Exhibit 10.9.1

                                   AMENDMENT OF
                               EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT

The Employment Contract dated October 12, 1997 between Francois Guillemin and
Synbiotics Europe SAS/Synbiotics Corporation (the "Contract") is hereby amended
as follows. The purpose of these revisions is to assure that, if Mr. Guillemin
has the opportunity to keep his position with an Acquirer of the assets of
Synbiotics, this would be considered a continuation of his employment and not a
termination by Synbiotics.

The following is added to Section 11.

         If a party ("Acquirer") acquires the majority of the assets of
         Synbiotics Corporation and the Acquirer offers Mr. Guillemin a position
         not materially inferior to his present position, on terms not
         materially inferior to his present terms of employment, then Mr.
         Guillemin will not be entitled to receive termination pay ("Severance")
         from Synbiotics, whether he accepts the Acquirer's offer or not.

         An offer that permits the acquirer to transfer Mr. Guillemin outside of
         Lyon, France, or an offer that does not include the right to receive
         Severance payments as in the current contract, would be an inferior

         If Mr. Guillemin accepts any position with Acquirer within six months
         after an Asset Sale, then Mr. Guillemin is not entitled to any
         Severance under this employment contract and Mr. Guillemin shall refund
         to the Company any and all Special Severance which was previously paid.

The following is deleted from Section 11:

         The second ss. of section 11 i.e. the last ss. of page 3 of the
         original Employment Contract ( Contrat de travail) signed on October
         the 17th, 1997, beginning by "en tout etat de cause ... and ending by
         ... de licenciement"

Except as specifically set forth in this Amendment, the Contract remains
unchanged and in full force and effect.

Dated: February 14, 2001          Read and approved,

                                  /s/ Francois Guillemin
                                  FRANCOIS GUILLEMIN


                                  By:  /s/ Paul A. Rosinack