WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-Q



     For the quarterly period ended July 2, 1995


     For the transition period from _____ to _____

                        Commission File Number:  0-15930

                           SOUTHWALL TECHNOLOGIES INC.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

             DELAWARE                                  94-2551470
- -------------------------------------------      --------------------------
  (State or other jurisdiction of                   (I.R.S. Employer
   incorporation or organization)                 Identification Number)

 1029 Corporation Way, Palo Alto, California                94303
 -------------------------------------------     --------------------------
 (Address of principal executive offices)                (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (415) 962-9111

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

            Yes  X          No
                -----          -----         

As of July 2, 1995 there were 5,898,031 shares of the Registrant's Common Stock

This report, including all attachments, contains 13 pages.


                          SOUTHWALL TECHNOLOGIES INC.

                                                                  Page Number
                         PART 1  FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1    Financial Statements:

          Consolidated Balance Sheet - July 2, 1995
          and December 31, 1994......................................    3

          Consolidated Statement of Operations -
          three month and six month periods ended
          July 2, 1995 and July 3, 1994..............................    4

          Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows -
          six months ended July 2, 1995
          and July 3, 1994...........................................    5

          Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Equity -
          six months ended July 2, 1995..............................    6

          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.................    7

Item 2    Management's Discussion and Analysis
          of Financial Condition and Results of Operations...........    7

                           PART II  OTHER INFORMATION
Item 1    Legal Proceedings...........................................  10
Item 2    Changes in Securities.......................................  10
Item 3    Defaults Upon Senior Securities.............................  10
Item 4    Submission of Matters to a Vote of Stockholders.............  10
Item 5    Other Information...........................................  11
Item 6    Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K............................  11

               Signatures.............................................  13


                          PART I FINANCIAL INFORMATION
                          SOUTHWALL TECHNOLOGIES INC.
Item 1 Financial Statements
- ---------------------------
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                     (in thousands, except per share data)

                                                  July 2, 1995   December 31, 1994
                                                  ------------   -----------------

Current assets:
 Cash and cash equivalents                             $   910             $ 1,144
 Short-term investments                                  1,983               4,051
 Trade accounts receivable, net of allowance
  for doubtful accounts of $542 and $528                 5,075               3,720
 Inventories                                             6,114               3,907
 Other current assets                                    1,166                 717
                                                       -------             -------

   Total current assets                                 15,248              13,539

Property and equipment, net                             15,807              15,994
Other assets                                             1,873               1,839
                                                       -------             -------

   Total Assets                                        $32,928             $31,372
                                                       =======             =======


Current liabilities:
 Accounts payable                                      $ 3,149             $ 2,419
 Accrued compensation                                    1,355               1,293
 Other accrued liabilities                               2,063               1,643
 Current portion of long-term debt                         109                  82
                                                       -------             -------

   Total current liabilities                             6,676               5,437

Long-term debt                                           2,901               2,650
Deferred income taxes                                      297                 297
                                                       -------             -------

   Total liabilities                                     9,874               8,384
                                                       -------             -------
Commitments and contingencies

Stockholders' equity:
   Common stock, $.001 par value,
    20,000 shares authorized:
    Issued and outstanding: 6,917 and 6,917                  7                   7
   Capital in excess of par value                       47,197              47,273
   Accumulated deficit                                 (20,037)            (19,972)
   Less cost of treasury stock of 1,019 and 1,070       (4,113)             (4,320)

   Total stockholders' equity                           23,054              22,988
                                                      --------             -------
                     Total Liabilities and
                     Stockholders' Equity             $ 32,928            $ 31,372
                                                      ========            ========

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


                          SOUTHWALL TECHNOLOGIES INC.
                     (in thousands, except per share data)

                                      Three Months Ended    Six Months Ended
                                      ------------------    ----------------
                                       July 2,   July 3,    July 2,   July 3,
                                         1995      1994       1995      1994
                                       ------    ------    ------     -------
Net product sales                      $8,154    $5,085    $14,845    $ 9,506
License revenues                          117       220        127        278
                                       ------    ------    -------    -------
Net revenues                            8,271     5,305     14,972    $ 9,784
                                       ------    ------    -------    -------
Costs and expenses:
Cost of product sales                   5,593     3,505     10,195      6,948
Research and development                  536       496      1,161      1,026
Selling, general and
 administrative                         1,767     1,313      3,611      2,485
                                       ------    ------    -------    -------
  Total costs and expenses              7,896     5,314     14,967     10,459
                                       ------    ------    -------    -------
Income (loss) from operations             375        (9)         5       (675)
Interest income
  (expense) net                           (70)       46        (70)       120
                                        ------    ------   -------    -------
Income (loss) before income taxes         305        37        (65)      (555)
Provision for income taxes                  0         0          0          1
                                       ------    ------    -------    -------
Net income (loss)                      $  305    $   37    $   (65)   $  (556)
                                       ======    ======    =======    =======
Net income (loss) per share              $.05      $.01    $  (.01)    $ (.09)
                                       ======    ======    =======    =======
Weighted average shares
 of common stock and dilutive
 common stock equivalents               6,273     6,536      5,851      5,798
                                       ======    ======    =======    =======

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


                          SOUTHWALL TECHNOLOGIES INC.
                                 (in thousands)

                                                                Six Months Ended
                                                           July 2, 1995      July 3, 1994
                                                         -----------------   -------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net income(loss)                                               $   (65)         $ (556)
   Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to
    net cash provided by (used in) operating
   Depreciation and amortization                                    1,010           1,032
     Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable                    (1,355)           (775)
     Decrease (increase) in inventories                            (2,207)           (415)
   Decrease (increase) in other current assets                       (449)            (69)
     (Decrease) increase in accounts payable
      and accrued liabilities                                       1,322             614
                                                                  -------          ------
Cash provided by (used in) operating
 activities                                                        (1,744)           (169)
                                                                  -------          ------
Cash flows from investing activities:
     Decrease (increase) in short-term investments                  2,068             908
     Expenditures for property and equipment
      and other assets                                               (857)           (573)
                                                                  -------          ------
Net cash provided by (used in) investing
 activities                                                         1,211             335
                                                                  -------          ------
Cash flows from financing activities:
     Proceeds from issuance of stock                                    0               0
     Increase(decrease) in long-term debt                             278             (84)
     Purchase of treasury stock                                         0             (73)
                                                                  -------          ------
     Other changes in paid in capital                                  21               0
                                                                  -------          ------
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                   299            (157)
                                                                  -------          ------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and
 cash equivalents                                                    (234)              9
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year                        1,144           1,340
                                                                  -------          ------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                          $   910          $1,349
                                                                  =======          ======
Supplemental disclosure of non-cash investing
 and financing activities:
   Treasury stock used for payment of
    Monsanto interest                                             $   110          $    0

See accompanying notes to financial statements.



                         Six Months Ended July 2, 1995
                                 (in thousands)

                                                       Capital in                                        Total
                                 Common Stock           excess of     Accumulated     Treasury        Stockholders'
                               Shares      Amount       par value       Deficit         Stock            Equity
                               ------      ------      -----------    -----------     ----------      ---------------
Balance: December 31, 1994      6,917          $7         $47,273       ($19,972)        ($4,320)            $22,988

Exercise of options                                           (45)                            45                   0
Employee Stock Purchase Plan                                  (16)                            37                  21
Monsanto Interest                                             (15)                           125                 110

Net (loss)                                                                   (65)                                (65)
                                -----         ---         -------       --------         -------             -------

Balance: July 2, 1995           6,917          $7         $47,197       ($20,037)        ($4,113)            $23,054
                                =====         ===         =======       ========         =======             =======

* Indicates amounts less than $.5

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


                          SOUTHWALL TECHNOLOGIES INC.

(dollars in thousands)

Note 1 - Interim Period Reporting:
- --------------------------------- 

While the information presented in the accompanying condensed financial
statements is unaudited, it includes all adjustments (consisting only of normal
recurring adjustments) which, in the opinion of management, are necessary to
present fairly the Company's financial position and results of operations, and
changes in financial position as of the dates and for the periods indicated.

Certain information and footnote disclosures normally contained in financial
statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
have been condensed or omitted.  It is suggested that these condensed financial
statements be read in conjunction with the financial statements contained in the
Company's Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994. The results of
operations for the interim periods presented are not necessarily indicative of
the operating results of the full year.

Note 2 - Inventories:
- -------------------- 

Inventories are stated at the lower of cost (determined by the first-in, first-
out method) or market.  Inventories at July 2, 1995 and December 31, 1994,
consisted of the following:

                        July  2, 1995   December 31, 1994
                        -------------   -----------------
  Raw materials                $2,454              $1,299
  Work-in-progress              1,174                 440
  Finished goods                2,486               2,168
                               ------              ------
  TOTAL                        $6,114              $3,907
                               ======              ======

Item 2 - Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Results of Operations

Six Months Ended July 2, 1995 and July 3, 1994
- ----------------------------------------------

Effective September 1, 1994, the Company commenced leasing all the assets
formerly owned by Safety Glass, Inc., dba Armour Worldwide Glass, located in
Southern California, under a five year operating lease for $40 per month.  A
wholly-owned subsidiary, Southwall Worldwide Glass Inc. ("SWGI"), was created to
operate the facility and to manufacture the Company's proprietary California
SeriesTM solar control laminated glass, as well as bullet resistant, security,
custom and standard laminated glass products.


Effective October 31, 1994, the Company acquired Sunflex L.P. ("Sunflex") for
$500, which will only be paid from Sunflex's operating income, if any, over the
next four years.  Sunflex assembles and markets aftermarket mesh, glass and film
anti-reflective filters primarily for personal computer monitors.

The consolidated financial statements for 1995 include the results of operations
of SWGI and Sunflex.

The Company's net product sales were $14.8 million for the first six months of
1995 compared to $9.5 million for the similar period of 1994.  Of this increase,
which was primarily volume related, approximately $1.6 million was from the new
operations discussed above.  In addition, net product sales of energy
conservation products increased by approximately $3.1 million, and net product
sales of electronics products, including sales of the Company's new anti-
reflective film product for computer monitors, increased by approximately $.8
million, offsetting a decrease of approximately $.1 million in aerospace product

Cost of product sales for the first half of 1995 was 69% of product sales
compared to 73% for the same period of 1994.  The percentage decrease was
primarily due to increased sales volume and the related improvement in
manufacturing efficiencies.  However, the Company continues to underutilize

Research and development expenses, as a percent of product sales, were 8% for
the first half of 1995, compared to 11% for the same period in 1994.  The
decrease is primarily attributable to an increased volume of product sales.

Selling, general and administrative expense, as a percent of net product sales,
decreased to 24% in the first half of 1995, from 26% for the similar period in
1994 due to increased sales volume.  The increase from $2.5 million in 1994 to
$3.6 million in 1995, is attributable to the new operations discussed above, and
increased sales and marketing expenses associated with the introduction of new
products and expansion into the Pacific Rim.

Interest income, net, decreased in 1995 compared to 1994 due primarily to a
decrease in monies invested.

As a result of the factors discussed above, the Company reported a pre-tax loss
of ($.1) million for the first half of 1995, compared to a pre-tax loss of ($.6)
for the similar period in 1994.

The Company believes that it must continue to increase revenues to achieve
profitability.  Although the Company is seeking to expand existing applications,
to develop new applications and to expand international marketing and sales
efforts, there can be no assurance that the Company will be able to increase
revenues and become profitable.

Three Months Ended July 2, 1995 and July 3, 1994
- ------------------------------------------------

The Company's net product sales were $8.2 million for the second quarter of 1995
compared to $5.1 million of net product sales for the same period of 1994.  Of
this increase, which was primarily volume related, approximately $.9 million was
from the new operations discussed above.  In addition, net product sales of
energy conservation products increased by approximately $1.7 million, and net


product sales of electronics products, including sales of the Company's new
anti-reflective film product for computer monitors, increased by approximately
$.4 million, and aerospace product sales increased by approximately $.2 million.

Cost of product sales for the second quarter of 1995 was 69% of product sales
compared to 69% for the same period of 1994.

Research and development expenses, as a percent of product sales, were 7% for
the second quarter of 1995, compared to 10% for the same period in 1994.  The
percentage decrease was primarily attributable to the higher product sales.

Selling, general and administrative expense, as a percent of net product sales,
decreased to 22% in the second quarter of 1995, from 26% for the similar period
in 1994 due to increased sales volume.  The increase from $1.3 million in 1994
to $1.8 million in 1995, is attributable to the new operations discussed above,
and increased sales and marketing expenses associated with the introduction of
new products and expansion into the Pacific Rim.

Interest income, net decreased in 1995 compared to 1994 due primarily to a
decrease in monies invested.

As a result of the factors discussed above, the Company reported net income of
$.3 million for the second quarter of 1995, compared to essentially breakeven
for the similar period in 1994.

The Company believes that it must continue to increase revenues to achieve
sustained profitability.  Although the Company is seeking to expand existing
applications, to develop new applications and to expand international marketing
and sales efforts, there can be no assurance that the Company will be able to
increase revenues and sustain profitability.

Liquidity and Capital Resources
- -------------------------------

At July 2, 1995, the Company's net working capital was $8.6 million compared to
$8.1 million at December 31, 1994.  For the past 4 years the Company has
financed its operations through a combination of equity and debt instruments and
cash flow from operations.

From December 31, 1994, to July 2, 1995, cash and short-term investments
decreased by $2.3 million, while accounts receivable increased by $1.4 million
and inventories increased by $2.2 million.  The increase in accounts receivable
is primarily attributable to the increase in net revenues from $5.9 million in
the fourth quarter of 1994 to $8.2 million in the second quarter of 1995, most
of which occurred during the later portion of the quarter.  The increase in
inventories is primarily due to the fact that inventories at December 31, 1994,
were at relatively low levels as a result of a shut down of the Company's
production equipment during part of the fourth quarter of 1994 and a planned
increase in production during the first half of 1995.  Further, additions to
property and equipment were approximately $1.0 million during the first half of

The Company anticipates total capital expenditures of approximately $2.0 million
during 1995.


At July 2, 1995, the Company has $2.9 million of cash and short-term investments
and a $5 million line of credit, which is subject to certain financial
covenants.  As of July 2, 1995, there were no borrowings under this line of
credit.  Existing working capital and cash generated from operations are
expected to be adequate to satisfy the Company's capital and operating
requirements at least through 1995.  Failure to generate sufficient cash flow
from operations or external sources would have a material adverse effect on the


                           PART II  OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1 Legal Proceedings

       In January 1992, the Company filed a patent infringement suit against
       Cardinal IG Company, and one of its customers, in the U.S. Federal
       District Court of San Francisco, California.  The suit alleges that
       Cardinal's LoE2 glass product violates the Company's U.S. Patent
       #4,799,745, which covers the structure of particular optical coatings for
       glass products, including the Company's Heat Mirror XIR solar reflecting

       In April 1993, Cardinal filed a motion for summary judgment alleging that
       the LoE2 coatings do not infringe the Company's patent and that the
       patent is invalid.  On March 2, 1994, the District Court judge entered an
       order denying Cardinal's motion that the Company's patent was invalid,
       but granting its motion with respect to noninfringement.  The Company
       filed an appeal to the noninfringement decision with the Court of Appeals
       for the Federal Circuit.  In May 1995, the Court of Appeals for the
       Federal Circuit affirmed the Federal District Court decision.  The
       Company's subsequent petition for a rehearing was denied.  The Company
       plans to appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States.

       The Company is not a party to any other material litigation.

Item 2 Changes in Securities
       Not applicable

Item 3 Defaults upon Senior Securities
       Not applicable

Item 4 Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

(a)    The Annual Meeting of Stockholders was held on May 11, 1995.

(b)    The meeting included the re-election of five members of the Board of
       Directors, submitted as Proposal I, whose names are as follows:
          Bruce J. Alexander
          Joseph B. Reagan
          Martin M. Schwartz
          Walter C. Sedgwick
          J. Larry Smart

(c)    Other matters voted upon at the stockholders meeting were:

       Proposal II, ratification of the selection of Price Waterhouse as the
       Company's independent accountant for the year ending December 31, 1995.


       Shares of Common Stock were voted as follows:
        Proposal I
        (Election of Directors)
                               Total Vote For         Total Vote Withheld
                                Each Director          From Each Director
                                -------------          ------------------
          Bruce J. Alexander      4,212,458                   435,538
          Joseph B. Reagan        4,212,029                   436,009
          Martin M. Schwartz      4,213,579                   434,459
          Walter C. Sedgwick      4,212,879                   435,159
          J. Larry Smart          4,195,929                   452,112

                                  For        Against     Abstain    Non-Vote
                                  ---        -------     -------    --------
          Proposal II
          (Selection of
          Accountants)          4,597,589    40,850       9,599           0

(d)    Settlements between the registrant and any other participant

Item 5 Other Information
       Not applicable

Item 6 Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

          (a)  Exhibits - None

          (b)  Reports on Form 8-K - None



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

Dated:  August 11, 1995       Southwall Technologies Inc.

                              By: /s/ Martin M. Schwartz
                                      Martin M. Schwartz
                                      President and
                                      Chief Executive Officer

                              By: /s/ Alfred V. Larrenaga
                                      Alfred V. Larrenaga
                                      Sr. Vice President and
                                      Chief Financial Officer
