SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE

          This Second Amendment to Lease ("Amendment") is hereby entered into by
and between Crystal Park Casino and Hotel Development Company, LLC, a California
Limited Liability Company ("Landlord"), and COMPTON ENTERTAINMENT, INC., a
California corporation ("Tenant"), with reference to the following facts:

          A.  Landlord and Tenant are parties to that certain Lease by and
between Landlord and Tenant dated August 3, 1995 (the "Lease");

          B.  Landlord and Tenant subsequently modified the Lease by executed
that certain First Amendment to Lease dated March 12, 1996 (the "First

          C.  The Lease provides for Tenant to operate a gaming facility on the
premises which is the subject of the Lease (the "Premises");

          D.  In order to obtain governmental approval to operate the gaming
facility on the Premises, the State of California Department of Justice has
required Landlord and Tenant to amend certain provisions of the Lease and the
First Amendment;

          E.  Both Landlord and Tenant desire to effectuate the required changes
in the Lease and the First Amendment and have therefore agreed to enter into
this Second Amendment to Lease.

          NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and for other good
and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby
acknowledged, Landlord and Tenant hereby agree as follows:

               1.   Defined Terms. Unless otherwise specified, all capitalized
terms set forth herein shall carry the same meaning as proscribed to them in the
               2.   Amendments to Lease. The Lease shall be amended by making
the following changes:

                    2.1   Section 3.01 shall be deleted in its entirety and the
     following shall be inserted in its place: "3.01 Monthly Rent.

                    "3.01 Monthly Rent.

                    (a) Tenant shall pay to Landlord as Monthly Rent the amounts
     set forth in the following schedule:
               Months  1 -  6      $200,000
               Months  7 - 12      $350,000
               Months 13 - 60      $759,375

               Tenant shall have the right prior to the beginning of Month 13 to
     prepay up to $4,650,000 in rent, in which event the Monthly Rent due during
     Months 13 through 60 shall be reduced to $662,500.  Provided Tenant has
     made the above-referenced prepayment, Tenant, at any time during Months 13
     through 24, shall have the additional right to make a single lump sum
     prepayment of Monthly Rent, which payment shall be equal to an amount set
     forth in the following schedule:



          Month 13      $5,428,145
          Month 14      $5,353,451
          Month 15      $5,227,513
          Month 16      $5,200,308
          Month 17      $5,121,815
          Month 18      $5,042,014
          Month 19      $4,960,882
          Month 20      $4,878,397
          Month 21      $4,794,536
          Month 22      $4,709,277
          Month 23      $4,622,596
          Month 24      $4,534,470

               (b)  In the event Tenant exercises the option to make a
     prepayment of rent during Months 13 through 24, Tenant's rental obligation,
     for the remainder of the Term, including the month in which such prepayment
     is made, shall be reduced to $500,000 per month.  The Monthly Rent shall be
     paid in arrears for the immediately preceding month on or before the last
     day of each calendar month during the term hereof, without any deduction or
     offset, prior notice or demand.  Tenant's obligation to pay Monthly Rent
     shall commence on the Commencement Date.  If the Commencement Date shall be
     a day other than the first day of the calendar month, or, if the Term shall
     end on any day other than the last day of the calendar month, then the
     Monthly Rent for the first and/or last partial calendar month of the Term,
     as the case may be, shall be prorated on a daily basis.  This a "Triple Net
     Lease," it being understood that Landlord shall receive the Monthly Rent
     free and clear of any and all Operating Expenses and any and all other
     charges and expenses of any nature whatsoever incurred by Landlord or
     Tenant in connection with the ownership and operation of the Premises.

               (c) On or before the 90th day following the opening of the Card
     Club, Landlord shall provide Tenant a detailed statement indicating the
     total investment of Landlord in the Card Club and related facilities (the
     "Total Improvement Amount"), including but not limited 


     to all tenant improvements Landlord has made to the Premises on behalf of
     Tenant (the "Improvement Statement"). In the event the Total Improvement
     Amount does not equal $25,000,000, the Landlord shall include in the
     Improvement Statement an adjustment schedule for both the Monthly Rent and
     the prepayments set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) above (collectively,
     the "Prepayments") to accurately reflect Tenant's obligation to Landlord
     for the tenant improvements which Landlord provided (the "Improvement
     Adjustments"). The Improvement Adjustments shall be based upon a factor
     .0265 times the difference between the Total Improvement Amount and
     $25,000,000. Landlord shall use the resulting number to calculate the
     adjustments to the Monthly Rent and the Prepayments based upon the same
     formulas that were used to establish the Monthly Rent and Prepayments
     currently set forth herein. Upon receipt of the Improvement Statement,
     Tenant shall have 20 days (the "Objection Period") to object, in writing
     (the "Improvement Objection"), to the amount of the Improvement Adjustment
     as well as the costs used to calculate the Total Improvement Amount. Upon
     receipt of the Improvement Objection Landlord shall have 10 days to provide
     Tenant with any additional information necessary to justify the Total
     Improvement Amount and the Improvement Adjustments. In the event Tenant and
     Landlord cannot agree as to either the Total Improvement Amount or the
     Improvement Adjustments within 15 days of Landlord's receipt of the
     Improvement Objection, then such dispute shall be resolved in accordance
     with Section 13.2 of the Agreement Respecting Pyramid Casino. In the event
     Tenant fails to provide Landlord with the Improvement Objections within the
     Objection Period, the Total Improvement Amount and the Improvement
     Adjustments shall be deemed accepted by Tenant. The adjustment to Monthly
     Rent, if any, shall be effective as of the Commencement Date and any amount
     owing shall be either paid by Tenant with or


     credited by Landlord against the next payment of Monthly Rent due
     immediately following the date on which the Improvement Adjustments are
     agreed upon by the parties or decided by an arbitration panel.

               2.2   Section 3.02 shall be deleted in its entirety, and the
     following shall be inserted in its place:

               "3.02  Security Deposit.

               Prior to the Commencement Date, Tenant shall provide Landlord
     with a cash deposit in an amount equal to one month's rent as security for
     Tenant's faithful performance of the provisions of this Lease (the
     "Security Deposit").  If Tenant fails to pay rent or other charges due
     hereunder, or otherwise defaults with respect to any provision of this
     Lease, Landlord shall unilaterally have the right to use such cash deposit,
     or any portion thereof, to cure such default or compensate Landlord for all
     damages sustained by Landlord resulting from Tenant's default.  Tenant
     shall, immediately on demand, pay to Landlord a sum equal to that portion
     of the Security Deposit expended or applied by Landlord which was provided
     for in this paragraph so as to maintain the Security Deposit in a sum equal
     to one month's rent.  Landlord shall not be required to keep the Security
     Deposit separate from its general account nor shall Landlord be required to
     pay any interest on the Security Deposit.  If Tenant performs all of
     Tenant's obligations


under this Lease, the Security Deposit, or that portion thereof which had not
been previously applied by Landlord, shall be returned to Tenant by Landlord,
within fourteen (14) days after the expiration of the term of this Lease or
after Tenant has vacated the Premises, whichever is later.  Any time the Monthly
Rent increases during the term of this Lease, Tenant shall, without notice,
deposit additional monies with Landlord in order to maintain the Security
Deposit equal to one month's Monthly Rent.  Failure to maintain the Security
Deposit shall be deemed an Event of Default."

               2.3  Any reference in the Lease to the "Account," as such term
     was defined in Section 3.02 prior to this Second Amendment to Lease, shall
     be deleted or disregarded in the interpretation of the Lease.

               2.4  Section 8.07 as set forth in the First Amendment shall be
     amended by inserting the following at the beginning thereof:  "Except as it
     may relate to Tenant, or any affiliate or subsidiary of Tenant, as a
     transferee of Landlord's interest in accordance with the Agreement
     respecting Pyramid Casino,".


     C3.  Other than the foregoing changes which shall supersede the
inconsistent provisions in the Lease, the Lease shall remain in full force and
effect in its entirety and may not be amended or modified except as provided

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Second Amendment to Lease is executed this
____ day of ______________, 1996.

                             COMPTON ENTERTAINMENT, INC.
                             a California corporation
                             By:_/s/Rouben Kandilian_____
                             Rouben Kandilian, President
                             a California Limited Liability Company
                             By:  HP/Compton, Inc.,
                                    a California corporation, Manager
                             By:__/s/G. Michael Finnigan_____________
                                    G. Michael Finnigan, Vice President
