
This Distribution Agreement (hereinafter called the "Agreement") is entered as
of January 16, 1996 (hereinafter called the "Effective Date") by and between
Synbiotics Corporation (hereinafter called "Synbiotics"), a California
corporation, with its principal office at 11011 Via Frontera, San Diego,
California, U.S.A. and Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called
"Distributor"), a Japanese corporation, with its principal office at 14-10,
Nihonbashi 3-Chome, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo 103, Japan.


WHEREAS, Synbiotics is engaged in business activity relating to veterinary
vaccines and diagnostics including the "Products" (as hereinafter defined), and

WHEREAS, Distributor is engaged in business activity relating to manufacture,
sale and marketing of pharmaceutical products for human and veterinary use, and

WHEREAS, Synbiotics and Distributor entered into the Non-Disclosure Agreement
containing the Products on April 11, 1995 and Distributor evaluated the
commercialization of the Products, and

WHEREAS, Distributor has now expressed the desire to import the Products from
Synbiotics and sell the Products for veterinary use in the "Territory" (as
hereinafter defined) and Synbiotics is willing to accept such desire;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained,
Synbiotics and Distributor agree as follows:

1.  Definition.  In this Agreement the following terms shall have the meanings
respectively indicated in this Section 1.

    (a)     The "Products" shall mean the Synbiotics' unlabeled veterinary
    vaccines and diag nostics which are expressly set forth in Attachment A.

    (b)     The "Territory" shall mean Japan.

    (c)     The "Trademarks" shall mean Synbiotics' trademarks (English and
    Japanese) for the Products in the Territory applied or owned by Synbiotics.

    (d)     The "Preshipment Sample" shall mean the sample from each shipment of
    the Products which Synbiotics provide to Distributor for quality testing
    purpose and has the same lot number with such Products to be shipped.

2.  Appointment.  Synbiotics hereby appoints Distributor for the term of this
Agreement as, and Distributor agrees to act as, Synbiotics' exclusive
distributor of the Products for the Territory, subject to all the terms and
conditions hereof.  So long during the term of this Agreement as Distributor
remains in full compliance with this Agreement, Synbiotics will not appoint
another distributor for the Products in the Territory.  Distributor shall
refrain from establishing or maintaining any branch, warehouse or distribution
depot for the Products outside the Territory, and shall not engage in any
advertising or promotional activities relating to the Products directed to
customers located


outside the Territory.  Distributor shall sell no units of the Products which it
believes are intended for end use outside the Territory.

Synbiotics reserves the right to change, modify or discontinue any Product or
add Product to Attachment A or remove any discontinued Product therefrom,
subject to Distributor's prior written consent.

3.  Payment and Supply Terms.

    (a)     The Products will be delivered to Distributor on F.O.B. basis.  The
    initial price and the minimum order of the Products shall be mutually agreed
    upon by both parties hereto product by product basis, promptly after filing
    the New Animal Drug Application ("NADA") by Distributor in Territory.  If
    the circumstances on which the initial price is based (i.e., market
    situation, production costs, etc.) change substantially, the parties will
    negotiate in order to fix a new price.  New price will apply to all
    shipments made after the date of the determination of such negotiation by
    written.  Distributor will pay all charges, including without limitation
    freight, shipping, customs charges and expenses, cost of special packaging
    or handling and insurance premiums, and shall be responsible for all taxes,
    including but not limited to sales, value added and use taxes, duties and
    other governmental assessments accrued in Japan, and Synbiotics will pay and
    be responsible for those accrued in the U.S.A.

    Payment shall be in U.S. dollars.  Terms of payment will be net ninety (90)
    days from airway bill of lading date, unless Synbiotics determines that
    Distributor's credit is not satisfactory, in which case payment terms shall
    be C.O.D., payment in advance or by letter of credit, at Synbiotics'
    discretion.  Late payment will be assessed at 1.5% per month service fee, to
    the extent allowed by law.

    (b)     In consideration for the exclusive distribution rights granted
    herein, Distributor shall pay to Synbiotics a licensing fee of [*] to be
    paid as follows:

     (1)  The first payment
          Amount                            :             [*]
          Payment accrual date              :             Upon the execution of this Agreement
          Due date                          :             Within thirty (30) days following the above payment
          accrual date
     (2)  The second payment
          Amount                            :              [*]
          Payment accrual date              :              Upon the first successful registration in the Territory
                                                           of diagnostics listed in Attachment A
          Due date                          :              Within thirty (30) days following the above payment
                                                           accrual date

[*] Certain confidential portions of this exhibit have been omitted by means of
blacking out the text (the "Mark").  This exhibit has been filed separately with
the Secretary of the Commission without the Mark pursuant to the Company's
Application Requesting Confidential Treatment under Rule 24b-2 under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.



(3)   The third payment

      Amount                         :              [*]
      Payment accrual date           :              Upon the first successful registration in the
                                                    Territory of SENTRYPAR DHP/L, SENTRYPAR DHP or
                                                    SENTRYVAC DHP/L listed in Attachment A as the
      Due date                       :              Within thirty (30) days following the above payment
                                                    accrual date

    (c)     All taxes levied by any governmental authority in the Territory upon
    the payments according to the Section 3(b) shall be borne by Synbiotics. If
    so required by the applicable law, Distributor shall withhold the amounts of
    such taxes due prior to payment to Synbiotics, and shall pay the amounts of
    such taxes to the governmental authority in a timely manner and shall
    promptly transmit to Synbiotics, an official tax certificate or other
    suitable document.

    (d)     During the term of this Agreement:

            (1)   Synbiotics shall provide Distributor, at Synbiotics' expense,
            with samples of any applicable printed marketing materials that
            Synbiotics may in its discretion produce for the Products.
            Distributor will prepare and produce similar and any additional
            materials needed to promote the Products in the Territory.

            (2)   Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
            Synbiotics shall supply Distributor with the Products and shall fill
            Distributor's written purchase orders for the Products with a
            request delivery date not less than ninety (90) days after the date
            the purchase order is received by Synbiotics. Distributor shall be
            responsible at its expense for the packaging, labeling or otherwise
            required to sell the Products in the Territory.
            (3)   The specification and test method of the Products (herein
            after called the "Specifications") shall be mutually agreed upon by
            both parties separately.

            (4)   Synbiotics shall provide Distributor, free of charge, with the
            Preshipment Sample. The quantity, the shipment schedule and other
            conditions of the Preshipment Sample shall be mutually agreed upon
            by both parties separately.

            (5) Synbiotics will provide Distributor with, and Distributor will
            accept, such training as Synbiotics deems appropriate at locations
            specified by Synbiotics; each party will bear its own expenses in
            connection with such training.

    (e)     The Products will be deemed accepted when it passes the national
    assay by the competent authority in the Territory.

4.  License, Trademarks.

    (a)     Distributor shall sell the Products under the Trademarks in the

    (b)     Synbiotics shall, at its sole expense, use its best effort to obtain
    the registration all of the Trademarks in the Territory and shall grant to
    Distributor a royalty free exclusive license to use the Trademarks, but only
    with res pect to the sale of the Products in compliance with this Agreement.


    (c)     In case the Trademark for a certain product in the Products cannot
    be used in the Territory as a result of anteriority or for any other reason,
    Distributor shall select a proper trademark for such product on condition
    that Synbiotics will, at its sole expense, file the application for said

    (d)     Distributor agrees that it will not use, without Synbiotics' prior
    written consent, any mark which is likely to be similar to or confused with
    Synbiotics' corporate mark.

    (e)     Distributor agrees that it has not registered and will not register
    the name "Synbiotics" or any forms thereof for use in connection with any
    business entity without the prior written approval of Synbiotics.

    (f)     Distributor agrees that its use of the Trademarks shall not create
    in its favor any right, title or interest therein and acknowledges
    Synbiotics' exclusiv e right, title and interest in the Trademarks.

    (g)     Distributor hereby acknowledges and agrees that any and all rights,
    title and interest in any and all Trademarks and other proprietary rights
    that are related in any way to the production, manufacture or sale of the
    Products, or form the basis for the development of the Products are owned
    wholly and exclusively by Synbiotics, and Synbiotics shall seek to secure
    and maintain any such rights.  In the event that Synbiotics seek to secure
    or maintain or initiate any infringement action regarding such rights,
    distributor agrees to cooperate with Synbiotics in any way reasonably

5.  Marking.  Distributor shall use in connection with all packaging,
literature, labels and other printed matter, an expression to the effect that
the Products are manufactured by Synbiotics and are imported and distributed by

6.  Distributor Covenants and Responsibilities.  Except as expressly and
unambiguously provided herein, Distributor represents, warrants and agrees:

    (a)    to provide Synbiotics, within six (6) months after filing an
    application for necessary regulatory approval for each Product to the
    competent authority, a binding, non-cancelable Distributor purchase order
    for the total quantity of such Products during the initial three (3) months.
    Distributor shall provide Synbiotics, promptly after launch of each Product,
    a purchase order for the period of three (3) months and the forecast for
    succeeding nine (9) month period. Distributor shall, within ten (10) days
    before the end of each three month period thereafter, send Synbiotics a
    rolled-forward and revised nine (9) month forecast and a purchase order for
    the quantities of the Products specified in the first three (3) month period

    (b)    to use its best efforts to successfully market (including, without
    limitation, conducting periodic promotions and market research, maintaining
    a well-staffed sales force and adequate inventory, and prompt inclusion of
    the Products, to the extent possible, in applicable trade shows and in
    Distributor's catalogs and other promotional materials), to distribute and
    support (including training and other support) the Products on a continuing
    basis and to comply with good business practices and all laws and
    regulations relevant to this Agreement or the subject matter hereof.

    (c)    to keep Synbiotics informed of relevant market trends, customer
    needs, competitive activity, economic and regulatory conditions and
    Distributor's sales and inventory by the Products. Distributor will also
    provide Synbiotics with a written quarterly report with respect to these

    (d)    that it does not currently represent or promote any lines or products
    that compete with the Products.  Distributor will conduct its business in a
    manner that reflects favorably on the Products and shall not represent,
    promote or otherwise try to sell within the Territory any lines or products
    that compete with the Products covered by this Agreement during the period
    when such particular Product is covered by this


    Agreement, without Synbiotics' prior written consent which shall not be
    unreasonably withheld by Synbiotics.

    (e)    to ascertain and comply, at Distributor's sole expense, with all
    applicable laws and regulations and standards of industry or professional

    (f)    to use best efforts, at its sole expense, to obtain and maintain any
    applicable approvals, registrations, notifications or the like with regard
    to marketing, using (for diagnostic, vaccine and/or therapeutic use, as may
    be specified by Synbiotics), selling, labelling or otherwise promoting or
    making claims regarding the Products or their uses in the Territory.  This
    includes, without limitation, conducting any necessary pre-clinical and
    clinical studies and preparing and filing any necessary applications or

    (g)    to keep Synbiotics informed as to serious problems encountered with
    the Products and any resolutions arrived at for those problems, and to
    communicate promptly to Synbiotics any and all modifications, design changes
    or improvements of the Products suggested by any customer, employee or
    agent.  Distributor further agrees that Synbiotics shall have any and all
    right, title and interest in and to any such suggested modifications, design
    changes or improvements of the Products, without the payment of any
    additional consideration therefor either to Distributor, or its employees,
    agents or customers.  Distributor will also promptly notify Synbiotics of
    any infringement of any Trademarks relating to the Products.

    (h)    to communicate to Synbiotics any referrals outside the Territory that
    come to Distributor's attention relating to the Products.

    (i)    to properly handle, transport and store all shipments of the Products
    after they have arrived at Japan.

7.  Compliance with United States Laws.

    (a)    Distributor acknowledges that the export from the United States of
    the Products may be subject to regulation by the U.S. Export Administration
    Act of 1979, as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated
    thereunder, which restrict exports and re-exports of any products or direct
    product thereof. Distributor agrees to comply with U.S. Export
    Administration Regulations as in effect from time to time (including,
    without limitation, all record-keeping requirements imposed thereunder), and
    will not re-export the Products in violation of such Regulations.

    (b)    Without limitation of the foregoing, Distributor agrees to commit
    no act which, directly or indirectly, would violate any United States law,
    regulation, or treaty, or any other international treaty or agreement,
    relating to or applicable to the export or re-export of the Products, to
    which the United States adheres or with which the United States complies.

    (c)    Distributor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Synbiotics from any
    and all fines, damages, losses, costs and expenses (including reasonable
    attorneys' fees) incurred by Synbiotics as a result of the breach of this
    Section 7 by Distributor.

8.  Confidentiality.  Distributor agrees that all inventions, trade secrets,
know-how and ideas it obtains from Synbiotics and all other business, marketing,
technical and financial information it obtains from Synbiotics are the
confidential property of Synbiotics ("Proprietary Information").  Distributor
will hold in confidence and not disclose any Proprietary Information, provided
however that this Distributor's nondisclosure obligation shall not apply to the
extent that it may be necessary to disclose, on a confidential basis,
Proprietary Information to the third party mutually agreed by both parties
hereto or Distributor's outside experts or the competent authorities for the
purpose of this


Agreement and to information it can document has entered the public domain and
is generally available to the public through no fault of the Distributor.
Distributor will promptly report to Synbiotics any actual or suspected violation
of the terms of this Section 8, and  will take all reasonable further steps
request by Synbiotics to prevent, control, or remedy any such violation.
Distributor shall, upon the termination of this Agreement, return to Synbiotics
all tangible manifestations of Proprietary Information received by Distributor
pursuant to this Agreement (and all extracts, summaries, analyses, copies and
reproductions thereof).

9.  Warranty and Disclaimer.  Synbiotics warrants only to Distributor as

    (a)    Synbiotics warrants that the Products when shipped to Distributor by
    Synbiotics will conform to the Specifications therefor.  The Products
    purchased from Synbiotics which do not comply with the warranty will be
    replaced.  If Synbiotics cannot, or determines that it is not practical to
    replace the Product, the purchase price therefor will be refunded.

    (b)    Synbiotics represent that it is not aware of any actual or potential
    violation, infringement or misappropriation of any third party's rights (or
    any claim or potential claim thereof) by the Products.  Synbiotics shall
    hold Distributor and its officers, directors, agents and employees harmless
    from liability resulting from infringement by the Product of any patent,
    copyrights, trade secret or other proprietary rights of a third party,
    provided Synbiotics is promptly notified of any and all threats, claims and
    proceedings related thereto and given reasonable assistance and the
    opportunity to assume sole control over the defense and all negotiations for
    a settlement or compromise: Synbiotics will not be responsible for any
    settlement it does not approve in writing.

    EXCEPT AS SET FORTH ABOVE.  The above warranties do not extend to any
    Product that is modified or altered, is not maintained to Synbiotics'
    maintenance recommendations, is transported, handled or stored in a manner
    other than that specified by Synbiotics, has its serial number removed or
    altered or is treated with abuse, negligence or other improper treatment
    (including, without limitation, use outside the recommended environment), or
    is combined with other products, processes or materials where the alleged
    infringement relates to such combination, or where Distributor continues
    allegedly infringing activity after being notified thereof or after being
    informed of combinations that would have avoided the alleged infringement.
    Distributor's sole remedy with respect to any warranty or defect is as
    stated above.  Distributor will be responsible for all claims, damages,
    settlements, expenses and attorneys fees incurred by Synbiotics with respect
    to Distributor's customers or their claims beyond Synbiotics' above warranty
    obligation to Distributor.

10. Returns.

    (a)    Subject to Section 10(b), Distributor shall be entitled to replace
    the Products which remain unsold on the expiration date for such Products as
    specified on the Product label by returning such Products to Synbiotics
    within sixty (60) days after the expiration date.  All returned Products
    must be in unopened original packaging, which shall conspicuously bear the
    Material Return Authorization Number, Distributor obtains from Synbiotics
    prior to return.  Distributor shall receive a credit on all properly
    refunded Products equal to fifty percent (50%) of the lower of (i) the
    invoice price for such Product on the date it is returned or (ii) the
    invoice price for such Product on the date it was ordered.  The credit may
    be applied by Distributor to future orders of the Products.

    (b)    Due to Federal regulations, "biological products" shipped out of the
    continental United States cannot be returned.  Therefore, any such
    merchandise must be disposed of according to local laws and


    regulations.  Synbiotics accepts no responsibility or liability for improper
    disposal of said merchandise.  Authorization to destroy merchandise which
    would, but for such Federal regulations, be returned for repair, replacement
    or credit must be obtained in writing from Synbiotics' Customer Service
    Department prior to destroying such merchandise, and Synbiotics reserves the
    right to inspect and verify such merchandise before granting such
    authorization to destroy.

11. Exchange of Adverse Information and Data.  The parties shall promptly
provide each other with any adverse or unexpected information and data on the
Product, received or reported form any source.


13. Force Majeure.  Neither party hereto shall be liable to the other party for
any losses or damages attributable to a default in or breach of this Agreement
which is the result of war (whether declared or undeclared), acts of God,
revolution, strike, fire, earthquake, flood, pestilence, riot, enactment or
change of laws and regulations, accident(s), labor trouble, or shortage of or
inability or obtain material, equipment or transport or any other cause beyond
reasonable control of such party, and the performance of obligations hereunder
shall be suspended during, but not longer than, the existence of such cause.

14. Relationship of Parties.  The parties hereto expressly understand  and agree
that Distributor is an independent contractor in the performance of each and
every part of this Agreement, is not an agent, partner or joint venturer of or
with Synbiotics, and is solely responsible for all of its employees and agents
and its labor costs and expenses arising in connection therewith and is
responsible for and will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Synbiotics from any
and all claims, liabilities, damages, debts, settlements, costs, attorney's
fees, expenses and liabilities of any type whatsoever that may arise on account
of Distributor's activities or omissions, or those of its employees or agents,
including without limitation, providing unauthorized representations or
warranties ( or failing to effectively disclaim all warranties and liabilities
on behalf of Synbiotics) to its customers or breaching any term, representation
or warranty of this Agreement.  Synbiotics is in no manner associated with or
otherwise connected with the actual performance of this Agreement on the part of
Distributor, nor with Distributor's employment of other persons or incurring of
other expenses.  Except as expressly provided herein, Synbiotics shall have no
right to exercise any control whatsoever over the activities or operations of

15. Assignment.  This Agreement and the rights hereunder are not transferable or
assignable by a party without the prior written consent of the other party,
except to a person or entity who acquires all or substantially all of the assets
or business of Synbiotics, whether by sale, merger or otherwise.  This Agreement
shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of any permitted assignee
hereunder of Synbiotics or Distributor.  Any said permitted assignee of a
party's interest shall expressly assume in writing the performance of all the
terms and conditions of this Agreement to be performed by said party.

16. Term and Termination.  Unless terminated earlier as provided herein, this
Agreement shall ave a term extending ten (10) years from the Effective Date.


This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for a three (3) year period after
the initial term, unless either party is otherwise notified by the other in
writing at least one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the termination of the
initial term or the renewed term.

Distributor understands that after the date specified above or earlier
termination, it shall have no right whatsoever to purchase the Products or
continue as a dealer or distributor or other wise regardless of any undocumented
continuation of the relationship with Synbiotics.

    (a)   This Agreement may be terminated by a party for cause immediately by
    written notice upon the occurrence of any of the following events:

          (1)  If the other ceases to do business, or otherwise terminates its
          business operations; or

          (2)  If the other breaches any provision of this Agreement and fails 
          to fully cure such breach within thirty (30) days of written notice
          describing the breach; or
          (3)  If the other seeks protection under any bankruptcy, receivership,
          creditors arrangement, composition or comparable proceeding, or if any
          such proceeding is instituted against the other.

    (b)   Each party understands that the rights of termination hereunder are

    Subject to Section 16(f), neither party shall incur any liability whatsoever
    for any damage, loss or expenses of any kind suffered or incurred by the
    other arising from or incident to any termination of this Agreement by such
    party which complies with the terms of this Agreement whether or not such
    party is aware of any such damage, loss or expenses.

    (c)   In the event of any termination, Synbiotics may elect to continue or
    terminate any purchase order then pending.

    (d)   In addition to any provisions that survive termination or expirations
    according to their terms and any restrictions on Distributor's distribution
    of Products, the following sections shall survive termination or expiration
    of this Agreement:  Sections 8, 9, 12, 14 and Sections 16 through 18.

    (e)   Upon expiration or termination, if Distributor has any right, title or
    interest in Trademarks or any registration related thereto or in anything
    referred to in Section 4(e), it will immediately assign all such right title
    and interest to Synbiotics and take all necessary action to ensure that
    Synbiotics obtains the full benefit thereof or, if Synbiotics so requests in
    writing with respect to any such item, take any necessary action to
    surrender and cancel such item and the related rights, title and interest.

    (f)   Termination is not the sole remedy for breach under this Agreement
    and, whether or not termination is effected, all other remedies for breach
    will remain  available.

17. Duties of Distributor Upon Expiration or Termination.  Notwithstanding any
other provision of this Agreement, upon the termination of this Agreement for
any reason whatsoever or expiration of this Agreement, Distributor shall:

    (a)   Pay to Synbiotics, in full within thirty (30) days of such
    termination, any payment accrued prior to the effective date of expiration
    or termination hereof. Synbiotics shall be entitled to offset and deduct
    from any money due Distributor, whether or not arising under this Agreement,
    any all amounts due Synbiotics from Distributor.


    It is expressly understood that upon expiration or termination for any
    reason whatsoever, Distributor shall be relieved from the payment obligation
    hereunder except any payment mentioned above.

    (b)    Promptly return to Synbiotics any documentation or data, including
    without limitation all promotional material delivered to Distributor.

    (c)    Cooperate with Synbiotics in completing all outstanding obligations
    to customers, including the fulfillment, at Distributor's expense, of each
    warranty term and condition.

18. General.

    (a)    Amendment and Waiver - Except as other wise expressly provided
    herein, any provision of this Agreement may be amended and the observance of
    any provision of this Agreement may be waived (either generally or in any
    particular instance and either retroactively or prospectively) only with the
    written consent of the parties. However, it is the intention of the parties
    that this Agreement be controlling over additional or different terms of any
    purchase order, confirmation, invoice or similar document, even if accepted
    in writing by both parties, and that waivers and amendments shall be
    effective only if made by non-pre-printed agreements clearly specified as
    and und erstood by both parties to be an amendment or waiver.

    (b)    Governing Law - This Agreement shall be governed by and construed
    under the law of the State of California without regard to conflicts of law

    (c)     Arbitration - In the event of any disputes,controversies or
    differences which may arise between the parties hereto, out of or in
    relation to or in connection with this Agreement, or for the breach thereof,
    upon the request of either party, the parties agree to meet and discuss in
    good faith a possible resolution thereof. If the matter is not resolved
    within ninety (90) days following the request for discussions, then the
    matter shall be settled by arbitration upon the initiation o arbitration by
    either party. If the arbitration is initiated by Distributor, it shall be
    held in San Francisco, U.S.A. in accordance with the rules of Conciliation
    and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce. If the arbitration
    is initiated by Synbiotics, it shall be held in Tokyo, Japan in accordance
    with the rules of the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association. The award
    shall be final binding upon the parties hereto.

    (d)     Heading and Language - Heading and captions are for convenience only
    and are not to be used in the interpretation of this Agreement. The official
    text of this Agreement shall be the English language, and such English text
    shall be controlling in all respects, notwithstanding any translation hereof
    under the laws or regulations of any other country. The parties undertake to
    use the English language in respect of all documents and communications
    contemplated hereby, except where another language must be used under the
    laws and regulations of another country. In any such case, a certified
    English translation shall be supplied to the other party by the party using
    such document or making such communication.

    (e)    Notice - For purposes of this Agreement, and for all notices and
    correspondence hereunder, the addresses of the respective parties have been
    set out at the beginning of this Agreement, and no change of address shall
    be binding upon the other party hereto until written notice thereof is
    received by such party at the address shown herein. all notices shall be
    deemed received when personally delivered or one (1) business day after
    being sent via telefax.

    (f)    Entire Agreement - This Agreement, together with all exhibits and
    schedules hereto, constitutes the entire agreement among the parties
    pertaining to the subject matter hereof and completely supersedes all prior
    or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, arrangements, commitments,
    negotiations, and discussions of the parties, whether oral or written (all
    of which shall have no substantive significance or evidentiary effect).
    Each party acknowledges, represents and warrants that it has not relied on


    representation, agreement, understanding, arrangement or commitment which
    has not been expressly set forth in this Agreement.  Each party
    acknowledges, represents and warrants that this Agreement is fully
    integrated and not in need of parol evidence in order to reflect the
    intentions of the parties.  The parties specifically intend that the literal
    words of this Agreement shall, alone, conclusively determine all questions
    concerning the parties' intent.  This Agreement does not contain or
    constitute any express or impled license to make, have made or modify any
    Product under any circumstances.

    (g)    Equitable Remedies - Distributor acknowledges and agrees that the
    legal remedies available to Synbiotics in the event Distributor violates the
    covenants and agreements made in this Agreement would be inadequate and that
    Synbiotics shall be entitled, without posting any bond or other security, to
    temporary, preliminary and permanent injunctive relief, specific performance
    and other equitable remedies in the event of such a violation, in addition
    to any other remedies which Synbiotics may have at law or in equity.

    (h)    Severability - If any provision of this Agreement is held to be
    illegal or unenforceable, that provision shall be limited or eliminated to
    the minimum extent necessary so that this Agreement shall otherwise remain
    in full force and effect and enforceable.

SYNBIOTICS                           DISTRIBUTOR

a California corporation             a Japanese corporation

By:     /s/ Robert L. Widerkehr      By:      /s/ Tadashi Suzuki
        _______________________               __________________
Name:   Robert L. Widerkehr          Name:    Tadashi Suzuki
Title:  President and CEO            Title:   President and CEO


                                  Attachment A


                                CANINE VACCINES

                                SENTRYPAR DHP/L
                                 SENTRYPAR DHP
                                SENTRYVAC DHP/L

                                FELINE VACCINES

                                   PANAVAC RC


                                  ICT GOLD HW
                                 ICT GOLD FeLV



This Memorandum dated and effective as of January 16, 1996 by and between
Synbiotics Corporation ("Synbiotics") a California corporation, and Daiichi
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ("Distributor"), a Japanese corporation.


WHEREAS, Synbiotics and Distributor have entered into a Distribution Agreement
(the "Agreement") of on even date herewith, and

WHEREAS, Distributor has expressed its desire to confirm the non-restriction of
the research by The Kitasato Institute, a Japanese corporation, with its
principal office at 9-1, Shirogane 5-Chome, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 108, Japan, with
respect to the competitive product of the Products (as defined in the
Agreement), and any other third party who will support Distributor's performance
of the Agreement and is agreed upon by the parties (the "Third Party"), and

WHEREAS, Synbiotics is willing to accept such desire;

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and covenants contained
herein and in the Agreement, Synbiotics and Distributor agree as follows:

1.  Distributor shall have the obligation to have the Third Party observe the
provision of the nondisclosure obligation specified in Section 8 of the
Agreement, and Distributor shall remain the responsibility for the Third Party's
activity concerned; provided, however, that it is expressly understood that
Distributor shall no have any obligation to have the Third Party observe any
other terms and conditions of the Agreement, including, but not limited to, the
same or similar obligation to observe the provision of Section 6(d) of the

2.  The provisions of this Memorandum shall in no way alter the obligations and
duties of Distributor under the Agreement except as expressly set forth herein.
Distributor shall indemnify and hold Synbiotics and its affiliates harmless
against claims, losses, liabilities, damages, deficiencies, costs and expenses,
including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses of investigation incurred by
Synbiotics or any of its affiliates as a result of any failure by Third Party to
perform or comply with Section 8 of the Agreement.

Subject to above confirmation, the Agreement shall continue in full force and

SYNBIOTICS                        DISTRIBUTOR

a California corporation          a Japanese corporation

By:     /s/ Robert L. Widerkehr   By:     /s/ Tadashi Suzuki
        -----------------------           ------------------           
Name:   Robert L. Widerkehr       Name:   Tadashi Suzuki
Title:  President and CEO         Title:  President and CEO
