authorize or permit any
               person to do so, without  Transamerica's  prior written  consent.
               LMG agrees that it will not use the name of  Transamerica  on any
               business card, letterhead or marquee or in any directory listing,
               or in any  other  manner,  or  cause,  authorize  or  permit  any
               producer  or other  person to do so,  without  our prior  written
               consent.  LMG  agrees  that it will not,  nor will LMG  knowingly
               permit  its   Wholesalers   and/or   Producers  to   misrepresent
               Transamerica  or its  Policies,  as referenced in APPENDIX A, and
               will make no oral or written representation which is inconsistent
               with  the  terms  of such  policies  or  sales  literature  or is
               misleading in any way, or refer to any insurance  company tending
               to bring it into disrepute.

          (g)  Knowingly  or  willfully   violate  the  insurance  laws  or  the
               regulations of the Insurance Department of any State or any other
               jurisdiction in which LMG represents Transamerica.

          (h)  Knowingly or willfully misapply or embezzle funds of Transamerica
               or any other person or entity.

          (i)  Knowingly or willfully  perpetrate any fraud against Transamerica
               or any other person or entity.

     4.10 LMG agrees that the compensation payable pursuant to Section 2.2 shall
          be  accepted  by it as full  compensation  from  Transamerica  for its
          marketing  services  hereunder,  except as otherwise  agreed by mutual
          consent of LMG and Transamerica.

     4.11 LMG will be solely  responsible  for any commissions to be paid to its
          Wholesalers or Producers,  which are earned as a result the selling of
          Transamerica products through LMG.


     5.1  Transamerica  shall not be responsible for and LMG shall indemnify and
          hold  Transamerica  harmless  from  and  against,  any and all  costs,
          expenses,  losses,  damages,  charges,  counsel  fees,  payments,  and
          liability which may be asserted  against  Transamerica or for which it
          may be held liable, caused by:

          (a)  LMG's  refusal or  material  failure to comply  with the terms of
               this Agreement;

          (b)  LMG's gross negligence or gross misconduct, or material breach of
               any representation or warranty of LMG hereunder.

          (c)  LMG's  failure  to comply  with  federal,  state or local laws or
               regulations,  in the  performance  of its  obligations  hereunder
               (except for any such failure which  results from LMG's  following
               directions or instructions from Transamerica).

          (d)  Liability  which  arises  primarily  out  of  instructions  which
               Transamerica receives from LMG with respect to the subject matter
               of this Agreement (to the extent that LMG is required to instruct
               and/or direct  Transamerica in the performance of  Transamerica's
               duties under this Agreement,  and Transamerica  reasonably relies
               on such instructions).

     5.2  LMG shall not be responsible for and Transamerica  shall indemnify and
          hold LMG  harmless  from and  against,  any and all  costs,  expenses,
          losses, damages,  charges, counsel fees, payments, and liability which
          may be asserted against LMG or for which it may be held liable, caused

          (a)  Transamerica's  refusal or  material  failure to comply  with the
               terms of this Agreement;

          (b)  Transamerica's gross negligence or gross misconduct,  or material
               breach  of  any   representation   or  warranty  of  Transamerica

          (c)  Transamerica's  failure to comply  with  federal,  state or local
               laws  or  regulations  in  the  performance  of  its  obligations

          (d)  Any  aspect  of  LMG's  method  of  processing,   servicing,  and
               marketing the policies  referenced in APPENDIX A if  Transamerica
               has given LMG specific,  written  approval of such aspect of such
               method of processing,  servicing and marketing such policies. For
               purposes of the foregoing,  the  description of any aspect of the
               method of processing,  servicing, and marketing such policies set
               forth in  APPENDIX  C of the  Administrative  Services  Agreement
               shall be considered  to be written  approval by  Transamerica  of
               such aspect.  Additionally,  LMG may, from time to time,  request
               Transamerica's written approval of some aspect of LMG's method of
               processing, servicing, and marketing the policies. In such event,
               Transamerica  shall  respond to such request with  Transamerica's
               written  approval or  disapproval  within 14 business days or, if
               applicable,  such shorter period as LMG shall notify Transamerica
               as necessary to enable  compliance  with any law or regulation or
               any provision of this  Agreement or the  Administrative  Services
               Agreement. Any such request for approval from LMG to Transamerica
               under  this   Section   5.2(d)   shall  (a)  include   notice  to
               Transamerica  of the time in which  Transamerica  is  required to
               respond, (b) include a statement that Transamerica's  approval is
               requested  pursuant to this Section  5.2(d) of this Agreement and
               (c) shall be directed to one of the authorized  personnel  listed
               in APPENDIX D of this Agreement.

          (e)  Transamerica's  errors and/or mistakes in its use of LMG computer
               software  or  computer   hardware  or  its  use  of  the  control
               procedures  pertaining  to such  computer  software  or  computer

          (f)  Liability which arises  primarily out of  instructions  which LMG
               receives from  Transamerica with respect to the subject matter of
               this Agreement (to the extent that Transamerica  instructs and/or
               directs  LMG  in the  performance  of  LMG's  duties  under  this
               Agreement and LMG reasonably relies on such instructions;

          (g)  Any failure of the policy  features,  policy  forms,  advertising
               materials,  or any governmental filings made by Transamerica,  to
               comply  with  applicable  law,  including  but not limited to any
               state or federal insurance or securities laws.

     5.3  If any claim is made by a party  which  would  give rise to a right or
          indemnification  under  Sections  5.1 and 5.2,  the party  entitled to
          indemnification (the "Indemnified Party") promptly will give notice of
          the  claim to the  party  required  to  provide  indemnification  (the
          "Indemnifying Party"). The Indemnifying Party shall have the right, at
          its option and its own expense and by its own counsel,  to participate
          in the defense of any such indemnified claim for which indemnification
          is provided by this  Agreement.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the
          Indemnifying  Party  shall not have the right to control or  represent
          the Indemnified Party in the defense of any claim.

     5.4  The provisions of this Agreement shall not be construed to require any
          party  to be  indemnified  or  held  harmless  for  such  party's  own

     5.5  The  indemnification  provision  of  Sections  5.1  and  5.2  of  this
          Agreement   shall  not  be   construed   to   restrict  or  limit  any
          indemnification  provision which may be set forth in any other section
          of this Agreement.


     6.1  Each party agrees that it will not,  knowingly or willingly,  directly
          or indirectly, at any time during the term of this Agreement or within
          five  (5)  years   thereafter,   induce  or   attempt  to  induce  any
          policyholder  or  contract  holder  of the other  party to  terminate,
          reduce coverage,  or replace any Policy,  as referenced in APPENDIX A,
          or otherwise disturb the relationship  between the other party and any
          of its policyholders or contract holders.

     6.2  During the term of this Agreement,  Transamerica agrees not to develop
          any  proprietary  products with any current or former  (within two (2)
          years of termination)  LMG Wholesaler or Producer  without the express
          written   approval  of  LMG.   Transamerica  is  not  restricted  from
          developing   proprietary   products  with  any  agent   licensed  with
          Transamerica and not licensed with LMG.

     6.3  Any LMG  Wholesaler  or  Producer  who  desires  to sell  Transamerica
          products  not  jointly  developed  by LMG may do so and  will  need to
          contract directly with  Transamerica.  LMG will not be entitled to any
          compensation on this business.

     6.4  Any Agent for Transamerica  who desires to sell the  Transamerica--LMG
          proprietary  products  will  need to  contract  with LMG to sell  such

     6.5  Transamerica  and LMG agree to provide the other with ninety (90) days
          written  notice  of  any  intent  to  make   significant   changes  or
          modifications to any contract or Policy form for products co-developed
          by  Transamerica  and LMG.  Both  parties  will make best  efforts  to
          achieve a satisfactory resolution to the cause of the proposed changes
          and may also agree to extend the timeframe to implement such change if
          such change is pursued;  unless mutually agreed upon in writing by LMG
          and Transamerica.


     7.1  LMG acknowledges that certain  information  received from Transamerica
          may be proprietary and/or confidential in nature. All such information
          shall be used by the  recipient  solely  for  purposes  of  soliciting
          Policies pursuant to this Agreement.  LMG agrees to indemnify and hold
          Transamerica  harmless from any and all loss and expenses sustained by
          Transamerica as a result of the unauthorized use of proprietary and/or
          confidential information by LMG, or its Wholesalers or Producers.

     7.2  Transamerica  acknowledges that certain information  received from LMG
          may be proprietary and/or confidential in nature. All such information
          shall be used by the  recipient  solely  for  purposes  of  soliciting
          Policies pursuant to this Agreement.  Transamerica agrees to indemnify
          and hold LMG harmless from any and all loss and expenses  sustained by
          LMG  as a  result  of  the  unauthorized  use  of  proprietary  and/or
          confidential information by Transamerica.


     8.1  LMG, its successors,  executors,  assigns, or administrators is vested
          as to  commissions  provided  in  APPENDIX  B, and shall  continue  to
          receive  commissions on premiums on Policies  received by Transamerica
          for as long as the Policy remains in force.




     10.1 The parties  agree this  Agreement  is an honorable  undertaking,  and
          agree to cooperate each with the other in carrying out its provisions.
     10.2 Each party will cause its employees and  Wholesalers and Producers to,
          upon  receipt  of any  summons or other  notice of suit or  regulatory
          authority  inquiry  wherein  the other  party is named in any  manner,
          forward any and all such  documents  within five (5) business  days to
          the  attention  of the other  party by telefax,  express or  overnight
          mail, or courier.
     10.3 The waiver of any breach of any term,  covenant or  condition  of this
          Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach of the
          same or any other term, covenant, or condition.  No term, covenant, or
          condition of this Agreement shall be deemed to have been waived unless
          such waiver is in writing signed by the party charged therewith.

     10.4 For any notice under this  Agreement,  notice shall be sufficient  and
          effective  five (5)  business  days after  deposit  in the U.S.  Mail,
          postage  prepaid,   return  receipt  requested,  or  upon  receipt  if
          delivered  personally or by fax or facsimile or by a delivery service.
          Such notice shall be directed as follows:

          To LMG:
                                 Legacy Marketing Group
                                 Attn:  R. Preston Pitts, President
                                 1179 North McDowell Blvd.
                                 Petaluma, CA 94954

          To Transamerica:
                                 Transamerica Life Insurance and Annuity Company
                                 Attn: Ron Wagley, Senior Vice President and
                                 Chief Agency Officer
                                 1150 South Olive
                                 Los Angeles, CA 90015-2211

                                 With a copy to:

                                 Transamerica Life Insurance and Annuity Company
                                 Attention: General Counsel
                                 1150 South Olive
                                 Los Angeles, CA 90015-2211

     10.5 To the extent that the Rules and  Regulations do not conflict with the
          terms of this  Agreement,  LMG and  Transamerica  will  conform to the
          rules and regulations as mutually agreed upon by LMG and Transamerica.
          This provision shall not be construed to alter the relationship of the
          parties as provided above.

     10.6 Each party expressly represents and warrants that it has the authority
          to enter  into  this  Agreement  and that it is not or will not be, by
          virtue of entering into this Agreement or otherwise,  in breach of any
          other agreement with any other insurance company,  association,  firm,
          person or  corporation.  Each party warrants that the other party will
          be free from  interference  or disturbance in its use of all products,
          advertising,  marketing techniques and all information provided by the
          originating party.

     10.7 This  Agreement  shall be binding upon the  successor and assignees of
          Transamerica as well as upon LMG's successor and permissive assignees.

     10.8 This  Agreement is  transferable  by assignment or otherwise by either
          party only with written consent of the other party.

     10.9 The persons signing this Agreement on behalf of  Transamerica  and LMG
          warrant,  covenant and represent  that they are  authorized to execute
          this document on behalf of such corporations  pursuant to their bylaws
          or a resolution of their board of directors.

     10.10In the event of a dispute between LMG and  Transamerica,  Transamerica
          agrees to continue to pay any  commissions  due to any  Wholesaler  or

     10.11This  Agreement,  including  APPENDICES A, B, C and D attached and the
          provisions  thereof,  constitute  the  entire  agreement  between  the
          parties.  This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance
          with the laws of the State of California. Any similar agreement signed
          prior to the  execution  dates  below  is null and void and  abrogated
          hereby.  No change,  waiver,  or  discharge  shall be valid  unless in
          writing  and  signed  by an  authorized  representative  of the  party
          against  whom  such  change,  waiver,  or  discharge  is  sought to be
          enforced.  No delay or omission by either  party to exercise any right
          or power shall impair such right or power or be construed as a waiver.
          A waiver  by  either  of the  parties  of any of the  covenants  to be
          performed  by the other or any breach  shall not be  construed to be a
          waiver of any succeeding breach or of any other covenant.

     10.12LMG shall provide  reasonable  access during normal  business hours to
          any  location  from  which LMG  conducts  its  business  and  provides
          services  to  Transamerica  pursuant  to this  Agreement  to  auditors
          designated  in writing by  Transamerica  for the purpose of performing
          audits for Transamerica.  Transamerica  shall give reasonable  advance
          written  notice of an audit and  include in that  notice  the  matters
          which it will audit.  LMG shall  provide the auditors  any  assistance
          they may reasonably require. Such auditors shall have the right during
          normal  business  hours  to  audit  any  business  record,   activity,
          procedure,  or  operation  of LMG that is  reasonably  related  to the
          business  marketed  under  this  Agreement,  including  the  right  to
          interview any LMG personnel  involved in providing or supporting  such

          LMG  will  comply  with  all  the  relevant  provisions  contained  in
          applicable state codes or statutes. If any provision of this Agreement
          is in  conflict  with  the  laws  of  the  State  which  governs  this
          Agreement, such provision will be deemed to be amended to conform with
          such  laws.  Further,  if the laws of the  State  which  governs  this
          Agreement  require the  inclusion  of certain  provisions  of relevant
          statutes,  this contract shall be deemed to be amended to conform with
          such laws.

     10.13LMG and  Transamerica  agree to inform  the other of any  changes  its
          legal structure,  and of any changes in its officers or partners.  LMG
          and Transamerica also agree to inform the other of any transfer of its
          stock or partnership interests.

     10.14LMG will not use Transamerica's  name,  trademarks,  logo, or the name
          of any affiliate of Transamerica in any way or manner not specifically
          authorized in writing by Transamerica.

          Transamerica will not use LMG's name, trademarks,  logo or the name of
          any affiliate of LMG in any way or manner not specifically  authorized
          in writing by LMG.

          Transamerica  will provide to LMG electronic  formats and camera ready
          art of its trademark, pyramid logo, digitized officers' signatures for
          use on Policy Forms and signature stamps of authorized personnel to be
          used exclusively for agent  appointment forms filed with regulatory or
          governmental agencies. Those properties combined with the Transamerica
          marks listed below:

          Transamerica Life Insurance and Annuity Company
          Transamerica Life and Annuity
          Transamerica Life
          The Pyramid Logo

          make up the Transamerica  marks and names ("Marks and Names") licensed
          herein.  Any marketing  name or service mark adopted by the parties to
          identify the Policy, as referenced in APPENDIX A, contemplated in this
          Agreement  shall be owned by  Transamerica  and  considered one of the
          Marks and Names.

          As Transamerica is an owner-authorized  user of those Marks and Names,
          Transamerica  desires to exercise  control  over the use of said Marks
          and Names. Transamerica desires to license the Marks and Names for use
          by LMG in the claims  servicing,  policy servicing and  administrative
          services outlined in this Agreement.

          Accordingly the parties agree as follows:

          (a)  License  of  Marks  and  Names:   Transamerica  hereby  grants  a
               non-exclusive  license  unto LMG at no cost to use the  Marks and
               Names solely in connection with the Services  provided under this

          (b)  Manner  of Use:  LMG  shall  not use the  Marks  and Names in any
               manner or  format  which  differs  from the  electronic  versions
               provided by  Transamerica to LMG. If LMG deems a change in format
               for its limited use is necessary,  a request for such change must
               be submitted in writing to  Transamerica  for its approval.  Said
               request must include the version as  originally  supplied and the
               requested  change,  as  well  as  the  reason  such a  change  is
               requested.  Transamerica's approval of a request change shall not
               be unreasonably withheld.

          (c)  Quality  Control:  LMG's  usage of the Marks  and Names  shall be
               under the quality  control of Transamerica as provided herein and
               shall  comply  with  Transamerica's  standards.  As  provided  in
               Section  10.12,  Transamerica  may conduct  reasonable  audits of
               LMG's usage of the Marks and Names in  relation  to the  services
               provided under this Agreement to ensure compliance with the terms
               set forth in this section.

          (d)  Indemnification:  Transamerica shall protect,  indemnify,  defend
               and hold harmless LMG from any and all liability,  damages, costs
               or expenses,  including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees incurred in
               connection with any claim or action arising from LMG's use of the
               Marks and Names, limited to causes of action sounding in state or
               federal trademark  infringement and/or state or federal trademark
               dilution.  This indemnification shall survive termination of this

          (e)  Termination:  The  license  to use  the  Marks  and  Names  shall
               terminate in accordance with the provisions of Section 3. Any use
               of the Marks and Names that does not comply with the terms as set
               forth  in  this  Section  will be  considered  a  default  in the
               performance of LMG's  material  duties and or  obligations.  Upon
               termination  under  Section 3, LMG shall  cease and desist in the
               use  of  the  Marks  and  Names,   except  for   limited  use  in
               administering and servicing  Policies issued prior to the date of

     10.15In no event and under no  circumstances,  however,  shall either party
          under this  Agreement be liable to the other party under any provision
          of this  Agreement  for lost  profits or for  exemplary,  speculative,
          special, punitive or consequential damages.

     10.16Survival:  Sections  4.4,  4.7,  5, 6.1,  8,  10.12,  and 10.14  shall
          survive the termination of this Agreement.

In witness  whereof,  the parties here to have executed  this  Agreement to take
effect on the effective date specified.


By  	  /s/ R. Preston Pitts

Title     President

Date	  5/29/98


By	  /s/ William N. Scott

Title	  Vice President

Date	  6/1/98

                                   APPENDIX A


                                   APPENDIX B




Multi Year Guarantee Product:  5 Year Surrender Charge Schedule

Transamerica  will pay  LMG  on  the last  business  day  of the week  *% of all
premiums received by LMG during that week.

Multi Year Guarantee Product:  10 Year Surrender Charge Schedule

Transamerica  will pay LMG on the  last  business  day  of  the  week  *% of all
premiums received by LMG during that week.

The above referenced  commission  percentages include *%  which is paid  back to
the carrier at the end of each fiscal  year  (fiscal  year begins with the first
month that any premium for the Policies  referenced in APPENDIX A is received by
LMG) for the first $100  million of premium  paid,  net of free looks.  LMG will
retain  the *% on all  premiums  received  in  excess  of $100  million  in each
fiscal  year.  Such year  ends the last day of the  calendar  month  immediately
preceding the month the first premium paid is received.

If the issue age is 84 as defined in the Death Benefit Proceeds provision of the
Policies  referenced in  APPENDIX A, initial  commissions  are reduced by *%.  A
monthly  trail  commission of *% multiplied  by original  commission  percentage
divided by 12 of the Annuity Cash Value is paid, beginning in policy year 2.

Additional  premiums will be subject to the same  commission  percentages as the
initial premium.

Such commission will be part of the weekly  commission  process and will be paid
by Transamerica to LMG by authorizing LMG to write a check to itself against the
Transamerica Disbursement account for the total weekly commission amount.


Transamerica  will pay LMG a  Marketing  Allowance  equal to  *%  of all premium
paid, net of free looks.  Transamerica will pay LMG such Marketing  Allowance by
wire transfer within five (5) business days of receipt of such documentation.


Transamerica  will pay LMG an annual rate,  paid  monthly,  of  *% of  the total
Annuity Cash Value of the policies sold under this Agreement. For the purpose of
the foregoing,  Annuity Cash Value is the  contract's  Cash Value which reflects
any applicable  reductions,  loans, and withdrawals.  The commission is based on
the total month end Annuity  Cash Value and will be paid within six (6) business
days of month end by Transamerica via wire transfer to a LMG bank account.

                                   APPENDIX C


                                   APPENDIX D


                            Representing Transamerica

Ron Wagley, Senior Vice President and Chief Agency Officer
Paul Norris, Vice President

                       Representing Legacy Marketing Group

Lynda Regan, Chief Executive Officer
R. Preston Pitts, President
Greg C. Egger, Chief Marketing Officer
David Skup, Chief Financial Officer