(Rule 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

  Proxy Statement Pursuant to section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]

Check the appropriate box:

[_] Preliminary Proxy Statement               [_] Confidential, for Use of the
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement                    Commission Only
[_] Definitive Additional Material's              (as permitted by Rule 14a-
[_] Soliciting Material Pursuant to (S) 240.14a-11(c) or (S) 240.14a-12

                              HOMESTORE.COM, INC.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[_]No fee required.

[_]Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.
  (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     Common Stock, par value $0.01 of, Inc. (a)
     Common Stock, par value $0.01 of Welcome Wagon International, Inc. (a)


  (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     30,428,196 shares of, Inc. common stock (b)
     1,000 shares of Welcome Wagon International, Inc. common stock (b)


  (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
      pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
      filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
     $1.94 per share of Group common stock (c)


  (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     $59,103,000 (d)


  (5) Total fee paid:
     $11,820.60 (e)


[X]Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[_]Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
   0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
   previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
   or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

  (1) Amount Previously Paid:


  (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


  (3) Filing Party:


  (4) Date Filed:


(a) This Schedule 14A relates to two business combinations: (i) a business
    combination involving the exchange of all of the issued and outstanding
    capital stock of, Inc. for shares of, Inc. common
    stock and (ii) a business combination involving the exchange of all of the
    issued and outstanding capital stock of Welcome Wagon International, Inc.
    for shares of common stock.

(b) The number of common shares to be received by the acquiring
    person in the merger has been determined based upon (i)
    22,500,000 shares of common stock, (ii) options to purchase
    6,342,196 shares of the common stock of Cendant Corporation that are
    designed to track the performance of (the "Tracking Stock")
    outstanding as of October 31, 2000 and (iii) warrants to purchase
    1,586,000 shares of Tracking Stock outstanding as of October 31, 2000. The
    number of shares of Welcome Wagon common stock to be received by the
    acquiring person in the Welcome Wagon merger has been determined based
    upon 1,000 shares of Welcome Wagon common stock outstanding as of October
    31, 2000.

(c) Because the common stock of and Welcome Wagon are not publicly
    traded, pursuant to Rule 0-11(a)(4) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
    (the "Exchange Act"), the value per share of the common stock of the Group, which includes and Welcome Wagon, was determined
    to be $1.94, or the book value per share as of September 30, 2000.

(d) Estimated solely for the purpose of computing the registration fee
    pursuant to Rule 0-11 under the Exchange Act and represents the book value
    of the Group, which was $59,103,000 as of September 30, 2000.

(e) Calculated in accordance with Rule 14a-6(i)(1) and Rule 0-11 under the
    Exchange Act. Represents 1/50 of 1% of the proposed maximum aggregate
    value of the transaction calculated as described in footnote (d).

                          [LOGO OF HOMESTORE.COM (TM)]

                    , Inc.
                            30700 Russell Ranch Road
                       Westlake Village, California 91362

                               November 29, 2000

To the Stockholders of, Inc.:

   You are cordially invited to attend a special meeting of stockholders of, Inc. to be held at's principal executive office at
30700 Russell Ranch Road, Westlake Village, California 91362 on January 11,
2001 at 9:00 a.m., Pacific Standard Time.

   The matters expected to be acted upon at the meeting, including the issuance
of shares of common stock of in the proposed mergers that will
cause, Inc. and Welcome Wagon International, Inc. to become wholly-
owned subsidiaries of, are described in detail in the attached

   After careful consideration, your board of directors has approved the
issuance of shares of common stock in the mergers and recommends
that you approve this item.

   It is important that you use this opportunity to take part in the affairs of by voting on the business to come before this meeting. Whether or
not you expect to attend the meeting, please complete, date, sign and promptly
return the accompanying proxy in the enclosed postage-paid envelope so that
your shares may be represented at the meeting. YOUR VOTE IS VERY IMPORTANT.
Returning the proxy does not deprive you of your right to attend the meeting
and to vote your shares in person.


                                          /s/ Stuart H. Wolff
                                          Stuart H. Wolff, Ph.D.
                                          Chairman of the Board and Chief
                                           Executive Officer
                                , Inc.

This document is dated November 29, 2000 and was first mailed to stockholders
on or about December 1, 2000.

                            [LOGO OF HOMESTORE.COM]




   A special meeting of stockholders of, Inc., a Delaware
corporation, will be held at's principal executive office at
30700 Russell Ranch Road, Westlake Village, California 91362 on January 11,
2001 at 9:00 a.m., Pacific Standard Time, for the following purposes:

  1. To approve the issuance of shares of common stock in
     connection with the acquisitions by of, Inc. and
     Welcome Wagon International, Inc.

  2. To transact any other business that may properly come before the
     special meeting of the stockholders of or any adjournment
     or postponement of the meeting.

   The mergers cannot be completed unless the holders of a majority of the
total voting power of the shares of common stock of represented
in person or by proxy and voting at the meeting approve the issuance of common stock in the mergers.

   The mergers are discussed in more detail in the sections of this document
entitled "The Mergers" and "The Merger Agreement." You should read this
document carefully.

   Only stockholders of record at the close of business on November 28, 2000,
the record date, are entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting or any
adjournment of the meeting.

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors
                                           of, Inc.

                                          /s/ John M. Giesecke, Jr.
                                          John M. Giesecke, Jr.
                                          Executive Vice President, Chief
                                           Financial Officer and Secretary

Westlake Village, California
November 29, 2000

  Whether or not you plan to attend the meeting, please complete, sign, date
and promptly return the accompanying proxy in the enclosed postage-paid
envelope so that your shares may be represented at the meeting.

                               Table of Contents

Summary of the Proxy Statement............................................    1
  The Companies...........................................................    1
  Summary of the Transaction..............................................    2
  Selected Consolidated Financial Data of    5
  Selected Combined Financial Data of the Group..................    7
  Comparative Historical and Unaudited Pro Forma Per Share Data...........    8
Risks Relating to the Mergers.............................................    9
The Special Meeting.......................................................   11
  Date, time and place....................................................   11
  Purpose.................................................................   11
  Record date, outstanding shares and voting rights.......................   11
  Quorum requirements and vote required...................................   11
  Solicitation of proxies.................................................   12
  Revocability and voting of proxies......................................   12
  No appraisal rights.....................................................   12
  No preemptive rights....................................................   13
  Recommendation of the board of directors................................   13
The Mergers...............................................................   14
  Background of the mergers...............................................   14
  Our reasons for the mergers.............................................   15
  Opinion of our financial advisor........................................   17
  Closing and effectiveness of the mergers................................   23
  Structure of the mergers................................................   23
  Merger consideration....................................................   23
  Accounting treatment of the mergers.....................................   24
  Regulatory filings and approvals required to complete the mergers.......   24
The Merger Agreement......................................................   25
  Closing.................................................................   25
  Conditions to the mergers...............................................   25
  Representations and warranties..........................................   26's, the Group's and Cendant's conduct of their
   businesses before the closing of the mergers...........................   28
  Our conduct of our business.............................................   30
  No other negotiations...................................................   30
  Public disclosure.......................................................   31
  Retention bonuses.......................................................   31 board of directors........................................   31
  Expenses................................................................   31
  S-8 Registration Statement..............................................   31
  S-3 Registration Statement..............................................   31
  Termination of the merger agreement.....................................   31
  Termination fee.........................................................   32
  Amendment, extension and waiver of the merger agreement.................   32
Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Consolidated Financial
 Information..............................................................   33
Share Ownership by Our Principal Stockholders, Management and Directors...   42
Business of the Group............................................   44
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
 Operations of the Group.........................................   46
Related Agreements........................................................   51
  Master Operating Agreement..............................................   51
  NRT Listing Agreement...................................................   51

  Corporate Services Transition Agreement..................................  52
  Web Marketing Agreement..................................................  52
  Transaction Platform Marketing Agreements................................  53
  Software License Agreement...............................................  53
  Marketplace Agreements...................................................  53
  iLEAD Agent Services Agreement...........................................  54
  Support Agreements.......................................................  54
  Purchase Agreement.......................................................  54
  Combined Value of Related Agreement......................................  54
  Registration Rights Agreement............................................  54
  Stockholder Agreement....................................................  54
Stockholder Proposals......................................................  56
Other Business.............................................................  56
Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information...........................  56
Documents Incorporated by Reference in this Proxy Statement................  57
Where You Can Find More Information........................................  58
Index to Combined Financial Statements of the Group............... F-1
Annex A--Agreement and Plan of Reorganization.............................. A-1
Annex B--Opinion of Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated...................... B-1


                         Summary of the Proxy Statement

                                 The Companies

30700 Russell Ranch Road
Westlake Village, California 91362
(805) 557-2300

  Our family of websites, consisting of,,,, and, is the leading
destination on the Internet for home and real estate-related information and
advertising products and services, based on the number of visitors, time spent
on our websites and number of property listings. As of September 30, 2000, we
had listings on our websites for over 1.4 million homes that are listed
nationally for sale, over 130,000 new homes for sale and over 45,000 rental
properties. Our family of websites also offers a wide variety of home-related
information, products, services and tools. We have relationships with the
National Association of REALTORS, or the NAR, the National Association of Home
Builders, or the NAHB, the largest Multiple Listing Services, or the MLSs, the
NAHB Remodelors Council, the National Association of the Remodeling Industry,
or the NARI, the American Institute of Architects, or the AIA, the Manufactured
Housing Institute, or the MHI, real estate franchises, brokers, builders and
agents. We also have distribution agreements with a large number of leading
Internet portal websites.

795 Folsom Street,
San Francisco, California 94107
(415) 796-0000, together with its subsidiaries that we are acquiring, operates a
popular network of websites, consisting of,,,, and,
which offers a wide selection of quality relocation, real estate and home-
related products and services. seeks to improve the often stressful
and demanding moving experience by providing a one-source, "friend-in-need"
solution before, during and after the move. strives to establish
strong, long-term relationships with consumers by offering quality products and
services for each phase of the moving process from finding a home to improving
an existing home. also provides businesses that are trying to reach a
highly targeted and valued group of consumers at the most opportune times the
opportunity to deal with a single source providing multiples avenues of access
to such persons.

Welcome Wagon International, Inc.
115 South Service Road
Westbury, NY 11590
(516) 333-1600

  Welcome Wagon, together with its subsidiaries that we are acquiring,
distributes complimentary welcoming packages which provide new homeowners and
other consumers throughout the United States with discounts for local
merchants. These activities are conducted through Welcome Wagon International,
Inc. is the official website of Welcome Wagon.
provides with local community information, including a directory of
more than 40,000 local merchants and service providers nationwide.


                           Summary of the Transaction

The mergers

   We intend to acquire, Inc., Welcome Wagon International, Inc. and
certain of their subsidiaries through two mergers. We collectively refer to
these two companies as the Group. In the merger, and
one of our wholly-owned subsidiaries will merge, and, as a result,
will become our wholly-owned subsidiary. In the Welcome Wagon merger, Welcome
Wagon and one of our wholly-owned subsidiaries will merge, and, as a result,
Welcome Wagon will become our wholly-owned subsidiary.

   The merger agreement is attached to this document as Annex A. We encourage
you to read the merger agreement carefully.

Votes required for approval

   The holders of a majority of our outstanding shares of common stock present
in person or represented by proxy at the special meeting of stockholders and
entitled to vote must approve the issuance of our common stock in the mergers.
Our stockholders are entitled to cast one vote per share of common stock owned
as of November 28, 2000, the record date for the special meeting of

   Six of our stockholders that own of record approximately 29.6% of our shares
of common stock outstanding as of the record date have agreed to vote in favor
of the issuance of shares of our common stock in the mergers and against any
proposal in opposition to or competition with the mergers. Please see "Related
Agreements-- Support Agreements." Our directors and executive officers as a
group beneficially owned approximately 28.2% of our outstanding shares of
common stock as of the record date.

Board of directors and management after the transactions

   If the mergers are completed, our board of directors will be increased to
seven members and Cendant will have the right to appoint one member to our
board of directors.

Conditions to completion of the transactions

   The completion of the mergers depends upon meeting a number of conditions
that have not yet been satisfied, including:

  . the issuance of shares of our common stock under the merger agreement
    shall have been approved by the requisite vote of our stockholders;

  . the applicable waiting periods under certain antitrust laws must expire
    or be terminated;

  . the respective representations and warranties of all parties in the
    merger agreement must be true and correct in all material respects;

  . the commercial agreements described in the section entitled "Related
    Agreements" shall be executed by the respective parties and those
    agreements shall be in full force and effect; and

  . Cendant Corporation, or Cendant, the parent corporation of both
    and Welcome Wagon, shall have received an opinion of its tax counsel that
    the mergers will qualify as tax-free reorganizations.

   In addition to the conditions listed above, the mergers are subject to
additional customary closing conditions. For a more complete description of the
conditions to closing the mergers, see the section entitled "The Merger
Agreement--Conditions to the mergers" on page 25.


   If any of the parties waive any of the closing conditions, we will consider
the facts and circumstances at that time and make a determination as to whether
a resolicitation of proxies from stockholders is appropriate.

Opinion of our financial advisor

   Our board of directors has received a written opinion from Morgan Stanley &
Co. Incorporated as to the fairness, from a financial point of view, to us of
the consideration to be paid by us in the mergers. The full text of Morgan
Stanley & Co. Incorporated's written opinion, dated October 25, 2000, is
attached to this document as Annex B. We encourage you to read this opinion
carefully in its entirety for a description of the assumptions made, procedures
followed, matters considered and limitations on the review undertaken. Morgan
Stanley & Co. Incorporated's opinion is directed to our board of directors and
does not constitute a recommendation to any stockholder with respect to any
matter relating to the mergers.

Termination of the merger agreement

   The merger agreement may be terminated by the parties' mutual consent or
under other limited circumstances.

   For a more complete description of the manner in which the merger agreements
may be terminated, see the section entitled "The Merger Agreement--Termination
of the merger agreement" on page 31.

Termination fee

   We may be obligated to pay a termination fee of $50.0 million to Cendant if
the merger agreement is terminated because our stockholders do not approve the
issuance of shares of our common stock in the mergers.

   For a more complete description of the payment of termination fees, see the
section entitled "The Merger Agreement--Termination fee" on page 32.

Related agreements

   In connection with the mergers, we will enter into a number of additional
agreements with Cendant with Real Estate Technology Trust, or RETT, with
Cendant Mortgage Corporation and with NRT Incorporated, or NRT. RETT, Cendant
Mortgage Corporation and NRT are each affiliates of Cendant. Please refer to
the section entitled "Related Agreements" on page 51 for a description of these

Accounting treatment of the mergers

   We intend to account for the mergers under the purchase method for
accounting purposes, in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles. After the mergers, the results of operations of the Group
will be included in our consolidated financial statements.

Tax treatment of the mergers

   We intend that the mergers will be treated as tax-free reorganizations for
federal income tax purposes.

Appraisal rights

   Under Delaware law, our stockholders are not entitled to appraisal rights in
the mergers.


Antitrust review required to complete the mergers

   The mergers are subject to review under applicable antitrust laws. We have
made the required filings with the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade
Commission. The Department of Justice currently is reviewing the mergers. The
Department of Justice or Federal Trade Commission, as well as a state or
private person, may challenge the mergers at any time before or after its

Forward-looking statements in this proxy statement

   This proxy statement and the documents incorporated into this proxy
statement by reference contain forward-looking statements within the safe
harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. These
statements include statements with respect to the Group's and our
financial condition, results of operations and businesses and the expected
impact of the mergers on our financial performance. Words such as
"anticipates," "expects," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates"
and similar expressions, as well as statements in the future tense, identify
forward-looking statements.

   These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance
and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to
differ materially from the results contemplated by the forward-looking
statements. These risks and uncertainties include:

  . the possibility that the value of our common stock in the transaction
    will increase or decrease prior to closing the mergers;

  . the technical, operational and personnel-related challenges in
    integrating the Group with us;

  . the possibility that the anticipated benefits from the mergers will not
    be fully realized;

  . the possible loss of key employees as a result of the mergers; and

  . other risk factors described in the section titled "Risks Relating to the
    Mergers" and as may be detailed from time to time in our public
    announcements and filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

   In evaluating the mergers, you should carefully consider the discussion of
these and other factors in the section entitled "Risks Relating to the Mergers"
on page 9.

   This summary may not contain all of the information that is important to
you. You should read carefully this entire document and the other documents
referred to in the proxy statement for a more complete understanding of the
mergers. In particular, you should read the documents attached to this
document, including the merger agreement, which is attached as Annex A and the
opinion of Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated which is attached as Annex B.

   In addition, we incorporate important business and financial information
about us into this proxy statement by reference that is not included in or
delivered with this proxy statement. See "Documents Incorporated by Reference
in this Proxy Statement" on page 57. You may obtain the information
incorporated into this proxy statement by reference without charge by following
the instructions in the section entitled "Where You Can Find More Information"
on page 58.



   The consolidated statement of operations data for the years ended December
31, 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999, and the consolidated balance sheet data as of
December 31, 1997, 1998 and 1999, are derived from our audited consolidated
financial statements which are incorporated by reference in this document. The
consolidated statement of operations data for the year ended December 31, 1995
and the nine months ended September 30, 1999 and 2000, and the consolidated
balance sheet data as of December 31, 1995 and 1996, and as of September 30,
2000, are derived from our unaudited consolidated financial statements. The
unaudited consolidated financial statements have been prepared on substantially
the same basis as the consolidated audited financial statements and include all
adjustments, consisting only of normal recurring adjustments, that we consider
necessary for a fair presentation of the financial position and results of
operations for the period. The unaudited pro forma data for the year ended
December 31, 1999 and nine months ended September 30, 2000 are derived from
unaudited pro forma condensed combined consolidated financial information
included elsewhere in this document.

   As a result of the reorganization of our holding company structure and due
to the fact that our historical results of operations, financial condition and
cash flows were insignificant prior to December 4, 1996, management believes
that a pro forma presentation, which includes a comparison of results of
operations and financial condition of NetSelect, Inc., NetSelect, LLC,, Inc. and RealSelect, Inc. on a combined basis for 1999 and the
nine months ended September 30, 2000, is the only meaningful basis of
presentation for investors in evaluating our historical financial performance.

   The unaudited pro forma condensed combined consolidated statement of
operations data assume that the following transactions occurred on January 1,
1999, except for preferred stock issued in connection with an acquisition. For
this preferred stock, the weighted average shares reflect the preferred stock
as if it had been issued as of January 1, 1999, or the date of issuance, if

  . the reorganization of our holding company structure in February 1999 by
    merging NetSelect, Inc. and NetSelect, LLC with InfoTouch Corporation;

  . our acquisition of SpringStreet, Inc. in June 1999 for common stock and
    convertible preferred stock equivalent to an aggregate of 5,309,058
    shares of our common stock, with an estimated fair value of $51.7

  . our acquisition of Homebuyer's Fair, Inc. and FAS-Hotline, Inc. in
    October 1999 for 250,000 shares of our common stock, with an estimated
    fair value of $11.2 million, a $37.5 million promissory note and $35.8
    million in cash and other acquisition-related expenses; and

  . our planned acquisition of the Group for 25,142,654 shares of
    our common stock with an estimated fair value of $804.3 million,
    including acquisition-related expenses. The share number includes shares
    of common stock to be issued upon exercise of options to
    purchase shares of common stock assumed by in the
    mergers and excludes shares to be issued upon exercise of stock options

   The unaudited pro forma condensed combined consolidated data may not,
however, be indicative of the consolidated results of operations of that actually would have occurred had the transactions reflected
in the unaudited pro forma consolidated results of operations occurred at the
beginning of the periods presented, or of the consolidated results of
operations that we may achieve in the future.


                                                   Actual                                         Pro Forma
                          --------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------
                                                                     Nine Months Ended                  Nine Months
                                 Year Ended December 31,                September 30,      Year Ended      Ended
                          -----------------------------------------  -------------------  December 31, September 30,
                           1995    1996    1997    1998      1999      1999      2000         1999         2000
                          ------  ------  ------  -------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------ -------------
                                               (in thousands, except per share amounts)
Consolidated Statement
 of Operations Data:
Revenues................  $  857  $1,360  $   42  $   --   $ 62,580  $ 35,211   $150,954   $ 152,764     $ 216,874
Cost of revenues(1).....      58      42       6      --     21,022    13,007     40,033      41,749        67,552
                          ------  ------  ------  -------  --------  --------  ---------   ---------     ---------
 Gross profit...........     799   1,318      36      --     41,558    22,204    110,921     111,015       149,322
Operating expenses:
 Sales and
  marketing(1)..........     559     479      14      --     70,384    44,765     90,366     126,013       164,925
  development(1)........     474     629     --       --      4,933     3,322      9,767       6,704        11,482
 General and
  administrative(1).....     649     441      38        3    21,781    12,953     39,458      66,255        70,498
 Amortization of
  intangible assets.....     --      --      --       --     10,192     4,313     31,455     208,746       166,653
 Stock-based charges....     --      --      --       --     21,227    12,711     33,271      29,915        37,354
 In-process research and
  development...........     --      --      --       --        --        --       4,048         --          4,048
 Restructuring charge...     --      --      --       --        --        --         --          --          3,313
 Litigation settlement..     --      --      --       --      8,406     8,406        --        8,406           --
                          ------  ------  ------  -------  --------  --------  ---------   ---------     ---------
 Total operating
  expenses..............   1,682   1,549      52        3   136,923    86,470    208,365     446,039       458,273
                          ------  ------  ------  -------  --------  --------  ---------   ---------     ---------
Loss from operations....    (883)   (231)    (16)      (3)  (95,365)  (64,266)   (97,444)   (335,024)     (308,951)
Interest and other
 income (expense), net..     (30)    (21)     (1)     --      2,358     1,274     16,462      (2,844)       14,024
                          ------  ------  ------  -------  --------  --------  ---------   ---------     ---------
Net loss................    (913)   (252)    (17)      (3)  (93,007)  (62,992)   (80,982)   (337,868)     (294,927)
Accretion of redemption
 value on convertible
 preferred stock........     --      --      --       --     (2,299)   (1,846)       --          --            --
                          ------  ------  ------  -------  --------  --------  ---------   ---------     ---------
Net loss applicable to
 common stockholders....  $ (913) $ (252) $  (17) $    (3) $(95,306) $(64,838) $ (80,982)  $(337,868)    $(294,927)
                          ======  ======  ======  =======  ========  ========  =========   =========     =========
Net loss per share
 applicable to common
 Basic and diluted......  $ (.37) $ (.07) $  --   $   --   $  (2.32) $  (2.06) $   (1.03)  $   (4.01)    $   (2.94)
                          ======  ======  ======  =======  ========  ========  =========   =========     =========
Weighted average
 shares--basic and
 diluted................   2,435   3,477   8,650    9,173    41,142    31,421     78,769      84,181       100,476
                          ======  ======  ======  =======  ========  ========  =========   =========     =========

- --------
(1) Excluding non-cash charges for all periods presented. See notes to the
    unaudited pro forma condensed combined consolidated financial information
    included elsewhere in this document.

                                   December 31,                September 30, 2000
                          ----------------------------------- --------------------
                          1995   1996   1997   1998    1999    Actual   Pro Forma
                          -----  -----  -----  ----  -------- --------- ----------
                                             (in thousands)
Consolidated Balance
 Sheet Data:
Cash and cash
 equivalents and short-
 term investments.......  $   5  $  36  $ 155  $ 71  $ 90,382 $ 283,041 $  289,520
Working capital
 (deficiency)...........   (200)   (46)   (37)    1    40,822   302,386    292,914
Total assets............    181     77    155    71   276,563   924,799  1,811,510
Notes payable, long term
 and current............    --     --     --    --     38,576       353        353
Total stockholders'
 equity (deficit).......   (150)  (116)  (133)  (95)  195,473   643,476  1,420,266



   The following selected combined financial data is qualified by reference to,
and should be read in conjunction with, the combined financial statements and
related notes for the Group and "Management's Discussion and Analysis
of Financial Condition and Results of Operations of the Group"
appearing elsewhere in this document. The selected combined statement of
operations data for the nine months ended September 30, 2000 and for the years
ended December 31, 1998 and 1999 and the balance sheet data as of September 30,
2000, December 31, 1998 and 1999, have been derived from the combined financial
statements of the Group that have been audited by Deloitte & Touche
LLP, independent auditors, as stated in their reports which are included in
this document. The selected combined statement of operations data for the years
ended December 31, 1996 and 1997, and the balance sheet data as of December 31,
1996 and 1997, have been derived from unaudited combined financial statements
of the Group which are not included in this document. The unaudited
combined financial statements for the years ended, and as of December 31, 1996
and 1997, have been prepared on the same basis as the Group's audited
financial statements and, in the opinion of management, include all material
adjustments, consisting only of normal recurring adjustments, necessary to
present the financial position and results for the periods presented.

                                        Year Ended                  Nine Months
                                       December 31,                    Ended
                             ------------------------------------  September 30,
                              1996     1997      1998      1999        2000
                             -------  -------  --------  --------  -------------
                                             (in thousands)
Combined Statement of
 Operations Data:
Revenues...................  $74,658  $75,650  $ 83,509  $ 79,826    $ 67,875
Cost of revenues...........   11,725    9,220     8,497    13,935      21,909
                             -------  -------  --------  --------    --------
  Gross profit.............   62,933   66,430    75,012    65,891      45,966
                             -------  -------  --------  --------    --------
Operating expenses:
  Sales and marketing......   40,782   46,946    50,543    44,010      80,260
  Product development......      --       --        193     3,922       6,496
  General and
   administrative..........   20,181   15,607    25,815    36,279      30,459
  Depreciation and
   amortization............    2,169    2,461     3,599     4,465       5,058
  Restructuring and other
   unusual charges.........      --       --        --        --        3,313
  Interest, net............      (88)     (19)      --        --         (479)
                             -------  -------  --------  --------    --------
    Total operating
     expenses..............   63,044   64,995    80,150    88,676     125,107
                             -------  -------  --------  --------    --------
Income (loss) from
 operations................     (111)   1,435    (5,138)  (22,785)    (79,141)
Income tax provision
 (benefit).................      318   (5,535)   (1,725)   (8,817)    (31,464)
                             -------  -------  --------  --------    --------
Net income (loss)..........  $  (429) $ 6,970  $ (3,413) $(13,968)   $(47,677)
                             =======  =======  ========  ========    ========

                                       December 31,
                             ------------------------------------  September 30,
                              1996     1997      1998      1999        2000
                             -------  -------  --------  --------  -------------
                                             (in thousands)
Combined Balance Sheet
Cash and cash equivalents..  $   548  $   --   $    --   $  1,000    $  3,779
Working capital
 (deficiency)..............   13,011   16,273     1,068    (5,601)      9,959
Total assets...............   49,405   42,040    46,616    54,446      92,829
Total group equity.........   41,124   35,030    28,026    22,719      59,103


         Comparative Historical and Unaudited Pro Forma Per Share Data

   The following tables reflect the historical net loss and book value per
share of common stock in comparison with the unaudited pro forma
net loss and book value per share after giving effect to the proposed mergers. has not paid dividends for the year ended December 31, 1999 and
for the nine months ended September 30, 2000. The Group has not paid
dividends for the year ended December 31, 1999 and for the nine months ended
September 30, 2000.

   The Group's historical and pro forma per share information has not
been presented as the Group did not have a capital structure distinct
from Cendant, therefore, such information is not meaningful.

   The information presented in the following tables should be read in
conjunction with the unaudited pro forma condensed combined consolidated
financial statements and with the historical financial statements and related
notes of incorporated by reference and of the Group
included elsewhere in this document.


                                                               Nine Months Ended
                                                Year ended       September 30,
                                             December 31, 1999       2000
                                             ----------------- -----------------
Historical Per Share Data:
  Net loss per share:
    Basic and diluted.......................      $(2.32)           $(1.03)
  Book value per share(1)...................      $ 2.60            $ 7.78

                                   Pro Forma

Combined Pro Forma Per Share Data:
  Net loss per share:
    Basic and diluted.......................      $(4.01)           $(2.94)
  Book value per share(1)...................         N/A            $13.60

- --------
(1)  The historical book value per share is computed by dividing stockholders'
     equity by the number of shares of common stock outstanding at that date.
     The combined pro forma book value per share is computed by dividing pro
     forma stockholders' equity by the pro forma number of shares of common
     stock outstanding at that date.


                         RISKS RELATING TO THE MERGERS

   The mergers involve a high degree of risk. In addition to the other
information contained or incorporated by reference in this document, you should
carefully consider the following risk factors in making your decision regarding
the issuance of shares of our common stock in connection with the mergers.

Technical, operational and personnel-related challenges may prevent the
combined company from successfully integrating the Group with our

   If the mergers are consummated, the combined company will have to integrate
our business with the businesses of the Group and their subsidiaries.
This integration could be complex, time-consuming and expensive, and may
disrupt the operations of the combined company after the mergers if it is not
completed in a timely and efficient manner. In addition, if the combined
company fails to manage this integration, it may not achieve any of the
anticipated synergies and other benefits of the mergers. Following the mergers,, the Group and their respective subsidiaries must
operate as a combined organization utilizing common information and
communication systems, operating procedures, financial controls and human
resource practices. The combined company may encounter the following
difficulties, costs and delays involved in integrating these operations:

  . potential incompatibility of business/revenue models;

  . potential incompatibility of business cultures;

  . potential difficulties in successfully integrating the technologies of
    the companies;

  . potential difficulties in successfully integrating and retaining the
    management teams and employees of the companies;

  . potential difficulties in managing a larger, more geographically-
    dispersed organization;

  . potential difficulties in successfully integrating the product and
    services offerings of the companies;

  . potential difficulties in managing changing relationships with customers,
    strategic partners and other third parties; and

  . loss of key employees and diversion of management's attention from other
    ongoing business concerns.

   In addition, pending the completion of the mergers, there could be
disruption of the businesses of, the Group and their
respective subsidiaries caused by employee uncertainty, confusion of our
respective customers or strategic partners or interruption of, or a loss of
momentum in, the activities of each of our businesses. These transitional
issues could cause quarterly operating results to be lower than expected.

Significant integration costs and charges may result from the mergers.

   The integration of the operations of, the Group and
their respective subsidiaries may result in significant integration costs.
These costs may include costs for employee relocation or severance and other
compensation charges, facilities closures, relocation and other merger-related
costs. The significant costs of integration associated with the mergers
increase the risk that we will not realize the anticipated benefits of the
mergers. We have not yet determined the extent or the amount of these costs, as
we are in the process of developing an integration plan.

We will incur significant non-cash charges in connection with the mergers that
will reduce our earnings, under generally accepted accounting principles,
immediately and in the future, and the pro forma accounting may be subject to

   The mergers will be accounted for as a purchase. The purchase price will be
allocated based on the fair values of the assets acquired and the liabilities
assumed. The excess of cost over fair value of the net tangible


assets acquired has been preliminarily allocated to goodwill and other
identifiable intangible assets and will be amortized on a straight-line basis
over estimated lives ranging from 2 to 15 years, with an average life of
5.25 years. This will result in non-cash charges to operations of approximately
$39.1 million per quarter.

   These allocations are subject to change pending a final analysis of the fair
values of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed. The impact of the final
valuation of goodwill and other identifiable intangible assets could be
material to the combined company's future operating results.

The completion of the mergers may result in the dilution in future earnings per
share of our stockholders.

   The completion of the mergers will not necessarily result in increased
earnings per share of the combined company, taking into consideration the
greater number of shares of our common stock to be outstanding as a result of
the mergers, or a financial condition superior to that which would have been
achieved by on a stand-alone basis. The mergers could fail to
produce the benefits that anticipates, or could have other
adverse effects that currently does not foresee. In this event,
the mergers could result in a reduction of per-share earnings of the combined
company as compared to the per-share earnings that would have been achieved if
the mergers had not occurred.

The failure to complete the mergers could harm our future business and
prospects and our stock price.

   We have expended substantial management time and incurred significant costs
in negotiating the mergers. Costs related to the mergers, such as legal and
accounting fees and financial advisor fees, must be paid even if the mergers
are not completed. In addition, we may be required to pay a termination fee
equal to $50.0 million if the mergers are not completed because our
stockholders do not approve the issuance of shares of our common stock in the
mergers. If the mergers are not completed, this failure could adversely affect
our future business and prospects.

   In addition, our current and prospective employees may experience
uncertainty about their future roles with the combined company, which may hurt
our present ability to attract and retain key management, marketing, technical
and administrative personnel. Our reputation and relationships with our
customers could be damaged if the mergers are not completed.


                              THE SPECIAL MEETING

Date, time and place

   The accompanying proxy is solicited on behalf of our board of directors for
use at a special meeting of stockholders to be held at 9:00 a.m., Pacific
Standard Time, on January 11, 2001, at our principal executive office at 30700
Russell Ranch Road, Westlake Village, California 91362. This proxy statement
and the accompanying form of proxy were first mailed to our stockholders on or
about December 1, 2000.


   At the special meeting, stockholders of at the close of
business on November 28, 2000 will be asked:

     1. To approve the issuance of shares of our common stock in connection
  with the acquisition of the Group through the mergers of
  and Welcome Wagon with our wholly-owned subsidiaries.

     2. To transact any other business that may properly come before the
  meeting or any adjournment or postponement of the meeting.

Record date, outstanding shares and voting rights

   Only holders of record of shares of our common stock at the close of
business on November 28, 2000, the record date fixed by our board of directors,
are entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting. As of the record date,
there were approximately 82,625,219 outstanding shares of our common stock, and
this is the only class of stock outstanding and entitled to vote. Each share of
our common stock is entitled to one vote on each matter submitted for a vote at
the meeting.

Quorum requirements and vote required

   The representation, in person or by properly executed proxy, of the holders
of a majority of all of the shares of common stock entitled to vote at the
meeting is necessary to constitute a quorum at the special meeting or any
adjournment of the meeting.

   The approval of the issuance of shares of our common stock in connection
with the mergers will require the affirmative vote of a majority of the
outstanding shares of common stock present in person or represented by proxy at
the meeting and entitled to vote.

   Shares of our common stock, represented in person or by proxy, will be
counted for the purpose of determining whether a quorum is present at the
meeting of stockholders. Shares that abstain from voting will be treated as
shares that are present and entitled to vote at the meeting for purposes of
determining whether a quorum exists, but will not be counted as votes cast. If
a broker or nominee holding stock in "street name" indicates on a proxy that it
does not have discretionary authority to vote as to a particular matter, which
we call a broker non-vote, those shares will be treated as present and entitled
to vote at the special meeting of stockholders for purposes of determining
whether a quorum exists, but will not be counted as votes cast on such matter.
Abstentions and broker non-votes will have no effect on the proposal to issue
shares of our common stock in the mergers.

   Stockholders that have voting control over outstanding shares of our common
stock representing approximately 29.6% of the votes that may be cast at the
meeting have irrevocably appointed Cendant as proxy to vote all shares of our
common stock held by them in favor of approval of the issuance of shares of our
common stock in connection with the mergers.


Solicitation of proxies

   This document is being furnished to our stockholders in connection with the
solicitation of proxies by and on behalf of our board of directors for use at
the meeting, and is accompanied by a form of proxy.

   All expenses of our solicitation of proxies, including the cost of
preparing and mailing this document to our stockholders, will be borne by us.
In addition to solicitation by use of mail, proxies may be solicited from our
stockholders by our directors, officers and employees in person or by
telephone, facsimile or other means of communication. Our directors, officers
and employees will not be additionally compensated, but may be reimbursed for
reasonable out-of-pocket expenses in connection with such solicitation. In
addition, we have engaged ChaseMellon Shareholder Services, L.L.C., a proxy
solicitation firm, to assist in the solicitation of proxies for the special
meeting of stockholders. The firm may solicit proxies in person or by means of
telephone, facsimile or other means of communication. The firm has been
engaged on customary terms and the fees paid to the firm will not be material.

   Arrangements will also be made with brokerage houses, custodians, nominees
and fiduciaries for forwarding of proxy solicitation materials to beneficial
owners of shares held of record by such brokerage houses, custodians, nominees
and fiduciaries, and we will reimburse these brokerage houses, custodians,
nominees and fiduciaries for their reasonable expenses incurred in connection
with the forwarding of proxy solicitation materials.

Revocability and voting of proxies

   A stockholder giving a proxy may revoke it at any time before it is voted.
Proxies may be revoked by:

  . filing with the Secretary of, at or before the taking of
    the vote at the meeting, a written notice of revocation bearing a later
    date than the proxy;

  . duly executing a later dated proxy relating to the same shares and
    delivering it to the Secretary of before the taking of the
    vote at the special meeting of stockholders; or

  . attending the meeting and voting in person, although attendance at the
    meeting will not in and of itself constitute a revocation of a proxy.

   Any written notice of revocation or subsequent proxy should be sent to, Inc., 30700 Russell Ranch Road, Westlake Village, California
91362, Attention: John M. Giesecke, Jr., Secretary, or hand delivered to the
Secretary of at or before the taking of the vote at the meeting.

   All shares of common stock that are entitled to vote and are represented at
the special meeting of stockholders by properly executed proxies received
prior to or at such meeting, and not revoked, will be voted at the meeting in
accordance with the instructions indicated on the proxies. If no instructions
are indicated, other than in the case of broker non-votes, the proxies will be
voted FOR approval of the issuance of shares of our common stock in connection
with the mergers.

   If any other matters are properly presented at the meeting for
consideration, including, among other things, consideration of a motion to
adjourn the meeting to another time and/or place, including, without
limitation, for the purpose of soliciting additional proxies, the persons
named in the enclosed forms of proxy and acting thereunder will have
discretion to vote on these matters in accordance with their best judgment.

No appraisal rights

   Holders of our common stock are not entitled to dissenters' rights or
appraisal rights with respect to the mergers.


No preemptive rights

   Holders of our common stock are not entitled to preemptive rights with
respect to the issuance of shares in the mergers.

Recommendation of the board of directors

   Our management and board of directors have determined that the mergers are
in the best interests of and unanimously recommends that you vote
"FOR" approval of the issuance of our common stock in the mergers.


                                  THE MERGERS

   This section describes the proposed mergers. While we believe that the
description covers the material terms of the mergers and the related
transactions, this summary may not contain all of the information that is
important to you. You should read this entire document, including the annexes,
and the other documents referred to in this document carefully for a more
complete understanding of the mergers.

Background of the mergers

   Beginning in June 1999, Stuart Wolff, our Chief Executive Officer, had a
series of conversations over a period of several days with Richard Smith,
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Real Estate Division of Cendant,
regarding a potential strategic relationship.

   In April 2000, Stuart Wolff and Richard Smith again discussed a potential
business combination between and Cendant.

   On May 24, 2000, Stuart Wolff, Peter Tafeen, our Executive Vice President,
Business Development, Sam Katz, Chief Executive Officer, Cendant Internet
Group, and Richard Smith held a conference call during which they discussed a
potential business combination between and Cendant.

   On May 30, 2000, Stuart Wolff, Peter Tafeen, David Rosenblatt, our Senior
Vice President and General Counsel, and Joe Shew, our Vice President, Finance,
met with Sam Katz, Richard Smith and Eric J. Bock, Senior Vice President and
Corporate Secretary of Cendant, regarding preliminary due diligence between and Cendant. General terms regarding the business combination
were also discussed.

   Throughout the month of June, a series of conference calls were held between
our senior management and Cendant to discuss various issues regarding the
potential business combination between the two companies.

   On June 26 and 27, 2000, various members of senior management of and other personnel of and Cendant conducted
business, legal, operational and financial due diligence.

   On July 6, 2000, Stuart Wolff, Joe Shew, Peter Tafeen, David Rosenblatt and
John Giesecke, Jr., our Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President and
Secretary, met with Sam Katz, Richard Smith, Eric J. Bock and other Cendant
personnel to discuss various terms of a potential business combination.

   On July 7 and July 11, 2000, conference calls were held between the senior
management of both companies to further discuss various terms of a potential
business combination.

   Throughout the latter half of July and the first half of August, conference
calls were held every two or three days between senior management of both
companies to discuss various terms of a potential business combination.

   In late August 2000, a draft merger agreement was distributed to all
parties. The terms of the merger agreement, as well as the other related
agreements, were negotiated by the parties and their legal counsel. During this
period, and its legal and financial advisors conducted additional
business, legal and financial due diligence reviews of the Group.

   On September 11 and 12, 2000, John Giesecke, Peter Tafeen, Joe Shew, David
Rosenblatt and other personnel, Sam Katz and other Cendant
personnel, and representatives of Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated held
various due diligence meetings.

   From the middle of September through the middle of October, various members
of senior management and other personnel, Cendant personnel and
representatives of Morgan Stanley met to discuss operations, technology,
website operations and other aspects of the business of the Group.

   On September 19 and 20, 2000, Stuart Wolff and Richard Smith held conference
calls to further discuss the terms of a potential business combination.


   On September 25, 2000, Stuart Wolff and Richard Smith met to further discuss
various terms of a potential business combination.

   On September 28, 2000, John Giesecke, Joe Shew and other
personnel met with Cendant and personnel to conduct due diligence and
business strategy reviews.

   On October 12, 2000, our board held a meeting to discuss the general terms
of the proposed transaction. In addition, Morgan Stanley discussed the proposed
transaction from a financial perspective.

   On October 12, 2000, the Cendant board held a special meeting and approved
the mergers and the related transactions.

   On four separate occasions beginning in mid-September and ending in late
October, Homestore's in-house and outside counsel met with Cendant's in-house
and outside counsel to negotiate terms of the various agreements to be entered
into by the parties.

   On October 25, 2000, our board held a special meeting, at which our
management and our legal and financial advisors reported on their due diligence
reviews of the Group. Morgan Stanley then made a presentation to our
board of directors regarding the financial analyses it had performed in
connection with its opinion and stated orally that it was prepared to render,
and subsequently did provide, its written opinion as of October 25, 2000 as to
the fairness to of the consideration to be paid by
pursuant to the merger agreement.

   Late in the evening on October 26, 2000, the parties executed the merger
agreement. Prior to the opening of the financial markets on October 27, 2000,
the parties announced the mergers.

Our reasons for the mergers

   After careful consideration, our board of directors has unanimously
concluded that the merger agreement is advisable, and that the terms of the
merger agreement and the mergers are fair to and in the best interests of us
and our stockholders, and unanimously recommends that our stockholders approve
the issuance of shares of our common stock in the mergers. Our board of
directors approved the merger agreement and the mergers because it determined
that the combined company would have the potential to realize a stronger
competitive position and improved long-term operating and financial results.
This decision was based upon a number of potential benefits of the mergers that
our board of directors believes will contribute to the success of the combined
company, including the following:

  . our board's judgment that the combination of the two companies would
    enhance our business model by extending existing relationships with
    Cendant's real estate franchise systems, increasing the users of our
    websites and augmenting our rental listing products for our customers;

  . our board's judgment that the two companies have significant potential to
    reduce costs across multiple areas by eliminating redundancy and reducing
    fees paid to third parties;

  . our board's judgment that the mergers would increase avenues for
    advertising revenue;

  . our board's judgment that the mergers would open new revenue
    opportunities through the business activities of Welcome Wagon, including
    cross-selling opportunities and the strengthening of customer
    relationships through direct mail solicitations;

  . our board's judgment that combining established customer relationships of
    both companies would benefit the long-term growth of our business;

  . our board's judgment that the total consideration to be paid in the
    mergers was fair from a financial point of view;

  . the limitations on Cendant's purchases and sales of our common stock and
    the voting restrictions on the stock Cendant receives in the mergers,
    both of which our board believes will promote stability in the market for
    our stock and will reduce the effects of the mergers on the voting rights
    of existing stockholders;


  . the combined company's potential to use the extensive sales force, strong
    service organization and developed customer bases of the combined company
    to develop a national and international presence in sales, support and
    alliances; and

  . the potential to use the long-term relationships that the combined
    company would have with Cendant and its affiliates and franchisees to
    expand its postition in the online delivery of products and services to
    the real estate industry.

   In identifying these benefits and evaluating the mergers, our board of
directors reviewed a number of factors and sources of information, including
the following:

  . historical information concerning, Cendant, the
    Group and their respective businesses, financial performance, condition,
    operations, technology, management and position in the industry, and
    information and evaluations regarding the two companies' strengths,
    weaknesses and prospects, both before and after giving effect to the

  . the reports and presentations of our legal counsel, Fenwick & West LLP
    and Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, Professional Corporation, regarding
    the terms of the transaction, the oral and written presentations of our
    financial advisor, Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, and Morgan
    Stanley's opinion, which is attached to this document as Annex B, to the
    effect that, based upon and subject to various considerations, as of
    October 25, 2000, the total consideration of shares of our common stock
    to be issued pursuant to the merger agreement was fair from a financial
    point of view to;

  . current financial market conditions and historical market prices,
    volatility and trading information for our common stock, and various
    factors that might affect the combined company's operating results and
    the market value of our common stock in the future;

  . the alternatives available to us, including acquiring other entities,
    entering into commercial relationships without a business combination,
    and the history of contacts with other parties concerning their possible
    interest in a business combination with us; and

  . the terms of the merger agreement and related agreements, by themselves
    and in comparison to the terms of other transactions, and the intensive
    negotiations between us and Cendant, including negotiations relating to
    the details of the conditions to the parties' obligations to complete the
    mergers, the restrictions on voting rights and purchases and sales by
    Cendant of our common stock, the parties' termination rights, the
    termination fee that we may be required to pay Cendant in certain
    circumstances and the support agreements.

   Our board of directors also identified and considered a number of risks and
uncertainties in its deliberations concerning the mergers, including the

  . the risk that the integration of the two companies would be difficult and
    costly to achieve, which would jeopardize the revenue and cost synergies
    necessary to create value for our stockholders;

  . the fact that the total consideration is fixed and will not change with
    increases or decreases in the market price of either company's stock
    before the closing of the mergers, and the possibility that the dollar
    value of a share of our common stock at the closing of the mergers may be
    more or less than the dollar value of a share of our common stock at the
    signing of the merger agreement;

  . the risk that the potential benefits sought in the mergers may not be
    fully realized, if at all;

  . the possibility that the mergers may not be consummated and the effect of
    the public announcement of the mergers on our sales, customer relations
    and operating results, our relationships with industry groups and our
    ability to attract and retain key management, marketing and technical

  . the risk that despite the efforts of the combined company, key technical,
    marketing and management personnel might not choose to remain employed by
    the combined company;

  . the fact that pursuant to the merger agreement, we are required to obtain
    Cendant's consent before we can take certain actions between the signing
    and the closing of the mergers; and


  . various other risks associated with the businesses of,
    Cendant, the Group and the combined company and the mergers
    described under the section entitled "Risks Relating to the Mergers"
    beginning on page 9 of this document.

   Our board of directors concluded, however, that many of these risks could be
managed or mitigated by us or by the combined company or were unlikely to have
a material impact on the mergers or the combined company, and that, overall,
the risks, uncertainties, restrictions and potentially negative factors
associated with the mergers were outweighed by the potential benefits of the

   The above discussion of information and factors considered and given weight
by our board of directors is not intended to be exhaustive. In view of the
variety of factors considered in connection with its evaluation of the merger,
our board of directors did not find it practicable to, and did not, quantify or
otherwise assign relative weights to the specific factors considered in
reaching its determinations and recommendations.

   Our board unanimously recommends that you vote "FOR" approval of the
issuance of our common stock in the mergers.

Opinion of our financial advisor

   Under an engagement letter dated August 17, 2000, we retained Morgan Stanley
to provide us with financial advice and assistance in connection with the
mergers. Our board of directors selected Morgan Stanley to act as our financial
advisor based on Morgan Stanley's qualifications, expertise and reputation and
its knowledge of our business and affairs. At the meeting of our board of
directors on October 25, 2000, Morgan Stanley rendered its oral opinion,
subsequently confirmed in writing, to the effect that, as of October 25, 2000
and based upon and subject to the various considerations set forth in the
opinion, the consideration to be paid by us under the merger agreement was fair
from a financial point of view to

   The full text of the written opinion of Morgan Stanley, dated as of October
25, 2000, is attached as Annex B to this document. The opinion sets forth,
among other things, the assumptions made, procedures followed, matters
considered and limitations on the scope of the review undertaken by Morgan
Stanley in rendering its opinion. We urge you to read the entire opinion
carefully. Morgan Stanley's opinion is directed to our board of directors and
addresses only the fairness of the consideration to be paid by
pursuant to the merger agreement from a financial point of view as of the date
of the opinion. It does not address any other aspects of the mergers and does
not constitute a recommendation to any holder of our common stock as to how to
vote at the special meeting of stockholders. The summary of the opinion of
Morgan Stanley set forth in this document is qualified in its entirety by
reference to the full text of the opinion.

   In connection with rendering its opinion, Morgan Stanley, among other

  .  reviewed certain publicly available financial statements and other
     information of, Welcome Wagon, Cendant and;

  .  reviewed certain internal financial statements and other financial and
     operating data concerning and Welcome Wagon prepared by the
     management of, Welcome Wagon and Cendant;

  .  reviewed certain financial projections prepared by the management of, Welcome Wagon and Cendant;

  .  reviewed certain publicly available financial projections from equity
     research analysts reports of Cendant related to;

  .  discussed the past and current operations and financial condition and
     the prospects of and Welcome Wagon, including information
     relating to certain strategic, financial and operational benefits
     anticipated from the mergers, with senior executives of,
     Welcome Wagon and Cendant;


  .  discussed the past and current operations and financial condition and
     the prospects of, including information relating to
     certain strategic, financial and operational benefits anticipated from
     the mergers, with senior executives of;

  .  reviewed's analysis of the potential impacts of the
     mergers on certain financial projections related to and Welcome
     Wagon as prepared by the management of, Welcome Wagon and

  .  reviewed certain publicly available financial projections from equity
     research analysts reports of;

  .  discussed certain financial projections related to
     prepared by management;

  .  reviewed the reported prices and trading activity for the shares of common stock;

  .  reviewed the reported prices and trading activity for the shares of
     Cendant common stock;

  .  reviewed the pro forma impact of the mergers on certain of the financial
     ratios of;

  .  compared the financial performance of, Welcome Wagon and with that of certain other comparable publicly-traded

  .  reviewed the financial terms, to the extent publicly available, of
     certain comparable acquisition transactions;

  .  reviewed and discussed with our senior management the strategic
     rationale for the mergers;

  .  reviewed the draft merger agreement and certain related documents; and

  .  performed such other analyses and considered such other factors as
     Morgan Stanley has deemed appropriate.

   Morgan Stanley assumed and relied upon, without independent verification,
the accuracy and completeness of the information reviewed by Morgan Stanley for
the purposes of its opinion. With respect to the financial and operating data
and estimates of the strategic, financial and operational benefits anticipated
from the mergers, Morgan Stanley assumed that they were reasonably prepared on
bases reflecting the best currently available estimates and judgments of the
prospects of, and Welcome Wagon, respectively. Morgan
Stanley relied upon the assessment by the managements of, and Welcome Wagon of their ability to retain key employees of
and Welcome Wagon. Morgan Stanley also relied upon, without independent
verification, the assessment by the management of, and
Welcome Wagon of: (i) the strategic and other benefits expected to result from
the mergers; (ii) and Welcome Wagon's technologies, products and
intellectual property; (iii) the timing and risks associated with the
integration of, and Welcome Wagon; and (iv) the validity
of, and risks associated with,, and Welcome Wagon's
existing and future technologies, products and intellectual property.

   Morgan Stanley has not made any independent valuation or appraisal of the
assets, liabilities, technologies and intellectual property of and
Welcome Wagon, nor has Morgan Stanley been furnished with any such appraisals.
In addition, Morgan Stanley assumed that the mergers will be treated as tax-
free reorganizations under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and will be
consummated in accordance with the terms set forth in the merger agreement.
Morgan Stanley's opinion is necessarily based on financial, economic, market
and other conditions as in effect on, and the information made available to it
as of, the date of its opinion.

   The following is a brief summary of the material analyses performed by
Morgan Stanley in connection with its oral opinion and the preparation of its
written opinion letter dated October 25, 2000. Some of these summaries of
financial analyses include information presented in tabular format. In order to
fully understand the financial analyses used by Morgan Stanley, the tables must
be read together with the text of each summary. The tables alone do not
constitute a complete description of the financial analyses.


   Relative Contribution Analysis. Morgan Stanley analyzed the pro forma
contribution of and to the combined company assuming
consummation of the merger. The projected financial metrics were based
on estimates by the management of and certain revenue and cost
reduction synergies estimated by's management. The
projected financial metrics such as revenue and earnings before interest, tax
and amortization (EBITDA) were based on equity research analysts' estimates.
The analysis showed, among other things, the following:

                                                               % Pro Forma
                                                          ------------- --------
Projected Calendar Year--2001
  Revenue................................................       79%        21%
  EBITA..................................................       45%        55%
Projected Calendar Year--2002
  Revenue................................................       75%        25%
  EBITA..................................................       40%        60%

   Morgan Stanley compared the estimated range of revenue and EBITA
contribution percentages of to the implied fully converted pro forma
ownership percentage of 21% implied by the merger agreement as of October 25,
2000. Morgan Stanley observed that the estimated range of revenue and EBITA
contribution percentages of were equal to or higher than the 21% pro
forma ownership percentage. Morgan Stanley further observed that the estimated
range of revenue and EBITA contribution percentages was higher when also
including Welcome Wagon compared to the contribution percentages excluding
Welcome Wagon.

   Peer Group Analysis. To provide comparative market information, Morgan
Stanley reviewed selected historical and projected financial statistics and the
resulting multiples for and Welcome Wagon to corresponding data and
multiples of selected Internet and direct marketing companies whose securities
are publicly traded. Morgan Stanley divided the Internet peer group into
different sectors and within each sector classified companies as Tier I and
Tier II companies. Morgan Stanley observed that Tier II companies traded at
lower multiples compared to Tier I companies. The Internet peer group companies

Internet Companies

    Portal           E-Commerce        E-Travel        Content        Security    B2B Enablers    Job Sites
- ---------------  ------------------ --------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------
Tier I
- ------
America Online,, Inc.   CNET           VeriSign, Inc. Ariba, Inc.   TMP Worldwide
Inc.                                Incorporated    Networks, Inc.                              Inc.
Yahoo!, Inc.

Tier II
- -------
At Home Expedia, Inc      Entrust        Commerce One,,
Corporation,     inc.      Networks, Inc. Technologies   Inc.          Ltd.
referred to as                      Inc.                           Inc.

   The direct marketing peer group companies included:

Direct Marketing Companies

Information Services
- --------------------
  .  Axciom Corporation
  .  Harte-Hanks, Inc.


Direct Mail, Coupon & Inserts
- -----------------------------
  .  ADVO, Inc.
  .  Catalina Marketing Corporation
  .  HA-LO Industries, Inc.
  .  Valassis Communications, Inc.

   No company utilized in the peer group comparison analysis as a comparison is
identical to, or Welcome Wagon. In evaluating the peer
groups, Morgan Stanley made judgments and assumptions with regard to industry
performance, general business, economic, market and financial conditions and
other matters, many of which are beyond the control of,
or Welcome Wagon. These factors include, among others, the impact of
competition on the business of, and Welcome Wagon and
the industry generally, industry growth and the absence of any adverse material
change in the financial condition and prospects of, and
Welcome Wagon or the industry or in the financial markets in general.

   Analysis of Selected Precedent Transactions. To provide comparative
transaction information, Morgan Stanley reviewed selected historical and
projected financial statistics and the resulting multiples for and
Welcome Wagon to corresponding data and multiples of selected Internet and
marketing transactions. The Internet precedent transactions included:

Internet Transactions
- ---------------------

  .  ZDNet & Ziff-Davis Inc./CNET Networks, Inc.
  ., Inc./Webvan Group, Inc.
  .  Lycos, Inc./Terra Networks, S.A.
  .  Flycast Communications Corporation/CMGI, Inc.
  .  ConsumerNet/24/7 Media, Inc.
  .  Abacus Direct Corporation/DoubleClick Inc.
  .  MovieFone, Inc./America Online, Inc.

   The direct marketing precedent transactions included:

Direct Marketing Transactions
- -----------------------------

  .  United Advertising Publications, Inc./Trader Publishing, Inc.
  .  Snyder Communications, Inc./Havas Advertising, S.A.
  .  Big Flower Holdings, Inc./Thomas H. Lee Company
  .  Neodata Corporation/Electronic Data Systems Corporation
  .  Heritage Media Corporation/News Corporation Limited
  .  DiMark, Inc./Harte-Hanks, Inc.

   No company utilized in the precedent transaction analysis as a comparison is
identical to, or Welcome Wagon. In evaluating the
precedent transactions, Morgan Stanley made judgments and assumptions with
regard to industry performance, general business, economic, market and
financial conditions and other matters, many of which are beyond the control of, or Welcome Wagon. These factors include, among others,
the impact of competition on the business of, and
Welcome Wagon and the industry generally, industry growth and the absence of
any adverse material change in the financial condition and prospects of, and Welcome Wagon or the industry or in the financial
markets in general.

   "Sum-of-Parts" Valuation. In conducting its analysis, Morgan Stanley applied
financial multiples to management estimates of various financial performance
metrics for and Welcome Wagon, excluding synergies (Management Case).
Morgan Stanley then estimated the value of and Welcome Wagon by
calculating the implied equity value of each of the three components of value:, Welcome Wagon and Cendant's commitment to purchase professional
products from us and other contractual arrangements.


Morgan Stanley undertook the valuation using two methodologies: a standalone
trading valuation, which values and Welcome Wagon as if they were
publicly-traded entities and an acquisition valuation, which values
and Welcome Wagon as if they were to be acquired and incur a change of control.

   To determine the trading valuation, Morgan Stanley valued by
applying a range of revenue multiples ranging from 50% to 75% of's calendar year 2000 and 2001 revenue multiples as projected by
equity research analysts. Morgan Stanley observed that is
considered a Tier I Internet company and is considered a Tier II
Internet company in the real estate sector. Morgan Stanley applied a discount
to's multiple because it observed that Tier II Internet companies
generally trade at lower multiples compared to Tier I Internet companies. To
value Welcome Wagon, Morgan Stanley used multiples based on the results of the
Peer Group Analysis of selected direct marketing companies described above. To
determine the value of Cendant's commitment to purchase professional products
from us and other contractual arrangements, Morgan Stanley performed an
analysis of the net present value of the calendar year 2001 and 2002 projected
cash flows and calculated a terminal value for the period thereafter. Based on
a discount rate of 20% and a terminal forward revenue multiple of 3.0x, Morgan
Stanley calculated an implied equity value of $176 million for these
commitments and contractual arrangements.

   To determine the acquisition valuation, Morgan Stanley valued by
applying a range of revenue multiples from 75% to 100% of our calendar year
2000 and 2001 revenue multiples as projected by equity research analysts. To
value Welcome Wagon, Morgan Stanley selected a range of revenue and EBITA
multiples based on precedent transactions of selected direct marketing
companies. To determine the value of Cendant's commitment to purchase
professional products from us and other contractual arrangements, Morgan
Stanley performed the same analysis performed for the trading valuation.

   Morgan Stanley estimated the following:

Business Segment

                                        Trading Valuation Acquisition Valuation
                                        ----------------- ---------------------
                                         Multiple Range      Multiple Range
                                        ----------------- ---------------------
  Calendar Year 2000 estimated
   revenue.............................     5.3x--7.9x         7.9x--10.5x
  Calendar Year 2001 estimated
   revenue.............................     3.6x--5.4x          5.4x--7.2x
Welcome Wagon
  Calendar Year 2000 estimated
   revenue.............................     1.0x--2.0x          1.5x--2.5x
  Calendar Year 2001 estimated
   revenue.............................     1.0x--2.0x                 N/A
  Calendar Year 2001 EBITA.............    7.0x--11.0x         8.0x--12.0x

Combined Valuation of the Acquired Assets

                                              Implied Equity Value ($MM)
                                        Trading Valuation Acquisition Valuation
                                        ----------------- ---------------------
                                                $293--$440          $440--$586
Welcome Wagon..........................      $60--$112           $74--$119
Cendant's commitments to purchase
 professional products and other
 contractual arrangements..............     $176--$176          $176--$176
Total implied value range..............     $530--$728          $690--$881

   Morgan Stanley observed that the implied combined equity transaction value
of the assets acquired of $662 million as of October 24, 2000 was within the
estimated value range of the trading valuation and below the estimated value
range of the acquisition valuation.


   Pro Forma Combination Analysis. Morgan Stanley analyzed the pro forma impact
of the merger with on's projected revenue per share and
earnings per share for the calendar years 2001 and 2002. This analysis was
based on revenue and earnings estimates from equity research analysts for, estimates prepared by the management of and certain
revenue and cost reduction synergies estimated by's management
for, and the closing share price as of October 24, 2000.
Morgan Stanley observed that:

Financial Statistic

                                          Calendar Year 2001 Calendar Year 2002
                                          ------------------ ------------------
  Revenue per share......................       $3.40              $4.06
  Cash earnings per share, defined as
   earnings excluding goodwill
   amortization and one time charges.....       $0.32              $0.51
Pro forma
  Revenue per share......................       $3.49              $4.38
  Cash earnings per share, defined as
   earnings excluding goodwill
   amortization and one-time charges.....       $0.37              $0.89

   Morgan Stanley compared the revenue per share and cash earnings per share of standalone to the revenue per share and cash earnings per share
on a pro forma basis. Morgan Stanley observed that on a pro forma basis the
revenue per share and cash earnings per share were higher than those in the standalone case. Morgan Stanley further observed that the revenue
per share and cash earnings per share were higher when also including Welcome
Wagon compared to the pro forma analysis excluding Welcome Wagon.

   The preparation of a fairness opinion is a complex process and is not
necessarily susceptible to a partial analysis or summary description. In
arriving at its opinion, Morgan Stanley considered the results of all of its
analyses as a whole and did not attribute any particular weight to any analysis
or factor it considered. Morgan Stanley believes that selecting any portion of
its analyses, without considering all analyses as a whole, would create an
incomplete view of the process underlying its analyses and opinion. In
addition, Morgan Stanley may have given various analyses and factors more or
less weight than other analyses and factors, and may have deemed various
assumptions more or less probable than other assumptions. As a result, the
ranges of valuations resulting from any particular analysis described above
should not be taken to be Morgan Stanley's view of the actual value of, Welcome Wagon or In performing its analyses, Morgan
Stanley made numerous assumptions with respect to industry performance, general
business and economic conditions and other matters. Many of these assumptions
are beyond the control of, Welcome Wagon or Any
estimates contained in Morgan Stanley's analyses are not necessarily indicative
of future results or actual values, which may be significantly more or less
favorable than those suggested by such estimates.

   Morgan Stanley conducted the analyses described above solely as part of its
analysis of the fairness of the consideration paid by us under the merger
agreement from a financial point of view to and in connection
with the delivery of its opinion to our board of directors. These analyses do
not purport to be appraisals or to reflect the prices at which shares of common
stock of or Cendant might actually trade.

   The consideration paid pursuant to the merger agreement was determined
through arm's-length negotiations between and Cendant and was
approved by's board of directors. Morgan Stanley provided advice
to us during these negotiations. Morgan Stanley did not, however, recommend any
specific consideration to us or that any specific consideration constituted the
only appropriate consideration for the combination.


   In addition, Morgan Stanley's opinion and its presentation to our board of
directors was one of many factors taken into consideration by our board of
directors in deciding to approve the mergers. Consequently, the analyses as
described above should not be viewed as determinative of the opinion of our
board of directors with respect to the consideration paid or of whether our
board of directors would have been willing to agree to a different

   Our board of directors retained Morgan Stanley based upon Morgan Stanley's
qualifications, experience and expertise. Morgan Stanley is an internationally
recognized investment banking and advisory firm. Morgan Stanley, as part of its
investment banking and financial advisory business, is continuously engaged in
the valuation of businesses and securities in connection with mergers and
acquisitions, negotiated underwritings, competitive biddings, secondary
distributions of listed and unlisted securities, private placements and
valuations for corporate, estate and other purposes. In the past, Morgan
Stanley and its affiliates have provided financing services for
and Cendant and have received fees for the rendering of these services. Morgan
Stanley acted as lead underwriter in our initial public offering in 1999 and in
our follow-on public offering in 2000, and was compensated for such services in
the form of customary underwriting commissions and discounts. In the ordinary
course of Morgan Stanley's trading and brokerage activities, Morgan Stanley or
its affiliates may at any time hold long or short positions, may trade or
otherwise effect transactions, for its own account or for the account of
customers in the equity and other securities of, Cendant or any
other parties involved in the mergers.

   Under the engagement letter, dated August 17, 2000, Morgan Stanley provided
financial advisory services and a financial fairness opinion in connection with
the mergers, and we agreed to pay Morgan Stanley a customary fee and have also
agreed to reimburse Morgan Stanley for its expenses incurred in performing its
services. In addition, we have agreed to indemnify Morgan Stanley and its
affiliates, their respective directors, officers, agents and employees and each
person, if any, controlling Morgan Stanley or any of its affiliates against
certain liabilities and expenses, including certain liabilities under the
federal securities laws, related to or arising out of Morgan Stanley's

Closing and effectiveness of the mergers

   The mergers will be completed when all of the conditions to closing the
mergers are satisfied or waived, including approval of the issuance of our
common stock in the mergers by our stockholders. The mergers will become
effective upon the filing of a certificate of merger with the Secretary of
State of the State of Delaware in connection with the merger, and a
certificate of merger with the Secretary of State of the State of New York in
connection with the Welcome Wagon merger.

Structure of the mergers

   Metal Acquisition Corp., a newly formed and wholly-owned subsidiary of, will merge with and into, with to survive the
merger. As a result, the separate corporate existence of Metal Acquisition
Corp. will cease and will survive the merger as a wholly-owned
subsidiary of

   WW Acquisition Corp., a newly formed and wholly-owned subsidiary of, will merge with and into Welcome Wagon, with Welcome Wagon to
survive the merger. As a result, the separate corporate existence of WW
Acquisition Corp. will cease and Welcome Wagon will survive the merger as a
wholly-owned subsidiary of

Merger consideration will issue to Cendant, the parent corporation of and
Welcome Wagon, an aggregate of up to 26,275,602 shares of common stock. This
number also includes shares of common stock to be issued upon
exercise of options to purchase shares of common stock assumed by in the mergers and shares to be issued upon exercise of stock
options to be granted.


Accounting treatment of the mergers

   The mergers will be accounted for as a purchase, in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles. After the mergers, the results of
operations of the Group will be included in our consolidated financial
statements. The purchase price will be allocated based on the fair values of
the assets acquired and the liabilities assumed. The excess of cost over fair
value of the net tangible assets acquired has been preliminarily allocated to
goodwill and other identifiable intangible assets and will be amortized by
charges to operations under generally accepted accounting principles. These
allocations will be made based upon valuations and other studies that have not
yet been finalized.

Regulatory filings and approvals required to complete the mergers

   The mergers are subject to the requirements of the Hart-Scott-Rodino
Antitrust Improvements Act, or HSR, which prevents some transactions from being
completed until required information and materials are furnished to the
Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade
Commission and the appropriate waiting periods are terminated or expire. We
have filed the required information and materials with the Department of
Justice and the Federal Trade Commission. The Department of Justice currently
is reviewing the mergers, and has issued requests for additional information
under the HSR to the parties. We are continuing to cooperate with the
Department of Justice's review. The requirements of the HSR will be satisfied
if the mergers are completed within one year from the termination or expiration
of the waiting period under the Act.

   At any time before or after the closing of the mergers, the Antitrust
Division of the Department of Justice or the Federal Trade Commission could
challenge the mergers and take action under the antitrust laws. Other persons
could take action under the federal antitrust laws, including seeking to enjoin
the mergers. Additionally, at any time before or after the completion of the
mergers, even if the applicable waiting period was terminated, a state or
private person could take action under federal and/or state antitrust laws.
Challenges to the mergers could be made, and if a challenge is made, we may not

   We are not aware of any other material governmental or regulatory approval
required for closing the mergers, other than compliance with the applicable
corporate law of Delaware and New York.


                              THE MERGER AGREEMENT

   This section of document describes the merger agreement. While we believe
that the description below covers the material terms of the merger agreement,
this summary may not contain all of the information that is important to you. A
copy of this agreement is attached as Annex A to this document and we urge you
to read it carefully.


   The closing of the mergers will take place as soon as practicable after the
special meeting and no later than the second business day after all conditions
to closing under the merger agreement are satisfied or waived.

Conditions to the mergers

   The obligations of Cendant and the Group and to
effect the mergers are subject to a number of conditions, including:

  . the issuance of shares of our common stock under the merger agreement
    shall have been approved by the requisite vote of our stockholders;

  . the absence of any temporary restraining order, preliminary or permanent
    injunction or other order issued by any court or competent jurisdiction
    or other legal or regulatory restraint or prohibition preventing the
    consummation of either merger; and

  . all applicable waiting periods under the HSR shall have expired or been
    terminated and all required material foreign antitrust approvals shall
    have been obtained.

   Cendant's obligation to complete the mergers is subject to the satisfaction
or waiver of each of the following conditions that have not yet been satisfied:

  . one of our officers shall certify that the representations and warranties
    of us and our merger subsidiaries contained in the merger agreement shall
    have been true and correct in all material respects as of the date of the
    merger agreement, with limited exceptions;

  . one of our officers shall certify that we and our merger subsidiaries
    have performed or complied with all agreements and covenants required by
    the merger agreement to be performed or complied with by us and our
    merger subsidiaries;

  . since the date of the merger agreement until the expiration or
    termination of any applicable waiting periods under the HSR, there shall
    not have occurred a material adverse effect with respect to us;

  . we shall have executed the various related agreements and those
    agreements shall remain in full force and effect;

  . Cendant shall have received an opinion from its counsel, Skadden, Arps,
    Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory
    to it, that the mergers will qualify as a reorganization within the
    meaning of Section 368(a) of the Internal Revenue Code; and

  . Officers of us and our merger subsidiaries shall have executed and
    delivered tax certificates to Skadden to enable Skadden, Arps, Slate,
    Meagher & Flom LLP to render the opinion referenced above.

   Our obligation to complete the mergers is subject to the satisfaction or
waiver of each of the following conditions that have not yet been satisfied:

  . one of Cendant's officers shall certify that the representations and
    warranties of Cendant and the Group and contained in the merger
    agreement shall have been true and correct in all material respects as of
    the date of the merger agreement, with limited exceptions;


  . one of Cendant's officers shall certify that Cendant and the
    Group have performed or complied with all agreements and covenants
    required by the merger agreement to be performed or complied with by

  . since June 30, 2000 until the expiration or termination of any applicable
    waiting periods under the HSR, Cendant and the Group shall not
    have suffered any material adverse effect; and

  . Cendant shall have executed the various related agreements and those
    agreements shall remain in full force and effect.

Representations and warranties

   The merger agreement contains customary representations and warranties of
the parties, including the merger subsidiaries, regarding aspects of their
respective businesses, financial condition, structure and other facts pertinent
to the mergers.

 Cendant representations and warranties

   Cendant made representations and warranties on behalf of the Group
that relate to, among other things, the following:

  . their corporate organization, good standing and qualification to do

  . their certificate of incorporation and bylaws;

  . their capitalization;

  . their subsidiaries;

  . their authority to enter into the merger agreement and the related
    commercial agreements;

  . their audited combined financial statements;

  . the absence of any undisclosed liabilities;

  . changes in their businesses since March 31, 2000, June 30, 2000 and
    September 30, 2000;

  . their taxes;

  . restrictions on their business activities;

  . title to the properties they own and lease;

  . their intellectual property, intellectual property that they use and
    infringement of other intellectual property;

  . their agreements, contracts and commitments;

  . interested party transactions;

  . their possession of and compliance with material permits, licenses and
    consents from governmental entities required to conduct their businesses;

  . litigation to which they are a party;

  . their insurance;

  . their minute books;

  . their hazardous materials activities and environmental liabilities;

  . brokers' and finders fees in connection with the mergers;

  . their employee benefit plans, compliance with employment laws and
    employee relations;


  . their compliance with laws;

  . their bank accounts;

  . the absence of any other merger or similar agreements; and

  .'s ownership interests in Liberty Digital, Inc.

   In addition to the representations and warranties set forth above, Cendant
made representations and warranties on behalf of Cendant Membership Services
Holdings, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cendant and the sole stockholder
of each of and Welcome Wagon, with respect to the following:

  . its capitalization; and

  . its authority to enter into the merger agreement and the related

   Cendant also made representations on its own behalf relating to, among other
things, the following:

  . its investment in our common stock it is to receive in the mergers; and

  . its representations and warranties do not contain any untrue statement of
    a material fact and did not omit to state any material fact necessary in
    order to make the statements contained in such representations and
    warranties misleading. representations and warranties

   We, Metal Acquisition Corp. and WW Acquisition Corp. made representations
and warranties that relate to, among other things, the following:

  . our respective corporate organization, good standing and qualification to
    do business;

  . our respective authority to enter into the merger agreement and the
    related agreements;

  . our respective authorization, execution and delivery of the merger

  . our respective capitalization;

  . our filings with the SEC, including the financial statements included in
    documents filed with the SEC;

  . the absence of any undisclosed liabilities;

  . the absence of any condition or event that had a material adverse effect
    on our business subsequent to December 31, 1999;

  . our taxes;

  . the agreements, contracts and commitments of us and our subsidiaries;

  . the absence of any related party transactions other than those disclosed
    in our SEC filings;

  . our hazardous materials activities and environmental liabilities;

  . brokers' and finders' fees in connection with the mergers; and

  . our respective representations and warranties do not contain any untrue
    statement of a material fact and did not omit to state any material fact
    necessary in order to make the statements contained in such
    representations and warranties misleading.

   The representations and warranties in the merger agreement are complicated
and are not easily summarized. We urge you to read the sections of the merger
agreement entitled "Representations and Warranties of the Stockholder" and
"Representations and Warranties of Parent, Merger Sub and WW Merger
Sub" carefully.

                                       27's, the Group's and Cendant's conduct of their businesses
before the closing of the mergers

 The Group's and Cendant's conduct of their business

   The Group and Cendant have agreed that until the closing of the
mergers or termination of the merger agreement, they will

  . carry on the business in the usual, regular and ordinary course in
    substantially the same manner as previously conducted,

  . pay their debts and taxes when due,

   .perform other obligations when due, and

  . use all reasonable efforts to

    --  preserve intact their present business organization,

    --  keep available the services of their present officers and key
        employees, and

    --  preserve their relationships with those having business dealings with
        the business.

   The business is defined in the merger agreement to be the business conducted
by, Welcome Wagon, RentNet, Inc. and HouseNet, Inc., and all of their
respective subsidiaries and business divisions, including, without limitation,
SeniorHousingNet, CorporateHousingNet, Movedotcom (U.K.) Limited and
SelfStorageNet. The Group and Cendant have further agreed that, except
as contemplated by the merger agreement, they will not do the following without
our prior written consent:

  . enter into any commitment, activity or transaction that would have been
    an exception to their representations and warranties in the merger
    agreement had the commitment, activity or transaction occurred on or
    after March 31, 2000, June 30, 2000 or August 31, 2000, as the case may
    be, and prior to the date of the merger agreement;

  . transfer to Cendant or any of Cendant's subsidiaries, other than, Welcome Wagon or any of their subsidiaries, any of's
    intellectual property or any other asset other than (1) cash, except for
    proceeds from's sale of shares of Liberty Digital, and (2)
    assets relating to National Home Connection, Metro Rent or Getko Canada,
    or enter into any agreement with Cendant or any of Cendant's
    subsidiaries, other than, Welcome Wagon or any of their

  . transfer to Cendant or any of Cendant's subsidiaries, other than, Welcome Wagon or any of their subsidiaries, any employee
    engaged in the business;

  . hire or terminate any employees other than for cause or encourage any
    employees to resign from, Welcome Wagon or any of their

  . enter into or amend a marketing, distribution, development or similar
    agreement that provides for a right of first refusal, right of first
    negotiation, or exclusive, preferential or "most favored nation"
    placement or any similar rights, with limited exceptions;

  . adversely amend or otherwise modify, other than in the ordinary course of
    business, or violate the material terms of any agreement described in
    Cendant's disclosure schedule to the merger agreement;

  . commence or settle any litigation involving claims or payments in excess
    of $100,000 or which seeks equitable relief, with limited exceptions;

  . declare, set aside or pay any dividends on or make any other distribution
    of the capital stock of, Welcome Wagon or any of their

  . split, combine or reclassify any of the capital stock of,
    Welcome Wagon or any of their subsidiaries;


  . issue or authorize the issuance of any other securities in respect of or
    in substitution for shares of the capital stock of, Welcome
    Wagon or any of their subsidiaries;

  . repurchase, redeem or otherwise acquire any shares of the capital stock
    of, Welcome Wagon or any of their subsidiaries, or options,
    warrants or other rights exercisable for such capital stock;

  . issue, sell or grant any shares of capital stock, securities
    convertible into or exchangeable for capital stock or options,
    warrants, securities or other rights to purchase capital stock;

  . amend their respective certificates of incorporation or bylaws;

  . acquire, or agree to acquire, any entity or assets that are material,
    singly or in the aggregate, to the business;

  . sell, lease, license or otherwise dispose of any assets or properties of, Welcome Wagon or any of their subsidiaries, except in the
    ordinary course of business consistent with past practices, or create any
    security interest in such assets or properties;

  . incur any indebtedness, guarantee any indebtedness, purchase any debt
    security or amend the terms of any outstanding agreements related to
    borrowed money, with limited exceptions;

  . grant any severance pay to any director, officer, employee or consultant,
    other than payments made under written agreements outstanding as of the
    date of the merger agreement;

  . increase the salary or other compensation payable by, Welcome
    Wagon or any of their subsidiaries to any of their officers, directors,
    employees or advisors other than increases in the ordinary course of
    business consistent with past practices, with no increase to be in excess
    of 10% of such individual's base salary;

  . declare, pay or make any commitment or obligation for the payment by, Welcome Wagon or any of their subsidiaries of a bonus or
    additional salary or compensation to any of their officers, directors,
    employees or advisors other than increases in the ordinary course of
    business consistent with past practices;

  . adopt or amend any employee benefit plan or enter into any employment

  . revalue any assets of the business;

  . take any action to accelerate the vesting schedule of outstanding options
    and capital stock, other than the acceleration of not more than 25% of
    the shares underlying options outstanding as of the date of the
    merger agreement;

  . pay, in an amount in excess of $100,000 singly or $250,000 in the
    aggregate, any claim, liability or obligation, other than in the ordinary
    course of business;

  . make or change any election, change any accounting method, enter into any
    closing agreement or settle any claim or assessment in respect of taxes;

  . enter into any strategic alliance, joint development or marketing
    agreement or similar agreement, with certain limited exceptions;

  . fail to pay or otherwise satisfy monetary obligations of the business as
    they come due;

  . cancel, materially amend or renew any insurance policy other than in the
    ordinary course of business;

  . alter, or enter into any agreement to alter, any entity in which, Welcome Wagon or any of their subsidiaries held any interest as
    of the date of the merger agreement, except at contemplated by the merger
    agreement; and

  . take any actions that would prevent, Welcome Wagon or any of
    their subsidiaries from performing their covenants in the merger


   Notwithstanding the foregoing, Cendant will transfer prior to the closing of
the mergers, and shall be permitted without receiving our prior written consent
to transfer, out of the Group the business of National Home
Connections, LLC, Getko Canada and MetroRent and certain employees set forth in
the merger agreement, such that neither the Group nor any of their
subsidiaries has any liabilities with respect to such business or employees
following the closing.

 Our conduct of our business

   We have agreed to instruct our sales force and the sales force of our rental site business not to use the existence of the mergers
as a means of persuading potential customers and advertisers of RentNet or not to sign up with RentNet or, but to sign up with us or instead. In addition, we have agreed that until the closing of
the mergers or termination of the merger agreement, they will not, without our
prior written consent, enter into any transaction that would:

  . require the approval of its stockholders under the rules of the Nasdaq
    National Market, Delaware law or its certificate of incorporation; or

  . both require a pre-merger notification to be made under the HSR and be
    reasonably likely to materially delay or impede approval of the mergers
    under the HSR.

   The agreements related to the conduct of Cendant's, the Group's and's businesses in the merger agreement are complicated and not
easily summarized. We urge you to read the sections of the merger agreement
entitled "Conduct of business of the Company" and "Conduct of business of the
Parent" carefully.

No other negotiations

   Until the mergers are completed or the merger agreement is terminated,
Cendant has agreed not to allow the Group or their subsidiaries to
take any of the following actions with any party other than us or our

  . solicit, initiate, entertain or encourage any proposals or offers from,
    or conduct discussions with or engage in negotiations with, any person
    relating to any possible acquisition of, Welcome Wagon, any of
    their subsidiaries or the business, any material portion of their capital
    stock or any equity interest in, Welcome Wagon, any of their
    subsidiaries or the business;

  . provide information with respect to them to any person, other than us,
    relating to, or otherwise cooperate with, facilitate or encourage any
    effort or attempt by any such person with regard to, any possible
    acquisition of, Welcome Wagon, any of their subsidiaries or the
    business, any material portion of their capital stock or assets or any
    equity interest in, Welcome Wagon, any of their subsidiaries or
    the business;

  . enter into an agreement with any person, other than us, providing for the
    acquisition of, Welcome Wagon, any of their subsidiaries or the
    business, any material portion of their capital stock or assets or any
    equity interest in, Welcome Wagon, any of their subsidiaries or
    the business; or

  . make or authorize any statement, recommendation or solicitation in
    support of any possible acquisition of, Welcome Wagon, any of
    their subsidiaries or the business, any material portion of their capital
    stock or assets or any equity interest in, Welcome Wagon, any of
    their subsidiaries or the business by any person, other than by us.

   Cendant has agreed to notify us promptly if Cendant, or Welcome
Wagon receives any offer or proposal relating to the actions listed above,
including information as to the identity of the offeror, the specific terms of
the offer or proposal and any other information that we may reasonably request.


Public disclosure

   Each of Cendant and us will consult with, provide each other with a
reasonable opportunity to review and comment upon, and, to the extent
practicable, agree before issuing any press release or making any public
statement with respect to the mergers or the merger agreement.

Retention bonuses

   In the event that the closing of the mergers has occurred prior to June 1,
2001, we will pay within 90 days after the closing retention bonuses to the
employees of the Group. These bonuses shall be paid to only those
employees who remain employees of the Group on the date of these bonus
payments unless the employees' employment was involuntarily terminated for
reasons other than cause. Cendant shall reimburse us an amount of cash equal to
the aggregate amount of these bonuses in excess of $4.0 million. In the event
that the closing of the mergers has not occurred prior to June 1, 2001, Cendant
shall pay bonuses to the employees of the Group. We will pay Cendant
an amount of cash equal to the aggregate amount of these bonuses, up to $4.0
million. board of directors

   We will take all actions reasonably necessary such that as soon as
practicable following the effective time of the mergers, the size of our board
of directors will be increased to seven members, divided into three classes.
The seven directors will initially consist of (1) six current directors of, Stuart H. Wolff, our Chief Executive Officer, L. John Doerr and
Joe F. Hanauer, who are each Class III directors; William E. Kelvie and Kenneth
K. Klein, who are each Class II directors; and Richard R. Janssen, who is a
Class I director, and (2) Richard A. Smith, Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer, Real Estate Division of Cendant, who will serve as a Class I director.


   Whether or not the mergers are consummated, all fees and expenses incurred
in connection with the mergers shall be the obligation of the respective party
incurring the fees and expenses. All third party expenses incurred by the Group or any of their subsidiaries shall be the sole obligation of

S-8 Registration Statement

   On the closing date of the mergers, if possible, and subject to obtaining
any necessary consents or approvals, which consents and approvals we will use
commercially reasonable efforts to obtain, we will file, if available for use
by us, with the SEC a registration statement on Form S-8 registering a number
of shares of our common stock equal to the number of shares of our common stock
issuable upon the exercise of all options assumed by us in the

S-3 Registration Statement

   As promptly as practicable after the closing of the mergers, but in any
event not later than the later of (1) May 31, 2001 or (2) 90 days following the
closing, we will prepare and file with the SEC a registration statement on Form
S-3 registering shares of our common stock for any distribution by Cendant to
holders of Tracking Stock and holders of options to acquire Tracking Stock.

Termination of the merger agreement

   The merger agreement may be terminated at any time before the mergers are

  . by the mutual consent of Cendant and us;


  . by either Cendant or us if:

    --  the mergers have not been completed by 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard
        Time on April 2, 2001; provided that this period may be extended by
        any party for a period of thirty days if the party reasonably
        believes that the expiration or termination of the waiting period
        under the HSR is likely to be obtained during the 30-day extension;

    --  there is a final nonappealable order of a federal or state court in
        effect preventing consummation of the mergers; or

    --  there is any statute, rule, regulation or order enacted, promulgated
        or issued or deemed applicable to the mergers by any governmental
        entity that would make consummation of the mergers illegal;

  . by us if there shall be any action taken, or any statute, rule,
    regulation or order enacted or issued, by any governmental entity, which
    would prohibit's, Welcome Wagon's or our ownership or operation
    of all or any portion of the business or compel us or the Group
    to dispose of or hold separate all or a portion of the business or assets
    of the Group or us as a result of the mergers;

  . by us, upon a material breach of any representation, warranty, covenant
    or agreement on the part of or Cendant set forth in the merger
    agreement, however we must give Cendant notice of the breach and Cendant
    will then have 30 days to cure the breach;

  . by Cendant, upon a material breach of any of our representations,
    warranties, covenants or agreements set forth in the merger agreement,
    however Cendant must give us notice of the breach and we will then have
    30 days to cure the breach;

  . by us, if prior to the expiration or termination of any applicable
    waiting periods under the HSR, there has been any material adverse effect

  . by Cendant, if prior to the expiration or termination of any applicable
    waiting periods under the HSR, there has been any material adverse effect
    on us; or

  . by either Cendant or us if our stockholders do not approve the issuance
    of shares of our common stock in the mergers.

Termination fee

   If the merger agreement is terminated because our stockholders do not
approve the issuance of shares of our common stock in the mergers, then we will
be obligated to pay Cendant a termination fee of $50.0 million. We will not be
obligated to pay this termination fee, however, if Cendant fails to vote all of
the shares of our common stock it holds or has the right to vote by proxy in
favor of approval of the issuance of our common stock in the mergers or if
Cendant takes action which causes approval by our stockholders not to be

Amendment, extension and waiver of the merger agreement

   The parties may amend the merger agreement at any time by execution of a
written instrument signed by each of the parties. Any of us may extend the
other's time for the performance of any of the obligations under the merger
agreement, waive any inaccuracies in any other's representations and warranties
and waive compliance by the other with any of the agreements or conditions
contained in the merger agreement.


                              HOMESTORE.COM, INC.

                             FINANCIAL INFORMATION

   On February 4, 1999, NetSelect, Inc., or NSI, was merged with and into in a non-substantive share exchange, which was provided for in
the agreements governing the formation and operation of RealSelect, Inc., the
operating company. The share exchange lacked substance since both
and NSI were shell companies for their respective investments in RealSelect,
and because the respective underlying ownership interests of the individual
investors were unaffected. Accordingly, the non-substantive share exchange was
accounted for at historical cost. The share exchange between and
NSI is referred to herein as the Reorganization. This Reorganization was
completed solely to simplify's legal structure prior to its
initial public offering.

   In June 1999, acquired SpringStreet, Inc. for common stock and
convertible preferred stock equivalent to an aggregate of 5,309,058 shares of
common stock. The aggregate acquisition cost of $51.7 million was based on
terms and preferences of the shares issued in the transaction relative to the
value received by in its April 1999 Series G preferred stock
financing. The acquisition has been accounted for as a purchase. The
acquisition cost has been allocated to the assets acquired and liabilities
assumed based on estimates of their respective fair values. The excess of
purchase consideration over net tangible assets acquired of $41.3 million has
been allocated to goodwill and other purchased intangible assets and are being
amortized on a straight-line basis over estimated lives ranging from three to
five years.

   In October 1999, acquired Homebuyer's Fair, Inc. and FAS-
Hotline, Inc., which we collectively refer to as Homefair, for $35.8 million in
cash and other acquisition related expenses, a $37.5 million note payable and
250,000 shares of common stock, with an estimated fair value of $11.2 million,
for a total aggregate purchase price of $83.7 million. The acquisition has been
accounted for as a purchase. The acquisition cost has been allocated to the
assets acquired and liabilities assumed based on estimates of their respective
fair values. The excess of purchase consideration over net tangible assets
acquired of $83.3 million has been allocated to goodwill and other purchased
intangible assets and are being amortized on a straight-line basis over
estimated lives ranging from three to five years.

   In October 2000, announced its intention to acquire the Group for 25,142,654 shares of common stock, including shares of common stock to be issued upon exercise of options to purchase
shares of common stock assumed by in the mergers and
excluding shares to be issued upon exercise of stock options to be granted. The
mergers will be accounted for as a purchase. The purchase price will be
allocated based on the fair values of the assets acquired and the liabilities
assumed. The excess of cost over fair value of the net tangible assets acquired
has been allocated to goodwill and other identifiable intangible assets and
will be amortized on a straight-line basis over estimated lives ranging from 2
to 15 years. These allocations are subject to change pending a final analysis
of the fair values of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed. The impact
of the final valuation of goodwill and other identifiable intangible assets
could be material to the combined company's future operating results.

   The following unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated combined statements
of operations for the nine months ended September 30, 2000 and for the year
ended December 31, 1999 give effect to the acquisitions and the contemplated
acquisition as if they had occurred at the beginning of each period presented.
The unaudited pro forma condensed combined consolidated statements of
operations were prepared based on the unaudited consolidated statement of
operations for the nine months ended September 30, 2000 for and
the audited combined statement of operations for the nine months ended
September 30, 2000 for the Group. The unaudited pro forma condensed
combined consolidated statement of operations for the year ended December 31,
1999 were prepared based on the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated
statement of operations for the year ended December 31, 1999 for
and the combined statement of operations for the year ended December 31, 1999
for the Group.'s unaudited pro forma condensed combined
consolidated statement of operations for the year


ended December 31, 1999 and the period ended September 30, 2000 gives effect to
the Reorganization and the acquisitions of SpringStreet, Homefair and the Group as if they had occurred on January 1, 1999.

   The unaudited pro forma condensed combined consolidated balance sheet as of
September 30, 2000 gives effect to the mergers as if they had occurred on
September 30, 2000 and combines the historical consolidated balance sheet of and the historical combined balance sheet of the Group.

   The unaudited pro forma condensed combined consolidated financial
information is based on estimates and assumptions. These estimates and
assumptions are preliminary and have been made solely for purposes of
developing this pro forma information. Unaudited pro forma condensed combined
consolidated financial information is presented for illustrative purposes only
and is not necessarily indicative of the combined consolidated financial
position or results of operations of future periods or the results that
actually would have been realized had the entities been a single entity during
this period. This unaudited pro forma condensed combined consolidated financial
information is based upon the respective historical consolidated financial
statements of and the combined financial statements of the Group and notes thereto, incorporated in this proxy by reference and
included elsewhere and should be read in conjunction with those statements and
the related notes.


                              HOMESTORE.COM, INC.

                            AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2000
                                 (in thousands)

                  Group   Adjustments        Pro Forma
                          ------------- -------- -----------        ----------
Current assets:
  Cash and cash
   equivalents..........   $  168,390   $ 3,779   $  2,700 (1)      $  174,869
   investments..........      114,651       --         --              114,651
  Marketable equity
   securities...........        1,389     9,410        --               10,799
  Accounts receivable,
   net..................       40,649    18,605        --               59,254
  Current portion of
   prepaid distribution
   expense..............       49,091       --         --               49,091
  Deferred income
   taxes................          --      6,223     (6,223)(3)             --
  Other current assets..       12,072     1,668        --               13,740
                           ----------   -------   --------          ----------
Total current assets....      386,242    39,685     (3,523)            422,404
Prepaid distribution
 expense................      171,516       --         --              171,516
Property, plant and
 equipment, net.........       33,034    19,787      2,065 (2)          54,886
Intangible assets, net..      198,308    16,414    (16,414)(4)       1,019,529
                                                   821,221 (5)
Restricted equity
 securities.............          --     11,429     (6,724)(2)           4,705
Restricted cash.........       90,000       --         --               90,000
Deferred income taxes...                  2,743     (2,743)(3)             --
Other assets............       45,699     2,771        --               48,470
                           ----------   -------   --------          ----------
   Total assets.........   $  924,799   $92,829   $793,882          $1,811,510
                           ==========   =======   ========          ==========
Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable......   $   14,119   $ 4,961   $    --           $   19,080
  Accrued liabilities...       41,186    13,708     (1,692)(2)          73,802
                                                    20,600 (6)
  Deferred revenue......       28,198    11,057     (3,000)(2)          36,255
  Current portion of
   notes payable........          353       --         --                  353
                           ----------   -------   --------          ----------
Total current
 liabilities............       83,856    29,726     15,908             129,490
 obligation.............      186,145       --         --              186,145
Deferred tax liability,
 net....................          --        --      62,787 (3)(16)      62,787
Other non-current
 liabilities............       11,322     4,000     (2,500)(2)          12,822
                           ----------   -------   --------          ----------
                              281,323    33,726     76,195             391,244
                           ----------   -------   --------          ----------
Commitments and
Stockholders' equity:
  Common stock..........           83       --          22 (7)             105
  Additional paid-in
   capital..............    1,014,402       --     783,635 (7)       1,798,037
  Treasury stock, at
   cost.................      (15,876)      --         --              (15,876)
  Notes receivable from
   stockholders.........      (10,544)      --         --              (10,544)
  Deferred stock-based
   charges..............     (108,511)      --      (6,867)(8)        (115,378)
  Accumulated other
   income...............          637       --         --                  637
  Accumulated deficit...     (236,715)      --         --             (236,715)
  Group equity..........          --     59,103    (59,103)(9)             --
                           ----------   -------   --------          ----------
   Total stockholders'
    equity..............      643,476    59,103    717,687           1,420,266
                           ----------   -------   --------          ----------
   Total liabilities and
    equity..............   $  924,799   $92,829   $793,882          $1,811,510
                           ==========   =======   ========          ==========

 See accompanying Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Consolidated
                              Financial Statements


                              HOMESTORE.COM, INC.

                            STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                      NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000
                  (in thousands, except for per share amounts)

                                                Pro Forma
                  Group    Adjustment      Combined
                          ------------- --------  ----------      ---------
Revenues................    $150,954    $ 67,875  $  (1,220)(10)  $ 216,874
                                                      2,917 (11)
Cost of revenues
 (excluding non-cash
 equity charges, see
 note 15)...............      40,033      21,909      6,496 (11)     67,552
                                                      4,481 (11)
                            --------    --------  ---------       ---------
Gross Profit............     110,921      45,966     (7,565)        149,322
                            --------    --------  ---------       ---------
Operating expenses:
 Sales and marketing
  (excluding non-cash
  equity charges, see
  note 15)..............      90,366      80,260     (1,220)(10)    164,925
 Product development
  (excluding non-cash
  equity charges, see
  note 15)..............       9,767       6,496     (6,496)(11)     11,482
                                                      1,715 (11)
 General and
  (excluding non-cash
  equity charges, see
  note 15)..............      39,458      30,459      3,516 (11)     70,498
 Depreciation and
  amortization of
  intangible assets.....      31,455       5,058     (3,516)(11)    166,653
                                                    135,198 (12)
 Stock-based charges....      33,271         --       2,935 (11)     37,354
                                                      1,148 (13)
 In-process research and
  development...........       4,048         --         --            4,048
 Restructuring and other
  unusual charges.......         --        3,313        --            3,313
 Interest, net..........         --         (479)       479 (11)        --
                            --------    --------  ---------       ---------
Total operating
 expenses...............     208,365     125,107    124,801         458,273
                            --------    --------  ---------       ---------
Loss from operations....     (97,444)    (79,141)  (132,366)       (308,951)
Interest and other
 income (expense), net..      16,462         --      (2,917)(11)     14,024
                                                        479 (11)
                            --------    --------  ---------       ---------
Net loss before income
 tax benefit............     (80,982)    (79,141)  (134,804)       (294,927)
Income tax benefit......         --       31,464    (31,464)(17)        --
                            --------    --------  ---------       ---------
Net loss................    $(80,982)   $(47,677) $(166,268)      $(294,927)
                            ========    ========  =========       =========
Historical basic and
 diluted net loss per
 share..................    $  (1.03)
Shares used to calculate
 historical basic and
 diluted net loss per
 share..................      78,769
Pro forma basic and
 diluted net loss per
 share..................                                          $   (2.94)
Shares used to calculate
 pro forma basic and
 diluted net loss per
 share..................                                            100,476 (14)

 See accompanying Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Consolidated
                              Financial Statements


                              HOMESTORE.COM, INC.

                          YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1999
                  (in thousands, except for per share amounts)

                          Pro Forma (a)                  Pro Forma
                  Group    Adjustments     Combined
                          ------------- --------  -----------     ---------
Revenues................    $  73,367   $ 79,826   $    (429)(11) $ 152,764
Cost of revenues
 (excluding non-cash
 equity charges, see
 note 15)...............       24,321     13,935       3,922 (11)    41,749
                            ---------   --------   ---------      ---------
Gross profit............       49,046     65,891      (3,922)       111,015
                            ---------   --------   ---------      ---------
Operating expenses:
 Sales and marketing
  (excluding non-cash
  equity charges, see
  note 15)..............       82,003     44,010         --         126,013
 Product development
  (excluding non-cash
  equity charges, see
  note 15)..............        6,704      3,922      (3,922)(11)     6,704
 General and
  (excluding non-cash
  equity charges, see
  note 15)..............       28,620     36,279       1,620 (11)    66,255
 Depreciation and
  amortization of
  intangible assets.....       28,476      4,465      (1,620)(11)   208,746
                                                      (2,845) (4)
                                                     180,270 (12)
 Stock-based charges....       24,039        --          264 (11)    29,915
                                                       5,612 (13)
 Litigation settlement..        8,406        --          --           8,406
                            ---------   --------   ---------      ---------
Total operating
 expenses...............      178,248     88,676     179,115        446,039
                            ---------   --------   ---------      ---------
Loss from operations....     (129,202)   (22,785)   (183,037)      (335,024)
Interest and other
 income (expense), net..       (2,844)       --          --          (2,844)
                            ---------   --------   ---------      ---------
Net loss before income
 tax benefit............     (132,046)   (22,785)   (183,037)      (337,868)
Income tax benefit......          --      (8,817)      8,817 (17)       --
                            ---------   --------   ---------      ---------
Net loss................    $(132,046)  $(13,968)  $(191,854)     $(337,868)
                            =========   ========   =========      =========
Pro forma basic and
 diluted net loss per
 share .................    $   (2.11)                            $   (4.01)
                            =========                             =========
Shares used to calculate
 pro forma basic and
 diluted net loss per
 share..................       62,474                                84,181 (14)
                            =========                             =========
(a) See page 40 for a
 full disclosure of's
 unaudited pro forma
 condensed consolidated
 statement of operations

 See accompanying Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Consolidated
                              Financial Statements


                              HOMESTORE.COM, INC.

                             FINANCIAL INFORMATION

   Pro forma adjustments reflect the following in the unaudited pro forma
condensed combined consolidated balance sheet and statement of operations:

 (1)  Cash to be contributed by Cendant on or before completion of the mergers,
      under the merger agreement

 (2)  To adjust the net book values of assets and liabilities acquired to their
      estimated fair market value

 (3)  Netting of the Group's deferred tax assets by
      against the deferred tax liability attributable to the preliminary
      allocation of purchase price to identifiable intangible assets

 (4)  Elimination of the Group's intangible assets and related

 (5)  Preliminary allocation of the excess purchase consideration over the fair
      value of net tangible assets acquired. The fair value of the common stock
      to be issued was determined based on an average of the price per share of common stock on the dates surrounding the announcement of
      merger while the fair value of the assumed options was determined based
      on the Black-Scholes Model. The deferred tax liability was determined
      using a 40% effective tax rate and gives effect to an estimated valuation allowance of $42.7 million at September 30, 2000
      as follows (in thousands):

                                 Purchase Price

Fair value of common stock issued..................................... $701,467
Fair value of the Group's options assumed....................   82,190
Transaction costs.....................................................   20,600
Total purchase price.................................................. $804,257

                              Net Assets Acquired

Fair value of net tangible assets of the Group............... $ 45,823
Goodwill..............................................................  535,221
Identified intangible assets..........................................  286,000
Deferred tax liability................................................  (62,787)
Net assets acquired................................................... $804,257

   The actual allocation of the purchase price will depend upon the composition
of the Group's net assets on the closing date and's
evaluation of the fair value of the net assets as of the closing date.
Consequently, the actual allocation of the purchase price could significantly
differ from that presented above

 (6)  Estimated acquisition costs

 (7)  Issuance of 25,142,654 shares of common stock, including shares of common stock to be issued upon exercise of options to
      purchase shares of common stock assumed by in the
      mergers and excluding shares to be issued upon exercise of stock options
      to be granted

 (8)  Intrinsic value of unvested stock options assumed by

 (9)  Elimination of the Group's group equity account

(10)  Elimination of intercompany transactions

(11)  Reclass of revenue, expenses and other income, to conform to the
      financial statement presentation of


(12)  Amortization of goodwill and other identifiable intangible assets with
      expected lives ranging from 2 to 15 years with a weighted average life of
      5.25 years

(13)  Stock-based charges relating to the assumption of the Group's
      unvested options

(14)  Additional weighted average shares used in the calculation of pro forma
      basic and diluted net loss per share applicable to common stockholders
      reflect the issuance of 21,706,773 shares of common stock as part of the Group purchase consideration as if they had been issued on
      January 1, 1999

(15)  The following chart summarizes the stock-based charges that have been
      excluded from the following captions for each of the periods presented
      (in thousands):

                                    Actual                      Pro Forma
                         ---------------------------- ------------------------------
                                        Nine Months
                          Year Ended   September 30,   Year Ended  Nine Months Ended
                         December 31,  -------------  December 31,   September 30,
                             1999      1999    2000       1999           2000
                         ------------ ------- ------- ------------ -----------------
Cost of revenues........   $   943    $   701 $   483   $ 1,432         $   483
Sales and marketing.....    14,726      7,875  29,873    16,383          29,873
Product development.....       447        333     455       677             455
General and
 administrative.........     5,111      3,802   2,460    11,423           6,543
                           -------    ------- -------   -------         -------
                           $21,227    $12,711 $33,271   $29,915         $37,354
                           =======    ======= =======   =======         =======

(16) Deferred tax liability attributable to the book and tax basis difference
     for acquired identifiable intangible assets. The tax benefit of deferred
     tax liabilities recorded as a component of the purchase price allocation
     will be realized prospectively in the results of

(17) Elimination of the Group tax benefit that was a result of a tax
     sharing arrangement. On a pro forma basis no benefit will be recognized
     due to the likelihood that may not generate sufficient
     taxable income to utilize the benefit


                              HOMESTORE.COM, INC.

                          YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1999
                  (in thousands, except for per share amounts)

                                                              Pro Forma                                         Pro Forma
                   NSI    Adjustments  Homestore  Springstreet Homefair Adjustments
                          ------------- -------  -----------  ---------  ------------ -------- -----------    -------------
Revenues................    $ 62,580    $ 2,433    $  --      $ 65,013     $  2,346    $6,159   $   (151)(1)    $  73,367
Cost of revenues
 (excluding non-cash
 equity charges, see
 note 7)................      21,022        798       --        21,820        1,675       826        --            24,321
                            --------    -------    ------     --------     --------    ------   --------        ---------
Gross profit............      41,558      1,635       --        43,193          671     5,333       (151)          49,046
                            --------    -------    ------     --------     --------    ------   --------        ---------
Operating expenses:
 Sales and marketing
  (excluding non-cash
  equity charges, see
  note 7)...............      70,384      4,064       --        74,448        5,506     2,200       (151)(1)       82,003
 Product development
  (excluding non-cash
  equity charges, see
  note 7)...............       4,933        174       --         5,107        1,134       463        --             6,704
 General and
  (excluding non-cash
  equity charges, see
  note 7)...............      21,781      1,053       --        22,834        4,416     1,370        --            28,620
 Amortization of
  intangible assets.....      10,192        261       --        10,453          --      1,810     (1,810)(2)       28,476
                                                                                                  18,023 (3)
 Stock-based charges....      21,227        569       --        21,796        2,243       --         --            24,039
 In-process research and
 Litigation settlement..       8,406        --        --         8,406          --        --         --             8,406
                            --------    -------    ------     --------     --------    ------   --------        ---------
Total operating
 expenses...............     136,923      6,121       --       143,044       13,299     5,843     16,062          178,248
                            --------    -------    ------     --------     --------    ------   --------        ---------
Loss from operations....     (95,365)    (4,486)               (99,851)     (12,628)     (510)   (16,213)        (129,202)
Interest and other
 income (expense), net..       2,358         (5)      --         2,353           44       (89)    (5,152)(4)       (2,844)
                            --------    -------    ------     --------     --------    ------   --------        ---------
Net loss................     (93,007)    (4,491)      --       (97,498)     (12,584)     (599)   (21,365)        (132,046)
                            --------    -------    ------     --------     --------    ------   --------        ---------
Accretion of redemption
 value on convertible
 preferred stock........      (2,299)      (207)    2,506(5)       --           --        --         --               --
                            --------    -------    ------     --------     --------    ------   --------        ---------
Net loss applicable to
 common stockholders....    $(95,306)   $(4,698)   $2,506     $(97,498)    $(12,584)   $ (599)  $(21,365)       $(132,046)
                            ========    =======    ======     ========     ========    ======   ========        =========
Historical basic and
 diluted net loss per
 share applicable to
 common stockholders....    $  (2.32)
Shares used to calculate
 historical basic and
 diluted net loss per
 share applicable to
 common stockholders....      41,142
Pro forma basic and
 diluted net loss per
 share applicable to
 common stockholders....                                                                                        $   (2.11)
Shares used to calculate
 pro forma basic and
 diluted net loss per
 share applicable to
 common stockholders....                                                                                           62,474 (6)

 See accompanying Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial


                              HOMESTORE.COM, INC.


   Pro forma adjustments reflect the following in the unaudited pro forma
condensed consolidated statement of operations:

  (1)  Elimination of intercompany revenues and expenses

  (2)  Elimination of amortization of intangible assets

  (3)  Amortization of goodwill and other intangible assets on a straight-
       line basis

  (4)  Reduction in interest income related to cash paid as part of the
       purchase price, net of an increase in interest expense related to the
       $37.5 million promissory note which bears interest at 10.875% per year
       issued in connection with the acquisition

  (5)  Elimination of the accretion of redemption value and dividends on
       convertible preferred stock resulting from the assumed conversion of's preferred stock into common stock in connection with
       its initial public offering

  (6)  Additional weighted average shares used in the calculation of pro
       forma basic and diluted net loss per share applicable to common
       stockholders reflect the following, as if they been issued as of
       January 1, 1999, except for preferred stock that was not issued in
       connection with an acquisition. For this preferred stock, the weighted
       average shares reflect the preferred stock as if it had been issued as
       of January 1, 1999 or the date of issuance, if later:

                                                                  Year Ended
                                                                 December 31,
                                                                (in thousands)
     SpringStreet acquisition..................................      2,725
     Homefair acquisition......................................        208
     NSI Reorganization........................................      1,163
     Conversion of preferred stock in connection with IPO......     14,918
     Conversion of NAR's RealSelect shares into
      shares...................................................      2,318

  (7)  The following chart summarizes the stock-based charges that have been
       excluded from the following captions for the period presented:

                                                                    Year Ended
                                                                   December 31,
                                                                  (in thousands)
     Cost of revenues............................................    $ 1,432
     Sales and marketing.........................................     16,383
     Product development.........................................        677
     General and administrative..................................      5,547


                        SHARE OWNERSHIP BY OUR PRINCIPAL

   The following table presents information with respect to the beneficial
ownership of our common stock as of September 30, 2000 by:

  . each person who is known by us to own beneficially more than 5% of our
    common stock;

  . each of our directors;

  . each of our five highest paid executive officers, including our chief
    executive officer, who earned more than $100,000 during the fiscal year
    ended December 31, 1999; and

  . all of our directors and executive officers as a group.

   The percentage ownership is based on 82,710,796 shares of common stock
outstanding at September 30, 2000. Shares of common stock that are subject to
options currently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days of September 30,
2000, are deemed outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage
ownership of the person holding those options but are not deemed outstanding
for computing the percentage ownership of any other person. Unless otherwise
indicated in the footnotes following the table, the persons and entities named
in the table have sole voting and sole investment power with respect to all
shares beneficially owned, subject to community property laws where applicable.
Unless otherwise noted, the address for each stockholder listed is c/o, Inc., 30700 Russell Ranch Road, Westlake Village, California

                                                           Shares Beneficially
Name of Beneficial Owner                                    Number   Percentage
- ------------------------                                  ---------- ----------
L. John Doerr(1)
 Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers........................  9,692,653    11.7%
America Online, Inc. (2).................................  4,635,546     5.6
Joe F. Hanauer(3)(4)
 Ingleside Interests, L.P................................  4,525,876     5.5
National Association of REALTORS(4)......................  4,025,640     4.9
Stuart H. Wolff, Ph.D.(5)................................  3,346,422     4.1
William E. Kelvie(6)
 Fannie Mae..............................................  2,099,793     2.5
Richard R. Janssen(7)....................................  1,268,488     1.5
Michael A. Buckman(8)....................................    688,750      *
Peter B. Tafeen(9).......................................    430,625      *
John M. Giesecke, Jr.(10)................................    375,451      *
David M. Rosenblatt(11)..................................    282,082      *
Kenneth K. Klein(12).....................................     39,888      *
All directors and executive officers as a group(13)...... 23,383,915    28.3

- --------
  *  Represents beneficial ownership of less than 1% of's common
 (1) Includes 8,917,630 shares held by Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers VIII,
     516,665 shares held by KPCB VIII Founders Fund and 241,900 shares held by
     KPCB Information Sciences Zaibatsu Fund II. L. John Doerr is a general
     partner of the general partner of these funds. Mr. Doerr disclaims
     beneficial ownership of shares held by these entities except to the extent
     of his pecuniary interest in these entities. Also includes 16,458 shares
     subject to options that are held by Mr. Doerr that are vested and
     exercisable as of November 29, 2000. The address of Kleiner Perkins
     Caufield & Byers is 2750 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025.
 (2) Includes warrants to purchase 20,161 shares of our common stock which are
     exercisable. The address of America Online, Inc. is 22000 AOL Way, Dulles,
     Virginia 20166.
 (3) Includes the shares held by the NAR, of which Mr. Hanauer is a member of
     the Executive Committees. Mr. Hanauer disclaims beneficial ownership of
     shares held by this association. Also includes 456,348


     shares held by Ingleside Interests, L.P. Mr. Hanauer is a general partner
     of this entity. Mr. Hanauer disclaims beneficial ownership of shares held
     by this entity except to the extent of his pecuniary interest in this
     entity. Also includes 43,888 shares subject to options that are held by Mr.
     Hanauer that are vested and exercisable as of November 29, 2000.
 (4) The address of the NAR is 430 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611
 (5) Includes 2,813,090 shares held by Dr. Wolff, of which 613,019 are subject
     to our right to repurchase these shares. This right of repurchase lapses
     with respect to 30,728 shares per month. Also includes 533,332 shares
     subject to options that are exercisable as of November 29, 2000. Also
     includes 150,000 shares held in trust.
 (6) Includes 2,083,335 shares held by Fannie Mae. Mr. Kelvie is the Chief
     Information Officer of Fannie Mae. Mr. Kelvie disclaims beneficial
     ownership of any shares held by Fannie Mae. Also includes 16,458 shares
     subject to options that are held by Mr. Kelvie that are vested and
     exercisable as of November 29, 2000. The address of Fannie Mae is 3900
     Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20016.
 (7) Includes 16,458 shares subject to options that are held by Mr. Janssen
     that are vested and exercisable as of November 29, 2000. Also includes
     9,490 shares held in trust.
 (8) Includes 688,750 shares held by Mr. Buckman, of which 453,125 are subject
     to our right to repurchase these shares. This right of repurchase lapses
     with respect to 15,625 shares per month.
 (9) Includes shares held by Mr. Tafeen, of which 90,440 are subject to our
     right to repurchase these shares. This right of repurchase lapses with
     respect to 6,249 shares per month. Also includes 114,224 shares subject to
     options that are exercisable as of November 29, 2000. Also includes 25,000
     shares held in trust.
(10) Includes 147,529 shares held by Mr. Giesecke, of which 68,223 are subject
     to our right to repurchase these shares. This right of repurchase lapses
     with respect to 3,645 shares per month. Also includes 227,922 shares
     subject to options that are exercisable as of November 29, 2000.
(11) Includes 200,795 shares held by Mr. Rosenblatt, of which 71,108 are
     subject to our right to repurchase these shares. This right lapses with
     respect to 9,270 shares per month. Also includes 81,287 shares subject to
     options that are exercisable as of November 29, 2000.
(12) Excludes 530,796 shares held by the National Association of Home Builders,
     of which Mr. Klein is a member of the Executive Committee. Mr. Klein
     disclaims beneficial ownership of all shares held by this association.
     Includes 14,888 shares subject to options that are held by Mr. Klein that
     are vested and exercisable as of November 29, 2000.
(13) Includes the shares beneficially owned by the persons and entities
     described in footnotes (1), (3) and (5)-(12). Also includes an additional
     292,946 shares held by other officers and 340,941 shares subject to
     options held by those other officers that are exercisable as of November
     29, 2000.


                         BUSINESS OF THE MOVE.COM GROUP

The Group

   The Group operates a popular network of websites, which offer a
wide selection of quality relocation, real estate and home-related products and
services. The Group seeks to improve the often stressful and demanding
moving experience by providing a one-source, "friend-in-need" solution before,
during and after the move. The Group strives to establish strong,
long-term relationships with consumers by offering quality products and
services for each phase of the moving process from finding a home to improving
an existing home. The Group also provides businesses who are trying to
reach a highly targeted and valued group of consumers at the most opportune
times the opportunity to deal with a single source providing multiples avenues
of access to such persons. Network

   The network is comprised of the following websites that offer
quality relocation, real estate and home-related content and services. is the Group's Internet portal and flagship
site. is dedicated to providing consumers a one-stop solution for
their relocation, real estate and home-related needs before, during and after a
move. combines home and rental housing listings, mortgage services and
numerous moving and home-related services to help make moves easier, less
stressful, more efficient and enjoyable. offers content and services
through planning, renting, buying, selling, moving and living site tabs. Rent Net is a leading online rental and relocation guide and
advertising source for the apartment industry, representing properties and
relocation services in more than 3,000 cities across North America. Rent Net's
paying advertising clients include managers and owners of over 13,000 apartment
communities representing over three million apartment units in all 50 states
and Canada. Rent Net provides rental listings containing detailed property
descriptions, photographs, floor plans, 360 degree virtual tours, and direct
communication links to rental property managers. According to Media Metrix,
Rent Net was the most visited website for real estate rental listings, based on
unique visitors, during 1999 and 2000 to date. Senior Housing Net provides the network with a
directory of over 750 retirement communities, assisted living facilities and
nursing homes containing detailed property descriptions, photographs, floor
plans, 360 degree virtual tours and direct communication links to onsite
managers. Corporate Housing Net is the leading online directory
and advertising source for the temporary/corporate housing industry, with over
400 local and national listing providers across the United States and Canada.
Through Corporate Housing Net, users are able to access detailed property
information, including photos, floor plans and available amenities, and may
contact leasing agents via e-mail, fax or phone. is the leading online directory and
advertising source for the self storage industry, with listings for over 3,000
storage facilities across the United States and Canada. Through, users are able to access descriptions of facilities photos and
maps, as well as direct communication links to facility owners or managers. is a leading home-related content website,
serving over 250,000 "neighbor" visits each month by providing home repair,
remodeling and garden information, along with numerous home-related bulletin
boards, chats, expert columns and home-care e-commerce services. Visitors take
advantage of the site's numerous gardening and home improvement tips, project
planners and calculators, the latest news in real estate, decorating ideas,
sewing and crafts projects, and advice on family budgeting. With thousands of
articles on home-related topics, Housenet has received "hot site" honors from
numerous online sources.


Welcome Wagon

   Welcome Wagon, founded in 1928, distributes complimentary welcoming packages
and other discount packages to new homeowners, other households and college
campuses throughout the United States and Canada, which provide consumers with
discounts for local merchants. Such packages include (1) personal address books
which contain the name and number of many local merchants and (2) gift
certificates and discount coupons from local merchants. In addition, in June of
2000, Welcome Wagon began to list local merchants and coupons on the
website. Visitors to the site enter their zip code to view the Welcome Wagon's
sponsors in their particular neighborhood.

   There are approximately 35,000 merchants in the Welcome Wagon sponsorship
network. The sponsor's information is organized by category. Generally,
merchants sponsor a specific category of products or services on an exclusive
basis in their location. Sponsorship agreements provide for a payment by the
merchant of a fixed price per book and generally have a term of twelve months.
Participation in the Welcome Wagon program entitles the sponsor to:

  .  an exclusive listing in the Welcome Wagon address book sent to new
     homeowners in their local area. The listing includes the site address,
     telephone number, website and a brief description of the services

  .  a gift certificate and/or discount coupon in the address book;

  .  a list of new homeowners that received the Welcome Wagon package for
     follow up marketing efforts;

  .  an additional gift certificate sent to the new homeowner four months
     after the initial address book was sent to reinforce the initial offer;

  .  a complimentary listing on The searchable listing includes the
     telephone number, email or website for the dealer, the dealer's street
     address, and a downloadable coupon.

   Approximately 3,050 editions of the Welcome Wagon address book have been
published. In 2000, Welcome Wagon will distribute about 1.8 million copies of
the 2000 edition of the book to new homeowners. The rack rate for each book is
typically $3.15 per book subject to certain discounts.

   The Getko Direct Response, or GDR, business of Welcome Wagon manages one of
the largest files of names and addresses in the U.S. and Canada for new
homeowners. GDR manages a package insert program for Welcome Wagon which
permits merchants to provide inserts in the Welcome Wagon packages.

   Welcome Wagon's main office and manufacturing facility is located at 115
South Service Road, Westbury, New York 11590.




   The Group operates in two segments, Welcome Wagon, which
distributes welcoming packages to new homeowners that include discounts for
local merchants through its online and offline resources, and, which
provides a broad range of quality relocation, real estate and home-related
products and services through its flagship portal site,, and through
the network. The Group's website was launched on
January 27, 2000.

   The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the information
contained in the Group's Combined Financial Statements and
accompanying notes thereto included elsewhere in this document.

Combined Operations--Nine Months Ended September 30, 2000 vs. Nine Months Ended
September 30, 1999


   Revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 2000 increased compared
with the corresponding period in 1999, primarily due to growth related to the Group's online businesses resulting from the launch of the
website, partially offset by a decline in revenues related to the elimination
of our pre-mover program, a program that distributes welcoming packages to a
target audience of prospective homeowners.

 Depreciation and Amortization Expense

   Depreciation and amortization expense for the nine months ended September
30, 2000 increased compared with the corresponding period in 1999 as a result
of increased capital spending, which primarily supported growth and enhanced
marketing opportunities in the Group's businesses.

 Benefit for Income Taxes

   The Group's effective tax rate for the nine months ended September
30, 2000 increased compared with the corresponding period in 1999 primarily due
to additional non-deductible goodwill amortization arising from certain

 Net Loss

   The Group's net loss for the nine months ended September 30, 2000
increased compared with the corresponding period in 1999 primarily due the
overall decrease in adjusted EBITDA, which is defined as earnings before non-
operating interest, income taxes and depreciation and amortization, adjusted to
exclude certain other charges which are of a non-recurring or unusual nature
and are not included in assessing segment performance or are not segment-

Results of Reportable Operating Segments--Nine Months Ended September 30, 2000
vs. Nine Months Ended September 30, 1999

   The underlying discussions of segment operating results focuses on adjusted
EBITDA. The Group believes such discussion is the most informative
representation of how to evaluate performance. However, the Group's
presentation of adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable with similar measures
used by other companies. For additional information, including a description of
the services provided in each of the Group's reportable operating
segments, see Note 13 to the Group Combined Financial Statements
included elsewhere in this document.


 Welcome Wagon

   Revenue for the nine months ended September 30, 2000 decreased compared with
the corresponding period in 1999. This decrease was due to the elimination of
our pre-mover program and an agreement between Welcome Wagon and
whereby Welcome Wagon agreed to allocate 25% of their revenues and 30% of their
expenses to or the transfer agreement.

   Adjusted EBITDA for the nine months ended September 30, 2000 decreased
compared with the corresponding period in 1999. This decrease was due to a
decline in revenue attributable to reduced package distribution, partially
offset by a decrease in operating expenses primarily attributable to the
transfer agreement.

   Revenue for the nine months ended September 30, 2000 increased compared with
the corresponding period in 1999. This increase was due to revenue received in
connection with the transfer agreement, an increase in sponsorship revenue
resulting from launching the website, and an increase in apartment
listing revenue.

   Adjusted EBITDA for the nine months ended September 30, 2000 decreased
compared with the corresponding period in 1999. This decrease was primarily due
to an increase in advertising costs and technology and compensation costs. Such
decrease was partially offset by an increase in revenues.

Combined Operations--Year Ended December 31, 1999 vs. Year Ended December 31,


   Revenue for the year ended December 31, 1999 decreased $3.7 million, or 4%,
compared with the corresponding period in 1998. This decrease was primarily due
to reduced package distribution, partially offset by increased apartment
listing revenue.

 Depreciation and Amortization Expense

   Depreciation and amortization expense for the year ended December 31, 1999
increased $0.9 million, or 24%, compared with the corresponding period in 1998
as a result of increased capital spending, which primarily supported growth and
enhanced marketing opportunities in the Group's businesses.

 Benefit for Income Taxes

   The Group's effective tax rate for the years ended December 31,
1999 and 1998 was 38.7% and 33.6%, respectively. The increase in our effective
tax rate was primarily due to the greater impact of non-deductible goodwill
amortization relative to loss before income taxes.

 Net Loss

   The Group's net loss for the year ended December 31, 1999 increased
$10.6 million compared with the corresponding period in 1998 primarily due to
an overall decrease in adjusted EBITDA.

Results of Reportable Operating Segments--Year Ended December 31, 1999 vs. Year
Ended December 31, 1998

 Welcome Wagon

   Revenues for the year ended December 31, 1999 decreased $11.6 million, or
16%, compared with the corresponding period in 1998. The decrease was primarily
due to a decrease in distribution of new mover packages.


   Adjusted EBITDA for the year ended December 31, 1999 increased $4.8 million
compared with the corresponding period in 1998. Such increase was partially due
to a decrease in selling and marketing costs, partially offset by a decrease in

   Revenue for the year ended December 31, 1999 increased $7.9 million, or 82%,
compared with the corresponding period in 1998. This increase was primarily due
to an increase in apartment listing revenue and subscription revenue primarily
attributable to an increase in the number and size of new sponsorship
arrangements with customers advertising on our websites.

   Adjusted EBITDA for the year ended December 31, 1999 decreased $21.6 million
compared with the corresponding period in 1998. The decrease was primarily due
to an increase in operating expenses, partially offset by an increase in
revenue. The increase in operating expenses primarily consisted of increased
advertising costs attributable to launching first time television and radio
commercials and costs associated with a one-time, broad-based bonus retention

Liquidity and Capital Resources

   Cendant, the Group's parent company, has provided all necessary
funding for the Group's operations and investments since inception and
this funding has been accounted for as capital contributions. Therefore, the Group is dependent on Cendant, who has committed to providing all
necessary funding for the Group's operations and investments in the
future as long as the Group is owned by Cendant. During 2000, Cendant
entered into a series of capital transactions in which they received
consideration in exchange for the issuance of a tracking stock. As a result,
Cendant contributed amounts to the Group aggregating approximately $85
million in the form of equity infusions.


   On May 12, 2000, Cendant acquired all the outstanding stock of Housenet,
Inc. and contributed the net assets to the Group.

 Pending Sale of Our Businesses

   On October 27, 2000, Cendant announced that it had entered into a definitive
agreement with, Inc. to sell the Group's businesses.
Consummation of the transaction is subject to certain customary closing
conditions, including antitrust approval under the HSR. Although no assurances
can be given, Cendant expects to complete the transaction during the first
quarter of 2001.

 Strategic Alliance

   On January 27, 2000, the Group announced a strategic alliance with
AltaVista, a new-media and commerce network, to create a co-branded real estate
channel on the AltaVista website. Under the terms of the three-year agreement,
the Group will pay AltaVista up to $40 million to be an exclusive real
estate content provider of the new AltaVista Real Estate Channel. In addition,
the network will be exclusively featured through banners and links on
keyword searches for most real estate and moving related terms.

 Cash Flows

   During the nine months ended September 30, 2000, the Group used
$33.2 million of cash flows from continuing operations primarily for the Group's increased investment in marketing and development of the network. During the nine months ended September 30, 2000, the
Group used $12.4 million of cash flows from investing activities primarily for
increased capital expenditures and acquisition related activity. During the
nine months ended September 30, 2000, cash flows from financing activities were
$48.4 million, which consisted solely of funding from Cendant.


 Capital Expenditures

   During the nine months ended September 30, 2000, the Group invested
$11.6 million in property and equipment to support operational growth and to
enhance marketing opportunities. The Group anticipates an aggregate
capital expenditure investment of approximately $15 million.

 Class Action Litigation and Government Investigations

   Since the April 15, 1998 announcement of the discovery of accounting
irregularities in the former business units of CUC International Inc., or CUC,
approximately 70 lawsuits claiming to be class actions, two lawsuits claiming
to be brought derivatively on Cendant's behalf and several individual lawsuits
and arbitration proceedings have commenced in various courts and other forums
against Cendant and other defendants by or on behalf of persons claiming to
have purchased or otherwise acquired securities or options issued by CUC or
Cendant between May 1995 and August 1998.

   The Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, and the United States
Attorney for the District of New Jersey are also conducting investigations
relating to the matters referenced above. As a result of the findings from
Cendant's internal investigations, Cendant made all adjustments considered
necessary by Cendant, which are reflected in its previously filed restated
financial statements for the years ended December 31, 1997, 1996, and 1995 and
for the six months ended June 30, 1998. On June 14, 2000, pursuant to an offer
of settlement made by Cendant, the SEC issued an Order Instituting Public
Administrative Proceedings Pursuant to Section 21C of the Securities and
Exchange Act of 1934, Making Findings and Imposing a Cease and Desist Order. In
such Order, the SEC found that Cendant had violated certain financial reporting
provisions of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 and ordered Cendant to
cease and desist from committing any future violations of such provisions. No
financial penalties were imposed against Cendant.

   On December 7, 1999, Cendant announced that it reached a preliminary
agreement to settle the principal securities class action pending against
Cendant in the U.S. District Court in Newark, New Jersey, or the District
Court, brought on behalf of purchasers of all Cendant and CUC publicly traded
securities, other than PRIDES, between May 1995 and August 1998. Under the
agreement, Cendant would pay the class members approximately $2.85 billion in
cash. The definitive settlement document was approved by the District Court by
order dated August 14, 2000. Certain parties in the class action have appealed
the District Court's order approving the settlement and its related orders
approving the plan of allocation of the settlement fund and awarding attorneys'
fees and expenses to counsel for the lead plaintiffs. The U.S. Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit has not issued a briefing schedule for the appeals.

   The settlement does not encompass all litigation asserting claims associated
with the accounting irregularities. Cendant does not believe that it is
feasible to predict or determine the final outcome or resolution of these
unresolved proceedings. Group is currently not a party to such
litigation and do not believe that there is any basis for an assertion of a
claim thereunder. As such, the Group together with Cendant do not
believe that the impact of such unresolved proceedings should result in a
material liability to the Group in relation to our combined financial
position or liquidity.

 Other Pending Litigation

   The Group is involved in pending litigation in the usual course of
business. In the Group's opinion, such other litigation will not have
a material adverse effect on the Group's combined financial position,
results of operations or cash flows.

 Recent Accounting Pronouncements

   In June 2000, the Financial Accounting Standards Board, or FASB, issued
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards, or SFAS, No. 138, "Accounting for
Certain Derivative Instruments and Certain Hedging Activities," which amends
SFAS No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities."
SFAS No. 133 was previously amended by SFAS No. 137 "Accounting for Derivative


and Hedging Activities--Deferral of the Effective Date of FASB Statement No.
133," which deferred the effective date of SFAS No. 133 to fiscal years
commencing after June 15, 2000. SFAS No. 133 requires that all derivatives be
recorded in the balance sheet as assets or liabilities and measured at fair
value. If the derivative does not qualify as a hedging instrument, changes in
fair value are to be recognized in net income. If the derivative does qualify
as a hedging instrument, changes in fair value are to be recognized either in
net income or other comprehensive income consistent with the asset or liability
being hedged. The Group does not have any significant derivative
financial instruments or hedging activities and as such, expects that there
will be no material impact as a result of the implementation of these

   In March 1998, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants issued
Statement of Position, or SOP, No. 98-1, "Software for Internal Use," which
provides guidance on accounting for the cost of computer software developed or
obtained for internal use. The adoption of SOP 98-1 in the first quarter of
1999 did not have a significant impact on the Group's financial
position, results of operations or cash flows.


                               RELATED AGREEMENTS

Master Operating Agreement

   We,, Cendant and each of Cendant's Century 21 Real Estate
Corporation, Coldwell Banker and ERA Franchise Systems, Inc. brands, which we
refer to as the Brands, entered into a master operating agreement in which we
agreed to display on our websites information related to the sale, purchase,
lease and/or rental of real property provided by the Brands and by any real
estate franchiser created by Cendant or the Brands.

   Cendant and the Brands agreed to give us an exclusive license to use listing
information related to the sale, purchase, lease and/or rental of real
property, which we refer to as Listing Data. Cendant and the Brands agreed to
give us a non-exclusive license to use (1) contact information relating to
persons or entities that have recently purchased, rented or leased real
property, which we refer to as New Resident Data, (2) information related to
real property sales agents and brokers, which we refer to as Broker Agent Data
and (3) any other relevant information other than Listing Data, Broker Agent
Data and New Resident Data, which we refer to as Other Data. Cendant and the
Brands are also obligated, subject to pre-existing obligations, to have any
acquired real estate franchiser or brokerage, which we refer to as Acquired
Brands, provide us a non-exclusive license to use Listing Data, Broker Agent
Data, New Resident Data and/or Other Data. We have a right of first refusal to
enter into an exclusive contract to receive this data from any Acquired Brands.
Beginning with the fifth anniversary of the effective date of the agreement, we
will retain an exclusive license to listing data for so long as our websites
maintain their position in the real estate website market with respect to
unique visitors.

   Cendant, the Brands and the Acquired Brands will actively promote their
relationship with us, endorse some of our products, participate in co-branded
marketing campaigns, provide us with promotional opportunities at Cendant-
sponsored trade shows, conferences and conventions, promote us in online and
non-Internet advertising materials and provide us with favorable pricing for
advertising in Brand publications. For three years, Cendant, the Brands and the
Acquired Brands may not directly or indirectly participate in any business that
operates a real property listing service or similarly competitive business and
we may not directly or indirectly participate in any business whose gross
revenues primarily come from the ownership or operation of a residential real
property brokerage or real estate franchise system.

   The initial term of the master operating agreement is 40 years, unless
terminated earlier. Either party may terminate the agreement for any material
breach that a defaulting party fails to cure. If any party engages in a
competitive business in violation of the agreement, we may not terminate the
agreement, but the other may terminate its corresponding obligations not to
participate in a competitive business.

NRT Listing Agreement

   We and NRT entered into an agreement in which we agreed to display on our
websites listing data provided by NRT and any real estate franchiser or
brokerage acquired or created by NRT, which we collectively refer to as the NRT
entities. The NRT entities agreed to give us an exclusive license to use
Listing Data. The NRT entities agreed to give us a non-exclusive license to use
Broker Agent Data, New Resident Data and Other Data. Beginning with the fifth
anniversary of the effective date of the agreement, our license to the listing
data will be exclusive for so long as our websites maintain their position in
the real estate website market with respect to unique visitors.

   The NRT entities will actively promote their relationship with us, endorse
some of our products, participate in co-branded marketing campaigns, provide us
with promotional opportunities at NRT-sponsored trade shows, conferences and
conventions, promote us in non-Internet advertising materials and provide us
with favorable pricing for advertising in NRT publications. For three years,
the NRT entities may not directly or indirectly participate in any business
that operates a real property listing service or similarly competitive
business. For three years, we may not directly or indirectly participate in any
business whose gross revenues primarily come from the ownership or operation of
a residential real property brokerage or real estate franchise system.


   The term of the NRT Agreement shall initially expire on June 28, 2008,
unless terminated earlier. Either party may terminate the agreement for any
material breach that a defaulting party fails to cure. If any of the NRT
entities or us engages in a competitive business in violation of the agreement,
neither party may terminate the agreement, but may terminate the corresponding
obligations not to participate in a competitive business. We have a right of
first negotiation up until 90 days before the expiration of the agreement, and
after that time, NRT Agreement will negotiate with us on a non-exclusive basis
for 30 days regarding entering into a new agreement.

Corporate Services Transition Agreement

   We and Cendant entered into a Corporate Services Transition Agreement for
the delivery of specified transitional and other services by Cendant to us and
from us to Cendant. Unless otherwise noted, each party will provide these
transitional services for a period of up to three months after the
effectiveness of the mergers, with an option to renew on a month-to-month
basis, as mutually agreed upon by both parties.

   Services to be Provided by Cendant. Cendant agreed to provide the following
services to us for the and Welcome Wagon businesses:

  . corporate payroll and human resources processing and tax compliance and
    planning services, for a payroll processing fee per employee and a fee
    for each manual check provided, and any one time costs associated with
    the ownership change. Any additional fees will be charged based on
    Cendant's actual cost plus a specified percentage;

  . accounts payable and time and expense report processing services, for a
    fee based on each invoice, report or form reissued, with any additional
    fees to be charged based on Cendant's actual cost plus a specified
    percentage; and

  . fixed asset administration, corporate financial systems, general
    accounting, general ledger and financial reporting and data center
    support services for a fee based on Cendant's actual cost plus a
    specified percentage.

   Services to be Provided by Us. We agreed to provide services to National
Home Connections, LLC, which was owned by prior to the mergers, but
will be transferred to Cendant prior to the mergers. We agreed to provide
general accounting procedures and IT consulting for website design. The fees
charged will be based on our actual cost plus a specified percentage.

   The agreement provides that the parties may agree to provide additional
services for a fee equal to the estimated fee plus 10%, or if not estimated, at
the other party's cost plus a specified percentage. This agreement may be
terminated if both parties agree. It may also be terminated by either party if
the other party breaches its obligations under the agreement, the other party
becomes insolvent or performance becomes impossible or impractical for a period
of one month by reason of the occurrence of events beyond the reasonable
control of the party.

Web Marketing Agreement

   We and Cendant entered into a web marketing agreement, in which we agreed to
display Cendant advertisements on our websites over a three year period.

   Either party may terminate the agreement at any time in the event that the
other party materially breaches the agreement and the breach remains uncured
for 30 days, or if the other party becomes insolvent or unable to pay its


Transaction Platform Marketing Agreements

   We entered into a Transaction Platform Marketing Agreement with Cendant and
other entities affiliated with Cendant and a Transaction Platform Marketing
Agreement with NRT. These agreements will provide that the parties to the
agreements will promote, endorse, recommend and market our real estate
transaction management platform technologies, which will provide transaction
processing and support services to aid real estate brokers in assisting real
estate purchasers and sellers in fulfilling the closing conditions of a real
estate purchase contract. In addition, Cendant, some of its affiliates and NRT
will also agree to exclusively install, implement and use the platform and key
system components. Pricing under these agreements will be negotiated between us
and Cendant and us and NRT, respectively, and if pricing terms are not agreed
to by April 1, 2001, the pricing terms shall be settled by arbitration.

   These agreements have three-year terms, which will commence on the earlier
to occur of April 1, 2001 or the date upon which substantially all of the
transaction platform is first made generally commercially available by us. The
agreements may be terminated earlier by either party if: (1) the other
materially breaches the terms of the agreements; (2) the other becomes
voluntarily subject to bankruptcy or other similar proceedings; (3) an order
for the dissolution of the other remains unstayed and in effect for more than
60 days; (4) any involuntary bankruptcy or similar petition or application is
filed and the other party consents or acquiesces to the filing; or (5) an order
appointing a trustee, receiver, custodian, liquidator or similar official or
approving such a petition remains unstayed and in effect for more than 60 days.

Software License Agreement

   We and RETT entered into a software license agreement under which we,
through our subsidiary Top Producer Systems Company, or Top Producer, will
develop and provide to RETT an automated sales associate and broker system. We
or Top Producer will provide updates and/or upgrades to RETT under the terms of
a maintenance and support agreement, the terms of which shall be agreed at a
later date. The agreement will become effective on the later of (1) January 2,
2001 or (2) the effective date of the Master Operating Agreement, and will
remain in force for a term of two years, however, the license granted under the
license agreement will be a perpetual license, subject to revocation. The
agreement may be terminated by a party if the other party (A) breaches
agreement in any material respect and fails to cure the violation within 60
days after receiving written notice of such violation or (B) undergoes a
dissolution, liquidation or other insolvency event.

Marketplace Agreements

   We entered into Marketplace Agreements with Cendant and each of the Brands.
These agreements provide us (1) the right to act as the exclusive advertising
agent for Brand websites and Cendant websites, (2) the option to include a
marketplace on the Brand websites and the Cendant websites and (3) an option to
host these websites.

   We will also have the exclusive right to sell some types of advertising
space on the Brand websites and the Cendant websites. The parties agreed to
share any advertising revenues that may be derived from the sale of
advertisements on these websites. The parties will also share any profits
derived from sales to customers linked to the marketplace from the Brands'

   If we exercise our option to host the Brand websites and the Cendant
websites, the terms of the hosting arrangement will be negotiated between the
parties. These agreements will have 40 year terms. If a party materially
breaches the agreement, then within ten days of receipt of written notice of
the breach, an executive of each party will meet to determine whether a breach
occurred and the appropriate remedy for the breach. If the executives cannot
agree on whether a breach occurred or the appropriate remedy, then within 30
days of their initial meeting, the parties will submit the dispute to
arbitration if the parties' chief executive officers are unable to resolve the
dispute. Upon determination of an appropriate remedy by the parties or the
arbitrator, the breaching party will have 90 days, or such greater time as the
parties agree, to cure the breach, or the other party may terminate the


iLEAD Agent Services Agreement

   We and RETT entered into an agreement under which RETT will purchase from us
our iLEAD services for Brand sales associates. The agreement will become
effective on the later of (1) January 2, 2001 or (2) the effective date of the
Master Operating Agreement and will remain in force for a term of one year from
the date we actually begin providing services under the agreement.

Support Agreements

   Cendant required some of our stockholders to enter into support agreements.
These stockholders were: America Online Inc.; Fannie Mae; Kleiner Perkins
Caufield & Byers; National Association of Realtors; Richard Janssen; and Stuart
Wolff, Ph.D. These support agreements require these stockholders to vote the
shares of our common stock owned by them in favor of the merger agreement and
the mergers and against any proposal in opposition to or competition with the
mergers. These stockholders also granted Cendant an irrevocable proxy to vote
their shares of our common stock at the special meeting. As of the record date,
these stockholders beneficially owned 24,465,675 shares of our common stock,
which represented approximately 29.6% of our outstanding common stock. These
stockholders also agreed not to sell or transfer the common stock
they own until the termination of the support agreements. The support
agreements will terminate upon the earlier of the termination of the merger
agreement or the completion of the mergers.

Purchase Agreement

   We and RETT entered into a Purchase Agreement under which it will purchase
some of our products and services for Cendant franchisees. RETT agreed to
purchase these products and services through 2002. The agreement may be
terminated if either party materially breaches a material term of the agreement
and fails to remedy the breach within 60 days of receiving notification of the

Combined Value of Related Agreements

   The combined value of the commitments to purchase professional products from
us is approximately $176 million on a net present value basis. The net present
value was determined using the following assumptions: (1) projected cash flows,
(2) calculated terminal value, (3) discount rate of 20% and (4) a terminal
forward revenue multiple of 3.0x.

Registration Rights Agreement

   We entered into a registration rights agreement with Cendant. On up to three
occasions, Cendant can request that we file a registration statement with the
SEC, registering for public resale of no more than 10% of the shares of our
common stock it receives in the mergers. We will only be required to effect one
registration in any 12-month period and shall not be required to keep a
registration statement effective for more than 120 days. Cendant will also be
entitled to "piggyback" registration rights after the first anniversary of the
closing of the mergers entitling it, subject to limitations, to include the
shares of our common stock it receives in the mergers in a registration
statement filed with the SEC by us.

   In addition, no earlier than the earlier of 90 days after the closing of the
mergers, or May 31, 2001, we must file a registration statement on Form S-3 and
maintain the effectiveness of the registration statement for one (1) year for a
public offering of shares of our common stock held by holders of Tracking
Stock. The registration rights agreement will terminate ten years from the
effective date of the mergers or earlier if the shares may be publicly resold
in ninety (90) day period without registration under the Securities Act under
Rule 144 of the Securities Act.

Stockholder Agreement

   We and Cendant will enter into a Stockholder Agreement.

   Standstill Provisions. For a period of ten years, Cendant will not be
permitted to acquire additional shares of our common stock or other of our
voting securities if the acquisition would increase the number of our voting
securities beneficially owned by Cendant in excess of the number of shares
Cendant receives in the


mergers plus the shares of our common stock Cendant currently owns. This
restriction does not apply to additional shares of our voting stock acquired as
a result of a stock split, stock dividend, recapitalization or similar event.
During that same ten year period, Cendant will also be prohibited from:

  . soliciting proxies or from acting in concert with any person soliciting
    proxies with respect to any of our voting securities;

  . depositing its shares of our stock into a voting trust;

  . joining a group for the purposes of acquiring, holding, voting or
    disposing of our stock; and

  . either alone or in concert with others, seeking to control our
    management, board of directors or policies.

   Restrictions on Transfer. Cendant will be prohibited from transferring any
of our voting stock or any of our non-voting convertible securities to any
person who is currently, or will after the transfer, beneficially own more than
5% of our outstanding voting stock or voting power. This restriction will not
apply to transfers to institutional mutual funds that are only in the business
of passively holding and trading shares of publicly traded companies and are
not required to report its holdings with SEC on a Schedule 13D.

   Between the first and third anniversary of the mergers, Cendant will be
permitted to transfer no more than 3.2 million shares and these shares may only
be transferred during four 90-day periods, with only 800,000 shares being able
to be transferred during any one ninety day period. In addition, any of these
sales must be made in compliance with the volume and manner of sale
requirements of Rule 144 of the Securities Act, or as a result of the exercise
of Cendant's piggyback registration rights. After the third anniversary of the
mergers, Cendant will be required to transfer its shares only in sales made in
compliance with the volume and manner of sale requirements of Rule 144 of the
Securities Act or upon exercise of its three (3) demand registration rights.

   Cendant may not directly or indirectly, sell, offer to sell, contract to
sell, loan, grant an option to purchase or otherwise dispose of any shares it
holds immediately prior to the mergers for a period of 180 days after the
closing the mergers. If requested by any underwriter of our securities, Cendant
has agreed to be bound by similar restrictions on transfer for a period of 90
days after the effective date of the registration statement of that
underwritten offering, provided that a majority of our board of directors
agrees to be similarly bound.

   Voting Restrictions. For a period ending on the later of five years from the
date of the mergers, or the earlier of (1) when Cendant transfers more than 50%
of its shares of our stock to persons not affiliated with Cendant or (2) when
Cendant ceases to beneficially own more than 5% of our outstanding voting
stock, which we refer to as the Proportionate Voting Period, Cendant will be
obligated to vote the shares of our stock it holds in the same manner and
proportion as cast by the holders of our voting stock other than Cendant or its
affiliates. Cendant will also be required to be present in person or proxy at
all meetings of our stockholders. In addition, Cendant will not be permitted to
exercise any dissenter's rights in connection with any merger, consolidation or
other reorganization approved by our board of directors. It has also agreed to
be bound by any standard pooling affiliate lock up agreement if requested by us
if required to maintain pooling-of-interests treatment with respect to a
merger, consolidation or reorganization transaction.

   If, after the termination of the Proportionate Voting Period, Cendant
beneficially owns 5% or more of our voting stock, then the Proportionate Voting
Period will be reinstated. However, the Proportionate Voting Period will
terminate if the Master Operating Agreement is terminated or upon the fifteenth
anniversary of the Stockholder Agreement.


                             STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

   Under Rule 14a-8 of the Exchange Act, a stockholder may present one proposal
for inclusion in our proxy statement and for consideration at a special meeting
of our stockholders if the stockholder is eligible under Rule 14a-8 and if that
stockholder complies with the procedural requirements of Rule 14a-8. Generally,
to be eligible, a stockholder must have held at least $2,000 in market value of
our common stock for at least one year before the date the stockholder submits
the proposal and must establish proof of ownership of these securities. The
proposal must clearly state the proposed course of action the stockholder
believes we should adopt, but may not exceed 500 words in length.

   Proposals of stockholders which are intended to be presented by such
stockholders at our 2001 annual meeting must be received by us no later than
December 1, 2000 in order that they may be included in the proxy statement and
form of proxy relating to that meeting.

   We advise stockholders that, until further notice, notice of a stockholder-
sponsored proposal submitted outside of the process of Rule 14a-8 under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (i.e., a proposal to be presented at the next
annual meeting of stockholders but not submitted for inclusion in's proxy statement) will be considered untimely under's bylaws unless it is received between January 12 and February
11, 2001.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

   Our board of directors does not presently intend to bring any other business
before the special meeting of stockholders, and, so far as is known to the
board, no matters are to be brought before the special meeting except as
specified in the Notice of the Meeting. As to any business that may properly
come before the meeting, however, it is intended that proxies, in the form
enclosed, will be voted in respect thereof in accordance with the judgment of
the persons voting those proxies.

   Whether or not you expect to attend the meeting, please complete, date, sign
and promptly return the accompanying proxy in the enclosed postage paid
envelope so that your shares may be represented at the meeting.


   This proxy statement contains forward-looking statements within the meaning
of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities
Exchange Act. Words such as "anticipates," "expects," "intends," "plans,"
"believes," "seeks," "estimates," "forecasts," "may," "might," "could," "will"
and "should" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. These
forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are
subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ
materially from the results contemplated by the forward-looking statements.
These risks and uncertainties include those described in the "Risks Relating to
the Mergers" section and in the section entitled "The Mergers--Our reasons for
the mergers."

   You should not place undue reliance on forward looking statements contained
in the proxy statement, which reflect the analysis of our management as of the
date of this proxy statement. We do not undertake any obligation to release
publicly the results of any revision to these forward-looking statements which
may be made to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this proxy
statement or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.



   This proxy statement incorporates documents by reference that are not
presented in or delivered with it. All documents filed by us under Section
13(a), 13(c), 14 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, after the
date of this proxy statement and before the date of the special meeting of
stockholders, are incorporated into this proxy statement by reference and will
constitute a part of this proxy statement from the date of filing of those
documents. You should rely only on the information contained in this proxy
statement or that we have referred you to. We have not authorized anyone to
provide you with information that is different.

   The following documents, which have been filed by us with the Securities and
Exchange Commission, are incorporated into this proxy statement by reference:

  . Our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31,

  . Our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the three-month period ended March
    31, 2000;

  . Our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the three-month period ended June
    30, 2000;

  . Our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the three-month period ended
    September 30, 2000;

  . Our Definitive Proxy Statement relating to our 2000 Annual Meeting of
    Stockholders filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March
    10, 2000;

  . Our Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the Securities and Exchange
    Commission on November 15, 1999;

  . Our Amended Current Report on Form 8-K/A filed with the Securities and
    Exchange Commission on December 7, 1999;

  . Our Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the Securities and Exchange
    Commission on October 27, 2000; and

  . The description of our common stock contained in our registration
    statement on Form 8-A, effective August 6, 1999, and any amendment or
    report filed for the purpose of updating that description.

   To the extent that any statement in this proxy statement is inconsistent
with any statement that is incorporated by reference, the statement in this
proxy statement will control. The incorporated statement will not be deemed,
except as modified or superseded, to be a part of this proxy statement or the
registration statement of which this proxy statement is a part.



   The documents incorporated by reference into this proxy statement are
available from us upon request. We will provide a copy of any and all of the
information that is incorporated by reference in this proxy statement, not
including exhibits to the information, unless those exhibits are specifically
incorporated by reference into this proxy statement, to you, without charge,
upon written or oral request. You should make any request for documents by
December 15, 2000 to ensure timely delivery of the documents.

   We file reports, proxy statements and other information with the Securities
and Exchange Commission. Copies of the reports, proxy statements and other
information filed by us may be inspected and copied at the public reference
facilities maintained by the Securities and Exchange Commission:

Judiciary Plaza            Citicorp Center          Seven World Trade Center
Room 1024                  500 West Madison Street  13th Floor
450 Fifth Street, N.W.     Suite 1400               New York, New York 10048
Washington, D.C. 20549     Chicago, Illinois 60661

   Copies of these materials can also be obtained by mail at prescribed rates
from the Public Reference section of the Securities and Exchange Commission,
450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 or by calling the Securities and
Exchange Commission at 1-800-SEC-0330. The Securities and Exchange Commission
maintains a website that contains reports, proxy statements and other
information regarding us. The address of this website is

   This document does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an
offer to purchase, the common stock of or the solicitation of a
proxy, in any jurisdiction to or from any person to whom or from whom it is
unlawful to make the offer, solicitation of an offer or proxy solicitation in
that jurisdiction. Neither the delivery of this document nor any distribution
of securities means, under any circumstances, that there has been no change in
the information set forth in this document or in the affairs of
since the date of this document. The information contained in this document
with respect to the Group was provided by, Welcome Wagon and
Cendant, and the information contained in this document with respect to and the
information contained in this document with respect to was
provided by



Independent Auditors' Report..............................................  F-2

Combined Statements of Operations for the Nine Month Period Ended
 September 30, 2000 and the Years Ended December 31, 1999 and 1998........  F-3

Combined Balance Sheets as of September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999 and
 1998.....................................................................  F-4

Combined Statements of Cash Flows for the Nine Month Period Ended
 September 30, 2000 and the Years Ended December 31, 1999 and 1998........  F-5

Combined Statements of Group Equity for the Nine Month Period Ended
 September 30, 2000 and the Years Ended December 31, 1999 and 1998........  F-6

Notes to Combined Financial Statements....................................  F-7


                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

To the Board of Directors of
Cendant Corporation
Parsippany, New Jersey

   We have audited the accompanying combined balance sheets of Group
(the "Group"), as defined in Note 1, as of September 30, 2000, December 31,
1999 and 1998, and the related combined statements of operations, cash flows
and group equity for the periods then ended. These combined financial
statements are the responsibility of the Group's management. Our responsibility
is to express an opinion on these combined financial statements based on our

   We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally
accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes
examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in
the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting
principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as
evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

   In our opinion, such combined financial statements present fairly, in all
material respects, the financial position of the Group as of September 30,
2000, December 31, 1999 and 1998, and the results of its operations and its
cash flows for the periods then ended in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.


October 23, 2000
(October 27, 2000 as to Note 14)


                                 MOVE.COM GROUP

                                 (in thousands)

                                                 Nine Months    Years Ended
                                                    Ended       December 31,
                                                September 30, -----------------
                                                    2000        1999     1998
                                                ------------- --------  -------
Net revenue....................................   $ 67,875    $ 79,826  $83,509
Cost of revenue................................     21,909      13,935    8,497
                                                  --------    --------  -------
  Gross profit.................................     45,966      65,891   75,012
                                                  --------    --------  -------
  Selling and marketing........................     80,260      44,010   50,543
  General and administrative...................     30,459      36,279   25,815
  Product development..........................      6,496       3,922      193
  Depreciation and amortization................      5,058       4,465    3,599
  Restructuring and other unusual charges......      3,313         --       --
  Interest, net................................       (479)        --       --
                                                  --------    --------  -------
    Total expenses.............................    125,107      88,676   80,150
                                                  --------    --------  -------
Loss before income tax benefit.................    (79,141)    (22,785)  (5,138)
Income tax benefit.............................    (31,464)     (8,817)  (1,725)
                                                  --------    --------  -------
Net loss.......................................   $(47,677)   $(13,968) $(3,413)
                                                  ========    ========  =======

                  See Notes to Combined Financial Statements.


                                 MOVE.COM GROUP

                            COMBINED BALANCE SHEETS
                                 (In thousands)

                                                                 December 31,
                                                  September 30, ---------------
                                                      2000       1999    1998
                                                  ------------- ------- -------
Current assets
  Cash and cash equivalents......................    $ 3,779    $ 1,000 $   --
  Accounts receivable (net of allowance for
   doubtful accounts of $7,681, $5,547 and
   $4,522, respectively).........................     18,605     20,589  16,368
  Investment in marketable securities............      9,410        --      --
  Other current assets...........................      1,668      2,949     484
  Deferred income taxes..........................      6,223        491     --
                                                     -------    ------- -------
Total current assets.............................     39,685     25,029  16,852
                                                     -------    ------- -------
Investment in restricted securities..............     11,429        --      --
Property and equipment, net......................     19,787     10,536   9,573
Goodwill, net....................................     16,414     14,922  17,253
Deferred income taxes............................      2,743      1,199     802
Other assets.....................................      2,771      2,760   2,136
                                                     -------    ------- -------
Total assets.....................................    $92,829    $54,446 $46,616
                                                     =======    ======= =======
Liabilities and group equity
Current liabilities
  Accounts payable...............................    $ 4,961    $ 3,256 $ 2,805
  Accrued employee compensation..................      2,476      7,293   1,411
  Accrued expenses...............................     11,232      7,589   5,626
  Deferred income................................     11,057     12,492   5,339
  Deferred income taxes..........................        --         --      603
                                                     -------    ------- -------
Total current liabilities........................     29,726     30,630  15,784
                                                     -------    ------- -------
Noncurrent liabilities...........................      4,000      1,097   2,806
                                                     -------    ------- -------
Commitments and contingencies (Note 8)
Group equity.....................................     59,103     22,719  28,026
                                                     -------    ------- -------
Total liabilities and group equity...............    $92,829    $54,446 $46,616
                                                     =======    ======= =======

                  See Notes to Combined Financial Statements.


                                 MOVE.COM GROUP

                                 (In thousands)

                                                 Nine Months    Years Ended
                                                    Ended       December 31,
                                                September 30, -----------------
                                                    2000        1999     1998
                                                ------------- --------  -------
Operating Activities
  Net loss....................................    $(47,677)   $(13,968) $(3,413)
  Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net
   cash provided by (used in) operating
    Depreciation and amortization.............       5,058       4,465    3,599
    Provision for doubtful accounts...........       2,134       1,025      685
    Non-cash stock option compensation........       2,935         264      --
    (Gain) loss on disposal of assets.........         (99)        282      280
    Loss on sale of marketable securities.....       2,924         --       --
    Deferred income taxes.....................      (1,763)     (1,491)      23
    Net change in assets and liabilities from
     operations, net of acquisitions:
      Accounts receivable.....................          31      (5,246)  (3,872)
      Other current assets....................       1,281      (2,465)     (40)
      Accounts payable and other current
       liabilities............................         531       8,296    4,125
      Deferred income.........................      (1,435)      7,153   (1,777)
      Noncurrent liabilities..................       2,903      (1,709)   2,806
      Other assets............................         (11)       (624)     (39)
                                                  --------    --------  -------
Net cash provided by (used in) operating
 activities...................................     (33,188)     (4,018)   2,377
                                                  --------    --------  -------
Investing Activities
  Property and equipment additions............     (11,583)     (3,645)  (4,368)
  Acquisition related payments................      (4,157)        --      (240)
  Proceeds from sale of marketable
   securities.................................       2,790         --       --
  Proceeds from disposal of assets............         530         --       --
  Other, net..................................         --            2      --
                                                  --------    --------  -------
Net cash used in investing activities.........     (12,420)     (3,643)  (4,608)
                                                  --------    --------  -------
Financing Activities
  Net funding from Cendant....................      48,387       8,661    2,231
                                                  --------    --------  -------
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents.....       2,779       1,000      --
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year..       1,000         --       --
                                                  --------    --------  -------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of year........    $  3,779    $  1,000  $   --
                                                  ========    ========  =======
Supplemental Disclosure of Cash Flow
  Income tax payments.........................    $    --     $     44  $    71
                                                  ========    ========  =======
Supplemental Non-Cash Investing Activities common stock issued in conjunction
   with investment in marketable securities...    $ 40,000    $    --   $   --
                                                  ========    ========  ======= common stock issued in conjunction
   with purchase business combinations........    $  3,608    $    --   $   --
                                                  ========    ========  =======

                  See Notes to Combined Financial Statements.


                                 MOVE.COM GROUP

                                 (In thousands)

Balance at January 1, 1998............................................ $ 29,208
Net loss..............................................................   (3,413)
Net funding from Cendant..............................................    2,231
Balance at December 31, 1998..........................................   28,026
Net loss..............................................................  (13,968)
Net funding from Cendant..............................................    8,661
Balance at December 31, 1999..........................................   22,719
Net loss..............................................................  (47,677)
Other comprehensive loss..............................................   (7,934)
Net funding from Cendant..............................................   91,995
Balance at September 30, 2000......................................... $ 59,103

                  See Notes to Combined Financial Statements.


                                 MOVE.COM GROUP


                         (Dollar amounts in thousands)

1. DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS AND BASIS OF PRESENTATION Group (the "Group") is a combined reporting entity comprised of
Welcome Wagon International, Inc. and certain subsidiaries ("Welcome Wagon")
and, Inc. and certain subsidiaries (""). The Group operates as
two segments, Welcome Wagon, which distributes welcoming packages to new
homeowners that include discounts for local merchants through its online and
offline resources, and, which provides a broad range of quality
relocation, real estate and home-related products and services through its
flagship portal site, and the network. The website
was launched on January 27, 2000.

   All entities within the Group are wholly-owned or majority-owned
subsidiaries of Cendant Corporation ("Cendant" or the "Parent Company"). The
combined financial statements of the Group represent the aggregation of the
accounts and transactions of the following legal entities:

   Welcome Wagon International, Inc.
     GTKY Printing & Mailing Corp.
     Getko Direct Response Ltd., Inc. Mortgage, Inc. Operations, Inc.
     Rent Net, Inc.
     Housenet, Inc. U.K. Ltd.

   The Group's operations exclude the results of Getko of Canada Ltd., National
Home Connections, LLC and MetroRent.

   The accompanying Combined Financial Statements include the accounts and
transactions of all of the above-mentioned legal entities. All inter-Group
accounts and transactions have been eliminated.


 Use of Estimates

   The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and
assumptions that affect reported amounts and related disclosures. Actual
results could differ from those estimates.

 Cash and Cash Equivalents

   The Group considers all highly liquid investments with an original maturity
of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

 Concentration of Credit Risk

   Financial instruments that potentially subject the Group to concentrations
of credit risk consist of accounts receivable. Management periodically performs
credit evaluations of its customers' financial condition and generally does not
require collateral on accounts receivable. During the periods ended September
30, 2000 and December 31, 1999 and 1998, no customers accounted for more than
10% of net revenue or net accounts receivable.


                                 MOVE.COM GROUP


                         (Dollar amounts in thousands)

 Fair Value of Financial Instruments

   The Group's financial instruments, including cash and cash equivalents,
accounts receivable and accounts payable are carried at cost, which
approximates their fair value, because of the short-term maturity and the
relatively stable interest rate environment.


   Investment in marketable securities is classified as available for sale and
is carried at fair value, which is determined based upon specific
identification. The corresponding net unrealized gains or losses are reported
in group equity. Investment in restricted securities is restricted as to its
sale and, accordingly, is recorded at cost.

 Property and Equipment

   Property and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and
amortization. Depreciation is computed using the straight-line method over the
estimated useful lives of the related assets of three, five and seven years.
Amortization of leasehold improvements is computed using the straight-line
method over the estimated useful lives of the related assets or the lease term,
if shorter.


   Goodwill, which represents the excess of cost over fair value of net assets
acquired, is amortized on a straight-line basis over an estimated useful life
of five years. At September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999 and 1998,
accumulated amortization amounted to $10,145, $8,603 and $5,758, respectively.

 Asset Impairment

   The Group periodically evaluates the recoverability of its investments,
intangible assets and long-lived assets, comparing the respective carrying
values to the current and expected future undiscounted cash flows, to be
generated from such assets. Property and equipment is evaluated separately
within each business. The recoverability of goodwill is evaluated on a separate
basis for each acquisition. Any enterprise goodwill is also evaluated using the
undiscounted cash flow method.

 Insurance Contracts

   Under the terms of a purchase agreement, the Group made premium payments for
various insurance contracts in which the Group retains a residual interest. The
Group's residual interest in these contracts approximates their respective cash
surrender value.

 Revenue Recognition

   Welcome Wagon recognizes revenues from advertising contracts with local
merchants and professionals to be distributed as complimentary welcoming
packages to new homeowners and other consumers throughout the United States at
the time of sale of these advertisements or at the time the Group fulfills its
obligation under the contract (by distributing the packages to the consumers),
depending on the terms of the sale or sales contract. revenue sources include revenue from listing subscription fees
(paid by various apartment, senior housing, corporate housing and self storage
managers), banner advertising commitments and sponsorship advertising
contracts. Revenue from the listing subscription fees, including any up-front
payments, is


                                 MOVE.COM GROUP


                         (Dollar amounts in thousands)

recognized on a straight-line basis over the contract period, which is
generally one year. Banner advertising commitments (ranging from one week to
one year) and sponsorship advertising contracts (ranging from three months to
three years), including any up-front payments, are recognized ratably over the
period in which the advertisement is displayed, provided that no significant
Group obligations remain at the end of a period and collection of the resulting
receivable is probable. The Group obligations may include guarantees of minimum
number of "impressions", or times that an advertisement appears in pages viewed
by users. To the extent minimum guaranteed impressions are not met, the Group
defers recognition of revenues until the remaining guaranteed impression levels
are achieved.

   Revenue is recorded net of price adjustments.

   Deferred income represents the unearned portion of listing and advertising
fees received in advance.

 Product Development Expenses

   Product development expenses are expensed as incurred and include costs
incurred by the Group to develop and enhance the network.

 Advertising Expenses

   Advertising expenses are expensed in the period incurred. For the periods
ended September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999 and 1998, advertising expenses
were $46,895, $13,176 and $6,919, respectively.

 Commission Expenses

   Commission expenses are expensed in the period incurred. For the periods
ended September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999 and 1998, commission expenses
were $7,404, $10,239 and $8,538, respectively.

 Income Taxes

   The Group is included in the consolidated federal income tax return of
Cendant. In addition, the Group files unitary and combined state income tax
returns with Cendant in jurisdictions where required. As such, income tax
expense is allocated to the Group, and reflected in the Group's financial
statements, in accordance with Cendant's tax allocation policy.

   Cendant's tax allocation policy provides that the financial statement
expense or benefit, as the case may be, will be allocated to the Group in an
amount equal to the difference between (x) the consolidated income tax expense
or benefit of Cendant for financial statement purposes, and (y) the
consolidated income tax expense or benefit of Cendant for financial statement
purposes computed without including the Group's financial statement pretax
income and any other relevant amounts properly allocable to the Group. If the
above computation results in a positive amount, such amount will be allocated
to the Group as a tax expense. If the above computation results in a negative
amount, such amount will be allocated to the Group as a tax benefit.

   Valuation of the tax assets is not considered necessary by the Group based
on the Parent Company's ability to utilize such tax assets.


                                 MOVE.COM GROUP


                         (Dollar amounts in thousands)

 Recent Accounting Pronouncements

   In June 2000, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 138, "Accounting for
Certain Derivative Instruments and Certain Hedging Activities," which amends
SFAS No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities."
SFAS No. 133 was previously amended by SFAS No. 137 "Accounting for Derivative
Instruments and Hedging Activities--Deferral of the Effective Date of FASB
Statement No. 133," which deferred the effective date of SFAS No. 133 to fiscal
years commencing after June 15, 2000. SFAS No. 133 requires that all
derivatives be recorded in the balance sheet as assets or liabilities and
measured at fair value. If the derivative does not qualify as a hedging
instrument, changes in fair value are to be recognized in net income. If the
derivative does qualify as a hedging instrument, changes in fair value are to
be recognized either in net income or other comprehensive income consistent
with the asset or liability being hedged. At September 30, 2000 and December
31, 1999 and 1998, the Group did not have any significant derivative financial
instruments or hedging activities. Accordingly, the Group expects that there
will be no material impact as a result of the implementation of these

   In March 1998, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants issued
Statement of Position ("SOP") No. 98-1, "Software for Internal Use," which
provides guidance on accounting for the cost of computer software developed or
obtained for internal use. The adoption of SOP 98-1 in the first quarter of
1999 did not have a significant impact on the Group's financial position,
results of operations or cash flows.


   The components of comprehensive income are summarized as follows:

                                                            Nine Months Ended
                                                            September 30, 2000
   Net loss................................................      $(47,677)
   Unrealized loss on marketable securities, net of tax of
    $5,513.................................................        (7,934)
   Total comprehensive income..............................      $(55,611)

   The after tax components of accumulated other comprehensive loss for the
nine months ended September 30, 2000 are as follows:

                                                                 Unrealized Loss
                                                                  on Marketable
   Balance, January 1, 2000.....................................     $  --
   Current period change........................................     (7,934)
   Balance, September 30, 2000..................................     (7,934)


   During the nine months ended September 30, 2000, the Group's management,
with the appropriate level of authority, formally committed to various
strategic initiatives. As a result of such initiatives, during the nine months
ended September 30, 2000, the Group incurred restructuring and other unusual
charges ("Unusual Charges") of $3,313, all of which were personnel related
charges. The restructuring initiatives were aimed at improving the overall
level of organizational efficiency, consolidating and rationalizing existing


                                 MOVE.COM GROUP


                         (Dollar amounts in thousands)

reducing cost structures in the Group's underlying businesses and other related
efforts. Through September 30, 2000, the Group paid out $2,451 of the Unusual
Charges. The remaining liability associated with the Unusual Charges of $862 at
September 30, 2000, is classified as a component of accrued expenses. These
initiatives are expected to be substantially completed over the next six
months. The personnel related costs include severance resulting from the
consolidation and relocation of business operations and certain corporate
functions as well as other related costs. The Group formally communicated to 38
employees, representing a wide range of employee groups, as to their separation
from the Group. As of September 30, 2000, approximately 24 employees were
terminated from the Group.


   Property and equipment, net, consisted of:

                                                               December 31,
                                                September 30, ---------------
                                                    2000       1999    1998
                                                ------------- ------- -------
   Building....................................   $  4,131    $ 4,134 $ 4,095
   Leasehold improvements......................      8,420      1,473     --
   Computer and telephone equipment............     13,103     10,665   9,284
   Office furniture............................      2,174        992     673
                                                  --------    ------- -------
                                                    27,828     17,264  14,052
   Less accumulated depreciation and
    amortization...............................      8,041      6,728   4,479
                                                  --------    ------- -------
                                                  $ 19,787    $10,536 $ 9,573
                                                  ========    ======= =======


   The income tax benefit (expense) consisted of:

                                                 Nine Months    Years Ended
                                                    Ended      December 31,
                                                September 30, ---------------
                                                    2000       1999    1998
                                                ------------- ------- -------
     Federal...................................   $ 23,660    $ 5,758 $ 1,402
     State.....................................      6,041      1,568     346
                                                  --------    ------- -------
                                                    29,701      7,326   1,748
                                                  --------    ------- -------
     Federal...................................      1,543      1,305     (20)
     State.....................................        220        186      (3)
                                                  --------    ------- -------
                                                     1,763      1,491     (23)
                                                  --------    ------- -------
                                                  $ 31,464    $ 8,817 $ 1,725
                                                  ========    ======= =======


                                 MOVE.COM GROUP


                         (Dollar amounts in thousands)

   Deferred income tax assets and liabilities consisted of:

                                                               December 31,
                                                 September 30, --------------
                                                     2000       1999    1998
                                                 ------------- ------  ------
   Current deferred tax asset (liability):
     Accrued expenses...........................    $   409    $   84  $  103
     Prepaid expenses...........................     (2,771)   (1,811) (2,514)
     Unrealized loss on marketable securities...      5,513        --      --
     Provision for doubtful accounts............      3,072     2,218   1,808
   Noncurrent deferred tax asset (liability):
     Depreciation and amortization..............      1,355     1,106     648
     Stock option compensation..................      1,281       105      --
     Other......................................        107       (12)    154
                                                    -------    ------  ------
                                                    $ 8,966    $1,690  $  199
                                                    =======    ======  ======

   The Group's effective income tax rate differs from the statutory federal
rate as follows:

                                                               December 31,
                                                 September 30, --------------
                                                     2000       1999    1998
                                                 ------------- ------  ------
   Federal statutory rate.......................       35.0%     35.0%   35.0%
   State and local income taxes, net of federal
    tax benefit.................................        5.2       5.0     4.3
   Amortization of nondeductible goodwill.......       (0.3)     (1.0)   (4.6)
   Other, net...................................       (0.1)     (0.3)   (1.1)
                                                    -------    ------  ------
                                                      39.8%      38.7%   33.6%
                                                    =======    ======  ======


   The Group maintains several related party agreements with its Parent Company
and/or its affiliates.

   During 1999 and 1998, the Group had an Internet engineering services
agreement with Cendant, whereby services were charged to the Group based upon
usage volume. Such charges were $1,773 and $795 for the years ended December
31, 1999 and 1998, respectively. During 2000, Cendant provided similar Internet
engineering services to the Group without a formal agreement between the Group
and Cendant. Charges for such services were $3,287 for the nine months ended
September 30, 2000.

   On October 1, 1999, the Group entered into a 40-year Internet Cooperation
Agreement with each of Cendant's three real estate franchise systems. Under the
terms of these agreements, the Group receives fees for website management. Such
fees were $3,653 during 2000 and $429 during 1999.

   On February 15, 1999, the Group entered into a one-year advertising
agreement with Cendant Mortgage Corporation, whereby the Group provides
advertising space and links to various mortgage programs and products on its
website. The agreement is renewable every six months commencing after the first
year until cancelled by either party. The Group received $1,931 and $360 of
revenue under this agreement during the periods ended September 30, 2000 and
December 31, 1999, respectively.

   On January 1, 1999, Cendant entered into a four-year agreement with a
telecommunications service provider (the "Provider"), which permits the Group
to use the voice telecommunication services available to


                                 MOVE.COM GROUP


                         (Dollar amounts in thousands)

Cendant pursuant to a Cendant agreement that is shared with the Group. The
Group receives bills directly from the Provider and is obligated under the
service agreement to meet its affiliate guarantee of $300 of annual billings.
Any shortfalls in meeting that guarantee will be reimbursed to Cendant by the
Group. No such shortfall existed in 2000 or 1999.

   Cendant and its subsidiaries also provide various services to the Group,
including certain general and administrative services and employee benefit
services. Such general and administrative services are accounted for as general
and administrative costs ("G&A") and are included in the Combined Statements of
Operations. Such charges include legal, accounting (tax and financial),
information and telecommunications services, marketing, intellectual property,
public relations, corporate offices and travel costs. Cendant allocates the
cost of its G&A services to the Group generally based on utilization. Where
determinations based on utilization are impracticable, Cendant uses percentage
of revenues or other methods and criteria. Allocated charges for G&A totaled
$469, $1,787 and $1,634 for the periods ended September 30, 2000 and December
31, 1999 and 1998, respectively. In addition, the Group paid $6,424 and $6,945
for the periods ended December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively, to another
subsidiary of Cendant for the use of certain trademarks. These agreements were
terminated as of December 31, 1999.

   The Group's employees participate in Cendant sponsored medical and defined
contribution benefit plans. The cost of such plans is allocated to the Group
based on a percentage of total payroll dollars. These allocations were $1,504,
$2,189 and $2,102 for the periods ended September 30, 2000 and December 31,
1999 and 1998, respectively.

   Cendant has provided necessary funding for the operations and investments of
the Group and such funding has been accounted for as capital contributions from
Cendant and recorded as group equity along with the Group's accumulated net
income or loss and other comprehensive loss.



   The Group leases its office facilities under operating leases. During the
fourth quarter of 1999, the Group entered into a lease for a larger facility
that was occupied during January 2000 to accommodate the operations of its
flagship portal site, and the network. Rental expense was
$3,729, $1,376 and $987 for the periods ended September 30, 2000 and December
31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

   Future minimum rental payments required under non-cancelable operating
leases as of September 30, 2000, including the January 2000 facility lease, are
as follows:

   October 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000.......................... $  1,095
   2001...............................................................    4,147
   2002...............................................................    4,190
   2003...............................................................    3,787
   2004...............................................................    3,869
   Thereafter.........................................................    7,670
                                                                       $ 24,758


                                 MOVE.COM GROUP


                         (Dollar amounts in thousands)

 Class Action Litigation and Government Investigations

   Since the April 15, 1998 announcement of the discovery of accounting
irregularities in the former business units of CUC International Inc. ("CUC"),
approximately 70 lawsuits claiming to be class actions, two lawsuits claiming
to be brought derivatively on Cendant's behalf and several individual lawsuits
and arbitration proceedings have commenced in various courts and other forums
against Cendant and other defendants by or on behalf of persons claiming to
have purchased or otherwise acquired securities or options issued by CUC or
Cendant between May 1995 and August 1998.

   The Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and the United States
Attorney for the District of New Jersey are also conducting investigations
relating to the matters referenced above. As a result of the findings from
Cendant's internal investigations, Cendant made all adjustments considered
necessary by Cendant, which are reflected in its previously filed restated
financial statements for the years ended December 31, 1997, 1996, and 1995 and
for the six months ended June 30, 1998. On June 14, 2000, pursuant to an offer
of settlement made by Cendant, the SEC issued an Order Instituting Public
Administrative Proceedings Pursuant to Section 21C of the Securities and
Exchange Act of 1934, Making Findings and Imposing a Cease and Desist Order. In
such Order, the SEC found that Cendant had violated certain financial reporting
provisions of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 and ordered Cendant to
cease and desist from committing any future violations of such provisions. No
financial penalties were imposed against Cendant.

   On December 7, 1999, Cendant announced that it reached a preliminary
agreement to settle the principal securities class action pending against
Cendant in the U.S. District Court in Newark, New Jersey ("District Court")
brought on behalf of purchasers of all Cendant and CUC publicly traded
securities, other than PRIDES, between May 1995 and August 1998. Under the
agreement, Cendant would pay the class members approximately $2.85 billion in
cash. The definitive settlement document was approved by the District Court by
order dated August 14, 2000. Certain parties in the class action have appealed
the District Court's order approving the settlement and its related orders
approving the plan of allocation of the settlement fund and awarding attorneys'
fees and expenses to counsel for the lead plaintiffs. The U.S. Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit has not issued a briefing schedule for the appeals.

   The settlement does not encompass all litigation asserting claims associated
with the accounting irregularities. Cendant does not believe that it is
feasible to predict or determine the final outcome or resolution of these
unresolved proceedings. The Group is currently not a party to such litigation
and management does not believe that there is any basis for asserting a claim
thereunder against the group. As such, Cendant and the Group do not believe
that the impact of such unresolved proceedings should result in a material
liability to the Group in relation to its combined financial position or

 Other Pending Litigation

   The Group is involved in pending litigation in the usual course of business.
In the opinion of management, such other litigation will not have a material
adverse effect on the Group's combined financial position, results of
operations or cash flows.

 Employee retention bonus

   In connection with Cendant's announcement during May 1999 to create a real
estate Internet portal, later named, Cendant made commitments to pay
one-time, broad-based retention bonuses to certain Group employees aggregating
approximately $10,400. The costs associated with the bonuses were attributed to
the Group. Bonus payments during 1999 were approximately $5,240 and all
remaining payments were made by March 31, 2000.


                                 MOVE.COM GROUP


                         (Dollar amounts in thousands)


   On May 12, 2000, Cendant acquired all of the stock of Housenet, Inc. for
159,795 shares of the Cendant tracking stock (" Group common stock")
with an estimated fair value of $3,608, which is exclusive of other acquisition
related costs, and attributed the net assets to the Group. The acquisition has
been accounted for as a purchase. The acquisition cost has been allocated to
the assets acquired and liabilities assumed based on fair values. The excess of
purchase consideration over net tangible assets acquired of $3,472 has been
allocated to goodwill and is being amortized on a straight-line basis over 5


   On March 31, 2000, Liberty Digital, Inc. ("Liberty Digital") purchased
1,598,030 shares of Group common stock from Cendant for $31.29 per
share in exchange for consideration consisting of $10 million in cash and
813,215 shares of Liberty Digital Class A common stock valued at approximately
$40 million. Cendant contributed the proceeds of this transaction to the Group.

   Based on a contractual agreement with Liberty Digital, the Group can sell up
to one-seventh of the Liberty Digital shares per quarter. As of September 30,
2000, 232,347 shares are considered restricted and are recorded as a noncurrent
investment at cost. Had the noncurrent portion of the investment been recorded
as an available-for-sale security with corresponding unrealized gains or losses
reported as a component of other comprehensive loss, the additional net
unrealized loss on the noncurrent investment would have been $3,967, net of

   As of September 30, 2000, there are 464,694 shares that are considered an
available-for-sale investment. The Group has reported unrealized losses of
$7,934, net of tax, as a component of group equity through September 30, 2000.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2000, the Group sold 116,174 shares
of its investment in Liberty Digital, reporting a loss of $2,924, net of tax.

   At September 30, 2000, the Group reviewed its restricted and unrestricted
Liberty Digital shares to determine if the decline in fair value from inception
was other than temporary and therefore needed to be recognized in earnings.
Based upon the factors considered, including financial condition and near-term
prospects of the issuer, it was determined that such recognition was not


   On October 29, 1999, the Board of Directors of, Inc. adopted the, Inc. 1999 Stock Option Plan (as amended January 13, 2000, the "Option
Plan"), which authorizes the granting of up to 6 million shares of,
Inc. common stock. Certain active employees of the Group and its affiliates are
eligible to be granted options under the Option Plan. Options under the plan
generally have a 10-year term and are exercisable at 33% per year commencing
one year from the grant date. On March 21, 2000, Cendant's stockholders
approved the amendment and restatement of Cendant's certificate of
incorporation to authorize a new series of Cendant common stock called
Group common stock and the assumption by Cendant of the Option Plan. In
connection with the assumption of the Option Plan by Cendant, all options
granted thereunder were adjusted to become options to acquire Group
common stock. The granting of an additional 5 million shares of Group
common stock are authorized under Cendant's Amended and Restated 1997 Stock
Incentive Plan.

   During the nine months ended September 30, 2000, 4,041,000 options to
purchase shares of common stock were granted to certain employees of
the Group under the Option Plan (the "Existing Grants") at a weighted average
exercise price of $22.76. Although the Company generally grants employee stock
options at fair value, certain options were granted below fair value during
1999. As such, compensation expense is


                                 MOVE.COM GROUP


                         (Dollar amounts in thousands)

being recognized over the applicable vesting period. Compensation expense of
$2,935 and $264 has been recognized in general and administrative expense in
the Combined Statement of Operations during the nine months ended September 30,
2000 and the year to acquire Group common stock ended December 31,
1999, respectively. At September 30, 2000, there were 6,282,000 options
outstanding to acquire Group common stock, which were held by
employees, at a weighted average exercise price of $18.48.

   In accordance with Cendant's Broad-Based Employee Stock Option Plan (the
"Cendant Plan"), 80,400 options to purchase shares of Cendant common stock were
granted to employees of Welcome Wagon during the nine months ended September
30, 2000, at fair value. At September 30, 2000, there were 356,332 options
outstanding, which were held by Welcome Wagon employees, at a weighted average
exercise price of $14.74.

   The Group utilizes the intrinsic value method under Accounting Principles
Board ("APB") Opinion No. 25 and related interpretations in accounting for the
Option Plan. Under APB No. 25, compensation expense is recognized when the
exercise prices of Group's employee stock options are less than the
estimated fair value of the underlying stock on the date of grant.


   On January 27, 2000, the Group announced a strategic alliance with
AltaVista, a new-media and commerce network, to create a co-branded real estate
channel on the AltaVista website. Under the terms of the three-year agreement,
the Group will pay AltaVista up to $40,000 to be an exclusive real estate
content provider of the new AltaVista Real Estate Channel. In addition, the network will be exclusively featured through banners and links on
keyword searches for most real estate and moving related terms. During the nine
months ended September 30, 2000, the Group recognized $8,879 in expense related
to such alliance.


   Management evaluates each segment's performance based upon an earnings
before interest, income taxes and depreciation and amortization calculation.
For this purpose, Adjusted EBITDA is defined as earnings before non-operating
interest, income taxes and depreciation and amortization, adjusted to exclude
items which are of a non-recurring or unusual nature and are not measured in
assessing segment performance.

   In 2000, Welcome Wagon entered into an agreement with, whereby it
was agreed that 25% of Welcome Wagon's revenues and 30% of Welcome Wagon's
expenses would be allocated to During the nine months ended September
30, 2000, Welcome Wagon allocated $9,911 and $11,889 of revenues and expenses,
respectively, to No such agreement existed prior to 2000 and, as
such, no allocation was made for the years ended December 31, 1999 and 1998.


                                 MOVE.COM GROUP


                         (Dollar amounts in thousands)

   Segment information is as follows:

                        Nine Months Ended   Twelve Months Ended December 31,
                          September 30,    ------------------------------------
                              2000               1999               1998
                        -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
                          Net    Adjusted    Net    Adjusted    Net    Adjusted
                        Revenues  EBITDA   Revenues  EBITDA   Revenues  EBITDA
                        -------- --------  -------- --------  -------- --------
Welcome Wagon.......... $ 29,312 $    360  $62,204  $  2,874  $73,835  $(1,950)   38,563  (71,609)  17,622   (21,194)   9,674      411
                        -------- --------  -------  --------  -------  -------
                        $ 67,875 $(71,249) $79,826  $(18,320) $83,509  $(1,539)
                        ======== ========  =======  ========  =======  =======

   A reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA to combined loss before income taxes is
as follows:

                                                               December 31,
                                               September 30, -----------------
                                                   2000        1999     1998
                                               ------------- --------  -------
   Adjusted EBITDA............................   $ (71,249)  $(18,320) $(1,539)
   Depreciation and amortization..............       5,058      4,465    3,599
   Restructuring and other unusual charges....       3,313        --       --
   Interest, net..............................        (479)       --       --
                                                 ---------   --------  -------
                                                 $ (79,141)  $(22,785) $(5,138)
                                                 =========   ========  =======

   Segment assets are as follows:

                                                               December 31,
                                               September 30, -----------------
                                                   2000        1999     1998
                                               ------------- --------  -------
   Welcome Wagon..............................   $  35,475   $ 36,958  $38,002      57,354     17,488    8,614
                                                 ---------   --------  -------
                                                 $  92,829   $ 54,446  $46,616
                                                 =========   ========  =======


   On October 27, 2000, Cendant announced that it had entered into a definitive
agreement to sell Group to, Inc. Consummation of the
transaction is subject to certain customary closing conditions including Hart-
Scott-Rodino anti-trust approval. Although no assurances can be given, Cendant
expects to complete the transaction during the first quarter of 2001.


                                                                         ANNEX A

   This AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF REORGANIZATION (this "Agreement") is made and
entered into as of October 26, 2000 by and among, Inc., a
Delaware corporation ("Parent"), Metal Acquisition Corp., a Delaware
corporation and a wholly-owned Parent Subsidiary ("Metal Merger Sub"), WW
Acquisition Corp., a New York corporation and a wholly-owned Parent Subsidiary
("WW Merger Sub"),, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"),
Welcome Wagon International Inc., a New York corporation ("WW"), Cendant
Membership Services Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("CMS"), and Cendant
Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the "Stockholder").


   A. The Company is engaged in the Business (as defined in Section 1.6(a) of
this Agreement).

   B. The Boards of Directors of each of the Stockholder, the Company, Parent,
Metal Merger Sub and WW Merger Sub believe it is in the best interests of each
company and its respective stockholders that Parent acquire (i) the Company
through the statutory merger of Metal Merger Sub with and into the Company with
the Company continuing as the surviving corporation (the "Metal Merger") and
(ii) WW through the statutory merger of WW Merger Sub with and into WW with WW
continuing as the surviving corporation (the "WW Merger" and, together with the
Metal Merger, the "Mergers") and, in furtherance thereof, have approved this
Agreement, the Mergers and the other transactions contemplated hereby.

   C. The Board of Directors of the Stockholder has authorized the Stockholder
to approve this Agreement, the Mergers and the other transactions contemplated
hereby and the Stockholder has approved, and all subsidiaries of the
Stockholder that have any beneficial ownership of the Company or WW have
approved, the Mergers.

   D. The Board of Directors of Parent has authorized the approval of this
Agreement, the Merger, the issuance of Parent Common Stock (as defined below)
and the other transactions contemplated hereby.

   E. Pursuant to the Mergers, among other things, and subject to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement (i) all of the issued and outstanding capital
stock of the Company and WW immediately prior to the Mergers will be converted
into shares of the common stock of Parent, and (ii) all issued and outstanding
options, warrants and other rights to acquire or receive shares of the capital
stock of the Company and of the Stockholder which is designed to reflect the
performance of the Company (the "Tracking Stock") and (to the extent such
options for Tracking Stock are beneficially owned by employees of the Company
or WW immediately prior to the Mergers) shall be assumed by Parent, and shall
thereafter represent options, warrants or other rights to acquire or receive
common stock of Parent.

   F. Concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the
Stockholder, Parent and the Company are entering into certain of the operating
agreements and other agreements which are attached hereto as Exhibits A-1
through A-10 (collectively, the "Commercial Agreements").

   G. Concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the
Stockholder and Parent are executing and delivering a Stockholder Agreement in
the form attached hereto as Exhibit B hereto (the "Stockholder Agreement") and
a Registration Rights Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit C (the
"Registration Rights Agreement" and, together with the Stockholder Agreement
and the Commercial Agreements, the "Ancillary Agreements").

   H. Concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, each of the persons
set forth on Exhibit D hereto is entering into a support agreement with the
Stockholder in the form attached hereto as Exhibit E (collectively, the
"Support Agreements").


   I. The Stockholder, Parent, Metal Merger Sub and WW Merger Sub desire to
make certain representations and warranties and other agreements in connection
with the Mergers.

   J. For U.S. federal income tax purposes, it is intended by the parties
hereto that each of the Mergers shall qualify as a reorganization within the
meaning of Section 368(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the
"Code") and that this Agreement with respect to each of the Mergers constitutes
a "plan of reorganization" within the meaning of Section 1.368-2(g) of the
income tax regulations promulgated under the Code.

   NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises, the mutual
agreements, covenants, promises and representations set forth herein, the
mutual benefits to be gained by the performance of the terms hereof, and for
other good and valuable consideration, intending to be legally bound hereby the
parties agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE I

                                  THE MERGERS

   1.1 The Metal Merger. At the Effective Time (as defined in Section 1.2
hereof) and subject to and upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement and
the applicable provisions of the Delaware General Corporation Law ("Delaware
Law"), Metal Merger Sub shall be merged with and into the Company, the separate
corporate existence of Metal Merger Sub shall cease and the Company shall
continue as the surviving corporation and shall become a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Parent. The surviving corporation after the Metal Merger is
sometimes referred to hereinafter as the "Metal Surviving Corporation."

   1.2 The WW Merger. At the Effective Time and subject to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement and the applicable provisions of the New York
Business Corporation Law ("New York Law"), WW Merger Sub shall be merged with
and into WW, the separate corporation existence of WW Merger Sub shall cease
and WW shall continue as the surviving corporation (the "WW Surviving
Corporation") and shall become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Parent.

   1.3 Effective Time. Unless this Agreement is earlier terminated pursuant to
Section 8.1 hereof, the closing of the Mergers and the other transactions
contemplated by this Agreement (the "Closing") will take place as promptly as
practicable following the execution and delivery of this Agreement by each of
the parties hereto, but in no event later than two (2) business days following
satisfaction or waiver of the conditions set forth in Article VI hereof, at the
offices of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, Professional Corporation, 650 Page
Mill Road, Palo Alto, California, unless another place and/or time is agreed to
in writing by Parent and the Stockholder. The date upon which the Closing
actually occurs is herein referred to as the "Closing Date." On the Closing
Date, the parties hereto shall cause each of the Mergers to be consummated by
filing a Certificate of Merger (or like instrument) (each, a "Certificate of
Merger" with respect to one of the Mergers, and collectively with respect to
both Mergers, the "Certificates of Merger") with the Secretaries of State of
the State of Delaware and the State of New York, respectively, in accordance
with the relevant provisions of Delaware Law and New York Law (the times at
which both Mergers have become fully effective (or such later time as may be
agreed in writing by the Company and Parent and specified in the Certificates
of Merger) is referred to herein as the "Effective Time").

   1.4 Effect of the Mergers. At the Effective Time, the effect of the Mergers
shall be as provided in the applicable provisions of Delaware Law and New York
Law, as the case may be. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, and
subject thereto, at the Effective Time, except as provided herein, (i) all the
property, rights, privileges, powers and franchises of the Company and Metal
Merger Sub shall vest in the Metal Surviving Corporation, and all debts,
liabilities and duties of the Company and Metal Merger Sub shall become the
debts, liabilities and duties of the Metal Surviving Corporation and (ii) all
of the property, rights, privileges,


powers and franchises of WW and WW Merger Sub shall vest in the WW Surviving
Corporation, and all debts, liabilities and duties of WW and WW Merger Sub
shall become the debts, liabilities and duties of the WW Surviving Corporation.

   1.5 Certificates of Incorporation; Bylaws.

     (a) Unless otherwise determined by Parent prior to the Effective Time,
  at the Effective Time, (i) the Certificate of Incorporation of Metal Merger
  Sub as in effect immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be the
  Certificate of Incorporation of the Metal Surviving Corporation at and
  after the Effective Time until thereafter amended in accordance with the
  Delaware Law and the terms of such Certificate of Incorporation; provided,
  however, that at the Effective Time, Article I of the Certificate of
  Incorporation of the Metal Surviving Corporation shall be amended and
  restated in its entirety to read as follows: "The name of the corporation
  is, Inc." and (ii) the Certificate of Incorporation of WW Merger
  Sub as in effect immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be the
  Certificate of Incorporation of the WW Surviving Corporation at and after
  the Effective Time until thereafter amended in accordance with the New York
  Law and the terms of such Certificate of Incorporation; provided, however,
  that at the Effective Time, Article I of the Certificate of Incorporation
  of the WW Surviving Corporation shall be amended and restated in its
  entirety to read as follows: "The name of the Corporation is Welcome Wagon
  International Inc."

     (b) Unless otherwise determined by Parent prior to the Effective Time,
  (i) the Bylaws of Metal Merger Sub as in effect immediately prior to the
  Effective Time shall be the Bylaws of the Metal Surviving Corporation at
  and after the Effective Time, until thereafter amended in accordance with
  Delaware Law and the terms of Certificate of Incorporation of the Metal
  Surviving Corporation and such Bylaws and (ii) the Bylaws of WW Merger Sub
  as in effect immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be the Bylaws of
  the WW Surviving Corporation at and after the Effective Time, until
  thereafter amended in accordance with New York Law and the terms of the
  Certificate of Incorporation of the WW Surviving Corporation and such

   1.6 Metal Directors and Officers.

     (a) Unless otherwise determined by Parent prior to the Effective Time,
  the directors of Metal Merger Sub immediately prior to the Effective Time
  shall be the directors of the Metal Surviving Corporation at and after the
  Effective Time, each to hold the office of a director of the Metal
  Surviving Corporation in accordance with the provisions of Delaware Law and
  the Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Metal Surviving
  Corporation until their successors are duly elected and qualified.

     (b) Unless otherwise determined by Parent prior to the Effective Time,
  the officers of Metal Merger Sub immediately prior to the Effective Time
  shall be the officers of the Metal Surviving Corporation at and after the
  Effective Time, each to hold office in accordance with the provisions of
  the Bylaws of the Metal Surviving Corporation.

   1.7 WW Directors and Officers.

     (a) Unless otherwise determined by Parent prior to the Effective Time,
  the directors of WW Merger Sub immediately prior to the Effective Time
  shall be the directors of the WW Surviving Corporation at and after the
  Effective Time, each to hold the office of a director of the WW Surviving
  Corporation in accordance with the provisions of New York Law and the
  Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws of the WW Surviving Corporation
  until their successors are duly elected and qualified.

     (b) Unless otherwise determined by Parent prior to the Effective Time,
  the officers of WW Merger Sub immediately prior to the Effective Time shall
  be the officers of the WW Surviving Corporation at and after the Effective
  Time, each to hold office in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws
  of the WW Surviving Corporation.


   1.8 Merger Consideration.

     (a) Certain Definitions. For purposes of this Agreement, the following
  terms shall have the following meanings:

       "Additional Options" shall mean the number of Company Options
    reserved but unissued under the 2000 Option Plan such that, immediately
    prior to the Effective Time and after giving effect to any acceleration
    of vesting to the Company Options that occurs as a result of the
    Mergers and any additional grants of Company Options required to be
    granted as a result of the Mergers, the sum of (i) the number of
    unvested Continuing Employee Options issued and outstanding and (ii)
    such Additional Options equals no less than 10.7% of the Fully
    Converted Shares (inclusive of the Additional Options).

       "Business" shall mean, subject to the last paragraph of Section 4.1
    of this Agreement, the business conducted by, Inc., RentNet,
    Inc., HouseNet, Inc. and Welcome Wagon International Inc., and all of
    their respective subsidiaries and business divisions, including without
    limitation, SeniorHousingNet, CorporateHousingNet, SelfStorageNet and
    Movedotcom(U.K.) Ltd. (" U.K."), and excluding the hosting of
    websites for Century 21, Coldwell Banker and ERA.

       "Company Capital Stock" shall mean shares of Company Common Stock
    and any other shares of other capital stock of the Company.

       "Company Common Stock" shall mean shares of the voting common stock
    of Company, par value $.01 per share and the non-voting common stock of
    the Company, par value $.01 per share.

       "Company Convertible Securities" shall mean the Company Options
    together with any other rights to acquire or receive shares of Company
    Capital Stock, including all options, warrants and convertible
    preferred stock.

       "Company Options" shall mean (i) all, if any, issued and outstanding
    options to purchase or otherwise acquire Company Capital Stock (whether
    or not vested), (ii) all issued and outstanding options to purchase or
    otherwise acquire Tracking Stock (whether or not vested) granted under
    the Options Plans and held by Continuing Employees and (iii) all
    reserved but unissued shares under the 2000 Option Plan.

       "Continuing Employee" shall mean those employees who are, as of the
    Closing, employed by the Company or WW or any of the Subsidiaries.

       "Continuing Employee Option" shall mean each Company Option issued
    to and held by a Continuing Employee.

       "Fully Converted Shares" shall mean the sum of (i) all issued and
    outstanding shares of Tracking Stock, (ii) all shares of Tracking Stock
    issuable upon the exercise of all options or other rights to acquire
    Tracking Stock, (iii) the Stockholder's notional interest in Tracking
    Stock, (iv) all Company Options (without double counting any options or
    other rights to acquire Tracking Stock), and (v) all Additional

       "Knowledge" shall mean, with respect to the Stockholder, what is
    within the actual knowledge of any of the directors or officers of the
    Stockholder, the Company or WW, and in the case of Parent, what is
    within the actual knowledge of any of the directors or officers of
    Parent or any of the Parent Subsidiaries.

       "Metal Consideration" shall mean that number of shares of Parent
    Common Stock set forth on Schedule 1.8(a).


        "Metal Exchange Ratio" shall mean a number of shares of Parent
    Common Stock equal to the quotient obtained by dividing (i) the Metal
    Consideration by (ii) the Metal Outstanding Shares (with the result
    rounded to four decimal places).

       "Metal Outstanding Shares" shall mean the aggregate number of shares
    of Company Capital Stock outstanding immediately prior to the Effective
    Time, including the aggregate number of shares of Company Capital Stock,
    if any, issuable (with or without the passage of time or satisfaction of
    other conditions) upon exercise or conversion of any Company Convertible
    Securities outstanding or issuable (with or without the passage of time
    or satisfaction of other conditions) immediately prior to the Effective

       "1997 Option Plan" shall mean the Cendant Corporation amended and
    restated 1997 Stock Incentive Plan.

       "1999 Option Plan" shall mean the Cendant Corporation Group
    1999 Stock Option Plan.

       "Option Exchange Ratio" shall mean a number of shares of Parent
    Common Stock equal to the quotient obtained by dividing (i) the Total
    Consideration by (ii) the Fully Converted Shares (with the result
    rounded to four decimal places).

       "Option Plans" shall mean the 1999 Option Plan, the 1997 Option Plan
    and the 2000 Option Plan.

       "Options Assumed" shall mean the sum of the Company Options and the
    Additional Options.

       "Parent Common Stock" shall mean the common stock of Parent, $0.001
    par value per share.

       "Parent Closing Price" shall mean the average of the closing prices
    of Parent Common Stock as quoted on the Nasdaq National Market for the
    ten (10) days prior to the Closing Date.

       "RentNet" shall mean RentNet, Inc., a Delaware corporation and a
    Metal Subsidiary.

       "SpringStreet" shall mean SpringStreet, Inc., a California
    corporation and a Parent Subsidiary.

       "Total Consideration" shall mean 26,275,602 shares of Parent Common

       "Total Option Consideration" shall mean a number of shares of Parent
    Common Stock equal to the product obtained by multiplying (i) Options
    Assumed by (ii) the Option Exchange Ratio.

       "Total Outstanding Shares" shall mean the sum of the Metal
    Outstanding Shares and the WW Outstanding Shares.

       "2000 Option Plan" shall mean the, Inc. 2000 Stock Option

       "WW Capital Stock" shall mean shares of common stock of WW, par value
    $.01 per share and any other shares of other capital stock of WW.

       "WW Consideration" shall mean that number of shares of Parent Common
    Stock equal to the Total Consideration minus the Total Option
    Consideration minus the Metal Consideration.

       "WW Convertible Securities" shall mean any other rights to acquire or
    receive shares of WW Capital Stock, including all options, warrants and
    convertible preferred stock.

       "WW Exchange Ratio" shall mean a number of shares of Parent Common
    Stock equal to the quotient obtained by dividing (i) the WW
    Consideration by (ii) the WW Outstanding Shares (with the result rounded
    to four decimal places).


       "WW Outstanding Shares" shall mean the aggregate number of shares of
    WW Capital Stock outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time,
    including the aggregate number of shares of WW Capital Stock issuable
    (with or without the passage of time or satisfaction of other
    conditions) upon exercise or conversion of any WW Convertible
    Securities outstanding or issuable (with or without the passage of time
    or satisfaction of other conditions) immediately prior to the Effective

     (b) Shares to be Issued; Effect on Capital Stock. The number of shares
  of Parent Common Stock issuable (including Parent Common Stock to be
  reserved for issuance upon exercise of any of the Company Options to be
  assumed by Parent) in exchange for the acquisition by Parent of all
  outstanding Company Capital Stock and all outstanding WW Capital Stock and
  the assumption of all (if any) unexpired and unexercised Company
  Convertible Securities shall be equal to the Total Consideration minus the
  Total Option Consideration. Subject to the terms and conditions of this
  Agreement, as of the Effective Time, by virtue of the Mergers and without
  any action on the part of Metal Merger Sub, WW Merger Sub, the Company, WW
  or the holder of any shares of the Company Capital Stock, WW Capital Stock
  or Company Convertible Securities, the following shall occur:

       (i) Effect on Company Capital Stock. At the Effective Time, by
    virtue of the Metal Merger and without any action on the part of
    Company or the Stockholder, each share of Company Capital Stock issued
    and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be
    canceled and extinguished and shall be converted automatically into the
    right to receive, upon the terms and subject to conditions set forth
    below and throughout this Agreement, a number of shares of Parent
    Common Stock equal to the Metal Exchange Ratio (the "Metal Merger

       (ii) Effect on WW Capital Stock. At the Effective Time, by virtue of
    the WW Merger and without any action on the part of WW or the
    Stockholder, each share of WW Capital Stock issued and outstanding
    immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be canceled and
    extinguished and shall be converted automatically into the right to
    receive, upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth below
    and throughout this Agreement, a number of shares of Parent Common
    Stock equal to the WW Exchange Ratio (the "WW Merger Consideration" and
    together with the Metal Merger Consideration, the "Merger

       (iii) Assumption of Certain Company Options. Effective as of the
    Effective Time, each outstanding Continuing Employee Option issued to
    and held by Continuing Employees pursuant to the Option Plans
    (including any Company Options required to be issued to a Continuing
    Employee as a result of the Mergers) and each Additional Option, in
    each case whether vested or unvested and in the case of Additional
    Options whether issued or unissued, will be assumed by Parent in
    connection with the Mergers. Each Continuing Employee Option and
    Additional Option so assumed by Parent under this Agreement shall
    continue to have, and be subject to, the same terms and conditions set
    forth in the Option Plans and/or as provided in the respective option
    or similar agreement immediately prior to the Effective Time (including
    any vesting schedule or repurchase rights), except that (i) each
    Continuing Employee Option and Additional Option will be exercisable
    for that number of whole shares of Parent Common Stock equal to the
    product of the number of shares of Tracking Stock or Company Common
    Stock, as applicable, that were issuable upon exercise of such
    Continuing Employee Option or Additional Option, as applicable,
    immediately prior to the Effective Time multiplied by the Option
    Exchange Ratio, rounded down to the nearest whole number of shares of
    Parent Common Stock and (ii) the per share exercise price for the
    shares of Parent Common Stock issuable upon exercise of such assumed
    Continuing Employee Option or Additional Option, as applicable, will be
    equal to the quotient determined by dividing the exercise price per
    share of Tracking Stock or Company Common Stock, as applicable, at
    which such Continuing Employee Option or Additional Option, as
    applicable, was exercisable immediately prior to the Effective Time by
    the Option Exchange Ratio, rounded up to the nearest whole cent. The
    Stockholder shall be responsible for, and shall indemnify and hold
    harmless Parent and its affiliates and their officers,


    directors, employees, affiliates and agents from and against any and
    all claims, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including attorneys'
    fees, costs and expenses) and other liabilities and obligations
    relating to or arising out of Parent's assumption of Continuing
    Employee Options under this Agreement or failure of Parent to assume
    any options, rights or other securities of the Stockholder, the Company
    or any of their respective affiliates in connection with the
    transactions contemplated by this Agreement; provided that this
    indemnity shall not apply to (i) Parent's failure to issue Parent
    Common Stock in accordance with the Option Exchange Ratio upon the due
    exercise of such Continuing Employee Options held by Continuing
    Employees and assumed by Parent pursuant to this Section, (ii) Parent's
    other obligations under the Option Plans with respect to the Continuing
    Employee Options or the agreements governing such Continuing Employee
    Options by virtue of such assumption, (iii) any actions taken by Parent
    after the Closing with respect to the termination of employment of any
    Continuing Employee who holds a Continuing Employee Option, or (iv) any
    misstatement or omission in any Registration Statement on Form S-8 or
    prospectus or similar securities law document prepared by Parent and
    distributed to its employees with respect to the Continuing Employee

       (iv) Fractional Shares. No fractional share of Parent Common Stock
    shall be issued in the Mergers. In lieu thereof, any fractional share
    shall be rounded to the nearest whole share of Parent Common Stock
    (with .5 being rounded up).

       (v) Cancellation of Company-Owned Stock. At the Effective Time, by
    virtue of the Metal Merger and without any action on the part of any of
    the parties hereto, each share of Company Capital Stock owned by, the
    Company or any Metal Subsidiary immediately prior to the Effective
    Time, shall be cancelled and extinguished without any conversion

       (vi) Cancellation of WW-Owned Stock. At the Effective Time, by
    virtue of the WW Merger and without any action on the part of any of
    the parties hereto, each share of WW Capital Stock owned by WW or any
    WW Subsidiary immediately prior to the Effective Time, shall be
    cancelled and extinguished without any conversion thereof.

       (vii) Capital Stock of Metal Merger Sub. At the Effective Time, by
    virtue of the Metal Merger and without any action on the part of any of
    the parties hereto, each share of capital stock of Metal Merger Sub
    issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be
    converted into and exchanged for one validly issued, fully paid and
    nonassessable share of common stock of the Metal Surviving Corporation.
    Each stock certificate of Metal Merger Sub evidencing ownership of any
    such shares of Metal Merger Sub shall thereafter evidence ownership of
    an equivalent number of shares of capital stock of the Metal Surviving

       (viii) Capital Stock of WW Merger Sub. At the Effective Time, by
    virtue of the WW Merger and without any action on the part of any of
    the parties hereto, each share of capital stock of WW Merger Sub issued
    and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be
    converted into and exchanged for one validly issued, fully paid and
    nonassessable share of common stock of the WW Surviving Corporation.
    Each stock certificate of WW Merger Sub evidencing ownership of any
    such shares of WW Merger Sub shall thereafter evidence ownership of an
    equivalent number of shares of capital stock of the WW Surviving

   1.9 Surrender of Certificates.

     (a) At the Closing, the Stockholder shall surrender all certificates
  formerly representing shares of Company Capital Stock and WW Capital Stock
  (collectively, the "Certificates") for cancellation to Parent.

     (b) Upon proper presentation of the Certificates and in exchange
  therefor, the Stockholder shall be entitled to receive, and Parent shall
  deliver, a certificate representing the number of whole shares of Parent
  Common Stock to which Stockholder is entitled pursuant to this Article I,
  and the Certificates so surrendered shall forthwith be canceled. Until so
  surrendered, each outstanding Certificate that, prior to the


  Effective Time, represented shares of Company Capital Stock and WW Capital
  Stock will be deemed from and after the Effective Time, for all corporate
  purposes, other than the payment of dividends, to evidence the ownership of
  the number of full shares of Parent Common Stock into which such shares of
  Company Capital Stock and WW Capital Stock shall have been so converted.

     (c) No Liability. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this
  Section 1.9, neither Parent nor any party hereto shall be liable to a
  holder of shares of Parent Common Stock, Company Capital Stock or WW
  Capital Stock for any amount properly paid to a public official pursuant to
  any applicable abandoned property, escheat or similar law.

     (d) No Further Ownership Rights in Company Capital Stock. The shares of
  Parent Common Stock issued in accordance with the terms hereof shall be
  deemed to be full satisfaction of all rights pertaining to shares of each
  of Company Capital Stock and WW Capital Stock outstanding prior to the
  Effective Time, and there shall be no further registration of transfers on
  the records of (i) the Metal Surviving Corporation of shares of Company
  Capital Stock or (ii) the WW Surviving Corporation of shares of WW Capital
  Stock that were outstanding prior to the Effective Time. If, after the
  Effective Time, Certificates are presented to Parent, Metal Surviving
  Corporation or the WW Surviving Corporation for any reason, they shall be
  canceled and exchanged as provided in this Article I.

     (e) Taking of Necessary Action; Further Action. If, at any time after
  the Effective Time, any further action is necessary or desirable to carry
  out the purposes of this Agreement and to vest the Metal Surviving
  Corporation or the WW Surviving Corporation with full right, title and
  possession to all assets, property, rights, privileges, powers and
  franchises of the Business, then Parent, Merger Sub and the Company, and
  the officers and directors of the Company, WW, Parent, Metal Merger Sub and
  WW Merger Sub are fully authorized in the name of their respective
  corporations or otherwise to take, and will take, all such lawful and
  necessary action.

   1.10 Treatment of Stockholder Guaranty. Following the Closing, Parent shall
use commercially reasonable efforts to release and cancel (or, to the extent
that it cannot be so released and cancelled, to cause Parent to be substituted
for the Stockholder with respect to) the guaranty of Stockholder in the
agreement set forth in Schedule 1.10 of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter (the
"Stockholder Guaranty") (or if not possible added as the primary obligor with
respect thereto). Parent shall indemnify and hold harmless Stockholder against
liabilities incurred by Stockholder arising as a result of events following the
Closing Date with respect to the guaranty of Stockholder in the agreement set
forth in Schedule 1.10 of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter after the Closing.


                                   ARTICLE II


   As of the date hereof, the Stockholder represents and warrants to Parent and
Metal Merger Sub and WW Merger Sub, subject to such exceptions as are
specifically disclosed in the disclosure letter supplied by the Stockholder to
Parent (the "Stockholder Disclosure Letter") and dated as of the date hereof,
as follows:

   2.1 Organization of the Company.

     (a) Each of the Company and each Metal Subsidiary (as defined in Section
  2.3 hereof) is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good
  standing under the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation. Each of the
  Company and each Metal Subsidiary has the corporate power to own its
  respective properties and to carry on its respective businesses as
  conducted. Each of the Company and each Metal Subsidiary is duly qualified
  to do business and in good standing as a foreign corporation in each
  jurisdiction in which the failure to be so qualified (either individually
  or collectively) would have a Material Adverse Effect on the Company. The
  Stockholder has delivered to Parent a true and correct copy of the
  certificate of incorporation and bylaws of each of the Company and the
  Metal Subsidiaries, each as amended to date and in full force and effect on
  the date hereof. There are no proposed or considered amendments to the
  certificate of incorporation or bylaws of any of the Company or any Metal
  Subsidiary. Schedule 2.1(a) of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter lists the
  directors and officers of the Company and each Metal Subsidiary and each
  jurisdiction in which the Company is qualified to do business.

     (b) Each of WW and each WW Subsidiary (as defined in Section 2.3 hereof)
  is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing
  under the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation. Each of WW and each WW
  Subsidiary has the corporate power to own its respective properties and to
  carry on its respective businesses as now being conducted and as proposed
  to be conducted. Each of WW and each WW Subsidiary is duly qualified to do
  business and in good standing as a foreign corporation in each jurisdiction
  in which the failure to be so qualified (either individually or
  collectively) would have a Material Adverse Effect on WW. The Stockholder
  has delivered to Parent a true and correct copy of the certificate of
  incorporation and bylaws of each of WW and the WW Subsidiaries, each as
  amended to date and in full force and effect on the date hereof. There are
  no proposed or considered amendments to the certificate of incorporation or
  bylaws of any of the Company or any WW Subsidiary. Schedule 2.1(b) of the
  Stockholder Disclosure Letter lists the directors and officers of each WW
  Subsidiary and each jurisdiction in which WW is qualified to do business.

   2.2 Company Capital Structure.

     (a) The authorized Company Capital Stock consists of (i) 37,500,000
  shares of common stock, par value $.01 per share, of which 22,500,000
  shares are issued and outstanding as of the date hereof, (ii) 12,500,000
  shares of non-voting common stock, par value $.01 per share, none of which
  are issued and outstanding as of the date hereof; and (iii) 5,000,000
  shares of Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, none of which are
  issued and outstanding as of the date hereof. The total number of shares of
  Company Capital Stock outstanding as of immediately prior to the Effective
  Time (assuming the conversion, exercise or exchange of all Company
  Convertible Securities) will be as set forth in Schedule 2.2(a) of the
  Stockholder Disclosure Letter. All outstanding shares of the Company
  Capital Stock are held (and as of immediately prior to the Effective Time
  will be held) of record and beneficially by CMS. All of the capital stock
  of CMS is held (and as of immediately prior to the Effective Time will be
  held) of record and beneficially by the Stockholder. All outstanding shares
  of Company Capital Stock are duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid
  and non-assessable and not subject to preemptive rights created by statute,
  the Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws of the Company or any agreement
  to which the Company or any of its Metal Subsidiaries is a party or by
  which it is bound, and have been issued in compliance with federal and
  state securities laws. There are no declared or accrued but unpaid
  dividends with respect to any shares of Company Common Stock. The Company
  has no other capital stock authorized, issued or outstanding.


  The Company has no obligation to redeem or repurchase any capital stock of
  any corporation or other entity, and has no liability in respect of any
  capital stock of any corporation or other entity.

     (b) The authorized WW Capital Stock consists of (i) 1,000 shares of
  Common Stock, par value $.01 per share, of which 1,000 shares are issued
  and outstanding as of the date hereof, and (ii) no shares of Preferred
  Stock, par value $.01 per share, none of which are issued and outstanding
  as of the date hereof. The total number of shares of WW Capital Stock
  outstanding as of immediately prior to the Effective Time (assuming the
  conversion, exercise or exchange of all WW Convertible Securities) will be
  as set forth in Schedule 2.2(b) of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter. All
  of the outstanding shares of the WW Capital Stock is held (and as of
  immediately prior to the Effective Time will be held) of record and
  beneficially by CMS. All outstanding shares of WW Capital Stock are duly
  authorized, validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable and not subject
  to preemptive rights created by statute, the Certificate of Incorporation
  or Bylaws of WW or any agreement to which WW or any of its WW Subsidiaries
  is a party or by which it is bound, and have been issued in compliance with
  federal and state securities laws. There are no declared or accrued but
  unpaid dividends with respect to any shares of WW Common Stock. WW has no
  other capital stock authorized, issued or outstanding. WW has no obligation
  to redeem or repurchase any capital stock of any corporation or other
  entity, and has no liability in respect of any capital stock of any
  corporation or other entity.

     (c) Except for the Option Plans, neither the Company, WW nor any of
  their respective Subsidiaries nor the Stockholder on behalf of the Company,
  WW or any of its Subsidiaries has ever adopted or maintained any stock
  option plan or other plan providing for equity compensation of any person.
  The Stockholder has reserved an aggregate of 11,000,000 shares of Tracking
  Stock for issuance to employees, directors and consultants upon the
  exercise of Company Options pursuant to the Option Plans, of which (i)
  573,250 and 5,768,946 shares are issuable, as of the date hereof, upon the
  exercise of outstanding, unexercised Company Options granted under the 1997
  Option Plan and 1999 Option Plan, respectively and (ii) 4,426,750 and
  231,054 shares remain available for future grant under the 1997 Option Plan
  and 1999 Option Plan, respectively. The Stockholder has reserved an
  aggregate of 1,586,000 shares of Tracking Stock for future issuance
  pursuant to the exercise of outstanding warrants. Schedule 2.2(c) of the
  Stockholder Disclosure Letter sets forth for each outstanding Company
  Convertible Security and each Fully Converted Share, the name of the holder
  of such Company Convertible Security or Fully Converted Share, the number
  and type of shares subject to such Convertible Security or Fully Converted
  Share, the exercise price of such Convertible Security or Fully Converted
  Share, the vesting schedule for such Convertible Security or Fully
  Converted Share, including the extent vested to date and whether the
  vesting exercisability of such Convertible Security or Fully Converted
  Share will be accelerated and become exercisable by reason of the
  transactions contemplated by this Agreement and whether such Convertible
  Security or Fully Converted Share is intended to qualify as an incentive
  stock option as defined in Section 422 of the Code. All Company Options are
  held by employees of the Company or its Subsidiaries and have been issued
  in compliance with federal and state securities laws. Except for the
  Company Convertible Securities described in Schedule 2.2(c) of the
  Stockholder Disclosure Letter, there are no options, warrants, calls,
  rights, commitments or agreements of any character, written or oral, to
  which the Company, WW or any of their respective Subsidiaries is a party or
  by which any of them is bound obligating the Company or any of its
  Subsidiaries to issue, deliver, sell, repurchase or redeem, or cause to be
  issued, delivered, sold, repurchased or redeemed, any shares of Company
  Capital Stock, WW Capital Stock or Fully Converted Shares or the capital
  stock of any of the Subsidiaries or obligating the Company, WW or any of
  their respective Subsidiaries to grant, extend, accelerate the vesting of,
  change the price of, otherwise amend or enter into any such option,
  warrant, call, right, commitment or agreement. There are no outstanding or
  authorized stock appreciation, phantom stock, profit participation, or
  other similar rights with respect to the Company, WW or any of their
  respective Subsidiaries. Except as contemplated hereby, there are no voting
  trusts, proxies, or other agreements or understandings with respect to the
  voting stock of the Company Capital Stock, WW Capital Stock or the Fully
  Converted Shares. The holders of Company Convertible Securities, WW
  Convertible Securities and Fully Converted Shares have been or will be
  given, or shall have properly waived, any required notice prior to the
  Mergers, and all such rights


  will be terminated at or prior to the Effective Time. Without limiting the
  foregoing, neither the Company nor WW is, and nor will either of them be
  obligated, to issue any Company Capital Stock or WW Capital Stock in
  connection with any Tracking Stock or any obligation to issue any Tracking
  Stock. As a result of the Mergers, Parent will be, upon the Effective Time,
  the sole record holder and sole beneficial owner of all capital stock of
  the Company, WW and their respective Subsidiaries and rights to acquire or
  receive such capital stock. As a result of the Mergers and following the
  Mergers, other than Continuing Employee Options, Parent shall have no
  liabilities or obligations to any holders of Tracking Stock or options,
  warrants or other convertible securities to acquire Tracking Stock.

     (d) Under the terms of this agreement, the sum of (i) the WW
  Consideration plus (ii) the Metal Consideration is equal to the sum of (x)
  the product obtained by multiplying Stockholder's notional interest in the
  Tracking Stock (as expressed in shares of Tracking Stock) times the Option
  Exchange Ratio plus (y) the product obtained by multiplying the aggregate
  number of outstanding shares of Tracking Stock held by persons other than
  Stockholder plus the aggregate number of outstanding options or other
  rights to purchase Tracking Stock held by persons other than Stockholder
  times the Option Exchange Ratio, such that each holder of a Continuing
  Employee Option would receive upon exercise of such Continuing Employee
  Option an equivalent proportional amount of Parent Common Stock in respect
  of such holder's interest in the Business as Stockholder is receiving in
  respect of Stockholder's interest in the Company and WW in satisfaction of
  the Stockholder's notional interest in the Tracking Stock.

   2.3 Subsidiaries. Except for the subsidiaries of each of the Company and WW
listed in Schedule 2.3 of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter (each subsidiary of
the Company, a "Metal Subsidiary" and each subsidiary of WW, a "WW Subsidiary"
and together with Metal Subsidiaries, the "Subsidiaries"), each of which are
wholly owned by the Company or WW, as the case may be, and except as set forth
on Schedule 2.3 of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter, each of the Company and
WW does not have and has never had any subsidiaries and does not otherwise own
and has never otherwise owned any shares of capital stock or any interest in,
or control, directly or indirectly, any other corporation, partnership,
association, joint venture or other business entity. Schedule 2.3 of the
Stockholder Disclosure Letter sets forth the capitalization of each Subsidiary.
The Company or WW, as the case may be, is the record and beneficial owner of
all of the outstanding capital stock of each Subsidiary. Schedule 2.3 of the
Stockholder Disclosure Letter also sets forth the names of the directors and
officers of each Subsidiary. Each of the Company and WW has provided Parent
with true and correct copies of each Subsidiary's certificate of incorporation,
bylaws or other applicable charter documents. There are no options, warrants,
calls, rights, commitments or agreements of any character, written or oral, to
which either the Company, WW or any Subsidiary is a party or by which it is
bound obligating any Subsidiary to issue, deliver, sell, repurchase or redeem,
or cause to be issued, delivered, sold, repurchased or redeemed, any shares of
the capital stock of any Subsidiary or obligating any Subsidiary to grant,
extend, accelerate the vesting of, change the price of, otherwise amend or
enter into any such option, warrant, call, right, commitment or agreement.
There are no outstanding or authorized stock appreciation, phantom stock,
profit participation, or other similar rights with respect to any Subsidiary.
Getko Canada has no interest in any asset, property or right of any type or
description, real, personal, tangible and intangible.

   2.4 Authority. Each of the Company, WW, CMS and the Stockholder (and each
subsidiary of the Stockholder, as appropriate) has all requisite corporate
power and authority to enter into this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements
to which it is a party and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby
and thereby. The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the Ancillary
Agreements to which it is party and the consummation of the transactions
contemplated hereby have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action
on the part of each of the Company, WW, CMS and the Stockholder (and each
subsidiary of the Stockholder, as appropriate), as the case may be, in
accordance with applicable law and the Certificate of Incorporation of the
Company, WW, CMS and the Stockholder (and each subsidiary of the Stockholder,
as appropriate), as the case may be. The respective Boards of Directors of the
Company, WW, CMS and the Stockholder have approved and adopted the Mergers,
this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements to which it (and/or a subsidiary of
it) is a party. This Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements to which it is
party have been duly executed and delivered by each of the Company, WW, CMS and
the Stockholder (and each


subsidiary of the Stockholder, as appropriate) and, assuming the due execution
and delivery by Parent, Metal Merger Sub and WW Merger Sub, constitute the
valid and binding obligations of the Company, WW, CMS and the Stockholder (and
each subsidiary of the Stockholder, as appropriate), as the case may be,
enforceable in accordance with their respective terms. Except as set forth in
Schedule 2.4 of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter, the execution and delivery
of this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements to which it is a party by the
Company, WW, CMS and the Stockholder (and each subsidiary of the Stockholder,
as appropriate), as the case may be, does not, and, as of the Effective Time,
the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby will not,
conflict with, or result in any violation of, or default under (with or without
notice or lapse of time, or both), or give rise to a right of termination,
cancellation or acceleration of any obligation or loss of any benefit under
(any such event, a "Conflict") (i) any provision of the Certificate of
Incorporation or Bylaws of the Company, WW, CMS or the Stockholder, as the case
may be, or (ii) any agreement that would be required to be disclosed pursuant
to Section 2.11 or 2.12 of this Agreement or any instrument, permit,
concession, franchise, license, judgment, order, decree, statute, law,
ordinance, rule or regulation applicable to the Company, WW, CMS or the
Stockholder or their respective properties or assets. No consent, waiver,
approval, order or authorization of, or registration, declaration or filing
with, any court, administrative agency or commission or other federal, state,
county, local or foreign governmental authority, instrumentality, agency or
commission ("Governmental Entity") or any third party (so as not to trigger any
Conflict) is required by or with respect to the Company, WW, CMS or the
Stockholder in connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement or
the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, except for: (i) the
filing of the Certificates of Merger with the Secretaries of State for the
State of Delaware and the State of New York, respectively; (ii) such consents,
waivers, approvals, orders, authorizations, registrations, declarations and
filings as may be required under applicable federal and state securities laws;
(iii) such consents, waivers, approvals, orders, authorizations, registrations,
declarations and filings as may be required under the Hart-Scott-Rodino
Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended (the "HSR Act"); and (iv) such
other consents, waivers, authorizations, filings, approvals and registrations
which are set forth on Schedule 2.4 of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter. Each
of the Stockholder and CMS has approved the Mergers in its capacity as
stockholder of the Company and WW.

   2.5 Company Financial Statements. Schedule 2.5 of the Stockholder Disclosure
Letter sets forth the audited combined balance sheets of the Company (together
with WW and the WW Subsidiaries as though WW and the WW Subsidiaries were
subsidiaries of the Company) as of December 31, 1999 and December 31, 1998 and
the unaudited combined balance sheet of the Company (together with WW and the
WW Subsidiaries as though WW and the WW Subsidiaries were subsidiaries of the
Company) as of September 30, 2000 (the "Balance Sheet") and the related audited
combined statements of operations and cash flows for each of the two one-year
periods ended December 31, 1998 and December 31, 1999, respectively, and the
related unaudited combined statements of operations and cash flows for the
nine-month period ended September 30, 2000 (collectively, the "Company
Financials"). The Company Financials, including the related schedules and notes
thereto, have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles ("GAAP") applied on a basis consistent throughout the periods
indicated and consistent with each other (subject, in the case of unaudited
statements, to normal audit adjustments). The Company Financials, including the
related schedules and notes thereto, present fairly the financial condition and
operating results of the Company, WW, their respective Subsidiaries and the
Business as of the dates and during the periods indicated therein. Except as
disclosed on Schedule 2.5 of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter, (i) there are
no asset or revenue items that are included in the Company Financials that
would not be included in financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP
of the Company, WW and the Subsidiaries on a stand-alone basis for the same
amounts and for the same periods, and (ii) there are no liabilities or expenses
that would be included in financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP
of the Company, WW and their respective Subsidiaries on a stand alone basis
that are not included in the Company Financials for the same amounts and for
the same periods. At no time has the Company, WW or any Subsidiary factored its
accounts receivable or otherwise sold or transferred the right to collect any
of its accounts receivable. In addition, at no time has the Company, WW or any
Subsidiary, or any assets of the Company, WW or any Subsidiary, been placed in
receivership or otherwise been subject to any bankruptcy, insolvency or
liquidation proceeding.


   2.6 No Undisclosed Liabilities. The Company, WW, the Subsidiaries and the
Business do not have any liability, indebtedness, obligation, expense, claim,
guaranty or endorsement of any type, whether accrued, absolute, contingent,
matured, unmatured or other, of a nature required to be reflected in financial
statements (including the notes thereto) in accordance with GAAP
("Liabilities"), which individually or in the aggregate (i) has not been
reflected in the Balance Sheet, or (ii) has not arisen in the ordinary course
of the Company's or WW's business since the date of the Balance Sheet,
consistent with past practices, and does not reflect a material change to the
business (as previously conducted), results of operations or financial
condition of the Company, WW or any of the Subsidiaries (taking into account
any growth in revenues and commensurate growth in expenses).

   2.7 No Changes. (i) Since June 30, 2000 and through the date hereof, there
has not been, occurred or arisen any:

     (a) transaction by the Company, WW or any Subsidiary except in the
  ordinary course of business as conducted on June 30, 2000;

     (b) transfer in, sale, lease, license or allocation of any assets
  (including intangible assets), Liabilities or employees to the Company, WW
  or any Subsidiary by the Stockholder or any of its subsidiaries (other than
  the Company, WW and its Subsidiaries);

     (c) amendments or changes to the certificate of incorporation or bylaws
  or other applicable charter documents of the Company, WW or any Subsidiary;

     (d) use by the Business of any assets owned by or licensed to the
  Stockholder or any of its subsidiaries (other than the Company, WW and its

     (e) labor trouble or claim of wrongful discharge or other unlawful labor
  practice or action;

     (f) addition to or modification of the employee benefit plans,
  arrangements or practices described in Section 2.20 of this Agreement
  (other than as described in Section 5.19 hereof);

     (g) change in accounting methods or practices (including any change in
  depreciation or amortization policies or rates) by the Company, WW or any

     (h) revaluation by the Company, WW or any Subsidiary of any of its

     (i) declaration, setting aside or payment of a dividend or other
  distribution with respect to the capital stock of the Company, WW or any
  Subsidiary, or any split, combination or reclassification with respect to
  the capital stock of the Company, WW or any Subsidiary, or any issuance or
  authorization of any issuance of any other securities in respect of, in
  lieu of or in substitution for shares of capital stock of the Company, WW
  or any Subsidiary or any direct or indirect redemption, purchase or other
  acquisition by the Company, WW or any Subsidiary of any of its capital
  stock (or options, warrants or rights convertible into, exercisable or
  exchangeable therefor);

     (j) increase in the salary or other compensation payable or to become
  payable to any of its officers or directors of the Company, WW or any
  Subsidiary other than increases made in the ordinary course of business
  consistent with past practices and in no event in excess of ten percent
  (10%) of such officer's or director's base salary, or the declaration,
  payment or commitment or obligation of any kind for the payment of a bonus
  or other additional salary or compensation to any such person, other than
  bonuses or additional salary or compensation paid in the ordinary course of
  business consistent with past practices;

     (k) waiver or release of any right or claim of the Company, WW or any
  Subsidiary in excess of $50,000 in the aggregate, including any write-off
  or other compromise of any account receivable of the Company, WW or any

     (l) except as contemplated by this Agreement, issuance, sale, or
  contract to issue or sell, by the Company, WW or any Subsidiary of any
  shares of Company Capital Stock or WW Capital Stock or shares of capital
  stock of any Subsidiary or securities convertible into, or exercisable or
  exchangeable for, shares


  of Company Capital Stock or WW Capital Stock or shares of capital stock of
  any Subsidiary, or any securities, warrants, options or rights to purchase
  any of the foregoing;

     (m) commencement or written notice or, to the Stockholder's Knowledge,
  threat of any lawsuit or, to the Stockholder's Knowledge, proceeding or
  investigation against the Company, WW or its affairs;

     (n) agreement, understanding or commitment, or any modification to or
  amendment of any such agreement, understanding or commitment, between the
  Stockholder and any of its subsidiaries or affiliates on the one hand, and
  the Company or WW, on the other hand;

     (o) adoption of a plan of or resolutions providing for the liquidation,
  dissolution, merger, consolidation or other arrangement of the Company, WW
  or the Subsidiaries (except for the transactions contemplated hereby); or

     (p) negotiation or agreement by the Company, WW or any Subsidiary or any
  officer or employees thereof to do any of the things described in the
  preceding clauses (a) through (o) (other than negotiations with Parent and
  its representatives regarding the transactions contemplated by this

   (ii) Since September 30, 2000 and through the date hereof, there has not
been, occurred or arisen any:

     (a) material adverse change in the Company's or WW's condition
  (financial or otherwise), results of operations, assets, liabilities,
  working capital or reserves, except for changes contemplated hereby or set
  forth in the Company Financials;

     (b) payment, discharge or satisfaction, in any amount in excess of
  $100,000 in any one case, or $250,000 in the aggregate, of any claim,
  liability or obligation (absolute, accrued, asserted or unasserted,
  contingent or otherwise) of the Company, WW or any Subsidiary, other than
  payment, discharge or satisfaction of Liabilities in the ordinary course of
  business consistent with past practices;

     (c) capital expenditure or commitment by or on behalf of the Company, WW
  or any Subsidiary or the Business, either individually or in the aggregate,
  exceeding $100,000, other than, in the case of the Company and the Metal
  Subsidiaries only, in the ordinary course of business consistent with past

     (d) event or condition that has had or would be reasonably expected to
  have a Material Adverse Effect (as defined in Section 10.2 hereof) on the
  Company, WW or any Subsidiary;

     (e) loan by the Company, WW or any Subsidiary to any person or entity,
  incurring by the Company, WW of any indebtedness, guaranteeing by the
  Company, WW or any Subsidiary of any indebtedness, issuance or sale of any
  debt securities of the Company or any Subsidiary or guaranteeing of any
  debt securities of others, except for advances to employees for travel and
  business expenses in the ordinary course of business, consistent with past

     (f) cancellation of any material indebtedness owed to the Company, WW or
  its Subsidiaries relating to any of the Company's or WW's business
  activities or properties (or the business activities or properties of the
  Subsidiaries), whether or not in the ordinary course of business;

     (g) making or changing in any election in respect of Taxes (as defined
  in Section 2.8 hereof) of the Company, WW or any Subsidiary, adoption or
  change in any accounting method in respect of Taxes of the Company, WW or
  any Subsidiary, agreement or settlement of any claim or assessment in
  respect of Taxes of the Company, WW or any Subsidiary, or extension or
  waiver of the limitation period applicable to any claim or assessment in
  respect of Taxes of the Company, WW or any Subsidiary; or

     (h) negotiation or agreement by the Company, WW or any Subsidiary or any
  officer or employees thereof to do any of the things described in the
  preceding clauses (a) through (g) (other than negotiations with Parent and
  its representatives regarding the transactions contemplated by this


   (iii) Since March 31, 2000 and through the date hereof, there has not been,
occurred or arisen any transfer out, sale, lease or license of any assets
(including intangible assets and URLs), Liabilities or employees of the
Company, WW or any Subsidiary to (with respect to material assets only) a third
party or to (with respect to all assets) the Stockholder or any of its
subsidiaries (other than the Company, WW and the Subsidiaries).

   2.8 Tax and Other Returns and Reports

     (a) Definition of Taxes. For the purposes of this Agreement, "Tax" or,
  collectively, "Taxes," means (i) any and all federal, state, local and
  foreign taxes, assessments and other governmental charges, duties,
  impositions and liabilities, including taxes based upon or measured by
  gross receipts, income, profits, sales, use and occupation, and value
  added, ad valorem, transfer, franchise, withholding, payroll, recapture,
  employment, excise and property taxes, together with all interest,
  penalties and additions imposed with respect to such amounts, (ii) any
  liability for the payment of any amounts of the type described in clause
  (i) of this Section 2.8(a) as a result of being a member of an affiliated,
  consolidated, combined or unitary group for any period, and (iii) any
  liability for the payment of any amounts of the type described in clauses
  (i) or (ii) of this Section 2.8(a) as a result of any express or implied
  obligation to indemnify any other person or as a result of any obligations
  under any agreements or arrangements with any other person with respect to
  such amounts and including any liability for taxes of a predecessor entity.

     (b) Tax Returns and Audits. Except as set forth in Schedule 2.8(b) of
  the Stockholder Disclosure Letter:

       (i) Each of the Company, WW and each Subsidiary has prepared and
    timely filed all required federal, state, local and foreign returns,
    estimates, information statements and reports ("Returns") relating to
    any and all Taxes concerning or attributable to it or its operations
    and such Returns are true and correct and have been completed in
    accordance with applicable law.

       (ii) Each of the Company, WW and each Subsidiary (A) has paid or
    accrued all Taxes it is required to pay or accrue and (B) has reported
    and withheld with respect to employees of the Company, WW and each
    Subsidiary all federal and state income taxes, Federal Income
    Contribution Act ("FICA"), Federal Unemployment Tax Act ("FUTA"), and
    other Taxes required to be reported and withheld.

       (iii) Neither the Company, WW nor any Subsidiary has been delinquent
    in the payment of any Tax nor is there any Tax deficiency outstanding,
    proposed or assessed against the Company, WW or any Subsidiary, nor has
    the Company, WW or any Subsidiary executed any waiver of any statute of
    limitations on or extending the period for the assessment or collection
    of any Tax.

       (iv) No audit or other examination of any Return of the Company, WW
    or any Subsidiary is currently in progress, nor has the Company, WW or
    any Subsidiary been notified of any request for such an audit or other

       (v) Neither the Company, WW nor any Subsidiary has any liabilities
    for unpaid federal, state, local and foreign Taxes which have not been
    accrued or reserved against in accordance with GAAP on the Balance
    Sheet, whether asserted or unasserted, contingent or otherwise, and the
    Stockholder has no Knowledge of any basis for the assertion of any such
    liability attributable to the Company, WW or any Subsidiary, or any of
    their respective assets or operations.

       (vi) The Stockholder has provided to Parent copies of all foreign,
    federal, state and local income and all state and local sales and use
    Tax Returns relating to any and all Taxes concerning or attributable to
    the Company, WW or any Subsidiary for the past two (2) years.

       (vii) There are no liens, pledges, charges, claims, security
    interests or other encumbrances of any sort except for liens for Taxes
    not yet due and payable ("Liens") on the assets of the Company, WW or
    any Subsidiary relating to or attributable to Taxes.


       (viii) The Stockholder has no Knowledge of any basis for the
    assertion of any claim relating or attributable to Taxes which, if
    adversely determined, would result in any Lien on the assets of the
    Company, WW or any Subsidiary.

       (ix) None of the Company's, WW's or any Subsidiary's assets are
    treated as "tax-exempt use property" within the meaning of Section
    168(h) of the Code.

       (x) There is not any contract, agreement, plan or arrangement,
    including but not limited to the provisions of this Agreement, covering
    any employee or former employee of the Company, WW or any Subsidiary
    that, individually or collectively, could give rise to the payment of
    any amount that would not be deductible pursuant to Sections 280G, 404
    or 162(m) of the Code.

       (xi) Neither the Company, WW nor any Subsidiary has filed any
    consent agreement under Section 341(f) of the Code or agreed to have
    Section 341(f)(2) of the Code apply to any disposition of a Subsection
    (f) asset (as defined in Section 341(f)(4) of the Code) owned by the
    Company, WW or any Subsidiary.

       (xii) Neither the Company, WW nor any Subsidiary is a party to a tax
    sharing or allocation agreement nor does the Company, WW or any
    Subsidiary owe any amount under any such agreement.

       (xiii) No adjustment relating to any Return filed by the Company, WW
    or any Subsidiary has been proposed formally or, to the Knowledge of
    the Stockholder, informally by any tax authority to the Company, WW or
    any Subsidiary or any representative thereof.

       (xiv) Neither the Company, WW nor any Subsidiary has ever been a
    party to any joint venture, partnership or other agreement that could
    be treated as a partnership for Tax purposes.

       (xv) Neither the Company, WW nor any Subsidiary has constituted
    either a "distributing corporation" or a "controlled corporation" in a
    distribution of stock qualifying for tax-free treatment under Section
    355 of the Code (x) in the two years prior to the date of this
    Agreement or (y) in a distribution prior to the Mergers which could
    otherwise constitute part of a "plan" or "series of related
    transactions" (within the meaning of Section 355(e) of the Code) in
    conjunction with the Mergers.

   2.9 Restrictions on Business Activities. Except as set forth in Schedule
2.9(a) of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter, there is no agreement (noncompete
or otherwise), commitment, judgment, injunction, order or decree to which the
Company, WW or any Subsidiary is a party or otherwise binding upon the Company,
WW or any Subsidiary or the Business which has or reasonably would be expected
to have the effect of prohibiting or impairing any business practice of the
Company, WW or any Subsidiary, any acquisition of property (tangible or
intangible) by the Company, WW or any Subsidiary. Without limiting the
foregoing, except as set forth in Schedule 2.9(b) of the Stockholder Disclosure
Letter, neither the Company, WW nor any Subsidiary has entered into or is bound
by any agreement under which any of them is restricted from selling, licensing
or otherwise distributing any of its technology to any class of customers
during any period of time or in any segment of the market.

   2.10 Title to Properties; Absence of Liens and Encumbrances

     (a) Except as set forth in Schedule 2.10 of the Stockholder Disclosure
  Letter, neither the Company, WW nor any Subsidiary owns any real property.
  Schedule 2.10(a) of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter sets forth a list of
  all real property currently leased by the Company, WW or any Subsidiary.
  All such current leases are in full force and effect, are valid and
  effective in accordance with their respective terms, and there is not,
  under any of such leases, any existing default or event of default (or
  event which with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute a

     (b) Each of the Company, WW and each Subsidiary has good and valid title
  to, or, in the case of leased properties and assets, valid leasehold
  interests in, all of their tangible properties and assets


  (including accounts receivable), real, personal and mixed, used or held for
  use in the Business, free and clear of any Liens, except as reflected in
  the Company Financials and except for liens for taxes not yet due and
  payable and such imperfections of title and encumbrances, if any, which are
  not material in character, amount or extent, and which do not materially
  detract from the value, or materially interfere with the present use, of
  the property subject thereto or affected thereby.

     (c) Other than as set forth in Schedule 2.10(c) of the Stockholder
  Disclosure Letter, all material items of equipment (the "Equipment")
  (including all of the Equipment contained in the San Francisco location of
  the Business) used in or by the Business are owned or leased by the
  Company, WW or a Subsidiary.

     (d) All of the assets, properties and rights of every type and
  description, real, personal, tangible and intangible, used in the conduct
  of the Business are licensed by third parties to or owned by the Company or
  WW or the Company or WW otherwise has the right to use such assets
  properties and rights. Neither the Stockholder nor any subsidiary or
  affiliate of Stockholder (including NRT) has any ownership, license or
  similar interest to any of the assets, properties or rights of any type and
  description, real, personal, tangible and intangible, used in the conduct
  of the Business. Except as provided for in Exhibit A to the Transition
  Services Agreement or Schedule 2.10(d) of the Stockholder Disclosure
  Letter, (i) the Stockholder and its subsidiaries (other than the Company,
  WW and the Subsidiaries) do not provide any products or services used in
  the conduct of the Business, and (ii) there is no other agreement or
  understanding between the Stockholder or any of its affiliates and the
  Company, WW or any Subsidiary.

   2.11 Intellectual Property

   For the purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have the following

   "Intellectual Property" shall mean any or all of the following and all
rights in, arising out of, or associated therewith: (i) all United States,
international and foreign patents and applications therefor and all reissues,
divisions, renewals, extensions, provisionals, continuations and continuations-
in-part thereof; (ii) all proprietary inventions (whether patentable or not),
proprietary invention disclosures, proprietary improvements, proprietary trade
secrets, proprietary information (insofar as such proprietary information
relates to intellectual property), proprietary know how, proprietary
technology, proprietary technical data and proprietary customer lists, and all
documentation relating to any of the foregoing; (iii) all copyrights, copyright
registrations and applications therefor, and all other rights corresponding
thereto throughout the world; (iv) all industrial designs and any registrations
and applications therefor throughout the world; (v) all trade names, logos,
domain names, URLs, common law trademarks and service marks, trademark and
service mark registrations and applications therefor throughout the world
(except that trade names, common law trademarks and service marks and trademark
and service mark registrations and applications therefor shall be limited to
those arising in the United States and the United Kingdom); (vi) all databases
and data compilations and collections and all rights therein throughout the
world; (vii) all software in object code and source code form and related
documentation; (viii) all moral and economic rights of authors and inventors,
however denominated, throughout the world; (ix) any similar or equivalent
rights to any of the foregoing anywhere in the world; and (x) all tangible
embodiments of any of the foregoing.

   "Company Intellectual Property" shall mean any Intellectual Property that is
owned by, or exclusively licensed to, the Company, WW or any of the

   "Registered Intellectual Property" means all United States, international
and foreign: (i) patents and patent applications (including provisional
applications); (ii) registered trademarks, applications to register trademarks,
intent-to-use applications, or other registrations or applications related to
trademarks; (iii) registered copyrights and applications for copyright
registration; and (iv) any other Intellectual Property that is the subject of
an application, certificate, filing, registration or other document issued,
filed with, or recorded by any state, government or other public legal


     (a) No Company Intellectual Property or product or service of the
  Company, WW or any Subsidiary is party to any proceeding or outstanding
  decree, order, judgment, agreement or stipulation restricting in any manner
  the use, transfer, or licensing thereof by the Company, WW or any
  Subsidiary, or which may affect the validity, use or enforceability of such
  Company Intellectual Property.

     (b) Schedule 2.11(b) of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter is a complete
  and accurate list of all Company Registered Intellectual Property and
  specifies, where applicable, the jurisdictions in which each such item of
  Company Registered Intellectual Property has been issued or registered or
  in which an application for such issuance and registration has been filed,
  including the respective registration or application numbers. Each item of
  Company Registered Intellectual Property is valid and subsisting, all
  necessary registration, maintenance and renewal fees currently due in
  connection with such Registered Intellectual Property have been made and
  all necessary documents, recordations and certificates in connection with
  such Registered Intellectual Property have been filed with the relevant
  patent, copyright, trademark or other authorities in the United States or
  foreign jurisdictions, as the case may be, for the purposes of maintaining
  such Registered Intellectual Property in the jurisdictions where the
  Business is conducted.

     (c) Each of the Company, WW and each of its Subsidiaries owns and has
  good and exclusive title to, or has license (sufficient for the conduct of
  the Business as conducted) to, each item of Company Intellectual Property
  or other Intellectual Property used by the Company, WW or any Subsidiary,
  as applicable, in the Business as conducted free and clear of any lien or
  encumbrance; and the Company, WW or one of the Subsidiaries is the
  exclusive owner of all URLs, domain names, trademarks and trade names used
  in connection with the operation or conduct of the Business as conducted,
  including the sale of any products or the provision of any services by the
  Company, WW or any of the Subsidiaries.

     (d) Neither Stockholder nor any of its subsidiaries (other than the
  Company, WW and the Subsidiaries) owns or licenses to the Company, WW or
  the Subsidiaries any Intellectual Property that is used in the Business as
  conducted or otherwise permits the Company to use any Intellectual Property
  that is licensed by the Stockholder or its subsidiaries (other than the
  Company, WW and the Subsidiaries).

     (e) The Company, WW and the Subsidiaries own exclusively, and have good
  title to, all copyrighted works that are the products of the Company, WW or
  any of the Subsidiaries or which the Company, WW or any of the Subsidiaries
  otherwise expressly purports to own. The Company, WW and the Subsidiaries
  own exclusively, and have good title to or a license to use (which license
  is disclosed on Schedule 2.11(i) of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter), all
  source-code and object-code used in or incorporated in the products or
  services of the Company, WW or any of the Subsidiaries.

     (f) The Company, WW and the Subsidiaries own, and have good title to and
  all necessary rights for the use of, all Intellectual Property used in the
  operation of the websites listed on Schedule 2.11(f), and no such right
  will terminate or be adversely affected by virtue of the Mergers and the
  transactions contemplated hereby.

     (g) To the extent that any Intellectual Property has been developed or
  created by a third party for the Company, WW or any Subsidiary, the
  Company, WW or such Subsidiary, as the case may be, has a written agreement
  with such third party (each of which agreements is in full force and effect
  and is binding and enforceable against the parties thereto) with respect
  thereto and the Company, WW or such Subsidiary, as the case may be, thereby
  either (i) has obtained ownership of, and is the exclusive owner of or (ii)
  has obtained a license (sufficient for the conduct of its business) to all
  such third party's Intellectual Property in such work, material or
  invention by operation of law or by valid assignment.

     (h) Neither the Company, WW nor any Subsidiary has transferred ownership
  of, or granted any exclusive license with respect to, any Intellectual
  Property that is or was material to the Company Intellectual Property, to
  any third party (including Stockholder and its subsidiaries other than the
  Company, WW and the Subsidiaries).


     (i) Schedule 2.11(i) lists all material contracts, licenses and
  agreements to which the Company, WW or any Subsidiary is a party (i) with
  respect to the Company Intellectual Property licensed or transferred to any
  third party, including without limitation, any agreement pursuant to which
  the Company, WW or any Subsidiary has granted or may grant in the future to
  any party a source-code license or option or other rights to use or acquire
  source code; or (ii) pursuant to which a third party or the Stockholder and
  its subsidiaries (other than the Company, WW and the Subsidiaries) has
  licensed or transferred any material Intellectual Property to the Company,
  WW or any Subsidiary.

     (j) The consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
  will neither violate nor result in the breach, modification, cancellation,
  termination or suspension of such contracts, licenses and agreements or the
  loss of, or any adverse effect on, any ownership or license rights of the
  Company or WW in any Company Intellectual Property. The Company, WW and the
  Subsidiaries are in compliance with, and have not breached any material
  term of any of such contracts, licenses and agreements and, to the
  Knowledge of the Stockholder, all other parties to such contracts, licenses
  and agreements are in compliance with, and have not breached any term of,
  such contracts, licenses and agreements. Following the Effective Time, the
  Surviving Corporation will be permitted to exercise all of the rights of
  the Company, WW and the Subsidiaries under such contracts, licenses and
  agreements to the same extent the Company, WW or the Subsidiaries, as the
  case may be, would have been able to had the transactions contemplated by
  this Agreement not occurred and without the payment of any additional
  amounts or consideration other than ongoing fees, royalties or payments
  which the Company, WW or the Subsidiaries would otherwise be required to

     (k) The operation of the Business as conducted in the jurisdictions
  conducted, including the design, development, manufacture, marketing and
  sale of the products or services of the Company, WW or any Subsidiary
  (including with respect to products and services currently under
  development) has not, does not and will not infringe or misappropriate the
  Intellectual Property of any third party or the Stockholder or any of its
  subsidiaries (other than the Company, WW and the Subsidiaries), or
  constitute unfair competition or trade practices under the laws of any
  jurisdiction in which the Business is conducted.

     (l) Neither the Company, WW nor any Subsidiary has received notice from
  any third party that the operation of the Business or any act, product or
  service of the Company, WW or any Subsidiary, infringes or misappropriates
  the Intellectual Property of any third party or constitutes unfair
  competition or trade practices under the laws of any jurisdiction.

     (m) To the Knowledge of the Stockholder, no person has or is infringing
  or misappropriating, any Company Intellectual Property or engaging in any
  unfair competition or trade practice against the Company, WW or any
  Subsidiary under the laws of any jurisdiction.

     (n) Neither this Agreement nor the transactions contemplated by this
  Agreement, including the assignment to Parent, Metal Merger Sub or WW
  Merger Sub by operation of law or otherwise of any contracts or agreements
  to which the Company or WW is a party, will result in (i) either Parent,
  Metal Merger Sub or WW Merger Sub granting to any third party any right to
  or with respect to any material Intellectual Property right owned by, or
  licensed to, either of them, (ii) the Company, WW, Parent, Metal Merger Sub
  or WW Merger Sub being bound by, or subject to, any non-compete or other
  material restriction on the operation or scope of their respective
  businesses, or (iii) either Parent, Metal Merger Sub or WW Merger Sub being
  obligated to pay any royalties or other material amounts to any third party
  in excess of those payable by Parent, Metal Merger Sub, WW Merger Sub, WW
  or the Company or any of the Subsidiaries, respectively, prior to the

     (o) Each of the Company and WW has taken all reasonable steps to protect
  the rights of the Company, WW and the Subsidiaries in the rights of the
  Company, WW and the Subsidiaries in confidential information and trade
  secrets that it wishes to protect or any trade secrets or confidential
  information of third parties provided to the Company, WW or any Subsidiary,
  and, without limiting the foregoing, the Company has and enforces a policy
  requiring each employee and contractor to execute a proprietary
  information/confidentiality and invention assignment agreement with the
  Company, and all


  current and former employees and contractors of the Company, WW an the
  Subsidiaries have executed such an agreement with the Company or WW, as
  applicable, except where the failure to do so is not reasonably expected to
  be material to the Company, WW or any of its Subsidiaries.

     (p) No (i) product, technology, service or publication of the Company,
  WW or any Subsidiary, (ii) material published or distributed by the
  Company, WW or any Subsidiary, or (iii) conduct or statement of the
  Company, WW or any Subsidiary constitutes obscene material, a defamatory
  statement or material, false advertising or otherwise violates any law or
  regulation in the jurisdictions where the Business is conducted.

     (q) The Company licenses all right, title and interest to the assets and
  Intellectual Property related to the development by Stockholder, the
  Company and/or WW of real estate transaction management platform
  technologies which will provide transaction processing and support services
  designed to aid real estate brokers in assisting real estate purchasers and
  sellers in fulfilling the closing conditions of a real estate purchase
  contract as described by Stockholder to Parent as Project Red Head
  ("Project Red Head").

   2.12 Agreements, Contracts and Commitments

     (a) Except as set forth in Schedule 2.12(a) of the Stockholder
  Disclosure Letter, as of the date hereof, neither the Company, WW nor any
  Subsidiary has, is a party to, is bound by, and the Business is not the
  beneficiary of, or subject to, any of the following (those agreements,
  arrangements, contracts or commitments to which the Business is subject,
  but to which the Company, WW or the Subsidiaries is not, as between the
  Stockholder or its subsidiaries (other than the Company, WW and the
  Subsidiaries) and the Company, WW and the Subsidiaries, are clearly marked
  as such on Schedule 2.12(a)):

       (i) any collective bargaining agreements,

       (ii)  any agreements or arrangements that contain any severance pay
    or post-employment liabilities or obligations,

       (ii) any bonus, deferred compensation, pension, profit sharing or
    retirement plans, or any other employee benefit plans or arrangements,

       (iv)  any employment or consulting agreement, contract or commitment
    with an employee or individual consultant or salesperson or any
    consulting or sales agreement, contract or commitment under which any
    firm or other organization provides services to the Company, WW or any

       (v) any agreement or plan, including any stock option plan, stock
    appreciation rights plan or stock purchase plan, any of the benefits of
    which will be increased, or the vesting of benefits of which will be
    accelerated, by the occurrence of any of the transactions contemplated
    by this Agreement or the value of any of the benefits of which will be
    calculated on the basis of any of the transactions contemplated by this

       (vi) any agreement or plan to issue, grant, deliver or sell or
    authorize, or that proposes the issuance, grant, delivery or sale of,
    or to purchase or that proposes the purchase of, any shares, or any
    rights attached to any shares, in the Company, WW or any Subsidiary or
    any securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares in the
    Company, WW or any Subsidiary, or subscriptions, rights, warrants or
    options to acquire, or other agreements or commitments of any character
    obligating it to issue any shares in the Company, WW or any Subsidiary
    or other convertible securities,

       (vii) any fidelity or surety bond or completion bond,

       (viii) any lease of personal property requiring payments over the
    term of such lease or series of related leases individually in excess
    of $200,000 or any lease of real property,

       (ix) any agreement of indemnification or guaranty,


       (x) any agreement, contract or commitment containing any covenant
    limiting the freedom of the Company, WW or any Subsidiary to engage in
    any line of business or to compete with any person,

       (xi) any agreement, contract or commitment relating to capital
    expenditures or involving future payments or a series of related
    payments in excess of $100,000,

       (xii) any agreement, contract or commitment relating to the
    disposition or acquisition of assets or any interest in any business
    enterprise outside the ordinary course of the Company's or WW's
    business, as applicable,

       (xiii) any mortgages, indentures, loans or credit agreements,
    security agreements or other agreements or instruments relating to the
    borrowing of money or extension of credit, including guaranties
    referred to in clause (ix) hereof,

       (xiv) any purchase order or contract for the purchase of raw
    materials involving $50,000 or more,

       (xv) any construction contracts involving future payments or a
    series of related payments in excess of $50,000,

       (xvi) any sales representative, original equipment manufacturer,
    value added, remarketer, reseller or independent software vendor or
    other agreement for use of distribution of the Company's or WW's
    products, technologies or services,

       (xvii) any distribution, joint marketing or development agreement
    that includes any provision granting any person a right of first
    refusal, right of first negotiation or exclusive, "most favored nation"
    or preferential placement or other preferential rights,

       (xviii) any agreement pursuant to which the Company, WW or any
    Subsidiary has developed for and/or delivered to or has received funds
    from any Governmental Entity to develop and/or deliver any Intellectual

       (xix) any agreement, contract or commitment for the purchase of

       (xx) any other agreement, contract or commitment that involves
    $100,000 or more or is not cancelable without penalty within thirty
    (30) days.

     (b) Except for such alleged breaches, violations and defaults, and
  events that would constitute a breach, violation or default with the lapse
  of time, giving of notice, or both, as are all noted in Schedule 2.12(b) of
  the Stockholder Disclosure Letter, neither the Company, WW nor any
  Subsidiary nor the Stockholder nor any of its subsidiaries has materially
  breached, violated or defaulted under, or received written notice that it
  has materially breached, violated or defaulted under, any of the terms or
  conditions of any agreement, contract or commitment required to be set
  forth on Schedule 2.12(a) of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter or Schedule
  2.11(g) of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter (any such agreement, contract
  or commitment, a "Contract"). Each Contract is in full force and effect
  (assuming the Contracts have been duly authorized, executed and delivered
  by the respective other parties thereto) and is not subject to any default
  thereunder of which the Stockholder has Knowledge by any party obligated to
  the Company, WW or any Subsidiary pursuant thereto.

   2.13 Interested Party Transactions. Other than as contemplated by this
Agreement, none of the Stockholder or any trust, partnership or corporation in
which the Stockholder has an interest or is affiliated, any subsidiary of the
Stockholder or any officer or director of the Company, WW or any Subsidiary,
has directly or indirectly, (i) an economic interest in any entity which
furnished or sold, or furnishes or sells, services or products that the
Company, WW or any Subsidiary furnishes or sells, or proposes to furnish or
sell, (ii) an economic interest in any entity that purchases from or sells or
furnishes to, or licenses to or licenses from, the Company, WW or any
Subsidiary, any goods or services or Intellectual Property or (iii) a material
pecuniary interest in any contract or agreement set forth in Schedule 2.12(a)
of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter or Schedule 2.11(i) of the Stockholder
Disclosure Letter; provided, that ownership of no more than one percent (1%) of
the outstanding voting stock of a publicly traded corporation shall not be
deemed an "economic interest in any entity" for purposes of this Section 2.13.


   2.14 Governmental Authorization. Schedule 2.14 of the Stockholder Disclosure
Letter accurately lists each material consent, license, permit, grant or other
authorization issued to the Company or WW relating to the Business by a
Governmental Entity (herein collectively referred to as "Company
Authorizations"), which Company Authorizations are in full force and effect and
constitute all Company Authorizations required to permit the Company and WW to
operate or conduct the Business or hold any interest in their respective
properties or assets.

   2.15 Litigation. Except as set forth in Schedule 2.15 of the Stockholder
Disclosure Letter, there is no action, suit or proceeding of any nature pending
or to Knowledge of the Stockholder, threatened against the Company, WW or any
of its Subsidiaries or Stockholder or any of its subsidiaries, their respective
properties or any of their respective officers or directors, in their
respective capacities as such. To the Knowledge of the Stockholder, there is no
investigation pending or threatened against the Company, WW or any Subsidiary
or the Stockholder or any of its subsidiaries, their respective properties or
any of their respective officers or directors by or before any Governmental
Entity. Schedule 2.15 of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter sets forth, with
respect to any such pending or threatened action, suit, proceeding or
investigation, the forum, the parties thereto, the subject matter thereof and
the amount of damages claimed or other remedy requested. No Governmental Entity
has at any time challenged or questioned the legal right of the Company, WW or
any Subsidiary or the Stockholder or any of its subsidiaries to conduct the
Business or offer or sell any of its products or services.

   2.16 Insurance. Schedule 2.16 of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter contains
a true and complete list of all current policies or insurance binders of fire,
property, title, business interruption, general liability, workers'
compensation and errors or omissions insurance (showing as to each policy or
binder as are applicable to the Business, the carrier, policy number, coverage
limits (including without limitation, retentions and deductibles), expiration
dates, annual premiums and a general description of the type of coverage
provided) maintained by the Company or WW on the Business, property or
employees within the last three years. All of such policies are sufficient for
compliance with all material contracts or leases to which the Company, WW or
any Subsidiary is a party and, to the Knowledge of the Stockholder, all
material requirements of applicable law. Neither the Company nor WW has not
failed to give any written notice or to present any material claim under any
such policy or binder in a due and timely fashion. There are no outstanding
unpaid claims under any such policies or binders for which adequate reserves
have not been established. Such policies and binders are in full force and
effect on the date hereof and shall be kept in full force and effect by the
Company and WW through the Closing Date. True and complete copies of the
documents described above have been delivered or made available to Parent.

   2.17 Minute Books. The minute books of the Company, WW and each of the
Subsidiaries made available to counsel for Parent are the only minute books of
the Company, WW and such Subsidiaries and contain a reasonably accurate summary
of all meetings of directors (or committees thereof) and stockholders or
actions by written consent since the incorporation of the Company, WW or such
Subsidiary, as the case may be.

   2.18 Environmental Matters

     (a) Definitions:

       (i) "Hazardous Material" is any material or substance that is
    prohibited or regulated by any Environmental Law or that has been
    designated by any Governmental Authority to be radioactive, toxic,
    hazardous or otherwise a danger to health, reproduction or the

       (ii) "Governmental Authority" is any local, state, provincial,
    federal, or international governmental authority or agency which has
    had or now has jurisdiction over any portion of the subject matter of
    this Agreement, any Business Facility, the Company, WW or any


       (iii) "Business Facility" is any property including the land, the
    improvements thereon, the groundwater thereunder and the surface water
    thereon, that is or at any time has been owned, operated, occupied,
    controlled or leased by the Company, WW or any Subsidiary in connection
    with the operation of the Business.

       (iv) "Disposal Site" is a landfill, disposal site, disposal agent,
    waste hauler or recycler of Hazardous Materials, or any real property
    other than a Business Facility receiving Hazardous Materials used or
    generated by a Business Facility.

       (v) "Environmental Laws" are all applicable laws, directives,
    guidance, rules, regulations, orders, treaties, statutes, and codes
    promulgated by any Governmental Authority which prohibit, regulate or
    control any Hazardous Material or any Hazardous Material Activity,
    including, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental
    Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, the Resource
    Recovery and Conservation Act of 1976, the Federal Water Pollution
    Control Act, the Clean Air Act, the Hazardous Materials Transportation
    Act, the Clean Water Act, all as amended at any time.

       (vi) "Hazardous Materials Activity" is the transportation, transfer,
    disposal, discharge, recycling, storage, use, treatment, manufacture,
    removal, remediation, release, exposure of others to, sale, or
    distribution of any Hazardous Material or any product or waste
    containing a Hazardous Material, or product manufactured with Ozone
    depleting substances.

       (vii) "Environmental Permit" is any approval, permit, registration,
    certification, license, clearance or consent required to be obtained
    from any private person or any Governmental Authority with respect to a
    Hazardous Materials Activity which is or was conducted by the Company,
    WW or any Subsidiary.

     (b) Condition of Property: As of the Closing, except in compliance with
  Environmental Laws in a manner that could not reasonably be expected to
  subject the Company, WW or any Subsidiary to liability, no Hazardous
  Materials are present on any Business Facility currently owned, operated,
  occupied, controlled or leased by the Company, WW or any Subsidiary or were
  present on any other Business Facility at the time it ceased to be owned,
  operated, occupied, controlled or leased by the Company, WW or any
  Subsidiary. Except as set forth in Schedule 2.18(b) of the Stockholder
  Disclosure Schedule, there are no underground storage tanks, asbestos which
  is friable or likely to become friable or PCBs present on any Business
  Facility currently owned, operated, occupied, controlled or leased by the
  Company, WW or any Subsidiary or as a consequence of the acts of the
  Company, WW or any Subsidiary or their respective agents.

     (c) Hazardous Materials Activities: Each of the Company, WW and each
  Subsidiary has conducted all Hazardous Material Activities relating to its
  business in compliance in all material respects with all applicable
  Environmental Laws. The Hazardous Materials Activities of the Company, WW
  and each Subsidiary prior to the Closing have not resulted in the exposure
  of any person to a Hazardous Material in a manner which has caused or could
  reasonably be expected to cause an adverse health effect to any such

     (d) Permits: Schedule 2.18(d) of the Stockholder Disclosure Schedule
  accurately describes all of the Environmental Permits currently held by the
  Company, WW or any Subsidiary and relating to the Business and the listed
  Environmental Permits are all of the Environmental Permits necessary for
  the continued conduct of any Hazardous Material Activity of the Company, WW
  or any Subsidiary relating to the Business as such activities are currently
  being conducted. All such Environmental Permits are valid and in full force
  and effect. The Company, WW or the Subsidiary, as applicable, has complied
  in all material respects with all covenants and conditions of any
  Environmental Permit which is or has been in force with respect to its
  Hazardous Materials Activities. No circumstances exist which could cause
  any Environmental Permit to be revoked, modified, or rendered non-renewable
  upon payment of the permit fee. All Environmental Permits and all other
  consent and clearances required by any Environmental Law


  or any agreement to which the Company, WW or any Subsidiary is bound as a
  condition to the performance and enforcement of this Agreement, have been
  obtained or will be obtained prior to the Closing at no cost to Parent.

     (e) Environmental Litigation: Except as set forth in Schedule 2.18(e) of
  the Stockholder Disclosure Schedule, no action, proceeding, revocation
  proceeding, amendment procedure, writ, injunction or claim is pending, or
  to the best of the Stockholder's knowledge, threatened, concerning or
  relating to any Environmental Permit or any Hazardous Materials Activity of
  the Company, WW or any Subsidiary relating to the Business or any Business

     (f) Offsite Hazardous Material Disposal: Each of the Company, WW and
  each Subsidiary has transferred or released Hazardous Materials only to
  those Disposal Sites set forth in Schedule 2.18(f) of the Stockholder
  Disclosure Schedule; and no action, proceeding, liability or claim exists
  or is threatened against any Disposal Site or against the Company, WW or
  any Subsidiary with respect to any transfer or release of Hazardous
  Materials relating to the Business to a Disposal Site which could
  reasonably be expected to subject the Company, WW or any Subsidiary to

     (g) Environmental Liabilities: The Stockholder is not aware of any fact
  or circumstance, which could result in any environmental liability which
  could reasonably be expected to harm the Business or financial status of
  the Company, WW or any Subsidiary.

     (h) Reports and Records: Each of the Company and WW, as applicable, has
  delivered to Parent or made available for inspection by Parent and its
  agents, representatives and employees all records in the Stockholder's, the
  Company's and WW's possession concerning the Hazardous Materials Activities
  of the Company, WW or any Subsidiary relating to the Business and all
  environmental audits and environmental assessments of any Business Facility
  conducted at the request of, or otherwise in the possession of the
  Stockholder, the Company and WW. Each of the Company, WW and each
  Subsidiary has complied with all environmental disclosure obligations
  imposed by applicable law with respect to this transaction.

   2.19 Brokers' and Finders' Fees; Third Party Expenses. Neither the Company,
WW nor any Subsidiary has incurred, nor will any of them incur, directly or
indirectly, any liability for brokerage or finders' fees or agents' commissions
or any similar charges or any other transaction expenses in connection with
this Agreement, the Commercial Agreements or any transaction contemplated
hereby and thereby.

   2.20 Employee Matters and Benefit Plans

     (a) Definitions. With the exception of the definition of "Affiliate" set
  forth in Section 2.20(a)(i) below (which definition shall apply only to
  this Section 2.20), for purposes of this Agreement, the following terms
  shall have the meanings set forth below:

       (i) "Affiliate" shall mean any other person or entity under common
    control with the Company or WW within the meaning of Section 414(b),
    (c), (m) or (o) of the Code and the regulations thereunder;

       (ii) "Company Employee Plan" shall refer to any plan, program,
    policy, practice, contract, agreement or other arrangement providing
    for compensation, severance, termination pay, performance awards, stock
    or stock-related awards, fringe benefits or other employee benefits or
    remuneration of any kind, whether formal or informal, funded or
    unfunded, including each "employee benefit plan", within the meaning of
    Section 3(3) of ERISA, which is or has been maintained, contributed to,
    or required to be contributed to, by the Stockholder or the Company or
    WW or any Affiliate for the benefit of any "Employee" (as defined
    below), and pursuant to which the Stockholder or the Company or WW or
    any Affiliate has or is reasonably expected to have any material
    liability contingent or otherwise;

       (iii) "DOL" means the Department of Labor;


       (iv) "Employee" shall mean any current, former, or retired employee,
    officer, or director of the Company, WW or any Subsidiary;

       (v) "Employee Agreement" shall refer to each management, employment,
    severance, consulting, relocation, repatriation, expatriation, visas,
    work permit or similar agreement or contract between the Stockholder,
    the Company, WW or any Subsidiary and any Employee or consultant of the
    Company, WW or any Subsidiary;

       (vi) "ERISA" shall mean the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
    of 1974, as amended;

       (vii) "IRS" shall mean the Internal Revenue Service;

       (viii) "Multiemployer Plan" shall mean any "Pension Plan" (as defined
    below) which is a "multiemployer plan," as defined in Section 3(37) of
    ERISA; and

       (ix) "Pension Plan" shall refer to each Company Employee Plan which
    is an "employee pension benefit plan," within the meaning of Section
    3(2) of ERISA.

     (b) Schedule. Schedule 2.20(b) of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter
  contains an accurate and complete list of each Company Employee Plan and
  each Employee Agreement. Except as set forth in Schedule 2.20(b) of the
  Stockholder Disclosure Letter, none of the Stockholder, the Company, WW nor
  any Subsidiary has any plan or commitment, whether legally binding or not,
  to establish any new Company Employee Plan or Employee Agreement, to modify
  any Company Employee Plan or Employee Agreement (except to the extent
  required by law or to conform any such Company Employee Plan or Employee
  Agreement to the requirements of any applicable law, in each case as
  previously disclosed to Parent in writing, or as required by this
  Agreement), or to enter into any Company Employee Plan or Employee
  Agreement, nor does it have any intention or commitment to do any of the

     (c) Documents. The Stockholder has made available to Parent (i) correct
  and complete copies of all documents embodying or relating to each Company
  Employee Plan and each Employee Agreement including all amendments thereto
  and written interpretations thereof; (ii) the most recent annual actuarial
  valuations, if any, prepared for each Company Employee Plan; (iii) the
  three (3) most recent annual reports (Series 5500 and all schedules
  thereto), if any, required under ERISA or the Code in connection with each
  Company Employee Plan or related trust; (iv) if the Employee Plan is
  funded, the most recent annual and periodic accounting of Company Employee
  Plan assets; (v) the most recent summary plan description together with the
  most recent summary of material modifications, if any, required under ERISA
  with respect to each Company Employee Plan; (vi) the most recent IRS
  determination letters and rulings relating to Company Employee Plans and
  copies of all applications and material correspondence to or from the IRS
  or DOL with respect to any Company Employee Plan; and (vii) all
  communications material to any Employee or Employees relating to any
  Company Employee Plan and any proposed Company Employee Plans, in each
  case, relating to any amendments, terminations, establishments, increases
  or decreases in benefits, acceleration of payments or vesting schedules or
  other events which would result in any material liability to the Company.

     (d) Employee Plan Compliance. (i) Each of the Company, WW and each
  Subsidiary has performed all material obligations required to be performed
  by it under each Company Employee Plan, is not in material default or
  violation of, and the Stockholder has no Knowledge of any material default
  or violation by any party to any Company Employee Plan, and each Company
  Employee Plan has been established and maintained in all material respects
  in accordance with its terms and in compliance with all applicable laws,
  statutes, orders, rules and regulations, including but not limited to ERISA
  or the Code; (ii) each Company Employee Plan intended to qualify under
  Section 401(a) of the Code and each trust intended to qualify under Section
  501(a) of the Code has either received a favorable determination, opinion,
  notification or advisory letter from the IRS with respect to each such
  Company Employee Plan as to its qualified status under the Code, including
  all amendments to the Code effected by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and
  subsequent legislation, or has remaining a period of time under applicable
  Treasury regulations or IRS pronouncements in which to apply for such a
  letter and make any amendments necessary to obtain


  a favorable determination as to the qualified status of each such Company
  Employee Plan; (iii) no "prohibited transaction," within the meaning of
  Section 4975 of the Code or Section 406 and 407 of ERISA, and not otherwise
  exempt under Section 408 of ERISA, has occurred with respect to any Company
  Employee Plan; (iv) there are no actions, suits or claims pending, or, to
  the Knowledge of the Stockholder, the Company, WW or any Affiliates,
  threatened or anticipated (other than routine claims for benefits) against
  any Company Employee Plan or against the assets of any Company Employee
  Plan; (v) each Company Employee Plan can be amended, terminated or
  otherwise discontinued after the Effective Time in accordance with its
  terms, without liability to the Company, WW, Parent or any of its
  Affiliates (other than ordinary administration expenses typically incurred
  in a termination event); (vi) there are no audits, inquiries or proceedings
  pending or, to the Knowledge of the Stockholder, the Company, WW or any
  Affiliates, threatened by the IRS or DOL with respect to any Company
  Employee Plan; and (vii) none of the Company, WW, the Stockholder nor any
  Affiliate is subject to any penalty or tax with respect to any Company
  Employee Plan under Section 502(i) of ERISA or Section 4975 through 4980 of
  the Code.

     (e) Pension Plans. Neither the Company, WW nor any Subsidiary has, nor
  has the Stockholder on behalf of the Company, WW or any Subsidiary, ever
  maintained, established, sponsored, participated in, or contributed to, any
  Pension Plan which is subject to Part 3 of Subtitle B of Title I of ERISA,
  Title IV of ERISA or Section 412 of the Code.

     (f) Multiemployer Plans. At no time has the Stockholder (on behalf of
  the Company, WW or any Subsidiary), the Company, WW or any Subsidiary
  contributed to or been requested to contribute to any Multiemployer Plan.

     (g) No Post-Employment Obligations. No Company Employee Plan provides,
  or has any liability to provide, life insurance, medical or other employee
  benefits to any Employee upon his or her retirement or termination of
  employment for any reason, except as may be required by statute.

     (h) COBRA. The Company and each Affiliate has, prior to the Effective
  Time, complied in all material respects with the health care continuation
  requirements of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985,
  as amended.

     (i) Effect of Transaction.

       (i) Except as set forth on Schedule 2.20(i) of the Stockholder
    Disclosure Letter, the execution of this Agreement and the consummation
    of the transactions contemplated hereby will not (either alone or upon
    the occurrence of any additional or subsequent events) constitute an
    event under any Company Employee Plan, Employee Agreement, trust or
    loan that will or may result in any payment (whether of severance pay
    or otherwise), acceleration, forgiveness of indebtedness, vesting,
    distribution, increase in benefits or obligation to fund benefits with
    respect to any Employee.

       (ii) No payment or benefit which will or may be made by the Company,
    WW or any Subsidiary with respect to any Employee will be characterized
    as an "excess parachute payment", within the meaning of Section
    280G(b)(1) of the Code.

     (j) Employment Matters. Each of the Company, WW and each Subsidiary: (i)
  is in material compliance with all applicable federal, state and local
  laws, rules and regulations respecting employment, employment practices,
  terms and conditions of employment and wages and hours, in each case, with
  respect to Employees; (ii) has withheld and reported all amounts required
  by law or by agreement to be withheld and reported with respect to the
  wages, salaries and other payments to Employees by virtue of their
  employment; (iii) is not liable for any arrears of wages or any taxes or
  any penalty for failure to comply with any of the foregoing; and (iv) is
  not liable for any payment to any trust or other fund or to any
  governmental or administrative authority, with respect to unemployment
  compensation benefits, social security or other benefits or obligations for
  Employees (other than routine payments to be made in the normal course of
  business and consistent with past practice). There are no pending, or to
  the Knowledge of the Stockholder, threatened claims or actions against the
  Company, WW or any Subsidiary under any worker's compensation policy or
  long-term disability policy.


     (k) Labor. No work stoppage or labor strike against the Company or any
  Subsidiary is pending or, to the Knowledge of the Stockholder or any
  Affiliate, threatened. None of the Stockholder, the Company, WW nor any
  Subsidiary is involved in or, to the Knowledge of the Stockholder,
  threatened with, any labor dispute, grievance, or litigation relating to
  labor, safety or discrimination matters involving any Employee, including
  charges of unfair labor practices or discrimination complaints, which, if
  adversely determined, would, individually or in the aggregate, result in
  liability to the Company or WW. None of the Stockholder, Company, WW nor
  any Subsidiary has engaged in any unfair labor practices within the meaning
  of the National Labor Relations Act which would, individually or in the
  aggregate, directly or indirectly result in a liability to the Company, WW
  or any Subsidiary. Neither the Stockholder, the Company nor WW is
  presently, nor has it been in the past, a party to, or bound by, any
  collective bargaining agreement or union contract with respect to Employees
  and no collective bargaining agreement is being negotiated by the
  Stockholder (with respect to the Company, WW or any Subsidiary), the
  Company, WW or any Subsidiary.

     (l) No Interference or Conflict. No director, stockholder, manager,
  officer, employee or consultant of the Company, WW or any of their
  respective Subsidiaries is obligated under any Contract or subject to any
  judgment, decree or order of any court or administrative agency, that would
  interfere with such person's efforts to promote the interests of the
  Company, WW or any of the Subsidiaries. To the Knowledge of the
  Stockholder, neither the execution nor delivery of this Agreement, nor the
  carrying on of the Business, as presently conducted, nor any activity of
  such officers, directors, employees or consultants in connection with the
  carrying on of the Business as presently conducted, will conflict with or
  result in a breach of the terms, conditions or provisions of, or constitute
  a default under, any Contract under which any of such officers, directors,
  employees or consultants is now obligated.

   2.21 Compliance with Laws. Each of Company, WW and each Subsidiary has
complied in all material respects with, is not in violation of, and has not
received any written notices of violation with respect to, any foreign,
federal, state or local statute, law or regulation.

   2.22 Investment Representations

     (a) Stockholder is aware of Parent's business affairs and financial
  condition and has acquired sufficient information about Parent to reach an
  informed and knowledgeable decision to acquire the shares of Parent Common
  Stock constituting the Merger Consideration. Stockholder is receiving the
  shares of Parent Common Stock constituting the Merger Consideration for
  investment for its own account only and not with a view to, or for resale
  in connection with, any "distribution" thereof within the meaning of the
  Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act").

     (b) Stockholder understands that the shares of Parent Common Stock
  constituting the Merger Consideration have not been registered under the
  Securities Act by reason of a specific exemption therefrom, which exemption
  depends upon, among other things, the bona fide nature of its investment
  intent and other representations as expressed herein.

     (c) Stockholder further acknowledges and understands that the shares of
  Parent Common Stock constituting the Merger Consideration must be held
  indefinitely unless they are subsequently registered under the Securities
  Act or an exemption from such registration is available. Stockholder
  understands that the certificate evidencing the shares of Parent Common
  Stock constituting the Merger Consideration will be imprinted with a legend
  which prohibits the transfer of the securities unless they are registered
  or Parent receives an opinion of counsel, reasonably acceptable to it, to
  the effect that such registration is not required.

     (d) Stockholder, by reason of Stockholder's business or financial
  experience has the capacity to protect its own interests in connection with
  the receipt of the shares of Parent Common Stock constituting the Merger


     (e) Stockholder is aware of the adoption of Rule 144 by the Securities
  and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), promulgated under the Securities Act,
  which permits limited public resale of securities acquired in a non-public
  offering subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions set forth
  therein, including, among other things, a one-year holding period, the
  availability of certain public information about the issuer, the
  requirement that the sale be effected through a "broker's transaction" or
  in transactions directly with a "market maker" (as defined in Rule 144) and
  the number of shares being sold in any three-month period not exceeding
  specific limitations.

     (f) Stockholder further acknowledges that in the event all of the
  requirements of Rule 144 are not met, some other registration exemption
  will be required; and that although Rule 144 is not exclusive, the staff of
  the SEC has expressed its opinion that persons proposing to sell private
  placement securities other than in a registered offering and other than
  pursuant to Rule 144 will have a substantial burden of proof in
  establishing that an exemption from registration is available for such
  offers or sales and that such persons and the brokers who participate in
  the transactions do so at their own risk.

     (g) Stockholder is an "accredited investor" as defined in Rule 501 of
  the Rules and Regulations promulgated under the Securities Act.

   2.23 Bank Accounts. Schedule 2.23 of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter
contains a true and complete listing of all bank accounts or other depositary
accounts maintained by the Company or WW and the authorized signatories

   2.24 No Other Agreements. Except as contemplated hereby, each of the Company
and WW has no legal obligation, absolute or contingent, to any other person or
entity to sell any material portion of the assets of the Company or WW, as
applicable, to sell Company Capital Stock or WW Capital Stock, as applicable,
to effect any merger, consolidation or reorganization of the Company or WW, or
to enter into any agreement with respect thereto.

   2.25 Liberty Digital Stock. As of the date hereof, the Company owns an
aggregate of 697,041 shares of common stock of Liberty Digital, Inc. ("Liberty
Digital Stock"), and since August 14, 2000, the Company has disposed of only
116,174 shares of Liberty Digital Stock for aggregate proceeds of $2,700,000
(the "Liberty Digital Proceeds").

   2.26 Representations Complete. None of the representations or warranties
made by the Stockholder (as modified by the Stockholder Disclosure Letter)
contains any untrue statement of a material fact or omits to state any material
fact necessary in order to make the statements contained herein, in the light
of the circumstances under which made, not misleading.


                                  ARTICLE III

                       METAL MERGER SUB AND WW MERGER SUB

   As of the date hereof, Parent, Metal Merger Sub and WW Merger Sub represent
and warrant to the Stockholder, subject to such exceptions as are specifically
disclosed in the disclosure letter supplied by the Parent to the Stockholder
(the "Parent Disclosure Letter") and dated as of the date hereof, as follows:

     3.1 Organization, Standing and Power. Parent is a corporation duly
  organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the
  State of Delaware. Each of Metal Merger Sub and WW Merger Sub is a
  corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the
  laws of the State of Delaware and the State of New York, respectively. Each
  of Parent, Metal Merger Sub and WW Merger Sub has the corporate power to
  own its respective properties and to carry on its respective business as
  now being conducted. Each of Parent, Metal Merger Sub and WW Merger Sub is
  duly qualified to do business and is in good standing in each jurisdiction
  in which the failure to be so qualified (either individually or
  collectively) would have a Material Adverse Effect on Parent. Each of the
  subsidiaries required to be listed in the periodic reports of Parent
  pursuant Item 601(b) of Regulation S-K of the Rules and Regulations
  promulgated under the Securities Act (the "Parent Subsidiaries") is duly
  organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the
  jurisdiction of its formation and has the corporate or other applicable
  power to owns its property and carry on its business as now being
  conducted. Each of the Parent Subsidiaries is duly qualified to do business
  and is in good standing in each jurisdiction outside of the jurisdiction of
  formation in which the failure to be so qualified (either individually or
  collectively) would have a Material Adverse Effect on Parent.

     3.2 Authority. Parent, Metal Merger Sub and WW Merger Sub have all
  requisite corporate power and authority to enter into this Agreement and
  the Ancillary Agreements to which it is a party and to consummate the
  transactions contemplated hereby and thereby. The execution and delivery of
  this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements and the consummation of the
  transactions contemplated hereby and thereby have been duly authorized by
  all necessary corporate action on the part of each of Parent, Metal Merger
  Sub and WW Merger Sub, subject only to the approval of the stockholders of
  Parent of the issuance of the Parent Common Stock in connection with the
  Mergers pursuant to the rules of the Nasdaq Stock Market. The respective
  Boards of Directors of Parent, Metal Merger Sub and WW Merger Sub have
  approved the Mergers, this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements to which
  Parent, Metal Merger Sub or WW Merger Sub, as applicable, is a party. This
  Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements to which it is a party have been
  duly executed and delivered by each of Parent, Metal Merger Sub and WW
  Merger Sub and, assuming the due execution and deliver by the Company, WW,
  CMS and the Stockholder, constitute the valid and binding obligations of
  Parent, Metal Merger Sub and WW Merger Sub, enforceable in accordance with
  their respective terms. The execution and delivery of this Agreement and
  the Ancillary Agreements to which it is a party by Parent, Metal Merger Sub
  and WW Merger Sub does not, and as of the Effective Time, will not result
  in any Conflict with (i) any provision of the Certificate of Incorporation
  or Bylaws of Parent, Metal Merger Sub or WW Merger Sub; or (ii) any
  material mortgage, indenture, lease, contract or other agreement or
  instrument, permit, concession, franchise, license, judgment, order,
  decree, statute law, ordinance, rule or regulation applicable to Parent,
  Metal Merger Sub or WW Merger Sub, as applicable, or their respective
  properties or assets. No consent, waiver, approval, order or authorization
  of, or registration, declaration or filing with, any Governmental Entity or
  any third party (so as not to trigger any Conflict) is required by or with
  respect to the Parent, Metal Merger Sub or WW Merger Sub in connection with
  the execution and delivery of this Agreement or the consummation of the
  transactions contemplated hereby, except for (i) the filing of the
  Certificates of Merger with the Secretaries of State for the State of
  Delaware and the State of New York, respectively, (ii) such consents,
  waivers, approvals, orders, authorizations, registrations, declarations and
  filings as may be required under applicable federal and state securities
  laws; (iii) such consents, waivers, approvals, orders, authorizations,
  registrations, declarations and filings as may be required under the HSR
  Act; (iv) approval of the


  stockholders of Parent of the issuance of the shares of Parent Common Stock
  in connection with the Mergers pursuant to the rules of the Nasdaq Stock
  Market; and (v) such other consents, waivers, authorizations, filings,
  approvals and registrations as would not have a Material Adverse Effect on
  Parent. Parent has approved the Mergers in its capacity as stockholder of
  Metal Merger Sub and WW Merger Sub.

     3.3 Capital Structure. The authorized stock of Parent consists of
  500,000,000 shares of Common Stock, $0.001 par value per share, of which
  83,245,513 shares were issued and outstanding as of October 23, 2000, and
  5,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock, $0.001 par value per share, one share
  of which was issued or outstanding. As of October 23, 2000, there were
  unvested options to purchase 11,826,574 shares of Parent Common Stock. The
  authorized capital stock of Metal Merger Sub consists of 1,000 shares of
  Common Stock, 1,000 shares of which, as of the date hereof, are issued and
  outstanding and are held by Parent. The authorized capital stock of WW
  Merger Sub consists of 1,000 shares of Common Stock, 1,000 shares of which,
  as of the date hereof, are issued and outstanding and are held by Parent.
  All outstanding shares of Parent Common Stock are duly authorized, validly
  issued, fully paid and non-assessable and not subject to preemptive rights
  created by statute, the Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws of the
  Parent or any agreement to which Parent or any Parent Subsidiary is a party
  or by which it is bound, and have been issued in compliance with federal
  and state securities laws. There are no declared or accrued but unpaid
  dividends with respect to any shares of Parent Common Stock. There are no
  outstanding or authorized stock appreciation, phantom stock, profit
  participation, or other similar rights with respect to Parent. Except as
  contemplated hereby, there are no voting trusts, proxies, or other
  agreements or understandings with respect to the voting stock of Parent.

     3.4 SEC Documents; Parent Financial Statements. Parent has furnished or
  made available to the Company true and complete copies of all reports or
  registration statements filed by it with the Securities and Exchange
  Commission (the "SEC") since August 7, 1999, all in the form so filed (all
  of the foregoing being collectively referred to as the "SEC Documents"). As
  of their respective filing dates, the SEC Documents complied in all
  material respects with the requirements of the Securities Act or the
  Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act") as the case may be,
  and none of the SEC Documents contained any untrue statement of a material
  fact or omitted to state a material fact required to be stated therein or
  necessary to make the statements made therein, in light of the
  circumstances in which they were made, not misleading, except to the extent
  corrected by a document subsequently filed with the SEC. The financial
  statements of Parent, including the notes thereto, included in the SEC
  Documents (the "Parent Financial Statements") comply as to form in all
  material respects with applicable accounting requirements and with the
  published rules and regulations of the SEC with respect thereto, have been
  prepared in accordance with GAAP consistently applied (except as may be
  indicated in the notes thereto or, in the case of unaudited statements, as
  permitted by Form 10-Q of the SEC) and present fairly the consolidated
  financial position of Parent at the dates thereof and the consolidated
  results of its operations and cash flows for the periods then ended
  (subject, in the case of unaudited statements, to normal audit
  adjustments). There has been no change in Parent accounting policies except
  as described in the notes to the Parent Financial Statements; provided,
  however, Parent may have restated or may restate one or more of the Parent
  Financial Statements to reflect acquisitions entered into subsequent to the
  respective dates thereof. The SEC Documents contained an audited
  consolidated balance sheet of Parent as of December 31, 1999 (the "Parent
  Balance Sheet") and the related audited consolidated statements of income
  and cash flow for the year then ended (collectively, the "Parent

     3.5 No Undisclosed Liabilities. Parent does not have any Liabilities,
  except for those that, (i) have been reflected in the Parent Balance Sheet,
  or (ii) have arisen in the ordinary course of the Parent's business since
  the date of the Parent Balance Sheet, or (iii) do not have a Material
  Adverse Effect on Parent.

     3.6 No Material Adverse Effect. Since the date of the Parent Balance
  Sheet and through the date hereof, there has not occurred any event or
  condition of any character that has had a Material Adverse Effect on


     3.7 Tax and Other Returns and Reports

       (a) Tax Returns and Audits.

         (i) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.7(a)(i) of the Parent
      Disclosure Letter, Parent has prepared and filed all material (as to
      Parent) required federal, state, local and foreign Returns, relating
      to any and all Taxes concerning or attributable to Parent or its
      operations and such Returns shall be true and correct in all
      material respects and have been completed in all material respects
      in accordance with applicable law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no
      representation or warranty is hereby made regarding the amount or
      availability of the net operating losses of Parent.

         (ii) Parent, (A) has paid or accrued all material (as to Parent)
      Taxes that Parent is required to pay or accrue and (B) has reported
      and withheld with respect to employees of the Parent all material
      federal and state income taxes, FICA, FUTA, and other Taxes required
      to be reported and withheld.

         (iii) Parent has not been delinquent in the payment of any
      material Tax nor is there any material Tax deficiency outstanding,
      proposed or assessed against the Parent, nor has Parent executed any
      waiver of any statute of limitations on or extending the period for
      the assessment or collection of any Tax.

         (iv) No audit or other examination of any Return of Parent is
      currently in progress, nor has Parent been notified of any request
      for such an audit or other examination.

         (v) There are no Liens on the assets of Parent relating to or
      attributable to Taxes.

         (vi) Parent is not a party to a tax sharing or allocation
      agreement nor does Parent owe any amount under any such agreement.

       (b) No material adjustment relating to any Return filed by Parent
    has been proposed formally, or, to Parent's Knowledge, informally by
    any tax authority to Parent or any representative thereof.

     3.8 Agreements, Contracts, Commitments. Parent and each Parent
  Subsidiary is in compliance in all material respects with and has not, in
  any material respects, breached, violated or defaulted under or received
  notice that it has breached, violated or defaulted under, any of the terms
  or conditions of any agreement, contract or commitment that is included in
  any Securities Act or Exchange Act filing a "Material Contract" pursuant to
  Item 601(b)(10) of Regulation S-K of the Rules and Regulations promulgated
  under the Securities Act. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.8 of the Parent
  Disclosure Letter, Parent has no agreement regarding the repurchase from
  any person of a number of shares of Parent Common Stock in excess of

     3.9 Interested Party Transactions. To Parent's Knowledge, no executive
  officer or director of Parent is a party to any transaction required to be
  disclosed under Item 404 of Regulation S-K of the Rules and Regulations
  promulgated under the Securities Act in the SEC Documents that has not been
  disclosed in the SEC Documents.

     3.10 Environmental Matters

       (a) Hazardous Material. Neither Parent nor any Parent Subsidiary has
    operated any underground storage tanks, and neither Parent has no
    Knowledge of the existence, at any time, of any underground storage
    tank (or related piping or pumps), at any property that Parent or any
    Parent Subsidiary has at any time owned, operated, occupied or leased.
    Neither Parent nor any Parent Subsidiary has released any amount of any
    Hazardous Materials. No Hazardous Materials are present as a result of
    the actions or omissions of Parent, or, to the Knowledge of Parent, as
    a result of any actions of any third party or otherwise, in, on or
    under any property, including the land and the improvements, ground
    water and surface water thereof, that Parent or any Parent Subsidiary
    has at any time owned, operated, occupied or leased.


       (b) Hazardous Materials Activities. Neither Parent nor any Parent
    Subsidiary has engaged in Hazardous Materials Activities in violation
    of any rule, regulation, treaty or statute promulgated by any
    Governmental Entity in effect prior to or as of the date hereof to
    prohibit, regulate or control Hazardous Materials or any Hazardous
    Material Activity.

       (c) Permits. Parent and each Parent Subsidiary currently hold all
    Environmental Permits necessary for the conduct of the Hazardous
    Material Activities of Parent or any Parent Subsidiary and other
    businesses of Parent or any Parent Subsidiary as such activities and
    businesses are currently being conducted.

       (d) Environmental Liabilities. No action, proceeding, revocation
    proceeding, amendment procedure, writ, injunction or claim is pending,
    or to the Knowledge of Parent, threatened concerning any Environmental
    Permit, Hazardous Material or any Hazardous Materials Activity of
    Parent or any Parent Subsidiary. Parent is not aware of any fact or
    circumstance which could involve Parent or any Parent Subsidiary in any
    environmental litigation or impose upon Parent or any Parent Subsidiary
    any environmental liability.

     3.11 Brokers' and Finders' Fees; Third Party Expenses. Except for fees
  payable to Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, neither Parent nor any Parent
  Subsidiary has incurred, nor will it incur, directly or indirectly, any
  liability for brokerage or finders' fees or agents' commissions or any
  similar charges in connection with this Agreement, the Commercial
  Agreements or any transaction contemplated hereby or thereby.

     3.12 Representations Complete. None of the representations or warranties
  made by Parent, Metal Merger Sub or WW Merger Sub (as modified by the
  Parent Disclosure Letter) contains any untrue statement of a material fact,
  or omits to state any material fact necessary in order to make the
  statements contained herein, in the light of the circumstances under which
  they were made, not misleading.

                                   ARTICLE IV


   4.1 Conduct of Business of the Company. During the period from the date of
this Agreement and continuing until the earlier of the termination of this
Agreement or the Effective Time, except for those matters set forth in Schedule
4.1 of the Stockholder Disclosure Letter, each of the Company and WW agrees and
the Stockholder agrees to cause the Company and WW (except to the extent that
Parent shall otherwise consent in writing) to carry on the Business in the
usual, regular and ordinary course in substantially the same manner as
heretofore conducted, to pay the debts and Taxes of the Company, WW and the
Subsidiaries when due, to pay or perform other obligations when due, and, to
the extent consistent with the Business, to use all reasonable efforts
consistent with past practice and policies to preserve intact its present
business organization, keep available the services of its present officers and
key employees and preserve their relationships with customers, suppliers,
distributors, licensors, licensees, and others having business dealings with
it, all with the goal of preserving unimpaired its goodwill and ongoing
businesses as of the Effective Time. Except as expressly contemplated by this
Agreement, neither the Company, WW nor any Subsidiary will, nor will the
Stockholder permit the Company, WW or any of the Subsidiaries to, without the
prior written consent of Parent:

     (a) Enter into any commitment, activity or transaction that would have
  been an exception to the representations or warranties set forth in Section
  2.7, had such commitment, activity or transaction occurred on or after
  March 31, 2000, June 30, 2000 or August 31, 2000, as the case may be, and
  prior to the date of this Agreement;

     (b) Transfer or license to the Stockholder or any of its subsidiaries
  (other than the Company, WW or any of the Subsidiaries) any rights to any
  Company Intellectual Property or any other asset (other than cash (except
  for the Liberty Digital Proceeds) and assets as of the date hereof of
  National Home Connection, MetroRent or Getko Canada) or enter into any
  agreement with respect to Company


  Intellectual Property or any other asset (other than assets relating to
  National Home Connection) with Stockholder or its subsidiaries (other than
  the Company, WW and the Subsidiaries);

     (c) Transfer to the Stockholder or any of its subsidiaries (other than
  the Company, WW or any of the Subsidiaries) any employee engaged in the

     (d) Hire or terminate any employees other than for cause or encourage
  any employees to resign from the Company, WW or any Subsidiary;

     (e) Enter into or amend any agreement pursuant to which any party is
  granted marketing, distribution, development or similar rights of any type
  or scope which includes any provision granting any person a right of first
  refusal, right of first negotiation or exclusive, "most favored nation" or
  preferential placement or other preferential rights, except for agreements
  regarding sponsorship or the sale of advertising to third parties for
  placement on the Company's website with no payment or other obligations on
  the part of the Company or any Subsidiary outside the ordinary course of
  business and that are terminable within sixty (60) days without penalty;

     (f) Adversely amend or otherwise modify (or agree to do so), except in
  the ordinary course of business, or violate the material terms of, any
  agreement set forth or described in the Stockholder Disclosure Letter;

     (g) Commence or settle any litigation involving claims or payments in
  excess of $100,000 or which seeks equitable relief; provided, however, that
  this restriction shall not apply to the commencement of (i) any litigation
  regarding accounts receivable in the ordinary course of business or other
  litigation relating to the ordinary course enforcement of contractual
  rights generally or (ii) any litigation regarding a breach of this

     (h) Declare, set aside or pay any dividends on or make any other
  distributions (whether in cash, stock or property) in respect of any of its
  capital stock, or split, combine or reclassify any of its capital stock or
  issue or authorize the issuance of any other securities in respect of, in
  lieu of or in substitution for shares of capital stock of the Company, WW
  or any Subsidiary, or repurchase, redeem or otherwise acquire, directly or
  indirectly, any shares of its capital stock (or options, warrants or other
  rights exercisable therefor);

     (i) Issue, sell, grant, contract to issue, grant or sell, or authorize
  the issuance, delivery, sale or purchase of any shares of Company Capital
  Stock or securities convertible into, or exercisable or exchangeable for,
  shares of Company Capital Stock, or any securities, warrants, options or
  rights to purchase any of the foregoing;

     (j) Cause or permit any amendments to its Certificate of Incorporation
  or Bylaws;

     (k) Acquire or agree to acquire by merging or consolidating with, or by
  purchasing any assets or equity securities of, or by any other manner, any
  business or any corporation, partnership, association or other business
  organization or division thereof, or otherwise acquire or agree to acquire
  or divest any assets which are material, individually or in the aggregate,
  to the Business;

     (l) Sell, lease, license or otherwise dispose of any of the assets or
  properties of Company, WW or any Subsidiary except in the ordinary course
  of business consistent with past practices or create any security interest
  in such assets or properties;

     (m) Grant any loan to any person or entity, incur any indebtedness or
  guarantee any indebtedness, issue or sell any debt securities, guarantee
  any debt securities of others, purchase any debt securities of others or
  amend the terms of any outstanding agreements related to borrowed money,
  except for advances to employees for travel and business expenses in the
  ordinary course of business consistent with past practices;

     (n) Grant any severance or termination pay (i) to any director or
  officer or (ii) to any employee or consultant, except payments made
  pursuant to standard written agreements outstanding as of the date


  hereof and disclosed on Schedule 4.1(n) of the Stockholder Disclosure
  Letter, or increase in the salary or other compensation payable or to
  become payable by Company or any of their respective Subsidiaries to any of
  their officers, directors, employees or advisors other than increases made
  in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practices and in no
  event in excess of ten percent (10%) of such individual's base salary, or
  declare, pay or make any commitment or obligation of any kind for the
  payment by the Company, WW or any of their respective Subsidiaries of a
  bonus or other additional salary or compensation to any such person other
  than bonuses or additional salary or compensation paid in the ordinary
  course of business consistent with past practices, or adopt or amend any
  employee benefit plan or enter into any employment contract;

     (o) Revalue any of its assets, including writing down the value of
  inventory or writing off notes or accounts receivable other than in the
  ordinary course of business and consistent with past practice;

     (p) Other than the acceleration of not more than twenty-five percent
  (25%) of the shares underlying Company Options (or acceleration of such
  greater amount as disclosed in the Employment Agreements set forth on
  Schedule 4.1(p)) outstanding as of the date hereof in connection with the
  transactions contemplated by this Agreement, take any action to accelerate
  the vesting schedule of any of the outstanding Company Options, Company
  Capital Stock or WW Capital Stock;

     (q) Pay, discharge or satisfy, in an amount in excess of $100,000 (in
  any one case) or $250,000 (in the aggregate) any claim, liability or
  obligation (absolute, accrued, asserted or unasserted, contingent or
  otherwise), other than the payment, discharge or satisfaction in the
  ordinary course of business of liabilities;

     (r) Make or change any election in respect of Taxes, adopt or change any
  accounting method in respect of Taxes, enter into any closing agreement or
  settle any claim or assessment in respect of Taxes;

     (s) Enter into any agreement of the type described in Section 2.12
  hereof except, with respect to 2.12(a)(xvii), for agreements regarding
  sponsorship or the sale of advertising to third parties for placement on
  the Company's website with no payment or other obligations on the part of
  the Company or any Subsidiary outside the ordinary course of business and
  that are terminable within sixty (60) days without penalty and, with
  respect to 2.12(a)(xix), for agreements that are cancelable without penalty
  within thirty (30) days and for which, if such agreement is in effect after
  the Closing, (i) Stockholder shall be the sole obligor under such agreement
  after the Closing and (ii) Parent has no liability after the Closing under
  the agreement, by operation of law or otherwise;

     (t) Fail to pay or otherwise satisfy its monetary obligations as they
  become due, except such as are being contested in good faith;

     (u) Cancel, materially amend or renew any insurance policy other than in
  the ordinary course of business;

     (v) Except as contemplated by this Agreement, alter, or enter into any
  commitment to alter, its interest in any corporation, association, joint
  venture, partnership or business entity in which the Company, WW or any
  Subsidiary directly or indirectly holds any interest on the date hereof; or

     (w) Take, or agree in writing or otherwise to take, any of the actions
  described in Sections 4.1(a) through (v) above, or any other action that
  would prevent the Company, WW or the Subsidiaries from performing or cause
  the Company, WW or the Subsidiaries not to perform its covenants hereunder.

   Notwithstanding the foregoing, Stockholder will cause the transfer prior to
the Closing, and shall be permitted without receiving the prior written consent
of Parent to transfer, out of the Company the business of National Home
Connections, LLC, Getko Canada and MetroRent and the employees set forth on
Schedule 4.1(x), such that neither the Company, WW nor any Subsidiary has any
Liabilities with respect to such business or employees following the Closing.


   4.2 No Solicitation. Until the earlier of the Effective Time or the date of
termination of this Agreement pursuant to the provisions of Section 8.1 hereof,
the Stockholder will not permit (nor will it permit any of the respective
officers, directors, employees, stockholders, agents, representatives or
affiliates of) the Company, WW or any of the Subsidiaries to directly or
indirectly, take any of the following actions with any party other than Parent
and its designees: (a) solicit, initiate, entertain, or encourage any proposals
or offers from, or conduct discussions with or engage in negotiations with, any
person relating to any possible acquisition of the Company or WW, any of its
subsidiaries or the Business (whether by way of merger, purchase of capital
stock, purchase of assets or otherwise), any material portion of its capital
stock or assets or any equity interest in the Company, WW, any of the
Subsidiaries or the Business, (b) provide information with respect to it to any
person, other than Parent, relating to, or otherwise cooperate with, facilitate
or encourage any effort or attempt by any such person with regard to, any
possible acquisition of the Company, WW, any of the Subsidiaries or the
Business (whether by way of merger, purchase of capital stock, purchase of
assets or otherwise), any material portion of its capital stock or assets or
any equity interest in the Company, WW, any of the Subsidiaries or the
Business, (c) enter into an agreement with any person, other than Parent,
providing for the acquisition of the Company, WW, any of the Subsidiaries or
the Business (whether by way of merger, purchase of capital stock, purchase of
assets or otherwise), any material portion of its capital stock or assets or
any equity interest in the Company, WW, any of the Subsidiaries or the
Business, or (d) make or authorize any statement, recommendation or
solicitation in support of any possible acquisition of the Company, WW, any of
the Subsidiaries or the Business (whether by way of merger, purchase of capital
stock, purchase of assets or otherwise), any material portion of its capital
stock or assets or any equity interest in the Company, WW, any of the
Subsidiaries or the Business by any person, other than by Parent. The
Stockholder shall immediately cease and cause to be terminated any such
contacts or negotiations with third parties relating to any such transaction or
proposed transaction. In addition to the foregoing, if the Company, WW or the
Stockholder receives prior to the Effective Time or the termination of this
Agreement any offer or proposal relating to any of the above, the Stockholder
shall immediately notify Parent thereof, including information as to the
identity of the offeror or the party making any such offer or proposal and the
specific terms of such offer or proposal, as the case may be, and such other
information related thereto as Parent may reasonably request. Except as
contemplated by this Agreement, disclosure by the Company, WW or Stockholder of
the terms hereof (other than the prohibition of this Section 4.2) shall be
deemed to be a violation of this Section 4.2. The parties hereto agree that
irreparable damage would occur in the event that the provisions of this Section
4.2 were not performed in accordance with their specific terms or were
otherwise breached. It is accordingly agreed by the parties hereto that Parent
shall be entitled to seek an injunction or injunctions to prevent breaches of
the provisions of this Section 4.2 and to enforce specifically the terms and
provisions hereof in any court of the United States or any state having
jurisdiction, this being in addition to any other remedy to which Parent may be
entitled at law or in equity.

   4.3 Conduct of Business of Parent. During the period from the date of this
Agreement and continuing until the earlier of the termination of this Agreement
and the Effective Time, Parent agrees it shall not, without the prior written
consent of the Stockholder, enter into any transaction which would (i) require
the approval of the stockholders of Parent under the rules of the Nasdaq Stock
Market, or Delaware Law, or its Certificate of Incorporation, or (ii) both (A)
require a pre-merger notification filing to be made under the HSR Act (without
respect to whether the "size of the person" test pertaining to the entity to be
acquired is met) and (B) be reasonably likely to materially delay or impede
approval of the Mergers under the HSR Act. If Parent intends to enter into any
transaction which would require a pre-merger notification filing to be made
under the HSR Act (without respect to whether the "size of the person" test
pertaining to the entity to be acquired is met), then it shall, prior entering
into such transaction, consult with the Stockholder to discuss the reasonable
likely effects of such transaction on approval of the Mergers under the HSR
Act. Parent shall instruct and provide training to its sales force and the
sales force of Spring Street and Parent not to use the existence of the
proposed Mergers as a means of persuading potential customers and advertisers
of RentNet or the Company not to sign up with RentNet or the Company but to
sign up with Spring Street or Parent instead.


                                   ARTICLE V

                             ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS

   5.1 Stockholder Approval; Proxy Statement; Delivery of Financials

     (a) As promptly as practicable after the execution of this Agreement,
  Parent will prepare and file, with the cooperation of the Company, WW and
  the Stockholder, a proxy statement (the "Proxy Statement") relating to
  approval of the issuance of the shares of Parent Common Stock in connection
  with the Mergers pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Nasdaq Stock
  Market and the SEC. The Company, WW and Stockholder shall provide promptly
  to Parent such information concerning their respective business and
  financial statements and affairs, as, in the reasonably judgment of Parent
  or its counsel, may be required or appropriate for inclusion in the Proxy
  Statement, or in any amendments or supplements thereto, and to cause its
  counsel and auditors to cooperate with Parent's counsel and auditors in the
  preparation of the Proxy Statement, including, without limitation, that
  each of the Company and WW agrees, and the Stockholder agrees to cause the
  Company and WW, to deliver an audited combined consolidated balance sheet
  of the Company (together with WW and the WW Subsidiaries as though WW and
  the WW Subsidiaries were subsidiaries of the Company) as of September 30,
  2000 and the related audited combined consolidated statements of operations
  and cash flows for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2000 as soon
  as practicable after the date of this Agreement and in no event later than
  November 15, 2000. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, in
  particular, the Stockholder, the Company and WW will cause its management
  and its independent auditors to facilitate on a timely basis (and no later
  than fifteen (15) business days after the date of this Agreement) (i) the
  preparation and delivery to Parent for inclusion in the Proxy Statement of
  financial statements (including pro forma financial statements if required)
  as required by Parent to comply with applicable rules and regulations of
  the SEC, (ii) the review of any Company or WW audit or review work papers
  for up to the past three (3) complete fiscal years, including the
  examination of selected interim financial statements and data and (iii) the
  delivery of such consents and representations from the Stockholder's, the
  Company's and WW's independent accountants as may be required by applicable
  laws or the rules or regulations promulgated thereunder.

     Parent shall use commercially reasonable efforts to respond after
  consultation with the other parties hereto to any comments of the SEC as
  promptly as promptly practicable after such filing. Parent shall give the
  Stockholder and its counsel the opportunity to review the Proxy Statement
  prior to its being filed with the SEC and shall give the Stockholder and
  its counsel the opportunity to review all amendments and supplements to the
  Proxy Statement and all written responses to requests for additional
  information and written replies to comments prior to their being filed
  with, or sent to, the SEC. Parent will cause the Proxy Statement to be
  mailed to all stockholders of Parent, at the earliest practicable time
  after the expiration of the period of time prescribed by Rule 14a-6(a) of
  the Exchange Act or if comments are received by the SEC prior to the
  expiration of such period of time, upon receipt of written notice from the
  SEC advising Parent of the SEC's permission to file the Proxy Statement in
  definitive form. As promptly as practicable after the date of this
  Agreement, Parent, the Company, WW and Stockholder will prepare and file
  any other filings required under the Securities Act, Exchange Act or any
  other federal, foreign, or state "Blue Sky" laws relating to the Mergers
  and the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (the "Other Filings").
  The Proxy Statement will comply in all material respects with all
  applicable requirements of law and the rules and regulations promulgated
  thereunder. Whenever any event occurs that is required to be set forth in
  amendment or supplement to the Proxy Statement or any Other Filing, as the
  case may be, Parent, the Company, WW or Stockholder, as the case may be,
  will promptly inform the others of such occurrence and cooperate in filing
  with the SEC or its staff or any other government officers, and/or mailing
  to the stockholders of Parent, such amendment or supplement as promptly as
  practicable. The Proxy Statement shall include the recommendation of the
  Board of Directors of Parent in favor of the issuance of shares of Parent
  Common Stock in connection with the Mergers; provided, however, that such
  recommendation may be withdrawn or amended in the event (i) of termination
  of this Agreement pursuant


  to Section 8.1 or (ii) that the Stockholder, the Company or WW has engaged
  in fraudulent behavior with respect to this Agreement, the Mergers or the
  transactions contemplated hereby.

     (b) At the earliest practicable date after the expiration of the period
  of time prescribed by Rule 14a-6(a) of the Exchange Act or if comments are
  received by Parent from the SEC prior to the expiration of such period of
  time, upon receipt of written notice from the SEC advising Parent of the
  SEC's permission to file the Proxy Statement in definitive form, Parent
  will use its good faith reasonable efforts to take all action necessary in
  accordance with Delaware Law, the Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws
  of Parent, and the rules and regulations of the Nasdaq Stock Market to duly
  call, give notice of and convene and hold a special meeting of stockholders
  for purposes of voting on a proposal to approve the issuance of the shares
  of Parent Common Stock in connection with the Mergers. Parent will, subject
  to federal and state securities laws and the rules and regulations
  promulgated thereunder, solicit from its stockholders proxies in favor of
  the issuance of the shares of Parent Common Stock in connection with the

   5.2 Nasdaq Listing. Parent shall use commercially reasonable efforts to
ensure that at the Effective Time, the shares of Parent Common Stock to be
delivered to the Stockholder pursuant to this Agreement shall have been
accepted for quotation on the Nasdaq National Market.

   5.3 Restrictions on Transfer. Except for certificates representing those
shares of Parent Common Stock which are subject to an effective registration
statement on Form S-3 filed by Parent pursuant to Section 5.12, all
certificates representing Parent Common Stock deliverable to the Stockholder or
any of its Subsidiaries pursuant to this Agreement in connection with the
Mergers and any certificates subsequently issued with respect thereto or in
substitution therefor (including any shares issued or issuable in respect of
any such shares upon any stock split stock dividend, recapitalization, or
similar event) shall bear the following legends:



   If, and to the extent shares of Parent Common Stock held by the Stockholder
are no longer subject to the restrictions described in the legends set forth
above, upon the request of the Stockholder, Parent shall cause its transfer
agent to remove the appropriate legend set forth above from the certificates
evidencing the shares of Parent Common Stock or issue to the Stockholder new
certificates therefor free of such legend.

   Such certificate shall also bear any legend required by any federal, state,
local or foreign law governing such securities.

   5.4 Access to Information. The Company and WW shall afford Parent and its
accountants, counsel and other representatives, reasonable access during normal
business hours during the period prior to the Effective Time to (a) all
properties, books, contracts, commitments, records and auditors of the Company,
WW and the Subsidiaries, and (b) all other information concerning the Business
and the properties and personnel of the Company, WW and the Subsidiaries
(subject to restrictions imposed by applicable law) as Parent may reasonably
request; provided that any photocopying or similar costs of such access shall
be incurred at Parent's expense and that such access will conducted at a
reasonable time, under the supervision of the Stockholder's, the Company's or
WW's personnel and in such a manner as to maintain the confidentiality of this


and the transactions contemplated hereby and not to interfere unreasonably with
the normal operation of the business of the Company or WW. Parent shall afford
Stockholder, the Company and WW, and their respective accountants, counsel and
other representatives, access during normal business hours during the period
prior to the Effective Time to the senior executive management team of Parent
to the same extent as such access was provided prior to the date of this
Agreement; provided that any photocopying or similar costs of such access shall
be incurred at Stockholder's expense and that such access will conducted at a
reasonable time, under the supervision of Parent's personnel and in such a
manner as to maintain the confidentiality of this Agreement and the
transactions contemplated hereby and not to interfere unreasonably with the
normal operation of the business of Parent. Parent and the Stockholder
acknowledge and agree that all information received from or on behalf of the
Parent, Company, WW or any Subsidiary in connection with the transactions
contemplated hereby prior to the Closing shall be deemed to be received
pursuant to the Confidentiality Agreement dated as of May 19, 2000 and Parent,
Metal Merger Sub, WW Merger Sub, the Stockholder, the Company and WW shall, and
shall cause their respective affiliates and representatives, to comply with the
provisions of such Confidentiality Agreement with respect to such information.
No information or knowledge obtained in any investigation pursuant to this
Section 5.4 shall affect or be deemed to modify any representation or warranty
contained herein.

   5.5 Expenses. Except as set forth in Section 5.13 hereof, whether or not the
Mergers are consummated, all fees and expenses incurred in connection with the
Mergers including all legal, accounting, financial advisory, consulting and all
other fees and expenses of third parties ("Third Party Expenses") incurred by a
party in connection with the negotiation and effectuation of the terms and
conditions of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby, shall be
the obligation of the respective party incurring such fees and expenses;
provided, however, all Third Party Expenses incurred by the Company, WW or any
Subsidiary in connection with the negotiation and effectuation of the terms and
conditions of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby shall be
the sole obligation of the Stockholder.

   5.6 Public Disclosure. Parent and the Stockholder shall consult with and
provide each other the reasonable opportunity to review and comment upon any
public disclosure prior to the public disclosure relating to this Agreement or
the transactions contemplated hereby, provided, that neither Parent nor the
Stockholder shall issue any such public disclosure prior to such consultation
and mutual agreement by the other party except as may be otherwise required by
law (including federal and state securities laws) or, as to Parent, by the
rules and regulations of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
or the Nasdaq Marketplace Rules. Parent and Stockholder further agree that for
the first twelve (12) months the key messaging to the public will be that of
the initial public disclosures made by and agreed to by the parties.

   5.7 Consents. The Stockholder shall use all commercially reasonable efforts
and shall cause the Company and WW to use all commercially reasonable efforts
to obtain the consents, waivers and approvals and to give the notices under any
of the Contracts as may be required in connection with the Mergers (all of such
consents, waivers and approvals are set forth in Stockholder Disclosure Letter)
so as to preserve all rights of and benefits to the Company, WW and Parent

   5.8 FIRPTA Compliance. On or prior to the Closing Date, the Stockholder
shall deliver to Parent an affidavit in a form reasonably satisfactory to
Parent stating under penalties of perjury Stockholder's taxpayer identification
number and that Stockholder is not a foreign person within the meaning of
Section 1445 of the Code.

   5.9 Reasonable Efforts. Subject to the terms and conditions provided in this
Agreement, each of the parties hereto shall use its reasonable good faith
efforts (subject to, and in accordance with, applicable law) to take promptly,
or cause to be taken, all actions, and to do promptly, or cause to be done, all
things necessary, proper or advisable under applicable laws and regulations to
consummate and make effective the transactions contemplated hereby, to obtain
all necessary waivers, consents and approvals, to effect all necessary
registrations and filings, and to remove any injunctions or other impediments
or delays, legal or otherwise, in order to consummate and make effective the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement for the purpose of


securing to the parties hereto the benefits contemplated by this Agreement,
subject to the limitations on divestiture set forth in Section 5.13 hereof.

   5.10 Notification of Certain Matters. The Stockholder shall give prompt
notice to Parent, and Parent shall give prompt notice to the Stockholder, of
(i) the occurrence or non-occurrence of any event of which such party has
Knowledge, the occurrence or non-occurrence of which causes any representation
or warranty of the Company, WW and the Stockholder, on the one hand, and
Parent, on the other hand, contained in this Agreement to be untrue or
inaccurate such that the conditions set forth in Section 6.3(a) hereof or
Section 6.2(a) hereof, as the case may be, would not be satisfied, and (ii) any
failure of the Company, WW and the Stockholder, on the one hand, or Parent, on
the other hand, as the case may be, to comply with or satisfy any covenant,
condition or agreement to be complied with or satisfied by it hereunder in any
material respect; provided, however, that the delivery of any notice pursuant
to this Section 5.10 shall not limit or otherwise affect any remedies available
to the party receiving such notice.

   5.11 S-8 Registration. At the Closing Date, if possible, and subject to
obtaining any necessary consents or approvals, which consents and approvals
Parent will use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain, Parent agrees to
file, if available for use by Parent, with the SEC a registration statement on
Form S-8 registering a number of shares of Parent Common Stock equal to the
number of shares of Parent Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of all
Company Options assumed by Parent pursuant to Section 1.6(b) hereof.

   5.12 S-3 Registration Statement. As promptly as practicable after the
Closing, but in any event not later than the later of (i) May 31, 2001 or (ii)
ninety (90) days following the Closing, Parent agrees to prepare and file with
the SEC a registration statement on Form S-3, or any successor form,
registering for distribution to holders of Tracking Stock (other than in
respect of the Stockholder's notional interest therein) and holders of options
to acquire Tracking Stock (other than Continuing Employee Options) (such
holders collectively, the "Distributees") such number of shares of Parent
Common Stock equal to the product obtained by multiplying (x) the Option
Exchange Ratio times (y) the number of Fully Converted Shares held by such
holders and issuable upon exercise of such options, provided that in no event
shall such number of shares of Parent Common Stock so registered exceed
5,316,930 (the "Distributable Shares").

   5.13 HSR Act. Each party agrees to provide the other party with copies of
any documentation or written materials provided to or by governmental
authorities with respect to the HSR approval process. Notwithstanding anything
to the contrary in this Agreement, Parent shall not be required to agree to any
divestiture by Parent, the Company or WW or any of their respective
subsidiaries or affiliates (i) of shares of capital stock, (ii) of any of their
respective businesses, assets or properties or (iii) the imposition of any
material limitation on the ability of any of them to conduct their respective
businesses (including the Business) or to own or exercise control of such
assets, properties and stock. All expenses incurred by the Company, WW, Parent
and the Stockholder (including expenses of counsel) in connection with
obtaining termination of the waiting period under the HSR Act shall be borne
solely by the party incurring such expense.

   5.14 Transfer of Assets.

     (a) Subject to the provisions of the last paragraph of Section 4.1 of
  this Agreement, prior to the Closing, the Stockholder shall transfer,
  assign or license (on a worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free and non-
  exclusive basis to conduct the Business) to the Company and WW, as
  applicable, all tangible, intangible, real and personal property assets
  used in the Business, including all Intellectual Property, owned by or
  licensed to Stockholder or any of its subsidiaries that are used in the
  conduct of the Business, including any assets which are necessary to the
  continued realization of any revenues of the Business as conducted;
  provided, however, that to the extent that the transfer, assignment or
  license of any such assets is provided for in any of the Commercial
  Agreements, then the terms of such Commercial Agreement shall govern such
  transfer, assignment or license.

     (b) Following the Closing, the Stockholder shall assist Parent, the
  Company and WW with perfecting the Company's and WW's title in any such
  assets. Such assistance shall include the following: (i)


  executing all documents prepared by the Company, WW or Parent necessary to
  perfect the Company's or WW's title in any such assets; (ii) making
  available to Parent, the Company, WW or their counsel, inventors and other
  persons employed by Stockholder for interviews and/or testimony to assist
  in good faith in further prosecution, maintenance or litigation of any
  registrations or applications involving any such assets, including
  Registered Intellectual Property; (iii) forwarding copies of all
  correspondence sent and received concerning such assets within a reasonable
  time after receipt by Stockholder; and (iv) making all relevant documents
  in the possession or control of Stockholder and relating to such assets,
  available to Parent or its counsel.

   5.15 Trade Secret License. Without limiting anything set forth herein,
including Company's and WW's ownership of its trade secrets, effective as of
the Closing, the Stockholder hereby grants to Parent, and to the Company and WW
after the Closing, a non-exclusive license to use all trade secrets and know-
how owned by the Stockholder used in the conduct of the Business. Subject to
the terms of this Agreement and the Commercial Agreements and the Ancillary
Agreements, Parent, the Stockholder, the Company and WW shall treat such trade
secrets in the same manner that they treat comparable other trade secrets owned
by each of them.

   5.16 Equitable Remedy. The Stockholder agrees that it would be impossible or
inadequate to measure and calculate Parent's damages from any breach of the
covenants set forth in Sections 5.14 and 5.15. Accordingly, the Stockholder
agrees that if it breaches any provision of Sections 5.14 or 5.15, Parent will
have available, in addition to any right or remedy otherwise available, the
right to obtain an injunction from a court of competent jurisdiction
restraining such breach or threatened breach and to specific performance of any
such provision of this Agreement. The Stockholder further agrees that no bond
or other security shall be required in obtaining such equitable relief, nor
will proof of actual damages be required for such equitable relief. The
Stockholder hereby expressly consents to the issuance of such injunctive
relief, whether in the form of a temporary restraining order or otherwise, and
to the ordering of such specific performance.

   5.17 Stockholder Employee Plans

     (a) Liabilities Under Plans. From and after the Effective Time, except
  as otherwise specifically set forth in this Agreement, the Stockholder
  shall (a) sponsor and (b) assume or retain, as the case may be, and be
  solely responsible for all Benefits Liabilities (as defined herein) arising
  under, resulting from or relating to the Company Employee Plans of the
  Stockholder or any of its subsidiaries, whether incurred before, on or
  after the Effective Time; provided, however, that the Stockholder shall be
  under no obligation (except with respect to any obligation specifically
  described in this Agreement or one of the Company Employee Plans) to permit
  Continuing Employees to continue to participate in the Company Employee
  Plans of Stockholder after the Effective Time. "Benefits Liabilities" shall
  mean with respect to any Company Employee Plan of Stockholder, the Company
  or WW (if applicable) any and all claims, debts, liabilities, commitment
  and obligations, whether fixed, contingent or absolute, matured or
  unmatured, liquidated or unliquidated, accrued or unaccrued, known or
  unknown, whenever or however arising, including all costs and expenses
  relating thereto (except with respect to any obligations of Parent
  specifically described in this Agreement), and including those debts,
  liabilities and obligations arising under law, rule, regulation, permits,
  action or proceeding before any court or regulatory agency or
  administrative agency, order or consent decree or any award of any
  arbitrator of any kind, and those arising under contract, commitment or
  undertaking; provided, however, that "Benefits Liabilities" shall exclude
  any such liabilities arising under the plans listed on Schedule 5.17(a).

     (b) COBRA. The Stockholder assumes any and all Benefits Liabilities
  relating to, arising out of, or resulting from noncompliance with or
  violation of COBRA to the extent incurred prior to the Closing.

   5.18 Stay Bonuses. In the event that the Closing has occurred prior to June
1, 2001, Parent shall pay within ninety (90) days after the Closing bonuses to
the employees of the Company and WW in the amounts set forth on Schedule 5.18,
provided that such bonuses shall be paid to only those employees who remain


employees of the Company or WW, as applicable, on the date of such bonus
payments; provided, further, that Parent shall notify Stockholder at least six
(6) business days prior to the date of such bonus payments and Stockholder
shall pay to Parent in cash any aggregate amount of such bonuses in excess of
$4,000,000, such payment being due to Parent no fewer than three (3) business
days prior to the date of such bonus payments. In the event that the Closing
has not occurred prior to the June 1, 2001 (the "Bonus Payment Date"),
Stockholder shall pay on the Bonus Payment Date bonuses to the employees of the
Company and WW in the amounts set forth on Schedule 5.18, provided that such
bonuses shall be paid to only those employees who remain employees of the
Company or WW, as applicable, on the Bonus Payment Date; provided, further,
that Stockholder shall notify Parent at least six (6) business days prior to
the Bonus Payment Date and Parent shall pay Stockholder all of such bonuses if
the bonuses aggregate to less than $4,000,000, but only a portion of such
bonuses up to a maximum of $4,000,000 if the bonuses aggregate to more than
$4,000,000, such payment being due to Stockholder no later than May 31, 2001;
provided, that Parent shall not be obligated in any manner under this Section
5.18 if this Agreement is terminated by Parent pursuant to Section 8.1(d) or
8.1(f) hereof.

   5.19 Additional Option Grants. Immediately prior to and subject to the
consummation of the Closing, the Company shall, and the Stockholder shall cause
the Company to, adopt the 2000 Option Plan in form and substance as directed by
Parent (which form and substance shall be substantially similar to Parent's
option plan) and shall reserve under such 2000 Option Plan the Additional
Options. The Additional Options shall not be subject to accelerated vesting
upon the Mergers, and the Company shall not, and the Stockholder shall cause
the Company not to, issue any Additional Options without Parent's prior written

   5.20 Cancellation of Intercompany Obligations and Liberty Digital
Proceeds. Prior to the Closing, the Stockholder, the Company and WW shall take
all necessary actions so that (i) all liabilities (contingent or other) and all
ongoing obligations (other than pursuant to the Ancillary Agreements) of (x)
the Company, WW or any Subsidiary to the Stockholder or any of its subsidiaries
and (y) the Stockholder or any of its subsidiaries to the Company, WW or any
Subsidiary (but in the case of clause (y), only to the extent that the Company,
WW or any Subsidiary does not have a corresponding liability or obligation to
any third party), in each case are cancelled as of the Closing and (ii) an
amount equal to the Liberty Digital Proceeds is paid in cash by Stockholder to
the Company.

   5.21 Tax Matters

     (a) None of the Stockholder, the Company, WW, Parent, Metal Merger Sub,
  WW Merger Sub or their respective affiliates shall take any action that
  would reasonably be expected to cause the Metal Merger or the WW Merger to
  fail to qualify as a reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(a) of
  the Code. In addition, none of Parent, Metal Merger Sub or WW Merger Sub,
  or following the Effective Time, the Company or WW, shall breach any of the
  covenants included in the respective certificates delivered pursuant to
  Section 5.21(b) hereof to the extent that such breach causes the Metal
  Merger or the WW Merger to fail to qualify as a reorganization within the
  meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code

     (b) Officers of the Stockholder, on the one hand, and, Parent, Metal
  Merger Sub, WW Merger Sub, on the other hand, shall execute and deliver to
  Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP ("Skadden") certificates
  substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibits F-1(a) and (b) and F-
  2(a) and (b), respectively, contemporaneously with the execution of this
  Agreement and at the Closing, respectively, in connection with the delivery
  by Skadden of its opinion pursuant to Section 6.2(f).

   5.22 Liberty Digital Stock. After the date hereof, the Company shall not,
and the Stockholder shall cause the Company not to, sell, transfer or otherwise
dispose of any Liberty Digital Stock. Prior to the Closing, Stockholder shall
transfer an amount equal to the Liberty Digital Proceeds in cash to the
Company, and such amount shall be held in the Company's accounts as of the
Effective Time.

   5.23 Purchase of New GBR Collating Machine. Prior to the Closing,
Stockholder shall order and pay for in WW's name (or, if full payment is not
due until after Closing, then Stockholder shall transfer sufficient cash


to make full payment to WW as of the Closing) one (1) new GBR custom-built
collating machine according to the description set forth in Schedule 5.23, with
such additional satisfactory specifications as are set forth in the purchase
order for such machine, and, if delivered before Closing, shall take all
necessary efforts to install and enable such collating machine in the WW
facility located at 115 S. Service Road, Westbury, New York, including without
limitation paying for (or reimbursing Parent if delivered after Closing) all
associated labor costs and any capital improvements required to such facility
in order to accommodate the ordinary use of such collating machine upon

   5.24 Employees. Parent agrees not to reduce the base salary of any
Continuing Employee during the period beginning immediately after the Effective
Time and ending on the six-month anniversary of the Effective Time; provided
that Parent shall not be restricted from terminating the employment of any
Continuing Employee.

   5.25 Termination of Broker Licenses. Prior to the Closing, (i) the Company
shall, and Stockholder shall cause the Company and WW to, terminate all
mortgage broker licenses and related surety bonds held by the Company or any
Subsidiary; provided that Parent shall reimburse Stockholder for its documented
out-of-pocket expenses in connection with such terminations up to a maximum of
$25,000, and (ii) neither the Company nor any Subsidiary will perform any
functions that would require it to be licensed as a mortgage broker in any
jurisdiction. From and after the Effective Time, neither the Company, WW or
Parent will have any liability related to mortgage broker operations conducted
by the Company, WW or any Subsidiary prior to the Closing ("Broker
Liabilities"), and Stockholder agrees to indemnify Parent for any such Broker

   5.26 Qualifications to Do Business. Until the Effective Time, the Company
and WW, as applicable, shall, and the Stockholder shall cause the Company and
WW to, cause the Company, WW and the Subsidiaries to be qualified to do
business in all jurisdictions where such entities are required to be so

   5.27 Bifurcated Contracts. From and after the Effective Time, Parent and the
Company, on the one hand, and Stockholder, on the other hand, shall cooperate
to perform, or, in the case of Stockholder to cause its subsidiaries to
cooperate with Parent and the Company to perform, the obligations of the
Company or the subsidiaries of Parent, as the case may be, with respect to
contracts numbers 52, 113, 138, 173, 199 and 217 on Exhibit 2.12(a) of the
Stockholder Disclosure Letter (the "Bifurcated Contracts"). Parent shall
collect all funds under the Bifurcated Contracts and shall cause a portion of
the net proceeds derived from the Bifurcated Contracts which corresponds to the
relative proportion and value of the services to be performed by the
Stockholder and its subsidiaries under the Bifurcated Contracts to be remitted
to Stockholder as soon as reasonably practicable after receipt of the funds
representing such revenues by the Company or Parent. Neither Parent nor the
Company nor any of their affiliates shall enter into any amendments, renewals,
extensions, or in any way extend the Bifurcated Contracts in a manner that
would extend the obligations of Stockholder and its subsidiaries under the
Bifurcated Contracts past their respective current terms.

   5.28 Transfer of Ownership in U.K. Prior to the Closing,
Stockholder shall cause all shares of U.K. not owned by the Company to
be transferred to the Company (without payment or additional consideration on
the part of Parent, the Company, WW or any Subsidiary other than the entering
into of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby) such that, as
of the Effective Time, the Company is the sole and exclusive owner of all
shares or interest in U.K. and there are no options or other
preemptive rights to purchase any shares or interests of U.K.
outstanding; provided, however, that so long as all agreements effecting such
transfer are executed by all parties thereto and delivered to Parent at the
Closing and the only remaining action required to be taken to effect such
transfer is the filing by the Company of such executed agreements with the
relevant Governmental Entity, this covenant shall be deemed satisfied as of the
Closing. Parent agrees that, after the Effective Time, it will transfer one
percent (1%) of the outstanding shares of U.K. to a trust or similar
entity established and controlled by Parent in its discretion, the
beneficiaries of which trust or similar entity shall be those estate agents of
the HomeSale Network in the United Kingdom, from time to time, who have
uploaded all of their respective real estate listings to


                                   ARTICLE VI

                            CONDITIONS TO THE MERGER

   6.1 Conditions to Obligations of Each Party to Effect the Mergers. The
respective obligations of each party to this Agreement to effect the Mergers
shall be subject to the satisfaction at or prior to the Closing of the
following conditions:

     (a) Stockholder Approval. The stockholders of Parent shall have approved
  the issuance of Parent Common Stock in connection with the Mergers in
  accordance with the rules and regulations of the Nasdaq Stock Market.

     (b) No Injunctions or Restraints; Illegality; HSR Act. No temporary
  restraining order, preliminary or permanent injunction or other order
  issued by any court of competent jurisdiction or other legal or regulatory
  restraint or prohibition preventing the consummation of either of the
  Mergers shall be in effect. All waiting periods, if any, under the HSR Act
  relating to the transactions contemplated hereby will have expired or
  terminated early and all material foreign antitrust approvals required to
  be obtained prior to the Mergers in connection with the transactions
  contemplated hereby shall have been obtained.

   6.2 Additional Conditions to Obligations of the Stockholder. The obligations
of the Stockholder to consummate the Mergers and the transactions contemplated
by this Agreement shall be subject to the satisfaction at or prior to the
Closing of each of the following conditions, any of which may be waived, in
writing, by the Stockholder:

     (a) Representations and Warranties. The representations and warranties
  of Parent, Metal Merger Sub and WW Merger Sub contained in this Agreement
  shall have been true and correct in all material respects on and as of the
  date hereof, except for those representations and warranties which address
  matters only as of a particular date (which shall be true and correct in
  all material respects as of such date), and notwithstanding the failure of
  the representations and warranties set forth in Sections 3.4, 3.5, 3.7,
  3.10 and 3.12 of this Agreement to be true and correct in all material
  respects, this condition shall be deemed satisfied unless the failure of
  such representations and warranties to be true and correct in all material
  respects constitutes a Material Adverse Effect on Parent, as defined in
  Section 10.2 hereof). The Stockholder shall have received a certificate to
  such effect signed by an officer of Parent, on behalf of Parent.

     (b) Agreements and Covenants. Parent, Metal Merger Sub and WW Merger Sub
  shall have performed or complied in all material respects with all
  agreements and covenants required by this Agreement to be performed or
  complied with by them on or prior to the Effective Time, and the
  Stockholder shall have received a certificate to such effect signed by an
  officer of Parent on behalf of Parent.

     (c) Material Adverse Effect. Since the date hereof and until the
  expiration or termination of any applicable waiting periods under the HSR
  Act for the transactions contemplated hereby, there has not been any
  Material Adverse Effect (as defined in Section 10.2 hereof) on Parent.

     (d) Stockholder Agreement. Parent shall have executed and delivered the
  Stockholder Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B.

     (e) Registration Rights Agreement. Parent shall have executed and
  delivered the Registration Rights Agreement in the form attached hereto as
  Exhibit C.

     (f) Tax Opinion of Skadden. The Stockholder shall have received the
  opinion of Skadden, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to it,
  dated as of the Closing Date, on the basis of the facts, representations
  and assumptions set forth in such opinion and certificates obtained from
  officers of Parent, Metal Merger Sub or WW Merger Sub, as applicable, and
  the Stockholder, all of which are consistent with the state of facts
  existing as of the Effective Time, to the effect that, for U.S. federal
  income tax


  purposes, the Metal Merger and the WW Merger, in each case, will qualify as
  a reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code;
  provided, however, under all circumstances it is agreed that the condition
  set forth in this Section 6.2(g) shall be deemed to be satisfied even if
  such tax opinion of Skadden shall not have been delivered unless the sole
  reason that such opinion has not been delivered is because of a Change in
  Law (as defined below) that precludes the delivery of such an opinion. In
  rendering the opinion described above, Skadden shall rely upon the
  certificates and representations referred to in Section 6.2(h) hereof. For
  purposes of this Section 6.2(h), "Change in Law" shall mean a change after
  the execution of this Agreement in a statute, regulation, judicial
  authority, administrative interpretation or other authority that would
  prevent Skadden from issuing the opinion set forth in this Section 6.2(g).

     (g) Tax Certificates. Officers of Parent, Metal Merger Sub and WW Merger
  Sub shall have executed and delivered to Skadden certificates substantially
  in the forms attached hereto as Exhibit F-2(a) and (b) contemporaneously
  with the execution of this Agreement and at the Effective Time.

     (h) Commercial Agreements. Parent shall have executed and delivered each
  of the Commercial Agreements in the forms attached hereto as Exhibits A-1
  through A-10, each of which agreements shall be in full force and effect.

   6.3 Additional Conditions to the Obligations of Parent, Metal Merger Sub and
WW Merger Sub. The obligations of Parent, Metal Merger Sub and WW Merger Sub to
consummate the Mergers and the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
shall be subject to the satisfaction at or prior to the Closing of each of the
following conditions, any of which may be waived, in writing, exclusively by

     (a) Representations and Warranties. The representations and warranties
  of the Company, WW and the Stockholder contained in this Agreement shall
  have been true and correct in all material respects on and as of the date
  hereof, except for those representations and warranties which address
  matters only as of a particular date (which shall be true and correct in
  all material respects as of such date), and notwithstanding the failure of
  the representations and warranties set forth in Sections 2.6, 2.10(a), (b),
  (c), 2.14, 2.16, 2.18, 2.21 and 2.25 of this Agreement to be true and
  correct in all material respects, this condition shall be deemed satisfied
  unless the failure of such representations and warranties to be true and
  correct in all material respects constitutes a Business Adverse Effect, as
  defined in Section 10.2 hereof. Parent, Metal Merger Sub and WW Merger Sub
  shall have received a certificate to such effect signed by the chief
  executive officer and chief financial officer of the Stockholder.

     (b) Agreements and Covenants. The Company, WW and the Stockholder shall
  have performed or complied in all material respects with all agreements and
  covenants required by this Agreement to be performed or complied with by
  each of them on or prior to the Effective Time, and Parent, Metal Merger
  Sub and WW Merger Sub shall have received a certificate to such effect
  signed by the chief executive officer and chief financial officer of the
  Company, WW and the Stockholder, on behalf of the Company, WW and the
  Stockholder, respectively.

     (c) Material Adverse Effect. Since June 30, 2000 and until the
  expiration or termination of any applicable waiting periods under the HSR
  Act for the transactions contemplated hereby, there shall not have been any
  Material Adverse Effect (as defined in Section 10.2 hereof) on the Company,
  WW or any of their respective Subsidiaries or the Business (taken as a

     (d) Stockholder Agreement. The Stockholder shall have executed and
  delivered the Stockholder Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit
  B, which agreement shall be in full force and effect.

     (e) Commercial Agreements. All parties to the Commercial Agreements
  other than Parent shall have executed and delivered to Parent each of the
  Commercial Agreements in the forms attached hereto as Exhibits A-1 through
  A-10, each of which agreements shall be in full force and effect.


                                  ARTICLE VII


   7.1 Survival of Representations and Warranties. Except as otherwise provided
in Section 9.6(c) of this Agreement, all of the representations and warranties
of the Stockholder and Parent, in this Agreement or in any certificate,
instrument or other document delivered pursuant to this Agreement (each as
modified by the Stockholder Disclosure Letter or the Parent Disclosure Letter,
as the case may be) shall survive the Mergers and continue until 5:00 p.m.,
Pacific Time, on the date which is twelve (12) months following the Closing
Date; provided, however, that the representations and warranties of the
Stockholder contained in Sections 2.2 and 2.18 hereof shall survive
indefinitely (subject to any applicable statute of limitations); provided,
further, that the representations and warranties of the Stockholder contained
in Section 2.11(d) and the second and third sentences of Section 2.10(d) hereof
shall survive until 5:00 p.m., Pacific Time, on the date which is thirty-six
(36) months following the Closing Date (the end date of such survival, as
applicable, (or an indefinite period in the case of Sections 2.2 and 2.18) is
hereinafter referred to as the "Expiration Date").

   7.2 Indemnification

     (a) In addition to the matters set forth in Article IX hereof, until the
  Expiration Date, the Stockholder agrees to indemnify and hold Parent and
  its officers, directors and affiliates harmless against all claims, losses,
  liabilities, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys'
  fees (hereinafter individually a "Loss" and collectively "Losses"),
  incurred by Parent or its officers, directors, or affiliates: (i) as a
  result of any inaccuracy or breach of a representation or warranty of the
  Stockholder contained in this Agreement or any certificate, instrument or
  other document delivered pursuant to this Agreement; (ii) except as set
  forth in Section 7.3 below, relating to any liability, obligation,
  judgment, penalty, fine, cost or expense, of any kind or nature, or the
  duty to indemnify, defend or reimburse any Person with respect to: (1) the
  presence on or before the Closing Date of any Hazardous Materials in the
  soil, groundwater, surface water, air or building materials of any Business
  Facility ("Pre-Existing Contamination"); (2) the migration at any time
  prior to or after the Closing Date of Pre-Existing Contamination to any
  other real property, or the soil, groundwater, surface water, air or
  building materials thereof; (3) any Hazardous Materials Activity conducted
  on any Business Facility prior to the Closing Date or otherwise occurring
  prior to the Closing Date in connection with or to benefit the Business
  ("Pre-Closing Hazardous Materials Activities"); (4) the exposure of any
  person to Pre-Existing Contamination or to Hazardous Materials in the
  course of or as a consequence of any Pre-Closing Hazardous Materials
  Activities, without regard to whether any health effect of the exposure has
  been manifested as of the Closing Date; (5) the violation of any
  Environmental Laws by the Company, WW or any Subsidiary or its agents,
  employees, predecessors in interest, contractors, invitees or licensees
  prior to the Closing Date or in connection with any Pre-Closing Hazardous
  Materials Activities prior to the Closing Date; (6) any actions or
  proceedings brought or threatened by any third party with respect to any of
  the foregoing; and (7) any of the foregoing to the extent they continue
  after the Closing Date (collectively, "Seller's Retained Environmental
  Liabilities"); (iii) relating to or arising out of Parent's assumption of
  Continuing Employee Options and Additional Options under this Agreement or
  failure of Parent to assume any options, rights or other securities of the
  Stockholder, the Company or any of their respective affiliates in
  connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, provided
  that this indemnity in clause (iii) shall not apply to: (w) Parent's
  failure to issue Parent Common Stock in accordance with the Option Exchange
  Ratio upon the due exercise of such Continuing Employee Options and
  Additional Options held by Continuing Employees and assumed by Parent
  pursuant to Section 1.6(b)(iii)of this Agreement, (x) Parent's other
  obligations under the Option Plans with respect to the Continuing Employee
  Options or the agreements governing such Continuing Employee Options by
  virtue of such assumption, (y) any actions taken by Parent after the
  Closing with respect to the termination of employment of any Continuing
  Employee who holds a Continuing Employee Option, or (z) any misstatement or
  omission in any Registration Statement on Form S-8 or prospectus or similar
  securities law document prepared by Parent and distributed to its employees
  with respect to the Continuing Employee Options; or (iv) Broker
  Liabilities. Notwithstanding


  the foregoing, there shall be no right to indemnification pursuant to this
  Article VII unless and until an Indemnification Certificate (as defined
  below) identifying aggregate Losses in excess of $5,000,000 (the "Threshold
  Amount") has been delivered to Stockholder, in which event Parent shall be
  entitled to recover all such amounts in excess of the Threshold Amount;
  provided, however, that such Threshold Amount shall not apply to any
  indemnification pursuant to Section 7.2(a)(i) above with respect to any
  inaccuracy or breach of a representation or warranty contained in Section
  2.2, 2.4, the second and third sentences of 2.10(d), 2.11(d) or 2.18 or
  pursuant to Section 7.2(a)(ii), (iii) or (iv) above. In no event shall the
  Stockholder's aggregate obligation to indemnify Parent under this Section
  7.2(a) exceed an amount of cash or Parent Common Stock equal to the value
  of fifty percent (50%) of the Total Consideration (based on the valuation
  of the Parent Common Stock at the Parent Closing Price) (the "Limit") ;
  provided, however, that such Limit shall not apply to any indemnification
  pursuant to Section 7.2(a)(i) above with respect to any inaccuracy or
  breach of a representation or warranty contained in Section 2.2, the second
  and third sentences of 2.10(d), 2.11(d) or 2.18 or pursuant to Section
  7.2(a)(ii), (iii) or (iv) above. The amount of any Losses shall be reduced
  by the amount of any Tax Benefit Actually Realized by Parent, WW, the
  Company or their respective subsidiaries or affiliates relating thereto and
  any amount received by Parent with respect thereto under any insurance
  coverage (net of any reasonably expected premium adjustments). If Parent
  actually receives an amount under insurance coverage with respect to Losses
  at any time subsequent to any indemnification provided by the Stockholder
  pursuant to this Section 7.2, then Parent shall promptly reimburse the
  Stockholder for any payment made by the Stockholder to Parent in connection
  with providing the indemnification for a particular matter up to such
  amount received by Parent with respect to that matter, provided, however,
  that Parent may retain an amount from proceeds received under insurance
  coverage or from such other party with respect to Losses to the extent that
  the Stockholder has not indemnified Parent for the full amount of its
  claim. Stockholder shall not have any right of contribution from the
  Company or WW or any of their respective Subsidiaries with respect to any
  Loss claimed by an Indemnified Party after the Effective Time.

     (b) Claims. Upon receipt by the Stockholder at any time on or before the
  last day of the Indemnification Period of a certificate signed by any
  officer of Parent (an "Officer's Certificate"): (A) stating that Parent has
  paid or properly accrued or reasonably anticipates that it will have to pay
  or accrue Losses, and (B) specifying in reasonable detail the individual
  items of Losses included in the amount so stated, the date each such item
  was paid or properly accrued, or the basis for such anticipated liability,
  and the nature of the misrepresentation, breach of warranty or covenant to
  which such item is related, the Stockholder shall, subject to the
  provisions of Section 7.2(c) hereof, deliver to Parent, as promptly as
  practicable, funds in an amount equal to such Losses. The Stockholder
  shall, at its sole discretion, pay all claims for indemnification hereunder
  in (i) cash or (ii) shares of Parent Common Stock; provided, however that
  all claims for indemnification pursuant to Section 7.2(a)(i) (with respect
  to breaches or inaccuracies of the representations and warranties set forth
  in Section 2.18) or Section 7.2(a)(ii) above shall be paid in cash only. In
  the event the Stockholder determines to pay any claim, in whole or in part,
  in shares of Parent Common Stock, the Stockholder shall transfer to Parent
  the number of shares of Parent Common Stock having an aggregate value
  (based on the valuation of each share at 97% of the Parent Closing Price
  (adjusted for splits, combinations and the like)) equal to the Losses with
  respect to such claim.

     (c) Objections to Claims. No such payment or delivery may be required
  pursuant to Section 7.2(b) above if the Stockholder shall object in a
  written statement to the claim made in the Officer's Certificate with
  thirty (30) days of delivery of such Officer's Certificate, and such
  statement shall have been delivered to Parent prior to the expiration of
  such thirty (30)-day period.

     (d) Resolution of Conflicts.

       (i) In case the Stockholder shall so object in writing to any claim
    or claims made in any Officer's Certificate, the Stockholder and Parent
    shall attempt in good faith to agree upon the rights of the respective
    Parties with respect to each of such claims. If the Stockholder and
    Parent should so agree, a memorandum setting forth such agreement shall
    be prepared and signed by both parties and


    Stockholder shall deliver to Parent, as promptly as practicable, an
    amount equal to such Losses in cash or shares of Parent Common Stock.

       (ii) If no such agreement can be reached after good faith
    negotiation and prior to sixty (60) days after delivery of an Officer's
    Certificate, either of Parent or the Stockholder may demand arbitration
    of the matter unless the amount of the Loss is at issue in pending
    litigation with a third party, in which event arbitration shall not be
    commenced until such amount is ascertained or both parties agree to
    arbitration, and in either such event the matter shall be settled by
    arbitration conducted by one arbitrator mutually agreeable to Parent
    and the Stockholder. In the event that, within thirty (30) days after
    submission of any dispute to arbitration, Parent and the Stockholder
    cannot mutually agree on one arbitrator, then, within fifteen (15) days
    after the end of such thirty (30) day period, Parent and the
    Stockholder shall each select one arbitrator within ten (10) additional
    days. The two arbitrators so selected shall select a third arbitrator.
    If the Stockholder does not select an arbitrator during this fifteen
    (15) day period, then the parties agree that the arbitration will be
    conducted by one arbitrator selected by Parent.

       (iii) Any such arbitration shall be held under the expedited rules
    then in effect of the American Arbitration Association. The
    arbitrator(s) shall determine how all expenses relating to the
    arbitration shall be paid, including without limitation, the respective
    expenses of each party, the fees of each arbitrator and the
    administrative fee of the American Arbitration Association. The
    arbitrator or arbitrators, as the case may be, shall set a limited time
    period and establish procedures designed to reduce the cost and time
    for discovery while allowing the parties an opportunity, adequate in
    the sole judgment of the arbitrator or majority of the three
    arbitrators, as the case may be, to discover relevant information from
    the opposing parties about the subject matter of the dispute. The
    arbitrator or a majority of the three arbitrators, as the case may be,
    shall rule upon motions to compel or limit discovery and shall have the
    authority to impose sanctions, including attorneys' fees and costs, to
    the extent as a competent court of law or equity, should the
    arbitrators or a majority of the three arbitrators, as the case may be,
    determine that discovery was sought without substantial justification
    or that discovery was refused or objected to without substantial
    justification. The decision of the arbitrator or a majority of the
    three arbitrators, as the case may be, as to the validity and amount of
    any claim in such Officer's Certificate shall be final, binding, and
    conclusive upon the parties to this Agreement. Such decision shall be
    written and shall be supported by written findings of fact and
    conclusions which shall set forth the award, judgment, decree or order
    awarded by the arbitrator(s). Within five (5) days of a decision of the
    arbitrator(s) requiring payment by one party to another, such party
    shall make the payment to such other party.

       (iv) Judgment upon any award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be
    entered in any court having jurisdiction.

     (e) Third-Party Claims. In the event Parent becomes aware of a third-
  party claim which Parent believes may result in a demand for
  indemnification, Parent shall notify the Stockholder of such claim, and the
  Stockholder, shall be entitled, at its expense, to participate in any
  defense of such claim. Parent shall have the right in its sole discretion
  to settle any such claim; provided, however, that except with the consent
  of the Stockholder, no settlement of any such claim with third-party
  claimants shall alone be determinative of the amount of any claim for
  indemnification if the settlement is unreasonable. Any dispute as to the
  reasonableness of such settlement shall be resolved pursuant to the terms
  of Section 7.2(d) above. To the extent that such settlement is determined
  after such dispute resolution to be unreasonable, then the arbitrator(s)
  shall determine the amount, if any, that Stockholder shall be required to
  indemnify Parent in respect of such settled claim. In the event that the
  Stockholder has consented to any such settlement, the Stockholder shall
  have no power or authority to object under any provision of this Article
  VII to the amount of any claim by Parent for indemnification with respect
  to such settlement.

     (f) Sole Remedy. Parent's rights to indemnification as provided for in
  Section 7.2 for a breach of representations or warranties contained in this
  Agreement shall constitute Parent's sole remedy for such a


  breach and the Stockholder shall have no other liability or damages to the
  other party resulting from the breach; provided, however, that nothing
  contained herein shall prevent Parent from pursuing remedies, including
  equitable remedies, as may be available to it under applicable law or
  equitable principles in the event of the Stockholder's failure to comply
  with its indemnification obligations hereunder or in the event of a claim
  of fraud by Parent against the Stockholder.

   7.3 Further Conditions on Environmental Indemnity.

     (a) Stockholder's indemnification obligations under Section 7.2(a)(i)
  with respect to a breach of the representations and warranties contained in
  Section 2.18, and Stockholder's indemnification obligations set forth in
  Section 7.2(a)(ii) (collectively "Stockholder's Environmental Indemnity")
  shall be subject to the following limitations: (i) Stockholder's
  Environmental Indemnity for violations of Environmental Laws occurring in
  the course of ongoing operation of the Business, which violations continue
  after the Closing Date, shall not apply to any such violations to the
  extent they arise either from a change in operations of the Business after
  the Closing Date or from the continuation of the operations as they existed
  prior to the Closing Date for a period continuing beyond that date which is
  one year following the Closing Date; (ii) Stockholder shall not be liable
  for any diminution in property value of any real property owned by the
  Company as of the Closing Date; (iii) to the extent Stockholder's
  Environmental Indemnity applies to Cleanup, Stockholder's Environmental
  Indemnity shall only apply to Cleanup to the extent such Cleanup is
  required by a Governmental Entity under applicable Environmental Laws in
  effect and enforceable as of the Closing Date or is required to be
  undertaken under any applicable Environmental Laws in effect and
  enforceable as of the Closing Date; (iv) Stockholder's Environmental
  Indemnity shall not apply to that portion of the cost of a Cleanup to the
  extent (but only to the extent) that the Cleanup is not conducted using
  Cost-Effective Methods; (v) Stockholder's Environmental Indemnity shall not
  apply to costs to the extent such costs result from the application of more
  stringent Environmental Laws as a result of the change in use of a Business
  Facility to a use other than industrial, commercial or retail where such
  change in use results from the voluntary actions of Parent or its
  subsidiaries; and (vi) Stockholder's Environmental Indemnity shall not
  apply to any Cleanup costs to the extent caused by the exacerbation or
  worsening (excluding the mere discovery of contamination) of Pre-Existing
  Contamination as a result of the acts of Parent, its subsidiaries,
  employees or agents or the acts of any third parties on any property owned
  by Parent or its affiliates.

     (b) Parent or its affiliate shall promptly notify Stockholder in writing
  in the event of the discovery of Pre-Existing Contamination subject to
  Stockholder's Environmental Indemnity ("Contamination Notice"); provided,
  however, that a failure to so notify Stockholder shall not limit
  Stockholder's indemnification obligations hereunder except to the extent
  that Stockholder is prejudiced thereby. Such notice shall reasonably
  identify the location and information on the impacted media and the basis
  upon which the claimant seeks indemnification. For claims relating to
  Cleanup within the scope of this Section 7.3, the Stockholder shall have
  the right to assume responsibility for managing the Cleanup and related
  matters thereto, by providing notice to the Parent within sixty (60) days
  following receipt of the Contamination Notice. If the Stockholder assumes
  responsibility for management of a Cleanup under this subsection, the
  Stockholder shall perform such Cleanup using Cost-Effective Methods in
  compliance with all applicable legal requirements and in accordance with
  plans approved by Parent or its affiliate, and utilizing a consultant
  approved by Parent or its affiliate, which approvals shall not be
  unreasonably withheld. Where the Stockholder has assumed responsibility for
  management of a Cleanup under this subparagraph (b), the Parent or its
  affiliate shall have the right, at its sole cost and expense, to: (i)
  review and approve (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld) all
  draft plans and reports, as well as correspondence to any Governmental
  Entity regarding the Cleanup, and (ii) participate in activities related to
  the Cleanup, including, but not limited to, participation in meetings with
  respect to the determination of applicable Remediation Standards or methods
  for conducting the Cleanup.


     (c) As used in this Section 7.3, the following terms have the meanings
  set forth below.

       (i) "Business Facility" means any property that is or at any time
    has been owned, operated, occupied, controlled or leased by the
    Company, WW or any Subsidiary in connection with the operation of the

       (ii) "Remediation Standard" means a numerical standard that defines
    the concentrations of Hazardous Materials that may be permitted to
    remain in any environmental media after an investigation, remediation
    or containment of a release of Hazardous Materials.

       (iii) "Cleanup" means any Loss related to investigation, feasibility
    study, remediation, treatment, removal, transport, disposal,
    characterization, sampling, health assessment, risk assessment,
    encapsulation, monitoring, study, report, assessment or analysis with
    respect to any Pre-Existing Contamination.

       (iv) "Cost-Effective Methods" means the most cost-effective approach
    to remediation that is consistent with applicable Environmental Laws or
    the requirements of a Governmental Entity; provided, however, that
    Cost-Effective Methods shall not include those that (1) result in the
    interruption of Parent or its affiliates' business operations on a
    Business Facility periodically or for a period of more than twenty-four
    hours; (2) result in the imposition of a deed restriction or other
    restriction or limitation on the use or development of any property
    other than a Business Facility, or result in the imposition of a deed
    restriction or other restriction or limitation on the development of a
    Business Facility (or any portion thereof) for industrial, retail or
    commercial purposes; or (3) result in the diminution of the value of a
    Business Facility or any other property.

                                  ARTICLE VIII


   8.1 Termination. Except as provided in Section 8.2 below, this Agreement may
be terminated and the Mergers abandoned at any time prior to the Effective

     (a) by mutual consent of the Stockholder and Parent;

     (b) by Parent or the Stockholder if: (i) the Effective Time has not
  occurred prior to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on April 2, 2001 (the
  "End Date"); provided that the End Date may be extended by any party for a
  period of thirty (30) days if such party reasonably believes that the
  expiration or termination of the waiting period under the HSR Act is likely
  to be obtained during such 30-day extension; (ii) there shall be a final
  nonappealable order of a federal or state court in effect preventing
  consummation of the Mergers; or (iii) there shall be any statute, rule,
  regulation or order enacted, promulgated or issued or deemed applicable to
  the Mergers by any governmental entity that would make consummation of the
  Mergers illegal;

     (c) by Parent if there shall be any action taken, or any statute, rule,
  regulation or order enacted, promulgated or issued or deemed applicable to
  the Mergers, by any Governmental Entity, which would: (i) prohibit
  Parent's, the Company's or WW's ownership or operation of all or any
  portion of the Business or (ii) compel Parent, the Company or WW to dispose
  of or hold separate all or a portion of the business or assets of the
  Company, WW or Parent as a result of the Mergers;

     (d) by Parent, upon a breach of any representation, warranty, covenant
  or agreement on the part of the Company or the Stockholder set forth in
  this Agreement, such that the conditions set forth in Section 6.2(a) or
  Section 6.2(b) hereof would not be satisfied as of the time of such breach
  or as of the date hereof, as applicable, provided, that if such inaccuracy
  in the Stockholder representations and warranties or breach by the Company
  or the Stockholder is curable by the Stockholder through the exercise of
  its commercially reasonable efforts, then Parent may not terminate this
  Agreement under this Section 8.1(d) prior to 30 days following the date of
  the notice to the Stockholder of the breach, provided the Stockholder
  continues to exercise commercially reasonable efforts to cure such breach
  (it being understood


  that Parent may not terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section
  8.1(d) if it shall have be in material breach of this Agreement or if such
  breach by the Company or the Stockholder is cured prior to 30 days
  following notice to Parent or the Stockholder of the breach, provided,
  however, no cure period shall be required for a breach which by its nature
  cannot be cured);

     (e) by the Stockholder, upon a breach of any representation, warranty,
  covenant or agreement on the part of Parent set forth in this Agreement,
  such that the conditions set forth in Section 6.3(a) or Section 6.3(b)
  hereof would not be satisfied as of the time of such breach or as of the
  date hereof, as applicable, provided, that if such inaccuracy in Parent's
  representations and warranties or breach by Parent is curable by Parent
  through the exercise of its commercially reasonable efforts, then the
  Stockholder may not terminate this Agreement under this Section 8.1(e)
  prior to 30 days following the date of the notice to Parent of the breach,
  provided Parent continues to exercise commercially reasonable efforts to
  cure such breach (it being understood that the Stockholder may not
  terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section 8.1(e) if it shall be in
  material breach of this Agreement or if such breach by Parent is cured
  prior to 30 days following notice to Parent of the breach, provided,
  however, no cure period shall be required for a breach which by its nature
  cannot be cured);

     (f) by Parent, if prior to the expiration or termination of any
  applicable waiting periods under the HSR Act, there has been any Material
  Adverse Effect on the Company, any of its Subsidiaries or the Business
  (taken as a whole).

     (g) by the Stockholder, if prior to the expiration or termination of any
  applicable waiting periods under the HSR Act, there has been any Material
  Adverse Effect on Parent.

     (h) by either the Stockholder or Parent if the required approval of the
  stockholders of Parent contemplated by this Agreement shall not have been
  obtained by reason of the failure to obtain the required vote at a meeting
  of the stockholders of Parent duly convened therefor or at any adjournment

   Where action is taken to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section
8.1, it shall be sufficient for such action to be authorized by the Board of
Directors (as applicable) of the party taking such action.

   8.2 Effect of Termination. In the event of termination of this Agreement as
provided in Section 8.1, this Agreement shall forthwith become void and there
shall be no liability or obligation on the part of Parent, Metal Merger Sub, WW
Merger Sub, the Company, WW, CMS or the Stockholder, or their respective
officers, directors or stockholders, provided that each party shall remain
liable for any knowing or willful breaches of this Agreement prior to its
termination; and provided further that, the provisions of Section 5.5, Section
5.6, Section 5.18 and Article VIII of this Agreement shall remain in full force
and effect and survive any termination of this Agreement.

   8.3 Termination Fee. In the event that this Agreement is terminated pursuant
to Section 8.1(h), then Parent shall promptly remit to the Stockholder payment
in the amount of $50,000,000 (the "Termination Fee"); provided, however, that
the Termination Fee shall not be paid to the Stockholder if the Stockholder (a)
fails to vote all of the shares of Parent Common Stock it holds either
beneficially or has the right to vote by proxy in favor of approval of the
issuance of Parent Common Stock pursuant to this Agreement (the "Proposal") at
the meeting of stockholders, or (b) otherwise takes action to cause stockholder
approval of the Proposal not to be obtained.

   8.4 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended by the parties hereto at any
time by execution of an instrument in writing signed on behalf of each of the
parties hereto.

   8.5 Extension; Waiver. At any time prior to the Effective Time, Parent,
Metal Merger Sub and WW Merger Sub, on the one hand, and the Stockholder, WW
and the Company, on the other, may, to the extent legally allowed, (i) extend
the time for the performance of any of the obligations of the other party
hereto, (ii) waive any inaccuracies in the representations and warranties made
to such party contained herein or in any


document delivered pursuant hereto, and (iii) waive compliance with any of the
agreements or conditions for the benefit of such party contained herein. Any
agreement on the part of a party hereto to any such extension or waiver shall
be valid only if set forth in an instrument in writing signed on behalf of such

                                   ARTICLE IX

                                  TAX MATTERS

   9.1 Indemnity

     (a) The Stockholder agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Parent, WW,
  the Company and each Subsidiary against the following Taxes (net of any Tax
  Benefit Actually Realized, as hereinafter defined, by Parent, WW, the
  Company or their respective Subsidiaries and affiliates as a result of the
  payment or accrual of any of the following) and against any loss, damage,
  liability or expense, including reasonable fees for attorneys and other
  outside consultants with respect to matters not controlled by the
  Stockholder, incurred in contesting or otherwise in connection with any
  such Taxes: (i) Taxes imposed on the Company, WW or any Subsidiary with
  respect to taxable periods ending on or before the Closing Date; (ii) with
  respect to taxable periods beginning before the Closing Date and ending
  after the Closing Date, Taxes imposed on the Company, WW or any Subsidiary
  which are allocable, pursuant to Section 9.1(b) hereof, to the portion of
  such period ending on the Closing Date; (iii) Taxes imposed on any member
  of any affiliated group with which any of the Company, WW and any
  Subsidiary file or have filed a Return on a consolidated or combined basis
  for a taxable period ending on or before the Closing Date; and (iv) Taxes
  imposed on Parent or the Company, WW or any Subsidiary as a result of any
  breach of warranty or misrepresentation under Section 2.8 hereof; provided,
  however, that the Stockholder shall not be liable for and shall not
  indemnify the Parent, the Company, WW or any Subsidiary for (I) any Taxes
  resulting from transactions or actions taken by the Company, WW or any
  Subsidiary on the Closing Date (other than transactions contemplated by
  this Agreement) that are properly allocable to the portion of the Closing
  Date after the Closing except for transactions or actions undertaken in the
  ordinary course of business; or (II) any Transfer Taxes for which Parent is
  liable pursuant to Section 9.5 (Taxes referred to in this proviso are
  referred to hereinafter as "Excluded Taxes"). Parent shall indemnify and
  hold harmless the Stockholder (net of any Tax Benefit Actually Realized by
  the Stockholder or its affiliates as a result of the payment or accrual
  thereof) for (i) Taxes (including Excluded Taxes) and any loss, damage,
  liability or expense, including reasonable fees for attorneys and other
  outside consultants ("Tax Related Losses") of Parent, the Company, WW or
  any Subsidiary not allocated to the Stockholder pursuant to the first
  sentence of this Section 9.1(a) and (ii) any Taxes or Tax Related Losses
  attributable to any breach by Parent, Metal Merger Sub or WW Merger Sub, or
  following the Effective Time, the Company or WW, of Section 5.21(a) hereof.

     (b) In the case of Taxes that are payable with respect to a taxable
  period that begins before the Closing Date and ends after the Closing Date,
  the portion of any such Tax that is allocable to the portion of the period
  ending on the Closing Date shall be:

       (i) in the case of Taxes that are either (x) based upon or related
    to income or receipts, or (y) imposed in connection with any sale or
    other transfer or assignment of property (real or personal, tangible or
    intangible) (other than Transfer Taxes covered by Section 9.5 hereof),
    deemed equal to the amount which would be payable if the taxable year
    ended with the Closing Date; and

       (ii) in the case of Taxes imposed on a periodic basis with respect
    to the assets of the Company, WW or any Subsidiary, or otherwise
    measured by the level of any item, deemed to be the amount of such
    Taxes for the entire period (or, in the case of such Taxes determined
    on an arrears basis, the amount of such Taxes for the immediately
    preceding period), multiplied by a fraction the numerator of which is
    the number of calendar days in the period ending on the Closing Date
    and the denominator of which is the number of calendar days in the
    entire period.


      (c) To the extent permitted or required by law or administrative
  practice, (A) the taxable year of the Company, WW and any Subsidiary which
  includes the Closing Date shall be treated as closing on (and including)
  the Closing Date and, notwithstanding the foregoing, (B) all transactions
  not in the ordinary course of business occurring after the Closing (other
  than transactions contemplated by this Agreement) shall be reported on
  Parent's consolidated United States federal income Tax Return to the extent
  permitted by Treasury Regulation Section 1.1502-76(b)(1)(ii)(B) and shall
  be similarly reported on other Tax Returns of the Parent or its affiliates
  to the extent permitted by law.

   9.2 Returns and Payments

     (a) From the date of this Agreement through and after the Closing Date,
  the Stockholder shall prepare and file or otherwise furnish in proper form
  to the appropriate Governmental Authority (or cause to be prepared and
  filed or so furnished) in a timely manner all Returns relating to the
  Company, WW and the Subsidiaries that are due on or before or relate to any
  taxable period ending on or before the Closing Date (and Parent shall do
  the same with respect to any taxable period ending after the Closing Date);
  provided, however, that to the extent the Stockholder cannot file such
  Returns under applicable law, the Stockholder shall deliver (or cause to be
  delivered), within 20 days before the due date (including extensions) for
  the filing of such Returns, to Parent all such Returns, and Parent shall
  sign and file or cause to be signed and filed such Returns no later than
  such due date. Any such Return that is prepared by the Stockholder shall be
  prepared in accordance with past practice to the extent permitted by
  applicable law. Any Return required to be filed by Parent relating to any
  taxable year or period beginning on or before and ending after the Closing
  Date (the "Straddle Period") shall be submitted (with copies of any
  relevant schedules, work papers and other documentation then available) to
  the Stockholder for the Stockholder's approval not less than 30 days prior
  to the due date for the filing of such Return, which approval shall not be
  unreasonably withheld. Such Returns shall be prepared in accordance with
  past practice of the Company or WW (or the Subsidiaries), if any, to the
  extent permissible under applicable law.

     (b) The Stockholder shall pay or cause to be paid when due and payable
  all Taxes with respect to the Company, WW and the Subsidiaries for any
  taxable period ending on or before the Closing Date or otherwise described
  in Section 9.1(a)(i) through (iv) (except for Excluded Taxes) and Parent
  shall so pay or cause to be paid (i) Taxes for any taxable period ending
  after the Closing Date (subject to its right of indemnification from the
  Stockholder for Taxes attributable to the pre-closing portion of any
  Straddle Period pursuant to Section 9.1(a)(ii) and Section 9.1(b) hereof)
  and (ii) Excluded Taxes.

     (c) The Stockholder may amend any Return of the Company, WW or any
  Subsidiary filed or required to be filed for any taxable years or periods
  ending on or before the Closing Date, provided that any such amendment
  shall not adversely affect any of Parent, the Company, WW or their
  respective subsidiaries.

     (d) Neither Parent nor any affiliate of Parent shall (or shall cause or
  permit the Company, WW or any of their respective Subsidiaries to) amend,
  refile or otherwise modify any Return relating in whole or in part to the
  Company, WW or any Subsidiary with respect to any taxable year or period
  ending on or before the Closing Date (or with respect to any Straddle
  Period) without the prior written consent of the Stockholder, which consent
  may be withheld by Stockholder in its sole discretion, subject to and in
  compliance with applicable law.

   9.3 Refunds. Any Tax refund (including any interest with respect thereto)
relating to the Company, WW or any Subsidiary for any taxable period prior to
the Closing Date shall be the property of the Stockholder, and if received by
Parent or the Company, WW or any of their respective Subsidiaries shall be paid
over promptly to the Stockholder. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, any
Tax refund (or equivalent benefit to the Stockholder through a reduction in Tax
liability) for a period before the Closing Date arising out of the carryback of
a loss or credit incurred by the Company, WW or any Subsidiary in a taxable
year beginning after the Closing Date shall be the property of Parent and, if
received by the Stockholder, shall be paid over


promptly to Parent. For purposes of this Section 9.3, where it is necessary to
apportion a refund or credit between Parent and the Stockholder for a Straddle
Period, such refund or credit shall be apportioned between the period deemed to
end at the close of the Closing Date, and the period deemed to begin at the
beginning of the day following the Closing Date on the basis of an interim
closing of the books, except that refunds or credits of Taxes imposed on a
periodic basis (e.g., real property Taxes) shall be allocated on a daily basis.
In addition, Parent shall cooperate, and cause the Company, WW and any
Subsidiary to cooperate, in obtaining any refund that the Stockholder
reasonably believes should be available, including through the filing of
appropriate forms with the applicable taxing authorities.

   9.4 Contests

     (a) After the Closing, Parent shall promptly notify the Stockholder in
  writing of any written notice of any pending or threatened audits, notice
  of deficiency, proposed adjustment, assessment, examination or other
  administrative or court proceeding, suit, dispute or other claim (a "Tax
  Claim") of Parent or of any of the Company, WW and the Subsidiaries which,
  if determined adversely to the taxpayer, would be grounds for
  indemnification under this Article IX; provided, however, that a failure to
  give such notice will not affect Parent's right to indemnification under
  this Article IX except to the extent, if any, that, but for such failure,
  the Stockholder could have avoided all or a portion of the Tax liability in

     (b) In the case of an audit or administrative or judicial proceeding
  that relates to periods ending on or before the Closing Date, the
  Stockholder shall have the right at its expense to participate in and
  control the conduct of such audit or proceeding; Parent also may
  participate in any such audit or proceeding and, if the Stockholder does
  not assume the defense of any such audit or proceeding, Parent may defend
  the same in such manner as it may deem appropriate, including, but not
  limited to, settling such audit or proceeding after giving ten days' prior
  written notice to the Stockholder setting forth the terms and conditions of
  settlement. In the event that issues relating to a potential adjustment for
  which the Stockholder would be liable are required to be dealt with in the
  same proceeding as separate issues relating to a potential adjustment for
  which Parent would be liable, Parent shall have the right, at its expense,
  to control the audit or proceeding with respect to the latter issues.

     (c) With respect to any Tax Claim related to a Straddle Period for which
  both the Stockholder and Parent or the Company, WW or any Subsidiary could
  be liable, each party may participate in the audit or proceeding, and (ii)
  the audit or proceeding shall be controlled by that party which would bear
  the burden of the greater portion of the sum of the adjustment based on the
  principles set forth in Section 9.1(b) hereof.

     (d) If as a result of any Tax Claim or amended Tax Return, there is any
  change after the Closing Date in an item of income, gain, loss, deduction
  or credit that results in an increase in a Tax liability for which the
  Stockholder would otherwise be liable pursuant to Section 9.1(a), and such
  change results in a decrease in the Tax liability of Parent or any
  affiliate or successor thereof for any taxable year or period beginning
  after the Closing Date or for the portion of any Straddle Period beginning
  after the Closing Date, the Stockholder shall not be liable pursuant to
  Section 9.1(a) with respect to such increase to the extent of such
  decrease. If as a result of any Tax Claim or amended Tax Return, there is
  any change after the Closing Date in an item of income, gain, loss,
  deduction or credit that results in an increase in a Tax liability for
  which Parent would otherwise be liable pursuant to Section 9.1(a), and such
  change results in a decrease in the Tax liability of the Stockholder or any
  affiliate or successor thereof for any taxable year or period ending on or
  before the Closing Date or for the portion of any Straddle Period ending on
  the Closing Date (other than by reason of a carryback of losses or
  deductions), Parent shall not be liable pursuant to Section 9.1(a) with
  respect to such increase to the extent of such decrease.

     (e) Neither Parent nor the Stockholder shall enter into any compromise
  or agree to settle any Tax Claim which would adversely affect the other
  party for such year or a subsequent year without the written consent of the
  other party, which consent may not be unreasonably withheld. Parent and the
  Stockholder agree to cooperate, and Parent agrees to cause the Company, WW
  and any Subsidiary to cooperate, in the defense against or compromise of
  any Tax Claim.


   9.5 Conveyance Taxes. The Stockholder and Parent shall each pay one-half of
any real property transfer or gains, sales, use, transfer, value added, stock
transfer, and stamp taxes, any transfer, recording, registration, and other
fees, and any similar Taxes which become payable in connection with the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement, other than transfers of assets
contemplated by Section 5.14 hereof ("Transfer Taxes"). Notwithstanding Section
9.2, which shall not apply to Returns relating to Transfer Taxes, any Returns
that must be filed in connection with Transfer Taxes shall be prepared and
filed when due by the party primarily or customarily responsible under the
applicable local law for filing such Returns, and such party will use its
reasonable efforts to provide such Returns to the other party at least 10 days
prior to the due date of such Returns.

   9.6 Miscellaneous

     (a) Except as otherwise required by applicable law, the Stockholder and
  Parent agree to treat all payments made by either of them to or for the
  benefit of the other (including any payments to the Company, WW or any
  Subsidiary) under this Article IX and under other indemnity provisions of
  this Agreement as adjustments to the Purchase Price for Tax purposes.

     (b) Any tax sharing agreement, arrangement or policy (whether written or
  oral) between the Stockholder and the Company, WW or any Subsidiary shall
  be terminated immediately prior to the Closing.

     (c) Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, the
  obligations of the Stockholder to indemnify and hold harmless Parent, the
  Company, WW and any Subsidiary pursuant to this Article IX, and the
  representations and warranties contained in Section 2.8 hereof shall
  terminate at the close of business on the 30th day following the expiration
  of the applicable statute of limitations with respect to the Tax
  liabilities in question (giving effect to any waiver, mitigation or
  extension thereof). The obligations of Parent to indemnify and hold
  harmless the Stockholder pursuant to this Article IX shall terminate at the
  close of business on the 30th day following the expiration of the
  applicable statute of limitations with respect to the Tax liabilities in
  question (giving effect to any waiver, mitigation or extension thereof).

     (d) Resolution of All Tax-Related Disputes. In the event that the
  Stockholder and Parent cannot agree on the calculation of any amount
  relating to Taxes or the interpretation or application of any provision of
  this Agreement relating to Taxes, such dispute shall be resolved by a
  nationally recognized accounting firm mutually agreeable to each of the
  Stockholder and Parent, whose decision shall be final and binding upon all
  persons involved and whose expenses shall be shared equally by the
  Stockholder and Parent.

     (e) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this
  Agreement, all matters relating to Taxes shall be governed by this Article
  IX. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Article IX
  and the any other section of this Agreement, this Article IX shall govern
  and control.

     (f) "Tax Benefits" shall mean the sum of the amount by which the actual
  Tax liability (after giving effect to any alternative minimum or similar
  Tax) of a corporation to the appropriate taxing authority is reduced
  (including, without limitation, by or as a result of a deduction, increase
  in basis, entitlement to refund, credit or otherwise, whether available in
  the current taxable year, as an adjustment to the taxable income in any
  other taxable year or as a carryforward or carryback, as applicable) plus
  any interest (on an after-Tax basis) from such government or jurisdiction
  relating to such Tax liability. For purposes of this Agreement, a Tax
  Benefit shall be deemed to have been "Actually Realized" at the time any
  refund of Taxes is actually received or applied against other Taxes due, or
  at the time of the filing of a Tax Return (including any Tax Return
  relating to estimated Taxes) on which a loss, deduction or credit or
  increase in basis is applied to reduce the amount of Taxes which would
  otherwise be payable. In accordance with the provisions of this paragraph
  (f), Parent and the Stockholder agree that for purposes of this Agreement,
  where a Tax Benefit may be realized that may result in the payment to, or
  reduce a payment by, the other party hereto, each party will as promptly as
  practicable take or cause its affiliates to take such reasonable


  or appropriate steps (including, without limitation, the filing of an
  amended Tax Return or claim for refund) to obtain at the earliest possible
  time any such reasonable available Tax Benefit.

     (g) For purposes of any Tax Benefit Actually Realized determined under
  Section 9.6(f) of this Agreement, no later than 90 days after the filing of
  a Tax Return for any taxable period that includes a date upon which any
  amount was paid or accrued by Parent, the Company, WW or their respective
  Subsidiaries or affiliates, on the one hand, or the Stockholder or its
  affiliates, on the other hand (each an "Indemnified Party"), in respect of
  a claim for which the Stockholder is required to indemnify Parent or Parent
  is required to indemnify Stockholder, as the case may be, pursuant to this
  Agreement (the "Indemnifying Party"), Parent shall provide Stockholder or
  Stockholder shall provide Parent, as appropriate, a detailed statement (the
  "Tax Benefit Statement") specifying the amount, if any, of any Tax Benefit
  that was Actually Realized by the Indemnified Parties for such Tax period.
  To the extent that any deductions or other Tax items (including basis) that
  could give rise to a Tax reduction or savings do not result in the actual
  realization of such a Tax reduction or savings in the year described in the
  previous sentence, this Section 9.6(g) shall apply to each subsequent
  taxable period of the Indemnified Parties until either such Tax savings are
  Actually Realized (resulting in a Tax Benefit) or the losses or other
  carryforwards to which such deductions or other Tax items (including basis)
  gave rise expire unused, if applicable. For each relevant taxable period,
  the Indemnifying Party shall be provided with full access to the non-
  proprietary work papers and other materials and information of the
  Indemnified Parties' accountants in connection with the review of the Tax
  Benefit Statement. If the Indemnifying Party disagrees in any respect with
  the computation of the amount of the Tax Benefit Actually Realized set
  forth in the Tax Benefit Statement, the Indemnifying Party may, on or prior
  to 45 days after the receipt of the Tax Benefit Statement, deliver a notice
  to the Indemnified Parties setting forth in reasonable detail the basis for
  the Indemnifying Party's disagreement therewith ("Tax Benefit Dispute
  Notice"). If no Tax Benefit Dispute Notice is received by the Indemnified
  Parties on or prior to the 45th day after the Indemnifying Party's receipt
  of the Tax Benefit Statement from Parent, the Tax Benefit Statement shall
  be deemed accepted by the Indemnifying Party.

     (h) Payments. Parent shall pay all amounts for indemnification for which
  it is liable pursuant to this Agreement in cash; provided, however, that,
  if and to the extent any such cash payment (the "Excess Cash Payment")
  would, in the opinion of Skadden, cause Skadden to no longer be able to
  issue an opinion that each of the Mergers will qualify as a reorganization
  pursuant to Section 368(a) of the Code, Parent shall use commercially
  reasonable efforts to pay such Excess Cash Payment in Parent Common Stock
  (valued in accordance with Section 7.2(b)); provided, further, that in no
  event will Parent be obligated to pay such Excess Cash Payment in Parent
  Common Stock unless, in the opinion of counsel to Parent, such payment in
  Parent Common Stock would be exempt from registration under the Securities


                                   ARTICLE X

                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

   10.1 Notices. All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in
writing and shall be deemed given if delivered personally or by commercial
delivery service, or mailed by registered or certified mail (return receipt
requested) or sent via facsimile (with acknowledgment of complete transmission)
to the parties at the following addresses (or at such other address for a party
as shall be specified by like notice):

     (i) if to Parent, Metal Merger Sub or WW Merger Sub, to:, Inc.
    225 W. Hillcrest Drive, Suite 100
    Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
    Attention: David M. Rosenblatt, Esq.
    Telephone No.: (805) 557-2300
    Facsimile No.: (805) 557-2689

    with a copy to:

    Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati,
    Professional Corporation
    650 Page Mill Road
    Palo Alto, California 94304
    Attention: Martin W. Korman, Esq.
    Telephone No.: (650) 493-9300
    Facsimile No.: (650) 493-6811

    and a copy to:

    Fenwick & West
    Two Palo Alto Square
    Palo Alto, California 94306
    Attention: Gordon K. Davidson, Esq.
    C. Kevin Kelso, Esq.
    Telephone No.: (650) 494-0600
    Facsimile No.: (650) 494-1417

     (ii) if to the Company, WW or Stockholder, to:

    Cendant Corporation
    9 West 57th Street, 7th Floor
    New York, NY 10019
    Attention: Eric Bock, Esq.
    Telephone No.: (212) 413-1800
    Facsimile No.: (212) 413-1923

    with a copy to:

     Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
    Four Times Square
    New York, New York 10036
    Attention: David Fox, Esq.
    Telephone No.: (212) 735-3000
    Facsimile No.: (212) 735-2000


   10.2 Interpretation.

     (a) The words "include," "includes" and "including" when used herein
  shall be deemed in each case to be followed by the words "without

     (b) As used herein, the term "Material Adverse Effect" shall mean any
  change, event or effect that is materially adverse to the business, assets
  (including intangible assets), financial condition, capitalization or
  results of operations of an entity.

     For purposes of Articles VI and VIII hereof with respect to a Material
  Adverse Effect on the Company, WW or any Subsidiary (taken as a whole):

       (i) if there shall be any shortfall in revenue of the Company or WW,
    such shortfall shall not be deemed in and of itself, a Material Adverse
    Effect on the Company.

       (ii) adverse changes in the economy generally, or in the real
    estate, Internet or advertising industries shall not be taken into
    account in determining a Material Adverse Effect on the Company, WW and
    any Subsidiary (taken as a whole) (provided that such adverse changes
    do not affect the Company or WW or any of the Subsidiaries, as
    applicable, in a materially disproportionate manner);

       (iii) adverse changes in stock market conditions shall not be taken
    into account in determining a Material Adverse Effect on the Company,
    WW and any Subsidiary (taken as a whole); or

       (iv) the Company's or WW's loss of suppliers, customers or employees
    shall not be taken into account in determining a Material Adverse
    Effect on the Company, WW and any Subsidiary (taken as a whole)
    (provided that this exception shall not apply (A) to the loss of
    customers or suppliers caused by the Stockholder or its affiliates,
    including NRT Incorporated ("NRT") or its controlled affiliates and, in
    the case of customers only, subject to the exception same provision as
    set forth in clause (b)(i) above, or (B) in the case of the Company's
    or WW's employees, those employees hired by the Stockholder or its
    affiliates without the prior written consent of Parent).

     For purposes of Articles VI and VIII hereof with respect to a Material
  Adverse Effect on Parent:

       (i) if there shall be any shortfall in revenue of Parent, such
    shortfall shall not be deemed in and of itself a Material Adverse
    Effect on the Company;

       (ii) adverse changes in the economy generally, or in the real
    estate, Internet or advertising industries shall not be taken into
    account in determining a Material Adverse Effect on Parent (provided
    that such adverse changes do not affect Parent in a materially
    disproportionate manner);

       (iii) adverse changes in stock market conditions or price of Parent
    Common Stock shall not be taken into account in determining a Material
    Adverse Effect on Parent; or

       (iv) Parent's loss of suppliers, customers or employees shall not be
    taken into account in determining a Material Adverse Effect on Parent.

     (c) As used herein, the term "Business Adverse Effect" shall mean (i) a
  material impairment of Parent's ability to continue operating the Business
  substantially as it was operated prior to the Closing; (ii) a material
  impairment in Parent's ability to use the Intellectual Property
  substantially as used by the Company or WW or any of the Subsidiaries prior
  to the Closing; or (iii) any material liability that would be reasonably
  likely to have a material adverse effect on the Company, WW or any of the
  Subsidiaries taken as a whole.

     (d) The table of contents and headings contained in this Agreement are
  for reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or
  interpretation of this Agreement.

   10.3 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts, all of which shall be considered one and the same agreement and
shall become effective when one or more counterparts have been signed by each
of the parties and delivered to the other party, it being understood that all
parties need not sign the same counterpart.


   10.4 Entire Agreement; Assignment. This Agreement, the Stockholder
Disclosure Letter and Exhibits hereto, the Mutual Disclosure Agreement and the
documents and instruments and other agreements among the parties hereto
referenced herein: (a) constitute the entire agreement among the parties with
respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior agreements and
understandings, both written and oral, among the parties with respect to the
Mergers; (b) are not intended to confer upon any other person any rights or
remedies hereunder; and (c) shall not be assigned by operation of law or
otherwise except as otherwise specifically permitted, except that Parent, Metal
Merger Sub and WW Merger Sub may assign their respective rights and delegate
their respective obligations hereunder to their respective affiliates (except
that with respect to the indemnification obligations of Stockholder set forth
in Section 7.2(a)(ii), Parent or its affiliate, as applicable, shall have the
right to assign such indemnities in whole or in part to any third party without
the consent of Stockholder).

   10.5 Severability. In the event that any provision of this Agreement or the
application thereof, becomes or is declared by a court of competent
jurisdiction to be illegal, void or unenforceable, the remainder of this
Agreement will continue in full force and effect and the application of such
provision to other persons or circumstances will be interpreted so as
reasonably to effect the intent of the parties hereto. The parties further
agree to replace such void or unenforceable provision of this Agreement with a
valid and enforceable provision that will achieve, to the extent possible, the
economic, business and other purposes of such void or unenforceable provision.

   10.6 Other Remedies. Except as otherwise provided herein, any and all
remedies herein expressly conferred upon a party will be deemed cumulative with
and not exclusive of any other remedy conferred hereby, or by law or equity
upon such party, and the exercise by a party of any one remedy will not
preclude the exercise of any other remedy.

   10.7 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware, regardless of the laws that
might otherwise govern under applicable principles of conflicts of laws
thereof. Each of the parties hereto agrees that process may be served upon them
in any manner authorized by the laws of the State of Delaware for such persons
and waives and covenants not to assert or plead any objection which they might
otherwise have to such jurisdiction and such process.

   10.8 Rules of Construction. The parties hereto agree that they have been
represented by counsel during the negotiation and execution of this Agreement
and, therefore, waive the application of any law, regulation, holding or rule
of construction providing that ambiguities in an agreement or other document
will be construed against the party drafting such agreement or document.

   10.9 Specific Performance. The parties hereto agree that irreparable damage
would occur in the event that any of the provisions of this Agreement were not
performed in accordance with their specific terms or were otherwise breached,
including Section 5.13 and Section 5.14 hereof. It is accordingly agreed that
the parties shall be entitled to an injunction or injunctions to prevent
breaches of this Agreement and to enforce specifically the terms and provisions
hereof in any court of the United States or any state having jurisdiction, this
being in addition to any other remedy to which they are entitled at law or in

   10.10 Attorney's Fees. If any action or other proceeding relating to the
enforcement of any provision of this Agreement is brought by any party hereto,
the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees,
costs and disbursements (in addition to any other relief to which the
prevailing party may be entitled).


                 (Remainder of page intentionally left blank.)


   IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Parent, Metal Merger Sub, WW Merger Sub, the Company,
WW, CMS and Stockholder, and have caused this Agreement to be signed by their
duly authorized respective officers, all as of the date first written above.


By:  /s/ David M. Rosenblatt            By:  /s/ Eric Bock
    ---------------------------------       ------------------------------------

Name:                                   Name:
      -------------------------------         ----------------------------------

Title:                                  Title:
       ------------------------------          ---------------------------------

MOVE.COM, INC.                          METAL ACQUISITION CORP.

By:  /s/ Eric Bock                      By:  /s/ David M. Rosenblatt
    ---------------------------------       ------------------------------------

Name:                                   Name:
      -------------------------------         ----------------------------------

Title:                                  Title:
       ------------------------------          ---------------------------------


By:  /s/ Eric Bock                      By:  /s/ David M. Rosenblatt
    ---------------------------------       ------------------------------------

Name:                                   Name:
      -------------------------------         ----------------------------------

Title:                                  Title:
       ------------------------------          ---------------------------------


By:  /s/ Eric Bock



                         ***REORGANIZATION AGREEMENT***


                                                                         ANNEX B

                                October 25, 2000

Board of Directors, Inc.
225 West Hillcrest Drive
Suite 100
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

Members of the Board:

   We understand that the, Inc. ("Move"), Welcome Wagon International
Inc. ("Welcome Wagon") (together the "Companies"), Cendant Corporation
("Cendant"),, Inc. ("Homestore"), Metal Acquisition Corp., a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Homestore, WW Acquisition Corp., another wholly-
owned subsidiary of Homestore, and Cendant Membership Services Holdings, Inc.
propose to enter into an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, substantially in
the form of the draft agreement dated October 25, 2000 (the "Merger
Agreement"), which provides, among other things, for the merger of Metal
Acquisition Corp. with and into Move (the "Move Merger") and WW Acquisition
Corp. with and into Welcome Wagon (the "WW Merger" and together with the Move
Merger, the "Merger"). Pursuant to the Merger, Move and Welcome Wagon will
become wholly owned subsidiaries of Homestore and each outstanding share of
common stock, par value $0.01 per share (the "Move Common Stock"), of Move and
each outstanding share of common stock, par value $0.01 per share (the "Welcome
Wagon Common Stock"), of Welcome Wagon will be converted into the right to
receive a certain number of shares of common stock, par value $0.001 per share
(the "Homestore Common Stock"), of Homestore, determined pursuant to certain
formulas as described further in the Merger Agreement (collectively, the
"Consideration"). We note that the Move Merger and WW Merger are to be
consummated simultaneously pursuant to the terms of the Merger Agreement. The
terms and conditions of the Merger are more fully set forth in the Merger

   You have asked for our opinion as to whether the Consideration to be paid by
Homestore pursuant to the Merger Agreement is fair from a financial point of
view to Homestore.

   For purposes of the opinion set forth herein, we have:

  (i)   reviewed certain publicly available financial statements and other
        information of Move, Welcome Wagon, Cendant and Homestore;

  (ii)  reviewed certain internal financial statements and other financial
        and operating data concerning the Companies prepared by the
        management of the Companies and Cendant;

  (iii) reviewed certain financial projections prepared by the management of
        the Companies and Cendant;

  (iv)  reviewed certain publicly available financial projections from equity
        research analysts reports of Cendant related to Move;

  (v)   discussed the past and current operations and financial condition and
        the prospects of the Companies, including information relating to
        certain strategic, financial and operational benefits anticipated
        from the Merger, with senior executives of the Companies and Cendant;

  (vi)  discussed the past and current operations and financial condition and
        the prospects of Homestore, including information relating to certain
        strategic, financial and operational benefits anticipated from the
        Merger, with senior executives of Homestore;

  (vii) reviewed's analysis of the potential impact of the
        Merger on certain financial projections related to the Companies
        prepared by the management of the Companies and Cendant;


Board of Directors, Inc.
October 25, 2000
Page 2

  (viii) reviewed certain publicly available financial projections from
         equity research analysts reports of Homestore;

  (ix)   discussed certain financial projections related to Homestore
         prepared by the management of Homestore;

  (x)    reviewed the reported prices and trading activity for the Homestore
         Common Stock;

  (xi)   reviewed the reported prices and trading activity for the shares of
         common stock, par value $0.01 per share, of Cendant (the "Cendant
         Common Stock");

  (xii)  reviewed the pro forma impact of the Merger on certain of the
         financial ratios of Homestore;

  (xiii) compared the financial performance of Move, Welcome Wagon, and
         Homestore with that of certain other comparable publicly-traded

  (xiv)  reviewed the financial terms, to the extent publicly available, of
         certain comparable acquisition transactions;

  (xv)   reviewed and discussed with the senior management of Homestore the
         strategic rationale for the Merger;

  (xvi)  reviewed the draft Merger Agreement and certain related documents;

  (xvii) performed such other analyses and considered such other factors as
         we have deemed appropriate.

   We have assumed and relied upon, without independent verification, the
accuracy and completeness of the information reviewed by us for the purposes of
this opinion. With respect to the financial and operating data and estimates of
the strategic, financial and operational benefits anticipated from the Merger,
we have assumed that they have been reasonably prepared on bases reflecting the
best currently available estimates and judgments of the prospects of Homestore
and the Companies, respectively. We have relied upon the assessment by the
managements of Homestore and the Companies of their ability to retain key
employees of the Companies. We have also relied upon, without independent
verification, the assessment by the managements of Homestore and the Companies
of: (i) the strategic and other benefits expected to result from the Merger;
(ii) the Companies' technologies, products and intellectual property; (iii) the
timing and risks associated with the integration of Homestore and the
Companies; and (iv) the validity of, and risks associated with, Homestore's and
the Companies' existing and future technologies, products and intellectual
property. We have not made any independent valuation or appraisal of the
assets, liabilities, technologies and intellectual property of the Companies,
nor have we been furnished with any such appraisals. In addition, we have
assumed that the Merger will be treated as a tax-free reorganization pursuant
to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and will be consummated in accordance with
the terms set forth in the Merger Agreement. Our opinion is necessarily based
on financial, economic, market and other conditions as in effect on, and the
information made available to us as of, the date hereof.

   We have acted as financial advisor to Homestore in connection with this
transaction and will receive a fee for our services. In the past, Morgan
Stanley & Co. Incorporated and its affiliates have provided financing and
advisory services for Homestore and Cendant and have received fees for the
rendering of these services. In addition, in the ordinary course of our
business we may actively trade the securities of Homestore and Cendant for our
own account and for the accounts of our customers and, accordingly, may at any
time hold a long or short position in such securities.


Board of Directors, Inc.
October 25, 2000
Page 3

   It is understood that this letter is for the information of the Board of
Directors of Homestore and may not be used for any other purpose without our
prior written consent, except that this opinion may be included in its entirety
in any filing, if required, of a proxy or registration statement with the
Securities and Exchange Commission made by Homestore in respect of this
transaction. In addition, this opinion does not in any manner address the
prices at which the Homestore Common Stock or the Cendant Common Stock will
trade following the consummation of the Merger, and Morgan Stanley & Co.
Incorporated expresses no opinion or recommendation as to how the shareholders
of Homestore should vote at the shareholders' meeting to be held in connection
with the Merger.

   Based upon and subject to the foregoing, we are of the opinion on the date
hereof that the Consideration to be paid by Homestore pursuant to the Merger
Agreement is fair from a financial point of view to Homestore.

                                          Very truly yours,

                                          MORGAN STANLEY & CO. INCORPORATED

                                          By:   /s/ Charles R. Cory
                                              Charles R. Cory
                                              Managing Director


                                                     Please mark
                                                     your votes as   [X]
                                                     indicated in
                                                     this example

This Proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors of,
Inc. The Board of Directors unanimously recommends that you vote FOR the

1. The approval of the issuance of shares of, Inc. common stock
in connection with the acquisitions by, Inc. of, Inc.
and Welcome Wagon International, Inc.

                  FOR          AGAINST           ABSTAIN
                  [ ]            [ ]               [ ]

In their discretion the Proxy Holders are authorized to vote upon such other
business as may properly come before the Special Meeting or any postponements
or adjournments thereof. The Board of Directors at present knows of no other
business to be conducted by or on behalf of, Inc. or the Board
of Directors at the Special Meeting.


  The shares represented by this Proxy, when properly executed and dated, will
be voted in accordance with the specifications made herein. The shares
represented by this Proxy will be voted in favor of the Proposal if no
instructions to the contrary are indicated or no instruction is given. The
undersigned acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Special Meeting of
Stockholders and the Proxy Statement accompanying said Notice.


Dated: __________________________________________________________________, 2000

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Please Print Name)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Signature of Holder of common stock)


                              HOMESTORE.COM, INC.



  The undersigned hereby appoints Stuart H. Wolff, Ph.D, John M. Giesecke,
Jr., David M. Rosenblatt and Joseph J. Shew, and each of them, attorneys and
proxies, each with full power of substitution and resubstitution, in the name,
place and stead of the undersigned, to vote as proxy all shares of common
stock, par value $0.001 per share, of the undersigned in, Inc.
(the "Company") which the undersigned is entitled to vote at the Special
Meeting of Stockholders of the Company to be held on January 11, 2001 and at
any and all adjournments thereof.

               (Continued and to be signed on the reverse side.)