Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 11-K

                                 ANNUAL REPORT
                       PURSUANT TO SECTION 15(d) OF THE
                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                     For the year ended December 31, 1999

                           HOMESTAKE MINING COMPANY
                                 SAVINGS PLAN
                             (Full title of Plan)

                           HOMESTAKE MINING COMPANY
               (Issuer of Securities Held Pursuant to the Plan)

                        1600 Riviera Avenue, Suite 200
                          Walnut Creek, CA 94596-3568
                   (Address of principal executive offices)


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Trustees (or other persons who administer the Plan) have duly caused this annual
report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.


By   /s/ T.H. Wong
     T.H. Wong
     Assistant Treasurer and
     Assistant Secretary

June 26, 2000

Item 1.   Financial Statements and Exhibits

          a. Financial Statements for the years ended December 31, 1999 and 1998
             and Supplemental Schedule as of and for the year ended December 31,
             1999 and Independent Accountants' Report.

          b. Exhibit No. 23

             Independent Accountants' Consent

                     Homestake Mining Company Savings Plan
                               Table of Contents


Financial Statements:

    Report of Independent Accountants                                          2

    Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits
           as of December 31, 1999 and 1998                                    3

    Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for
           Benefits for the Year Ended December 31, 1999                       4

    Notes to Financial Statements                                           5-12

Supplemental Schedule:

    Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes at December 31, 1999      13

                       Report of Independent Accountants

Homestake Mining Company

In our opinion, the accompanying statements of net assets available for benefits
and the related statements of changes in net assets available for benefits
present fairly, in all material respects, the net assets available for benefits
of the Homestake Mining Company Savings Plan (the "Plan") at December 31, 1999
and December 31, 1998, and the changes in net assets available for benefits for
the year ended December 31, 1999, in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States. These financial statements are the
responsibility of the Plan's management; our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our
audits of these statements in accordance with auditing standards generally
accepted in the United States, which require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing
the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and
evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.

Our audits were conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic
financial statements taken as a whole. The supplemental schedule of assets held
for investment purposes is presented for the purpose of additional analysis and
is not a required part of the basic financial statements but is supplementary
information required by the Department of Labor's Rules and Regulations for
Reporting and Disclosure under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
1974. This supplemental schedule is the responsibility of the Plan's management.
The supplemental schedule has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied
in the audits of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly
stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements
taken as a whole.

/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
- ------------------------------

San Francisco, CA
June 9, 2000


                     Homestake Mining Company Savings Plan
                Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits
                          December 31, 1999 and 1998
                                (in thousands)


Assets                                                 1999           1998
Cash and cash equivalents                           $         -    $        99
                                                    -----------    -----------

   Common/Collective Trusts                              26,396         37,490
   Mutual Funds                                          34,891         33,605
   Personal Choice Retirement Accounts                      252              -
                                                    -----------    -----------

                                                         61,539         71,095
                                                    -----------    -----------

   Participant loans                                      1,614          1,960
                                                    -----------    -----------

          Total assets                                   63,153         73,154
                                                    -----------    -----------

          Net assets available for benefits         $    63,153    $    73,154
                                                    ===========    ===========

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                     Homestake Mining Company Savings Plan
           Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits
                     For the year ended December 31, 1999
                                (in thousands)


Additions to net assets attributed to:
  Interest and dividends                                      $     1,353
  Net appreciation in the fair value of investments                 1,647


  Company, in stock                                                 1,382
  Participants, in cash                                             2,052
  Other contributions/forfeitures                                     233


     Total additions                                                6,667

Deductions from net assets attributed to:
  Benefits paid to participants                                    16,668

     Total deductions                                              16,668

        Net decrease                                              (10,001)

Net assets available for plan benefits:
     Beginning of year                                             73,154

     End of year                                              $    63,153

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                     Homestake Mining Company Savings Plan
                         Notes to Financial Statements


1.   Description of Plan

     The following description of the Homestake Mining Company Savings Plan (the
     Plan) provides only general information. Participants should refer to the
     full Plan document for a more complete description of the Plan's


          The Plan is a multiple-employer defined contribution profit sharing
          plan (designed to be qualified under Internal Revenue Code Sections
          401(a) and 401(k)) covering the following employees who have completed
          three months of service: all full-time salaried employees of Homestake
          Mining Company and its subsidiaries (the Company) in the United States
          and certain other locations, all hourly employees of the Company in
          the United States who are not covered by collective bargaining
          agreements, as well as all temporary employees of the Company in the
          United States who have completed one year of service, and employees of
          the 50% owned Pinson mine operated by Homestake Mining Company. The
          Plan is subject to the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income
          Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), as amended.

          The Plan is administered by the Company. On January 5, 1999, Charles
          Schwab Retirement Plan Services, Inc. replaced Merrill Lynch & Co. as
          the Plan's recordkeeper and investment advisor. In addition, Charles
          Schwab Trust Company replaced Merrill Lynch Trust Company as Trustee.
          Each Plan participant's account balances were transferred to the new
          Trustee and invested in equivalent-risk investments with the new
          investment advisor.


          Participation is voluntary. Participants may make pre-tax or after-tax
          contributions of between 1% and 15% (between 1% and 14% pre-tax) of
          compensation subject to Internal Revenue Code limitations. Participant
          contributions not exceeding 6% of wages or of salary are matched 100%
          by the Company.

          Participants may make a rollover contribution to the Plan of amounts
          previously contributed to another qualified plan. Rollover
          contributions are not matched by the Company.

          Each participant may cause some or all of its current or cumulative
          contributions, including any amounts contributed by the Company to
          match contributions, to be invested in one or more of the investments
          made available through the Plan.

          Effective January 1998, Company matching contributions formerly made
          in cash can now be made in Homestake Mining Company common stock or
          cash at the discretion of the Company's Board of Directors. During the
          1999 Plan year, all Company matching contributions were made in
          Homestake Mining Company common stock.


                     Homestake Mining Company Savings Plan
                         Notes to Financial Statements


          Participants' Accounts

          A separate account is maintained for each participant. Each
          participant's account is directly credited with the participant's
          contribution and the Company's matching contribution. Net earnings
          from each investment fund, including appreciation (depreciation) in
          fair value, are allocated to each participant's account based on the
          ratio which the participant's account balance in that investment fund
          bears to the total of all participants' account balances in that
          investment fund.


          Participant contributions and any income (loss) thereon are fully
          vested at all times. Company matching contributions and any income
          (loss) thereon are vested 60% after three years of service, 80% after
          four years of service, and 100% after five years of service, on
          attainment of age 65, or on the occurrence of death or disability.

          Payment of Benefits

          The Plan permits withdrawal of after-tax contributions.

          The Plan permits withdrawal of pre-tax contributions upon:

               (1)  Termination of employment;

               (2)  Attainment of age 59 1/2;

               (3)  Death (with vested account balance paid to designated

               (4)  Hardship.

          The Plan permits withdrawal of vested Company matching contributions
          made prior to January 1, 1994; however, the right of any participant
          who makes such a withdrawal to continue receiving Company matching
          contributions is suspended for twelve months.

          Distribution of benefits, except for certain participants who are
          required to receive annuities, can be made, at the election of the
          participant, in the form of a single lump-sum cash payment, partial
          payment made in a lump-sum with the remainder paid later, or periodic

          Participant Loans

          Participants may borrow from their vested accounts between $1,000 and
          $50,000 but not more than 50% of the value of such accounts. The loan
          term cannot exceed five years unless the loan is for the purchase of a
          principal residence, in which case, it cannot exceed ten years. These
          loans bear interest at prime rate plus 1%. Loans are collateralized by
          the borrower's vested accounts in the Plan and repayments are made
          through payroll deductions on at least a monthly basis.


                     Homestake Mining Company Savings Plan
                         Notes to Financial Statements



          Forfeitures of Company matching contributions made on behalf of former
          employees whose employment was terminated before such contributions
          were vested can be utilized to restore participants' accounts, to pay
          plan fees and expenses, to offset company matching contributions, or
          can be allocated to participants.

          For the 1999 and 1998 Plan years, forfeitures were allocated to each
          participant in proportion to the Company matching contributions made
          to such individual's accounts during the Plan year.

2.   Significant Accounting Policies

          Basis of Accounting

          The financial statements of the Plan are prepared under the accrual
          basis of accounting in accordance with generally accepted accounting

          Use of Estimates

          The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
          accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates
          and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of net assets
          available for benefits at the date of the financial statements and the
          reported amounts of changes in net assets available for benefits
          during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those

          Investment Valuation and Income Recognition

          Shares and units in investment funds are valued at quoted market
          prices, representing the net asset value of the shares or units held
          by the Plan at year end.

          Participant loans receivable are valued at cost, which approximates
          market value.

          Purchases and sales of securities are recorded on a trade-date basis,
          utilizing the average cost method in determining the basis of
          investments sold. Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis.
          Dividends are recorded on the ex-dividend date.


          Withdrawals of securities from the Homestake Mining Company Common
          Stock Fund may be made in cash, common stock, or both, and are
          reported at market value. Withdrawals from all other funds, including
          the Personal Choice Retirement Account (PCRA), are made in cash.

          Net Appreciation (Depreciation) in Fair Value of Investments

          The Plan presents in the statement of changes in net assets available
          for benefits the net appreciation (depreciation) in the fair value of
          its investments consisting of realized gains (losses) and the
          unrealized appreciation (depreciation).


                     Homestake Mining Company Savings Plan
                         Notes to Financial Statements


3.   Risks and Uncertainties

     Plan assets are invested in collective trust and mutual funds, and other
     investment securities. Investments are exposed to various risks, such as
     interest rate, market and credit. Due to the level of risk associated with
     certain investments and the level of uncertainty related to changes in the
     value of such investments, it is possible that changes in the value of one
     or more of such investments in the near term could materially affect
     participants' account balances, the amounts reported in the statements of
     net assets available for Plan benefits, and the statement of changes in net
     assets available for Plan benefits.

     A significant portion of the Plan's assets is invested in the Homestake
     Mining Company Common Stock Fund and is, therefore, subject to fluctuations
     in the market value of such stock, which is, in turn, impacted by the price
     of gold.

4.   Plan Termination

     Although the Company has not expressed any intent to do so, it has the
     right under the Plan and subject to applicable law, to discontinue its
     matching contributions at any time and to terminate the Plan. In the event
     of Plan termination, all accumulated plan benefits will be fully vested and
     will be distributed to participants based on their respective account

5.   Plan Tax Status

     The Plan obtained its latest determination letter in July 1995, in which
     the Internal Revenue Service stated that the Plan, as then designed, was in
     compliance with Sections 401(a) and 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code.
     The Plan has been amended since receiving the determination letter;
     however, the Plan administrator and the Plan's tax counsel are not aware of
     circumstances creating a material risk of Plan disqualification. Therefore,
     no provision for income taxes has been included in the Plan's financial

     Participants are not subject to federal income taxes on their pre-tax
     contributions, Company matching contributions, or investment earnings
     allocated to their accounts until withdrawals are made.

6.   Related Party Transactions

     Certain Plan investments are units in investment funds managed by the
     Trustee. Therefore, these transactions are transactions with parties-in-

7.   Administrative Expenses

     Certain costs associated with administering the Plan are paid directly by
     the Company.


                     Homestake Mining Company Savings Plan
                         Notes to Financial Statements


8.   Investments

     Investments at December 31, 1999 and 1998 are comprised of the following:

                                                                                   Number        Value          Fair
                                                                                     of           Per           Value
                                                                                   Units          Unit      (in thousands)
                                                                                ------------  ------------  --------------
            Common/Collective Trusts at fair value:
            * Schwab Stable Value Select Fund                                    1,379,045       $ 12.16      $    16,769
            * Homestake Mining Company Stock Fund                                1,129,936          8.52            9,627


            Mutual Funds at fair value:
            Schwab MarketTrack Balanced Fund                                       193,553         15.46            2,992
            Schwab MarketTrack Conservative Fund                                    99,369         13.12            1,304
            Schwab MarketTrack Growth Fund                                         102,540         17.53            1,798
            * Schwab S&P 500 Select Fund                                           690,795         22.65           15,646
            * Invesco Total Return Fund                                            259,190         28.96            7,506
            Safeco Growth Fund                                                      15,843         23.30              369
            Scudder Growth & Income Fund                                            99,465         26.69            2,655
            Templeton Institutional Foreign Equity Fund                             70,359         21.53            1,515
            PIMCO Total Return Institutional Fund                                  111,753          9.90            1,106


            Personal Choice Retirement Accounts                                                                       252

            Participant loans, at book value (which approximates fair value)                                        1,614

                  Total investments                                                                           $    63,153

            * Represents 5% or more of the net assets available for benefits.


                     Homestake Mining Company Savings Plan
                         Notes to Financial Statements


                                                                                   Number        Value          Fair
                                                                                     of           Per           Value
                                                                                   Units          Unit      (in thousands)
                                                                                ------------  ------------  --------------
            Common/Collective Trusts at fair value:
            * Homestake Mining Company Stock Fund                                 2,596,598   $       4.22    $     10,958
            * Barclays Global Investors Asset Allocation Fund                       393,442          33.18          13,054
            * Barclays Global Investors Lifepath Funds                              497,144          18.19           9,041
            * Barclays Global Investors Money Market Fund                         4,436,789           1.00           4,437


            Mutual Funds at fair value:
            Neuberger & Berman Guardian Trust Fund                                  102,342          16.16           1,654
            Templeton Foreign Fund I                                                134,527           8.39           1,129
            * Masterworks S&P 500 Stock Fund                                        571,567          24.61          14,066
            PIMCO Total Return Institutional Fund                                   130,769          11.91           1,557
            * Merrill Lynch Income Accumulation Fund                              1,133,625          13.41          15,199


            Participant loans, at book value, which approximates fair value                                          1,960

                  Total investments                                                                           $     73,055

            * Represents 5% or more of the net assets available for benefits.

     All earnings on the investment funds are credited to each fund daily. These
     earnings include interest, dividends, and net appreciation (depreciation)
     in fair value.

     The Invesco Total Return Fund seeks reasonably consistent total returns
     over a variety of market cycles by investing in a combination of equity
     securities and fixed income securities. This fund replaced the Asset
     Allocation Fund on January 5, 1999.

     The Schwab MarketTrack group of funds are hybrid funds that invest in
     stocks, bonds and cash. The Schwab MarketTrack Conservative Fund seeks
     income and more growth potential than an all bond fund. The Schwab
     MarketTrack Balanced Fund seeks to provide maximum total return including
     both capital growth and income. The Schwab MarketTrack Growth Fund seeks
     high capital growth with less volatility than an all stock portfolio. These
     funds replaced the Lifepath Funds on January 5, 1999.

     The Homestake Mining Company Stock Fund invests in shares of Homestake
     Mining Company.

     The Safeco Growth Fund seeks long-term capital growth. The fund normally
     invests in common stocks of smaller size companies but may also invest in
     stocks of companies of all sizes.


                     Homestake Mining Company Savings Plan
                         Notes to Financial Statements


     The Scudder Growth & Income Fund seeks long-term capital growth and current
     income. The fund invests primarily in dividend-paying common stocks,
     preferred stocks, and convertible securities with growth potential. This
     fund replaced the Neuberger & Berman Guardian Fund on January 5, 1999.

     The Templeton Institutional Foreign Equity Fund seeks long-term capital
     growth through a flexible policy of investing in stocks and debt
     obligations of companies and governments outside the United States. This
     fund replaced the Templeton Foreign Fund I on January 5, 1999.

     The Schwab S&P 500 Select Fund invests in substantially the same stocks in
     the same percentage weightings as the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock
     Price Index seeking to approximate as closely as practicable the rate of
     return of that index. This fund replaced the Barclays Global Investors S&P
     500 Stock Fund on January 5, 1999.

     The PIMCO Total Return Institutional Fund is a broad market bond fund which
     invests in a diversified portfolio of fixed income securities with varying

     The Schwab Stable Value Select Fund invests primarily in guaranteed
     investment contracts, synthetic guaranteed investment contracts and U.S.
     Treasury and agency securities. This fund replaced the Fixed Income Fund on
     January 5, 1999.

     The Personal Choice Retirement Account is a Schwab individual brokerage
     account available under the Plan. This account allows participants to
     select a broad range of stocks, bonds or mutual funds. However, certain
     investments and securities are not permitted in the PCRA. Plan participants
     may currently allocate up to 25% of their total account balance to the

9.   Acceleration of Vesting Percentages

          Homestake Mine

          On January 27, 1998, the Homestake mine was restructured and the
          employment of a number of Plan participants was terminated. Effective
          January 27, 1998, the vesting percentages of all such Homestake mine
          participants whose employment was terminated and whose vesting
          percentages were less than 100% were accelerated to 100% upon

          Pinson Mine

          On February 16, 1998, the Pinson mine was restructured and the
          employment of a number of Plan participants was terminated. Effective
          February 16, 1998, the vesting percentages of all such Pinson mine
          participants whose employment was terminated and whose vesting
          percentages were less than 100% were accelerated to 100% upon

          On February 1, 1999, the Pinson mine discontinued mining operations
          and the employment of a number of Plan participants was terminated. In
          accordance with the Plan, the vesting percentages of all such Pinson
          mine participants whose employment was terminated and whose vesting
          percentages were less than 100% were accelerated to 100% upon


                     Homestake Mining Company Savings Plan
                         Notes to Financial Statements



          Effective July 23, 1999, any participant whose service with any
          Affiliated Companies is terminated after June 4, 1999, but prior to
          December 31, 1999, will be fully vested in his or her entire account
          as of the date of such termination if that participant is notified by
          an Affiliated Company that his or her termination of service occurred
          as a result of an organizational restructuring.


                     Homestake Mining Company Savings Plan
                Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes
                             At December 31, 1999


                      (b) Identity of                        (c) Description of Investment
                     Issuer, Borrower,                           including Maturity Date,               (d) Current
                        Lessor, or                            Rate of Interest, Collateral,                 Value
 (a)                  Similar Party                              Par or Maturity Value                 (in thousands)
- -----       --------------------------------------------   ------------------------------------------  --------------
  *         Charles Schwab Investment Management           Schwab Stable Value Select Fund
                                                             (1,379,045 units)                          $     16,769

  *         Charles Schwab Investment Management           Schwab MarketTrack Balanced Fund
                                                             (193,553 units)                                   2,992

  *         Charles Schwab Investment Management           Schwab MarketTrack Conservative Fund
                                                             (99,369 units)                                    1,304

  *         Charles Schwab Investment Management           Schwab MarketTrack Growth Fund
                                                             (102,540 units)                                   1,798

  *         Charles Schwab Investment Management           Schwab S&P 500 Select Fund (690,795 units)         15,646

  *         Charles Schwab Retirement Plan Services, Inc.  Homestake Mining Company Stock Fund
                                                             (1,129,936 units)                                 9,627

            Invesco                                        Invesco Total Return Fund (259,190 units)           7,506

            Safeco Asset Management                        Safeco Growth Fund (15,843 units)                     369

            Scudder Kemper Investments                     Scudder Growth & Income Fund
                                                             (99,465 units)                                    2,655

            Templeton Investment Counsel, Inc.             Templeton Institutional Foreign
                                                             Equity Fund (70,359 units)                        1,515

            Pacific Investment Management Company          PIMCO Total Return
                                                             Institutional Fund (111,753 units)                1,106

  *         Charles Schwab Retirement Plan Services, Inc.  Personal Choice Retirement Account                    252

  *         Participant notes                              (Repayable over five years unless it is
                                                           for purchase of a principal residence
                                                           which is repayable over ten years. Rate
                                                           during 1999 ranged from to 7% to 11%.)              1,614

                                                                                                        $     63,153

*    Represents party-in-interest to Plan
