EXHIBIT 10(ss)

                Amendment to National Medical Enterprises, Inc.
                     Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan
                                 Dated November 1, 1984
                                 As Amended May 21, 1986

RETIREMENT PLAN (the "Amendment") is made, entered into and effective as of the
25th day of April, 1994.

                               R E C I T A L S :
                               - - - - - - - -  

          WHEREAS, National Medical Enterprises, Inc., a Nevada corporation
("NME") adopted the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (the "Plan"),
pursuant to a document dated November 1, 1984 and amended May 21, 1986;

          WHEREAS, Section 5.4 provides that NME reserves the right, in its sole
discretion, to amend the Plan; and

          WHEREAS, NME now desires to amend the Plan.

          NOW, THEREFORE, intending to be legally bound, NME hereby agrees to
amend the Plan as follows:

                              A M E N D M E N T :
                              - - - - - - - - -  

          1. Section 2.5 of the Plan is hereby amended by deleting such Section
in its entirety and replacing it with the following:

          "2.5 Change of Control.  "Change of Control" shall be deemed to have
          occurred if (a) any person as such term is used in Sections 13(c) and
          14(d)(2) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, is or
          becomes the beneficial owner directly or indirectly of securities of
          NME representing 30% or more of the combined voting power of NME's
          then outstanding securities or (b) during any two year period
          commencing after April 1, 1994, individuals who at the beginning of
          such period constitute the Board of Directors of NME cease for any
          reason other than death or disability to constitute a majority of the

          2. Section 2.14 of the Plan is hereby amended by deleting such Section
in its entirety and replacing it with the following:

          "2.14 Existing Retirement Benefit Plans Adjustment Factor.  "Existing
          Retirement Benefit Plans Adjustment Factor or Factors" means the
          assumed benefit the Participant would be eligible for under Social
          Security and all retirement plans of NME and its Subsidiaries whether
          or not he participates in such plans. This Factor will be used for
          calculating all benefits under the Plan and is a projection of the
          benefits payable under the Social Security regulations in effect June
          1, 1984, and retirement plans of NME in effect on June 1, 1984, or the
          participant's Date of Enrollment in the Plan, if later. Once
          established for a Participant this Factor will not thereafter be
          altered to reflect any reduction in benefits under Social Security.
          This Factor will be adjusted to reflect changes in


          benefits under NME retirement plans if a Participant is transferred to
          different retirement plans or the Company contribution to a retirement
          plan is increased or decreased from the percentage used for original
          calculation of the Participant's Factor or the Participant becomes
          eligible for other retirement plans adopted by the Company which would
          provide benefits greater or less than the Plan considered in
          calculating the Participant's original Factor, except that such Factor
          for Participant's who are regular full time employees actively at work
          with the Company on April 1, 1994, with the corporate office or a
          division or subsidiary that is not announced as a discontinued
          operation shall be revised based upon the Participant's actual base
          salary as of April 1, 1994, but no Factor will be increased as a
          result of revision of the Factor to use the base salary as of April 1,

          3. Section 2.19 of the Plan is hereby amended by deleting such Section
          in its entirety and replacing it with the following:

          "2.19  Projected Earnings.  "Projected Earnings means the (a) actual
          Earnings of the Participant on the Date of Enrollment plus an assumed
          increase of eight percent per annum, or (b) for Participants who are
          regular full time employees actively at work on April 1, 1994, with
          the corporate office or a division or a subsidiary that has not been
          declared to be a discontinued operation, the actual Earnings of the
          Participant on April 1, 1994 plus an assumed increase of eight percent
          per annum."

          4. Section 3.8 of the Plan is hereby amended by designating the first
          paragraph of Section 3.8 as subparagraph (a) and by adding the
          following as a new subparagraph 3.8(b):

          "3.8(b) For a Participant who is a regular full time employee actively
          at work on April 1, 1994, with the corporate office or a division or a
          subsidiary which has not been declared to be a discontinued operation,
          who has not yet begun to receive benefit payments under the Plan and
          whose employment is Terminated without cause or who voluntarily
          Terminates Employment following (a) a material downward change in the
          functions, duties, or responsibilities which reduce the rank or
          position of the Participant, (b) (i) a reduction in the Participant's
          annual base salary, or (ii) a material reduction in the Participant's
          annual incentive plan bonus payment other than for financial
          performance as it broadly applies to all similarly situated active
          Participants in the same plan, or (iii) a material reduction in the
          Participant's retirement or supplemental retirement benefits that does
          not broadly apply to all active Participant's in the same plan or; (c)
          transfer of a Participant's office to a location that is more than
          fifty (50) miles from the Participant's current principal office
          location, if such Termination of Employment occurs within two years
          following a Change of Control of NME while this Plan remains in
          effect, the provisions of Section 3.8a above shall not apply and (i) a
          Participant's Early or Normal Retirement Benefits under this Plan (a)
          will be determined on the basis of (I) receiving full Prior Service
          Credit under Sections 3.1 and 3.2 for all Years of Service prior to
          his or her Date of Enrollment and (II) being credited with three
          additional years to his or her Years of Service (with total Years of


          Service not to exceed twenty years) and (b) will be fully vested in
          the Participant without regard to his or her Years of Service with NME
          and its Subsidiaries, (ii) will be determined by replacing the
          definition of "Earnings" under Section 2.10 hereof with the following
          "the base salary and the annual cash bonus paid to a Participant by
          NME or a Subsidiary, excluding (A) any cash bonus paid under the LTIP,
          (B) any car and other allowances and (C) other cash and non-cash
          compensation" and (iii) notwithstanding any other provision of this
          Plan to the contrary, a Participant will be entitled to receive the
          Normal Retirement Benefit on or after the age of sixty, without
          reduction, and after the age of fifty-five with a reduction of 0.42%
          per month for each month for which the benefit commences to be paid
          prior to the Participant's attaining the age of sixty and after the
          age of fifty with the foregoing reduction from age sixty to age fifty-
          five and with a reduction to 0.56% per month for each month for which
          the benefit commences to be paid prior to the Participant's attaining
          the age of fifty-five. No other reductions set forth in Sections
          3.2a(iii) and 3.2b will apply."

          5. The following language shall be added as a new Paragraph 3.9:

          "3.9 Golden Parachute Cap. Notwithstanding any provision in this Plan
          to the contrary, in no event shall the total present value of all
          payments under this Plan that are payable to a Participant and are
          contingent upon a Change of Control in accordance with the rules set
          forth in Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Service Code of 1986, as
          amended (the "Code") and the Treasury Regulations thereunder, when
          added to the present value of all other payments, other than payments
          that are made pursuant to this Plan, that are payable to a Participant
          and are contingent upon a Change of Control, exceed an amount equal to
          two hundred and ninety-nine percent (299%) of the Participant's "base
          amount" as that term is defined in Section 280G of the Code."

          6. The following language shall be added as new Section 4.5 to the

          "4.5 Lump Sum Distributions.  At any time following a Termination of
          Employment which occurs within two (2) years after a Change of Control
          or following an Early Retirement or a Normal Retirement, a
          Participant, or the Surviving Spouse of a Participant, who has a
          vested interest in the Plan may elect to receive a lump sum payment,
          in an amount determined below, sixty (60) days after giving notice to
          the Committee of the Participant's, or the Participant's Surviving
          Spouse's, desire to receive such lump sum benefit. The date of the
          notice shall be the "Commencement Date." The lump sum payment shall be
          determined in accordance with the following provisions of this Section
          4.5, and then shall be reduced by a penalty equal to ten percent (10%)
          of such payment which shall be forfeited to NME. However, the penalty
          shall not apply if the Committee determines, based on the advice of
          counsel or a final determination by the Internal Revenue Service or
          any court of competent jurisdiction, that by reason of the foregoing
          elective provisions of this Section 4.5 any Participant, Surviving
          Spouse or Eligible Children has recognized or will recognize gross
          income for federal income tax purposes under this Plan in advance of
          payment to him or her of Plan benefits. NME shall notify all


          Participants (and Surviving Spouses or Eligible Children of deceased
          Participants) of any such determination. Wherever any such
          determination is made, NME shall refund all penalties which were
          imposed hereunder on account of making lump sum payments at any time
          during or after the first year to which such determination applies
          (i.e., the first year when gross income is recognized for federal
          income tax purposes). Interest shall be paid on any such refunds based
          on an interest factor determined under Section 4.5(b) hereof. The
          Committee may also reduce or eliminate the penalty if it determines
          that this action will not cause any Participant to recognize gross
          income for federal income tax purposes under this Plan in advance of
          payment to him or her of Plan benefits.

          Notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan, a penalty shall not
          apply if a retired Participant or the Surviving Spouse or Eligible
          Children of a deceased Participant receives a lump sum distribution
          due to a financial hardship. The Committee shall determine whether a
          financial hardship exists in its sole discretion, but in good faith
          and on a uniform, nondiscriminatory and reasonable basis. A hardship
          distribution shall be a cash payment not to exceed the amount
          necessary to relieve the hardship.

             (a) When monthly benefit payments have not yet commenced and the
             Participant is living on the Commencement Date, the lump sum
             payment (prior to the ten percent (10%) reduction) shall equal the
             lump sum value of the Participant's Early Retirement Benefit or
             Normal Retirement Benefit accrued through the Commencement Date.
             The amount described in this Section 4.5(a) shall include, in
             addition, in the case of a Participant who has a spouse or Eligible
             Children on the Commencement Date, the lump sum value, determined
             as of such date, of any benefit payable to a Surviving Spouse or
             Eligible Children by reason of the Participant's death on or after
             such date assuming such spouse would qualify as a Surviving Spouse
             on and after such date. The lump sum amount representing the value
             of the benefits described in the preceding two sentences shall be
             computed (i) first by reducing the amount of the Participant's
             monthly benefit payable under Section 3.2 hereof, if the
             Participant's Commencement Date occurs before the Participant's
             Normal Retirement date, (ii) then determining the survivor benefit
             which would be payable to a Surviving Spouse or Eligible Children
             in respect of such monthly benefit under Section 3.1(c) or Section
             3.2(c) whichever is applicable, and (iii) next commuting such
             benefits to their lump sum equivalent at the Commencement Date by
             reference to the factor described in Section 4.5(b). In computing
             the Participant's monthly benefit under clause (i) of the preceding
             sentence, if the Commencement Date occurs before the earliest date
             when the Participant may commence to receive his or her Early
             Retirement Benefit, the Participant's Early Retirement Benefit
             shall be computed as the annual actuarial equivalent of the Early
             Retirement Benefit which would be payable to him or her at the
             earliest date when benefits could commence under the Early
             Retirement provisions of Section 3.2, in the form of a single life

             When annual benefits have previously commenced, the lump sum
             payment (prior to the ten percent (10%) reduction) shall be equal
             to the difference between (A) minus (B) below, determined as of the
             Participant's Commencement Date, accumulated to the date of the
             lump sum payment using the same interest rate which is used in
             calculating the amounts (A) and (B):

                 (A)  The lump sum value of the monthly benefits payable to the
                 Participant (including any benefit payable to the Surviving
                 Spouse or Eligible Children) determined as of the Participant's
                 Commencement Date in the same manner as described in the
                 previous paragraph.

                 (B)  The lump sum value of the monthly benefits previously paid
                 to the Participant discounted to the Participant's Commencement

             When a Surviving Spouse of a deceased Participant elects to receive
             a lump sum payment, the amount of the lump sum payment shall be
             determined by the Committee in a manner similar to that used for a
             Participant, except that the lump sum payment shall only reflect
             the benefit which would be payable to a Surviving Spouse and
             Eligible Children. All lump sum equivalents hereunder shall be
             determined by reference to the factor described in Section 4.5(b).

             (b)  The factor described in this Section 4.5(b) is the actuarial
             equivalence factor of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
             applicable to plans terminating on the Commencement Date."
          7. The Plan, as amended by this Amendment, remains in full force and

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, NME has signed this Amendment on the date set
forth above.

                                    NATIONAL MEDICAL ENTERPRISES, INC.

                                    By: /s/ SCOTT M. BROWN
                                    Its: Senior Vice President
