Exhibit 10.8.7      Quaker City Bank Change in Control Agreement Renewal and
                    Extension Acknowledgment between Quaker City Bank and
                    Harold Rams dated July 1, 2001.

                                QUAKER CITY BANK
                          CHANGE IN CONTROL AGREEMENT

Name of Participant:              Harold Rams

The undersigned participant does hereby acknowledge that, at their regularly
scheduled meeting on June 21, 2001, the Board of Directors of Quaker City Bank
acted to renew and extend the Quaker City Bank Change in Control Agreement with
the undersigned participant to a full twenty-four (24) month term, until
June 30, 2003.

Dated this     1st     day of        July           , A.D.,      2001          .
           ---     ---        ------      ----------        ----      ---------

                              QUAKER CITY BANK

  /s/ Harold Rams             By:  /s/ Frederic R. McGill
--------------------             --------------------------
Participant                      President