EXHIBIT 10(24)

                           DATED as of 30 June 1995

                      (1) THE PERSONS NAMED IN SCHEDULE 1

                          (2) MGM GRAND DIAMOND INC.

                       (3)  MGM GRAND AUSTRALIA PTY LTD

                              (4) MGM GRAND, INC


                                  OPTION DEED
                          MGM GRAND AUSTRALIA PTY LTD




                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Clause No.     Heading                                                Page No.
- ----------     -------                                                --------

1.        DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION                                    1

          1.1       Definitions                                             1
          1.2       Interpretation                                          6

2.        BUSINESS REFERRALS                                                7

          2.1       REFERRALS                                               7
          2.2       Nature of Recommendation                                7
          2.3       Restrictions and Exceptions                             8

3.        CALL OPTIONS                                                      8

          3.1       Grant of Call Option                                    8
          3.2       Appointment of Nominee                                  8
          3.3       Option Exercisable in Full Only                         9
          3.4       Exercise Notice                                         9
          3.5       Withdrawal of Notice                                    9
          3.6       Contract for Sale and Purchase                          9
          3.7       No Encumbrance                                          11
          3.8       Consideration                                           11
          3.9       Venue and Completion Date                               11
          3.10      Acquisition Financing                                   11
          3.11      Completion                                              13
          3.12      Stamping and Registration of Transfers                  14

4.        EXCLUSIVE OPTION                                                  14

5.        REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES                                    16

          5.1       Warranties by All Parties                               16
          5.2       Warranties by MGM Grand Diamond                         16
          5.3       Warranties by Option Holders                            17
          5.4       No Merger                                               17

6.        UNDERTAKINGS                                                      17

          6.1       Duration                                                17
          6.2       Funding of MGM Grand Australia                          18
          6.3       Gaming Activities in Northern Territory                 19
          6.4       Nominee Directors                                       20
          6.5       Consultancy Services of Mr Osborne                      23
          6.6       Related Party Transactions                              23
          6.7       Final Shareholders Agreement                            24
          6.8       Exercise of Voting and Other Rights                     24


7.        PROPOSED LISTING OF MGM GRAND AUSTRALIA                           25

          7.1       Listing                                                 25
          7.2       Commitment of Shareholders                              25
          7.3       No Obligation to List                                   26

8.        PUT OPTION                                                        26

          8.1       Condition Precedent                                     26
          8.2       Grant of Put Option                                     26
          8.3       Option Exercisable only Jointly                         26
          8.4       Exercise Notice                                         27
          8.5       No Withdrawal of Notice                                 27
          8.6       Contract for Sale and Purchase                          27
          8.7       No Encumbrances                                         28
          8.8       Consideration                                           28
          8.9       Venue and Completion Date                               29
          8.10      Completion                                              29
          8.11      Warranties by Option Holder                             30
          8.12      Partial Completion                                      30

9.        DISPUTE RESOLUTION                                                31

          9.1       Resolution By Auditor                                   31
          9.2       General Dispute Resolution                              31

10.       INFORMATION                                                       32

          10.1      Reporting to Option Holders                             32
          10.2      Access By Option Holders                                33
          10.3      Disclosure by Nominee Director                          33
          10.4      Information Period                                      33

11.       SHARE CERTIFICATE ENDORSEMENT                                     33
12.       DEFAULT                                                           34

          12.1      Events of Default                                       34
          12.2      General Indemnity                                       34

13.       TERM                                                              34

14.       COSTS AND EXPENSES                                                34


15.       CONFIDENTIALITY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS                                 35

          15.1      Confidentiality                                         35
          15.2      Announcements                                           36

16.       MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS                                          36

          16.1      No Partnership                                          36
          16.2      Assignment                                              36
          16.3      Deed of Adherence                                       36
          16.4      Waiver                                                  37
          16.5      Entire Agreement                                        37
          16.6      Notices                                                 37
          16.7      Counterparts                                            38
          16.8      Variations                                              38
          16.9      Jurisdiction                                            38
          16.10     Law                                                     39
          16.11     Consent of Option Holders                               40
          16.12     Guarantee by MGM Grand, Inc.                            40
          16.13     Effective Date                                          40

          SCHEDULE 1     (Option Holders)                                   44

          SCHEDULE 2     (Call Option Consideration)                        45

          SCHEDULE 3     (Put Option Consideration)                         47 

          SCHEDULE 4     (Shareholder Covenants)                            50


DEED made as of 30 June 1995.


(1)  THE PERSONS whose names and addresses are set out in Schedule 1 ("Option 

(2)  MGM GRAND DIAMOND. INC. a corporation organised and existing under the laws
     of the State of Nevada with its principal place of business at 3799 Las
     Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109, United States of America
     ("MGM Grand Diamond"), and a wholly owned subsidiary of MGM Grand. Inc.

(3)  MGM GRAND AUSTRALIA PTY LTD (A.C.N. 069 214 473) which is a company
     incorporated in the Northern Territory, Australia and has its registered
     office at 3rd Floor, Diamond Beach Casino, Gilruth Avenue, Darwin City,
     Northern Territory 0800, Australia ("MGM Grand Australia").

(4)  MGM GRAND, INC. a corporation organised and existing under the laws of the 
     State of Delaware with its principal place of business at 3799 Las Vegas 
     Boulevard South, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109, United States OF America 

- ----------

A.   MGM Grand Australia has an authorised share capital of Five hundred million
     dollars ($500,000,000) divided into Five hundred million (500,000,000)
     Ordinary Shares of One dollar ($1.00) per share of which Two (2) shares
     have been issued at par and as fully paid. MGMG is the registered owner of
     One (1) of the issued shares and MGM Grand Diamond is the registered owner
     of the other issued share and the beneficial owner of both of the issued
     shares in MGM Grand Australia.

B.   MGM Grand Diamond has agreed with the Option Holders that options over
     certain of the issued capital of MGM Grand Australia shall be granted to
     the Option Holders on the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing.

C.   It is proposed and acknowledged by the other parties that after the date
     hereof a wholly owned Australian subsidiary may be interposed between MGM
     Grand Diamond and MGM Grand Australia, subject to compliance with the terms
     of this instrument.

D.   MGMG has guaranteed the performance by MGM Grand Diamond of its obligations

IT IS AGREED as follows:



          In this Deed and the Schedules unless the context otherwise requires
          the following expressions shall have the following respective


          "ACQUISITION FINANCE" means any and all Debt Financing Facilities or
          arrangements to which MGM Grand Australia is a party but only to the
          extent the proceeds of which are used to satisfy the "Purchase Price"
          as defined in the Casino Sale Agreement or any other obligation of
          MGMG or MGM Grand Australia pursuant to the Casino Sale Agreement, the
          repayment of any indebtedness owned to Ultrabridge Darwin Limited or
          Havewin Trading Limited pursuant to the Casino Sale Agreement, any and
          all costs and expenses incurred or payable by any member of the MGM
          Grand Australia Group in relation to or arising from the Casino Sale
          Agreement or any ancillary or related document (including without
          limitation this Deed). It is anticipated that such facilities are to
          be made available pursuant to the term sheet annexed hereto and marked
          with the letter "A" ("Term Sheet"). For the avoidance of doubt, it is
          acknowledged that the Term Sheet provides for facilities in excess of
          the Acquisition Finance and that such excess facilities shall not be
          included in the definition of "Acquisition Finance."

          "ASSOCIATE" has the same meaning as that ascribed to it in Section
          26AAB(14) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 except that references
          to "taxpayer" shall deemed to be references to the party to this Deed
          in relation to which the associate relationship is sought to be

          "AGREED PROPORTION" means:-
          (a)  in relation to the Call Option Shares, the pro rata entitlement
               (expressed as a fraction) of each of the Option Holders set out
               opposite their names in Schedule 1 and as adjusted in accordance
               with Clause 3.2(a) or in the case of a person nominated by an
               Option Holder pursuant to Clause 3.2(b), opposite the name of the
               Option Holder who nominates such person; and

          (b)  in relation to the Put Option Shares; the pro rata number of
               MGMGA Shares held by each of the Option Holders, expressed as a
               percentage of all MGMGA Shares held by the Option Holders at the
               time any such calculation is made.

          "BUSINESS DAY" means:

          (a)  for the purposes of Clause 16.6(c) a day on which banks are open
               for business in the place of receipt of the notice or
               communication given under that clause; and

          (b)  otherwise, a day on which banks are opened for business in Las
               Vegas, Nevada;

          "CALL OPTION" the rights granted by MGM Grand Diamond to the Option
          Holders pursuant to Clause 3 for the Option Holders to require MGM
          Grand Diamond to sell the Call Option Shares to the Option Holders (or
          to the respective Option Holder's Nominee as such term is defined in
          Clause 3.2(b)) in the Agreed Proportions;


          "CALL OPTION CONSIDERATION" means the total amount payable for all of
          the Call Option Shares and determined in accordance with the formula
          contained in Schedule 2;

          "CALL OPTION EXERCISE DATE" the date on which the Call Option is 
          exercised in accordance with Clause 3;

          "CALL OPTION PERIOD" means the period commencing on the second
          anniversary of the Casino Sale Completion and ending on the forth
          anniversary of the Casino Sale Completion, inclusive of those dates;

          "CALL OPTION SHARES" means that number of MGMGA Shares which on the
          Call Option Exercise Date and on Call Option Completion represent
          Twenty two and one half percent (22.5%) of the Fully Diluted Capital
          of MGM Grand Australia rounded up or down to the nearest whole number;

          "CASINO" means the Diamond Beach Hotel Casino, Darwin, Australia and
          associated hotel complex, which is currently situate predominately on
          the land more particularly described as Lot 5244 in the Town of
          Darwin, being the land comprised in Grant in Fee Simple Volume 112
          Folio 148;

          "CASINO LICENCE" means the casino licence as amended from time to time
          granted to Diamond Darwin Pty Ltd (A.C.N. 009 641 089) pursuant to the
          terms of the Casino Licensing and Control Act 1984 of the Northern
          Territory of Australia;

          "CASINO SALE AGREEMENT" means the agreement of even date between MGMG,
          MGM Grand Australia, the shareholders of Ultrabridge Darwin, the
          shareholders of Havewin and the Trustees of the Osborne Family Trust,
          relating, amongst other things, to the sale and purchase of all of the
          issued capital of Ultrabridge Darwin and Havewin and the Fifteen per 
          cent (15%) direct interest in Diamond Darwin Pty Ltd;

          "CASINO SHARE SALE CONSIDERATION" means the "Purchase Price" as 
          defined in the Casino Sale Agreement;

          "CASINO SALE COMPLETION" means "Completion" as defined in the Casino 
          Sale Agreement;

          "COMPLETION" means the completion of each relevant sale and purchase
          of MGMGA Shares pursuant to Clauses 3.11 and 3.12 in the case of the
          Call Option and Clauses 8.9, 8.10 and 8.12 in the case of the Put

          "DEBT FINANCING FACILITIES" means any financial accommodation or
          facility other than an instalment sale contract, hire purchase or
          chattel leasing accommodation or facility;

          "ENCUMBRANCE" means any mortgage, pledge, lien, charge, assignment,
          hypothecation, or other agreement or arrangement which has the same or
          a similar effect to the granting of security;


          "EQUITY SECURITIES" means any shares or stock of a company whether
          ordinary, deferred, preference or otherwise and whether voting or non-
          voting and any rights convertible into or exercisable for any such
          shares or stock including without limitation options, warrants and
          subscription rights;

          "FULLY DILUTED CAPITAL" means the issued share capital of MGM Grand
          Australia after adjusting for the effect of the exercise of any option
          over or rights convertible into Equity Securities of MGM Grand
          Australia whether or not such option or rights of conversion are
          exercisable at the time the determination is made;

          "HAVEWIN" means Havewin Trading Limited a company incorporated in Hong
          Kong and having its principal place of business at c/o 50 Cuscaden
          Road, #08-01 HPL House, Singapore 1024;

          "INSOLVENCY EVENT" in relation to a party means:-

               (a)  an order is made by a court of competent jurisdiction, or a
                    resolution is passed, for the winding-up, dissolution or
                    administration of that party (otherwise than in the course
                    of a reorganisation or restructure previously approved in
                    writing by the other parties);

               (b)  any step is taken (and not withdrawn within ninety (90)
                    days) to appoint a manager, receiver, administrative
                    receiver, administrator, trustee or other similar officer in
                    respect of that party and any assets of that party which
                    include the MGMGA Shares;

               (c)  that party convenes a general meeting of its creditors or
                    makes or proposes any arrangement or composition with, or
                    any assignment for the benefit of its creditors; or

               (d)  any party becomes unable to pay its debts as and when they 
                    fall due;

          "LIBOR" means the rate at which National Westminister Bank Plc offers
          deposits in Australian dollars for an amount comparable to the amount
          in relation to which the determination is required for a term of
          Ninety (90) days to prime banks in the London Interbank Market at or
          about 11:00 a.m. on the date the calculation is required to be made;

          "LISTING" means the admission of MGM Grand Australia to the main board
          of a recognised and reputable stock exchange, being the principal
          stock exchange in the relevant jurisdiction, and the quotation of
          MGMGA Shares on such stock exchange;

          "MGM GROUP" means MGMG and any Subsidiary of MGMG;


               "MGM GRAND AUSTRALIA GROUP" means MGM Grand Australia and any
               Subsidiary and the Territory Property Trust;

               "MGMGA SHARES" means the ordinary MGMGA Shares of One Australian
               dollar ($1.00) each in the capital of MGM Grand Australia;

               "NOMINATED OPTION HOLDER" means Ultrabridge Securities Limited or
               such other person as the Option Holders may nominate and
               communicate to MGM Grand Diamond from time to time;

               "OPTION HOLDERS" means the persons named in Schedule 1 and where
               applicable such other person or persons as any Option Holder may
               nominate and be approved by MGM Grand Diamond pursuant to Clause

               "OPTION HOLDERS' SOLICITORS" means Hammond Suddards of Moor
               House, 119 London Wall, London, EC2Y SET or such other solicitors
               as may be nominated by the Option Holders and communicated to MGM
               Grand Diamond;

               "PUT OPTION" means the right granted by MGM Grand Diamond to each
               of the Option Holders pursuant to Clause 8.2 for the Option
               Holders to require MGM Grand Diamond or its nominee to purchase
               the put Option Shares from the Option Holders;

               "PUT OPTION EXERCISE DATE" means the date on which the Put Option
               shall be exercised by the Option Holders;

               "PUT OPTION PERIOD" means the period commencing on the day
               following the first anniversary of the day of Call Option
               Completion and ending on the third anniversary of the day of Call
               Option Completion, inclusive of those days;

               "PUT OPTION SHARES" means all of the Equity Securities of MGM
               Grand Australia held by the relevant Option Holders on the Put
               Option Exercise Date;

               "PUT OPTION CONSIDERATION" means the amount payable for the Put
               Option Shares held by the relevant Option Holder and determined
               in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 3;

               "REBATE" means the amount payable by MGM Grand Diamond to the
               Option Holders if the calculation of the call Option
               Consideration results in a negative amount;

               "RELATED BODY CORPORATE" of a body corporate means another body
               corporate which is related to the first within the meaning of
               Section 50 of the Corporations Law;

               "SECURITIES" has the same meaning as that ascribed to it in
               Section 92 of the Corporations Law;


               "SHAREHOLDER" means a shareholder of MGM Grand Australia
               including MGMG, MGM Grand Diamond or, if applicable, their
               respective relevant Subsidiaries which are shareholders of MGM
               Grand Australia, and an Option Holder as and from Call Option

               "SUBSIDIARY" means:  
               (a)  in the case of a body corporate, a subsidiary as defined in
                    Section 46 of the Corporations Law;
               (b)  in the case of trust estate of which any member of the MGM
                    Grand Australia Group or any of its directors are trustees
                    (whether solely or jointly) and acting in that capacity as
                    nominee of any member of the MGM Grand Australia Group or in
                    relation to which any member of the MGM Group is entitled to
                    participate in more than 50% of the income or capital of
                    such trust estate in any relevant accounting period;

               (c)  in the case of an unlimited partnership, a partnership in
                    which any member of the MGM Group has an interest or has the
                    right to acquire an interest in at least 50% of the
                    distributable profits or 50% of the net assets available on
                    a dissolution; and
               (d)  in the case of a limited partnership, a limited in which a
                    member of the MGM Group is a general partner, or has the
                    right to acquire at least 50% of the distributable profits
                    or 50% of the net assets available on a dissolution;

               "TERRITORY PROPERTY TRUST" means the unit trust established by
               deed on 28 September 1984 and entered into between Fernbank Pty
               Ltd as trustee and Investnorth Management Pty Ltd as manager; and

               "ULTRABRIDGE DARWIN" means Ultrabridge Darwin Limited a company
               incorporated in the Cayman Islands, British West Indies and
               having a registered office there at P.O. Box 309, Grand Cayman,
               Cayman Islands, British West Indies.

          1.2  INTERPRETATION

               In this Deed, except where the context otherwise requires:-

               (a)  headings shall be for ease of reference only and shall not
                    affect construction;

               (b)  references to any gender or the neuter shall include
                    references to any other gender and the neuter and reference
                    to the singular include references to the plural;
               (c)  references to "parties" or a "party" refers to parties or a
                    party to this Deed including a person that has agreed to-be
                    bound by the terms of the


                    Deed by executing such documents as may be required by the
                    other parties pursuant to Clause 16.3;
               (d)  references to any statutory provision shall include a
                    reference to that provision as amended, extented or re-
                    enacted and to any statutory replacement thereof either
                    before or after the date hereof and to any former statutory
                    provision replaced (with or without modification) by the
                    provision referred to. References to statutory provisions
                    are references to statutory provisions of the Commonwealth
                    of Australia unless otherwise stated;
               (e)  references to a person include a reference to a firm, body
                    corporate, unincorporated association or to a person's
                    executors or administrators;
               (f)  references to writing shall include any mode of reproducting
                    words in a non-transitory form;
               (g)  references to Clauses, Sub-clauses and Schedules shall,
                    unless otherwise specified be to Clauses, Sub-clauses and
                    Schedules of this Deed; and
               (h)  reference to "$" or "Dollar" are references to the lawful
                    currency of the Commonwealth of Australia.

          2.1  REFERRALS

               Subject to Clause 2.3, MGMG (for its own part and on behalf of
               the MGM Group) and the Option Holders (for their own part and on
               behalf of every casino owned, controlled or operated by them or
               any of them, from time to time including, without limitation,
               Aspinalls Club, London, Aspinall's Casino S.A., Christchurch
               Casino, New Zealand and any casino that has been licensed to use
               the name "Aspinalls" by any entities owned or controlled by them
               or any of them); (collectively with the Option Holders, the
               "Option Holder Group") each agree, with each other, that where
               appropriate, they shall recommend to suitable clients (being of
               high net worth):-

               (a)  the casino and gaming activities of any of the MGM Group or 
                    Option Holder Group; and

               (b)  the casino and gaming activities of any person in which the
                    other parties have a material interest and such interest is
                    known to the party proposing to make the recommendation.


               Recommendations pursuant to Clause 2.1 may be made verbally or in
               such other manner as a party, in its absolute discretion, thinks



          Nothing in Clause 2.1 shall require a party to make any such 
          recommendation if to do so would:-

          (a)  breach any law, regulation, licensing condition or other
               statutory or regulatory provision or internal code of practice,
               and without limiting the generality of the foregoing including
               any anti-trust, gaming, privacy or data protection provisions;

          (b)  in the sole and absolute discretion of such party, be contrary to
               the commercial interests or contractual obligations of that party
               which may exist from time to time; or

          (c)  other than as expressly provided in this Deed, imply a
               restriction on the parties to compete with each other or place
               themselves in potential conflict with each other.



          In consideration of the mutual covenants herein provided and in
          consideration of the Option Holders paying to MGM Grand Diamond, in
          aggregate, in the Agreed Proportions the sum of Three hundred dollars
          ($300.00) now delivered by bankers draft by the Option Holders to MGM
          (receipt of which is hereby acknowledged), MGM Grand Diamond hereby
          grants to the Option Holders in the Agreed Proportions, the Call
          Option on the terms and conditions contained in this Deed.


          At any time before the exercise of the Call Option any of the Option 
          Holders may either:-

          (a)  transfer to any other Option Holder, with the consent of MGM 
               Grand Diamond, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld, 
               either in whole or in part, their Agreed Proportion of the Call 
               Option in which case the Agreed Proportions shall be adjusted to 
               reflect such transfer; or

          (b)  with the consent of MGM Grand Diamond to be granted or withheld
               in its sole discretion, nominate a person in their place to have
               the right to exercise that Option Holder's Agreed Proportion of 
               the Call Option provided that such person ("Option Holder's 
               Nominee") has executed an instrument in a form approved by MGM 
               Grand Diamond and the other parties to become bound by the 
               relevant provisions of this Deed pursuant to Clause 16.3(a).



          The Call Option shall only be capable of being exercised during the 
          Call Option Period, and to the extent that it is not so exercised it 
          shall lapse and be incapable of further or subsequent exercise. The 
          Call Option shall be capable of being exercised only in respect of all
          of the Call Option Shares.


          The Call Option shall be exercised by notice in writing by all of the 
          Option Holders to MGM Grand Diamond. Where MGM Grand Diamond receives 
          separate notices from one or more of the Option Holders respectively 
          exercising that Option Holder's right in full for its Agreed 
          Proportion, then each such notice shall be read together as one and 
          the same notice but no one notice shall be effective or deemed 
          properly given to MGM Grand Diamond unless and until the last such
          notice is received by MGM Grand Diamond. The date of receipt of that
          last notice shall be the Call Option Exercise Date.


          (a)  Subject to (b) below, an Option Holder shall not be entitled to 
               withdraw a notice served pursuant to Clause 3.4, once it has been
               duly served.

          (b)  The Option Holders shall be entitled to withdraw a notice served 
               pursuant to Clause 3.4 at any time prior to the Call Option 
               Completion should there be a breach of Clause 4 or should any 
               matter, event or circumstance warranted by MGM Grand Diamond to 
               an Option Holder pursuant to Clause 5 be in an Option Holder's 
               reasonable opinion untrue or inaccurate, in any material respect.
               Any such withdrawal of notice shall be in respect of all of the 
               Call Option Shares, and shall terminate the contract referred to 
               in Clause 3.6. Without prejudice to the rights of an Option 
               Holder which may arise in respect of a breach of Clause 4 or 5,
               the Option Holders may at any time thereafter, during the Call 
               Option Period, re-exercise their rights to acquire the Call 
               Option Shares in accordance with this Clause 3.


          (a)  Subject to Clause 3.6(b), upon receipt by MGM Grand Diamond of a
               notice from the Option Holders, given in accordance with this
               Clause 3, a contract for the sale and purchase of the Call Option
               Shares between MGM Grand Diamond as vendor and the Option Holders
               as purchasers shall be created as at the Call Option Exercise

          (b)  It shall be a condition to Completion of the sale and purchase of
               the Call Option Shares that:

               (i)  the Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia consents 
                    under the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975, to 


                    proposed acquisition by Option Holders of the Call Option 
                    Shares, and the Treasurer is to be deemed to have so 

                    (A)  if the Option Holders receive written advice from the
                         Treasurer or on his behalf, without any term or
                         condition which the Option Holders considers
                         unacceptable, to the effect that the acquisition of the
                         Call Option Shares is not objected to under the Foreign
                         Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1976; or

                    (B)  if 10 days have elapsed from the day the Treasurer
                         ceased to be empowered to make any order under Part II
                         of the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act in
                         relation to the proposed acquisition because of lapse
                         of time, notice of the proposed acquisition of the Call
                         Option Shares having been given to the Treasurer under
                         the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975;

               (ii)  the Option Holders and MGM Grand Diamond receiving not
                     later than 6 months after the Call Option Exercise Date, on
                     an unconditional basis, all relevant consents and approvals
                     required, if any, from any governmental authority including
                     the Government or relevant Minister of the Northern
                     Territory of Australia (including with respect to probity
                     of the Option Holders, to the extent required) in relation
                     to any change of interest in MGM Grand Australia; and

               (iii) Casino Sale Completion shall have occurred.

          (c)  MGMG, MGM Grand Diamond and the Option Holders shall use their
               best endeavours (other than by incurring substantial liabilities,
               substantial obligations (including any divestment and
               restrictions on business operations) or monetary obligations and
               other than by consenting to any substantial alteration to the
               terms of this Deed) to satisfy any request for information or
               condition or conditions specified by or on behalf of the
               Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia under the Foreign
               Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 as referred to in Clause
               3.6(b). Each of the parties shall use their best endeavours to
               obtain the fulfilment of the conditions in Clause 3.6(b) (i) and
               (ii) in an expeditious manner, and shall give the others prompt
               notice in writing upon it becoming aware whether or not any of
               the conditions precedent referred to in Clause 3.6(b) (i) and
               (ii) has been satisfied.

          (d)  The conditions to Completion set forth in Clause 3.6(b)(i) and
               (ii) above shall be deemed not to have been satisfied if any of
               the advice, consents or approvals referred to in Clause 3.6(b)(i)
               and (ii) would have the effect of imposing substantial
               liabilities, obligations or restrictions on the business
               operations of the MGM Group. In the event of a dispute between
               the parties as to whether or not a liability, obligation or


                    restriction is substantial such dispute shall be referred to
                    the Auditor pursuant to Clause 9.1.

          3.7  NO ENCUMBRANCE

               The Call Option Shares shall be sold by MGM Grand Diamond as
               beneficial owner free from all Encumbrances and adverse claims
               (other than those granted in favour of MGM Grand Diamond pursuant
               to this Deed including the legend contained in Clause 11),
               together with all rights attaching thereto, as at the date of the
               Call Option Completion, including all dividends declared or
               payable distributions made or proposed on or after the Call
               Option Exercise Date.

          3.8  CONSIDERATION

               The total amount payable by the Option Holders to MGM Grand
               Diamond for the sale and purchase of the Call Option Shares shall
               be the Call Option Consideration, if it is a positive amount.
               Each Option Holder shall be jointly and severally liable for the
               Call Option Consideration, which shall be payable on the date of
               the Call Option Completion.


               Completion of the sale and purchase of the Call Option Shares
               shall take place between the hours of 9.00am and 3.00pm Las Vegas
               time on the 5th Business Day after the latter of the satisfaction
               of the conditions precedent referred to in Clause 3.6 and
               determination of the Call Option Consideration or on such other
               date as the parties may agree in writing at the office of MGM
               Grand Diamond or at such other place as MGM Grand Diamond and the
               Option Holders may agree.


               (a)  On or before Call Option Completion MGM Grand Diamond shall 

                    (i)   that the Acquisition Financing is repaid in full from
                          the proceeds of an equity subscription made by MGM
                          Grand Diamond, or any wholly owned Subsidiary of MGM
                          Grand Diamond, to MGM Grand Australia as contemplated
                          by Clause 4.1 and that any and all Encumbrances
                          provided by any member of the MGM Grand Australia
                          Group in relation to the Acquisition Financing is
                          unconditionally released; or

                    (ii)  the rights and obligations (including contingent
                          obligations) of MGM Grand Australia pursuant to or
                          arising from the Acquisition Financing are assigned or
                          novated in full, without recourse to any member of the
                          MGM Grand Australia Group and any and all Encumbrances
                          provided by any member of the MGM Grand Australia
                          Group in-relation to the Acquisition


                          Financing is unconditionally released. However, if MGM
                          Grand Diamond is unable, after using its best
                          endeavours, to procure the assignment or novation of
                          the Acquisition Finance, without recourse, and the
                          unconditional release of all of the Encumbrances to
                          the extent they relate to or secure any of the
                          Acquisition Finance then MGMG covenants for the
                          benefit of the Option Holders and separately for the
                          benefit of the MGM Grand Australia Group to indemnify
                          and hold harmless the MGM Grand Australia Group from
                          and against all such claims, damages, liabilities and
                          costs arising therefrom. For the avoidance of doubt
                          this indemnity shall apply notwithstanding that MGM
                          Grand Diamond contrary to its obligations under this
                          Clause has not used its best endeavours to procure the
                          necessary event to occur.

               (b)  Without limitation to the obligations of MGM Grand Diamond
                    pursuant to Clause 3.10(a), as and from Call Option Exercise
                    Date, MGMG and MGM Grand Diamond shall indemnify and keep
                    indemnified, the Option Holders notwithstanding Call Option
                    Completion, for any loss, damage, cost or expenses incurred
                    or suffered by any of them as a direct or indirect result of
                    the obligations of MGM Grand Diamond pursuant to Clause
                    3.10(a) not being satisfied in full to the reasonable
                    satisfaction of the Nominated Option Holder at or before
                    Call Option Completion. Without limiting the generality of
                    the aforegoing it is expressly agreed that the loss of the
                    Option Holders will include:-

                    (i)   22.5% of the amount (after all related tax benefits to
                          the MGM Grand Australia Group, properly claimed in
                          respect of and arising from the Acquisition Finance)
                          by which the assets of the MGM Grand Australia Group
                          have been reduced by payments made (whether before or
                          after Call Option Completion) pursuant to the
                          Acquisition Financing or any Encumbrance granted by
                          any member of the MGM Grand Australia Group in
                          connection with the Acquisition Financing, which
                          payments have not been taken into account in the
                          calculation of the Call Option Consideration or which
                          have not been reimbursed to the MGM Grand Australia
                          Group PROVIDED HOWEVER to the extent such payment is
                          made to the Option Holders, MGM Grand Diamond shall be
                          released from its obligation pursuant to Clause
                          3.10(a) for that part of the Acquisition Finance to
                          which the payment relates; and

                    (ii)  22.5% of the additional borrowing costs, if any, in
                          relation to other Debt Financing Facilities due to the
                          gearing of the MGM Grand Australia Group or the
                          unavailability of collateral in either case as a
                          consequence of the Acquisition Finance has been taken
                          into account in calculation of the Call Option


          3.11 COMPLETION

               At Completion:-

               (a)  MGM Grand Diamond shall deliver to (or make available to the
                    satisfaction of) each of the Option Holders:

                    (i)   definitive certificates for the relevant MGMGA Shares
                          together with transfers thereof duly executed by the
                          registered holders thereof, (or if such certificate
                          has been lost or destroyed the necessary declaration
                          has been made as required by the Articles of
                          Association of MGM Grand Australia or the Corporations
                          Law for the issue of replacement certificates), in
                          favour of the Option Holders, in the Agreed

                    (ii)  such consents or documents (if any) as may be required
                          to give evidence of title to the MGMGA Shares and to
                          sell, transfer or vest such title in the Option
                          Holders free from Encumbrance and to ensure that the
                          change of shareholders of MGM Grand Australia will not
                          cause MGM Grand Australia or any of its Subsidiaries
                          to be in breach of any material contract or licence
                          entered into by MGM Grand Australia or any of its
                          Subsidiaries (other than the Casino Licence); and

                    (iii) duly executed proxy forms in the form set out in the
                          Articles of Association of MGM Grand Australia,
                          appointing each Option Holder, in respect of its
                          Agreed Proportion of the Call Option Shares, as proxy
                          to exercise the right to vote attached to those Call
                          Option Shares in respect of all general meetings of
                          MGM Grand Australia, after Call Option Completion
                          pending registration of the transfer referred to in
                          (i) above; and

               (b)  Subject to MGM Grand Diamond complying with its obligations
                    above and the Option Holders being satisfied that there is
                    no breach by MGM Grand Diamond of a representation or
                    warranty referred to in Clause 4 or 5, each of the Option
                    Holders shall pay their Agreed Proportion of the Call Option
                    Consideration assuming it is a positive amount, to MGM Grand
                    Diamond, as specified in writing by MGM Grand Diamond, by
                    bank cheque, cashiers cheque or by direct debit or
                    telegraphic transfer to a bank account nominated in writing
                    by MGM Grand Diamond. If the Call Option Consideration is a
                    negative amount then on Completion MGM Grand Diamond shall
                    pay to the Option Holders the Rebate in the Agreed
                    Proportions, as specified in writing by the Nominated Option
                    Holder by bank cheque, cashier's cheque or by direct debit
                    or telegraphic transfer to a bank account nominated in
                    writing by the Nominated Option Holder.



               (a)  MGM Grand Diamond shall (so far as it is able) procure
                    that upon presentation to MGM Grand Australia of the stamped
                    transfers and relative share certificates for the transfer
                    of the Call Option Shares to the Option Holders, such
                    transfers shall be approved and the Option Holders shall be
                    registered as the holders of their respective entitlement
                    to the Call Option Shares.

               (b)  The Option Holders shall pay all stamp duty payable in
                    relation to the purchase of the Call Option Shares by them
                    pursuant to the exercise of the Call Option including any
                    fine or penalty for late payment.


          4.1  The Call Option is an exclusive Option. Subject to Clause 4.2 but
               without prejudice to any other provision contained in this Deed,
               including Clause 5 unless MGM Grand Diamond or MGM Grand
               Australia (as the case may be) provides full particulars to the
               Nominated Option Holder and obtains the prior consent in writing
               of the Nominated Option Holder, MGMG, MGM Grand Diamond and MGM
               Grand Australia shall not, and MGM Grand Diamond shall procure
               that MGM Grand Australia shall not) do any of the following from
               the date hereof until the later of the expiry of the Call Option
               Period and Call Option Completion, (if later):-

               (a)  permit any other person to acquire any Call Option Shares or
                    options over or rights convertible into Call Option Shares,
                    (other than to a member of the MGM Group provided such
                    member has signed a deed of adherence pursuant to Clause
                    16.3(c) expressly recongnising, amongst other things, the
                    Call Option rights conferred on the Option Holders pursuant
                    to Clauses 3.1 to 3.12 inclusive);

               (b)  permit the allotment of any Equity Securities of MGM Grand
                    Australia (other than an allotment of MGMGA Shares to MGM
                    Grand Diamond or to any member of the MGM Group pursuant to
                    Clause 6.2(b)(iii) or, subject to Clause 4.1(f), to a third
                    party provided such member (other than MGM Grand Diamond) or
                    third party, as applicable, has first signed a deed of
                    adherence pursuant to Clause 16.3(c);

               (c)  grant any other person an option to acquire Equity
                    Securities or issue any right that is convertible into
                    Equity Securities in MGM Grand Australia (other than to a
                    member of the MGM Group or, subject to Clause 4.1(f), to a
                    third party) provided such member (other than MGM Grand
                    Diamond) or third party, as applicable, has signed a deed of
                    adherence pursuant to Clause 16.3(c));

               (d)  vary the rights attaching to any Equity Securities, create
                    any new classes of Equity Securities, repurchase any Equity
                    Securities, or in any other manner vary or alter the share
                    capital of MGM Grand Australia;


               (e)  (i)  except in relation to the proposed financing with Bank
                         of American (which financing includes the Acquisition
                         Finance), in the case of MGM Grand Diamond sell,
                         transfer, assign, create or permit the creation of any
                         Encumbrance over, declare itself trustee of or part
                         with possession of, any Call Option Shares or otherwise
                         create any interest therein except as expressly
                         permitted by this Deed; and

                    (ii) in the case of MGM Grand Australia, register any
                         transfer or recognise or give effect to any matter
                         referred to in Clause 4.1(e)(i);

               (f)  permit any act that would cause
                    (i)  MGM Grand Diamond or MGM Grand Australia to cease to be
                         a Subsidiary of MGMG; or

                    (ii) a Subsidiary of MGM Grand Australia, whether such 
                         Subsidiaries exists at or after the date of this Deed, 
                         to cease to be a Subsidiary of MGM Grand Australia;

                    provided that nothing herein shall preclude the liquidation
                    and/or reorganisation of a Subsidiary as long as MGM Grand
                    Australia retains the direct or indirect beneficial
                    ownership or control of all of the material assets and
                    business thereof;

               (g)  permit any act to occur which would result in the MGM Grand
                    Australia Group not being entitled to at least Eighty five
                    per cent (85%) of the beneficial interest in the Territory
                    Property Trust and the underlying property currently held by
                    the Territory Property Trust; or

               (h)  change the auditor of MGM Grand Australia if the new auditor
                    is not one of the 6 largest internationally recognised
                    accounting firms.

          4.2  In the event that MGM Grand Diamond proposes to enter into a
               transaction prior to Call Option Completion, which if entered
               into after Call Option Completion, would bring into operation
               Part 10 or Part 11 of Schedule 4, MGM Grand Diamond and the
               Option Holders shall have the rights provided for in such Parts
               notwithstanding that Call Option Completion has not occurred.
               Additionally, to the extent the exercise of such rights would
               require a payment by MGM Grand Diamond or a third party to the
               Option Holders in connection with the acquisition of the Option
               Holders' rights to acquire the Call Option Shares, such payment
               shall be determined as if the Call Option Shares were outstanding
               but there shall be deducted from the consideration payable to the
               Option Holders an amount equal to its relevant proportion of the
               Call Option Consideration, which such amount shall be retained by
               MGM Grand Diamond or paid to MGM Grand Diamond by such third
               party, as the case may be. However, if the Call Option
               Consideration is a negative amount then MGM Grand Diamond shall
               pay to the Option Holders their relevant proportion of the




               Each party hereby represents and warrants to the other that it
               has power to enter into and perform its obligations under this
               Deed and it has taken all necessary action to authorise, and has
               obtained all necessary authorisations, approvals and consents in
               connection with, the execution and performance of this Deed.


               MGM Grand Diamond represents and warrants to the Option Holders
               at Casino Sale Completion, at the Call Option Exercise Date and
               Completion that:-

               (a)  Subject to Clause 4.1, MGM Grand Diamond will be the
                    beneficial owner and in possession of the Call Option Shares
                    (including all evidence of title) and the Call Option Shares
                    are not the subject of any Encumbrance;

               (b)  the copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of
                    MGM Grand Australia exhibited to this Deed is a full and
                    true copy of the current Memorandum and Articles of
                    Association of MGM Grand Australia, and that there will be
                    no amendment to the Memorandum and Articles of Association
                    of MGM Grand Australia (except as may be required to comply
                    with applicable law), which was not the subject of the prior
                    written consent of the Option Holders if any such amendment
                    would adversely affect the rights of the Option Holders
                    pursuant to this Deed;

               (c)  the only issued Equity Securities of MGM Grand Australia are
                    MGMGA Shares;

               (d)  the Call Option Shares are fully paid and carry no rights
                    and are subject to no terms of issue other than as set out
                    in the Articles of Association of MGM Grand Australia;

               (e)  MGM Grand Diamond is entitled and competent to sell and
                    transfer the Call Option Shares subject to the Articles of
                    Association of MGM Grand Australia;

               (f)  any dividends, bonuses or other distributions declared made
                    or paid in relation to any of the Call Option Shares after
                    the exercise of the Call Option will be for the sole benefit
                    of the Option Holders and, if paid to MGM Grand Diamond,
                    will be forthwith paid to the Option Holders in their Agreed
                    Proportion by MGM Grand Diamond, by bank cheque;


          (g)  MGM Grand Diamond is not engaged in any proceedings, litigation,
               arbitration or prosecution (whether as plaintiff or defendant or
               otherwise) concerning or affecting the Call Option Shares and
               that no legal or other proceedings are threatened or envisaged by
               or against MGM Grand Diamond concerning the Call Option Shares
               and that to the best knowledge, information and belief of MGM 
               Grand Diamond there are no circumstances likely to lead thereto;

          (h)  to the best knowledge, information and belief of MGM Grand
               Diamond and MGM Grand Australia, other than routine matters for
               which no material and adverse result is anticipated, no
               governmental or official investigation or enquiry concerning the
               MGMGA Shares or the ownership of any such shares by MGM Grand
               Diamond is in progress or pending and there are no circumstances
               which are likely to give rise to any  proceedings,
               investigation or enquiry;

          (i)  no Insolvency Event has occurred or been threatened or is 
               envisaged by or against MGM Grand Diamond; and

          (j)  any Related Party Transactions determined in Clause 6.6 and in 
               existence at the date of this Deed satisfy the requirements of 
               Clause 6.6.


          Subject to Clause 3.6(b), the Option Holders represent and warrant to
          MGM Grand Diamond at Call Option Exercise Date and Call Option
          Completion that no governmental approval, licence or consent is
          required to be obtained by any Option Holder in connection with the
          grant of the Call Option, the exercise of the Call Option or
          Completion, as applicable, except for such as have been obtained by
          the relevant Option Holder and which do not and will not subject the
          MGM Group or MGM Grand Australia Group to any new or additional
          governmental restriction or limitation.

     5.4  NO MERGER

          The representation and warranties in this Clause 5 shall not merge on
          exercise of the Call Option or transfer of the Call Option Shares and
          shall enure for the benefit of the party in whose favor it is given.


     6.1  DURATION
          During the period commencing on the date hereof and expiring at the
          end of the Call Option Period and, if the Call Option has been
          exercised, thereafter until either:-

          (a)  a Listing of any Equity Securities of MGM Grand Australia has 
               occurred; or


               (b)  MGM Grand shall have acquired or the Option Holders have 
                    disposed of all of the Put Option Shares,

               the provisions of Clauses 6.2 - 6.8 inclusive shall apply.
               However, in the case of paragraph (a) the provisions of Clauses
               6.2, 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7 shall cease to apply immediately prior to
               the official consent to such Listing being obtained from the
               relevant stock exchange and in the case of Clauses 6.3, 6.4 and
               6.8 shall cease to apply to the extent only that any of the
               provisions contained in Clauses 6.3, 6.4 or 6.8 are incompatible
               with such Listing or any applicable laws, rules or regulations
               applying to MGM Grand Australia as a consequence of such Listing.
               For the avoidance of doubt such provision shall not be
               incompatible by reason only of their inability to be included in
               the articles of association of MGM Grand Australia as and from


               (a)  (i)   Subject to Clause 6.2(a)(ii), MGM Grand Diamond shall
                          ensure that all members of MGM Grand Australia Group
                          have sufficient funding to meet, as and when due.

                          (A) all gaming losses and other deficiencies in 
                              working capital of the Casino; and

                          (B) capital required for the expansion, improvement or
                              refurbishment of the Casino.

                    (ii)  Nothing in this Clause 6.2 shall limit or restrict in
                          any way the ability of MGM Grand Australia or MGM
                          Grand Australia Group to cease trading or enter into
                          voluntary liquidation.

               (b)  The funding to be provided to or procured by the MGM Grand 
                    Australia Group, shall be limited to:-

                    (i)  (SHAREHOLDER LOANS) loans made by MGM Grand Diamond or
                         an Associate of MGM Grand Diamond to MGM Grand
                         Australia Group which are unsecured and subordinated to
                         the claims of all other creditors of the MGM Grand
                         Australia Group. MGM Grand Diamond or its Associate (as
                         the case may be) shall be entitled to receive interest
                         on such loans to the extent only that such interest
                         reflects its actual external cost of the funds
                         ("Actually External Cost") without regard to whether or
                         not MGM Grand Diamond or its Associate actually borrows
                         funds specifically for this purpose. Administrative
                         costs within the MGM Grand Group and the application of
                         any withholding taxes in Australia shall not be an
                         Actual External Cost of MGM Grand Diamond for the
                         purpose of this Clause. Prior to making any advance to
                         MGM Grand Australia Group, MGM Grand Diamond and the
                         Nominated Option Holder shall use good faith efforts to
                         agree upon the Actual External Cost to MGM Grand
                         Diamond of such funds, which in any event shall not be
                         less than


                          the aggregate of One per cent (1%) plus LIBOR for
                          loans of comparable maturities. MGM Grand Diamond
                          shall provide to the Nominated Option Holder
                          sufficient information to enable it to verify by
                          independent calculation the Actual External Cost. If
                          MGM Grand Diamond and the Nominated Option Holder can
                          not agree as to the Actual External Cost within 15
                          Business Days of the Nominated Option Holders first
                          being notified of the proposed advance then the Actual
                          External Cost shall be the cost certified by an
                          independent expert appointed pursuant to Clause 9.1.
                          Until such time as the independent expert has
                          certified, the Actual External Cost. MGM Grand Diamond
                          or its Associate may advance the funds to MGM Grand
                          Australia Group at the interest rate MGM Grand Diamond
                          believes reflects the Actual External Cost but subject
                          to an adjustment being made up or down to principal
                          and/or interest (at the election of the relevant
                          member of MGM Grand Australia Group) in the event that
                          the independent expert certifies a figure more than
                          Fifty (50) basis points higher or lower than the rate
                          then being imposed by MGM Grand Diamond;

                    (ii)  (BANKS) by external third party lenders on the best
                          terms then available, which terms shall reflect that
                          MGMG and/or MGM Grand Diamond is prepared to provide a
                          guarantee for any such advances made direct to a
                          member of the MGM Grand Australia Group, where

                    (iii) (EQUITY) from equity subscriptions by MGM Grand
                          Diamond or any member of the MGM Group or any Related
                          Body Corporate for MGMGA Shares, with the prior
                          written consent of the Nominated Option Holder, which
                          shall not be unreasonably withheld if such equity
                          subscription shall not dilute or adversely affect the
                          legal and commercial benefit of the Call Options.


               (a)  MGMG (for its own part and on behalf of the MGM Group) and
                    each of the Option Holders (for their own part and on behalf
                    of the Option Holder Group) covenant with each other that
                    during the period referred to in Clause 6.3(b), all gaming
                    and related hotel activities conducted or controlled by any
                    one or more of:-

                    (i)  the MGM Group on the one hand, and 

                    (ii) the Option Holder Group on the other hand, as the case 
                         may be,

                    in the Northern Territory of Australia, shall be conducted 
                    solely through the MGM Grand Australia Group.


               (b)  The undertakings contained in Clause 6.3(a) shall only apply
                    until the earlier of:-

                    (i)  the expiry of the Call Option Period, or if the Call
                         Option has been exercised, until such time as the
                         Option Holder disposes of its MGMGA Shares; and

                    (ii) no member of the MGM Grand Australia Group holds an
                         exclusive licence for table gambling in the Northern
                         Division of the Northern Territory of Australia
                         pursuant to the Gaming Control Act 1993 of the Northern
                         Territory of Australia or any other statute regulating
                         gaming in the Northern Territory of Australia.

          6.4  NOMINEE DIRECTORS

               (a)  (i)  Prior to Call Option Completion, the Option Holders
                         collectively shall be entitled to appoint and remove at
                         least Twenty per cent (20%) in number of the directors
                         ("Nominee Director's") comprising the board of
                         directors of MGM Grand Australia or the board of
                         directors or governing body of each and every
                         Subsidiary of MGM Grand Australia ("Relevant Boards")
                         and to remove and replace such appointee(s), and where
                         that percentage will result in a fraction, rounded up
                         to the next whole number. For the avoidance of doubt
                         the Option Holders collectively shall be entitled to
                         appoint at least one director on each board and to
                         remove and replace such appointee. Where there is more
                         than one Option Holder, from time to time, the right to
                         appoint and remove directors shall be exercised by the
                         Nominated Option Holder in writing.

               (b)  (i)  As and from Call Option Completion the Option Holders
                         shall have the right, so long as any of them hold MGMGA
                         Shares, to appoint and remove directors on each and
                         every Relevant Board. The number of directors that may
                         be appointed and removed shall be determined by
                         reference to the aggregate percentage of MGMGA Shares
                         held by the Option Holders in accordance with the
                         formula contained in Clause 6.4(b)(ii). Where there is
                         more than one Option Holder, from time to time, the
                         right to appoint and remove directors shall be
                         exercised in writing by the Nominated Option Holder.

                    (ii) Subject to Clause 6.4(b)(iii) the minimum number of
                         Nominee Directors that may be appointed and removed by
                         the Option Holders, from time to time, shall be
                         determined by applying the percentage in the right hand
                         column shown opposite the relevant aggregate holding of
                         the Option Holders in the left hand column, to the
                         total number of directors of the Relevant Board.



                         MGMGA SHARES HELD BY          DIRECTORS OF RELEVANT
                         OPTION HOLDERS                BOARD TO BE APPOINTED
                                                       OR REMOVED
                         20%-22.5%                     20%
                         less than 20%                 Nil

                         Where the calculation results in a fraction, then it
                         shall be rounded up to the next whole number. For the
                         avoidance of doubt the Option Holders shall be entitled
                         to appoint and remove at least one director and remove
                         such director so long as they collectively own at least
                         Twenty per cent 20% of the issued MGMGA Shares.

                   (iii) If the Option Holders cease collectively to hold a
                         minimum of Twenty per cent (20%) of the issued MGMGA
                         Shares other than by reason of transfer by any of the
                         Option Holders of any of their MGMGA Shares then for
                         the purposes of Clause 6.4(b)(ii) the aggregate
                         percentage of MGMGA Shares held by the Option Holders
                         shall be determined as if no MGMGA Shares were issued
                         after Call Option Completion.

               (c)  Any Nominee Director appointed by the Option Holders shall
                    be deemed to be the nominee of the Option Holders. The
                    appointment and removal of such director or directors (as
                    the case may be) shall take effect immediately upon receipt
                    of the relevant notices from the Nominated Option Holder
                    (subject to a consent to act as director from the proposed
                    Nominee Directors being attached to the notice). Any
                    proposed new appointment shall be communicated by the Option
                    Holders to MGM Grand Australia or the relevant body where
                    possible, at least Fourteen (14) days in advance. Any such
                    director shall not be appointed unless he or she
                    demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of MGM Grand
                    Australia that he or she satisfies all applicable
                    requirements concerning governmental approvals, licences and
                    good standing. If in the opinion of MGM Grand Australia the
                    Nominee Director may cause or contribute to any Government
                    or Minister including without limitation the Government or
                    relevant Minister of the Northern Territory adversely
                    varying, revoking, cancelling or not renewing the Casino
                    Licence, then such Nominee Director shall be removed
                    forthwith by the Option Holders.

               (d)  A Nominee Director shall be entitled to appoint and remove
                    an alternate from time to time. A Nominee Director shall
                    also be entitled to the same level of remuneration payable
                    to other non-executive directors and reimbursement, in full,
                    for all travelling, hotel and associated


                    expenses reasonably incurred by him in attending board
                    meetings or in relation to the business of the relevant
                    company, it being understood that in order to minimise the
                    incurring of such expenses, it is anticipated that non-
                    resident directors will, for the most part, participate in
                    board meetings by telephone, closed circuit television or
                    other electronic means of video or audio-visual

               (e)  All directors of a Relevant Board shall have one vote,
                    unless they are also the alternate for another director.
                    For the avoidance of doubt the Chairman of the Relevant
                    Board shall not have a casting vote in addition to his
                    deliberative vote.

               (f)  It is expressly agreed and acknowledged that it may be in
                    the best interests of all the relevant members of MGM Grand
                    Australia Group for such director to take into account and
                    act in such manner as he believes best protects the
                    interests of the Option Holders pursuant to this Deed.
                    However, nothing in this Clause shall in any way fetter the
                    discretion of any director to act in any manner he deems
                    fit, including in a manner which may not be in the best
                    interests of the Option Holders, it being acknowledged that
                    all directors, however selected, are subject to fiduciary
                    obligations under applicable law.

               (g)  In respect of each member of the MGM Grand Australia Group,
                    to which he has been appointed, each Nominee Director shall
                    be provided with adequate notice of all meetings of
                    directors and be supplied with proper and full agendas and
                    supporting papers. Notwithstanding anything contained in the
                    constituent documents of each member of the MGM Grand
                    Australia Group, no director's meeting shall be quorate

                    (i)   at least one Nominee Director or his alternate 

                    (ii)  all of the Nominee Directors waive their right to 
                          attend; or

                    (iii) having been given at least Five (5) Business Days
                          prior proper notice no Nominee Director is present but
                          a majority of directors entitled to receive notice of
                          such meeting are present.

               (h)  Meetings may be in person or by contemporaneous link up by
                    telephone closed circuit television or other electronic
                    means of audio or audio visual communication, or any
                    combination thereof. No business shall be discussed at a
                    meeting of the Relevant Board, without the consent of the
                    Nominee Directors unless it has been adequately included in
                    the agenda that accompanied the notice of meeting.

               (i)  Subject to Clause 10 and Clause 15 of the Deed:

                    (i)   each member of the MGM Grand Australia Group will
                          prepare and provide management information and reports
                          to its directors


                          sufficient for the efficient operation of the relevant
                          member of the MGM Grand Australia Group; and

                    (ii)  Nominee Directors shall have the right to visit and
                          inspect any of the property of the MGM Grand Australia
                          Group, to inspect and take copies of all documents
                          relating to the MGM Grand Australia Group, including
                          without limiting the generality of the foregoing its
                          books of account, and to discuss its affairs, finances
                          and accounts with any of the officers of the MGM Grand
                          Australia Group or its auditors, at all reasonable
                          times and as often as such person may reasonably

               (j)  Subject to Clause 10 and Clause 15 of the Deed each Nominee
                    Director is entitled to communicate any information (and
                    provide copies of such information) received by that
                    director in relation to any member of MGM Grand Australia
                    Group to an Option Holder. To the extent that the Nominee
                    Director requires specific confirmation, consent, or
                    ratification for any such disclosure from his fellow
                    directors or in general meeting, then the parties shall do
                    all things in their lawful power to assist in or procure
                    such confirmation, consent or ratification.


               Mr James Osborne shall at the request of MGM Grand Diamond
               provide consultancy services to MGM Grand Australia periodically,
               but in aggregate for a period of no more than four weeks during
               each calendar year, until the earlier of the Call Option Exercise
               Date or the expiry of the Call Option Period. The consultancy
               services shall be provided at no remuneration (except for
               reimbursement for travelling, hotel and associated expenses). The
               manner and timetable pursuant to which such consulatancy services
               are to be rendered shall be determined having regard to Mr
               Osborne's other activities. Mr Osborne shall be a signatory to
               this Deed solely to confirm his adherence to this Clause 6.5.


               (a)  Any contract, arrangement or transaction of whatsoever
                    nature between any member of the MGM Group or between any
                    Associate of the MGM Group and any member of MGM Grand
                    Australia Group ("Related Party Transaction") shall be
                    entered into on the basis:

                    (i)   the relevant member or members of MGM Grand Australia
                          Group pays consideration no higher than would be
                          reasonable, prudent and appropriate for such member of
                          MGM Grand Australia Group to pay to an independent
                          party providing a comparable service or benefit; and

                    (ii)  the relevant member or members of the MGM Grand
                          Australia Group received consideration no lower than
                          would be reasonable, prudent and appropriate for such
                          member to receive


                          from an independent party receiving a comparable 
                          service or benefit.

               (b)  Any Related Party Transactions shall be approved by the
                    Relevant Board of MGM Grand Australia Group on the basis
                    that its terms are arms length, bona fide and reasonable,
                    with all board members being entitled to participate in such
                    determination. With respect to any Related Party Transaction
                    pursuant to which MGM Grand Australia Group would incur a
                    cost or grant a benefit to the MGM Group in excess of Two
                    hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) in respect of any one
                    transaction or if any independent series of transactions
                    exceeds Five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) in any
                    twelve month period, if the Nominee Director disputes the
                    bona fide's or reasonableness of such Related Party
                    Transaction then the expert appointed under Clause 9.1 shall
                    determine whether or not the Related Party Transaction
                    satisfies the pre-conditions contained in this Clause 6.6.


               (a)  On or as soon as practicable after the Call Option
                    Completion the Option Holders, MGM Grand Diamond and MGM
                    Grand Australia shall execute a Final Shareholders'
                    Agreement ("Final Shareholders' Agreement") embodying all of
                    the provisions of this Deed which remain to be performed or
                    are capable of application and the covenants and condition
                    and ancillary provisions reasonable or desirable to give
                    full effect to the provisions contained in Schedule 4. MGM
                    Grand Diamond, MGM Grand Australia and the Option Holders
                    shall procure that any Subsidiary of MGM Grand Australia,
                    and any member of the MGM Group of whom any Equity
                    Securities in MGM Grand Australia or any Subsidiary have
                    been issued as permitted by this Deed, shall become a party
                    to such Final Shareholders' Agreement to the extent that it
                    is lawfully possible for such person to be a party to the
                    Final Shareholders' Agreement. The parties shall act in good
                    faith to conclude the Final Shareholders' Agreement within a
                    reasonable period which shall not exceed 3 months from the
                    date negotiations to prepare a Final Shareholders' Agreement

               (b)  As from the Call Option Completion and until the Final
                    Shareholders Agreement is executed by all of the then
                    existing parties to this Deed and such other members of the
                    MGM Group as may be necessary, the provisions contained in
                    Schedule 4 are intended and shall be construed to act as
                    covenants between all of the parties hereto to protect the
                    minority interest of the Option Holders and shall apply
                    notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the constituent
                    documents of any member of the MGM Grand Australia Group.


               (a)  MGM Grand Diamond agrees to exercise its voting and other
                    rights attaching to its MGMGA Shares or arising from its
                    control of the


                    MGM Grand Australia Group to procure, so far as it lawfully
                    can, that each member of MGM Grand Australia Group and its
                    directors give effect to the terms and conditions of this

               (b)  The Option Holders agree as and from Call Option Completion
                    (assuming the Call Option has been exercised) to exercise
                    their voting and other rights attaching to their MGMGA
                    Shares to procure, so far as they lawfully can, that their
                    Nominee Directors give effect to the terms and conditions of
                    this Deed.

               (c)  If in the option of the Option Holders and the MGM Grand
                    Diamond, each acting reasonably, it is necessary or
                    desirable to amend the articles of association of MGM Grand
                    Australia or any Subsidiary in order to comply with
                    applicable law or to give effect to the rights of the Option
                    Holders pursuant to this Deed (including Schedule 4), then
                    all parties shall exercise their voting and other right
                    attaching to or arising for the MGMGA Shares to attempt to
                    implement such changes.


          7.1  LISTING

               MGM Grand Diamond recognises and acknowledges that one of the
               preferred exit mechanisms for the Option Holders would be the
               Listing of all the ordinary share capital of MGM Grand Australia.
               If the Option Holder shall issue a notice to MGM Grand Diamond
               that they wish MGM Grand Australia to obtain such a Listing
               within twelve months from the date of the notice, then (subject
               to any restriction imposed by law on MGM Grand Diamond, MGM Grand
               Australia or the MGM Grand Australia Group member holding the
               Casino Licence); MGM Grand Diamond shall give due consideration
               to such request, including without limitation, to the extent it
               deems it desirable to do so appoint an independent consultant of
               appropriate experience to advise on the merits of obtaining a


               Nothing in Clause 7 shall oblige MGM Grand Diamond to sell any of
               the MGMGA Shares held by it or to require MGM Grand Australia to
               issue any new MGMGA Shares. However, if MGM Grand Diamond and the
               Option Holders (assuming the Call Option has been exercised)
               agree to seek to obtain a Listing, then the Option Holders agree
               to all of their MGMGA Shares being quoted on the relevant Stock
               Exchange and to offer by way of sale all or such portions of
               their shareholding in MGM Grand Australia as MGM Grand Diamond
               may request, provided that MGM Grand Australia and/or MGM Grand
               Diamond sell in such offering the aggregate of not less than Ten
               percent (10%) of the issued MGMGA Shares prior to any such


          7.3  NO OBLIGATION TO LIST

               (a)  For the avoidance of doubt neither MGM Grand Diamond nor the
                    Option Holders will be under any obligation to consent to a
                    Listing, such consent to be given or withheld in their sole
                    and absolute discretion, but the merits of such Listing
                    shall be considered in good faith once the request has been
                    made by the Option Holders upon MGM Grand Diamond pursuant
                    to Clause 7.1.

               (b)  Notwithstanding that a party has consented to a Listing such
                    consent may be withdrawn anytime prior to Listing, subject
                    to any third party contractual obligations, if any party so
                    elects as a result of an adverse movement in the proposed
                    issue price of a share on Listing or the imposition of
                    unreasonable conditions.

     8.   PUT OPTION


               If by the first anniversary of the Call Option Exercise Date:-

               (a)  no Listing of the ordinary share capital of MGM Grand
                    Australia has occurred or is not considered desirable by the
                    Option Holders and MGM Grand Diamond; or

               (b)  if the Listing has been obtained but the Listing is on a
                    market which has insufficient liquidity based on bona fide
                    estimates, to absorb a sale of all of the Call Option Shares
                    then held by the Option Holders, within a period of six
                    months after such Listing; then the following provisions of
                    this Clause 8 will apply. Any dispute concerning the
                    aforegoing shall be resolved in accordance with Clause 9.1.

          8.2  GRANT OF PUT OPTION

               MGM Grand Diamond hereby grants to the Option Holders,
               collectively an option to sell the Put Option Shares, for the Put
               Option Consideration, free from all Encumbrances (other than
               those that may be contained in this Deed).


               The Put Option shall only be capable of being exercised:

               (a)  during the Put Option Period, or

               (b)  if an Event of Default (as defined in Clause 12) has
                    occurred prior to the commencement of the Put Option Period,
                    at any time after the occurrence of the Event of Default and
                    so long as such Event of Default is continuing, but in no
                    event after the expiration of the Put Option Period.


               To the extent that the Put Option is not so exercised it shall
               lapse and be incapable of further or subsequent exercise. The Put
               Options shall be capable of being exercised by the Option Holders
               only collectively in respect of the whole of the Put Option
               Shares and only during the Put Option Period.

          8.4  EXERCISE NOTICE

               The Put Option shall be exercised collectively by notice in 
               writing by the Option Holders to MGM Grand Diamond.


               An Option Holder shall not be entitled to withdraw a notice 
               served pursuant to Clause 8.4, once it has been duly served.


               (a)  Upon receipt by MGM Grand Diamond of a notice from the
                    Option Holders, given in accordance with Clause 8.4, a
                    contract for the sale and purchase of the Put Option Shares
                    between MGM Grand Diamond or subject to Clause 8.6(b)(iii)
                    its nominee ("MGM Nominee") as purchaser and the Option
                    Holders as vendors shall be created as at the date of
                    receipt of that notice. If MGM Grand Diamond nominates a
                    person to be the MGM Nominee to acquire the Put Option
                    Shares under this Clause 8.6 (details of the nominee are
                    communicated to the Option Holders at least five Business
                    Days before the Put Option Completion), MGM Grand Diamond
                    shall be responsible as the primary obligor and not as
                    surety for the payment of the Put Option Consideration.

               (b)  It shall be a condition to Completion of the sale and 
                    purchase of the Put Option that

                    (i)   the Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia
                          consents, under the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers
                          Act 1975, to the proposed acquisition by MGM Grand
                          Diamond (or subject to Clause 8.6(b)(iii) MGM Nominee)
                          of the Put Option Shares and the Treasurer is to be
                          deemed to have so consented:

                          (A) if MGM Grand Diamond (or subject to Clause
                              8.6(b)(iii) MGM Nominee) receives written advice
                              from the Treasurer on his behalf, without any term
                              or condition which MGM Grand Diamond (or MGM
                              Nominee) considers unacceptable, to the effect
                              that the acquisition of the Put Option Shares is
                              not objected to under the Foreign Acquisitions and
                              Takeovers Act 1976; or

                          (B) if 10 days have elapsed from the day the Treasurer
                              ceased to be empowered to make any order under
                              Part II of the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers
                              Act in


                              relation to the proposed acquisition because of
                              lapse of time, notice of the proposed acquisition
                              of the Put Option Shares having been given to the
                              Treasurer under the Foreign Acquisitions and
                              Takeovers Act 1975; and

                    (ii)  the Option Holders and MGM Grand Diamond receiving not
                          later than six months after the Put Option Exercise
                          Date on an unconditional basis all relevant consents
                          and approvals required, if any, from any governmental
                          authority including the Government or relevant
                          Minister of the Northern Territory of Australia in
                          relation to any change of interest in MGM Grand
                          Australia; and

                    (iii) where the conditions referred to in the preceding sub-
                          paragraphs (b)(i) and (b)(ii) have not been satisfied
                          within 3 months of the Put Option Exercise Date but
                          are likely to be satisfied within a period of 3 months
                          if the purchaser of the Put Option Shares is MGM Grand
                          Diamond and not MGM Nominee, then notwithstanding
                          Clause 8.6(a), the purchaser of the Put Option Shares
                          shall be MGM Grand Diamond and no other person.

               (c)  MGM. MGM Grand Diamond (for itself and on behalf of any MGM
                    Nominee) and the Option Holders shall use their best
                    endeavours (other than by incurring substantial liabilities,
                    substantial obligations (including any divestment or
                    restrictions on business operations) or monetary obligations
                    and other than by consenting to any substantial alteration
                    to the terms of this Agreement) to satisfy any request for
                    information or condition or conditions specified by or on
                    behalf of the Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia
                    under the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 as
                    referred to in Clause 8.6(b). Each of the parties shall use
                    all their best endeavours to obtain the fulfilment of the
                    conditions in Clause 8.6(b) in an expeditious manner, and
                    shall give the others prompt notice in writing upon it
                    becoming aware whether or not any of the condition
                    precedents referred to in Clause 8.6(b) has been satisfied.

          8.7  NO ENCUMBRANCES

               The Put Option Shares shall be sold by the Option Holders as
               beneficial owners free from all Encumbrances and adverse claims,
               together with all rights attaching thereto, as at the date of the
               Put Option Completion including all dividends declared or payable
               or distributions made or proposed on or after the Put Option
               Exercise Date.

          8.8  CONSIDERATION

               The total consideration payable for the purchase of the Put 
               Option Shares shall be the Put Option Consideration.



               Completion of the sale and purchase of the Put Option Shares
               shall take place between the hours of 9.00am and 3.00pm (Las
               Vegas, Nevada time) on the fifth (5th) Business Day after the
               latter of the satisfaction of the conditions precedent referred
               to in Clause 8.6 and determination of the Put Option             
               Consideration in accordance with Schedule 3 or such other date as
               the relevant Option Holder and MGM Grand Diamond may agree in
               writing, at the office of MGM Grand Diamond or at such other
               place as MGM Grand Diamond and the Option Holder may agree.

          8.10 COMPLETION

               On Completion:

               (a)  the Option Holders shall deliver to (or make available to 
                    the satisfaction of) MGM Grand Diamond or MGM Nominee (as 
                    the case may be):

                    (i)   definitive certificates for the relevant Put Option
                          Shares (or if such certificate has been lost or
                          destroyed the necessary declarations have been made as
                          required by the Articles of Association of MGM Grand
                          Australia or the Corporations Law for the issue of
                          replacement certificates) together with transfers
                          thereof duly executed by the registered holders
                          thereof, in favour of MGM Grand Diamond or MGM Nominee
                          (as the case may be);

                    (ii)  such consents or documents (if any) as may be required
                          to give evidence of title to the relevant Put Option
                          Shares and to sell, transfer or vest such title in MGM
                          Grand Diamond or MGM Nominee (as the case may be) free
                          from Encumbrance; and

                    (iii) duly executed proxy forms in the form set out in the
                          Articles of Association of MGM Grand Australia
                          appointing MGM Grand Diamond or MGM Nominee (as the
                          case may be), as proxy to exercise the right to vote
                          attached to the relevant Put Option Shares in respect
                          of all general meetings of holders of Equity
                          Securities of MGM Grand Australia after the date of
                          Completion pending registration of the transfers
                          referred to in sub-paragraph (i) above;

               (b)  MGM Grand Diamond shall pay the Put Option Consideration to
                    the Option Holders as specified in writing by the Nominated
                    Option Holder by bank cheques, cashiers cheques, or by
                    direct debits or telegraphic transfers to the bank accounts
                    nominated in writing by the Nominated Option Holder; and

               (c)  MGM Grand Diamond shall procure that any loan made by any of
                    the Option Holders to any member of the MGM Grand Australia
                    Group is


                    repaid in full together with all interest accrued thereon to
                    the date of Put Option Completion.


               The Option Holder exercising the Put Option shall in respect of
               the Put Option Shares registered in its name ("Relevant Put
               Option Shares"), represent and warrant to MGM Grand Diamond or
               MGM Nominee that on the day of Put Option Completion:-

               (a)  the Option Holder is the beneficial owner and in possession
                    of the Relevant Put Option Shares (including all evidence of
                    title) and such Relevant Put Option Shares will not at Put
                    Option Completion be the subject of any Encumbrance;

               (b)  the Option Holder is entitled and competent to sell and
                    transfer the Relevant Put Option Shares subject to the
                    Articles of Association of MGM Grand Australia;

               (c)  any dividends, bonuses or other distributions declared made
                    or paid in relation to any of the Relevant Put Option Shares
                    held by the Option Holder after the exercise of the Put
                    Option will be for the sole benefit of MGM Grand Diamond or
                    MGM Nominee (as the case may be) and, if paid to the Option
                    Holder, will be forthwith paid to MGM Grand Diamond or MGM
                    Nominee (as the case may be) or by the Option Holder, by
                    bank cheque;

               (d)  the Option Holder is not engaged in any proceedings,
                    litigation, arbitration or prosecution (whether as plaintiff
                    or defendant or otherwise) concerning or affecting the
                    Relevant Put Option Shares held by it and that no legal or
                    other proceedings are threatened or envisaged by or against
                    the Option Holder concerning the Relevant Put Option Shares
                    and that to the best knowledge, information and belief of
                    the Option Holder there are no circumstances likely to lead
                    thereto; and

               (e)  no Insolvency Event has occurred in relation to the Option 


               (a)  MGM Grand Diamond or MGM Nominee (as the case may be) shall
                    not be obliged to complete the purchase of the Put Option
                    Shares if an Option Holder is in breach of any of its
                    obligations pursuant to Clause 8.10 or any representation
                    or warranty given by it pursuant to Clause 8.11 unless and
                    until such breach has been cured (if capable of remedy)
                    within 30 days of MGM Grand Diamond or MGM Nominee giving
                    notice to the defaulting party of such breach.

               (b)  MGM Grand Diamond or MGM Nominee (as the case may be) may,
                    at its option, pending the curing of the breach of
                    obligation referred to in Clause 8.12(a), elect to proceed
                    to Completion of the remainder of the


                    Put Option Shares held by the other Option Holders 
                    notwithstanding Clause 8.12(a).

               (c)  Nothing contained in this Clause 8.12 shall limit or
                    otherwise restrict the rights and remedies, including
                    without limitation equitable remedies, which may be
                    available to MGM Grand Diamond or MGM Nominee (as the case
                    may be) by reason of the matters referred to in Clause



               In the event that the Option Holders and MGM Grand Diamond are
               unable to agree in relation to the matter referred to in Clauses
               3.6(d), 3.10, 6.2(b)(i), 6.6, 8.1 or Schedules 2 or 3, then the
               auditors for the time being of MGM Grand Australia shall as
               experts and not as arbitrators make a determination in relation
               to the subject matter in dispute, which in the absence of
               manifest error shall be final binding. Any of the parties may
               make a submission to the auditor in relation to the subject
               matter of his proposed determination and the auditor shall be
               given access to such information as he reasonably requires to
               make a proper and full determination. The costs of the auditor
               shall be borne as to one half by MGM Grand Diamond and, as to the
               other half by the Option Holders. For the avoidance of doubt, MGM
               Grand Diamond and the Option Holders intend that no such
               resolution by MGM Grand Australia's auditor shall prevent such
               auditor from continuing in the capacity of MGM Grand Australia's
               independent auditor and in the event, in the opinion of such
               auditor, it may not resolve such dispute and continue in such
               capacity it shall designate an auditor of comparable standing to
               resolve such dispute.


               (a)  Unless a party has complied with Sub-Clauses 9.2(a) to (f),
                    that party may not commence court proceedings or arbitration
                    relating to any dispute arising from this instrument except
                    where that party seeks urgent interlocutory relief in which
                    case that party need not comply with this Clause when
                    seeking such relief. Where a party fails to comply with Sub-
                    Clauses 9.2(a) to (d) inclusive, any other party in dispute
                    with the party so failing to comply need not comply with
                    this Clause before referring the dispute to arbitration or
                    commencing court proceedings relating to that dispute or
                    defending or otherwise participating in any such arbitration
                    or court proceedings commenced by the party so failing to

               (b)  Any party claiming that a dispute has arisen under this
                    instrument between any of the parties shall give written
                    notice to the other party or parties in dispute designating
                    its representatives in negotiations relating to the dispute
                    and a person with authority to settle the dispute and each
                    other party given written notice shall promptly give notice
                    in writing to the parties in dispute designating as its
                    representatives in negotiations


                    relating to the dispute and a person with similar authority 
                    to settle disputes.

               (c)  The designated persons shall, within ten days of the last
                    designation required by Sub-Clause 9.2(b), following
                    whatever investigations each deems appropriate, seek to
                    resolve the dispute.

               (d)  If the dispute is not resolved within the following ten days
                    (or within such further period as the representatives may
                    agree is appropriate) the parties in dispute shall within a
                    further ten days (or within such further period as the
                    representatives may agree is appropriate) seek to resolve
                    the whole or part of the dispute through the means of
                    mediation and shall agree on:
                    (i)   the procedure and timetable for any exchange of
                          documents and other information relating to the

                    (ii)  procedural rules and a timetable for the conduct of 
                          the mediation;

                    (iii) a procedure for selection and compensation of any
                          neutral person who may be employed by the parties in
                          dispute; and

                    (iv)  whether the parties should seek the assistance of a 
                          dispute resolution organisation.

               (e)  The parties acknowledge that the purposes of any exchange of
                    information or documents or the making of any offer of
                    settlement pursuant to this Clause 9.2 is to attempt to
                    settle the dispute between the parties and without prejudice
                    to their rights in any arbitration or court proceedings. No
                    party may use any information or documents obtained through
                    the dispute resolution process established by this Clause
                    for any purpose other than in an attempt to settle a dispute
                    between that party and other parties to this Deed.

               (f)  After the expiration of the time established by or agreed
                    under Sub-Clause 9.2(a) for agreement of the matters
                    referred to in Sub-Clause 9.2(d)(i) to (iv) inclusive, any
                    party which has complied with the provisions of Clause
                    9.2(a) to (d) inclusive may in writing terminate the dispute
                    resolution process provided for in those Clauses and may
                    then defer the dispute to arbitration or commence court
                    proceedings relating to the dispute.



               Subject to any express third party confidentiality restrictions
               or as required by applicable law, MGM Grand Diamond and MGM Grand
               Australia shall, during the period referred to in Clause 6.1
               procure that the Option Holders are kept


               regularly informed regarding the business and affairs of MGM
               Grand Australia Group (including the Casino). Any such
               information, subject to Clause 15.1, shall be treated as strictly
               confidential unless MGM Grand Australia shall otherwise direct.


               Subject to any express third party confidentiality restrictions
               or as required by applicable law, MGM Grand Diamond shall, during
               the period referred to in Clause 6.l give the Option Holders such
               information relating to the MGM Grand Australia Group as any of
               the Option Holders may reasonably require and shall afford to an
               Option Holder such facilities in relation thereto as it may
               reasonably require. Subject to Clause 15.1 any such information
               shall be treated strictly confidential unless MGM Grand Diamond
               shall otherwise direct.


               Subject to any express third party confidentiality restrictions
               or as required by applicable law, during the period referred to
               in Clause 6.1 a Nominee Director appointed by the Option Holders
               pursuant to Clause 6.4 may, and shall on the request of an Option
               Holder, provide such information to the Option Holder as he
               considers appropriate or as may be reasonably requested by an
               Option Holder from time to time. Subject to Clause 15.1 any such
               information shall be treated as strictly confidential unless MGM
               Grand Australia shall otherwise direct. To the extent that the
               Nominee Director requires specific confirmation, consent, or
               ratification for any such disclosure from his fellow directors or
               in general meeting, then the parties shall do all things in their
               lawful power to assist in or procure such confirmation, consent
               or ratification.


               The provisions contained in Clauses 10.1 to 10.3 inclusive shall
               apply from the date of the Deed until the expiry of the Call
               Option Period, or if the Call Option is exercised until such time
               as the Option Holders have disposed all of the Equity Securities
               of MGM Grand Australia held by the Option Holders.


          Immediately following:

               Casino Sale Completion and until Listing, MGM Grand Australia and
               MGM Grand Diamond shall ensure that all certificates in respect
               of all Equity Securities of MGM Grand Australia issued before or
               after the date of this Deed are endorsed with the following

                    "The securities comprised in this certificate are the 
                    subject of, inter alia, a Deed dated [          ] 1995 and 
                    made between [Ultrabridge Securities Limited, Cashew Nut
                    Holdings Limited, the Trustees of the Osborne Family Trust,
                    MGM Grand Diamond Inc., MGM Grand Australia Pty Ltd and MGM
                    Grand Inc.]"


               MGM Grand Diamond shall thereafter procure that, so long as the
               Call Options shall remain exercisable by the Option Holders, any
               replacement certificates issued to it in respect of the Equity
               Securities shall be similarly endorsed.

          12.  DEFAULT

               12.1 EVENTS OF DEFAULT

                    It shall be an event of default in relation to a party (an
                    "Event of Default") if any party commits a material breach
                    of this Deed and (if capable of remedy) fails to remedy the
                    same (or establish plans to remedy the same in a manner
                    satisfactory to the non-defaulting parties) within thirty
                    (30) days of notice to do so being given by any other party
                    (and in which such other party expresses its intention to
                    exercise its rights under this Clause).

               12.2 GENERAL INDEMNITY

                    A party in respect of which an Event of Default occurs (a
                    "Defaulting Party") shall on demand from any other party,
                    indemnify such other party against any loss, cost, claim,
                    damage or expense (including but not limited to legal fees)
                    suffered or incurred:-

                    (a)  as a result of any default by the Defaulting Party in
                         the performance of any of the obligations expressed to
                         be performed by it under this Deed or as the result of
                         an occurrence of an Event of Default which has occurred
                         in relation to such Defaulting Party; and/or

                    (b)  in connection with the enforcement, preservation or
                         protection of any rights against the Defaulting Party
                         under this Deed.

          13.  TERM

               This Deed shall, remain in full force and effect until the 
               earlier of:

               (i)   the end of the Call Option Period if the Call Options is
                     not exercised during such period;

               (ii)  following Call Option Completion, until replaced by the
                     Final Shareholders Agreements; or

               (iii) such time as the Option Holders dispose of all their MGMGA 

          14.  COSTS AND EXPENSES

               Each party shall bear its own costs and expenses in relation to
               the negotiation, preparation and execution of this Deed and any
               other documents referred to in this Deed or ancillary or
               incidental to it. The Option Holders agree to bear all stamp duty
               payable or assessable in connection with this Deed.



               15.1 CONFIDENTIALITY

                    Each party must keep:

                    (a)   all information which it obtains concerning the
                          business, affairs or assets of MGM Grand Australia
                          Group; and

                    (b)   the terms of this Deed or the Final Shareholders 
                          Agreement; and 

                    (c)   all information relating to this Deed or the Final 
                          Shareholders Agreement;

                    strictly confidential and must not, and must procure that
                    their respective professional advisers, officers, employees,
                    agents and auditors do not, without the prior written
                    consent of the other parties, disclose any of the above
                    information to any third party except:

                    (d)   if required to make such disclosure by any court of
                          competent jurisdiction or in order to enforce any
                          rights under this Deed or the Final Shareholders
                          Agreement in any proceedings;

                    (e)   pursuant to any court order;

                    (f)   pursuant to any law or regulation having the force of
                          law including without limitation laws, regulations of
                          the government or relevant minister of the Northern
                          Territory of the Commonwealth of Australia or any
                          agency thereof;

                    (g)   pursuant to the requirements of any recognised stock
                          exchange or securities regulatory body, such as the
                          United States Securities Exchange Commission;

                    (h)   in circumstances where the information has come within
                          the public domain otherwise than by reason of a breach
                          by one of the parties of the provisions of this

                    (i)   to a bona fide intending purchaser of any of the MGMGA
                          Shares or to a bona fide intending director of a
                          company in the MGM Grand Australia Group subject to
                          that purchaser or intending director entering into a
                          confidentiality undertaking in favour of all the
                          parties in terms similar to this Clause;

                    (j)   to professional advisers, and

                    (k)   by a director to his appointor.


               15.2 ANNOUNCEMENTS

                    Subject to Clause 15.2 (d)-(h) inclusive no public
                    announcement or communication relating to the negotiations
                    of the parties or the subject matter or terms of this Deed
                    or any other related agreement will be made or authorised by
                    or on behalf of any party without the prior written consent
                    of the other parties.


               16.1 NO PARTNERSHIP

                    Nothing in this Deed or in any document referred to in it
                    shall constitute any of the parties a partner of any other,
                    nor shall the execution, completion and implementation of
                    this Deed confer on any party any power to bind or impose
                    any obligations to any third parties on any other party or
                    to pledge the credit of any other party.

               16.2 ASSIGNMENT 

                    None of the parties may assign any of their respective
                    rights or obligations under this Deed nor any of the
                    documents referred to in this Deed (including the Final
                    Shareholders Agreement) in whole or in part except in the
                    case of a Shareholder to a transferee of Equity Securities
                    described in Part 9 of Schedule 4 to this Deed who has
                    satisfied the conditions contained in that Part 9 "Permitted
                    Transferee" and otherwise with the consent of the other
                    parties. However, a Permitted Transferee's right to appoint
                    Nominee Directors pursuant to Clause 6.4 or its counterpart
                    in the Final Shareholders Agreement shall be restricted so
                    as to require any candidate for a position of Nominee
                    Director to be approved by the remaining Shareholders prior
                    to such appointment (such approval not to be unreasonably

               16.3 DEED OF ADHERENCE

                    (a)   The Option Holders shall not appoint any other person
                          as an Option Holder Nominee pursuant to Clause 3.2(b)
                          unless and until such person has entered into a deed
                          of adherence in relation to the terms of this Deed in
                          a form satisfactory to MGM Grand Diamond.

                    (b)   MGM Grand Diamond shall not nominate an MGM Nominee
                          pursuant to Clause 8 unless and until such person has
                          entered into a deed of adherence in relation to the
                          terms of this Deed, in a form satisfactory to the
                          Option Holders, if any, who have not exercised the Put

                    (c)   MGM Grand Diamond shall not transfer and MGM Grand
                          Australia shall not enter into any transactions
                          described and permitted by in Clause 4.1 (a), (b) or
                          (c) except upon compliance with the applicable
                          requirement concerning entry into a deed of adherence
                          in relation to the terms of this Deed, (including for
                          the avoidance of doubt Schedule 4) in


                          a form satisfactory to the Option Holders in the
                          exercise of reasonable judgement.

               16.4 WAIVER

                    No delay by or omission of any party in exercising any
                    right, power, privilege or remedy under this Deed shall
                    operate to impair such right, power, privilege or remedy or
                    be construed as a waiver thereof. Any single or partial
                    exercise of any such right, power, privilege or remedy shall
                    not preclude any other or future exercise thereof or the
                    exercise of any other right, power, privilege or remedy.
                    The rights and remedies provided in this Deed are cumulative
                    and not exclusive of any rights and remedies provided by

               16.5 ENTIRE AGREEMENT

                    This Deed and other documents referred to in this Deed
                    contain the entire agreement between the parties with
                    respect to the subject matter hereof.

               16.6 NOTICES

                    (a)   Any notice or other communication to be given by one
                          party to another under, or in connection with, the
                          matters contemplated by this Deed shall be addressed
                          to the recipient and sent to the address or facsimile
                          number, if any, of the recipient given in this Deed
                          for that purpose and marked for the attention of the
                          person so given or such other address, facsimile
                          number and/or marked for such other attention as the
                          recipient may from time to time specify by notice
                          given in accordance with this Clause to the party
                          giving the relevant notice or communication to it. In
                          the case of each Option Holder, the relevant details
                          as at the date of this Deed are set out in Schedule 1.
                          In the case of MGM Grand Diamond, MGM Grand Inc, or
                          MGM Grand Australia such details are:

                          Address:              3799 Las Vegas Boulevard South,
                                                Las Vegas, Nevada 89109, USA
                          Facsimile Number:     (702) 891 3334 
                          For the attention of: K. Eugene Shutler Esq

                          with a copy to:

                          Address:              Christensen, White, Miller,
                                                Fink & Jacobs.  
                                                2121 Avenue of the Stars,
                                                18th Floor, Los Angeles,
                                                California 90067, USA
                          Facsimile Number:     (310) 556 2920
                          For the Attention of: Gary N. Jacobs Esq

                    (b)   Subject to (c) below, any notice or other
                          communication to be given by any party to any other
                          party under, or in connection with, the matters
                          contemplated by this Deed shall be in writing and
                          shall be given by letter delivered by hand or sent by
                          first class prepaid post (airmail if


                    overseas) or telex or facsimile, and shall be deemed to have
                    been received:-

                    (i)   in the case of delivery by hand, when delivered;

                    (ii)  in the case of first class prepaid post, on the fifth 
                          Business Day following the day of posting; or

                    (iii) in the case of facsimile, on acknowledgement of the 
                          addressee's facsimile receiving equipment.

               (c)  Any notice or other communication not received on a Business
                    Day or received after 5.00 pm local time on any Business Day
                    in the place of receipt shall be deemed to be received on
                    the next following Business Day. A notice shall not be
                    invalid by reason only that a copy of such notice has not
                    been served on any person nominated to receive copies of

          16.7 COUNTERPARTS

               This Deed may be executed in any number of counterparts and by
               the different parties on separate counterparts (which may be
               facsimile copies), each of which when executed and delivered
               shall constitute an original, but all the counterparts shall
               together constitute but one and the same instrument.

          16.8 VARIATIONS

               No variation to this Deed shall be effective unless made in 
               writing and signed by or on behalf of the parties.

          16.9 JURISDICTION

               (a)  All the parties irrevocably agree that the courts of the
                    Northern Territory of Australia are to have non-exclusive
                    jurisdiction to settle any disputes which may arise out of
                    or in connection with this Deed and that accordingly subject
                    to Clause 16.9(c) any suit, action or proceeding (together
                    in this Clause referred to as "Proceedings") arising out of
                    or in connection with this Deed may be brought in such

               (b)  Each party irrevocably waives any objection which it may
                    have now or hereafter to the laying of the venue of any
                    Proceedings in any such court as is referred to in this
                    Clause 16.9(a) and any claim that any such Proceedings have
                    been brought in an inconvenient forum and further
                    irrevocably agrees that a judgement in any Proceedings
                    brought in the courts of the Northern Territory of Australia
                    shall be conclusive and binding upon such party and may be
                    enforced in the courts of any other jurisdiction.

               (c)  Nothing contained in this Clause 16.9 shall limit the right
                    of any party to take Proceedings against any other party in
                    any other court of


                    competent jurisdiction, nor shall the taking of Proceedings
                    in one or more jurisdiction preclude the taking of
                    Proceedings in any other jurisdiction, whether concurrently
                    or not.

               (d)  Promptly after service of any process the party filing such
                    process shall dispatch a copy thereof to the other parties
                    by registered mail, postage prepaid, but failure of the
                    other parties to receive such copy shall not invalidate the
                    service of such process.

               (e)  The Parties to this Deed shall at all times maintain agents 
                    for service of process in Australia. Such agents shall in 
                    the case of the Option Holders be:

                    Address:       Freehill Hollingdale & Page
                                   MLC Centre
                                   20 Martin Place
                                   Sydney NSW 2000

                    Attn:          Bruce K. Cutler

                    Telephone:     (02) 225 5000

                    Fax:           (02) 322 4000

                    and in the case of MGM Grand Diamond, MGM Grand Australia or
                    MGMG be:

                    Address:       3rd Floor, Diamond Beach Casino, Gilruth
                                   Avenue, Darwin City, Darwin, Northern
                                   Territory 0800, Australia

                    Telephone:     (61) 89-46 2666

                    Fax:           (61) 89-81 7553

                    Any writ, judgement or other notice of legal process shall
                    be sufficiently served on a party if delivered to such
                    agents at its address for the time being. Each party
                    undertakes not to revoke the authority of the above agents
                    and if for any reason any such agent no longer serves as
                    agent of a party to receive service of process, that it
                    shall promptly appoint another such agent and advise the
                    other parties thereof.

         16.10 LAW

               This Deed shall be governed by, and construed in all respects in
               accordance with, the laws applicable in the Northern Territory of



                Where there is a reference in this Deed to the consent or
                agreement of the Option Holders such consent or agreement shall
                be deemed to have been given by all of the Option Holders if the
                Nominated Option Holder so agrees or consents.

          16.12 GUARANTEE BY MGM GRAND, INC.

                MGM Grand guarantees the due and punctual performance by MGM
                Grand Diamond or MGM Grand Australia of all of their respective
                obligations under this Deed and shall indemnify and keep
                indemnified any of the other parties for any loss, damage, cost
                or expenses which may be suffered or incurred by them as a
                result of the non-performance of the obligations of MGM Grand
                Diamond and MGM Grand Australia hereunder. Without limiting the
                generality of the aforegoing MGM Grand shall pay on demand any
                amounts due for payment by MGM Grand Diamond pursuant to this
                Deed if MGM Grand Diamond shall not have made such payment to
                the person entitled within Five (5)Business Days of the date
                such payment was due for payment.

          16.13 EFFECTIVE DATE 

                This Deed shall be deemed to be effective and delivered as at 30
                June 1995 notwithstanding that it was signed after 30 June 1995
                provided all parties hereto sign a counterpart of this Deed.



SIGNED for and on behalf         ) 
LIMITED as a Deed with effect    )
from 30 June 1995 by:            )

/s/ P. Marchetti                             /s/ G. McIntosh /s/ C. Papadimitrou
- ---------------------------------            -----------------------------------
Signature of Witness                         Signature 

P. Marchetti                                 G. McIntosh    C. Papadimitrou
- ---------------------------------            -----------------------------------
Name of Witness                              Name

                                             Director            Director

SIGNED for and on behalf         ) 
of CASHEW NUT HOLDINGS           )
LIMITED as a Deed with effect    )
from 30 June 1995 by:            )

/s/                                          /s/ Andrew Duncan
- ------------------------------               ------------------------------ 
Signature of Witness                         Signature 

                                             Andrew Duncan 
- ------------------------------               ------------------------------ 
Name of Witness                              Name


SIGNED for and on behalf         ) 
Deed with effect from 30 June    )
1995 by:                         )

/s/ Andrew Baker                             /s/ Andrew Baker
- -----------------------------                -----------------------------
Signature of Witness                         Signature 

/s/ Dr. Lambert Grasern                      /s/ Dr. Lambert Grasern
_____________________________                _____________________________
Signature of Witness                         Signature



SIGNED for and on behalf               ) 
of MGM GRAND DIAMOND, INC.             ) 
as a Deed with effect from 30          )
June 1995 by:                          ) 

/s/ K. Eugene Shutler                            /s/ Alex Yemenidiian
- ---------------------------                      ------------------------------
SIGNATURE OF WITNESS                             SIGNATURE

K. Eugene Shutler                                Alex Yemenidiian
- ---------------------------                      ------------------------------
NAME OF WITNESS                                  NAME 

                                                 Vice President

THE COMMON SEAL                        )
was hereunto affixed by the authority  )
of its directors and in the presence of)
with effect from 30 June 1995:         )

/s/ Alex Yemenidiian                             /s/ K. Eugene Shutler   
- ---------------------------                      ------------------------------
SIGNATURE                                        SIGNATURE

Alex Yemenidiian                                 K. Eugene Shutler         
- ---------------------------                      ------------------------------
NAME                                             NAME 

Director                                         Director
- ------------------------------                   ------------------------------
CAPACITY                                         CAPACITY                    

SIGNED for and on behalf               ) 
of MGM GRAND INC.                      ) 
as a Deed with effect from 30          )
June 1995 by:                          ) 

/s/ K. Eugene Shutler                            /s/ Alex Yemenidiian
- ---------------------------                      ------------------------------
SIGNATURE OF WITNESS                             SIGNATURE

K. Eugene Shutler                                Alex Yemenidiian
- ---------------------------                      ------------------------------
NAME OF WITNESS                                  NAME 



SIGNED for and on behalf of   )
of JAMES OSBORNE              )
to reflect his adherence to   ) 
Clause 6.5 of this Deed       ) 
with effect form 30 June      )
1995 by:                      )

/s/ M. Kennedy                               /s/ James Osborne
- ------------------------                     -------------------------
Signature of Witness                         James Osborne    

/s/ M. Kennedy
- ------------------------
Name of Witness


                                  SCHEDULE 1

                               (OPTION HOLDERS)

NAME                                    ADDRESS AND                AGREED
- ----                                    -----------                ------
                                        FACSIMILE NUMBER          PROPORTION
                                        ----------------          ----------
1.  Ultrabridge Securities Limited      P O Box 309              1/3 (One third)
                                        Grand Cayman
                                        Cayman Islands
                                        British West Indies 

2.  Cashew Nut Holdings Limited         Queens House             1/3 (One third)
                                        Don Road
                                        St. Helier
                                        Jersey SE4 0TH
                                        Channel Islands

3.  CorTrust Aktiengesellschaft fur     Pflugstrasse 10,         1/3 (One third)
    Treuhandschaften and Dr Lambert     Postfach 1136
    Grasern as trustees of the Osborne  FL-9490 VADUZ 
    Family Trust                        Furstentum  

                                  SCHEDULE 2

                          (CALL OPTION CONSIDERATION)

1.   The Call Option Consideration shall be an amount expressed in Australian 
     Dollars equal to the amount calculated in accordance with the following 

                    C=0.225 x (SSC + SSC(P X I) - D -AFC)

     C    is the aggregate Call Option Consideration payable on exercise of the 
          Call Option;

     SSC  is $83,000,000, subject to the "Adjustments" as such term is defined
          in the third sentence of Clause 3.1 of the Casino Sale Agreement to
          reflect operations, certain balance sheet items, dividends and
          distributions specified therein;

     I    is the average of One per cent (1%) plus LIBOR as at the Casino Sale
          Completion and at the expiry of each 90 day period thereafter,
          expressed as a decimal and pro-rated for periods of less than 90 days;

     P    is the number of days from the Casino Sale Completion until the Call 
          Option Completion; and

     D    is the aggregate amount of all distributions (whether in cash or in
          specie), dividends (whether final, interim or bonus) and return of
          capital to the shareholders of MGM Grand Australia made or agreed to
          be made or paid or otherwise declared during the period referred to in
          P above (except to the extent of distributions made after the Call
          Option Exercise Date, to which Clause 5.2(e) of the Option Deed is

     AFC  is:

          (a)  the aggregate amount of all repayments or prepayments of
               principal under or pursuant to the Acquisition Financing;

          (b)  the aggregate amount of all interest payments made by MGM Grand 
               Australia under the Acquisition Financing;

          (c)  any other costs, expenses or payments made by MGM Grand Australia
               or any Subsidiary of MGM Grand Australia in relation to the
               Acquisition Financing or any Encumbrance granted in connection
               with the Acquisition Financing; and


          (d)  the aggregate outstanding balance of the Acquisition Financing to
               the extent it is not discharged or assumed pursuant to Clause

          in respect of paragraphs (a)-(c) made on or before the Call Option
          Exercise Date, and in respect of paragraph (d) as at Call Option
          Exercise Date, and in each case after deducting the benefit to the
          MGM Grand Australia Group of any resulting Australian tax deduction,
          tax credit or other tax properly claimed or claimable in respect of
          such payment. However, if an amount that was claimable as at the date
          of Call Option Completion is later determined by MGM Grand Australia
          or the relevant tax authorities not to be properly claimable or to be
          disallowed then the Call Option Consideration shall be adjusted and
          the additional consideration shall be paid to the Option Holders
          within Five (5) Business Days of a determination referred to above.

2.   Where the calculation of the Call Option Consideration results in a
     positive number then the Call Option Consideration required to be paid by
     each of the Option Holders shall be its Agreed Proportion of the positive
     number. However, where the calculation of the Call Option Consideration
     results in a negative amount then MGM Grand Diamond shall pay an aggregate
     amount equal to that negative amount ("Rebate") to the Option Holders in
     the Agreed Proportions and no monetary payment will be required to be made
     by the Option Holders to MGM Grand Diamond in respect of the exercise of
     the Call Option.

3.   If there is a bona fide dispute as to the calculation of I or D then
     Completion of the Call Option shall nevertheless take place at the time and
     place provided in this instrument and the aggregate Call Option
     Consideration shall be Twenty two and one half per cent (22.5%) of SSC,
     which shall be adjusted upward or downward as the case may be by the
     payment or refund of monies within Five (5) Business Days of settlement of
     the dispute as to interpretation or I or D. Any dispute shall be referred
     to the expert appointed under Clause 9.1 to resolve.


                                  SCHEDULE 3

                           (PUT OPTION CONSIDERATION)

          1.   The Put Option Consideration shall be the consideration payable
               to the Option Holders on the exercise of its Put Option. For each
               MGMGA Share held by an Option Holder such person shall be
               entitled to be paid an amount determined in accordance with the
               following formula:-

                                        (D X I)
                               FMV + FMV(-----)
                                        ( 360 )


               PPS  is the price per MGMGA Share payable to an Option Holder on 
                    exercise of the Put Option.

               FMV  is the "Fair Market Value" of MGM Grand Australia as at the
                    Put Option Exercise Date determined in accordance with the
                    following provisions of this Schedule 3;

               NS   is the number of issued MGMGA Shares of MGM Grand Australia 
                    as at the Put Option Exercise Date;

               I    is the average of One per cent (1%) plus LIBOR (as at the
                    Put Option Exercise Date and at the expiry of each 90 day
                    period thereafter, expressed as a decimal and pro rated for
                    period of less than 90 days; and

               D    is the number of days from the relevant Put Option Exercise 
                    Date to relevant Put Option Completion.

          2.   Subject to paragraph 7, the Fair Market Value of MGM Grand
               Australia as at the Put Option Exercise Date shall be calculated
               by taking the numerical average of the valuations determined by
               two separate investment banks experienced in the valuation of
               companies in Australia, one to be appointed by the Option Holders
               and the other by MGM Grand Diamond ("Valuation Experts"). The
               Option Holders and MGM Grand Diamond any also agree in the place
               of one or more of the investment banks to use another suitable
               professional firm or organisation. In either case all costs of
               such valuations shall be for the account of the appointor.

          3.   Each Valuation Expert shall be provided with copies of all
               submissions and letters of instruction (which documents should
               fairly represent the brief given to the Valuation Expert) given
               to the other Valuation Expert. Copies shall also be given to the
               Option Holder or MGM Grand Diamond if they do not already possess
               such documents. Additionally, each Valuation Expert may request
               such other reasonable information to


               assist it in making its determination and the parties shall
               procure as far as they are legally able that MGM Grand Australia
               Group provides the necessary information.

          4.   The Valuation Experts shall each be instructed to provide a
               single amount as the Fair Market Value of MGM Grand Australia as
               a complete entity without regard to minority shareholdings,
               special rights conferred under the Articles of Association or
               otherwise and any premium for control. If contrary to its
               instructions the Valuation Expert does not express a single
               amount as a Fair Market Value but express a range of values, then
               for the purposes of determining the average of the valuations of
               each Valuation Expert referred to in paragraph 2 of this Schedule
               3, the median of such range shall be used. The Option Holder and
               MGM Grand Diamond shall instruct their respective Valuation
               Experts within Ten (10) Business Days of the Put Option Exercise
               Date and instruct such Valuation Expert to provide a draft
               valuation report within Twenty (20) Business Days. A copy of the
               draft valuation report shall be served on the Option Holder and
               MGM Grand Diamond and each of those parties shall have the right,
               to be exercised within Ten (10) Business Days after receipt of
               the draft valuation report, to respond in writing only, to the
               Valuation Expert providing the draft valuation report with its
               comments and observations in relation to the draft valuation
               report. The Valuation Expert shall be further instructed to
               complete and finalise its draft valuation report no less than
               Fifteen (15) Business Days after it has served on the Option
               Holder and MGM Grand Diamond a copy of the draft valuation

          5.   If contrary to Clause 3.10(a) MGM Grand Diamond has not satisfied
               its obligations thereunder as at Put Option Exercise Date then
               the Fair Market Valuation of MGM Grand Australia shall be made on
               the basis that such obligations under Clause 3.10(a) were deemed
               to be satisfied as at Call Exercise Date.

          6.   Copies of the final valuation reports should be furnished to all
               parties and if there is a dispute as to average valuation this
               shall be resolved by the expert appointed pursuant to Clause 9.1.

          7.   If the Fair Market Values determined by each of the Valuation
               Experts differ by more than 10% then the Option Holders and MGM
               Grand Diamond shall appoint a new Valuation Expert to finally and
               conclusively determine the Fiar Market Value. The new Valuation
               Expert will be given copies of the parties prior submissions and
               be instructed to determine the Fair Market Value in accordance
               with this Schedule. If the Option Holders and MGM Grand Diamond
               are unable to agree on the identity of the new Valuation Expert
               then such Valuation Expert shall be nominated by the expert
               appointed pursuant to Clause 9.1 of the Deed.

          8.   The Option Holder and MGM Grand Diamond agree that any
               information received by them pursuant to the above provisions
               from one or other Valuation Expert shall be treated as
               confidential and used solely for the purpose of determining the
               Fair Market Value and shall not be given to any third party. The
               parties agree to co-operate with the reasonable requests of the 
               Valuation Experts.

          9.   Subject to paragraph 5 above, the parties may agree from time to
               time the basis on which the valuation of the Fair Market Value is
               to be determined by the Valuation


               Expert. However, in the absence of agreement, prior to referral
               to the Valuation Experts, each Valuation Expert shall make its
               own determination of the proper basis for valuation.


                                  SCHEDULE 4

                            (SHAREHOLDER COVENANTS)

          PART 1 STATUS

          1.1  The terms, conditions and covenants contained in this Schedule 4
               shall, as and from Call Option Completion, apply to each of the
               then existing parties to this Deed in accordance with Clause
               6.7(b) of this Deed.

          1.2  To the extent of any conflict or inconsistency between any of the
               preceding terms of this Deed and the provisions of this Schedule
               4, the provisions of the Deed shall prevail.

          1.3  In the event of the Listing of any Equity Securities of MGM Grand
               Australia, as contemplated in the Deed, the terms, conditions and
               covenants contained in this Schedule 4 shall thereupon lapse and
               be of no further force or effect.


          2.1  Terms defined in Clause 1.1 of the Deed shall have the same 
               meanings when used in this Schedule 4.

          2.2  In this Schedule 4, the following additional expressions have the
               following meanings:-

               "Accounting Firms" means any of Arthur Andersen & Co, Ernst &
               Young, Coopers & Lybrand, Deloitte Ross Tohmatsu, KPMG Peat
               Marwick, Price Waterhouse and any successor of them or such other
               accounting firm as the Shareholders shall unanimously approve;

               "Annual Accounts" means the accounts approved in accordance with
               Clause 4(b), audited in accordance with Clause 4(b)(ii) and
               approved by the Relevant Board;

               "Board" means the Board of Directors of a company;

               "Financial Year" means a period beginning on 1 January of one 
               year and ending on 31 December in such year; and

               "Third Party" means a person other than a Shareholder or an 
               Associate of a Shareholder.

          2.3  Reference in this Schedule 4 to Clauses are references to Clauses
               of this Schedule 4 unless otherwise stated.


          PART 3 SCOPE

          3.1  Notwithstanding the generality of the corporate objectives
               enumerated in the Memorandum and Articles of Association, the
               initial scope of MGM Grand Australia shall be the ownership,
               management and operation of the Casino and other gaming and
               related activities in the Northern Territory.


          4.1  The parties shall use their  best endeavors to ensure that:-

               (a)  each member of the MGM Grand Australia Group will prepare
                    and provide management information and reports to its
                    directors sufficient for the efficient operation of each
                    member of the MGM Grand Australia Group;

               (b)  each member of the MGM Grand Australia Group shall make
                    available to the Shareholders all information concerning the
                    business and operations of each member of the MGM Grand
                    Australia Group including, but not limited to, the following
                    reports which shall be furnished to the Shareholders:-

                    (i)  as soon as practicable after the end of each calendar
                         quarter and in any event within Forty five (45) days
                         thereafter an unaudited profit and loss statement and a
                         monthly cash flow statement (with projections for the
                         following Six (6) months) of each member of the MGM
                         Grand Australia Group as at the end of the last
                         preceding calendar quarter and for the current
                         Financial Year to date, prepared in accordance with
                         previous financial statements, all in reasonable detail
                         and so certified by the principal financial or
                         accounting officer of each member of the MGM Grand
                         Australia Group;

                   (ii)  as soon as practicable after the end of each Financial
                         Year an audited consolidated profit and loss account
                         and audited consolidated balance sheet for the MGM
                         Grand Australia Group prepared in accordance with
                         previous financial statements, all in reasonable detail
                         and so certified by the principal financial or
                         accounting officer of each member of the MGM Grand
                         Australia Group;

                  (iii)  as soon as practicable after the end of each calendar
                         quarter and in any event within 45 days thereafter, an
                         unaudited balance sheet of each member of the MGM Grand
                         Australia Group as at the end of that quarter prepared
                         in accordance with previous financial statements all in
                         reasonable detail and so certified by the principal
                         financial or accounting officer of each member of the
                         MGM Grand Australia Group; and

                   (iv)  before the end of each Financial Year an annual budget
                         for the next succeeding Financial Year on a monthly
                         basis for each member of the MGM Grand Australia Group
                         approved by the Relevant Board.


               (c)  each member of the MGM Australian Group shall incorporate 
                    into its articles regulations to the effect:

                    (i)   that meetings of the Board may be held by telephone or
                          other contemporaneous link up referred to in Clause
                          6.4(h) of the Deed and that resolutions passed at such
                          meetings shall be valid and effective; and

                    (ii)  on the written request of a Nominee Director a board
                          meeting shall be convened in accordance with the
                          preceding paragraph within 10 Business Days of such


               Notwithstanding any other provision of this Schedule 4 or the
               Articles of Association of any member of the MGM Grand Australia
               Group, the following events, matters or things shall be
               considered and determined by a duly convened meeting of the
               Relevant Board and not by any individual director nor committee
               of directors of a member of the MGM Grand Australia Group:-

               (a)  the sale, disposal or grant of an Encumbrance, by that
                    member of or over any assets, or group of assets, having a
                    value of more than One million dollars $1,000,000 (other
                    than a bona fide arms length sale of trading stock in the
                    ordinary course of business);

               (b)  any loan or series of loans totalling to more than One
                    million dollars $1,000,000 being made to or by that member
                    or the repayment of any such loan to or by that member of
                    the MGM Grand Australia Group other than on terms previously
                    agreed by the Board;

               (c)  any formation, acquisition or disposition of any subsidiary
                    by that member;

               (d)  the adoption by that member of any budget;

               (e)  the incurring by that member of any one item of capital
                    expenditure or leasing expenditure of more than One million
                    dollars $1,000,000 if provision for such expenditure is not
                    made in the budget referred to in Clause 5(d) hereof or the
                    incurring by that member of the MGM Grand Australia Group of
                    a series of related items of capital expenditure or leasing
                    expenditure, in an aggregate amount of more than Three
                    million dollars ($3,000,000) if provision for such
                    expenditure is not made in the budget referred to in Clause
                    5(d) hereof;

               (f)  any merger with or takeover of any other business or entity 
                    by that member;

               (g)  any increase in the fees due to any director of the Board;

               (h)  subject to Clause 6.6 of the Deed, any contract, arrangement
                    or transaction of whatsoever nature having a value in excess
                    of One hundred thousand dollars $1,000,000 between that
                    member and any member of the MGM Group or any


                    Associate of the MGM Group or any Nominee Director or 
                    Associate of a Nominee Director;

               (i)  subject to Clause 12, the declaration or payment of any
                    dividend by MGM Grand Australia (whether in cash, shares, in
                    specie or otherwise) and the level to which any dividend is
                    to be franked;

               (j)  the creation or increase of any bonus, profit sharing or 
                    share or stock option scheme by MGM Grand Australia;

               (k)  the approval of the Annual Accounts and;

               (l)  a change of auditor.


               Notwithstanding any other provision of this Schedule 4 or the
               Articles of Association of MGM Grand Australia, the parties
               jointly and severally covenant with each other that without
               approval of the Nominated Option Holder, they shall not:-

               (a)  except as may be required to comply with any mandatory
                    provision of applicable law, permit any alteration to the
                    Articles of Association, the Memorandum or the constituent
                    documents of any member of MGM Grand Australia, which
                    approval shall not be unreasonably withheld if the effect of
                    such alteration does not, in the opinion of the Option
                    Holders reasonably formed, adversely affect their rights
                    under those documents or this Deed or arising from their
                    MGMGA Shares;

               (b)  except as may be required to comply with a mandatory
                    provision of applicable law, permit any variation of the
                    rights attaching to any Equity Securities in the capital of
                    MGM Grand Australia;

               (c)  fail to use commercially reasonably efforts to procure that
                    MGM Grand Australia either directly or through a wholly
                    owned Subsidiary continues to beneficially own at least
                    Eighty five per cent (85%) of the Territory Property Trust
                    or the underlying property held as at the date of the Deed
                    and to operate directly or through a Subsidiary Undertaking
                    the business conducted at the Casino;

               (d)  permit the cancellation of any issued capital of any member 
                    of the MGM Grand Australia Group;

               (e)  permit the sale or transfer by MGM Grand Australia of any
                    Equity Securities in any Subsidiary which would result in
                    that Subsidiary ceasing to be a Subsidiary and in the case
                    of the Territory Property Trust ceasing to be beneficially
                    owned by the MGM Grand Australia Group at a level of at
                    least Eighty five per cent (85%);


               (f)  permit a Subsidiary to cease to be a Subsidiary or in the
                    case of the Territory Property Trust ceasing to be
                    beneficially owned by the MGM Grand Australia Group at a
                    level of at least Eighty five per cent (85%); and

               (g)  permit the offer or allotment of any Equity Securities or
                    rights or options convertible into Equity Securities in MGM
                    Grand Australia, except if:-

                    (i)   an offer is made pro rata to all Shareholders and on 
                          identical terms;

                    (ii)  the Shareholders have a minimum of 60 days to accept
                          for their proportion of the offer and to tender the
                          subscription amount; and

                    (iii) the proceeds of the proposed offer or allotment are
                          not to be used to retire, repay or prepay, either in
                          whole or in part, any indebtedness of MGM Grand
                          Australia or any Subsidiary funded or required to be
                          funded pursuant to Clause 6.2(a)(i) of the Deed.

               (h)  permit the purchase by MGM Grand Australia of any of its 
                    share capital unless:-

                    (i)   it is part of the Put Option and MGM Grand Australia 
                          is the MGM Nominee; or

                    (ii)  an offer is made pro rata to all Shareholders and on 
                          identical terms.

          PART 7 ACCOUNTS

               Not later than four months after the end of each Financial Year,
               the Annual Accounts of each member of the MGM Grand Australia
               Group must be audited, by one of the Accounting Firms and
               approved by its Board.


               Any permitted transfer or issue of any Equity Securities of MGM
               Grand Australia other than in relation to a Listing shall,
               subject to this Schedule 4, be conditional upon:-

               (a)  compliance with the Articles of Association of MGM Grand 

               (b)  in the case of any transfer to a person who is not a party
                    to the Deed, such transferee first entering into an
                    agreement with the parties to the Deed pursuant to which
                    such transferee agrees to be bound by the surviving
                    provisions of the Deed (including this Schedule 4) provided
                    that the transferee shall not have the benefit of Clauses
                    8.1 to 8.12 inclusive of the Deed and undertakes to perform,
                    observe and enjoy all the transferring person's obligations
                    and rights under the Deed (including without limitation this
                    Schedule 4 and the obligation to act through the Nominated
                    Option Holder) so far as the same remain to be performed and
                    observed; and

               (c)  in the case of any issue of Equity Securities the allottee
                    of such Equity Securities first entering into a binding
                    agreement with the parties to the Deed in a form acceptable
                    to those persons and substantially similar to the surviving
                    provisions of the Deed (including this Schedule 4).


          9.1  The Shareholders agree that, without the prior written consent of
               all of the Shareholders, they are not entitled to exercise their
               right to sell or transfer their Equity Securities in MGM Grand
               Australia, or any interest in them, except pursuant to the
               following Clauses 10 and 11 and additionally in the case of the
               Option Holders, except pursuant to Clause 8 of the Deed. For the
               avoidance of doubt the Option Holders may exercise their rights
               pursuant to Clause 8 of the Deed without having to comply with
               any of the provisions of this Schedule 4.


          10.1 Any Shareholder ("Offeror Member") who desires to sell all (but
               not some only) of its Equity Securities (the "Vendor Shares") to
               a person who is not a Shareholder shall:-

               (a)  first obtain from a party desiring to acquire the Vendor
                    Shares (the "Proposed Purchaser") bona fide firm written
                    offers containing all the terms and conditions on and
                    subject to which such offers are made and each valid for a
                    period of at least 60 Business Days after the date of
                    receipt of the notice given under paragraph (b) of which:-

                    (i)  the first shall be an offer to purchase the Vendor
                         Shares (the "Partial Offer"); and

                    (ii) the second shall be an offer directed to the Offeror
                         Member and to all other Shareholders to purchase all
                         the Equity Securities held by the Offeror Member and
                         the other Shareholders (the "Full OFfer") on the same
                         terms as are contained in the Partial Offer and at
                         least the same price per share but capable of
                         acceptance with respect to each class of Equity
                         Security and each Equity Security within that class;

               (b)  promptly submit to the other Shareholders full details of
                    the Partial Offer, the Full Offer and the Identity of the
                    Proposed Purchaser and written notice of the Offeror
                    Member's desire to sell; and

               (c)  for the avoidance of doubt, the sale of less than all of the
                    Shareholder's Equity Securities without the consent of all
                    of the Shareholders shall not be permitted.

          10.2 The other Shareholders shall each have the option, exercisable by
               written notice to the Offeror Member and MGM Grand Australia
               within Ten (10) Business Days after receipt of the offer
               documents referred to in Clause 10.1(b), either:-


               (a)  to direct the Offeror Member in respect of the holding of
                    Equity Securities of that other Shareholder to accept the
                    Full Offer on behalf of the Shareholder ("Notice of
                    Direction"): or

               (b)  for those other Shareholders who do not give a Notice of
                    Direction in accordance with paragraph (a) ("Remaining
                    Shareholders"), to acquire pro rata to their existing
                    holding of each class of Equity Securities the Equity
                    Securities held by the Offeror Member and of all Remaining
                    Shareholders ("Willing Vendors") who give a Notice of
                    Direction in accordance with paragraph (a) (jointly the
                    "Sale Shares") at a price and on terms and conditions set
                    forth in the Full Offer.

               (c)  For the avoidance of doubt, a shareholder is not obliged to
                    exercise any of the options described in Clause 10.2(a) or

          10.3 (a)  Subject to Clause 10.4, if the Remaining Shareholders
                    exercise the options granted pursuant to Clause 10.2(b)
                    within the period provided therein in respect of all of the
                    Sale Shares, then the Offeror Member and the Willing Vendors
                    shall (5) Five Business Days after satisfaction of last of
                    the conditions precedent contained in Clause 10.3(c) ("Sale
                    Shares Completion Date") transfer the relevant Sale Shares
                    to the Remaining Shareholders. If the Offeror Member or any
                    Willing Vendor defaults in transferring the relevant Sale
                    Shares pursuant to Clause 10.2(b) the Offeror Member and the
                    Willing Vendor shall be deemed to have irrevocably appointed
                    each director or secretary and MGM Grand Australia, as its
                    agent to execute a transfer of those shares to the purchaser
                    of them. The directors of MGM Grand Australia may register a
                    transfer of those Equity Securities notwithstanding that the
                    share certificates relating to those Equity Securities may
                    not have been delivered to MGM Grand Australia, may issue
                    new share certificates to the relevant transferees, and the
                    receipt by any such director or secretary of the net
                    proceeds of transfer shall be a full and effective discharge
                    in favour of the transferee.

               (b)  Completion of the sale and purchase of the Sale Shares shall
                    take place between the hours of 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m.
                    Darwin time on the Sale Shares Completion Date or on such
                    other date, if any, that the parties to this Deed may agree,
                    at the registered office of MGM Grand Australia.

               (c)  (i)   The transfer of the Sale Shares is subject to:-

                          (A) any requisite consent being granted or deemed to
                              have been granted pursuant to the terms of the
                              Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 of
                              the Commonwealth of Australia; and

                          (B) the proposed transferees and MGM Grand Australia
                              receiving on an unconditional basis within Six (6)
                              months of the receipt of the offer documents
                              referred to in Clause 10.1(b) all necessary
                              consents and approvals required, if any, from any
                              governmental authority including the Government or
                              relevant Minister of the Northern Territory of
                              Australia (including with respect to the


                              probity of the purchaser to the extent required)
                              in relation to any change of interest in MGM Grand

               (ii) (ii) MGMG, MGM Grand Diamond. MGM Grand Australia and the
                         Shareholders shall use their best endeavours (other
                         than incurring substantial liabilities, substantial
                         obligations (including any divestment and restrictions
                         on business operations) or monetary obligations and
                         other than by consenting to any substantial alteration
                         to the terms of this Schedule) to satisfy any request
                         for information or condition or conditions specified by
                         or on behalf of the Treasurer of the Commonwealth of
                         Australia under the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers
                         Act 1975 as referred to in Clause 10.3(c)(i). Each of
                         the parties shall use their best endeavours to obtain
                         the fulfilment of the conditions in Clause 10.3(c)(i)
                         in an expeditious manner, and shall give the others
                         prompt notice in writing upon it becoming aware whether
                         or not any of the condition precedents referred to in
                         Clause 10.3(c)(i) has been satisfied.

               (d)  On Completion:

                    (i)  there shall be delivered or made available to the
                         Remaining Shareholders, pro rata to the number of Sale
                         Shares in relation to which they have exercised an
                         option ("Relevant Proportion") free from Encumbrance,
                         definitive certificates for the Sale Shares together
                         with transfers thereof duly executed by the Offeror
                         Member and Willing Vendors in favour of the Remaining
                         Shareholders in the Relevant Proportions; and

                    (ii) the Remaining Shareholders shall pay to the Offeror
                         Member and Willing Vendors, in the Relevant
                         Proportions, the aggregate price for the Sale Shares
                         set forth in the Full Offer, as directed in writing by
                         the Offeror Member or Willing Vendors, as the case may
                         be, by bank cheque or by direct credit or telegraphic
                         transfer to a bank account nominated by the Offeror
                         Member or Willing Vendors, as the case may be.

          10.4 If the option granted pursuant to Clause 10.2(b) is not exercised
               within the period provided therein in respect of all the Sale
               Shares, no exercise of any option under that Clause will be valid
               and the provisions of Clause 10.5 will apply.

          10.5 (a)  If the Remaining Shareholders fail or neglect to exercise
                    all of the options granted pursuant to Clause 10.2 within
                    the period provided therein, the Offeror Member and the
                    Willing Vendors may transfer all (but not some only) of the
                    Sale Shares to the Proposed Purchaser at any time within
                    three calendar months at the price per Sale Share contained
                    in the Full Offer after the earlier of either:-

                    (i)   the expiration of the period within which the option 
                          may be exercised pursuant to Clause 10.2(b); or


                    (ii)  receipt of written notice from the Remaining
                          Shareholders that they do not intend to exercise that

               (b)  The conditions precedent referred to in Clause 10.3(c) shall
                    apply equally to the Proposed Purchaser as to any other
                    proposed transferee and the Offeror Member and Willing
                    Vendors shall procure that the conditions precedent are
                    satisfied before the expiry of the three calendar month
                    period referred to in Clause 10.5(a). If the conditions
                    precedent are not so satisfied within the said three
                    calendar month period then no transfer of the Sale Shares to
                    the Proposed Purchaser shall occur unless all of the other
                    shareholders so consent.


          11.1 Subject to Clause 11.4, if a "Third Party makes an offer to
               purchase all of the Equity Securities of MGM Grand Australia (a
               "Third Party Offer") to MGM Grand or to any Shareholder (who
               shall deliver such Third Party Offer to the Secretary of MGM
               Grand Australia), then the following conditions shall apply:-

               (a)  the Secretary shall, by written notice, advise the
                    Shareholders of the identity of the Third Party, the price
                    and the other terms and conditions applicable to the Third
                    Party Offer; and

               (b)  the Secretary shall, within Ten (10) Business Days of the
                    date of receipt of the Shareholder's notice, convene a
                    meeting of Shareholders at which the Third Party Offer will
                    be considered and put to the vote by the Shareholders.

          11.2 If Shareholders, in aggregate representing more than seventy-five
               per cent (75%) per cent of the then issued MGMGA Shares, are
               willing to accept the Third Party Offer ("the Offerors"), then
               the following provisions shall apply:-

               (a)  the Offerors shall, with effect from the first Business Day
                    after the Shareholders' meeting, be deemed to have granted
                    an option to each of the Shareholders who are unwilling to
                    accept the Third Party Offer ("the Offerees") exercisable
                    within Ten (10) Business Days of the date of the meeting to
                    purchase the Offerors' Equity Securities in MGM Grand
                    Australia in the proportion which each Offeree's Equity
                    securities in MGM Grand Australia bears to the total number
                    of issued Equity Securities in MGM Grand Australia, inter
                    se, at the same price per share and otherwise on the same
                    terms and conditions as are set out in the Third Party

               (b)  any Offeree willing to exercise its option must do so in
                    writing and deliver such notice to the Offerors prior to the
                    Ten (10) Business Days period referred to in paragraph (a);

               (c)  if the option is not exercised for the number of equities
                    equal to the Offerors' Equity Securities in MGM Grand
                    Australia, then, and in such event, no sale of the Offerors'
                    Equity Securities in MGM Grand Australia shall take place to
                    any accepting Offeree and the provisions of Clause 11.3
                    shall thereafter apply.


          11.3 Where no sale of the Offerors' Equity Securities in MGM Grand
               Australia takes place in terms of Clause 11.2, then the Offerors
               shall be entitled to accept the Third Party's Offer to purchase
               all of the issued Equity Securities of MGM Grand Australia on
               behalf of all Shareholders and in order to give effect to the
               acceptance of the Third Party Offer, the Offereees hereby
               nominate and irrevocably appoint the Offerors as their attorney
               and agents in order to sell the all of the Equity Securities of
               MGM Grand Australia (including the Offeree's Equity Securities)
               to the Third Party at the price and on terms and conditions which
               are no less favourable than those set out in the Third Party
               Offer. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the
               Offerees empower and authorise the Offerors to cause the
               necessary documentation to be prepared and to sign such
               documentation on behalf of the Offerees for the sale of all of
               the Equity Securities of MGM Grand Australia to the Third Party,
               to receive on their behalf their proportion of the net proceeds
               of sale and to ratify and confirm anything done by their
               aforesaid agents and attorneys pursuant to this Clause.

          11.4 No Shareholder shall accept any offer from a Third Party pursuant
               to Clause 11.1 unless it procures that the Third Party provides
               an unconditional, enforceable representation for the benefit of
               the Shareholders that such Third Party:

               (a)  is not an Associate of any of the Shareholders at the date
                    of the offer;

               (b)  neither it nor any of its Associates shall be or have the
                    option to become Associates of any of the Shareholders or
                    any of their Associates during the Twelve (12) months
                    following completion of the sale of the Equity Securities;

               (c)  neither before the date of the offer nor during the period
                    referred to in Clause 11.4 (b) has or will the Third Party
                    or any of its Associates enter into any agreement,
                    arrangement or understanding with any Shareholder or any
                    Associate of a Shareholder on terms which are not bona fide
                    arms length terms and which confer a direct or indirect
                    benefit on such Shareholder or its Associate attributable in
                    whole or part to the relevant entity being a holder or
                    former holder of Equity Securities of MGM Grand Australia.

          11.5 Any Shareholder described in Clauses 11.4(a) to (c) shall
               respectively indemnify and keep indemnified at all times after
               completion of the sale of the Equity Securities all other
               Shareholders for all loss, damages, and costs arising from the
               breach of the respective representations of the Third Party made
               or required to be made pursuant to Clause 11.4.

          PART 12 DIVIDENDS

               Subject to compliance with applicable law and third party
               contractual obligations to which the MGM Grand Australia Group
               may be subject, the Shareholders shall use their best endeavours
               to ensure that at least Fifty per cent 50% of the annual
               consolidated profits of MGM Grand Australia Group are distributed
               to the Shareholders by way of dividends. Without limiting the
               generality of the foregoing:-


               (a)  all and every preliminary matter required by law, this
                    Schedule 4 or the Articles of Association of any member of
                    MGM Australia Group to be done by any Shareholder or any
                    member of the MGM Grand Australia Group to procure the
                    availability of such profits for declaration and
                    distribution by MGM Grand Australia shall be done;

               (b)  all dividends shall be paid as far as practicable as fully 
                    franked dividends;

               (c)  all final dividends shall be declared no later than 5 months
                    after the end of the relevant Financial Year and paid no
                    later than 6 months after the end of that Financial Year;

               (d)  where a third party contractual obligation has restricted
                    the amount of any dividends which maybe declared or paid in
                    any year, to an amount less than 50% of the annual
                    consolidated profits of MGM Grand Australia Group then as
                    soon as practicable after such contractual obligation ceases
                    to apply the Shareholders shall seek to ensure that MGM
                    Grand Australia shall declare and pay such level of
                    dividends as it is legally permitted to do to recoup such
                    shortfall in an expeditious manner. For the purposes of this
                    Clause the shortfall is the amount that would otherwise have
                    been paid pursuant to this Clause if the contractual
                    obligation had not existed. It is acknowledged that to
                    recoup such dividends expeditiously the level of dividends
                    may exceed 50% of annual consolidated profits of the MGM
                    Grand Australia Group in any one accounting period until the
                    average payment of dividends for the period from the date
                    this Schedule becomes effective until the date such
                    obligation ceases to apply is equal to or in excess of 50%
                    of the cumulative annual consolidated profits of the MGM
                    Grand Australia Group.


          13.1 The parties acknowledge that this Deed creates rights and
               obligations which are in addition to the rights and obligations
               created or to be created in the Articles of Association of MGM
               Grand Australia and the parties hereto hereby confirm that such
               rights and obligations are to be exercised and observed
               concurrently and not in substitution one for another. The parties
               agree that to the extent any conflict between any of those
               respective rights and obligations arises at any time, the rights
               and obligations created by this Deed (including this Schedule 4)
               shall be exercised or observed to the exclusion of any right or
               obligation created by the Articles of Association of any member
               of the MGM Grand Australia Group so far as it permitted by law
               and is necessary to resolve the conflict.

          13.2 Each Shareholder agrees that it will vote and act at all times as
               a member of MGM Grand Australia and will procure that to the
               extent permitted by law any director of MGM Grand Australia which
               it has appointed or who represents any of them will vote and act
               at all times as a director of MGM Grand Australia and in all
               respects shall use its best endeavours to take all such steps as
               may reasonably be within its powers so as to cause any Subsidiary
               to act in the manner contemplated by the provisions of this Deed
               (including this Schedule 4) and so as to implement to their full
               extent the provisions of this Deed (including this Schedule 4).


               13.3 The Shareholder shall procure that MGM Grand Australia
                    agrees that it will vote and act at all times and will
                    procure that to the extent permitted by law any director of
                    a Subsidiary will vote and act at all times as a director of
                    the Subsidiary and in all respects shall use their best
                    endeavours to take all such steps as may reasonably be
                    within their powers so as to cause any Subsidiary to act in
                    the manner contemplated by the provisions of this Deed
                    (including this Schedule 4) and so as to implement to their
                    full extent the provisions of this Deed (including this
                    Schedule 4).

               PART 14 TERM OF AGREEMENT

               14.1 A Shareholder will cease to be bound by the terms of this
                    Schedule 4 if it ceases to hold any Equity Securities and
                    all Shareholders will cease to be bound by the terms of this
                    Schedule 4 if MGM Grand Australia is the subject of a
                    Listing. If any person ceases to be bound by the terms of
                    this Schedule 4 as aforesaid, the person's liabilities and
                    obligations hereunder shall thenceforth be at an end of all
                    purposes, excepting any rights that the Shareholder may have
                    under the terms of this Schedule 4 prior to the person's
                    rights and obligations being at an end.
