EXHIBIT 10(ff)


                              ASSET SALE AGREEMENT
                            (SUBSEQUENT FACILITIES)



                                   As Seller


                          CHARTER MEDICAL CORPORATION

                                    As Buyer

                             Dated:  March 29, 1994

                              ASSET SALE AGREEMENT
                            (SUBSEQUENT FACILITIES)

                               Table of Contents

          PREAMBLE.....................................................  1

                                  ARTICLE 1............................  2


          Section 1.1  Certain Defined Terms...........................  2
          Section 1.2  Index of Other Defined Terms....................  4

                                  ARTICLE 2............................  8

                              BASIC TRANSACTIONS

          Section 2.1  Purchased Assets................................  8
          Section 2.2  Excluded Assets................................. 13
          Section 2.3  Assumed Liabilities............................. 15
          Section 2.4  Excluded Liabilities............................ 17
          Section 2.5  Purchase Price.................................. 20
          Section 2.6  Payment of Purchase Price....................... 20
               (a)  Payment of Tentative Purchase Price................ 21
               (b)  Determination of Interim Net Book Values........... 21
               (c)  Determination of Final Net Book Values............. 22
               (d)  Seller as Agent of Subsidiaries.................... 24
          Section 2.7  Allocation of Purchase Price.................... 24
          Section 2.8  Contingent Lease Obligations.................... 25
          Section 2.9  Remittances and Receivables..................... 25
               (a)  In General......................................... 25
               (b)  Receivables........................................ 27
               (c)  Straddle Patient Receivables....................... 28
                    (i)  Cut-Off Billings.............................. 28
                    (ii)  Cut-Off Billings Not Accepted................ 29
               (d)  Cooperation in Collecting Receivables and
                    Excluded Assets.................................... 30
               (e)  Non-Assignable Receivables......................... 30
               (f)  Collection Fee..................................... 31



          Section 2.10  Employee Matters............................... 32
               (a)  Pension Plans...................................... 32
               (b)  Retained Employees................................. 32
               (c)  Hiring of Retained Employees....................... 34
               (d)  Health Benefits.................................... 34
               (e)  Acknowledgement of Responsibility.................. 35
          Section 2.11  Use of Names................................... 36
          Section 2.12  No Assignment If Breach; Seller's Discharge
                        of Assumed Liabilities......................... 37
          Section 2.13  Closings....................................... 40
               (a)  The First Closing.................................. 40
               (b)  The Second Closing................................. 41
               (c)  The Final Closing.................................. 41
               (d)  Deliveries by Seller............................... 42
               (e)  Deliveries by Buyer................................ 43
               (f)  Escrow............................................. 43
          Section 2.14  Purchase Price Adjustment...................... 44
          Section 2.15  Transfer of Assets in Corporate Form........... 46
          Section 2.16  Assignment of Rights and Obligations to
                        Buyer Subsidiaries............................. 46
          Section 2.17  Data Processing Services....................... 48

                                  ARTICLE 3............................ 50


          Section 3.1  Organization and Corporate Power................ 50
          Section 3.2  Subsidiaries.................................... 50
          Section 3.3  Authority Relative to this Agreement............ 51
          Section 3.4  Absence of Breach............................... 52
          Section 3.5  Private Party Consents.......................... 53
          Section 3.6  Governmental Consents........................... 53
          Section 3.7  Brokers......................................... 53
          Section 3.8  Title to Property............................... 54
          Section 3.9  Assumed Contracts............................... 55
          Section 3.10  Licenses....................................... 56
          Section 3.11  U.S. Person; Resident of Georgia............... 56
          Section 3.12  Employee Relations............................. 57
          Section 3.13  Employee Plans................................. 57
          Section 3.14  Litigation..................................... 58
          Section 3.15  Inventory...................................... 58



          Section 3.16  Hazardous Substances........................... 58
          Section 3.17  Financial Information.......................... 60
          Section 3.18  Changes Since Balance Sheet.................... 62
          Section 3.19  Transferred Business Names..................... 63
          Section 3.20  Compliance with Laws and Accreditation......... 64
          Section 3.21  Cost Reports, Third Party Receivables and       
                        Conditions of Participation.................... 65
          Section 3.22  Medical Staff.................................. 65
          Section 3.23  Hill-Burton Care............................... 66
          Section 3.24  Assets Used in the Operation of the             
                        Facilities..................................... 66
          Section 3.25  Taxes.......................................... 66
          Section 3.26  Lists of Other Data............................ 66
          Section 3.27  Certain Transactions........................... 68
                                  ARTICLE 4............................ 68
                    REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF BUYER             
          Section 4.1  Organization and Corporate Power................ 68
          Section 4.2  Buyer Subsidiaries.............................. 68
          Section 4.3  Authority Relative to this Agreement............ 69
          Section 4.4  Absence of Breach............................... 70
          Section 4.5  Private Party Consents.......................... 70
          Section 4.6  Governmental Consents........................... 70
          Section 4.7  Brokers......................................... 71
          Section 4.8  Qualified for Licenses.......................... 71
          Section 4.9  Financial Ability to Perform.................... 71
          Section 4.10  No Knowledge of Seller's Breach................ 71
          Section 4.11  No Assurance................................... 71
                                  ARTICLE 5............................ 72
                            COVENANTS OF EACH PARTY                     
          Section 5.1  Efforts to Consummate Transactions.............. 72
          Section 5.2  Cooperation; Regulatory Filings................. 73
          Section 5.3  Further Assistance.............................. 74
          Section 5.4  Cooperation Respecting Proceedings.............. 74
          Section 5.5  Expenses........................................ 75
          Section 5.6  Announcements; Confidentiality.................. 76



          Section 5.7  Preservation of and Access to Certain
                       Records......................................... 78

                                  ARTICLE 6............................ 80

                         ADDITIONAL COVENANTS OF SELLER

          Section 6.1  Conduct Pending Closing......................... 80
          Section 6.2  Access and Information; Environmental Survey;
                       Remediation or Adjustment....................... 83
          Section 6.3  Updating........................................ 86
          Section 6.4  No Solicitation................................. 86
          Section 6.5  Name Changes.................................... 87
          Section 6.6  Filing of Cost Reports.......................... 87
          Section 6.7  Purchase of Supplies............................ 87
          Section 6.8  Covenant Not to Compete......................... 88
               (a)  Covenant........................................... 88
               (b)  Exceptions......................................... 88
                    (i)  Psychiatric Facilities and Contracts Not
                         Acquired By Buyer............................. 88
                    (ii)  Facilities Outside Geographic Area........... 89
                    (iii)  Acute Hospitals............................. 89
                    (iv)  Divestiture of Acquired Psychiatric
                          Facilities................................... 89
                    (v)  Acquiring Entities............................ 90
               (c)  Acute Hospital Affiliations........................ 90
               (d)  Covenant Period.................................... 92
               (e)  Severability....................................... 92
               (f)  Injunctive Relief.................................. 92
               (g)  Value.............................................. 93
          Section 6.9  Audited Statements.............................. 93
          Section 6.10  Post-Closing Insurance......................... 93
          Section 6.11  Use of Controlled Substance Licenses........... 94
          Section 6.12  Non-Disturbance Agreements..................... 94

                                  ARTICLE 7............................ 95

                         ADDITIONAL COVENANTS OF BUYER

          Section 7.1  Waiver of Bulk Sales Law Compliance............. 95
          Section 7.2  Resale Certificate.............................. 95



          Section 7.3  Cost Reports and Audit Contests................  95
          Section 7.4  Tax Matters....................................  96
          Section 7.5  Letters of Credit..............................  96
          Section 7.6  Conduct Pending Closing........................  96

                                  ARTICLE 8...........................  97

                         BUYER'S CONDITIONS TO CLOSING

          Section 8.1  Performance of Agreement.......................  97
          Section 8.2  Accuracy of Representations and Warranties.....  97
          Section 8.3  Officers' Certificate..........................  98
          Section 8.4  Consents.......................................  98
          Section 8.5  Absence of Injunctions.........................  98
          Section 8.6  Opinion of Counsel............................. 100
          Section 8.7  Title to Real Property......................... 100
          Section 8.8  Receipt of Other Documents..................... 102
          Section 8.9  Licenses and Permits........................... 102
          Section 8.10  Casualty; Condemnation........................ 102
          Section 8.11  Reasonable Assurances......................... 103

                                  ARTICLE 9........................... 104

                         SELLER'S CONDITIONS TO CLOSING

          Section 9.1  Performance of Agreement....................... 105
          Section 9.2  Accuracy of Representations and Warranties..... 105
          Section 9.3  Officers' Certificate.......................... 105
          Section 9.4  Consents....................................... 105
          Section 9.5  Absence of Injunctions......................... 105
          Section 9.6  Opinion of Counsel............................. 107
          Section 9.7  Receipt of Other Documents..................... 107

                                  ARTICLE 10.......................... 108


          Section 10.1  Termination................................... 108
          Section 10.2  Effect of Termination......................... 108



                                  ARTICLE 11........................... 109


          Section 11.1  Survival....................................... 109
          Section 11.2  Exclusive Remedy............................... 109
          Section 11.3  Indemnity by Seller............................ 110
          Section 11.4  Indemnity by Buyer............................. 113
          Section 11.5  Further Qualifications Respecting
                        Indemnification................................ 115
          Section 11.6  Procedures Respecting Third Party Claims....... 116

                                  ARTICLE 12........................... 117

                              GENERAL PROVISIONS

          Section 12.1  Notices........................................ 117
          Section 12.2  Attorneys' Fees................................ 118
          Section 12.3  Successors and Assigns......................... 118
          Section 12.4  Counterparts................................... 119
          Section 12.5  Captions and Paragraph Headings................ 119
          Section 12.6  Entirety of Agreement; Amendments.............. 119
          Section 12.7  Construction................................... 119
          Section 12.8  Waiver......................................... 120
          Section 12.9  Governing Law.................................. 120
          Section 12.10  Severability.................................. 120
          Section 12.11  Consents Not Unreasonably Withheld............ 121
          Section 12.12  Time Is of the Essence........................ 121



                    A.   Forms of Bill of Sale and Assignment

                    B.   Form of Assignments with Respect to
                         Real Property Leases

                    C.   Forms of Assumption Agreement

                    D.   Form of Purchasing Contract

                    E.   Remaining Schedules

                               LIST OF SCHEDULES

               A-1       Subsidiaries and Their
                         Respective States of Incorporation;
                         Ownership of Subsidiary Stock

               A-2       Facilities

               2.1(a)    Real property owned in fee by Subsidiaries

               2.1(b)    Real Property Leases

               2.1(c)    Venture Agreements

               2.1(f)    Other Assigned Contracts

               2.1(h)    Transferred Business Names

               2.1(k)    Prepayments

               2.2(j)    Other Excluded Assets

               2.3(a)    Capitalized Leases and Capitalized Lease

               2.3(f)    Other Assumed Liabilities


               2.4(i)    Indebtedness

               2.4(j)    Other Excluded Liabilities

               2.7       Allocation Schedule

               2.10(a)   Pension Plans

               2.12(c)   Schedule of Required Consents

               2.13B     Assigned EBITDA

               3.5       Private Party Consents

               3.7       Seller's Brokers

               3.8(a)    Liens

               3.8(b)(i)   Other Real Property
               3.9       Assumed Contracts

               3.10      Licenses

               3.12      Certain Employee Relations Matters

               3.14      Litigation

               3.16      Environmental Matters

               3.17(a)   EBITDA Statements

               3.17(b)   Balance Sheet

               3.18      Changes Since Balance Sheet
               3.19      Conflicts With Transferred Business Names

               3.20      Compliance With Laws and Accreditations


               3.21      Cost Reports, Third Party Receivables and 
                         Conditions of Participation

               3.22      Medical Staff

               3.23      Hill-Burton Care

               3.24      Assets Used in the Operation of the Facilities

               3.26(a)   Depreciation Schedules

               3.26(b)   Insurance

               3.26(c)   Employee Benefit Arrangements

               3.26(d)   Paid Time Off

               3.26(e)   Certain Contracts

               3.26(f)   Certain Indebtedness

               3.26(g)   Certain Financing Arrangements

               3.26(h)   Certain Contracts Related to Liens

               3.27      Certain Transactions

               4.5       Private Party Consents

               4.7       Buyer's Brokers

               4.11      Certain Scheduled Meetings

               6.1       Exceptions to Conduct

               6.7       National Purchasing Contracts

               7.5       Letters of Credit

               6.8(c)    Specified Acute Hospitals


               8.7(b)  Disapproved Title Exceptions


                              ASSET SALE AGREEMENT
                            (SUBSEQUENT FACILITIES)

          This ASSET SALE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into
     as of the 29th day of March 1994 by and among  NATIONAL MEDICAL
     ENTERPRISES, INC., a Nevada corporation ("Seller"), the Subsidiaries (as
     defined) and CHARTER MEDICAL CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation ("Buyer"),
     with reference to the following facts:

          A.   Through wholly-owned subsidiary corporations listed on the
     Schedule (as defined in Section 1.1) hereto identified as Schedule A-1 (the
                             -----------                       ------------     
     "Subsidiaries"), Seller engages in the business of delivering psychiatric
     health care services to the public through the inpatient, outpatient and
     substance abuse recovery facilities, residential treatment centers and
     medical office buildings identified in Schedule A-2 under the following
     facility numbers (such facilities, centers and buildings being herein
     sometimes referred to as the "Subsequent Facilities" or simply the

NME No.           Name                                     City           State
- -------           ----                                     ----           -----
 4.       Los Altos Hospital & Medical Center              Long Beach      CA
 6.       Yorba Hills Hospital and Mental Health Center    Yorba Linda     CA
11.       Bay Harbor Residential Treatment Center          Largo           FL
13.       Laurel Oaks Hospital                             Orlando         FL
14.       Medfield Hospital                                Largo           FL
15.       Laurel Heights Hospital                          Atlanta         GA
16.       Brawner South Mental Health System               Stockbridge     GA
17.       Brawner Midtown Mental Health System             Atlanta         GA
18.       Arbor Hospital of Greater Indianapolis           Indianapolis    IN
19.       Jefferson Hospital                               Jeffersonville  IN
32.       MidSouth Hospital                                Memphis         TN
34.       Psychiatric Institute of Richmond                Richmond        VA
37.       Northbrooke Hospital                             Brown Deer      WI
38.       New Beginnings at Lakewood                       Lakewood        CA
42.       Brawner North Mental Health System               Smyrna          GA
50.       Fenwick Hall                                     Johns Island    SC
59.       Laurel Oaks Residential Treatment Center         Orlando         FL

          B.   Buyer desires to purchase from the Subsidiaries, through wholly-
     owned subsidiaries of the Buyer (each, a "Buyer Subsidiary" and
     collectively, the "Buyer Subsidiaries"), and Seller desires to cause the
     Subsidiaries to sell to the applicable Buyer Subsidiaries, such Facilities
     together with related assets (the "Transactions").

          C.   Buyer and Seller are simultaneously with the execution of this
     Agreement entering into a separate asset sale agreement (the "First
     Facilities Agreement") in respect of the other inpatient, outpatient and
     substance abuse recovery facilities, residential treatment centers and
     medical office buildings  also identified in Schedule A-2 (the "First
                                                  ------------       -----

          NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and the
     agreements contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration,
     the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties
     hereto, intending to be legally bound, do hereby agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE 1

          Section 1.1  Certain Defined Terms.  For purposes of this Agreement,
     the following terms shall have the following meanings:

               "Affiliate" of a specified person shall mean any corporation,
     partnership, sole proprietorship or other person or entity which directly
     or indirectly through one or more intermediaries controls, is controlled by
     or is under common control with the person specified.  The term "control"
     means the possession, direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause
     the direction of the management and policies of a person or entity.  The
     term "Affiliate" shall include, without limitation, (i) with respect to
     Seller, each Subsidiary, and (ii) with respect to Buyer, each Buyer

               "Cost Report" means the cost report required to be filed, as of
     the end of a provider cost year or for any other required period, with
     cost-based Payors with respect to cost reimbursement.

               "Environmental Law" shall mean any Law regulating or otherwise
     relating to Hazardous Materials, the environment, natural resources,
     pollution, environmental protection, waste management, industrial hygiene,
     health, or safety.

               "Hazardous Materials" means any chemicals, materials, substances,
     or items in any form, whether solid, liquid, gaseous, semisolid, or any
     combination thereof, whether waste materials, raw materials, chemicals,
     finished products, by-products, or any other materials or articles, which
     are regulated by or form the basis of liability under any Environmental
     Laws, including, without limitation, any hazardous waste, 


     medical waste, biohazardous waste, industrial waste, special waste, solid
     waste, hazardous substance, pollutant, hazardous air pollutant,
     contaminant, asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls ("PCBs"), petroleum
     (including, but not limited to, petroleum-derived substances, waste or
     breakdown or decomposition products thereof, or any fraction thereof), coal
     (including, but not limited to, coal-derived substances, waste or breakdown
     or decomposition products thereof, or any fraction thereof), natural gas
     (including, but not limited to, natural gas-derived substances, waste or
     breakdown or decomposition products thereof, or any fraction thereof),
     formaldehyde, industrial solvents, flammables, explosives, and radioactive

               "knowledge" of a party shall mean the best of the knowledge of
     any person who serves as of the date of this Agreement as a duly elected
     officer of such party.

               "Laws" shall mean all statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances,
     orders, codes, permits, licenses and agreements with or of federal, state,
     local and foreign governmental and regulatory authorities and any order,
     writ, injunction, settlement agreement or decree issued or approved by any
     court, arbitrator or governmental agency or in connection with any
     judicial, administrative or other non-judicial proceeding (including,
     without limitation, arbitration or reference).

               "Licenses" shall mean certificates of need, accreditations,
     registrations, licenses, permits and other consents or approvals of
     governmental agencies or accreditation organizations.

               "Payor" shall mean Medicare, Medicaid, CHAMPUS and Medically
     Indigent Assistance programs, Blue Cross, Blue Shield or any other third
     party payor (including an insurance company and self-insured employer), or
     any health care provider (such as a health maintenance organization,
     preferred provider organization, peer review organization, or any other
     managed care program).

               "Release" means any release, spill, emission, leaking, pumping,
     emptying, dumping, injection, abandonment, deposit, disposal, discharge,
     dispersal, leaching, or migration of Hazardous Materials (including, but
     not limited to, the abandonment or discarding of Hazardous Materials in
     barrels, drums, or other containers) into or within the  environment,
     including, without limitation, the migration of Hazardous 


     Materials into, under, on, through, or in the air, soil, subsurface strata,
     surface water, groundwater, drinking water supply, any sediments associated
     with any water bodies, or any other environmental medium, regardless of
     where such migration originates.

               "Schedule" shall mean a schedule from the master set of schedules
     and attachments developed for this Agreement and the First Facilities
     Agreement and which is listed in the Table of Contents for this Agreement.
     The parties agree that to the extent information in a schedule from the
     master set of schedules and attachments is listed by a facility name and/or
     by a facility number, such schedule shall, for purposes of this Agreement,
     be deemed to include only the information contained therein that is related
     to the Subsequent Facilities, unless this Agreement expressly refers to
     information contained therein that is related to the First Facilities.

               "Taxes" shall mean (i) all federal, state, county and local
     sales, use, property, recordation and transfer taxes, (ii) all state,
     county and local taxes, levies, fees, assessments or surcharges (however
     designated, including privilege taxes, room or bed taxes and user fees)
     which are based on the gross receipts, net operating revenues or patient
     days of a Facility for a period ending on, before or including the relevant
     Closing Date (as defined in Section 2.13) or a formula taking any one of
     the foregoing into account, and (iii) any interest, penalties and additions
     to tax attributable to any of the foregoing, but shall not include income
     and other taxes described in Sections 2.4(a) and (b).
                                  ---------------     --- 

          Section 1.2  Index of Other Defined Terms.  In addition to those terms
     defined above, the following terms shall have the respective meanings given
     thereto in the sections indicated below:

               Defined Term                     Section
               ------------                     -------
               Account Parties                  2.9(b)
               Accrued Operating Assets         2.5(b)
               Accrued Operating Expenses       2.3(g)
               Acquired Acute Hospitals         6.8(c)
               Acquisition Date                 6.8(c)
               Acute Hospitals                  6.8(b)(iii)
               Adjustment Sections              2.14
               Agreement                        Preamble
               Allocation Schedule              2.7



               Assumed Contracts                2.3(a)
               Assumed Guaranties               2.3(a)
               Assumed Liabilities              2.3
               Balance Sheet                    3.17(b)
               Buyer                            Preamble
               Buyer Subsidiary                 Preamble
               Charter Documents                3.4
               Claim Notice                     11.6
               Closing Date                     2.13
               COBRA                            2.10(d)
               Code                             3.11
               Collection Fee Base              2.9(f)
               Combined Receivables             3.17(d)
               Combined Subsidiaries            3.17(a)
               Competing Business               6.8(a)
               Consents                         8.5
               Consultant                       6.2(b)
               Contingent Contract              2.18
               Cost Report Settlements          2.2(i)
               Covenant Period                  6.8(d)
               Covered Facilities               6.8(b)(ii)
               Covered Parties                  6.8(a)
               Deductible Amount                11.3(b)(i)(B)
               Document Retention Period        5.7(b)
               EBITDA                           3.17(a)
               EBITDA Statements                3.17(a)
               Eligible Receivables             2.9(b)(ii)
               Employee Benefit Arrangements    3.26(c)
               Environmental Survey             6.2(b)
               Equipment                        2.1(d)
               ERISA                            2.10(a)
               Escrow Agent                     2.13(f)
               Estimated Net Book Values        2.6(a)
               Excess Interim Payments          2.1(l)
               Excluded Assets                  2.2
               Excluded Liabilities             2.4
               Exempted Competing Business      6.8(c)
               Facilities                       Recitals
               Final Closing                    2.13
               Final Closing Date               2.13
               Final Net Book Values            2.6(c)



               Financial Schedule               3.17(b)
               First Closing                    2.13
               First Facilities                 Recitals
               First Facilities Agreement       Recitals
               Hired Employees                  2.10(c)
               Hospital Records                 5.7(a)
               HSR Act                          3.4
               Indemnitee                       11.5
               Indemnitor                       11.5(a)
               Insurance Program                6.10
               Intercompany Transactions        2.1(f)(y)
               Interim Net Book Values          2.6(b)
               Inventory                        2.1(e)
               JCAHO                            3.20
               Leased Real Property             2.1(b)
               Loan Commitment Agreements       2.1(f)
               Loan Commitment Notes            2.1(f)
               Losses                           11.3(a)
               Manuals                          2.11(b)
               Material Adverse Effect          3.4
               Multiemployer Plans              2.10(a)
               Net Book Values                  2.5(b)
               1993 EBITDA                      2.13(b)
               Other Assigned Contracts         2.1(f)
               Original Closing Date            2.14
               Owned Real Property              2.1(a)
               Paid Time Off                    2.3(c)
               Panel                            2.14
               Patient Records                  5.7(a)
               Pension Plans                    2.10(a)
               Permitted Encumbrances           3.8(a)
               Permitted Expansions             6.8(b)(iv)
               Prepayments                      2.1(k)
               Purchase Price                   2.5
               Real Property Leases             2.1(b)
               Receivables                      2.1(l)
               Related Agreements               3.4
               Reorganization                   6.8(b)(v)
               Retained Employees               2.10(b)(iii)
               Schedule of Required Consents    2.12(c)
               Scheduled Closing                2.13



               Second Closing                   2.13
               Seller                           Preamble
               Specified Acute Hospital         6.8(c)
               Specified Capacity               6.8(a)
               Straddle Patients                2.9(c)
               Straddle Patient Payments        2.9(c)(ii)
               Subject Transferred Assets       2.13
               Subsequent Facilities            Recitals
               Subsidiaries                     Recitals
               TEFRA                            2.9(c)(ii)
               Tentative Purchase Price         2.6(a)
               Termination Date                 10.1(b)
               Third Party Claims               11.5(a)
               Title Insurer                    8.7
               Title Policies                   8.7
               Transactions                     Recitals
               Transferred Business Names       2.1(h)
               Trigger Amount                   11.3(b)(i)(B)
               Unusual Proceedings              3.14
               Venture Agreements               2.1(c)
               Ventures                         2.1(c)
               WARN Act                         2.10(e)
               Working Capital Adjustment Date  2.6(c)


                                   ARTICLE 2
                               BASIC TRANSACTIONS

          Section 2.1  Purchased Assets.  On the terms and subject to the
     conditions contained in this Agreement, Buyer shall, or shall cause the
     applicable Buyer Subsidiary to, purchase from each Subsidiary, and Seller
     shall cause each Subsidiary to sell, convey, assign, transfer and deliver
     to Buyer or the applicable Buyer Subsidiary, the following assets of each
     such Subsidiary that are used in and necessary for the conduct of the
     operations of the Facilities (the "Transferred Assets"),  but excluding all
     Excluded Assets as defined in Section 2.2:

               (a)  All of the Subsidiary's right, title and interest in and to
     the real property owned in fee (the "Owned Real Property") that is
     identified in Schedule 2.1(a) on which Facilities are located and all other
     real property owned in fee by the Subsidiary and used in and necessary for
     the conduct of the operations of the Facilities, together with the
     Facilities, construction work-in-progress, and all other buildings,
     fixtures and improvements thereon, and all rights, privileges, permits and
     easements appurtenant thereto.

               (b)  All of the Subsidiary's right, title and interest, as lessee
     or sublessee, in and to the leasehold estates and the related lease or
     sublease agreements (the "Real Property Leases") respecting land,
     Facilities, buildings, fixtures and real property improvements (whether
     owned or leased) (the "Leased Real Property") identified in Schedule
                            --------------------                 --------
     2.1(b), together with all construction work-in-progress in respect of same
     and all rights, privileges and easements appurtenant thereto.

               (c)  All of the Subsidiary's right, title and interest in and to
     the joint ventures or partnerships identified in Schedule 2.1(c) hereto
     (the "Ventures") that relate to partnerships or joint ventures that own or
     lease Facilities or other Transferred Assets, together with all of the
     Subsidiary's right, title and interest in and to the joint venture or
     partnership agreements, also identified in such Schedule (the "Venture
     Agreements"), that govern such partnerships or joint ventures, and, subject
     to the provisions of Section 7.6, in and to all distributions and
     allocations which the Subsidiary is entitled to receive as of the relevant
     Scheduled Closing (as defined in Section 2.13).


               (d)  All of the Subsidiary's right, title and interest in and to
     fixed machinery and equipment, other fixtures and fittings, moveable plant,
     machinery, equipment and furniture, trucks, tractors, trailers and other
     vehicles, tools and other similar items of tangible personal property
     (collectively "Equipment") (i) that are not consumed, disposed of or held
     for sale or as inventory in the ordinary course of business, (ii) that are
     used, owned, held or leased by the Subsidiary as of the relevant Scheduled
     Closing, and (iii) that are used in and necessary for the conduct of the
     operations of the Facilities.

               (e)  All of the Subsidiary's right, title and interest in and to
     inventories of supplies, drugs, food, janitorial and office supplies,
     maintenance and shop supplies, and other similar items of tangible personal
     property intended to be consumed, disposed of or sold in the ordinary
     course of business (collectively, the "Inventory") that are used, owned or
     held by the Subsidiary as of the relevant Scheduled Closing and that are
     used by the Subsidiary in and necessary for the conduct of the operations
     of the Facilities.

               (f)  All of the Subsidiary's right, title and interest in and to
     all written contracts and agreements (the "Other Assigned Contracts") to
     which the Subsidiary is a party at the relevant Scheduled Closing, other
     than the Real Property Leases and the Venture Agreements, (i) that are
     listed on Schedule 2.1(f), (ii) pursuant to which the Subsidiary paid or
     received less than $25,000 during its last fiscal year or pursuant to which
     it expects to pay or receive less than $25,000 during its current fiscal
     year, or (iii) with respect to Other Assigned Contracts not described in
     clauses (i) or (ii) above, for which Buyer has not provided Seller with
             ---    ----                                                    
     written notice of its rejection of such contract or agreement within sixty
     (60) days following the relevant Scheduled Closing, provided that the Other
     Assigned Contracts shall not include any contract or agreement that relates
     to or covers healthcare facilities or operations of Seller other than the
     Facilities that are being sold, assigned, transferred or conveyed at such
     relevant Scheduled Closing except to the extent the portion of such
     contract or agreement related to such Facilities may be assigned together
     with the sale, assignment, transfer or conveyance of such Facilities.
     Schedule 2.1(f) contains a list by Facility of the following categories of
     Other Assigned Contracts pursuant to which a Subsidiary paid or received
     $25,000 or more during its last fiscal year or expects to pay or receive
     $25,000 or more during its current fiscal year:  construction contracts
     relating to construction work-in-progress at the Facilities; Equipment
     leases (whether operating or 


     capitalized leases) and installment purchase contracts where the annualized
     lease or installment payments exceed $25,000; contracts or arrangements
     binding on a Facility which contain any covenant not to compete or
     otherwise significantly restrict the nature of the business activities in
     which the Facility may engage; provider agreements with Payors other than
     Medicare and Medicaid (as defined in Section 1.1); bridge and other loan
     commitment agreements (the "Loan Commitment Agreements") pursuant to which
     a Subsidiary has agreed to provide advances or income guarantees from time
     to time to lessors or sublessors under the Real Property Leases or to
     healthcare professionals, groups or entities providing services to the
     Facilities, together with promissory notes (the "Loan Commitment Notes")
     evidencing amounts owed to the Subsidiary as a result of any such advances
     or guarantees; agreements with healthcare professionals; leases as lessor
     or sublessor; and any other contracts in force pursuant to which the
     Subsidiary paid or received over $25,000 during its last fiscal year or
     expects to pay or receive $25,000 or more during its current fiscal year.
     Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Other Assigned Contracts shall not
     include and Schedule 2.1(f) need not contain:
                    (w)  Any contract which evidences indebtedness for money
          borrowed or the deferred portion of the purchase price for Owned Real
          Property and is therefore an Excluded Liability under the provisions
          of Section 2.4(i), unless the parties mutually agree, in accordance
          with the provisions of such Section 2.4(i), that such indebtedness
          will be assumed by Buyer, in which case the contract or contracts
          evidencing such indebtedness will be Transferred Assets, provided that
          if the indebtedness evidenced by any such contract is secured by a
          lien on any Transferred Asset, Seller shall cause such lien to be
          released at or prior to the relevant Scheduled Closing unless Buyer
          agrees to assume such indebtedness pursuant to Section 2.4(i);

                    (x)  Any contract respecting an intercompany transaction
          between the Subsidiary, on the one hand, and Seller or an Affiliate
          (as defined in Section 1.1) of Seller, on the other, whether or not
          such transaction relates to the provision of goods and services, tax
          sharing arrangements, payment arrangements, intercompany charges or
          balances, or the like ("Intercompany Transactions"), except that
          transactions arising in connection with open purchase orders where the
          Seller has acted as an intermediary for a Subsidiary and transactions
          between Seller or an Affiliate of Seller, on the one


          hand, and the ventures and partnerships described in Section 2.1(c)
          that are not wholly owned by Seller and its Affiliates, on the other
          hand, shall not be regarded as Intercompany Transactions;

                    (y) Employment contracts, if any, between the Subsidiary or
          a Facility and the chief executive or chief financial officer of such
          Facility, whether or not such officer is a Hired Employee (as defined
          in Section 2.10(c)); and

                    (z)  Collective bargaining agreements in respect of the
          employees of a Facility, unless Buyer elects to assume such agreements
          (it being understood, however, that nothing herein is intended to
          affect Buyer's obligations with respect thereto, if any, under the
          National Labor Relations Act).

               (g)  All of the Subsidiary's right, title and interest in and to
     the right to receive mail and other communications addressed to Seller or
     the Subsidiary insofar as such mail or other communication relates to the
     operation of the Facilities after the relevant Scheduled Closing, or to
     Receivables, Inventory, Prepayments or Accrued Operating Expenses (as
     herein defined).

               (h)  All of the Subsidiary's right, title and interest in and to
     the business names set forth in Schedule 2.1(h) (the "Transferred Business
                                     ---------------       --------------------

               (i)  All of the Subsidiary's right, title and interest in and to
     Licenses (as defined in Section 1.1) in favor of the Subsidiary as of the
     relevant Scheduled Closing that are related to, necessary for, or used in
     connection with the operation of the Facilities transferred in such
     Scheduled Closing as presently operated by the Subsidiary, provided that
     Licenses in favor of the Subsidiary shall be included in the Transferred
     Assets only to the extent they are lawfully transferable.

               (j)  All of the Subsidiary's right, title and interest in and to
     unexpired warranties as of the relevant Scheduled Closing that are
     transferable to Buyer which the Subsidiary has received from third parties
     with respect to the Transferred Assets, including, but not limited to, such
     warranties as are set forth in any construction agreement, lease agreement,
     equipment purchase agreement, consulting agreement or agreement for
     architectural and engineering services.


               (k)  All of the Subsidiary's right, title and interest in and to
     advance payments, prepayments, prepaid expenses, deposits and the like (i)
     made by the Subsidiary or Seller on its behalf in the ordinary course of
     business with respect to Subject Transferred Assets (as defined in Section
     2.13) prior to the relevant Scheduled Closing, (ii) which exist as of such
     Scheduled Closing, (iii) with respect to which Buyer will receive the
     benefit after the relevant Scheduled Closing, and (iv) which Buyer agrees
     to acquire (Buyer hereby agreeing not to withhold such agreement
     unreasonably) (collectively, "Prepayments"), which Prepayments are listed
     by Facility, category and approximate amount as of November 30, 1993 (or a
     later date if mutually agreed upon), in Schedule 2.1(k).

               (l)  Subject to the further provisions of Section 2.9, all of the
     Subsidiary's right, title and interest as of the Closing in and to accounts
     receivable recorded by the Subsidiary as an account receivable from Payors,
     patients and other third parties (whether or not billed) arising from or in
     connection with the operation of the Facilities, together with rights to
     payment for services rendered through the relevant Closing Date to Straddle
     Patients referred to in Section 2.9(c) (collectively, "Receivables"),
                             --------------                 -----------   
     provided that any account receivable that would, under Sections
     --------                                               --------
     2.9(b)(ii)(B) or (C), qualify as an "Eligible Receivable" as of the end of
     the month ending prior to the relevant Scheduled Closing shall, at the
     option of Buyer, not be a receivable included in the Scheduled Closing and
     shall be an Excluded Asset.  The parties hereby acknowledge that interim
     payments made by a Payor that are in excess of the net carrying value of
     the Receivables with respect to which such interim payments are a credit
     against amounts that would otherwise be due from the Payor ("Excess Interim
     Payments") shall not be regarded as Receivables for any purpose of this
     Agreement, because such Excess Interim Payments do not reflect amounts
     which the recipient is entitled to retain for services rendered and such
     Excess Interim Payments are Excluded Assets and Excluded Liabilities under
     this Agreement.

               (m)  All of the Subsidiary's right, title and interest in and to
     the goodwill of the businesses evidenced by the Transferred Assets, and,
     except for Excluded Assets, any and all other assets of the Subsidiary used
     in and necessary for the conduct of the operations of the Facilities as
     conducted prior to the relevant Scheduled Closing, whether or not such
     assets have any value for accounting purposes, provided that with respect
     to NME Hospitals, Inc., NME Properties Corp., NME Psychiatric Properties,
     Inc., NME Specialty Hospitals, Inc. and any subsidiary of NME Specialty
     Hospitals, Inc. (including, without limitation, NME Psychiatric 


     Hospitals, Inc.), only those assets described in Section 2.1(a)-(l) above
     (other than Excluded Assets) shall be included in the Transferred Assets.

          Section 2.2  Excluded Assets.  The following properties and assets
     (the "Excluded Assets") are not included in Transferred Assets:

               (a)  Except for the Inventory, Receivables, Prepayments and
     current amounts represented by the Loan Commitment Notes, all assets
     constituting working capital, whether cash, cash equivalents, securities,
     or other current assets, and all claims, choses in action, rights of
     recovery, rights of set-off, rights to refunds, and similar rights.

               (b)  Except for the Transferred Business Names, Licenses and
     Other Assigned Contracts included in the Transferred Assets and except for
     manuals relating to equipment and other tangible property included in the
     Transferred Assets, all privileged or proprietary (to Seller or a
     Subsidiary) materials, documents, information, media, methods and processes
     owned by Seller or a Subsidiary, and any and all rights to use same,
     including, but not limited to, all intangible assets of an intellectual
     property nature such as trademarks, service marks and trade names (whether
     or not registered), computer software that is proprietary to Seller or a
     Subsidiary, all procedures and manuals that are proprietary to Seller or a
     Subsidiary, all promotional or marketing materials (including all marketing
     computer software), and any and all names under which the Subsidiaries or
     the Facilities have done business or offered programs, other than the
     Transferred Business Names, and all abbreviations and variations thereof,
     provided, however, that Buyer shall have the rights set forth in Section
     --------  -------                                                -------

               (c)  The rights of Seller or any Subsidiary under any insurance
     policy, if any, included in the Transferred Assets which relate to any
     Excluded Asset or Excluded Liability (as defined in Section 2.4) (it being
     understood, however, that Buyer shall have no obligation to take any action
     under any such policy to seek any recovery except at the reasonable
     request, and at the sole expense, of Seller or a Subsidiary or to continue
     any such policies in force).

               (d)  The rights of Seller or of any Subsidiary to receive mail
     and other communications addressed to any of them with respect to Excluded
     Assets or Excluded Liabilities.


               (e)  Subject to the provisions of Section 5.7, any and all
     business and patient records of or related to the operation of the
     Facilities, whether or not maintained at or by the Facilities.

               (f)  All property, plant, equipment and other assets pertaining
     to the psychiatric healthcare business of Seller or any subsidiary of
     Seller that relate primarily to any general hospital, acute hospital or so-
     called "campus facility" of Seller or any subsidiary of Seller and all
     outpatient facilities and other assets primarily related thereto.

               (g)  Any and all contracts and agreements pursuant to which a
     Subsidiary provides management services to third parties other than a
     Facility, except for such contracts and agreements as are specifically
     listed on Schedule 2.1(f).

               (h)  Subject to Sections 2.17 and 6.7, any and all rights
                               -------------     ---                    
     respecting computer and data processing hardware or firmware that is
     proprietary to Seller or any Affiliate of Seller, and any computer and data
     processing hardware or firmware, whether or not located at a Facility, that
     is part of a computer system the central processing unit for which is not
     located at a Facility.

               (i)  All of the right, title and interest of Seller and the
     Subsidiaries in assets resulting from any resolution with Payors of amounts
     due with respect to Cost Reports ("Cost Report Settlements") to the extent
     such Cost Reports cover any period through the relevant Scheduled Closing
     with respect to a Facility and other rights of Seller respecting Cost
     Reports described in Section 6.6, including any assets or liabilities
     resulting from any gain or loss on the sale of the Facilities in connection
     with the Transactions.

               (j)  (i) All amounts due to the Subsidiaries arising from
     Intercompany Transactions, (ii) assets that are the subject of the First
     Facilities Agreement, and (iii) such other assets, if any, specifically
     described in Schedule 2.2(j) and assets which would be Transferred Assets
     except for the operation of Sections 2.12, 6.2(c), 8.5, 8.7 or 9.5 or other
                                 -------------  ------  ---  ---    ---         
     provisions of this Agreement.

               (k)  All "800" telephone lines and related Equipment and contract
     rights and all advertising containing any name other than a Transferred
     Business Name.


     Seller shall remove at any time prior to or within thirty (30) days
     following the relevant Closing Date or, with respect to the Hospital
     Records (as defined in Section 5.7(a)), Seller may remove from time to time
     within the relevant Document Retention Period (as defined in Section
     5.7(b)) (in each case, at Seller's expense, but without charge by Buyer for
     storage), any and all of the Excluded Assets from the Facilities, provided
     that Seller shall do so in a manner that does not unduly or unnecessarily
     disrupt Buyer's normal business activities at the Facilities.

          Section 2.3  Assumed Liabilities.  Subject to the terms and conditions
     set forth in this Agreement, Buyer shall assume and pay, discharge and
     perform as and when due only the following obligations and liabilities of
     Seller and the Subsidiaries and no others (the "Assumed Liabilities"), as
     such obligations and liabilities may exist at the time they are assumed by
     Buyer in accordance with the terms hereof:

               (a)  All liabilities and obligations of the Subsidiaries which
     pertain to or are to be performed during the period following the relevant
     Closing Date, and which arise under any contract, license, permit,
     agreement, arrangement, understanding or undertaking included in the
     Transferred Assets, including the Real Property Leases, the Venture
     Agreements, the Other Assigned Contracts and the Licenses, and any
     obligation or liability (the "Assumed Guarantees") of Seller or any
     Affiliate of Seller (including letters of credit and performance bonds)
     which is in the nature of a guaranty of the foregoing (together, the
     "Assumed Contracts"), including without limitation, the capitalized lease
     liabilities and obligations of the Facilities listed on Schedule 2.3(a).

               (b)  Without affecting the provisions of Sections 2.1(k), 2.6(a),
                                                        ---------------  ------ 
     2.6(b) or 2.6(c), all liabilities and obligations under open purchase
     ------    ------                                                     
     orders at a Facility included in the Subject Transferred Assets that were
     entered into by Seller or a Subsidiary in the ordinary course of business
     with respect to operation of such Facility on or prior to the relevant
     Closing Date and which provide for the delivery of goods or services
     subsequent to the relevant Closing Date.

               (c)  All obligations and liabilities to any Hired Employee for
     paid time off that is vested and with respect to which the Hired Employee
     would be entitled to payment upon termination of his or her employment with
     Seller or an Affiliate of Seller (including, for all purposes of this
     Agreement, "old paid days leave," "paid time off," sick leave and vacation


     pay to the extent that they are vested rights that are subject to payment
     upon termination of employment; collectively, "Paid Time Off") through the
     relevant Closing Date in accordance with the employment policies of Seller
     and its Affiliates as they exist on the date of this Agreement; provided
     that if Seller satisfies any portion of such obligations and liabilities
     existing at the relevant Scheduled Closing by payment to a Hired Employee,
     then such payment shall be treated as a reduction of Accrued Operating
     Expenses (as defined in Section 2.3(g)).

               (d)  Without limiting Seller's representations and warranties
     contained in Article 3 or Buyer's rights under Article 11 for a breach
                  ---------                         ----------             
     thereof, all liabilities and obligations respecting any changes or
     improvements needed to the Facilities for them to be in material compliance
     following the relevant Scheduled Closing with respect to such Facilities
     with safety, building, fire, land use, access (including without limitation
     the Americans With Disabilities Act) or similar Laws (as defined in Section
     1.1) respecting the physical condition of the Facilities.

               (e)  All liabilities and obligations respecting employee matters
     assumed by Buyer pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.10.

               (f)  Any liability or obligation which becomes an Assumed
     Liability by operation of Section 2.4(i) and such other liabilities and
     obligations pertaining to the Facilities, if any, specifically described in
     Schedule 2.3(f).

               (g)  Any accrued and unpaid liabilities (whether or not due) of
     the Subsidiaries in existence on the relevant Scheduled Closing Date which
     relate to the Facilities, which were incurred in the ordinary course of the
     operation of the Facilities and which represent (i) trade payables incurred
     to suppliers of goods or services; (ii) water, gas, electricity and other
     utility charges; (iii) license fees; (iv) rent, common area maintenance
     charges, operating expenses and other charges arising under the Real
     Property Leases; (v) insurance premiums (but only with respect to policies
     that will be continued in force by Buyer after the relevant Scheduled
     Closing); (vi) salaries and other payroll costs respecting Hired Employees
     accrued in accordance with the normal accounting practices of Seller and
     the Subsidiaries (but not including bonuses or other incentive compensation
     or accrued benefits with respect to benefit plans that are not assumed by
     Buyer); (vii) Taxes, except for Taxes referred to in Section 5.5 relating
     to expenses of the Transactions and payroll taxes respecting employees who


     are not Hired Employees; and (viii) similar liabilities incurred in the
     ordinary course of the operation of the Facilities and customarily recorded
     as a current liability, other than the current portion of long-term
     liabilities and obligations (the liabilities referred to in this Section
     2.3(g), together with the liabilities and obligations for Paid Time Off
     assumed under Section 2.3(c), being herein referred to as "Accrued
                   --------------                               -------
      Operating Expenses").

          Section 2.4  Excluded Liabilities.  The parties agree that liabilities
     and obligations of Seller and the Subsidiaries not expressly described in
     Section 2.3 as Assumed Liabilities are not part of the Assumed Liabilities,
     and Buyer shall not assume or become obligated with respect to any other
     obligation or liability of Seller or any Subsidiary or any Affiliate of
     either of any nature whatsoever (whether express or implied, fixed or
     contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, known or unknown, accrued, due or
     to become due) (collectively, "Excluded Liabilities"), including, but not
     limited to, the liabilities and obligations described in this Section, all
     of which shall remain the sole responsibility of Seller or the pertinent
     Subsidiary or Affiliate, as the case may be.  Without limiting the
     generality of the foregoing, Buyer shall not assume and shall have no
     liability or obligation of any kind for or with respect to any of the
     following liabilities or obligations:

               (a)  Subject to Section 5.5 respecting certain expenses incurred
     in connection with the Transactions, any of Seller's or any of the
     Subsidiaries' (or their respective Affiliates') liabilities or obligations
     (including, but not limited to, any liabilities or obligations under any
     tax sharing agreements) with respect to franchise taxes and with respect to
     foreign, federal, state or local taxes imposed upon or measured, in whole
     or in part, by the income for any period of Seller and/or such Subsidiaries
     or any member of a combined or consolidated group of companies of which
     Seller and/or such Subsidiaries are, or were at any time, a part, or with
     respect to interest, penalties or additions to any of such taxes, and any
     income, franchise, tax recapture, transfer tax, sales tax or use tax that
     may arise upon consummation of the transactions contemplated by this
     Agreement and be due or payable by Seller or any Subsidiary, it being
     understood that Buyer shall not be deemed to be Seller's or any
     Subsidiary's transferee with respect to any such tax liability.

               (b)  Any of Seller's or any of its Subsidiaries' or Affiliates'
     liabilities or obligations with respect to the recapture of foreign,
     federal, state or local tax deductions or credits taken by Seller or such


     imposed upon, or any taxable gain recognized by, Seller or such Subsidiary
     on account of the Transactions contemplated hereby.

               (c)  Liabilities or obligations of Seller, its Affiliates or a
     Subsidiary arising from the breach by Seller or such Subsidiary on or prior
     to the relevant Closing Date of any term, covenant, or provision of any of
     the Assumed Contracts.

               (d)  Liabilities or obligations of Seller, a Subsidiary or
     Seller's Affiliates now existing or which may hereafter exist by reason of
     any violation or alleged violation of Law or Laws by Seller or any of its
     Affiliates or by a Subsidiary, or by an employee or independent contractor
     of any of the foregoing where any of the foregoing is or is alleged to be
     responsible for the acts or omissions of any such person, occurring on or
     prior to the relevant Scheduled Closing Date.

               (e)  Liabilities or obligations of Seller or a Subsidiary now
     existing or which may hereafter exist by reason of any liability to refund
     any payment or reimbursement received by Seller or a Subsidiary from any
     Payor which is attributable to any period of time ending on or prior to the
     relevant Closing Date respecting such Facilities for which such payment or
     reimbursement was received.

               (f)  Liabilities or obligations of Seller or a Subsidiary under
     any Assumed Contract which would be included in the Transferred Assets but
     for the provisions of Section 2.12, unless Buyer is provided with the
     benefits thereunder as contemplated in Section 2.12.

               (g)  Liabilities of Seller and the Subsidiaries arising from or
     in connection with litigation described in Section 3.14, including, but not
     limited to, the Unusual Proceedings described therein, and any and all
     liabilities or obligations of Seller and the Subsidiaries for claims for
     personal injury (including sickness, trauma, disease, pain and suffering,
     loss of future earnings, punitive damages and the like), property damage,
     and other damage and injury in existence (i.e., all elements of the claim
     are complete) at or prior to the relevant Scheduled Closing, whether or not
     any claim has been made or litigation has been instituted with respect
     thereto and whether or not any claim is covered partially or fully by

               (h)  Subject to Section 2.12, liabilities of Seller and the
     Subsidiaries incurred in connection with their obtaining any consent,


     authorization or approval necessary for them to sell, convey, assign,
     transfer or deliver any Transferred Asset to Buyer hereunder.

               (i)  Any liability of Seller or a Subsidiary representing
     indebtedness for money borrowed or the deferred portion of the purchase
     price for any Owned Real Property or Equipment (and any refinancing
     thereof), including without limitation the indebtedness identified on
     Schedule 2.4(i); provided that if, prior to the relevant Scheduled Closing,
     ---------------  --------                                                  
     the parties mutually agree that any such indebtedness or obligation will be
     assumed by Buyer and further agree upon an equitable reduction in the cash
     portion of the Purchase Price (as defined in Section 2.5) to reflect
     Buyer's assumption of such indebtedness or obligation, then any such
     indebtedness or obligation will be deemed to constitute an Assumed
     Liability for all purposes of this Agreement; and provided further that
                                                       -------- -------     
     with respect to any such indebtedness or obligation not so assumed by Buyer
     that constitutes a lien or encumbrance upon any Transferred Asset, Seller
     agrees that on or prior to the relevant Scheduled Closing it will either
     pay or discharge such indebtedness or liability in full or otherwise cause
     such lien or encumbrance to be removed from such Transferred Asset, so that
     such Transferred Asset is sold, conveyed, assigned, transferred and
     delivered to Buyer at such Scheduled Closing free and clear of such lien or

               (j)  Such other liabilities and obligations, if any, specifically
     described in Schedule 2.4(j) and liabilities which would be Assumed
     Liabilities but for the provisions of Sections 2.12, 8.5, 8.7 or 9.5.
                                           -------------  ---  ---    --- 

               (k)  Amounts due from the Subsidiaries arising from Intercompany

               (l)  Liabilities and obligations respecting Cost Report
     Settlements to the extent such Cost Reports cover any period through the
     relevant Closing Date and other obligations of Seller respecting Cost
     Reports described in Section 6.6.

               (m)  Subject to Section 2.10(f), liabilities and obligations for
     bonuses, other incentive compensation and benefits under benefit plans to
     the extent not specifically included in Accrued Operating Expenses.

          Section 2.5  Purchase Price.  The purchase price (the "Purchase
                       --------------                            --------
     Price") in the aggregate for all of the Transferred Assets shall be equal
     to the sum of (a) Fifty-Two Million Four Hundred Two Thousand Dollars


     ($52,402,000), subject to such adjustments, if any, as may occur pursuant
     to Sections 2.12, 2.14, 6.2(c), 8.5, 8.7, or 9.5 or other provisions of
                 ----  ----  ------  ---  ---     ---                       
     this Agreement, including the book value as of the relevant Scheduled
     Closing of capitalized lease liabilities assumed and the value of any
     assumption of debt pursuant to Section 2.4(i), plus (b) an amount equal to
                                    --------------  ----                       
     the net book values as of the relevant Scheduled Closing of the Loan
     Commitment Notes, Inventory, Receivables and Prepayments (collectively,
     "Accrued Operating Assets") included in the Transferred Assets less Accrued
     -------------------------                                      ----        
     Operating Expenses, plus (c) an amount (determined on the basis of the
     Venture's balance sheet) equal to the net book value as of the relevant
     Scheduled Closing of (i) the sum of each Venture's current assets and
     distributions payable to partners or venturers, less (ii) the sum of each
     such Venture's current liabilities, indebtedness for money borrowed and
     capitalized lease liabilities, pro-rated in each case to the equity
     percentage in such Venture held by Seller and the Subsidiaries (the amounts
     in clauses (b) and (c) being referred to as the ("Net Book Values").  In
                ---     ---                            ---------------       
     addition, at the "First Closing" under this Agreement, Buyer shall pay to
     Seller the sum of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for the covenant not to
     compete described in Section 6.8.  Notwithstanding anything in this
     Agreement or in a Schedule hereto that might be construed to the contrary,
     Net Book Values will not be reduced by Seller's retained liability for
     Excess Interim Payments made by a Payor prior to the relevant Scheduled
     Closing that are in excess of the net carrying value of the Receivables
     transferred at such Scheduled Closing with respect to which such interim
     payments are a credit against amounts that would otherwise be due from the

          Section 2.6  Payment of Purchase Price.  That portion of the Purchase
     Price due and payable for the Transferred Assets actually sold, assigned,
     transferred and conveyed to Buyer and the applicable Buyer Subsidiaries
     hereunder shall be paid as follows:

               (a)  Payment of Tentative Purchase Price.  No less than five (5)
     business days prior to each Scheduled Closing, Seller shall deliver to
     Buyer a certificate executed on the Seller's behalf by a responsible
     officer setting forth the Seller's estimate of what the Net Book Values
     will be as of such Scheduled Closing for the Subject Transferred Assets (as
     defined in Section 2.13) (the "Estimated Net Book Values"), and
                -------------       -------------------------       
     additionally setting forth (i) the Net Book Values for the Subject
     Transferred Assets recorded by Seller as of the most recent month-end prior
     to the delivery of such certificate for which data is available, and (ii)
     the methodology used by Seller for updating changes in Net Book Values
     since such month-end data 


     to arrive at such estimate. All determinations made with respect to the Net
     Book Values shall be based upon the internal records of, and the valuation
     methods customarily used by, Seller and the Subsidiaries, absent error, and
     consistent with generally accepted accounting principles with respect to
     the recording and accruing of the types of assets and liabilities included
     in Net Book Values. On the terms and subject to the conditions contained in
     this Agreement, at each Scheduled Closing Buyer shall pay to Seller, in the
     manner set forth herein, an amount equal to (iii) the portion of the
     Purchase Price arising under Section 2.5(a) (including any debt assumptions
     pursuant to Section 2.4(i)) due at such Scheduled Closing as calculated on
     the basis of the values assigned to the pertinent Subject Transferred
     Assets in the Allocation Schedule (as defined in Section 2.7) plus (iv) an
                                                      -----------  ----
     amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Estimated Net Book Values
     related to the Subject Transferred Assets,(the sum of clauses (iii) and
     (iv) being referred to as the "Tentative Purchase Price"), less (v) the
     ----                           ------------------------    ----
     book value of any capitalized leases assumed at such Scheduled Closing,
     less (vi) the value of any debt assumed pursuant to Section 2.4(i) at such
     ----                                                --------------
     Scheduled Closing.

               (b)  Determination of Interim Net Book Values.   As soon as
     practicable, but in no event later than sixty (60) days after each
     Scheduled Closing, Seller shall cause a schedule to be prepared and
     delivered to Buyer showing an interim calculation of the Net Book Values
     with respect to the Subject Transferred Assets (the "Interim Net Book
     Values") as of the relevant Closing Date derived by Seller from the
     internal books and records of Seller and the Subsidiaries and otherwise in
     accordance with the second sentence of Section 2.6(a) with respect to the
     Facilities included in such Subject Transferred Assets, as well as from a
     physical inventory, taken after the date hereof and prior to or as of such
     relevant Closing Date, of property which would constitute Inventory if the
     relevant Scheduled Closing had occurred on the date of such physical
     inventory. If such schedule as submitted by Seller is not challenged in
     writing by Buyer within thirty (30) days of its receipt of same, then it
     shall be deemed accepted by Buyer. If it is so challenged, then, unless
     otherwise resolved by agreement of the parties within thirty (30) days from
     the date of Buyer's challenge or such later date as the parties may
     mutually agree upon, such disagreement shall be mutually submitted by the
     parties to their respective independent certified public accountants for
     resolution. If such accountants cannot resolve the disagreement within
     thirty (30) days of such submission, then they shall submit the matter to a
     third accounting firm of national standing selected by them, whose
     determination shall be final and binding, and shall be rendered 


     within thirty (30) days of the date on which the matter is submitted to
     such firm. Any such third accounting firm shall determine the issues in
     dispute following such procedures, consistent with the language of this
     Agreement, as it deems appropriate to the circumstances and with reference
     to the amounts in issue. No particular procedures are intended to be
     imposed upon such third accounting firm, it being the desire of the parties
     that any such dispute shall be resolved as expeditiously and inexpensively
     as reasonably practicable. In the event that the Interim Net Book Values
     differ from the Estimated Net Book Values, whether determined on the basis
     of the schedule prepared by Seller, or agreement of the parties, or
     decision by independent public accountants, as the case may be, then and in
     such event, within five (5) business days following such determination of
     the Interim Net Book Values, either Buyer shall pay to Seller, or Seller
     shall pay to Buyer, as the case may be, in immediately available funds, the
     amount by which the Interim Net Book Values differs from the Estimated Net
     Book Values. The pendency of a dispute shall not affect the payment
     obligation hereunder of either Buyer or Seller to the extent such payment
     is not disputed.

               (c)  Determination of Final Net Book Values.  Within ten (10)
     business days following expiration of six (6) months from each Scheduled
     Closing, Buyer shall provide a certificate to Seller, executed on Buyer's
     behalf by a responsible officer, setting forth a proposed calculation of
     final Net Book Values with respect to the Subject Transferred Assets (the
     "Final Net Book Values") as of the end of such six (6) month period (a
     "Working Capital Adjustment Date") which shall contain a reconciliation as
     of the relevant Closing Date of the Interim Net Book Values, adjusted only
     for (i) errors claimed by Buyer to exist in Seller's accruals for Accrued
     Operating Assets and Accrued Operating Expenses and the Ventures'
     calculations of partners' equity, partners' distributions payable and the
     net book value of Venture fixed assets, (ii) Buyer's ability
     to collect Receivables and the Ventures' ability to collect their accounts
     receivable in existence as of the relevant Closing Date, on or before the
     Working Capital Adjustment Date, in excess of the carrying value therefor
     as of the relevant Closing Date net of reserves, and by Buyer's or a
     Venture's receipt of Excess Interim Payments, (iii) Buyer's inability to
     collect Receivables and the Ventures' inability to collect their accounts
     receivable in existence as of the relevant Closing Date, on or before the
     Working Capital Adjustment Date,  in accordance with their net carrying
     values as of the relevant Closing Date, and (iv) Buyer's ability to pay
     Accrued Operating Expenses and the Ventures' ability to pay similar
     expenses of the Venture at less than their 


     book value as of the relevant Closing Date or Buyer's or the Ventures'
     payment of the same at more than their book value as of the relevant
     Closing Date to the extent legally required to do so. For purposes of any
     such calculation, (v) the accuracy of Seller's or the Ventures' accrual for
     real and personal property taxes shall be based upon the last notice of tax
     assessment respecting such property prior to the relevant Scheduled Closing
     that does not reflect the Transactions contemplated to occur at the
     relevant Scheduled Closing, (vi) variable or undetermined charges arising
     under Real Property Leases shall be accrued as of the relevant Scheduled
     Closing on an historical basis, (vii) payments received on account of
     Receivables shall be applied in accordance with Sections 2.9(b) and (c),
                                                     ---------------     ---
     and (viii) expenses for such items as real and personal property taxes,
     utility charges, charges arising under leases, insurance premiums and the
     like shall be pro-rated as of the relevant Scheduled Closing. In the event
     that Buyer elects to reassign to Seller any Loan Commitment Notes on or
     prior to the relevant Working Capital Adjustment Date, then the Final Net
     Book Values shall be deemed to be further reduced by an amount equal to the
     uncollected portion thereof, in which case Buyer shall execute such
     documents of re-assignment as are reasonably satisfactory to Seller and
     such Loan Commitment Notes as are reassigned shall thereafter to be deemed
     to be Excluded Assets. Any dispute concerning Buyer's calculation of the
     Final Net Book Values that is unresolved for thirty (30) days shall be
     submitted for resolution by the parties' independent certified public
     accountants in accordance with the procedures contained in Section 2.6(b).
     Within five (5) business days following determination of the Final Net Book
     Values for a Scheduled Closing, either Buyer shall pay to Seller, or Seller
     shall pay to Buyer, as the case may be, in immediately available funds, the
     amount by which the Final Net Book Values differ from the Estimated Net
     Book Values, as adjusted for payments, if any, on account of the Interim
     Net Book Values. The pendency of a dispute shall not affect the payment
     obligation hereunder of either Buyer or Seller to the extent such payment
     is not disputed.

               (d)  Seller as Agent of Subsidiaries.  Seller shall, at or prior
     to the relevant Scheduled Closing, cause each Subsidiary transferring
     Subject Transferred Assets thereat to irrevocably designate (with an
     original copy being provided to Buyer) Seller as its agent to receive on
     its behalf delivery of that portion of all payments made by Buyer hereunder
     to which such Subsidiary may be entitled as a result of its participation
     in such Scheduled Closing, including without limitation that portion of the
     Purchase Price attributable to the Subject Transferred Assets sold to Buyer
     by it, and to acknowledge that delivery of such payments, including the


     Price, to Seller in accordance with the terms of this Agreement shall be
     conclusive and binding evidence against such Subsidiary that any payments
     or consideration due to such Subsidiary in respect of the Subject
     Transferred Assets sold to Buyer by it, or in respect of other payments due
     to it from Buyer under the terms of this Agreement, have been delivered.

          Section 2.7  Allocation of Purchase Price.  The Purchase Price shall
     be allocated to the Transferred Assets on a Facility by Facility basis in
     accordance with Schedule 2.7 (as the same will, pursuant to the First
     Facilities Agreement, be amended with respect to the First Facilities, the
     "Allocation Schedule"), except that the portion of the Purchase Price
     attributable to the Net Book Values shall be allocated in accordance with
     the amounts actually paid therefor in accordance with the provisions of
     Sections 2.5(b) and (c).  Seller and Buyer shall, and Seller shall cause
     ---------------     ---                                                 
     the Subsidiaries to, allocate the Purchase Price in accordance with the
     Allocation Schedule and allocate the Net Book Values portion thereof in
     accordance with the amounts paid therefor, to be bound by such allocations
     for all purposes, to account for and report the purchases and sales
     contemplated hereby for all purposes (including, without limitation,
     financial, accounting, Medicare reimbursement and federal and state tax
     purposes) in accordance with such allocations, and not to take any position
     (whether in financial statements, Cost Reports, tax returns, Cost Report or
     tax audits, or otherwise), including without limitation any claim to an
     adjustment in the basis of such assets by Buyer or its successors and
     assigns for Medicare purposes which is inconsistent with such allocations
     without the prior written consent of the other party, except to the extent,
     if any, required by applicable Law or generally accepted accounting

          Section 2.8  Contingent Lease Obligations.  With respect to each Real
     Property Lease for which Seller or a Subsidiary remains or will remain
     contingently liable after the relevant Scheduled Closing as lessee,
     sublessee, guarantor or assignor, Buyer hereby agrees to exercise its best

               (a) To cause the contingent liability of Seller or such
     Subsidiary, as the case may be, to be removed on or prior to any extension,
     renewal or modification of such Real Property Lease by Buyer or a Buyer

               (b) To procure for Seller and the applicable Subsidiaries a
     security interest, in form reasonably satisfactory to Seller, in all of the


     right, title and interest of Buyer and the applicable Buyer Subsidiaries in
     such Real Property Lease, junior only to the security interest of Buyer's
     most senior secured lenders, in order to secure the due and punctual
     performance by Buyer and the applicable Buyer Subsidiaries of the Assumed
     Liabilities represented by such Real Property Lease; and

               (c) To procure for Seller and the applicable Subsidiaries the
     right to acquire such right, title and interest in such Real Property
     Lease, at fair market value, in the event that Buyer and the applicable
     Buyer Subsidiaries fail to pay, perform and discharge when due the Assumed
     Liabilities represented by such Real Property Lease and such failure
     results in Seller or any Subsidiary being required to pay, perform or
     discharge any of such Assumed Liabilities.

          Section 2.9  Remittances and Receivables.

               (a)  In General.

                    (i) All remittances, mail and other communications relating
     to the Excluded Assets or Excluded Liabilities received by Buyer or a Buyer
     Subsidiary at any time after a relevant Scheduled Closing shall be promptly
     turned over by Buyer to the addressee thereof, or if the addressee is no
     longer affiliated with Seller, to Seller, and pending such delivery, Buyer
     shall have no interest in the same and shall hold such remittances, mail
     and other communications in trust for the benefit of Seller and the
     Subsidiaries. All remittances, mail and other communications relating to
     the Transferred Assets or the Assumed Liabilities received by Seller or any
     Subsidiary at any time after the relevant Scheduled Closing at which such
     Transferred Assets are transferred and such Assumed Liabilities are assumed
     by Buyer shall be promptly turned over by Seller or such Subsidiary to the
     addressee thereof, or if the addressee is no longer affiliated with Buyer,
     to Buyer, and pending such delivery, Seller or such Subsidiary shall have
     no interest in the same and shall hold such remittances, mail and other
     communications in trust for the benefit of Buyer.

                    (ii) With regard to the Medicare, Medicaid and CHAMPUS
     programs, and any Blue Cross program that requires a Cost Report or retains
     the right of offset, Buyer and Seller mutually covenant and agree as
     follows. Seller acknowledges that, from time to time, Buyer or Buyer
     Subsidiaries, after a relevant Scheduled Closing, may receive a 


     demand for payment in connection with overpayments or alleged overpayments
     from one or more of such programs, or both, which demand relates to the
     operation of a Facility prior to the relevant Scheduled Closing at which
     such Facility was included in the Subject Transferred Assets. Buyer shall
     provide notice to Seller of such demand within ten (10) days of Buyer's
     receipt of same. Seller covenants and agrees with Buyer that Seller shall,
     within thirty (30) days of its receipt of written notice from Buyer of such
     request for any such payment, which notice shall state the basis thereof in
     reasonable detail, pay in cash to Buyer an amount equal to any and all such
     overpayments claimed or (by an election made in writing, within twenty (20)
     days after receiving notice of any such demand) diligently pursue a contest
     of such claim of overpayment and indemnify and hold Buyer harmless from any
     liability resulting therefrom, but the right to contest without first
     paying shall not be available to Seller if the programs collect the alleged
     overpayment by means of a setoff against Buyer, unless Seller first
     reimburses Buyer in an amount equal to the amount so setoff, provided that
     in all events Buyer shall provide notice to Seller of such demand within
     ten (10) days of Buyer's receipt of same.  Subject to the foregoing, if any
     such program, with or without notice, collects an alleged overpayment or
     other amount allegedly owed by Seller or a Subsidiary by offset against
     Buyer or Buyer Subsidiary, Seller shall promptly pay to Buyer an amount
     equal to such offset amount provided that Buyer shall have provided Seller
     with any notice related to such offset within ten (10) days of Buyer's
     receipt of same, or, if no such notice was received by Buyer, Buyer shall
     have provided notice to Seller of such offset within ten (10) days of
     Buyer's obtaining notice of such offset being taken.  Nothing in this
     Section 2.9(a)(ii) shall limit Buyer's obligations under Section 7.3.
     ------------------                                       ----------- 

               (b)  Receivables.

                    (i) Buyer shall exercise commercially reasonable efforts to
          collect Receivables.  Any payments received by Buyer or its successors
          and assigns after a Scheduled Closing Date, from patients, Payors,
          clients, customers or others who are the obligors on Receivables
          transferred as of such Scheduled Closing Date (collectively, "Account
          Parties"), shall be applied to the oldest remaining Receivables
          transferred as of such Scheduled Closing Date from such Account Party
          in the order in which they arose unless, in the case of an Account
          Party who is a patient, otherwise indicated by the patient's Payor.


                    (ii) On the tenth day of the first month that begins at
          least thirty (30) days after a Scheduled Closing, on the tenth day of
          each month thereafter until the Working Capital Adjustment Date with
          respect to such Scheduled Closing, and on the tenth day following such
          Working Capital Adjustment Date, Buyer shall execute appropriate
          instruments of assignment to re-assign back to Seller, and shall turn
          over to Seller all evidences of and documents pertaining to, any
          Receivable which, as of the end of the immediately preceding month
          and/or such Working Capital Adjustment Date, as the case may be, was
          uncollected and which either (A) is a Receivable in respect of a non-
          Medicare patient as to which Buyer has decided to cease collection
          activity, or (B) is a Receivable in respect of a non-Medicare patient
          which, as of such month end or such Working Capital Adjustment Date,
          has remained unpaid for a period of at least one hundred eighty (180)
          days following the date of such patient's discharge from a Facility,
          (C) is a Receivable in respect of a Medicare patient which relates to
          amounts that represent such patient's deductible or co-insurance
          obligations, and which, as of such month end or Working Capital
          Adjustment Date, has remained unpaid for a period of at least one
          hundred eighty (180) days following the date after which the patient
          is first billed, or (D) is a Receivable from Medicare in respect of a
          Medicare patient for which payment has been denied by Medicare
          provided that Buyer has filed a request for reconsideration within the
          period required.  Such Receivables which are eligible to be turned
          over to Seller are herein referred to as "Eligible Receivables."  Any
          Eligible Receivable that is assigned back to Seller within thirty (30)
          days following the first opportunity to do so under the
          provisions of this clause (ii) shall, for purposes of the adjustments
          contemplated by Section 2.6(c), be deemed to have not been
          collected by Buyer, and any Eligible Receivable that is not so
          assigned back to Seller within thirty (30) days following the first
          opportunity to do so under the provisions of this clause (ii) shall,
          for purposes of the adjustments contemplated by Section 2.6(c), be
          deemed to have been collected by Buyer.  With respect to any such
          Eligible Receivable re-assigned back to Seller, Seller and the
          Subsidiaries shall be free to institute such collection efforts,
          including, without limitation, initiating such legal proceedings, with
          respect thereto as they shall, in their sole discretion determine.


                    (iii) In the event of any adjustment in the Net Book Values
          arising under Section 2.6(c)(iii), then upon such determination, Buyer
          shall execute instruments of assignment, effective as of the relevant
          Working Capital Adjustment Date, respecting any unpaid Receivables
          which are not collected or deemed collected as of such date (it being
          agreed that any unpaid Receivables not so assigned shall be deemed
          collected as of or prior to such Working Capital Adjustment Date).

               (c)  Straddle Patient Receivables.  To compensate Seller and the
     Subsidiaries for services rendered and medicine, drugs and supplies
     provided through a Scheduled Closing Date with respect to patients
     ("Straddle Patients") who were admitted to a Facility on or before the date
     of the Scheduled Closing in which such Facility was transferred and were
     discharged by the Facility after such Scheduled Closing Date, the following
     shall apply:

                    (i)  Cut-Off Billings.  Seller shall, or shall cause the
          Subsidiaries to, prepare cut-off billings for all Straddle Patients as
          of the close of business on the relevant Closing Date.  All payments
          (other than Excess Interim Payments) which are received by Buyer (or
          its successors in interest or assigns) after the relevant Closing Date
          with respect to Straddle Patients and which relate to such cut-off
          billings shall constitute Receivables for purposes of calculating the
          Tentative Purchase Price and the Interim Net Book Values for such
          Scheduled Closing.

                    (ii)  Cut-Off Billings Not Accepted.  If the Payor of any
          Straddle Patient cannot or does not for any reason accept cut-
          off billings, then Buyer shall notify Seller of same, and Seller
          shall, or shall cause the Subsidiaries to, deliver to Buyer a
          statement calculating the total charges made by Seller and the
          Subsidiaries for services rendered and medicine, drugs and supplies
          provided through the relevant Closing Date with respect to such
          Straddle Patient.  Within ten (10) days following the discharge of
          each such Straddle Patient, Buyer shall deliver to Seller a statement
          reflecting the total charges for the services rendered and medicine,
          drugs and supplies billed to such Straddle Patient after the relevant
          Closing Date and the patient receivable (the "Straddle Patient
          Payments") of Buyer with respect to such Straddle Patient (including
          any cost per discharge limit imposed by the Tax Equity and Fiscal
          Responsibility Act of 


          1982, as amended ("TEFRA") and all deductibles and co-insurance 
          payments). For purposes of calculating the Final Net Book Values for
          any Scheduled Closing, the pro rata share of the Straddle Patient
          Payments which shall be treated as a Receivable shall be equal to the
          amount obtained by multiplying the Straddle Patient Payments by a
          fraction, the numerator of which is the total charges of Seller and
          the Subsidiaries with respect to such Straddle Patient through the
          relevant Closing Date and the denominator of which is the total
          charges of Buyer, Seller and the Subsidiaries with respect to such
          Straddle Patient. Seller or Buyer, as may be applicable, may have such
          statements as submitted by Buyer or Seller verified by their
          respective independent public accountants within thirty (30) days from
          delivery. If such statements, as submitted by Buyer or Seller, are
          acceptable, then such statements shall fix the value of the services,
          medicine, drugs and supplies provided by Seller and the Subsidiaries,
          on the one hand, and by Buyer, on the other, to each such Straddle
          Patient. If any such statement is challenged by Seller or Buyer, then
          unless otherwise resolved by agreement of the parties within thirty
          (30) days of any such challenge, such statement shall be deemed in
          dispute, which dispute shall be resolved by the parties' independent
          certified public accountants. If such accountants cannot resolve the
          matter within thirty (30) days, then it shall be submitted by them to
          a third accounting firm in accordance with the procedures contained in
          Section 2.6(b).  If Seller or Buyer does not give written notice to
          the party preparing the statement of its challenge of such statement
          within the first said thirty (30) day period, the receiving party
          shall be deemed to have accepted the same.

               (d)  Cooperation in Collecting Receivables and Excluded Assets.
     Buyer agrees to cooperate with Seller and the Subsidiaries and to provide
     access to records (both medical and financial) to assist in the collection,
     rebilling and auditing (by Seller or its representatives, including its
     independent public accountants) of the Receivables and the Excluded Assets
     (including, but not limited to, any and all Receivables from Account
     Parties or amounts due to or from any Payor).  Without limiting the
     generality of the foregoing agreements of Buyer to cooperate with Seller,
     until six (6) months after the relevant Closing Date, (i) Seller may locate
     one or more of its or its subsidiaries' employees at any or all of the
     Facilities transferred at such Closing Date, without charge, in order to
     facilitate such collection, rebilling and auditing, (ii) Buyer shall
     provide such employees, without charge, adequate and proper space to
     facilitate the 


     performance of such duties, and (iii) Buyer shall provide reasonable
     assistance of the employees of Buyer, without charge.

               (e)  Non-Assignable Receivables.  Notwithstanding anything in
     this Agreement that might be construed to the contrary, this Agreement
     shall not constitute an agreement to assign any Receivable (including any
     Receivable respecting a Straddle Patient) the assignment of which is either
     prohibited by Law or by the terms of any contract with a Payor.  However,
     without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Net Book Value of
     such non-assignable Receivables shall be included in the Net Book Values
     for all purposes of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, Sections
     2.5 through 2.7 and this Section 2.9, as modified by the provisions of this
     ---         ---          -----------                                       
     Section 2.9(e).  That portion of the Purchase Price which, but for the
     provisions of this Section 2.9(e), would otherwise be attributable to the
     Net Book Value of such non-assignable Receivables shall be deemed to be a
     loan from Buyer to Seller and to the pertinent Subsidiary that will be
     repaid from the proceeds of such Receivables collected and held by Buyer
     and from the adjustments to Estimated Net Book Values contemplated by
     Sections 2.6, 2.9(b), and 2.9(c).  All procedures and requirements
     ------------  ------      ------                                  
     specified herein (including, without limitation, Buyer's obligations under
     Section 2.9(b)) for the collection of Receivables (including any
     Receivables in respect of a Straddle Patient) shall be fully applicable to
     such non-assignable Receivables, except that (i) Buyer shall be deemed to
     collect and hold the proceeds of such non-assignable Receivables as agent
     for the Seller and the Subsidiaries and shall apply such proceeds to the
     repayment of such loan, and (ii) any provision herein that would otherwise
     require or provide for Buyer's "reassignment" of a Receivable (including an
     Eligible Receivable) that is non-assignable to Buyer in the first instance
     shall be construed to require or provide that Buyer, as agent for Seller
     and the Subsidiaries, return pertinent documentation respecting such
     Receivable to Seller and the Subsidiaries to permit collection of such
     Receivable by them (in accordance with such collection efforts and
     procedures as they, in their sole discretion, shall determine).

               (f)  Collection Fee.

                    (i)  Buyer shall be entitled to a collection fee equal to
          fifteen percent (15%) of the sum of the following amounts (the
          "Collection Fee Base"):


                         (A)  Cash collected, or deemed, under the provisions of
               this Agreement, to be collected by Buyer after a relevant
               Scheduled Closing in respect of (1) Receivables included in the
               Net Book Values that are acquired by Buyer at such Scheduled
               Closing, excluding Receivables that Buyer or a Buyer Subsidiary
               assigns or entrusts at or after such Scheduled Closing to an
               Affiliate of Seller for purposes of collection and (2) Excess
               Interim Payments; and

                         (B)  Cash remitted to a Facility after the relevant
               Scheduled Closing by any collection agency (excluding an
               Affiliate of Seller) with respect to accounts receivable that
               were assigned to such agency prior to such Scheduled Closing and
               that would be Receivables but for the provisions of paragraph 6
               of Schedule 2.2(j), provided that for purposes of calculating the
                  ---------------  -------------                                
               collection fee, such cash remitted shall be deemed to be net of
               any collection agency discounts, fees and charges.

          Five (5) days prior to each Scheduled Closing, Buyer and Seller shall
          in good faith agree upon an estimate of Excess Interim Payments for
          each Facility included in such Scheduled Closing.  Absent manifest
          error, such estimates shall be binding on Buyer and Seller.  Fifteen
          percent (15%) of the total of such estimates for all Facilities
          included in each Scheduled Closing (the "Credit Amount") shall be
          credited against amounts due from Seller to Buyer as provided in
          Section 2.9(f)(ii).

                    (ii)  On the tenth day of the first month that begins at
          least sixty (60) days after a Scheduled Closing, on the tenth day of
          every other month thereafter until the Working Capital Adjustment
          Date, and on the tenth day following the Working Capital Adjustment
          Date, Buyer shall submit a report to Seller as of the nearest month-
          end specifying in reasonable detail its calculation of the Collection
          Fee Base for the period covered by such report.  Within five (5)
          business days following receipt of each such report, Seller shall pay
          to Buyer, by wire transfer of immediately available funds, the
          collection fee due with respect to the Collection Fee Base covered by
          such report less the amount of any Credit Amount not previously used
          to offset amounts due under this provision.  Any Receivable for which
          a collection fee is so paid shall, to the extent


          of such Receivable on which such a fee is paid, no longer qualify as
          an Eligible Receivable.

          Section 2.10  Employee Matters.

               (a)  Pension Plans.  Schedule 2.10(a) lists all "employee pension
                    -------------   ----------------                            
     benefit plans" ("Pension Plans") within the meaning of Section 3(2) of the
     Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA") in
     which Retained Employees (as defined in Subsection (b) below) directly
     employed to work at the Facilities participate.  Seller shall, or shall
     cause the Subsidiaries to, (i) terminate as of the relevant Closing Date
     the active participation of all such employees in the Pension Plans who
     constitute Hired Employees, (ii) cause the Pension Plans to make timely
     appropriate distributions following the relevant Closing Date, to the
     extent required, to such employees in accordance with, and to the extent
     permitted by, the terms and conditions of such Pension Plans, and (iii) in
     connection with the termination of the active participation of all such
     employees in such Pension Plans, comply, and cause each Pension Plan to
     comply, with all applicable Laws.  Prior to the relevant Closing Date,
     Seller shall have delivered to Buyer, for information purposes only, forms
     of any letters or other written communications which Seller or the
     Subsidiaries shall distribute generally to such employees notifying them of
     their rights in respect of their cessation of active participation in the
     Pension Plans.  There are no "multiemployer plans" within the meaning of
     Section 3(37) of ERISA ("Multiemployer Plans") in which Retained Employees
     directly employed to work at the Facilities participate.

               (b)  Retained Employees.

                    (i)  Buyer shall have the right to offer to hire at each
          Scheduled Closing each of the direct employees of Seller or an
          Affiliate of Seller, who is not a Facility's chief executive or chief
          financial officer and who, as of such Scheduled Closing, works at the
          Facilities (including any such direct employees who are on medical
          disability or leaves of absence and who worked at the Facilities
          immediately prior to such disability or leave) included in the Subject
          Transferred Assets, provided that Buyer may not offer to hire those
          employees covered by this clause (i), if any, who are designated by
          Seller at least five (5) days prior to the relevant Scheduled Closing
          and provided further that Buyer shall extend offers of employment to a
          sufficient number of employees at each


          Facility so as to avoid any liability on the part of Seller and the
          Subsidiaries under the WARN Act (as defined in Section 2.10(e)) with
          respect to the Transactions contemplated hereby. Seller will advise
          Buyer of the number of employees terminated at each Facility during
          the ninety (90) day period preceding the relevant Scheduled Closing.

                    (ii) Buyer shall additionally have the right to offer to
          hire at each Scheduled Closing such other employees of Seller and its
          Affiliates who are mutually agreed upon by Buyer and Seller and who
          are either (A) indirect employees with respect to the operation of the
          Facilities included in the Subject Transferred Assets, or (B) a chief
          executive or chief financial officer of a Facility included in the
          Subject Transferred Assets, provided that in the event that Buyer
          wishes to hire a chief executive or chief financial officer and Seller
          does not agree to such hiring, Seller shall not employ such chief
          executive or chief financial officer in such capacity at a healthcare
          facility operated or managed by Seller or its subsidiaries for a
          period of at least one (1) year following such Scheduled Closing.

                    (iii)  All such direct and indirect employees to whom Buyer
          has the right to make offers of employment pursuant to clauses (i) or
          (ii) above are herein referred to as the "Retained Employees."
          ----                                      ------------------  

                    (iv)  Any such offer of employment to a Retained Employee by
          Buyer shall be to perform comparable services, in such position and
          for such compensation as is comparable to the position such Retained
          Employee held with, and the compensation paid to such Retained
          Employee by, Seller or any of its subsidiaries as of the Scheduled
          Closing.  Seller or its Affiliates shall have the right (but not the
          obligation) to employ or offer to employ any Retained Employee
          (including, but not limited to, the chief executive officer and the
          chief financial officer of each Facility without regard to the
          provisions of Section 2.10(b)(ii)(B)) who declines Buyer's offer of

               (c)  Hiring of Retained Employees.  Buyer shall hire at each
     Scheduled Closing each Retained Employee who elects to accept employment
     with Buyer (the "Hired Employees") and shall continue to employ each such
     Hired Employee for a period of no less than ninety (90)


     days following the relevant Closing Date, unless the employment of such
     Hired Employee is terminated for cause or as a result of the Hired
     Employee's resignation. Subject to the proviso to Section 2.3(c), Buyer
     agrees to give the Hired Employees full credit for the Paid Time Off earned
     or accrued by them during, and to which they are entitled as a result of,
     their employment by Seller and/or its subsidiaries, by allowing such Hired
     Employees such Paid Time Off as to which such Hired Employees would have
     been entitled as of the relevant Closing Date under the policies of Seller
     and/or its subsidiaries if such Hired Employees had remained employees of
     Seller and/or its subsidiaries and, upon termination of employment, by
     making full payment to such Hired Employees of the Paid Time Off that such
     employees would have received had they taken such Paid Time Off.

               (d)  Health Benefits.  Buyer shall provide the Hired Employees a
     program of health care benefits which is comparable in the aggregate to the
     program of health care benefits currently provided by Seller or its
     pertinent Subsidiaries, as the case may be, provided, however, that such
                                                 --------  -------           
     health care benefits shall be immediately available to the Hired Employees
     as of the relevant Closing Date, and the Hired Employees shall become as of
     the relevant Closing Date participants thereunder, without regard to any
     applicable waiting period or any limitation with respect to preexisting
     conditions except insofar as such waiting period or limitation gives full
     credit to such Hired Employees for the period of time during which he or
     she was employed by Seller and its Affiliates and, provided further, that
     Buyer may make modifications or changes in such health care benefits at any
     time following a Scheduled Closing. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that,
     with respect to the Hired Employees, Buyer is a successor employer for
     purposes of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, as
     amended ("COBRA"), that the Hired Employees will not, as a result, be
     deemed to have had a termination of employment for purposes of COBRA and
     that any COBRA notices or coverages required to be given or made available
     to any Hired Employee shall be given or made by Buyer and not Seller or the
     Subsidiaries, provided that Buyer does not assume, and shall not be deemed
     to have assumed, any COBRA obligations which Seller or any Subsidiary may
     have to former employees of Seller or such Subsidiary whose employment was
     terminated on or prior to the relevant Closing Date, or to any Retained
     Employees who do not accept employment with Buyer, and provided further
     that Seller shall be responsible for any COBRA coverages required to be
     made available to any


     Hired Employee who is entitled to COBRA coverage under existing plans of
     Seller or any Subsidiary as a result of the Transactions.

               (e)  Acknowledgement of Responsibility.  Buyer acknowledges and
     agrees that as of the date and time a Scheduled Closing is effective, Buyer
     shall be considered for purposes of the Worker Adjustment and Retraining
     Notification Act (the "WARN Act") the employer of the Retained Employees
     related to the Transferred Assets transferred at such Scheduled Closing and
     that Buyer (and not Seller or the Subsidiaries) shall thereupon be
     responsible for complying with the WARN Act with respect to such Retained
     Employees and that prior to such time none of such Retained Employees shall
     be, nor shall they be deemed to be, terminated.  Buyer shall indemnify and
     hold Seller and its Affiliates harmless, in accordance with Sections 11.4,
     11.5 and 11.6, from and against all Losses (i) resulting from any
     ----     ----                                                    
     compliance obligation (including, without limitation, the obligation to
     give notice or pay money) that Seller and its Affiliates or Buyer has under
     the WARN Act arising from the termination of any Retained Employee or (ii)
     resulting from any claims of the Hired Employees (including, without
     limitation, claims for health care coverage or benefits); provided,
     however, Buyer shall neither be responsible for, nor indemnify Seller and
     its Affiliates for the consequences of any WARN event which may be caused
     by the actions of Seller or its Affiliates with respect to employees whom
     Seller and its Affiliates retain pursuant to rights set forth in Section
     2.10(b) above.

     Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Section 2.10 shall, or shall
     be deemed to, create any rights in favor of any person not a party hereto
     or to constitute an employment agreement or condition of employment for any
     employee of Seller or any Affiliate of Seller or any Retained Employee.

          Section 2.11  Use of Names.

               (a) Although trade names of Seller and the Subsidiaries, other
     than the Transferred Business Names, are Excluded Assets, such names appear
     on certain of the fixed Transferred Assets, such as certain fixtures and
     Equipment, and on supplies, materials, stationery and similar consumable
     items which will be on hand at the Facilities at a Scheduled Closing with
     respect to such Facilities.  Notwithstanding that such names are Excluded
     Assets, Buyer shall be entitled to use such consumable items for a period
     of three (3) months following the Scheduled Closing in which such items are
     transferred and shall have up to six (6) months following


     such Scheduled Closing to remove such names from fixed Transferred Assets,
     provided that Buyer shall not send correspondence or other materials to
     third parties on any stationery that contains a trade name (other than a
     Transferred Business Name) of Seller or any Affiliate of Seller.

               (b)  Seller hereby grants to Buyer, for the period from the
     relevant Closing Date through the expiration of the ninetieth day
     thereafter, the non-exclusive right and license to use, solely in
     connection with the operation of the Facilities transferred on such Closing
     Date, the clinical policy and procedures manuals of Seller and/or the
     Subsidiaries (the "Manuals") presently used at such Facilities.  Such
     license shall be on the following terms and conditions:

                    (i)  Buyer shall accept the Manuals in their present
          condition, "AS IS" and "WITH ALL FAULTS" and without any
          representation or warranty of any kind whatsoever, either express or
          implied, by Seller, including, but not limited to, any representation
          or warranty that the Manuals are adequate for Buyer's operation of the
          relevant Facilities after the relevant Scheduled Closing or are in
          compliance with any Laws;

                    (ii)  Buyer agrees that Seller shall have no obligation
          whatsoever to update or otherwise revise the Manuals, even if
          Seller or its Affiliates are revising similar manuals at other
          healthcare facilities, and that Buyer shall have sole responsibility
          for updating and revising such manuals;

                    (iii)  Buyer acknowledges and agrees that the Manuals are
          confidential and proprietary information of Seller and its Affiliates
          and Buyer agrees that it will not, directly or indirectly, reproduce,
          distribute or disclose the contents of the Manuals except as may be
          required in the operation of such Facilities (including, but not
          limited to, as may be required by any Laws) and shall exercise due
          care to otherwise preserve and protect the proprietary nature thereof,
          provided that Seller and the Subsidiaries acknowledge that the Manuals
          used by Buyer and the Buyer Subsidiaries more likely than not contain
          information that is substantially similar to information contained in
          the Manuals;


                    (iv)  Upon the termination of Buyer's use of the Manuals
          pursuant to this Section, Buyer shall return to Seller all originals
          and copies of the Manuals; and

                    (v)  Buyer shall implement its own policy and procedure
          manuals promptly following the relevant Closing Date, and in any event
          by the date on which the license hereby granted to Buyer terminates.

               (c) Notwithstanding the assignment to Buyer of the Transferred
     Business Names, Seller and its Affiliates and their assignees shall have
     the nonexclusive right to use such Transferred Business Names, consistent
     with past practices, in connection with the operation of previously and
     currently operated healthcare facilities of Seller and its Affiliates not
     included in the Transferred Assets, and Buyer, on behalf of itself and each
     Buyer Subsidiary, hereby grants Seller and its Affiliates and their
     assignees a fully paid-up, perpetual right and license to use such
     Transferred Business Names in such manner in connection with the operation
     of such facilities, such license to be effective as of the relevant
     Scheduled Closing in which such Transferred Business Names are assigned to
     Buyer and the Buyer Subsidiaries.

          Section 2.12  No Assignment If Breach; Seller's Discharge of Assumed

               (a)  Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the
     contrary, this Agreement shall not constitute an agreement to assign any
     Transferred Asset, or assume any Assumed Liability, if the attempted
     assignment or assumption of the same, as a result of the absence of the
     consent or authorization of a third party or failure of a right of first
     refusal notice period to expire, would constitute a breach or default under
     any lease, agreement, encumbrance or commitment, would violate any Law or
     would in any way adversely affect the rights, or increase the obligations,
     of Buyer, Seller or any Subsidiary with respect thereto; provided that the
     assignment of any contract, including without limitation Medicare, Medicaid
     and similar provider agreements, which may lawfully be made subject to
     customary conditions subsequent (such as needs surveys, evaluations of
     Buyer or other determinations by the counterparties to such agreements)
     shall be deemed not to constitute a default under, or to in any way
     adversely affect the rights or increase the obligations of Buyer with


     to, such lease, agreement, encumbrance or commitment, whether or
     not such condition or conditions subsequent are met on or prior to the
     relevant Scheduled Closing.  Except as provided in Section 2.12(c), if any
     such consent or authorization is not obtained, or if an attempted
     assignment or assumption would be ineffective or would adversely affect the
     rights or increase the obligations of Seller, a Subsidiary or Buyer, with
     respect to any such lease, agreement, encumbrance or commitment, so that
     Buyer would not, in fact, receive all such rights, or assume the
     obligations, of Seller or Subsidiary with respect thereto as they exist
     prior to such attempted assignment or assumption, then Seller and Buyer
     shall, and Seller shall cause each Subsidiary to, enter into such
     reasonable cooperative arrangements as may be reasonably acceptable to both
     Buyer and Seller (including without limitation, sublease, agency,
     management, indemnity or payment arrangements and enforcement at the cost
     and for the benefit of Buyer of any and all rights of Seller and the
     Subsidiaries against an involved third party) to provide for or impose upon
     Buyer the benefits of such Transferred Asset or the obligations of such
     Assumed Liability, as the case may be, and any transfer or assignment to
     Buyer by Seller or a Subsidiary of any such Transferred Asset, or any
     assumption by Buyer of any such Assumed Liability, which shall require such
     consent or authorization of a third party that is not obtained shall be
     made subject to such consent or authorization being obtained.  Except as
     provided in Section 2.12(c), if the parties cannot agree on any such
     arrangement, or any such arrangement would not be reasonably practicable,
     to provide Buyer with materially all the benefits of such Transferred Asset
     or materially all the obligations of such Assumed Liability, then such
     Transferred Asset or Assumed Liability, as the case may be, shall be
     excluded from the Transactions and shall be deemed to be an Excluded Asset
     or an Excluded Liability, as the case may be, and Buyer and Seller shall
     negotiate in good faith an equitable adjustment in the Purchase Price, or
     resolve any disagreement respecting such adjustment, in accordance with the
     procedures of Section 2.14.

               (b)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement,
     during the period between the date hereof and the relevant Scheduled
     Closing, Seller may, for the purpose of facilitating consummation of the
     Transactions and with the consent of Buyer (which will not be unreasonably
     withheld), cause any Subsidiary to acquire a fixed asset, or any direct or
     indirect interest therein, that results in the simultaneous discharge of
     all or any part of a liability that exists as of the date hereof which, but
     for such acquisition, would be an Assumed Liability; provided that in each
     such case it gives prompt notice of such acquisition to Buyer.  In the
     event of any


     such acquisition, Buyer and Seller shall negotiate in good faith an
     equitable adjustment to the Purchase Price, or resolve any disagreement
     respecting such adjustment, in accordance with the procedures of Section

               (c)  The provisions of Section 2.12(a) notwithstanding, neither
     Buyer nor Seller shall be obligated to close with respect to a given
     Facility if any private third party consent or authorization in respect of
     Transferred Assets and Assumed Liabilities related to such Facility that is
     enumerated in Schedule 2.12(c) (the "Schedule of Required Consents") is not
                   ----------------       -----------------------------         
     obtained, unless both Buyer and Seller waive in writing their respective
     conditions precedent that such consent or authorization be obtained prior
     to the transfer of such Facility.  With respect to all other private third
     party consents or authorizations with respect to such Facility that have
     not been obtained by the relevant Scheduled Closing, if the parties have
     not entered into a cooperative arrangement in respect of the Transferred
     Asset or Assumed Liability to which such consent or authorization relates,
     then, subject to the provisions of Section 2.18 regarding Buyer's right to
     reject certain contracts within sixty (60) days following the Scheduled
     Closing at which such contracts are assigned or purported to be assigned,
     (i) Buyer hereby agrees to accept the assignment of any such pertinent
     Transferred Asset, and to assume any such pertinent Assumed Liability, as
     the case may be, whether or not such assignment or assumption is made
     subject to such consent or authorization being obtained after the relevant
     Scheduled Closing, and (ii) the parties agree to continue to cooperate with
     one another, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 5.2 and 5.3, to obtain
                                                ------------     ---   
     any such requisite consent

          Section 2.13  Closings.  All of Seller's and the Subsidiaries' right,
     title and interest in a Facility and all other Transferred Assets and
     Assumed Liabilities which relate to, or constitute a part of, a Facility
     shall be transferred to Buyer or the applicable Buyer Subsidiaries at a
     "Scheduled Closing" (as defined below).  Subject to the terms and
     conditions hereof, the Transferred Assets shall be transferred to Buyer at
     one of three Scheduled Closings:  The "First Closing" (as defined below),
     the "Second Closing" (as defined below) or the "Final Closing" (as defined
          --------------                             -------------             
     below).  The First Closing, Second Closing and Final Closing, collectively,
     are the "Scheduled Closings" and each is a "Scheduled Closing."  A date on
     which a Scheduled Closing actually occurs is a "Closing Date," and the
     Closing Date of the Final Closing is the "Final Closing Date."  A Scheduled
     Closing shall be effective for all purposes as to each Facility which is
     the subject of such Scheduled Closing (and the Transferred Assets and
     Assumed Liabilities related thereto or constituting a part thereof)
     (collectively, the 


     "Subject Transferred Assets") at 11:59 p.m. on the relevant Closing Date,
     as determined by reference to the local time zone in which the Facility is
     located. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either the First or Second Closing
     may also be a Final Closing and if the First Closing is the Final Closing,
     there shall be no Second Closing. Scheduled Closings shall occur in
     accordance with the following provisions:

               (a)  The First Closing.  Provided that no Scheduled Closing shall
     occur (i) before there is a "First Closing" under the First Facilities
     Agreement with respect to First Facilities, or (ii) after the Termination
     Date set forth in Section 10.1(b), the "First Closing" with respect to
                       ---------------       -------------                 
     Subsequent Facilities shall occur at a mutually agreeable time and place or
     places within five (5) business days (unless another date is mutually
     agreed upon by Buyer and Seller) after the first date on which all of the
     conditions set forth in Article 8 and Article 9 hereof are capable of being
                             ---------     ---------                            
     satisfied or are waived as to the Transferred Assets and Assumed
     Liabilities in respect of Subsequent Facilities that account in the
     aggregate for at least Eight Million Dollars ($8,000,000) of the EBITDA (as
     defined in Section 3.17(a)) assigned to Facilities for this purpose as
     shown on Schedule 2.13B hereto, and all Facilities, Transferred Assets and
     Assumed Liabilities sold, assigned, conveyed, transferred, delivered and
     assumed at the First Closing shall be the Subject Transferred Assets with
     respect to the First Closing. Upon consummation at the First Closing of
     Transactions in compliance with the foregoing provisions, any remaining
     Transactions in respect of Facilities that were not consummated at such
     Closing may be consummated at a subsequent Closing subject to the
     provisions of Article 8 and Article 9 and to the provisions of this Section
                   ---------     ---------                               -------
     2.13 with respect to such Closings.

               (b)  The Second Closing.  Provided that the First Closing has
     occurred and that no Scheduled Closing shall occur after the Termination
     Date, the "Second Closing" shall occur at a mutually agreeable time and
     place or places, on the date which is within five (5) business days (unless
     another date is mutually agreed upon by Buyer and Seller) after the first
     date on which all of the conditions set forth in Article 8 and Article 9
                                                      ---------     ---------
     hereof are capable of being satisfied or are waived as to any additional
     Subsequent Facilities and the Transferred Assets and Assumed Liabilities
     related thereto or constituting a part thereof that are not the subject of
     the First Closing, and the Subsequent Facilities and the Transferred Assets
     and Assumed Liabilities related thereto that are included in the
     Transactions occurring at the Second Closing shall, for purposes of this
     Agreement, be the Subject Transferred Assets with respect to the Second
     Closing, provided 


     that the Second Closing shall be held, in any event, within thirty (30)
     days of the First Closing with respect to any Subsequent Facilities for
     which the conditions to Closing, including those set forth in this Section
     2.13, have been met or waived as of such date.

               (c)  The Final Closing.  Provided that a First Closing has
     occurred, the "Final Closing" shall occur with respect to Subsequent
     Facilities that are not the subject of the First or Second Closings at a
     mutually agreeable place or places and at a mutually agreeable time as

                    (i) If all of the conditions set forth in Articles 8 and 9
                                                              ----------     -
          hereof and in this Section 2.13 are capable of being satisfied or are
          waived on or prior to the Termination Date as to all Subsequent
          Facilities that are not included in the First Closing or the Second
          Closing, then the Final Closing shall occur within five (5) business
          days (unless another date is mutually agreed upon by Buyer and Seller)
          after the first date upon which such conditions may be satisfied or
          are waived, but in no event later than the Termination Date.

                    (ii) If all of the conditions set forth in Articles 8 and 9
                                                               ----------     -
          hereof and in this Section 2.13 are capable of being satisfied or are
          waived on or prior to the Termination Date as to some, but not all, of
          the Facilities that are not included in the First Closing or the
          Second Closing, then the Final Closing shall occur within five (5)
          business days after the identity of the Facilities as to which such
          conditions will not be satisfied has become reasonably manifest or has
          been mutually agreed upon by the parties, but in no event shall such
          Final Closing occur later than the Termination Date.

               (d)  Deliveries by Seller.  At each Scheduled Closing Seller
     shall deliver, or cause the Subsidiaries to deliver, to Buyer:

                    (i)  A Bill or Bills of Sale and Assignment in substantially
          the form of Exhibit A executed by each Subsidiary with respect to the
          Subject Transferred Assets of the Subsidiary covered thereby;

                    (ii)  Grant deeds (or equivalent special or limited warranty
          deeds for Owned Real Properties outside California), properly executed
          and acknowledged by each Subsidiary with respect


          to the Owned Real Properties of the Subsidiary included in the Subject
          Transferred Assets;

                    (iii)  Separate assignments and assumptions in substantially
          the form of Exhibit B executed by each Subsidiary with respect to each
          Real Property Lease of the Subsidiary included in the Subject
          Transferred Assets that is designated by either Buyer or Seller;

                    (iv)  Instruments of transfer, sufficient to transfer
          personal property interests of each Subsidiary that are included in
          the Subject Transferred Assets but not otherwise transferred by the
          Bills of Sale and Assignment referred to in clause (i) above, executed
          by each Subsidiary in the form customarily used in commercial
          transactions in the areas in which such other personal property of
          such Subsidiary is located;

                    (v)   Such other instruments of transfer, executed by each
          of the pertinent Subsidiaries necessary to transfer to and vest in
          Buyer all of Seller's and the Subsidiaries' rights, title and
          interest in and to the Subject Transferred Assets or which may be
          required by the Title Insurer (as defined in Section 8.7), including
          owner's and lessee's affidavits, if any; and

                    (vi)  Possession of the Subject Transferred Assets.

     All such documents of transfer shall be in a form and substance reasonably
     satisfactory to Buyer.

               (e)  Deliveries by Buyer.  At each Scheduled Closing, Buyer shall
     deliver to Seller:

                    (i)  Immediately available funds, by way of wire transfer to
          an account or accounts designated by Seller, in an amount equal to the
          amounts then due pursuant to Sections 2.5 and 2.6(a), as adjusted by
                                       ------------     ------                
          the expenses due at such Scheduled Closing pursuant to Section 5.5;

                    (ii) Separate assignments and assumptions in substantially
          the form of Exhibit C executed by Buyer and the applicable Buyer
          Subsidiaries with respect to each Real Property Lease included 


          in the Subject Transferred Assets that is designated by either Buyer
          or Seller; and

                    (iii)  An Assumption Agreement or Assumption Agreements with
          respect to the Assumed Liabilities assumed at such Scheduled Closing,
          in substantially the form of Exhibit C, executed by Buyer and the
          applicable Buyer Subsidiaries in favor of Seller and each of the
          applicable Subsidiaries.

     All such documents of transfer shall be in a form and substance reasonably
     satisfactory to Seller.

               (f)  Escrow.  If either of the parties desires to consummate a
     Scheduled Closing through an escrow, an escrow shall be opened with, and
     the escrow agent shall be, Chicago Title Company (the "Escrow Agent"), by
     depositing a fully executed copy of this Agreement with Escrow Agent to
     serve as escrow instructions.  This Agreement shall be considered the
     primary escrow instructions between the parties, but the parties shall
     execute such additional escrow instructions as Escrow Agent shall require
     and the parties may agree upon in order to clarify the duties and
     responsibilities of Escrow Agent. In the event of any conflict between this
     Agreement and such additional escrow instructions, this Agreement shall
     prevail. If a Scheduled Closing is to be consummated through the Escrow
     Agent, then on or prior to the Closing Date, Buyer shall cause the funds
     required by Subsection (e)(i) above to be wired to Escrow Agent, and the 
                 ---------- ------                                       
     parties shall deliver the instruments of sale, assignment, conveyance and 
     assumption called for by Subsections (d) and (e) above to be delivered to 
                              ---------------     ---                      
     the Escrow Agent, and on the Closing Date, the Escrow Agent shall close
     the escrow with respect to such Scheduled Closing by:

                    (i)  Causing the deeds for the Owned Real Properties, the
          assignments of the Real Property Leases, and any other documents which
          the parties may mutually designate to be recorded in the official
          records of the appropriate counties in which the pertinent Subject
          Transferred Assets are located;

                    (ii)  Delivering to Seller by wire transfer of immediately
          available funds, to an account or accounts designated by Seller, the
          amounts called for by Subsection (e)(i) above; and


                    (iii)  Delivering to Buyer or Seller, as the case may be,
          the other instruments referred to in Subsections (d) and (e) above.
                                               ---------------     ---       

          Section 2.14  Purchase Price Adjustment.  If circumstances exist that
     require the parties to negotiate in good faith equitable adjustments in the
     Purchase Price pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.12 (respecting
     absence of consents), Sections 8.5 and 9.5 (dealing with certain
                           ------------     ---                      
     prohibitions and restraints), Section 6.2(c) (respecting Seller's
     obligations with respect to environmental conditions), Section 8.7
     (respecting the condition of title to interests in real property) or
     Section 8.10 (respecting casualty losses or condemnation) (Sections 2.12,
     ------------                                               ------------- 
     6.2(c), 8.5, 8.7, 8.10, 9.5 and this Section 2.14 being collectively
     ------  ---  ---  ----  ---          -------------                  
     referred to as the "Adjustment Sections"), then and in any of such events,
     such negotiations, and the resolution of disagreements arising therefrom,
     shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Section 2.14.
     The parties shall negotiate such equitable adjustments in the Purchase
     Price in good faith prior to any relevant Closing Date (as may be extended
     by mutual agreement of the parties), provided, that any adjustment in the
     Purchase Price shall be consistent with the Allocation Schedule.  If the
     parties are unable to agree by the day prior to such relevant Closing Date,
     then such relevant Closing Date (the "Original Closing Date") (and the
     Termination Date, if necessary) shall be extended for up to fifteen (15)
     business days to provide for the opportunity to resolve such disagreement
     pursuant to the provisions of this Section 2.14. On the day a Scheduled
     Closing would have occurred but for the absence of agreement between the
     parties, each party shall designate an individual (who may not be a present
     or former officer, director, partner or employee of the party or of any
     present or former investment banker, accounting firm, law firm or attorney
     of or for the party) to mediate such disagreement, and advise the other
     party in writing of the identity of such individual, which advice shall be
     accompanied by a list of up to ten (10) suggested neutral individuals to
     serve as a third mediator. The mediators originally designated by each
     party shall promptly confer about the selection of a third mediator from
     such lists, and within five (5) business days following the Original
     Closing Date (or Termination Date, as the case may be), the originally
     designated mediators shall agree upon and (subject to availability) select
     the third mediator from the lists submitted by the parties or otherwise,
     provided that if the originally designated mediators cannot agree upon a
     third mediator by such date, the third mediator shall be a retired judge
     designated by Judicial and Arbitration Mediation Services, Inc., located in
     Los Angeles, California. The three mediators so selected are herein
     referred to as the "Panel". Within two (2) business days


     following the designation of the third mediator, each party shall submit
     to the Panel in writing, its proposed equitable adjustments in the
     Purchase Price.  Such proposals shall be materially in accordance with the
     last proposals made by such party to the other party during the course of
     the aforementioned good faith negotiations between the parties.  The
     parties shall additionally submit such memoranda, arguments, briefs and
     evidence in support of their respective positions, and in accordance with
     such procedures, as a majority of the Panel may determine.  Within seven
     (7) business days following the designation of the third mediator, as to
     each adjustment of the Purchase Price about which there is disagreement,
     the Panel shall, by majority vote, select the proposed adjustment of the
     Purchase Price proposed by one of the parties, it being agreed that the
     Panel shall have no authority to alter any such proposal in any way.
     Thereafter, the parties shall, subject to the terms and conditions of this
     Agreement, consummate the Transactions on the basis of such adjustments at
     a mutually agreeable time and place or places, in accordance with and
     subject to the provisions of Section 2.13, which shall be no later than the
     fifteenth (15th) business day following the Original Closing Date or such
     later date as the parties may agree upon.  Subject to the foregoing, the
     Panel may determine the issues in dispute following such procedures,
     consistent with the language of this Agreement, as it deems appropriate to
     the circumstances and with reference to the amounts in issue, but in any
     event consistent with the Allocation Schedule to the extent applicable.  No
     particular procedures are intended to be imposed upon the Panel, it being
     the desire of the parties that any such disagreement shall be resolved as
     expeditiously and inexpensively as reasonably practicable.  No member of
     the Panel shall have any liability to the parties in connection with
     service on the Panel, and the parties shall provide such indemnities to the
     members of the Panel as they shall request.

          Section 2.15  Transfer of Assets in Corporate Form.  If Buyer consents
     in writing in its sole and absolute discretion, Seller may, prior to any
     Scheduled Closing, cause any Transferred Asset or Assumed Liability to be
     assigned and transferred by way of an assignment to Buyer of the stock of a
     subsidiary of Seller (including the stock of any Subsidiary), in which case
     all right, title and interest of Seller and any of its Affiliates in such
     subsidiary (which shall constitute all of the outstanding capital stock and
     rights to acquire capital stock in such subsidiary) shall be transferred to
     Buyer at the Scheduled Closing as a Subject Transferred Asset.  Any such
     agreement of the parties shall become an amendment to this Agreement.


          Section 2.16  Assignment of Rights and Obligations to Buyer
     Subsidiaries.  Notwithstanding any contrary provisions contained herein,
     the parties hereto agree that, prior to a Scheduled Closing, Buyer, in its
     sole discretion, may assign any or all of its rights and obligations with
     respect to the Subject Transferred Assets and the Assumed Liabilities to be
     transferred at such Scheduled Closing to one or more Buyer Subsidiaries,
     provided that no such assignment shall relieve Buyer of any obligation or
     liability to Seller hereunder, and provided further that the following
     shall apply:

               (a)  Buyer will provide Seller with prompt written notice of any
     such assignment.

               (b)  No such assignment shall be effected if the making of the
     assignment will result in Seller's inability to obtain any consent or
     authorization reasonably required to consummate the Transactions or to
     avoid economic detriment to the Seller arising from the consummation of the

               (c)  Each such Buyer Subsidiary that is an assignee of Buyer
     shall irrevocably appoint Buyer as its sole and exclusive representative
     and agent authorized to act for and to receive notices and payments on
     behalf of the Buyer Subsidiaries in all matters arising from or related to
     this Agreement and the Transactions.

               (d)  As a condition to Seller's agreement to such assignments,
     Buyer hereby agrees that Buyer will at all times be the ultimate parent
     entity of the consolidated group of companies of which Buyer is a group
     member or that, in the event of any reorganization involving Buyer and its
     subsidiaries, the ultimate parent entity of the consolidated group of
     companies emerging from such reorganization that includes Buyer and its
     successors and assigns shall, prior to any such reorganization, execute
     such documents as are reasonably necessary to confirm the assumption by
     such ultimate parent entity of Buyer's obligations to Seller hereunder.

               (e)  Buyer shall remain jointly and severally liable to Seller
     and the Subsidiaries and to third parties with respect to any Assumed
     Liabilities transferred to a Buyer Subsidiary, and, without limiting the
     generality of the foregoing, hereby absolutely and unconditionally
     guarantees the full, prompt and faithful performance by each Buyer
     Subsidiary of all covenants and obligations to be performed by such Buyer


     Subsidiary under this Agreement and any Related Agreement (as defined in
     Section 3.4) which are assigned to such Buyer Subsidiary, including but not
     limited to, the payment of all sums stipulated to be paid by such Buyer
     Subsidiary pursuant to such assignment, it being understood that each such
     covenant and obligation constitutes the direct and primary obligation of
     Buyer and that a separate action or actions may be brought and prosecuted
     against Buyer whether action is brought against the pertinent Buyer
     Subsidiary or whether such Buyer Subsidiary is joined in any such action or
     actions (Buyer hereby waiving any right to require Seller or a Subsidiary
     to proceed against a Buyer Subsidiary).  Buyer hereby authorizes Seller,
     without notice and without affecting Buyer's liability hereunder, from time
     to time to (x) renew, compromise, extend, accelerate, or otherwise change
     the terms of any obligation of a Buyer Subsidiary hereunder with the
     agreement of such Buyer Subsidiary, (y) take and hold security for the
     obligations guaranteed, and exchange, enforce, waive and release any such
     security, and (z) apply such security and direct the order or manner of
     sale thereof as Seller in its discretion may determine.  Buyer hereby
     further waives:

                    (i)   Any defense that may arise by reason of the incapacity
          or lack of authority of any Buyer Subsidiary;

                    (ii)  Any defense based upon a statute or rule of law which
          provides that the obligations of a surety must be neither larger in
          amount nor in other respects more burdensome than those of the
          principal; and

                    (iii) Any duty on the part of Seller or a Subsidiary to
          disclose to Buyer any facts that Seller or a Subsidiary may now or
          hereafter know about a Buyer Subsidiary.

          Section 2.17  Data Processing Services.  In order to facilitate the
     transition of the Facilities from Seller's to Buyer's ownership, the
     parties acknowledge that in the event Buyer acquires Subsequent Facilities
     hereunder from Seller, then Seller shall provide certain telephone
     assistance in connection with management information services and Facility
     accounting and shall also provide certain data processing services support
     for the collection of Receivables all in accordance with the terms of and
     for the period stated in the First Facilities Agreement.


          Section 2.18  Rejection of Certain Contracts.  The provisions of this
     Section 2.18 shall apply to the following categories of Assumed Contracts:
     (i) those subject to the provisions of Section 2.1(f)(iii); (ii) those
     subject to the provisions of the second sentence of Section 2.12(c); and
     (iii) those subject to Section 6.1(f) that are entered into by Seller or a
     Subsidiary after the date hereof in violation of Section 6.1(f).  With
     respect to each such contract (a "Contingent Contract"):

               (a) Buyer or the pertinent Buyer Subsidiary shall have the right
     to reject such Contingent Contract by giving a written notice of such
     rejection to Seller within sixty (60) days following the relevant Scheduled
     Closing, such written notice to be accompanied by originals of the contract
     then in Buyer's or the Buyer Subsidiary's possession, copies of any written
     communications between Buyer or the Buyer Subsidiary and the counterparty
     to such contract relating to the subject matter thereof, and instruments
     evidencing the reassignment of such contract to Seller or the pertinent
     Subsidiary in form reasonably satisfactory to Buyer and Seller, in which
     case such contract shall be treated as an Excluded Asset, and the
     liabilities related thereto shall be treated as an Excluded Liability, for
     all purposes of this Agreement, subject to the further provisions of this
     Section 2.18.

               (b) In the event that Seller or the pertinent Subsidiary incurs
     any costs in connection with the termination of any such Contingent
     Contract so rejected by Buyer (including payments during any applicable
     notice period required to terminate such contract) and Buyer or the
     pertinent Buyer Subsidiary continues to do business with the counterparty
     to such contract related to the subject matter thereof during any period
     for which Seller or the applicable Subsidiary is obligated to make payments
     to such counterparty, then Buyer will reimburse Seller for one-half of the
     payments that Seller or the applicable Subsidiary is obligated to make to
     such counterparty in connection with such termination, but not in excess of
     one-half of the payments that Seller or the applicable Subsidiary is
     obligated to make to such counterparty under such contract for a period of
     ninety (90) days.

               (c) With respect to any Contingent Contract subject to clause
     (ii) of this Section 2.18 that is not also subject to either clause (i) or
     ----         ------------                                           ---   
     clause (iii) of this Section 2.18 and that is not rejected by Buyer
            -----         ------------                                  
     pursuant to Subsection (a) above, Buyer agrees to indemnify and hold
     harmless Seller and the Subsidiaries, in accordance with the provisions of


     11.3 through 11.6, from and against any and all Losses arising from or
     ----         ---- 
     related to the lack of any consent or authorization in connection with the
     assignment of such Contingent Contract to Buyer (or the pertinent Buyer
     Subsidiary) hereunder.

               (d) In the event Buyer rejects a Contingent Contract pursuant to
     Subsection (a), then, notwithstanding any other provision of this
     Agreement, Seller shall have no liability to Buyer and the Buyer
     Subsidiaries for Losses under the provisions of Sections 11.3 through 11.6
                                                     -------------         ----
     related to such Contingent Contract for the period prior to such rejection
     or for the amounts due Seller under Subsection (b) above.

               (e) With respect to any Contingent Contract subject to clause
     (iii) of this Section 2.18 that appears on an updated Schedule 2.1(f)
     -----         ------------                            ---------------
     delivered pursuant to Section 6.3 and that is not rejected by Buyer
                           -----------             ---                  
     pursuant to Subsection (a) above, then, notwithstanding any other provision
     of this Agreement, Seller shall have no liability to Buyer and the Buyer
     Subsidiaries for Losses under the provisions of Sections 11.3 through 11.6
                                                     -------------         ----
     for violation of Section 6.1(f) with respect to such Contingent Contract.

          Section 2.19  Remaining Schedules.  Notwithstanding anything to the
     contrary herein, this Agreement shall be deemed cancelled and of no further
     force and effect if the parties shall have failed to agree upon the
     Schedules enumerated in Exhibit E, if any, within five (5) business days
     following the date hereof, the parties hereby agreeing to cooperate with
     one another in good faith and to work expeditiously to agree upon such
     Schedules within such period.  Such agreement shall be evidenced by a duly
     executed amendment of this Agreement that deletes this Section 2.19.

                                   ARTICLE 3

          Seller hereby represents and warrants to Buyer, as of the date hereof,
     as follows, except as set forth in Schedules numbered in relation to the
     Sections set forth below:

          Section 3.1  Organization and Corporate Power.  Seller is a 
     corporation duly incorporated and validly existing under the laws of, and
     is authorized to exercise its corporate powers, rights and privileges and
     is in good standing in, the State of Nevada and has full corporate power to


     carry on its business as presently conducted and to own or lease and
     operate its properties and assets now owned or leased and operated by it
     and to perform the transactions on its part contemplated by this Agreement
     and all other agreements contemplated hereby.

          Section 3.2  Subsidiaries.

               (a)  Each Subsidiary is a corporation duly organized, validly
     existing and in good standing under the laws of its state of incorporation
     (which, in the case of Subsidiaries existing on the date of this Agreement,
     is indicated on Schedule A-1).  Each Subsidiary has all requisite power and
     authority (corporate and otherwise) to carry on its business as presently
     conducted and to own or lease and operate its properties and assets now
     owned or leased and operated by it and to perform the transactions on its
     part contemplated by this Agreement and all other agreements contemplated

               (b)  All of the outstanding capital stock of each Subsidiary has
     been duly authorized and is validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable
     and, except as indicated on Schedule A-1, is owned beneficially and of
     record by Seller or another subsidiary of Seller as indicated on Schedule
     A-1.  Except as provided in Schedule A-1, there are no (i) rights,
     ---                         ------------                          
     subscriptions, warrants, options, conversion rights or agreements of any
     kind outstanding to purchase or otherwise acquire any shares of capital
     stock of any Subsidiary, or (ii) securities or obligations of any kind
     convertible into or exchangeable for any shares of capital stock of any
     Subsidiary, or (iii) obligations of any kind obligating Seller to sell or
     dispose of all or any part of Seller's ownership interest therein.  The
     Subsidiaries listed on Schedule A-1 are, on the date hereof, the only
     subsidiaries of Seller that have any right or interest in, or title to the

               (c)  The board of directors of each Subsidiary and, if required,
     its shareholders, have duly and effectively authorized (i) the sale of the
     Transferred Assets to be sold by such Subsidiary and (ii) the execution,
     delivery and performance of the Related Agreements (as defined in Section
     3.4) and all other agreements contemplated hereby and thereby to which such
     Subsidiary is a party.  No other corporate act or proceeding on the part of
     any Subsidiary, its board of directors or its  shareholders is necessary to
     authorize any Related Agreement or other agreement contemplated hereby and
     thereby or the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby.


               (d)  The Related Agreements and all other agreements contemplated
     hereby and thereby to which any Subsidiary is a party will, as of each
     Scheduled Closing, have been duly executed and delivered by each such
     Subsidiary, and each such agreement, when executed and delivered, will
     constitute a valid and binding obligation of such Subsidiary, enforceable
     against such Subsidiary in accordance with its terms, except as it may be
     limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or other
     similar Laws now or hereafter in effect relating to creditors' rights
     generally and that the remedy of specific performance and injunctive and
     other forms of equitable relief may be subject to equitable defenses and to
     the discretion of the court before which any proceeding may be brought.

          Section 3.3  Authority Relative to this Agreement.  The execution,
     delivery and performance of this Agreement and all other agreements
     contemplated hereby and the consummation of the transactions contemplated
     hereby and thereby have been duly and effectively authorized by the board
     of directors of Seller; no other corporate act or proceeding on the part of
     Seller, its board of directors or its shareholders is necessary to
     authorize this Agreement, any such other agreement or the transactions
     contemplated hereby and thereby.  This Agreement has been, and each of the
     other agreements contemplated hereby will, as of each Scheduled Closing,
     have been, duly executed and delivered by Seller, and this Agreement
     constitutes, and each such other agreement when executed and delivered will
     constitute, a valid and binding obligation of Seller, enforceable against
     Seller in accordance with its terms, except as it may be limited by
     bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or other similar Laws
     now or hereafter in effect relating to creditors' rights generally and that
     the remedy of specific performance and injunctive and other forms of
     equitable relief may be subject to equitable defenses and to the discretion
     of the court before which any proceeding may be brought.

          Section 3.4  Absence of Breach.  Subject to the provisions of Sections
                       -----------------                                --------
     3.5 and 3.6 below regarding private party and governmental consents, and
     ---     ---                                                             
     except for compliance with the requirements of the Hart-Scott-Rodino
     Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended (the "HSR Act"), and any
     regulatory or licensing Laws applicable to the businesses and assets
     represented by the Transferred Assets, the execution, delivery and
     performance by Seller of this Agreement and all other agreements
     contemplated hereby or executed in connection herewith (not including the
     First Facilities Agreement, the "Related Agreements"), and the execution
     and delivery by any Subsidiary of the Related Agreements to which it is a


     party, and the performance by the Subsidiaries of the transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement and the Related Agreements entered into by
     the Subsidiaries, do not, (a) conflict with or result in a breach of any of
     the provisions of the Articles or Certificates of Incorporation or Bylaws
     or similar charter documents (the "Charter Documents") of Seller or of any
     of the Subsidiaries, (b) contravene any Law or cause the suspension or
     revocation of any License presently in effect, which affects or binds
     Seller or any of the Subsidiaries, or any of their properties, except where
     such contravention, suspension or revocation will not have a Material
     Adverse Effect (as defined below) on the Transferred Assets and will not
     affect the validity or enforceability of this Agreement and the Related
     Agreements or the validity of the Transactions contemplated hereby and
     thereby, or (c) conflict with or result in a breach of or default (with or
     without notice or lapse of time or both) under any indenture or loan or
     credit agreement or any other agreement or instrument to which Seller or
     any of the Subsidiaries is a party or by which it or they or any of their
     properties may be affected or bound, the effect of which conflict, breach,
     or default, either individually or in the aggregate, would be a Material
     Adverse Effect on the Transferred Assets.  As used herein, a "Material
     Adverse Effect": (x) when used with respect to the Transferred Assets,
     means a material adverse effect on the Transferred Assets and on the
     businesses operated therefrom, including their condition (financial or
     otherwise) and results of operations, taken as a whole; (y) when used with
     respect to any portion of the Transferred Assets (including, without
     limitation, a Facility), means a material adverse effect on such portion of
     the Transferred Assets and on the businesses operated therefrom, including
     their condition (financial or otherwise) and results of operations, taken
     as a whole; and (z) when used with respect to an entity, such as Seller, a
     Subsidiary or Buyer, means a material adverse effect on the business,
     condition (financial or otherwise) and results of operations of such entity
     taken as a whole (including any subsidiaries of such entity).

          Section 3.5  Private Party Consents.  Except as set forth in Schedule
                       ----------------------                          --------
     3.5, the execution, delivery and performance by Seller of this Agreement
     and the Related Agreements, and the execution and delivery by any
     Subsidiary of the Related Agreements to which it is a party, and the
     performance by the Subsidiaries of the transactions contemplated by this
     Agreement and the Related Agreements to be performed by the Subsidiaries,
     do not require the authorization, consent or approval of any non-
     governmental third party of such a nature that the failure to obtain the


     would have a Material Adverse Effect on the Transferred Assets or a

          Section 3.6  Governmental Consents.  The execution, delivery and
     performance by Seller of this Agreement and the Related Agreements, and the
     execution and delivery by any Subsidiary of the Related Agreements to which
     it is a party, and the performance by the Subsidiaries of the transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement and the Related Agreements to be performed
     by the Subsidiaries, do not require the authorization, consent, approval,
     certification, license or order of, or any filing with, any court or
     governmental agency of such a nature that the failure to obtain the same
     would have a Material Adverse Effect on the Transferred Assets or a
     Facility, except for compliance with the HSR Act and except for such
     governmental authorizations, consents, approvals, certifications, licenses
     and orders that customarily accompany the transfer of health care
     facilities such as the Facilities.

          Section 3.7  Brokers.  Except as shown on Schedule 3.7, no broker,
                       -------                      ------------            
     finder, or investment banker is entitled to any brokerage, finder's or
     other fee or commission in connection with this Agreement or the
     Transactions contemplated hereby based upon any agreements or arrangements
     or commitments, written or oral, made by or on behalf of Seller or any of
     its Affiliates.  Seller shall be solely responsible for the payment of any
     such fee or commission to any person or entity listed on Schedule 3.7 as an
     exception to the foregoing.

          Section 3.8  Title to Property.

               (a)  Each Subsidiary has good and defensible title, or valid and
     effective leasehold rights in the case of leased property, to all tangible
     personal property included in the Transferred Assets to be sold, conveyed,
     assigned, transferred and delivered to Buyer by such Subsidiary, free and
     clear of all liens, charges, claims, pledges, security interests, equities
     and encumbrances of any nature whatsoever, except for those created or
     allowed to be suffered by Buyer and except for the following (individually
     and collectively, the "Permitted Encumbrances"):  (i) the lien of current
     taxes not delinquent, (ii) liens listed on Schedules 3.8(a) and 3.8(b),
     (iii) the Assumed Liabilities, (iv) such consents, authorizations,
     approvals and licenses referred to in Sections 3.5 and 3.6, and (v) liens,
                                           ------------     ---                
     charges, claims, pledges, security interests, equities and encumbrances
     which will be discharged or released either prior to, or substantially
     simultaneously with,


     the Scheduled Closing at which such property is sold, conveyed, assigned
     and transferred to Buyer and other possible minor matters that in the
     aggregate are not substantial in amount and do not materially detract from
     or interfere with the present or intended use of such property. All such
     tangible personal property is in good operating condition and repair,
     subject to ordinary wear and tear and ordinary and routine maintenance, and
     is reasonably adequate for the operation of the Facilities as they are
     presently operated.

               (b) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.8(b), and except for the
     Owned Real Property and the Leased Real Property, no Subsidiary owns any
     fee or leasehold or other interests in any real property used in and
     necessary for the conduct of the operations of any Facility as presently
     conducted.  Each Subsidiary has good and marketable title to all
     Owned Real Property, or valid and effective leasehold rights in the case of
     the Leased Real Property, included in the Transferred Assets to be sold,
     conveyed, transferred and delivered to Buyer by such Subsidiary, free and
     clear of all liens except for those created or allowed to be suffered by
     Buyer and except for the following:  (i) Permitted Encumbrances, (ii) liens
     (not including liens for borrowed money or the deferred purchase price of
     property) that do not materially impair the use of the Owned Real Property
     subject thereto, as such Owned Real Property is being used on the date
     hereof, (iii) easements and similar encumbrances disclosed by current
     standard ALTA Preliminary Title Reports, delivered to and approved by Buyer
     prior to the date hereof (except for such easements or similar encumbrances
     shown on Schedule 8.7(b)), and (iv) zoning, set back, building and other
     similar restrictions including, without limitation, restrictions and
     requirements affecting the Owned Real Property and the Leased Real Property
     imposed by deeds, leases, development agreements, declarations, and
     redevelopment authorities, which are not being violated in any manner that
     would cause a Material Adverse Effect on any Facility as currently used and
     operated.  The condition of the Owned and Leased Real Property is such that
     it will not materially adversely affect the operations of the Transferred
     Assets on or from such Owned and Leased Real Property.  All of the
     improvements on land included in the Transferred Assets are in good
     condition and repair, subject to those matters disclosed in Section 3.16 or
     Schedule 3.16, ordinary wear and tear and ordinary and routine maintenance,
     and in view of the purpose for which such improvements are being used, free
     of any material structural or engineering defects.


          Section 3.9  Assumed Contracts.  Except for such matters that, when
     viewed in the aggregate, do not have a Material Adverse Effect on a
     Facility, (a) there is no liability to any person by reason of the default
     by Seller or a Subsidiary under any Assumed Contract, (b) neither Seller
     nor any Subsidiary has received written or other notice that any person
     intends to cancel or terminate any Assumed Contract, (c) all of the Assumed
     Contracts are in full force and effect and without any material default by
     any party or to the knowledge of Seller and the Subsidiaries, any event
     which, with the passage of time or the giving of notice or both would be
     such a material default, (d) subject to the provisions of Sections 3.5 and
     3.6, the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
     will not constitute and, to the best of Seller's current actual knowledge,
     no event has occurred which, with or without the passage of time or the
     giving of notice or both, would constitute a material breach or
     default by Seller or a Subsidiary of such Assumed Contract, or would cause
     the acceleration of any obligation of Seller or any Subsidiary or the
     creation of any lien (except for Permitted Encumbrances) upon any
     Transferred Asset, and (e) neither Seller nor any Subsidiary has waived any
     right under any Assumed Contract; provided that Seller makes no separate
     representation or warranty under this Section 3.9 respecting compliance
     with the provisions of any Assumed Contract related to title to or
     condition of property, licenses, environmental conditions, hazardous
     substances or environmental laws, taxes, or compliance with laws generally,
     it being the intent of the parties that warranties respecting such matters
     shall be made exclusively under the provisions of Sections 3.8, 3.10, 3.16,
                                                       ------------  ----  ---- 
     3.20, and 3.25.  Seller has previously delivered to Buyer true and complete
     ----      ----                                                             
     copies of all written Assumed Contracts except where the failure to so
     deliver a copy thereof will not have a Material Adverse Effect on a

          Section 3.10  Licenses.  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.10, (a) the
                        --------                          -------------         
     Subsidiaries possess all Licenses necessary for their operation of the
     Facilities at the locations and in the manner presently operated (other
     than such Licenses the absence of which would not have a Material Adverse
     Effect on a Facility), (b) if required, such Facilities are accredited by
     applicable accrediting agencies as necessary for their operations in the
     manner presently operated, and (c) such Facilities are certified for
     participation in the Medicare program and have current and valid provider
     contracts with such program.  Schedule 3.10 lists each License held by a
     Subsidiary and related to the ownership or operation of a Facility and a
     true and correct copy of each has previously been delivered to Buyer by
     Seller (other than such Licenses the absence of which would not have a


     Adverse Effect on a Facility). All such Licenses are in full force and

          Section 3.11  U.S. Person; Resident of Georgia.  Neither Seller nor
     any Subsidiary is a "foreign person" for purposes of Section 1445 of the
     Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), or any other Laws
     requiring withholding of amounts paid to foreign persons. For purposes of
     the withholding tax imposed by Section 48-7-128 of the Official Code of
     Georgia Annotated, each Subsidiary that owns Transferred Assets
     constituting Owned Real Property located in Georgia and related tangible
     personal property is a corporation the principal place of business of which
     is located in the State of Georgia. The Seller shall, or shall cause the
     relevant Subsidiaries to, provide an appropriate affidavit of each such
     Subsidiary's residence. Seller acknowledges that jurisdictions other than
     Georgia may impose withholding obligations similar to those imposed by
     Georgia and that it is Seller's obligation to provide evidence of
     exemptions from such withholding taxes.

          Section 3.12  Employee Relations.  With respect to the Retained
     Employees, except as set forth on Schedule 3.12:

               (a)  Neither Seller, nor any Subsidiary nor any Facility is a
     party to any agreement with any union, trade association or other similar
     employee organization, no written demand has been made for recognition by a
     labor organization, and to Seller's knowledge it has received no notice of
     any union organizing activities by or with respect to any such employees;

               (b)  There are no controversies (including, without limitation,
     any unfair labor practice complaints, labor strikes, arbitrations,
     disputes, work slowdowns or work stoppages) pending, or to the best of
     Seller's current actual knowledge, threatened, which could have a Material
     Adverse Effect on any Facility; and

               (c)  Each Subsidiary has been and is in material compliance with
     all federal and state laws respecting employment and employment practices,
     terms and conditions of employment, and wages and hours (including, but not
     limited to, the Fair Labor Standards Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
     of 1964, as amended, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Age
     Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Americans with Disabilities
     Act of 1990 and the Family and Medical Leave Act).


          Section 3.13  Employee Plans.

               (a)  With respect to each Multiemployer Plan, there has occurred
     no "complete withdrawal" or "partial withdrawal," as each is defined in
     Sections 4203 and 4205, respectively, of ERISA, and all payments required
     to be made to such Multiemployer Plans by a Subsidiary under any collective
     bargaining agreement have been made.

               (b) Neither Buyer nor any Buyer Subsidiary shall have any
     obligation or liability to Seller, any Subsidiary or any present or former
     employee of any of them for or with respect to any benefit plan,
     employee benefit plan or employee health or welfare program or other
     Employee Benefit Arrangements (as defined in Section 3.26(c)), except for
     specifically listed Assumed Liabilities and other express obligations of
     Buyer and the Buyer Subsidiaries under this Agreement.

          Section 3.14  Litigation.  Except for (a) matters associated with or
     within the scope of the significant legal proceedings and investigations of
     an unusual nature referred to in Seller's filings with the Securities and
     Exchange Commission (the "Unusual Proceedings"), (b) ordinary routine
     claims and litigation incidental to the businesses represented by the
     Facilities (including, but not limited to, actions for negligence,
     professional malpractice, workers' compensation claims, so-called "slip-
     and-fall" claims and the like), (c) governmental inspections and reviews
     customarily made of businesses such as those operated from the Facilities,
     and (d) as set forth on Schedule 3.14, there are no actions, suits, claims
     or proceedings pending, or to the knowledge of Seller or any Subsidiary,
     threatened against or affecting the Transferred Assets or relating to the
     operations of the Facilities, at law or in equity, or before or by any
     federal, state, municipal or other governmental department, commission,
     agency or instrumentality.  The claims and litigation referred to in clause
     (b) above are covered by insurance currently maintained by Seller except
     where the failure to be so covered (i) would not have a Material Adverse
     Effect on any Facility or (ii) is of a nature that is not ordinarily
     subject to insurance coverage (e.g., demands for punitive damages).
     Neither Seller nor any Subsidiary is in default under any judgment, order
     or decree of any governmental agency or authority applicable to the conduct
     of the business conducted at the Facilities.  Except as disclosed on
     Schedule 3.14, there is no condemnation proceeding pending or, to the
     knowledge of Seller or any Subsidiary, threatened against any of the Owned
     or Leased Real Property.  Schedule 3.14 includes an accurate and complete
     list of each malpractice claim or


     lawsuit pending or to Seller's or any Subsidiary's knowledge, threatened
     against any Facility or Subsidiary.

          Section 3.15  Inventory.  All Inventory included in the Transferred
     Assets and included in the Net Book Values will consist of a quality and
     quantity usable and salable in the ordinary course of business, except for
     items of obsolete materials and materials of below-standard quality at any
     given Facility, all of which in the aggregate are immaterial to the
     financial condition or results of operations of the businesses operated
     from such Facility taken as a whole, or have been, or prior to the relevant
     Scheduled Closing will be, written down to realizable market value.

          Section 3.16  Hazardous Substances.  To Seller's and the Subsidiaries'
     knowledge, except as disclosed by the Environmental Survey (as defined in
     Section 6.2(b)) or otherwise on Schedule 3.16:
     --------------                  ------------- 

               (a)  There has not been a Release of Hazardous Material on or
     otherwise affecting the Owned Real Properties or the Leased Real
     Properties, (other than Releases involving de minimis quantities of
     Hazardous Materials) that would:  (i) constitute a violation of any
     Environmental Law by Seller or the Subsidiaries, or by any third party if
     the effect of such violation by such third party imposes a remediation
     obligation on the part of Seller or any Subsidiary; (ii) trigger any
     release-reporting obligations of Seller or the Subsidiaries under any
     Environmental Law; or (iii) trigger any clean-up or remediation obligations
     or Seller or the Subsidiaries under any Environmental Law;

               (b)  Seller and the Subsidiaries have complied with and currently
     are in compliance in all material respects with all Environmental Laws that
     govern the Owned Real Properties, the Leased Real Properties, and the
     businesses operated from any such properties;

               (c)  Seller and the Subsidiaries have obtained all material
     Licenses required under the Environmental Laws for operation of their
     businesses related to the Owned Real Properties and the Leased Real
     Properties, have complied with and currently are in compliance in all
     material respects with all such Licenses, and have not received any notice
     that:  (i) any such existing License will be revoked; or (ii) any pending
     application for any new such License will be denied;


               (d)  Seller and the Subsidiaries have not received any currently
     outstanding notice of any proceedings, action, or other claim or liability
     arising under any Environmental Laws (including, without limitation, notice
     of potentially responsible party status under the Comprehensive
     Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C.
     (S)(S)9601 et seq. or any state counterpart) from any person or
     governmental agency regarding the Owned Real Properties, the Leased Real
     Properties, or the businesses operated from such properties;

               (e)  Neither Seller nor any Subsidiary has received any currently
     outstanding notice, which notice is specifically directed to an Owned or
     Leased Real Property (rather than to all property owners or operators in a
     given geographic area), that any of the Owned Real Properties or any of the
     Leased Real Properties is the subject of a material deed restriction,
     material title-transfer restriction, other material land-use restriction,
     or material lien arising in each case under any Environmental Law;

               (f)  Neither the Owned Real Properties, the Leased Real
     Properties, nor any of the businesses conducted on any such properties is
     the subject of any outstanding order, decree, or agreement with or
     involving any governmental agency, court, or other party respecting any
     material aspect of the operation of such properties and businesses that
     relates to or arises under any Environmental Law (other than orders,
     decrees or agreements affecting or directed to the healthcare industry
     generally, or in the case of Leased Real Properties, lease agreements
     requiring compliance with applicable Environmental Law);

               (g)  No portion of the Owned Real Properties or Leased Real
     Properties contains or has ever contained any underground storage tank,
     surface impoundment or similar device used for the management of
     wastewater, or other waste management unit dedicated to the disposal,
     treatment, or long-term (greater than 90 days) storage of waste materials;

               (h)  Neither Seller, any Subsidiary nor any other person has
     improperly disturbed or encroached upon any floodplain areas, waters, or
     wetlands associated with any of the Owned Real Properties or Leased Real
     Properties in violation of any Environmental Law.

          Section 3.17  Financial Information.


               (a)  Attached hereto as Schedule 3.17(a) is an unaudited
     statement of combined earnings from the operations of the Transferred
     Assets and Assumed Liabilities of the First Facilities and Subsequent
     Facilities (as they were comprised on the as of date of such Schedule)
     before interest, income taxes, depreciation and amortization ("EBITDA") for
     the fiscal year ended May 31, 1993 and for the fiscal period ended November
     30, 1993 (collectively, the "EBITDA Statements").  The EBITDA Statements
     present fairly the combined EBITDA of such operations, taken as a whole, as
     of the dates and for the periods shown, and were derived from and are in
     accordance with the internal books and records of the Subsidiaries as well
     as the "Subsidiaries" defined in the First Facilities Agreement (the
     "Combined Subsidiaries") and the regularly prepared unaudited internal
     financial statements of the First Facilities and the Subsequent Facilities,
     which are prepared in accordance with the generally accepted accounting
     principles utilized in the preparation of the published financial
     statements of Seller.

               (b)  Attached hereto as Schedule 3.17(b) is an internally
     prepared unaudited combined statement of certain assets and liabilities of
     the First Facilities and the Subsequent Facilities as of November 30, 1993
     (the "Balance Sheet"; collectively, the Balance Sheet and the EBITDA
     Statements are the "Financial Schedule").  The Balance Sheet has been
     prepared from, and is in accordance with, the internal books and records of
     the Combined Subsidiaries and presents fairly the financial condition of
     the First Facilities and the Subsequent Facilities with respect to the
     Transferred Assets and Assumed Liabilities that are the subject of this
     Agreement and the First Facilities Agreement, taken as a whole, as of the
     date shown.  The Balance Sheet was prepared in accordance with Seller's
     practices for the preparation of internal financial statements,
     consistently applied, and is in accordance with the generally accepted
     accounting principles utilized in the preparation of the published
     financial statements of Seller.

               (c)  Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) the Financial Schedule
     does not (A) reflect all intercompany eliminations, adjustments and
     accruals that are reflected in financial statements of Seller, (B) reflect
     any reserves for the Unusual Proceedings, (C) reflect any anticipation of
     the divestiture of the Transferred Assets that are the subject of this
     Agreement and the First Facilities Agreement and any adjustments to the
     carrying values of such assets occasioned thereby, (D) contain footnotes or
     other explanatory material associated with financial statements prepared in
     accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, or (E) contain
     normal year-end


     adjustments with respect to interim periods, (ii) the EBITDA Statements do
     not reflect allocations of indirect costs and non-hospital overhead or the
     corresponding cost reimbursement impact of claiming such costs in a Cost
     Report relating to First Facilities or Subsequent Facilities, and (iii)
     certain earnings, assets and liabilities have been excluded from the EBITDA
     Statements or the Balance Sheets, as applicable, as noted in the footnotes
     or other explanatory material associated with the Financial Statements. In
     addition, the Financial Schedule is to be read in conjunction with, and is
     subject to, all notes and other explanatory material set forth therein.

               (d)  The Balance Sheet reflects the amount of Receivables, as
     well as "Receivables" as defined in the First Facilities Agreement
     (together, the "Combined Receivables"), which for this purpose may include
     Eligible Receivables (including "Eligible Receivables" as defined in the
     First Facilities Agreement) as of the date thereof, net of allowances
     customarily recorded by the Combined Subsidiaries for uncollectible and
     doubtful accounts, and contractual allowances pursuant to agreements with
     Payors, all in conformity with Seller's practices for the preparation of
     internal financial statements and in accordance with the generally accepted
     accounting principles utilized in the preparation of the published
     financial statements of the Seller.  To the knowledge of Seller and each
     such Subsidiary, all such Combined Receivables included in the Balance
     Sheet represent amounts validly owed to the applicable Combined Subsidiary
     by reason of the provision of goods, services and other consideration by
     such Combined Subsidiary, and, to the knowledge of Seller and each such
     Combined Subsidiary, are not valued in excess of the amounts expected to be
     collected with respect thereto.  Each such Combined Subsidiary maintains
     its accounting records in sufficient detail to substantiate the Combined
     Receivables reflected on the Balance Sheet.  Since the date of Seller's
     most recent audited financial statements, neither Seller nor any such
     Combined Subsidiary has changed any principle or practice with respect to
     the recordation of accounts receivable or the calculation of reserves
     therefor, or any material collection, discount or write-off policy or

          Section 3.18  Changes Since Balance Sheet.  Since the date of the
     Balance Sheet and up to and including the date of this Agreement, other
     than as contemplated or permitted by this Agreement, the Subsidiaries have
     conducted the businesses represented by the Transferred Assets only in the
     ordinary and normal course, except for (i) matters associated with the
     Unusual Proceedings, (ii) as shown on Schedule 3.18, (iii) the institution


     completion of compliance programs, or (iv) events in anticipation of the
     divestiture of the Transferred Assets, and there has not been:

               (a)  Any entry into or termination by Seller or a Subsidiary of
     any material commitment, contract, agreement or transaction (including,
     without limitation, any borrowing or lending transaction or capital
     expenditure) related to the Transferred Assets except for transactions in
     the ordinary course of business and renegotiation of credit agreements to
     which Seller and certain of its subsidiaries are parties which
     renegotiations will not have a Material Adverse Effect on the Transferred
     Assets or on any Facility;

               (b)  Any casualty, physical damage, destruction or physical loss
     respecting, or change in the physical condition of, any Facility or
     Equipment that has had a Material Adverse Effect on a Facility;

               (c)  Any transfer of or rights granted under any contract which
     would have been an Assumed Contract on the date of the Balance Sheet except
     for transactions in the ordinary course of business;

               (d)  Other than in the ordinary course of business, (i) any sale
     or other disposition of any fixed asset included in the Balance Sheet
     having a net book value in excess of $100,000, or (ii) any material
     mortgage, pledge or imposition of any lien or other encumbrances on any
     such asset, or (iii) sales or dispositions of, or the imposition of
     material encumbrances on, fixed assets included in such Balance Sheet
     having a net book value that exceeds $1,000,000 in the aggregate, or (iv)
     any sale or other disposition of Inventories included in the Balance Sheet;

               (e)  Any material amendment (other than general amendments which
     the carrier makes for a category of policy) or termination of any material
     insurance policy or failure to renew any material insurance policy covering
     the Transferred Assets;

               (f)  Any default or breach by Seller or a Subsidiary under any
     contract that would have been an Assumed Contract on the date of the
     Balance Sheet which, when viewed individually or in the aggregate of all
     such breaches or defaults, has had a Material Adverse Effect on any


               (g)  Any material adverse change in the trend of the business,
     financial condition or results of operations of any Facility as compared to
     the trend of the business, financial condition or results of operations, as
     applicable, of such Facility for the two year period ended November 30,
     1993; or

               (h)  Any increase made in the compensation levels of any chief
     executive officer or chief financial officer of any Facility, or any
     general increase made in the compensation levels of the other Retained
     Employees, except in the ordinary course of business.

          Section 3.19  Transferred Business Names.  Seller or one of the
     Subsidiaries owns or has the right to use the Transferred Business Names,
     free of any liens.  Schedule 2.1(h) sets forth for each Transferred
     Business Name, if any, that is the subject of a trademark registration the
     date of registration, the registration number and the expiration date.  To
     the  knowledge of Seller and the Subsidiaries, no aspect of registered
     trademarks included in the Transferred Business Names, if any, has been
     adjudged invalid or unenforceable or has been cancelled or revoked.  Except
     as set forth on Schedule 3.19, to the knowledge of Seller and the
     Subsidiaries, the use by the Subsidiaries of the Transferred Business Names
     in connection with the Facilities does not conflict with or violate any
     valid rights of third parties, including any patents, trademarks, trade
     names or copyrights of others, in any way which would have a Material
     Adverse Effect on the Transferred Assets or a Facility; neither Seller nor
     any Subsidiary has received any notice of a conflict with the asserted
     rights of others in connection therewith which, if determined adversely,
     would have a Material Adverse Effect on any Facility.  Neither Seller nor
     any of the Subsidiaries is obligated to pay any amount, whether as a
     royalty, license fee or other payment, to any person in order to use any of
     the Transferred Business Names.

          Section 3.20  Compliance with Laws and Accreditation.  To Seller's and
     each Subsidiary's knowledge, Seller and each Subsidiary has complied in all
     material respects with all laws, regulations and orders, and as materially
     required for participation in the Medicare, CHAMPUS and Medicaid
     reimbursement programs and is in material compliance with the indigent care
     conditions, if any, contained in or related to certificates of need
     obtained by it except (a) as set forth in Schedule 3.20, (b) as described
     in Sections 3.10, 3.12, 3.16, and 3.21 and the Schedules, if any related
        -------------  ----  ----      ----         ---------                
     thereto, and (c) for matters related to the Unusual Proceedings.  With


     respect to each Facility, Seller has previously delivered to Buyer true and
     complete copies of the most recent Joint Commission on Accreditation of
     Health Care Organizations ("JCAHO") accreditation survey report and
     deficiency list, if any; the most recent Statement of Deficiencies and Plan
     of Correction on Form HCFA-2567; the most recent state licensing report and
     list of deficiencies, if any; the most recent fire marshall's survey and
     deficiency list, if any; and the corresponding plans of correction or other
     responses except, in each case, such surveys, reports or deficiency lists
     which do not reflect any deficiency which would have a Material Adverse
     Effect on any Facility.  Seller or the relevant Subsidiary has taken or is
     in the process of taking all reasonable steps to correct all material
     deficiencies noted therein and a description of any material uncorrected
     deficiency is listed in Schedule 3.20. There are no provisions in, or other
     agreements to which Seller or a Subsidiary is a party relating to any
     Licenses, which would preclude or limit Buyer from operating the
     Transferred Assets substantially as they are now operated and using the
     beds of any Facility substantially as they are currently classified.

          Section 3.21  Cost Reports, Third Party Receivables and Conditions of
     Participation.  The Cost Reports of the Facilities for Medicare, Medicaid
     (if required) and Blue Cross (if required) reimbursement have been audited
     through the periods set forth in Schedule 3.21, and Blue Cross and Medicare
     Cost Reports of the Facilities were filed when due.  Except for matters
     related to the Unusual Proceedings, and as set forth in Schedule 3.21:  to
     the knowledge of Seller, (a) neither Seller nor any Subsidiary has received
     notice of any material dispute between a Facility and Blue Cross,
     governmental authorities or the Medicare fiscal intermediary regarding such
     Cost Reports for periods subsequent to the period specified in Schedule
     3.21 other than with respect to adjustments thereto made in the ordinary
     course of business which do not involve individual amounts in excess of ten
     thousand dollars ($10,000) per Cost Report; (b) there are no pending or
     threatened material claims by any of such programs against any Facility;
     (c) each Facility currently meets, without material exception, the
     conditions for participation in the Medicare program; and (d) no Facility
     has been subject to loss of waiver of liability for utilization review
     denials with respect to any such program during the past two years.

          Section 3.22  Medical Staff.  Seller has previously delivered to
     Buyer, with respect to each Facility, a true and correct copy of the blank
     forms generally used with respect to medical staff privilege and membership
     application or delineation of privilege; all current medical staff bylaws,


     rules and regulations and amendments thereto respecting Facilities; and all
     written contracts with physicians, physician groups, or other members of
     the medical staffs of the Facilities.  With regard to the active medical
     staffs of the Facilities, there are no material pending or threatened
     disciplinary or corrective actions or appeals therefrom involving physician
     applicants or active medical staff members except as set forth in Schedule
     3.22.  Schedule 3.22 also sets forth a materially complete and accurate
     ----   -------------                                                   
     list and description of (a) the name of each member of the medical staff of
     each Facility as of the date shown on such Schedule, (b) the approximate
     age of each active medical staff member as of such date, (c) the specialty,
     if any, of each medical staff member, (d) readily available reports
     regarding the number of patient admissions of each medical staff member
     for the period shown on such Schedule 3.22, and (e) readily available 
     reports regarding the aggregate patient days of patients admitted by each
     medical staff member for the period shown on such Schedule 3.22.

          Section 3.23  Hill-Burton Care.  Except as set forth in Schedule 3.23,
                        ----------------                          ------------- 
     no Subsidiary or Facility has an outstanding loan, grant or loan guarantee
     pursuant to the Hill-Burton Act (42 U.S.C. (S)291a, et seq.) and the
     transactions contemplated hereby will not result in any obligation on the
     part of the Buyer or a Buyer Subsidiary to repay any such loans, grants or
     loan guarantees or provide uncompensated care in consideration thereof.

          Section 3.24  Assets Used in the Operation of the Facilities.  There
     are no assets or properties that are used in and necessary for the conduct
     of the operations of the Facilities that are owned by Seller and the
     Subsidiaries, and which individually or in the aggregate, are necessary for
     the operation of the Facilities that are not included in the Transferred
     Assets except for such Assumed Contracts which Buyer has elected or will
     elect to reject pursuant to Section 2.18.  Except as set forth in Schedule
                                 ------------                          --------
     3.24 and subject to Section 2.18, the Transferred Assets include all assets
     ----                ------------                                           
     and properties that are properly recordable on the Balance Sheet, other
     than  assets and properties disposed of by the Seller or a Subsidiary in
     the ordinary course of business since the date of the Balance Sheet and
     without violation of this Agreement.

          Section 3.25  Taxes.  All tax returns of every kind (including,
     without limitation, returns of all income taxes, franchise taxes, real and
     personal property taxes, intangibles taxes, patient revenue or other
     healthcare taxes, withholding taxes, employee compensation taxes and all
     other taxes of any kind applicable to Seller or any Subsidiary) that are


     to have been filed in accordance with applicable laws have been duly filed,
     and all taxes shown to be due and payable on such returns have been paid in

          Section 3.26  Lists of Other Data.  Schedule 2.1(f) contains a list,
                        -------------------   ---------------                 
     materially complete and correct as of the dates shown thereon, of the Other
     Assigned Contracts, and Schedules 3.26(a) through (h) contain lists
                             -----------------         ---              
     or other information, materially complete and correct as of the dates shown
     thereon, of the following:

               (a)  The most recent regularly generated depreciation schedules
     related to tangible personal property constituting Equipment, together with
     copies of such schedules;

               (b)  A brief description of all insurance in force covering (i)
     fixed assets that would constitute Transferred Assets, or (ii) the
     operations of any Facility as of such date;

               (c)  All compensation, bonus, incentive, deferred payments,
     retirement, pension, severance, profit-sharing, stock purchase and stock
     option plans, group life, automobile, medical, dental, disability, welfare
     or other employee benefit plans or insurance policies, and other similar
     arrangements (collectively, "Employee Benefit Arrangements") generally
     applicable to the Retained Employees or a substantial part thereof or
     generally applicable to the chief executive or chief financial officers, or
     a substantial part thereof, of the Facilities as of such date;

               (d)  The aggregate accrued Paid Time Off for all employees at
     each Facility, as of the date shown;

               (e)  Any contract relating to clean-up, abatement or other
     actions in connection with the remediation of any existing environmental
     liabilities or relating to the performance of any environmental audit or
     study with respect to the Facilities other than with respect to the
     Environmental Survey and entered into in the three years preceding the date

               (f)  Any indenture, mortgage, loan, credit or other written
     contract under which any of the Subsidiaries, directly or indirectly, is
     indebted for money borrowed or is the issuer of any note, bond, indenture
     or other evidence of indebtedness for money borrowed or guarantor of


     similar financial obligations of others, whether or not reflected on the
     Balance Sheet;

               (g)  Any contract with any bank, finance company or similar
     organization pursuant to which such organization acquires receivables from
     the Subsidiaries; and

               (h)  Any contract granting any person a lien, security interest
     or mortgage on any Transferred Asset (other than Permitted Encumbrances),
     including, without limitation, any factoring agreement or agreement for the
     assignment of accounts receivable or inventory.

          Section 3.27  Certain Transactions.  Except as set forth in Schedule
                        --------------------                          --------
     3.27, and except for remuneration as employees, since November 30, 1992 (i)
     no Facility has been a party to any transaction or series of similar
     transactions in which the amount involved exceeds $60,000 and in which the
     chief executive officer, chief financial officer or medical director of
     such Facility has a direct or indirect material interest, and (ii) no chief
     executive officer, chief financial officer or medical director of any
     Facility has been indebted to Seller or any Subsidiary in an amount in
     excess of $60,000.

                                   ARTICLE 4

          Buyer hereby represents and warrants to Seller, as of the date hereof,
     as follows, except as set forth in Schedules numbered in relation to the
     Sections set forth below:

          Section 4.1  Organization and Corporate Power.  Buyer is a corporation
     duly incorporated and validly existing under the laws of, and is authorized
     to exercise its corporate powers, rights and privileges and is in good
     standing in, the State of Delaware and has full corporate power to carry on
     its business as presently conducted and to own or lease and operate its
     properties and assets now owned or leased and operated by it and to perform
     the transactions on its part contemplated by this Agreement and all other
     agreements contemplated hereby.

          Section 4.2  Buyer Subsidiaries.


               (a)  As of each Scheduled Closing, each Buyer Subsidiary will be
     a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under
     the laws of its state of incorporation.  Each Buyer Subsidiary will have,
     at the First Closing and at each Scheduled Closing thereafter, all
     requisite power and authority (corporate and otherwise) to carry on its
     business as then conducted and to own or lease and operate its properties
     and assets then owned or leased and operated by it and to perform the
     transactions on its part contemplated by this Agreement and all other
     agreements contemplated hereby.

               (b)  The board of directors of each Buyer Subsidiary and, if
     required, its shareholders, will have, by the date of the First Closing,
     duly and effectively authorized (i) the purchase of the Transferred Assets
     to be purchased by such Buyer Subsidiary; and (ii) the execution, delivery
     and performance of the Related Agreements and all other agreements
     contemplated hereby and thereby to which such Buyer Subsidiary is a party.
     No other corporate act or proceeding on the part of any Buyer Subsidiary,
     its board of directors or its shareholders will be necessary to authorize
     any Related Agreement or other agreement contemplated hereby and thereby or
     the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby.

               (c)  The Related Agreements and all other agreements contemplated
     hereby and thereby to which any Buyer Subsidiary is a party will, as of
     each Scheduled Closing, have been duly executed and delivered by each such
     Buyer Subsidiary, and each such agreement, when executed and delivered will
     constitute, a valid and binding obligation of such Buyer Subsidiary,
     enforceable against such Buyer Subsidiary in accordance with its terms,
     except as it may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,
     moratorium or other similar Laws now or hereafter in effect relating to
     creditors' rights generally and that the remedy of specific performance and
     injunctive and other forms of equitable relief may be subject to equitable
     defenses and to the discretion of the court before which any proceeding may
     be brought.

          Section 4.3  Authority Relative to this Agreement.  The execution,
     delivery and performance of this Agreement and the Related Agreements and
     the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby have
     been duly and effectively authorized by the board of directors of Buyer; no
     other corporate act or proceeding on the part of Buyer, its board of
     directors or shareholders is necessary to authorize this Agreement, any
     such Related Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby and 


     thereby. This Agreement has been, and each of the Related Agreements
     contemplated hereby will, as of each Scheduled Closing, have been, duly
     executed and delivered by Buyer and by each applicable Buyer Subsidiary,
     and this Agreement constitutes, and each such Related Agreement when
     executed and delivered will constitute, a valid and binding obligation of
     Buyer and each Buyer Subsidiary party thereto, enforceable against Buyer
     and each Buyer Subsidiary party thereto, in accordance with its terms,
     except as it may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,
     moratorium or other similar Laws now or hereafter in effect relating to
     creditors' rights generally and that the remedy of specific performance and
     injunctive and other forms of equitable relief may be subject to equitable
     defenses and to the discretion of the court before which any proceeding may
     be brought.

          Section 4.4  Absence of Breach.  Subject to the provisions of Sections
                       -----------------                                --------
     4.5 and 4.6 below regarding private party and governmental consents, and
     ---     ---                                                             
     except for compliance with the requirements of the HSR Act and any
     regulatory or licensing Laws applicable to the businesses and assets
     represented by the Transferred Assets, the execution, delivery and
     performance by Buyer of this Agreement and the Related Agreements, and the
     execution and delivery by any Buyer Subsidiary of the Related Agreements to
     which it is a party, and the performance by the Buyer Subsidiaries of the
     transactions to be performed by them and contemplated by this Agreement and
     the Related Agreements entered into by the Buyer Subsidiaries, do not, (a)
     conflict with or result in a breach of any of the provisions of Charter
     Documents of Buyer or of any of the Buyer Subsidiaries, (b) contravene any
     Law or cause the suspension or revocation of any License presently in
     effect, which affects or binds Buyer or any of the Buyer Subsidiaries or
     any of their material properties, or (c) conflict with or result in a
     breach of or default under any indenture or loan or credit agreement or any
     other agreement or instrument to which Buyer or any of the Buyer
     Subsidiaries is a party or by which it or they or any of their properties
     may be affected or bound.

          Section 4.5  Private Party Consents.  Except as set forth on Schedule
                       ----------------------                          --------
     4.5, the execution, delivery and performance by Buyer of this Agreement and
     the Related Agreements and the execution and delivery by any Buyer
     Subsidiary of the Related Agreements to which it is a party, and the
     performance by the Buyer Subsidiaries of the transactions contemplated by
     this Agreement and the Related Agreements to be performed by the Buyer


     Subsidiaries,  do not require the authorization, consent or approval of any
     non-governmental third party.

          Section 4.6  Governmental Consents.  The execution, delivery and
     performance by Buyer of this Agreement and the Related Agreements, and the
     execution and delivery by any Buyer Subsidiary of the Related Agreements to
     which it is a party, and the performance by the Buyer Subsidiaries of the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the Related Agreements to
     be executed, delivered or performed by the Buyer Subsidiaries, do not
     require the authorization, consent, approval, certification, license or
     order of, or any filing with, any court or governmental agency, except for
     compliance with the HSR Act and except for such governmental
     authorizations, consents, approvals, certifications, licenses and orders
     that customarily accompany the transfer of health care facilities such as
     the Facilities.

          Section 4.7  Brokers.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.7, no broker,
                       -------                          ------------            
     finder, or investment banker is entitled to any brokerage, finder's or
     other fee or commission in connection with this Agreement or the
     transactions contemplated hereby based upon any agreements or arrangements
     or commitments, written or oral, made by or on behalf of Buyer or any of
     its Affiliates.  Buyer shall be solely responsible for the payment of any
     such fee or commission to any person or entity listed on Schedule 4.7 as an
     exception to the foregoing.

          Section 4.8  Qualified for Licenses.  Buyer or a Buyer Subsidiary is
     qualified to obtain any Licenses and program participations necessary for
     the operation by Buyer or a Buyer Subsidiary of the Transferred Assets as
     of the relevant Scheduled Closing in the same manner as the Transferred
     Assets are presently operated by Seller and the Subsidiaries.

          Section 4.9  Financial Ability to Perform.  Buyer has liquid capital
     or committed sources therefor sufficient to permit it to perform timely its
     obligations hereunder, including, but not limited to, the payment of the
     Tentative Purchase Price to Seller at the Scheduled Closings and the other
     payments to Seller required hereunder.  Promptly after its receipt of
     letters of commitment or other documents related to the financing of its
     obligations hereunder, Buyer will provide copies of the same to Seller.

          Section 4.10  No Knowledge of Seller's Breach.  Neither Buyer nor, to
     the knowledge of Buyer, any of its Affiliates has knowledge of any 


     breach of any representation or warranty by Seller or of any other
     condition or circumstance that would excuse Buyer from its timely
     performance of its obligations hereunder. Buyer shall notify Seller as
     promptly as practicable if any such information comes to its attention
     before any relevant Closing Date.

          Section 4.11  No Assurance.  Buyer acknowledges and agrees that the
     rates or bases used in calculating payments or reimbursements to it or
     a Buyer Subsidiary by any Payor (including but not limited to Medicare) may
     differ from the rates and bases used in calculating such payments or
     reimbursements to Seller and the Subsidiaries.  In entering into the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the Related Agreements,
     Buyer is relying solely on the express representations, warranties and
     covenants of Seller and the Subsidiaries contained in this Agreement and
     the Related Agreements and upon no other representations or statements of
     Seller, the Subsidiaries or any of their representatives, and acknowledges
     and agrees that nothing in this Agreement or the Related Agreements shall
     be deemed to create any implied duty, disclosure obligation or
     responsibility on the part of Seller or the Subsidiaries.  Buyer further
     acknowledges that during the course of the due diligence investigation,
     material information related to the matters that are the subject of the
     Unusual Proceedings may not have been discovered by or disclosed to it.
     Seller represents and warrants that, at those scheduled confidential
     meetings held among counsel for Buyer and Seller on the dates referenced in
     Schedule 4.11, which meetings were held for the purpose of conducting
     Buyer's due diligence regarding the Unusual Proceedings, statements of fact
     concerning the Unusual Proceedings made by Seller's counsel present at such
     meetings were not materially inaccurate.

                                   ARTICLE 5
                            COVENANTS OF EACH PARTY

          Section 5.1  Efforts to Consummate Transactions.  Subject to the terms
     and conditions herein provided including, without limitation, Articles 8
     and 9 hereof, each of the parties hereto agrees to use its reasonable
     commercial efforts to take, or to cause to be taken, all reasonable actions
     and to do, or to cause to be done, all reasonable things necessary, proper
     or advisable under applicable Laws to consummate and make effective, as
     soon as reasonably practicable, the Transactions contemplated hereby,
     including the satisfaction of all conditions thereto set forth herein.
     Such actions shall include, without limitation, exerting their reasonable
     efforts to


     obtain the consents, authorizations and approvals of all private parties
     and governmental authorities whose consent is reasonably necessary to
     effectuate the Transactions contemplated hereby, and effecting all other
     necessary registrations and filings, including but not limited to filings
     under Laws relating to the transfer or obtaining of necessary Licenses,
     under the HSR Act and all other necessary filings with governmental
     authorities. Inasmuch as the Transactions in respect of the First
     Facilities may be consummated without regard to consummation of the
     transactions contemplated by the Subsequent Facilities Agreement, the
     parties hereby agree that, in order potentially to expedite the timing of
     the First Closing, the parties will make separate filings under the HSR Act
     with respect to the First Facilities and the Second Facilities. The
     foregoing notwithstanding, it shall be the responsibility of Buyer to use
     its reasonable commercial efforts and to act diligently and at its expense
     to obtain any authorizations, approvals and consents in connection with
     acquiring Licenses and program participations that will permit it to
     operate the Facilities after the Scheduled Closings, provided that Buyer
     will seek to obtain Licenses and program participations subject to the
     existing conditions under which the Subsidiaries operate the Facilities and
     will not seek to change the same until the Transferred Assets and Assumed
     Liabilities respecting the Facilities in question have been transferred to
     and assumed by Buyer.  Seller and its Subsidiaries shall cooperate with
     Buyer's efforts to obtain the requisite regulatory consents, provided
     neither Seller nor any of its Subsidiaries shall be obligated to incur any
     liabilities or assume any obligations in connection therewith.  Other than
     Buyer's and Seller's obligations under Section 5.5, neither party shall
     have any liability to the other if, after using its reasonable commercial
     efforts (and, in the case of Buyer's efforts to obtain requisite Licenses,
     acting diligently), it is unable to obtain any consents, authorizations or
     approvals necessary for such party to consummate the Transactions.  As used
     herein, the terms "reasonable commercial efforts" or "reasonable efforts"
                        -----------------------------      ------------------ 
     do not include the provision of any consideration to any third party or the
     suffering of any economic detriment to a party's ongoing operations for the
     procurement of any such consent, authorization or approval except for the
     costs of gathering and supplying data or other information or making any
     filings, fees and expenses of counsel and consultants and for customary
     fees and charges of governmental authorities and accreditation

          Section 5.2  Cooperation; Regulatory Filings.  Prior to and after the
     Final Closing, upon prior reasonable written request, each party agrees to
     cooperate with the other in every reasonable commercial way to consum-


     mate the Transactions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all analyses,
     appearances, presentations, memoranda, briefs, arguments, opinions and
     proposals made or submitted by or on behalf of either party hereto in
     connection with proceedings under or relating to the HSR Act or any other
     federal or state antitrust or fair trade law, or made or submitted by or on
     behalf of Buyer in connection with proceedings to obtain the Licenses and
     program participations referred to in Section 5.1 hereof, shall be subject
     to the joint approval or disapproval and the joint control of Buyer and
     Seller, acting with the advice of their respective counsel, it being the
     intent of the foregoing that the parties hereto will consult and cooperate
     with one another, and consider in good faith the views of one another, in
     connection with any such analysis, presentation, memorandum, brief,
     argument, appearance, opinion or proposal; provided that nothing herein
     shall prevent either party hereto or any of their Affiliates or their
     authorized representatives from (a) making or submitting any such analysis,
     appearance, presentation, memorandum, brief, argument, opinion or proposal
     in response to a subpoena or other legal process or as otherwise required
     by Law, or (b) submitting factual information to the United States
     Department of Justice, the Federal Trade Commission, any other governmental
     agency or any court or administrative law judge in response to a request
     therefor or as otherwise required by Law.

          Section 5.3  Further Assistance.  From time to time, at the reasonable
     request of either party, whether on or after a Scheduled Closing, without
     further consideration, either party, at its expense and within a reasonable
     amount of time after request hereunder is made, shall execute and deliver
     such further instruments of assignment, transfer and assumption and take
     such other action as may be reasonably required to more effectively assign
     and transfer the Transferred Assets to, and vest the Assumed Liabilities
     in, Buyer, deliver or make the payment of the Purchase Price to Seller or
     any amounts due from one party to the other pursuant to the terms of this
     Agreement or confirm Seller's ownership of the Excluded Assets and
     obligations with respect to the Excluded Liabilities.

          Section 5.4  Cooperation Respecting Proceedings.  After the Scheduled
     Closings, upon prior reasonable written request, each party shall cooperate
     with the other, at the requesting party's expense (but including only out-
     of-pocket expenses to third parties and not the costs incurred by any party
     for the wages or other benefits paid to its officers, directors or
     employees), in furnishing information, testimony and other assistance in
     connection with any inquiries, actions, tax or Cost Report audits, proceed-


     ings, arrangements or disputes involving either of the parties hereto
     (other than in connection with disputes between the parties hereto) and
     based upon contracts, arrangements or acts of Seller or any of the
     Subsidiaries which were in effect or occurred on or prior to any Scheduled
     Closing and which relate to the Transferred Assets, including, without
     limitation, arranging discussions with (and the calling as witness of)
     officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives of Buyer.

          Section 5.5  Expenses.  Whether or not the Transactions contemplated
     hereby are consummated, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all
     costs and expenses incurred in connection with this Agreement and the
     transactions contemplated hereby shall be paid by the party incurring such
     expenses.  Notwithstanding the foregoing:

               (a)  Costs associated with preliminary title reports and title
     policies shall be borne by Seller up to the costs that would have been
     incurred had the title policies been standard coverage policies of title
     insurance, and the remaining costs, if any, including costs for Extended
     Coverage and any surveys in connection therewith, shall be borne by Buyer;

               (b)  All costs of the Environmental Survey referred to in Section
     6.2(b) shall be borne one-half by Buyer and one-half by Seller, other than
     any cost incurred in connection with any "Phase II" investigation conducted
     by Buyer's environmental consultant (which shall be borne by Buyer);

               (c)  All escrow charges, appraisal fees, and charges of any
     neutral independent public accountant or mediator, and related costs, shall
     be borne one-half by Buyer and one-half by Seller (it being agreed that
     each party shall bear the costs of its own independent public accountant or
     designated mediator);

               (d)  All recording costs and charges respecting real property
     will be borne one-half by Seller and one-half by Buyer;

               (e)  All transfer taxes respecting real property will be borne
     one-half by Buyer and one-half by Seller;

               (f) All fees and expenses relating to the filings under the HSR
     Act shall be borne by the party incurring such fees and expenses;


               (g)  All fees and charges of governmental authorities and
     accreditation agencies in connection with the transfer, issuance or
     authorization of any License, accreditation or program participation shall
     be borne by Buyer;

               (h)  All fees or costs associated with the issuance of any bond
     or the establishment of any escrow required by Section 2.10(a) shall be
     borne by Buyer;

               (i)  All fees, charges or costs (other than internal costs of
     Seller or any Subsidiary), including auditing fees and expenses, incurred
     as a result of Buyer's compliance with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
     as amended, or the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the rules and
     regulations thereunder, shall be borne by Buyer;

               (j)  Out-of-pocket costs incurred by Seller and the Subsidiaries
     in connection with providing transitional assistance to Buyer shall be
     borne by Buyer, whether such assistance is provided before or after a
     Scheduled Closing, including costs associated with attendance at meetings
     requested by Buyer;

               (k)  All liabilities or obligations of Seller or a Subsidiary for
     Taxes in the nature of sales taxes incurred as a result of the sale of the
     Transferred Assets hereunder to Buyer shall be borne one-half by Seller and
     one-half by Buyer; and

               (l)  All fees, charges and costs of economists and other experts,
     if any, jointly retained by Buyer and Seller in connection with submissions
     made to any government agency and advice in connection therewith respecting
     approval of the Transactions, including proceedings under the HSR Act, will
     be borne one-half by Buyer and one-half by Seller.

     All such charges and expenses shall be promptly settled between the parties
     at the relevant Scheduled Closing or upon termination or expiration of
     further proceedings under this Agreement, or with respect to such charges
     and expenses not determined as of such time, as soon thereafter as is
     reasonably practicable.

          Section 5.6  Announcements; Confidentiality.  Prior to the Final
     Closing Date, no press or other public announcement, or public statement or
     comment in response to any inquiry, relating to the transactions contem-


     plated by this Agreement shall be issued or made by Buyer or Seller
     or any Subsidiary without the joint approval of Buyer and Seller; provided
     that a press release or other public announcement, regulatory filing,
     statement or comment made without such joint approval shall not
     be in violation of this Section if it is made in order to comply with
     applicable securities Laws or stock exchange policies and in the reasonable
     judgment of the party making such release or announcement, based upon
     advice of counsel, prior review and joint approval, despite reasonable
     efforts to obtain the same, would prevent dissemination of such release or
     announcement in a timely enough fashion to comply with such Laws or
     policies, provided that in all instances prompt notice from one party to
     the other shall be given with respect to any such release, announcement,
     statement or comment.  Subject to the foregoing, the parties hereto
     recognize and agree that all information, instruments, documents and
     details concerning the businesses of Buyer, Seller and the Subsidiaries are
     strictly confidential, and Seller and Buyer expressly covenant and agree
     with each other that, prior to and after the Scheduled Closings, they will
     not, nor will they allow any of their respective officers, directors,
     employees, representatives or agents (including professional advisors) to
     disclose or publicly comment upon any matters relating to the business of
     the other or relating to this Agreement, including, without limitation, the
     terms, timing or progress of the transactions contemplated hereby, or its
     negotiation, terms, provisions or conditions, including Purchase Price,
     except for disclosure to their respective professional advisors and lenders
     or prospective financing sources (each of whom shall agree not to disclose
     the same) which is reasonably necessary to effectuate the Transactions
     contemplated hereby and in a manner consistent with the provisions of this
     Agreement.  Each party shall keep all information (i) obtained from the
     other either before or after the date of this Agreement, or (ii) related to
     Buyer's proposed purchase of the Transferred Assets, Seller's proposed sale
     of the Transferred Assets, the contents of this Agreement or the
     negotiation of this Agreement confidential, and neither party shall reveal
     such information to, nor produce copies of any written information for, any
     person outside its management group or its professional advisors (including
     lenders and prospective financing sources) without the prior written
     consent of the other party, unless such party is compelled to disclose such
     information by judicial or administrative process or by any other
     requirements of Law or disclosure is reasonably necessary to obtain a
     License or a consent listed on the Schedule of Required Consents.  If the
     Transactions contemplated by this Agreement should fail to close for any
     reason, each party shall return to the other as soon as practicable all
     originals and copies of written information


     provided to such party by or on behalf of the other party and none of such
     information shall be used by either party, or their employees, agents or
     representatives in the business operations of any person. Notwithstanding
     the foregoing, (i) each party's obligations under this Section shall not
     apply to any information or document which is or becomes available to the
     public other than as a result of a disclosure by the other party in
     violation of this Agreement or other obligation of confidentiality under
     which such information may be held or becomes available to the party on a
     non-confidential basis from a source other than the other party or its
     officers, directors, employees, representatives or agents and (ii) without
     the prior written consent of Seller, or except as may be required by Law
     (as determined by the written opinion of independent counsel in form and
     substance satisfactory to Seller) the schedules to this Agreement shall not
     be disclosed to or filed with any person (including any governmental entity
     or regulatory board) if such filing or disclosure could result in such
     schedules becoming available to the public. The parties' obligations under
     this Section shall survive the termination of this Agreement. Nothing in
     this Section shall, or is intended to, impair or modify any of the rights
     or obligations of Buyer or its Affiliates under that certain letter
     agreement dated as of September 15, 1993, all of which remain in effect
     until termination of such letter agreement in accordance with its terms.

          Section 5.7  Preservation of and Access to Certain Records.

               (a)  As set forth in Section 2.2(e), all or any portion of the
     medical, clinical and other records directly or indirectly associated with
     the admission, care and treatment of patients on or prior to the relevant
     Closing Date on which the relevant Facility is transferred (collectively,
     for all Facilities, the "Patient Records") and all financial and other
     records of, or located at, a Facility for the period ending on or prior to
     the relevant Closing Date, whether or not maintained at or by a Facility
     (the Patient Records and such other records for all Facilities are
     collectively referred to as the "Hospital Records") shall be Excluded
     Assets.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties will cooperate in
     providing copies and access to such records as set forth below.

               (b)  Notwithstanding that the Hospital Records are Excluded
     Assets, to the extent required by applicable Law or at Seller's election,
     Seller may choose not to remove the Hospital Records from a transferred
     Facility or otherwise acquire possession of them after a Scheduled Closing.
     Unless and until removed by Seller, the Buyer shall, in accordance with


     applicable Laws, maintain the Hospital Records at the Facilities (or at
     such other mutually approved locations) at Buyer's cost, and as agent of
     and bailee for Seller, until the expiration of seven (7) years from the
     relevant Scheduled Closing (and, if at the expiration thereof any tax or
     Payor audit or judicial proceeding is in progress or the applicable statute
     of limitations has been extended, for such longer period as such audit or
     proceeding is in progress or such statutory period is extended)(the
     "Document Retention Period"). After a Scheduled Closing and subject to
     applicable Laws, Buyer shall grant Seller full access to the Hospital
     Records (including any Patient Records) as needed for any lawful purpose
     (including Seller's inspection and copying of same), and Seller shall have
     the same rights of access to inspect and copy (at Seller's cost) any or all
     of the Hospital Records that Seller had prior to the Scheduled Closing.
     Buyer shall instruct the appropriate employees of the Facilities to
     cooperate in providing access to such records to Seller and its authorized
     representatives as contemplated herein. Access to such records shall be,
     wherever reasonably possible, during normal business hours, with reasonable
     prior written notice to Buyer of the time when such access shall be needed.
     Seller's employees, representatives and agents shall conduct themselves in
     such a manner so that Buyer's normal business activities shall not be
     unduly or unnecessarily disrupted. After the expiration of the
     aforementioned Document Retention Period, Buyer shall not, without ninety-
     one (91) days' prior written notification to Seller, destroy any Hospital
     Records in its possession. Within ninety (90) days after its receipt of
     such notice of intent to destroy, Seller shall have the right, at its own
     expense, to require Buyer to deliver any such records to Seller in
     accordance with Seller's reasonable instructions. Buyer shall adopt a
     record retention policy with respect to the Hospital Records which requires
     that all Hospital Records be maintained for the Document Retention Period
     and destroyed only after compliance with the notice provisions of this
     Subsection (b) (including the passage of time), and shall take all
     reasonable steps necessary to inform its employees of such policy.

               (c)  Buyer acknowledges and agrees that Seller shall have the
     right to remove, and may remove, from time to time on or prior to the
     relevant Closing Date and during the Document Retention Period any or all
     of the Hospital Records.  In the event of Seller's removal of any Hospital
     Records from a Facility, it shall, at Seller's cost and subject to
     applicable Laws, provide Buyer with copies (or originals, if required by
     applicable law or accreditation standards) of the following Hospital
     Records if Buyer elects to retain such copies:  (i) the Patient Records for
     patients who are patients


     of the Facilities at the relevant Scheduled Closing or who are the subject
     of Receivables transferred to Buyer hereunder, (ii) the personnel records
     of the Hired Employees, and (iii) any records Buyer would be required to
     have to comply with accreditation standards. If the Hospital Records are
     removed by Seller, then it shall maintain such Hospital Records at its
     expense during such period of time and at such location as is deemed
     appropriate by Seller in its sole and absolute discretion. For so long as
     the Hospital Records are maintained by Seller, Seller shall make Hospital
     Records (other than those protected by or subject to the attorney-client
     privilege) available to Buyer, subject to applicable Laws, as needed by
     Buyer for any lawful purpose and if reasonably necessary to permit Buyer to
     operate the Facilities or other Transferred Assets. Seller shall instruct
     its appropriate employees to cooperate in providing access to such records
     to Buyer and its authorized representatives as contemplated herein. Buyer's
     access to such Hospital Records shall be during normal business hours, with
     reasonable prior written notice to Seller of the time when such access
     shall be needed. Buyer may make copies of or extracts from any such
     Hospital Records to which Buyer has access hereunder at Buyer's sole cost
     and expense. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Buyer's access to, or right to
     copies of, any Patient Records shall be subject to any applicable Law,
     accreditation standard or rule of confidentiality or privilege.

               (d)  After Closing, Buyer or the applicable Buyer Subsidiary
     shall have the right to assign to an entity which purchases from Buyer or a
     Buyer Subsidiary a Facility or substantially all the assets of a Facility,
     all of the rights of Buyer under this Section 5.7, provided that such
     entity expressly assumes all obligations of Buyer under this Section 5.7
     with respect to the purchased Facility.

                                   ARTICLE 6
                         ADDITIONAL COVENANTS OF SELLER

          Seller hereby additionally covenants, promises and agrees as follows:

          Section 6.1  Conduct Pending Closing.  Prior to consummation of the
     Transactions contemplated hereby or the termination or expiration of this
     Agreement pursuant to its terms, unless Buyer shall otherwise consent in
     writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, and
     except for actions taken pursuant to Assumed Contracts, or which arise from
     or are related to the anticipated transfer of the Transferred Assets, the
     conduct or resolution of the Unusual Proceedings or effectuation of ongoing


     compliance programs, or as otherwise contemplated by this Agreement or
     disclosed in Schedule 6.1 or another Schedule to this Agreement, Seller
     shall, and shall cause the Subsidiaries to:

               (a)  Conduct the business represented by, and otherwise deal
     with, the Transferred Assets only in the usual and ordinary course,
     materially consistent with practices followed prior to the execution of
     this Agreement;

               (b)  Use reasonable efforts to keep intact the Transferred Assets
     and the business they represent and to preserve relationships beneficial to
     such business that doctors, patients, Payors, suppliers, employees and
     others have with the Facilities;

               (c)  Except as required by their terms, not amend, terminate,
     renew, fail to renew or renegotiate any material contract, except in the
     ordinary course of business and consistent with practices of the recent
     past, or default (or take or omit to take any action that, with or without
     the giving of notice or passage of time, would constitute a default) in any
     of its obligations under any such contracts, that would be an Assumed
     Contract as of the date hereof;

               (d)  Not (i) sell, lease, transfer or dispose of, or make any
     contract for the sale, lease, transfer or disposition of, any assets or
     properties which would be included in the Transferred Assets in an amount
     in excess of $1,000,000 in the aggregate (other than sales in the ordinary
     course of business); (ii) incur, assume, guaranty, or otherwise become
     liable in respect of any indebtedness for money borrowed which would result
     in Buyer assuming such liability hereunder after the Closing; (iii)
     purchase or make any contract for the purchase of a material amount of
     assets or properties which would be included in the Transferred Assets
     (other than purchases in the ordinary course of business and other than
     capital expenditures within the aggregate thresholds set forth in clause
     (v) below); (iv) accelerate or delay the purchase of Inventory, or the
     payment of amounts due to or from the Subsidiaries in a manner inconsistent
     with past practice; (v) make any new commitments which would require an
     expenditure of more than $50,000 in the aggregate other than in the
     ordinary course of business; (vi) encumber or voluntarily subject to any
     lien any Transferred Asset (except for Permitted Encumbrances); or (vii)
     assign or transfer accounts receivable to collection agencies in a manner
     inconsistent with past practice.


               (e)  Maintain in force and effect the insurance policies
     identified in Section 3.26(b);

               (f)  Not enter into any contract or amendment of a contract that,
     had such contract or amendment been entered into prior to the date hereof,
     would have been included on Schedule 2.1(f), unless Buyer has failed to
     disapprove of such contract or amendment in a written notice to Seller
     given within two (2) business days of Seller's written notice to Buyer of
     such contract or amendment accompanied by a copy thereof, provided that
     Buyer's disapproval of such contract or amendment shall not be
     unreasonable, and provided further that any contract entered into in
     violation of this Section 6.1(f) shall be subject to the provisions of
     Section 2.18;

               (g)  Not grant any general or uniform increase in the rates of
     pay or benefits to Retained Employees (or a class thereof) or any increase
     in salary or benefits of any chief executive or financial officer of any
     Facility, except for compensation previously agreed to prior to the date
     hereof; or

               (h)  Subject to Section 6.3, not take any action which would
     cause any of Seller's representations and warranties set forth in Article 3
     to be false as of the relevant Scheduled Closing;

     provided that nothing in this Section shall (i) obligate Seller or any
     Subsidiary to make expenditures other than in the ordinary course of
     business and consistent with practices of the recent past or to otherwise
     suffer any economic detriment, (ii) preclude Seller from paying, prepaying
     or otherwise satisfying any liability which, if outstanding as of a Closing
     Date, would be an Assumed Liability or an Excluded Liability, (iii)
     preclude Seller from incurring any liabilities or obligations to any third
     party in connection with obtaining such party's consent to any transaction
     contemplated by this Agreement or the Related Agreements provided such
     liabilities and obligations under this clause (iii) shall be Excluded
     Liabilities pursuant to Section 2.4(h) hereof if not approved in advance by
     Buyer (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld), or (iv) preclude
     Seller from instituting or completing any program designed to promote
     compliance or comply with Laws or other good business practices respecting
     the Facilities.


          Section 6.2  Access and Information; Environmental Survey; Remediation
     or Adjustment.

               (a)  Subject to the restrictions set forth in Section 5.6
     respecting confidentiality and provided that Buyer has complied with each
     and every provision thereof, Seller shall, and shall cause the Subsidiaries
     to, afford Buyer, and the counsel, accountants and other representatives of
     Buyer, reasonable access, throughout the period from the date hereof to the
     relevant Closing Date, to the Transferred Assets and the employees,
     personnel and medical staff associated therewith and all the properties,
     books, contracts, commitments, Cost Reports and records respecting the
     Transferred Assets (regardless of where such information, may be located)
     which Seller has or to which it has access.  Such access shall be afforded
     to Buyer after no less than 24 hours prior written notice, during normal
     business hours and only in such manner so as not to disturb patient care or
     to interfere with the normal operations of the Facilities; provided,
     however, that, notwithstanding the foregoing and subject to the provisions
     concerning nondisclosure set forth in Section 5.6, without first obtaining
     the written consent of Mr. Donald Thayer which consent shall not be
     unreasonably withheld, neither Buyer nor its counsel, accountants and other
     representatives shall tour or visit the Facilities or contact any of the
     employees, personnel or medical staff thereof; and provided further that
     until the first to occur of the Termination Date or the Final Closing,
     under no circumstances shall Buyer directly or indirectly solicit the
     employment of any employees of Seller or its Subsidiaries, except as Hired
     Employees pursuant to the terms hereof or except as may be permitted with
     the prior written consent of a responsible officer of Seller.  Seller's
     covenants under this Section are made with the understanding that Buyer
     shall use all such information in compliance with all Laws.  The foregoing
     notwithstanding, Buyer acknowledges and agrees that Buyer's access to the
     books and records of the Transferred Assets shall not include access to,
     and Seller shall not have any obligation to deliver to Buyer, any
     information concerning any alleged dispute or any pending litigation,
     investigation or proceeding involving Seller or its Affiliates that is
     protected by or subject to the attorney-client privilege, or the disclosure
     of which is restricted by an agreement entered into in connection with such
     dispute, litigation, investigation or proceeding or an order entered by any
     court, or (in the case of the Unusual Proceedings) certain non-public
     information; moreover, Buyer shall not have access to patient or employee
     records or any other records the disclosure of which would be prohibited by
     any Law, accreditation standards, or rule or agreement (express or implied)


     confidentiality, except that Buyer may be granted access to such records to
     the extent they are appropriately redacted and in conformity with such
     other reasonable procedures as may be required to conform to any such
     requirements of Law, accreditation standards or rule or agreement of

               (b)  Seller has provided to Buyer copies of an environmental
     survey conducted with respect to each of the Facilities (the "Environmental
     Survey").  The Environmental Survey was conducted by an environmental
     consulting firm or firms (the "Consultant") in accordance with applicable
     professional standards in effect at the time the Environmental Survey was
     conducted and such reasonable procedures as were determined by Seller.  In
     the event of a disagreement between Buyer and Seller concerning the
     procedures employed by the Consultant, Buyer may at Buyer's expense employ
     a separate environmental consultant to conduct such procedures requested by
     Buyer (subject to Seller's prior approval of such procedures, which shall
     not unreasonably be withheld), and the findings of the Buyer's
     Environmental consultant shall be included as an addendum to the
     Environmental Survey.  The results of any such Environmental Survey shall
     be delivered to and owned by Seller, and all proceedings in connection with
     the Environmental Survey and the results thereof shall be subject to the
     confidentiality provisions of Section 5.6.  Buyer acknowledges and agrees
     that the Environmental Survey is and shall be only an initial "Phase I"
     environmental site assessment.  If subsequently determined by Seller, the
     Consultant and the Buyer, to be necessary or prudent to conduct sampling,
     laboratory analyses, or additional investigation work at any of the
     Facilities, Seller shall direct the Consultant to undertake a further
     "Phase II" investigation involving additional investigation and appropriate
     sampling and laboratory analyses respecting such Facilities the results of
     which are to be included in the Environmental Survey.  In any "Phase II"
     investigation, Seller shall give Buyer no less than 24 hours' notice before
     the Consultant enters onto any Facility, and the "Phase II" Environmental
     Survey shall be conducted so as not to interfere with the normal operation
     of the Facilities.  Buyer shall be permitted to have one of its employees
     or agents present during all inspections of, and sample gatherings
     (including borings) from the soil or any floor tile, insulation or other
     internal component of, a Facility and shall be entitled to split samples
     upon Buyer's request.  In the event that Buyer considers it necessary to
     conduct any "Phase II" investigation work that Seller refuses to order,
     Buyer may at Buyer's expense employ a separate environmental consultant to
     conduct such "Phase II" investigation work at least thirty (30) days before
     the First Closing.


     Buyer shall give Seller no less than 24 hours' notice before Buyer's
     environmental consultant enters onto any Facility, and any such "Phase II"
     work performed by Buyer's environmental consultant shall be conducted so as
     not to interfere with the normal operations of the Facilities. Seller shall
     be permitted to have one of its employees or agents present during all
     inspections of and sample gatherings (including borings) from the soil or
     any floor tile, insulation, or other internal component of a Facility
     performed by Buyer's environmental consultant and shall be entitled to
     split samples upon Seller's request. Buyer shall be liable for any repairs
     or other costs required to correct damage to the Facilities resulting from
     such "Phase II" investigation. The findings of any Phase II investigation
     prepared by Buyer's environmental consultant shall be included as an
     addendum to the Environmental Survey. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller
     may elect not to permit Buyer to conduct a "Phase II" investigation through
     its own environmental consultant, in which case Buyer can exclude the
     affected Facility, and the Transferred Assets and Assumed Liabilities
     respecting such Facility from the Transactions, in which case the parties
     shall negotiate in good faith an equitable adjustment to the Purchase
     Price, or if they cannot agree upon the same, such adjustment shall be
     determined in accordance with Section 2.14.

               (c)  With respect to any matters disclosed by such Environmental
     Survey or listed on Schedule 3.16 that would constitute a breach of
     Seller's warranties in Section 3.16, but for the qualifications to such
     warranties based on Seller's knowledge or disclosures in the Environmental
     Survey or on such Schedule 3.16, Seller will at its election, either (i)
     clean up or otherwise remediate such matters in a reasonable manner prior
     to the Closing Date related to such Facility, at its expense; or (ii) agree
     in writing prior to the Closing Date to reimburse Buyer for the costs
     specified in such written agreement of such reasonable clean-up or
     remediation incurred by Buyer after the Closing Date related to such
     Facility, and to promptly reimburse Buyer after Buyer incurs such expenses
     subsequent to the Closing Date related to such Facility; or (iii) elect to
     exclude the affected Facility, and Transferred Assets and Assumed
     Liabilities respecting such Facility, from the Transactions, in which case
     the parties shall negotiate in good faith an equitable adjustment to the
     Purchase Price, or if they cannot agree upon the same, such adjustment
     shall be determined in accordance with Section 2.14; provided, however,
                                            ------------  --------          
     that in no case will Seller be required to remove or otherwise remediate
     (or bear the costs of same) any Hazardous Materials used as construction
     materials in structures or improvements constituting the Facilities, or in
     equipment contained therein, unless the current condition 


     of such Hazardous Materials has resulted in either: (i) noncompliance with
     any Environmental Law or License issued pursuant to an Environmental Law;
     or (ii) an unreasonable hazard to human health, human safety or the

          Section 6.3  Updating.  Seller shall notify Buyer of any changes or
     additions to any of Seller's Schedules to this Agreement with respect to a
     particular Facility or the Transferred Assets or Assumed Liabilities
     related thereto by the delivery of updates thereof, if any, as of a
     reasonably current date prior to the relevant Scheduled Closing not later
     than three (3) business days prior to the Scheduled Closing with respect to
     such Subject Transferred Assets, provided, however, that the Financial
     Schedule shall not be updated to cover any period or periods subsequent to
     the respective dates thereof.  No such updates made pursuant to this
     Section shall be deemed to cure any breach of any representation or
     warranty made in this Agreement, unless Buyer specifically agrees thereto
     in writing, nor shall any such notification be considered to constitute or
     give rise to a waiver by Buyer of any condition set forth in this

          Section 6.4  No Solicitation.  Seller will not, and shall cause the
     Subsidiaries not to, and will use its best efforts to cause its and their
     officers, employees, agents and representatives (including any investment
     banker) not to, directly or indirectly, solicit, encourage or initiate any
     discussions with, or, subject to fiduciary duties to shareholders,
     negotiate or otherwise deal with, or provide any information to, any
     corporation, partnership, person or other entity or group, other than Buyer
     and its officers, employees and agents, concerning any sale of or similar
     transactions involving the Transferred Assets or the stock of the
     Subsidiaries.  None of the foregoing shall prohibit providing information
     to others in a manner in keeping with the ordinary conduct of Seller's or
     the Subsidiaries' businesses.  Seller shall notify Buyer promptly of any
     inquiry, proposal or offer received by Seller concerning the sale of or
     similar transactions involving the Transferred Assets or the stock of the
     Subsidiaries.  Subject to the foregoing, in the exercise of its
     aforementioned fiduciary duties to shareholders, Seller may terminate this
     Agreement on written notice to Buyer, which termination shall have the
     effect set forth in Section 10.2, provided that upon consummation prior to
                         ------------  --------                                
     the first anniversary of this Agreement of any transaction or transactions
     with one or more third parties covering substantially all of the
     Transferred Assets, Seller shall be obligated to pay Buyer the sum of
     Fifteen Million Dollars ($15,000,000), and provided further that the 
     payment of such sum shall be


     deemed to constitute liquidated damages in lieu of any and all other
     liability of Seller and the Subsidiaries to Buyer and the Buyer
     Subsidiaries in connection with or related to or arising from this
     Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby, or in connection with or
     related to or arising from the termination hereof.

          Section 6.5  Name Changes.  To the extent that the corporate names of
     any of the Subsidiaries incorporate or are substantially similar to the
     Transferred Business Names, Seller agrees to cause the Subsidiaries
     promptly after the relevant Scheduled Closing to take all action necessary
     to change such names so as not to incorporate or be substantially similar
     to the Transferred Business Names.

          Section 6.6  Filing of Cost Reports.  Seller shall cause to be
     prepared and timely filed all Cost Reports and all other filings which are
     required to be filed with Medicare and any other cost-based Payors with
     respect to the operations of the Facilities for any and all periods ending
     on or prior to a relevant Closing Date.  Seller and the Subsidiaries shall
     retain all rights to any amounts receivable from Medicare or other Payors
     with respect to such reports or filings or with respect to such periods
     and, as between Buyer, on the one hand, and Seller and Subsidiaries, on the
     other, shall remain obligated for all amounts due Medicare or such other
     Payors with respect to such reports or filings or with respect to such
     periods, and the parties hereby acknowledge and agree that Buyer is not
     being assigned or otherwise receiving and is not hereby assuming any of the
     same.  Seller's rights shall include, without limitation, the right to
     dispute or to appeal any determinations relating to such reports.

          Section 6.7  Purchase of Supplies.  Buyer may request Seller or its
     Affiliates to permit Facilities transferred at such Scheduled Closing to
     participate in specified national purchasing contracts of Seller or its
     Affiliates for a fee to be agreed upon.  If Buyer wishes to enter into such
     an agreement with Seller, it shall notify Seller no later than five (5)
     days prior to such Scheduled Closing, and at the Scheduled Closing the
     parties shall execute a Purchasing Contract substantially in the form of
     Exhibit D hereto.  Schedule 6.7 lists all of the national purchasing
     ---------          ------------                                     
     contracts of Seller and its Affiliates in effect as of the date thereof
     which do not preclude participation by persons which are not Affiliates of

          Section 6.8  Covenant Not to Compete.


               (a)  Covenant.  Subject to the further provisions of this Section
                    --------                                             -------
     6.8, during the "Covenant Period" (as defined in Section 6.8(d)), none of
     ---                                              --------------          
     the Subsidiaries, Seller or any other subsidiaries of Seller in which
     Seller owns a majority of the voting interests (collectively, "Covered
     Parties") shall, directly or indirectly (whether through a majority-owned
     subsidiary or otherwise), in any Specified Capacity (as defined in this
     Section 6.8), engage in the business of delivering mental health or alcohol
     or substance abuse services through the operation of a hospital or
     otherwise, including without limitation through the delivery of inpatient,
     partial hospitalization, residential or outpatient services (as limited by
     the provisions of Section 6.8(b), a "Competing Business").  For purposes
                       --------------     ------------------                 
     hereof, the term "Specified Capacity" shall mean, subject to Section
                       ------------------                         -------
     6.8(b), each of the following capacities:

                    (i)  As an operator, manager or sole owner of the Competing
          Business, whether directly or indirectly;

                    (ii)  As a constituent partner, joint venturer or equity
          shareholder of an entity engaged in the Competing Business if the
          voting equity interest held is greater than 10% of all voting equity
          interests in such entity;

                    (iii)  As a lender of money to, or a guarantor of
          indebtedness for money borrowed by, any other entity engaged in a
          Competing Business in a principal amount in excess of $1,000,000,
          except for (A) loans or guarantees made in the ordinary course of
          business and not as an investment in such entity; (B) loans or
          guarantees made or entered into in connection with the sale of a
          Competing Business by a Covered Party; or (C) loans represented by
          publicly traded instruments.

               (b)  Exceptions.  The provisions of this Section 6.8 shall not
                    ----------                          -----------          
     apply to and shall not prohibit the following:

                    (i)  Psychiatric Facilities and Contracts Not Acquired By
          Buyer.  The conduct of a Competing Business from any facility
          (including renovations and expansions thereof) at which a Covered
          Party, in any Specified Capacity, primarily engages in a Competing
          Business as of the Final Closing, or pursuant to any contract
          (including modifications, extensions and renewals thereof) under which
          a Covered Party, in any Specified Capacity, engages in a 


          Competing Business as of the Final Closing, if (A) such facility,
          contract or Specified Capacity is not acquired or assumed by Buyer or
          a Buyer Subsidiary pursuant to this Agreement, or (B) such facility,
          contract or Specified Capacity, is, after the Final Closing,
          reacquired by a Covered Party from Buyer or a Buyer Subsidiary
          pursuant to this Agreement;

                    (ii)  Facilities Outside Geographic Area.  The conduct of a
          Competing Business from any location that is not within twenty-five
          (25) miles of a Facility (not including satellite locations) that (A)
          was acquired by Buyer or a Buyer Subsidiary pursuant to this
          Agreement, and (B) at the time in question, is still owned, operated
          or managed by Buyer or by a person or entity which, directly or
          indirectly, controls, is controlled by or is under common control with
          Buyer (Facilities meeting the requirements of both clauses (A) and (B)
                                                                     ---     ---
          being herein referred to as "Covered Facilities");

                    (iii)  Acute Hospitals.  The conduct of a Competing Business
          from or through any hospital, commonly referred to as an acute care
          hospital, that is licensed to provide general medical and surgical
          services, including related facilities that operate on the same campus
          as, or under the auspices of, such acute care hospital (such hospitals
          and related facilities being herein referred to as "Acute Hospitals"),
          including the provision of management services to an Acute Hospital,
          provided that the conduct of any Competing Business from or through a
          Specified Acute Hospital or an Acquired Acute Hospital (as each such
          term is defined in Section 6.8(c)) shall be subject to the further
          provisions of Section 6.8(c);

                    (iv)  Divestiture of Acquired Psychiatric Facilities.  Other
          than an Acquired Acute Hospital, the conduct of a Competing Business
          in a Specified Capacity first acquired by any Covered Party after the
          date hereof as part of the acquisition of interests in healthcare
          assets other than the Competing Business, provided that no Covered
          Party engages in such Competing Business after the expiration of
          twelve (12) months from such acquisition and no such Competing
          Business is expanded during such twelve (12) month period, except for
          expansions for which regulatory approval exists, or for which capital
          expenditures have been undertaken or are in process, or which are
          required by existing contracts (together, "Permitted Expansions"); or


                    (v)  Acquiring Entities.  The conduct of a Competing
          Business for, on behalf of, or by (A) any entity that is not a Covered
          Party that acquires majority ownership or substantially all the assets
          of a Covered Party after the date hereof, (B) any entity that is not a
          Covered Party that acquires a Competing Business from a Covered Party
          after the date hereof, (C) any surviving entity (other than a Covered
          Party) of a consolidation, merger, reorganization or spinoff (each, a
          "Reorganization") involving a Covered Party as a result of which
          shareholders directly or indirectly owning a majority of such Covered
          Party immediately before such Reorganization do not own a majority of
          such surviving entity immediately after such Reorganization, or (D)
          any majority-owned subsidiary of any such acquiring or surviving
          entity that is not a Covered Party.

               (c)  Acute Hospital Affiliations.  With respect to an Acute
     Hospital listed on Schedule 6.8(c) (a "Specified Acute Hospital"), and
                        ---------------     ------------------------       
     except as set forth below, the exception provided by Section 6.8(b)(iii)
     above shall apply but only to the extent such Specified Acute Hospital
     conducts a Competing Business (including Permitted Expansions, the
     "Exempted Competing Business") on the Scheduled Closing Date with respect
     to the Facility shown on Schedule 6.8(c) as the Specified Acute Hospital's
     "Affiliation Facility."  On and after such Scheduled Closing Date, a
     Specified Acute Hospital shall not expand its services or its Competing
     Business beyond the Exempted Competing Business except in accordance with,
     and subject to, clauses (i) through (iii) below.  With respect to any Acute
                     -----------         -----                                  
     Hospital acquired by a Covered Party after the date of this Agreement and
     which is within twenty (20) miles of a Covered Facility (an "Acquired Acute
     Hospital"), the exception provided by Section 6.8(b)(iii) shall apply but
     --------                              -------------------                
     only to the extent of such Acquired Acute Hospital's Exempted Competing
     Business on the date the acquisition of such Acquired Acute Hospital is
     consummated (the "Acquisition Date").  On and after such Acquisition Date,
     an Acquired Acute Hospital shall not expand its services or its Competing
     Business beyond the Exempted Competing Business except in accordance with,
     and subject to, clauses (i) through (iii) below.
                     -----------         -----       

                    (i)  Seller or its relevant Affiliate must first provide
          Buyer notice that it proposes to expand its services or Competing
          Business beyond the Exempted Competing Business, and shall briefly
          describe the nature and scope of the expanded Competing Business in
          which it proposes to engage.  Within thirty (30) days following its


          receipt of such notice, Buyer shall cause (A) the Affiliation Facility
          with respect to a Specified Acute Hospital (as noted in Schedule
          6.8(c)) to offer the Specified Acute Hospital the opportunity to enter
          into an affiliation agreement with its Affiliation Facility, or (B)
          the closest Covered Facility with respect to an Acquired Acute
          Hospital to offer the Acquired Acute Hospital the opportunity to enter
          into an affiliation agreement.  All affiliation agreements must be on
          customary industry terms, pursuant to which the relevant Covered
          Facility will agree to provide all services comprising the expanded
          Competing Business to Payors and patients of, and to subscribers or
          other participants in services or programs provided by, the Acute
          Hospital at the Covered Facility's usual and customary prices, terms
          and conditions which the parties shall negotiate expeditiously and in
          good faith.  The term of the affiliation agreement shall be for the
          Covenant Period for such Specified or  Acquired Acute Hospital and
          shall give the Specified Acute Hospital or Acquired Acute Hospital, as
          the case may be, the right to extend the agreement for two successive
          one-year periods.

                    (ii)  The Covered Facility must have the capacity to provide
          the desired services in a quantity and manner comparable to the
          quantity and manner in which such services are proposed to be provided
          by the Specified or Acquired Acute Hospital.

                    (iii)  The entry into such affiliation agreement by the
          Specified Acute Hospital or Acquired Acute Hospital, and the
          performance thereof by the Specified Acute Hospital or Acquired Acute
          Hospital (including, without limitation, the failure to provide such
          Competing Business by the Specified Acute Hospital or Acquired Acute
          Hospital) will not violate or conflict with, or cause a default under,
          the terms of any License, accreditation standard or Payor contract to
          which the Specified Acute Hospital or Acquired Acute Hospital is then

     If the terms and conditions set forth in clause (i) through (iii) (other
                                              ----------         -----       
     than the first sentence of clause (i)) are not met as to the expanded
     Competing Business of a Specified or Acquired Acute Hospital, the exception
     provided by Section 6.8(b)(iii) above shall apply to such expanded
     Competing Business of such Specified or Acquired Acute Hospital.


               (d)  Covenant Period.  The term of the covenant (the "Covenant
                    ---------------                                  --------
     Period") set forth in Section 6.8(a) shall expire on the third anniversary
     ------                --------------                                      
     of the Final Closing, except (i) as to a Specified Acute Hospital, the
     covenant shall expire on the earlier of the third anniversary of the Final
     Closing or the date on which such Specified Acute Hospital's Affiliation
     Facility is no longer a Covered Facility, and (ii) as to an Acquired Acute
     Hospital, the covenant shall expire on the earlier of the third anniversary
     of the Final Closing or the second anniversary of the Acquisition Date for
     such Acquired Acute Hospital.

               (e)  Severability.  To the extent that this covenant or any
     provision of this Section 6.8 shall be deemed illegal or unenforceable by a
     court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction with respect to (i) any
     geographic area, (ii) any part of the time period covered by this covenant,
     (iii) any activity or Specified Capacity covered by this covenant, or (iv)
     any other aspect of this covenant, such determination shall not affect this
     covenant with respect to any other geographic area, time period, activity
     or other aspect covered by this covenant.

               (f)  Injunctive Relief.  Each of the parties to this Agreement
     acknowledges that (i) the covenant and restrictions contained in this
     Section 6.8 are necessary, fundamental and required for the protection of
     the business of Buyer and its operation (through the Buyer Subsidiaries) of
     the Facilities; (ii) this covenant relates to matters which are of a
     special character and which give this covenant a special value; and (iii) a
     breach of the covenant contained in this Section 6.8 will result in
     irreparable harm and damages to Buyer and Buyer Subsidiaries which cannot
     be adequately compensated for by a monetary award.  Accordingly, it is
     expressly agreed that in addition to all other remedies available in law or
     in equity, Buyer and Buyer Subsidiaries shall be entitled to the remedy of
     a temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction or such other form of
     injunctive or equitable relief as may be issued by any court of competent
     jurisdiction to restrain or enjoin a Covered Party from breaching this
     covenant or any provision of this Section 6.8 or otherwise to specifically
     enforce the provisions of this covenant.

               (g)  Value:  The parties agree that the value of the covenant
     contained in this Section 6.8 is the value assigned to it in Section 2.5
                       -----------                                -----------
     and that each will account for and report the value of such covenant in
     accordance with such valuation and all of the terms and provisions of
     Section 2.7.


          Section 6.9  Audited Statements.  Prior to and after any relevant
     Scheduled Closing, Seller shall make the books and records (other than
     those protected by or subject to the attorney-client privilege) and
     unaudited financial statements of the Subsidiaries which are related to the
     Facilities and are for periods prior to such Scheduled Closing available to
     Buyer and Buyer's and Seller's independent accountants at reasonable times
     and in a manner so as to not unduly interfere with Seller's operations, and
     otherwise cooperate with Buyer in order to permit an audit of the
     Subsidiaries' financial statements for periods prior to such Scheduled
     Closing.  Seller shall reasonably cooperate in assisting Buyer in obtaining
     and preparing all necessary information for the timely filing of any
     documents required to be filed by Buyer under the Securities Exchange Act
     of 1934 related to the transactions contemplated hereby.  Without limiting
     the effect of Section 5.5 of this Agreement, the audit and the out-of-
     pocket costs of Seller's cooperation in obtaining and preparing any
     information (including, without limitation, all services of Seller's
     independent accountants rendered in connection therewith) will be paid for
     by Buyer.

          Section 6.10  Post-Closing Insurance.  Seller for five years after the
     Final Closing, shall maintain its existing comprehensive general liability
     and hospital professional liability insurance coverages with respect to the
     Facilities for all periods prior to the Closing in substantially their
     present form as described on Schedule 3.26(b) (the "Insurance Program"),
                                  ----------------       -----------------   
     provided that (a) Seller shall have the right to reduce (but not increase
     beyond $2,000,000 per occurrence) the existing deductible under the
     Insurance Program and (b) shall have the right to cancel or terminate, or
     have cancelled or terminated, the coverages under the Insurance Program so
     long as Seller acquires (from (i) its present insurance company or (ii)
     another reasonably acceptable insurance company under a reasonably
     acceptable policy) an extended discovery period of not less than five years
     after any such cancellation or termination for periods prior to the Final
     Closing.  Such Insurance Program, if maintained, shall be maintained at
     Seller's expense, and if such Insurance Program is maintained Seller shall
     cause Buyer and each Buyer Subsidiary to be named as an additional
     insured with respect to the applicable Facility and Seller shall provide
     Buyer with copies thereof and copies of renewals prior to the expiration of
     the prior policy or policies.  Seller shall use commercially reasonable
     efforts to avoid invalidating the insurance policies referred to in this
     Section 6.10.

          Section 6.11  Use of Controlled Substance Licenses.  To the extent
     permitted by Law, Buyer shall have the right, for a period not to exceed


     sixty (60) days following a relevant Scheduled Closing, to operate under
     the Licenses of the Subsidiaries relating to controlled substances and the
     operation of pharmacies, until Buyer is able to obtain such Licenses for
     itself.  Seller shall cause the pertinent Subsidiaries to execute and
     deliver to Buyer any powers of attorney and other instruments which Buyer
     or the appropriate governmental agency may reasonably require in connection
     with Buyer's use of such Licenses.  Buyer acknowledges that it shall apply
     for all such Licenses as soon as reasonably possible before or after the
     relevant Scheduled Closing and diligently pursue such applications in
     accordance with Section 5.1.

          Section 6.12  Non-Disturbance Agreements.  Seller hereby agrees to
     exercise its reasonable commercial efforts, prior to the relevant Scheduled
     Closing, to obtain from each existing mortgagee of each Facility identified
     below a non-disturbance agreement providing in substance that in the event
     the lessor or sublessor of such Facility defaults in its obligations to the
     mortgagee respecting indebtedness existing at the relevant Scheduled
     Closing and as a result thereof the mortgagee forecloses upon, exercises a
     power of sale or otherwise succeeds to the ownership of such property, then
     and in such event, such foreclosure or other change in ownership shall not
     terminate or affect the validity of the Real Property Lease respecting such
     Facility assigned to Buyer hereunder, provided that Buyer hereby agrees
     that, in connection with Seller's obtaining any such non-disturbance
     agreement, Buyer will execute such reasonable agreements in favor of such
     mortgagee confirming the attornment of Buyer to such mortgagee or its
     assigns, and subordinating the Real Property Lease to the interest of such
     mortgagee, under such circumstances.  In the event that Seller shall be
     unable to obtain any such non-disturbance agreement and the lessor's or
     sublessor's default under indebtedness existing at the relevant Scheduled
     Closing results in the termination of any such Real Property Lease prior to
     the expiration of the current term and any renewal terms available in the
     Real Property Lease as of the relevant Scheduled Closing, then Seller shall
     indemnify Buyer, in accordance with the provisions of Section 11.3(a)(ii),
     for Losses arising therefrom but not in excess of the portion of the
     Purchase Price allocated to such Facility in the Allocation Schedule,
     provided that Buyer shall provide Seller with notice of any such default or
     claimed default by the lessor or sublessor reasonably promptly following
     Buyer's receipt of any notice or knowledge respecting same. The Facility
     and Real Property Lease to which this Section shall apply is the Real
     Property Lease respecting the hospital numbered as Facility No. 50.


                                   ARTICLE 7
                         ADDITIONAL COVENANTS OF BUYER

          Section 7.1  Waiver of Bulk Sales Law Compliance.  Subject to the
     indemnification provisions of Section 11.3(a)(iii) hereof, Buyer hereby
     waives compliance by Seller and the Subsidiaries with the requirements, if
     any, of Article 6 of the Uniform Commercial Code as in force in any state
     in which Transferred Assets are located and all other similar laws
     applicable to bulk sales and transfers.

          Section 7.2  Resale Certificate.  Buyer agrees to furnish to Seller
     and the Subsidiaries any resale certificate or certificates or other
     similar documents reasonably requested by Seller to comply with pertinent
     sales and use tax laws.

          Section 7.3  Cost Reports and Audit Contests.  After each Scheduled
     Closing and for the period of time necessary to conclude any pending or
     potential audit or contest of any Cost Reports with respect to the
     Facilities transferred at such Scheduled Closing that include periods
     ending on or before the relevant Closing Date, Buyer shall (a) properly
     keep and preserve all financial books and records delivered to Buyer by
     Seller and the Subsidiaries (if any) and utilized in preparing such Cost
     Reports, including, without limitation, accounts payable invoices, Medicare
     logs and billing information in accordance with Section 5.7, and (b) within
     five (5) days of Buyer's receipt of the same, forward to Seller all
     information received from Payors relating to periods prior to and as of the
     relevant Closing Date including, without limitation, Cost Report
     Settlements, notices of program reimbursements, demand letters for payment
     and proposed audit adjustments.  Upon reasonable written notice by Seller,
     Seller (or its agents) shall be entitled, at Seller's expense, during
     regular business hours, to have access to, inspect and make copies of all
     such books and records.  Upon the reasonable request of Seller, Buyer shall
     assist Seller and the Subsidiaries in obtaining information deemed by
     Seller to be necessary or desirable in connection with any audit or contest
     of such reports.  To the extent required to meet its obligations under this
     Section, Buyer shall provide the reasonable support of its employees at no
     cost to Seller.

          Section 7.4  Tax Matters.  After each Scheduled Closing, Buyer shall
     be responsible for causing its employees, at no cost to Seller, to assist
     Seller and the Subsidiaries, in the same manner and to the extent that
     personnel of the Facilities currently provide such assistance, in the


     preparation and filing of all returns relating to taxes imposed upon the
     businesses operated through the Transferred Assets that relate to periods
     ending on or prior to the relevant Scheduled Closing but are due after the
     relevant Closing Date and that are not related to Taxes included in the
     Assumed Liabilities, including without limitation, income tax and
     information returns.  It is further acknowledged by Buyer that Taxes
     (including, without limitation, the Florida indigent care tax) imposed upon
     the right or privilege to do business from the Facilities after the Closing
     shall be Buyer's responsibility even if measured by gross receipts, net
     operating revenues or patient days for a period ending on, before or
     including a Closing Date and that Taxes included in Accrued Operating
     Expenses shall be only those properly accruable, in accordance with
     generally accepted accounting principles, for the right or privilege of
     doing business through the relevant Closing Date.  Buyer further agrees to
     exercise its reasonable commercial efforts to have the income tax year of
     any venture or partnership referred to in Section 2.1(c) terminated as of
     the relevant Scheduled Closing with respect to the pertinent Subsidiary or
     Subsidiaries transferring its interests therein.

          Section 7.5  Letters of Credit.  Subject to the terms and conditions
     hereof, at the relevant Scheduled Closing, Buyer shall cause letters of
     credit and indemnity or performance bonds to be provided to substitute for
     those letters of credit and bonds listed in Schedule 7.5, so that at and as
     of such Scheduled Closing Seller and its Affiliates shall have no further
     obligation to provide such designated letters of credit or bonds.

          Section 7.6  Conduct Pending Closing.  Prior to consummation of the
     Transactions contemplated hereby or the termination or expiration of this
     Agreement pursuant to its terms, unless Seller shall otherwise consent in
     writing, Buyer shall not, and shall not permit any Buyer Subsidiary to,
     take any action which would cause any of Buyer's representations and
     warranties set forth in Article 4 to be false as of the relevant Scheduled

          Section 7.7  Securities Offerings.  Buyer hereby agrees to indemnify
     and hold harmless Seller and each of its Affiliates, in accordance with the
     provisions of Section 11.4(a)(ii), against any and all Losses, as incurred,
     arising out of the offer or sale by Buyer of securities, except to the
     extent that such Loss arises from any untrue statement or alleged untrue
     statement of a material fact contained in any such securities offering
     materials or prospectus used by Buyer or its representatives, or from the
     omission or alleged omission therefrom of a material fact necessary to make
     the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were
     made, not misleading, which untrue or alleged untrue statement or omission


     alleged omission is made in reliance upon and in conformity with written
     information furnished to Buyer by Seller under a cover letter from Seller's
     counsel stating that such information is expressly for use in such offering
     materials or prospectus.

                                   ARTICLE 8
                         BUYER'S CONDITIONS TO CLOSING

          The obligations of Buyer to consummate the Transactions with respect
     to a Facility and the Transferred Assets and Assumed Liabilities related
     thereto shall be subject to the requirements of Section 2.13 and to the
     fulfillment at or prior to the relevant Scheduled Closing of the following
     conditions, unless Buyer waives in writing such fulfillment:

          Section 8.1  Performance of Agreement.  Seller shall have performed in
     all material respects its agreements and obligations contained in this
     Agreement required to be performed on or prior to the Scheduled Closing.

          Section 8.2  Accuracy of Representations and Warranties.  The
     representations and warranties of Seller set forth in Article 3 of this
     Agreement shall be true in all respects as of the date of this Agreement
     (unless the inaccuracy or inaccuracies which would otherwise result in a
     failure of this condition have been cured by the Scheduled Closing) and as
     of the Scheduled Closing (as updated by the revising of Schedules
     contemplated by Section 6.3) as if made as of such time, except where
     such inaccuracy or inaccuracies would not individually or in the aggregate
     result in a Material Adverse Effect on the Facility in question.

          Section 8.3  Officers' Certificate.  Buyer shall have received from
     Seller an officers' certificate, executed on Seller's behalf by its chief
     executive officer, president, chief financial officer or treasurer (in his
     or her capacity as such) dated the Closing Date and stating that to the
     knowledge of such individual, the conditions in Sections 8.1 and 8.2 above
                                                     ------------     ---      
     have been met.

          Section 8.4  Consents.  The waiting period under the HSR Act shall
     have expired or been terminated, and, subject to the provisions of Section
     2.12,  all approvals, consents, authorizations and waivers from


     tal and accreditation agencies the absence of which would render
     Buyer unable to operate the facility in the manner operated prior to such
     Scheduled Closing, and all approvals, consents, authorizations and waivers
     from other third parties to the extent shown on the Schedule of Required
     Consents (collectively "Consents") required for Buyer to consummate the
     Transactions with respect to such Facility, shall have been obtained,
     except that a Consent from a third party to the sale and assignment of a
     Transferred Asset, such as a Medicare or Medicaid provider agreement, or
     the assumption of an Assumed Liability with respect thereto, shall not
     constitute a condition to Buyer's consummation of the Transactions with
     respect to a Facility if such sale, assignment or assumption may lawfully
     be made subject to a customary condition subsequent that the Consent be
     obtained from the third party based upon determinations of such third
     party, including without limitation needs surveys or evaluations of Buyer,
     to be completed after the Scheduled Closing.  As to each of the Real
     Property Leases listed on the Schedule of Required Consents, Buyer shall
     have received an estoppel certificate, identifying the lease and stating
     that such lease is in full force and effect, that the lessee under such
     lease is current in all of its obligations under such lease and that the
     lessor is not aware of any default by lessee under such lease.

          Section 8.5  Absence of Injunctions.  There shall be no:

               (a) Injunction, restraining order or order of any nature issued
     by any court of competent jurisdiction or governmental agency which directs
     that the Transactions related to such Facility contemplated hereby shall
     not be consummated as herein provided or compels or would compel Buyer to
     dispose of or discontinue, or materially restrict the operations of,
     such Facility or any significant portion of the Transferred Assets with
     respect thereto as a result of the consummation of the Transactions
     contemplated hereby;

               (b) Suit, action or other proceeding by any governmental agency
     pending before any court, governmental agency or non-governmental, self-
     regulatory organization, or threatened (pursuant to a written
     notification), wherein such complainant seeks the restraint or prohibition
     of the consummation of the Transactions related to such Facility or asserts
     the illegality of the Transactions related to such Facility; or

               (c) Action taken, or law enacted, promulgated or deemed
     applicable to the Transactions related to such Facility, by any


     agency which would render consummation of such Transactions
     illegal or which would threaten the imposition of any penalty or material
     economic detriment upon Buyer if such Transactions were consummated;

     provided that:
     -------- ---- 

               (i)  The parties will use their reasonable efforts to litigate
     against, or to obtain the lifting of, any such injunction, restraining or
     other order, restraint, prohibition, action, suit, law or penalty;

               (ii)  In the event that (A) the "First Closing" has occurred
     under the First Facilities Agreement, (B) there is such a pending or
     threatened suit, action, proceeding, injunction, restraining order or other
     order, made, sought, issued, initiated or obtained by a governmental agency
     in respect of Transactions contemplated to occur at the Final Closing under
     this Agreement, and (C) on or prior to the original Termination Date for
     such Final Closing, the parties and such agency have entered into a written
     agreement which would resolve such controversy but such agreement is
     subject to final agency approval that has not been obtained on or prior to
     the fifth business day before the original Termination Date for the Final
     Closing, then and in such events the original Termination Date for the
     Final Closing shall be extended to the fifth business day following such
     final agency approval if the date of such approval is within five (5)
     business days of the end of a month or the original Termination Date for
     the Final Closing shall be extended to the end of the month in which such
     approval is obtained if the date of such approval is not within five (5)
     business days of the end of a month, but in no event shall the original
     Termination Date for the Final Closing be extended for more than three (3)
     calendar months from the original Termination Date; and

               (iii)  Clauses (a) through (c) above notwithstanding, the effect
                              ---         ---                                  
     of any such event, action or suit shall be to exclude the affected Facility
     from the Scheduled Closing and, if such Facility is not transferred in a
     subsequent Closing, to adjust the Purchase Price pursuant to the Allocation

          Section 8.6  Opinion of Counsel.  Buyer shall have received, on and as
     of the Closing Date, an opinion of Mr. Scott Brown, general counsel to
     Seller, substantially as to the matters set forth in Sections 3.1, 3.2,
                                                          ------------  --- 
     3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.14, subject to customary conditions and
     ---  ---  ---  ---     ----                                     


          Section 8.7  Title to Real Property.  Title to Transferred Assets
     related to the Facility comprised of interests in real property shall have
     been evidenced by the willingness of Chicago Title Insurance Company (or an
     Affiliate thereof) (the "Title Insurer") to issue at regular rates ALTA (or
     the local equivalents thereof) owner's, or lessee's, as the case may be,
     extended coverage policies of title insurance (1990 Form B) (the "Title
     Policies"), with the survey exception removed, in amounts equal to the
     respective portions of the Purchase Price allocated to such interests,
     showing title to such interests in such real property vested in Buyer
     subject to transfer of such interest to Buyer.  Each such Title Policy
     shall be free of exceptions relating to (i), except for Title Policies
     respecting Facilities located in Texas, any claim which arises out of the
     transaction vesting in Buyer the estate or interest insured by the Title
     Policy, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency
     or similar creditors's rights laws, and (ii) rights of the United States of
     America, and the state in which the real property covered by the Title
     Policy is located, or either or them, to recover any federal funds advanced
     as provided in the Hill-Burton Act, 42 U.S.C (S)(S) 291 et. seq.  Such
     Title Policies shall additionally be free of all other exceptions,
     including other standard exceptions, other than the following:

               (a)  A lien or liens to secure payment of real estate taxes, not

               (b)  Exceptions, other than those listed on Schedule 8.7(b),
     disclosed by current standard ALTA Preliminary Title Reports, delivered
     to and approved (except as shown on Schedule 8.7(b)) by Buyer prior to the
     date hereof (as indicated by Buyer's signature of approval appended
     thereto) together with copies of all documents underlying the exceptions
     contained therein; and

               (c)  Other possible minor matters that in the aggregate are not
     substantial in amount and do not materially detract from or interfere with
     the present or intended use of such real property, including such minor
     matters as may be disclosed by surveys taken after the date hereof.

     The willingness of the Title Insurer to issue the Title Policies shall be
     evidenced either by the issuance thereof at the relevant Scheduled Closing
     or the written commitments or binders, dated as of the relevant Scheduled
     Closing, of the Title Insurer to issue such Title Policies within a
     reasonable time after the relevant Closing Date, subject to actual transfer
     of the real 


     property in question.  If the Title Insurer is unwilling to
     issue any such Title Policy, it shall be required to provide Buyer and
     Seller, in writing, notice setting forth the reason(s) for such
     unwillingness on or before the relevant Closing Date.  Seller shall have
     the right to seek to cure any defect which is the reason for such
     unwillingness, and, if such notice by the Title Insurer is given less than
     ten (10) business days prior to the then Scheduled Closing, then the
     relevant Closing Date (and, to the extent necessary, the Termination Date)
     shall be extended for a period of up to ten (10) business days to provide
     to Seller such opportunity to cure.  In the event that, despite Seller's
     efforts to cure, the Title Insurer remains unwilling to issue any such
     Title Policy on the Final Closing Date (as may be extended as provided
     herein), then, at the election of Buyer, and without affecting the other
     conditions of the parties to consummation of the Transactions, such real
     property interests not covered by such a Title Policy shall not be included
     in the Transferred Assets and shall be deemed to be Excluded Assets, and
     liabilities associated therewith that would otherwise be Assumed
     Liabilities shall be deemed to be Excluded Liabilities; and Buyer and
     Seller shall negotiate in good faith prior to the Final Closing Date an
     adjustment in the Purchase Price based on the Allocation Schedule.  If the
     parties cannot agree upon such adjustment, then the disagreement shall be
     resolved in accordance with Section 2.14.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,
     Buyer may accept such title to any such interests as the pertinent
     Subsidiary may be able to convey, and such title insurance with respect to
     the same as the Title Insurer is willing to issue, in which case such
     interests shall be conveyed as part of the Transferred Assets without
     reduction of the Purchase Price or any credit or allowance against the same
     and without any other liability on the part of Seller or the Subsidiaries.

          Section 8.8  Receipt of Other Documents.  Buyer shall have received
     the following:

               (a)  Certified copies of the resolutions of Seller's and each
     relevant Subsidiary's board of directors respecting this Agreement, the
     Related Agreements and the Transactions, together with certified copies of
     any shareholder resolutions which are necessary to approve the execution
     and delivery of this Agreement and any  Agreements and/or the performance
     of the obligations of Seller and the Subsidiaries hereunder and thereunder;


               (b)  Certified copies of Seller's and each relevant Subsidi-ary's
     Charter Documents, together with a certificate of the corporate secretary
     of each that none of such documents have been amended;

               (c)  One or more certificates as to the incumbency of each
     officer of Seller or of any Subsidiary who has signed the Agreement, any
     Related Agreement or any certificate, document or instrument delivered
     pursuant to the Agreement or any Related Agreement;

               (d)  Good standing certificates for Seller and each of the
     relevant Subsidiaries from the Secretaries of State of their respective
     states of incorporation, dated as of a date not earlier than fifteen (15)
     business days prior to the relevant Closing Date;

               (e)  Copies of all third party and governmental consents, permits
     and authorizations that Seller or any Subsidiary has received in connection
     with the Agreement, the Related Agreements and the Transactions to occur at
     the relevant Scheduled Closing; and

               (f)  Certificates of non-foreign status in the form required by
     Section 1445 of the Code duly executed by Seller and the relevant

          Section 8.9  Licenses and Permits.  The Buyer shall have obtained any
     and all authorizations, approvals and consents in connection with acquiring
     Licenses that will permit it to operate the Facility after the
     relevant Scheduled Closing substantially as operated by the relevant
     Subsidiary immediately prior to the relevant Scheduled Closing.

          Section 8.10  Casualty; Condemnation.

               (a)  Casualty.  If any part of the Transferred Assets related to
     the Facility are damaged, lost or destroyed (whether by fire, theft,
     vandalism or other casualty) in whole or in part prior to the relevant
     Scheduled Closing, and the fair market value of such damage or destruction
     is less than thirty percent (30%) of the allocated portion of the Purchase
     Price for such Facility set forth in the Allocation Schedule, Seller shall,
     at its option, either (i) reduce the Purchase Price by the fair market
     value of the assets destroyed, such value to be determined as of the date
     immediately prior to such destruction or, as the case may be, by the
     estimated cost to restore damaged assets, (ii) provided that the proceeds
     are obtainable 


     without delay and are sufficient to fully restore the damaged assets, upon
     the relevant Scheduled Closing transfer the proceeds or the rights to the
     proceeds of applicable insurance to Buyer, and Buyer may restore the
     improvements, or (iii) repair or restore such damages or destroyed
     improvements. If any part of the Transferred Assets related to the Facility
     are damaged, lost or destroyed (whether by fire, theft, vandalism or other
     cause or casualty) in whole or in part prior to the relevant Scheduled
     Closing and the fair market value of such damages is greater than thirty
     percent (30%) of such allocated portion of the Purchase Price, Buyer may
     elect either to (i) require Seller upon the relevant Scheduled Closing to
     transfer the proceeds (or the right to the proceeds) of applicable
     insurance to Buyer and Buyer may restore the improvements, or (ii)
     terminate this Agreement with respect to the damaged assets or Facility
     only, with a reduction in the Purchase Price determined as follows. The
     reduction in Purchase Price shall be mutually determined by Buyer and
     Seller on the basis of the Allocation Schedule, or if the Buyer and Seller
     fail to agree, then such reduction shall be determined in accordance with
     Section 2.14.

               (b)  Condemnation.  From the date hereof until the relevant
     Scheduled Closing, in the event that any portion of the Transferred Assets
     related to the Facility becomes subject to or is threatened with any
     condemnation or eminent domain proceedings (except for an immaterial
     portion), then Buyer, at its sole option, may elect to terminate this
     Agreement with respect only to that part which is condemned or
     threatened to be condemned with a reduction in the Purchase Price
     determined as provided in Section 8.10(a).

          Section 8.11  Reasonable Assurances.  There shall not have been any
     actions taken by the United States government to indicate that it is
     reasonably likely that either the Unusual Proceedings or any proceeding,
     investigation, claim or lawsuit relating thereto, in each case relating to
     periods prior to the relevant Scheduled Closing, (a) shall be applied to or
     be expanded to include an assertion against Buyer or the applicable Buyer
     Subsidiaries with respect to their operation of the Facility after the
     relevant Scheduled Closing, or (b) would be the basis of any investigation
     or proceeding to exclude Buyer or the applicable Buyer Subsidiaries from
     participation in any government healthcare program with respect to the
     operations of the Facility after the relevant Scheduled Closing, or (c)
     would result in the Transferred Assets being subjected to forfeiture under
     18 U.S.C. (S)1961-1966 or otherwise.


          Section 8.12  Certain Events.  During the thirty (30) days preceding
     the date of the relevant Scheduled Closing, there shall not have occurred
     or be continuing (a) any  suspension of trading on the New York Stock
     Exchange or material governmental restrictions (not in force on the date
     hereof) on trading in securities generally, or (b) any banking moratorium
     declared by Federal, California or New York authorities, or (c) any
     material disruption of or any material adverse change in the financial,
     banking or capital markets, or (d) any outbreak or material escalation of
     hostilities affecting the United States of America or other calamity, panic
     or crisis, the effect of which on the financial markets of the United
     States in each case described in clauses (a), (b), (c) or (d) above, is
     that lending institutions have generally ceased providing funding for
     transactions of the size contemplated hereby, provided that the occurrence
     of such event shall operate only to delay the Scheduled Closing (and extend
     the Termination Date, if necessary) until the tenth day following the date
     upon which lending institutions generally have resumed providing funding
     for transactions of the size contemplated hereby and that such delay may
     not extend the original Termination Date for more than sixty (60) days,
     after which time there shall be deemed to be a failure of this condition.

                                   ARTICLE 9
                         SELLER'S CONDITIONS TO CLOSING

          The obligations of Seller to consummate the Transactions with respect
     to a Facility and the Transferred Assets and Assumed Liabilities related
     thereto shall be subject to the fulfillment at or prior to the relevant
     Scheduled Closing of the following conditions, unless Seller waives in
     writing such fulfillment:

          Section 9.1  Performance of Agreement.  Buyer shall have performed in
     all material respects its agreements and obligations contained in this
     Agreement required to be performed on or prior to the Scheduled Closing.

          Section 9.2  Accuracy of Representations and Warranties.  The
     representations and warranties of Buyer set forth in Article 4 of this
     Agreement shall be true in all material respects as of the date of this
     Agreement (unless the inaccuracy or inaccuracies which would otherwise
     result in a failure of this condition have been cured by the Scheduled
     Closing) and as of the Scheduled Closing as if made as of such time.


          Section 9.3  Officers' Certificate.  Seller shall have received from
     Buyer an officers' certificate, executed on Buyer's behalf by its chief
     executive officer, president, chief financial officer or treasurer (in his
     or her capacity as such) dated the Closing Date and stating that to the
     actual knowledge of such individual, the conditions in Sections 9.1 and 9.2
                                                            ------------     ---
     above have been met.

          Section 9.4  Consents.  The waiting period under the HSR Act shall
     have expired or been terminated, and, subject to the provisions of Section
     2.12, all Consents required for Seller to consummate the Transactions with
     respect to such Facility shall have been obtained, except that a Consent
     from a third party to the sale and assignment of a Transferred Asset, such
     as a Medicare or Medicaid provider agreement, or the assumption of an
     Assumed Liability with respect thereto, shall not constitute a condition to
     Seller's consummation of the Transactions with respect to such Facility if
     such sale, assignment or assumption may lawfully be made subject to a
     customary condition subsequent that the Consent be obtained from the third
     party based upon determinations of such third party, including without
     limitation needs surveys or evaluations of Buyer, to be completed after the
     Scheduled Closing, whether or not such third party indicates prior to the
     Scheduled Closing that any such Consent is likely or not likely to be

          Section 9.5  Absence of Injunctions.  There shall be no:

               (a) Injunction, restraining order or order of any nature issued
     by any court of competent jurisdiction or governmental agency which directs
     that the Transactions related to such Facility contemplated hereby shall
     not be consummated as herein provided;

               (b)  Suit, action or other proceeding by any governmental agency
     pending before any court, governmental agency or non-governmental, self-
     regulatory organization, or threatened (pursuant to a written
     notification), wherein such complainant seeks the restraint or prohibition
     of the consummation of the Transactions related to such Facility or asserts
     the illegality of the Transactions related to such Facility; or

               (c)  Action taken, or law enacted, promulgated or deemed
     applicable to the Transactions related to such Facility, by any
     governmental agency which would render consummation of such Transactions
     illegal or which would threaten the imposition of any penalty or material


     detriment upon Seller or the Subsidiaries if such Transactions were 

     provided that:
     -------- ---- 

               (i)  The parties will use their reasonable efforts to litigate
     against, or to obtain the lifting of, any such injunction, restraining or
     other order, restraint, prohibition, action, suit, law or penalty;

               (ii)  In the event that (A) the "First Closing" has occurred
     under the First Facilities Agreement, (B) there is such a pending or
     threatened suit, action, proceeding, injunction, restraining order or other
     order, made, sought, issued, initiated or obtained by a governmental agency
     in respect of Transactions contemplated to occur at the Final Closing under
     this Agreement, and (C) on or prior to the original Termination Date for
     such Final Closing, the parties and such agency have entered into a written
     agreement which would resolve such controversy but such agreement is
     subject to final agency approval that has not been obtained on or prior to
     the fifth business day before the original Termination Date for the Final
     Closing, then and in such events the original Termination Date for the
     Final Closing shall be extended to the fifth business day following such
     final agency approval if the date of such approval is within five (5)
     business days of the end of a month or the original Termination Date for
     the Final Closing shall be extended to the end of the month in which such
     approval is obtained if the date of such approval is not within five (5)
     business days of the end of a month, but in no event shall the original
     Termination Date for the Final Closing be extended for more than three (3)
     calendar months from the original Termination Date; and

               (iii)  Clauses (a) through (c) above notwithstanding, the effect
                              ---         ---                                  
     of any such event, action or suit shall be to exclude the affected Facility
     from the Scheduled Closing and, if such Facility is not transferred in a
     subsequent Closing, to adjust the Purchase Price pursuant to the Allocation

          Section 9.6  Opinion of Counsel.  Seller shall have received, on and
     as of the Closing Date, an opinion of King & Spalding, counsel to Buyer,
     substantially as to the matters set forth in Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4,
                                                  ------------  ---  ---  --- 
     and 4.5, subject to customary conditions and limitations.


          Section 9.7  Receipt of Other Documents.  Seller shall have received
     the following:

               (a)  Certified copies of the resolutions of Buyer's and each
     relevant Buyer Subsidiary's board of directors respecting this Agreement,
     the Related Agreements and the Transactions;

               (b)  Certified copies of Buyer's and each relevant Buyer
     Subsidiary's Charter Documents, together with a certificate of Buyer's and
     each Buyer Subsidiary's corporate secretary that none of such documents
     have been amended;

               (c)  One or more certificates as to the incumbency of each
     officer of Buyer who has signed the Agreement, any Related Agreement, or
     any certificate, document or instrument delivered pursuant to the Agreement
     or any Related Agreement;

               (d)  Good standing certificates for Buyer and for each relevant
     Buyer Subsidiary from the Secretaries of State of their respective states
     of incorporation, dated as of a date not earlier than fifteen (15) business
     days prior to the relevant Closing Date;

               (e)  Copies of all third party and governmental consents, permits
     and authorizations that Buyer has received in connection with the
     Agreement, the Related Agreements and the Transactions; and

               (f) A certificate of Buyer executed on its behalf by the Chief
     Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer of Buyer stating that to
     the best of their knowledge and belief, specifying in reasonable detail
     their basis for same, after giving effect to the Transactions, neither
     Buyer nor any relevant Buyer Subsidiary is insolvent or will be rendered
     insolvent by obligations incurred in connection therewith, or will be left
     with unreasonably small capital with which to engage in their businesses,
     or will have incurred obligations beyond their respective abilities to
     perform the same as and when due.

                                   ARTICLE 10

          Section 10.1  Termination.  Any Transactions contemplated hereby that
     have not been consummated may be terminated:


               (a)  At any time, by mutual written consent of Seller and Buyer;

               (b)  By either Buyer or Seller upon written notice to the other
     party, if (i) the relevant Scheduled Closing shall not have occurred by its
     Termination Date; or (ii)(A) in the case of termination by Seller, the
     conditions set forth in Section 2.13 and Article 9 for the relevant
                             ------------     ---------                 
     Scheduled Closing cannot reasonably be met by its Termination Date or
     Seller has terminated this Agreement pursuant to Section 6.4, and (B) in
     the case of termination by Buyer, the conditions set forth in Section 2.13
     and Article 8 for the relevant Scheduled Closing cannot reasonably be met
     by its Termination Date, unless in either of the cases described in clauses
     (A) or (B), the failure of the condition is the result of the material
     ---    ---                                                            
     breach of this Agreement by the party seeking to terminate.  The
     Termination Date for the First Closing shall be September 1, 1994, unless
     on or prior to such date there has been a "First Closing" under the First
     Facilities Agreement, in which case, the Termination Date for all Closings
     under this Agreement shall be September 30, 1994.  Each such date, or such
     later date as may be specifically provided for in this Agreement (including
     any date arising under the operation of Sections 8.5(c)(ii) and 9.5(c)(ii)
                                             -------------------     ----------
     hereof) or agreed upon by the parties, is herein referred to as the
     "Termination Date."

     Each party's right of termination hereunder is in addition to any other
     rights it may have hereunder or otherwise.

          Section 10.2  Effect of Termination.  If there has been a termination
     pursuant to Section 10.1 prior to the First Closing, then this Agreement
     shall be deemed terminated, and all further obligations of the parties
     hereunder shall terminate, except that the obligations set forth in
     Sections 5.5 and 5.6 and in Articles 11 and 12 shall survive.  In the event
     ------------     ---        -----------     --                             
     of termination of this Agreement as provided above, there shall be no
     liability on the part of a party to another under and by reason of this
     Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby except as set forth in
     Article 11 and except for intentionally fraudulent acts by a party, the
     remedies for which shall not be limited by the provisions of this
     Agreement.  In the event of a termination after the First Closing, then all
     further obligations of the parties respecting Transactions that have not
     been consummated shall terminate, except that the obligations set forth in
     Sections 5.5 and 5.6 and in Articles 11 and 12 shall survive, and there
     ------------     ---        -----------     --                         
     shall be no liability on the part of a party to another in respect of such
     unconsummated Transactions except as set forth in Article 11 and except for
     intentionally fraudulent acts by a party, 


     the remedies for which shall not be limited by this Agreement. The
     foregoing provisions shall not, however, limit or restrict the availability
     of specific performance or other injunctive or equitable relief to the
     extent that specific performance or such other relief would otherwise be
     available to a party hereunder.

                                   ARTICLE 11

          Section 11.1  Survival.  Except as may be otherwise expressly set
     forth in this Agreement, the representations, warranties, covenants and
     agreements of Buyer and Seller set forth in this Agreement, or in any
     writing required to be delivered in connection with this Agreement, shall
     survive the Scheduled Closings and the consummations of the Transactions.

          Section 11.2  Exclusive Remedy.  Absent intentional fraud or unless
     otherwise specifically provided herein, the sole exclusive remedy for
     damages of a party hereto for any breach of the representations, warran-
     ties, covenants and agreements of the other party contained in this
     Agreement and the Related Agreements shall be the remedies contained in
     this Article 11.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect to any
     matters associated with any of the Owned Real Properties or Leased Real
     Properties involving environmental contamination or noncompliance with any
     applicable Environmental Law, if the First Closing occurs, nothing in this
     Article 11 shall limit or restrict a party's rights or remedies against, or
     obligations to, another party or any third party arising under any
     Environmental Law, if such matter (a) was in existence on or prior to the
     relevant Scheduled Closing, (b) was not identified in the Environmental
     Survey or Schedule 3.16 (or an update thereto pursuant to Section 6.3), (c)
               -------------                                   -----------      
     was unknown to Seller or any Subsidiary as of the relevant Scheduled
     Closing, and (d) would not constitute a breach of Seller's warranties in
     Section 3.16.

          Section 11.3  Indemnity by Seller.

               (a)  Seller shall indemnify Buyer and the Buyer Subsidiaries and
     hold them harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, suits,
     loss, liability, damage and expense, including reasonable attorneys' fees
     and costs of investigation, litigation, settlement and judgment
     (collectively "Losses"), which they may sustain or suffer or to which they
     may become subject as a result of:


                    (i)  The inaccuracy of any representation or the breach of
          any warranty made by Seller herein or by Seller or a Subsidiary in a
          Related Agreement, provided, that any such inaccuracy or breach shall
          be determined without regard to any qualification of such
          representation or warranty relating to materiality or any Material
          Adverse Effect;

                    (ii)  The nonperformance or breach of any covenant or
          agreement made or undertaken by Seller in this Agreement or by Seller
          or a Subsidiary in a Related Agreement; and

                    (iii)  If a Scheduled Closing occurs, the failure of Seller
          or any Subsidiary to pay, discharge or perform as and when due, any of
          the Excluded Liabilities (including, without limitation, the Excluded
          Liabilities enumerated in Sections 2.4(c), (d), (e) and (g), and any
                                    ---------------  ---  ---     ---         
          Losses as a result of or in connection with the failure
          of Seller and the Subsidiaries to comply with any Bulk Sales Laws
          referred to in Section 7.1).

               (b)  The indemnification obligations of Seller provided above
     shall, in addition to the qualifications and conditions set forth in
     Sections 11.5 and 11.6, be subject to the following qualifications:
     -------------     ----                                             

                    (i)  Buyer and the Buyer Subsidiaries shall not be entitled
          to indemnity under Subsection (a)(i) above (except for claims arising
          under Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.7) unless:
                ------------  ---  ---     ---         

                         (A)  Written notice to Seller of such claim specifying
               the basis thereof is made, or an action at law or in equity with
               respect to such claim is served, before the second anniversary of
               the earlier to occur of the relevant Closing Date or the date on
               which this Agreement is terminated, as the case may be;

                         (B)  If a Scheduled Closing occurs, the Losses
               sustained or suffered by Buyer and the Buyer Subsidiaries or to
               which they may be subject as a result of circumstances described
               in such Subsection (a)(i) and in Section 11.3(a)(i) of the First
                       -----------------        ------------------             
               Facilities Agreement exceed, in the aggregate, the sum of Three
               Million Dollars ($3,000,000) (the "Trigger Amount"), in which
               case Buyer and the Buyer Subsidiaries 


               shall be entitled only to recover the amount by which such
               aggregate Losses exceed Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) (the
               "Deductible Amount"), provided, however, that individual claims
               ------------------    --------
               of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) or less shall not be aggregated
               for purposes of calculating either the Trigger Amount, the
               Deductible Amount or the excess of Losses over the Deductible

                         (C)  If a Scheduled Closing occurs, in no event shall
               Seller be liable to Buyer and the Buyer Subsidiaries under
               Subsection (a)(i) for Losses in the nature of consequential
               damages, lost profits, damage to reputation or the like, but such
               damages shall be limited to out-of-pocket Losses and diminution
               in value; and

                         (D)  If a Scheduled Closing occurs, in no event shall
               Seller be liable to Buyer and the Buyer Subsidiaries under
               Subsection (a)(i) of this Agreement and under Section 11(a)(i) of
               ----------------                              ---------------    
               the First Facilities Agreement for amounts which, in the
               aggregate, exceed the sum of (x) that portion of the Purchase
               Price paid pursuant to Section 2.5(a) of this Agreement and
               pursuant to Section 2.5(a) of the First Facilities Agreement for
               assets actually acquired and (y) the amount paid pursuant to the
               penultimate sentence of Section 2.5 of this Agreement and
               pursuant to the penultimate sentence of Section 2.5(a) of the
               First Facilities Agreement; provided that in the event Buyer and
               the Buyer Subsidiaries make claims in the aggregate for Losses
               with respect to a Facility that exceed seventy-five percent (75%)
               of the portion of the Purchase Price allocated to such Facility
               in the Allocation Schedule, then substantially concurrently with
               the making of such claim or claims, Buyer shall cause such
               Facility to be offered in writing for resale to Seller at a cash
               price equal to such allocated portion of the Purchase Price less
               amounts, if any, previously paid by Seller to Buyer with respect
               to Buyer's claims for Losses with respect to such Facility and on
               an "as is, where is" basis, in which case:

                         (1)  Seller shall have thirty (30) days to accept such
                    offer in writing;


                         (2)  If Seller accepts such offer, it shall have one
                    hundred fifty (150) days to close such transaction;

                         (3)  At the closing of such transaction, Buyer shall
                    cause all of the right, title and interest of its Affiliates
                    in such Facility and related assets to be conveyed to Seller
                    (or a designee of Seller) in the same condition of title as
                    the Facility and related assets were originally sold,
                    assigned, transferred and conveyed by Seller and the
                    Subsidiaries hereunder, and Seller (or such designee) shall
                    assume disclosed operating liabilities of the Facility of
                    the same types as the Assumed Liabilities provided that if
                    the dollar amount of such liabilities exceeds the dollar
                    amount of the Assumed Liabilities respecting such Facility
                    originally assumed by Buyer hereunder, then there shall be a
                    dollar-for-dollar reduction in the purchase price payable by
                    Seller (or its designee) to the extent of such excess; and

                         (4)  Simultaneous with such closing, Buyer and the
                    Buyer Subsidiaries shall release Seller from further
                    liability under Subsection (a)(i) for Losses with respect to
                    such Facility.

                    (ii)  If a Scheduled Closing occurs, Buyer and the Buyer
          Subsidiaries shall not be entitled to indemnity under Subsections
          (a)(ii)-(iii) above except for out-of-pocket Losses actually suffered
          or sustained by them or to which they may become subject as a result
          of circumstances described in such Subsections (a)(ii)-(iii), and such
          indemnity shall not include Losses in the nature of consequential
          damages, lost profits, diminution in value, damage to reputation or
          the like; except that the provisions of this clause (b)(ii) shall not
          apply to breaches of Sections 5.6 and 6.8, provided that the liability
                               ------------     ---  --------                   
          of Seller and the Subsidiaries for breaches of such Sections shall be
          subject to the provisions of Subsection (b)(i)(D) above and that the
          liability of Seller and the Subsidiaries for breaches of such Sections
          shall be aggregated with the liability of Seller under Subsection
          (a)(i) for purposes of Subsection (b)(i)(D).
          ------                 -------------------- 


                    (iii)  Seller shall have no liability for Losses arising
          from the breach of any warranty related to Net Book Values, including
          without limitation the warranties contained in Sections 3.17 and 3.18,
                                                         -------------     ---- 
          and no such Losses shall be applied against the Trigger Amount or the
          Deductible Amount or the excess of Losses over the Deductible Amount,
          it being agreed that the liability of the Seller with respect to Net
          Book Values, if any, shall be resolved in accordance with the
          provisions of Sections 2.6(a), (b) and (c).
                        ---------------  ---     --- 

          Section 11.4  Indemnity by Buyer.

               (a)  Buyer shall indemnify Seller and the Subsidiaries and hold
     Seller and the Subsidiaries harmless from and against any and all Losses
     which they may sustain or suffer or to which they may become subject as a
     result of:

               (i)  The inaccuracy of any representation or the breach of any
          warranty made by Buyer herein or by Buyer or a Buyer Subsidiary in a
          Related Agreement, provided that any such inaccuracy or breach shall
          be determined without regard to any  qualification of such
          representation or warranty relating to materiality or any Material
          Adverse Effect;

                    (ii)  The nonperformance or breach of any covenant or
          agreement made or undertaken by Buyer in this Agreement or by Buyer or
          a Buyer Subsidiary in a Related Agreement;

                    (iii)  If a Scheduled Closing occurs, the failure of Buyer
          to pay, discharge or perform as and when due, any of the Assumed
          Liabilities; and

                    (iv)  If a Scheduled Closing occurs, the ongoing operations
          of Buyer and the Transferred Assets after the relevant Closing Date,
          including but not limited to the continuation or performance by Buyer
          after the relevant Closing Date of any agreement or practice of the
          Seller or the Subsidiaries.

               (b)  The indemnification obligations of Buyer provided above
     shall, in addition to the qualifications and conditions set forth in
     Sections 11.5 and 11.6, be subject to the following qualifications:
     -------------     ----                                             


                    (i)  Seller and the Subsidiaries shall not be entitled to
          indemnity under Subsection (a)(i) above (except for claims under
          Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.7) unless:
          ------------  ---  ---     ---         

                         (A)  Written notice to Buyer of such claim specifying
               the basis thereof is made, or an action at law or in equity with
               respect to such claim is served, before the second anniversary of
               the earlier to occur of the relevant Closing Date or the date on
               which this Agreement is terminated, as the case may be;

                         (B)  If a Scheduled Closing occurs, the Losses
               sustained or suffered by Seller and the Subsidiaries or to which
               they may be subject as a result of circumstances described in
               such Subsection (a)(i) and in Section 11.4(a)(i) of the First
                    -----------------        ------------------             
               Facilities Agreement exceed, in the aggregate, the Trigger
               Amount, in which case Seller and the Subsidiaries shall be
               entitled only to recover the amount by which such Losses exceed,
               in the aggregate, the Deductible Amount, provided, however,
               that individual claims of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) or less
               shall not be aggregated for purposes of calculating either the
               Trigger Amount, the Deductible Amount or the excess of Losses
               over the Deductible Amount; and

                         (C)  If a Scheduled Closing occurs, in no event shall
               Buyer be liable to Seller and the Subsidiaries under Subsection
               (a)(i) for Losses in the nature of consequential damages, lost
               profits, damage to reputation or the like, but such damages shall
               be limited to out-of-pocket Losses and diminution in value.

                    (ii)  If a Scheduled Closing occurs, Seller and the
          Subsidiaries shall not be entitled to indemnity under Subsections
          (a)(ii)-(iv) above except for out-of-pocket Losses actually suffered
          or sustained by them or to which they may become subject as a result
          of circumstances described in such Subsections (a)(ii)-(iv), and such
          indemnity shall not include Losses in the nature of consequential
          damages, lost profits, diminution in value, damage to reputation or
          the like, except that the provisions of this clause (b)(ii) shall not
          apply to breaches of Sections 5.6 or 5.7.
                               ------------    --- 


          Section 11.5  Further Qualifications Respecting Indemnification.  The
     right of a party (an "Indemnitee") to indemnity hereunder shall be subject
     to the following additional qualifications:

               (a)  The Indemnitee shall promptly upon its discovery of facts or
     circumstances giving rise to a claim for indemnification, including receipt
     by it of notice of any demand, assertion, claim, action or proceeding,
     judicial, governmental or otherwise, by any third party (such third party
     actions being collectively referred to herein as "Third Party Claims"),
     give notice thereof to the indemnifying party (the "Indemnitor"), such
     notice in any event to be given within sixty (60) days from the date the
     Indemnitee obtains actual knowledge of the basis or alleged basis for the
     right of indemnity or such shorter period as may be necessary to avoid
     material prejudice to the Indemnitor; and

               (b)  In computing Losses, such amounts shall be computed net of
     any related recoveries to which the Indemnitee is entitled under insurance
     policies or other related payments received or receivable from third
     parties and net of any tax benefits actually received by the Indemnitee or
     for which it is eligible, taking into account the income tax treatment of
     the receipt of indemnification.

          Section 11.6  Procedures Respecting Third Party Claims.  In providing
     notice to the Indemnitor of any Third Party Claim (the "Claim Notice"), the
     Indemnitee shall provide the Indemnitor with a copy of such Third Party
     Claim or other documents received and shall otherwise make available to the
     Indemnitor all relevant information material to the defense of such claim
     and within the Indemnitee's possession.  The Indemnitor shall have the
     right, by notice given to the Indemnitee within fifteen (15) days after the
     date of the Claim Notice, to assume and control the defense of the Third
     Party Claim that is the subject of such Claim Notice, including the
     employment of counsel selected by the Indemnitor after consultation with
     the Indemnitee, and the Indemnitor shall pay all expenses of, and the
     Indemnitee shall cooperate fully with the Indemnitor in connection with,
     the conduct of such defense.  The Indemnitee shall have the right to employ
     separate counsel in any such proceeding and to participate in (but not
     control) the defense of such Third Party Claim, but the fees and expenses
     of such counsel shall be borne by the Indemnitee unless the Indemnitor
     shall agree otherwise; provided, however, if the named parties to any such
                            --------  -------                                  
     proceeding (including any impleaded parties) include both the Indemnitee
     and the Indemnitor, the Indemnitor requires that the same counsel represent


     both the Indemnitee and the Indemnitor, and representation of both parties
     by the same counsel would be inappropriate due to actual or potential
     differing interests between them, then the Indemnitee shall have the right
     to retain its own counsel at the cost and expense of the Indemnitor.  If
     the Indemnitor shall have failed to assume the defense of any Third Party
     Claim in accordance with the provisions of this Section, then the
     Indemnitee shall have the absolute right to control the defense of such
     Third Party Claim, and, if and when it is finally determined that the
     Indemnitee is entitled to indemnification from the Indemnitor hereunder,
     the fees and expenses of Indemnitee's counsel shall be borne by the
     Indemnitor, provided that the Indemnitor shall be entitled, at its expense,
     to participate in (but not control) such defense.  The Indemnitor shall
     have the right to settle or compromise any such Third Party Claim for which
     it is providing indemnity so long as such settlement does not impose any
     obligations on the Indemnitee (except with respect to providing releases of
     the third party). The Indemnitor shall not be liable for any settlement
     effected by the Indemnitee without the Indemnitor's consent except where
     the Indemnitee has assumed the defense because Indemnitor has failed or
     refused to do so. The Indemnitor may assume and control, or bear the costs,
     of any such defense subject to its reservation of a right to contest the
     Indemnitee's right to indemnification hereunder, provided that it gives the
     Indemnitee notice of such reservation within fifteen (15) days of the date
     of the Claim Notice.

                                   ARTICLE 12
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

          Section 12.1  Notices.  All notices, requests, demands, waivers,
     consents and other communications hereunder shall be in writing, shall be
     delivered either in person, by telegraphic, facsimile or other electronic
     means, by overnight air courier or by mail, and shall be deemed to have
     been duly given and to have become effective (a) upon receipt if delivered
     in person or by telegraphic, facsimile or other electronic means, (b) one
     business day after having been delivered to an air courier for overnight
     delivery or (c) three business days after having been deposited in the
     mails as certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, all fees
     prepaid, directed to the parties or their permitted assignees at the
     following addresses (or at such other address as shall be given in writing
     by a party hereto):

          If to Seller, addressed to:


               National Medical Enterprises
               2700 Colorado Avenue
               Santa Monica, CA 90404
               Attn:  Treasurer
               Facsimile:  (310) 998-6507

     with a copy to counsel for Seller:

               National Medical Enterprises
               2700 Colorado Avenue
               Santa Monica, CA 90404
               Attn:  General Counsel
               Facsimile:  (310) 998-6956


               Munger, Tolles & Olson
               355 South Grand Avenue
               35th Floor
               Los Angeles, CA 90071
               Attn: Robert L. Adler
               Facsimile: (213) 687-3702

     If to Buyer, addressed to:

               Charter Medical Corporation
               577 Mulberry St.
               Macon, GA 31298
               Attn:  Executive Vice President - Finance
               Facsimile:  (912) 751-2832

     with a copy to counsel for Buyer:

               King & Spalding
               191 Peachtree Street
               Atlanta, GA 30303-1763
               Attn:  Robert W. Miller
               Facsimile:  (404) 572-5144

          Section 12.2  Attorneys' Fees.  In any litigation or other proceeding
     relating to this Agreement, including litigation with respect to any


     Agreement (but excluding any proceedings under Sections 2.6(b),
     2.6(c) or 2.14), the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its
     ------    -----                                                       
     costs and reasonable attorneys' fees.

          Section 12.3  Successors and Assigns.  The rights under this Agreement
     shall not be assignable or transferable nor the duties delegable by either
     party without the prior written consent of the other; and nothing contained
     in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to confer upon any
     person or entity, other than the parties hereto and their permitted
     successors-in-interest and permitted assignees, any rights or remedies
     under or by reason of this Agreement unless so stated to the contrary.
     Notwithstanding the foregoing, (a) Buyer may grant to its lenders a
     security interest in its rights under this Agreement, and (b) subject to
     the terms and provisions of Section 5.7, Buyer may assign its rights under
     Section 5.7 to the entities and in the circumstances described in Section
     -----------                                                       -------

          Section 12.4  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in one or
     more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of
     which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

          Section 12.5  Captions and Paragraph Headings.  Captions and paragraph
     headings used herein are for convenience only and are not a part of this
     Agreement and shall not be used in construing it.

          Section 12.6  Entirety of Agreement; Amendments.  This Agreement
     (including the Schedules and Exhibits hereto), the other documents and
     instruments specifically provided for in this Agreement, and the First
     Facilities Agreement contain the entire understanding between the parties
     concerning the subject matter of this Agreement and such other documents
     and instruments and, except as expressly provided for herein, supersede all
     prior understandings and agreements, whether oral or written, between them
     with respect to the subject matter hereof and thereof.  There are no
     representations, warranties, agreements, arrangements or understandings,
     oral or written, between the parties hereto relating to the subject matter
     of this Agreement and such other documents and instruments which are not
     fully expressed herein or therein.  This Agreement may be amended or
     modified only by an agreement in writing signed by each of the parties
     hereto.  All Exhibits and Schedules attached to or delivered in connection
     with this Agreement are integral parts of this Agreement as if fully set
     forth herein.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this
     Agreement and the First Facilities Agreement shall, upon their execution,
     replace and


     substitute for that certain Asset Sale Agreement between the parties dated
     as of March 29, 1994 related to both the First Facilities and the
     Subsequent Facilities which shall be of no further force and effect, it
     being agreed that the effectiveness of this Agreement and of the First
     Facilities Agreement shall relate back from their actual date of execution
     to and including March 29, 1994. The representations and warranties of the
     parties made herein shall likewise be deemed to have been made as of March
     29, 1994.

          Section 12.7  Construction.  This Agreement and any documents or
     instruments delivered pursuant hereto shall be construed without regard to
     the identity of the person who drafted the various provisions of the same.
     Each and every provision of this Agreement and such other documents
     and instruments shall be construed as though the parties participated
     equally in the drafting of the same.  Consequently, the parties acknowledge
     and agree that any rule of construction that a document is to be construed
     against the drafting party shall not be applicable either to this Agreement
     or such other documents and instruments.

          Section 12.8  Waiver.  The failure of a party to insist, in any one or
     more instances, on performance of any of the terms, covenants and
     conditions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or
     relinquishment of any rights granted hereunder or of the future performance
     of any such term, covenant or condition, but the obligations of the parties
     with respect thereto shall continue in full force and effect.  No waiver of
     any provision or condition of this Agreement by a party shall be valid
     unless in writing signed by such party or operational by the terms of this
     Agreement.  A waiver by one party of the performance of any covenant,
     condition, representation or warranty of the other party shall not
     invalidate this Agreement, nor shall such waiver be construed as a waiver
     of any other covenant, condition, representation or warranty.  A waiver by
     any party of the time for performing any act shall not constitute a waiver
     of the time for performing any other act or the time for performing an
     identical act required to be performed at a later time.

          Section 12.9  Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed in all
     respects, including validity, interpretation and effect, by the laws of the
     State of California, without regard to the principles of conflicts of law
     thereof, provided that the validity, interpretation and effect of any
     instruments by which real property is conveyed at a Scheduled Closing shall
     be governed by the laws of the state in which such real property is
     located.  Any action arising under this Agreement shall be adjudicated (a)
     in Los 


     Angeles, California, if brought by Buyer or its Affiliates against
     Seller, any Subsidiary or their respective Affiliates, and (b) in
     [Atlanta], Georgia, if brought by Seller or its Affiliates against Buyer,
     any Buyer Subsidiary or their respective Affiliates, provided that any
     cross-claim or counterclaim shall also be adjudicated in the court in which
     the underlying action has been brought in accordance with this Section

          Section 12.10  Severability.  Whenever possible, each provision of
     this Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to be valid, binding
     and enforceable under applicable law, but if any provision of this
     Agreement is held to be invalid, void (or voidable) or unenforceable under
     applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective only to the extent held
     to be invalid, void (or voidable) or unenforceable, without affecting the
     remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this Agreement.

          Section 12.11  Consents Not Unreasonably Withheld.  Wherever the
     consent or approval of any party is required under this Agreement, such
     consent or approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, unless such consent
     or approval is to be given by such party at the sole or absolute discretion
     of such party or is otherwise similarly qualified.

          Section 12.12  Time Is of the Essence.  Time is hereby expressly made
     of the essence with respect to each and every term and provision of this
     Agreement.  The parties acknowledge that each will be relying upon the
     timely performance by the other of its obligations hereunder as a material
     inducement to each party's execution of this Agreement.


               IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Agreement
     on the date first above written.

                              CHARTER MEDICAL CORPORATION

                              By __________________________

                                    Name _______________________

                                    Title ______________________

                              NATIONAL MEDICAL ENTERPRISES,

                              By __________________________

                                    Name ____________________

                                    Title ___________________


                                   EXHIBIT A

                        BULK BILL OF SALE AND ASSIGNMENT
                               (General Closing)

               FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and sufficiency
     of which are hereby acknowledged, NATIONAL MEDICAL ENTERPRISES, INC., a
     Nevada corporation (the "Seller"), and each subsidiary of Seller set forth
     in Rider A hereto (individually a "Subsidiary" and collectively, the
     "Subsidiaries"), pursuant to, and subject to the terms, provisions and
     conditions of, that certain Asset Sale Agreement (Subsequent Facilities)
     dated ________________, 1994 (the "Agreement"), by and between Seller and
     CHARTER MEDICAL CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation (the "Buyer"), do
     hereby sell, convey, assign, transfer and deliver to Buyer, its successors
     and assigns, the Transferred Assets of Seller and the Subsidiaries
     described in the Agreement, except for those Transferred Assets sold,
     conveyed, assigned, transferred or delivered by Seller or a Subsidiary to
     Buyer or to a subsidiary of Buyer pursuant to separate instruments of sale,
     conveyance, assignment, transfer or delivery, including, without
     limitation, any Facility Specific Bill of Sale and Assignment, any deed, or
     any Assignment and Assumption of Real Property Lease.

               The sale, conveyance, assignment, transfer and delivery made
     hereunder is made without warranty of any kind, except as may be provided
     in the Agreement, including the warranty of merchantability or fitness for
     any purpose.

               Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the
     meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement.  This instrument is governed by
     and subject to all of the representations, warranties, covenants,
     indemnities and other terms and conditions of the Agreement.


               IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Seller and each Subsidiary have executed
     this Bulk Bill of Sale and Assignment this ___ day of _________, 1994,
     effective as of the date and time specified in the Agreement.

                              NATIONAL MEDICAL ENTERPRISES,
                                For Itself And As Attorney-In-Fact
                                For The Subsidiaries Listed In Rider A

                              By: ___________________________

                              Title: ________________________


                                    RIDER A
                        BULK BILL OF SALE AND ASSIGNMENT

                             (List of Subsidiaries)


                               FACILITY SPECIFIC
                          BILL OF SALE AND ASSIGNMENT

                               (Facility No. ___)

               FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and sufficiency
     of which are hereby acknowledged, NATIONAL MEDICAL ENTERPRISES, INC., a
     Nevada corporation (the "Seller"), and each subsidiary of Seller set forth
     in Rider A hereto (individually a "Subsidiary" and collectively, the
     "Subsidiaries"), pursuant to, and subject to the terms, provisions and
     conditions of, that certain Asset Sale Agreement (Subsequent Facilities)
     dated __________________, 1994 (the "Agreement"), by and between Seller and
     CHARTER MEDICAL CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation (the "Buyer"), do
     hereby sell, convey, assign, transfer and deliver to the subsidiary of
     Buyer identified in Rider A hereto (the "Buyer's Subsidiary"), its
     successors and assigns, the Transferred Assets of Seller and the
     Subsidiaries described in the Agreement that are related to the healthcare
     facilities identified in Rider A hereto (together with related outpatient
     or satellite clinics, if any, the "Facilities"), except for those
     Transferred Assets sold, conveyed, assigned, transferred or delivered by
     Seller or a Subsidiary to Buyer or to Buyer's Subsidiary pursuant to
     separate instruments of sale, conveyance, assignment, transfer or delivery,
     of even date herewith, including, without limitation, any deed, or any
     Assignment and Assumption of Real Property Lease.

               The sale, conveyance, assignment, transfer and delivery made
     hereunder is made without warranty of any kind, except as may be provided
     in the Agreement, including the warranty of merchantability or fitness for
     any purpose.

               Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the
     meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement.  This instrument is governed by
     and subject to all of the representations, warranties, covenants,
     indemnities and other terms and conditions of the Agreement.


               IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Seller and each Subsidiary have executed
     this Facility Specific Bill of Sale and Assignment this ___ day of
     _________, 1994, effective as of the date and time specified in the

                              NATIONAL MEDICAL ENTERPRISES,

                                For Itself And As Attorney-In-Fact
                                For The Subsidiaries Listed In Rider A

                              By: ___________________________

                              Title: ________________________


                                    RIDER A

     1.  Subsidiaries of Seller:



               NME Psychiatric Properties, Inc.

               NME Psychiatric Hospitals, Inc.

               NME Hospitals, Inc.

     2.  Facilities:


                    Related outpatient facilities:


     3.  Buyer's Subsidiary:



                                   EXHIBIT B

                                 PROPERTY LEASE

                               (Facility No. ___)


     "Assignment") is entered into as of _____________, 1994, by and between the
     undersigned assignor (the "Assignor") and the undersigned assignee (the
     "Assignee"), pursuant to that certain Asset Sale Agreement (Subsequent
     Facilities) dated __________, 1994 (the "Asset Sale Agreement"), by and
     between the parent corporation of the Assignor, National Medical
     Enterprises, Inc., a Nevada corporation (the "Assignor's Parent"), and the
     parent corporation of the Assignee, Charter Medical Corporation, a Delaware
     corporation (the "Assignee's Parent").


               WHEREAS, Assignor is the tenant under that certain real property
     lease described in Rider A attached hereto wherein Assignor leases that
     certain real property described in Rider B attached hereto (the "Real
     Property Lease"); and

               WHEREAS, Assignor desires to assign all of its right, title and
     interest under the Real Property Lease and Assignee desires to assume all
     of Assignor's obligations thereunder;

               NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:


               1.  Assignment of Lease.  Assignor hereby assigns unto Assignee
     all of the Assignor's right, title and interest in the Real Property Lease,
     including, without limitation, any rights to renew, terminate or extend the
     term of the Real Property Lease, and any rights of first refusal respecting
     and options to purchase the leased premises that are the subject of the
     Real Property Lease.

               2.  Assumption of Real Property Lease Obligations.  Assignee and
     Assignee's Parent, jointly and severally, do hereby assume all of the
     obligations of the Assignor under the Real Property Lease and all of the
     obligations of any guarantor of the Assignor's obligations under the Real
     Property Lease.

               3.  General Provisions.  Assignee and Assignee's Parent hereby
     confirm that Assignee has irrevocably appointed Assignee's Parent as its
     sole and exclusive representative, agent and attorney-in-fact with respect
     to all matters arising from or related to this Assignment.  Notices
     hereunder to the Assignor or the Assignor's Parent, or to the Assignee or
     the Assignee's Parent, as the case may be, shall be given to the Assignor's
     Parent or the Assignee's Parent, as the case may be, in accordance with the
     provisions of the Asset Sale Agreement.  The provisions of this Assignment
     shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of each party hereto, the
     Assignor's Parent, any guarantor of the Assignor's obligations under the
     Real Property Lease, the lessor under the Real Property Lease, and the
     respective predecessors, successors and permitted assigns of each of the
     foregoing.  Unless otherwise expressly provided by the Real Property Lease,
     nothing in this Assignment and Assumption shall relieve the Assignor of its
     obligations to the lessor under the Real Property Lease or any such
     guarantor of its obligations under any such guaranty.  This instrument is
     governed by and subject to all of the representations, warranties,
     covenants, indemnities and other terms and conditions of the Asset Sale


               IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Assignment
     as of the day and year first above written.



a _______________ corporation

By: __________________________

Title: _________________________

And By: ______________________

Title: _________________________


a ________________ corporation

By: _____________________________

Title: ___________________________

And By: _________________________

Title: ___________________________


By: _____________________________

Title: ___________________________

And By: ________________________

Title: ___________________________


                                )      ss.

               On ___________________, 1994, before me, the undersigned, a
     Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared,
     ____________________ and _____________________, proved to me on the basis
     of satisfactory evidence to be the persons whose names are subscribed to
     the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in
     their authorized capacities as ____________________ and _______________,
     respectively, of ___________________________________, a _____________
     corporation, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the entity
     upon behalf of which the persons acted, executed the instrument.

               WITNESS my hand and official seal.

                                              Notary Public

     (Notary Seal)

                                )      ss.

               On ___________________, 1994, before me, the undersigned, a
     Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared,
     ____________________ and _____________________, proved to me on the basis
     of satisfactory evidence to be the persons whose names are subscribed to
     the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in
     their authorized capacities as ____________________ and _______________,
     respectively, of ___________________________________, a _______________
     corporation, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the entity
     upon behalf of which the persons acted, executed the instrument.

               WITNESS my hand and official seal.

                                              Notary Public


     (Notary Seal)

     STATE OF CALIFORNIA           )
                                   )      ss.
     COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES         )

               On ___________________, 1994, before me, the undersigned, a
     Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared,
     ____________________ and _____________________, proved to me on the basis
     of satisfactory evidence to be the persons whose names are subscribed to
     the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in
     their authorized capacities as ____________________ and _______________,
     respectively, of Charter Medical Corporation, a Delaware corporation, and
     that by their signatures on the instrument, the entity upon behalf of which
     the persons acted, executed the instrument.

               WITNESS my hand and official seal.

                                              Notary Public

     (Notary Seal)


                                    RIDER A

                     (Description of Lease and Any Separate
                 First Refusal Rights and/or Purchase Options)



                                    RIDER B

                        (Description of Leased Premises)



                                   EXHIBIT C

                          GENERAL ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT

               FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and sufficiency
     of which are hereby acknowledged, and pursuant to, and subject to the
     terms, provisions and conditions of, that certain Asset Sale Agreement
     (Subsequent Facilities) dated ___________, 1994 (the "Agreement"), by and
     between NATIONAL MEDICAL ENTERPRISES, INC., a Nevada corporation (the
     "Seller") and CHARTER MEDICAL CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation (the
     "Buyer"), Buyer does hereby assume, and does hereby agree to pay, discharge
     and perform as and when due, the Assumed Liabilities described in the
     Agreement of Seller and of each subsidiary of Seller set forth in Rider A
     hereto (individually a "Subsidiary" and collectively, the "Subsidiaries"),
     except for those Assumed Liabilities assumed, jointly and severally, by
     Buyer and a subsidiary of Buyer pursuant to separate instruments of
     assumption, including, without limitation, any Facility Specific Assumption
     Agreement or any Assignment and Assumption of Real Property Lease executed
     by Buyer and/or any subsidiary of Buyer in favor of Seller and/or any of
     the Subsidiaries.

               Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the
     meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement.  This instrument is governed by
     and subject to all of the representations, warranties, covenants,
     indemnities and other terms and conditions of the Agreement.

               This Assumption Agreement is being delivered in favor of Seller
     and each of the Subsidiaries.


               IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Buyer has executed this Assumption Agreement
     this ___ day of ________, 1994, effective as of the date and time specified
     in the Agreement.

                                 CHARTER MEDICAL CORPORATION

                                 By: _____________________________

                              Title: ___________________________


                                    RIDER A
                          GENERAL ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT

                             (List of Subsidiaries)



                               (Facility No. ___)

               FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and sufficiency
     of which are hereby acknowledged, and pursuant to, and subject to the
     terms, provisions and conditions of, that certain Asset Sale Agreement
     (Subsequent Facilities) dated _____________, 1994 (the "Agreement"), by and
     between NATIONAL MEDICAL ENTERPRISES, INC., a Nevada corporation (the
     "Seller") and CHARTER MEDICAL CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation (the
     "Buyer"), Buyer and the subsidiary of Buyer identified in Rider A hereto
     (the "Buyer's Subsidiary"), jointly and severally, do hereby assume, and do
     hereby agree to pay, discharge and perform as and when due, the Assumed
     Liabilities described in the Agreement of Seller and of each subsidiary of
     Seller set forth in Rider A hereto (individually a "Subsidiary" and
     collectively, the "Subsidiaries") that are related to the healthcare
     facilities identified in Rider A hereto (together with related outpatient
     or satellite clinics, if any, the "Facilities"), except for those Assumed
     Liabilities assumed, jointly and severally, by Buyer and the Buyer's
     Subsidiary pursuant to separate instruments of assumption, of even date
     herewith, including, without limitation, Assignment and Assumption of Real
     Property Lease executed by Buyer and/or the Buyer's Subsidiary in favor of
     Seller and/or any of the Subsidiaries.

               Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the
     meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement.  This instrument is governed by
     and subject to all of the representations, warranties, covenants,
     indemnities and other terms and conditions of the Agreement.

               This Facility Specific Assumption Agreement is being delivered in
     favor of Seller and each of the Subsidiaries.


               IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Buyer and the Buyer's Subsidiary have
     executed this Facility Specific Assumption Agreement this ___ day of
     _________, 1994, effective as of the date and time specified in the



a _______________ corporation

By: __________________________

Title: ________________________


By: ______________________________

Title: _____________________________


                                    RIDER A

     1.  Subsidiaries of Seller:



               NME Psychiatric Properties, Inc.

               NME Psychiatric Hospitals, Inc.

               NME Hospitals, Inc.

     2.  Facilities:


                    Related outpatient facilities:


     3.  Buyer's Subsidiary:



                                   EXHIBIT D


     made and entered into as of the ___ day of _____________, 1994, by and
     between NATIONAL MEDICAL ENTERPRISES, INC., a Nevada corporation
     ("Seller"), and CHARTER MEDICAL CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation
     ("Buyer"), with reference to the following facts.

          A.  Buyer and Seller are parties to a Asset Sale Agreement (Subsequent
     Facilities) dated ___________, 1994 (the "Asset Sale Agreement"), pursuant
     to which Seller is causing certain of its wholly-owned subsidiaries (the
     "Subsidiaries") to sell, and Buyer and certain of its wholly-owned
     subsidiaries (the "Buyer Subsidiaries") are buying, certain mental health
     facilities (the "Facilities") and related assets (such Facilities and
     related assets being referred to as the "Transferred Assets") through which
     the Subsidiaries have provided mental health services to the public.

          B.  To assist in the orderly transition in the ownership of the
     Facilities following the purchases and sales contemplated by the Asset Sale
     Agreement (the "Transactions"), Seller has agreed to, or will cause its
     pertinent Affiliates (as such term is defined in the Asset Sale Agreement)
     to, permit the Facilities to participate in certain national purchasing
     contracts of Seller and its Affiliates (together, the "Seller Group") to
     the extent such Facilities have previously participated therein, all in
     accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

          NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and the
     agreements contained herein and in the Asset Sale Agreement, and for other
     good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are
     hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, do
     hereby agree as follows:

          Section 1  Participation In National Purchasing Contracts.  On the
     terms and subject to the conditions hereof, Seller hereby agrees to
     exercise its reasonable commercial efforts for the term set forth in
     Section 6.1 to permit Buyer and the Buyer Subsidiaries to participate to
     the extent they


     choose in the national purchasing contracts or programs of Seller and its
     Affiliates set forth in Rider A hereto (as modified from time to time, the
     "National Contracts") on substantially the same basis as members of the
     Seller Group participate in such National Contracts, provided that such
     participation shall be solely for the purpose of supporting and shall be
     limited to the operations of the Facilities.

          Section 2  Primary Negotiating Party.  Buyer agrees that Seller or
     pertinent members of the Seller Group shall remain the primary negotiating
     party (the "Primary Negotiating Party") with respect to dealing with third
     parties under all such National Contracts, and Buyer agrees that without
     the prior written consent of Seller or the pertinent member of the Seller
     Group (which consent shall be in the absolute discretion of Seller or such
     pertinent member of the Seller Group), neither Buyer nor any Affiliate of
     Buyer (the "Buyer Group") shall initiate any discussions or engage in any
     dealings with third parties with respect to matters arising under or
     related to such National Contracts.  Seller agrees to cause the Primary
     Negotiating Party to consider the unique needs of the Facilities when
     negotiating terms, provisions and purchasing arrangements under such
     National Contracts, but the Primary Negotiating Party shall be under no
     obligation to expend any efforts, reasonable or otherwise, to address such
     needs if to do so would cause any economic detriment to any member of the
     Seller Group.

          Section 3  Fees and Charges.  In consideration for participation in
     the National Contracts, Buyer agrees as follows:

               3.1  Buyer shall pay Seller a monthly participation fee (the
     "Participation Fee") as set forth in Rider B hereto.  Such Participation
     Fee shall be payable on the first day of each month during the term of this
     Agreement, pro-rated for partial periods.

               3.2  In the event that, pursuant to arrangements applicable to a
     particular purchase or purchases under a National Contract, a member of the
     Buyer Group becomes directly obligated to third parties for the Cost of
     goods and services provided to such member of the Buyer Group, then such
     member of the Buyer Group shall promptly pay to such third parties the
     Costs billed to such member of the Buyer Group upon presentation to it of
     reasonably detailed invoices therefor, such payments to be made in
     accordance with the terms and tenor of such invoices.


               3.3  Buyer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Seller
     and each member of the Seller Group from and against any and all loss,
     liability, damage and expense, including reasonable attorneys' fees and
     costs of investigation, litigation, settlement and judgment, which Seller
     and each member of the Seller Group may sustain or suffer or to which they
     may become subject as a result of any failure of any member of the Buyer
     Group to comply with the foregoing provisions of this Section 3.

          Section 4  Disclaimer of Warranties.  Seller agrees to use reasonable
     efforts to permit members of the Buyer Group to participate in the National
     Contracts to the extent set forth in Section 1, but no member of the Seller
     Group shall be liable to any member of the Buyer Group for any loss, damage
     or expense which may result from such participation, for negligent
     performance by any member of the Seller Group in connection with such
     participation, or for any changes in the terms, manner, method or mode by
     which goods and services are procured under the National Contracts.
     Neither Seller nor any member of the Seller Group makes any warranty,
     express or implied, to Buyer or any member of the Buyer Group respecting
     goods and services supplied under a National Contract or this Agreement,
     including without limitation warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
     particular purpose, and as between members of the Seller Group and members
     of the Buyer Group, goods and services shall be provided and accepted "AS
     IS" and "WITH ALL FAULTS."  Without limiting the generality of the
     foregoing, Seller agrees to exercise reasonable efforts, and to cause
     members of the Seller Group to exercise reasonable efforts, to pass through
     to pertinent members of the Buyer Group the benefit of any warranties
     provided by third parties, to the extent permitted by the warranties in
     question, with respect to goods and services supplied by such third parties
     to such members of the Buyer Group, provided that such reasonable efforts
     shall not include the initiation of any legal proceedings and provided
     further that Buyer shall, or shall cause the pertinent member or members of
     the Buyer Group to, reimburse Seller and each member of the Seller Group
     for any expenses incurred by them in connection with passing through the
     benefit of any such warranty or warranties.

          Section 5  Limitation on Obligations of Seller Group.  The parties
     agree that the sole obligation of Seller and members of the Seller Group
     under this Agreement is to exercise reasonable efforts to permit, subject
     to the terms hereof and the terms of the National Contracts, members of the
     Buyer Group to participate in the National Contracts.  Nothing herein shall
     obligate any member of the Seller Group to enforce any rights of any


     member of the Buyer Group arising under any National Contract or with
     respect to any third party.  Absent fraud or conversion, and
     notwithstanding the form in which any claim or action may be brought or
     asserted, the liability of members of the Seller Group for acts or
     omissions arising from or relating to the performance of this Agreement
     shall be limited to repayment, as general damages, of the Participation Fee
     paid by Buyer for the month or months in which such acts or omissions
     occurred, and no member of the Seller Group shall, under any circumstances,
     have any other financial liability hereunder to members of the Buyer Group
     whatsoever.  Buyer agrees, and shall cause each participating member of the
     Buyer Group to agree, that the provisions of this Section 5 limiting their
     remedies and liquidating their damages are reasonable in the circumstances
     existing on the date of this Agreement.

          Section 6  Term and Termination.

               6.1  This Agreement is effective on the date first written above,
     and shall remain in effect for the term set forth herein unless sooner
     terminated in accordance with the provisions hereof.  The initial term of
     this Agreement shall be for a period of ___________ (   ) days from the
     date first written above.  The term of this Agreement may be extended by
     mutual agreement of the parties, provided that such mutual agreement shall
     be evidenced by a duly executed amendment to this Agreement.

               6.2  Buyer may terminate this Agreement upon written notice if
     Seller or any member of the Seller Group commits any material breach of
     this Agreement, and fails to cure the breach within thirty (30) days after
     written notice or, if the breach cannot be cured within thirty (30) days,
     fails to commence diligent efforts to cure the breach within that period.

               6.3  Seller may terminate the participation of Buyer or any
     member of the Buyer Group with respect to any National Contract in
     accordance with Section 7.2.  In addition, Seller may terminate this
     Agreement upon written notice to Buyer if Buyer or any member of the Buyer
     Group (i) fails to pay any amount when due hereunder, or (ii) commits any
     material breach of this Agreement and, if such breach is other than a
     failure to pay any amount when due hereunder, fails to cure the breach
     within thirty (30) days after written notice or, if the breach cannot be
     cured within thirty (30) days, fails to commence diligent efforts to cure
     the breach within that period.


               6.4  Buyer may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause,
     upon forty-five (45) days' written notice.

               6.5  Seller may terminate this Agreement if Buyer or any Buyer
     Subsidiary becomes insolvent or admits in writing its insolvency or
     inability to pay its debts as they become due; is unable or does not pay
     its debts as they become due; makes or proposes an assignment for the
     benefit of creditors; convenes or proposes to convene a meeting of its
     creditors or any class thereof, for purposes of effecting a moratorium upon
     or extension or composition of its debts; proposes any such moratorium,
     extension or composition; or commences or has filed against it any
     bankruptcy, reorganization, liquidation or insolvency proceeding under any
     law in any jurisdiction for the relief of debtors; or if any receiver,
     trustee, liquidator or custodian is appointed to take possession of any
     substantial portion of its assets.

               6.6  Termination of this Agreement in whole or in part, for
     cause, shall be without prejudice to any other remedy otherwise available
     to the innocent party.

          Section 7  General Provisions.

               7.1  Force Majeure.  If any party's performance is prevented,
     hindered or delayed by reason of any cause(s) beyond such party's
     reasonable control ("Force Majeure") which cannot be overcome by reasonable
     diligence, including without limitation, war, labor disputes, civil
     disorders, governmental acts, epidemics, quarantines, embargoes, fires,
     earthquakes, storms, power failures, equipment failures, transmission
     failures, or acts of God, such party shall be excused from performance to
     the extent that it is prevented, hindered or delayed thereby, during the
     continuance of such cause(s); and such party's obligations hereunder shall
     be excused so long as and to the extent that such cause(s) prevent or delay

               7.2  Requirements of Third Parties.  Notwithstanding any other
     provision hereof, Buyer acknowledges and agrees that members of the Buyer
     Group shall not be entitled to participate in one or more National
     Contracts to the extent that to do so would violate the contractual
     arrangements that may exist from time to time between members of the Seller
     Group and third party suppliers and vendors or to the extent that such
     participation is unacceptable to any such third party supplier or vendor,


     that the continued participation of any member of the Buyer Group in one or
     more National Contracts may be terminated immediately upon written notice
     to Buyer in such event.

               7.3  Entirety of Agreement; Amendments.  This Agreement
     (including the Riders hereto), the Asset Sale Agreement (including the
     Schedules and Exhibits thereto), and the other documents and instruments
     specifically provided for herein and therein contain the entire
     understanding between the parties concerning the subject matter of this
     Agreement and such other documents and instruments and, except as expressly
     provided for herein or therein, supersede all prior understandings and
     agreements, whether oral or written, between them with respect to the
     subject matter hereof and thereof.  The are no representations, warranties,
     agreements, arrangements or understandings, oral or written, between the
     parties hereto relating to the subject matters of this Agreement and such
     other documents and instruments which are not fully expressed herein or
     therein.  This Agreement may be amended or modified only by an agreement in
     writing signed by each of the parties hereto.

               7.4  Incorporation of Provisions of Asset Sale Agreement.  The
     following provisions of the Asset Sale Agreement are incorporated herein by
     reference mutatis mutandis:  Sections 2.16, 12.1 through 12.5, and 12.7
                                  -------------  ----         ----      ----
     through 12.12.


               IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Agreement
     on the date first above written.

                              CHARTER MEDICAL CORPORATION
                                    For Itself and as Duly
                                    Authorized Agent and
                                    Attorney-In-Fact for each
                                    Buyer Subsidiary

                              By __________________________
                                    Name _______________________
                                    Title ______________________

                              NATIONAL MEDICAL ENTERPRISES,

                              By __________________________

                                    Name ____________________
                                    Title ___________________


                                    RIDER A

            [List of National Purchasing Contracts Attached Hereto]


                                    RIDER B

                          (Participation Fee To Come)


                                   EXHIBIT E

                              REMAINING SCHEDULES

