HEI Exhibit 99.3

                               AMENDMENT 1996-1
                                    TO THE

     In accordance with Section 10.1 of the Hawaiian Electric Industries
Retirement Savings Plan (the "Plan"), the Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc.
Pension Investment Committee hereby amends the Plan as follows:

     1.   Section 1.8 is deleted in its entirety and is replaced by a new
Section 1.8 to read as follows:

               "1.8  Employee means any person employed on the payroll of a 
          Participating Employer other than a person employed on a contract
          basis.  A person is employed on a "contract basis" if the person is
          hired under written contract for a specific task or assignment.
          Eligible Employee means a Participant who is eligible to receive an
          allocation of Salary Reduction Contributions for all or a portion of
          the Plan Year."

     2.   Section 2.1 is deleted in its entirety and is replaced by a new
Section 2.1 to read as follows:

          "Section 2.1  Eligibility for Participation

               Every person who was a Participant in the Plan on May 31, 1996,
          shall continue to participate in the Plan following this amendment.
          Effective June 1, 1996, the eligibility rules are based on
          Participating Employer and employment status as follows:

               (a)  Employees of Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc., Hawaiian
          Electric Company, Inc., Hawaii Electric Light Company, Inc., Maui
          Electric Company, Limited, HEI Diversified, Inc., and its subsidiary,
          Malama Pacific Corp. and its subsidiaries, HEI Power Corp., and
          Lalamilo Ventures, Inc. ("Category A Employees")

                    (i)    Nonunion Employees.  A regular, full-time, nonunion
          Category A Employee shall become eligible as of the date he or she
          first performs an Hour of Service.  Any other nonunion Category A
          Employee shall become eligible on the "Entry Date" following the date
          he or she first completes one "Year of Service".

                    (ii)   Bargaining Unit Employees.  A Category A Employee 
          whose employment with a Participating Employer is governed by a
          collective bargaining agreement shall become eligible as of the date
          he or she first performs an Hour of Service as a "regular" bargaining
          unit Employee.  "Regular" employment is defined here as it is defined
          in the governing collective bargaining agreement, which definition is
          incorporated herein by reference.

               (b)  Employees of Hawaiian Tug & Barge Corp. and Young Brothers,
          Limited ("Category B Employees").

                    (i)    Nonunion Employees.  A full-time, nonunion Category B
          Employee shall become eligible as of the date he or she first performs
          an Hour of Service.  Any other nonunion Category B Employee shall
          become eligible on the "Entry Date" following the date he or she first
          completes one "Year of Service".

                    (ii)   Bargaining Unit Employees.  A Category B Employee 
          whose employment with a Participating Employer is governed by a
          collective bargaining agreement shall become eligible as of the date
          he or she first performs an Hour of Service as a "regular" bargaining
          unit Employee.  "Regular" employment is defined here as it is defined
          in the governing collective bargaining agreement, which definition is
          incorporated herein by reference.

               (c)  Employees of American Savings Bank and its Subsidiaries
          ("Category C Employees").  A regular, full-time Category C Employee 
          shall become eligible as of the date he or she first performs an Hour
          of Service.  Any other Category C Employee shall become eligible on
          the "Entry Date" following the date he or she first completes one
          "Year of Service".

               (d)  Definitions.  There shall be two "Entry Dates" -- January 1
          and July 1.

               For purposes of this Section 2.1, a "Year of Service" shall mean
          a computation period of twelve consecutive months during which an
          Employee is credited with at least


          1000 Hours of Service.  An Employee's initial computation period shall
          begin on the date the Employee first performs an Hour of Service with
          a Participating Employer.  If the Employee does not complete a Year of
          Service in the initial computation period, subsequent computation
          periods shall begin with the Plan Year following the Plan Year in
          which the Employee first performs an Hour of Service and each Plan
          Year thereafter.

               (e)  Collective Bargaining Agreement Controls.  Notwithstanding
          the foregoing, individuals in a collective bargaining unit that
          bargained in good faith for other or no retirement benefits shall not
          be eligible to become Participants."

     3.   Section 3.4 is deleted in its entirety and is replaced by a new
Section 3.4 to read as follows:

          "Section 3.4  Return of Contributions

               If a contribution is made to a Participant's Account because of a
       mistake of fact, the contribution (as adjusted for any earnings or losses
       thereon) shall be returned to the Participant within one year of making
       the contribution."

     4.   Section 6.6(b)(4) of the Plan is deleted in its entirety and is
replaced by a new Section 6.6(c) to read as follows:

          "(c) If the present value of a Participant's vested Accounts does not
          exceed $3,500, and has never exceeded $3,500 at the time of any prior
          distribution, the balance to the credit of the Participant shall be
          distributed as soon as practicable following the event that entitled
          the Participant to a distribution thereof. If the present value of a
          Participant's vested Accounts exceeds $3,500, or at the time of any
          prior distribution (including in-service distributions other than
          loans) exceeded $3,500, written consent of the Participant (and the
          Participant's spouse, if applicable) must be obtained if the
          distribution will commence before the Participant reaches the later of
          age 62 or


          the Participant's Normal Retirement Age. With respect to this required

               (1)  No consent shall be valid unless the Participant has
          received a general description of the material features and an
          explanation of the relative values of the optional forms of benefit
          available under the Plan that would satisfy the notice requirements of
          Section 417 of the Code.

               (2)  Notice of the rights specified in this Section 6.6(c) shall
          be provided no less than 30 days and no more than 90 days before the
          Participant's annuity starting date; provided, however, such
          distribution may commence less than 30 days after the notice is given
          if (a) the notice clearly informs the Participant that the Participant
          has a right to a period of at least 30 days after receiving the notice
          to consider the decision of whether or not to elect a distribution and
          any particular distribution option, and (b) after receiving the
          notice, the Participant affirmatively elects a distribution.

               (3)  The notice must inform the Participant of the right to defer
          commencement of benefits until the later of age 62 or Normal
          Retirement Age.  If the benefits are immediately distributable and the
          Participant fails to consent to an immediate distribution, such
          distribution shall be deferred until the Participant attains the later
          of age 62 or Normal Retirement Age or later consents to an immediate

     5.   Section 1.2 is deleted in its entirety and is replaced by a new
Section 1.2 to read as follows:

          "1.2  Asset Manager means the Committee."

     6.   Section 1.5 is deleted in its entirety and is replaced by a new
Section 1.5 to read as follows:

          "1.5  Committee means the Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. Pension
          Investment Committee appointed by resolutions of the boards of
          directors of the Participating Employers."


     7.   Section 1.21 is deleted in its entirety and is replaced by a new
Section 1.21 to read as follows:

          "1.21  Plan Administrator means the Committee."

     8.   Article VII is deleted in its entirety and is replaced by a new
Article VII to read as follows:

                                 "ARTICLE VII

          Section 7.1  The Committee to be Named Fiduciary

               (a)  The Committee shall be the "named fiduciary," as described
          in Section 402 of ERISA with full authority to control and manage the
          operation and administration of the Plan.

               (b)  The Committee shall adopt and maintain a funding policy and
          method for the Plan that is consistent with the needs of the Plan and
          the requirements of ERISA.

               (c)  The Committee shall comply with the reporting and disclosure
          requirements of ERISA and shall serve as the Plan's agent for service
          of legal process.

               (d)  The Committee shall have the power to interpret and construe
          the provisions of the Plan and to reconcile any inconsistencies in its
          provisions.  The Committee shall adopt rules and procedures as it sees
          fit for the proper administration of the Plan.  The decision of the
          Committee on any matter within its jurisdiction shall be binding and
          conclusive upon the Participating Employers and upon each Participant,
          Beneficiary, and other interested party.

               (e)  The Committee may employ one or more persons to render
          advice with respect to any of its responsibilities with respect to the

               (f)  The Committee may make and maintain written records of its
          actions with respect to the Plan.


               (g)  The Committee may delegate its responsibilities and powers
          specifically set forth in this Section 7.1 and all other fiduciary
          responsibilities associated with the Plan (other than those of the
          Trustee or Insurance Company with respect to control of the assets of
          the Plan) to any person or group of persons or other committee, and
          such person, group of persons, or other committee may serve in more
          than one capacity. Such delegees may be employees of the Participating
          Employers, in which case, they shall serve without compensation. Any
          delegee shall serve at the pleasure of the Committee; a delegee may be
          removed by the Committee at any time and for any reason.  A delegee
          may resign at any time by giving notice to the Committee of his or her
          or their resignation.  If a delegee is an Employee of a Participating
          Employer, such delegee shall be deemed to have submitted his or her
          resignation upon ceasing to be employed by a Participating  Employer.

          Section 7.2  Expenses

               To the extent any expenses of the Plan are not paid by
          Participants or paid out of the assets of the Plan, the Participating
          Employers shall pay all expenses of administering the Plan.  Such
          expenses may include any expenses incurred by a Participating
          Employer, the Committee, or any delegee of the Committee, including,
          but not limited to, professional fees. Participants shall be assessed
          a portion of Plan recordkeeping fees, including fees for Plan loans,
          set-up fees, and annual maintenance fees.

     The foregoing amendments shall be effective June 1, 1996.


     TO RECORD the adoption of these amendments to the Plan, the Hawaiian
Electric Industries, Inc. Pension Investment Committee has caused this document
to be executed this 28th day of May, 1996.

                                       HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES, INC.
                                       PENSION INVESTMENT COMMITTEE

                                       By   /s/ Constance H. Lau
                                                 Its member and Secretary

                                       By   /s/ Peter C Lewis
                                                Its member
