HEI Exhibit 99.3(a)
                               AMENDMENT 1994-2
                            RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN

     In accordance with Section 10.1 of the Hawaiian Electric Industries
Retirement Savings Plan (the "Plan"), the Plan is hereby amended in the
following respects:

     1.   Section 1.3 is amended by inserting the following after the fourth
sentence thereof:

     "A Participant may also name a contingent Beneficiary to succeed to the
     interests of the named Beneficiary in the event such named Beneficiary
     shall not survive the Participant."

     2.   Section 1.7 is amended by revising the third sentence to read as

     "Commencing January 1, 1994, only the first $150,000 (or such larger amount
     as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue may prescribe) of a Participant's
     Compensation (determined in accordance with Section 401(a)(17) of the Code)
     shall be taken into account for purposes of the Plan. In determining the
     Compensation of a Participant for purposes of this limitation, the rules of
     Section 414(q)(6) of the Code shall apply, except that in applying such
     rules, the term "family" shall include only the spouse of the Participant
     and any lineal descendants of the Participant who have not attained age 19
     before the close of the Plan Year. If, as a result of the application of
     such rules, the dollar limitation is exceeded, then the limitation shall be
     prorated among the affected individuals in proportion to each such
     individual's Compensation as determined under this Section prior to the
     application of the limitation."
     3.   Section 1.8 is amended by revising the second sentence thereof to read
as follows:

     "Eligible Employee means a Participant who is eligible to receive an 
     allocation of Salary Reduction Contributions for all or a portion of the
     Plan Year."
     4. Section 1.16 is amended to read as follows:

     "Participant means any Employee who has satisfied the eligibility 
     requirements of Article II and whose Accounts remain in the Plan and 
     allocated to him. Active Participant means a Participant during the 
     period he is employed in an eligible class of Employees and is, therefore,
     eligible to receive an allocation of Salary Reduction Contributions."

     5.   Section 1.17 is amended to read as follows:

     "Participant Voluntary Contribution means the voluntary contributions of a
      Participant permitted prior to July 1, 1992."
     6.   Section 1.22 is amended to read as follows:

     "Plan Year means a 12-month period commencing on January 1 and 
     anniversaries thereof."
     7.   Section 3.3 is amended to read as follows:

     "Any Participant who has received a distribution from a qualified employee
     pension benefit plan or annuity plan may make a contribution to a Rollover
     Account established on his behalf; provided that proper verification is
     provided and the Plan Administrator, in his sole discretion, agrees in
     writing to such a contribution. The Plan shall not accept rollovers from
     individual retirement accounts, whether or not the funds involved
     originally were received as distributions from a qualified employee pension
     benefit plan."

     8.   Section 4.1 (a)(1) and (2) shall be amended by replacing the term
"other Eligible Employees" with the term "non-Highly Compensated Employees".

     9.   Section 4.1 (b)(1) is amended to replace the word "Compensation" with
the word "compensation".

     10.  Section 4.1(b)(3) is amended to read as follows:

     "For purposes of determining the actual deferral percentage of an Eligible
     Employee who is a Highly Compensated Employee by virtue of being either a
     five percent (5%) owner or among the top 10 highest paid, the Salary
     Reduction Contributions and compensation of Family Members of such Highly
     Compensated Employee shall be combined and the Family Members and such
     Highly Compensated Employee shall be treated as a single Employee. Such
     Family Members shall be disregarded in determining the actual deferral
     percentage for Participants who are non-Highly Compensated Employees."
     11.  Section 4.1(b) is amended to add a new subsection (6), to read as

     "For purposes of this Section 4.1, the term "compensation" shall mean W-2
     pay including any reductions related to arrangements qualifying under
     Sections 125 or 401(k) of the Code."


     12.  Section 4.2(a)(1) and (2) shall be amended by replacing the term
"other Eligible Employees" with the term "non-Highly Compensated Employees."

     13.  Section 4.2(b)(3) is amended to read as follows:

     "For purposes of determining the contribution percentage of an Eligible
     Employee who is a Highly Compensated Employee by virtue of being either a
     five percent (5%) owner or among the top 10 highest paid, the Participant
     Voluntary Contributions and compensation of Family Members of such Highly
     Compensated Employee shall be combined and the Family Members and such
     Highly Compensated Employee shall be treated as a single Employee. Such
     Family Members shall be disregarded in determining the actual deferral
     percentage for Participants who are non-Highly Compensated Employees."

     14.  Section 4.2(d)(2) is amended to replace the term "Compensation" with
the term "compensation."

     15.  Section 4.2(d) is amended to add a new subsection (4), to read as

     ""compensation" shall mean W-2 pay including any reductions related to
     arrangements qualifying under Sections 125 or 401(k) of the Code."
     16.  Section 4.4(c)(ii) is amended by replacing "April 1" with "February

     17.  Section 4.5(b) is amended to read as follows:

     "If necessary to limit the annual addition to a Participant's Accounts for
     a limitation year, the Plan Administrator may reduce or suspend Salary
     Reduction Contributions, provided that notice of such reduction or
     suspension be given to the Participant. Such notice need not precede the
     reduction or suspension. If further necessary to limit the annual addition
     to a Participant's Accounts for a limitation year, distributions shall be
     made in the following order to the Participant on whose behalf such
     contributions were made, to the extent necessary to reduce the annual
     addition to the prescribed amount: (i) Participant Voluntary Contributions
     and interest thereon; (ii) Salary Reduction Contributions and interest
     thereon; (iii) Employer Contributions."
     18.  The third sentence of Section 4.5(d)(1) is amended to read as follows:

     "Annual additions for a limitation year shall, however, include Salary
     Reduction Contributions for such Plan Year that are subsequently
     distributed to or forfeited by a Participant pursuant to this Article IV,
     except to the extent of excess Salary Reduction Contributions and earnings


     refunded to the Participant by April 15 of the following Plan Year."
     19.  The first sentence of Section 5.3 shall be amended to read as follows:

     "The assets of the Plan and each investment alternative shall be valued on
     a daily basis."
     20.  Section 6.3(a) shall be amended by adding the following at the end

     "In distributing such amounts, distributions shall be made first from
     Participant Voluntary Contributions made prior to 1986."

     21.  Section 6.3(b)(3)(iv) is amended to read as follows:

     "Payment of tuition for the next 12 months of post-secondary education for
     the Participant, his spouse, children or dependents (as defined in Section
     152 of the Code)."
     22.  Sections 6.2(b)(5)(ii) and 6.2(d) are amended to add the following at
the end thereof:

     "Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, any Participant
     eligible to receive a distribution which would qualify as an "eligible
     rollover distribution" under Section 401(a)(31)(C) of the Code may elect to
     have such distribution paid directly to an "eligible retirement plan" as
     defined in Section 401(a)(31)(D) of the Code and, upon the Participant's
     specification of the eligible retirement plan to which such distribution is
     to be paid, such distribution shall be made in the form of a direct 
     trustee-to-trustee transfer to the eligible retirement plan so specified."
     23.  Sections 6.4(d)(2) and (3) are amended to read as follows:

     "(2) Bear interest on unpaid principal at the then current money market
     account rate at American Savings Bank, plus two percent (2%).
     (3)  Be subject to a substantially level amortization schedule and
     repayment on at least a monthly basis."
     24.  Section 6.4(f) is amended to read as follows:

     "A loan, if approved, shall be disbursed as soon as reasonably practicable
     after the date on which the loan is approved."
     25.  Section 6.6(a)(ii) is amended by replacing "tenth" with "fifth".


     26.  Section 6.6(b)(3) is amended by adding the following at the end

     "The amount of the minimum which must be distributed in each calendar year
     shall be determined by dividing the Participant's vested Accounts by the
     applicable life expectancy. Any Participant who has attained age 70-1/2 may
     elect to have distributed to him in any Plan Year an amount greater than
     the minimum required distribution."
     27.  Section 7.4 is amended to read as follows:
     "To the extent any expenses of the Plan are not paid by Participants or
     paid out of the assets of the Plan, the Participating Companies shall pay
     all expenses of administering the Plan. Such expenses shall include any
     expenses incurred by a Participating Company, the Committee, the Asset
     Manager, or the Plan Administrator, including, but not limited to, the
     payment of professional fees of consultants. Commencing March 31, 1994
     [check date] Participants shall be assessed a portion of Plan recordkeeping
     fees, including fees for plan loans, set-up fees and annual maintenance
     Unless otherwise stated each of these Amendments shall be effective January
1, 1994.

     TO RECORD the adoption of this amendment to the Plan, the Hawaiian Electric
Industries Pension Investment Committee has caused this document to be executed
this     30th     day of           June            , 1994.
     ------------        -------------------------        

                                                  HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES  
                                                  PENSION INVESTMENT COMMITTEE  
                                                  By /s/ Constance H. Lau       
                                                  By /s/ Peter C. Lewis         
