This  Administrative  Services  Agreement  ("Agreement")  is  entered  into  and
effective as of May 29, 1998,  between  Transamerica  Life Insurance and Annuity
Company  ("Transamerica"),  a North Carolina  corporation,  and Legacy Marketing
Group ("LMG"), a California corporation, with reference to the following facts:

A.   Concurrently  herewith  Transamerica  and LMG are  entering  into a certain
     Marketing  Agreement  pursuant to which certain insurance business is to be
     marketed by LMG.

B.   That Transamerica desires to have LMG provide services to Transamerica with
     respect to this  business  and LMG is willing  to  provide  such  services,
     subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Based on the foregoing facts, LMG and Transamerica agree as follows:


     1.1  From and  after the date of this  Agreement,  LMG  agrees  to  perform
          certain Transamerica accounting and service functions. Such accounting
          and service  functions  shall consist of the  activities  described in
          APPENDIX  C,  but  only  for  the  Policies  recited  in  APPENDIX  A.
          Consideration  for such accounting and service  functions is set forth
          in APPENDIX B.


     2.1  All  services  to be  provided  by LMG under this  Agreement  shall be
          performed in  accordance  with the policies  and  procedures  mutually
          agreed by both parties,  industry standards and in accordance with all
          applicable laws and  regulations.  Transamerica and LMG will use their
          best efforts to agree to and  document  within 60 days of execution of
          this Agreement the policies and procedures for all such services to be
          provided by LMG on behalf of Transamerica.


     3.1  Transamerica  shall not be responsible for and LMG shall indemnify and
          hold  Transamerica  harmless  from  and  against,  any and all  costs,
          expenses,  losses,  damages,  charges,  counsel  fees,  payments,  and
          liability which may be asserted  against  Transamerica or for which it
          may be held liable, caused by:

          (a)  LMG's  refusal or  material  failure to comply  with the terms of
               this Agreement;

          (b)  LMG's gross negligence or gross misconduct, or material breach of
               any representation or warranty of LMG hereunder.

          (c)  LMG's  failure  to comply  with  federal,  state or local laws or
               regulations,  in the  performance  of its  obligations  hereunder
               (except for any such failure which  results from LMG's  following
               directions or instructions from Transamerica).

          (d)  LMG's errors  and/or  mistakes in the use of  Transamerica's  FIN
               system and software used to calculate estimated settlement option

          (e)  Liability  which  arises  primarily  out  of  instructions  which
               Transamerica receives from LMG with respect to the subject matter
               of this Agreement (to the extent that LMG is required to instruct
               and/or direct  Transamerica in the performance of  Transamerica's
               duties under this Agreement,  and Transamerica  reasonably relies
               on such instructions).

     3.2  LMG shall not be responsible for and Transamerica  shall indemnify and
          hold LMG  harmless  from and  against,  any and all  costs,  expenses,
          losses, damages,  charges, counsel fees, payments, and liability which
          may be asserted against LMG or for which it may be held liable, caused

          (a)  Transamerica's  refusal or  material  failure to comply  with the
               terms of this Agreement;

          (b)  Transamerica's gross negligence or gross misconduct,  or material
               breach  of  any   representation   or  warranty  of  Transamerica

          (c)  Transamerica's  failure to comply  with  federal,  state or local
               laws  or  regulations  in  the  performance  of  its  obligations

          (d)  Any  aspect  of  LMG's  method  of  processing,   servicing,  and
               marketing the Policies  referenced in APPENDIX A if  Transamerica
               has given LMG specific,  written  approval of such aspect of such
               method of processing,  servicing and marketing such Policies. For
               purposes of the foregoing,  the  description of any aspect of the
               method of processing,  servicing,  and marketing the policies set
               forth in  APPENDIX  C of the  Administrative  Services  Agreement
               shall be considered  to be written  approval by  Transamerica  of
               such aspect.  Additionally,  LMG may, from time to time,  request
               Transamerica's written approval of some aspect of LMG's method of
               processing, servicing, and marketing the Policies. In such event,
               Transamerica  shall  respond to such request with  Transamerica's
               written  approval or  disapproval  within 14 business days or, if
               applicable,  such shorter period as LMG shall notify Transamerica
               as necessary to enable  compliance  with any law or regulation or
               any  provision  of  this  Agreement  or  the  Marketing  Services
               Agreement. Any such request for approval from LMG to Transamerica
               under  this   Section   3.2(d)   shall  (a)  include   notice  to
               Transamerica  of the time in which  Transamerica  is  required to
               respond, (b) include a statement that Transamerica's  approval is
               requested  pursuant to this Section  3.2(d) of this Agreement and
               (c) shall be directed to one of the authorized  personnel  listed
               in APPENDIX D of this Agreement.

          (e)  Transamerica's  errors and/or mistakes in its use of LMG computer
               software  or  computer   hardware  or  its  use  of  the  control
               procedures  pertaining  to such  computer  software  or  computer

          (f)  Liability which arises  primarily out of  instructions  which LMG
               receives from  Transamerica with respect to the subject matter of
               this Agreement (to the extent that Transamerica  instructs and/or
               directs  LMG  in the  performance  of  LMG's  duties  under  this
               Agreement and LMG reasonably relies on such instructions;

          (g)  Any failure of the policy  features,  policy  forms,  advertising
               materials,  or any governmental filings made by Transamerica,  to
               comply  with  applicable  law,  including  but not limited to any
               state or federal insurance or securities laws.

     3.3  If any claim is made by a party  which  would  give rise to a right or
          indemnification  under  paragraphs  3.1 and 3.2, the party entitled to
          indemnification (the "Indemnified Party") promptly will give notice of
          the  claim to the  party  required  to  provide  indemnification  (the
          "Indemnifying Party"). The Indemnifying Party shall have the right, at
          its option and its own expense and by its own counsel,  to participate
          in the defense of any such indemnified claim for which indemnification
          is provided by this  Agreement.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the
          Indemnifying  Party  shall not have the right to control or  represent
          the Indemnified Party in the defense of any claim.

     3.4  The provisions of this Agreement shall not be construed to require any
          party  to be  indemnified  or  held  harmless  for  such  party's  own

     3.5  The  indemnification  provision  of  sections  3.1  and  3.2  of  this
          Agreement   shall  not  be   construed   to   restrict  or  limit  any
          indemnification  provision which may be set forth in any other Section
          of this Agreement.


     4.1  Neither  party may  assign or  delegate  all or any part of its rights
          and/or duties under this  Agreement  without the written  consent,  as
          signed by one or more of the  personnel  shown on  APPENDIX  D, of the
          granting party.

     4.2  This  Agreement  may be  modified  or  amended  at  anytime  by mutual
          agreement of the parties, provided the modification or amendment is in
          writing, by one or more of the personnel shown on APPENDIX D or by any
          other authorized officer of such party.  APPENDIX D may be modified by
          a party by notice to the other party,  signed by an authorized officer
          of such party.

     4.3  The  termination  of  this  Agreement  is  governed  by the  following

          (a)  LMG or Transamerica  may terminate this Agreement with or without
               cause by twelve (12)  months  written  notice to the other.  This
               Agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties in
               writing at any time. LMG and  Transamerica  shall provide fifteen
               days'  written  notice  of  termination  or  cancellation  of the
               Agreement   to  the   appropriate   Departments   of   Insurance.
               Transamerica shall fulfill any lawful obligations with respect to
               the  Policies   referenced  by  APPENDIX  A  of  this  Agreement,
               regardless of any dispute between LMG and Transamerica.

          (b)  LMG shall provide Transamerica ninety (90) days written notice if
               LMG desires to increase its fees or charges to Transamerica or to
               change the manner of payment or to change any of the other  terms
               and conditions of this  Agreement.  Transamerica  must respond to
               such request within sixty (60) days of receipt.  Processing fees,
               systems time and material rates may be increased  annually.  Such
               increase  shall not  exceed  the  current  inflation  factor,  as
               determined  by  the  applicable  San  Francisco-Oakland-San  Jose
               Consumer Price Index-All  Urban. If the inflation  factor remains
               constant,  the processing  fees,  systems time and material rates
               may be reviewed and mutually  agreed by both parties to determine
               whether an increase is  appropriate.  Any such  increase  will be
               required to be  mutually  agreed  upon by both  parties  prior to
               being  implemented.  Transamerica  reserves the right to re-price
               any  products or mandate the sale of affected  products be ceased
               if LMG's proposed changes affects Transamerica's profitability of
               its products.

          (c)  If either of the  parties  hereto  shall  materially  breach this
               Agreement or be materially in default in the  performance  of any
               of its duties and obligations  hereunder (the defaulting  party),
               the other party  hereto may give  written  notice  thereof to the
               defaulting  party and if such  default  or breach  shall not have
               been  remedied  within  forty-five  (45) days after such  written
               notice is given,  then the party giving such  written  notice may
               terminate  this  Agreement  by giving  ninety  (90) days  written
               notice of such termination to the defaulting party.

          (d)  Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary,  Transamerica or
               LMG may  immediately  terminate this  Agreement with cause,  upon
               written  notice  to the  other.  Cause is  generally  defined  as
               fraudulent, criminal, unethical activity or blatant disregard for
               the terms and conditions of this Agreement,  however this list is
               not exhaustive.

          (e)  Termination   of  this   Agreement   by   default  or  breach  by
               Transamerica  shall not  constitute a waiver of any rights of LMG
               in reference  to services  performed  prior to such  termination;
               termination  of this  Agreement by default or breach by LMG shall
               not  constitute a waiver by  Transamerica  of any other rights it
               might have under this Agreement.

          (f)  In the event that this Agreement is terminated,  LMG agrees that,
               in  order  to  assist  in  providing   uninterrupted  service  to
               Transamerica, LMG shall offer reasonable analysis and programming
               assistance  to   Transamerica   in  converting   the  records  of
               Transamerica from the LMG system to whatever service or system is
               selected by  Transamerica,  subject to  reimbursement  to LMG for
               such  assistance at its standard rates as illustrated in APPENDIX

          (g)  In the event that this Agreement  terminates for any reason other
               than by  mutual  written  agreement,  as  provided  for  above in
               Section  4.3(a),   LMG  and  Transamerica   agree  that  LMG,  at
               Transamerica's    option,    will   continue   to   provide   the
               administrative  services on behalf of Transamerica,  as set forth
               in this  Agreement,  for up to one  year  from  the  date of such

          (h)  In the event  either  party  becomes or is declared  insolvent or
               bankrupt,  is the  subject  of any  proceedings  relating  to its
               liquidation,  insolvency or for the  appointment of a receiver or
               similar  officer for it, makes an  assignment  for the benefit of
               all or  substantially  all of its  creditors,  or enters  into an
               agreement for the continuation, extension, or readjustment of all
               or  substantially  all  of  its  obligations,  other  than  those
               agreements  entered  into as  part  of  LMG's  normal  course  of
               business,   the  other  party  may  immediately   terminate  this
               Agreement for cause.

          (i)  Termination  of this  Agreement  does not  affect  in any way the
               Marketing Agreement, executed concurrently herewith.


     5.1  This Agreement  shall be retained as a part of the official  record of
          both LMG and  Transamerica  for the duration of this Agreement and for
          seven years after the termination of this Agreement.

     5.2  LMG will  maintain  complete  books and  records  of all  transactions
          between LMG,  Transamerica  and its  policyholders.  LMG will preserve
          detailed   and  adequate   books  and  records  of  all   administered
          transactions,   among  LMG,   Transamerica   and  its   policyholders,
          sufficient  to permit the  insurer to fulfill  all of its  contractual
          obligations  to insured  persons.  These  books and  records  shall be
          maintained in accordance with prudent standards  generally accepted in
          business  record  keeping.  LMG will maintain  Transamerica's  records
          intact and separate  and apart from the records of any other  carrier.
          The documentation  will contain all pertinent  documents in sufficient
          detail  to  identify  the   relevant   dates,   events,   and  persons
          participating in those insurance  events.  LMG will maintain  complete
          records  of  all  transactions  taken  pursuant  to  its  Third  Party
          Administrator  license.  The books  and  records  shall be  maintained
          throughout  this Agreement and for ten years after the  transaction to
          which they respectively relate.

     5.3  Transamerica  shall own the records  generated  by LMG  pertaining  to
          Transamerica; however, LMG shall retain the right to continuing access
          to  records  to  permit  LMG  to  fulfill   all  of  its   contractual
          obligations.  Transamerica  and LMG  shall  have  continuing  right to
          access and copy all accounts and records  maintained by LMG related to
          Transamerica's  business.  Any appropriately  authorized  governmental
          agency  shall have access to all books,  bank  accounts and records of
          LMG and  Transamerica  for the purpose of examination,  inspection and
          audit.  All  information  contained  in the  aforementioned  books and
          records,  including the identity and addresses of policyholders  shall
          be kept  confidential,  except  that such  information  may be used in
          proceedings instituted against LMG or Transamerica.

     5.4  Transamerica  shall  be  given  on-line  access  during  LMG's  normal
          business hours to the Transamerica  policy  information  maintained on
          LMG's policy  administration  system beginning on a date within thirty
          (30) days of such request and  continuing  until LMG ceases to provide
          services under this Agreement.  Beginning on a mutually agreeable date
          after  the  volume  of  business   reaches  a  level   determined   by
          Transamerica,  LMG will allow on-line access to its accounting  system
          during  LMG's normal  business  hours.  LMG will provide  policyholder
          information on request by  Transamerica  within a time period mutually
          agreeable and appropriate with the request.  Such access will continue
          until LMG ceases to provide services under this Agreement.

     5.5  In the event that LMG and Transamerica cancel this Agreement, LMG may,
          by  written  agreement  with  Transamerica,  transfer  all  records to
          Transamerica  or the successor  administrator  rather than retain them
          for the period referenced in Section 5.2. If LMG transfers the records
          to a  successor  administrator  or to  Transamerica,  LMG is no longer
          responsible  for  retaining  such records.  The successor  third party
          administrator  shall  acknowledge  in  writing in its  agreement  with
          Transamerica,  or  Transamerica  itself shall  acknowledge in writing,
          that it is  responsible  for  retaining  the records for which LMG had
          previously been responsible.

     5.6  LMG will be given on-line access during Transamerica's normal business
          hours to  Transamerica's  producer/agent  database  for the purpose of
          inquiring on such system prior to LMG processing  agent  appointments.
          Such  access  will  continue  until such time as LMG ceases to process
          agent appointments for Transamerica.

6.   TERM

     6.1  This  Agreement  shall remain in force and effect until such agreement
          terminates as provided for in Section 4.3 of this Agreement.


     7.1  LMG and Transamerica agree this Agreement is an honorable undertaking,
          and  each  agree to  cooperate  with the  other  in  carrying  out its

     7.2  If any clause, paragraph, term or provision of this Agreement shall be
          found  to  be  void  or   unenforceable  by  any  court  of  competent
          jurisdiction, such finding shall have no effect upon any other clause,
          paragraph,  term or provision of this Agreement,  and same shall be in
          full force and effect.

     7.3  For any notice under this  Agreement,  notice shall be sufficient  and
          effective  five (5)  business  days after  deposit  in the U.S.  Mail,
          postage  prepaid,   return  receipt  requested,  or  upon  receipt  if
          delivered  personally or by fax or facsimile or by a delivery service.
          Such notice shall be directed as follows:

          To LMG:
                               Legacy Marketing Group
                               Attn:  R. Preston Pitts, President
                               1179 North McDowell Blvd.
                               Petaluma, CA 94954

          To Transamerica:
                               Transamerica Life Insurance and Annuity Company
                               Attn:  William Scott, Senior Vice President
                               1100 Walnut Street, Suite 2400
                               Kansas City, MO 64106-2152

                               With a copy to:

                               Transamerica Life Insurance and Annuity Company
                               Attention: General Counsel
                               1150 South Olive
                               Los Angeles, CA 90015

     7.4  Each party expressly represents and warrants that it has the authority
          to enter  into  this  Agreement  and that it is not or will not be, by
          virtue of entering into this Agreement or otherwise,  in breach of any
          other agreement with any other insurance company,  association,  firm,
          person, or corporation.

     7.5  The persons signing this Agreement on behalf of  Transamerica  and LMG
          warrant,  covenant and represent  that they are  authorized to execute
          this document on behalf of such corporations  pursuant to their bylaws
          or a resolution of their boards of directors.

     7.6  LMG shall, in all cases and at all times,  observe and obey the rules,
          regulations,  instructions  and directives of  Transamerica  which are
          equitable   and   consistent   with  the  terms  of  this   Agreement.
          Transamerica  may, from time to time and at any time,  promulgate such
          rules,  regulations,  instructions  and directions for its operations,
          and such shall not bind Transamerica in contravention thereof.

     7.7  LMG is an independent contractor.  Nothing contained in this Agreement
          shall be construed to create the relationship of employer and employee
          between  Transamerica and LMG, nor shall LMG's employees,  Wholesalers
          or Producers be considered employees of Transamerica for any purpose.

     7.8  This  Agreement  is the  result of  mutual  negotiations  between  the
          parties and shall not be deemed to have been prepared by either party,
          but by both equally.  The headings of the several paragraphs contained
          herein are for convenience only and do not define,  limit, or construe
          the contents of such paragraph.

     7.9  This  Agreement,  including  APPENDICES A, B, C and D attached and the
          provisions  thereof,  constitute  the  entire  agreement  between  the
          parties.  This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance
          with the laws of the State of California. Any similar agreement signed
          prior to the  execution  dates  below  is null and void and  abrogated
          hereby.  No change,  waiver,  or  discharge  shall be valid  unless in
          writing  and  signed  by an  authorized  representative  of the  party
          against  whom  such  change,  waiver,  or  discharge  is  sought to be
          enforced.  No delay or omission by either  party to exercise any right
          or power shall impair such right or power or be construed as a waiver.
          A waiver  by  either  of the  parties  of any of the  covenants  to be
          performed  by the other or any breach  shall not be  construed to be a
          waiver of any succeeding breach or of any other covenant.

     7.10 When a policy is issued to a trustee or trustees,  a copy of the trust
          agreement   and  any   amendment   thereto,   shall  be  furnished  to
          Transamerica  by LMG and  shall be  retained  as part of the  official
          records of both LMG and  Transamerica  for the  duration of the policy
          and for six years thereafter.

     7.11 Any policies,  certificates,  booklets,  termination  notices or other
          written communication delivered by Transamerica to LMG for delivery to
          insured  parties  or covered  individuals  shall be  delivered  by LMG
          within ten (10)  business  days after  receipt  of  instructions  from
          Transamerica to deliver them.

     7.12 Payment to LMG of any  premiums  or  charges  for  insurance  by or on
          behalf of the insured  party shall be deemed to have been  received by
          Transamerica,  and the payment of return  premiums  or claim  payments
          forwarded by Transamerica to LMG shall not be deemed to have been paid
          to the insured  party or claimant  until such payments are received by
          the insured party or claimant.

     7.13 During  the term of this  Agreement  and for one (1) year  thereafter,
          Transamerica and LMG and any of their  affiliates shall not,  directly
          or indirectly,  solicit for employment any person  employed or working
          on the services  provided  hereunder within the preceding 12 months by
          the other party or any  affiliate of the other party without the prior
          written  consent of the other party,  which shall not be  unreasonably
          withheld;  provided  however;  that (i) in the event either party uses
          the services of a  professional  recruiter and provides such recruiter
          solely with generic job duties and job  descriptions  (without  making
          any reference to the other party or the party's  affiliates)  and such
          recruiter contacts a qualified candidate who happens to be an employee
          of the other  party and that  candidate  initiates  contact  through a
          recruiter  with that party,  then that party may employ that employee,
          or (ii) in the event an  employee  of the other  party  responds  to a
          general  advertisement  placed by a party,  then that party may employ
          that employee.

     7.14 LMG shall provide  reasonable  access during normal  business hours to
          any  location  from  which LMG  conducts  its  business  and  provides
          services  to  Transamerica  pursuant  to this  Agreement  to  auditors
          designated  in writing by  Transamerica  for the purpose of performing
          audits for Transamerica.  Transamerica  shall give reasonable  advance
          written  notice of an audit and  include in that  notice  the  matters
          which it will audit.  LMG shall  provide the auditors  any  assistance
          they may reasonably require. Such auditors shall have the right during
          normal  business  hours  to  audit  any  business  record,   activity,
          procedure,  or  operation of LMG that is  reasonably  related to LMG's
          responsibilities identified in this Agreement,  including the right to
          interview any LMG personnel  involved in providing or supporting  such

     7.15 Each party shall be excused from performance for any period and to the
          extent that the party is prevented from  performing  any services,  in
          whole or in part as a result of delays  caused by an act of God,  war,
          civil disturbance,  court order, labor dispute,  or other cause beyond
          that parties reasonable control, including failures or fluctuations in
          electrical power, heat, light, air conditioning, or telecommunications
          equipment and such non-performance  shall not be a default or a ground
          for  termination.  Notwithstanding  the above, LMG agrees that it will
          establish and maintain reasonable recovery steps,  including technical
          disaster  recovery  facilities,  uninterruptable  power  supplies  for
          computer equipment and communications and that as a result thereof LMG
          will use its best efforts to ensure that the Computer  System shall be
          operational  within 48 hours of a performance  failure.  Within ninety
          (90) days of the  execution of this  Agreement,  LMG will  establish a
          general business recovery plan. Such plan will include,  at a minimum,
          procedures  for  answering  calls;   processing  premium  and  on-line
          operation of LMG's  administrative  systems. A comprehensive  business
          recovery plan will be implemented prior to December 31, 1998. LMG will
          forward copies of both plans to  Transamerica  for their records.  LMG
          will provide for the off-premises  site for storage of backup software
          for the operating systems and data files.

     7.16 In no event and under no  circumstances,  however,  shall either party
          under this  Agreement be liable to the other party under any provision
          of this  Agreement  for lost  profits or for  exemplary,  speculative,
          special, punitive or consequential damages.

     7.17 Survival:  Sections 3, 4.3(f) and (g),  Sections 5, 7.13,  7.14, 7.15,
          9.2, 9.3 and 9.9 shall survive the termination of this Agreement.


     8.1  Transamerica will be responsible for the following:

          (a)  It is the sole  responsibility  of  Transamerica  to provide  for
               competent administration of the policies administered by LMG.

          (b)  Transamerica shall be responsible for researching,  obtaining and
               the  registration  of any  trademarks  issued by the  Patent  and
               Trademark  office for the products  jointly  developed by LMG and
               Transamerica and any costs associated therewith.

          (c)  With respect to claims that LMG is authorized to pay on behalf of
               Transamerica,  Transamerica  shall be responsible for any and all
               costs of litigation  associated  with the payment of such claims.
               These  expenses  shall  include,  but are not limited to, counsel
               fees and court fees.

          (d)  Transamerica   shall   have  sole   responsibility   for   filing
               advertising  materials in those  states that so require  prior to
               approving  their  use by LMG.  All  costs  associated  with  such
               filings will be the responsibility of Transamerica.

          (e)  Transamerica  shall  be  responsible  for the  establishment  and
               maintenance  of any group  trusts  associated  with such  product
               filings and any costs associated therewith.

          (f)  Transamerica  shall be responsible for the processing of payments
               under the election of a settlement  option by the  beneficiary or
               owner. LMG's responsibilities as they relate to this function are
               detailed  in  APPENDIX  C,  Policyholder  Services,   Section  2.
               Transamerica will supply LMG with software to calculate estimated
               settlement option payments.

          (g)  Transamerica  shall be responsible  for  determining the benefits
               and claims payment  procedures  applicable to such  coverage,  if

          (h)  Transamerica  shall, at least  semiannually,  conduct a review of
               operations  of LMG.  At least one such  review will be an on-site
               audit of the operations of LMG.

          (i)  Currently,   LMG  does  not  perform  medical   underwriting  for
               Transamerica, however, if granted such authority, LMG will comply
               with all underwriting  standards  established by Transamerica and
               adhere to all pertinent  provisions contained in applicable Third
               Party Administrator  statutes.  Transamerica shall be responsible
               for  the  underwriting  or  other  standards  pertaining  to  the
               business underwritten by Transamerica.

          (j)  Transamerica will provide  certification for year 2000 compliance
               of all  systems  which  have an impact  on LMG no later  than the
               second quarter of 1999.

          (k)  LMG shall have no  authority,  nor shall it  represent  itself as
               having such authority,  other than as  specifically  set forth in
               this Agreement.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing
               sentence,  LMG specifically agrees that it will not do any of the
               following without the prior written consent of Transamerica:

               (i)  Litigation:  Institute or prosecute any legal proceedings in
                    connection  with  any  matter  pertaining  to  the  Services
                    provided   pursuant  to  this  Agreement  or  Transamerica's
                    business   or  accept   service  of  process  on  behalf  of

               (ii) Alterations:  Waive,  amend,  modify,  alter,  terminate  or
                    change any term, provision or condition stated in any Policy
                    Form or discharge any contract in the name of  Transamerica,
                    except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement,
                    such policy forms or as a result of a complaint resolution.

               (iii)Advice  to  Policyholders/Prospective  Policyholders:  Offer
                    tax,  legal,  or investment  advice to any  Policyholder  or
                    prospective   Policyholder   of   Transamerica   under   any
                    circumstances,  with  respect  to a Policy  or the  Services
                    provided pursuant to this Agreement.

     8.2  Transamerica shall immediately, within five (5) business days, provide
          LMG  with  written  notice  of any  change  of  authority  of  persons
          authorized   and   enumerated  in  APPENDIX  D  to  provide  LMG  with
          instructions or directions relating to services to be performed by LMG
          under this Agreement.


     9.1  LMG agrees to provide insurance coverages as appropriate and agreed to
          by Transamerica.

          (a)  LMG will possess an adequate  fidelity bond for any losses caused
               by the dishonesty of LMG's  employees or agents (not  Wholesalers
               or Producers)  with limits of at least $3 million.  LMG will also
               maintain  adequate  surety  bond(s) as so  required in the states
               which it is  compelled  to do so. LMG will file such bond,  if so
               required, with the appropriate agency. The bond shall be executed
               by a corporate  insurer  authorized  to transact  business in the
               states which mandate the maintenance of such bond.

          (b)  LMG will possess and  maintain at all times errors and  omissions
               coverage  with a limit of not less than $2 million  written by an
               insurer  authorized  to  transact  business  in the states  which
               mandate the  maintenance  of such  insurance.  Such coverage will
               comply  with  the  requirements  of  the  states  in  which  such
               insurance coverage is required.

          (c)  LMG will possess and maintain  commercial,  general and liability
               insurance  with limits of not less than $1 million per occurrence
               combined  single  limit.   Transamerica  shall  be  named  as  an
               additional  insured  and  such  coverage  shall be  primary  with
               respect to any other insurance maintained by Transamerica.

          (d)  LMG will make  available  and  encourage  the purchase of a group
               Errors and Omissions  plan with a limit of at least $1 million to
               its Wholesalers and Producers.

          (e)  The above  insurance  coverages  shall be provided  by  insurance
               companies with a minimum Best's rating A- or otherwise acceptable
               to Transamerica. Any deductible or self insured retention must be
               declared  to and  accepted  by  Transamerica  in  its  reasonable
               discretion. Each insurance policy required by this contract shall
               be endorsed  to state that such  coverage  can not be  materially
               changed  except  after  thirty (30) days prior notice (10 days in
               the  event  of  non-payment  of  premium),   has  been  given  to
               Transamerica. LMG shall provide Transamerica with certificates of
               insurance  and/or  endorsements  evidencing  the  above  coverage
               within  fifteen (15) days of each  insurance  policy  renewal and
               within sixty (60) days of the execution of this Agreement.

     9.2  In the event malfunction of the LMG systems causes an error or mistake
          in any record,  report, data, information or output under the terms of
          this  Agreement,  LMG shall at its expense  correct and reprocess such
          records. LMG will reimburse Transamerica for any costs and/or expenses
          associated  with such  error or  mistake.  In the  event  Transamerica
          discovers  any such  errors  or  mistake  it shall,  within  three (3)
          business days after discovery,  notify LMG in writing of such error or
          mistake in any record, report, data, information or output received by

     9.3  LMG shall respond to all  correspondence of a routine nature and other
          general  functions  necessary for satisfactory  administration  of the
          Policies  referenced in APPENDIX A. LMG shall maintain complaint files
          and complaint logs to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

          If LMG receives:

          (a)  notice of the commencement of any legal proceeding  involving any
               of Transamerica's customers; or

          (b)  a   communication   from   any   insurance   department,    other
               administrative agency or any other person identifying a complaint
               by any Transamerica  customer or calling a hearing  involving any
               Transamerica practice; or

          (c)  written complaints regarding  Transamerica Policies referenced in
               APPENDIX A from customers of  Transamerica  (oral  complaints are
               directed to make such  complaint in writing and therefore will be
               handled  in  accordance  with  such  written  complaint  handling
               procedures); or

          (d)  a demand or request by any court, government agency or regulatory
               body to  examine  any of the books and  records  of  Transamerica
               relating to Policies or services.

          LMG will notify  Transamerica  within two (2) business  days. LMG will
          send copies of any  necessary  documentation  to  Transamerica  within
          three (3) business days.

          LMG  and  Transamerica  will  jointly  develop  a  complaint  handling

          LMG will maintain a file  containing  any  correspondence  relating to
          complaints  received from  Transamerica  customers  and/or  government
          agency or regulatory body for a period of seven (7) years from receipt
          of the complaint letter.

          Transamerica  will respond to summons and complaints  commencing legal
          actions on its own behalf.  Transamerica  will also be responsible for
          the costs  associated  with  responding to such summons and complaints
          commencing legal action on its own behalf.

     9.4  LMG  will   provide  a  written   notice,   approved   in  writing  by
          Transamerica,  to  policyholders  advising  them  of the  identity  of
          Transamerica   and  LMG,  and  the   relationship   between  LMG,  the
          policyholder and Transamerica.

     9.5  LMG will only use advertising  pertaining to the business underwritten
          by Transamerica  that  Transamerica has approved in writing in advance
          of its use.  If so  required,  Transamerica  shall  obtain  the  prior
          approval of the appropriate  Department of Insurance  before approving
          advertising for use by LMG.  Transamerica will also be responsible for
          all costs associated with obtaining such approval.

     9.6  LMG is  responsible  for system  modification  costs for  initial  new
          product  development.  LMG is not responsible for the costs associated
          for other modifications that are not necessary to the normal course of
          business.  "New  product  development"  will be defined  and agreed on
          prior to development.  Transamerica  will reimburse LMG for any system
          modification  costs  requested that are beyond those  necessary to the
          normal  course  of  business  at its  standard  rates  illustrated  in
          APPENDIX B.

     9.7  LMG warrants that the software will continue to function in accordance
          with its  specifications in the processing of dates and date dependent
          data  (including  but  not  limited  to  calculating,   comparing  and
          sequencing  dates  starting  with the year 1900) from the date of this
          Agreement  through the year 2100,  including  leap year  calculations.
          This warranty is independent  of any other  warranty  provided in this
          Agreement and shall survive the expiration or termination of any other
          warranty provided.  LMG will also provide  certification for year 2000
          compliance on Administrative  and Accounting  Systems prior to the end
          of the second quarter of 1999.

     9.8  LMG will  comply  with all of the  relevant  provisions  contained  in
          applicable  Third Party  Administrator  statutes.  If any provision of
          this Agreement is in conflict with the laws of the State which governs
          this agreement, such provision will be deemed to be amended to conform
          with such laws.  Further,  if the laws of the State which governs this
          Agreement  require the  inclusion  of certain  provisions  of relevant
          statutes, this Agreement shall be deemed to be amended to conform with
          such laws.

     9.9  LMG will not use Transamerica's name, trademarks, logo, or the name of
          any affiliate of  Transamerica  in any way or manner not  specifically
          authorized in writing by Transamerica.

          Transamerica will not use LMG's name, trademarks,  logo or the name of
          any affiliate of LMG in any way or manner not specifically  authorized
          in writing by LMG.

          Transamerica  will provide to LMG electronic  formats and camera ready
          art of its trademark, pyramid logo, digitized officers' signatures for
          use on Policy Forms and signature stamps of authorized personnel to be
          used exclusively for agent  appointment forms filed with regulatory or
          government  agencies.  Those properties combined with the Transamerica
          marks listed below:

          Transamerica Life Insurance and Annuity Company
          Transamerica Life and Annuity
          Transamerica Life
          The Pyramid Logo

          make up the Transamerica  marks and names ("Marks and Names") licensed
          herein.  Any marketing  name or service mark adopted by the parties to
          identify the Policies contemplated in this Agreement shall be owned by
          Transamerica and considered one of the Marks and Names.

          As Transamerica is an owner-authorized  user of those Marks and Names,
          Transamerica  desires to exercise  control  over the use of said Marks
          and Names. Transamerica desires to license the Marks and Names for use
          by LMG in the claims  servicing,  Policy servicing and  administrative
          services outlined in this Agreement.

          Accordingly the parties agree as follows:

          (a)  License  of  Marks  and  Names:   Transamerica  hereby  grants  a
               non-exclusive  license  unto LMG at no cost to use the  Marks and
               Names solely in connection with the Services  provided under this

          (b)  Manner  of Use:  LMG  shall  not use the  Marks  and Names in any
               manner or format  which  differs  from the  versions  provided by
               Transamerica  to LMG.  If LMG deems a change  in  format  for its
               limited  use is  necessary,  a request  for such  change  must be
               submitted  in  writing to  Transamerica  for its  approval.  Said
               request must include the version as  originally  supplied and the
               requested  change,  as  well  as  the  reason  such a  change  is
               requested.  Transamerica's approval of a request change shall not
               be unreasonably withheld.

          (c)  Quality  Control:  LMG's  usage of the Marks  and Names  shall be
               under the quality  control of Transamerica as provided herein and
               shall  comply  with  Transamerica's  standards.  As  provided  in
               Section 7.14, Transamerica may conduct reasonable audits of LMG's
               usage of the Marks and Names in relation to the services provided
               under  this  Agreement  to ensure  compliance  with the terms set
               forth in this Section.

          (d)  Indemnification:  Transamerica shall protect,  indemnify,  defend
               and hold harmless LMG from any and all liability,  damages, costs
               or expenses,  including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees incurred in
               connection with any claim or action arising from LMG's use of the
               Marks and Names, limited to causes of action sounding in state or
               federal trademark  infringement and/or state or federal trademark
               dilution.  This indemnification shall survive termination of this

          (e)  Termination:  The  license  to use  the  Marks  and  Names  shall
               terminate in accordance  with the provisions of Section 6 of this
               Agreement.  Any use of the Marks and Names  that does not  comply
               with the terms as set forth in this Section will be  considered a
               default  in the  performance  of  LMG's  material  duties  and or
               obligations.  Upon termination under Section 6 of this Agreement,
               LMG  shall  cease and  desist in the use of the Marks and  Names,
               except for limited use in  administering  and servicing  Policies
               issued prior to the date of termination.


     10.1 Definitions: As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have
          such meanings:

          (a)  "Administrative Computer System" or "Computer System" shall refer
               to all  computer  systems  and related  materials  used by LMG to
               administer the Policies,  including LMG proprietary  software and
               third party licensed software  comprised of computer programs and
               supporting  documentation,  including, but not limited to, source
               code,  object code input and output  formats,  program  listings,
               narrative  descriptions  and  operating  instructions  and  shall
               include the tangible  media upon which the computer  programs and
               supporting  documentation are recorded as well as the deliverable
               forms and documents.

               LMG's proprietary  software and third party licensed software are
               used to administer the Policies listed in APPENDIX A.

          (b)  "Property" shall mean all property of either party including, but
               not limited  to,  data  records,  materials,  supplies,  computer
               software,  customer records,  premium  information,  underwriting
               files,  customer lists,  sales data,  policyholder  data, data on
               Wholesalers and Producers and any other distribution systems.

     10.2 Computer  System.  The Computer System will be and remain the property
          of LMG and  Transamerica  shall  have no  rights  or  interest  in the
          Computer System except as provided in this Agreement. Modifications to
          the  Computer  System  developed  for  Transamerica  that are mutually
          agreed to be proprietary to Transamerica shall not be sold,  licensed,
          transferred,  assigned or  otherwise  distributed  without the express
          written consent of Transamerica.

          (a)  The  Computer  System  currently  uses the  Leverage  ALS/LCS/LPS
               System,  licensed  to LMG.  Transamerica  understands  and agrees
               that, at LMG's option,  the Licensed  Software or any replacement
               software  may be replaced  at any time and from time to time,  at
               LMG's expense, with other suitable software of LMG's choice.

               In the event that LMG decides to replace such licensed  software,
               LMG  agrees  to  test  the  replacement  software  prior  to  its
               installation  to be certain  that it will  properly  perform  the
               services  contemplated  by  this  Agreement.   LMG  will  provide
               Transamerica   with   reasonable   notice   prior   to  any  such

          (b)  LMG agrees to use its best efforts to convince  Leverage to enter
               into  an  agreement  with  Transamerica.   Such  agreement  shall
               provide,  in substance,  that should this Agreement terminate for
               any reason, then Leverage shall, at Transamerica's  option, issue
               to  Transamerica,  or to a  Transamerica  affiliate  specified by
               Transamerica,  a license agreement to use the version of Leverage
               Computer System and  modifications  and enhancements  done by LMG
               then currently used to service Transamerica's  business. Any such
               agreement  shall  provide that the fee for any such license shall
               not exceed the current market price for the product.

               Notwithstanding  the above,  Transamerica  understands and agrees
               that in no event  shall LMG  provide to  Transamerica  during the
               term  of this  Agreement  or any  extension  thereto,  access  to
               Leverage  proprietary  software  source codes,  technical  design
               documentation,   detailed  business  or  technical  practices  or
               techniques, confidential correspondence or documentation.

               LMG warrants that the Computer  System is the property of LMG and
               utilizes  software  developed  by or licensed to LMG. LMG further
               warrants  that the use of the  Computer  System  to  provide  the
               Services contemplated by this Agreement will not infringe upon or
               violate any patent, copyright,  trade secret or other proprietary
               right  of  any  third  party.   These  warranties  shall  survive
               termination of this Agreement.

In witness  whereof,  the parties here to have executed  this  Agreement to take
effect on the effective date specified.


By	  /s/ R. Preston Pitts

Title	  President

Date	  5/29/98


By	  /s/ William N. Scott

Title	  Vice President

Date	  6/1/98

                                   APPENDIX A

                              GEOGRAPHIC TERRITORY:


     The  District  of  Columbia  and all states  except New York and  currently

                                  POLICY FORMS

Multi Year Guarantee Product
Flexible Premium Deferred Annuity

Group Master Policy #    ___________________*
Policy #:                ___________________*

State required variations of the above referenced forms may be required.

                                   APPENDIX B


                                 PROCESSING FEES

1.   Multi Year Guarantee Products

     a.   Acquisition Fees:       One time fee of $* per application received.

     b.   Maintenance:            $*  per inforce Policy per year to be paid
                                  weekly pro rata.

     c.   Terminations:           One time fee of $*  to be paid at time of
                                  surrender, maturity, election of a settlement
                                  option or death claim of each Policy.

     d.   Payment of Claims:      $*  per death claim paid by LMG in addition
                                  to the $*  termination fee, as provided above
                                  in ss.c.

2.   Agent Appointment and Termination:  $*  per agent appointment per state;
     $*  per agent termination per state.

3.   Out-Of-Pocket Expenses

     a.   In  addition  to the  fees  set  forth  above,  LMG  will  forward  to
          Transamerica  on a monthly basis a bill for the out of pocket expenses
          listed below.  Such invoice will include  adjustments for any fees due
          to  Transamerica  from LMG as a result of Agent  initial  and  renewal
          appointment  fees  which  are due or have  been  collected  from  such
          Wholesalers  and  Producers.  Transamerica  will  reimburse  LMG  with
          fifteen  (15) days of receipt of such  bill.  If LMG does not  receive
          reimbursement within fifteen (15) days, Transamerica will allow LMG to
          draw the  following  out of  pocket  expenses  from  the  disbursement
          account. Out-of-pocket expenses are expenditures for the items such as
          those  listed  below and any other  items  agreed to in writing by the


     b.   Transamerica   will  be  responsible   for  cash  management  of  this
          disbursement  account and LMG agrees to provide  Transamerica  records
          and information to properly perform this function.

4.   Systems Time and Materials Rates

     Under certain conditions as set forth in this Agreement,  Transamerica will
     reimburse LMG for the costs of systems  modifications or systems support at
     the following rates:

         Chief Information Officer                             $*  per hour
         Director--Technical Support                           $*  per hour
         Senior Programmer Analyst                             $*  per hour
         Programmer Analyst                                    $*  per hour
         Senior Business Analyst                               $*  per hour
         Project Manager                                       $*  per hour
         Business Analyst                                      $*  per hour
         Tester                                                $*  per hour

5.   Payment of Processing Fees.

     Transamerica  will pay LMG the  processing  fees from 1 and 2 weekly.  Fees
     from 1 and 2 will be paid by wire transfer within 5 days of receipt of such

6.   Compensation Not To Be Contingent

     This Agreement  shall not provide for  compensation,  commissions,  fees or
     charges  which are  contingent  upon  savings  effected in the  adjustment,
     settlement and payment of losses (the loss ratio) covered by Transamerica's
     obligations.  In the event that LMG adjusts or settles  claims on behalf of
     Transamerica,  such  compensation  shall in no way be  contingent on claims
     This provision does not prevent the compensation of LMG from being based on
     premiums or charges  collected or the number of claims paid or processed or
     performance-based  compensation for providing auditing  services.  LMG will
     not receive any administrative  compensation  except as expressly set forth
     in this Agreement between LMG and Transamerica.

                                   APPENDIX C

                             SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED

These  services,  which do not  represent  a  complete  list of  services  to be
provided by LMG, are to be performed by LMG in accordance  with the policies and
procedures  mutually agreed to by both parties,  applicable laws and regulations
and   reasonable   industry   standards.   LMG  will  consult  with  and  obtain
Transamerica's  approval  prior to  performing  processing of items that are not
covered in the policies and procedures documented in this Agreement or otherwise
agreed upon by both parties.

1.   Services:

     Clerical Processing of Agent Appointment and Termination with States


     1.   Review signed Producer Agreement for completeness and accuracy,  input
          agent information into LCS system (LMG agent database).
     2.   Conduct Background Investigation on Producer, including credit report,
          NAIC RIRS inquiry,  Vector Check, state licensing check (in all States
          in which Producer  requests  appointment),  criminal  check,  and past
          employment check.
     3.   If Producer meets LMG/Transamerica hiring criteria,  complete and mail
          all state required  appointment  forms or electronic  transmission  of
          appointment data to state.
     4.   Depending on state  criteria,  once  appointment  is effective,  input
          appointment  information  into LCS system for  renewal  tracking,  new
          business processing and weekly transmission to carrier.


     1.   Complete and mail state required forms or electronic  transmission  to
          terminate agent's appointment in state(s).
     2.   Update LCS with appropriate appointment termination into LCS system to
          prohibit  new  business  processing.   Weekly  transmission  of  agent
          termination information to carrier.

     Appointment Renewal Processing

     1.   LMG will forward to  Transamerica  within three (3) business days of a
          written request by Transamerica  any Producer address that is required
          to be provided to a regulatory agency.

     Clerical  Processing  of Transfers  (1035x,  CD Money  Market,  Mutual Fund
     Qualified Transfers)

     1.   Review all  transfer  documentation  for  completeness  and  accuracy,
          including receipt of all state specific forms (replacements).
     2.   Contact transfer institution for verification of account information.
     3.   Mail required documentation including state specific forms to transfer
     4.   Mail initial letter to applicant confirming receipt of application.
     5.   Contact transfer  institution on a regular basis until receipt of such
     6.   Once all funds are received complete Contract Issue.

     Contract Issue

     1.   Review  all  annuity   applications  for  completeness  and  accuracy,
          including state product availability and agent licensing.
     2.   Input application into ALS administrative system.
     3.   Process any transfers, as previously defined.
     4.   Generate state specific policy forms.
     5.   Mail policy to Producer for delivery.
     6.   Follow-up  on  any  outstanding  delivery  requirements  and  delivery
     7.   Once all outstanding  requirements are received,  apply the premium to
          policy,  place the policy inforce and generate a commission payment to

     Policyholder Service

     Includes  all   maintenance  on  all   certificates/policies   after  issue
     (inforce). Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

     1.   Responding  to all  written  or  verbal  consumer  or agent  inquiries
          regarding an inforce policy.
     2.   Clerical processing of the following financial transactions:
          Withdrawals   (including  systematic  withdrawal  income  and  Minimum
          Required Distributions).
          Partial surrenders.
          Full surrenders, including 1035X.
          Strategy transfers.
          Election of a settlement  option by owner or beneficiary  (however LMG
          will not process the actual payments under a settlement  option).  LMG
          will  provide  Transamerica  with the all  required  documentation  to
          process the payments under such election within ten (10) business days
          of receipt of completed forms.
          Free Look or Not Taken processing
          Additional Deposit(s)
          Claims processing, as defined in this Agreement
     3.   Clerical processing of the following non-financial transactions.
          Address changes.
          Beneficiary changes.
          Ownership changes.
          Mailing of quarterly statements.
          Collateral Assignment.
          Review of legal documents (not limited to POA, Guardianship).
     4.   Maintain a toll-free telephone line for policyholders.

     Clerical processing is defined as reviewing requests to determine all state
     and  carrier  mandated  forms  have been  completed,  data  entry  into ALS
     (administrative  system) to record such  transaction and providing  written
     confirmation to policyholder of such clerical processing.

     Maintenance of Policyholder Records

     LMG  will be  responsible  for the  maintenance  of  policyholder  records.
     Specifically,  LMG will maintain accurate and complete policyholder records
     according  to the  provisions  of this  Agreement.  Paper  records  will be
     maintained in an offsite storage facility approved by Transamerica.  Copies
     of all paper records will be permanently scanned with LMG's imaging system.
     Records of all transactions will also be maintained in LMG's administrative

     Data Processing  Services - All data files provided to Transamerica will be
     in formats that are mutually  agreed to by both  parties.  Month end cutoff
     for all  accounting  files  will be the  21st of each  month  or the  prior
     business day unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties.

     1.   Maintenance  of the general  ledger for all  premium and  disbursement
          cash accounting as well as all policy related financial transactions.
     2.   Within  ten (10) days of month end LMG will  transmit  of the  general
          ledger interface to Transamerica for financial statement preparation.
     3.   Maintain policy transaction data files.
     4.   Transmission of policy  transaction data files to Transamerica for the
          preparation of reserve calculations.
     5.   Provide   computer-accessible    valuation   data:   account   balance
          information, policyholder activity, and policy provision data (such as
          changing  schedules of  interest)  at a sufficient  level of detail to
          make  Statutory   Valuation  and  GAAP  accounting   possible  without
          resorting  to  estimates.  Create and  transmit  the data files with a
          sufficiently   early   effective   date  that  they  may  be  used  by
          Transamerica before the calendar month end.
     6.   Provide ledger input data whose end-of-month close date coincides with
          the effective date for the valuation data.
     7.   Provide  Transamerica with a complete file extract of all policyholder
          data from the  administration  system a minimum of once per month in a
          mutually agreed upon format.  Such  policyholder  data is confidential
          and shall only be used by  Transamerica  for the purpose of performing
          demographic  and  marketing  research.  Any  other  use of  such  data
          requires  prior  written  consent  by LMG.  More  frequent  updates or
          incremental updates will be provided at a mutually agreed upon date.

     Agent Compensation

     LMG is  responsible  for weekly  processing and payment via check or ACH of
     first year and  trailing  commissions  to its  Wholesalers  and  Producers.
     Commission  payments  result  from  premium  being  applied to  appropriate
     Transamerica  policies.  LMG  is  responsible  for  generating  the  weekly
     commission statements,  maintenance of year to date commission information,
     and processing of the actual commission payment. Agent compensation amounts
     are determined by the Producer's LMG contract  level,  product type, age of
     annuitant and owner, and premium amount.

     Premium Accounting

     LMG is  responsible  for  receiving  premium  checks  and  depositing  into
     Transamerica depository bank account. The receipt of premium is recorded in
     the  administrative  system and a general ledger entry is created to record
     the deposit.  However,  LMG is not  responsible  for investing and managing
     these assets.

     Tax Reporting to Agents

     LMG will be  responsible  for the reporting on a yearly basis to its agents
     information on all commissions  earned, as well as other  compensation from
     incentive  trips,  etc. Such  reporting to  Wholesalers  and Producers will
     consist  of  generating  and  mailing  of  1099  forms.  LMG  will  also be
     responsible for the transmission of such records to the applicable  federal
     and state taxing  authorities.  LMG policies and procedures comply with all
     state and federal regulations.

     Tax Reporting to Policyholders

     LMG is  responsible  for the  reporting on a yearly basis to  policyholders
     information  regarding certain financial  transactions on such Transamerica
     policies.  Reporting to policyholders consists of generating and mailing of
     1099 forms,  Year End  Account  Balances  and 5498 forms.  LMG will also be
     responsible for the transmission of such records to the applicable  federal
     and state taxing  authorities.  LMG policies and procedures comply with all
     state and federal taxing authority regulations.

     Tax Reporting to Vendors

     LMG will be responsible  for the reporting on a yearly basis to its vendors
     information  on all  compensation  paid.  Such  reporting  to vendors  will
     consist  of  generating  and  mailing  of  1099  forms.  LMG  will  also be
     responsible for the transmission of such records to the applicable  federal
     and state taxing authorities. LMG's policies and procedures comply with all
     state and federal regulations.

     Tax Reporting to Beneficiary(ies)

     LMG is responsible for the reporting to  beneficiary(ies) on a yearly basis
     information  regarding  receipt of lump sum claim  payments.  Reporting  to
     beneficiary(ies)  consist of generating and mailing of 1099 forms. LMG will
     also be responsible for the  transmission of such records to the applicable
     federal and state taxing  authorities.  LMG policies and procedures  comply
     with all state and federal taxing authority regulations.

2.   Other Services:

     a.   Accounting Services
          (1)  Maintenance of general ledger system
          (2)  Reconciliation of all cash and suspense accounts monthly
          (3)  Furnishing to  Transamerica  of all applicable data necessary for
               preparation of Transamerica NAIC Convention Blank
          (4)  Furnishing to  Transamerica  of all applicable data necessary for
               preparation of the Transamerica corporate tax return
          (5)  Furnishing to  Transamerica  of all applicable data necessary for
               preparation of the Transamerica GAAP financial statements
          (6)  Furnishing to  Transamerica  of all applicable data necessary for
               the preparation of the Transamerica unclaimed property reports
          (7)  Furnishing to Transamerica of monthly data sets of all applicable
               data necessary for the  preparation of the  Transamerica  premium
               tax returns and payments

     b.   Actuarial Services
          (1)  LMG will assist and provide  actuarial  support to  Transamerica.
               LMG's   responsibilities   will  vary  by  each  product  jointly
               developed and may include:
               Provide initial product specification
               Provide competitive analysis for the product
               Define pricing assumptions
               Provide any necessary support for pricing assumptions
               Share deterministic pricing results
               Perform sensitivity analysis
               Provide final product specifications
               Define actuarial memorandum Provide
               Actuarial field support
               Monitor actuarial assumptions
               Assist in ongoing  profit/pricing  management  of the
          (2)  LMG will draft initial policy forms and  applications  to be used
               for each product jointly developed.  LMG will assist Transamerica
               in the  completion and  preparation  of filing such forms.  LMG's
               responsibilities will vary with each product jointly developed.
     c.   Advertising Material Development
          LMG will be responsible for the creation, printing and distribution of
          all  advertising  material  used  by LMG  for  such  products  jointly
          developed.  However,  LMG will  obtain  the  necessary  approval  from
          Transamerica prior to use of such advertising material.

     It is LMG's  intention  to provide all  administrative  services,  with the
     exception of the following:

     a.   Administration after the election of a settlement option by Owner, and
          any subsequent payments after such election.
     b.   Administration  after the  election of a settlement  option  resulting
          from a death, and any subsequent payments after such election.

3.   Collection and Disposition of Funds:

     All  insurance  premiums  collected by LMG on behalf of  Transamerica,  and
     return  premiums  received  from  Transamerica,  shall  be held by LMG in a
     fiduciary  capacity and will not be used as general operating funds of LMG.
     Such funds shall be  immediately,  within two (2) business days be remitted
     to the person or persons  entitled to them or shall be deposited  promptly,
     within two (2) business days, in a Premium Fiduciary Account.  Such Premium
     Fiduciary  Account will be held in the name of  Transamerica.  However,  it
     will be  established  and maintained by LMG in a federally or state insured
     financial  institution,  separate and apart from any funds belonging to LMG
     or third parties.

     This Premium  Fiduciary  Account will at all times have a balance  equal to
     contributions  plus any interest earned less,  authorized  disbursements by
     Transamerica.  If LMG is authorized to draw checks on the Premium Fiduciary
     Account, this will be clearly indicated on their face.

     LMG may not pay any claim by withdrawals  from the  aforementioned  Premium
     Fiduciary Account.  Withdrawals from the Premium Fiduciary Account shall be
     made as provided in this Agreement  between LMG and Transamerica for any of
     the following:

     a.   Remittance to Transamerica, if so entitled to such remittance;

     b.   Deposit in an account maintained in the name of Transamerica;

     c.   Transfer to and deposit in a claims-paying  account, with claims to be
          paid as provided by Transamerica.

     LMG will  maintain in a fiduciary  capacity,  Disbursement  Accounts  where
     Transamerica  will  fund  the  balance  and LMG is  authorized  to make the
     following disbursements:

     a.   Payment to LMG of its out of pocket  expenses,  as defined in Appendix
          B, Section 3a, and weekly commissions.

     b.   Remittance  of  return  premium  to the  person  or  persons  entitled

     c.   Any  policy/certificate  holder  disbursements,  including  payment of

     LMG will pay claims  from funds  collected  on behalf of  Transamerica  and
     shall be paid only on drafts of, and as authorized by Transamerica.  In the
     event that LMG  receives  monies to pay  claims on behalf of  Transamerica,
     such funds will be held in a fiduciary  capacity.  No deposits will be made
     into or  disbursements  made from this fiduciary  account except for claims
     and claim  adjustment  expenses.  This fiduciary  account will at all times
     have a  balance  equal to the  amount  deposited  less  claims  and  claims
     adjustment expenses paid.

4.   Settlements/Reports:

     a.   As agreed upon but no later than twenty (20)  calendar days of the end
          of each month,  the prior  month's  balance  sheet  activity  shall be
          reconciled by LMG.
     b.   As agreed upon,  LMG shall provide  service  reports to  Transamerica,
          including but not limited to the following items:
          (1)  General ledger report
          (2)  Premium and commission reports
          (3)  Claim reports
          (4)  Statutory reserve policy information
          (5)  FAS 97 detail policy information

     c.   Daily, LMG shall provide to Transamerica, including but not limited to
          the following items:
          (1)  Cash control reports, beginning the first day of business

     d.   Weekly (Monday, for the previous week's business activity),  LMG shall
          provide to  Transamerica,  including  but not limited to the following
          (1)  Copies of check registers
          (2)  Bi-weekly--Transmission  of general ledger data (including  state
               code detail),  beginning on a mutually  agreeable  date after the
               volume of business  reaches a level determined by Transamerica to
               warrant daily updates

     e.   As agreed upon but no later than twenty (20)  calendar days of the end
          of each month,  LMG shall provide to  Transamerica,  including but not
          limited to the following items:
          (1)  Copies of all bank reconciliations
          (2)  All supplemental  financial reporting information as requested by
          (3)  Copies of tax reporting to policyholders and vendors

     f.   Miscellaneous ad hoc sales reporting.

5.   Claims Payment:

     All Policy claims services, with the exception of the adjudication of death
     claims not paid out as a lump sum,  shall be  performed by LMG on behalf of
     Transamerica.  All Policy claims shall be investigated,  processed and paid
     in accordance  with the policies and procedures  mutually agreed to by both
     parties.  Transamerica's  claim personnel who are specified in LMG's claims
     manual,   (approved   by   Transamerica),   shall  be  made   available  at
     Transamerica's  expense to answer any questions that might arise from LMG's
     claims personnel relating to claims  investigation,  processing and payment
     of Policy claims.

     In  addition  to the  foregoing,  in the case of a  decision  by LMG that a
     Policy claim should be denied, LMG shall communicate its proposed action to
     appropriate  Transamerica personnel who must agree and approve the proposed
     claim denial before the claims decision is finalized.  LMG will communicate
     appropriate  details  of any  proposed  claim  denial  in  accordance  with
     notification  procedures  to be jointly  developed  by the  parties.  If no
     response is received  within five (5) business  days of  transmission,  LMG
     shall  have the right to  proceed  on the  basis  that  Transamerica  is in
     agreement with the decision to deny the claim.  All claims paid by LMG from
     funds  collected  on  behalf of or for  Transamerica  shall be paid on only
     drafts or checks of and as authorized by Transamerica.  All monies received
     by LMG to pay  claims  on  behalf  of  Transamerica  shall  be  held  in an
     administrative  capacity.  No deposits will be made into, nor disbursements
     made from this fiduciary  account,  with the exception of claims and claims
     adjustment  expenses.  This  fiduciary  account  will at all  times  have a
     balance  equal to the amount  deposited  less claims and claims  adjustment
     expenses paid. LMG is responsible for all correspondence  with the claimant
     and preparation of the claim checks.

     For  those  claims  referred  to  Transamerica  by LMG,  LMG  will  provide
     Transamerica with copies of the following:
     1)   Policy  records ( including  but not  limited  to: all  correspondence
          relating to the policy)
     2)   All correspondence with the claimant.
     3)   Diary screens.
     4)   Claim proofs.

6.   Service Standards

     Process                      Standard

     New Business

     Policy Issue                 Policy will be issued within 2 days of receipt
     Reissue                      Policy will be reissued within 5 days of
                                  receipt of request
     New Business Transfers       New business transfers will be mailed within 2
                                  days of receipt
     Transfer Follow-up           Transfers will be follow-up on every 10
                                  business days
     Agent Contracting            All new agent contracts will be reviewed and
                                  all necessary background investigation reports
                                  ordered within 5 days of receipt
     Appointment Processing       Agent appointment(s) will be completed within
                                  5 days of receipt
     Commission  Processing       Process and mail checks on Friday of each week
                                  for all complete new business applications
                                  received by Thursday of that week
     Commission Inquiries         Process and confirm within 2 business days
     Premium Deposit              Premium will be deposited the day it is

     Policyholder Services
     Claims Processing            Process and approve within 6 business days of

     Financial Transactions       Process and confirm within 10 business days of
     Non-Financial Transactions   Process and confirm within 10 business days of
     Customer Service Call Center

     Answer Rate                  80%
     Abandon Rate                 5%
     Average Hold Time            1 minute

     Turnaround   times   are   from   the   date   of   receipt   of   complete
     policyholder/beneficiary/Producer    documentation    or   approval    from
     Transamerica when applicable.

     LMG  has  communicated  the  above  referenced  service  standards  to  our
     Wholesalers and Producers. To ensure continued  Policyholder,  Producer and
     Wholesaler  satisfaction,  LMG is committed to performing at these standard
     levels.   LMG  will  provide   Transamerica   with  reports  showing  their
     performance in the standards  listed above.  These reports will be provided
     on a monthly basis, unless otherwise agreed to by both parties. A timeframe
     will be  determined  and agreed to by both parties  within thirty (30) days
     from the  execution  of this  Agreement  for items which are not  currently
     being tracked by LMG.

                                   APPENDIX D


                            Representing Transamerica

Authorized to modify this Agreement

T. Desmond Sugrue, Executive Vice President
William Scott, Senior Vice President

Authorized  to  provide  day to day  direction  of LMG  employees  for items not
covered in this Agreement

William Scott, Senior Vice President
Brian Hoyt, 2nd Vice President
Nancy DeWitt

                       Representing Legacy Marketing Group

Lynda Regan, Chief Executive Officer
R. Preston Pitts, President
David Skup, Chief Financial Officer

                                  AMENDMENT TO

The Administrative  Services Agreement  ("Agreement") as entered into on May 29,
1998 between Transamerica Life Insurance and Annuity Company,  ("Transamerica"),
a North Carolina corporation,  and Legacy Marketing Group, ("LMG"), a California
corporation, is hereby amended, effective May 29, 1998, as follows:



               (f)  In addition to the foregoing,  LMG shall  indemnify and hold
                    harmless  Transamerica from and against any tax, interest or
                    penalties  imposed  by the IRS or any state or local  taxing
                    authority  on   Transamerica,   as  well  as  any  liability
                    Transamerica  may  incur  to  Policyholders   caused  by  or
                    relating to LMG's failure to properly  apply the rules under
                    IRC  Section  72, or its  failure to (i) deposit the correct
                    amount of income tax  withholding on time; (ii) issue timely
                    information  returns;  (iii)  correctly  process tax related
                    transactions   related  to  non-resident  aliens;  and  (iv)
                    correctly process tax related  transactions related to death


               7.1  Section 9.2 shall also be deemed to survive the  termination
                    of this Agreement.

The parties agree as above


By	 /s/ R. Preston Pitts

Title	 President

Date	 June 9, 1998


By	 /s/ William N. Scott 

Title	 Vice President

Date	 June 3, 1998