Execution Copy


                              Facility Agreement



                         Hawker Pacific Aerospace Ltd.

                                                                 - as Borrower -

                           Hawker Pacific Aerospace

                                                       - as Additional Obligor -

                   Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen Girozentrale
              - as Mandated Arranger, Agent and Security Agent -


                        Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau

                              - as Co-Arranger -

                                                                  - as Lenders -

                    Baker & McKenzie/Doser Amereller Noack


1.   Definitions.......................................................      5
2.   Facilities, Additional Obligor....................................      6
3.   Purpose...........................................................      6
4.   Interest..........................................................      7
5.   Payments..........................................................      8
6.   Term..............................................................      8
7.   Drawdowns, Cancellation...........................................      8
8.   Conditions for Drawdown...........................................      9
9.   Repayment.........................................................     11
10.  Security..........................................................     12
11.  Illegality........................................................     13
12.  Market Disruption; Alternative Method of Calculation..............     13
13.  Increased Costs...................................................     14
14.  No Deductions or Withholding......................................     15
15.  Representations and Warranties....................................     17
16.  Reporting and Information.........................................     19
17.  Covenants.........................................................     20
18.  Termination.......................................................     22
19.  Expenses..........................................................     24
20.  Assignments.......................................................     24
21.  Fees..............................................................     24
22.  Notices...........................................................     24
23.  Miscellaneous Provisions..........................................     25
24.  Governing Law, Jurisdiction.......................................     26
25.  Agency Agreement..................................................     26



Schedule 1               Commitments of Banks
- ----------

Schedule 2               Drawdown Notice
- ----------

Schedule 3               [blank]
- ----------

Schedule 4               Lien Hawker Corp. Assets
- ----------

Schedule 5               Share Pledge Hawker UK
- ----------

Schedule 6               Fixed and Floating Charges Hawker UK Assets
- ----------

Schedule 7               [blank]
- ----------

Schedule 8               Disclosure of Shareholdings
- ----------

Schedule 9               Disclosure of Encumbrances
- ----------

Schedule 10              Disclosure of Financial Indebtedness
- -----------

Schedule 11              [blank]
- -----------

Schedule 12              [blank]
- -----------

Schedule 13              Agency Agreement
- -----------


                              Facility Agreement


1.   Hawker Pacific Aerospace Ltd., Unit 3 Dorley Park, Kestrel Way, Hayes,
     Middlesex UB3 1HP, United Kingdom

                         - hereinafter referred to as "Borrower" -

2.   Hawker Pacific Aerospace, 11240 Sherman Way, Sun Valley, Ca. 91352-4942,

                         - hereinafter referred to as the "Additional Obligor" -

3.   Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen Girozentrale, Main Tower, Neue Mainzer Str. 52-
     58, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

                         - hereinafter referred to in its respective capacities
                         as the "Mandated Arranger", the "Agent" and the
                         "Security Agent" -

4.   Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau, Palmengartenstr. 5-9, 60325 Frankfurt am
     Main, Germany

                         - hereinafter referred to as the "Co-Arranger" -

                         - the parties at 3. and 4. together with any assignee
                         pursuant to Sec. 20 the "Banks", and each a "Bank" -


the Borrower is a UK limited company with its registered office in Hayes,
Middlesex, United Kingdom. The Additional Obligor, a California corporation with
its registered offices in Sun Valley, California, is the sole shareholder of the

the Banks have agreed with the Borrower and the Additional Obligor to provide to
the Borrower and the Additional Obligor credit facilities in an amount of GBP
14,000,000 and USD 45,000,000, respectively, subject to the terms and conditions
set out in this Fa-


cility Agreement and in a Credit Agreement of even date made with the Additional
Obligor (the "Credit Agreement").

NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows:

1.   Definitions
- ----------------

1.1  Definitions of terms not defined elsewhere in this Agreement are as

"Advance":               A disbursement made in respect of a drawdown pursuant
                         to Sec. 7;

"Banking Day":           Each day on which banks are generally open for business
                         in both Frankfurt am Main and London;

"Facility":              The credit facility referred to in Sec. 2.1;

"Financing Documents":   Collectively, this Facility Agreement and the Security

"Interest Period":       An interest period in respect of individual Advances
                         made in respect of the Facility, as determined in
                         accordance with Secs. 4.2 and 4.3;

"LIBID" Rate             The LIBOR Rate, less 0,125 per cent per annum;

"LIBOR Rate":            The GBP interest rate per annum, for a period
                         comparable to the relevant Interest Period, which in
                         accordance with Bridge Telerate Page 3750, or such
                         other page as may be substituted for such page for the
                         purpose of displaying offered rates for GBP deposits,
                         is quoted as the offered rate at 11 a.m. London time
                         for GBP deposits on the second Banking Day prior to the
                         commencement of such Interest Period or, if no such
                         interest rate is displayed on the relevant Bridge
                         Telerate Page at the relevant time on the relevant date
                         for the determination of an interest rate, the rate
                         determined by the Agent as the arithmetic mean (rounded
                         upwards to the fourth decimal place) quoted by the
                         Reference Banks as the interest rate per annum at which
                         the Reference Banks offer GBP deposits to prime banks
                         in the London interbank market on the relevant date at
                         11 a.m. Frankfurt time, in an amount substantially
                         equivalent to the relevant outstanding amounts of the
                         relevant Advance;

"Reference Banks":       The Mandated Arranger and the Co-Arranger;


"Reports":               Collectively, the reports referred to in Sec. 8.2.1;

"Security Documents":    The agreements and documents referred to in Sec. 10.1,
                         and any other agreements made with the Security Agent
                         or any of the Banks for the purpose of providing or
                         holding security in respect of the Facility;

1.2  The terms defined herein shall, except where the context requires
     otherwise, always have the meanings ascribed to such terms herein. Unless
     the context requires otherwise, such terms shall also have such meanings
     when used in agreements, written notifications, confirmations and other
     documents which are issued pursuant to the terms of this Facility

2.   Facilities, Additional Obligor
- -----------------------------------

2.1  The Banks hereby agree to make available to the Borrower a long-term
     facility in a total amount of GBP 14,000,000 (in words: Sterling fourteen

2.2  The Facility will be disbursed to the Borrower by the Agent. Each Bank
     shall participate in the rights and obligations under the Facility in the
     amount of its respective commitment as set out in Schedule 1, separately
     and independently from all other Banks. In particular, any joint and
     several liability of the Banks is excluded. The Banks shall participate in
     any drawdowns only in the proportion of the relevant Banks' respective
     commitments. For the avoidance of doubt, any creation of a joint ownership
     (Gesamthandsvermogen) is hereby expressly excluded. No Bank shall be
     responsible for the performance of the obligations of any of the other
     Banks. The Agent shall be required to disburse to the Borrower any Advances
     to be made by other Banks only when such Advances have unconditionally been
     made available to the Agent by the relevant Banks.

2.3  The failure by any Bank to comply with its obligations under this Facility
     Agreement shall not affect the obligations of the Borrower or any other
     Bank hereunder. In any such event, the Borrower shall be entitled to
     enforce its rights solely against the relevant Bank.

2.4  The Additional Obligor shall be jointly and severally liable for all
     obligations of the Borrower hereunder.

3.   Purpose
- ------------

3.1  The Facility shall be used exclusively for the purpose of financing the
     capital requirements of the Borrower and to refinance the Borrower's
     existing working capital indebtedness which has been financed by
     shareholder loans. In addition,


     proceeds from the Facility may also be used for financing capital
     expenditures made in accordance with a business sharing plan agreed among
     the Borrower and Lufthansa Technik AG, and approved by the Agent.

3.2  At the request of the Agent, the Borrower shall provide the Agent with
     conclusive evidence as to how proceeds from the Facility have been used and

4.   Interest
- -------------

4.1  Interest on outstanding Advances under the Facility shall accrue from the
     relevant date of drawdown at the rate of interest applicable to the
     outstanding amount of Advances under the Facility for the relevant Interest
     Period, such rate being the sum of (i) the applicable LIBOR Rate and (ii) a
     margin of 2.70 per cent per annum.

4.2  Subject to Sec. 4.3, interest periods shall have a duration of three
     months, or any longer duration agreed with the Banks.

4.3  The first interest period will in respect of any amounts drawn under the
     Facility commence on the date of drawing and will end on the last Banking
     Day of the calendar quarter in which the drawing is made. Each succeeding
     interest period will commence following expiry of the immediately preceding
     interest period.

4.4  Interest shall be calculated on the basis of the actual number of days
     elapsed and a 360 days year.

4.5  Interest shall be due and payable on the last day of an Interest Period.

4.6  The Borrower shall be in default, without any requirement for notice, if it
     has failed to make payments which are due hereunder on the relevant due
     date or if the Borrower does not make such payments in full. For the
     duration of a default, the Borrower shall

     4.6.1  pay in the event of a default with regard to payments other than
            interest, default interest on the outstanding amount of the overdue
            payment at a rate reflecting an increase of the margin by two per
            cent per annum, for the period from the due date until receipt by
            the Agent of the relevant overdue amounts, and

     4.6.2  in case of a default in the payment of interest, liquidated damages;
            the amount of liquidated damages shall in such case be equal to a
            rate of interest corresponding to the interest rate applicable to
            the Facility and increased by two per cent per annum in respect of
            the relevant amount, for the period from the due date until receipt
            by the Agent of the relevant overdue amounts.


5.   Payments
- -------------

5.1  All payments to be made by the Borrower hereunder shall be made to the
     Agent by payment in the respective currency in immediately available and
     freely transferable funds to such accounts as the Agent may from time to
     time specify in writing. If the due date for the payment of any amounts
     hereunder is not a Banking Day, the payment shall be made on the next
     following Banking Day, provided however, that where such next following
     Banking Day would otherwise fall in the next calendar month, payment shall
     be made on the last Banking Day of the preceding calendar month, and the
     relevant amounts shall be calculated by reference to the date of actual

5.2  The Borrower shall be entitled to assert any rights of set off or of
     retention against the claims of any Bank for payment under or in connection
     with this Facility Agreement only to the extent that the relevant
     counterclaims are not the subject of a dispute between the Borrower and
     such Bank, or have been the subject of a final judgement.

6.   Term
- ---------

The Facility shall expire on October 30, 2005.

7.   Drawdowns, Cancellation

7.1  The Facility can be drawn upon satisfaction of all conditions for drawdown.
     In addition, the Facility can be drawn only upon satisfaction of the

     7.1.1  receipt by the Agent of a drawdown notice in the form set out in
            Schedule 2 not later than on the third Banking Day before the
            proposed drawdown date;

     7.1.2  a drawdown is permitted in  one amount only;

     7.1.3  drawdown shall be requested as soon as the Borrower is able to
            comply with the conditions for drawdown, and in no event after
            January 31, 2001.

7.2  Any drawdown notice submitted by the Borrower shall be irrevocable.

7.3  A drawdown of the Facility shall not be permitted when any of the events or
     circumstances referred to in Sec. 18 has occurred and is continuing.


7.4  Drawdowns may be requested by the Borrower only. The Banks shall be
     entitled to reject a drawdown request by the Borrower if the Borrower has
     without the consent of the Banks assigned or pledged its claims and rights
     under this Facility Agreement, or if such claims and rights have been
     attached by third parties, or if a condition to drawdown is not or no
     longer satisfied at the time of drawdown.

7.5  Amounts drawn and subsequently repaid or prepaid may not be reborrowed.

8.   Conditions for Drawdown
- ----------------------------

The Borrower may not, save as the Agent may otherwise agree in writing, deliver
a notice of drawdown pursuant to Sec. 7.1 unless the following conditions have
been satisfied:

8.1  The Agent has been furnished with the following documents which accurately
     describe the up-to-date-position of the information and statements
     contained therein, and which have not been changed by any amendments or
     supplements thereto:

     8.1.1  Certified copies of the certificate of incorporation and the
            memorandum and articles of association of the Borrower
            (incorporating the amendments required to be made under the Security
            Document referred to in Sec. 10.1.2), dated not earlier than seven
            days prior to the date of the first drawdown notice;

     8.1.2  the Security Documents;

     8.1.3  documentation evidencing to the satisfaction of the Banks that
            immediately upon the drawdown of funds under the Facility all
            security interests of third parties existing in relation to the
            Borrower's assets will be extinguished and will cease to exist;

     8.1.4  certified copies of a resolution of the board of directors of the
            Borrower authorizing the transactions contemplated by the Finance
            Documents, dated not earlier than seven days prior to the date of
            the drawdown notice;

     8.1.5  certificates of authorized representatives of the Borrower
            certifying the names and true signatures of the officers of the
            Borrower authorised to execute, deliver and perform the Financing
            Documents to which the Borrower is a party.


8.2  Receipt by the Agent of the following documents which are in form and
     substance satisfactory to the Banks:

     8.2.1   letter issued by Lufthansa Technik AG in form and substance
             satisfactory to the Banks, confirming that a legal due diligence
             investigation was conducted by its external counsel prior to its
             acquisition of shares of the Borrower, with a result satisfactory
             to Lufthansa Technik AG, and a financial due diligence report dated
             July 31, 2000 prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers;

     8.2.2   Certificate of Good Standing for the Borrower issued by Companies
             House, dated not earlier than five days prior to the date of the
             drawdown notice, and responses, in form and substance satisfactory
             to the Security Agent, to the enquiries raised in relation to the
             leasehold properties in which the Borrower has an interest,
             together with such other documents (including any necessary third
             party consents) as the Security Agent may require;

     8.2.3   legal opinion prepared by Baker & McKenzie Frankfurt am Main,
             counsel to the Banks, confirming that the Facility Agreement
             creates legal, valid and binding obligations for each of the
             parties thereto other than the Borrower or affiliates of the
             Borrower, dated not earlier than seven Banking Days prior to the
             proposed first drawdown;

     8.2.4   legal opinion prepared by Baker & McKenzie San Francisco, counsel
             to the Banks, confirming that the Security Documents which are
             governed by California law create legal, valid and binding
             obligations for each of the parties thereto, dated not earlier than
             seven Banking Days prior to the proposed first drawdown;

     8.2.5   legal opinion prepared by Baker & McKenzie London, counsel to the
             Banks, confirming that the Security Documents which are governed by
             English law create legal, valid and binding obligations for each of
             the parties thereto, and that the Borrower is duly organized and
             validly existing, dated not earlier than seven Banking Days prior
             to the proposed first drawdown;

     8.2.6   audited annual financial statements for the Borrower for the fiscal
             years ending December 31, 1998 and 1999, together with the
             auditors' reports for such fiscal years, and unaudited interim
             financial statements for the Borrower for the fiscal quarters
             ending March 31 and June 30, 2000;

     8.2.7   projected annual financial statements for the Borrower, projected
             consolidated annual financial statements for the Additional
             Obligor, and business plan for the Additional Obligor and the
             Borrower, for at least the fiscal years ending December 31, 2001,
             2002 and 2003;


8.3  None of the events or circumstances referred to in Sec. 18 exists, and the
     representations and warranties contained in the Financing Documents are
     true and accurate in all material respects at the time of each drawdown
     notice and at the time of drawdown.

9.   Repayment
- --------------

9.1  The Facility shall be repaid in one amount on October 30, 2005.

9.2  The Borrower shall immediately prepay all amounts drawn under the Facility
     if and when Lufthansa Technik AG, alone or together with affiliates, does
     not own or control more than fifty per cent of the share capital and voting
     rights of the Additional Obligor on or after December 30, 2000, or if and
     when the Additional Obligor ceases to be the sole shareholder of the
     Borrower. In addition, the Borrower shall make the following mandatory
     prepayments in the amounts referred to in the following subparagraphs:

     9.2.1   promptly after receipt thereof, all net cash proceeds from a sale
             of any assets of the Borrower other than in the ordinary course of
             business if the relevant amounts exceed GBP 30,000 in the aggregate
             in any fiscal year of the Borrower, it being understood that net
             cash proceeds which have been or will be reinvested in replacement
             assets for substantially the same use shall not be taken into

     9.2.2   if any payments are received by the Borrower under insurance
             contracts relating to the Borrower's business in excess of GBP
             30,000 in the aggregate in any fiscal year of the Borrower, any
             such amounts promptly after receipt of same unless such insurance
             proceeds are applied without delay in the acquisition of
             replacement assets or in the compensation for losses which have
             been actually suffered.

9.3  The Borrower is entitled to prepay the total outstanding amounts under the
     Facility, in accordance with and subject to Sec. 9.4. Unless otherwise
     agreed with the Banks, partial prepayments are not permitted.

9.4  A prepayment shall be notified to the Banks in writing via the Agent not
     later than fifteen Banking Days prior to the proposed prepayment date. If a
     prepayment is not made on the last day of an Interest Period, the Borrower
     shall compensate the Banks for any resulting reinvestment loss. The Banks
     shall in such case be entitled to an amount equal to the difference between
     the amount which would have been payable by the Borrower for the relevant
     remaining term of the Interest Period on the basis of the applicable
     interest rates and the amount of interest determined by the Banks for such
     period applying the reinvestment rate. For this purpose, the reinvestment
     rate for the remaining term of the Interest Pe-


     riod is the then applicable LIBID Rate for such term. The Borrower shall in
     each such case be entitled to demonstrate that no loss has actually been
     incurred or has been incurred in a lower amount than the amount claimed by
     the Banks, and the Banks shall have the right to demonstrate that the
     amount of their loss is actually higher, and to claim for such higher
     amount. Each prepayment shall include interest up to the date of

9.5  All notices by the Borrower in relation to a prepayment proposed to be made
     by the Borrower shall be irrevocable.

10.  Security
- -------------

10.1 The following security will be provided as security for all claims of the
     Banks against the Borrower, in accordance with the agreements identified

     10.1.1  blanket lien over all assets of the Additional Obligor, in the form
             set out in Schedule 4;

     10.1.2  pledge of all shares of the Borrower held by the Additional
             Obligor, in the form set out in Schedule 5.

     10.1.3  fixed and floating charge over all assets of the Borrower, in the
             form set out in Schedule 6.

     The Borrower undertakes to obtain the landlord's consent not later than by
     December 31, 2000 in respect of the lease in regard to which such
     landlord's consent is to be obtained in accordance with the Security
     Document referred to in Sec. 10.1.3.

10.2 The security referred to in Sec. 10.1 shall be provided, pursuant to the
     terms and conditions more particularly set out in the individual Security
     Documents, as security for all existing, future and contingent claims which
     the Banks and any of their domestic and overseas branches may have, either
     individually or collectively, against the Borrower under and in connection
     with this Facility Agreement and the Credit Agreement. If the value of the
     security provided diminishes or threatens to diminish materially, or if the
     financial situation of the Borrower or the Additional Obligor deteriorates,
     the Banks may request additional security in their reasonable discretion,
     and the Borrower will in such case ensure that such additional security is
     provided without unreasonable delay (unverzuglich).

10.3 If the Borrower is of the opinion that the realizable value of the security
     provided to the Banks exceeds as a whole at any time by a material amount
     the total outstanding claims of the Banks against the Borrower other than
     temporarily, the


     Borrower may by notice to the Agent require that security is released. Any
     such request by the Borrower shall be accompanied by adequate supporting
     information. The Banks will release individual assets at their option to
     the extent that a material overcollateralization has been adequatly
     demonstrated to exist. The Banks shall be obliged to agree to a release of
     security at their option if and to the extent the realizable value of all
     security provided by the Borrower exceeds an amount corresponding to 110
     per cent of the secured claims of the Banks other than temporarily.

10.4 All reasonable costs and expenses arising in connection with the granting
     of security, or in connection with any enforcement of security and the
     realization of the Banks' security interests in accordance with the terms
     of the Security Documents, shall be borne by the Borrower.

11.  Illegality
- ---------------

If it becomes illegal pursuant to domestic or foreign legislation or if it
becomes impermissible under any requirement of any domestic or foreign authority
or public body for any Bank to comply with its outstanding obligations, in whole
or in part, under this Agreement, such Bank may immediately after it has become
aware thereof inform the Borrower through the Agent. In such event, the affected
Bank will endeavour to perform its obligations through another lending office or
branch or to transfer the same to an affiliate of it if the illegality or
impermissibility can thereby be remedied or avoided without substantial costs
for the affected Bank. If this is not possible, it will notify the Borrower
thereof; in such event, after receipt of such notification, the portion of the
Facility made available by the relevant Bank affected by the illegality or
impermissibility shall be cancelled without notice or on such reasonable notice
as may be determined by the relevant affected Bank and specified in such
notification, as the case may be. In such case, the Borrower shall repay to the
Agent for distribution to the relevant affected Bank all outstanding amounts
under the Facility made available by such Bank at a date not later than five
Banking Days after the date of such notice (unless prior payment is required
under any applicable mandatory laws), together with any accrued interest and all
other amounts due at the date of such notice.

12.  Market Disruption; Alternative Method of Calculation
- ---------------------------------------------------------

12.1 The Agent shall immediately notify the Borrower and the Banks if, in
     relation to any Interest Period, it determines, after consultation with the
     other Banks, that (i) due to circumstances affecting the relevant interbank
     market, the LIBOR Rate cannot be adequately and reasonably determined, or
     (ii) no LIBOR Rate for the


     relevant Interest Period appears on the relevant screen for the relevant
     Interest Period, and less than two Reference Banks provide the Agent with a
     replacement rate therefor in accordance with the terms of this Agreement,
     or (iii) Banks representing at least one third of the amounts committed
     hereunder inform the Agent that in respect of the relevant Interest Period
     no funds in the required amounts are available in the relevant interbank
     market or that the average of the respective LIBOR Rate appearing on the
     relevant screen do not adequately reflect the cost to such Banks of making
     or maintaining their respective participations in the relevant advance for
     such Interest Period. No drawings may be made following receipt of such
     notification until an alternative method of calculation pursuant to Sec.
     12.2 has been agreed upon.

12.2 As soon as the notification pursuant to Sec. 12.1 has been made, the
     Borrower and the Agent, in consultation with the other Banks, will
     negotiate in good faith for a maximum period of thirty Banking Days with a
     view to establishing an alternative method of refinancing the outstanding
     advances or an alternative determination of the applicable interest rate,
     the Interest Period and the payment dates. If agreement is reached, the
     alternative calculation method agreed shall apply. If no agreement is
     reached within thirty Banking Days and agreed upon in writing, the
     following shall apply:

     (i)  If the Facility has not been drawn, a drawing is definitely no longer
          possible. The Borrower shall in such case be obliged to pay to the
          Agent without delay all amounts due pursuant to the terms of this
          Agreement for distribution to the Banks;

     (ii) to the extent that the relevant Facility has been drawn, either the
          Borrower or the Agent may determine a prepayment date for the entire
          outstanding amount of the relevant Facility of not less than thirty
          Banking Days. Prepayment shall be made to the Agent for distribution
          to the Banks on such day together with an amount equivalent to the
          costs of the Banks of making or maintaining their respective
          participations in the relevant advance together with the applicable
          margin, and any other amounts due hereunder. In the event that the
          costs of the Banks cannot be determined, the applicable rate shall be
          determined by the Banks in accordance with Section 315 Civil Code

13.  Increased Costs
- --------------------

13.1 If a Bank determines that the introduction of or a change of any law or
     regulation applicable to it or change in interpretation of any such law or
     regulation or the application or compliance with any regulation of any
     public body results or will result in (i) the affected Bank or any holding
     company of such Bank being obliged to pay any tax or other payment relating
     to any advance made by it or in any payment to be made by the Borrower to
     it or (ii) the affected Bank or any


     holding company of such Bank being subject to any other measure which leads
     to an increase in the costs of that Bank or any holding company of such
     Bank in funding advances or that the amount or the effective return in
     relation to any payment which the affected Bank receives pursuant to this
     Agreement is reduced, or (iii) the affected Bank or holding company being
     subject to additional costs which arise from the Bank's commitment under
     the respective Facility, the affected Bank shall be entitled to inform the
     Borrower and the Agent thereof by providing a notice specifying such
     development in reasonable detail. The Borrower shall then be obliged on
     request and irrespective of whether Advances made are repaid to the
     affected Bank to pay such amount to the Agent for the account of the
     affected Bank or its holding company as is necessary to compensate the
     affected Bank for the relevant increase in costs or reduction of payment.

13.2 An increase in costs or reduction of payment referred to in Sec. 13.1 does
     not include:

     (i)    any tax on overall net income, profit or gains of any Bank or
            holding company of such Bank;

     (ii)   any tax required to be deducted or withheld from amounts payable by
            the Borrower to the extent the Borrower has already made
            corresponding payments in accordance with Sec. 13;

     (iii)  any amount relating to any minimum reserve, or other deposit,
            equity, cost ratio, liquidity or capital adequacy requirements or
            any other form of bank regulatory or exchange control requirement
            resulting from any law or regulation in effect at the date of this

13.3 For as long as the circumstances referred to in Sec. 13.1 continue, the
     Borrower shall be entitled by written notice to the Agent to prepay,
     pursuant to Sec. 9.3 and at no additional costs to the Borrower, all
     outstanding Advances made available by the affected Bank on thirty Banking
     Days' notice expiring at the end of an Interest Period and to terminate the
     respective Facility only with respect to the affected Bank.

14.  No Deductions or Withholding
- ---------------------------------

14.1 All sums payable by the Borrower under this Agreement shall be paid in full
     without set-off or withholding in respect of tax or other public law
     deductions imposed in the Federal Republic of Germany or in any other
     jurisdiction from or through which payments of the Borrower are effected
     (collectively, "Deductions"). To the extent that the Borrower or a third
     party is obliged to make Deductions or to retain money for tax or other
     reasons, the Borrower shall be obliged to make a payment, together with the
     relevant amount, in such additional amount (the "Additional Amount") as
     will ensure that the relevant Bank or the


         Agent (as applicable) receives the full amount which would otherwise
         have been received by it if the relevant Deductions had not been made.
         The Borrower shall be obliged to furnish the Agent immediately with
         copies of all the relevant documents confirming that the amount
         deducted or withheld has been paid to the relevant tax or other
         authority in the full amount.

14.2     If the Borrower becomes aware that Deductions are required, the
         Borrower shall notify the Agent specifying details and information
         relating to the relevant regulations.

14.3     If any Bank receives the benefit of a tax credit or a relief or
         remission of tax resulting from the receipt of any Additional Amount
         under Sec. 14.1, such Bank shall promptly reimburse to the Borrower
         such part of that benefit as will leave such Bank after such payment in
         no more and no less favourable a position than would have applied if no
         such benefit or relief had been received. The Bank shall be obliged to
         take all reasonable steps to claim such credit, relief or remission
         from or against its tax liabilities even if this results in an
         obligation to make a reimbursement to the Borrower. The Borrower shall
         bear any costs thereby incurred. The Banks shall not, however, be
         obliged to permit the Borrower to inspect their books in connection
         with the obligation referred to above nor to take any particular steps
         in relation to their tax affairs nor shall any Bank be liable for any
         breach by any other Bank.

14.4     No Additional Amount will be payable to a Bank under Sec. 14.1 to the
         extent that such Additional Amount becomes payable as a result only of
         a change in the lending office of the relevant Bank, unless (i) such
         change is requested by the Borrower, or (ii) under the relevant laws,
         regulations, treaties or rules in effect at the time of the change in
         lending office, such additional amount would not have been payable. In
         case an Additional Amount would otherwise be payable by the Borrower
         pursuant to the terms hereof, and if it is reasonably possible for a
         Bank to transfer and assign its rights and obligations under this
         Credit Agreement to another branch as lending office with the effect
         that no such Additional Amount would then be due by the Borrower, the
         affected Bank shall so transfer and assign its rights and obligations
         hereunder, provided that any additional costs to such Bank which are
         thereby caused shall be borne by the Borrower.

14.5     If the Borrower is obliged to pay an additional amount under Sec. 14.1,
         the Borrower may prepay in whole (but not in part) the amount made
         available under this Agreement by the affected Bank by giving not less
         than ten Banking Days' prior written notice to the Agent and the
         affected Bank, provided that such notice is given within thirty Banking
         Days of the Borrower becoming aware that it would be obliged to pay
         such amount; prepayments under this Sec. 14.5 shall not be permitted
         after the expiry of such period. The obligation of such Bank to make
         any further advances available to the Borrower shall terminate on the
         giving of such notice.


15.      Representations and Warranties
- ---------------------------------------

The Borrower makes the following representations and warranties with the Banks
which shall be deemed repeated in their entirety by the Borrower on the day of
each drawdown notice and on the last day of each Interest Period with respect to
the factual circumstances then existing, save to the extent the Agent has
received written notification from the Borrower to the contrary pursuant to Sec.

15.1     The Borrower has taken all necessary steps and obtained all necessary
         consents to enter into legally binding obligations under the Financing
         Documents. The information contained in the documents referred to in
         Sec. 8.1.1, and in any other documents relating to the corporate
         structure or existence of the Borrower furnished to the Banks, reflect
         in all material respects the actual position of the Borrower, and no
         proceedings are pending or have been threatened for the winding-up,
         dissolution or any similar process against or affecting the Borrower.
         The share capital of the Borrower is fully paid up, and there have been
         no repayments of share capital;

15.2     the balance sheets and annual and interim financial statements of the
         Borrower provided to the Banks have been prepared in accordance with
         U.S. and/or UK generally accepted accounting principles, and such
         accounting principles have been consistently applied over the entire
         period of the relevant fiscal years or fiscal quarters; in accordance
         with such generally accepted accounting principles, the balance sheets
         and annual and interim financial statements provided fairly represent
         the financial position of the Borrower without material qualification,
         and make provision at the relevant date for all material indebtedness
         and other liabilities, actual or contingent. Since the date of the most
         recent interim financial statements provided to the Banks, there has
         been no material adverse change in the business or financial position
         of the Borrower, save to the extent disclosed to the Banks prior to the
         date hereof;

15.3     other than a pending arbitration proceeding involving the Borrower and
         First Union National Bank which has been disclosed to the Banks, there
         are presently no actions, suits, proceedings, claims or disputes or
         administrative proceedings pending or, to the Borrower's knowledge,
         threatened against the Borrower or the Additional Obligor, or the
         assets or other sources of income of the Borrower or the Additional
         Obligor which, if adversely determined, would result in an obligation
         to make payments in excess of GBP 50,000 in the aggregate, or which
         could reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect in any
         other manner on the financial position of the Borrower;

15.4     the Borrower does not have any interest in the capital of or any
         similar interest in, any company or enterprise other than the interests
         identified in Schedule 8;


15.5     the assets and rights of the Borrower are not subject to rights in
         favour of third parties, save for customary retention of title or
         similar arrangements in favour of suppliers or customers which have
         been agreed in the ordinary course of the Borrower's business and
         security interests arising by operation of law other than as a result
         of a default or breach of contract by the Borrower, and those security
         interests which are identified in Schedule 9;

15.6     with the exception of its 1998 tax return which will be filed with the
         competent tax authority not later than by December 30, 2000, the
         Borrower has submitted all necessary tax filings within the requisite
         time limits, and is not in default in relation to the payment of any
         tax claims or any other claims raised by any administrative authority.
         There is not expected to be any tax assessment which might have a
         material adverse effect on the financial position of the Borrower;

15.7     the Borrower is in possession of all material governmental or public
         law approvals permits and licenses necessary for the unrestricted
         conduct of its business, and is not in breach of any material
         environmental or other statutory or administrative legal requirements.
         The business of the Borrower is not subject to any limitations of a
         material or unusual nature which might adversely affect the performance
         by the Borrower of its obligations under the Financing Documents;

15.8     the Borrower does not have any credit lines or obligations arising out
         of credit facilities or borrowings or any other financial indebtedness
         other than the financial indebtedness identified in Schedule 10, and
         the borrowings and other financing identified in Schedule 10 has been
         used exclusively for the purpose of financing the working capital
         requirements and capital expenditures of the Borrower, and has in no
         event been used to finance the acquisition of any of the shares of the

15.9     the Borrower is the unrestricted owner of all landing gear shipsets and
         related equipment which are recorded on its balance sheet;

15.10    none of the events referred to in Sec. 18 relating to the Borrower has
         occurred and is continuing;

15.11    the factual information furnished to the Agent and to the Banks in
         connection with the preparation and execution of this Facility
         Agreement, and the information set out in the Reports, is complete,
         true and accurate in all material respects.

At the reasonable request of the Banks, the Borrower undertakes to furnish
relevant documentation to the Banks for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of
the respresentations and warranties set out herein.


16.      Reporting and Information
- ----------------------------------

16.1     The Borrower shall keep the Banks regularly informed about its
         financial situation and legal position, and will in particular provide
         the Agent with the information and documents identified in Sec. 16.2.

16.2     The Borrower will furnish to the Agent:

         16.2.1   Within 120 days after the end of the fiscal year of the
                  Borrower, unqualified audited annual financial statements for
                  the Borrower for the relevant fiscal year, together with the
                  auditors' report issued by an auditing firm of international
                  repute and a compliance certificate executed by authorised
                  representatives of the Borrower;

         16.2.2   within 30 days after the end of each fiscal quarter of the
                  Borrower, unaudited interim financial statements for the
                  Borrower for such fiscal quarter, in each case together with a
                  report and confirmation signed by authorized representatives
                  of the relevant Borrower confirming that the Financial
                  Covenants have been complied with in the relevant fiscal
                  quarter; such reports shall also contain a comparison of the
                  Borrower's actual performance against projected performance
                  pursuant to the projected financial statements to be provided
                  to the Banks in accordance with the terms hereof, a comparison
                  with the corresponding fiscal quarter in the previous fiscal
                  year, and within ten days after the end of each calendar
                  quarter, a list of orders in hand and orders received, and a
                  list of assets and receivables subject to the Security
                  Documents referred to in Sec. 10.1.3;

         16.2.3   not later than thirty days prior to the beginning of each
                  fiscal year of the Borrower, projected annual financial
                  statements (including a balance sheet, profit and loss
                  statement, cash flow statement and projections for capital
                  expenditures), and an updated business plan, for the Borrower
                  for the next following three years.

         16.2.4   within 120 days after the end of each fiscal year of the
                  Borrower, written confirmation signed by authorized
                  representatives of the Borrower that none of the events or
                  circumstances referred to in Sec. 18 has occurred, that the
                  representations and warranties set out in Sec. 15 and in the
                  Security Documents are accurate and that the Borrower has
                  complied with the covenants set out in this Sec. 17, subject
                  to any notification to the contrary made by the Borrower
                  pursuant to the terms hereof.

16.3     The Borrower will notify the Agent without delay if any governmental or
         other public-law permits, licenses or approvals which are necessary for
         the unrestricted conduct of the Borrower's business cannot be complied


16.4     The Borrower will inform the Agent in writing as soon as possible and
         in any event no later than within five Banking Days after becoming
         aware thereof if any of the events or circumstances referred to in Sec.
         18 occurs or if any circumstances occur or are expected to occur which
         might result in the inaccuracy of any of the representations and
         warranties set out in Sec. 15 or in the Security Documents, or in the
         non-compliance with the covenants set out in this Sec. 17. In any such
         notification, the Borrower shall specify in detail which steps have
         been or will be taken in relation to the relevant circumstances.

16.5     During the term of this Facility Agreement, the Borrower shall take any
         action which may or will result in any change to circumstances relevant
         for the information referred to in Sec. 8.1.1 and Sec. 8.2.3 only after
         having notified the Agent thereof;

16.6     The Borrower will inform the Banks in reasonable detail and by way of
         providing the Agent with relevant documents about all circumstances
         which are of material importance to their business, and about any
         matters affecting the financial and economic situation of the Borrower
         more than immaterially, if and to the extent this is reasonably
         required by the Banks.

17.      Covenants
- ------------------

The Borrower undertakes towards the Banks as follows:

17.1     The Borrower shall apply the proceeds of the Facility solely for the
         purposes set out in Sec. 3.1 and in accordance with Sec. 8.1.3;

17.2     The Borrower shall comply with all requirements of governmental
         authorities and all other relevant environmental or other legal
         requirements, and to take all action that is necessary or desirable for
         maintaining their business and for the continued validity and
         enforceability of the Financing Documents.

17.3     The Borrower shall ensure maintenance of any of its equipment and other
         fixed assets in accordance with the principles of diligent business and
         operations management, and shall ensure that it has sole and
         unrestricted title to all landing gear shipsets and related equipment
         which are recorded on its balance sheet.

17.4     The Borrower undertakes that, until discharge in full of all
         obligations owing by the Borrower to the Banks under and in connection
         with this Facility Agreement, it will not without the consent of the

         17.4.1   enter into any agreements or take any action which would
                  conflict with the obligations of the Borrower or the
                  Additional Obligor under the Financing Documents;


         17.4.2   grant security in favour of third parties for its own
                  indebtedness or the indebtedness of any third party, with the
                  exception of customary retention of title agreements in favour
                  of suppliers and liens and security interests arising by
                  operation of law other than as a result of a default or breach
                  of contract by the Borrower;

         17.4.3   incur indebtedness for borrowed money or other liabilities
                  arising out of borrowings, contracts of guarantee or as surety
                  or other assumptions of liability for the indebtedness of any
                  third party, to the extent the aggregate amount of such
                  indebtedness and contingent or actual liability is in excess
                  of GBP 50,000, or incur obligations under leasing agreements
                  (other than in respect of exchange assets) providing for
                  aggregate leasing payments of more than GBP 100,000 in any
                  calendar year;

         17.4.4   make any loans or otherwise provide funds to a third party
                  which are meant to be ultimately repaid, except in respect of
                  assets held in bank accounts which are pledged to the Banks or
                  funds made available to employees in accordance with customary
                  employee loans;

         17.4.5   sell and/or transfer any assets to a third party pursuant to
                  factoring or similar agreements made with third parties, or
                  otherwise other than (i) in the ordinary course of business
                  (including the sale and transfer of obsolete assets or assets
                  which are no longer used or useful for the business of the
                  Borrower, except however exchange assets), (ii) for the
                  purpose of replacing such assets by replacement assets in the
                  ordinary course of business or meeting new customer
                  requirements. provided however that exchange assets may be
                  sold and transferred unless such sale and transfer would cause
                  a violation of Sec. 17.5;

         17.4.6   acquire any direct or indirect interest in other companies and
                  businesses, or establish subsidiaries or operating branches in
                  other locations;

         17.4.7   make any material changes in the business or product lines of
                  the Borrower.

17.5     The Borrower and the Additional Obligor shall ensure that, on a
         consolidated basis for the Additional Obligor, as per December 31, of
         each year the aggregate net purchase prices paid in respect of exchange
         assets during the preceding one-year period exceed the aggregate sales
         prices in respect of such exchange assets during that same period (the
         "Excess") by an amount equivalent to at least one third of the amount
         of depreciation of all exchange assets during such period, provided
         however that the Excess may in any given year be lower than required
         pursuant to this rule if as per December 31 of any given year the
         average Excess for the entire period since December 31, 2000 does not
         fall below an amount cor-


         responding to one third of the depreciation of all exchange assets over
         the entire period.

18.      Termination
- --------------------

18.1     The Banks shall be entitled to terminate the Facility, in whole or in
         part, if there is good cause (wichtiger Grund) for such termination,
         and to require the immediate payment to the Banks of all amounts due by
         the Borrower under and in connection with the Financing Documents,
         including in particular accrued interest and any other fees and amounts
         payable by the Borrower pursuant to the terms hereof, to require
         compensation for any loss sustained by the Banks between the time of
         termination and the expiration of the relevant Interest Period, and to
         enforce the Banks' interest in the security granted in accordance with
         the terms hereof.

18.2     There shall be good cause for a termination within the meaning of Sec.
         18.1, in particular, if

         18.2.1   the Borrower is in default in any payment of pricipal,
                  interest or any other payments to be made pursuant to the
                  terms of this Facility Agreement;

         18.2.2   the Borrower is in default in any payment obligations for
                  borrowed money or under finance leases towards a third party
                  in a total amount of more than GBP 35,000 or equivalent, or is
                  in default in any other payment obligations towards a third
                  party (except where such obligations involving trade creditors
                  have been contested in good faith) in an aggregate amount of
                  more than GBP 100,000 or equivalent, or the Additional Obligor
                  is in default with its payment obligations towards any of the

         18.2.3   the financial position of the Borrower deteriorates
                  materially, or the Borrower becomes insolvent or generally
                  fails to pay, or admits in writing its inability to pay, its
                  debts as they become due, or voluntarily commences any
                  proceeding or files any petition under any bankruptcy,
                  insolvency or similar law or seeking dissolution or
                  reorganization or the appointment of a receiver, trustee,
                  custodian or liquidator for it or a substantial portion of its
                  property, assets or business, or to effect a plan or other
                  arrangement with its creditors, or files any answer admitting
                  the jurisdiction of the court and the material allegations of
                  an involuntary petition filed against it in any bankruptcy,
                  insolvency or similar proceeding, or is adjudicated bankrupt,
                  or makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or
                  consents to, or acquiesces in the appointment of, a receiver,
                  trustee, custodian or liquidator for a substantial portion of
                  its property, assets or business;


         18.2.4   any action of the Borrower requiring prior information of the
                  Banks or prior consent of the Banks is undertaken without such
                  prior information or such prior consent having been obtained
                  by the Borrower;

         18.2.5   any of the Security Documents is not executed or constituted
                  in accordance with the terms agreed with the Banks, or is or
                  becomes invalid, in whole or in part, or the security provided
                  pursuant to the terms of the Financing Documents is no longer
                  fully available to the Banks, or security is not provided
                  without unreasonable delay (unverzuglich) after a request by
                  the Banks pursuant to Sec. 10.2 to be provided with such

         18.2.6   Advances are not used in accordance with the provisions of
                  Sec. 3.1 and Sec. 8.1.3;

         18.2.7   any assets or revenues of the Borrower are subject to seizure,
                  attachment or similar process of compulsory enforcement or
                  execution, unless such enforcement or execution does not in
                  any way affect the Borrower's ability to comply with its
                  payment obligations or other material obligations hereunder;

         18.2.8   any governmental authority or court takes an action which has
                  a material adverse effect on the financial or business
                  situation of the Borrower, or its ability to discharge any of
                  its obligations under the Financing Documents;

         18.2.9   the Borrower sells or otherwise disposes of all or a
                  substantial part of its assets, or ceases to conduct all or a
                  substantial part of its business as now conducted, or merges,
                  or consolidates with any other company unless the entity
                  surviving such merger or consolidation is a Borrower;

         18.2.10  any of the covenants pursuant to Sec. 16 is breached, any of
                  the representations and warranties pursuant to Sec. 15 or
                  contained in the Security Documents is inaccurate, or any
                  other obligation of the Borrower or any other party under the
                  Financing Documents is breached, and such breach or inaccuracy
                  is due to circumstances which affect the Banks' position
                  adversely and more than immaterially;

         18.2.11  any of the reporting and information requirements pursuant to
                  Sec. 16 is not satisfied, or any of the other obligations of
                  the Borrower under this Facility Agreement is breached, and
                  such breach is not remedied within fifteen Banking Days after
                  the date of a written reminder in respect thereof sent to the
                  Borrower by the Agent.


19.      Expenses
- -----------------

The Borrower shall bear all reasonable expenses, fees and other costs incurred
by the Banks, the Agent, the Mandated Arranger, the Co-Arranger and the Security
Agent in connection with the preparation, amendment and implementation of this
Facility Agreement, the Security Documents and the other agreements and
documents referred to herein, and in connection with the granting and/or
realization of security, including the reasonable fees, costs and expenses of
external legal, auditing and other professional advisors.

20.      Assignments
- --------------------

20.1     The Borrower shall not be entitled to assign or transfer its rights and
         obligations under this Facility Agreement, in whole or in part, to any
         third party without the prior written consent of the Banks.

20.2     The Banks shall be entitled to assign and transfer their rights and
         obligations under this Facility Agreement, in whole or in part, to
         other financial institutions or, after any termination pursuant to Sec.
         18, to any third party, provided that during the term of this Facility
         Agreement the relevant assignees simultaneously enter into appropriate
         security trust agreements and an agency agreement with the Banks.

21.      Fees
- -------------

21.1     The Borrower shall pay to the Banks having committed funds under the
         Facility a commitment fee in an amount of 1.00 per cent per annum which
         shall be calculated on the undrawn amounts of the Banks' respective
         commitments from the date of this Facility Agreement to the last day of
         availability hereunder pursuant to Sec. 7.1.3 , and which shall be due
         and payable on the last Banking Day of each calendar quarter:

21.2     The Borrower and the Arranger have entered into a separate agreement
         relating to other fees and costs payable by the Borrower in connection
         with this Facility Agreement.

22.      Notices
- ----------------

All correspondence and notifications under or in connection with this Facility
Agreement shall be delivered in person either in written form at the following
addresses (or such other address notified in writing by the recipient to the
other party), or by registered letter, courier or telefax:


To the Mandated Arranger/
Agent/Security Agent:               Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen Girozentrale
                                    Attn: Martin Rohmann,
                                    Corporate Finance
                                    Main Tower
                                    Neue Mainzer Str. 52-58
                                    60311 Frankfurt am Main
                                    Tel.: [49]-0-69-91324202
                                    Fax: [49]-0-69-91324350

To the Co-Arranger:                 Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau
                                    Attn: Head of Export and Project Aerospace
                                    Palmengartenstrasse 5-9
                                    60325 Frankfurt am Main
                                    Tel.: [49]-0-69-7431-0
                                    Fax: [49]-0-69-7431-2944

To the Borrower:                    Hawker Pacific Aerospace Ltd.
                                    Attn: Dennis M. Biety
                                    Chief Executive Officer
                                    Unit 3 Dorley Park
                                    Kestrel Way, Hayes
                                    Middlesex UB3 1HP
                                    United Kingdom
                                    Tel.: [44]-208-589 1900
                                    Fax: [44]-208-589 1901

To the Additional Obligor:          Hawker Pacific Aerospace
                                    Attn: Phil Panzera
                                    11240 Sherman Way, Sun Valley, Ca 91352-4942
                                    Tel.: [1]-818-765 6201
                                    Fax: [1]-818-765 8587

23.      Miscellaneous Provisions
- ---------------------------------

23.1     The failure by any of the Banks to exercise any of their rights
         hereunder, in whole or in part, in particular any failure to exercise
         their right to terminate this Facility Agreement, shall not constitute
         a waiver by the Banks of such right unless the Borrower has received
         written confirmation from the Banks that they have waived such rights.
         All rights pursuant to this Facility Agreement shall have


         effect individually and without prejudice to any other statutory or
         contractual rights at law or under contract in favour of the Banks.

23.2     All amendments and supplements to this Facility Agreement, and all
         declarations of consent made in accordance with this Facility
         Agreement, must be in writing. This requirement shall also apply to any
         amendment, release, or waiver of the requirement for such written form.
         In the case of declarations of consent or any other declarations to be
         made in connection with this Facility Agreement and the agreements
         referred to herein to which the Banks are parties, the Agent shall be
         deemed to be authorized to make such declarations towards the Borrower.

23.3     The invalidity or unenforceability of one or more provisions of this
         Facility Agreement shall not affect the remaining provisions of this
         Facility Agreement. Any invalid or unenforceable provision shall be
         substituted by a provision which approximates most closely the economic
         purpose of the void or unenforceable provision. The same shall apply
         accordingly in case of any omissions.

23.4     The Agent shall be authorized, and be exempted from the restrictions
         imposed by Sec. 181 Civil Code (BGB) in this respect, to represent the
         other Banks in connection with this Facility Agreement, and to make or
         receive all declarations and undertake all actions in the name also of
         the other Banks which it deems necessary in this context.

24.      Governing Law, Jurisdiction
- ------------------------------------

24.1     This Facility Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Federal
         Republic of Germany.

24.2     The courts of Frankfurt am Main shall have exclusive jurisdiction in
         respect of the resolution of all disputes under or in connection with
         this Facility Agreement. The Banks shall be entitled, however, to also
         bring legal action against the Borrower before all other courts of
         competent jurisdiction. The Borrower and the Additional Obligor hereby
         irrevocably designate, appoint and authorize Lufthansa Technik AG,
         attn.: HAM TV/J, Weg beim Jager 193, 22235 Hamburg to receive for it
         and on its behalf service of process issued out of the German courts.

25.      Agency Agreement
- -------------------------

The Banks will enter into an Agency Agreement in the form set out in Schedule
- --


Sun Valley, CA, October 30, 2000             Frankfurt am Main,
- ---------------------------------            ---------------------------------
Place, date                                  Place, date

/s/ David L. Lokken                          Frank Dohl
- ---------------------------------            ---------------------------------
Hawker Pacific Aerospace Ltd.                Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen

Sun Valley, CA, October 30, 2000             Frankfurt am Main,
- ---------------------------------            ---------------------------------
Place, date                                  Place, date

/s/ Philip M. Panzera                        Wolfgang Behler
- ---------------------------------            ---------------------------------
Hawker Pacific Aerospace, Inc.               Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 1
- ----------

                             COMMITMENTS OF BANKS

Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 1
- ----------

                             COMMITMENTS OF BANKS

    Banks                                                 Facility
    Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen Girozentrale              GBP 7,000,000
    Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau                        GBP 7,000,000

                                DRAWDOWN NOTICE


                            FORM OF DRAWDOWN NOTICE

FROM:          Hawker Pacific Aerospace Ltd., Hayes, UK

TO:            Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen Girozentrale, Frankfurt am Main
               as Agent for the  financial institutions identified herein

Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000 (the ,,Facility Agreement") between
(1) Hawker Pacific Aerospace Ltd., Hayes, UK, (2) Hawker Pacific Aerospace, Inc.
Sun Valley, California, (3) Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen Girozentrale, Frankfurt
am Main and (4) Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau, Frankfurt am Main.

We refer to the Facility Agreement and hereby give you notice that we wish to
make the following drawing:

        Amount: GBP [...]
        Drawdown Date: [...]

We hereby request you to make the above amount available by way of transfer to
the following account:

        Account Holder:
        Account no.:
        Account Bank:

We confirm that as of the date hereof:

(i)   each condition specified in Sec. 8 (Conditions for Drawdown) of the
      Facility Agreement is satisfied;

(ii)  the representations and warranties given by us pursuant to Sec. 15
      (Representations and Warranties) of the Facility Agreement are true and
      accurate in all material respects at the date of this notice and will be
      true and accurate in all material respects as at the Drawdown Date; and

(iii) none of the events referred to in Sec. 18 (Termination) of the Facility
      Agreement has occurred and is continuing.


For and on behalf of

Hawker Pacific Aerospace Ltd., Hayes, UK


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 3
- ----------


                           LIEN HAWKER CORP. ASSETS

     Lien in Assets of Hawker Pacific Aerospace

                                                       As of
                                                 September 30,2000

          Cash                                      $ 1,567,222
          Trade accounts receivable, net              7,479,241
          Other receivables                              93,067
          Inventory                                  19,971,250
          Prepaid expenses                              520,266
          NBV of machinery and equipment              4,361,429
          NBV of exchange assets                     13,727,364
          Investment in subsidiary                    9,230,030
          Deposits, other assets                      1,098,718
           Total                                    $58,048,586

Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 4
- -----------

                              SECURITY AGREEMENT

     THIS SECURITY AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of the
30th day of October, 2000, by and between Hawker Pacific Aerospace, a California
corporation, and Hawker Pacific Aerospace, Ltd., a United Kingdom corporation
(collectively, the "Borrower"), and Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen Girozentrale, a
bank organized and existing under the banking laws of Germany, and Kreditanstalt
fur Wiederaufbau, a public institution organized and existing under laws of
Germany (collectively, the "Lender").

                                R E C I T A L S

     A. On October 30, 2000, for valuable consideration, Borrower entered into a
Credit Agreement and a Facility Agreement (together or separately as the context
may require, the "Facility") with Lender, which evidences, inter alia, an
obligation of Borrower to Lender.

     B. As security for the payment and performance of all debts, liabilities,
obligations, covenants, and duties owing to Lender by Borrower and all claims
of the Lender against the Borrower, however evidenced, under the Facility, as
the same may be amended, supplemented, modified, renewed, or extended from time
to time, Borrower desires to grant to Lender a security interest in all of
Borrower's assets.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing Recitals, and for other
good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby
acknowledged, Lender and Borrower agree as follows:

     1. DEFINITIONS. In addition to any terms defined elsewhere in this
Agreement, the following terms have the following meanings ascribed to them for
purposes of this Agreement:

        "Account" means all "accounts" (as defined in the UCC) now owned or
hereafter created or acquired by Borrower including, without limitation, all of
the following now owned or hereafter created or acquired by Borrower: (a)
accounts receivable, contract rights, book debts, notes, drafts, and other
obligations or indebtedness owing to Borrower arising from the sale, lease, or
exchange of goods or other property and/or the performance of services; (b)
Borrower's rights in, to and under all purchase orders for goods, services, or
other property; (c) Borrower's rights to any goods, services or other property
represented by any of the foregoing (including returned or repossessed goods and
unpaid sellers' rights of rescission, replevin, reclamation, and rights to
stoppage in transit); (d) moneys due to or to become due to Borrower under all
contracts for the sale, lease, or exchange of goods or other property and/or the
performance of Borrower); and (e) Proceeds of all of the foregoing, and all
collateral security and guarantees of any kind given by any person with respect
to any of the foregoing.

          "Affiliate" means, with respect to any Person, any Person directly or
indirectly controlling, controlled by or under common control with such Person.

          "Agreement" means this Security Agreement, as amended from time to

          "Assigned Agreement" means all significant agreements of Borrower.

          "Borrower" means Hawker Pacific Aerospace, a California corporation,
and Hawker Pacific Aerospace, Ltd., a United Kingdom corporation, jointly and

          "Business" means all business activities engaged in by Borrower.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
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     "Chattel Paper" means any writing which evidences both a monetary
obligation and a security interest in or a lease of specific goods.

     "Collateral" means all of the following: (a) all of Borrower's Inventory,
Equipment and Fixtures now owned or hereafter acquired; (b) all of Borrower's
Documents of Title now owned or hereafter acquired; (c) all of Borrower's
Accounts now existing or hereafter arising; (d) all of Borrower's Contract
Rights now existing or hereafter arising; (e) all of Borrower's General
Intangibles, Chattel Paper, and Instruments, now existing or hereafter acquired
or arising; (f) all suretyships and guarantees of Borrower's existing and future
Accounts, Contract Rights, and General Intangibles, and all security for the
payment or satisfaction of such suretyships and guarantees; (g) the goods or the
services the sale or lease or performance of which gave rise to any Account,
Contract Right or General Intangible of Borrower including any returned goods;
(h) any balance or share belonging to Borrower of any deposit, agency, or other
account with any bank and any other amounts which may be owing from time to time
by any bank to Borrower; (i) all property of any nature whatsoever of Borrower
now or hereafter in the possession of or assigned or hypothecated to the Lender
for any purpose; and (j) all Products and Proceeds of all the foregoing,
including all Proceeds of other Proceeds.

     "Contract Right" means any right to payment under a contract (including but
not limited to contracts for the sale or leasing of goods or for the
rendering of services) not yet earned by performance and not evidenced by an
Instrument or Chattel Paper.

     "Contingent Obligation," as applied to any Person, means any direct or
indirect liability, contingent or otherwise, of that Person: (a) with respect to
any indebtedness, lease, dividend or other obligation of another Person if the
primary purpose or intent of the Person incurring such liability, or the
primary effect thereof, is to provide assurance to the obligee of such liability
that such liability will be paid or discharged, or that any agreements relating
thereto will be complied with, or that the holders of such liability will be
protected (in whole or in part) against loss with respect thereto; (b) with
respect to any letter of credit issued for the account of that Person or as to
which that Person is otherwise liable for reimbursement of any drawing
thereunder; or (c) under any foreign exchange contract, currency swap agreement,
interest rate swap or cap agreement or other similar agreement or arrangement
designed to protect that Person against fluctuations in currency values or
interest rates. Contingent Obligations will include, without limitation, (1) the
direct or indirect guaranty, endorsement (other than for collection or deposit
in the ordinary course of business), co-making, discounting with recourse or
sale with recourse by such person of the obligation of another, (2) the
obligation to make take-or-pay or similar payments if required regardless of
nonperformance  by any other party or parties to an agreement, and (3) any
liability of such Person for the obligations of another through any agreement to
purchase, repurchase or otherwise acquire such obligation, to provide funds for
the payment or discharge of such obligation or to maintain the solvency,
financial condition or any balance sheet item or level of income of another. The
amount of any Contingent Obligation will be equal to the amount of the amount of
the obligation so guaranteed or otherwise supported or, if a fixed and
determined amount, the maximum amount so guaranteed.

     "Copyright" means all of the following: (a) all copyrights, and interests
in copyrights, copyright registrations, and copyright applications now owned or
hereafter created or acquired by Borrower; (b) all renewals of any of the
foregoing; (c) all income, royalties, damages and payments now or hereafter due
and/or payable under any of the foregoing, including, without limitation,
damages or payments for past or future infringements


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of any of the foregoing; (d) the right to sue for past, present, and future
infringements of any of the foregoing; and (e) all rights corresponding to any
of the foregoing throughout the world.

     "Copyright License" means any written agreement now or hereafter in
existence granting to Borrower any right to use any Copyright.

     "Document of Title" has the meaning ascribed to it in the UCC.

     "Equipment" means all "equipment" (as defined in the UCC) now owned or
hereafter acquired by Borrower including, without limitation, all machinery,
computers, computer equipment, motor vehicles, trucks, trailers, vessels,
aircraft, and rolling stock, and all parts thereof and all additions and
accessions thereto and replacements therefor.

     "Event of Default" has the meaning set forth in section 5 of this

     "Financing Statement" means the form of financing statement that will be
necessary to perfect, upon filing, a security interest in the Collateral in each
jurisdiction in which such Collateral is located or in which a filing is
required under the UCC to perfect such security interest.

     "Fixtures" means all of the following now owned or hereafter acquired by
Borrower: plant fixtures; business fixtures; other fixtures and storage office
facilities, wherever located; and all additions and accessions thereto and
replacements therefor.

     "GAAP" means generally accepted accounting principles set forth in the
opinions and pronouncements of the Accounting Principles Board and the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants and statements and pronouncements of
the Financial Accounting Standards Board or in such other statements by such
other entity as may be approved by a significant segment of the accounting
profession, which are applicable to the circumstances as of the date of

     "General Intangibles" means all "general intangibles" (as defined in the
UCC) now owned or hereafter acquired by Borrower including, without limitation,
all right, title, and interest of Borrower in and to: (a) the Assigned
Agreements and all other agreements, leases, licenses, and contracts to which
Borrower is or may become a party; (b) all obligations or indebtedness owing to
Borrower (other than accounts) from whatever source arising; (c) all tax
refunds; (d) all Intellectual Property; and (e) all trade secrets, know how and
common law intellectual property rights including, without limitation, rights in
computer software developed by or for Borrower and other confidential
information relating to the business of the Borrower, including by way of
illustration and not limitation: the names and addresses of, and credit and
other business information concerning, Borrower's past, present, or future
customers; the price that Borrower obtains for its services or at which it sells
merchandise; estimating and cost procedures; profit margins; policies and
procedures pertaining to the sale and design of equipment, components, devices,
and services furnished by Borrower; information concerning suppliers of Borrower
and information concerning the manner of operation, business plans, pledges,
projections, and all other information of any kind or character, whether or not
reduced to writing, with respect to the conduct by Borrower of its business not
generally known by the public.

     "Governmental Approvals" means any consent, right, exemption, concession,
permit, license, authorization, certificate, order, franchise, determination, or
approval of any federal, state, provincial, municipal, or governmental
department, commission, board, bureau, agency, or instrumentality required for
the ownership of properties by or activities of Borrower.


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          "Governmental Authority" means any nation or government, any state,
province or other political subdivision thereof, or any entity exercising
executive, legislative, judicial, regulatory or administrative functions of or
pertaining to government.

          "Governmental Requirements" means all legal requirements in effect
from time to time including all laws, statutes, codes, acts, ordinances, orders,
judgments, decrees, injunctions, rules, regulations, permits, licenses,
authorizations, certificates, orders, franchises, determinations, approvals,
consents, notices, demand letters, directions, and requirements of all
governments, departments, commissions, boards, courts, authorities, agencies,
officials, and officers, foreseen or unforeseen, ordinary or extraordinary,
including but not limited to any change in any law or regulation, or the
interpretation thereof, by any foreign or domestic governmental or other
authority (whether or not having the force of law), relating now or at any time
heretofore or hereafter to the business or operations of Borrower or to any of
the property owned, leased, or used by Borrower, including, without limitation,
the development, design, construction, acquisition, start-up, ownership, and
operation and maintenance of property.

          "Incipient Default" means an event which, upon the lapse of time or
the giving of notice, or both, would constitute an Event of Default.

          "Indebtedness" of any Person means all liabilities, obligations and
reserves, contingent or otherwise, of such Person.

          "Instrument" means a negotiable instrument or a security or any other
writing which evidences a right to the payment of money and is not itself a
security agreement or lease, and is of a type which is in the ordinary course of
business transferred by delivery with any necessary endorsement or assignment.

          "Intellectual Property" means all of the following: Copyrights,
Copyright Licenses, Patents, Patent Licenses, Trademarks, and Trademark

          "Inventory" means all "goods" (as defined in the UCC) now owned or
hereafter acquired and held by Borrower for sale or lease or to be furnished
under contracts of service, tangible personal property which Borrower has so
leased or furnished including, without limitation, tangible personal property,
raw materials, work in process, and materials used, produced or consumed in
Borrower's business, and will include tangible personal property held by others
for sale on consignment from Borrower, tangible personal property sold by
Borrower on a sale or return basis, tangible personal property returned to
Borrower by the purchaser following a sale thereof by Borrower, and tangible
personal property represented by Documents of Title. All equipment, accessories,
and parts at any time attached or added to items of Inventory or used in
connection therewith will be deemed to be part of the Inventory.

          "Lender" means Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen Girozentrale, a bank
organized and existing under the banking laws of Germany, and Kreditanstalt fur
Wiederaufbau, a public institution organized and existing under the banking laws
of Germany, jointly and severally, and their respective successors and assigns.

          "Lien" means any lien, mortgage, pledge, security interest, charge or
encumbrance of any kind (including any conditional sale or other title retention
agreement, any lease in the nature thereof, and any agreement to give any
security interest).


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
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               "Material Adverse Effect" means a material adverse effect on (a)
the business, assets, operations or financial condition of Borrower, (b) the
ability of Borrower to pay the Obligations in accordance with their terms, or
(c) the perfection or priority of Lender's first lien on and security interest
in the Collateral (as defined in this Agreement) or the value of such

               "Obligations" means all debts, liabilities, obligations,
covenants, and duties owing to Lender by Borrower, however evidenced, under the
Facility, this Agreement, or otherwise, as the same may be amended,
supplemented, modified, renewed, or extended from time to time.

               "Patent License" means any written agreement now or hereafter in
existence granting to Borrower any right to use any invention on which a
subsisting Patent exists.

               "Patents" means all of the following: (a) all patents and patent
applications now owned or hereafter created or acquired by Borrower and the
inventions and improvements described and claimed therein, and all patentable
inventions; (b) the reissues, divisions, continuations, renewals, extensions,
and continuations-in-part of any of the foregoing; (c) all income, royalties,
damages, or payments now and hereafter due and/or payable under any of the
foregoing or with respect to any of the foregoing including, without limitation,
damages or payments for past or future infringements of any of the foregoing;
(d) the right to sue for past, present, and future infringements of any of the
foregoing; and (e) all rights corresponding to any of the foregoing throughout
the world.

               "Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership, trust,
association or other entity or organization, including any government, political
subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof.

               "Proceeds" means all proceeds of, and all other profits, rentals,
or receipts, in whatever form, arising from the collection, sale, lease,
exchange, assignment, licensing, or other disposition of, or realization upon,
any Collateral including, without limitation, all claims of Borrower against
third parties for loss of, damage to, or destruction of, or for proceeds payable
for loss of, damage to, or destruction of, or for proceeds payable under, or
unearned premiums with respect to, policies of insurance with respect to any
Collateral, and any condemnation or requisition payments with respect to any
Collateral, in each case whether now existing or hereafter arising.

               "Trademark" means all of the following now owned or hereafter
created or acquired by Borrower: (a) all trademarks, trade names, corporate
names, company names, business names, fictitious business names, trade styles,
service marks, logos, other business identifiers, prints and labels on which
any of the foregoing have appeared or appear, all registrations and recordings
thereof, and all applications in connection therewith, including registrations,
recordings, and applications in the United States Patent and Trademark Office or
in any similar office or agency of the United States, any State thereof, and in
any other country or any political subdivision thereof; (b) all reissues,
extensions, or renewals thereof; (c) all income, payable under any of the
foregoing or with respect to any of the foregoing, including damages or payments
for past or future infringements of any of the foregoing; (d) the right to sue
for past, present, and future infringements of any of the foregoing; (e) all
rights corresponding to any of the foregoing throughout the world; and (f) all
goodwill associated with or symbolized by any of the foregoing.

               "Trademark License" means any written agreement now or hereafter
in existence granting to Borrower any right to use any Trademark.


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          "UCC" means the California Uniform Commercial Code, as amended from
time to time, and any successor statute; provided, however, that if by reason of
mandatory provisions of law, the perfection or the effect of perfection or
non-perfection of the security interest in any Collateral is governed by the
Uniform Commercial Code, or other applicable statute, law, or provision relating
to the perfection or the effect of perfection or non-perfection of any such
security interest, as in effect on or after the date hereof in any other
jurisdiction, then "UCC" will mean the Uniform Commercial Code or such other
statute, law, or provision as in effect in such other jurisdiction for purposes
of the provision hereof relating to such perfection or the effect of perfection
or non-perfection.

          Any accounting term not defined in this Agreement will have the
meaning given to it under GAAP.


          2.1  Grant of Security Interest. Borrower hereby grants to Lender a
continuing security interest in and to all right, title, and interest of
Borrower in the Collateral, whether now owned or existing or hereafter acquired
or arising, regardless of where located, to secure payment and performance of
the Obligations. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement: (a)
Borrower will remain liable under the contracts and agreements included in the
Collateral to the extent set forth therein to perform all of its duties and
obligations thereunder to the same extent as if this Agreement had not been
executed; and (b) Lender will not have any obligation or liability under the
contracts and agreements included in the Collateral by reason of this Agreement,
nor will Lender be obligated to perform any of the obligations or duties of
Borrower thereunder or to take any action to collect or enforce any claim for
payment assigned hereunder. The security interest granted hereby secures the
payment and performance of the indebtedness of every nature of Borrower to
Lender now or hereafter existing and however evidenced, under the Facility, this
Agreement or otherwise, and all renewals, extensions, restructurings, and
refinancings of the same.

          2.2  Affirmative Covenants of Borrower. Borrower will: (a) do all acts
that may be necessary to maintain, preserve, and protect the Collateral; (b) pay
promptly when due all taxes, assessments, charges, encumbrances, and liens now
or hereafter imposed upon or affecting the Collateral; (c) procure, execute, and
deliver from time to time any endorsements, assignments, financing statements,
and other writings necessary or appropriate to perfect, maintain, and protect
Lender's security interest hereunder and the priority thereof, and to deliver
promptly to Lender all records of (1) Collateral or (2) insurance proceeds; (d)
appear in and defend any action or proceeding which may affect its title to or
Lender's interest in the Collateral; (e) keep separate, accurate, and complete
records of the Collateral and provide Lender with such books, records, and such
other reports and information relating to the Collateral as Lender may
reasonably request from time to time; (f) when an Event of Default under this
Agreement has occurred and after demand, account fully for and immediately
deliver to Lender in the form received, all Collateral and all Proceeds,
endorsed to Lender as appropriate, and unless so delivered all Collateral and
all such Proceeds will be held by Borrower in trust for Lender, separate from
all other property of Borrower and identified as the property of Lender; (g)
keep the Collateral in good condition and repair; (h) at any reasonable time,
upon demand by Lender, exhibit to and allow inspection by Lender (or persons
designated by Lender) of all Collateral embodying Intellectual Property rights,
so long as (1) a representative of Borrower accompanies Lender or Lender's
designee on such inspection and (2) Lender or Lender's designee makes no copies
of any such Collateral; (i) at any reasonable time, upon demand by Lender,
exhibit to and allow inspection by Lender (or persons designated by Lender) of
all Collateral not embodying Intellectual Property; (j) keep the Collateral (and


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 4
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books and records concerning the Collateral) at Borrower's principal place of
business and not remove the Collateral from such location without (1) the prior
written consent of Lender or (2) creating a similar security interest at the new
location of the Collateral; (k) give thirty (30) days' prior written notice of
any change in Borrower's chief place of business or trade name(s) or style(s)
set forth therein; (l) comply with all laws, regulations, and ordinances
relating to the possession, operation, maintenance, and control of the
Collateral; (m) execute and file such financing or continuation statements, or
amendments thereto, and such other instruments or notices as may be necessary or
desirable, or as Lender may reasonably request, in order to perfect and preserve
the security interest granted or intended to be granted hereby under the laws of
any applicable jurisdiction; and (n) upon Lender's request, appear in and defend
any action or proceeding that may affect Borrower's title to or Lender's
security interest in the Collateral.

          2.3  Negative Covenants of Borrower. Borrower will not, without the
prior written consent of Lender: (a) use or permit the Collateral to be used
unlawfully or in violation of any provision of this Agreement, or any applicable
statute, regulation, or ordinance or any policy of insurance covering the
Collateral; (b) cause any waste or unusual or unreasonable depreciation of the
Collateral; or (c) after default under this Agreement and upon demand, modify,
waive or release any provisions of any Account, Contract Right, item of Chattel
Paper, Instrument or other right to the payment of money constituting

          2.4  Insurance. Upon execution of this Agreement, Borrower will insure
the Collateral, with Lender named as a loss payee, in reasonable form and
amounts, with companies reasonably acceptable to Lender, and against normal
risks and liabilities. Borrower will deliver copies of such policies to Lender
at Lender's request. In the event of loss of insured Collateral, Lender may make
any claim thereunder, and until the Collateral is promptly replaced by Borrower
from the segregated proceeds of the insurance, Lender may collect and receive
payment of and endorse any instrument in payment of loss, and apply such amounts
received, at Lender's election, to replacement of Collateral or to the
Obligations. Lender will not by the fact of approving, disapproving, accepting,
preventing, obtaining or failing to obtain any insurance, incur any liability
for or with respect to the amount of insurance carried, the form or legal
sufficiency of insurance contracts, solvency of insurance companies, or payment
or defense of lawsuits. Borrower hereby expressly assumes full responsibility
therefor and all liability, if any, with respect thereto.

          2.5  Perfection. Borrower represents and warrants to Lender that this
Agreement creates a valid, perfected, and first priority lien against and
security interest in the Collateral, securing the payment of the Obligations,
and all filings and other actions necessary or desirable to perfect and protect
such interest have been duly taken. Borrower further represents and warrants to
Lender that neither the Collateral nor any portion thereof is subject to (or
will be subject to) any lien, encumbrance, or security interest in favor of any
third party other than Lender. Borrower covenants and agrees that until all of
the Obligations are irrevocably paid in full, Burrower will not, except as
permitted under the Credit Agreement, borrow any monies, or purchase any goods,
or obtain any services from (and Borrower covenants and agrees that none of
Borrower's affiliates will borrow any monies, or purchase any goods, or obtain
any services from) anyone that will increase the outstanding Indebtedness owing
to anyone by Borrower (or any of Borrower's affiliates), the repayment of which
is secured by a lien on or security interest in any of the Collateral that is
senior in priority to the lien on and security interest in the Collateral that
Borrower has granted to Lender in this Agreement. Borrower further represents
and warrants to Lender that it will not open, establish, or maintain a deposit
account (as that term is defined in the UCC) without (a) providing at least five
(5) days' prior written notice to Lender of its intention to open such deposit
account (including the name and address of the branch of the financial
institution and the name of the


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
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account officer or branch manager); and (2) thereafter, simultaneously
delivering to the financial institution where such deposit account is being
opened or established or maintained a written notice, duly executed by
Borrower's duly authorized officer, and in a form reasonably satisfactory to
Lender and its attorneys, informing such financial institution of Lender's first
lien and security interest in such deposit account(s); and (2) simultaneously
taking such other actions as are necessary to perfect Lender's first lien
against and security interest in such deposit account(s). Borrower further
represents and warrants to Lender that it has provided to Lender a complete and
accurate written list of all of the deposit accounts that it maintains as of the
date of this Agreement, including the name and address of each financial
institution where it maintains each of its deposit accounts; the name of the
relevant account officer or branch manager; and the account number of each of
its deposit accounts.

          2.6  Expenses. Lender may incur expenses in connection with the
retaking, holding or preparing for sale of the Collateral including, with
limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, appraisal fees, auction fees and
advertising costs, and in connection with protecting or enforcing its rights
under this Agreement, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees
and actual out-of-pocket costs, which expenses Borrower will pay and are
Obligations secured hereby.

          2.7  Waivers. Borrower waives every right it may have to require
Lender to proceed against any person or to exhaust any Collateral or to pursue
any remedy available to Lender. Borrower waives every defense it may have
arising from Lender's failure to perfect or maintain a perfected security
interest in the Collateral.

          2.8  Termination of Security Interests; Release of Collateral. Upon
payment in full of all Obligations, the security interest created hereby will
terminate. Upon such termination of the security interest or release of any
Collateral, Lender will execute and deliver to Borrower such documents as
Borrower reasonably requests to evidence the termination of the security
interest or the release of such Collateral.

          2.9  Cumulative Rights. All rights and remedies of Lender under this
Agreement are in addition to all rights and remedies given to Lender contained
in any other agreement, instrument or document or available to Lender at law or
in equity. All such rights and remedies are cumulative and not exclusive and may
be exercised successively or concurrently. No exercise of any right or remedy
will be deemed an election of remedies and preclude exercise of any other right
or remedy.

     3.   COVENANTS. Borrower covenants and agrees that it will comply with the
following provisions so long as the Obligations are outstanding:

          3.1  Accounting Records. Borrower will maintain adequate books and
accounts in accordance with GAAP consistently applied. Borrower will deliver to
Lender any financial information regarding the Business or the finances of
Borrower as Lender may reasonably request.

          3.2  Corporate Existence. Borrower will preserve and maintain its
existence as a corporation in good standing in the jurisdiction of its formation
and all of its licenses, privileges, and franchises and other rights necessary
or desirable in the ordinary course of its business, except to the extent that
the failure to do so would not have a Material Adverse Effect.

          3.3  Qualification to Do Business. Borrower is qualified to do
business and is and will remain in good standing in each jurisdiction in which
the nature of its business


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requires it to be so qualified, except to the extent that the failure to be so
qualified and in good standing would not have a Material Adverse Effect.

        3.4    Compliance with Laws. Borrower will observe and comply in all
material respects with all laws, ordinances, orders, judgments, rules,
regulations, certifications, franchises, permits, licenses, directions and
requirements of all Governmental Authorities, which now or at any time may be
applicable to Borrower, a violation of which could be reasonably expected to
have a Material Adverse Effect.

        3.5    Taxes and Other Liabilities. Borrower will pay and discharge
prior to the date on which penalties attach thereto all taxes, assessments and
governmental charges, license fees and levies upon or with respect to Borrower,
and upon the income, profits and property of Borrower, unless and to the extent
that such taxes, assessments, charges, license fees and levies are being
contested in good faith and by appropriate proceedings diligently conducted by
Borrower, and provided that such reserve or other appropriate provisions as are
required in accordance with GAAP will have been made therefor.

        3.6    Insurance. Borrower will maintain insurance with insurance
carriers which Borrower reasonably believes are financially sound on such
property, against such risks, and in such amounts as is customarily maintained
by similar businesses, and file with Lender within five (5) days after Lender's
written request therefor a detailed list of such insurance then in effect,
stating the names of the carriers, the policy numbers, the insureds thereunder,
the amounts of insurance, the dates of expiration thereof, and the property and
risks covered thereby.

        3.7    Maintenance of Collateral. Borrower will (a) maintain, keep and
preserve all of the Collateral in good repair, working order and condition and
from time to time make all necessary and proper repairs, renewals, replacements,
and improvements thereto, and (b) maintain, preserve and protect all franchises,
licenses, copyrights, patents and trademarks material to its Business, so that
the Business carried on in connection therewith may be properly and
advantageously conducted at all times.

        3.8    Conduct of Business. Borrower will (a) engage in the Business as
its principal business, and (b) comply with all Governmental Requirements.

        3.9    Authorizations. Borrowers will obtain, make and keep in full
force and effect all authorizations from and registrations with Governmental
Authorities that may be required for the validity and enforceability of this
Agreement, the Facility, and all other documents and instruments executed in
connection therewith against Borrower.

        3.10   Notification of Events of Default and Adverse Developments.
Borrower will promptly notify Lender of the occurrence of (a) any Incipient
Default of Event of Default hereunder; (b) any event, development or
circumstances whereby any financial statements most recently furnished to Lender
fail in any material respect to present fairly, in accordance with GAAP, the
financial condition and operating results of Borrower as of the date of such
financial statements; (c) any material litigation or proceedings that are
instituted or threatened (to the knowledge of Borrower) against Borrower, or any
of its respective assets; and (d) each and every event which would be an Event
of Default under any Indebtedness of Borrower, such notice to include the names
and addresses of the holders of such indebtedness and the amount thereof.

        3.11   Further Assurances. Borrower will execute, acknowledge and
deliver any and all such further assurances and other agreements or instruments,
and take or cause to


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be taken all such other action, as may be reasonably requested by Lender from
time to time in order to give full effect to this Agreement and the Facility and
to maintain, preserve, safeguard, and continue at all times all of the rights,
remedies, powers, and privileges of Lender under this Agreement and the

               3.12   Further Identification of Collateral.  If so requested by
Lender, Borrower will furnish to Lender, as often as Lender reasonably requests,
statements and schedules further identifying and describing the Collateral, all
in reasonable detail.

          4.   NEGATIVE COVENANTS. Borrower covenants and agrees that unless it
obtains Lender's prior written consent (which consent will not be unreasonably
withheld), so long as any of the Obligations remain outstanding, Borrower will

               4.1    Merger or Acquisition. Consolidate or merge into or with
any Person or acquire all or substantially all of the stock, property or assets
of any Person.

               4.2    Sale and Exchange of Assets.  Sell, lease, assign, or
transfer to any Person, exchange with any Person, or otherwise dispose of any
material asset (except in the ordinary course of business or to the extent such
asset is obsolete or is no longer used or useful in the business of Borrower),
or sell, exchange, lease, assign, transfer, or otherwise dispose of all or
substantially all of its assets, except as is permitted under the Credit

               4.3    Restricted Payments. Make any distributions to its
shareholders, declare or pay any dividends, or apply any of its property to the
voluntary purchase, redemption or other retirement of, or set apart any sum for
the voluntary payment of any dividends on, or make any other distribution by
reduction of capital or otherwise in respect of, any shares of its present or
future issues of stock (each, a "Restricted Payment").

               4.4    Transactions with Affiliates.  Directly or indirectly
enter into or permit to exist any material transaction (including, without
limitation, the purchase, sale, lease or exchange of any property or the
rendering of any service) with any Affiliate of Borrower, except for
transactions in the ordinary course of and pursuant to the reasonable
requirements of the business of Borrower and upon fair and reasonable terms
which are fairly disclosed to Lender.

          5.   DEFAULT.

               5.1    Events of Default. Each of the following will constitute
an Event of Default under this Agreement:

                      (a)  Termination under Section 18 of the Facility.

                      (b)  Borrower fails to comply with any agreement contained
in section 4 of this Agreement, and with respect to any failure which by its
nature can be cured, such failure continues without cure for fifteen (15)
calendar days after Lender notifies Borrower in writing of the occurrence

                      (c)  Borrower defaults in the performance of any of its
material obligations under any provision of this Agreement, and with respect to
any failure which by its nature can be cured, such failure continues without
cure for fifteen (15) calendar days after Lender notifies Borrower in writing of
the occurrence thereof.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 4
- ----------

               (d) Any warranty or representation made by Borrower in this
Agreement or in the Facility is untrue in any material respect, in any case on
any date as of which the facts set forth are stated or certified.

               (e) Borrower institutes a voluntary case seeking liquidation or
reorganization under chapter 7 or chapter 11, respectively, of the United States
Bankruptcy Code (the "Code"), or under any other applicable insolvency,
bankruptcy, reorganization, composition, arrangement, moratorium or liquidation
laws of any state or country (collectively with the Code, the "Insolvency
Laws"), or consents to the institution of an involuntary case against it under
any of the Insolvency Laws; or Borrower files a petition initiating or otherwise
institutes any similar proceeding under any of the Insolvency Laws, or consents
thereto; or Borrower applies for, or by consent or acquiescence there is an
appointment of or order entered by a court of competent jurisdiction appointing
a receiver, liquidator, sequestrator, trustee or other officer with similar
powers; or Borrower makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or
Borrower admits in writing its inability to pay its debts generally as they
become due; or, if an involuntary case is commenced seeking the liquidation or
reorganization of Borrower under chapter 7 or chapter 11, respectively, of the
Code, or any similar proceeding is commenced against Borrower under any of the
Insolvency Laws, and (1) the petition commencing such case is not timely
controverted; or (2) the petition commencing such case is not dismissed within
thirty (30) days of its filing; or (3) a trustee (interim or otherwise) is
appointed to take possession of all or a portion of the Borrower's assets, or to
operate all or any part of the business of Borrower; or (4) an order for relief
is issued or entered therein.

               (f) One or more judgments against Borrower or attachments against
its property, which in the aggregate exceed $10,000, or the operation or result
of which could be to interfere materially and adversely with the conduct of the
Business, remain unpaid, unstayed on appeal, undischarged, unbonded, and
undismissed for a period of thirty (30) days.

               (g) The Lender or any of its subsidiaries is in default in any
payment obligations for borrowed money or under finance leases towards a third
party in a total amount of more than $50,000 or equivalent, or is in default in
any other payment obligations towards a third party (except where such
obligations towards trade creditors have been contested in good faith), in an
aggregate amount of more than $250,000 or equivalent, or Hawker Pacific
Aerospace, Ltd. is in default with its payment obligations towards the Lender.

               (h) Any of Borrower's representations and warranties set forth
above in section 2.5 of this Agreement ceases to be true, or Borrower otherwise
fails to comply with the provisions of section 2.5.

          5.2  Termination of Obligations and Acceleration. If any Event of
Default described above in section 5.1 occurs, all Obligations will become due
and payable immediately, without any further notice to Borrower.

          5.3  Other Remedies. If any Event of Default occurs:

               (a) Lender may exercise in respect of the Collateral, in addition
to all other rights and remedies provided for in this Agreement or otherwise
available to it, all the rights and remedies of a secured party upon default
under the UCC (whether or not the UCC applies to the affected Collateral) and
may also: (1) require Borrower to, and Borrower hereby agrees that it will, at
its expense and upon Lender's request, immediately assemble all or part of the
Collateral as directed by Lender and make it available to Lender at a place to
be designated by Lender which is reasonably convenient to the parties; (2) with
five (5) days written notice, enter upon any premises of Borrower and take
possession of the Collateral; and


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 4
- ----------

(3)  without notice except as specified below, sell the Collateral or any part
thereof in one or more parcels at public or private sale, at any of Lender's
offices or elsewhere, at such time or times, for cash, on credit, or for future
delivery, and at such price or prices and upon such other terms as Lender may
deem commercially reasonable. Borrower agrees that, to the extent notice of sale
will be required by law, at least ten days' notice to Borrower of the time and
place of any public sale or the time after which any private sale is to be made
will constitute reasonable notification. At any sale of the Collateral, if
permitted by law, Lender may bid (which bid may be, in whole or in part, in the
form of cancellation of indebtedness) for the purchase of the Collateral or any
portion thereof for the account of Lender. Lender will not be obligated to make
any sale of Collateral regardless of notice of sale having been given. Lender
may adjourn any public or private sale from time to time by announcement at the
time and place fixed therefor, and such sale may, without further notice, be
made at the time and place to which it was so adjourned. To the extent permitted
by law, Borrower hereby specifically waives all rights of redemption, stay, or
appraisal which it has or may have under any law now existing or hereafter

               (b)  Borrower hereby irrevocably authorizes and empowers Lender
to assert, either directly or on behalf of Borrower, any claims Borrower may
have, from time to time, against any other party to the Assigned Agreements or
to otherwise exercise any right or remedy of Borrower under the Assigned
Agreements (including, without limitation, the right to enforce directly against
any party to an Assigned Agreement all of Borrower's rights thereunder, to make
all demands and give all notices and to make all requests required or permitted
to be made by Borrower under the Assigned Agreements).

               (c)  For the purposes of this Agreement, Borrower acknowledges
and agrees that after an Event of Default, it will be liable to Lender for all
reasonable attorneys' fees, consultant's fees, accountants' fees, expert witness
fees, and all actual out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Lender in connection
with any and all of the following: (1) any action taken by Lender to (A) enforce
any of its rights under this Agreement, (B) protect, preserve, collect,
assemble, lease, sell, take possession of, or liquidate any of the Collateral,
or (C) enforce or foreclose upon its security interest in any of the
Collateral; (2) any negotiation and/or documentation of a work out,
refinancing, restructuring, or settlement agreement with Borrower; and (3) the
commencement or defense of, or appearance or intervention in, any litigation,
arbitration proceeding, administrative proceeding, or bankruptcy case (including
but not limited to any adversary proceeding in such case) in or to which
Borrower is a party or party in interest.

Beyond the safe custody thereof, Lender will have no duty with respect to any
Collateral in its possession or control (or in the possession or control of any
agent or bailee) or with respect to any income thereon or the preservation of
rights against prior parties or any other rights pertaining thereto. Lender will
be deemed to have exercised reasonable care in the custody and preservation of
the Collateral in its possession if the Collateral is accorded treatment
substantially equal to that which it accords its own property. Lender will not
be liable or responsible for any loss or damage to any of the Collateral, or for
any diminution in the value thereof, by reason of the act or omission of any
warehouseman, carrier, forwarding agency, consignee or other agent or bailee
selected in good faith by Lender.

          5.4  Application of Proceeds. Upon the occurrence and during the
continuance of an Event of Default, the proceeds of any sale of, or other
realization upon, all or any part of the Collateral by Lender will be applied:
first, to all fees, costs, and expenses incurred by Lender with respect to this
Agreement; second, to accrued and unpaid interest on the Obligations; and third,
to the principal amount of the Obligations outstanding. Lender


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 4
- ----------

acknowledges and agrees that it will not retain any proceeds in excess of the
amounts necessary to pay in full all of the items described in the preceding


          6.1  Successors and Assigns. This Agreement inures to the benefit of
and binds the parties to this Agreement and their respective successors,
assigns, agents, representatives, and all persons claiming by or through them,
including without limitation any chapter 7 or chapter 11 trustee in bankruptcy,
and the words "Lender" and "Borrower," whenever occurring in this Agreement,
will be deemed to include such respective successors, assigns, agents,
representatives, and all persons claiming by or through them.

          6.2  Time. The parties to this Agreement agree that time is of the
essence with respect to all of the provisions of this Agreement.

          6.3  Counterpart Originals. This Agreement may be executed in two
counterparts, each of which will be deemed to be an original as against the
party whose "ink original" or facsimile signature appears thereon, and both of
such counterparts will together constitute one and the same instrument. Each
party to this Agreement who delivers a facsimile signature will promptly
thereafter deliver to each of the other parties to this Agreement a counterpart
original of this Agreement bearing an "ink original" signature.

          6.4  Captions. The captions or headings of the sections of this
Agreement are for convenience only and will not control or affect the meaning or
construction of any of the terms or provisions of this Agreement.

          6.5  Gender; Number. Words used in this Agreement, regardless of the
number or gender specifically used, will be deemed and construed to include any
other number, singular or plural, and any other gender, masculine, feminine or
neuter, as the context requires.

          6.6  Additional Actions. Each of the parties to this Agreement
covenants and agrees that it will take promptly such additional actions and will
execute such additional documents and instruments as are reasonably necessary to
effectuate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

          6.7  No Third Party Beneficiaries. The rights and benefits of this
Agreement will not inure to the benefit of any party that is not a party to this
Agreement. Nothing contained in this Agreement will be construed to create any
rights, claims, or causes of action in favor of any third party against any
party to this Agreement.

          6.8  Notices. All notices and communications under this Agreement will
be in writing and will be: (a) delivered in person; or (b) sent by fax; or (c)
mailed, postage prepaid, either by certified mail, return receipt requested, or
by overnight express carrier, addressed in each case as follows:

          To Borrower: Hawker Pacific Aerospace
                       Attn: Phil Panzera
                       11240 Sherman Way
                       Sun Valley, Ca 91352 USA
                       Fax: 1(818) 765-8587



Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 4
- ----------

                              Hawker Pacific Aerospace, Ltd.
                              c/o Hawker Pacific Aerospace
                              Attn: Phil Panzera
                              11240 Sherman Way
                              Sun Valley, Ca 91352 USA
                              Fax: 1 (818) 765-8587

                              A courtesy copy of any notice under this Agreement
                              that is sent to Borrower must be sent to:

                              Troy & Gould
                              Attn: Dale Short
                              1801 Century Park East 16/th/ Floor
                              Los Angeles, CA 90067-2367 USA
                              Fax: 1 (310) 201-4746

                 To Lender:   Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen Girozentrale
                              Attn: Martin Rohmann
                              Corporate Finance
                              Main Tower
                              Neue Mainzer Str. 52-58
                              60311 Frankfurt
                              Fax: (49-69) 91324350

                              and to:

                              Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau
                              Attn: Head of Export and Project Finance Aerospace
                              Palmengartenstr. 5-9
                              60325 Frankfurt
                              Fax: (49-69) 74312944

All notices sent pursuant to the terms of this section 6.8 will be deemed
received upon actual receipt. A copy of any notice sent by fax must be sent by
regular mail as well on the same day that such fax is sent. Lender and Borrower
may change the name of its representative to whom (and/or the address to which)
notices (and/or courtesy copies of such notices) should be directed, provided
that such party complies with the provisions of this section 6.8 regarding the
methods for providing such notice.

                    6.9  Interpretation. Each of the parties to this Agreement
has been represented by independent counsel in the preparation and negotiation
of this Agreement, and this Agreement will be construed according to the fair
meaning of its language. The rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities
are to be resolved against the drafting party will not be employed in
interpreting this Agreement.

                    6.10 Representations and Warranties. Each of the parties to
this Agreement represents and warrants to the other party to this Agreement that
it has full power, authority, and legal right to execute, deliver, and comply
with this Agreement and any other document or instrument relating to this
Agreement to be executed by it. All individual, corporate, or other appropriate
actions of each of the parties to this Agreement that are necessary or
appropriate for the execution and delivery of and compliance with this Agreement


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 4
- ----------

and such other documents and instruments have been taken. Upon its execution and
delivery, this Agreement will constitute the valid and legally binding
obligation of each of the parties to this Agreement, enforceable against each of
them in accordance with its terms, subject only to bankruptcy, insolvency,
reorganization, moratorium and other laws applicable to creditors' rights or the
collection of debtors' obligations generally. Borrower acknowledges that Lender
has entered into this Agreement in reliance upon each of the representations and
warranties made by Borrower which are contained in this Agreement.

          6.11 Integration Clause. This Agreement constitutes the entire
agreement between the parties to this Agreement with respect to the subject
matter of this Agreement, and there are no other terms, obligations, covenants,
representations, statements or conditions except as set forth in this Agreement.
No change or amendment to this Agreement will be effective unless it is
contained in a document entitled "Amendment to Security Agreement," and is
executed by each of the parties to this Agreement. Failure to insist upon strict
compliance with any term or provision of this Agreement will not be deemed to be
a waiver of any rights under a subsequent act or failure to act. Each of the
parties to this Agreement acknowledges and agrees that in the event of any
subsequent litigation, arbitration proceeding, controversy or dispute concerning
this Agreement, neither of them will be permitted to offer or introduce into
evidence any oral testimony concerning any oral promises or oral agreements
between them that relate to the subject matter of this Agreement that are not
included or referred to in this Agreement and that are not evidenced by a
writing entitled "Amendment to Security Agreement" which is signed by each of
the parties to this Agreement.

          6.12 Governing Law; Arbitration; Venue; Equitable Relief.

               (a)  Governing Law. This Agreement will be governed by and
construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California,
without regard to principles of conflicts of law. Each party to this Agreement
agrees that all disputes, claims and controversies among the parties to this
Agreement concerning the interpretation or enforcement of this Agreement, or any
other matter arising out of or relating to this Agreement, will be arbitrated
pursuant to the provisions of this section 6.12.

               (b)  Initiation of arbitration proceeding. Either party to this
Agreement may initiate an arbitration proceeding by making a written demand for
arbitration and serving a notice of said demand upon the adverse party in the
manner provided in this Agreement, and upon the Los Angeles regional office of
JAMS. A written response to the demand must be served upon the initiating party
and JAMS within ten (10) days of the adverse party's receipt of the demand.

               (c)  Selection of arbitrator. The arbitration will be conducted
by a single arbitrator who is a retired judge associated with the Los Angeles
regional office of JAMS. The arbitrator will be selected in accordance with the
JAMS Financial Services Arbitration Rules & Procedures then in effect (the "JAMS
Rules") within fourteen (14) days of the service of the written demand for
arbitration. If the parties to this Agreement cannot so agree upon the selection
of the arbitrator within the fourteen (14) day period, then the arbitration will
be conducted by a single arbitrator who will be a retired judge associated with
the Los Angeles regional office of JAMS, and who will be selected by JAMS within
five (5) days of the service of a written request that JAMS select the

               (d)  Venue. Each party to this Agreement covenants and agrees
that any arbitration proceeding instituted under the provisions of this
Agreement will be conducted in Los Angeles through the Los Angeles regional
office of JAMS. Lender and Borrower acknowledge to each other that the agreement
to abide by the specific provisions of


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 4
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this section 6.12 is a material inducement to it to enter into this Agreement,
and each party is reasonably relying upon the other party's representation to do

               (e)  Arbitration hearing and award. The arbitration hearing will
be conducted within thirty (30) days of the appointment of the arbitrator. The
arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the JAMS Rules. The
arbitrator's award will be conclusive and binding on each of the parties to this
Agreement. The arbitrator's award will provide, among other things, that the
prevailing party in the arbitration is entitled to recover from the adverse
party its costs and expenses incurred in connection therewith including, without
limitation, attorneys' fees as determined by the arbitrator, the costs of the
arbitration, and actual out-of-pocket expenses including, without limitation,
expert witness and consultants' fees. Judgment upon the arbitrator's award may
be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction.

               (f)  Equitable Relief. The Arbitrator has the authority to grant
either party to this Agreement equitable relief on such terms and conditions as
it deems reasonably necessary or appropriate.

     6.13 Benefit of Counsel; Informed Review. Each party to this Agreement
acknowledges and represents to the other party to this Agreement that: (a) the
provisions of this Agreement and their legal effect have been fully explained to
it by its own counsel; (b) it has received independent legal advice from counsel
of its own selection; (c) it fully understands the facts and has been fully
informed as to its legal rights and obligations under this Agreement; (d) this
Agreement is being entered into and signed by it knowingly, freely, and
voluntarily, after having received such legal advice and with such knowledge;
and (e) its execution and delivery of this Agreement is not the result of any

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Agreement have executed and
delivered this Agreement as of the date and year first above written.


By:/s/ David L. Lokken                 By:/s/ Frank Dohl
   -----------------------------          -------------------------------
   Name: David L. Lokken                  Name: Frank Dohl
        ------------------------               --------------------------
   Title: CEO                             Title: Vice President
         -----------------------                -------------------------


By:/s/ Philip M. Panzera               By: /s/ Wolfgang Behler
   -----------------------------          -------------------------------
   Name:Philip M. Panzera                 Name: Wolfgang Behler
        ------------------------               --------------------------
   Title: EVP                             Title:_______________________


                            SHARE PLEDGE HAWKER UK

Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

                                                                  EXECUTION COPY

                             DATED 30 OCTOBER 2000

                           HAWKER PACIFIC AEROSPACE
                                  as Chargor


                               as Security Agent
                    on its own behalf and as Security Agent
                  for the Finance Parties referred to herein


                                 SHARE CHARGE
                  over shares in Hawker Pacific Aerospace Ltd


                             100 New Bridge Street
                                   EC4V 6JA
                             Tel: (020) 7919 1000
                             Fax: (020) 7919 1999
                                Ref: BES / CXI

Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5


Number                           Clause Heading                               Page
- ------                           --------------
1.    INTERPRETATION.......................................................      1
2.    COVENANT TO PAY......................................................      4
3.    CHARGE...............................................................      4
4.    DEPOSIT OF DOCUMENTS AND REGISTRATION................................      4
5.    CONTINUING SECURITY..................................................      5
6.    DIVIDENDS AND VOTING RIGHTS..........................................      5
8.    REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.......................................      6
9.    UNDERTAKINGS.........................................................      7
10.   ENFORCEMENT OF SECURITY..............................................      9
11.   SET-OFF..............................................................     11
12.   RECEIPT AND APPLICATION OF MONIES....................................     11
13.   PAYMENTS.............................................................     12
14.   COSTS, CHARGES AND EXPENSES..........................................     13
15.   INDEMNITIES AND CURRENCIES...........................................     14
16.   EVIDENCE OF DEBT.....................................................     15
17.   FURTHER ASSURANCE....................................................     15
18.   POWER OF ATTORNEY....................................................     15
19.   OTHER ENCUMBRANCES...................................................     16
20.   SECURITY TRUST.......................................................     17
21.   AMENDMENT, WAIVER AND SEVERABILITY...................................     17
22.   MISCELLANEOUS........................................................     18
23.   ASSIGNMENT...........................................................     18
24.   NOTICES..............................................................     19
25.   GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION.......................................     20

- ---------

Schedule Securities........................................................     22

THIS DEED is made on the 30th day of October 2000


(1)  HAWKER PACIFIC AEROSPACE, a company incorporated in California, U.S.A. with
     its principal office at 11240 Sherman Way, Sun Valley, CA 91352 - 4942,
     U.S.A. (the "Chargor"); and

     52 - 58, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, Germany on its own behalf and as trustee
     for the Finance Parties from time to time (in such capacity, the "Security


(A)  By a Credit Agreement dated on or about the date of this Deed (the "Credit
     Agreement") made between (1) the Chargor as Borrower, (2) Landesbank
     Hessen - Thuringen Girozentrale as mandated arranger, security agent and
     lender and (3) Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau as co-arranger and lender,
     the Banks (as defined in the Credit Agreement), have agreed to make
     available to the Chargor loan facilities on the terms set out in the Credit

(B)  By a further Facility Agreement dated on or about the date of this Deed
     (the "Facility Agreement" and together with the Credit Agreement, the
     "Credit Documents") made between (1) Hawker Pacific Aerospace Ltd as
     borrower, (2) the Chargor as additional obligor, (3) Landesbank Hessen-
     Thuringen Girozentrale, as mandated arranger, agent, security agent and
     lender, and (4) Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau as co-arranger and lender,
     the Banks (as defined in the Facility Agreement) have agreed to make
     available to Hawker Pacific Aerospace Ltd loan facilities, in respect of
     which the Chargor will be jointly and severally liable with Hawker Pacific
     Aerospace Ltd, on the terms set out in the Facility Agreement.

(C)  The Security Agent is acting as trustee for the Finance Parties pursuant to
     this Deed.

(D)  It is a condition precedent to the Banks making the above facilities
     available that the Chargor enters into this Deed.

IT IS AGREED as follows:


1.1  Definitions and Construction. In this Deed, unless the context requires
     otherwise, terms and expressions defined in or construed for the purposes
     of the Credit Agreement and not defined below shall have the same meanings
     or be construed in the same manner when used in this Deed, and the
     following terms shall have the following meanings:

     "Charged Assets" means:

     (a)  the Shares; and

     (b)  the Rights;


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

     "Company" means Hawker Pacific Aerospace Ltd, a company incorporated in
     England (registered number 03459428) with its registered office at Unit 3,
     Dawley Park, Kestrel Way, Hayes, Middlesex UB3 1HP;

     "Credit Documents" has the meaning given in Recital (B);

     "Encumbrance" means:

     (a)  any mortgage, charge, pledge, hypothecation, lien, encumbrance or
          other security interest or any other arrangement having the effect if
          conferring security, including a conditional sale, hire purchase or
          lease agreement or other title retention arrangement; and

     (b)  any arrangement whereby rights are subordinated to the rights of a
          third party;

     "Event of Default" means any event or occurrence which entitles the Banks
     to terminate the Facilities, including without limitation any of the events
     or circumstances specified in Clause 18.2 of the Credit Documents;

     "Finance Party" means each person which is from time to time a Bank,
     Mandated Arranger, Agent, Security Agent, or Co-Arranger under either
     Credit Document;

     "Financing Documents" means each document which is a "Financing Document"
     for the purposes of either Credit Document;

     "Obligor" means each of the Chargor and the Company;

     "Receiver" means each and any receiver, manager, receiver and manager or
     other similar officer appointed by the Security Agent in respect of the
     security created by or pursuant to this Deed;

     "Rights" means:

     (a)  all rights, benefits and advantages now or at any time in the future
          deriving from or incidental to any of the Shares; and

     (b)  all dividends, interest and other income paid or payable in relation
          to any Shares after the date of this Deed; and

     (c)  all shares, securities, rights, monies or other property accruing,
          offered or issued at any time by way of redemption, conversion,
          exchange, substitution, bonus, preference, option or otherwise in
          respect of any of the Shares (including but not limited to proceeds of

     "Secured Indebtedness" means all monies, obligations and liabilities of any
     kind now or at any time in the future due, owing, incurred or payable
     (whether actually or contingently) by the Chargor to a Finance Party under
     or pursuant to a Credit Document or any other Financing Document (whether
     on account of principal, interest, fees, indemnity payments, losses,
     damages or otherwise) and all other monies hereby agreed to be paid.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

     "Security Agent" means the Security Agent acting on its own behalf and as
     trustee for the Finance Parties.

     "Security Documents" means each document which is a "Security Document" for
     the purpose of either Credit Document;

     "Shares" means:

     (a)  the securities specified in Schedule 1 (Securities);

     (b)  all other stocks, shares, debentures, bonds, notes, warrants and other
          securities of any kind (including loan capital) of the Company now or
          at any time in the future beneficially owned by the Chargor or in
          which the Chargor has an interest (including any equity of
          redemption); and

     and all rights of any kind which the Chargor now has or at any time in the
     future acquires against any clearance or settlement system or any custodian
     in respect of any such securities;

     "Trust Property" means the undertaking of the contained in Clause 2
     (Covenant to Pay) and all or any part of the assets, rights, interests and
     benefits which may now or at any time in the future be mortgaged, charged,
     assigned or granted or the subject of an Encumbrance in favour of the
     Security Agent pursuant to any Financing Document and, for the avoidance of
     doubt, the proceeds of any of the foregoing.

1.2  Successors and Assigns. The expressions "Chargor", "Security Agent",
     "Agent" and "Finance Parties" shall, where the context permits, include
     their respective successors and permitted assigns and any persons deriving
     title under them.

1.3  Miscellaneous.  In this Deed, unless the context requires otherwise:

     (a)  Statutes: references to provisions of any law or regulation shall be
          construed as references to those provisions as amended, modified, re-
          enacted or replaced from time to time;

     (b)  Construction: words importing the singular include the plural and vice
          versa; words importing a gender include the other gender;

     (c)  Financing Documents: references to this Deed, the Credit Documents or
          any other Security Document shall be construed as references to this
          deed or such document as the same may be amended, supplemented,
          restated or novated from time to time;

     (d)  Clauses, Etc: references to Clauses and Schedules are to clauses of
          and schedules to this Deed and references to this Deed include its
          Schedules; and

     (e)  Headings: clause headings are inserted for reference only and shall be
          ignored in construing this Deed.

1.4  Deed. It is intended by the parties that this document shall take effect as
     a deed notwithstanding the fact that a party may only execute this document
     under hand.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

1.5  Third Party Rights. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall
     not apply to this Deed and no person not party to this Deed shall have or
     acquire any right to enforce any term of it pursuant to that Act. This
     Clause shall not affect any right or remedy of any third party which exists
     or is available otherwise than by reason of that Act and shall prevail over
     any other provision of this Deed which is inconsistent with it.


     Without prejudice to its respective obligations to the Finance Parties
     under the Financing Documents, the Chargor undertakes to the Security Agent
     to pay to the Security Agent on behalf of the Finance Parties the Secured
     Indebtedness whenever the same is due in accordance with, and in the manner
     required by, the Financing Documents and duly and punctually to observe and
     perform all its obligations contained in each Financing Document.


3.1  Grant of Charge. In consideration of the Finance Parties agreeing to make
     the facilities available to the Chargor and the Company respectively on the
     terms and conditions of the Credit Documents, the Chargor with full title
     guarantee and without the benefit of section 6(2) of the Law of Property
     (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1994 charges and agrees to charge to the
     Security Agent by way of first ranking fixed charge all its rights, title,
     interest and benefit in and to:

     (a)  Shares:  the Shares; and

     (b)  Rights:  the Rights,

     as a continuing security for the due and punctual payment and discharge of
     the Secured Indebtedness and the due and punctual observance and
     performance by the Chargor of all other obligations of the Chargor
     contained in the Financing Documents.

3.2  Discharge. When the Security Agent is satisfied that the trusts constituted
     by this Deed have come to an end, the Security Agent shall, at the request
     and cost of the Chargor, and in such form as the Security Agent shall
     approve, discharge the security created by this Deed, without recourse or
     warranty and subject to Clause 17.5 (Release of Charge Conditional).


4.1  Registration in Name of Security Agent. The Chargor agrees that at any time
     after an Event of Default has occurred, the Security Agent may, at the cost
     of the Chargor, register the Shares in the name of the Security Agent or
     its nominee.

4.2  Deposit of Documents and Notice to Nominee. The Chargor undertakes (without
     limiting its general obligations under Clause 17 (Further Assurance)):

     (a)  Deposit of Documents: to deposit (or ensure that its nominees deposit)
          with the Security Agent:

          (i)  immediately upon the execution of this Deed and upon any later
               date upon which it acquires (beneficially or otherwise) any


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

               (1)  all certificates in respect of the Charged Assets or, as the
                    case may be, those Shares; and

               (2)  an instrument of transfer or an assignment of the relevant
                    Shares stamped and duly executed by each person in whose
                    name such Shares are registered and otherwise completed as
                    the Security Agent may require with the name of the
                    transferee left blank; and

          (ii) upon the execution of this Deed, and upon any later date on which
               a new director of the Company is appointed, signed undated
               letters of resignation from each director of the Company (or, as
               the case may be, such new director);

     (b)  Nominee Undertaking: upon execution of this Deed and upon any later
          date on which it acquires (beneficially or otherwise) any Shares, to
          give notice of this Deed to each person holding any of the Shares as
          the Chargor's nominee and to procure that each such person executes
          and delivers to the Security Agent an acknowledgement in such other
          form as the Security Agent may specify.


5.1  Continuing Security. This Deed shall be a continuing security and shall
     remain in full force and effect until the Secured Indebtedness has been
     paid in full and none of the Finance Parties has any obligation or
     liability (actual or contingent) under the Credit Agreement or any Security
     Document, notwithstanding the insolvency or liquidation or any incapacity
     or change in the constitution or status of the Chargor or any other person
     or any intermediate settlement of account or other matter whatsoever.

5.2  Independent Security. This Deed is in addition to, and independent of, any
     Encumbrance, guarantee or other security or right or remedy now or at any
     time in the future held by or available to the Security Agent or any other
     Finance Party.


6.1  Before Default. Until an Event of Default occurs, the Chargor may:

     (a)  Dividends: retain and apply for its own use all dividends, interest
          and other income paid in respect of any Shares; and

     (b)  Voting Rights:  exercise or direct the exercise of any voting or other
          rights attached to any of the Shares, provided that those voting
          rights shall not be exercised:

          (i)  in any manner which in the opinion of the Security Agent, could
               prejudice to the security intended to be conferred by this Deed,
               or is in breach of this Deed or the Credit Agreement or any
               Security Document to which it is a party; or

          (ii) so as to permit any variation of the rights attaching to or
               conferred by any Shares.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

6.2  After Default. Unless the Security Agent otherwise agrees in writing,
     immediately after an Event of Default occurs, all the rights and
     entitlements of the Chargor under Clause 6.1 (Before Default) shall cease

     (i)  Dividends: any payments which the Chargor would have been entitled to
          receive and retain shall be paid to and retained by the Security Agent
          (to be applied as if they were proceeds of sale under this Deed) and
          any such payments which may be received by the Chargor shall be
          promptly paid to the Security Agent and, pending such payment, shall
          be held on trust for the Security Agent;

     (ii) Voting Rights: only the Security Agent or its nominee shall be
          entitled to exercise the voting and other rights attached to the
          Charged Assets.

6.3  Authority to Sign Proxies. If an Event of Default occurs, the Chargor
     irrevocably authorises the Security Agent to sign on its behalf and on
     behalf of each person holding any of the Shares as the nominee of the
     Chargor any proxies or other documents which the Security Agent to exercise
     such voting and other rights and powers attaching to the Shares.


7.1  No Liability. Nothing in this Deed shall be construed as placing on the
     Security Agent or any Finance Party any liability whatsoever in respect of
     any calls, instalments or other payments relating to any of the Charged

7.2  Indemnity. Without limiting Clause 15.1 (General Indemnity), the Chargor
     will indemnify the Security Agent and each other Finance Party in respect
     of all calls, instalments or other payments relating to any of the Charged


8.1  Memorandum and Articles. The Chargor certifies that neither the execution
     of this Deed nor the creation of the security hereby constituted
     contravenes any of the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation or By-
     laws of the Chargor.

8.2  Representations and Warranties. The Chargor represents and warrants to the
     Security Agent and each of the other Finance Parties that:

     (a)  Accuracy of Particulars:

          (i)    the particulars of the Shares set out in Schedule 1
                 (Securities) are accurate;

          (ii)   the Shares described therein constitute the entire issued share
                 capital of the Company at the date of this Deed; and

          (iii)  all the Shares have been validly issued and are fully paid up;


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

     (b)  No Encumbrances:

          (i)  the Charged Assets are (or when acquired will be) beneficially
               owned by the Chargor free from any Encumbrance (except as created
               under or pursuant to this Deed); and

          (ii) the Chargor has good and marketable title thereto;

     (c)  No Option:  the Chargor has not granted in favour of any other person
          any interest in or any option or other rights in respect of any of the
          Charged Assets;

     (d)  No Dilution: the Company has not issued or granted (or resolved or
          agreed to issue or grant) any option or other right to acquire any
          additional shares to any person;

     (e)  Share Certificates: there are no duplicate copies of the certificates
          in respect of the Shares or other certificates representing the
          Charged Assets; and

     (f)  No Litigation: no litigation, arbitration or administrative proceeding
          is currently taking place or pending or threatened in relation to any
          of the Charged Assets.

8.3  Continuing Representation and Warranty. The Chargor also represents and
     warrants to and undertakes with the Security Agent and each of the other
     Finance Parties that the foregoing representations and warranties will be
     true and accurate throughout the continuance of this Deed with reference to
     the facts and circumstances subsisting from time to time.


     The Chargor undertakes to the Security Agent that, throughout the
     continuation of the Facility and so long as any Secured Indebtedness is or
     may become payable, the Chargor will, unless the Security Agent otherwise
     agrees in writing:

     (a)  Encumbrances: not create or attempt or agree to create or permit to
          arise or exist in favour of any person other than the Security Agent
          or the Agent any Encumbrance on or affecting the Charged Assets or any
          part of them;

     (b)  Disposals: not sell, assign, transfer, lease, deal with or dispose of
          the Charged Assets or any part thereof or attempt or agree to do so
          (except under or pursuant to this Deed) and at all times remain the
          beneficial owner of the Charged Assets (subject to this Deed);

     (c)  Options: not grant or agree to grant in favour of any other person any
          interest in or any option or other rights in respect of any of the
          Charged Assets;

     (d)  Control Nominees: ensure that no person holding any of the Shares as
          its nominee for the time being does any of the acts prohibited by
          paragraphs (a) (Encumbrances), (b) (Disposals) and (c) (Options)

     (e)  Notification of Events:


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

          (i)   immediately inform the Security Agent of any litigation,
                arbitration or administrative proceeding as referred to in
                Clause 8.2(f) (No Litigation); and

          (ii)  immediately upon receipt provide the Security Agent with copies
                of all notices received by it from the Company in respect of any
                of the Charged Assets;

     (f)  Calls: promptly pay all calls and other payments due in respect of the
          Charged Assets;

     (g)  Rights:

          (i)   immediately upon the acquisition by the Chargor of any Rights or
                receipt by the Chargor of notification of any entitlement to any
                Rights (whichever is earlier), provide the Security Agent with
                full particulars thereof and deliver or procure the delivery to
                the Security Agent of all such Rights and all documents and
                certificates representing them;

          (ii)  if requested by the Security Agent, acquire (by payment or
                otherwise) any Rights if failure to take up such Rights might,
                in the Security Agent's opinion, result in the Security Agent's
                or all or any of the other Finance Parties' security being
                materially lessened in value;

          (iii) subject to Clause 6 (Dividends and Voting Rights), pay to the
                Security Agent any monies received by the Chargor or any nominee
                of the Chargor under or in respect of any Rights;

     (h)  Registered Holder: not permit any person other than the Chargor or its
          nominee or the Security Agent or its nominee to be registered as the
          holder of any of the Charged Assets;

     (i)  Transfer Restrictions: ensure that all of the Shares are and at all
          times remain free from any restrictions on transfer and that the board
          of directors of the Company approves any transfer of the Charged
          Assets which the Security Agent wishes to make pursuant to this Deed;

     (j)  Articles of Association: procure that the articles of association of
          the Company contain the following clause:

          "The directors may in their absolute discretion and without giving any
          reason, refuse to register the transfer of a share to a person of whom
          they do not approve. NOTWITHSTANDING the foregoing, the directors may
          not refuse to register any transfer which arises by virtue of the
          taking of or enforcement of any security.";

     (k)  No Dilution: ensure that the Company does not issue or grant (or
          resolve or agree to issue or grant) any option or other right to
          acquire shares to any person other than the Chargor (and subject
          always to this Deed);

     (l)  Constitutive Documents: ensure that no amendment or supplement is made
          to the memorandum or articles of association of the Company;


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

     (m)  No Stock Lending:  not lend any Shares to any person;

     (n)  Protection of Charged Assets: upon demand by the Security Agent take
          or defend all such legal proceedings, and take all such other steps,
          as the Security Agent may require for the protection of any Charged

     (o)  Not Prejudice: not do, omit to do, cause or permit to occur, any act,
          omission or anything which would or might result in any Charged Assets
          being surrendered, forfeited, cancelled or prejudiced in any manner
          whatsoever or reduced in value, or this Deed or any rights, powers or
          remedies of the Security Agent under this Deed being prejudiced or
          adversely affected.


10.1 Enforceability. Immediately upon the occurrence of an Event of Default the
     security created by or pursuant to this Deed shall become enforceable in
     accordance with the provisions of this Deed.

10.2 Security Agent's Right to Remedy Default. If an Event of Default occurs,
     the Security Agent shall, at the Chargor's cost, and without prejudice to
     any other rights it may have, be entitled (but not bound) to do anything
     which it considers appropriate to remedy any failure by the Chargor to
     perform its obligations under this Deed. The Security Agent shall not
     thereby become liable to account as a mortgagee in possession.

10.3 Powers of Security Agent. At any time after the security created by or
     pursuant to this Deed has become enforceable, the Security Agent or its
     nominee may without further notice or authority:

     (a)  LPA Powers: exercise all the powers and remedies conferred on a
          mortgagee by the Law of Property Act 1925;

     (b)  General Powers: do all acts and things and exercise all rights, powers
          and remedies which the registered holder or bearer of any of the
          Charged Assets could do or exercise including, without limitation, the
          power to do all or any of the following:

          (i)   Power of Sale: sell or dispose of all or any part of the Charged
                Assets and apply the proceeds of any such sale or disposition in
                accordance with this Deed;

          (ii)  Grant Options: grant to any person any option to purchase or
                other rights over any Charged Assets upon such terms as the
                Security Agent thinks fit;

          (iii) Transfers: if not already so registered or transferred, register
                or transfer all or any of the Shares in or into the name of the
                Security Agent or its nominees;

          (iv)  Rights: take up or renounce any Rights and demand, sue for,
                recover, receive and give discharges for all or any of the
                Rights, enforce the Rights (by legal proceedings in the name of
                the Chargor or otherwise as may seem expedient or by other
                lawful act or procedure) and make any


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

               arrangement or compromise in relation thereto as the Security
               Agent may think fit;

          (v)  Letters of Resignation: complete the letters of resignation
               referred to in Clause 4.2(a)(ii) by dating the same and to
               appoint directors and managers of the Company,

     and take any other action required to facilitate the realisation and
     disposal of any of the Charged Assets.

10.4 Sale of Shares. The Security Agent shall be entitled to exercise the power
     of sale in the manner and at the time or times and for the consideration
     (whether payable immediately or by instalments) which in its absolute
     discretion it thinks fit (whether by private sale, public auction or
     otherwise). The Charged Assets may be sold:

     (a)  Conditions: subject to any conditions which the Security Agent may
          think fit;

     (b)  Identity of Purchaser: to any person (including any person connected
          with the Chargor, the Company or any Finance Party); and

     (c)  Price: at any price which the Security Agent, in its absolute
          discretion, considers to be the best obtainable in the circumstances
          taking into account the nature of the Company as a private company.

     Without limiting Clause 10.9 (Exclusion of Liability), the Chargor shall
     not have any claim against the Security Agent or its nominee or any Finance
     Party in respect of any loss arising out of any such sale or any
     postponement thereof however caused and whether or not a better price could
     or might have been obtained upon the sale of the Charged Assets or any of
     them by deferring or advancing the date of such sale or by any other means.

10.5 Property Acquired. All property of any kind acquired in exercise of any of
     the powers conferred by this Deed shall be subject to the security created
     by this Deed and to all the powers contained in this Deed.

10.6 Extension and Variation of the Law of Property Act 1925. The foregoing
     powers conferred on the Security Agent shall be in addition to and not to
     the prejudice of all statutory and other powers of the Security Agent under
     the Law of Property Act 1925 or otherwise. Section 103 of that Act shall
     not restrict the exercise by the Security Agent of the power of sale
     conferred by section 101 of that Act, which power shall arise and may be
     exercised at any time after the happening of an Event of Default.

10.7 Waiver of Notice. Any notice, period of time or other condition precedent
     prescribed by law to the exercise of any rights, powers or remedies of the
     Security Agent is dispensed with except to the extent (if any) that the
     relevant law does not afford the opportunity to dispense by agreement with
     its requirements, in which event the relevant right, power or remedy may be
     exercised by the Security Agent at the time and in the circumstances
     prescribed by law.

10.8 Not Mortgagee in Possession. Where any liability or duty might otherwise
     attach to the Security Agent as mortgagee in possession for the purposes of
     the Law of Property Act 1925 the Security Agent shall not by reason of its
     entering into possession of any of the Charged


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

         Assets be liable to account a1s mortgagee in possession or for anything
         except actual receipts or be liable for any loss upon realisation or
         for any default or omission for which a mortgagee in possession might
         otherwise be liable.

10.9     Exclusion of Liability. Neither the Security Agent nor any other
         Finance Party shall be responsible for any losses of any kind
         whatsoever (including, without limitation, negligence, default or
         dishonesty of any servant, agent or auctioneer employed by the Security
         Agent or any attorney of the Security Agent) which may occur in or
         about the exercise, or attempted or purported exercise or non-exercise
         of any of the rights, powers or remedies of the Security Agent unless
         directly caused by the gross negligence or wilful default of the
         Security Agent. The Security Agent shall be entitled to all the
         privileges and immunities conferred on mortgagees and receivers
         appointed thereunder by the Law of Property Act 1925.

10.10    Protection of Third Parties. No person dealing with the Security Agent
         or any attorney of the Security Agent in connection with the exercise
         of any of the rights, powers or remedies of the Security Agent shall be
         bound to inquire whether any Event of Default has occurred or any power
         has become exercisable, as to the due appointment of any receiver or
         otherwise as to the propriety or regularity of any such dealing or to
         see to the application of any money paid to the Security Agent and
         shall not be affected by express notice that any such dealing is
         unnecessary or improper, and notwithstanding any irregularity or
         impropriety in any such dealing the same shall, as regards the
         protection of that person, be deemed to be valid and effective.

10.11    Acceptance of Payments. This Deed may be enforced notwithstanding that
         the Security Agent or any other Finance Party may have accepted payment
         of any Secured Indebtedness after the occurrence of an Event of

11.      SET-OFF

         If an Event of Default has occurred the Security Agent and each other
         Finance Party shall have the right (but not the obligation), without
         notice to the Chargor or any other person, to set-off and apply any
         credit balance on any account of the Chargor with the Security Agent or
         such Finance Party (as the case may be) and any other indebtedness
         owing by the Security Agent or such Bank to the Chargor (in each case,
         whether or not subject to notice, matured or owing to a different
         branch or office and in whatever currency) against such of the Secured
         Indebtedness which is due and payable. Each Finance Party may convert
         any such credit balance or other indebtedness at the prevailing rate of
         exchange into such other currencies as may be necessary for this


12.1     Order of Application. All monies from time to time actually received or
         recovered by the Security Agent from the Chargor under this Deed or
         arising from the enforcement of this Deed shall (subject to Clause 12.3
         (Suspense Account) be applied in the following order of priority:

         (a)      first, in payment of the costs, charges, expenses and other
                  monies payable by the Chargor under Clauses 14 (Costs, Charges
                  and Expenses) and 15 (Indemnities and Currencies) or
                  liabilities otherwise incurred in the exercise or attempted
                  exercise of the rights, powers or remedies of the Security


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

         (b)      secondly, in payment of the remaining Secured Indebtedness;

         (c)      thirdly, in payment of amounts due under subsequent
                  Encumbrances of which the Security Agent has notice, in the
                  order of their priorities; and

         (d)      fourthly, in payment to the Chargor.

12.2     Credit Actual Receipts. In applying any monies toward satisfaction of
         the Secured Indebtedness, the Security Agent shall credit the Chargor
         with only those monies actually received by the Security Agent in
         cleared funds, and such credit shall date from the time of actual

12.3     Suspense Account The Security Agent may place and keep any monies
         received by virtue of this Deed (whether before or after the insolvency
         or liquidation of the Chargor) to the credit of a suspense account for
         so long as the Security Agent may think fit in order to preserve the
         rights of the Security Agent or any other Finance Party to sue or prove
         for the whole amount of its claims against the Chargor or any other

12.4     Amounts Contingently Due. If the Security Agent enforces the security
         constituted by this Deed at a time when no amounts are due to it (but
         at a time when amounts may become so due), the Security Agent may pay
         the proceeds of any recoveries effected by it into an interest-bearing
         suspense account with any person (including the Security Agent)
         selected by the Security Agent and on terms selected by the Security
         Agent until the relevant amounts become actually due and payable or the
         Security Agent determines that they will never become actually due and
         payable. At that time the amount actually owing may be paid to the
         Security Agent and the balance distributed in accordance with Clause
         12.1 (Order of Application). Until such time the Security Agent may
         (subject to the payment of any claims having priority to this security)
         withdraw amounts standing to the credit of any such suspense account in
         order to pay the amounts referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) of
         Clause 12.1 (Order of Application). The Chargor will not be entitled to
         withdraw any monies (including interest) standing to the credit of any
         such suspense account until all the Secured Indebtedness has been
         irrevocably paid and discharged in full.

12.5     Appropriation. The Chargor irrevocably authorises the Security Agent to
         appropriate any monies received by the Security Agent or any attorney
         of the Security Agent towards such of the Secured Indebtedness as the
         Security Agent in its absolute discretion thinks fit.

12.6     Surplus Monies. If at any time after satisfaction of the Secured
         Indebtedness the Security Agent holds any surplus monies payable to the
         Chargor, those monies shall not carry interest and may be placed to the
         credit of an account in the name of the Chargor with a bank and the
         Security Agent shall thereupon be under no further liability in respect

13.      PAYMENTS

13.1     No Deductions. All sums payable by the Chargor under this Deed shall be
         paid in full without set-off or counterclaim or any restriction or
         condition and, except to the extent required by any law or regulation,
         free and clear of any deduction or withholding on account of tax or
         otherwise. If the Chargor or any other person is required by any law or
         regulation to make any such deduction or withholding the Chargor shall,
         together with the relevant payment, pay such additional amount as will
         ensure that the Security Agent or, as the case may be, any other
         relevant Finance Party actually receives and is entitled to


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

         retain, free and clear of any such deduction or withholding, the full
         amount which it would have received if no such deduction or withholding
         had been required. The Chargor shall within the required time period,
         pay or cause to be paid over to the relevant taxation or other
         authority the full amount of any such deduction or withholding and
         shall promptly forward to the Security Agent copies of official
         receipts or other evidence satisfactory to the Security Agent showing
         that such payment has been made.

13.2     Security Agent May Debit Account of Chargor. The Security Agent may,
         without prejudice to any other right, power or remedy of the Security
         Agent, at any time and from time to time, without further authority or
         notice to the Chargor, debit and charge any account of the Chargor with
         the Security Agent with any of the monies payable to the Security Agent
         under the Credit Agreement or this Deed or any other Financing Document
         to which the Chargor is a party.


14.1     Expenses. The Chargor shall forthwith on demand pay or reimburse to the
         Security Agent and the other Finance Parties:

         (a)      Execution: all costs, charges and expenses (including legal
                  fees on a full indemnity basis and all other out-of pocket
                  expenses and any applicable value added tax or similar tax)
                  incurred by the Security Agent or any other Finance Party in
                  connection with the preparation, execution and registration of
                  this Deed and any other documentation required in connection
                  herewith and any amendment to or extension of, or any
                  inspection, calculation, approval, consent or waiver to be
                  made or given in connection with, this Deed;

         (b)      Rights and Remedies: all costs, charges and expenses
                  (including legal fees on a full indemnity basis and all other
                  out-of pocket expenses and any applicable value added tax or
                  similar tax) incurred by the Security Agent or any other
                  Finance Party in exercising any of its or their rights or
                  powers under this Deed or in suing for or seeking to recover
                  any sums due or otherwise preserving or enforcing its or their
                  rights, powers and remedies under this Deed or in connection
                  with the preservation or attempted preservation of the Charged
                  Assets or in defending any claims brought against any of them
                  in respect of this Deed or the Chargor's interest in the
                  Charged Assets or in releasing or re-assigning this Deed upon
                  payment of all monies hereby secured,

         and, until payment of the same in full, all such costs, charges and
         expenses shall be secured by this Deed.

14.2     Taxes and Registration Fees. The Chargor shall pay when due all present
         and future stamp and other similar duties and taxes and all notarial,
         registration, recording and other similar fees which may be payable in
         respect of this Deed and any documentation required in connection with
         this Deed and shall indemnify the Security Agent and the other Finance
         Parties against all liabilities, costs and expenses which may result
         from any delay or default in paying such duties, taxes or fees (unless
         caused by the relevant person's negligence or wilful default in paying
         such fees).


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5


15.1     General Indemnity. The Chargor shall indemnify the Security Agent and
         the other Finance Parties (and any attorney, delegate or other person
         appointed under this Deed by the Security Agent) from and against all
         claims, actions, losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses
         incurred by it or them as a result of or arising out of or in
         connection with:

         (a)      Performance: the occurrence of any Event of Default, or any
                  failure by the Chargor to make a payment or perform any
                  obligation in accordance with this Deed; or

         (b)      Charged Assets: the Charged Assets or the use or occupation
                  thereof by any person; or

         (c)      Powers: the execution or purported execution of any powers,
                  authorities and discretions conferred on it pursuant to this
                  Deed or in respect of any matter or thing done or omitted in
                  relation to the Charged Assets (unless directly resulting from
                  the gross negligence or wilful default of the indemnified

15.2     Conversion of Currencies. All monies received or held by the Security
         Agent under this Deed at any time on or after enforcement in a currency
         other than a currency in which the Secured Indebtedness (or any part of
         it) is denominated or in an amount exceeding the amount in the relevant
         currency in which any Secured Indebtedness is denominated may from time
         to time be sold for one or more of the currencies in which the Secured
         Indebtedness is denominated as the Security Agent considers necessary
         or desirable and the Chargor shall indemnify the Security Agent against
         all costs, charges and expenses incurred in relation to such sale. The
         Security Agent shall not have any liability to the Chargor in respect
         of any loss resulting from any fluctuation in exchange rates after any
         such sale.

15.3     Currency Indemnity. If any amount is received by the Security Agent or
         any other Finance Party in a currency other than that in which the
         relevant obligation or liability of the Chargor was payable (the
         "Required Currency") pursuant to any law, regulation or order or in the
         winding up, insolvency or bankruptcy of the Chargor or otherwise, such
         obligation or liability shall be discharged only to the extent that the
         Security Agent or that Finance Party may purchase the Required Currency
         with such other currency in accordance with normal banking procedures
         of the Security Agent or, as the case may be, that Finance Party upon
         receipt of such amount. If the amount in the Required Currency which
         may be so purchased, after deducting any costs of exchange and any
         other related costs, is less than the amount of the relevant obligation
         or liability, the Chargor shall indemnify the Security Agent or such
         other Finance Party against the shortfall. This indemnity shall be an
         obligation of the Chargor independent of and in addition to its other
         obligations under this Deed, notwithstanding any time or other
         concession may have been granted to the Chargor or any other act,
         matter or thing.

15.4     Payment and Security. The Security Agent may retain and pay out of any
         money in the Security Agent's hands all sums necessary to effect the
         payments, obligations and indemnities contained in Clause 14 (Costs,
         Charges and Expenses) and Clause 15 (Indemnities and Currencies) and
         all sums payable by the Chargor under Clause 14 and Clause 15 shall
         form part of the monies hereby secured.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5


         Any statement of account purporting to show an amount due from the
         Chargor for the purposes of this Deed and signed as correct by an
         authorised officer of the Security Agent or the Agent shall, in the
         absence of manifest error, be conclusive evidence of the amount so due.


17.1     Further Assurance. The Chargor shall at any time and from time to time
         (whether before or after the security hereby created shall have become

         (a)      Execute Documents: execute such further legal or other
                  mortgages, charges or assignments in favour of the Security
                  Agent or the Finance Parties; and

         (b)      Other Action: do all such transfers, assurances, acts and
                  things and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
                  give all notices, orders and directions in respect of Charged

         as the Security Agent may require to secure the Secured Indebtedness or
         to facilitate the realisation of the Charged Assets or the exercise of
         any powers conferred on the Security Agent or for the purposes of
         perfecting and completing any assignment of the Security Agent's
         rights, benefits or obligations under this Deed.

17.2     Enforcement of Security Agent's Rights. The Chargor will do or permit
         to be done everything which the Security Agent may from time to time
         require to be done for the purpose of perfecting or enforcing the
         Security Agent's rights under this Deed and will allow the name of the
         Chargor to be used as and when required by the Security Agent for that

17.3     Form of Documents. Any instrument which the Chargor is required to
         execute, or of which the Chargor is required to procure the execution,
         shall be prepared by or on behalf of the Security Agent at the cost of
         the Chargor and shall contain such clauses as the Security Agent shall
         reasonably require, including, but not limited to clauses containing an
         immediate power of sale without notice and excluding section 93, and
         the restrictions contained in section 103, of the Law of Property Act

17.4     Other Provisions. This Clause shall be in addition to and not in
         substitution for the covenants for further assurance deemed to be
         included in this Deed by virtue of the Law of Property (Miscellaneous
         Provisions) Act 1994.


18.1     Power of Attorney. The Chargor by way of security hereby irrevocably
         appoints the Security Agent and each authorised officer of the Security
         Agent to whom the Security Agent shall from time to time have delegated
         the exercise of the power of attorney conferred by this Clause, jointly
         and also severally, to be the attorney or attorneys of the Chargor to
         do (either in the name of the Chargor or the attorney) all acts and
         things which:

         (a)      Chargor's Obligations: the Chargor is obliged to do under this
                  Deed; or


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

         (b)      Other Acts and Things: in the opinion of the Security Agent,
                  are necessary or desirable in connection with the Charged
                  Assets or the protection or perfection of the Security Agent's
                  interest in the Charged Assets or the exercise of the rights,
                  powers and remedies of the Security Agent or the realisation,
                  getting in or disposition of any Charged Assets,

         and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, to execute all
         deeds and documents of whatever nature, but without rendering the
         Security Agent liable as a mortgagee in possession, and with full power
         for all or any of such purposes from time to time to appoint a
         substitute or sub-attorney and to revoke any such appointment.

18.2     Ratification. The Chargor hereby ratifies and confirms, and agrees to
         ratify and confirm, whatever any such attorney as is mentioned in
         Clause 15.1 (Power of Attorney) shall do or purport to do, and all
         transactions entered into and documents executed, in the exercise or
         purported exercise of all or any of the powers, authorities and
         discretions referred to in such Clause.

18.3     Powers of Attorney Act. The power of attorney granted by Clause 18
         (Power of Attorney) is, as regards the Security Agent and its delegates
         (as the Chargor hereby acknowledges), granted irrevocably and for value
         as part of the security constituted by this Deed to secure proprietary
         interests of, and the performance of obligations owed to, the
         respective donees within the meaning of the Powers of Attorney Act

18.4     Completion of Blanks. The Security Agent is irrevocably authorised to
         fill in any blanks and otherwise complete and to deliver any
         instruments executed by the Chargor and deposited with the Security
         Agent in connection with this Deed.


19.1     Priority of Further Advances. All monies which are expressed to be
         secured by this Deed and which are advanced, paid or otherwise provided
         after the Security Agent or any other Finance Party receives notice of
         the creation of any other Encumbrance shall be secured by this Deed in
         priority to any monies secured by that other Encumbrance, unless the
         Security Agent specifically agrees in writing.

19.2     Opening of New Account. If the Security Agent or any other Finance
         Party receives or is deemed to be affected by actual or constructive
         notice, of any subsequent Encumbrance or other instrument affecting any
         part of the Charged Assets and/or the proceeds of realisation thereof,
         the Security Agent and the other Finance Parties may open a new account
         for the Chargor. If the Security Agent or any other Finance Party does
         not open a new account it shall nevertheless be treated as if it had
         done so at the time when the Security Agent or, if earlier, such other
         Finance Party received or was deemed to have received notice, and as
         from that time all payments made to the Security Agent or such other
         Finance Party shall be credited or be treated as having been credited
         to the new account and shall not operate to reduce the amount for which
         this Deed is security.

19.3     Rights Regarding prior Encumbrances. The Security Agent may (but is not
         obliged to) pay any monies, obligations or liabilities secured by any
         Encumbrance having priority to this Deed and (at the expense of the
         Chargor) take a transfer of such Encumbrance for the benefit of the
         Finance Parties. All principal monies, interest, costs, charges and
         expenses of and incidental to such redemption and transfer shall be
         paid by the Chargor to the Security Agent on demand.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5


20.1     Declaration of Trust. The Security Agent hereby declares that it shall
         hold the Trust Property upon trust for the Finance Parties from time to
         time in accordance with the Financing Documents. The trusts of the
         Trust Property shall remain in full force and effect until the earlier

         (a)   Specified Date: such date as the Security Agent shall specify on

               (i)   all the obligations which are secured by the Security
                     Documents have been fully and finally discharged; and

               (ii)  no Finance Party is under any commitment, obligation or
                     liability (whether actual or contingent) to make advances
                     or provide any other financial accommodation to either
                     Obligor under any Financing Document; and

         (b)   Perpetuities: the last day of the period of 80 years from the
               date of this Deed which period (and no other) shall be the
               applicable perpetuity period,

         after which the trusts set out in this Deed shall be wound up and the
         Security Agent shall release, without recourse or warranty, all of the
         security created by the Security Documents.

20.2     Powers and Discretions. To the extent not inconsistent with this Deed,
         the Security Agent shall have all the powers and discretions conferred
         upon trustees by the Trustee Act 1925.

20.3     Investment. Unless provided otherwise in any Security Document, monies
         which are received by the Security Agent and held by it as trustee in
         relation to any of the Security Documents may be invested in the name
         of or under the control of the Security Agent in any investment
         authorised by English law for the investment of trust money by trustees
         or in any other investments which may be selected by the Security
         Agent, and if not otherwise invested such monies may be placed on
         deposit in the name of or under the control of the Security Agent at
         such bank or institution (including the Security Agent) and upon such
         terms as the Security Agent may think fit.

20.4     Appointment. The Security Agent may appoint any person established or
         resident in any jurisdiction (whether a trust corporation or not) to
         act as a trustee or agent, either separately or jointly with the
         Security Agent, in relation to any of the Security Documents if the
         Security Agent considers that such an appointment is necessary or
         desirable for the purpose of conforming with any legal requirement in
         any relevant jurisdiction or otherwise for the purpose of holding,
         administering, protecting or enforcing any of the Security Documents,
         and any such trustee or agent shall have such powers and discretions
         (not exceeding those conferred on the Security Agent) and such
         obligations as shall be conferred or imposed on it by the Security


21.1     Amendment. Any amendment or waiver of any provision of this Deed and
         any waiver of any default under this Deed shall only be effective if
         made in writing and signed by the Security Agent.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

21.2     Waiver. No failure or delay by the Security Agent or any other Finance
         Party in exercising any right, power or remedy under this Deed shall
         impair such right, power or remedy or operate as a waiver thereof, nor
         shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or remedy
         preclude any further exercise thereof or of any other right, power or
         remedy. The rights, powers and remedies provided in this Deed are
         cumulative and do not exclude any other rights, powers or remedies
         provided by law.

21.3     Severability. If at any time any provision of this Deed is or becomes
         illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the law of any
         jurisdiction, the legality, validity and enforceability of such
         provision under the law of any other jurisdiction, and of the remaining
         provisions of this Deed, shall not be affected or impaired thereby.


22.1     Counterparts. This Deed may be executed in any number of counterparts
         and by the different parties to this Deed on separate counterparts
         which when taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

22.2     Survival of Indemnities. The indemnities contained in this Deed are
         continuing obligations of the Chargor and are separate and independent
         from the other obligations of the Chargor and shall survive the
         termination of this Deed.

22.3     Moratorium Legislation. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the
         provisions of all existing and future laws which operate or may operate
         directly or indirectly to lessen or otherwise vary the Chargor's
         obligations under this Deed or to delay, curtail or otherwise prevent
         or prejudicially affect the exercise by the Security Agent or any other
         Finance Party of any of its rights, powers and remedies under this Deed
         are expressly negatived and excluded.

22.4     Judgments. Notwithstanding any judgment which the Security Agent or any
         other Finance Party may recover against the Chargor in respect of any
         Secured Indebtedness, the Security Agent or such other Finance Party
         shall hold the judgment collaterally with this Deed as security for the
         due payment and satisfaction of Secured Indebtedness and this Deed
         shall not merge in any judgment.

22.5     Notice and Enforcement. The Security Agent need not give any notice of
         this Deed to any person, enforce payment of any Secured Indebtedness,
         enforce or realise any other Security Document or take any steps or
         proceedings for any purpose unless the Security Agent thinks fit.

22.6     Consent by Security Agent. Any consent required of the Security Agent
         under this Deed may (unless this Deed specifically provides otherwise)
         be given or withheld by the Security Agent in its absolute discretion
         and either conditionally or unconditionally.


23.1     Successors and Assigns. This Deed shall be binding upon and inure to
         the benefit of the parties to this Deed and their respective successors
         and permitted assigns.

23.2     Assignment by Chargor. The Chargor shall not assign or otherwise
         transfer the benefit of this Deed or any of its rights, duties or
         obligations under this Deed without the prior written consent of the
         Security Agent.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

23.3     Assignment by Finance Parties. The Finance Parties may assign or grant
         participations in all or any part of their rights under this Deed in
         accordance with the provisions of Clause 20.2 of the Credit Agreement.

23.4     Change of Security Agent. The Security Agent may assign and transfer
         all of its rights to the Charged Assets and all of its rights and
         obligations under this Deed to a replacement Security Agent appointed
         in accordance with this Deed and, when such assignment and transfer
         takes effect, the replacement Security Agent shall be for all purposes
         acting as agent and trustee in accordance with the trusts in this Deed.

24.      NOTICES

24.1     Delivery. Each notice, demand or other communication to be given or
         made under this Deed shall be in writing and delivered or sent to the
         relevant party at its address or telex number or fax number set out
         below (or such other address or telex number or fax number as the
         addressee has by not less than 7 days' prior written notice specified
         to the other party):

         To the Chargor:              Hawker Pacific Aerospace
                                      11240 Sherman Way
                                      Sun Valley, CA 91352 - 4942

                                      Telephone Number    : (1)-818 765 6201
                                      Fax Number          : (1)-818 765 8587

                                      Attention           : Phil Panzera

         To the Security Agent:       Landesbank Hessen - Thuringen Girozentrale
                                      Main Tower
                                      Neue Mainzer Str. 52 - 58
                                      60311 Frankfurt am Main

                                      Telephone Number    : (49)-0-69-91324202
                                      Fax Number          : (49)-0-69-91324350

                                      Attention           : Martin Rohmann

24.2     Deemed Delivery. Any notice, demand or other communication addressed
         to any relevant party in accordance with Clause 24.1 (Delivery) shall
         be deemed to have been delivered:

         (a)   Letter:  if given or made by letter, when actually delivered to
               the relevant address;

         (b)   Telex: if given or made by telex, when despatched with confirmed
               answerback; and

         (c)   Fax: if given or made by fax, when despatched with a fax
               transmission report showing that the entire communication was


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

         provided that a communication which is received after 5:00 p.m. on a
         working day, or on a day which is not a full working day, in the place
         of receipt shall be deemed to be delivered on the next full working day
         in that place.

24.3     Language. Each notice or other communication under this Deed shall be
         in English. Any other documents required to be delivered under this
         Deed shall be either in English or be accompanied by a certified
         translation into English.


25.1     Law. This Deed and the rights and obligations of the parties hereunder
         shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of

25.2     Jurisdiction. The Chargor irrevocably agrees for the benefit of the
         Security Agent and the other Finance Parties that any legal action
         arising out of or relating to this Deed may be brought in the courts of
         England and irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of such

25.3     No Limitation on Right of Action. Nothing in this Deed shall limit the
         right of the Security Agent or any other Finance Party to commence any
         legal action against the Chargor and/or its assets in any other
         jurisdiction or to serve process in any manner permitted by law, and
         the taking of proceedings in any jurisdiction shall not preclude the
         Security Agent or any other Finance Party from taking proceedings in
         any other jurisdiction whether concurrently or not.

25.4     Waiver; Final Judgment Conclusive. The Chargor irrevocably and
         unconditionally waives any objection which it may now or hereafter have
         to the choice of England as the venue of any legal action arising out
         of or relating to this Deed and agrees not to claim that any court in
         that venue is not a convenient or proper forum. The Chargor also agrees
         that a final judgment against it in any such legal action shall be
         final and conclusive and may be enforced in any other jurisdiction, and
         that a certified or otherwise duly authenticated copy of the judgment
         shall be conclusive evidence of the fact and amount of its

25.5     Waiver of Immunity. The Chargor irrevocably and unconditionally waives
         any immunity to which it or its assets may at any time be or become
         entitled, whether characterised as sovereign immunity or otherwise,
         from any set-off or legal action in England or elsewhere, including
         immunity from service of process, immunity from jurisdiction of any
         court or tribunal, and immunity of any of its assets from attachment
         prior to judgment or from execution of a judgment.

25.6     Process Agent. Without prejudice to any other mode of service allowed
         under any relevant law, the Chargor:

         (a)   irrevocably appoints Messrs Paris Smith and Randall of Number One
               London Road, Southampton SO15 2AE, England (Ref. AEH) as its
               agent for service of process in relation to any proceedings
               before the English courts in connection with any Financing
               Document; and

         (b)   agrees that failure by such process agent to notify the Chargor
               of the process will not invalidate the proceedings concerned.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

THIS DEED has been executed as a Deed by the parties hereto and is intended to
be and is hereby delivered on the date stated at the beginning of this Deed.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5



- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              No of              Share
                                                              -----              -----
Company                                  Class of Shares      Shares             Certificate Nos
- -------                                  ---------------      ------             ---------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hawker Pacific Aerospace Ltd             Ordinary             5,637,049          Number 1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 5

- -----------

SIGNED AND DELIVERED as a Deed           )
for and on behalf of                     )
by                                       )        /s/ David L. Lokken
                                         )             Authorised signatory
David L. Lokken - CEO                    )
- --------------------------               )
Name / Title                             )
Philip M. Panzera - EVP                  )
- --------------------------               )             /s/ Philip M. Panzera
Name / Title                             )             _________________________
                                         )             Authorised signatory


SIGNED AND DELIVERED as a Deed           )
for and on behalf of                     )
GIROZENTRALE                             )             /s/ Frank Dohl
by                                       )             -------------------------
                                         )             Authorised signatory
Frank Dohl - V.P.                        )
- --------------------------               )
Name / Title                             )
Martin Rohmann                           )
- --------------------------               )             /s/ Martin Rohmann
Name / Title                             )             -------------------------
                                         )             Authorised signatory


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000

- ---------

for and behalf of                 )
GIROZENTRALE                      )               /s/ Frank Dohl
by                                )               ---------------------------
                                  )               Authorised signatory
Frank Dohl                        )
- --------------------------        )
Name / Title                      )
Martin Rohman                     )
- --------------------------        )               /s/ Martin Rohmann
Name / Title                      )               ___________________________
                                  )               Authorised signatory


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6
- ----------


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

                                                                  EXECUTION COPY

                             DATED 30 OCTOBER 2000

                         HAWKER PACIFIC AEROSPACE LTD.

                                 as the Company


                               as Security Agent
            on its own behalf and as trustee for the Finance Parties


                    incorporating Fixed and Floating Charges


                             100 New Bridge Street
                                   EC4V 6JA
                              Tel: (020) 79191000
                              Fax: (020) 79191999
                                 Ref: BES/CXI

Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6


Number                        Clause Heading                  Page
- ------                        --------------                  ----
1.    INTERPRETATION..........................................   1
2.    COVENANT TO PAY.........................................   5
3.    CHARGE..................................................   6
4.    CONTINUING SECURITY.....................................   8
5.    ACCOUNTS WITH SECURITY AGENT............................   8
6.    SECURITIES..............................................   9
7.    REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES..........................  10
8.    UNDERTAKINGS............................................  10
9.    ENFORCEMENT OF SECURITY.................................  18
10.   SET-OFF.................................................  23
11.   RECEIPT AND APPLICATION OF MONIES.......................  23
12.   PAYMENTS................................................  24
13.   COSTS, CHARGES AND EXPENSES.............................  25
14.   INDEMNITIES AND CURRENCIES..............................  26
15.   EVIDENCE OF DEBT........................................  27
16.   FURTHER ASSURANCE.......................................  27
17.   POWER OF ATTORNEY.......................................  27
18.   OTHER ENCUMBRANCES......................................  28
19.   PROTECTIVE CLAUSES......................................  28
20.   SECURITY TRUST..........................................  30
21.   AMENDMENT, WAIVER AND SEVERABILITY......................  31
22.   MISCELLANEOUS...........................................  31
23.   ASSIGNMENT..............................................  32
24.   NOTICES.................................................  32
25.   GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION..........................  33

- ---------

Schedule 1 Real Property......................................  36
Schedule 2 Equipment..........................................  36
Schedule 3 Securities.........................................  36
Schedule 4 Intellectual Property..............................  36

THIS DEED is made on the 30th day of October 2000


(1)  HAWKER PACIFIC AEROSPACE LTD., a company incorporated in England with its
     registered office at Unit 3, Dawley Park, Kestrel Way, Hayes, Middlesex UB3
     1HP (the "Company"); and

     52 - 58, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, Germany on its own behalf and as trustee
     for the Finance Parties from time to time (in such capacity, the "Security


(A)  By a Facility Agreement dated on or about the date of this Deed (the
     "Facility Agreement") made between (1) the Company, as Borrower, (2) Hawker
     Pacific Aerospace as Additional Obligor, (3) Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen
     Girozentrale, as agent, arranger, security agent and lender and (4)
     Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau as co-arranger and lender, the Banks (as
     defined in the Facility Agreement), have agreed to make available to the
     Company loan facilities on the terms set out in the Facility Agreement.

(B)  By a Credit Agreement dated on or about the date of this Deed (the "Credit
     Agreement" and together with the Facility Agreement, the "Credit
     Documents") made between (1) Hawker Pacific Aerospace, as Borrower, (2)
     Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen Girozentrale, as mandated arranger, agent,
     security agent and lender and (3) Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau as co-
     arranger and lender, the Banks (as defined in the Credit Agreement) have
     agreed to make available to the Hawker Pacific Aerospace loan facilities on
     the terms set out in the Credit Agreement.

(C)  The Security Agent is acting as trustee for the Finance Parties pursuant to
     this Deed.

(D)  It is a condition precedent to the Banks (as defined herein) making the
     above facilities available to the Obligors (as defined herein) that the
     Company enters into this Deed.

IT IS AGREED as follows:


1.1  Definitions and Construction.  In this Deed, terms and expressions defined
     in or construed for the purposes of the Facility Agreement and not defined
     below shall have the same meanings or be construed in the same manner when
     used in this Deed, and the following terms shall have the following

     "Additional Obligor" means Hawker Pacific Aerospace;

     "Chattels" means:

     (a)  the equipment and/or goods specified in Schedule 2 (Equipment); and

     (b)  all other chattels, plant, machinery, goods and other equipment now or
          at any time in the future owned by the Company and its interest in any
          chattels, plant, machinery, goods and other equipment in its
          possession, together with all its

Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

          rights in respect thereof and the benefit of all warranties and
          maintenance contracts, and including any chattels, plant, machinery,
          goods or other equipment which is hired, leased or rented by the
          Company to any other person together in such cases with the benefit of
          the related hiring, leasing or rental contract and any guarantee,
          indemnity or other security for the performance of the obligations of
          any person under or in respect of such contract,

     but excluding:

     (i)   chattels, plant, machinery, goods and other equipment for the time
           being forming part of the Company's stock-in-trade or work-in-
           progress or within the definition of Real Property; and

     (ii)  Rotable Assets;

     "Credit Documents" has the meaning given in Recital (B);

     "Debtor" means any person who is liable (whether as principal debtor or as
     surety and whether actually or contingently) to pay or discharge a Debt;

     "Debts" means all book and other debts and monetary claims including bank
     deposits and credit balances (whatever called) with any bank or financial
     institution (including, without limitation, any Finance Party), whether
     arising under contract or in any other manner and whether originally owing
     to the Company or purchased or otherwise acquired by it, and all choses in
     action now or at any time in the future due or owing to the Company
     together with the full benefit of all rights and remedies relating thereto
     (including, without limitation, any negotiable or non-negotiable
     instruments, guarantees, indemnities, debentures, liens, legal and
     equitable charges, reservations of title, rights of tracing and all other
     rights or remedies of any kind in respect of any of the foregoing);

     "Encumbrance" means:

     (a)   any mortgage, charge, pledge, hypothecation, lien, encumbrance or
           other security interest or any other arrangement having the effect if
           conferring security, including a conditional sale, hire purchase or
           lease agreement or other title retention arrangement; and

     (b)   any arrangement whereby rights are subordinated to the rights of a
           third party;

     "Environment"  means all or any of the following media, namely the air,
     water and land; and the medium of air includes the air within buildings and
     the air within other natural or man-made structures above or below ground;

     "Environmental Law"  means all and any laws, common law, statutes,
     directives, regulations, notices, standards having force of law, codes of
     practice, guidance notes, bye-laws, judgments, decrees or orders, whether
     of the European Community, the United Kingdom or any other relevant
     jurisdiction, relating to pollution, contamination or protection of the
     Environment or the storage, labelling, handling, release, treatment,
     manufacture, processing, deposit, transportation or disposal of Hazardous

     "Environmental Licence" means any permit, licence, authorisation, consent
     or other approval required by or under any Environmental Law;


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     "Event of Default" means any event or occurrence which entitles the Banks
     to terminate the Facilities, including without limitation any of the events
     or circumstances specified in Clause 18.2 of the Facility Agreement;

     "Facilities" means the facilities made available to the Obligors under the
     Credit Documents;

     "Finance Party" means each person which is from time to time a Bank,
     Mandated Arranger, Agent, Security Agent or Co - Arranger under either of
     the Credit Documents;

     "Financing Documents" means each document which is a "Financing Document"
     for the purposes of either Credit Document;

     "Hazardous Substance"  means any substance of whatever description which
     may cause or have a harmful effect on the Environment or the health of man
     or any other living organism (whether alone or in combination with any
     other substance) including (without limitation) all poisonous, toxic,
     noxious, dangerous and offensive substances;

     "Insurances" means all contracts and policies of insurance of any kind
     which are from time to time taken out by or on behalf of the Company or (to
     the extent of such interest) in which the Company has an interest;

     "Intellectual Property" means:

     (a)  the intellectual property rights specified in Schedule 4 (Intellectual
          Property); and

     (b)  all other rights in any intellectual property or similar rights now or
          at any time in the future belonging to the Company including (without
          limitation) patents, trade marks, service marks, designs, utility
          models, copyrights, design rights, topographical rights, computer
          programs, applications for registration of and the right to apply for,
          any of the foregoing in any part of the world, improvements,
          prolongations and extensions of any of the foregoing, moral rights,
          inventions, confidential information, trade secrets, know-how and
          rights of a similar nature arising or subsisting anywhere in the
          world, whether registered or unregistered,

     and the benefit of all licences of any of the foregoing granted to or by
     the Company together with all fees, royalties or other rights derived from
     any of the foregoing;

     "Obligor" means each of the Company and the Additional Obligor;

     "Permitted Encumbrance" means:

     (a)  the Deed of Legal Charge dated on or about the date of this Deed made
          between the Chargor, the Company and the Security Agent; and

     (b)  any Encumbrance executed by the UK Obligor in favour of the US Obligor
          in respect of which a deed of priorities in form and substance
          satisfactory to the Security Agent has been executed;

     "Real Property" means:

     (a)  the land specified in Schedule 1 (Real Property); and


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     (b)  all other freehold, leasehold and other immovable property now or at
          any time in the future belonging to the Company,

     and all buildings, fixtures (including trade and tenant's fixtures), fixed
     plant and machinery from time to time on any such property, all proceeds of
     sale thereof and the benefit of any covenants for title in respect thereof
     and all Encumbrances, options, contractual rights, estates and interests
     over land both present and future;

     "Receiver" means each and any receiver, manager, receiver and manager or
     other similar officer appointed by the Security Agent in respect of the
     security created by or pursuant to this Deed;

     "Related Rights" means:

     (a)  all rights, benefits and advantages of any kind deriving from or
          incidental to any Securities and all dividends and interest paid or
          payable in relation thereto;

     (b)  all shares, securities, rights, monies or other property accruing,
          offered or issued at any time by way of redemption, conversion,
          exchange, substitution, bonus, preference, option or otherwise in
          respect thereof; and

     (c)  the certificates representing any of the foregoing;

     "Rotable Assets" means landing gears, flap tracks, flap carriages and other
     related items (including sub-assemblies) which can be economically restored
     to a condition ready for fitment to an aircraft and, in the normal course
     of operations, can be repeatedly rehabilitated to such condition;

     "Secured Indebtedness" means all monies, obligations and liabilities of any
     kind now or at any time in the future due, owing, incurred or payable
     (whether actually or contingently) by an Obligor to a Finance Party under
     or pursuant to the Credit Documents or any other Financing Document
     (whether on account of principal, interest, fees, indemnity payments,
     losses, damages or otherwise) and all other monies hereby agreed to be

     "Securities" means:

     (a)  the securities specified in Schedule 3 (Securities); and

     (b)  all other stocks, shares, debentures, bonds, notes, warrants and other
          securities of any kind (including loan capital) of any person now or
          at any time in the future beneficially owned by the Company or in
          which the Company has an interest,

     and all rights of any kind which the Company now has or at any time in the
     future acquires as against any clearance or settlement system or any
     custodian in respect of any such securities;  and

     "Security Agent" means the Security Agent acting on its own behalf and as
     trustee for the Finance Parties;


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     "Security Assets" means all of the property, assets and undertaking of the
     Company, present and future, expressed to be assigned or charged to the
     Security Agent by or pursuant to this Deed;

     "Security Documents" means each document which is a "Security Document" for
     the purposes of either Credit Document;

     "Trust Property" means the undertaking of the contained in Clause 2
     (Covenant to Pay Security Agent) and all or any part of the assets, rights,
     interests and benefits which may now or at any time in the future be
     mortgaged, charged, assigned or granted or the subject of an Encumbrance in
     favour of the Security Agent pursuant to any Financing Document  and, for
     the avoidance of doubt, the proceeds of any of the foregoing.

1.2  Successors and Assigns.  The expressions "Company", "Security Agent",
     "Banks" and "Finance Parties" shall, where the context permits, include
     their respective successors and permitted assigns and any persons deriving
     title under them.

1.3  Miscellaneous.  In this Deed, unless the context requires otherwise:

     (a)  Statutes:  references to provisions of any law or regulation shall be
          construed as references to those provisions as amended, modified, re-
          enacted or replaced from time to time;

     (b)  Construction:  words importing the singular include the plural and
          vice versa; words importing a gender include the other gender;

     (c)  Financing Documents:  references to this Deed, the Credit Documents
          or any other Financing Document shall be construed as references to
          this deed or such document as the same may be amended, supplemented,
          restated or novated from time to time;

     (d)  Clauses, Etc:  references to Clauses and Schedules are to clauses of
          and schedules to this Deed and references to this Deed include its
          Schedules; and

     (e)  Headings:  clause headings are inserted for reference only and shall
          be ignored in construing this Deed.

1.4  Deed.  It is intended by the parties that this document shall take effect
     as a deed notwithstanding the fact that a party may only execute this
     document under hand.

1.5  Third Party Rights.  The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall
     not apply to this Deed and no person not party to this Deed shall have or
     acquire any right to enforce any term of it pursuant to that Act. This
     Clause shall not affect any right or remedy of any third party which exists
     or is available otherwise than by reason of that Act and shall prevail over
     any other provision of this Deed which is inconsistent with it.


     Without prejudice to its respective obligations to the Finance Parties
     under the Financing Documents, the Company undertakes to the Security Agent
     to pay to the Security Agent on behalf of the Finance Parties the Secured
     Indebtedness whenever the same is due in accordance with, and in the manner
     required by, the Financing Documents and duly and


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     punctually to observe and perform all its obligations contained in each
     Financing Document to which it is a party.


3.1  Grant of Charge.  The Company with full title guarantee and without the
     benefit of section 6(2) of the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions)
     Act 1994 charges and agrees to charge to the Security Agent:

     (a)  Fixed Charge: the Security Assets specified in Clause 3.2 (Fixed
          Charge) by way of first fixed charge; and

     (b)  Floating Charge: the Security Assets specified in Clause 3.3 (Floating
          Charge) by way of first floating charge,

     as continuing security for the due and punctual payment and discharge of
     the Secured Indebtedness and the due and punctual observance and
     performance by the Obligors of all other obligations of the Obligors
     contained in the Financing Documents.

3.2  Fixed Charge.  The property charged by way of first fixed charge is the

     (a)  Real Property: the Real Property (which, in so far as it consists of
          land vested in the Company at the date of this Deed, shall be charged
          by way of legal mortgage);

     (b)  Chattels: the Chattels;

     (c)  Debts: the Debts;

     (d)  Securities: the Securities and Related Rights;

     (e)  Intellectual Property: the Intellectual Property (which, to the
          extent that it consists of copyrights and patents, shall be assigned
          by way of mortgage);

     (f)  Insurances: all monies from time to time payable to the Company
          under or pursuant to the Insurances and all benefits in respect
          thereof, including all claims and returns of premiums, and any monies
          for the time being standing to the credit of the account referred to
          in Clause 8.4(j) (Application of Monies);

     (g)  Licences: the benefit of all present and future licences, consents and
          authorisations (statutory or otherwise) held in connection with the
          Company's business or the use of any of its assets, and the right to
          all compensation which may at any time become payable to it in respect

     (h)  Agreements: (to the extent that they do not fall within any other
          paragraph of this Clause 3.2) all of the Company's rights and benefits
          under any distributorship, agency, partnership, joint venture or
          similar agreements, any letters of credit issued in its favour and all
          bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments held by it;

     (i)  Pension Fund: any beneficial interest, claim or entitlement of the
          Company in any pension or similar fund;


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     (j)  Records: all books of account, registers, records, vouchers, computer
          software, computer printouts and other documents relating in any way
          to the business of the Company; and

     (k)  Goodwill: the goodwill of the Company and its uncalled and called but
          unpaid capital and premiums now or at any time hereafter in existence
          and future calls (whether made by the directors of the Company or by a
          receiver, administrator or liquidator).

3.3  Floating Charge.  The property charged by way of first floating charge is
     the whole of the Company's undertaking and all its present and future
     property and assets (wherever situated), other than any property or assets
     from time to time or for the time being effectively charged by way of first
     fixed charge to the Security Agent by Clauses 3.1 (Grant of Charge) and 3.2
     (Fixed Charge) but including (whether or not so effectively charged) any of
     the Company's property and assets situated in Scotland.

3.4  Crystallisation by Notice.  The Security Agent may at any time immediately
     upon or at any time after the occurrence of an Event of Default by notice
     in writing to the Company and notwithstanding any delay or waiver of any
     previous default, convert any charge created under this Deed which then
     operates as a floating charge to a fixed charge in respect of any of the
     Security Assets specified in the notice.

3.5  Automatic Crystallisation.  The floating charge hereby created shall,
     without the need for any act by the Security Agent, automatically and
     immediately crystallise and the charge shall operate as a fixed charge:

     (a)  All Assets: in respect of all Security Assets which are not for the
          time being effectively charged to the Security Agent by way of fixed
          charge if:

          (i)    an application is made, a petition is presented or any
                 proceeding is commenced for an order, or a meeting is convened
                 to consider a resolution or a resolution is passed, or an order
                 is made, for the winding up, insolvency, administration,
                 reorganisation, reconstruction, dissolution or bankruptcy of
                 any Obligor;

          (ii)   a liquidator, administrator, administrative receiver, receiver,
                 receiver and manager, trustee or similar officer is appointed
                 in respect of any Obligor or of all or any part of the
                 business, assets or revenues of any Obligor;

          (iii)  any person levies or attempts, purports or proposes to levy
                 execution, distress or any other similar process upon or
                 against all or any part of the business, assets or revenues of
                 any Obligor in respect of a debt exceeding GBP 35,000;

          (iv)   any Obligor stops or suspends payments to its creditors
                 generally or is unable, is deemed by law to be unable, or
                 admits its inability, to pay its debts as they fall due or
                 ceases to carry on its business;

          (v)    any Obligor enters into or seeks to enter into any scheme of
                 arrangement, composition, assignment for the benefit of, or
                 other arrangement with, its creditors or any class of
                 creditors; or


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Schedule 6

          (vi)   any Obligor reduces or takes any steps to reduce its capital or
                 in any way limits or restricts calls in respect of its issued
                 but uncalled capital; or

     (b)  Specific Assets: in respect of any asset forming part of the Security
          Assets which is not for the time being effectively charged to the
          Security Agent by way of fixed charge if:

          (i)   the Company deals, or attempts, purports or proposes to deal,
                with that asset otherwise than in accordance with this Deed;

          (ii)  any person levies or attempts, purports or proposes to levy,
                execution, distress or any other similar process in respect of
                that asset;

          (iii) any Encumbrance over that asset becomes capable of being
                enforced or any person enforces, or attempts, purports or
                proposes to enforce, any Encumbrance over that asset.

3.6  De-crystallisation.  If the floating charge over any Security Assets
     becomes fixed in accordance with Clause 3.4 (Crystallisation by Notice) or
     3.5 (Automatic Crystallisation) it shall again become a floating charge
     over those Security Assets if the Security Agent gives the Company a notice
     in writing to that effect.

3.7  Discharge. When the Security Agent is satisfied that the trusts constituted
     by this Deed have come to an end, the Security Agent shall, at the request
     and cost of the Company, and in such form as the Security Agent shall
     approve, discharge the security created by this Deed, without recourse or


4.1  Continuing Security.  This Deed shall be a continuing security and shall
     remain in full force and effect until the Secured Indebtedness has been
     paid in full and none of the Finance Parties has any obligation or
     liability (actual or contingent) under either Credit Document or any other
     Financing Document, notwithstanding the insolvency or liquidation or any
     incapacity or change in the constitution or status of the Company or any
     other person or any intermediate settlement of account or other matter

4.2  Independent Security.  This Deed is in addition to, and independent of, any
     Encumbrance, guarantee or other security or right or remedy now or at any
     time in the future held by or available to the Security Agent or any other
     Finance Party.


     Notwithstanding any terms on which monies may have been deposited in any
     account with the Security Agent, the Company agrees with the Security Agent

     (a)  No Debt:  following the occurrence of an Event of Default, no deposit
          made by the Company with the Security Agent and no other amount owing
          by the Security Agent to the Company (each referred to collectively in
          this Clause as a "deposit") shall constitute a debt owed by the
          Security Agent to the Company (and the Security Agent shall not
          (except as provided in this Clause), be under any obligation or
          liability to repay the same or any part of it to the Company and the


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

          Company shall not (unless the Security Agent otherwise agrees in
          writing) be entitled to make any withdrawals of any deposit or receive
          any deposit);

     (b)  No Alienation: no deposit made by the Company with the Security Agent
          and no other amount owing by the Security Agent to the Company (each
          referred to collectively in this Clause as a "deposit") shall be
          capable of being assigned, transferred, charged or the subject of a
          declaration of trust;

     in each case until:

     (i)  Full Payment:  the trusts constituted by this Deed have come to an
          end; or

     (ii) Release:  the Security Agent has released the security constituted by
          this Deed.


     (a)  Before Default: The Company may, until an Event of Default occurs or
          the relevant Securities become registered in the name of the Security
          Agent or its nominee (whichever is earlier):

          (i)  exercise or cause to be exercised in such manner as the Company
               may direct any voting or other rights attached to any of the
               Securities, provided that such voting rights shall not be
               exercised in any manner which is, in the opinion of the Security
               Agent, prejudicial to the security intended to be conferred on
               the Security Agent and the other Finance Parties by this Deed or
               is in breach of the provisions of this Deed or any other
               Financing Document to which it is a party or so as to permit any
               variation of the rights attaching to or conferred by any
               Securities; and

          (ii) retain and apply for its own use all dividends, interest and
               other monies paid in respect of any Securities; and

     (b)  After Default: Immediately after an Event of Default occurs or the
          relevant Securities become registered in the name of the Security
          Agent or its nominee or the Company receives written notice from the
          Security Agent to that effect (whichever is earliest), all the rights
          and entitlements of the Company under Clause 6 (a) (Before Default)
          shall cease and:

          (i)    only the Security Agent (or its nominee) shall be entitled to
                 exercise the voting and other rights attached to the

          (ii)   any payments which the Company would have been entitled to
                 receive and retain shall instead be paid to and retained by the
                 Security Agent (to be applied in accordance with the terms of
                 this Deed), and any such payments which may be received by the
                 Company shall be promptly paid over to the Security Agent and,
                 pending such payment, shall be held in trust for the Security
                 Agent; and

          (iii)  the Security Agent and its nominees may in the name of the
                 Company or otherwise and without any consent or authority on
                 the part of the Company exercise or cause to be exercised in
                 respect of the Securities or any part thereof in addition to
                 the rights and powers referred to above all those


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

                 powers given to trustees by section 10(3) and 10(4) of the
                 Trustee Act 1925 in respect of securities or property subject
                 to a trust.


7.1  Memorandum and Articles.  The Company hereby certifies that neither the
     execution of this Deed nor the creation of the security hereby constituted
     contravenes any of the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of
     Association of the Company.

7.2  Representations and Warranties. The Company represents and warrants to the
     Security Agent and each of the other Finance Parties that:

     (a)  the Security Assets are or when acquired will be beneficially owned by
          the Company free from any Encumbrance except as created under or
          pursuant to this Deed or any Permitted Encumbrance and no person other
          than the Company has the use, occupation or possession of the Security
          Assets or any part thereof;

     (b)  the respective particulars of the Security Assets set out in the
          Schedules are accurate and the Company has good and marketable title

7.3  Continuing Representation and Warranty.  The Company also represents and
     warrants to and undertakes with the Security Agent and each of the other
     Finance Parties that the foregoing representations and warranties will be
     true and accurate throughout the continuance of this Deed with reference to
     the facts and circumstances subsisting from time to time.


8.1  Undertakings Relating to Security Assets Generally.  The Company undertakes
     to the Security Agent that, throughout the continuation of the Facility and
     so long as any Secured Indebtedness is or may become payable, the Company
     will, unless the Security Agent otherwise agrees in writing:

          General Negative Pledge

     (a)  Encumbrances: not (except under or pursuant to this Deed or the
          Facility Agreement):

          (i)   create or attempt or agree to create or permit to arise or exist
                any Encumbrance, other than a Permitted Encumbrance, on or
                affecting the Security Assets or any part of them (except a lien
                arising solely by operation of law in the ordinary course of
                business which does not secure indebtedness for borrowed money
                and is discharged when due); or

          (ii)  (without limiting the generality of the foregoing) deal in any
                manner with, create any security or Encumbrance over or allow
                any other third party rights to arise over or against any bank
                account of the Company or in which the Company has an interest
                (whether with the Security Agent or any other person) or any
                part thereof (whether by way of assignment, trust or otherwise);

     (b)  Disposals: not sell, assign, transfer, lease, deal with or dispose of
          the Security Assets or any part thereof or attempt or agree to do so
          except in the case of:


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

          (i)    stock-in-trade or Rotable Assets (which may, subject to the
                 other provisions of this Deed, be sold in the usual course of
                 trading as now conducted by the Company and for the purpose of
                 carrying on the Company's business); and

          (ii)   other assets for the time being subject to the floating charge
                 created by Clauses 3.1 (Grant of Charge) and 3.3 (Floating
                 Charge) (which may, subject to the other provisions of this
                 Deed, be disposed of in the ordinary course of business); or


     (c)  Deposit of Documents:  deposit with the Security Agent or to its
          order all deeds, certificates and documents (including original
          policies of insurance) which constitute or evidence title to any
          Security Assets (such deposit to be made immediately upon the
          execution of this Deed or, if later, when the Company obtains
          possession of such deeds, certificates or documents);

     (d)  Notices:  if and when required by the Security Agent, and at the
          Company's cost, affix to such items of the Security Assets or endorse
          or cause to be endorsed upon such of the documents referred to in
          paragraph (c) (Deposit of Documents) above labels, markings or
          memoranda in such form as the Security Agent may require drawing
          attention to the security constituted by or pursuant to this Deed;

     (e)  Overseas Property:  in respect of any part of the Security Assets
          situated outside England and Wales or subject to the laws of any
          jurisdiction other than England and Wales, execute, or procure that
          there are executed, such documents and take or procure such steps as
          are in the opinion of the Security Agent necessary, desirable or
          appropriate to create security over such Security Assets in or under
          the laws of such jurisdiction equivalent or analogous in effect to the
          security constituted by or pursuant to this Deed (for which purpose
          the Security Agent shall be entitled to appoint such advisers (legal
          and otherwise) as it considers appropriate to prepare any necessary
          documentation and advise on any necessary procedures to constitute
          such security in any such jurisdiction and the Company shall be
          responsible for the costs thereof).

          Protection of Security

     (f)  Protection of Security Assets:  upon demand by the Security Agent
          defend all such legal proceedings, and take all such other steps, as
          the take or Security Agent may require for the protection of any
          Security Assets;

     (g)  Not Prejudice:  not do, omit to do, cause or permit to occur, any act,
          omission or thing which would or might result in any Security Assets
          being surrendered, forfeited, cancelled or prejudiced in any way or
          reduced in value, or this Deed or any rights, powers or remedies of
          the Security Agent under this Deed being prejudiced or adversely

          Ongoing Obligations

     (h)  Maintenance and Repair: maintain and repair and keep all buildings,
          other structures, trade and other fixtures, fixed and other plant and
          machinery and all


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

          chattels and other equipment forming part of the Security Assets in
          good and substantial repair and in good working order and condition;

     (i)  Access:  provide to the Security Agent, and procure that all other
          persons having possession or control of any Security Assets or any
          land or buildings on which any Security Assets are for the time being
          located provide to the Security Agent, full and unfettered access to
          the Security Assets for the purpose of inspecting any Security Assets
          or exercising any rights, powers or remedies of the Security Agent;

     (j)  Notification of Inventory:  upon demand by the Security Agent provide
          to the Security Agent a full and complete inventory of the Security
          Assets including the value and location of each item of the Security

     (k)  Notification of Events:  immediately inform the Security Agent of:

          (i)   any litigation, arbitration or administrative proceeding taking
                place, pending or threatened in relation to any of the Security

          (ii)  any damage, loss, theft, arrest, confiscation, seizure or any
                other event which affects or might affect the rights of the
                Security Agent or any other Finance Party under this Deed or
                involves any loss or reduction in value of any Security Assets;

     (l)  Registration of Share Transfers:  not register any transfer of any
          partly paid shares in the capital of the Company without the prior
          written consent of the Security Agent;

     (m)  Subsidiaries: not form or acquire any subsidiary (as defined in
          section 736 of the Companies Act 1985) or transfer, sell, lease or
          otherwise dispose of any Security Assets to any connected person (as
          defined in section 249 of the Insolvency Act 1986);

     (n)  Notification of Receipt of Notices: within 14 days after the receipt
          by the Company of any application, requirement, order or notice served
          or given by any public, local or any other authority with respect to
          all or any part of the Security Assets, give written notice thereof to
          the Security Agent and also (within 7 days after demand) produce the
          same or a copy thereof to the Security Agent and inform it of the
          steps taken or proposed to be taken to comply with any such
          requirement thereby made or implicit therein; and

     (o)  Statutes: duly and punctually perform and observe all its obligations
          in connection with the Security Assets under any present or future
          statute or any regulation, order or notice made or given thereunder.

8.2  Undertakings Relating to Real Property. The Company undertakes to the
     Security Agent that, throughout the continuation of the Facility and so
     long as any Secured Indebtedness is or may become payable, the Company
     will, unless the Security Agent otherwise agrees in writing:

     (a)  Registered Land: in the case of any Real Property which is registrable
          or becomes registrable after its acquisition under the Land
          Registration Acts 1925 to 1986:


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

          (i)    promptly notify the Security Agent of the title numbers of such
                 property upon its acquisition or as soon as each respective
                 title number is allotted by H.M. Land Registry;

          (ii)   upon the making of any application to H.M. Land Registry for
                 the registration of the Company or such other persons as the
                 Security Agent may permit as the Registered Proprietor thereof,
                 request the Chief Land Registrar to enter upon the Charges
                 Register of such property a note of this Deed in any form which
                 the Security Agent requires; and

          (iii)  in relation to any Real Property which is the subject of an
                 application for registration of title at H.M. Land Registry,
                 use its best endeavours to answer any requisitions from H.M.
                 Land Registry;

     (b)  Notification of Acquisitions: notify the Security Agent in writing
          promptly upon the acquisition by the Company from time to time of any
          freehold, leasehold or other immovable property;

     (c)  Compliance with Obligations: duly and punctually comply with and
          observe all terms and conditions contained in all conveyances,
          transfers, leases, tenancies, licences and Encumbrances and all
          covenants and restrictions affecting any Real Property and not do or
          suffer to be done any act or thing whereby any such lease or licence
          is surrendered or is likely to become liable to forfeiture or
          otherwise be unilaterally determined by the landlord or other party;

     (d)  No Alterations: not pull down, alter, extend or remove any building,
          structure or other improvements forming part of the Real Property;

     (e)  Registered Land: not permit any person to become registered as
          proprietor under the Land Registration Acts of any Real Property;

     (f)  Overriding Interests: not create or permit to arise any overriding
          interest as defined in section 70 of the Land Registration Act 1925;

     (g)  Taxes and Outgoings: pay as and when the same must be paid all taxes,
          rates, duties, charges, assessments and outgoings whatsoever (whether
          parliamentary, parochial, local or of any other description) which
          shall be assessed, charged or imposed upon or payable in respect of
          the Real Property or any part thereof (save to the extent that payment
          of the same is being contested in good faith);

     (h)  User: use the Real Property only for such purpose or purposes as may
          for the time being be authorised as the permitted use or user thereof
          under or by virtue of the Town and Country Planning Acts;

     (i)  Development: not make any application under the Town and Country
          Planning Acts or any other enactment to change the authorised use or
          to carry out any other development of the Real Property;

     (j)  Statutes: comply with the provisions of all statutes for the time
          being in force and every notice, order, direction, licence, consent or
          permission given thereunder and the requirements of any competent
          authority so far as they relate to the Real Property or its use;


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     (k)  Leases: not grant or agree to grant (whether in exercise or
          independently of any statutory power) any lease or tenancy of the Real
          Property or any part thereof or accept or agree to accept surrenders
          thereof or permit any person to become entitled to any proprietary
          right or interest which might affect the value of any Real Property;

     (l)  Investigation of Title: promptly deliver to the Security Agent a copy
          of each report on title or certificate of title prepared on behalf of
          the Company in respect of any Real Property acquired by the Company
          after the date hereof.

8.3  Undertakings Relating to Intellectual Property. The Company undertakes to
     the Security Agent that, throughout the continuation of the Facility and so
     long as any Secured Indebtedness is or may become payable, the Company
     will, unless the Security Agent otherwise agrees in writing:

     (a)  No Grant of Exclusive Rights: not grant any exclusive rights in
          relation to any of its Intellectual Property;

     (b)  Maintenance in Force: make such registrations and pay such fees,
          registration taxes and similar amounts as are necessary to keep its
          Intellectual Property in force;

     (c)  Preservation of Rights: take such steps as are necessary to maintain
          and preserve its interests in its Intellectual Property;

     (d)  No Licence: not sell, transfer, license or otherwise dispose of all of
          such Intellectual Property or any part thereof which is material to
          the conduct of the Company's business; and

     (e)  No Abandonment: not permit such Intellectual Property which is
          registered, or any part thereof which is material to the conduct of
          the Company's business, to be abandoned or cancelled, to lapse or to
          be liable to any claim of abandonment or cancellation for non-use or

8.4  Undertakings Relating to Insurance. The Company undertakes to the Security
     Agent that throughout the continuation of the Facility and so long as any
     Secured Indebtedness is or may become payable, the Company will, unless the
     Security Agent otherwise agrees in writing:

     (a)  All Risks: insure all of the Security Assets which are of an insurable
          nature against such risks as would usually be insured against by a
          reasonably prudent person owning property similar to the Security
          Assets or carrying on a business similar to the Company's business to
          the full replacement value or reinstatement cost thereof from time to

     (b)  Other Insurances: effect and maintain such product and third party
          liability, workers' compensation, public risk, loss of rent and
          business interruption insurance and such other insurances as would
          usually be effected by a reasonably prudent person carrying on a
          business similar to the Company's business or as may be reasonably
          required by the Security Agent from time to time;


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     (c)  Insurers: ensure that all policies of insurance are issued by an
          insurer reasonably acceptable to the Security Agent;

     (d)  Contents of Policy: ensure that all policies of insurance are for an
          amount and on terms reasonably acceptable to the Security Agent and
          without limiting the generality of the foregoing:

          (i)    are taken out in the names of the Company and Security Agent
                 for the full value of their respective interests;

          (ii)   name the Security Agent as first loss payee; and

          (iii)  contain a provision that the policy will not be cancelled or
                 terminated unless the Security Agent has received from the
                 insurer 30 days' prior written notice of the proposed
                 cancellation or termination;

     (e)  Premiums: punctually pay all monies necessary for effecting and
          maintaining all insurance and deliver to the Security Agent every
          policy (including, without limitation, every alteration or addition
          to, and every substitution for, such policy), certificate of currency
          and receipt relating thereto and comply in all other respects with the
          terms of the relevant policies, including any stipulations or
          restrictions as to the use or operation of any asset;

     (f)  No Variation:  not vary, amend or terminate any insurance policy;

     (g)  No Prejudice: not do, permit or allow any act, omission or thing to be
          done or occur (including without limitation, any alteration or
          addition to any buildings, fixtures or other improvements forming part
          of the Security Assets) whereby:

          (i)    any insurance policy may be or become liable to be vitiated or

          (ii)   the premium may be increased;

          (iii)  any insurance is or becomes insufficient; or

          (iv)   any claim may be prejudiced in any way;

     (h)  Notification to Security Agent: promptly notify the Security Agent of,
          and, if required by the Security Agent, obtain an undertaking from the
          insurer of any insurance policy addressed to the Security Agent that
          such insurer shall notify the Security Agent of:

          (i)    any act, omission, matter or thing which gives or might give
                 rise to a right to claim under any policy immediately after the
                 same occurs, giving full particulars thereof and from time to
                 time thereafter provide to the Security Agent such further
                 information as comes into the possession of the Company
                 relating to that claim; and

          (ii)   any cancellation or proposed cancellation of any policy of


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     (i)  Settlement of Claims: not, and shall permit the Security Agent alone
          to, make, enforce, settle and compromise any claims in respect of
          insurance or for compensation, and to sue and give discharges for all
          insurance monies;

     (j)  Application of Monies: deposit, or procure that there are deposited,
          in an account in the name of the Company (but which may only be
          operated by one or more authorised officers of the Security Agent)
          with a bank approved by the Security Agent any monies received or
          recovered in respect of an insurance policy and apply those monies, at
          the option of the Security Agent, either:

          (i)    towards satisfaction of the Secured Indebtedness in accordance
                 with Clause 11 (Receipt and Application of Monies); or

          (ii)   to repair, replace or reinstate any lost or damaged Security
                 Assets or otherwise for the purpose for which the relevant
                 insurance policy was effected; and

     (k)  Insurance of Leasehold Property: in the case of any leasehold property
          where the landlord (or other third party) is obliged by the terms of
          the relevant lease to insure the relevant property, procure (where it
          is empowered to do so), or otherwise use all reasonable endeavours to
          ensure that the landlord (or other third party) procures, insurance in
          accordance with the terms of the relevant lease.

8.5  Undertakings Relating to Debts. The Company undertakes to the Security
     Agent that, throughout the continuation of the Facility and so long as any
     Secured Indebtedness is or may become payable the Company will, unless the
     Security Agent otherwise agrees in writing:

     (a)  Debts: (without limiting the generality of Clauses 8.1(a)
          (Encumbrances) and 8.1(b) (Disposals)), not sell, discount, factor,
          charge, pledge or assign to any third person any of the Debts or deal
          with any of the Debts in any way except by getting in and realising
          the same (for which purpose the Company shall be the agent of the
          Security Agent);

     (b)  Recovery: use its best endeavours to recover the full amount of each
          Debt, subject to any written consent given by the Security Agent
          pursuant to paragraph (e) below;

     (c)  Payment into Account: pay into its current account with the Security
          Agent (or such other account as the Security Agent may from time to
          time direct) all monies which it may receive in respect of the Debts;

     (d)  Non-payment: inform the Security Agent immediately upon learning of
          the same if any Debtor goes or threatens to go into liquidation,
          administration or receivership or otherwise ceases or threatens to
          cease to pay its debts as they fall due;

     (e)  Legal Assignment: upon request by the Security Agent, execute a legal
          assignment of the Debts (or any, or any part of them) to the Security
          Agent and give notice thereof in writing to the respective Debtors;

     (f)  No Release: not release any of the Debts save upon a full discharge
          thereof or otherwise commute the liability of any Debtor (whether by
          reducing the amount due, extending the time for payment or otherwise)
          save in the ordinary course of business.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

8.6  Undertakings Relating to Securities. The Company undertakes to the
     Security Agent that, throughout the continuation of the Facility and so
     long as any Secured Indebtedness is or may become payable, the Company
     will, unless the Security Agent otherwise agrees in writing:

     (a)  Securities: deliver and procure that its nominees deliver to the
          Security Agent upon the execution of this Deed and upon any subsequent
          date upon which it acquires (beneficially or otherwise any Securities:

          (i)    all certificates in respect of those Securities;

          (ii)   an instrument of transfer or an assignment of the relevant
                 Securities executed by each person in whose name such
                 Securities are registered and otherwise completed as the
                 Security Agent may require; and

          (iii)  in respect of any Securities which are not in the sole name of
                 the Security Agent, a declaration of trust in respect of those
                 Securities executed by each person in whose name those
                 Securities are registered and in favour of the Security Agent
                 or such other person as the Security Agent shall require or
                 otherwise completed as the Security Agent may direct;

     (b)  Calls: promptly pay all calls and other payments due in respect of any

     (c)  Transfer Restrictions: ensure that all of the Securities are and at
          all times remain free from any restrictions on transfer;

     (d)  Notification of Related Rights: upon the acquisition by the Company of
          any Related Rights or receipt by the Company of notification of any
          entitlement to any Related Rights (whichever is earlier), provide the
          Security Agent with full particulars thereof;

     (e)  Acquisition of Related Rights: at the request of the Security Agent,
          acquire any Related Rights if failure to take up such Related Rights
          might, in the Security Agent's opinion, result in the Security Agent's
          or all or any of the other Finance Parties' security being materially
          lessened in value;

     (f)  Payments in Respect of Related Rights: subject to Clause 6
          (Securities), pay to the Security Agent any monies received by the
          Company under or in respect of any Related Rights;

     (g)  Registered Holder: except pursuant to paragraph (h) (Transfer to
          Security Agent) below, not permit any person other than the Company or
          its nominee, or a clearance or settlement system or custodian
          acceptable to the Security Agent, to be registered as the holder of
          any Securities;

     (h)  Transfer to Security Agent: upon request by the Security Agent at any
          time, permit all or any of the Securities to be registered in or
          transferred into the name of, or held or registered as held in an
          account of, the Security Agent or its nominee; and

     (i)  No Securities Lending: not lend any Securities to any person.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

8.7  Undertakings Relating to Environmental Matters. The Company undertakes to
     the Security Agent that, throughout the continuation of the Facility and so
     long as any Secured Indebtedness is or may become payable, the Company
     will, unless the Security Agent otherwise agrees in writing:

     (a)  Compliance: comply in all respects with the terms and conditions of
          all Environmental Licences and Environmental Laws applicable to it and
          to any of the Security Assets;

     (b)  Notification of Claims: promptly upon receipt of the same, notify the
          Security Agent of any claim, notice or other communication served on
          it in respect of any alleged breach of any Environmental Law or
          Environmental Licence which might, if substantiated, have a material
          adverse effect on its financial condition or on its ability to perform
          its obligations under the Facility Agreement or this Deed or any other
          Financing Document to which it is a party; and

     (c)  Indemnity: indemnify the Security Agent, each other Finance Party and
          any Receiver and their respective officers, employees, agents and
          delegates (together the "Indemnified Parties") against all actions,
          suits, claims, demands, losses, liabilities, damages, costs and
          expenses which may be made or brought against or suffered or incurred
          by them (except if caused by the negligence or wilful misconduct of
          the relevant Indemnified Party) in connection with the Security Assets
          and which:

          (i)    arises by virtue of any actual or alleged breach of any
                 Environmental Law or Environmental Licence (whether by the
                 Company, the relevant Indemnified Party or any other
                 Indemnified Party); and

          (ii)   would not have arisen if this Deed had not been executed.


9.1  Enforceability. Immediately upon the occurrence of an Event of Default the
     security created by or pursuant to this Deed shall become enforceable in
     accordance with the provisions of this Deed.

9.2  Security Agent's Right to Remedy Default. If an Event of Default occurs,
     the Security Agent shall, at the Company's cost, and without prejudice to
     any other rights it may have, be entitled (but not bound) to do anything
     which it considers appropriate to remedy any failure by the Company to
     perform its obligations under this Deed. The Security Agent shall not
     thereby become liable to account as a mortgagee in possession.

9.3  Powers of Security Agent. At any time after the security created by or
     pursuant to this Deed becomes enforceable, the Security Agent may exercise,
     without further notice and whether or not it shall have appointed a
     Receiver, all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions which are
     conferred by this Deed (whether expressly or by reference) upon a Receiver
     in relation to all or any part of the Security Assets without first
     appointing a Receiver or notwithstanding the appointment of a Receiver in
     relation to the relevant Security Assets.

9.4  Appointment of Receiver. At any time after this security becomes
     enforceable, or if the Company so requests, and notwithstanding that an
     order may have been made or a resolution passed for the winding-up of the
     Company, the Security Agent may appoint in writing any


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     duly qualified person or persons to be a receiver or receiver and manager
     or administrative receiver of all or any part of the Security Assets and:

     (a)  Terms: the Receiver may be appointed by the Security Agent on such
          terms as the Security Agent thinks fit;

     (b)  Joint Receivers: if two or more persons are appointed as Receiver they
          may be appointed in respect of different parts of the Security Assets
          and each joint Receiver shall have power to act severally and
          independently of any other joint Receiver, except to the extent
          specified to the contrary in the appointment; and

     (c)  Removal: the Security Agent may remove a Receiver and, in the case of
          removal, retirement or death of the Receiver, may appoint another in
          his place, provided that any Receiver appointed by the Security Agent
          as an administrative receiver shall only be removed from office or
          vacate office in accordance with the provisions of section 45 of the
          Insolvency Act 1986.

9.5  Agent of Company. Unless and until the Security Agent by notice in writing
     to the Company and to the Receiver requires that the Receiver act as agent
     of the Security Agent, or until an order is made or a resolution is passed
     for the winding-up of the Company, the Receiver shall be the agent of the
     Company, and the Company alone shall (subject, in the case of an
     administrative receiver, to section 44 of the Insolvency Act 1986) be
     responsible for the acts and defaults of the Receiver and for his
     remuneration and shall be liable on any contracts and agreements made or
     entered into by him and for any losses incurred by him, but in exercising
     any powers of the Security Agent the Receiver shall have the authority of
     both the Company and the Security Agent. After an order is made or a
     resolution is passed for the winding up of the Company, the Receiver shall
     act as a principal and shall not become the agent of the Security Agent.
     Where the Receiver is not an administrative receiver the Receiver shall be
     in the same position as a receiver appointed by a mortgagee under the Law
     of Property Act 1925.

9.6  Powers of Receiver. Subject to any specific limitations placed upon him by
     the terms of his appointment, the Receiver (whether or not an
     administrative receiver) shall have all the rights, powers and remedies
     conferred on an administrative receiver by the Insolvency Act 1986, all the
     rights, powers and remedies conferred on a receiver appointed under the Law
     of Property Act 1925 and all rights, powers and remedies conferred on a
     mortgagee (including a mortgagee in possession) by that Act and shall also
     have the power to do all acts and things and exercise all rights, powers
     and remedies that the Company could do or exercise in relation to the
     Security Assets as if the Receiver were the absolute beneficial owner of
     the same including, without limitation, the power to do all or any of the

     (a)   Possession: enter, take possession, assume control of, get in and
           collect the Security Assets;

     (b)  Receive Rents:  receive the rents and profits of the Security Assets;

     (c)  Manage:  manage the Security Assets;

     (d)  Carry on Business: carry on, manage, develop, reconstruct, amalgamate
          or diversify the business of the Company or any part thereof or concur
          in so doing;


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     (e)  Rebuild, Maintain and Develop: pull down, rebuild, repair, alter, add
          to, complete, maintain and insure the Security Assets and lease or
          otherwise acquire and develop or improve properties or other assets
          without being responsible for loss or damage;

     (f)  Make Calls: make calls on capital and premiums of the Company and
          enforce payment of calls;

     (g)  Power of Sale: sell or agree to sell or otherwise dispose of or deal
          with any Security Assets (whether or not the Receiver or Security
          Agent has taken possession) on such terms as the Receiver thinks fit

          (i)    whether by public auction, private treaty or by tender;

          (ii)   for cash or property or other valuable consideration and on
                 terms that payment of all or any part of the purchase price is
                 deferred (whether at interest or not and whether with or
                 without security);

          (iii)  in one lot or in parcels;

          (iv)   whether or not in conjunction with the sale of other property
                 by the Receiver or the Security Agent or any other person; and

          (v)    whether with or without special provisions as to title or time
                 or otherwise;

     (h)  Lease: lease or license the Security Assets, renew, terminate,
          surrender or accept the surrender of leases or licences, in each case
          on such terms as the Receiver thinks fit, whether at a premium or

     (i)  Grant Options: grant to any person an option to purchase or other
          rights over any Security Assets upon such terms as the Receiver thinks

     (j)  Fixtures:  add or sever fixtures and sell or otherwise dispose of or
          deal with them separately from the premises to which they were

     (k)  Surrender:  surrender or transfer the Security Assets to any
          governmental agency (whether or not for fair compensation);

     (l)  Exchange:  exchange (whether or not for fair value) with any person
          any Security Assets for an interest in property of any tenure and the
          property so acquired may be dealt with by the Receiver as if it were
          part of the Security Assets and, for that purpose, the Receiver may
          create an Encumbrance over that property in favour of the Security

     (m)  Subsidiaries:  promote the formation of any company with a view to it
          becoming a subsidiary of the Company and purchasing, leasing,
          licensing or otherwise acquiring interests in all or any of the
          Security Assets or otherwise, arrange for any such company to trade or
          cease to trade and to purchase, lease, license or otherwise acquire
          all or any of the Security Assets on such terms and conditions,
          whether or not including payment by instalments, secured or unsecured,
          as the Receiver thinks fit;


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     (n)  Insurances: maintain, renew, take out or increase insurances in such
          amounts and on such terms as the Receiver thinks fit;

     (o)  Employees:  employ managers, solicitors, officers, agents,
          accountants, auctioneers, consultants, workmen and employees on such
          terms as the Receiver thinks fit;

     (p)  Delegation:  delegate to any person for such time as the Receiver
          approves any or all of the powers of the Receiver on such terms as the
          Receiver thinks fit;

     (q)  Give Receipts:  receive all payments (including but not limited to
          Debts) and give receipts for all monies and other assets which may
          come into the hands of the Receiver, which receipts shall exonerate
          any person paying or handing over such monies or other assets from all
          liability to see to the application thereof and from all liability to
          enquire whether the Secured Indebtedness has become due or payable or
          otherwise as to the propriety or regularity of the appointment of any

     (r)  Performance and Enforcement:  carry out and enforce, or refrain from
          carrying out or enforcing, rights and obligations of the Company
          forming part of the Security Assets or obtained or incurred in the
          exercise of the rights, powers and remedies of the Receiver;

     (s)  Compromises:  make any arrangements or compromise or enter into or
          cancel any contracts which the Receiver considers expedient;

     (t)  Take Proceedings:  institute, conduct, defend, settle, arrange or
          compromise any proceedings and submit to any court or arbitrator any
          claims, questions or disputes whatsoever which may arise in connection
          with the business of the Company (including, without limitation, for
          the recovery of debts or other monies due to the Company) or in
          respect of the Security Assets or in any way relating to this Deed,
          and to execute releases or other discharges in relation thereto;

     (u)  Borrowings:  advance monies or otherwise provide financial
          accommodation for the account of the Company or borrow any money or
          obtain other financial accommodation from any person which may be
          required for any of the purposes mentioned in this Clause 9.6, and in
          the name of the Company or otherwise, and secure any borrowings or
          other financial accommodation by an Encumbrance over the Security
          Assets ranking in priority to, pari passu with or after the security
          created by this Deed, in each case on such terms as the Receiver
          thinks fit;

     (v)  Securities: exercise any voting or other rights attached to any
          Securities and take up or renounce any Related Rights;

     (w)  Bank Accounts:  operate any bank account forming part of the Security
          Assets; and

     (x)  Other Acts and Documents:  execute deeds and documents on behalf of
          the Company and do all such other acts and things as may be considered
          by the Receiver to be incidental or conducive to any of the matters or
          powers aforesaid or to the realisation of the security created by this
          Deed and to use the name of the Company for all the purposes

9.7  Remuneration of Receiver.  Each Receiver shall be entitled to remuneration
     for his services at a rate to be fixed by agreement between him and the
     Security Agent (or, failing such


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

      agreement, to be fixed by the Security Agent) appropriate to the work and
      responsibilities involved upon the basis of charging from time to time
      adopted in accordance with his current practice or the current practice of
      his firm and without being limited to the maximum rate specified in
      section 109(6) of the Law of Property Act 1925.

9.8   Give up Possession.  The Security Agent may give up possession of any
      Security Assets at any time and may discontinue any receivership.

9.9   Property Acquired. All property of any kind acquired in exercise of any of
      the powers conferred by this Deed shall be subject to the security created
      by this Deed and to all the powers conferred by this Deed.

9.10  Waiver of Notice.  Any notice, period of time or other condition precedent
      prescribed by law to the exercise of any rights, powers or remedies of the
      Security Agent or a Receiver is dispensed with except to the extent (if
      any) that the relevant law does not afford the opportunity to dispense by
      agreement with its requirements, in which event the relevant right, power
      or remedy may be exercised by the Security Agent or a Receiver at the time
      and in the circumstances prescribed by law.

9.11  Exclusion of Statute.

      (a)  Statutory Powers Unaffected:  The foregoing powers conferred on the
           Security Agent and a Receiver shall be in addition to and not to the
           prejudice of all statutory and other powers of the Security Agent or
           a Receiver under the Law of Property Act 1925 or otherwise.

      (b)  Rights Unfettered:  Section 103 of that Act shall not restrict the
           exercise by the Security Agent or a Receiver of the power of sale or
           power to appoint a receiver conferred by section 101 of that Act,
           which power shall arise and may be exercised at any time after the
           happening of an Event of Default.

      (c)  Leasing:  The powers of leasing, letting, entering into agreements
           for leases or lettings and accepting and agreeing to accept
           surrenders of leases conferred by sections 99 and 100 of that Act
           shall be exercisable at any time after the happening of an Event of
           Default, and whether or not the Security Agent shall then be in
           possession of the premises in question, so as to authorise the
           Security Agent or a Receiver to make a lease or agreement for lease
           at a premium and for any length of term and generally without any
           restriction on the kind of leases and agreements for lease or the
           necessity to comply with any restrictions imposed by, or the other
           provisions of, sections 99 and 100 of that Act.

9.12  Not Mortgagee in Possession.  Where any liability or duty might otherwise
      attach to the Security Agent or a Receiver as mortgagee in possession for
      the purposes of the Law of Property Act 1925 neither the Security Agent
      nor any Receiver shall by reason of its entering into possession of any of
      the Security Assets be liable to account as mortgagee in possession or for
      anything except actual receipts or be liable for any loss upon realisation
      or for any default or omission for which a mortgagee in possession might
      otherwise be liable.

9.13  Exclusion of Liability.

      (a)  No Liability: Neither the Security Agent, any other Finance Party nor
           any Receiver shall be responsible for any losses of any kind
           whatsoever (including,


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

           without limitation, negligence, default or dishonesty of any servant,
           agent or auctioneer employed by the Security Agent or any Receiver or
           any attorney of the Security Agent or any Receiver) which may occur
           in or about the exercise, or attempted or purported exercise or non-
           exercise of any of the rights, powers or remedies of the Security
           Agent or any Receiver unless directly caused by the gross negligence
           or wilful default of the Security Agent or any Receiver.

      (b)  LPA Protections:  The Security Agent and every Receiver shall be
           entitled to all the privileges and immunities conferred on mortgagees
           and receivers appointed thereunder by the Law of Property Act 1925.

9.14  Protection of Third Parties.  No person dealing with the Security Agent or
      any attorney of the Security Agent or any Receiver in connection with the
      exercise of any of the rights, powers or remedies of the Security Agent
      shall be bound to inquire whether any Event of Default has occurred or any
      power has become exercisable, as to the due appointment of any Receiver or
      otherwise as to the propriety or regularity of any such dealing or to see
      to the application of any money paid to the Security Agent or any Receiver
      and shall not be affected by express notice that any such dealing is
      unnecessary or improper, and notwithstanding any irregularity or
      impropriety in any such dealing the same shall, as regards the protection
      of that person, be deemed to be valid and effective.

9.15  Acceptance of Payments.  This Deed may be enforced notwithstanding that
      the Security Agent or any other Finance Party may have accepted payment of
      any Secured Indebtedness after the occurrence of an Event of Default.

10.   SET-OFF

      If an Event of Default has occurred the Security Agent and each other
      Finance Party shall have the right (but not the obligation), without
      notice to the Company or any other person, to set-off and apply any credit
      balance on any account of the Company with the Security Agent or such
      Finance Party (as the case may be) and any other indebtedness owing by the
      Security Agent or such Finance Party to the Company (in each case, whether
      or not subject to notice, matured or owing to a different branch or office
      and in whatever currency) against such of the Secured Indebtedness which
      is due and payable. Each Finance Party may convert any such credit balance
      or other indebtedness at the prevailing rate of exchange into such other
      currencies as may be necessary for this purpose.


11.1  Order of Application.  The net profits of the carrying on of the business
      of the Company following enforcement of any of the charges created under
      or pursuant to this Deed and the net proceeds of any sale, assignment,
      lease or other disposal by the Security Agent or the Receiver shall be
      applied (subject to the provisions of section 40 of the Insolvency Act
      1986 and, in the case of an administrative receiver, the provisions of
      section 43 of such Act where an order has been obtained by such
      administrative receiver to enable him to sell or dispose of any of the
      Security Assets subject to any security in favour of a third party) in the
      following order of priority:

      (a)  first, in payment of the costs, charges, expenses and other monies
           payable by the Company under Clauses 13 (Costs, Charges and Expenses)
           and 14 (Indemnities and Currencies) or liabilities otherwise incurred
           in the exercise or attempted exercise of the rights, powers or
           remedies of the Security Agent or a Receiver;


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

      (b)  secondly, in payment of the Receiver's remuneration;

      (c)  thirdly, in payment of the remaining Secured Indebtedness;

      (d)  fourthly, in payment of amounts due under subsequent Encumbrances of
           which the Security Agent has notice, in the order of their
           priorities; and

      (e)  fifthly, in payment to the Company.

11.2  Credit Actual Receipts.  In applying any monies toward satisfaction of the
      Secured Indebtedness, the Security Agent shall credit the Company with
      only those monies actually received by the Security Agent in cleared
      funds, and such credit shall date from the time of actual receipt.

11.3  Suspense Account.  The Security Agent may place and keep any monies
      received by virtue of this Deed (whether before or after the insolvency or
      liquidation of the Company) to the credit of a suspense account for so
      long as the Security Agent may think fit in order to preserve the rights
      of the Security Agent or any other Finance Party to sue or prove for the
      whole amount of its claims against the Company or any other person.

11.4  Amounts Contingently Due.  If the Security Agent enforces the security
      constituted by this Deed (whether by the appointment of a Receiver or
      otherwise) at a time when no amounts are due to it (but at a time when
      amounts may become so due), the Security Agent (or such Receiver) may pay
      the proceeds of any recoveries effected by it into an interest-bearing
      suspense account with any person (including the Security Agent) selected
      by the Security Agent and on terms selected by the Security Agent until
      the relevant amounts become actually due and payable or the Security Agent
      determines that they will never become actually due and payable. At that
      time the amount actually owing may be paid to the Security Agent and the
      balance distributed in accordance with Clause 11.1 (Order of Application).
      Until such time the Security Agent (or such Receiver) may (subject to the
      payment of any claims having priority to this security) withdraw amounts
      standing to the credit of any such suspense account in order to pay the
      amounts referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) of Clause 11.1 (Order of
      Application). The Company will not be entitled to withdraw any monies
      (including interest) standing to the credit of any such suspense account
      until all the Secured Indebtedness has been irrevocably paid and
      discharged in full.

11.5  Appropriation.  The Company irrevocably authorises the Security Agent to
      appropriate any monies received by the Security Agent or any attorney of
      the Security Agent or any Receiver towards such of the Secured
      Indebtedness as the Security Agent in its absolute discretion thinks fit.

11.6  Surplus Monies.  If at any time after satisfaction of the Secured
      Indebtedness the Security Agent holds any surplus money payable to the
      Company, those monies shall not carry interest and may be placed to the
      credit of an account in the name of the Company with a bank and the
      Security Agent shall thereupon be under no further liability in respect


12.1  No Deductions.  All sums payable by the Company under this Deed shall be
      paid in full without set-off or counterclaim or any restriction or
      condition and, except to the extent


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

      required by any law or regulation, free and clear of any deduction or
      withholding on account of tax or otherwise. If the Company or any other
      person is required by any law or regulation to make any such deduction or
      withholding the Company shall, together with the relevant payment, pay
      such additional amount as will ensure that the Security Agent or, as the
      case may be, any other relevant Finance Party actually receives and is
      entitled to retain, free and clear of any such deduction or withholding,
      the full amount which it would have received if no such deduction or
      withholding had been required. The Company shall within the required time
      period, pay or cause to be paid over to the relevant taxation or other
      authority the full amount of any such deduction or withholding and shall
      promptly forward to the Security Agent copies of official receipts or
      other evidence satisfactory to the Security Agent showing that such
      payment has been made.

12.2  Security Agent May Debit Account of Company.  The Security Agent may,
      without prejudice to any other right, power or remedy of the Security
      Agent, at any time and from time to time, without further authority or
      notice to the Company, debit and charge any account of the Company with
      the Security Agent with any of the monies payable to the Security Agent
      under the Facility Agreement or this Deed or any other Financing Document
      to which the Company is a party.


13.1  Expenses.  The Company shall immediately on demand pay or reimburse to the
      Security Agent and the other Finance Parties (or as the case may be) the

      (a)  Execution:  all costs, charges and expenses (including legal fees on
           a full indemnity basis and all other out-of pocket expenses and any
           applicable value added tax or similar tax) incurred by the Security
           Agent or any other Finance Party or the Receiver in connection with
           the preparation, execution and registration of this Deed and any
           other documentation required in connection with this Deed and any
           amendment to or extension of, or any inspection, calculation,
           approval, consent or waiver to be made or given in connection with,
           this Deed;

      (b)  Rights and Remedies:  all costs, charges and expenses (including
           legal fees on a full indemnity basis and all other out-of pocket
           expenses and any applicable value added tax or similar tax) incurred
           by the Security Agent or any other Finance Party or the Receiver in
           exercising any of its or their rights or powers under this Deed or in
           suing for or seeking to recover any sums due or otherwise preserving
           or enforcing its or their rights, powers and remedies under this Deed
           or in connection with the preservation or attempted preservation of
           the Security Assets or in defending any claims brought against any of
           them in respect of this Deed or the Company's interest in the
           Security Assets or in releasing or re-assigning this Deed upon
           payment of all monies secured by this Deed; and

      (c)  Receiver: all remuneration payable to the Receiver,

      and, until payment of the same in full, all such costs, charges and
      expenses and remuneration shall be secured by this Deed.

13.2  Taxes and Registration Fees.  The Company shall pay when due all present
      and future stamp and other similar duties and taxes and all notarial,
      registration, recording and other similar fees which may be payable in
      respect of this Deed and any documentation required in connection with
      this Deed and shall indemnify the Security Agent and the other Finance


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

      Parties against all liabilities, costs and expenses which may result from
      any delay or default in paying such duties, taxes or fees (unless caused
      by the relevant person's negligence or wilful default in paying such


14.1  General Indemnity.  The Company shall indemnify the Security Agent and the
      other Finance Parties and any Receiver (and any attorney, delegate or
      other person appointed under this Deed by either of them) from and against
      all claims, actions, losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses
      incurred by it or them as a result of or arising out of or in connection

      (a)  Performance: the occurrence of any Event of Default, or any failure
           by the Company to make a payment or perform any obligation in
           accordance with this Deed; or

      (b)  Security Assets: the Security Assets or the use or occupation thereof
           by any person; or

      (c)  Powers: the execution or purported execution of any powers,
           authorities and discretions conferred on it pursuant to this Deed or
           in respect of any matter or thing done or omitted in relation to the
           Security Assets (unless directly resulting from the gross negligence
           or wilful default of the indemnified person).

14.2  Conversion of Currencies.  All monies received or held by the Security
      Agent or by a Receiver under this Deed at any time on or after enforcement
      in a currency other than a currency in which the Secured Indebtedness (or
      any part of it) is denominated or in an amount exceeding the amount in the
      relevant currency in which any Secured Indebtedness is denominated may
      from time to time be sold for one or more of the currencies in which the
      Secured Indebtedness is denominated as the Security Agent or Receiver
      considers necessary or desirable and the Company shall indemnify the
      Security Agent against all costs, charges and expenses incurred in
      relation to such sale. Neither the Security Agent nor any Receiver shall
      have any liability to the Company in respect of any loss resulting from
      any fluctuation in exchange rates after any such sale.

14.3  Currency Indemnity.  If any amount is received by the Security Agent or
      any other Finance Party in a currency other than that in which the
      relevant obligation or liability of the Company was payable (the "Required
      Currency") pursuant to any law, regulation or order or in the winding up,
      insolvency or bankruptcy of the Company or otherwise, such obligation or
      liability shall be discharged only to the extent that the Security Agent
      or that Finance Party may purchase the Required Currency with such other
      currency in accordance with normal banking procedures of the Security
      Agent or, as the case may be, that Finance Party upon receipt of such
      amount. If the amount in the Required Currency which may be so purchased,
      after deducting any costs of exchange and any other related costs, is less
      than the amount of the relevant obligation or liability, the Company shall
      indemnify the Security Agent or such other Finance Party against the
      shortfall. This indemnity shall be an obligation of the Company
      independent of and in addition to its other obligations under this Deed,
      notwithstanding any time or other concession may have been granted to the
      Company or any other act, matter or thing.

14.4  Payment and Security.  The Security Agent and any Receiver may retain and
      pay out of any money in the Security Agent's or (as the case may be) such
      Receiver's hands all sums necessary to effect the payments, obligations
      and indemnities contained in Clause 13 (Costs,


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

      Charges and Expenses) and Clause 14 (Indemnities and Currencies) and all
      sums payable by the Company under Clause 13 (Costs, Charges and Expenses)
      and Clause 14 (Indemnities and Currencies) shall form part of the monies
      hereby secured.


      Any statement of account purporting to show an amount due from the Company
      for the purposes of this Deed and signed as correct by an authorised
      officer of the Security Agent shall, in the absence of manifest error, be
      conclusive evidence of the amount so due.


16.1  Further Assurance.  The Company shall at any time and from time to time
      (whether before or after the security created by or pursuant to this Deed
      shall have become enforceable):

      (a)  Execute Documents:  execute all further legal or other mortgages,
           charges or assignments in favour of the Security Agent or the Finance
           Parties; and

      (b)  Other Action: do all such transfers, assurances, acts and things
           (and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, give all
           notices, orders and directions) in respect of all or any of the
           undertaking, property, assets and rights both present and future of
           the Company,

      which the Security Agent may require to secure the Secured Indebtedness or
      to facilitate the realisation of the Security Assets or the exercise of
      any powers conferred on the Security Agent or a Receiver or for the
      purposes of perfecting and completing any assignment of the Security
      Agent's rights, benefits or obligations under this Deed.

16.2  Enforcement of Security Agent's Rights.  The Company will do or permit to
      be done everything which the Security Agent may from time to time require
      to be done for the purpose of perfecting and enforcing the Security
      Agent's rights under this Deed and will allow the name of the Company to
      be used as and when required by the Security Agent for that purpose.

16.3  Form of Documents.  Any instrument which the Company is required to
      execute, or of which the Company is required to procure the execution,
      shall be prepared by or on behalf of the Security Agent at the cost of the
      Company and shall contain such clauses as the Security Agent shall
      reasonably require, including, but not limited to clauses containing an
      immediate power of sale without notice and excluding section 93, and the
      restrictions contained in section 103, of the Law of Property Act 1925.

16.4  Other Provisions.  This Clause shall be in addition to and not in
      substitution for the covenants for further assurance deemed to be included
      in this deed by virtue of the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions)
      Act 1994.


17.1  Power of Attorney.  The Company by way of security hereby irrevocably
      appoints the Security Agent, each Receiver for the time being and each
      authorised officer of the Security Agent to whom the Security Agent shall
      from time to time have delegated the exercise of the power of attorney
      conferred by this Clause, jointly and also severally, to be the attorney
      or attorneys of the Company to do (either in the name of the Company or
      the attorney) all acts


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

      and things that the Company is obliged to do under this Deed or which, in
      the opinion of the Security Agent, are necessary or desirable in
      connection with the Security Assets or the protection or perfection of the
      Security Agent's interest in the Security Assets or the exercise of the
      rights, powers and remedies of the Security Agent or the realisation,
      getting in or disposition of any Security Assets (and, without limiting
      the generality of the foregoing, to execute all deeds and documents of any
      kind) but without rendering the Security Agent liable as a mortgagee in
      possession, and with full power for all or any of such purposes from time
      to time to appoint a substitute or sub-attorney and to revoke any such

17.2  Ratification.  The Company hereby ratifies and confirms, and agrees to
      ratify and confirm, whatever any such attorney as is mentioned in Clause
      17.1 (Power of Attorney) shall do or purport to do, and all transactions
      entered into and documents executed, in the exercise or purported exercise
      of all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions referred to in
      such Clause.

17.3  Completion of Blanks.  The Security Agent is irrevocably authorised to
      fill in any blanks and otherwise complete and to deliver any instruments
      executed by the Company and deposited with the Security Agent in
      connection with this Deed.


18.1  Priority of Further Advances.  All monies which are expressed to be
      secured by this Deed and which are advanced, paid or otherwise provided
      after the Security Agent or any other Finance Party receives notice of the
      creation of any other Encumbrance shall be secured by this Deed in
      priority to any monies secured by that other Encumbrance, unless the
      Security Agent specifically agrees in writing.

18.2  Opening of New Account.  If the Security Agent or any other Finance Party
      receives or is deemed to be affected by actual or constructive notice, of
      any subsequent Encumbrance or other instrument affecting any part of the
      Security Assets and/or the proceeds of realisation thereof, the Security
      Agent and the other Finance Parties may open a new account for the
      Company. If the Security Agent or any other Finance Party does not open a
      new account it shall nevertheless be treated as if it had done so at the
      time when the Security Agent or, if earlier, such other Finance Party
      received or was deemed to have received notice, and as from that time all
      payments made to the Security Agent or such other Finance Party shall be
      credited or be treated as having been credited to the new account and
      shall not operate to reduce the amount for which this Deed is security.

18.3  Rights Regarding prior Encumbrances.  The Security Agent may (but is not
      obliged to) pay any monies, obligations or liabilities secured by any
      Encumbrance having priority to this Deed and (at the expense of the
      Company) take a transfer of such Encumbrance for the benefit of the
      Finance Parties. All principal monies, interest, costs, charges and
      expenses of and incidental to such redemption and transfer shall be paid
      by the Company to the Security Agent on demand.


19.1  Protective Clauses.  Without limiting Clause 4 (Continuing Security)
      neither the liability of the Company nor the validity or enforceability of
      this Deed shall be prejudiced, affected or discharged by:


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     (a)  Other Encumbrances:  any other Encumbrance, guarantee or other
          security or right or remedy being or becoming held by or available to
          the Security Agent or any other Finance Party or by any of the same
          being or becoming wholly or partly void, voidable, unenforceable or
          impaired or by the Security Agent or any other Finance Party at any
          time releasing, refraining from perfecting or enforcing, varying or in
          any other way dealing with any of the same or any power, right or
          remedy the Security Agent or any other Finance Party may now or
          hereafter have from or against the Company or any other person;

     (b)  Time:  the granting of any time or indulgence to the Company or any
          other person;

     (c)  Variation: any variation or modification (however fundamental) of
          either Credit Document, any other Financing Document or any other
          document referred to therein;

     (d)  Invalidity:  the invalidity or unenforceability of any obligation or
          liability of any Obligor under either Credit Document or any of the
          Financing Documents;

     (e)  Defective Execution: any invalidity or irregularity in the execution
          of this Deed, the Credit Documents or any other Financing Document;

     (f)  Defective Capacity: any deficiency in the powers of any Obligor to
          enter into or perform any of its obligations under this Deed, the
          Credit Documents or under any other Financing Document to which it is
          a party;

     (g)  Change in Constitution: any change in the constitution of any Obligor
          or any Finance Party or (in relation to any of them) its absorption in
          or amalgamation with, or the acquisition of all or a part of its
          undertaking by, any other person;

     (h)  Other:  any act, omission, event or circumstance which would or may
          but for this provision operate to prejudice, affect or discharge this
          Deed or the liability of the Company under this Deed.

19.2 Unrestricted Right of Enforcement.  This Deed may be enforced without the
     Security Agent or any other Finance Party first having recourse to any
     other security or rights or taking any other steps or proceedings against
     the Company or any other person or may be enforced for any balance due
     after resorting to any one or more other means of obtaining payment or
     discharge of the monies, obligations and liabilities hereby secured.

19.3 Release.  The Security Agent may release any Security Assets from the
     security hereby created at any time and any such release shall not in any
     way affect, prejudice or invalidate the security hereby created over any
     other Security Assets, any other Financing Document or the obligations of
     the Company under this Deed or any other Financing Document to which it is
     a party.

19.4 Release of Charge Conditional.  Any release, settlement or discharge given
     or made by the Security Agent in consideration for any assurance, security,
     disposition or payment made by the Company or any other person shall be
     conditional upon such assurance, security, disposition or payment not being
     void, voidable, set aside or ordered to be refunded for any reason
     whatsoever under any law (including, without limitation, under any law


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     relating to preferences, bankruptcy, insolvency, administration or winding
     up). If such condition is not fulfilled:

     (a)  Enforcement:  the Security Agent shall be entitled to enforce the
          security created by or pursuant to this Deed subsequently to the same
          extent as if no such assurance, security, disposition or payment had
          been made and any such release, settlement or discharge had not

     (b)  Further Assurance:  the Company shall, at its own expense, promptly
          do, execute and deliver, and cause any relevant third person to do,
          execute and deliver, all acts and documents which the Security Agent
          requires to reinstate the security expressed to be constituted by this
          Deed; and

     (c)  Retention of Security:  the Security Agent may retain this Deed, any
          security hereby created and any document deposited with it hereunder
          until it is satisfied that such condition has been or will be

     and this Clause 19.4 shall survive the discharge of this Deed unless the
     Security Agent expressly agrees otherwise in writing.


20.1 Declaration of Trust.  The Security Agent hereby declares that it shall
     hold the Trust Property upon trust for the Finance Parties from time to
     time in accordance with the Financing Documents. The trusts of the Trust
     Property shall remain in full force and effect until the earlier of:

     (a)  Specified Date:  such date as the Security Agent shall specify on

          (i)  all the obligations which are secured by the Security Documents
               have been fully and finally discharged; and

          (ii) no Finance Party is under any commitment, obligation or liability
               (whether actual or contingent) to make advances or provide any
               other financial accommodation to either Obligor under any
               Financing Document; and

     (b)  Perpetuities:  the last day of the period of 80 years from the date
          of this Deed which period (and no other) shall be the applicable
          perpetuity period,

     after which the trusts set out in this Deed shall be wound up and the
     Security Agent shall release, without recourse or warranty, all of the
     security created by the Security Documents.

20.2 Powers and Discretions. To the extent not inconsistent with this Deed, the
     Security Agent shall have the powers and discretions conferred upon
     trustees by the Trustee Act 1925.

20.3 Investment. Unless provided otherwise in any Financing Document, monies
     which are received by the Security Agent and held by it as trustee in
     relation to any of the Security Documents may be invested in the name of or
     under the control of the Security Agent in any investment authorised by
     English law for the investment of trust money by trustees or in any other
     investments which may be selected by the Security Agent, and if not


      otherwise invested such monies may be placed on deposit in the name of or
      under the control of the Security Agent at such bank or institution
      (including the Security Agent) and upon such terms as the Security Agent
      may think fit.

20.4  Appointment.  The Security Agent may appoint any person established or
      resident in any jurisdiction (whether a trust corporation or not) to act
      as a trustee or agent, either separately or jointly with the Security
      Agent, in relation to any of the Security Documents if the Security Agent
      considers that such an appointment is necessary or desirable for the
      purpose of conforming with any legal requirement in any relevant
      jurisdiction or otherwise for the purpose of holding, administering,
      protecting or enforcing any of the Security Documents, and any such
      trustee or agent shall have such powers and discretions (not exceeding
      those conferred on the Security Agent) and such obligations as shall be
      conferred or imposed on it by the Security Agent.


21.1  Amendment.  Any amendment or waiver of any provision of this Deed and any
      waiver of any default under this Deed shall only be effective if made in
      writing and signed by the Security Agent.

21.2  Waiver.  No failure or delay by the Security Agent or any other Finance
      Party in exercising any right, power or remedy under this Deed shall
      impair such right, power or remedy or operate as a waiver thereof, nor
      shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or remedy
      preclude any further exercise thereof or of any other right, power or
      remedy. The rights, powers and remedies provided in this Deed are
      cumulative and do not exclude any other rights, powers or remedies
      provided by law.

21.3  Severability.  If at any time any provision of this Deed is or becomes
      illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the law of any
      jurisdiction, the legality, validity and enforceability of such provision
      under the law of any other jurisdiction, and of the remaining provisions
      of this Deed, shall not be affected or impaired thereby.


22.1  Counterparts.  This Deed may be executed in any number of counterparts and
      by the different parties to this Deed on separate counterparts which when
      taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

22.2  Judgments.  Notwithstanding any judgment which the Security Agent or any
      other Finance Party may recover against the Company in respect of any
      Secured Indebtedness, the Security Agent or such other Finance Party shall
      hold the judgment collaterally with this Deed as security for the due
      payment and satisfaction of Secured Indebtedness and this Deed shall not
      merge in any judgment.

22.3  Notice and Enforcement.  The Security Agent need not give any notice of
      this Deed to any person, enforce payment of any Secured Indebtedness,
      enforce or realise any other Financing Document or take any steps or
      proceedings for any purpose unless the Security Agent thinks fit.

22.4  Survival of Indemnities.  The indemnities contained in this Deed are
      continuing obligations of the Company and are separate and independent
      from the other obligations of the Company and shall survive the
      termination of this Deed.


22.5  Moratorium Legislation.  To the fullest extent permitted by law, the
      provisions of all existing and future laws which operate or may operate
      directly or indirectly to lessen or otherwise vary the Company's
      obligations under this Deed or to delay, curtail or otherwise prevent or
      prejudicially affect the exercise by the Security Agent or any other
      Finance Party of any of its rights, powers and remedies under this Deed
      are expressly negatived and excluded.

22.6  Consent by Security Agent.  Any consent required of the Security Agent
      under this Deed may (unless this Deed specifically provides otherwise) be
      given or withheld by the Security Agent in its absolute discretion and
      either conditionally or unconditionally.

22.7  Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989.  For the purposes of
      the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989 any provisions of
      the Credit Documents and each other Financing Document to which the
      Company is a party relating to any disposition of an interest in land
      shall be deemed to be incorporated into this Deed.

22.8  Restriction.  The Company applies to the Chief Land Registrar for the
      registration against the registered titles (if any) specified in Schedule
      1 (Real Property) (and any unregistered properties subject to first
      registration at the date of this Deed) of the following restriction:

      "Except under an Order of the Registrar no disposition, dealing, charge or
      other security interest is to be registered or noted without the consent
      of the proprietor for the time being of [Charge No [ ]] / [a charge dated
      [ ] 2000 and made between (1) Hawker Pacific Aerospace Ltd and (2)
      Landesbank Hessen - Thuringen Girozentrale."


23.1  Successors and Assigns.  This Deed shall be binding upon and inure to the
      benefit of the parties to this Deed and their respective successors and
      permitted assigns.

23.2  Assignment by Company.  The Company shall not assign or otherwise transfer
      the benefit of this Deed or any of its rights, duties or obligations under
      this Deed without the prior written consent of the Security Agent.

23.3  Assignment by Finance Parties.  The Finance Parties may assign or grant
      participations in all or any part of their rights under this Deed in
      accordance with the provisions of either Credit Document.

23.4  Change of Security Agent.  The Security Agent may assign and transfer all
      of its rights to the Security Assets and all of its rights and obligations
      under this Deed to a replacement Security Agent appointed in accordance
      with this Deed and, when such assignment and transfer takes effect, the
      replacement Security Agent shall be for all purposes acting as agent and
      trustee in accordance with the trusts in this Deed.


24.1  Delivery.  Each notice, demand or other communication to be given or made
      under this Deed shall be in writing and delivered or sent to the relevant
      party at its address or telex number or fax number set out below (or such
      other address or telex number or fax number as the addressee has by not
      less than 7 days' prior written notice specified to the other party):


      To the Company:          Hawker Pacific Aerospace Ltd.
      --------------           Unit 3 Dorley Park
                               Kestrel Way
                               Hayes, Middlesex UB3 1HP

                               Telephone Number  : 0208 589 100
                               Fax Number        : 0208 589 1903

                               Attention         : Managing Director

      To the Security Agent:   Landesbank Hessen - Thuringen Girozentrale
                               Main Tower
                               Neue Mainzer Str. 52 - 58
                               60311 Frankfurt am Main

                               Telephone Number  : (49)-0-69-91324202
                               Fax Number        : (49)-0-69-91324350

                               Attention  : Martin Rohmann

24.2  Deemed Delivery.  Any notice, demand or other communication addressed to
      any relevant party in accordance with Clause 24.1 (Delivery) shall be
      deemed to have been delivered:

      (a)  Letter:  if given or made by letter, when actually delivered to the
           relevant address;

      (b)  Telex:  if given or made by telex, when despatched with confirmed
           answerback; and

      (c)  Fax:  if given or made by fax, when despatched with a fax
           transmission report showing that the entire communication was

      provided that a communication which is received after 5:00 p.m. on a
      working day, or on a day which is not a full working day, in the place of
      receipt shall be deemed to be delivered on the next full working day in
      that place.

24.3  Language.  Each notice or other communication under this Deed shall be in
      English. Any other documents required to be delivered under this Deed
      shall be either in English or be accompanied by a certified translation
      into English.


25.1  Law.  This Deed and the rights and obligations of the parties hereunder
      shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England.

25.2  Jurisdiction.  Without prejudice to the submission to jurisdiction
      contained in the Facility Agreement, the Company irrevocably agrees for
      the benefit of the Security Agent and the other Finance Parties that any
      legal action arising out of or relating to this Deed may be brought in the
      courts of England and irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of
      such courts.


25.3  No Limitation on Right of Action.  Nothing in this Deed shall limit the
      right of the Security Agent or any other Finance Party to commence any
      legal action against the Company and/or its assets in any other
      jurisdiction or to serve process in any manner permitted by law, and the
      taking of proceedings in any jurisdiction shall not preclude the Security
      Agent or any other Finance Party from taking proceedings in any other
      jurisdiction whether concurrently or not.

25.4  Waiver; Final Judgment Conclusive.  The Company irrevocably and
      unconditionally waives any objection which it may now or hereafter have to
      the choice of England as the venue of any legal action arising out of or
      relating to this Deed and agrees not to claim that any court in that venue
      is not a convenient or proper forum. The Company also agrees that a final
      judgment against it in any such legal action shall be final and conclusive
      and may be enforced in any other jurisdiction, and that a certified or
      otherwise duly authenticated copy of the judgment shall be conclusive
      evidence of the fact and amount of its indebtedness.

25.5  Waiver of Immunity.  The Company irrevocably and unconditionally waives
      any immunity to which it or its assets may at any time be or become
      entitled, whether characterised as sovereign immunity or otherwise, from
      any set-off or legal action in England or elsewhere, including immunity
      from service of process, immunity from jurisdiction of any court or
      tribunal, and immunity of any of its assets from attachment prior to
      judgment or from execution of a judgment.

THIS DEED has been executed as a Deed by the parties hereto and is intended to
be and is hereby delivered on the date stated at the beginning of this Deed.

- -----------

for and on behalf of            )
by                              )
                                )       /s/ David L. Lokken
                                )       -------------------------

                                        /s/ Philip M. Panzera


- ------------------

for and on behalf of            )
GIROZENTRALE                    )
by                              )
Frank Dohl - V.P.               )       /s/ Frank Dohl
- --------------------------      )       --------------------
Name / Title                    )       Authorised signatory
Martin Rohmann                  )
- --------------------------      )       /s/ Martin Rohman
Name / Title                    )       --------------------
                                )       Authorised signatory

- ---------

for and behalf of               )
GIROZENTRALE                    )
by                              )
Frank Dohl - V.P.               )       /s/ Frank Dohl
- --------------------------      )       --------------------
Name / Title                    )       Authorised signatory
Martin Rohmann                  )
- --------------------------      )       /s/ Martin Rohman
Name / Title                    )       --------------------
                                )       Authorised signatory


                                  Schedule 1
                                 Real Property

                                Registered Land

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
County and District/
- --------------------
London Borough                    Title Numbers     Description of Property
- --------------                    -------------     -----------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
London Borough of Hillingdon      AGL 70229         Unit 3, Dawley Park, Dawley
                                                    Road, Hayes
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               Unregistered Land

                         None specifically identified.

                                  Schedule 2

                         None specifically identified.

                                  Schedule 3

                         None specifically identified.

                                  Schedule 4
                             Intellectual Property

                         None specifically identified.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

                                                                  EXECUTION COPY

                             DATED 30 OCTOBER 2000

                           HAWKER PACIFIC AEROSPACE

                         HAWKER PACIFIC AEROSPACE LTD.

                                  as Obligors


                               as Security Agent
                    on its own behalf and as Security Agent
                  for the Finance Parties referred to herein


                             DEED OF LEGAL CHARGE


                             100 New Bridge Street
                                   EC4V 6JA
                             Tel: (020) 7919 1000
                             Fax: (020) 7919 1999
                                Ref: BES / FCO

Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6


 Number                       Clause Heading                     Page
- --------                      --------------                     ----
1.    INTERPRETATION.............................................  1
2.    COVENANT TO PAY............................................  3
3.    CHARGE.....................................................  4
4.    CONTINUING SECURITY........................................  4
5.    REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.............................  4
6.    UNDERTAKINGS...............................................  5
7.    ENFORCEMENT OF SECURITY....................................  7
8.    SET-OFF.................................................... 12
9.    RECEIPT AND APPLICATION OF MONIES.......................... 12
10.   PAYMENTS................................................... 13
11.   COSTS, CHARGES AND EXPENSES................................ 14
12.   INDEMNITIES AND CURRENCIES................................. 15
13.   EVIDENCE OF DEBT........................................... 16
14.   FURTHER ASSURANCE.......................................... 16
15.   POWER OF ATTORNEY.......................................... 16
16.   OTHER ENCUMBRANCES......................................... 17
17.   SECURITY TRUST............................................. 18
18.   AMENDMENT, WAIVER AND SEVERABILITY......................... 19
19.   MISCELLANEOUS.............................................. 19
20.   ASSIGNMENT................................................. 20
21.   NOTICES.................................................... 20
22.   PROTECTIVE CLAUSES......................................... 21
23.   GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION............................. 23

- --------

Schedule Real Property.....................................       25

THIS DEED is made on the 30th day of October 2000


(1)  HAWKER PACIFIC AEROSPACE, a company incorporated in California, U.S.A. with
     its principal office at 11240 Sherman Way, Sun Valley, CA 91352 - 4942,
     U.S.A. (the "US Obligor");

(2)  HAWKER PACIFIC AEROSPACE LTD., a company incorporated in England with its
     registered office at Unit 3, Dawley Park, Kestrel Way, Hayes, Middlesex UB3
     1HP (the "UK Obligor" and together with the US Obligor, the "Obligors");

     52 - 58, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, Germany on its own behalf and as trustee
     for the Finance Parties from time to time (in such capacity, the "Security


(A)  By a Credit Agreement dated on or about 30 October 2000 (the "Credit
     Agreement") made between (1) the US Obligor as borrower, (2) Landesbank
     Hessen - Thuringen Girozentrale as mandated arranger, security agent and
     lender and (3) Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau as co-arranger and lender,
     the Banks (as defined in the Credit Agreement), have agreed to make
     available to the US Obligor loan facilities on the terms set out in the
     Credit Agreement.

(B)  By a Facility Agreement dated on or about 30 October 2000 (the "Facility
     Agreement" and together with the Credit Agreement, the "Credit Documents")
     made between (1) the UK Obligor, as borrower, (2) the US Obligor, as
     additional obligor, (3) Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen Girozentrale, as
     mandated arranger, agent, security agent and lender, and (4) Kreditanstalt
     fur Wiederaufbau, as co-arranger and lender, the Banks (as defined in the
     Facility Agreement) have agreed to make available to the UK Obligor loan
     facilities, in respect of which the US Obligor will be jointly and
     severally liable with the UK Obligor, on the terms set out in the Facility

(C)  The Security Agent is acting as trustee for the Finance Parties pursuant to
     this Deed.

(D)  By the terms of the Credit Documents, the Obligors undertook to enter into
     this Deed.

IT IS AGREED as follows:


1.1  Definitions and Construction.  In this Deed, unless the context requires
     otherwise, terms and expressions defined in or construed for the purposes
     of the Facility Agreement and not defined below shall have the same
     meanings or be construed in the same manner when used in this Deed, and the
     following terms shall have the following meanings:

     "Credit Documents" has the meaning given in Recital (B);


Faculity Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     "Encumbrance" means:

     (a)  any mortgage, charge, pledge, hypothecation, lien, encumbrance or
          other security interest or any other arrangement having the effect of
          conferring security, including a conditional sale, hire purchase or
          lease agreement or other title retention arrangement; and

     (b)  any arrangement whereby rights are subordinated to the rights of a
          third party;

     "Event of Default" means any event or occurrence which entitles the Banks
     to terminate the Facilities, including without limitation any of the events
     or circumstances specified in Clause 18.2 of either of the Credit

     "Finance Party" means each person which is from time to time a Bank,
     Mandated Arranger, Agent, Security Agent or Co-Arranger under either Credit

     "Financing Documents" means each document which is a "Financing Document"
     for the purposes of either Credit Document;

     "Obligor" means each of the UK Obligor and the US Obligor;

     "Permitted Encumbrance" means:

     (a)  the Debenture dated on or about the date of this Deed made between the
          UK Obligor and the Security Agent; and

     (b)  any Encumbrance executed by the UK Obligor in favour of the US Obligor
          in respect of which a deed of priorities in form and substance
          satisfactory to the Security Agent has been entered into.

     "Real Property" means the land specified in the Schedule (Real Property)
     and all buildings, fixtures (including trade and tenant's fixtures), fixed
     plant and machinery from time to time on any such property, all proceeds of
     sale thereof and the benefit of any covenants for title in respect thereof
     and all Encumbrances, options, contractual rights, estates and interests
     over any such property both present and future;

     "Receiver" means each and any receiver, manager, receiver and manager or
     other similar officer appointed by the Security Agent in respect of the
     security created by or pursuant to this Deed;

     "Secured Indebtedness" means all monies, obligations and liabilities of any
     kind now or at any time in the future due, owing, incurred or payable
     (whether actually or contingently) by an Obligor to a Finance Party under
     or pursuant to the Credit Documents or any other Financing Document
     (whether on account of principal, interest, fees, indemnity payments,
     losses, damages or otherwise) and all other monies hereby agreed to be

     "Security Agent" means the Security Agent acting on its own behalf and as
     trustee for the Finance Parties;


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     "Security Assets" means the Real Property;

     "Security Documents" means each document which is a "Security Document" for
     the purpose of either Credit Document;

     "Trust Property" means the undertaking of the Obligors contained in Clause
     2 (Covenant to Pay) and all or any part of the assets, rights, interests
     and benefits which may now or at any time in the future be mortgaged,
     charged, assigned or granted or the subject of an Encumbrance in favour of
     the Security Agent pursuant to any Financing Document  and, for the
     avoidance of doubt, the proceeds of any of the foregoing.

1.2  Successors and Assigns.  The expressions "US Obligor", "UK Obligor",
     "Obligor", "Security Agent", "Agent" and "Finance Parties" shall, where the
     context permits, include their respective successors and permitted assigns
     and any persons deriving title under them.

1.3  Miscellaneous.  In this Deed, unless the context requires otherwise:

     (a)  Statutes:  references to provisions of any law or regulation shall be
          construed as references to those provisions as amended, modified, re-
          enacted or replaced from time to time;

     (b)  Construction: words importing the singular include the plural and vice
          versa; words importing a gender include the other gender;

     (c)  Financing Documents: references to this Deed, the Credit Documents or
          any other Security Document shall be construed as references to this
          deed or such document as the same may be amended, supplemented,
          restated or novated from time to time;

     (d)  Clauses, Etc: references to Clauses and the Schedule are to clauses of
          and the schedule to this Deed and references to this Deed include its
          Schedule; and

     (e)  Headings: clause headings are inserted for reference only and shall be
          ignored in construing this Deed.

1.4  Deed. It is intended by the parties that this document shall take effect as
     a deed notwithstanding the fact that a party may only execute this document
     under hand.

1.5  Third Party Rights.  The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall
     not apply to this Deed and no person not party to this Deed shall have or
     acquire any right to enforce any term of it pursuant to that Act. This
     Clause shall not affect any right or remedy of any third party which exists
     or is available otherwise than by reason of that Act and this Clause shall
     prevail over any other provision of this Deed which is inconsistent with


     Without prejudice to its respective obligations to the Finance Parties
     under the Financing Documents, each Obligor undertakes to the Security
     Agent to pay to the Security Agent on behalf of the Finance Parties the
     Secured Indebtedness whenever the same is due in accordance with, and in
     the manner required by, the Financing Documents and duly and punctually to
     observe and perform all its obligations contained in each Financing
     Document to which it is a party.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6


3.1  Grant of Charge.  In consideration of the Finance Parties agreeing to make
     the facilities available to the UK Obligor and the US Obligor respectively
     on the terms and conditions of the Credit Documents, each Obligor with full
     title guarantee and without the benefit of section 6(2) of the Law of
     Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1994 charges and agrees to charge
     to the Security Agent by way of first ranking fixed charge all its rights,
     title, interest and benefit in and to the Real Property (which, in so far
     as it consists of land vested in an Obligor at the date of this Deed, shall
     be charged by way of legal mortgage), as a continuing security for the due
     and punctual payment and discharge of the Secured Indebtedness and the due
     and punctual observance and performance by the Obligors of all other
     obligations of the Obligors contained in the Financing Documents.

3.2  Discharge. When the Security Agent is satisfied that the trusts constituted
     by this Deed have come to an end, the Security Agent shall, at the request
     and cost of the Obligors, and in such form as the Security Agent shall
     approve, discharge the security created by this Deed, without recourse or
     warranty and subject to Clause 22.4 (Release of Charge Conditional).


4.1  Continuing Security.  This Deed shall be a continuing security and shall
     remain in full force and effect until the Secured Indebtedness has been
     paid in full and none of the Finance Parties has any obligation or
     liability (actual or contingent) under any Financing Document,
     notwithstanding the insolvency or liquidation or any incapacity or change
     in the constitution or status of any Obligor or any other person or any
     intermediate settlement of account or other matter whatsoever.

4.2  Independent Security.  This Deed is in addition to, and independent of, any
     Encumbrance, guarantee or other security or right or remedy now or at any
     time in the future held by or available to the Security Agent or any other
     Finance Party.


5.1  Constitutional Documents.  Each Obligor certifies that neither the
     execution of this Deed nor the creation of the security hereby constituted
     contravenes any of the provisions of the constitutional documents of such

5.2  Representations and Warranties.  Each Obligor represents and warrants to
     the Security Agent and each of the other Finance Parties that:

     (a)  the Security Assets are or when acquired will be beneficially owned by
          it free from any Encumbrance except as created under or pursuant to
          this Deed and any Permitted Encumbrance and no person other than it
          has the use, occupation or possession of the Security Assets or any
          part thereof;

     (b)  the respective particulars of the Security Assets set out in the
          Schedule are accurate and it has good and marketable title thereto;

     (c)  no litigation, arbitration or administrative proceeding is currently
          taking place or pending or threatened in relation to any of the
          Security Assets.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

5.3  Continuing Representation and Warranty.  Each Obligor also represents and
     warrants to and undertakes with the Security Agent and each of the other
     Finance Parties that the foregoing representations and warranties will be
     true and accurate throughout the continuance of this Deed with reference to
     the facts and circumstances subsisting from time to time.


6.1  Each Obligor undertakes to the Security Agent that, throughout the
     continuation of the Facilities and so long as any Secured Indebtedness is
     or may become payable, such Obligor will, unless the Security Agent
     otherwise agrees in writing:

          General Negative Pledge

     (a)  Encumbrances: not (except under or pursuant to this Deed or the Credit

          (i)       create or attempt or agree to create or permit to arise or
                    exist any Encumbrance, other than Permitted Encumbrances, on
                    or affecting the Security Assets or any part of them (except
                    a lien arising solely by operation of law in the ordinary
                    course of business which does not secure indebtedness for
                    borrowed money and is discharged when due); or

          (ii)      (without limiting the generality of the foregoing) deal in
                    any manner with, create any security or Encumbrance over or
                    allow any other third party rights to arise over or against
                    any bank account of such Obligor or in which such Obligor
                    has an interest (whether with the Security Agent or any
                    other person) or any part thereof (whether by way of
                    assignment, trust or otherwise);

          (iii)     sell, assign, transfer, lease, deal with or dispose of the
                    Security Assets or any part thereof or attempt or agree to
                    do so;


     (b)  Deposit of Documents: deposit with the Security Agent or to its order
          all deeds, certificates and documents (including original policies of
          insurance) which constitute or evidence title to any Security Assets
          (such deposit to be made immediately upon the execution of this Deed
          or, if later, when an Obligor obtains possession of such deeds,
          certificates or documents);

     (c)  Notices: if and when required by the Security Agent, and at an
          Obligor's cost, affix to such items of the Security Assets or endorse
          or cause to be endorsed upon such of the documents referred to in
          paragraph (c) (Deposit of Documents) above labels, markings or
          memoranda in such form as the Security Agent may require drawing
          attention to the security constituted by or pursuant to this Deed;

          Protection of Security

     (d)  Protection of Security Assets: upon demand by the Security Agent take
          or defend all such legal proceedings, and take all such other steps,
          as the Security Agent may require for the protection of any Security


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     (e)  Not Prejudice:  not do, omit to do, cause or permit to occur, any act,
          omission or thing which would or might result in any Security Assets
          being surrendered, forfeited, cancelled or prejudiced in any way or
          reduced in value, or this Deed or any rights, powers or remedies of
          the Security Agent under this Deed being prejudiced or adversely

     (f)  Maintenance and Repair: maintain and repair and keep all buildings,
          other structures, trade and other fixtures, fixed and other plant and
          machinery and all chattels and other equipment forming part of the
          Security Assets in good and substantial repair and in good working
          order and condition;

     (g)  Access: provide to the Security Agent, and procure that all other
          persons having possession or control of any Security Assets or any
          land or buildings on which any Security Assets are for the time being
          located provide to the Security Agent, full and unfettered access to
          the Security Assets for the purpose of inspecting any Security Assets
          or exercising any rights, powers or remedies of the Security Agent;

     (h)  Notification of Receipt of Notices: within 14 days after the receipt
          by any Obligor of any application, requirement, order or notice served
          or given by any public, local or any other authority with respect to
          all or any part of the Security Assets, give written notice thereof to
          the Security Agent and also (within 7 days after demand) produce the
          same or a copy thereof to the Security Agent and inform it of the
          steps taken or proposed to be taken to comply with any such
          requirement thereby made or implicit therein; and

     (i)  Statutes: duly and punctually perform and observe all its obligations
          in connection with the Security Assets under any present or future
          statute or any regulation, order or notice made or given thereunder.

6.2  Undertakings Relating to Real Property.  Each Obligor undertakes to the
     Security Agent that, throughout the continuation of the Facilities and so
     long as any Secured Indebtedness is or may become payable, such Obligor
     will, unless the Security Agent otherwise agrees in writing:

     (a)  Registered Land: in the case of any Real Property which is
          registrable, or becomes registrable, after its acquisition, under the
          Land Registration Acts 1925 to 1986:

          (i)       promptly notify the Security Agent of the title numbers of
                    such property upon its acquisition or as soon as each
                    respective title number is allotted by H.M. Land Registry;

          (ii)      upon the making of any application to H.M. Land Registry for
                    the registration of such Obligor (or such other persons as
                    the Security Agent may permit as the Registered Proprietor
                    thereof) request the Chief Land Registrar to enter upon the
                    Charges Register of such property a note of this Deed in any
                    form which the Security Agent requires; and

          (iii)     in relation to any Real Property which is the subject of an
                    application for registration of title at H.M. Land Registry,
                    use its best endeavours to answer any requisitions from H.M.
                    Land Registry;


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     (b)  Compliance with Obligations: duly and punctually comply with and
          observe all terms and conditions contained in all conveyances,
          transfers, leases, tenancies, licences and Encumbrances and all
          covenants and restrictions affecting any Real Property and not do or
          suffer to be done any act or thing whereby any such lease or licence
          is surrendered or is likely to become liable to forfeiture or
          otherwise be unilaterally determined by the landlord or other party;

     (c)  No Alterations: not pull down, alter, extend or remove any building,
          structure or other improvements forming part of the Real Property;

     (d)  Registered Land: not permit any person to become registered as
          proprietor under the Land Registration Acts of any Real Property;

     (e)  Overriding Interests: not create or permit to arise any overriding
          interest as defined in section 70 of the Land Registration Act 1925;

     (f)  Taxes and Outgoings: pay as and when the same must be paid all taxes,
          rates, duties, charges, assessments and outgoings whatsoever (whether
          parliamentary, parochial, local or of any other description) which
          shall be assessed, charged or imposed upon or payable in respect of
          the Real Property or any part thereof (save to the extent that payment
          of the same is being contested in good faith);

     (g)  User: use the Real Property only for such purpose or purposes as may
          for the time being be authorised as the permitted use or user thereof
          under or by virtue of the Town and Country Planning Acts;

     (h)  Development: not make any application under the Town and Country
          Planning Acts or any other enactment to change the authorised use or
          to carry out any other development of the Real Property;

     (i)  Statutes: comply with the provisions of all statutes for the time
          being in force and every notice, order, direction, licence, consent or
          permission given thereunder and the requirements of any competent
          authority so far as they relate to the Real Property or its use;

     (j)  Leases: not grant or agree to grant (whether in exercise or
          independently of any statutory power) any lease or tenancy of the Real
          Property or any part thereof or accept or agree to accept surrenders
          thereof or permit any person to become entitled to any proprietary
          right or interest which might affect the value of any Real Property.


7.1  Enforceability.  Immediately upon the occurrence of an Event of Default the
     security created by or pursuant to this Deed shall become enforceable in
     accordance with the provisions of this Deed.

7.2  Security Agent's Right to Remedy Default.  If an Event of Default occurs,
     the Security Agent shall, at the Obligors' cost, and without prejudice to
     any other rights it may have, be entitled (but not bound) to do anything
     which it considers appropriate to remedy any failure by any Obligor to
     perform its obligations under this Deed. The Security Agent shall not
     thereby become liable to account as a mortgagee in possession.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     7.3  Powers of Security Agent. At any time after the security created by or
          pursuant to this Deed becomes enforceable, the Security Agent may
          exercise, without further notice and whether or not it shall have
          appointed a Receiver, all or any of the powers, authorities and
          discretions which are conferred by this Deed (whether expressly or by
          reference) upon a Receiver in relation to all or any part of the
          Security Assets without first appointing a Receiver or notwithstanding
          the appointment of a Receiver in relation to the relevant Security

     7.4  Appointment of Receiver.  At any time after this security becomes
          enforceable, or if an Obligor so requests, and notwithstanding that an
          order may have been made or a resolution passed for the winding-up of
          any Obligor, the Security Agent may appoint in writing any duly
          qualified person or persons to be a receiver or receiver and manager
          or administrative receiver of all or any part of the Security Assets

          (a)  Terms: the Receiver may be appointed by the Security Agent on
               such terms as the Security Agent thinks fit;

          (b)  Joint Receivers: if two or more persons are appointed as Receiver
               they may be appointed in respect of different parts of the
               Security Assets and each joint Receiver shall have power to act
               severally and independently of any other joint Receiver, except
               to the extent specified to the contrary in the appointment; and

          (c)  Removal: the Security Agent may remove a Receiver and, in the
               case of removal, retirement or death of the Receiver, may appoint
               another in his place, provided that any Receiver appointed by the
               Security Agent as an administrative receiver shall only be
               removed from office or vacate office in accordance with the
               provisions of section 45 of the Insolvency Act 1986.

     7.5  Agent of Obligors.  Unless and until the Security Agent by notice in
          writing to an Obligor and to the Receiver requires that the Receiver
          act as agent of the Security Agent, or until an order is made or a
          resolution is passed for the winding-up of an Obligor, the Receiver
          shall be the agent of an Obligor, and such Obligor shall (subject, in
          the case of an administrative receiver, to section 44 of the
          Insolvency Act 1986) be responsible for the acts and defaults of the
          Receiver and for his remuneration and shall be liable on any contracts
          and agreements made or entered into by him and for any losses incurred
          by him, but in exercising any powers of the Security Agent the
          Receiver shall have the authority of such Obligor and the Security
          Agent. After an order is made or a resolution is passed for the
          winding up of an Obligor, the Receiver shall act as a principal and
          shall not become the agent of the Security Agent. Where the Receiver
          is not an administrative receiver the Receiver shall be in the same
          position as a receiver appointed by a mortgagee under the Law of
          Property Act 1925.

     7.6  Powers of Receiver.  Subject to any specific limitations placed upon
          him by the terms of his appointment, the Receiver (whether or not an
          administrative receiver) shall have all the rights, powers and
          remedies conferred on an administrative receiver by the Insolvency Act
          1986, all the rights, powers and remedies conferred on a receiver
          appointed under the Law of Property Act 1925 and all rights, powers
          and remedies conferred on a mortgagee (including a mortgagee in
          possession) by that Act and shall also have the power to do all acts
          and things and exercise all rights, powers and remedies that an
          Obligor could do or exercise in relation to the Security Assets as if
          the Receiver were the absolute beneficial owner of the same including,
          without limitation, the power to do all or any of the following:


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     (a)  Possession:  enter, take possession, assume control of, get in and
          collect the Security Assets;

     (b)  Receive Rents:  receive the rents and profits of the Security Assets;

     (c)  Manage:  manage the Security Assets;

     (d)  Carry on Business:  carry on, manage, develop, reconstruct, amalgamate
          or diversify the business of any Obligor or any part thereof or concur
          in so doing;

     (e)  Rebuild, Maintain and Develop:  pull down, rebuild, repair, alter,
          add to, complete, maintain and insure the Security Assets and lease or
          otherwise acquire and develop or improve properties or other assets
          without being responsible for loss for damage;

     (f)  Power of Sale: sell or agree to sell or otherwise dispose of or deal
          with any Security Assets (whether or not the Receiver or Security
          Agent has taken possession) on such terms as the Receiver thinks fit

          (i)    whether by public auction, private treaty or by tender;

          (ii)   for cash or property or other valuable consideration and on
                 terms that payment of all or any part of the purchase price is
                 deferred (whether at interest or not and whether with or
                 without security);

          (iii)  in one lot or in parcels;

          (iv)   whether or not in conjunction with the sale of other property
                 by the Receiver or the Security Agent or any other person; and

          (v)    whether with or without special provisions as to title or time
                 or otherwise;

     (g)  Lease:  lease or license the Security Assets, renew, terminate,
          surrender or accept the surrender of leases or licences, in each case
          on such terms as the Receiver thinks fit, whether at a premium or

     (h)  Grant Options:  grant to any person an option to purchase or other
          rights over any Security Assets upon such terms as the Receiver thinks

     (i)  Fixtures:  add or sever fixtures and sell or otherwise dispose of or
          deal with them separately from the premises to which they were

     (j)  Surrender:  surrender or transfer the Security Assets to any
          governmental agency (whether or not for fair compensation);

     (k)  Exchange:  exchange (whether or not for fair value) with any person
          any Security Assets for an interest in property of any tenure and the
          property so acquired may be dealt with by the Receiver as if it were
          part of the Security Assets and, for that purpose, the Receiver may
          create an Encumbrance over that property in favour of the Security


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     (l)  Subsidiaries: promote the formation of any company with a view to it
          becoming a subsidiary of an Obligor and purchasing, leasing, licensing
          or otherwise acquiring interests in all or any of the Security Assets
          or otherwise, arrange for any such company to trade or cease to trade
          and to purchase, lease, license or otherwise acquire all or any of the
          Security Assets on such terms and conditions, whether or not including
          payment by instalments, secured or unsecured, as the Receiver thinks

     (m)  Insurances: maintain, renew, take out or increase insurances in such
          amounts and on such terms as the Receiver thinks fit;

     (n)  Employees: employ managers, solicitors, officers, agents, accountants,
          auctioneers, consultants, workmen and employees on such terms as the
          Receiver thinks fit;

     (o)  Delegation:  delegate to any person for such time as the Receiver
          approves any or all of the powers of the Receiver on such terms as the
          Receiver thinks fit;

     (p)  Give Receipts:  receive all payments and give receipts for all monies
          and other assets which may come into the hands of the Receiver, which
          receipts shall exonerate any person paying or handing over such monies
          or other assets from all liability to see to the application thereof
          and from all liability to enquire whether the Secured Indebtedness has
          become due or payable or otherwise as to the propriety or regularity
          of the appointment of any Receiver;

     (q)  Performance and Enforcement:  carry out and enforce, or refrain from
          carrying out or enforcing, rights and obligations of an Obligor
          forming part of the Security Assets or obtained or incurred in the
          exercise of the rights, powers and remedies of the Receiver;

     (r)  Compromises:  make any arrangements or compromise or enter into or
          cancel any contracts which the Receiver considers expedient;

     (s)  Take Proceedings:  institute, conduct, defend, settle, arrange or
          compromise any proceedings and submit to any court or arbitrator any
          claims, questions or disputes whatsoever which may arise in connection
          with the business of an Obligor (including, without limitation, for
          the recovery of debts or other monies due to an Obligor) or in respect
          of the Security Assets or in any way relating to this Deed, and to
          execute releases or other discharges in relation thereto;

     (t)  Borrowings:  advance monies or otherwise provide financial
          accommodation for the account of an Obligor or borrow any money or
          obtain other financial accommodation from any person which may be
          required for any of the purposes mentioned in this Clause 7.6, and in
          the name of such Obligor or otherwise, and secure any borrowings or
          other financial accommodation by an Encumbrance over the Security
          Assets ranking in priority to, pari passu with or after the security
          created by this Deed, in each case on such terms as the Receiver
          thinks fit;

     (u)  Other Acts and Documents:  execute deeds and documents on behalf of an
          Obligor and do all such other acts and things as may be considered by
          the Receiver to be incidental or conducive to any of the matters or
          powers aforesaid or to the realisation of the security created by this
          Deed and to use the name of an Obligor for all the purposes aforesaid.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     7.7  Remuneration of Receiver.  Each Receiver shall be entitled to
          remuneration for his services at a rate to be fixed by agreement
          between him and the Security Agent (or, failing such agreement, to be
          fixed by the Security Agent) appropriate to the work and
          responsibilities involved upon the basis of charging from time to time
          adopted in accordance with his current practice or the current
          practice of his firm and without being limited to the maximum rate
          specified in section 109(6) of the Law of Property Act 1925.

     7.8  Give Up Possession.  The Security Agent may give up possession of any
          Security Assets at any time and may discontinue any receivership.

     7.9  Property Acquired.  All property of any kind acquired in exercise of
          any of the powers conferred by this Deed shall be subject to the
          security created by this Deed and to all the powers contained in this

     7.10 Exclusion of Statute.

          (a)  Statutory Power Unaffected:  The foregoing powers conferred on
               the Security Agent shall be in addition to and not to the
               prejudice of all statutory and other powers of the Security Agent
               under the Law of Property Act 1925 or otherwise.

          (b)  Rights Unfettered:  Section 103 of that Act shall not restrict
               the exercise by the Security Agent of the power of sale conferred
               by section 101 of that Act, which power shall arise and may be
               exercised at any time after the happening of an Event of Default.

          (c)  Leasing: The powers of leasing, letting, entering into agreements
               leases and lettings and accepting and agreeing to accept
               surrenders of leases conferred by sections 99 and 100 of that Act
               shall be exercisable at any time after the happening of an Event
               of Default, and whether or not the Security Agent shall then be
               in possession of the premises in question, so as to authorise the
               Security Agent or a Receiver to make a lease or agreement for
               lease at a premium and for any length of term and generally
               without any restriction on the kind of leases and agreements for
               lease or the necessity to comply with any restrictions imposed
               by, or the other provisions of, sections 99 and 100 of that Act.

     7.11 Waiver of Notice.  Any notice, period of time or other condition
          precedent prescribed by law to the exercise of any rights, powers or
          remedies of the Security Agent or a Receiver is dispensed with except
          to the extent (if any) that the relevant law does not afford the
          opportunity to dispense by agreement with its requirements, in which
          event the relevant right, power or remedy may be exercised by the
          Security Agent or a Receiver at the time and in the circumstances
          prescribed by law.

     7.12 Not Mortgagee in Possession.  Where any liability or duty might
          otherwise attach to the Security Agent or a Receiver as mortgagee in
          possession for the purposes of the Law of Property Act 1925 neither
          Security Agent or any Receiver shall by reason of its entering into
          possession of any of the Security Assets be liable to account as
          mortgagee in possession or for anything except actual receipts or be
          liable for any loss upon realisation or for any default or omission
          for which a mortgagee in possession might otherwise be liable.

     7.13 Exclusion of Liability.  Neither the Security Agent nor any other
          Finance Party or any Receiver shall be responsible for any losses of
          any kind whatsoever (including, without


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     limitation, negligence, default or dishonesty of any servant, agent or
     auctioneer employed by the Security Agent or any Finance Party or any
     Receiver or any attorney of the Security Agent or any Finance Party or any
     Receiver) which may occur in or about the exercise, or attempted or
     purported exercise or non-exercise of any of the rights, powers or remedies
     of the Security Agent or any Finance Party or any Receiver unless directly
     caused by the gross negligence or wilful default of the Security Agent or
     any Finance Party or any Receiver. The Security Agent, any Finance Party or
     Receiver shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities conferred
     on mortgagees and receivers appointed thereunder by the Law of Property Act

7.14 Protection of Third Parties.  No person dealing with the Security Agent or
     any attorney of the Security Agent or any Receiver in connection with the
     exercise of any of the rights, powers or remedies of the Security Agent
     shall be bound to inquire whether any Event of Default has occurred or any
     power has become exercisable, as to the due appointment of any Receiver or
     otherwise as to the propriety or regularity of any such dealing or to see
     to the application of any money paid to the Security Agent or any Receiver
     and shall not be affected by express notice that any such dealing is
     unnecessary or improper, and notwithstanding any irregularity or
     impropriety in any such dealing the same shall, as regards the protection
     of that person, be deemed to be valid and effective.

7.15 Acceptance of Payments.  This Deed may be enforced notwithstanding that
     the Security Agent or any other Finance Party may have accepted payment of
     any Secured Indebtedness after the occurrence of an Event of Default.

8.   SET-OFF

     If an Event of Default has occurred the Security Agent and each other
     Finance Party shall have the right (but not the obligation), without notice
     to any Obligor or any other person, to set-off and apply any credit balance
     on any account of an Obligor with the Security Agent or such Finance Party
     (as the case may be) and any other indebtedness owing by the Security Agent
     or such Finance Party to an Obligor (in each case, whether or not subject
     to notice, matured or owing to a different branch or office and in whatever
     currency) against such of the Secured Indebtedness which is due and
     payable. Each Finance Party may convert any such credit balance or other
     indebtedness at the prevailing rate of exchange into such other currencies
     as may be necessary for this purpose.


9.1  Order of Application.  All monies from time to time actually received or
     recovered by the Security Agent or a Receiver from an Obligor under this
     Deed or arising from the enforcement of this Deed shall (subject to Clause
     9.3 (Suspense Account) be applied in the following order of priority:

     (a)  first, in payment of the costs, charges, expenses and other monies
          payable by each Obligor under Clauses 14 (Costs, Charges and Expenses)
          and 15 (Indemnities and Currencies) or liabilities otherwise incurred
          in the exercise or attempted exercise of the rights, powers or
          remedies of the Security Agent or a Receiver;

     (b)  secondly, in payment of the remaining Secured Indebtedness;


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

     (c)  thirdly, in payment of amounts due under subsequent Encumbrances of
          which the Security Agent has notice, in the order of their priorities;

     (d)  fourthly, in payment to theObligors.

9.2  Credit Actual Receipts.  In applying any monies toward satisfaction of the
     Secured Indebtedness, the Security Agent shall credit each Obligor with
     only those monies actually received by the Security Agent in cleared funds,
     and such credit shall date from the time of actual receipt.

9.3  Suspense Account  The Security Agent may place and keep any monies received
     by virtue of this Deed (whether before or after the insolvency or
     liquidation of any Obligor) to the credit of a suspense account for so long
     as the Security Agent may think fit in order to preserve the rights of the
     Security Agent or any other Finance Party to sue or prove for the whole
     amount of its claims against an Obligor or any other person.

9.4  Amounts Contingently Due.  If the Security Agent enforces the security
     constituted by this Deed (whether by the appointment of a Receiver or
     otherwise) at a time when no amounts are due to it (but at a time when
     amounts may become so due), the Security Agent (or such Receiver) may pay
     the proceeds of any recoveries effected by it into an interest-bearing
     suspense account with any person (including the Security Agent) selected by
     the Security Agent and on terms selected by the Security Agent until the
     relevant amounts become actually due and payable or the Security Agent
     determines that they will never become actually due and payable. At that
     time the amount actually owing may be paid to the Security Agent and the
     balance distributed in accordance with Clause 9.1 (Order of Application).
     Until such time the Security Agent (or such Receiver) may (subject to the
     payment of any claims having priority to this security) withdraw amounts
     standing to the credit of any such suspense account in order to pay the
     amounts referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) of Clause 9.1 (Order of
     Application). The Obligors will not be entitled to withdraw any monies
     (including interest) standing to the credit of any such suspense account
     until all the Secured Indebtedness has been irrevocably paid and discharged
     in full.

9.5  Appropriation.  Each Obligor irrevocably authorises the Security Agent to
     appropriate any monies received by the Security Agent, any attorney of the
     Security Agent or the Receiver towards such of the Secured Indebtedness as
     the Security Agent in its absolute discretion thinks fit.

9.6  Surplus Monies.  If at any time after satisfaction of the Secured
     Indebtedness the Security Agent holds any surplus monies payable to an
     Obligor, those monies shall not carry interest and may be placed to the
     credit of an account in the name of such Obligor with a bank and the
     Security Agent shall thereupon be under no further liability in respect


10.1 No Deductions.  All sums payable by any Obligor under this Deed shall be
     paid in full without set-off or counterclaim or any restriction or
     condition and, except to the extent required by any law or regulation, free
     and clear of any deduction or withholding on account of tax or otherwise.
     If an Obligor or any other person is required by any law or regulation to
     make any such deduction or withholding such Obligor shall, together with
     the relevant payment, pay such additional amount as will ensure that the
     Security Agent

Facility Agreement dated October 30,2000
Schedule 6

     or, as the case may be, any other relevant Finance Party actually receives
     and is entitled to retain, free and clear of any such deduction or
     withholding, the full amount which it would have received if no such
     deduction or withholding had been required. Each Obligor shall within the
     required time period, pay or cause to be paid over to the relevant taxation
     or other authority the full amount of any such deduction or withholding and
     shall promptly forward to the Security Agent copies of official receipts or
     other evidence satisfactory to the Security Agent showing that such payment
     has been made.

10.2 Security Agent May Debit Account of Obligor.  The Security Agent may,
     without prejudice to any other right, power or remedy of the Security
     Agent, at any time and from time to time, without further authority or
     notice to any Obligor, debit and charge any account of an Obligor with the
     Security Agent with any of the monies payable to the Security Agent under
     the Credit Documents or this Deed or any other Financing Document to which
     such Obligor is a party.


11.1 Expenses.  Each Obligor shall forthwith on demand pay or reimburse to the
     Security Agent, the other Finance Parties or any Receiver (as the case may

     (a)  Execution: all costs, charges and expenses (including legal fees on a
          full indemnity basis and all other out-of pocket expenses and any
          applicable value added tax or similar tax) incurred by the Security
          Agent or any other Finance Party or any Receiver in connection with
          the preparation, execution and registration of this Deed and any other
          documentation required in connection herewith and any amendment to or
          extension of, or any inspection, calculation, approval, consent or
          waiver to be made or given in connection with, this Deed;

     (b)  Rights and Remedies: all costs, charges and expenses (including legal
          fees on a full indemnity basis and all other out-of pocket expenses
          and any applicable value added tax or similar tax) incurred by the
          Security Agent or any other Finance Party or any Receiver in
          exercising any of its or their rights or powers under this Deed or in
          suing for or seeking to recover any sums due or otherwise preserving
          or enforcing its or their rights, powers and remedies under this Deed
          or in connection with the preservation or attempted preservation of
          the Security Assets or in defending any claims brought against any of
          them in respect of this Deed or any Obligor's interest in the Security
          Assets or in releasing or re-assigning this Deed upon payment of all
          monies hereby secured;

     (c)  Receiver:  all remuneration payable to the Receiver,

     and, until payment of the same in full, all such costs, charges and
     expenses shall be secured by this Deed.

11.2 Taxes and Registration Fees.  Each Obligor shall pay when due all present
     and future stamp and other similar duties and taxes and all notarial,
     registration, recording and other similar fees which may be payable in
     respect of this Deed and any documentation required in connection with this
     Deed and shall indemnify the Security Agent and the other Finance Parties
     against all liabilities, costs and expenses which may result from any delay
     or default in paying such duties, taxes or fees (unless caused by the
     relevant person's negligence or wilful default in paying such fees).


Facility Agreement dated October 30,2000
Schedule 6


12.1 General Indemnity.  Each Obligor shall indemnify the Security Agent, the
     other Finance Parties and any Receiver (and any attorney, delegate or other
     person appointed under this Deed by any of them) from and against all
     claims, actions, losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses incurred
     by it or them as a result of or arising out of or in connection with:

     (a)  Performance: the occurrence of any Event of Default, or any failure by
          an Obligor to make a payment or perform any obligation in accordance
          with this Deed; or

     (b)  Security Assets: the Security Assets or the use or occupation thereof
          by any person; or

     (c)  Powers: the execution or purported execution of any powers,
          authorities and discretions conferred on it pursuant to this Deed or
          in respect of any matter or thing done or omitted in relation to the
          Security Assets (unless directly resulting from the gross negligence
          or wilful default of the indemnified person).

12.2 Conversion of Currencies.  All monies received or held by the Security
     Agent or by a Receiver under this Deed at any time on or after enforcement
     in a currency other than a currency in which the Secured Indebtedness (or
     any part of it) is denominated or in an amount exceeding the amount in the
     relevant currency in which any Secured Indebtedness is denominated may from
     time to time be sold for one or more of the currencies in which the Secured
     Indebtedness is denominated as the Security Agent or any Receiver considers
     necessary or desirable and each Obligor shall indemnify the Security Agent
     against all costs, charges and expenses incurred in relation to such sale.
     Neither, the Security Agent nor any Receiver shall have any liability to
     any Obligor in respect of any loss resulting from any fluctuation in
     exchange rates after any such sale.

12.3 Currency Indemnity.  If any amount is received by the Security Agent or
     any other Finance Party in a currency other than that in which the relevant
     obligation or liability of an Obligor was payable (the "Required Currency")
     pursuant to any law, regulation or order or in the winding up, insolvency
     or bankruptcy of such Obligor or otherwise, such obligation or liability
     shall be discharged only to the extent that the Security Agent or that
     Finance Party may purchase the Required Currency with such other currency
     in accordance with normal banking procedures of the Security Agent or, as
     the case may be, that Finance Party upon receipt of such amount. If the
     amount in the Required Currency which may be so purchased, after deducting
     any costs of exchange and any other related costs, is less than the amount
     of the relevant obligation or liability, such Obligor shall indemnify the
     Security Agent or such other Finance Party against the shortfall. This
     indemnity shall be an obligation of each Obligor independent of and in
     addition to its other obligations under this Deed, notwithstanding any time
     or other concession may have been granted to such Obligor or any other act,
     matter or thing.

12.4 Payment and Security.  The Security Agent and any Receiver may retain and
     pay out of any money in the Security Agent's or (as the case may be)
     Receiver's hands all sums necessary to effect the payments, obligations and
     indemnities contained in Clause 11 (Costs, Charges and Expenses) and Clause
     12 (Indemnities and Currencies) and all sums payable by any Obligor under
     Clause 11 and Clause 12 shall form part of the monies hereby secured.


Facility Agreement dated October 30,2000
Schedule 6

     Any statement of account purporting to show an amount due from any Obligor
     for the purposes of this Deed and signed as correct by an authorised
     officer of the Security Agent or the Agent shall, in the absence of
     manifest error, be conclusive evidence of the amount so due.


14.1 Further Assurance.  Each Obligor shall at any time and from time to time
     (whether before or after the security hereby created shall have become

     (a)  Execute Documents:  execute such further legal or other mortgages,
          charges or assignments in favour of the Security Agent or the Finance
          Parties; and

     (b)  Other Action: do all such transfers, assurances, acts and things and,
          without limiting the generality of the foregoing, give all notices,
          orders and directions in respect of Security Assets,

     as the Security Agent may require to secure the Secured Indebtedness or to
     facilitate the realisation of the Security Assets or the exercise of any
     powers conferred on the Security Agent or a Receiver or for the purposes of
     perfecting and completing any assignment of the Security Agent's rights,
     benefits or obligations under this Deed.

14.2 Enforcement of Security Agent's Rights.  Each Obligor will do or permit to
     be done everything which the Security Agent may from time to time require
     to be done for the purpose of perfecting or enforcing the Security Agent's
     rights under this Deed and will allow the name of such Obligor to be used
     as and when required by the Security Agent for that purpose.

14.3 Form of Documents.  Any instrument which an Obligor is required to
     execute, or of which an Obligor is required to procure the execution, shall
     be prepared by or on behalf of the Security Agent at the cost of such
     Obligor and shall contain such clauses as the Security Agent shall
     reasonably require, including, but not limited to clauses containing an
     immediate power of sale without notice and excluding section 93, and the
     restrictions contained in section 103, of the Law of Property Act 1925.

14.4 Other Provisions.  This Clause shall be in addition to and not in
     substitution for the covenants for further assurance deemed to be included
     in this Deed by virtue of the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions)
     Act 1994.


15.1 Power of Attorney.  Each Obligor by way of security hereby irrevocably
     appoints the Security Agent, each Receiver for the time being and each
     authorised officer of the Security Agent to whom the Security Agent shall
     from time to time have delegated the exercise of the power of attorney
     conferred by this Clause, jointly and also severally, to be the attorney or
     attorneys of such Obligor to do (either in the name of such Obligor or the
     attorney) all acts and things which:

     (a)  Obligors' Obligations: such Obligor is obliged to do under this Deed;


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

      (b) Other Acts and Things: in the opinion of the Security Agent, are
          necessary or desirable in connection with the Security Assets or the
          protection or perfection of the Security Agent's interest in the
          Security Assets or the exercise of the rights, powers and remedies of
          the Security Agent or the realisation, getting in or disposition of
          any Security Assets,

      and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, to execute all
      deeds and documents of whatever nature, but without rendering the Security
      Agent liable as a mortgagee in possession, and with full power for all or
      any of such purposes from time to time to appoint a substitute or sub-
      attorney and to revoke any such appointment.

15.2  Ratification. Each Obligor hereby ratifies and confirms, and agrees to
      ratify and confirm, whatever any such attorney as is mentioned in Clause
      15.1 (Power of Attorney) shall do or purport to do, and all transactions
      entered into and documents executed, in the exercise or purported exercise
      of all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions referred to in
      such Clause.

15.3  Powers of Attorney Act. The power of attorney granted by Clause 15 (Power
      of Attorney) is, as regards the Security Agent and its delegates and each
      Receiver (as each Obligor hereby acknowledges), granted irrevocably and
      for value as part of the security constituted by this Deed to secure
      proprietary interests of, and the performance of obligations owed to, the
      respective donees within the meaning of the Powers of Attorney Act 1971.

15.4  Completion of Blanks. The Security Agent is irrevocably authorised to
      fill in any blanks and otherwise complete and to deliver any instruments
      executed any Obligor and deposited with the Security Agent in connection
      with this Deed.


16.1  Priority of Further Advances. All monies which are expressed to be
      secured by this Deed and which are advanced, paid or otherwise provided
      after the Security Agent or any other Finance Party receives notice of the
      creation of any other Encumbrance shall be secured by this Deed in
      priority to any monies secured by that other Encumbrance, unless the
      Security Agent specifically agrees in writing.

16.2  Opening of New Account. If the Security Agent or any other Finance Party
      receives or is deemed to be affected by actual or constructive notice, of
      any subsequent Encumbrance or other instrument affecting any part of the
      Security Assets and/or the proceeds of realisation thereof, the Security
      Agent and the other Finance Parties may open a new account for an Obligor.
      If the Security Agent or any other Finance Party does not open a new
      account it shall nevertheless be treated as if it had done so at the time
      when the Security Agent or, if earlier, such other Finance Party received
      or was deemed to have received notice, and as from that time all payments
      made to the Security Agent or such other Finance Party shall be credited
      or be treated as having been credited to the new account and shall not
      operate to reduce the amount for which this Deed is security.

16.3  Rights Regarding prior Encumbrances. The Security Agent may (but is not
      obliged to) pay any monies, obligations or liabilities secured by any
      Encumbrance having priority to this Deed and (at the expense of the
      Obligors) take a transfer of such Encumbrance for the benefit of the
      Finance Parties. All principal monies, interest, costs, charges and
      expenses of and incidental to such redemption and transfer shall be paid
      by the Obligors to the Security Agent on demand.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6


17.1  Declaration of Trust. The Security Agent hereby declares that it shall
      hold the Trust Property upon trust for the Finance Parties from time to
      time in accordance with the Financing Documents. The trusts of the Trust
      Property shall remain in full force and effect until the earlier of:

      (a)  Specified Date: such date as the Security Agent shall specify on

           (i)  all the obligations which are secured by the Security Documents
                have been fully and finally discharged; and

           (ii) no Finance Party is under any commitment, obligation or
                liability (whether actual or contingent) to make advances or
                provide any other financial accommodation to either Obligor
                under any Financing Document; and

      (b)  Perpetuities: the last day of the period of 80 years from the date of
           this Deed which period (and no other) shall be the applicable
           perpetuity period,

      after which the trusts set out in this Deed shall be wound up and the
      Security Agent shall release, without recourse or warranty, all of the
      security created by the Security Documents.

17.2  Powers and Discretions. To the extent not inconsistent with this Deed,
      the Security Agent shall have all the powers and discretions conferred
      upon trustees by the Trustee Act 1925.

17.3  Investment. Unless provided otherwise in any Security Document, monies
      which are received by the Security Agent and held by it as trustee in
      relation to any of the Security Documents may be invested in the name of
      or under the control of the Security Agent in any investment authorised by
      English law for the investment of trust money by trustees or in any other
      investments which may be selected by the Security Agent, and if not
      otherwise invested such monies may be placed on deposit in the name of or
      under the control of the Security Agent at such bank or institution
      (including the Security Agent) and upon such terms as the Security Agent
      may think fit.

17.4  Appointment. The Security Agent may appoint any person established or
      resident in any jurisdiction (whether a trust corporation or not) to act
      as a trustee or agent, either separately or jointly with the Security
      Agent, in relation to any of the Security Documents if the Security Agent
      considers that such an appointment is necessary or desirable for the
      purpose of conforming with any legal requirement in any relevant
      jurisdiction or otherwise for the purpose of holding, administering,
      protecting or enforcing any of the Security Documents, and any such
      trustee or agent shall have such powers and discretions (not exceeding
      those conferred on the Security Agent) and such obligations as shall be
      conferred or imposed on it by the Security Agent.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6


18.1  Amendment. Any amendment or waiver of any provision of this Deed and any
      waiver of any default under this Deed shall only be effective if made in
      writing and signed by the Security Agent.

18.2  Waiver. No failure or delay by the Security Agent or any other Finance
      Party in exercising any right, power or remedy under this Deed shall
      impair such right, power or remedy or operate as a waiver thereof, nor
      shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or remedy
      preclude any further exercise thereof or of any other right, power or
      remedy. The rights, powers and remedies provided in this Deed are
      cumulative and do not exclude any other rights, powers or remedies
      provided by law.

18.3  Severability. If at any time any provision of this Deed is or becomes
      illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the law of any
      jurisdiction, the legality, validity and enforceability of such provision
      under the law of any other jurisdiction, and of the remaining provisions
      of this Deed, shall not be affected or impaired thereby.


19.1  Counterparts. This Deed may be executed in any number of counterparts and
      by the different parties to this Deed on separate counterparts which when
      taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

19.2  Survival of Indemnities.  The indemnities contained in this Deed are
      continuing obligations of each Obligor and are separate and independent
      from the other obligations of each Obligor and shall survive the
      termination of this Deed.

19.3  Moratorium Legislation.  To the fullest extent permitted by law, the
      provisions of all existing and future laws which operate or may operate
      directly or indirectly to lessen or otherwise vary an Obligor's
      obligations under this Deed or to delay, curtail or otherwise prevent or
      prejudicially affect the exercise by the Security Agent or any other
      Finance Party of any of its rights, powers and remedies under this Deed
      are expressly negatived and excluded.

19.4  Judgments.  Notwithstanding any judgment which the Security Agent or any
      other Finance Party may recover against any Obligor in respect of any
      Secured Indebtedness, the Security Agent or such other Finance Party shall
      hold the judgment collaterally with this Deed as security for the due
      payment and satisfaction of Secured Indebtedness and this Deed shall not
      merge in any judgment.

19.5  Notice and Enforcement.  The Security Agent need not give any notice of
      this Deed to any person, enforce payment of any Secured Indebtedness,
      enforce or realise any other Security Document or take any steps or
      proceedings for any purpose unless the Security Agent thinks fit.

19.6  Consent by Security Agent.  Any consent required of the Security Agent
      under this Deed may (unless this Deed specifically provides otherwise) be
      given or withheld by the Security Agent in its absolute discretion and
      either conditionally or unconditionally.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

19.7  Restriction.  Each Obligor applies to the Chief Land Registrar for the
      registration against the registered titles (if any) specified in the
      Schedule (Real Property) (and any unregistered properties subject to first
      registration at the date of this Deed) of the following restriction:

      "Except under an Order of the Registrar no disposition, dealing, charge or
      other security interest is to be registered or noted without the consent
      of the proprietor for the time being of [Charge No [ . ]] / [a charge
      dated [ . ] 2000 and made between (1) Hawker Pacific Aerospace (2) Hawker
      Pacific Aerospace Ltd. and (3) Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen Girozentrale."


20.1  Successors and Assigns.  This Deed shall be binding upon and inure to the
      benefit of the parties to this Deed and their respective successors and
      permitted assigns.

20.2  Assignment by Obligors. No Obligor shall assign or otherwise transfer the
      benefit of this Deed or any of its rights, duties or obligations under
      this Deed without the prior written consent of the Security Agent.

20.3  Assignment by Finance Parties.  The Finance Parties may assign or grant
      participations in all or any part of their rights under this Deed in
      accordance with the provisions of Clause 20.2 of the Credit Agreement.

20.4  Change of Security Agent.  The Security Agent may assign and transfer all
      of its rights to the Security Assets and all of its rights and obligations
      under this Deed to a replacement Security Agent appointed in accordance
      with this Deed and, when such assignment and transfer takes effect, the
      replacement Security Agent shall be for all purposes acting as agent and
      trustee in accordance with the trusts in this Deed.


21.1  Delivery.  Each notice, demand or other communication to be given or made
      under this Deed shall be in writing and delivered or sent to the relevant
      party at its address or telex number or fax number set out below (or such
      other address or telex number or fax number as the addressee has by not
      less than 7 days' prior written notice specified to the other parties):

      To the US Obligor:      Hawker Pacific Aerospace
                              11240 Sherman Way
                              Sun Valley, CA 91352 - 4942

                              Telephone Number    :      (1)-818 765 6201
                              Fax Number          :      (1)-818 765 8587

                              Attention           :      Phil Panzera


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

      To the UK Obligor:      Hawker Pacific Aerospace Ltd.
                              Unit 3 Dawley Park
                              Kestrel Way
                              Hayes, Middlesex UB3 1HP

                              Telephone Number    :      0208 589 1900
                              Fax Number          :      0208 589 1903

                              Attention           :      Managing Director

      To the Security Agent:  Landesbank Hessen - Thuringen Girozentrale
                              Main Tower
                              Neue Mainzer Str. 52 - 58
                              60311 Frankfurt am Main

                              Telephone Number    :      (49)-0-69-91324202
                              Fax Number          :      (49)-0-69-91324350

                              Attention           :      Martin Rohmann

21.2  Deemed Delivery.  Any notice, demand or other communication addressed to
      any relevant party in accordance with Clause 21.1 (Delivery) shall be
      deemed to have been delivered:

      (a)  Letter:  if given or made by letter, when actually delivered to the
           relevant address;

      (b)  Telex:  if given or made by telex, when despatched with confirmed
           answerback; and

      (c)  Fax:  if given or made by fax, when despatched with a fax
           transmission report showing that the entire communication was

      provided that a communication which is received after 5:00 p.m. on a
      working day, or on a day which is not a full working day, in the place of
      receipt shall be deemed to be delivered on the next full working day in
      that place.

21.3  Language.  Each notice or other communication under this Deed shall be in
      English. Any other documents required to be delivered under this Deed
      shall be either in English or be accompanied by a certified translation
      into English.


22.1  Protective Clauses.  Without limiting Clause 4 (Continuing Security)
      neither the liability of an Obligor nor the validity or enforceability of
      this Deed shall be prejudiced, affected or discharged by:

      (a)  Other Encumbrances: any other Encumbrance, guarantee or other
           security or right or remedy being or becoming held by or available to
           the Security Agent or any other Finance Party or by any of the same
           being or becoming wholly or partly void, voidable, unenforceable or
           impaired or by the Security Agent or any other


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

           Finance Party at any time releasing, refraining from perfecting or
           enforcing, varying or in any other way dealing with any of the same
           or any power, right or remedy the Security Agent or any other Finance
           Party may now or hereafter have from or against an Obligor or any
           other person;

      (b)  Time:  the granting of any time or indulgence to an Obligor or any
           other person;

      (c)  Variation: any variation or modification (however fundamental) of
           either Credit Document, any other Financing Document or any other
           document referred to therein;

      (d)  Invalidity: the invalidity or unenforceability of any obligation or
           liability of any Obligor under either Credit Document or any of the
           Financing Documents;

      (e)  Defective Execution: any invalidity or irregularity in the execution
           of this Deed, the Credit Documents or any other Financing Document;

      (f)  Defective Capacity: any deficiency in the powers of any Obligor to
           enter into or perform any of its obligations under this Deed, the
           Credit Documents or under any other Financing Document to which it is
           a party;

      (g)  Change in Constitution: any change in the constitution of any Obligor
           or any Finance Party or (in relation to any of them) its absorption
           in or amalgamation with, or the acquisition of all or a part of its
           undertaking by, any other person;

      (h)  Other: any act, omission, event or circumstance which would or may
           but for this provision operate to prejudice, affect or discharge this
           Deed or the liability of an Obligor under this Deed.

22.2  Unrestricted Right of Enforcement.  This Deed may be enforced without the
      Security Agent or any other Finance Party first having recourse to any
      other security or rights or taking any other steps or proceedings against
      an Obligor or any other person or may be enforced for any balance due
      after resorting to any one or more other means of obtaining payment or
      discharge of the monies, obligations and liabilities hereby secured.

22.3  Release.  The Security Agent may release any Security Assets from the
      security hereby created at any time and any such release shall not in any
      way affect, prejudice or invalidate the security hereby created over any
      other Security Assets, any other Financing Document or the obligations of
      an Obligor under this Deed or any other Financing Document to which it is
      a party.

22.4  Release of Charge Conditional.  Any release, settlement or discharge given
      or made by the Security Agent in consideration for any assurance,
      security, disposition or payment made by an Obligor or any other person
      shall be conditional upon such assurance, security, disposition or payment
      not being void, voidable, set aside or ordered to be refunded for any
      reason whatsoever under any law (including, without limitation, under any
      law relating to preferences, bankruptcy, insolvency, administration or
      winding up). If such condition is not fulfilled:

      (a)  Enforcement: the Security Agent shall be entitled to enforce the
           security created by or pursuant to this Deed subsequently to the same
           extent as if no such


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

           assurance, security, disposition or payment had been made and any
           such release, settlement or discharge had not occurred;

      (b)  Further Assurance: each Obligor shall, at its own expense, promptly
           do, execute and deliver, and cause any relevant third person to do,
           execute and deliver, all acts and documents which the Security Agent
           requires to reinstate the security expressed to be constituted by
           this Deed; and

     (c)  Retention of Security:  the Security Agent may retain this Deed, any
          security hereby created and any document deposited with it hereunder
          until it is satisfied that such condition has been or will be

      and this Clause 22.4 (Release of Charge Conditional) shall survive the
      discharge of this Deed unless the Security Agent expressly agrees
      otherwise in writing.


23.1  Law.  This Deed and the rights and obligations of the parties hereunder
      shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England.

23.2  Jurisdiction.  Each Obligor irrevocably agrees for the benefit of the
      Security Agent and the other Finance Parties that any legal action arising
      out of or relating to this Deed may be brought in the courts of England
      and irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts.

23.3  No Limitation on Right of Action.  Nothing in this Deed shall limit the
      right of the Security Agent or any other Finance Party to commence any
      legal action against any Obligor and/or its assets in any other
      jurisdiction or to serve process in any manner permitted by law, and the
      taking of proceedings in any jurisdiction shall not preclude the Security
      Agent or any other Finance Party from taking proceedings in any other
      jurisdiction whether concurrently or not.

23.4  Waiver; Final Judgment Conclusive.  Each Obligor irrevocably and
      unconditionally waives any objection which it may now or hereafter have to
      the choice of England as the venue of any legal action arising out of or
      relating to this Deed and agrees not to claim that any court in that venue
      is not a convenient or proper forum. Each Obligor also agrees that a final
      judgment against it in any such legal action shall be final and conclusive
      and may be enforced in any other jurisdiction, and that a certified or
      otherwise duly authenticated copy of the judgment shall be conclusive
      evidence of the fact and amount of its indebtedness.

23.5  Waiver of Immunity.  Each Obligor irrevocably and unconditionally waives
      any immunity to which it or its assets may at any time be or become
      entitled, whether characterised as sovereign immunity or otherwise, from
      any set-off or legal action in England or elsewhere, including immunity
      from service of process, immunity from jurisdiction of any court or
      tribunal, and immunity of any of its assets from attachment prior to
      judgment or from execution of a judgment.

23.6  Process Agent.  Without prejudice to any other mode of service allowed
      under any relevant law, the US Obligor:

      (a)  irrevocably appoints Messrs Paris Smith and Randall of Number One
           London Road, Southampton SO15 2AE, England (Ref. AEH) as its agent
           for service of


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

           process in relation to any proceedings before the English courts in
           connection with any Financing Document; and

      (b)  agrees that failure by the process agent referred to in Clause
           23.6(a) hereof to notify the US Obligor of the process will not
           invalidate the proceedings concerned.

THIS DEED has been executed as a Deed by the parties hereto and is intended to
be and is hereby delivered on the date stated at the beginning of this Deed.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

                                 Real Property

                                Registered Land

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
County and District/
- --------------------
London Borough                        Title Numbers                 Description of Property
- --------------                        -------------                 -----------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
London Borough of Hillingdon          AGL 70229                     Unit 3, Dawley Park, Dawley
                                                                    Road, Hayes
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               Unregistered Land

                         None specifically identified.


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

- ------------

for and on behalf of               )
by                                 )

David L. Lokken - CEO              )         /s/ David L. Lokken
- --------------------------         )         --------------------------------
Name / Title                       )                Authorised signatory
Philip M. Panzera - EVP            )
- --------------------------         )         /s/ Philip M. Panzera
Name / Title                                 --------------------------------
                                                    Authorised signatory

for and on behalf of               )
by                                 )
                                   )         /s/ David L. Lokken
David L. Lokken                    )         -------------------------
- --------------------------                   Director

Philip M. Panzera                            /s/ Philip M. Panzera
- --------------------------                   -------------------------
Name                                         Director/Secretary


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 6

- ------------------

for and on behalf of               )
GIROZENTRALE                       )
by                                           /s/ Frank Dohl
                                             Authorised signatory

Frank Dohl - V.P.
- ---------------------------
Name / Title

Martin Rohmann
- ---------------------------                  /s/ Martin Rohmann
Name  / Title                                ---------------------------
                                             Authorised signatory

- ---------

for and behalf of                  )
GIROZENTRALE                       )         /s/ Frank Dohl
by                                 )         ----------------------------
                                   )         Authorised signatory
Frank Dohl - V.P.                  )
- --------------------------         )
Name / Title                       )
Martin Rohmann                     )
- --------------------------         )         /s/ Martin Rohmann
Name / Title                       )         ----------------------------
                                   )         Authorised signatory


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000

Schedule 6
- -----------


                                       As of September 30, 2000

 Cash                                     (pound)  1,416,442
 Trade accounts receivable, net                    2,962,400
 Other receivables                                   (23,994)
 Inventory                                         4,918,915
 Prepaid expenses                                    369,006
 NBV of machinery and equipment                    6,784,052
 NBV of exchange assets                           14,291,389
 Deposits, other assets                               53,789
                                          (pound) 30,771,998


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000

Schedule 7
- ----------


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 8
- ----------

                          DISCLOSURE OF SHAREHOLDINGS

                                   - NONE -

Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 9
- ----------

                          DISCLOSURE OF ENCUMBRANCES

Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 9
- ----------

                          Disclosure of Encumbrances

          Heller Loan and Security Agreement dated December 22, 1998

                       Debentures dated February 3, 1998
                 Entered into between Hawker Pacific Aerospace
                     and Hawker Pacific Aerospace Limited

Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 10
- -----------


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 10
- -----------

                     Disclosure of Financial Indebtedness

Hawker Pacific Aerospace            Intercompany Debenture    $12,204,261
Hawker Pacific Aerospace            Intercompany Payable       31,143,272
Total Financial Indebtedness                                  $33,347,533

Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 11
- -----------


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 12
- -----------


Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 13
- -----------

                               AGENCY AGREEMENT

Facility Agreement dated October 30, 2000
Schedule 13
- -----------
                                                                  Execution Copy

                               AGENCY AGREEMENT


                   Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen Girozentrale


                        Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau

                               AGENCY AGREEMENT


1.   Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen Girozentrale, Neue Mainzer Strasse 52-58, 60311
     Frankfurt am Main

                                        - hereinafter referred to as the "Agent"
                                  or, in such capacity, as the "Security Agent"-


2.   Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau, Palmengartenstrasse 5-9, 60325 Frankfurt am

          - the Co-Arranger, and together with the Agent, the "Banks", and each
            a "Bank" -


the Banks have agreed to make available to Hawker Pacific Aerospace, Inc., 11240
Sherman Way, Sun Valley, CA. 91352-4942, USA (the "Borrower") a credit facility
in an amount of USD 45,000,000 (the "Facility") pursuant to the terms of a
Credit Agreement dated October 30, 2000 (the "Credit Agreement");

the Agent and Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau have made the facility available as
Mandated Arranger and Co-Arranger, respectively.

NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows:

1.  Exclusion of Joint and Several Liability, Commitments

    The Banks shall participate in the Facility in the form of a disclosed
    syndicate (offenes Konsortium), excluding any joint and several liability,
    and further excluding the creation of any joint ownership
    (Gesamthandsvermogen). The liability of each Bank and its obligations in
    respect of the Facility is limited to its respective commitments set out in
    Schedule 1 of the Credit Agreement.

2.  Availability of Commitments

    Each Bank shall make available to the Agent, on a bank account specified by
    the Agent, funds corresponding to the respective bank's proportion of its
    commitment under the Facility, without delay upon request by the Agent and
    at the time specified by the Agent. The Agent shall make timely transfers
    thereof to the Borrower.

3.  Transfer of Payments to Banks

    The Agent shall transfer to the Banks, and pay into accounts to be
    designated by each Bank in writing, all payments of interest and any other
    payments received at the relevant due date in the proportion of the Bank's
    commitments under the Facility. In addition, the Agent shall timely transfer
    to the Banks any repayments and other pro-rata payments to be made pursuant
    to the Credit Agreement in accordance with the foregoing, and may effect
    payments without verifying whether funds have actually been received. In
    case payments of the Borrowers are not made timely, or not in the full
    amount of payments due, or if the Agent is required to repay any such
    amounts, the Agent shall be entitled to request payment to it from the Banks
    by the relevant due dates of the amounts transferred by the Agent in
    accordance herewith.

4.  Payment Claims

    Each Bank shall have the payment claims against the Borrower in the
    proportion of its commitment under the Facility, and such payment claims
    shall be secured pro-rata by the security made available pursuant to the
    terms of the Credit Agreement. Unless specifically agreed otherwise, no Bank
    shall be responsible for the obligations of any other Bank under this Agency
    Agreement and under the Credit Agreement. The amount of the Banks'
    respective claims shall be determined in accordance with the Credit

5.  Terms of Credit Agreement

    The terms and conditions of the Facility are set out in the Credit
    Agreement. All relevant interest rates or any changes thereof shall without
    delay be communicated by the Agent to the other Banks.

6.  Agency

    The Agency shall act as agent in respect of all rights and obligations of
    the Banks under or in connection with the Credit Agreement, the Security
    Documents referred to and defined therein (the "Security Agreements") and
    this Agreement, unless specifically agreed otherwise among the Banks.

7.  Representative Authority of Agent

    The Agent shall be entitled and be obligated, and be exempt from the
    restrictions of Sec. 181 Civil Code (BGB) in this respect, to represent the
    Banks vis-a-vis the Borrower and third parties in connection with the
    Facility and the security made available pursuant to the terms of the Credit
    Agreement and the Security Agreements, in accordance with the terms of this
    Agency Agreement.

8.  Responsibilities of Agent

    The Agent shall convene and chair meetings of the syndicate, and shall
    execute all resolutions adopted by the Banks. In addition, the Agent shall
    verify compliance with the provisions of the Credit Agreement and the
    Security Agreements by the Banks of and to the extent the Banks instruct the
    Agent accordingly in respect of specific matters. The Agent and

    each Bank shall verify compliance with the provisions of the Credit
    Agreement, the Security Agreements and any other agreements made in
    connection with the Credit Agreement, by the Borrower and any other parties
    (e.g., by way of examining and verifying documents made available to them),
    and shall inform each other without delay via the Agent, if any breach of
    the obligations of the Borrower becomes apparent to any of them. No Bank
    shall be responsible towards any other Bank in case no such notification is
    made, however.

9.  Security

    As security for the claims of the Banks under the Credit Agreement, the
    security identified in Sec. 10.1 of the Credit Agreement must be provided
    prior to a disbursement of funds thereunder, and the Agent (in such
    capacity, the "Security Agent") undertakes the administration of such
    security, and shall hold in trust and administer the security on its own
    behalf and on behalf of the Co-Arranger. The Co-Arranger hereby irrevocably
    authorizes the Security Agent to enter into, amend and supplement all
    agreements which may be necessary or beneficial for the grant of the
    security in favour of the Banks, and to exercise all rights of control,
    administration and disposal under the Security Agreements. The Security
    Agent is hereby released from the restrictions of Sec. 181 German Civil Code
    in respect of all measures taken by the Security Agent pursuant to this
    Agreement or the Security Agreements. Any realization of security shall be
    undertaken by the Security Agent in its own name, but for the account of all
    Banks which shall cooperate in such respect with the Security Agent, by way
    of providing the Security Agent with all requisite documents, information
    and certifications, or otherwise as required in this context. The Banks
    shall ensure that payments of proceeds of any realization of security are
    invariably made to the Security Agent. Any such proceeds shall be applied,
    first, in payment of all costs, taxes and other expenses incurred by the
    Security Agent and the other Banks in the course of the administration of
    the security, second, to the Banks in the proportion of their respective
    claims under the Credit Agreement until satisfaction of the claims of the
    Banks in full and, third, in satisfaction of any other claims of the Banks
    against the Borrower, in each case in the proportion of the Banks' claims;
    any excess proceeds are to be paid to the relevant grantor or grantors of
    security. The Security Agent may transfer the administration of the security
    to another security trustee which it considers to be suitable for complying
    with the obligations of the Security Agent, subject to an appropriate
    security trust agreement to be entered into between the Banks and such other
    security trustee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Security Agent shall be
    entitled to resign from its position as Security Agent subject to written
    notification of the Co-Arranger on sixty days' notice.

10. Information

    The Agent shall inform the other Banks in respect of the circumstances which
    are relevant for the implementation of the Credit Agreement when and to the
    extent it has become aware, through notification by the Borrower or in
    connection with the Security Agreements, of such information, and in
    particular through the documents and notifications to be provided to it or
    made pursuant to the terms of the Credit Agreement. This shall not apply,
    however, in respect of documents and information made available to the other
    Banks by the Borrower. The Agent and the other Banks shall inform each other
    in respect of all circumstances of which they have become aware in
    connection with the performance of the Credit Agreement, provided that such
    information is materially relevant for the financing and the repayment of

    the funds made available to the Borrower under the Credit Agreement.

11. Meetings of Syndicate, Call

    Each Bank shall be entitled to request a meeting of the syndicate. Any such
    meeting shall be called by the Agent in writing (including by way of telefax
    or by electronic means, on at least seven Banking Days (as this term is
    defined in the Credit Agreement) prior to the proposed date of the meeting.
    The agenda for the meeting shall be specified in the call. In case of an
    urgency, the agent may call a meeting on short notice, if and as
    appropriate. Meetings shall be held in Frankfurt am Main, or at any other
    place mutually agreed by the Banks.

12. Resolutions

    The Agent shall arrange for resolutions of the Banks to be made in respect
    of all important matters. Resolutions shall be adopted by a majority of two
    thirds of the votes to be weighted in accordance with the provisions set out
    hereinbelow, unless resolutions are to be made in respect of the following
    matters which shall require unanimity:

    (i)   Changes of the provisions of the Credit Agreement relating to
          interest, term and repayment of the Facility, the release or
          realization of security, the termination of the Credit Agreement, and
          the enforcement of claims against the Borrower by way of court action;

    ii)   changes of this Agency Agreement.

    Abstentions shall not be counted. Each percentage of the commitment of each
    Bank under the Facility shall equate to one vote; in case of more than 0.5
    percentage points and less than 0.5 percentage points, the weight of votes
    shall be rounded upwards and downwards, respectively. Only Banks represented
    in a meeting shall be entitled to vote. Banks which are not represented by
    their own employees may be represented by another Bank, or by a member of
    the tax advisory profession, or an attorney-at-law, acting on the basis of a
    written power of attorney. Resolutions can only be adopted when more than
    half of the votes of the Banks are represented in a meeting; if no such
    quorum is reached, the Agent shall without delay convene another meeting; in
    accordance with Sec. 11 in which no such quorum is required. Resolutions can
    be adopted in writing (including by way of telefax) outside of meetings of
    the syndicate, provided that no Bank objects to such written resolution by
    giving written notice to the Agent within three Banking Days (within the
    meaning and as defined in the Credit Agreement) after receipt of any request
    therefor. In case of resolutions adopted in writing, the votes of only those
    Banks shall be taken into account which have provided a written statement
    within four Banking Days (as this term is defined in the Credit Agreement)
    after receipt of the request of the relevant written resolution. Any
    proposal for a written resolution may be sent to the Banks with a request to
    vote in writing. The notice periods referred to in this Section may in case
    of an urgency be reduced by the Agent as appropriate.

13. Urgency

    In matters considered urgent by the Agent, the Agent may take a decision
    without prior coordination with the other Banks if the Agent considers an
    urgent decision necessary in

    order to prevent the occurrence of damages or losses to the detriment of the
    Banks. Any such decision shall be taken by the Agent within its reasonable
    discretion. The Banks shall be bound by any such decision of the Agent. The
    Agent shall have no obligation to take decisions on an urgent basis. The
    Agent shall without delay inform the other Banks of any urgency decisions
    which have been taken.

14. Liability

    The Agent shall represent the other Banks, and the Security Agent shall
    administrate security, in accordance with the standards of customary
    diligence in business matters (Sorgfalt eines ordentlichen Kaufmanns).
    Documents and other information submitted to the Agent shall be verified by
    all Banks in respect of whether their form complies with the requirements of
    the Credit Agreement. The Agent and the Security Agent shall not be liable
    for compliance by the Borrower, or by third parties, with the Borrower's or
    such third parties' contractual obligations, nor for the legal validity, the
    completeness or the accuracy of documentation or information provided by the
    Borrower or by third parties. This shall similarly apply in respect of any
    documents made available to the Agent or the Security Agent by the Borrower
    or by third parties. The Agent and the Security Agent shall not be
    responsible for the substance, legal validity and enforceability of the
    security or the claims against, and compliance with the contractual
    obligations by, the Borrower or third parties. The Agent and the Security
    Agent shall not be required, in connection with the performance of its
    obligations pursuant to Sec. 9 of this Agency Agreement or otherwise, to
    investigate any covenants, obligations to cooperate or to provide documents
    or information, to be complied with, performed and/or provided by the
    Borrower or by third parties. This shall similarly apply to other Banks to
    the extent any such Bank holds and administrates security, or has
    obligations pursuant to the terms of this Agency Agreement.

15. Indemnification

    Any exclusion of the Banks joint and several liability notwithstanding, the
    Banks shall indemnify and reimburse the Agent and the Security Agent in
    respect of all claims and obligations vis-a-vis third parties which are
    raised against the Agent or the Security Agent in connection with the
    implementation of the Credit Agreement and any other agreements relating
    thereto. The Banks obligation to indemnify the Agent or the Security Agent
    shall in respect of each Bank be determined in accordance with its pro-rata
    commitments under the Facility.

16. Cooperation

    The Banks shall cooperate in respect of any decisions or measures to be
    taken in connection with the Facility, in such a way so as to allow a smooth
    implementation of the terms and provisions of the Credit Agreement in
    accordance with the terms thereof. The Banks shall cooperate applying the
    standards of customary diligence in business matters (Sorgfalt eines
    ordentlichen Kaufmanns).

17. Sharing and other Obligations

    The Banks shall permit payments under the Credit Agreement only if such
    payment are made

    simultaneously in the proportion of their respective commitments under the
    Facility; otherwise, they shall put the other Banks in the same position in
    which such Banks would have been if a proportionate repayment or payment
    would have been made to the affected Bank. If and to the extent any Bank has
    received any such excess payments, and if the payor's payment obligations
    have been discharged as a consequence thereof, the other Banks to which the
    excess amounts have been distributed shall assign to the affected Bank their
    claims against the Borrower or, as the case may be, any other payor in the
    proportion in which they have received payment. In case of enforcement
    action taken in connection with any claims raised by the Banks against the
    Borrower, in relation to repayments or the payment of interest, commitment
    fees, prepayment penalties or compensation or penalties for the failure to
    make timely drawings, or other claims under and in connection with the
    Credit Agreement, the Banks shall coordinate with each other and shall raise
    such claims only in accordance with the terms of this Agency Agreement. This
    shall similarly apply in respect of the realization of security. The Banks
    shall not without the prior consent of all other Banks declare a setoff of
    their claims under other agreements made with the Borrower against their
    claims arising in connection with this Credit Agreement, the Security
    Agreements and any other agreements made in connection with the Credit
    Agreement. Any setoff resulting in a discharge of obligations of the
    Borrower under the Credit Agreement shall be deemed a payment within the
    meaning of this Sec. 17.

18. Verification and Assessments

    Each Bank warrants and assures that it has itself examined the
    creditworthiness of the Borrower, the Credit Agreement, the Security
    Agreements and any documentation pertaining thereto, and any documents and
    notifications made available to it by the Agent, in respect of the
    completeness, legal validity, enforceability and accuracy. If a Bank
    determines that the documents and notifications made available to it are
    insufficient, it shall without delay notify the Agent thereof in order to
    come to a mutually agreeable solution. This shall also apply in respect of
    documents or notifications made available by the Agent or the Security Agent
    to the Banks in the future.

19. Costs

    The costs of this Agency Agreement and its implementation - to the extent
    not reimbursed and paid by the Borrower - and any losses arising from or in
    connection with the non-performance of the Credit Agreement, in whole or in
    part, or of any agreements related thereto, shall be borne by the Banks in
    the proportion of their commitments under the Facility.

20. Term

    This Agency Agreement shall have a term until satisfaction and discharge in
    full of all claims and obligations from and under the Credit Agreement and
    all agreements made in connection therewith.

21. Miscellaneous Provisions

21.1  All amendments and supplements to this Agency Agreement must be in
      writing. This requirement shall also apply to any changes of this
      requirement for such written form.

21.2  The invalidity or unenforceability of one or more provisions of this
      Agency Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the
      remaining provisions hereof. Any invalid or unenforceable provision shall
      be substituted by a provision which approximates most closely the economic
      purpose of the invalid or unenforceable provision. The same shall apply
      accordingly in case of any omissions.

21.3  This Agency Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Federal
      Republic of Germany. The courts of Frankfurt am Main shall have exclusive
      jurisdiction with respect to the resolution of all disputes under or in
      connection with this Agency Agreement. Place of performance shall be
      Frankfurt am Main.

Frankfurt am Main, October 30, 2000     Frankfurt am Main, October 30, 2000
- -----------------------------------     -----------------------------------
Place, date                             Plate, date

Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen             Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau

Frank Dohl                              Wolfgang Behler
- -----------------------------------     -----------------------------------