EXHIBIT (10)(u)
                               Support Agreement

                               SUPPORT AGREEMENT

This SUPPORT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into as of this 27th day of 
Sept, 1994, by Robert L. McKay ("McKay") with and for the benefit of California
Commercial Bankshares, a California corporation ("CCB"), with reference to the
following facts:

A.      McKay is a leading shareholder of CCB;

B.      CCB entered into a Restated Credit Agreement, dated as of December 21, 
        1988 with Security Pacific National Bank which has merged with Bank of
        America National Trust and Savings Association ("BofA"), and such
        Restated Credit Agreement has been amended from time to time (as
        amended, "Credit Agreement"), and;

C.      McKay enters into this Agreement to induce BofA to grant additional 
        waivers and restructure the Credit Agreement as outlined below:

        1)      Waive all financial covenants as it relates to the Credit 

        2)      Principal in the amount of Two Million Three Hundred Fifty-One 
                Thousand United States Dollars (U.S. $2,351,000) shall be due in
                full on January 1, 1997 which may be extended at the sole
                discretion of BofA. Interest shall continue to be due and
                payable on a monthly basis. Fees and other costs and expenses
                shall continue to be due and payable on demand.

        3)      Payment in full will be required if CCB fails to make any 
                interest payments within ten business days of the monthly due
                date. Further, fees and other costs and expenses must be paid
                within thirty business days or payment in full under this
                Agreement will be required.

Now, Therefore: McKay hereby agrees as follows:

1.      For the benefit of CCB, McKay unconditionally promises to pay BofA on 
        demand in whatever form BofA deems appropriate, any and all amounts due
        or which may become due to BofA under the Credit Agreement. BofA shall
        give McKay thirty days notice of its intent to require payment under
        this Support Agreement. All notices hereunder are effective upon
        delivery or, if mailed, upon the third business day after the date
        deposited into the U.S. Mail.

2.      The liability of McKay under this Agreement shall not exceed at any time
        the total of Two Million Three Hundred Fifty-One Thousand United States
        Dollars (U.S. $2,351,000) for the principal amount of the indebtedness
        and all interest, fees and other costs and expenses related to the

3.      The obligations hereunder are unconditional and remain in effect until 
        repayment in full has been made of all obligations under the Credit
        Agreement. McKay's obligation to BofA is independent and separate of any
        rights, claims or counterclaims between McKay and CCB. As such, BofA can
        sue McKay without suing CCB or otherwise proceeding against CCB.

4.      McKay authorizes BofA to do the following without notice or approval: 
        extend additional credit to CCB; change the interest rate; amend
        repayment terms or otherwise change any terms of the Credit Agreement or
        any other terms relating to the debt; apply amounts received from anyone
        other than McKay to any part of the debt; assign or sell any portion of
        the underlying debt and this Agreement and/or receive, release, and/or
        foreclose on collateral. McKay will remain liable to BofA for any part
        of the debt remaining unpaid after any foreclosure but not to exceed the
        amount specified in paragraph 2.

5.      McKay agrees that any amounts CCB owes McKay now or in the future are 
        subordinated to CCB's debt to BofA excluding a monthly director's fee of
        up to $2,500.00 per month. McKay agrees that McKay does not have any:

        a)      right of subrogation, reimbursement, indemnification or 
                contribution arising from the existence or performance of this
                Agreement. This includes any such rights arising from contract,
                statutory law or otherwise, and includes any claim of
                subrogation under the Bankruptcy Code (Title 11 of the U.S.
                Code) or any successor statute;

        b)      right to enforce a remedy which BofA now has or may later have 
                against CCB;


Support Agreement
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        c)      right to participate in security now or later held by BofA; or

        d)      right to any defense based on a claim that the obligations under
                this Agreement are more burdensome or are in excess of CCB's
                debt to BofA.

 6.     McKay is solely responsible for obtaining financial information from CCB
        that McKay may require. BofA is under no obligation to provide any
        information as it relates to CCB or the Credit Agreement to McKay.
        Further, BofA is not required to investigate the powers of anyone acting
        on behalf of CCB.

 7.     If CCB defaults, or if any of McKay's obligations to BofA are not 
        fulfilled, BofA may use any money or proceeds of McKay's which are in
        BofA's possession to reduce the debt. As such, to secure the obligations
        of McKay under this Agreement, McKay assigns and grants to BofA a
        security interest in all of McKay's money, securities, deposits accounts
        and their proceeds, and any other property maintained in the possession
        of BofA. BofA may also foreclose on any other collateral as provided in
        the Uniform Commercial Code and in any security agreements between BofA
        and McKay.

 8.     Without notice, BofA may assign this Agreement, in whole or part to a
        third party. Financial information may be exchanged about McKay in
        connection with any assignment or purchase transaction.

 9.     McKay agrees to pay all attorney's fees, including the allocated costs 
        of BofA's in-house counsel and all other costs and expenses which may be
        incurred by BofA in the enforcement of this Agreement.

10.     McKay expressly agrees that recourse may be had against McKay's separate
        property for all obligations under this Agreement. McKay also agrees to
        provide BofA with year-end annual financial statements and tax returns.

11.     This Agreement shall be governed by and construed according to the laws 
        of the State of California, to the jurisdiction of which the parties
        hereto submit.

Executed this  27  day of  Sept   , 1994
              ----        -------

Witnessed by:

Witness Signature:      /s/ Mark H. Stuenkel
Typed Name of Witness:      Mark H. Stuenkel
Address of Witness:         4100 Newport Place
                            Newport Beach, CA  92660
Robert L. McKay's Signature:    /s/ Robert L. McKay
Robert L. McKay's Address:      11551 Plantero Drive
                                Santa Ana, CA 92705

Address for notices to BofA:

        Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association
        Domestic Financial Institutions Group #8148
        555 South Flower Street, 9th Floor
        Los Angeles, CA 90071
        Attention: Haddon B. Libby, Vice President

Address for notices to McKay:

        Robert L. McKay
        11551 Plantero Drive
        Santa Ana, CA 92705