May 1, 2003 Via Facsimile and EDGAR Mr. Harry Eisenstein Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20549 RE: Request to Withdraw Post-Effective Amendment on Form N-4 Pursuant to Rule 477 of the 1933 Act on Form AW Variable Annuity Account Five ("Registrant") AIG SunAmerica Life Assurance Company ("Depositor") File Nos.: 333-92396 and 811-07727 Accession Number 0000898430-03-002581 Dear Mr. Eisenstein: Pursuant to Rule 477 (AW) of the 1933 Act, the Registrant, a separate account of Depositor, hereby respectfully requests that the Commission withdraw Post-Effective Amendment Nos. 3 and 4 filed on April 24, 2003 under the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act, respectively, to the Registration Statement on Form N-4 pursuant to 485(b), accession number 0000898430-03-002581. That Post-Effective Amendment was inadvertently filed without the financial statements of the Depositor. We request that that filing be withdrawn. We have since filed a corrected 485(b) with the Accession No. 0000898430-03-002732 adding the financial statements of the Depositor as Post-Effective Amendment Nos. 4 and 5. If you have questions, please contact me at (310) 772-6307. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, /s/ LUCIA B. WILLIAMS Lucia B. Williams Director, Variable Annuity Product Compliance