
                            Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-Q
(Mark One)

     ACT OF 1934

                 FOR THE QUARTERLY PERIOD ENDED March 31, 2000



                    FOR THE TRANSITION PERIOD FROM       TO

                         Commission File Number 0-508

                         SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY
            (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         NEVADA                                                  88-0044418
(State or other jurisdiction of                              (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                               Identification No.)

P.O. Box 10100 (6100 Neil Road)                                 89520-0400
           Reno, Nevada                                          (89511)
(Address of principal executive office)                         (Zip Code)

                                (775) 834-4011
             (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

     Indicate by check mark whether registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X   No ____

     Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes
of Common Stock, as of the latest practicable date.

         Class                                    Outstanding at May 15, 2000
Common Stock, $3.75 par value                            1,000 Shares


                         SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY
                         QUARTERLY REPORT ON FORM 10-Q
                     FOR THE QUARTER ENDED MARCH 31, 2000


                        PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

ITEM 1.        Financial Statements

               Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets - March 31, 2000 and
                    December 31, 1999..................................................................     3

               Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income - Three Months
                    Ended March 31, 2000 and 1999......................................................     4

               Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - Three Months
                    Ended March 31, 2000 and 1999......................................................     5

               Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements....................................     6

ITEM 2.        Management's Discussion and Analysis
               of Financial Condition and Results

               of Operations...........................................................................     8

ITEM 3.        Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about
               Market Risk.............................................................................    15

                                          PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

ITEM 1.        Legal Proceedings.......................................................................    16

ITEM 5.        Other Information.......................................................................    16

ITEM 6.        Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K........................................................    16

Signature Page.........................................................................................    17

Appendix...............................................................................................    18


                         SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

                                                                    March 31,                December 31,
                                                                      2000                      1999
                                                                 ----------------          ---------------
Utility Plant at Original Cost:
  Plant in service                                                   $ 2,420,066              $ 2,420,728
    Less:  accumulated provision for depreciation                        816,935                  799,099
                                                                     -----------              -----------
                                                                       1,603,131                1,621,629
  Construction work-in-progress                                          122,924                   97,561
                                                                     -----------              -----------
                                                                       1,726,055                1,719,190
                                                                     -----------              -----------
Investments in subsidiaries and other property, net                       61,773                   62,704
                                                                     -----------              -----------
Current Assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                               12,398                    3,011
  Accounts receivable less provision for uncollectible accounts:
    $2,918 -2000 and $3,649 -1999                                        105,847                  113,695
  Materials, supplies and fuel, at average cost                           29,528                   30,070
  Deferred energy costs                                                     (376)                    --
  Other                                                                    5,945                    3,103
                                                                     -----------              -----------
                                                                         153,342                  149,879
                                                                     -----------              -----------
Deferred Charges:
  Regulatory tax asset                                                    65,531                   65,531
  Other regulatory assets                                                 71,732                   73,660
  Other                                                                   25,109                   25,512
                                                                     -----------              -----------
                                                                         162,372                  164,703
                                                                     -----------              -----------
                                                                     $ 2,103,542              $ 2,096,476
                                                                     ===========              ===========
  Common shareholder's equity                                        $   680,274              $   673,738
  Preferred stock                                                         50,000                   50,000

  SPPC Obligated mandatorily redeemable preferred trust securities        48,500                   48,500
  Long-term debt                                                         623,946                  625,430
                                                                     -----------              -----------
                                                                       1,402,720                1,397,668
                                                                     -----------              -----------
Current Liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                                  101,782                  109,584
  Current maturities of long-term debt                                   102,685                  102,755
  Accounts payable                                                        69,743                   78,491
  Accrued interest                                                        10,238                    5,110
  Dividends declared                                                      19,983                   19,974
  Accrued salaries and benefits                                            8,672                    8,385
  Other current liabilities                                               21,771                   10,673
                                                                     -----------              -----------
                                                                         334,874                  334,972
                                                                     -----------              -----------
Commitments & Contingencies (Note 4)

Deferred Credits:
  Deferred federal income taxes                                          171,455                  170,261
  Deferred investment tax credit                                          35,655                   35,980
  Regulatory tax liability                                                37,846                   37,846
  Accrued Retirement Benefits                                             49,837                   49,052
  Customer advances for construction                                      41,219                   40,081
  Other                                                                   29,936                   30,616
                                                                     -----------              -----------
                                                                         365,948                  363,836
                                                                     -----------              -----------
                                                                     $ 2,103,542              $ 2,096,476
                                                                     ===========              ===========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                         SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

                                                                          Three Months Ended
                                                                                March 31,

                                                                            2000          1999
                                                                        -----------    ---------
 Electric                                                                 $ 157,622    $ 144,303
 Gas                                                                         34,836       38,027
 Water                                                                       10,249       10,281
                                                                        -----------   ----------
                                                                            202,707      192,611
                                                                        -----------   ----------
  Purchased power                                                            49,480       40,668
  Fuel for power generation                                                  29,276       26,470
  Gas purchased for resale                                                   22,851       24,717
  Deferral of energy costs -net                                                 376           --
  Other                                                                      27,869       23,782
 Maintenance                                                                  4,485        5,496
 Depreciation and amortization                                               19,031       19,094
  Income taxes                                                               11,034       11,812
  Other than income                                                           4,962        4,799
                                                                        -----------   ----------
                                                                            169,364      156,838
                                                                        -----------   ----------
OPERATING INCOME                                                             33,343       35,773
                                                                        -----------   ----------
Other Income:
 Allowance for other funds used during construction                              68           --
 Other income - net                                                            (378)           7
                                                                        -----------   ----------
                                                                               (310)           7
                                                                        -----------   ----------
              Total Income Before Interest Changes                           33,033       35,780
                                                                        -----------   ----------
 Long-term debt                                                               9,750        9,861
 Other                                                                        3,211        2,603
 Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction
   and capitalized interest                                                    (482)        (198)
                                                                        -----------   ----------
                                                                             12,479       12,266
                                                                        -----------   ----------
 PREFERRED TRUST SECURITIES                                                  20,554       23,514
 Preferred dividend requirements of SPPC-obligated mandatorily
   redeemable trust preferred securities                                     (1,043)      (1,043)
                                                                        -----------   ----------
INCOME BEFORE PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDENDS                                      19,511       22,471
 Preferred stock dividend requirements                                         (975)      (1,365)
                                                                        -----------   ----------
INCOME APPLICABLE TO COMMON STOCK                                         $  18,536    $  21,106
                                                                        ===========   ==========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                         SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

                                                                       Three Months Ended
                                                                           March 31,
                                                                        2000          1999
                                                                     ----------    --------
  Income before preferred dividends                                    $ 19,511    $ 22,471
  Non-cash items included in income:
     Depreciation and amortization                                       19,031      19,094
     Deferred taxes and deferred investment tax credit                      868         983
     AFUDC and capitalized interest                                        (550)       (198)
     Deferred energy costs - net                                            376          --
     Early retirement and severance amortization                          1,049       1,047
     Other non-cash                                                       1,261         760
  Changes in certain assets and liabilities:

     Accounts receivable                                                  7,848       7,746
     Materials, supplies and fuel                                           542      (2,112)
     Other current assets                                                (2,842)     (2,769)
     Accounts payable                                                    (8,748)     (3,343)
     Other current liabilities                                           16,513      16,798
     Other - net                                                            476      (8,344)
                                                                     ----------    --------
  Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities                               55,335      52,133
                                                                     ----------    --------

  Additions to utility plant                                            (27,239)    (18,909)
  Non-cash charges to utility plant                                         608         258
  Net customer refunds and contributions in aid construction              3,288       3,684
                                                                     ----------    --------
  Net cash used for utility plant                                       (23,343)    (14,967)
Investments in subsidiaries and other property - net                        842     (30,068)
                                                                     ----------    --------
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities                                   (22,501)    (45,035)
                                                                     ----------    --------

  (Decrease) increase in short-term borrowings                           (8,917)      6,293
  Reduction of long-term debt                                            (1,563)       (116)
  Additional investment by parent company                                 7,000       8,000
  Dividends paid                                                        (19,967)    (20,365)
                                                                     ----------    --------
Net Cash Used In Financing Activities                                   (23,447)     (6,188)
                                                                     ----------    --------

NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                                 9,387         910
Beginning balance in Cash and Cash Equivalents                            3,011      15,197
                                                                     ----------    --------
Ending Balance in Cash and Cash Equivalents                            $ 12,398    $ 16,107
                                                                     ==========    ========

  Cash Paid During Period For:
    Interest                                                           $  7,833    $  7,793
    Income Taxes                                                       $     --    $  1,716



- -------------------------------

     In the opinion of the management of Sierra Pacific Power Company (the
Company or SPPC), a wholly owned subsidiary of Sierra Pacific Resources (SPR),
the accompanying unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements
contain all adjustments (consisting of only normal recurring adjustments)
necessary to present fairly the condensed consolidated financial position,
condensed consolidated results of operations and condensed consolidated cash
flows for the periods shown. These condensed consolidated financial statements
do not contain the complete detail or footnote disclosure concerning accounting
policies and other matters which are included in full year financial statements
and therefore, they should be read in conjunction with the Company's audited
financial statements included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the year ended December 31, 1999.

     The results of operations for the three-month period ended March 31, 2000
are not necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for the full year.

                          Principles of Consolidation

     The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company
and its wholly owned subsidiaries, Sierra Pacific Power Capital I, Pinon Pine
Corp., and Pinon Pine Investment Co. The Company accounts for its ownership of
GPSF-B, a Delaware corporation acquired in February 1999, using the equity
method because the Company intends to own the entity temporarily. All
significant intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated in


     Certain items previously reported for years prior to 1999 have been
reclassified to conform to the current year's presentation. Net income and
shareholder's equity were not affected by these reclassifications.

- ------------------------------------------

     In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued SFAS
133, entitled "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities".
This statement establishes accounting and reporting standards for derivative
instruments, including certain derivative instruments embedded in other
contracts (collectively referred to as derivatives), and for hedging activities.
It requires an entity to recognize all derivatives as either assets or
liabilities in the statement of financial position, and measure those
instruments at fair value. In May 1999, members of the Financial Accounting
Standards Board agreed to delay the effective date of Statement 133 to fiscal
years beginning after June 15, 2000.

     In March 2000, FASB issued a proposed amendment to Statement 133 that,
among other revisions, exempted from the fair value requirements normal
purchases and normal sales (as defined by Statement 133) that contain settlement
provisions, if it is probable that the contracts will not settle net and will
result in physical delivery. The Company is still assessing the impact of SFAS
133 on its financial condition and results of operations.

- ----------------------------

     The Company operates three business segments providing regulated electric,
natural gas and water service. Electric service is provided to northern Nevada
and the Lake Tahoe area of California. Natural gas and water services are
provided in the Reno-Sparks area of Nevada.

     Information as to the operations of the different business segments is set
forth below based on the nature of products and services offered. The Company
evaluates performance based on several factors, of which the primary financial
measure is business segment operating income. Intersegment revenues are not

     Financial data for business segments is as follows (in thousands).


March 31, 2000           Electric     Gas         Water       Consolidated
- -------------------     ----------   ----------   ---------   ------------
Operating Revenues       $ 157,622    $  34,836   $  10,249    $ 202,707
                        ==========    =========   =========   ============
Operating income         $  25,999    $   4,612   $   2,732    $  33,343
                        ==========    =========   =========   ============

March 31, 1999           Electric     Gas         Water       Consolidated
- -------------------     ----------   ----------   ---------   ------------
Operating Revenues       $ 144,303    $  38,027   $  10,281    $ 192,611
                        ==========    =========   =========   ============
Operating income         $  26,685    $   6,289   $   2,799    $  35,773
                        ==========    =========   =========   ============

- --------------------------------------

     The Company has four wells which currently exceed the federal drinking
water standard for naturally occurring arsenic concentrations. Production from
three of these wells continues by blending water treated at the Glendale Water
Treatment Plant. The fourth well is out of service pending treatment. The
Company's water laboratory research staff is developing options to assure that
the Company is prepared to meet new arsenic standards. The new Arsenic
regulations will be promulgated in 2000 and the proposed regulation is expected
to require action on 17 of the 25 wells serving the Company's system. Depending
upon final rules from the EPA, the Company may incur between $70 million and $98
million by 2004 to meet the new standards.

     In accordance with the revised Divestiture Plan stipulation approved by the
PUCN in February 2000 (see the 1999 Annual Report on Form 10-K), SPR will be
offering for sale generation assets with peak capacity of approximately 2,985
megawatts (MW), with approximately 1045 MW owned by SPPC and approximately 1,940
MW owned by NVP. Letters of interest were issued to potential bidders in
February 2000. Upon response from the qualified potential bidders and execution
of the confidentiality agreements, offering memoranda and materials were
provided to the bidders. First Stage indicative bids are expected in early May
2000. A short list will be selected for each of the seven bundles being offered
and the second stage due diligence process will begin later in May 2000. Final
bids and the selection of winning bids will occur in late June or early July
2000. Close of sale and transfer of ownership should occur between December 2000
and mid-2001.



     The information in this Form 10-Q includes forward-looking statements
within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
These forward-looking statements relate to anticipated financial performance,
management's plans and objectives for future operations, business prospects,
outcome of regulatory proceedings, market conditions and other matters. Words
such as "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "plan" and
"objective" and other similar expressions identify those statements that are
forward-looking. These statements are based on management's beliefs and
assumptions and on information currently available to management. Actual results
could differ materially from those contemplated by the forward-looking
statements. In addition to any assumptions and other factors referred to
specifically in connection with such statements, factors that could cause Sierra
Pacific Power Company's (SPPC's) actual results to differ materially from those
contemplated in any forward-looking statement include, among others, the
following: (1) the pace and extent of the ongoing restructuring of the electric
and gas industries in Nevada and California; (2) the outcome of regulatory and
legislative proceedings and operational changes related to industry
restructuring; (3) the amount SPPC is allowed to recover from customers for
certain costs that prove to be uneconomic in the new competitive market; (4) the
outcome of ongoing and future regulatory proceedings; (5) management's ability
to integrate the operations of Nevada Power Company (NVP) and SPPC, and to
implement and realize anticipated cost savings from the merger of SPR and NVP;
(6) the results of the contemplated sales by SPPC of its Nevada generating
assets; (7) industrial, commercial and residential growth in the service
territory of SPPC; (8) fluctuations in electric, gas and other commodity prices
and the ability to manage such fluctuations successfully; (9) changes in the
capital markets and interest rates affecting the ability to finance capital
requirements; (10) the loss of any significant customers; (11) the weather and
other natural phenomena; and (12) changes in the business of major customers
that may result in changes in the demand for services of SPPC. Other factors and
assumptions not identified above may also have been involved in deriving these
forward-looking statements, and the failure of those other assumptions to be
realized, as well as other factors, may also cause actual results to differ
materially from those projected. SPPC assumes no obligation to update
forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, changes in assumptions or
changes in other factors affecting forward-looking statements.

                              RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

   The components of gross margin are set forth below (dollars inthousands):

                                                  Three Months
                                                 Ended March 31,
                                                                                    Change from          Change from
                                                 2000               1999            Prior Year $         Prior Year %
                                             -----------         ----------       ----------------     --------------
Operating Revenues:
       Electric                              $157,622            $144,303             $ 13,319                9.2%
       Gas                                     34,836              38,027               (3,191)              -8.4%
       Water                                   10,249              10,281                  (32)              -0.3%
                                             --------            --------             --------               ----
            Total Revenues                    202,707             192,611               10,096                5.2%

Energy Costs:
       Electric                                78,756              67,138               11,618               17.3%
       Gas                                     23,227              24,717               (1,490)              -6.0%
                                             --------            --------             --------               ----
             Total Energy Costs               101,983              91,855               10,128               11.0%
                                             --------            --------             --------               ----
                     Gross Margin            $100,724            $100,756             $    (32)               0.0%
                                             ========            ========             ========               ====

Gross Margin by Segment:
       Electric                              $ 78,866            $ 77,165             $  1,701                2.2%
       Gas                                     11,609              13,310               (1,701)             -12.8%
       Water                                   10,249              10,281                  (32)              -0.3%
                                             --------            --------             --------               ----
             Total                           $100,724            $100,756             $    (32)               0.0%
                                             ========            ========             ========               ====


          The causes for significant changes in specific lines comprising the
results of operations are as follows (dollars in thousands):

                                                           Three Months
                                                          Ended March 31,
                                                                                             Change from           Change from
                                                         2000                1999           Prior Year $          Prior Year %
                                                 -------------       -------------        ---------------       ---------------
Electric Operating Revenues:
     Residential                                      $ 47,911            $ 47,525               $    386                   0.8%
     Commercial                                         44,799              43,405                  1,394                   3.2%
     Industrial                                         45,114              45,367                   (253)                 -0.6%
                                                 -------------       -------------        ---------------       ---------------
     Retail revenues                                   137,824             136,297                  1,527                   1.1%
     Other                                              19,798               8,006                 11,792                 147.3%
                                                 -------------       -------------        ---------------       ---------------
            Total Revenues                            $157,622            $144,303               $ 13,319                   9.2%
                                                 =============       =============        ===============       ===============
     Total retail sales in thousands
      of megawatt-hours (MWH)                            2,117               2,094                     23                   1.1%

     Average retail revenue per MWH                   $  65.10            $  65.09               $   0.01                   0.0%

         Residential electric revenues increased slightly due to a 2.2% increase
in customers that was mostly offset by lower use per customer as a result of
milder weather in 2000.

         Commercial electric revenues increased primarily due to a 3.0% increase
in customers over the prior period.

         Industrial electric revenues were comparable with the prior period.

         Other electric revenues were higher ($7.9 million over 1999) primarily
because of increased wholesale electric revenues that resulted from more
wholesale opportunities. Other revenues were also higher because of the
reclassification of a reserve to revenues of $4.3 million from operating expense
in 1999, that was made in order to reflect a refund resulting from an agreement
with the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada to refund a share of earnings.

                                                         Three Months
                                                        Ended March 31,
                                                                                          Change from         Change from
                                                        2000                1999         Prior Year $        Prior Year %
                                                -------------      --------------      ---------------      --------------
Gas Operating Revenues:
     Residential                                  $    16,726         $    16,943         $       (217)               -1.3%
     Commercial                                         8,424               8,838                 (414)               -4.7%
     Industrial                                         3,346               3,727                 (381)              -10.2%
     Miscellaneous                                        413                 531                 (118)              -22.2%
                                                -------------      --------------      ---------------      --------------
     Total retail revenue                              28,909              30,039               (1,130)               -3.8%
     Wholesale revenue                                  5,927               7,988               (2,061)              -25.8%
                                                -------------      --------------      ---------------      --------------
           Total Revenues                         $    34,836         $    38,027         $     (3,191)               -8.4%
                                                =============      ==============      ===============      ==============
     Sales (Decatherms):
     Retail                                         5,128,696           5,399,835             (271,139)               -5.0%
     Wholesale                                      2,381,207           3,750,936           (1,369,729)              -36.5%
                                                -------------      --------------      ---------------      --------------
     Total                                          7,509,903           9,150,771           (1,640,868)              -17.9%
                                                -------------      --------------      ---------------      --------------
     Average revenues per decatherm
     Retail                                       $      5.64         $      5.56         $       0.07                 1.3%
     Wholesale                                    $      2.49         $      2.13         $       0.36                16.9%

         Residential, commercial and industrial gas revenues were lower due to
lower use per customer as a result of warmer weather in 2000. The reduction in
residential and commercial revenues due to lower use per customer was partially
offset by customer increases of 4.9% and 3.2%, respectively.


         Wholesale gas revenues were lower primarily because of the expiration
of three short-term gas contracts that were included in 1999 revenues.

                                                           Three Months
                                                          Ended March 31,
                                                                                            Change from          Change from
                                                         2000                 1999          Prior Year $         Prior Year %
                                                --------------       --------------       ---------------      ---------------
Water Operating Revenues                          $     10,249         $     10,281         $         (32)                -0.3%
                                                ==============       ==============       ===============      ===============

         Water revenues were comparable when compared to the prior period.

                                                   Three Months
                                                  Ended March 31,
                                                                                        Change from             Change from
                                                 2000                  1999            Prior Year $            Prior Year %
                                      ----------------       ---------------       -----------------        ------------------
Purchased Power                             $   49,480            $   40,668            $      8,812                  21.7%

Purchased Power in thousands
  of MWHs                                        1,593                 1,325                     268                  20.2%
Average cost per MWH of
   Purchased Power                          $    31.06            $     30.6            $       0.37                   1.2%

         Purchased power costs were higher primarily because of increased
purchases associated with higher wholesale electric sales as discussed

                                                         Three Months
                                                        Ended March 31,
                                                                                           Change from           Change from
                                                     2000                  1999           Prior Year $          Prior Year %
                                           ---------------       ---------------        ---------------        --------------
Fuel for Power Generation                    $    29,276          $    26,470              $    2,806                  10.6%

Thousands of MWHs generated                        1,200                1,173                      27                   2.3%
Average cost per MWH of
  Generated Power                            $     24.40          $     22.57              $     1.83                   8.1%

         Fuel for generation costs were greater because of higher gas unit
prices and to a lesser extent, increased electric generation required to meet
increased retail electric demand in 2000.


                                                      Three Months
                                                     Ended March 31,
                                                                                          Change from          Change from
                                                     2000                  1999          Prior Year $          Prior Year %
                                          ----------------      ----------------      ----------------      ----------------
Gas Purchased for Resale
  Retail                                       $    17,138           $    17,561          $       (423)                 -2.4%
  Wholesale                                          5,713                 7,156                (1,443)                -20.2%
                                          ----------------      ----------------      ----------------      ----------------
  Total                                        $    22,851           $    24,717          $     (1,866)                 -7.5%
                                          ================      ================      ================      ================

Gas Purchased for Resale (decatherms)
  Retail                                         4,640,365             5,403,541              (763,176)                -14.1%
  Wholesale                                      2,381,207             3,750,936            (1,369,729)                -36.5%
                                          ----------------      ----------------      ----------------      ----------------
  Total                                          7,021,572             9,154,477            (2,132,905)                -23.3%
                                          ================      ================      ================      ================

Average cost per decatherm
  Retail                                       $      3.69           $      3.25          $       0.44                  13.5%
  Wholesale                                    $      2.40           $      1.91          $       0.49                  25.7%

         Consistent with the decrease in residential, commercial and industrial
gas revenues discussed previously, retail gas purchases were also lower. The
reduction in retail gas purchases was partially offset by higher average gas
unit prices. Also, wholesale gas purchases were lower than in the prior year due
to lower wholesale sales as previously discussed.

                                                              Three Months
                                                             Ended March 31,
                                                                                               Change from          Change from
                                                             2000                 1999         Prior Year $         Prior Year %
                                                    --------------       --------------      ---------------      ---------------
Deferral of energy costs-net                          $      376           $        -          $       376               -
                                                    ==============       ==============      ===============      ===============

The Company began deferring energy costs in January 2000 for its natural gas

                                                           Three Months
                                                          Ended March 31,
                                                                                             Change from            Change from
                                                         2000                 1999           Prior Year $           Prior Year %
                                                --------------       --------------        ---------------        ---------------
Allowance for other funds used
  during construction                                 $     68             $     --                     68                     --

Allowance for borrowed funds used
  during construction                                      482                  198                    284                  143.4%
                                                --------------       --------------        ---------------        ---------------
                                                      $    550             $    198                 $  352                  177.8%
                                                ==============       ==============        ===============        ===============

         Total allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC) is higher
because of greater construction work in progress balances in 2000.


                                                             Three Months
                                                            Ended March 31,           Change from         Change from
                                                         2000              1999       Prior Year $        Prior Year %
                                                --------------    --------------    ---------------     ---------------
Other operating expense                               $27,869         $23,782             $ 4,087                 17.2%
Maintenance expense                                     4,485           5,496              (1,011)               -18.4%
Income taxes                                           11,034          11,812                (778)                -6.6%
Interest charges-other                                  3,211           2,603                 608                 23.4%
Preferred stock dividend requirements                     975           1,365                (390)               -28.6%

         Other operating expense was higher because of a reclassification of a
reserve to revenues of $4.3 million from operating expense in 1999, that was
made in order to reflect a refund resulting from an agreement with the Public
Utilities Commission of Nevada to refund a share of earnings.

         Maintenance expense was lower than the prior year due to lower plant
maintenance costs.

         Operating income taxes were lower due to lower pre-tax income during
the current year.

         Interest charges-other were higher because of interest expense on $100
million floating rate notes issued in September 1999.

         Preferred stock dividend requirements were lower because of the
redemption of Series A preferred stock in November 1999.


         During the first three months of 2000, the Company earned $19.5 million
in income before preferred dividends. It declared $975,000 in dividends to
holders of its preferred stock and declared $19.0 million in common stock
dividends to its parent, Sierra Pacific Resources.

         The overall increase in cash flows during the first three months of
2000 was greater than 1999 due to less cash used for investing which was
partially offset by an increase in cash used for financing activities. The
decrease in cash used for investing activities was due to the Company's 1999
acquisition of General Electric Capital Corporation's interest in Pinon Pine
Company L.L.C. Financing activities utilized more cash because of a decrease in
short-term borrowings.

Construction Expenditures and Financing
- ---------------------------------------

         The Company's construction program and capital requirements for the
period 2000-2004 were originally discussed in the Company's 1999 Annual Report
on Form 10-K. Of the amount projected for 2000 ($137.7 million), $23.3 million
(16.9%) had been spent as of March 31, 2000. Internally generated funds exceeded
all construction expenditures.

                               REGULATORY MATTERS

Generation Divestiture
- ----------------------

         In accordance with the revised Divestiture Plan stipulation approved by
the PUCN in February 2000 (see the 1999 Annual Report on Form 10-K), SPR will be
offering for sale generation assets with peak capacity of approximately 2,985
megawatts (MW), with approximately 1045 MW owned by SPPC and approximately 1,940
MW owned by NVP. Letters of interest were issued to potential bidders in
February 2000. Upon response from the qualified potential bidders and execution
of the confidentiality agreements, offering memoranda and materials were
provided to the bidders. First Stage indicative bids are expected in early May
2000. A short list will be selected for each of the seven bundles being offered
and the second stage due diligence process will begin later in May 2000. Final
bids and the selection of winning


bids will occur in late June or early July 2000. Close of sale and transfer of
ownership should occur between December 2000 and mid-2001.

Nevada Electric Restructuring Activities
- ----------------------------------------

         Competition was due to start on March 1, 2000. However, in February
2000 the Governor of Nevada delayed the start date of competition indefinitely.
Electric competition may begin later in 2000 or 2001.

         Generally, restructuring regulations and PUCN decisions during the
first quarter of 2000 have proceeded slowly, with some decisions adversely
positioned against the financial interests of the Company. Currently, many
important regulations, including the Universal Metering Service Tariff, Provider
of Last Resort, and Past Costs, continue to be developed through regulatory
hearings. In their present form several of the proposed regulations could have a
negative financial risk exposure to the Company. See the Company's 1999 Annual
Report on Form 10-K.

         On March 28, 2000, the Company and its parent, Sierra Pacific
Resources, together with Nevada Power Company, filed a federal lawsuit
challenging Nevada's laws providing for competition in the electric utility
industry and the PUCN's implementation of competition. See SPR's Form 8-K, filed
on April 17, 2000.

         The following are highlights of recent restructuring activity:

Universal Meter Services Tariff

         The regulation is applicable to all licensed Alternative Sellers who
supply meter services, meter reading services, and meter data management
services. On January 18, 2000, the PUCN issued a Notice requesting comments and
scheduling a workshop and a hearing on the proposed Meter Services rule. Several
workshops and hearings were conducted in the first quarter of 2000. A final
regulation is expected by mid 2000.

Independent Scheduling Administrator (ISA)

         On March 21, 2000, the PUCN issued a Notice of Workshop on retail
transmission issues including funding for the Mountain West Independent
Scheduling Administrator. In a workshop held April 12, various parties advocated
that the utilities provide funding and that the PUCN should provide cost
recovery for the utilities. The PUCN and the parties will continue to explore
this issue in the future workshops.

Past Costs

         Past costs, which are commonly referred to as stranded costs in other
jurisdictions, will continue to be addressed in 2000. The restructuring law
permits the recovery of past costs pursuant to specified legal criteria.

         In December 1999, the PUCN voted to adopt certain amendments to Chapter
704 of the Nevada Administrative Code as permanent regulations regarding past
cost issues. The regulation was submitted to the Legislative Counsel Bureau
(LCB) for review by the Legislative Commission to determine its conformity to
statutory authority and faithfulness to the intent of the Legislature. In April
2000 the Legislative Counsel returned the regulation to the PUCN for revision
and the Legislative Commission voted 12-0 to require the PUCN to revise the
regulation and address issues raised by SPR.

         The PUCN has 90 days to revise this regulation and report back to the
Legislative Commission. On April 12, 2000, the PUCN issued a Procedural Order
directing the PUCN Staff to develop a revised proposed rule that incorporates
the Legislative Commission's directive. The Staff's proposed rule will be
discussed in a May workshop.

Provider of Last Resort (PLR)

         The PLR will provide electric service to customers who do not select an
electricity provider and to customers who are not able to obtain service from an
alternative seller after the date competition begins.

         On May 3, 2000, the PUCN reissued the PLR regulation for comment. The
current draft regulation continues to contain various provisions that could have
negative financial ramifications for the Company. See the 1999 Annual Report on
Form 10-K.


Additional Nevada Matters
- -------------------------

Unbundling of Utility Services

         On April 21, 2000, the PUCN approved a final order ("the Order") that
was consistent with its September 1999 interim order. See the Company's 1999
Annual Report on Form 10-K for additional information on the interim order. The
Order reduces the Company's revenue requirement and return on equity for
distribution service for those customers who choose to leave the Company upon
the start of retail competition. The Company intends to file a Petition for
Reconsideration with the PUCN.

         SB438 provides for the electric distribution utility (EDU) to provide
the provider of last resort (PLR) services from the start of competition until
July 1, 2001. Currently, the date for the start of competition has not been
established and the PLR service period ends July 1, 2001. Consequently, the
Company anticipates very little change. However, the Company is seeking to
modify the PLR regulation. If the Company does not provide PLR services, then
the Order could result in a reduction of revenues.

Earnings Sharing

         On May 1, 2000, the Company filed an earnings sharing refund request,
based on 1999 earnings of $471,000, for gas customers. The Company's filing
provides for no electric earnings sharing refund.

California Matters
- ------------------

Generation Divestiture

         On March 2, 2000, the Company filed a new application requesting
exemption from California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) approval of the
Nevada-based generation divestiture transaction. The Company cited several
reasons for the exemption including that the Nevada and FERC oversight of the
generation divestiture will assure reliability and market power mitigation as
required by California's electric restructuring legislation.

Distribution Performance-Based Rate-making (PBR)

         On May 4, 2000, the CPUC dismissed without prejudice the Company's
January 3, 2000, distribution PBR proposal (see the Company's 1999 Annual Report
on Form 10-K). The order accepted the application as meeting the compliance
requirement but directed the Company to re-file it when the cost of capital and
cost of service studies are available. The Company plans to re-submit the PBR
proposal along with the Cost of Service Application on June 30, 2000.

FERC Matters
- ------------

Independent Transmission Company

         On April 26, 2000, the Company, together with Nevada Power Company,
Portland General Electric Company, Avista Corporation, The Montana Power
Company, and Puget Sound Energy, Inc. agreed to study the formation of a
for-profit Independent Transmission Company (ITC). While not yet defined, the
ITC could own, lease or maintain transmission lines increasing efficiency and

Transmission Rate Case

         In March 1999, the Company filed an application with the FERC to
increase its Open Access Transmission rates. See the Company's 1999 Annual
Report on Form 10-K. On March 30, 2000, the Company filed a Loss Study that the
Company agreed to provide in the partial settlement that was approved in January
2000. On April 27, 2000, a pre-hearing conference was held to set a procedural
schedule for remaining issues.


Generation Tariffs

         In March 1999, the Company filed with the FERC for approval of
generation tariffs that contain the rates, terms and conditions under which the
new owners of the Company's generation would operate after divestiture. The
tariffs permit market-based rates after the offering of capacity under a
cost-based recourse approach. On November 1, 1999 the FERC dismissed the
tariffs, and on November 22, 1999, the Company filed a request for rehearing of
the order dismissing the tariffs. On March 21, 2000, the FERC denied the
Company's request for rehearing.

Generation Tariffs and Transitional Purchase Power Agreements

         On March 31, 2000, the Company filed for approval of generation tariffs
that contain the rates, terms and conditions under which the new owners of
divested generation would operate after divestiture. Included in the filing are
the Transitional Purchase Power Agreements between the Company and the new


         There have been no material changes to the information previously
disclosed regarding quantitative and qualitative market risk in the Company's
Annual Report on Form 10K for the year ended December 31, 1999.


                                    PART II


         On March 28, 2000, SPR, NVP, and SPPC filed a lawsuit in Federal
District Court in Nevada asking the court to declare unconstitutional certain
aspects of the Nevada laws that created the framework for a deregulated electric
market in Nevada. These laws are described in more detail in "Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Results of Operations and Financial Condition"
contained in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 1999. The lawsuit alleges that the restructuring laws fail to
provide an adequate mechanism for the recovery by NVP and SPPC of the
substantial costs incurred by them to assure reliable electric power supplies to
Nevada customers in the historically regulated market. The lawsuit requests that
the court stay the effectiveness of the Nevada restructuring laws until the PUCN
adopts implementing regulations that protect the utilities' rights under federal
law. The Company is not able at this time to predict how long it will take for
this lawsuit to be resolved and nor can it predict the outcome of the case.

         Although the Company is involved in other ongoing litigation on a
variety of matters, it is management's opinion that none individually or
collectively are material to the Company's financial position.




(a)      Exhibits filed with this Form 10-Q.

         (27)     The Financial Data Schedule containing summary financial
                  information extracted from the condensed consolidated
                  financial statements filed on Form 10-Q for the three month
                  period ended March 31, 2000, for Sierra Pacific Power Company
                  and is qualified in its entirety by reference to such
                  financial statements.

(b)      Reports on Form 8-K




         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                            Sierra Pacific Power Company

Date:    May 15, 2000                                By       /s/  Mark A. Ruelle
     --------------------------                          ----------------------------------
                                                                   Mark A. Ruelle
                                                                Senior Vice President and
                                                                  Chief Financial Officer
                                                              (Principal Financial Officer)

Date:    May 15, 2000                                 By      /s/  Mary O. Simmons
     --------------------------                          ----------------------------------
                                                                   Mary O. Simmons
                                                           (Principal Accounting Officer)
